2lie (gazette. Friday Morning. October .'to, I&6*. Democratic Nominations. N ATIOIVAIj. FOR PRESIDENT, HON, HORATiO SEYMOUR, OK N'ICW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, GEN, FRANK P, BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. ELECTORS: William V. McGrath, George W Cats C. Ernest Kamerly. M I). Jesse C. Ameraan. Chat M Leisenring. W. Potter Withington. Simon W. Arnold. William R. Gorgas, George R. Berreff, William P. Sebcll, Harry B. Coggshall. Cyrus L Pershing, Reuben Stabler, Amos C. Noyej, R. Emmet! Monaghan, Wm. A Galbraith, Davidl. Wenrich, John K. Packard, Bernard J. M'Grann, James C. Clarke. William Shirk James 1! Hopkins A.G Brodbead, Jr., -Edward S. Golden, John Blaoding, Samuel B. Wilson. It Can be Done. The result of the recent elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Ne braska, has determined nothing except the fact that Seymour and Blair can be elected. Pennsylvania and Indiana can and will be carried by our candi dates, if we poll the same number of votes for them cast for the Democratic tickets at the late election. The Radi cal carpet-baggers have gone home, the Radical corruption fund is very much reduced, Radical election officers have less power in Phildelphia, Hurrisburg andother cities, and Radical candidates for Congress are not now engaged in personal efforts to swell their party vote. In Philadelphia alone we shall gain 5,000 votes. Let the country dis tricts do as well and the State is ours. Indiana ice hare carried. On the Con gressional vote of that State we have a clear majority, and Hendricks luis not been defeated for Governor, hut has !>eeu counted out, for the present, y the throwing out of the whole vote of Democratic districts. Indiana is our.-. With Pennsylvania and Indiana, Sey mour and Blair can and will obtain a majority in the electoral college. Let us look at the figures. Seymour. Grant. California, 5 Maine, 7 Connecticut, C Massachusetts, 12 Delaware, 3 Michigan. 8 Indiana, 13 Minnesota, 4 Kentucky, II Nebraska 3 Maryland, 7 Rhode Island, 4 New Jersey, 7 lowa, 8 New York, 33 Tennessee, 10 Oregon, 3 Vermont, 5 Pennsylvania, 20 Wisconsin, 8 North Carolina, H South Carolina, 0 Georgia, 9 Florida, 3 Alabama, 8 Louisiana, 7 Arkansas, 5 Illinois, 16 Nevada, 3 Kansas, 3 Missouri, 11 N. Hampshire, 5 W. Virginia 5 Ohio, 21 164 130 This is exclusive of the States of Vir ginia, Mississippi and Texas, which are entitled to representation in theelecto ral college as well as any of the other .States, and which will give 23 addi tional votes for Seymour. This would make the count stand thus: Seymour, 187 | Grant, 130. It is not at all certain that the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Kansas will give their electoral votes to Grant, nor is it a fixed fact that South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana will do so. Should the last three dis appoint the expectations of the Radi cals, as there is a probability they will, Seymourcan afford to lose the vote of Pennsylvania and Indiana, and hold a majority in the electoral college. In that case the result would be: Seymour, 1661 Grant 1.73. Hence, we say, Seipmour can be elec ta}. TO WORK, THEN, AND ALL WILL YET BE WELL! The Contest Desperate, Our noble standard-bearer, the glori ous Seymour, has thrown himself into the fore-front of the battle, and i> now leading the Democratic hosts in person. He has just made a tour of the Western States, where ho was received \ un bounded joy and enthusiasm, and is now speaking in Pennsylvania to im mense assemblages. The renewed vig or thus thrown into the canvass, will make the last struggle a most desperate one, and may yet incline victory to the Democratic side. We desire to deceive no one, when we say that it is our firm belief that if Horatio Seymour receives the same number of cotes cast for the Dem ocratic State Ticket in October, Pennsyl vania wilt give him her electoral vote, and tines decide the Presidential contest.— Hence it is that we urge Democrats to get out the vole —THE FULL VOTE.— Let not a single Democrat remain at home on election day. In Middle Woodberry and some other districts in this county, our full vote was not poll ed at the last election. Will our Demo cratic friends, in every district in the comi ty, see to it that every vote is polled this time 1 Ix)t us see whether Bedford coun ty cannot give 500 majority for .Sey mour. - i - ... "LET us have Peace," says Grant.