11-hr glftlf.or.il (bazdtc. Home and Around. ■ - •# HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP II.R. — WINTKH ARRANGEMENT.—TIME TABLE.— On and after Sept. 16th, passenger trains will arrive and depart a? follows: Mail Train leaves ML Dallas at 1.10 p. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 21 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 9.05 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 12.18 a. m Accommodation Train leaves Saxton 7.30 a m., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9-20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p. m., and arrives at Saxton at 6.27 p. in. SEYMOUR, BLAIR and VICTORY! I Democratic meetings will be held in this county, at the following times and places: Monthly Afternoon. Sept. 2M, at 1 p. in. Adam's Mills, in Southampton tp. Monday Evening, Sept. as. Palo Alto, in Londonderry tp. McElfish's Mills, in Southampton tp. Tuesday Afternoon. Sept. '49, at - p. in. Pureell's Store, in Southampton tp. Daniel J. Miller's School House, Lon- ' donderry tp. Wednesday Afternoon, Sept. 3d. at 2 p. m. Fletcher's Store, in Monroe tp. Wednesday Evening. Sept. SO. Rainsburg, for Itainsburg and C'olerain Clearville, in Monroe tp. TliurMlay Evening. Oct. I. g; Buer.a Vista, for Juniata tp. Millerstown, in Napier tp. Friday Evening, Oft. 2. Spruce Hollow, in Union tp. Saturday Afternoon. Oct. 3. at 1 o'clock. H Lewistown, in Union, tp. Saturday Evening. Oct. 3. Iteighard's Hotel, in Union tp. MASS MEETINGS. 1 There will be mass meetings held tit the following places and times: CENTREVILLE, Saturday, Oct. 3, at 1 o'clock I'. M. JOS. CESSNA'S, Monday, Oct. 5, in the evening. WOODBURY, Friday, Oct. 9, at 1 o'- clock P. M. ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Saturday, Oct. 10, at 1 o'clock P. M. It is expected that proper arrange ments will be made for holding these 1 meetings by the citizens of the places where they are to be held. Able speakers will address the meet ings. The Democratic Band will at tend some of them. Turnout! Turnout! Rally, Rally, Rally! Let us have a change. J. W. DK'KERSON, Gh'n Dein. Co. Coin. DEMOCRATS, ATTENTION !—'The Seymour and Blair Campaign Club of 'M Bedford and vicinity, will meet in the Court Room,on next Saturday evening. The ladies are respectfully invited to attend. Rally, Democrats! Letthero be a full turn-out. The people all are singing, There's music in the air— The burden of their melody Is Seymour and Blair CONUNDRUM.—Why is the big wo man traveling with Bryan's Menagerie f like a certain well known newspaper correspondent? Because she is the "Fat Contributor." The weather is gradually growing cooler—and soon our trees will don their gorgeous autumnal tints of glori ous garb and garniture. _ + An advertisement in the Gazette reaches all classes in our community. Business men may make a note of this fact- and act accordingly. I It is said by those who have an eye to such nutritious matters, that both chestnuts and hickory nuts promise plenty this autumn. Why is it that the prices of flour, beef, potatoes, and in fact all the neces saries of life, are so high as to bo almost bevond the reach of the workingmcn? Let our Radicals answer—or else shut I pan. I f you wish to enjoy glorious grape jam, boil the grapes in a little water long enough to make them tender; then add a pound of sugar to each pound of grapes, and boil halfau hour. The smiles of a happy home are pe culiarly pleasant; but we know several (people so sweetly situated, who pre fer "smiling" with their friends out side. IN TOWN. —W. C. Logan, Esq., for merly of this place, now of Philadel phia, is in town. Mr. Logan was a member of the bar here, and served a term as District Attorney. ELONGATED. —The countenances of the Radicals since Judge Kimmell has given John Cessna such a terrible lash ing before the people, in the joint dis cussions. They will be lengthened to an alarming extent after the election. CLUB MEETING.—The Bloody Run Democratic campaign club held a meet ing on last Saturday evening, which was well attended. Speeches were made by J. M. Reynolds, W. C. Schaf fer, R. W. Berkstresser and J. G. Fish er. WRITING SCHOOL.—Prof Justus Ha bieh will open a writing school in this place, in a few days, if a sufficient num ber of pupils can be obtained. We have seen some specimens of his pen manship which are very good. Ile can be seen at the Washington Hotel. Duu enterprising friend, Irvine, of the Rtyulalor establisment, is always receiving fresh supplies of boots and shoes, queensware and glassware, no tions, groct ries,&c., Ac., in order to al ways lie prepared to supply the in creasing demands of his numerous cus tomers. Prof. Wickersham, who draws a large salary as State Superentendent, proposes to erect a monument to the memory of Thaddeus Stevens with money begged from the school child ren of the State. He will notget many pennies from the school children of this county to build a monument to the memory of the dead "commoner." MUST HANTS BROWNB.—It seems the Radicals can not do without a Brown in their party. One of their Browns, John, of Harpers Ferry notoriety, and founder of the great National Debt, met with a serious misfortune by being suspended to the end of a rope. No sooner was old John's body moldering in the dust and his soul marching on, than upstarts another Brown, Brown low to take his place, who out-Herod ed Herod in all the Radical deviltries of the last eight years. But John Brown and Brown-Zoic were not enough. The devil needed more emissaries in the Radical party, and last, though not least, comes the founder of the Ander sonville prison pens, Joe Brown, of Georgia. We wish the Radicals joy of their Browns. "Let us have peace.'' EDITORIAL CHANGE.