Jhc Bedford Home and Around. * HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOR R.R. — WIXTER ARRANGEMENT. — TIME TABLE. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.20 p. m , ar- j rivea at Ilunting.lon at 4.35 p. in.; leaves Hunt- , ing lon at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 11 00 a m. Accommodation Train leaves Saxton 7.30 a. m.. and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 5.00 p in., and arrives at Saxton at 7.00 p. m. - CONG RKSSIOXAL CONFERENCE.— The 1 knnocratic Conferees of the lfith Con gressional District, composed of the counties of Adams, Bedford, Franklin, Fulton and Somerset, met at the Bed ford Hotel, in Bedford, on Wednesday, the 26 th ult., to place in nomination a i candidate for Congress. All theeoun- | lies were fully represented as follows: Adams, Samuel Wolf, Abraham Kriseaml Amos Izofever. Bedford, P. G. Morgart, E. F. Kerr and James Sill. Franklin, J. McDowell Sharpe, J. R. Orr and G. W. Brewer. Fulton, Jacob McDonald, J. A. Rob ison and J. R. Donehoo. Somerset, Hiram Findlay, J. B. Rich ardson and Fred. Groff. The conference was organized by the election of Hon. G. W. Brewer as President and J. R. Donehoo and E. F. Kerr, Esqs., as Secretaries. 'J lie following persons were placed in nom ination : Mr. Krise named Win. MoClean, Esq., of Adams. Mr. Morgart named B. F.Meyers,of Bedford. Mr. Orr named Hon. F. M. Kim mell, of Franklin. Mr. Robinson named Geo. A.Smith, Esq., of Pulton. Mr. Findlay named Hon. A. H. Cof froth, of Somerset. The Conference proceeded to ballot and up to the thirty-fourth ballot each candidate received the three votes from his connty. On the thirty-fifth ballot Adams withdrew William Mc ('lean, Esq., and cast her vote for Mey ers. On the forty-sixth ballot Hon. F. M. Kimmell was nominated by the following vote: Kimmell, J votes from Franklin, 3 from Fulton and 2 (Groff and Richardson) from Somerset. Total, s votes. Meyers. 3 votes from Adams, 3 from Bedford and 1 (Find lay; from Somerset. Total, 7 votes. On motion the nomination was made unanimous. A committee consisting of Messrs. Findlay, Brewer, Sill, Krise and Mc- Donald,was appointed to inform Judge Kimmell of his nominaton. The con ference was then addressed by Messrs. Brewer, Kimmell, Meyersand McLean. The committee on resolutions con sisting of Messrs. Orr, Robinson, Groff, Krise and Kerr, report; d as follows : Resolved, That we cordially endorse the administration of Andrew Johnson in its efforts to maintain the Constitu tional authority of the Government a gainst the usurpations and innova tions of a partizan mob, claiming to represent, but misrepresenting, the peo ple of the United States in Congress. IP'so/red, That in the nomination of Horatio Seymour, for Pres't, and F. P. Blair, fur Vice Pres't, we recognize tried statesmen and true patriots, men whose ability is surpassed only by their devotion to their country's best interests, and that the platform of principles adopted by the Democratic National Convention, meets not only with the hearty approval of this con ference, but should meet with the ap proval of every man who desires the prosperity and happiness of his coun try. Resolved, That in placing the Hon. F. M. Kimmell in nomination for con gress, we have selected a candidate of marked ability, of known integrity, and one who, as a member of the list Congress, will bean honor to our dis t riut, and we earnestly urge his claims upon every voter who desires that the malignant and extravagant legislation of the present congress shall cease. Resolved, That the proceeding of this conference be published in the Demo cratic papers of this district. On motion of Hon. Hiram Findlay the conference adjourned. G. W. BREWER, Pres't. .1. R. DONEHOO, > Q * E. F. K ERR, J Secretaries. PERSONAL. —Hon. Richard J. Hal dcinan, the next congressman from the Cumberland district, was in town last week. Col. Ilaltleinan is a staunch Democrat and will be elected by an o vcrwheluiing majority, as he deserves to lie. J. J. Hoffman, Esq., editor of the Somerset Democrat, paid our sanctum a visit ti few days ago. Mr. Hoffman is doing yeoman service for the cause of Democracy through his ably conduc ted paper. J. R. Donehoo, Esq., editor of the Fulton lit nun-rat, was here as a con feree. Through the management of its present editors the Derntvrat has been greatly improved in every respect, and is doing good work in "little Ful t m." Col. Taylor, State Senator from the Beaver district, was in town on Mon day. The Colonel is a good fellow, •barring his politics, which are not so good. HON. W. McLean, who was present ed by the gallant Democracy of Ad am-;, as their choice for Congress, spent some time with his friends in this place last week. Mr. McLean is a lawyer of ability and is one of the rising men of this congressional district. No ADJOURNED COURT. —The jur ors summoned for the adjourned Court on the 2d Monday, 11 Sept., next, at Bedford, are notified that they need not attend, the list of causes having been continued by counsel, which ac tion has been approved by the Court. \v2 O. E. SHANNON, Proth'y. For the best, cheajiest, and most fash ionable bats in town, go toG. R. Oster & Co's. 1 F any of our readers should chance to go to Gettysburg, we advise them to stop with ex-sheriff Wolf, proprietor of tiie Globe inn, on York street. The Sheriff is a wholesouled, genial gen tleman, and "knows how to keep a ho tel." Just the thing for everybody—the Mason Rump. For Sale by Rohm A Shuck. See adv't. BRYAN'S CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE. —This extensive and celebrated estab lishment is announced to exhibit in this place, on Thursday, Sept. 10th, (Court week) in the afternoon and night, on : the lots where the Fair was held last ! year. Jt is represented by our ex changes as being one of the very best circuses now traveling, and one that fulfills all the promises made in the ad vertisements. The Menagerie depart ment is said to contain the largest, best varied and most valuable collection of beasts and birds ever concentrated in one establishment, and the Circus de partment has been so ananged that none but first-class artistes have been employed in the exhibitions in the ring. This is no "broken down" circus establishment, but one that has been recently fitted up regardless of labur or expense. Wherever it lias been on ex hibition its immense canvass has been crowded to overflowing. A grand pageant will be given everyday at 10 