— .Did he ever tell the people when, and how? THE CROWNING INFAMY! Gen. Blair Disfranchised' We had hoped that there was some honor left in the Radical party. But we forever dismissed the delusion from our mind when the telegraph informed us that a set of wheips in St. Louis, calling themselves men, had refused to register our candidate for the Vice Presidency on account of "disloyalty!" What! Gen. Frank P. Biair "disloy al?" Gen. Frank I*. Blair no citizen? Is he "disloyal" because by one of those bold strokes which make his life fa mou- in history, he nipped rebellion in the hud in Missouri and rescued that State from secession ? Is he no citizen when he has served his country with honor in high positions in peace as well as war? No braver man than lie ever drew a sword on the held of bat tle, and no truer muu than he ever claimed the rights of a freeman in this broad land of ours. Yet a few misera ble miscreants, who were plotting the destruction of their State while Gen. Blair was battling on many a san guinary field, declare that he shall he deprived of the rights of the humblest citizen. Fan impudence go any farth er ? Democrats, this is not an insult to Gen. Blair alone, but it Isone directed at the whole party who have chosen bim as one of their -tandard bearers. It ;nu-t lie resented at the polls ! Go to work, Democrats, and all others who cannot approve of such infamous con duct, and teach these infernal trick sters a lesson at the ballot box which they shall long remember. Let your battle cry he The Bights of General Blair I Voters, Remember That on next Tuesday you will he called upon not to vote for Grant or Seymour, but by your ballot to endorse the platform of principles upon which these candidates have been placed. A vote for Grant is an endorsement of all the outrages perpetrated by the Radi cal Uougren.s for the lu-t three years. it is a vote for a centralized govern ment by a usurping Congress. It declares for a Standing Army. For a continuance o 1 the Freedman's Bureau. For Radical Reconstruction which is an acknowledged and expensive fail ure. It declares that Bondholders shall not be taxed. It is for oppressing the poor and ex alting the rich. It is for making the poorer classes sustain the heavy burden of taxes to keep up the government, while the rich with their bonds go scot free. It declares against a whiteman'sgov ernment and in favor of the suprema cy of the negro. In short, it is a vote for the complete subversion of our noble institutions as made by our fathers, and which have been the admiration of the civilized world for nearly a century. Vote for PRINCIPLES, not MEN. Men are but the creatures of a mo ment, principles are eternal as the heavens. Remember this when you east your ballots on Tuesday next. ONSHORE! Freemen of Bedford County ! You have one more opportunity to save your country from impending ruin. It is not a mere question of defeating the Radical party. That party will defeat itsef within the next two years. Mark the prediction! But by that time, if Radicalism prevail, our form of gov ernment will have been cbauged, finan cial ruin will be upon us ami anarchy will exist throughout the land. Then, even the most rampant "Republicans" of 10-dav, will wish they had taken the warning uttered by their political op ponents. Then you will regret that you did not vote and work and strive for the election of a President whose qualities of statesmanship would have enabled him to guide the country safe ly through tin troubles that threaten to destroy it. Alas! your remorse will IK* in vain ; your repentance will come too late. NOW is the time to avert the- impending danger. NOW is the hour in which to do the good work. Have you courage to do it ? Want to Steal a March! The Radicals are quietly calculating on a light vote next Tuesday. Taey rest all hopes of carrying the state for Grant upon the discouragement of the Democrats. WHO ARK DISCOUR AGED? Let cowards and cravens go to the rear! The Democracy of Bed ford county light on. FORWARD is our battle-cry. We can increase our numbers, whilst that of the enemy will certainly diminish on account of the ex haustion of their corruption fund and their confidence of success. Demo crats, shall the Radicals be permitted to steal a march on us by our failing to get a full poll ? No ! Never! Up, guards, and at them ! REMOCHATS! DO your whole duly at the polls on next Tuesday. Vfyt MrSC®*® 4Ka*rtt* jp*+ Glorious News! A STATE DISENTHRALLED! West Virginia Sends Greeting. THE < ABPI:'MI.4(;I:RS (OMPLETELT RI TEI) : IHiuin >• licitr I in* Mo-.'III ? The v.i'tl Virgiiiia lio.vh p!.uit ilic Has n <l>t* Enemy's Works! The election for Governor and other j State officers, members of Congress and Legislature, which look place on the 22nd inst., resulted in a complete triumph for the Democracy. When it is remembered that thousands were disfranchised by the carpet-baggers ; and advi ntuers who were deb rmined to hold the power in the State, the | result is still more gratifying. This ; victory secures us several Senators and Representatives in Congress. Rejoice, Democrats, for the end of the Radicals draweth nigh. Again we -ay, HUR RAH! FOR PRINCIPLE. This is the time that "tries men's sou!