—The firm of J. C. Long J' Co., editors and proprie tors of the Bloody Run Press, has been dissolved, Messrs. Pennsyl and Hoff myer retiring from the concern. D. S. Elliott has associated himself with Mr. Long, and that paper will hereafter be conducted by these gentlemen in the interests of the Radical [tarty. We wish them every success except in their politics, which are of the vilest kind. SUNDAY SCHOOLS in want of books will find it to their advantage to order them through the Inquirer BookStore, as they have special arrangements for supplying them at the very lowest rates. THE best Havana Segars at Crou e's Resort for 5 cents. INTERTROPICAL fragrance rises in invisible clouds the moment that a bot tle of PIIALON'H "FLOR DKMAYO," the new perfume for the handkerchief, is opened; one single drop scents a handkerchief. Sold by all druggists. TRY Grouse's Congress, Navy, Twist, Black-fat and Oronoco,cheap and good. A cut DENT. —There was an explosion in Doct. Ayer's Laboratory, yesterday, which caused some excitement in the vicinity. Ayer's Fills are manufac tured under enormous pressure, in cyl inders, like cannon, which sometimes prove too weak for the compressed for ces, and burst with terrific violence. Fortunately, the pieces do not fly far, so that no one has ever been hurt by by them. The action is more like ice than powder; but it makes Fills which all the worklacknowleged are PILLS.— Lowell Daily Journal. LADIES, buy your snuffs at Grouse's, Robt. Starr's best makes. BEAUTIFUL and uniform of excell ence, a well-known, safe and speedy a gent for restoring gray ha'r to its orig inal color, for preventing the loss of the hair, for promoting its healthy growth and increasing its beauty, a gradual but certain cure for baldness, and an C*SSOII f i*3l icjtllMLt* iur *lll wno prize that choicest gift of nature,a boun tiful supply of hair : the above is said by all who use Mrs. 8. A. Allen's Im proved ( new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Drug gist sells it. Price One Dollar. sep2sw4 Go to Grouse's for pipes of a!I kinds. WE have before called the attention of our readers to the American Organ, manufactured by 8. D. A 11. W. Smith, Boston, Mass. We feel at perfect liber ty to do so, because we have used them practically, and believe most confiden tly that they possess every excellence to be desired. To the lover of music, such an instrument in the household is a constant delight. For the Sunday School and the Chapel, it is a most ad mirable substitute for the pipe Organ. There is a wonderful quantity of music in one of these beautiful instruments, and we are glad to learn that they are being appreciated by the public. The manufacture and sale has become an extensive business, and the demand is constantly increasing.— St. Louis (Mo.) Record. SAXTON LODGE, No. ">9f>, 1.0.0f0. F., Sept. 19th, IMS. WHEREAS, It hath pleased Almigh ty God, in his inscrutable wisdom, to remove from this Lodge, by suddeu I death, our brethren, James L. Prince, assistant Sec'y, and James Clark ; Resolved, That we how with humble i submission to the divine will iu this afflictive dispensation towards us, and that we feel ourselves admonished i thereby to more earnest devotion to, and active effort in, promoting the best interest of our honorable Order. Resolved, That the suddenness of their death impresses on each of us the necessity of immediate prparation for the end of our earthly existence, for severing the ties that bind us to each other, in the good hope of having a blessed rc-uuion in the Grand Lodge of the Skies. Resolved, That we cherish the memo ry of our departed brethren as that of punctual, consistent and energetic members of this Lodge. Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with the families of the deceased in the sore affliction that has fallen upon on them ; that we heartily commend them to the protection and love of Him who says, "Leave thy fatherless chil dren, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me;" and that we will faithfully discharge towards them all the duties made binding upon us by the high and sacred principles of our Order. Resolved, That the families of our departed brethren be furnished, each, with a copy of these resolutions; also, that a copy be sent to the Bedford Ga zette and' Bedford Inquirer with a re quest to publish. ( HAS. 8. FAXON, R. J. GRAVES, L. B. WALTZ, Committee. MA RRIED. Mi MULLEN—RUSH —On the 221 inst , at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rt. Itev. Thus Heyden, Mr. Albert MeMullen, of Sink ing Valley, Blair county, Pa., to Miss Mary M., daughter of John 11. Rush, Esq., of this place. Accompanying the above, was a bountiful sup ply of delicious cake, fur which the parties have our best wishes. May unalloyed happiness ac Company tbem through life. DIED. WOLF—On the 27th nit., Mary, wife of Zacha riah Wolf, in the 37th year of her age. She met death with calmness, and wth confidence in the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Surely there was hope in her death. '•Jesus can make a dying bed, Feel soft as downy pillows are ; While on His breast I lean uiy head And breathe my life out sweeter tlere," AICTIFOVTI (SAJRTTR, ASRTIFARTL PIG iUiv SMrfrtiSfownts. TTMVE DOLLARS REWARD.- U Went awav from tho undersigned, about the first of September, in Morrison's Cove near New Enterprise, TWO LARGE STEERS, about six years old. one of which is hlack and the other red. each having on tbo right fore-foot a chain when strayed away. The above reward of five dollars will be paid to any person who will inform him of their whereabouts. Address JACOB Z KOCHENDARFER. New Enterprise, Bedford Co., Pa. sep2swl* 1)UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned. Heirs, and Guardians of Heirs of Jonathan llareleroad, deceased, will offer for sale, at public outcry, on or near the premises, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of OCTOBER, A.!>., 1868, all the following described Real Estate, situate in the township of Colerain. in tfcoeounty of Bedford, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of George Waltman, James Eng land. Philip Diehl, Joseph S. Diehl. 