o'clock, A. M., which is described as the most effectual parade ever given as a gratuity. The doors open one hour and a half before the circus perform ance begins, in order to give the people time to see the Birds and Beasts, which department boasts of twenty dens of objects, independent of those which are led over the road. On the whole, this show promises to be a rare treat to all lovers of nature, art and amuse ment. Exhibitions will be given at the following places, next week Somerset, Tuesday, Sept. S. Stoystown, Wednesday, Sept.o. Bedford, Thursday, Sept. 10. Bloody Run, Friday, Sept. 11. TIIE beat chewing tobacco, of all kinds, and the largest assortment of cigars, pipes, and smoking tobacco, to be had in Bedford, at Dan Grouse's. "Go for him." MAN'S first duty is to himself. There are accidents which no foresight can a void. Every one's experience remem bers some lusty, much enduring man stricken down as though by a pestilence, Disease flies in the air. Typhus creeps from every sewer. Prince Albert was swept from the most luxurious throne of Europe by the miasma of a neglec ted drain. Science, art, medicine, are every day arrested by the cold and bit ter hand of death. No man who val ues his life, or rather, those to whom his life is all in all, should hesitate to provide against ever-present danger by taking a policy from some good Life Insurance Company. Here is one brought to us by Mr Jay Cooke, the great financier of the rebellion, mana ged by men of national reputation for honor and sagacity; with an enormous capital, and arranged on the most liber al and thoughtful basis. It is a nation al Company. The rates of premium are low. All policies are non-forfeit ing, and all premiums are returned at death. We commend this company es pecially to our readers, the same time wyins'iimt wnn sucn an opportunity presented to a father of a family, there is no excuse for his delaying a day in covering his life with a good policy of insurance. N E\V STO R E ROOM . —O ur en te r prising friend, D. It. Anderson, Esq., of Cen tervilie, has lately erected a fine two story building, in which he has fitted up one of the largest and finest store rooms in the county. The room is 50 feet long by 20 wide, and is filled wit h the largest and best stock of all kindsof goods, usually kept In a country store, ever brought to that section of the county. By selling as cheap as the cheapest and paying strict attention to the wants of his customers, he expects to merit and receive a liberal patron age from thecommunity among which he has shown such a spirit of enter prise. Success to him. NEED EVERY VOTE.— A friend lias gliown us a letter from a "Republican" in Bingham's district in which tlie writer says:—"l now think we may need every vote in this—Bingham's— district." This shows how the Radi cal' are frightened at the political pros pect in Ohio, and wejl they may be, for the Democrats will carry that State just assure as the election takes place. Wanted, everybody to know that G. It. Oster & (Jo. are now selling off sum mer goods at cost, to make room for fall stock; assortment still good, but selling off rapidly. NEW CHURCH.—' The Catholics are a bout erecting a new church on the cor ner of Main and Richard streets. The work is to be pushed right along, and the building is to be under roof this season yet. The site is well chosen, and the erection of a tine church build ing will add much to the appearance of that part of our town. Gentlemen, buy your shirts,collars, cuffs, and furnishing goods atG. R. Os ter & Co's. — NOT SUCH BAD FELLOWS AFTER ALE. —There was quite an intlux of ed itors in our town last week. We have made particular inquiries, and so far sis we are able to learn, there has been nothing missed since their departure. Vet some folks will insist that editors are bad people. It is clearly a mistake. TRY Grouse's cigars—everybody buys 'em —g fur sc, 2 for sc, and yarns 10c. GOING UP.— The erection of the E piscopal church at the corner of Rich ard and John Streets, is progressing finely and promises to be one of the neatest and most substantial buildings in thi- place. Presidential Campaign Capes, Caps, Ac., Ac. Advertisement in this issue, by Philip Ilill, Philadelphia. Call at S. Shuck's New Store Room and examine the Mason Pump, far mers. The greatest wonder of the age- Mason's Nou-Freezing Force Pump. See adv't. The best of boots and shoes are to be had of Irvine, the Regulator. Don't forget that Berkstressers' is the place to get best ready-made clothing. mtmmsi A PIANO OB ORGAN.— Which Ghall I buy? Suit your taste, consult your pocket, and also the size of your room. For many years the piano has had the monopoly, but latterly, the AMERICAN ORGANS, manufactured by S. D. A H. W. Smith, Boston, have been steadily growing in favor. We recently visited their immense factory, and explored it from the dry-room, where the stock is seasoned in a temperature of 125 de grees to the finishing department and ware-rooms, where the instru ments are exhibited by a skilful musician. Notwithstanding the facil ities for finishing a hundred per week, the demand has outrun the supply. These Organs may be purchased from j SIOO to $1,300, according to size and style. Their action, tone, tempera ment, voicing and general workman ship, are such as constitute all that lov ers of music can desire. Their com pactness, portablenessand beauty of fin ish, make them a desirable article for every home.— (putney Patriot. TAKE NOTlCE.— Persons wishing to purchase S. S. Mason's Double Acting Nor.-Freezing Force Pump, will please call at S. Shuck's New Store Room, during Court week, and leave their orders with Messrs. Rohm & Shuck.