the Uli'dfcvsl (fiasrttr. I I'itiny Morning, i. Dam of: rati c Nominations. WATIOM-AL. FOR PRESIDENT, HON, HORATIO SEVMOUR, OF N EW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, GEN, FRANK P, BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. STATE. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, HON. CHARLES E. BOYLE, of Fayette County. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, GEN. WELLINGTON H. ENT, o/ (.'o/iivMu County. ADDITIONAL LAW JI'IMIK. 1111.1.1 I.V •/. B AF.It.Of S'.„tr,-:rt to. COXTNTY. (OSGRESS. J. M. SIMM ELI., of Franklin to. ASSEMBLY-, A lilt. 11l 1 M II //.ADV. ../ Sotiti met, 1! Ft Hit 11: Met! or Kit X, of Fulton. COMMISSIONER, It iSUiI. r. r. I. Ft. I. F, of St. tl.iir. POOR DIRECTOR, HFX It" F.tiOl.F, of Xujnrr. COI NTY SURVEYOR, SAM'/. A FTTFItM.iS, of lUMfont. CORONOB, Or. I'. 11. I'FWS I T., of Moody Itun. AUDITOR, W. A. HFMTI lt, of liroiul T,j>. GRAND MISS CONVENTION! ' : SEYMOUR, BLAIR AND LIBERTY! 'A Graml M.'tsi Convention of !he people of Bed ford cuntjr wilt be held XIV BUOPOItD, tto, ttt lORF.Ii Sth, tStiS, ui 1 o'rlorkf F. M. All who are opposed to Negro Suffrage and Ne gro Equality, to a largo Standing Army and a .Mil itary Despotitin, to the reckless extravagance, profligacy and usurpations of the present Congress, to privileged classes and a tnoniod aristocracy, are i ttY'Ued to attend COME ONE, COME ALL! Coiue ail who are in favor oi the Union as our fathers made it ; come all who are in favor of e conomv and reduction of taxation; come all who are in favor of one currency for the bond holder and the plow-bolder alike; come all whoarein fa vor of peaeo, prosperity atd a restored Union. tsC Arrangements will lie made to teed th ><-.,■ who cannot pay tor their dinner*. Kelly t Itally ! t Holly !S t Ikumcruta and C< nservativvs, turn out in your strength and strike terror into the ranks of your enemies GOV. THOMAS SWANN, cf Maryland, and GEN. RICHARD COULTER, have promise I to address the meeting. Other el oquent speakers have been invited and some of them will be present, and address the meeting. tjfF Ihe lnsuioeratio Brass Band will be in at tendance. J. W. LUCKERSON, R. W Bbukstrksseb, Eh. Dcm. Com. VOTE FOR A CHANGE! You can't make matters any The Democrats propose to issue 350 millions of greenbacks when they get into power. If you want money made plenty and times easy, vote lor Sey mour and Blair. The importance of this election ri ses abox'emerc personal considerations. He is it coward and a traitor to his own principles, who permits niieh consider ations to iufiuence his vote. There is no use talking ! The man who votes for the Radical candidate for Congress, in this crisis, is no Demo crat,mid cannot be trusted or counten anced by Democrats in the future. Flit* party can do better without such men. Elect Seymour to carry out the promises of the Constitution ami vote for John Cessna to help Spoony Butler and Surratt Bingham tie Seymour's hands! A Democrat who would act so inconsistently ought to have a leath- ' er medal. CALIHAN, the negro who showed his skill in mutilating a white man with a razor, was pardoned out of penitentiary through the active interee- sion of John ('cssna. Cessna is evidently of opinion that Northern .uegroe.-shouid he armed with razors as well as their Southern brethren. REMEMBER TH AT SATCRDA Y, OCTOBER 3, IS THE LAST DAY UPON WHICH YOU CAN BE AS SESSED. I . . ImJ'K.vt'Jl M liN'i", the gagging of tho Supreme Court, tho keeping up of (lie Freednaen's Bureau, tho erection of a Military Desi>otism, tho keeping up of an immense Standing Army, Negro Suffrage, Negro offiee-hohling, all these enormities you sustain hy voting for John ('essna. THE ".STATE OF NOI'TIIAM i'l'OX." To Ihi- glorious old 1 (emocratic s! ronghuld, tIK* eyes of the Dnioerat y of the whole Slate are turued. South ampton ranks with the Codorus of York county ami the "burnt districts" of "old Berks." She is known to the I> luocrats of the Commonwealth, as t lie "State of Southampton." 1 >emo crats of this glorious township, give us a full turn-out on the 13th inst. Let us see, let your friends throughout the State see, what Southampton can do when she tries. IMO\ TOWSSHIP. Last year the Democrats of Union township, were awarded "the banner." A handsome Hag has l>een obtained and will !