11. P. Diehl and Henry Hareleroad's Heirs, containing 142 acres and 20 perches, nett me .sure. about fifty acres cleared and under fence, and the remainder of the tract is well covered with White Oak, Ches nut, and other valuable timber. The soil is pro ductive chietly Limestone land and all suscep tible of cultivation. This property is favorbly located in the heart of the fertile valley of Friend's Cove, convenient to goo 1 Schools and Churches, about five miles from Bedford, and about seven miles from the Rail Road Station at Mount Dal las. Title indisputable. Sale to commence at one o'clock. P. M.,of said Jay, when due atten dance will be given, and terms made known by the undersigned, Widow and Heirs and Guardians of Heirs of Jonathan llareleroad, deceased! Susan Hareleroad. Charles Harcleroad. Adam llareleroad, Jonathan Harcleroad, Susan Diehl, Jacob Hareleroad, Elizabeth Diehl, Philip llarele road for himself and Guardian "f Ann Mary and John Philip Hareleroad, minor children of Henry Harcleroad, dee'd, John Hareleroad for himself and Guardian ot Ellen and Simon Henry Harcle road, minor children of Henry Hareleroad, deceas ed, and same as purchased of share of Christian Hareleroad, deceased. sep2sw4 If ICENBED BY THE J UNITED STATES AUTHORITY. 8. ('. TOMPSON &■ CD'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE OF Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Linen Goods, Linens. Dry Goods, Cottons, Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Sewing Machines, Ac , Ac. These articles to be sold at the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR EACH, and not to be paid for until you know what you arc to receive. The most popular and economical way of doing business in the country. Bv PATRONIZING THIS SALE you have a a chance to exohange your goods. The Smallest Article sold for ONE DOLLAR ran be exchanged for a Silver Plated, Five Bottled Revolving Castor, or your Choice of a large variety of other Articles upon Exchange List. TERMS TO AGENTS. Certificates giving a complete description of articles to be sold far One Doilar, will be sold at the rate ofTEN CENTS EACH. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY, and S.IOO, The person sending it can have their choice of the following articlis as their commission : 20 yards cotton cloth, Harris cloth Pants Pattern, splen did bowie knifo, Lancaster quilt, engraved silver spoon holder, pair ladies extra quality cloth boots, print dress pattern, worsted breakfast shawl, white linen table cloth, set of steel bladed knives and forks, set of silver plated forks, em bossed table spread, elegant engraved silver plat ed gold lined goblet, violin and how, fancy dress pattern, elegant silk beaded parasol, 100 picture Morocco photograph album, elegant ivory hand led spangled silk fan, one dozen large size linen • towels, fancy baluioral skirt, ladies' Morocco shopping bag, honeycomb quilt, albambra quilt, ladies' splendid square wool shawl. ladies solid gold California diamond ring, gent's plain or en graved gold ring (10 carets fine), ladies solid I black walnut writing desk, ladies" fancy black walnut work box, cottage clock, one dozen ladies' linen handkerchiefs, extra quality, or one dozen gent's linen handkerchiefs. COXA A OL I'D OX CIYTV, AT,,I 00. j One of the following articles : 40 yards sheeting. Harris cloth pants and vest, pattern, pair honey! comb quilts, cylinder watch, double barrel ritle 1 pistol, fancy cashmere dress pattern, thibetshawl, three yards double width waterproof cloaking, four yds. wool frocking, set of lace curtains, la dies' double wool shawl, silver plated card basket, splendid engraved silver plated ieo pitcher, en graved silver plated .eapot, 100-picture turkey morocco photograph aibum, Lancaster quilt, al pacca dress puttern, engraved silver plated six | bottled revolving castor, pair gent's calf boots, splendid balmorai skirt, set of ivory bandied j knives, with silver plated forks, rosewood frame brass alarm clock, pair of all wool blankets, I splendid beaded and lined silk parasol, ladies' I splendid morrocco traveling bag, pairof alhambra i quilts, thirty yards print or a mnrscilles quilt. FOR A CLUB OF ONE HUNDRED, and SIO.OO 160 yards sheeting, fancy cashmere coat, pants j a nil vest pattern, extra quality, engraved silver ■ plated six bottled revolving castor with cut glass j bottles, pairsplended engraved 3ilver plated tea ! set, (three pieces, sugar bowl, tea pot and ero&m --\ er,) silver platod cake basket, faney plai . ! long shawl, twenty-five yards hemp carp... „, i splendid violin and bow, English barrgo shawl, ] splendid alpacca dress pattern, stiver hunting j cased watch, splendid bible with elegunt steel j engravings, family record and photograph page, I poplin dress pattern, engraved silver plated ice j pitcher, splendid beaver cloak pattern, Sharp's | revolver, splendid accordcon, music box, one pair | fine damask table covers with one dozen dinner 1 napkins to match. : COMMISSIONS FOR LARGER CLI BS IN PROPOBTIOS. Agents will please take notice of this. Do not j send names, but number your clubs from one up ; wards. Make your letters short, and plain as j possible. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, sure and send money by Registered [ Letter, when possible, In some instances country postmasters have refused to forward letters to ; us, supposing that our business came under the I law against lotteries, gift enterprises, Ac., although i it has been over an I over declared lawful by the j legal authorities. This action is instigated by the jealousy of country merchants. In case any po.st uia.-tor should again decline to forward letters, SEND BY EXPRESS. Wc cannot be responsible for money lost, unless some precautious are taken to ensure its safety. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Send your address in full, Town, County and State. ! S. C. THOMPSON A CO., IKi Federal Street, sep2sw4 Boston, Mass. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FASTEST SELLING BOOK EXTANT. "Men of our Times," or Loading Patriots of the day. An elegant vol ume, splendidly illustrated with l'J beautiful Steel Engravings, and a portrait of the author, Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. Agents say it is the best, and .-ells the quickest of any book they ever sold. Now is the time to sell it.