— These gentlemen have for sale Somer set, Bedford, Blair, Centre, Hunting don, Fulton, Franklin and Perry coun ties for this Pump, Good deeds given for fifteen years from date. See adv't in another column. A golden opportunity is now offered to buy remnants of delaines, calicoes, ne Dollar. Every 1 'rug gist sells it. aug2Bml. When the smoke rises And gets in my eyeses, I think of you, dearest, And O, how I cryses. Go toCrouse's Resort and buy a few ; of his incomparable cigars. One of the few things that the North and South will probably ever fully a gree upon is that "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" is not only the best preventive of the hair falling out, but also the finest dressing ever before the public. It richly deserves the "Silver Medal" awarded by the New llainp sn ire ."slate T'air. — Jfuouqne mm *. Farmers and mechanics, you may save your property from being destroy i ed by fire, by buying the Mason Pump. Leave your orders with Itohm A Shuck. ' See adv't. Look, read and remember that G. R. | Oster & Co. always keep the largest | and best assortment of boots and shoes i in town. COARSE people use coarse perfumery, and vice versa , it is safe to set down a lady who uses that spiritual perfume, PHALOX'S "FLOR DE MAYO," AS a person of taste and sensibilty—perhaps a poetess, or a fine musician. Sold by al! druggists. Hats that men and boys sigh for, Hats that even babies cry for, At G. R. Oster A Co's. A SHAW AND CLARK $25 Sewing Machine (in good order) for sale. En quire at this office. ju!3tf. MA lill I h i). DETWEILER—HOLSINGER—On the 25th of August, in Martinsburg, Blair co . by the Rev. P. Slieeler, Mr. Moses 11. Detwiler of the borough of Womlbury and Miss Nancy 11 ulaingcr of n<;ar Bloouifiebl Furnace, both of Bedford co Pa. FEATHER—SHROEDER—On the 2.; d nit., at the Bedford Hotel, by the Rev. H. Heckertuan, Mr. Samuel Feather, of Colerain tp., tu Miss Ju liana Shroeder or St. Clair tp DIED. McVTCKER —In Des Moins, lowa, Aug. 2d, Frank A., only son of Geo. A. and Delia MeVicker, aged fi months and 7 days. # civ 3uU*crtiscmcnts. AY EE'S SARSAPA RI 1,1,A, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Tho reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, havo been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders, which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were paintully afflictiog, have been radical ly cured in such great numbers in almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one ot tho most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution. and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favora ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of its hideous terms, either on the surtace or among the vitals. In the latter, tnbercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tainors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by e ruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on s unc part ot the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Snrsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this Sarsaparilla : St. Anthony s Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other erup tions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, Heart Disease, Fits. Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Disoasosare cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies bv any medi cine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint Loucorrhoea or Wsites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Ft-malo Diseases, are commonly soon relieved nnd ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Di rections for each case arc found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulatious of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Com plaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as they of ten do, from the rankling poisons in tho blood. This SAUSAPAIULLA IS a great restorer for tho strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY DR J. 0. AYER A CO., Lowell, Massachusetts. Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE scp4jl B. F HARRY, Agent riMIE SUCCESS f Op OUR ONE DOLLAR SALE HAS CAUSED SI on A COMPLETE ItEVOL U T I O N IN TRADE. That in order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly increasing patronage, we have recently made importations for the fall trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $500,000, So that we are prepared to sell every description of Drv and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated "Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Albums, Jewelry, Ac. Of better quality than any other concern in the country for the uniform prices of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. FgpThc best of Boston an I Mew York refer ences given as to the reliability of our house, and that our business is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained in any other way. All* Goods damaged or broken in transportation replaced without charge. describing articles sold sent to ag ents in Clubs at rates mentioned beloiv. We guarantee every article to cost less than if bought at any Boston or New York wholesale House. OUR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exeeed tboge of every other establishment of the kind, —proof of this can be found in comparing our premiums with those of others FOB CLUBS OF TIIE SAME SIZE, in addition to which we claim to give better goods of the same character. IF? tmil send to Agents free, of charge. FOR A CLUB OF 39 AND TURKU DOLLARS— I doz. good linen Shirt Fronts. 1 set Solid Gold Studs. All Wool Cassimere for Pants. Fine white Coun terpane, large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or blenched Sheeting, good quality, yard wide, 1 elegant 100 Picture Morocco-bound Photo. Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views, 1 silver plated engraved 5 bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk Fan, with Ivory orSandal Wood Frame, feathered edge and spangled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and Fork, very best quality ivory balanced handle. 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol-20 yds. good Print. I very fine Dauiask Table Cover. 1 1 pair best quality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. I doz. fine Linea Towels. 4 doz. Roger's best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies' large real Morocco Traveling Rag. I fancy dress pattern. i doz. elegant Silver plated engraved Napkin j Rings. 1 doz' Ladies' fine Merino or Cotton Stock ings Gents' heavy chased solid Gold Ring 1 pr. i | Ladigs' high cut Balmoral Boots. I elegant Delaine j Dress Pattern. 1 violin and Bow. in box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops, and sleeve buttons. FOR A CLUB OF 50 AND FIVE DOLLARS— 1 black or colored Alpaces Dress Pattern. I set Laced Curtains. 1 pr. all Wool Blankets Engraved Sil ver plated 6 bottle Revolving Castor, i beautiful i Writing Desk. 1 solid Gold Searf Pin. 34 yds. | very fine Cassimere, for Punts and Vest. 1 set : Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated ! | Forks. I elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded I and lined with silk. 1 pr gents Call Boots. 30yds. 1 good Print.. 