-." There are no local candidates to lavish money upon partizans for working in their interest, there are uo spoils to be promised by candidates for Congress; this contest, at least on ! the Democratic side, is one Simply for principle. We shall see, now, who will prove the soundness of their faith. The , man who will give his time and his i money for the principles he professes to | hold, is a pure man, an earnest man; he who labors for a cause only when he | is paid, or expects to be paid, for so do ing, is a mere hireling. Democrats, who are -uch from principle, will labor with increased zeal from this time un til theelection. Only those who look a iter the spoils will go to the rear. Our Finances. President Johnson has written a very lucid and unanswerable letter to Gen. Ewing on the Finances. Weare sorry that we have not room to publish it this week. By it he shows the following facts: The public expenditure from 1780 to 1861 was $1,700,600,000. During the Rebellion the expenses were 83.000,000.000, For the four years since the Rebell ion 81600.000,000. It will be-ten that Radicalism has cost this country IN' FIGHT YEARS, more than the ] WHOLE PREVIOUS EXPENSE of the G< tVEUXM ENT ! No wonder the Radicals are howling, "LET US HAVE PEACE!" ~500! Democrats of B ! r ord county, you did nobly on the loiri. Never have you acquitted yourselvi s so honorably. You have shown to the State what our Democracy can do when she is aroused. Shall we do better on the 3rd? We can if we try. Shall the majority for Seymour be 500 ? We can make it so if we work like men determined to conquer. To work, then, and let us have another exhibition of your strength. DEMOCRATS! You did nobly at the last election. J Bedford county is hailed all over the i State as one of the true and unfiiuch ; ing Democratic counties. You can do as well, and we think, better, on next I Tuesday. Give us A FUEL TURN ; OUT. Let every man beat his post. This i may be the last opportunity you, may ever \ have of voting for President. Turn out i and exercise the rights of freemen | while they are still yours. Stand at the Polls. Let there b<-a poll committeof Dem ocrats for every election district, to stand at the window. Fight up the contest! Let no advantage la: taken by our opponents ! Let no illegal votes be polled! Guard the ballot-box! Watch all suspicious election officers! We were beaten by fraud at the last e lection. Let us see whether we can not prevent a repetition of it. COUNTERFEITS! Look out for bogus tickets on Tues day. Examine every one before you deposit it, and be sure that you are voting the full Democratic Electoral ticket. In several districts at the Oc tober election, bogus tickets were giv en out by unsuspected parties, and our majority reduced thereby. Let this j not be repeated. The Brewing Storm. REI6N OF TERROR IN THE SOUTH ! THE XK.ItOIS Altni.VC! What Doe* It Menu ! Tlip ItisiuK (u Arm ing Ttiroagtmnt the Miitc-I'miiilti'* i'lrfing for Safety. I NEW OK LEANS, October 19.—The City of Jefferson, adjoining Now Or- been considerably excited for several days over a police inibrog i lio. The parish has recently lieen in | eluded in the lately created Metropo litan Police District. A force was ap pointed and sent to take charge of that place. The existing authorities re fused to surrender the city property, | intending to have the matter tested in the courts. The Metropolitan police made several unsuccessful attempts to take possession by force, making no appeal to the courts. They finally es tablished a station of their own, and placed policemen on beats. A number | of the latter, together with the Me tropolitan Captain of Police, were ar rested but released on bond. Last night, at midnight a notorious negro named Sandy Packer was arrested, having a sword and revolver in his possession. He accounted for them by saying he was an officer of the Metro politan force and had been guarding a church during the night. Several ne groes were arrested for parading the streets armed with Enfield rifles, Uni ted States cartridge boxes, and ammu nition. Rumors are afloat that the Me tropolitan Police intend to take forci ble possession of the police station houses This the existing authorities will resist. The Jefferson City authori ties who were elected at a recent elec- I tiou, are willing to submit to a judi cial decision but refuse to surrender : otherwise. The negroes were congre gating to-day at Brashear City, La., ... i where it is said oneof the men who was assassinated at Franklin, Saturday night is to be buried. Arrivals from that sec tion report apprehension of disturb ance, and the families of the citizens j are being sent to places of safety. The citizens themselves are remaining. A Louisiana Newspaper Ofiice Narked. LOUISIANA, October 19.