—Everybody wants it. Agents arc taking 200 orders per week. We pay extra large com missions and grant exclusive territory. Send for circulars, giving full particulars. Address HART FORD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ct. scp2sw4 EIIAVE C O M E With great inducements to agents to co-opcrato with us in our GRAND ONE DOLLAR HALE ! Sheetings free of cost to our agents. Watches free of cost to our agents. Sewing Machines free of cost to our agents. Leather Goods free of cost to our agents. Linen Goods free of cost to our agents. Silks and Shawls free of cost to agcuts. Boots and Shoes free of cost to agents. Dress Goods free of cost to our agents. Great Dollar Bargains to our Customers. I Send for our circular Agents wanted every where. Address HARRIS A PLUMMER, scp2sw4 34 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. \I R ANTED—AGENTS.—*7S to *2OO f f per month everywhere, male or female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This Machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior man ner.—Price, only $lB. Fully warranted for five ; years.— Wc will pay SIOOO for any Machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more eias , tic seam than ours. It makes tbo '•Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can beeut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address, SECOMB A CO., PITTSBURG, PA., or BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. eep2sw4 FRILLIES, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, I and Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY A METZ UER at manufacturer's prices, aprdtf lew 3Mrcrtisemcnts. X?LEC T R I C TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Nos. 23 A- 23 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Organized under special charter from the State ol' New York. CAPITAL $5,000,0(10. 50,000 SHAKES. SIOO EACH I) I R E C T O R S. HON. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Philadelphia. PAUL S. FORBES, of llusscll A Co , China. FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Butterfield .t Co. New York. ISAAC LIYERMORE, Treasurer Michigan Cen tral Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company, New York. Hon JAMES NOXON, Syracuse, N. Y. 0. 11. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Tele graph Company, New York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, of Westray, Gihbs A Hardcastle, New York. NICHOLAS MICKLES, New York. OFFICE RB. A. (J. CI'RTIN, President. N. MICKLES, Vice President. GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier National Bank Com monwealth,) Treasurer. HON. A. K. McCLURE, Philadelphia, Solicitor. The Chinese Government having (through the Hon. Anson Burlingntne) conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connecting the great sea ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph eable, we propose commencing operations in China, and laying down a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the following ports, viz : Population. Canton 1,000,000 Macoa 60,000 Hong-Kong 250,000 Swatow 200,000 Auiov 250,000 Foo-Chow 1,250,000 Wan-Chu 300,000 Ningpo 400,000 Hang Chean 1,200,000 Shanghai 1,000,000 Total 5,910,000 These ports have a foreign commerce of $900,- 000,000, and an enormous domestic trade, besides which we have the immense internal commerce of the Empire, radiating from these points, through its canals and navigable rivers. The cable being laid, this company proposes erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the commu nications of the Government, of business, and of social life especially in China. She has no postal system, and her only means now of communicating information is by couriers on land, and by steam ers on water. The Western World knows that China is a very large country, in the main densely peopled; but few yet realize that she contains more than a third or ihe human race. The latest returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes by the local magistrate make her population Four hun dred and Fourteen million s. and this is more likely to he under than over the actual aggregate. Nooi-ly all of those, who are over ten years old, not only can but do road and write ller civili zation 18 peculiar, but her literature is as exten sive as that of Eurepe. China is a land of teach ers and traders; and the latter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves of every proffered facili ty for procuring early information. It is observed in California that the Chinese make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits messages in English alone. To-day great numbers of fleet steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by thera exclusively for the transmission of early intelligence. If the telegraph wo propose connecting all their great seaports, were now in existence, it is believed that its business would pay the cost within the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter No enterprise commends itself as in a greater degree renumerative to capitalists, and to our whole people. It is of vast national importance Commercially, politically and evangelically. stock of this Company has been un qualifiedly recommended to capitalists and busi ness men, as a desirable investment by editorial articles in the New York Herald, Tribune, I World, Times, Post, Express, Independent, and in the Philadelphia North American, Press, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph. Shares of this company, to a limited number, may bo obtained at SSO each, $lO payable down, sls on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in monthly instalments of $2.50 each, commencing December 1, 1868, on application to DLLEXEL & CO., 31 .South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Shares can be obtained in Bedford by applica tion to Reed A Schell, Bankers, who are author ize 1 to receive subscriptions, and can give all ne cessary information on the subject. sept2syl \\ R L L I.OUG II B Y'S PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL— Chal ! lengcs competition. Is the only drill that will sow regularly. Has no pins to break and can he used on rocky and stumpy fields and on the hill side with the same advantage as on the level ground. As the supply is limited and the de mand greater than ever, engage what you want soon of HARTLEY A METZGER, the only au thorized agents fur this part of Penn'a. julSltf combine style with neatness of fit. And moderate prices