30 yds. good brown or bleached tsheet- I ing yard wide or 40 yds. * yd. wide, go„d quality, i 1 ladies' elegant Morocco Traveling bag. 1 square ; Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress pat- 1 ! tern. ]}yds, dou. width cloth for ladies' cloak. : Elegant engraved Silver plated Tea Pot. 3 yds. double width water proof cloth fur cloaking. | FOR A CLUB OF 100 and TEN DOLLARS— I rich Merino or Thibet Dress pattern. 1 pr. fine Damask Table Cloths and Napkins to match. 1 pr gents French Calf Boots. 1 heavy, silver plated engraved Ice Pitcher Very fine all Wool Cloth for Ladies' Cloak. 1 web very best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. 74 yds. fine Cassimere for suit ! elegant English Berage Dress pattern, 1 beautiful English Barage Shawl. 1 set Ivory balanced handle KDives and Forks. 1 ladies or gents, Silver Hunt' ing-case Watch. 1 Bartlett Hand, Portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family Bible, steel engravings, with record and photograph pages 25 yds. good ! Hemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pr. good Marseilles Quilt. 1 good 6 barrel Revolver 1 elegant fur mull and cape 1 single barrel Shot Gun. 1 Silver plat ed, engraved, 6 bottled Revolving Castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and Bow, in case. 1 set Ivory balanced Knives und Forks. Presents for larger Clubs increase in the same ratio. SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTER. 1 Cataioguo of Goods sent to any address FREE. PARKER & CO. Nos 9S and 100 Sumner St., Boston. scp4w4. BALA NC E SHEET VoI ull teer Fund, Liberty tp., Bedford eo. Pa., August 8, 1868. ! Receipts from collectors for past year (Balance SHI 37 of last year included.) $1161.24 PAYMENTS 1 Bond N- . 9, John Fulton $154 0(1 " " 8 J.Shirley 354.00 " " 4 L. Putt 357.86 j Three insertions of last bal. sheet iDtIMKr.. 25 20 l David Cyphers col. tax 3.22 ) Saia'l Bohnger '• '• 3.00 | Henry Kclley " " 3.60 i Jno. Fulton treasurer 23.72 | Auditors 7.50 $1132.10 Balance in hand 29.14 j We, the Auditors of Liberty twp , have to-day I examined the annual statement of John Fulton treasurer of volunteer fund for said township and ! find it correct. ISAAC KENSINGER, GEO. ROADES, scplwl GEO. FLI'KK. jf) RES ID E NTIA L CAMPAIGN CAPES and CAPS, 186 S. Manufactured by PHILIP HILL, No. 204 CHURCH street, Philadelphia. N. B —Presidential Campaign Torches, 25, 28, j 30, 35 and $lO per hundred. Send for engravings and price list. sep3W 4 WK A li ]•: C O M I N G, AND WILL PRESENT TO ANY PERSON Sending us a Club in our Orent One Dollar Sale of Dry & Fancy <} O O D S, A WATCH, piece of SHEET IN U, SILK DRESS PATTERN, *.. Ac., FREE OF C O S T. Our inducements during the past few years have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES OF PREMIUMS. Our'friend* trill readily uutire our Preituti for 30 ami 60 are nose more than (squat in value to Clubs of 60 and 100 re spectively of other firms. J jpPLEASE EXAMINE .APJ Any person ordering either of the Clubs men | tinned below, can have their selections of preini i urns enumerated, corresponding with thfc size of the Club. FR E E O F ONE DOL LA R ! FOR A CLUB OP .'ill, ($3). --One of the following 1 articles, viz • Delaine dress pattern ; fancy col ored bed spread ; 100 view Turkey morocco al bum ; 20 yards sheeting; striped castimere de laine dress pattern ; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl ; set solid gold bosom studs; all wixil fancy cashmere par.ts and vest pattern ; gent's hair guard coain, gold trimmings; silver plated chased butter dish ; silver plated 5 bottle revolving castor, on feet; set superior steeled bladed knives and forks; worsted promenade shawl; ladies'long gold plated chain ; ladies' double gold ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring; solid black walnut work box or writing desk ; extra quality balmoral skirt; set jewelry sleeve buttons to match ; violin and bow ; gents' cardigan jacket , splendid ebony I) flute, ivory trimmings; superior Turkey morocco shopping bag; ladies' high cut balmoral boots. Fou A CLUB OP fit), (s6.)— One of the following articles, viz : Black or colored alpaca dress pat tern ; poplin dress pattern ; one piece of bleoened or brown sheeting ; engraved silver plated 6 bot tle revolving castor; .'1 1-2 yards superior cash mere for pants and vest pattern ; extra heavy honey comb quilt; two fancy colored bed spreads ; pair gent's calf boots ; 4 yds fanners' go>d wool frocking fancy cashmere plaid dress pattern ; best quality balmoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm clock; ladies' all wool cloak pattern; silver pla ted cake or card basket; fur mutf or capo ; ladies' fashionable wool doable shawl ; splendid clasped family Bible, 9x12, record page and engravings; 3 yds. double width water proof cloaking; set ivory handle knives, with silver plated forks; one set FOR A CLL B or 100, (SIO) —One of the following articles, viz: 1 yds. double width cloaking or coating ; 2 large, fine, bleached linen table covers, with one doz large sized dinner napkins to match; twenty-five yards splendid hemp carpeting, good colors ; extra quantity black or alpaca dress pat terns; extra quality poplin dross patterns; one large piece superior quality extra width shooting ; pair gents'calf boots, best quality ; silver hunt ing-cased patent lever watch ; one dozen ivory hnmlled steel bladed knives and forks; silver pla ted engraved 6 bottle revolving castor, with cut glass bottles; splendid violin, box aud bow, com plete; single barrel shot-gun ; Bacon's six-barrel revolver, pair superior white wool blankets; nioo fur muff and eape; silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salver; seven an J one half yards all wool fancy cassimere, for suit, one dozen Rogers' best silver plated forks; common sense sewing and embroidering machine; two heavy honey comb quilts; spluudid iauiily Bible, record and photograph page. For larger Clubs the value increases in the same ratio. Catalogue of Hoods and Sample sent to any ad dress free. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to ALLEN, IIA WES A CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cut-. lery, Plated Ware, Albams, Leather Goods, Ae., Ac. jul3!vvl | P A II uMI: N, What a wonder That the doors Are open wide; Ever since the First of August Thousands have Pain Paint applied. Those who lie. Or call it humbng, Are the doctors, Not acquaint; F'or they always Have been jealous When their patients Use Pain Paint. Pile up facts As high as mountains, F'lash the truth Before their eyes, But the cry Is always humbug, Men of science Full of lies. People know that liniments composed of Cay enne pepper, turpentine, hartshorn, ether, Ac., will produce inflammation and pain To purchase such trash to stop Pain and Inflammation is ridicu lous. Fire will not stop heut; a dumb brute shuns the heat, and knows enough to wade in a pond of water, when wounded, to reduce, cool, and cure Inflammation and Fever. Pimps and gamblers try to look honest, but folks can read the face too plainly. Some try to j persuade the ignorant that pills, physic, Ac., cleanse the blood, purge the system, and do a hundred other things equally absurd. Every body knows that it is false, and that no medicine can purify or increase a drop of blood. Food makes blood, bone, and muscle, and is the Staff of Life. Every dose of medicine swallowed is reject ed, and hurried out of the system as quick as pos sible. It is au enemy ; yea, n deadly foe. Con stipation, ill health, and weakness, are the result of dosing, dosing, dosing the stomach.—The living system has enough to do without working herself to death in expelling and kicking out the perni cious nostrums poured down the throat. Food she welcomes when she needs it; yea, asks for it. Let pill makers and physic venders stop eating food, and see how long they can subsist on their blood-purifying, invigorating, health-giving med icine? and cordials. What humbug is more trans parent ' A dog would feel so insulted if offered a dose, he would curl his tail downward in scorn, and run away in utter disgust. All physical pain arises from inflammation. Put out the tire and you stop pain absolutely. You can stop pain as easy as you can quench tire with water. WOLCOTT S PAIN PAINT sutdues inflammation, heat, and fe ver one hundred times faster than ice. Thousands have hnd a practical test of its merits at the very moment ot'most extreme pain and they can testi fy that it has not failed in doing its work. It is simple ;it is harmless, it has no stain ; it gives no smart; it is for sale by Druggists everywhere; and it is tested free of cost at 170 CHATHAM SQUARE, N. Y., and 822 Arch Street, Philadelphia My wife had an ulcer on her leg for thirteen years, caused by varicose veins, ulceration extend ing from her ankle to her knee, some plaees eating away to the bone. I have employed over twenty physicians at vast expense during this period. But all attempts at cure proved utterly abortive 1 until I tried Dr Wolcott's Pain Paint, which the ! doctors told mo was a humbug But humbug or not, it has done the work completely iu less than one month, removing the pain at the first applica tion. I kept her leg wet with Pain Paint con stantly until healed I wish we had more hum bugs as uselul as Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paint. lam well known in this city any person who wants to make further inquiry will call at 101 West Street, New Y'ork. at the Hanover House, of which I am the proprietor, and I think I can satisfy them as to the benefit derived by the use of Pain Paint. May 12, 1388. PETER MINCK. I am selling Wolcott's Pain Paint and Annihila ! tor. and it certainly gives satisfaction to my cus- I tomers. D. F. COLES, Druggist, Ilahway, N J. I am selling more of Wolcott's Pain Paint, than j any other Patent Medicine. C. N.CRITTENTON, Wholesale Druggist, No 7 Bth Ave., N. V . I sell more of Wolcott's Paiu Paint than all the other patent medicines imbined, and I keep a full supply of all that have any demand, VALENTINE 11 A.MM ANN, Druggist. - No. 11. 7th Avenue. New York. IKJENBED BY THE j UNITED STATES AUTHORITY. NEW ENGLAND PWVNBIiOKHR'H JOINT STOCK OF UNREDEEMED GOODS, CONSISTING OF ( SILKS, SHAWLS, I>ItESS HOODS, Linen Hoods, LR'V Hoods, Cottons, S Fancy Goods, Albums, Dibits, Sil ver Plated Ware, Watches, Cutlery, Sewing Machines. Ac., Ac. To be sold at ONE DOLLAR EACH, without re ; gard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive. i STOCK VALUED A T $200,000, SALESROOM. 30 Hanofer-st., Boston. | The most popular, reliable, prompt and busincss like concern of the kind. The best of Boston ref ! erences furnished on application. By patronis i ing this sale you have a chance to exchange your j goods with a large variety to select from TERMS TO AGENTS. —We believe our Terms to 1 Agents are superior to those offered by any other ; house. Take Particular Notice Of This: Our | Agents are not required to pay one dollar for j their presents, as in all other concerns. Certificates giving a complete description of articles that wi'l be sold for one dollar each, will bo sold at the following rates : TEX FOR 31; THIRTY (with present) FOE 3-1; SIXTY (with pre sent) $8; ONE HI NDKEO .with present) 310. And same rate for larger clubs. LOOK at THIS CM \NOE to get a Silk Dress, Sew ing Machine, Gold Watch, or some other good articles of equal value, with but very little trouble and no expense to the Agents. F'OR A CLUB op THIRTY, we will give the person sending it the choice of the following articles : Prints Dress Pattern, Worsted Breakfast Shawl, White Linen Tablecloth, Embossed Table Spread, Sat of steal-blsded Knives and Forks, Set of Sil ver-plated Forks, Elegant Engraved Silver-plated Gold-lined Goblet, Violin and Bow, Fancy Dress | Pattern. Pair Ladies' Extra quality Cloth Boots, : Elegant Beaded Silk Parasol, One-llundre 1-Pic. j ture Morocce Photograph Album, Elegant Irory- I handled Spangled Silk Fan, One dozen large sized i Linen Towels, Ladies' Morocco Shopping Bag, Al hambra Quilt, F'ancy Balmoral Skirt. Ladies' solid j Gold California Diamond Ring, Gent's Plain or \ Engraved Gold Ring. (16 carats fine.) Ladies' | Solid Black Walnut Writing Desk, L i lies' F'ancy i Black Walnut Workbox, or a Cottage Clock, j F'or A Club Of Sixty, one of the following arti cles : Fancy Cashmere Dress Pattern, Three yards double width Water Proof Cloukiftg. Thibet shawl, ' Four yards Wool Frocking. Set of Laco Curtains, Ladies' double Wool Shawl. Silver-plated Card i Basket, Splendid Engraved Silver-plated Ice ! Pitcher, Engraved Silver-plated Tea Pot, One- I Hundred-Picture Turkoy Morocco Photograph j Album, Lancaster Quilt, Fancy plad Wool Shawl, j Twenty-five yds. Sheeting, A1 pace a Dress Pattern, j Engraved SHver-plated six bottle Revolving : Castor, Pair Gent's Calf Boots. Harris Cloth Pants : and Vest Pattern, Splendid Balmoral Skirt. Set of Ivory-handle Knives with Silver-plated F'orks. Pair of all Wool Blankets. Rosewood-frame