>e presented to the Democracy of Union, at Lewisville, on Saturday next, Oct. 3. Our friends in Union must work hard, if they would con tinue to be the banner township. < Mh-' er districts are striving for the distinc tion. Which shall ho the banner dis trict thi- year? -———— "LITTLE BERKS." Cumberland Valley township, known and honored by Democrats every where, is rallying to her old stand point, and in the present struggle for liberty ind re-union, will resume her old position a- "Little Berks." The gallant Democracy of Cumberland Valley are awake and active and will make a good report on the 13th of Oc tober. J I'M ATA A VII XAI'IEK. Good news from the upper end ! Ju niata, noble Juniata, Napier, good old mother Napier, and Kehollsbnrg, gal lant little Schellsburg, are aroused for Seymour, Blair and Liberty. Lon donderry and Harrison, 100, are in good earnest, and will let the Rads. hear from them. " < Ot.ER VI \ AX D SX IKE NIMtIXG. Mere the Democratic fires hum brightly. The people*>f (lose reliable 1 )emoerat !>■ tow nsitios are dclci toiiied to i.uaatrv. Here, also, the Democrats are work ing with zea! and energy. They nev er lag in the good fight. Their activi ty promises to give us a good poll. Mr. Durborrow made a speech in Sax ton, the other night, advocating Negro Suffrage in Pennsylvania, as well as elsewhere, and that speech ought to double the Democratic vote in these two districts. SR. MI it. Brave, untiring, noble old St. Clair! All right, you may bet, within her borders! Her people are noted for their steady conservatism and their strong love for the < 'oustitution. The heroic spirit of Arthur St. < 'lair seems to animate them and nerve them in the struggle for the right. THE liAUK AI. TOHNSIIII'S. The 1 lemocrnts of the di d nets in tli is county that usually go Radical, are a Spartan band, worthy of all praise. Stand up to them, hoys ! Don't give j at: inch ! See that your friends are not disfranchised ! You are fighting a good light. You are struggling to free your country from the tyranny of the infernal miscreants now in power in Congress. You are the advance guard of the Democratic forces. Don't stop with mere skirmishing. Charge bona (, 1868. Has he forgotten thisal rcady? Of course not. Now, will he inform s what this plank in Grant's platform means? Does it mean that the poor man's pig shall be taxed and the boudholder's thousands go scot free? Answer, Lutz! None of your skulking! THE MASS ('OX X'EX'IT OX'. Democrats, people of Bedford coun ty ! Turn out to the Mass Convention to be held in Bedford, on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Let us have one grand rally for the right. Come with flags and banners, come in delegations, dome in solid column! Distinguished speakers will address the people, u mong them GOV. SWANV, of Mary land, who, until a short time ago, has been a life-long opponent of the Demo cratic party. Come and hear this emi nent man, and other able speakers. P. S. We have just learned, by tele graph, that GEN. RICHARD COUL TER, "Fighting Dick," will address the Convention. (Mi: !" The Bedford Inquirer says that it cost s. r >,one, to put down the rebel ion. Very well. Who gat up the re bellion ? Why, Abolition agitation, Abolition Sharpc's ritles in Bleeding Kansas, nullification of the Fugitive Slave Law in the North, and John Brown's pikes at Harper's Ferry. John Ces-na said so many a time. A UAIIItML Ml s:si s:. The other night, as a party of Demo crat-were returning from a meeting at Waynesboro', Franklin county, they were met by a party of Radicals, one of w horn tired the contents of his pistol among the Democrats, killing a young man by the name of Leckrone. ihe murderer is now in jail, awaiting his trial. Such is Radicalism! £203.000: The Radical Legislature has increas ed the interest on the State Debt from 41 undo percent., to 0 per cent., and thus increased the total of the interest to the amount of $202,(t00 per annum. Vote against Weller and Longeneek er and rebuke lids wantonness in ex penditure of the public funds. bill 11.l I'Y. The Democrats intend to tax the bonds and thus make taxation equal. The Rads. now tax every body but the bund-holders, and thus make taxation unequal. Which plan do you like best ? LOOK Ot i I'OII COI OXI/.ATIOV. We understand that men are being shipped into this county by John Cess na and his friends to vote at the com ing election. Look out for the men who are engaged in this nefarious bus iness. ____________ GEXSULXL EXT. Soldiers, remember the brave Gen eral Ent, when you goto the polls.