ipith the best workmanship. JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, GEO. W. NIEMANN. PHILADELPHIA. [sepll,'6S,yl ] QTOVEB! STOVES! B. M BLYMYER & CO. have added to their large assortment of Stove* several improved Patern*. SPEAR'S improved Anti dust COOKING STOVE is one of the greatest inventions of the age. SPEAR'S Revolving Light Anti-dust PARLOR STOVE, which is a perpetual burner, and is war ranted to need replenishing with coal but once a day. and after once being filled will burn 21 hours. Also, Agents for Spear's Parlor and fire-place stoves. We have also the Oriental Parlor nnd Ilenting StoTes. which has given universal satisfaction In addition to the above we have in store the celebrated Wellington, Prince Royal, Oriental, Noble and o:her Paterns of Cooking Stoves. We have a fine assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet-iron ware. Brass and Porcelain Kettles, all of which we will sell low tor cash. aug2Sns3 2teu* ST. LOUIS and IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY'S Seven percent, first Mortgage Bonds. February and August Coupons. The earnings of the completed road to Pilot Knob are now more tban the interest on the entire mortgage. The proceeds of these bonds arc adding to the security every day. Over $5,000.- 000 have been spent on the property, and not ov er $2,000,000 of bonds issued thus far. The con stantly increasing traffic of carrying ore, with the prospect of coutroling all the travel from St. Lou is to the Southern States, insures an enormous revenue. The Directors own 8-10 of the stock for investment, and are interested to enrich the prop erty as well as to economize its expenses. TIIOS. ALLEN, President, St. Louis, Mo. We, the undersigned, cordially recommend these seven per cent, mortgage bonds, of the St. Louts and Iron Mountain Railroad, as a good se curity. The revenue of the road will he large, and the administration of the affairs of the Com pany is in capable and experienced hands, and is entitled to the greatest confidence of the public. JAMES S. THOMAS, Mayor of St. Louis. JOHN J ROE, Pres't St. Louis Chamber of Com merce. E. W. FOX, Pres't St. Louis Board of Trade. BARTON BATES, Pres't North Mo. Railroad. J. 11. BRITTON, Pres't Nao Bank of the State of Mo. WM. L. EWING, Pres't of the Mer. N. B. of St. Louis. GEO. 11. UEA, Pres't Second Nat. Bank of St. Louis. JAS. B. KADS, Chief Eng. St. Louis A 111 Bridge Co. (JEO. W. TAYLOR, Pres't Pacific Railroad (of Mo ) WM TASSIG, Pres't Traders' Bank, St Louis. JOHN R. LIONBEROER, Pres't T. N. Bank, St Louis. ABOLPIIUS MEIER, Vice Pres't U. Pacific Rail way. ROBERT BARTA, Pres't German Savings Insti tution. Coupons pnyable in the city ot New York. A limited number of the above named Bonds for sale at Eighty-five. Parties living out of the city can remit by draft or exprsss, and the bonds will be returned by express free of charges. We in vite the attention of eapitalistsand others to them, as, in our opinion, a very desirable investment, destined to rank as a first-class security. Descrip tive Pamphlets, Maps and information can be had on application to TOW'NSEND, WHELKN A CO., No, 869 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Agents of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain R. R. Co. Philadelphia references : —CAMBRIA IHO.N CO. ; GAW, BACO.N A CO.; THUS. A. DIDDLE A Co. A XB& ALL STYLES AND SHAPES. o>-GET YOURS FOR NOIHINO.^ Any one who sends us an order for Five (5) Ax es, at one dollar and a half each. with the cash, will receive ono extra, for nothing. We will put our Axe alongside of any other make and prove it the best finished and the lar gest steel, measuring two and a half inches. We have made Axes for twenty-two years, and won't yield the palm in shape to any manufac turer, and yet confess that a ''Sucker of Illinois,'' called Cc LBI'KN, beats us in his patent shape. The circular bit and continuous edge makes the same labor produce twice as much effect. We call it Ct)i,burn'S PATENT It E1) J A C lv E T A X E. Any ono who sends us an otder for Five Axes of this shape, at Two ($2) Dollars each, with the cash, will receive one extra for nothing. All responsible Hardware Dealers sell the "LIP PINCOTT AXES.'' Buy from them. But if there should happen to be one so untortunate as not to know us, send the money and we will be sure to please yc u. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole owners of Colburn's Patent AXIL tw* IOAA A YEAR TO AGENTS | M t to sell the Star Shuttle Sewing Machines. Full purticuiar.* free Extra induce ments to experienced Agents. Call on or address W. G. WILSON A CO., Cleveland, 0.; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. _ X%TA NTKD— At ■ENTS. $75 to S2OO \y per month to sell the GENUINE IM PROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWINti MACHINE. Price only $lB. Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Boston, Mass. \\T ANTED.—Salesman to travel f f for a Manufacturing Company and sell by sample. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, with stamp, II D HAMILTON A CO., No. 413 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. V GENTS WANTED. sl7&a month to sell the GENFINK OROIDE HI NTING CASED WATCHES, best imitation gold watches made. Price sls. Great inducements to agents. Address OROIDE WATCH CO.. Boston. Mass. rpo GOOD TRUSTY AGENTS.