—A despatch received here to-day from Franklin, ; La., states that the office of the Atta kapas Register, published in Franklin, St. Mary's parish, was sacked last night. The press was destroyed and j the type scattered. The editor and printers left lor New Orleans this morning. The despatch says the citi zens of Franklin and surrounding country are doing all in their power to preserve order. The negroes are mak | ing very bold threats, but have not made any attempt to carry them into i execution. The town and parish are i quiet at present. | Military Prtpitralinus in North Caro lina. RALKIGII, N. October 19.—Gov ernor Ilolden has suspended the order for organizing a detailed militia. Gen eral Miles has distributed the Fortieth ; United States Regiment as follows: Two companies in Raleigh, two in Goldsboio, one in Weldon, one in Ply -1 mouth, one in Fayettcvillc, one in | Charlotte, one in Greensboro—all eol i ored troops. One company of white troops, belonging to a heavy artillery I regiment and armed as infantry, ar rived here from Fortress Monroe on Saturday. WASHINGTON, October 19.—The ; arms recently captured oil the Missis sippi River, were, it is known to the War Department, purchased by the | Governor of Arkansas and United States Senator McDonald. They ex pected the Legislature would appropri ate the necessary amount of money to buy the arms from them. The Gov ernor's telegram to the Secretary of War that he is satisfied that armed re | s ; stanee to the law is contemplated, oc j casions much comment among promi i neut officials, who say they cannot un derstand why he should entertain such fears as he himself states that the arms were thrown overboard by theeaptors. No Change! The Radicals have been circulating , the report that the Democrats contem plated a change in their candidates for President and Vice President. There is not one word of truth in it. It was gotten up for effect by theoppo sition. The Democracy have no cause to desert either their candidates or their platform upon which they stand, for both are bound to triumph ! The American people will not, cannot en dorse the monstrosities of the Radical party! Up Democrats! and strike for the liberties of the people ! Prize Banner! Democrats of Bedford county, read the offer of a prize banner from the State Committee, to the county giving the Largest percentage of increase over the October vote. Shall Bedford coun ty carry off the prize? 11 is worth con tending for. To work, then, and let us run up the majority for Seymour and Blair! Save Your Country. Every Democrat, every Conservative in the State, will vote to save his eoun ! try on the third of November. If there are any just, liberal-minded, patriotic Republicans who wish to do so and want to know how, we will tell them : Vote for HORATIO SEYMOUR for j President and FRANCIS P. BLAIR for Vice-President. In that way, and only in that way can you -ave your country. If the Radicals succeed; If Grant and Colfax f>e elected ; Good-bye! to PEACE, to PROS PERITY, to LIBERTY. Stirring Address. Read the address of the National Democratic Committe,e on the outside of to day's paper. It has the ring of the true metal, and shows that victory is still within our grasp, if we hut do our whole duty on the 3d of Novem ber. To work then, Democrats! Show the enemy that our ranks are unbroken! Our Courage is unabated ! Once more to the breach, and this time lor VICTORY ! ROORBACKS. The Radicals are exaggerating their ; majority in this State in order to effect the election next Tuesday. Don't be lieve them, but go to the polls and j siiow them how we can carry the State for Seymour. A full vote will do it sure. Look out for all kinds of roor back on election day. Heed them not. | Forward. A united determined effort will bring Bedford County, up to 500 Democratic majority! Forward, brothers, forward, ! and shame to him who lags in the rear. ANIIKKSONVILLE.