— He is the Democratic candidate for Surveyor General. He commanded in the Pennsylvania Reserves during tht! war, and is beloved by every sol dier who ever knew him. si:itoi:vvr HIMIIV. Soldiers, rememler Sergeant Abra ham Wilson, who is running for mem ber of the Legislature. lfe was a inemher of the olth l'a. Vols,, and served gallantly during tho war. IK John Cessna go to Congress lie will introduce a hill to arm his negro brethren of the South with razors, in stead of Springfield muskets. Turn out to the Mass Convention on Thursday the Bth. A RtACKOI'AKO NO K C.I.CH I D. A dirty noserag in MeCoiinellsburg, ! which, doubtless, represents the gentil ity of Radicalism in Fulton countv, dares us to verify, by affidavits, what j we printed in the GAZETTE, some time ago in regard to Tom Marshall's speech. If you can knock the breath out of a black-guard without defiling your hands, do it. We perform such a jo!), in placing the following affidavit before the people of Fulton county: Bedford county, ss. Personally appeared before me ajus | tice of the Peace in and for said county, Josiah Haley, and W. M. Defibaugh, who being duly sworn, do depose and j say that 011 Saturday evening, Aug. Bth, | 1868, they were present at a meeting of the Grant and Colfax Club of Bedford i borough, in the Court House in Bed l ford and that they then and there heard Thomas M. Marshall, of Pittsburg, I make a speech, in which, in reply to a question in the liedford Gazette , the said Marshall declared that he was in favor of Negro Suffrage in Pennsylva nia, that lie believed bis party was di vided 011 the subject, but that he was in favor of it and he did not care who know if, and that he would come into this Congressional district and help elect John Cessna on this issue; and they further depose and say they saw John Cessna present at that meeting when Marshall made those utterances, and that he (Cessna) did not attempt to repudiate those sentiments, hut qui etly acquiesced in them. JOSIAH HA KEY, WM. M. DEFIIIAUGH. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 2Mb day of September, \. I>. 1868. H. NICODEMI S, J. P. I hereby certify that- t am well ac quainted with the above affiants and know them to be men of good charac ter atifl unquestionable veracity. H. NICOIIKMCS, J. P. Now, let the people of Pulton coun ty and of this Congressional district, make up their minds as to John Cess na's position 011 the question of- Negro Suffrage in Pennsylvania. •SHINNY o.v v st OWN SIDE!" John Cessna electioneered, the ether day, with a relative of his, a Democat, in this wise: John asked his kinsman to vote for liitn. "Howean 1 do that, John?" was the question in reply, "if 1 do, I vote to li" Seymour's hands, and I am a Seymour man." "oh! that'sall right," replied John. "If Sey mour is elected and I am elected, f will lie thegreatchl Democrat among you and willsupport all his measures!" We have this upon the best authority, and can prove it if railed upon. We advise the Radicals to keep s. look out for John ny. Let him "shinny on his own side." We can't allow him to come back in so unceremonious a manner. WAGON'S! WAGONS! WAGONS! Let a Democrat in each sub-school district, make a list of those who can not walk to the polls, and then see that vehicles are provided to take them. Mind, every Democratic vote ' must he polled at the October election. Leave not a single man behind. From the Blair county line to Maryland, from Fulton to Somerset, see to it that we make a clean sweep. A full turn out is a Democratic victory. TIIE negroes of the South have a di vided penchant for disemboweling their enemies with razors. Caliban who developed the same cruel propen sities on an inoffensive white man in Bedford a year or two ago, wa.-> a pru rigo of John Cessna, who had him turned loose to try his hand again. Attend the Mass Convention 011 Thursday the Bth. 600 MILLIONS of Government Bonds are held in Europe. Shall all j the gold be shipped from this country to pay off these bonds, as Grant's party proposes to do, or shall they he paid off ! in greenbacks , as Seymour proposes to do? The law says they can be paid in greenbacks. EVERYBODY knows that our State j Legislature is rotten. Vote for a I change, and send McGovern and Wil soii to the House instead of Wellerand ; Longenecker. Clean the Argean sta bles! -- - - .. 