— 1 We will guaranty SSO per week and expenses. For particulars, address G. W. JACKSON A CO., Baltimore, Md. 4 LL wanting employment can have /\ a good business by addressing DAVIS A BRO., 772 Sansom St., Phila. *anvs Hwnoa 3NO 1,Y3h0 I Hundreds of articles for families at ONE DOLLAR each. New tall Circular now ready. Checks 10 cents each, describing article. Great inducements to Agents STOCKMAN A CO., S4 Water Street, Boston, Mass. IRON HITTERS WiLLen rich the blood and prevent it from becoming watery and weak, and give a florid complexion, restore the appetite and invigorate the system. Perfectly harmless tonic and palatable, and can be taken at all times. The IRON in these Bitters easily enters into the circulation, being in the form of R PYROPHOSPHATE, it is more readily absorbed into the system than any other form of Iron. Pre pared and for sile by WM ELLIS, 12 So. Dela ware Avenue, Philadelphia, and for sale by drug gists generally. I Alt. GEIQER'S ASTHMA BPE- I / CIFIC Is the only pleasant and permanent cure for ASTHMA as is being testified by many grateful patients. REFERENCES Geo. 11. Stuart. Estj , 13 B ink st.. Phila.; Rev. R. W. Weiser, Manchester. Md. One bottle $2; three for $5 CHAS. A. GEIG ER. M D.. Manchester, Carroll county. MJ 1)LOOI). MANHOOD —NOTHING so ) important. Send two stamps for sealed 72 pages on the whole subject. DR. WBITTIKR, confi dential physician. (317 St. Charle* st.. St. Louis, Mo . stands pre-eminently above all others in his speciality. No matter who failed, state your case. Patients treated by mail in every State. PSYCIK )MANCY, or.soul charming. llow cither sex may fascinate and gain the affections of any one they choose, instantly ; also secure prosperity in love or busieess. livery one ean acquire this singular power, 'l'bis queer, ex citing book bus been published by us ten years, the sale of which has been enormous, and is tbe only book of the kind in the English language. Sent by mail for 25 cts., or five for one dollar, to- f ether with a guide to the unmarried. Address . WILLIAM & CO., Book Publishers, Philadel phi a. TAYLOR'S TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH 1$ I T T E 11 S . A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC AND CARMINATIVE U I T T E It S. E X T u A c T E D entirely from Herbs and ROOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, ' . GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, Ac. .SO LI) Everywhere. Depot, No. 413 Market St., Philada. J. K. TAYLOR A CO. sepllGtCjd jtoUt. SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of lfift Horos each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, hack of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore. mineral and timber land 9, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tirn ber lands in West Virginia. Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each. ALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri. 4SO do do Shannon do do 27(1i do do Bollinger do do 80 do do Franklin do lowa. ALSO. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford, 60 by 240 ft , former ly part of the Lyons' estate. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. TTALUABLE LAND FOR SALE \ —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ins valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OP LAND, containing 160 acres eneh, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, ill Champaign county. State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one milo fiom Rcntual Station on said Railroad Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4,000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO— One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the town of Coalmont, Huntingdon countv. Jan 20, 06- F. C. REAMER AAA ACRES OF EXCELLENT 'M M f FARM LAND FOR SALE —ONE TRACT containing 202 ACRES, with good log house and barn thereon ; also a good SAW-MILL, worth a rental of S2OO per annum. About half of this tract is excellent bottom and the balance upland. About 100 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on Dunning's creek, in St Clair tp., adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Andrews and Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will bo sold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. ALSO, one tract containing 183 acres, having a good log house and barn and out buildings there on. About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good stato of cultivation ; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and situate near Pleasantville, in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Bowser. Jacob Beckley and Joseph Smith. ALSO, one tract containing LA7 acres, about 21) acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber; well watered and situate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Beckley, Joseph Smith and Christian Mock. These lands formerly belonged to the estate of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are in a neighbor hood well supplied with schools, churches, stores, Ac. Each of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchasers, and will be offered at private sale until SATURDAY, the 14th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, they will be sold to the highest an-1 best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. F'or further particulars, address personally, or by letter, J. W. DICKERSON, Attorney-at-Law, july3tf Bedford, Pa. RPN E sect JESS _| Or OUR ONE DOLLAR SALE HAS CAUSED srcH A COMPLETE R E V O I- U T ION IN TRADE. That in order to supply tho demand occasioned by our constantly increasing patronage, we have recently made importations for the fail trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $500,000, So that we arc prepared to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. Watches, Albums, Jevrelry, Ac. Of better quality than any other concern in the country for the uniform prices of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. best of Boston and New Y'ork refer ences given as to the reliability of our house, and that our business is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained in any other way. All Goods damaged or broken in transportation replaced without charge. describing articles sold sent to ag- Clubs at rates mentioned below. We. guarantee every article to cost less than if bought at any Boston or New Y'ork wholesale House. Ol'R COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exceed those of every other establishment of tho kind, —proof of this can be found in comparing our premiums with those of others FOR CLUBS or THE SAME SIZE, in addition to which we claim to give better goods of the same character. TO will *er.d to Agents free of charge. FOR A CLUB OF 30 AND THREE DOLLARS —1 doz. good linen Shirt Fronts. 1 set Solid Gold Studs. All Wool Cassimcre for Pants. Fine white Coun terpane. large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or bleached Sheeting, good quality, yard wide I elegant 100 Picture Morocco-bound Photo. Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views, 1 silver plated engraved 5 bottle Castor 1 elegant Silk Fan, with Ivory or Sandal Wood Frame, leathered edge and spangled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and Fork, very best quality ivory balanced handle. 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol • 20 yds. good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover. 1 1 pair best quality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. 1 doz. fioe Linen Towels, i doz. Boger's best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies'large real Morocco Traveling Bag 1 fancy dress pattern, i doz. elegant Silver plated engraved Napkin Kings. 1 doz' Ladies' fine Merinoor Cotton Stock iiigs. Gents' heavy chased solid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladies' high cut Balmoral Boots. 1 elegant Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 violin and Bow. in box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops, and sleeve buttons. FOR A CLI:B OF 50 AND FIVE DOLLARS — 1 black or colored Alpaoea Dress Pattern. 1 sot Laci-1 Curtains. 1 pr all-Wool Blankets. Engraved bii ver plated 6 bottle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful Writing Desk. 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin. 3i yds. very fine Cassimere, for Pants and Vest. 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated Forks. 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and lined with silk. 1 pr. gents '-'alt Boots 30yds. good Print. 30 yds. good brown or bleached sheet ing yard wide or to yds. J yd wide, go d quality. 1 ladies elegant Morocco Traveling bag. 1 square Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress pat tern. 1 j yds. dou. width cloth tor ladies' cloak. Elegant engraved Silver plated Tea Pot. 3 yds. double width water proof cloth foreloaking FOR ACUB or 100 and TEN DOLLARS—I rich Merino or Thibet Dress pattern. 1 pr. tine Damask Table Cloths and Napkins to match. 1 pr. gents French Calf Boots. 1 heavy, silver plated engraved tee Pitcher Very fine all Wool Cloth for Ladies' Cloak. 1 web very best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. 71 yds. fine Cassimere for suit. 1 elegant English Berage Dress pattern, 1 beautiful English Baraga Shawl 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knives and Forks. 1 ladies orgeats, Silver Hunt' ing-case Watcb. 1 Bartlett Hand, Portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family liiblo, steel engravings, with record and photograph pages 25 yds. good Ilemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pr. good Marseilles Quilt. 1 good 6 barrel Revolver 1 elegant fur muff and eapc 1 single barrel Shot Gun. 1 Silver plat ed, engraved, 6 bottled Revolving Castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and Bow, in case, i set Ivory balanced Knives and F'orks. Presents for larger Clubs increase in the same ratio. SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTER. CatalogueofGoodssent to any address FREE. PARKER & CO. Nos. 98 and 100 Sumner St., Boston. w4. rFIHE CHAMPION. 1 HICKOK'S PATENT PORTABLE Keystone Cider and Wine Mill OVER 16,000 IN USE AND APPROVED. This admirable machine is now ready for the fruit harvest of'lß6B, is made in the most perfect manner, with two tubs, and is worthy the atten tion of all persons wanting such a ranehine. It has no superior in the market, and is the only mill that will properly grind grapes. This is the original mill, much improved and the best in tho United States. FOR SALE BY ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS. I also make two sizes of superior Presses for Berries, &v. W 0. lIICKOK, Harrisburg. Pa. HARTLEY' A METZGER sole agents for Bed ford CO., will sell to dealers on liberal terms. A full supply kept at their store in Bedford sep4 m-3 Tj W. GROUSE, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SEGA IIS, TOBACCO, PI PES, And a general assortment of Smokers anil Chew ers' articles. BEDFORD, Pa. jul3l,'6Syl 4 UCTIONEE.It.—'The undersigned t\ having renewed his license as an auctioneer, offers his services to the public generally. Post office address Cumberland Vley. mar2om2* JOHN DICKEN rpERMS for every description of Job _|_ PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for every article we use, we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in the cities &r. \ r OUNG MEN, do you want. Situa tions in Stores, or any other business in the city of New York, if so, you can obtain them by addressing (enclosing stamp) M K. OLINES A CO . aug2Bw4 336 Broadway, New York. A CTIVE AND EFFICIENT A XY OENTS WANTED, in this county for the U X ION MUTUAL LIKE INSUBANUM COM PAX R. Claiming, as this Company does, some advan tages peculiar to itself, Agents are afforded an easy and successful method for securing risks. A liberal commission paid to agents, who must fur nish first-class references. Address, D 8. Glon ingor. MD , General Agent, No. 120 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa aug2rt4w SAVE COSTS!—AII jtcrsons having unsettled accounts on the books of the firm of G. R. A W. Oster are respectfully requested to call at once and settle the same by Cash or Note, otherwise costs will bo added without respect to persons. G. R. A W. OSTER. Bedford Pa. Aug. 14, 1868m3 U r P. SCIIELL, T1 GENERAL AGENT OK THE National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, for Blair, Bedford, Cambria, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. tjjf Reliable and efficient local agents wanted in every town and township. Apply to W. P. SCIIELL, scp4tf. Bedford, Pa. All papers in above counties will publish this notice for two weeks, and send bill to W. P. 8. v ' mCETO TRESPASSERS.- No- N tieeis hereby given, by the undersigned, to all persons, not to trespasson any of their respec tive properties, or any property in their care or possession, by lease or otherwise, by hunting, fishing, pilfering, or in any manner whatever, as (if caught.) they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, without respect to persons. Any person, or persons, caught on any of the above named properties, with gun, dog, game or anything whatever, pertaining to trespass, shall be taken as evidence. Thomas Rose, Sr., Daniel Swartzwelder, Jacob Pennell, John Ponnell, Isaac Blnnkley, P. V. ttedinger, George W. Shaffer, Joseph Morse, B. B. Steckman, H. J. Means, G. W. Means, Jouathan Peril), A.J Stockman & B. F. Penuell, D. Means and John Morris. seplSuoi* SA I.E OF OIL STOCK.