—Out of 41,832 U nion soldiers confined in the Anderson vilie prison, 22,303 died from sickness i and starvation in one year. Think of j it. And yet we are asked to sustain the inhuman wretches who did this work, by voting for Seymour and Blair. —Bloody Run I'rem. "We thank thee for that word." Gov. i Joe Brown, who was the founder of that j prison pen, and who looked compla -1 cently on wbiie the cruelties oT which the Radicals are continually howling : were being practiced —yes, the verita ble Joe who prayed that the "rebels might fill hell so full of Yankees that their feet might stick through the grates," was in the Chicago Con vent ion at the head of a negro delegation, was lionized there by these same whelps who are forever rattling the skeletons of the Andersonville dead about the ears of the people of the North, in or der to get uj) a little cheap'sympathy for their candidateand their cause. Joe Brown was for Grant in Chicago, and he is for Grant now, in Georgia. But it is not wonderful that .Joe Brown is for Grant, or that he i- so heartily wel comed by the Radicals. For thus wrote j Ulysses to Butler : "Send no more men in exchange for our sick prisoners in the enemy's hands. Everyman released ' becomes an active soldier against u-." i Brown was but carrying out the wishes of Grant at Andersonville, as the latter : expressed them to Butler, for he too, j with Grant and Stanton, was opposed to ' exchange. Whilst the emaciated forms iof the brave men who ha stood by Grant and saved him from defeat and shame, were languishing in prison, this heartless General refused to have them exchanged. If any of these poor fel lows dared stretch their thin hands a j cross the dead line for a drink of water j to cool their fevered lips, the guards i would shoot them down byway of a musement. All this Joe Brown saw from Li.-, cozy seat in the gubernatorial chair of Georgia. A little later in his tory we find this man Brown in the I Chicago Convention, a leading spirit, in it. while the guards who acted so fiend ishly are pardoned by a Radical Con gress. Does not this look like approv : al of the conduct of Brown and his guards? Brown was but carrying out tiie feelings of the parties who were opposed to exchange. He was sending the "Yankees" beyond that line from which there could he no exchange. It is too late in the day for the Radicals to "go hack" on Joe Brown. Did he not bring to Chicago a band of ignorant reconstructed Africans from the South to help nominate Grant, and give color to that heterogeneous body? Did not 1 he and the other reconstructed rebels support Grant then, and are (hey not doing it ardently now? Thesiuall beer politicians cannot drive him off by cit ing to the horrors of Andersonville.— He and his pardoned guards; together with the Press, ail support the great "no policy" candidate to-day. Noble candidate! worthy supporters! "LET us have I eace," say the Radi cals, while they are sending Artillery and Enfield Rifles to the Negroes of the South to kill off the white people. DEMOCRATS and Conservatives! Enter your solemn protest against Radicalism at the ballot box on Tuesday next. SPECIAL NOTICES. Stic sty It. „f £t a / / (J lathing. W e invite special attention to our assortment of clothing for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON. We have an unusu ally fail and complete assortment nw in • store, to which we are making large addi tions each day of new styles, as they are received. We have also a CHOICE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP PIECE GOODS, which will be made up to order in our C'PSTOM DEPARTMENT in unsurpassed style. SPECIAL NOTICE. —StyIe, fit, and workmanship of ourgurments surpassed by none —equalled by few. All prices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, and full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser in ail cases, or the sale canceled and money refu: led. Halfway between 1 BENNETT A Co., l'ifth and ' TOWER HALL, Sixth Streets, J 518 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 600 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. Octlfiyl I)K AFN K.-S, BLINDNESS, and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M D., and professor of Diseases of the Fy ami Ear in the Medical College of Pentt sylrani• 12 years experience , (formerly of Holland), No. 805 Arch Street Phila. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi cal faculty are invited to accompany their pa tients. as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination july3,*6byl 11 ip VAN WINKLE, waking up from his nap of twenty years, if he could only have moistened his Withered Locfs with CRISTADORO'S DYE, would have looked like A Young Man again. Marvelous, indeed, is the effect of CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE in rejuvenating gray-haired humanity. Why yield to Time when you can baffle him ' Manu factured by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. gepllwd WHAT EVERY HORSEMEN WANTS. —A good, cheap, and reliable liniment. Such an article is DR TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT. In Pint Bottles at One Dollar. For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Colic, Sprains, Ac., warranted cheaper than any other. It is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure Ring-bone nor Spavin, a? there is no Liniment in existence that will. What it is stated to enre it positively does No owner of horses will be without it after trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an ov er-heated or driven horse For Colic and Belly ache it has never failed. Just as sure as the sun rises, just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse Embrocation of the day. Use it one and all. Depot, No. 55 Cortlandt Street, New York Sold by all the Druggists and Storekeep- ; ers. sepllwA ' * - A CARD.—A Clergyman, while re siding in South America as a missionary, discover ed a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Ner vous Weakne--, Early Decay, Diseases of the Lri nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious hab its. Great numbers have been cured by this noble j remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the af flicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. FREE OF CHARGE. Address, JOSEPH. T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House. seplßm3A New- Tufk Oity. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.—Essays for Young Men on the interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution of Mar riage,—a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and true happiness. Sent by mail in scaled letter envel opes free of charge. Address, HOW ARD ASSO CIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. aug23'6Byl HEAD WEEKLY "SHARP-SHOOT ER." —Novel, Practical and awfully Sharp on Fo gies, Quacks, Pharisees and Politicians. •• boring them right through Only 50 Cents a year in advance. Send 3 ct. Stamp for Sample. Address Dr S- M. Landis, Philadelphia, Pa. aug2lml XT AIID W A li I : a sT!> vE s : BAUGH MAX, GUMP A CO.. Bloody Run, Pa. DEALERS IN Dealers in Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Springs, Axles, Thimble Skeins, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Sleigh Runners, Sleigh Bells, Forks, Shovels, Saws, Axes, Spoons, Cutlery, Cooking and Heating Stoves for coal or wood. Glass, Paints, Oils, I .amps, Wooden ware, Ac., <tc. They manufacture Tin and Sheet Ironware .and 1 have constantlv on hand an assortment of TIN WARE and STOVE PIPE. All goods kept by them will be sold at the low est prices. oct2m6 KE Y ST<) N E CID ER MILLS—- Be?t in the market, Separators, Horse Pow er", Feed Cutters. Corn Shellers. and all kinds of latest improved Farm Implements. THIMBLE SKEINS and a full assortment of Carriage bolts. Clips, Hobs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Bands, Axles, Springs Ac., at manufactur er's prices. Shoe findings and all kinds of leather A com plete stock of builders' Hardware, Barn Door Hangers, Hinges, Uils, Paints. Iron, Nails, Brass Kettles. Apple Parers, Water Pipe and every thing else needed in the Harware line, including the celebrated Cbamhersburg Cook Stove, all of which we now sell at eastern prices, for cash. HARTLEY A METZGER, Sign of the Red Pad Lock, jyj O N E Y S A V E D. We arc constantly purchasing for cash in the New York and Boston Markets, all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS.'SILKS, COTTONS, BOOTS AND SHOES. WATCHES, SEWING MACHINES, CUTLERY, DRESS GOODS. DOMESTIC GOODS, Ac., Ac. Which wo arc actually selling at an average price of One Dollar for each article. Our sales being strictly for cash, and our trade much larger thaii that of any other similar concern, enables us to give better bargains than can be obtained of any other house THE LADIES Are especially invited to give us a trial. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR AND EXCHANGE LIST Our club system of selling is as follows: For $2 we send 20 patent pen fountains and checks de scribing 20 different articles to be sold for a dol lar each ; 40 tor $4 ; till for 6; 100 for $lO, Ac. .Sent by mail. Commissions larger than those offered hy any other firm, according to size of club Single fountain and check, 10 cts Male and fe male agents wanted. Send money in Registered Letters. Send us a trial club, and you will ac knowledge that you cannot afford to buy goods of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN A KENDALL, oo 116m2 65 Hanover St , Boston, Mass rr<llE HOUSEHOLD G AS Medline! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FAC TORIES, CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS ! (reiterates Gas xcrthorrt Fire or Heat ! The simplicity and ease by which this Machine is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recommends it to public favor. Call and seo yia eliiue in operation at the store ! Manufacturer and Sole Agent, DAVID JONES. TIN FURNISHING STORE. No 733 GREEN ST.. PHILADELPHIA. for illustrated Circular. aug2lm3 RH. STILES' MARBLE WORKS. a R. H. SIPES still continues the manu factory of Monuments. Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun ty, Pa., and having on hand a well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to fill all orders promptly and do work noat and in a workmanlike style, and on the most reasonable terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered, to all parts of this and adjoining counties without ex tra charge. aprl9,'6Byl I\HE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the . best AdvertirisgMedium n Southern Penn sylvania Notices, &c. T>UBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE f 1 REAL ESTATE —By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under signed, Administrator "f the estate of Jeremiah I Morris, dee d , will sell at public outcry on ihe premises, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of No vember, A. D.. lefiS. ail that certain farm and tract of land, situatoin Monroe town-hip, Bedford county, late the mansion property of said dee'd , adjoining lands of Jacob Stockman, on the North, John Snider on the South . Horatio J. Means on the West, and Elizabeth O'Neal and others on the East, containing 240 acres and allowance, ah .at 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story l >g dwelling house, a durable log barn and other outbuildings thercn erected The remain der of the tract is well covered with chestnut, oak pine and other timber, and there is also an orchard of choice frsit upon the premises This proper", is distant about 7 miles from the termination of the Bedford Rail Road and Bloody Run. and is formally iocaled in a pleasant neighborhood con venient te schools and churches. Sale to com mence at I o'clock P. M., of said day, where , terms will be made known. 1 0et23,'68w4 HORATIO J. MEAN" Adm'r riiEAfHERS WANTED.—EIeven | Teachers are wanted, to teach the common schools of Bedford tp Directors will meet at : Bedford Hotel, in Bedford borough, on Saturday, Oct. 31. for the purpose of articling wish teacher? By order of the B >ard of Directors. •-.•t23w2 THQB- ttfILCHROtST Sec'y. (%'".) BUILDERS. —Sealed proposals J for the erection of three school houses in the i township of Bedford, will he received by the un dersigned, until Saturday, Nov. 28 ; one for the Tomiinson school, one for the Brush Run school and one for the Ilea school. Plans and specifica tions can be seen by calling upon the undersigned The materia! to be found hy the purchaser By order of the Board of Directors 0c24w4 THOS. GILCHRfEST, Sec y, SAVE COSTS! —All persons having unsettled accounts on the books of the firm of G R. A W. Oster are respectfully requested to call at once and settle the same by Cash oi Note, otherwise costs will be added without respect to persons. G. K. A W. ObTER. Bedford Pa- Aug. 14. MM irr P~ SCHELL, IT . GENERAL AGENT OF THE National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, for Blair, Bedford, Cambria Huntingdon and Somerset counties. isr Reliable and efficient local agents wanted in everv town and township Applv to W.P. SCHELL, sep4tf. Bedford, Pa. TATOTH ETO Tit ESP ARSE I is. NO x \ tice is hereby given, by the under.-igued, to | all persons, not to trespass on any of their respec tive properties, or any property in their care or possession, by lease or otherwise, by hunting, fi-hing, pilfering, or in any manner whatever, a- pk (if caught.) they will he prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, without respect to persons. Any person, or persons, caught on any of the above named properties, with gun, dog. gurne or anything whatever, pertaining to trespass, shall he taken o ' evidence. Thomas Rose, Sr.. Daniel Swartzwelder. Jacob S ' Perinell. John Penuei). 1.