1 The Radical Congress stinks in the j nostrils of the people. It has outraged every instinct of decency in the breast ' of an American citizen. Who wili en dorse it and vote for John Cessna? LAST year the Democrats carried this Congressional district, by just 15 majori ty. Where are the 7'. Democrats who can have the heart to wipe out this ma jority? Tin- may he found, but the seven whole ones never. VOTE FOR MCGOVERN and WIESON, and make a change in our legislation j at Harrisburg. Last year SIO,OOO were deliberately filched from the State Treasury, by special committers of the Legislature. VOTE AGAIX-I' VVKI.IJKK ami ha.vii- j KNF.CKEK, for tlic Legislature. They i belong to the sa no class of legislators, who, lust winter. p> f h| thu .Sorg>4nt-at- Arnjs of the i louse, mileage for trav eling three times around the ylohe ! VOTE KOU KIMMEI.L and the taxa tion of Government Bonds, as other property Is taxed, and make the wealthy nabobs pay their share of the taxes. Turn out to the Mass Convention on Thursday the Bth. "Workingmen pay one half of their wages in taxes, in the shape of high prices for ail they eat, drink or wear." THE ii.i.isritvriovs OR THE is qiTHIK (OMiMFII. I.nter Vs Imni Colorado. Tlio Nil-r Slide lilrkk lli<- Et crlnwf iitfi Si'Sro lion 11 it Gil!i. I!* WoiiiiH'rnllr I.ttsl jenr sT( Ilatliciti. In I /.. (>iit Vonr polecnl in a itojc ihii rooster is tin nioal till' stu li a mkiink. The following official returns from Colorado, show the election of Belden, Dem., to Congress by the following vote: llelden. Jlradford, Arapahoe, complete 2l :i ! Boulder 6< | Conejos, complete HI j Costillo, complete .'lf j Clear Creek complete l-V | I >oug!as | El Paso, complete I I I Fremont, complete 11 I Gilpin, complete 56 Huerfano, complete 216 I Jefferson, complete 33 | Larimer complete 51 ! Lake 15 j Las Animas, complete Isn ] Pueblo, complete I If Park, complete 5 ' Saguach 20 I Kmmit 8 Wehl, complete 50 | Total 712 555 Majority for llehlen 117 Thus Coloradokieketh Sambo dou n its | deepest gulch: Ji MAIN E. M 11X*AI\E! Did you hear the news from Maine? Ten thousand Democratic (join over the rote 6. The following is tlie latest: BANGOR, Me.jKoptoinlior 21. Returns from all hut twenty-two small towns and plantations give Chainberlin 75,281, Pillsbury 55,775. The remaining towns gave last year Chamberlain Pillsbury 577. \- roostook gives a Democratic gain of GOO, and elects the whole county ticket. The complete vote of the State will not vary but a trifle from the follow ing: Chamberlain 75,831 Pillsbury 57,215 Chamberlain's majority 18,586 Now, John Cessna must withdraw rroin the Congressional race! He said in his speech in front of the Court House, that if Maine did not give 20,- 000 Radical majority he would with ' draw. Here is a picture of John, drawn by our own artist, which repre sents him a blowing his own hollows from the Court House steps. Since the last returns from Maine, the point of the bellows is not elevated quite so touch, but is subjected to con siderable picking. Attend the Mass Convention on Thursday the Bth. TIIK FOKT Y-SECON 1) ANNIVERSARY OK TI£E AMERICAN SUNDAY ScUOOE UNION", I.Y THE AI .UIK.MY OK MI .SIC. —The festivities were presided over bv Chief Justie Chase, who made an ad mirable speech. The Academy was crowded with a most appreciative audi ence, and a chorus of six hundred chil dren sang with inspiring effect; with their clear, fresh voices, supported by a superb reed Organ, which was so un usually fine that it deserves especial notice. We have never heard such a beautiful musical effect from so com paratively a small instrument. We learn from the programme that it was one of the celebrated AMERICAN OR GANS, manufactured by S. 1). if- 11. \V. Smith, of Boston, ami can appreciate the high praise which every one ac cords them, as they are among the very finest in America. Smith's Organs have a purity and volume ol tone real ly astonishing for their size. One of our first musicians said to us, "ihe American Organs of Messrs. Smith are the most perfect and beautiful i have overseen." We agree with him, and having examined the instruments eare fully, must give them unreserved praise. —Philadelphia Item. TIIK NUKSBUY, for October, is a number thai will rpalfe its little read ers' hearts dance with Joy. it is full of just such matter as they know how to and will appreciate. If parents would make their young children hap py, they would at once subscribe far The Nursery, published by John I<, Shorey, 11 Washington street, Boston, Mass., at only $1.50 a year. TIIK New York Sun eagerly records the accession of one person to theliadi ical ranks. Jleis a negro in Augusta, Georgia, who has resigned his mem- | bership of the colored Democratic club j of that city. Any more conversions we will be happy to record—when they are made. Attend the Mass Convention on j Thursday the Stli. sotircs, &r. \ r <)1 'N(i MEN, do you want Situa i I lions in Stores, or auy other burinee* in the j city of New Vork, if bo, you can obtain them by i addressing (enclosing stamp) M. K G LINES A CO , aug2Bw4 339 Broadway, Now York. 4 tTIVK AND EFFICIENT A- V GENTS WANTED in tliia county fr tito Union Miiti'AL Liff. Insiikaxck Comi-an v. Claiming, as this Company does, Home advan tage® peculiar to itaelf, Agents are afforded an easy and successful method for securing risks. A I liberal commission paid to agents, who must fur : nish first-class references. Address, ft S. Gloc | inger. M. i> , General Agent, No. 129 South 7th | St.. Philadelphia, Pa aug2B4w SAVE COSTS!—AII persons having unsettled accounts on the books of the firm of G. K. A \V. Oater are respectfully requested to | call at once and settle the tame by Cash or Note, i otherwise costs will be added without respect to I persons. G. R. & W. OSTER. ; Bedford Pa. Aug. 14, lßfiara.'l \\r P. SCHELL, Y\ . Grneral Agent of the National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, for Blair, Bedford, Cambria, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. £ jp-Beliable and efficient local agents wanted in every town and township. Apply to VV. P. SCHELL, sepltf. Bedford, Pa. All papers in above counties will publish this notice tor two weeks, and send bill to W. P. S. TO TRESPASSERS.- No 1* tice is hereby given, by the undersigned, to ; all persons, not to trespass on any of their respec j tive properties, or any property in their care or possession, by lease or otherwise, by hunting, fishing, pilfering, or in any manner whatever, a.- (if caught,) they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of'the law, without respect to persons. Any : person, or persons, caught on any of the above named properties, with gun. dog, game or anything i whatever, pertaining to trespass, shall be taken as i evidence. Thomas Rose, Sr.. Daniel Swnrtzwelder, Jacob Pcnneil, J din Penr.ell, l-.iac Blankley. !'. V Re linger. George W. .Shaffer, Joseph Morse, C. li ; Steckman, 11 J. Means, G W Means, Jonathan Perin, A. J. Steckman A IS. P. Pennell, D. Means | mid John Morris. seplßm3* SA LK ( 1 F (i i L st< it jv. -The Board of Directors of the Stump Island Oil C ., IBfis neg lected to pay the amount of their assessments. J . 11. LONG EN EC 1\ LK, septtßw3 Treasurer. rpEAOHERS' EXAMINATIONS. f The annua! examinations of teachers for Bed turd county, will be held as follows : East Providence. Householder'sS 11 Saturday, Oct. 3; Colerain and Kainsburg, Biitk Church, Bat. Oet. 10; Southampton, Sat. Oct. 17, Adam's I S 11. ; Harrison, Buffalo Mills, Monday, Oet. 19; Londonderry Bridgeport, Tuesday Oet. 20; .Juni ata, Bnenn Vista. Wednesday, Oct. 21 ; Napier and Schellsburg, (Schcllsburgi. Thursday, Oct 22; St. Clair, Eight Square, Friday. Oct 23; Union, Mo-es,' Bat. Oct 21 ; Cumberland Valley. Centre : villc, Monday, Oct 20; Bedford Itor. and Bedford , twp.. Bedford, Tuesday Get. 27; Snake Spring, Hartley's. Wednesday. Oct. 2i>; We Providence and Bloody Run. (Bloody Run.) Thursday, Oct 29 ; Monroe, Fletcher's, Friday and Saturday, Oct 30, 31 ; Hopewell, Dasher's, Monday. Nov 2; Broad Top, Hopewell, Tuesday, Nov. 3; Liberty and Saxton, Stonerstown. Wednesday, Nov. 4 : j Middle Woodbury, and Woodbury Bar . (Wood bury), Thursday, Nov. 5; South Woodbury, New Enterprise, Friday, Nov. 0; St. Clairsvillc. Bat., Nov. 7 Special examinations, at Bedford, Sat Nov. 14, j and Sit. Nov. 21 No other special examinations wiil be held. All examinations will begin at 9 A. M. Persons who have not taught in the cnun , iy i-on—c.-r.—■ —i -.oh whom the Superintendent is not acquainted, must present cerua-. moral character before they can be examined Applicants will be examined only in such town ships where thev have made application for a school. 11. W. FL-lIER, Co. bup't. ; Bedford, Sept. H,'4Ss ! 1 ! DOLLARS REWARD.— Went away fr on the undersigned, about the first of September, in Morrison's Cue near New Enterprise, TWO LARGE STEERS, about six years old, one of which is black and the other red, each having on the right fore-foot a chain when strayed away. The above reward • f tive I dollars wiit be paid to any person who will inform ' him of their whereabout.-. Address JACOB Z KOCIIENDARFER, New Enterprise. Bedford Co., Pa. ! sep2swl* l_J S > I< 'II A.S CROESUS" Li TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ! Unpre relented llnth for the AT w CR.KSFS S O A_ P. The w a-hing powers of this Soap are truly mar velous.. No person who has ever tried it will do ; without it. Its recommendations are perfect PURITY, utter II IKMLKSSXESS am! wonderful ! EFFICIENCY. Wa-ranted to contain more j washing power to the dollar's worth thau an ■ other soap in the market—therefore the ; CHEAPEST. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, (if used according to directions) or MONEY lvE ; FUNDED. Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by j HOICK LEV A- HALL, (ORA; SI'A SOAP WORKS,) No. IIS York Ave., (Old York lioad,) Pkilad'a aug7iK'i I ft*) BAOCO AN TI DO TE, £ WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It pari fie* the blood, invigorates the system, pes- ! scsses great nourishing and strengthening power, | I enables the stomach to digest the hcartiesl loud, j makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust j health. SMOKERS and CHEW Kits for (sixty Years j Cured. Ptioe, Fifty Cents JHJSI free. A treatise S on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists oft I references, testimonials, Ac., sent free. Agents ! wanted. Address Dr. T. 11. ABBOTT. Jersey 1 ! City, N.J f|HIE CHAMPION. J JfICKOK'S PATENT PORTABLE Keystone Cider and Wine Mill I O VER Id,ooo IN USE AXD APPROVED, j This admirable machine is now ready for the ; fruit harvest of 1868, i- made in the most perfect '■ manner, with two tubs, and is worthy the atten- i tion of all persons wanting sach n machine. It ! | has no superior in the market, and is the only mill I | that will properly grind grapes. This is the original mill, much improved and the best in the United States. Foil SALE 1!Y ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS. ] I also make two sizes "fsuperior Presses for Berries, etc. W 0. HIOKOK, Jlarrisburg, Pa. HARTLEY A MKTZGEI! sole agents for Bed ford co., will sell to dealers on liberal terms. A j full supply kept at their st<--e in Bedford sept m.l ll) W. grouse, j DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF : SUGARS, TOBACCO, PI PES, | And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew era' articles. BEDFORD, Pa. | jul3l,'6rtyl j 4 I'I'TIOA EE It.-—The undersigned a having renew ed his license as an auctioneer, | offers his services to the public generally. Post- I i office address Cumberland Vlev. mai'2ihu2* JOHN DICKKN fa'HRMS for every description of Job | PRINTING CASH I for the reason that for | every article we U3C, we must pay cash; and the j S Qkiffl -j'itf'S) H'iJl enable its to do our work as low j as It can be done In the cities. rjMIE lIOUSEIIOLDG\S Machine! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS,STORES. FAC- j TORIES, CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS 1 Generates Gas without Fire or Heat The simplicity and ease by which this Machine i is managed, as alto its economy und great morit, j recommends it to public fayor. Call and see ma | chine in operation at the store ' Manufacturer and Sole Agent, DAVID JONES. TIN FURNISHING STORE, No 733 GREEN ST . j PHILADELPHIA. £ jpSend fur illustrated Circular.' aug2liu3 Salts. SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of HSO acres each, within three mile. ,g a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back j Omaha. I tract of bottom land, timbered and praire. in,, miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.00(1 acres in Pulton cuir iy p., including valuable ore. mineral and timber lan i -. near Fort Littleton. Over 4. H01: acres valuable ore, Coal and iim ber lands in West Virginia. A150—329 acres of land in Woodbury Co , , ALSO— Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining rhe borough of Bedford, with limestone rook for kiln | or quarry, on the upper end of each. ALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri 48) do do Shannon do do 270) do do Bollinger do do 89 do do Franklin do lowa Also. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford. CO by 210 ft . former ' ly part of the Lyons'estate. O. E. SHANNON, jua2l,'67yl Bedford. Pa. Y 7 ALUABLE LAND FOR SALE j > —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : TnHF.E CHOICE TRACTS OF LA YD , containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, Store ot Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urban.', an 1 one mile ft oil Rcutual Station on - rid Railroad. Two j o'' the tracts adjoin, and one of them baa never toiling pond of water upon ii Thecityof L'rhana contain • about 4.009 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. Also— One-fourth of n truet of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all iheeoal veins of Broad Top running through it. Also — 'i'hrt> JAJIS iti the toion of (Joalmont, ■ Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf ' F. C. REAMER iU U\ ACRES OF EXCELLENT iM'll FARM LAND FOR SALE —ONE TRACT containing ACRES, with good !•• - house and barn thereon ; also a good SAW-MILL worth a rental of $299 per annum. About h it' of this tract is excellent bottom and the balam . upland. About 109 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on Gunning's creek, in St Clairtp.. adjoining land.-of John Atsfult, Jacob Amir v anl Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will be sold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. Also, one tract containing IS3 acres, having a good log house and barn ami ou' biiit,lings there on About tii acres cleared. well fenced and in a good stale of cultivation; bain; ■■■■• . oer.-d with an excellent growth of , ih.ririe limb's wcii watered ami situate near Plei-latville, in S Clair Township, adjoining la i ds o. John A '■ ! i i , Jacob Bowser. Jacob Beck'cy ; i i Jus-; , Smith. Also, one tract containing L>7 acres, about 29 acres cleared, well fenced an lin •, g~t uite of cultivation; balance covered v.i'h an e\ client growth of valuable timber; well water. 1 and situate in St. Clair Township, adj lining lands of Jacob Beckley, Joseph Smith ami Christian Mock. These lands formerly belonged to the estate of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are iu a neighbor hood well supplied with schools, churches, stores, Ac. Each of these tracts will ba sol 1 as a whole or iu parts, to suit purchasers, an i will he offered at private sale until SATURDAY", the 11th of >' . next, when, if not disposed of, they will be told to the highest and best bi 1 1 r at public sale, of which timely notice will be given For further particulars, .a 1 :r.p; r- oially, or by letter, J. \\ DICKERSON, ' Attornev-nt-Law, julyJtf Bedford. I'a. I )F! !i.!<' SALE OF VALUABLE i REAL ESTATE —The undersigned, Ileir and Guardians of II ir.- of Jonathan Hareleroad, deceased, will oiler for sale, at public outcry, on or near the premises, ou SATURDAY, the 2tth day of OOTGBKR, A. D., 1843, all the following described Real Estate, situate in the township of C detain, in the county of Bedford, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of George Waltman, James Eng land. Philip Diehl, Joseph S. Diehl, It IV Diebl and Jlet.ry Hareleroad s Heirs, containing 142 acres and 2t! perches, nctt measure, about fifty acres cleared and under fence, and the remainder of the tract is well covered with White Oak, Ches nut. and other valuable timter. The soil is pro ductive chietly Limestone land and ill! suscep tible of cultivation. This property is favorbiy located in the heart of the fertile vailcynl Friend - Cove, convenient to goo ! Schools and Churches, about five miles from Bedford, and about seven miles from the Rail Road Station at Mount Dal las. Title indisputable. Bale t > commence at one o'eUxik. 1. M.,of said day, when due atten dance will be given, and terms made known by the undersigned, Widow and Heirs and Guardians ot Heirs of Jonathan Hareleroad, deceased. Su- in Hareleroad. Charles Hareleroad, Adam Hareleroad, Jonathan Hareleroad, Susan Diehl. Jacob Hareleroad, Elizabeth Diehl, Philip Harele road for himself and Guardian "f Ann Mary and John Philip ii ircleroad, minor children of Henry Hareleroad. dee d, John Hareleroad for himself and Guardian of Ellen and Sim-m Henry Harele road, minor children of Henry Hareleroad, deceas ed. end s uue as purchased of sh ire of Christian Hareleroad, deceased. sep26w4 rpHE SUCCESS J OF OI R ONE DOLLAR SALS DAS CAL'SEB SIM H A COMPLETE n i: V () L U T I O X IN TRADE. That in order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly increasing patronage, we have recently made imp >rtations for the fall trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $.'