Brass Alarm Clock, Splendid beaded and lined Silk Par asol. Lalies' splendid Morocco Traveling Bag, Thirty yards Print, or a Marseilles Qailt. F'OR A CLI BOF OX E 11 I NNRED, Splendid Engrav ed Silver-plated Tea Set, three prices (Sugar Bowl,) Tea Pot and Creamer,) Silver-plated Cake Basket, F'aucy plaid Wool Long Shawl. Twenty five yds. llemp Carpeting, Splendid Violin and I Bow, English Borage Shawl, F'orty-fivc yards I Sheeting. Splendid Alpacca Dress Pattern. Silver Hunting Case Watch, Splendid Family Bible with elegant Steel Engravings and Family Record and Photograph Page, Poplin Dress Pattern. Engrav ed Silver plated Ice Pitcher, Splendid Reaver Cloth Pattern, and Vest Pattern extra quality, Splendid Accordeuu Music Box, One pair fine Damask Table Covers with One Dozen Diuner Napkins to match. PRESENTS FOR LARGE CLUBS IN PROPOR TION. This is no Humbug Lottery Gift Enterprises or Sale of Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square Sale of Unredeemed Goods. Our Goods are New and not Second Handed. And we guarantee more for the money invested ; than can be bought at any wholesale store in the ! country. Agents wiil please take notice of this. Do not send names, but number your clubs from one up wards. Make your letters short, and plain as possible. Be sure and send money amounting to 35.00 or more by Registered Letters (-vhich ean be sent ! from any office), P. O. Money Order, or Express; j for when sent in this way you run no risk of los ing it whatever, Small amounts may be sent by I mail, but be sure and put them iu the office your self. 117 cannot be responsible for Money tost un less some precautions are taken to insure its safety. Send your address in fall, Town, County and State. All Certificates arc good until redeemed. S. 0. TUOMPSON A CO., No. 80 Hanover-St., Boston. Send for Circulars ju'.3lw4 / 1 RANT AND COLFAX. It AGENTS WANTED for J. T Deadly s Life of Grant. Now ready, a Life of Colfax, with n Steel Portrait. Price, 25 e. Given with every copy of Grant. The Nati.mal lland-Book of Facta And Figures, just issued, is the Book for the Times. Sent for $1 50. TREAT & C Publishers, 650 Broadway New York ju!3lw4 rpo Ii AC C O ANTID OT E, WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy is an excellent appetiser. Il purifies the blood, invigorates the system, pos sesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the hearties! food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. SMOKERS and CHEWERS for Sixty Years Cured. Price, Fifty Cents, post free. A treatiso on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, Ac., seut free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. it* ABBOTT, Jersey City, N J. £totircs, tit. \roiTNG MEN, do you want Situa- j tions in Stores, or any other business in the city of New York, if so. you can obtain them by addressing (enclosing stamp) M K GLINES A CO . aug2Sw4 336 Broadway, New York. A FTiVE AND EFFICIENT A- J\ GENTS WANTED, in this county for the Usios MCTI AL LIKE IXSPRASCK COSIPA.N r. Claiming, as this Company docs, some advan tages peculiar to itself, Agents are afforded an easy and successful method for securing risks. A liberal commission paid to agents, wlu must fur nish first-class references. Address. D S. Gloc inger. M. D , General Agent, No. 129 South 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa aug2B4w SAVE 008TS!—All persons having _ unsettled accounts on the books of the firm of G. R. A W. Oster arc respectfully requested to call at once and settle the same by Cash or Note, otherwise costs will be added without respect to persons. G. R. A \V. OSTER. Bedford Pa. Aug. 14. 1865m3 DIVIDEND.— The Manners of the Bedford and Stoystown turnpike road com pany have declared a dividend of one-half per cent., payable on demand. aug2l'6Bw3 A. E. SCHELL, Sec'y I) UILDERB and CONTRACTORS! J TAKE NOTICE ! Sealed ptonesals for the erection of the Bedford county Poor House will bf received at the office of the county eemmissioners in Bedford, until SATURDAi, THE 15TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, NEXT. when the contract will be awarded, to the lowest and best bidder. The Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all of the bids. The building to be erected upon the present Poor House property, to be two stories and a base ment in bight, large enough to accommodate one hundred and twenty paupers, and to be comple ted. and ready for use, on, or before, the Ist day of October, 1869. The Commissioners will furnish the bricks All the labor, and all other materials must be supplied by the contractor. The plan, with detailed specifications, can be seen at the commissioners'office, on, or any day after the 2tst inst. The plan and specifications will be made part of the contract, and the contractor will be held to a strict compliance therewith All proposals should be addressed to Jno. G. Fisher, Commis sioners' clerk, Bedford. Pa. MICHAELS RITCHEY, DAVID lIOWSARE, PETER M. BARTON, jul 17m2 Commissioners. A Q'E N T s W A N 'l' I: I>• j A-LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF THE I GREAT REBELLION. Containing Thrilling I Adventures, Daring Deeds, Startling Exploits, j and Marvellous Escapes of Spies, Scouts and De tectives. The Cheapest, most complete and intensely in teresting war book yet published, containing over 500 pages and numerous engravings. Price only $2.75. Send for circular and terras. Also, Family Qnarto Bibles, best edition pub : lished. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher, aug2luii No. 26 S. Seventh, Phil'a.. Pa. rpilE HOUSEHOLD GAS Machine ! : FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FAC TORIES. CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS ! Generates Gas without Fire or Heat ! The simplicity and ease by which this Machine is managed, as alio its economy and great merit, recommends it to public favor. Call and see ma chine in operation at the store ! Manufacturer and Sole Agent, DAVID JONES, TIN FURNISHING STOKE, No 733 GREEN ST., PHILADELPHIA. [ jjt-Send for illustrated Circular. aug2lm3 4 GENTS WANTED For the !Stan- J\_ dard and Official Lives of SKYMOPR and BLAIR. A book for every library and a work of extraordinary interest and rare historical va'ue. No Patriot can do without it or have a just under standingof the issues before thecountry, without reading it. Endorsed by the leading Democrats and Conservatives of the Union. The claims of the Democratic candidates to the suffrages of the people are so forcibly portrayed and clearly shown in this volume, that no friend of constitu tional liberty should fail to read it. Agents in all parts of the country arc finding this great stan dard work the best opportunity to rnako money ever offered, as its large size, low price, and great popularity have made a positive demand which canvassers only have to supply. Send tor circulars, andseeour liberal terms and a lull de scription of the greatest subscription book of the times. Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome Street, a ug2 l w.l NEW YORK. j O7 jg PRESIDENTIAL. CON rffif. FLAGS, BANNERS, TR ANS PAKE AX* IES And LANTERNS, Campaign Badges, Medals and Pins, OF BOTII CANDIDATES. Ten different styles sent on rceeipt of One Dollar and Fifty Cents Agents wanted everywhere. Flag? in Muslin, Bunting and Silk, all sizes, wholesale and retail. Political Clubs fitted out with everything they may require. Call on or address W. F. sen BIBLE, No. 40 South Third Street, aug2!m2 Piut.APßl.Piti A. X\TI L LOUGHBY'S PATENT } } GUM SPRING GRAIN DRlLL—Chal lenges competition. Is tbo only drill that will sow regularly. Has no pins to break and can be used on rocky and stumpy fields and on tho hill side with the same advantage as on the lei i ground. As the supply is limited and the dt mand greater than ever engage what you want soon of HARTLEY A METZGER, the only au thorized agents for this part of Penn'a. jul'Utf KEYSTONE cider MILES— Best in the market, Separators, Horse Pow ers, Feed Cutters, Com Sbcllers. and all kinds of latest improved Farm Implements. THIMBLE SKEINS and a full assortment of Carriage bolts, Clips, Hobs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Bands. Axles, Springs Ac., at manufactur er's prices. Shoe findings and all kinds of leather A com plete stock of builders' Hardware, Barn Door Hangers, Hinges, Oils., Paints, Iron, Nails. Brass Kettle?. Apple Purer.-, Water Pipe and every thing else needed in the Uarware line, including the celebrated Chamber-burg Cook Stove, all of which we now sell at eastern prices, for cash. HARTLEY A MKT/.GER, Sign of the Red Pad Lock- QTOVES! STuVKS! B. M BLYMYER A CO. have added to their large assortment of Stoves several improved Paterns. SPEAR'S improved Anti-dust COOKING STOVE is one ot the greatest inventions of the age. SPEAR'S Revolving Light Anti-dust PARLOR STOVE, which is a perpetual burner, and is war ranted to need replenishing with coal but onca a day, and after once being filled will burn 24 hour?. Also, Agents for Spear's Parlor and fire-place stoves. We have also the Oriental Parlor and Heating Stoves, which has given universal satisfaction In addition to the above we have in store tho celebrated Wellington, Prince Royal, Oriental, Noble and other Paterns of Cooking Stoves. We have a fine assortment of Tin. Copper and Sheet-iron ware. Brass and Porcelain Kettles, all of which we will sell low lor cash. nug2Stn3 64 RICH AS CftOESUS " TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ' Unpre cedented Rush for the Nero CRIESUS S O A P. The washing powers of this Soap are truly mar velous. No person who has ever tried it will do without it. Its recommendations are perfect PURITY, utter HARMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY. Warranted to contain more washing power to tho dollar's worth than an/ other soap in the market—therefore the CHEAPEST. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, (if used according to directions) or MONEY' RE FUNDED. Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by lICKCKLEY A HALL, (CRLKSUS SOAP WORKS,) No. 448 York Ave,, (Old York Road,) Philad'a aug7ui6 _ 1 > 11. SIDES' MARBLE WORKS. JLY. R. 11. SIPES still continues the maou factary of -Monuments, Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun ty, Pa., and having on hand a well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to fiH all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workmanlike style, and on the most reasonable terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to all parts of this and adjoining counties without ex tra charge. aprl9, 88yl ,§aUs. TjtOß SALE OB TIIADE. 2 tracts. of 160 acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire. two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Pulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim bcr lands in West Virginia. Also—32H acres of land in Woodbury CO , lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each. ALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri 480 do do Shannon do do 270 Jdo do Bollinger do do 80 do do Franklin do lowa. ALSO. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford, 60 by 210 It , former ly part of the Lyons' estate. 0 E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. \T ALUAIJLE land for hale —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing G>o sores each, aituated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile ftom Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4,000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO — One-fourth, of a tract of land, situated in Broa-l Top township. Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the town of Coalmont, Huntingdon county. Jan 26, 'Cft-tf F. C REAMER />AA ACRES OF EXCELLENT \)® M ' FARM LAND FOR SALE —ONE TRACT containing 262 ACRES, with good log house and barn thereon ; also a good SAW-MILL, worth a rental of S2OO per annum. About half of this tract is excellent bottom and tho balance upland. About 100 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on Duuning's creek, in St Clair tp., adjoining lands of John Ale tad t, Jacob Andrews and Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will he sold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. ALSO, one tract containing 183 acres, having a ; good log house and barn and out buildings there on About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a 1 good state of cultivation; balance covered with S an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and situate near Pleasantville, in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Bowser. Jacob Beckley and Joseph Smith. ALSO, one tract containing 157 acres, about 20 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation: balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber: well watered and situate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Beckley, Joseph Smith and Christian Mock. These lands formerly belonged to the estato of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are in a neighbor hood well supplied with schools, churches, stores, Ac. Each of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchasers, and will be offered at private gale until SATURDAY, the I4th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, they will be sold to the highest and best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. For further particulars, address personally, or by letter, J. W. DICKERSON, Attorney-at-Law, july3tf Bedford, Pa. 1)UBLIC SALE OF REAL ES TATE.