—The Board of Directors of the Stump Island Oil Company passed the following resolutions the 7th day of Ju ly, A., D. 1868, viz : Resolved, That an assessment of two cents on each share of the capital stock of the company be made for the purpose of paying the debts of the company ; that the whole amount of said assess ment shall be paid to the Treasurer of the com pany, on or before the 30th day of July, A D., 1808. Notice of said assessment to be given to the S'oekholders through the postoffice, or in any oth er way most convenient and certain. The undersigned, Treasurer of the said company, will offer for sale at public auction at the court house, in Bedford, on the 20th day of Oct., A. D., 1868, at 2 o'clock P.M., a sufficient number of shares of stock to pay the amount of assessments and necessary and incidental charges thereon of all stockholders who have for thirty days follow ing the said 30th day of Jul}', A. D., 1808, neg lected to pay the amount of their assessments. J . H. LONGENECKKK, septlßw3 Treasurer. fTIEAC-HERS' EX A MIN A TIO NS. L The annual examinations of teachers for Bed ford county, will be held as follows : East Providence, liouseholder'sS II .Saturday, Oct. 3; Colerain and Raiusburg, Briik Church, Sat. Oct. 10 ; Southampton, Sat. Oct 17, Adam's S II.; Harrison, Buffalo Mills, Monday, Oct. 10; Londonderry Bridgeport, Tuesday Oct. 20 ; Juni ata, Bueua Vista. Wednesday, Oct. 21 ; Napier and Schellsburg, (Sehellsburg), Thursday, Oct 22; St. Clair, Eight Square, Friday, Oct 23; Union, Moses,' Sat. Oct 21 ; Cumberland Valley, Ccntre ville, Monday, Oct 26; Bedford Bor. and Bedford twp., Bedford, Tuesday Oct. 27 ; Snake Spring, Hartley's, Wednesday, Oct. 2S ; Wesi Providence and Bloody Run, (Bloody Run,) Thursday, Oct 20 ; Monroe, Fletcher s, Friday and Saturday, Oct 30, 31; Hopewell, Dasher's, Monday, Nov 2; Broad Top, Hopewell, Tuesday, Nov. 3; Liberty and Saxton, Stonerstown, Wednesday, Nov. 4 ; Middle Woodbury, and Woodbury Bor., (Wood bury), Thursday, Nov. 5 ; South Woodbury, New Enterprise, Friday, Nov. 6; St. Clairsville, Sat., Nov. 7. SPECIAL examinations, at Bedford, Sat Nov. 14, and Sat. Nov. 21. No other special examinations will be held. All examinations will begin at 9 A. M. Persons who have not taught in the coun ty heretofore, and with whom the Superintendent is not Acquainted, must present certificates of good moral character before they can be examined. Applicants will be examined only in such town ships where they have made application for a school. H. W. FISHER. Co. bup't. Bedford, Sept. 14,'68w4 I BALANCE SHEET Volunteer 5 Fund, Liberty tp., Bedford co. Pa., August 8, isss. Receipts from collectors for past year (Balance slßl 37 oflastyear included.) $1161.24 PAYMENTS. Bond No. 9, John Fulton $354.00 " " 8 J. Shirley 354.00 " " 4 L. Putt 357.86 Three insertions of last bal. sheet in GAZETTE and Inquirer 25.20 David Cyphers col. tax 3.22 Sans'l Bolinger " " 3.00 Henry Kelley " " 3.60 Jno. Fulton treasurer 23.72 Auditors 7.50 $1132.10 Balance in hand 29.14 We, the Auditors of Liberty t vp., have to-day examined the annual statement of John Fulton treasurer of volunteer fund for said township and find it correct. ISAAC KENSINGER, GEO. ROADES, sep4w3 GEO. FLUKE. 4 NNUAL S TATEMENT of Bed !_f ford Township School District aceonnts. for I the school year ending June 1, 1868. It EC El ITS. S Amount of school and building tax for the year, $3280 11 I Amount received for the Bridcham school house, 15 25 : Amount of State appropriation received 175 50 Total of receipts. $3170 86 EXPENDITURES. I Amount paid for building new school house, $748 67 I Amount paid for repairs, 74 47 j Exonerations, 412 72 ] Treasurer's per cent age J96 45 j Teachers' salaries and contingencies, fuel, Ac., 1986 81 Total expenditures $3419 12 Balance on hand ssl 74 ' Attest : OWEN MuGIRK. THOMAS GILCHRIST, Sec'y. President. scpllw2 ■ ... ib j)l(H AS CROESUS" TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT! Un/,re cede n ted Rush for the New CUIESUS S O A P. The washing powers of this Soap are truly mar velous. No person who has ever tried it will do without it. Its recommendations are perfect PURITY', utter HAKMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY. Warranted to contain more washing power to the dollar's worth than any other soap in the market—therefore the CHEAPEST. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, (if used according to directions) or MONEY' RE FUNDED. Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by IHKCKLEY A HALL, (CRCESPS SOAK WORKS,) No. 448 Y'ork Ave., (Old York Road,) Philad'a aug7m6 4 G E X T S W A N T E I). —LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF THE GREAT REBELLION. Containing Thrilling Adventures, Daring Deeds, Startling Ex|sloits, and Marvellous Escapes of Spies, Seouts and De tectives. The Cheapest, most complete and intensely in teresting war book yet published, containiug over 500 pages and numerous engravings. Price only $2.75. Send for circular and terms. Also, Family Quarto Bibles, best edition pub lished. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher. aug2ltnl No. 26 S. Seventh, PhiUa., Pa. FpOBACi c ° A NTIDO TE, L WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, pos sesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. SMOKERS and CHRWKRS for Sixty Years Cured. Price, Fifty Cents post free. A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, Ac., sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low tales at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and eave yeur orders. rpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the _|_ best Adverting Medium n Southern Penn sylvania. ,)X WAGONS FOR SALE AT i KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedferd. (sprHltf.