.00,W0, So that we are prepared to sell every description u Dry and Fancy Goods. Silver Plated Ware. Cutlery, Wafcbes. Albums, Jewelry, Ac. Of better quality than any other roureru in //' ■ : country for the uni form price* of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. The best of Boston and New York refer ences given as to the reliability of our house, and that our business is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money thau can be obtained in any other way. Ail Goods damaged or b.-..i;eu in transportation replaced without charge. I Checks describing articles sold sent to ag ents in Clubs at rates mentioned below. We guarantee every article to cost less than if bought at any Boston or New York wholesale House. 01 R COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exceed those of every other establishment of the kind, —proof of this can be found in comparing our premiums with those of others FOR CLMS OF THE SI\IK SIZE, in addition to which we ciaim t<> give better goods of the same character. Oh trill, rout to Ascent* free of charge. Foil A Cl.t BOFIO ANO fUK EE DOLL ARS —1 do?., good linen Shirt Fronts 1 set Solid Gold Stud- All Wool Cassimere for I'auts. Fine white Coun terpane, large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 2o yards brown or bleached Sheeting, good quality, yard wide 1 elegant 100 Picture Morocco-bound l'hoto. Album, i double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views, 1 stiver plated engraved bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk F'.tn, with Ivory or Sandal Wood Fr lino, leathered edge and sr.angled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and Fork, very best quality ivory balanced handle. 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol-20 yds good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover. 1 1 pair be.-t quality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. I doz. fine Linen Towels, i doz. Roger's best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies' large real Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dress pattern. i doz. elegant silver plated engraved Napkin Rings 1 doz Ladies" fine Merino or Cotton Stock ings. (dents' heavy chased solid Gold King. I pr Ladies' high out Balmoral Boots. I elegant Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 violin and Bow. in box complete 1 set Jewelry, pin. ear drops, and sleeve buttons FOR ACUBOF ON ANP FIVE DOLLARS — ■ black or colored Alpaeca Dress Pattern. ! set Laced Curtains. I pr. all Wool Blankets. Engrave! sil ver plated 0 bottle Revolving Castor- 1 beautiful Writing Desk. 1 Solid Gold Scarf Pin. JI- yds. very tine Cassiinure, for Pants and Vest. I Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plate.l Forks. 1 elegan' Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and lined with sLk. I pr. gents t all Boots. SO yds good Print. SO yds good brown or bleached Shoot ing yard w ide or lit yds. yd. wide, good quality 1 ladies' elegant Morocco Traveling bag. 1 square Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dross pat tern. I; yds, dou. width cloth for ladies' cloak. Elegant engraved Silver plated Tea P >t. 1 yds. double width water proof cloth for cloaking. FOR A CLI BOF 100 and TEN DOLLARS— I ri'lt Merino or Thibet Dress pattern. 1 pr. tine Dantask Table Cloths and Napkins to match. 1 pr. gents French Calf Boots. I heavy, silver plated engraved leu Pitcher Very tine all Wool Cloth for Ladies Cloak. 1 web very best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. 7i yd- line C.issimcre fur suit. 1 elegant English Borage Dress pattern, 1 beautiful English B trage Shawl 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knive.-; and Forks 1 ladies or gents, Silver Hunt ing-ease Watch 1 Ipirtlett {land, Portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family Bible, steel engravings, w ith record and photograph pages 2i yds. good lleinp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pr. good Marseilles Quilt. 1 good t> barrel Revolver 1 elegant fur muff and cape I single barrel .Shot'duu. i Silver plat ed, engrave.}, ti buttled Revolving Castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and Bow, iu case i set Ivory balanced Knives and Forks, Presents for larger Clubs increase in the some ratio SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTER Catalogue of Goods sent to any address FREE. PARKER A- CO. Nos 98 and 100 Suuiuer St., Boston. wl. J? VERY VARIETY AND STYLE J OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low laics at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and eave your orders. rjlllK BEDFORD GAZETTE is the J best Adrertis : ig Medium n Southern Penn sylvania.