—In pursuance of an order issued by the Orphan's Court of Bedford County, the under signed Committee of Augustus Klippi, (a lunatic), will offer at public Sale, on the premises, on SAT URDAY' the 6th day of Sept., 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. M., all said lunaiie's interest in a certain tract of land situated in Hopewell tp., Bedford County, adjoining lands of William Gorsuch, Fink and Fluke. Levi and Oliver Fluck and others, con taining about 145 acres, about 9rt acres of whieh are" cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a good two story dwelling house, bank barn and other buildings. Terms made known on day of Sale. JOAN.B.FLUCK, Committee of lunacy for Augustus Klippi. aug2lw4 SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of _ sundry writs Vend Exponas and Levari Faci as and Fi Fa., to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale, at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, SEPT. STH. A. D. IS6S. at 10 o'clock A. M , the following real estate, viz: One tract of land, containing 160 acres, more or less, 25 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house and log stable, Saw mill anl ap ple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Jno Eng land on the East, David J. Morris on the South, Lewis Koons and Henry O'Neal on the West, Frederick Davis on the North, and situa e in West Providence township, Bedford Co.. and tak en in Execution as the property of Philip Cham berlain. ALSO —One tract of land, containing 147 aere3, more or less, with about SO acres cleared and un der fence, with a 2i story Log house and double Log barn thereon erected, also a small Apple and Peach orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Samuel Kerr and Jackson Kerr on the West, James Wertz on the South-cast, Widow Mullin on the North, situate in Harrison township, and taken in execu tion as the property of Nelson B. Miller ALSO— One tract of land, containing 240 acres, more or less, about S5 acres cleared and under fence, with 2 two Story houses and two barns thereon erected, also a young apple orchard there on. adjoining lands of E. L Anderson, Jo! Laf ferty and others, situate in Juniata town.-hip, Bedford co , and taken in execution as the prop erty of Robert Adams and Jacob Egolf. ALSO —One lot of ground, containing one acre more or less, with a log house and log stable there on erected, adjoining lands of Daniel Binmbaugh, situate in Middle Woodbury tp., Bedford eo., and takenin execution as the property of W. K Weimer and Hannah Wcimer. ALSO —One lot of ground, containing one aero more or less, with a two story plank house there on, adjoining lands of Chas. Grubcnater on tho South, Hugh Mooro on the North and West, and fronting on the road leading to Dutch Corner, situate in Bedford twp., Bedford CO., and taken in execution as the property of Evaline Harcleroad. ALSO —AII that certain tract of land, situate in Broad Top township, Bedford county, and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, viz : Beginning at a black oak, a corner of the herein after der-eribed tract, thcuee south by line of said tract, eighty-nine degrees and thirty-nine minutes east, seventy-eight perches to a post, thence south two and one-fourth degrees east, twenty-six and forty-five hundredths perches to stones, thence south two degrees and eleven minutes east, seven ty-one an l seven-tenths perches to a cites.nut, thcuee south throe degrees and forty-two minutis east, twenty three perches to a post, thence north seventy-eight degrees west, three and nine-tenths perches to chestnut oak, thence south six degrees and forty-eight minutes west, twenty-two and one-tenth perches to a chcstu.it, thence south twenty degrees and thirty-three minutes west, eighty-six perches to a white oak, thence north twenty-two degrees west, forty-two and sixty-five hundredths perches to a beech, thence north thirty-two degrees and seventeen minutes west, twenty-four and five-tenths perches to a maple, thence north 47 degrees and ten minutes oast sixty-six and sixty-five hundredths perches to clones, white oak gone, thence north forty-two degrees and thirty-three minutes west, forty-foi r and four-tenths perches to a white otk stump, thence north fourteen and three-fourths degrees west, seventy and five-teuths to black oak, the place of beginning, containing about fifty-eight aeres, leaving out of and taking from tho said 58 acres as above described, however ten acres and sixty-five perches of the same conveyed by deed of said James Maguire and John B. Given and wife to John Rom mail and John Routine!!, junior, dated the fourth day of August, A. D , IS6J, and recorded in Bedford county, in Record book. A N, page 564, et set*., and leaving out of and tukiug from said fifty-eight acres above described. Also a small lot of about one-fourth of an acre, convey ed by deed of said James Maguire and John I> Given and wife, dated the third day of April, A. D., 1865, to Lewis Anderson, recorded in Bedford county, A L, page .479, but retaining as subject to the said Mortgage all the rights and privileges reserved to the said grantors, their heirs and as signs, in the said parts so conveyed to said Rorn inetl and Anderson. Also, the undivided one-third part of a tract of land, containing two hundred and five and one-half acres, more or less, of which about one hundred acres are cleared and under fence, and having thereon erected two dw eiiing houses and two barns {being the same tract con veyed to Hezekiah Easton, et ai, by William An derson, by deed recOrded in Bedford county, in book A A, page 349), adjoining lauds of Asa Du vali, et at, situate in Broad Top tp., adjoining the first above described tract, and in tho same township, the rU'ht and title of Hezekiah Easton, therein (being the one-third part, having passed by Sheriff's Sale to John McCandless, and his right, by Sheriff's Sale to Samuel J. Brown. Es