-uac Blankley, P. V Redinger. George W. Shaffer. Joseph Morse, B B Steckman, H. J Means. G. W. Means, Jonathan Perin. A .J Steckman A B. F. Pennell, D Means and John Morris. sepl3in3* 4 DM IX ISTRAT( >R'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has taken out Letters of Aministration upon the estate of James L. Prince, late of the borough of i Saxton deceased; and all persons indebted to 3aid ! estate are requested to make payment immediate ly, and those persons having claims again"? ssii , estate wil present the same ppiperly authentica ted for settlement. ANN PRINCE, adm'rx octywrt baiton. Bedford Co., Pa. I NSTATE NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given, that letter? testamentary on the ; estate of r-amuel Ott, late of f.'oleram township, dee'd. have been granted by the Register of Bed ford County, to Francis Ott, and William Ott. of said township of Colerain. All persons therefore having claims or demands against said esta'e. are requested to make the same known, and those knowing themselves indebted are notified to make immediate payment. WILLIAM OIT, 0c12w6 FRANCIS OTT. Ex r -4t,j>ICII AS CROESUS" : TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT U ; •- <* cede n ted Rusk for th* New CRIES US S O A I>. j The washing powers of this Soap are truly rr.ar ; velous. No person who has ever tried it will do | without it. Its recommendations are perfect j PURITY, utier 11 ARM LESS NESS and wonderful | EFFICIENCY. Wa-ranted to contain mors j washing power to the dollar's worth than an j ! "other soap in the market—therefore the | CHEAPEST. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed I (if used according to directions) or MONEY KE j FUNDED ■q Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by / HCECKLEY A HALL, (CRCESIJS SOAP WORKS,) ; No 44s York Ave., (Old York Road,) Philad'a &ug7m6 r | K) 13 AC C O ANTID OT E, I WARRAXTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy i? an excellent appetizer. It purifies the hlood, invigorates the system, pos sesses great nourishing aud strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the hearties! food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. SMOKERS and CHEWEBS for Sixty Years Cured. Price, Fifty Cents post free. A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, Ac., sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. li. ABBOTT. Jersey : City, N. J. ! rpHE CHAMPION. | HICKOK'S PATENT PORTABLE Keystone Cider and Wine Mill ' OYER 16,000 IN USE AND APPROVED This admirable machine is now ready for the fruit harvest 011868, is made in the most perfect manner, with two tubs, and is worthy the atten tion of all persons wanting such a machine. It has no superior in the market, and is the only mill that will properly grind grapes. This is the original mill, much improved and the best in the United State? FOR SALE BY ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS I also make two sizes of superior Presses tor Berries, Ac. W. 0. HICKOK. Harrisburg, Pa. HARTLEY A METZGER sole agents for Bed ford eo.. wiil sell to dealers on liberal terms. A full supply kept a; their store in Bedford. sep4m3 J OOK HERE! BOOK FOR THE MILLION!! USEFUL and INTERESTING ! ' ' How to Woo and Win. 15 cts ; How to Train and Doctor Horses, 36cts ; Ready Reckoner. Pot-Farm ers and Tradesmen, 50 cts; The New Marriage Guide, 25 cts; The Lovers' Letter Writer, Illus trated. 15 cts : Seience of Telling Future Events, 15 cts ; 500 New Puzzles, 50 cts; Fancy Photo graphs. Male and Female. 2 for 25 cts; 12 Fine Album Photographs, $1.00; Fireside Games, 50 cts; doling and Wrestling made Easy, 30 c:s Yankee Farming, $2.00; Farming made Easy. $1.25; Ac., Ao.. Ac. Books on all subjects, sizes and styles, for sale at lowest rates. All the above books sent post-paid on receipt of price, or any book published in the li. b. sunt post-paid on receipt % of publishers'prices, bend 10 cts for Catalogue and circular. Address THOMAS A CO., Book Publishers' Agent, oetltiml Box 6SB. Pittsburgh. Pa. W. GROUSE, DEALER IS ALL KINDS OF SEGARS, * TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew ers' articles, BEDFORD, I'a. jul3l,'6Syl 4 UCTIOXEER.—The undersigned I~\ having renewed his license as an auctioneer, offers his services to the public generally. Post office address Cumberland A'lev mar2om2* JOHN DICKEN rpHE GRECIAN BEND. JL WHAT IT IS, how it grew into a national calamity. IT IS NOT A NEW THING. Symptoms and Treatment. A small volume profusely illus trated. Sent by mail on receipt of 25 cts. Ad dress Grecian Bend PirbVg co , P. 0. Box 672, N. Y. Trade supplied by AMERICAN NEWS' CO., 117 Nassaust.. N. Y. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford. Pa. I.MLLIES, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, _ and Hubs, aro sold by HARTLEY A METZ GER at manufacturer's prices. apr3tf A SHAW AND CLARK $2" Sewing Machine (in good order) for sale. En quire at this office. JulUtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers