ulu gftlfonl Home and Around. ITUNTING DON AND BIIOAD ToPK.lv. —SIMMER ARRANGEMENT. — TIME TABLE.— EXPRESS Train leave? Mt. Dalian 5 40 a. m . and arrive? at Huntingdon, at 8.23 am; leaves Huntingdon at 6.03 p. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 8.53 p. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 2.10 p. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 52 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.45 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 10.30 a m. S GRANT GATHERING.— John Cessna on the Rampage. —The admirers of "No Policy" held a confab in the court I house on last Saturday evening. No Bp doubt the local scribbler for the In quirer whose weekly dissertations of BB home affairs are models of veracity, fwill treat his readers to a glowing de scription of the "monster" gathering. p a* It was a "monster!" Another such [ would crush us. It beats the great "sea serpent," and if we are compelled to witness one more like it, we can't possibly survive, and some one else will have to write locals for the GA ZETTK. John Cessna's shrill, steam whistle voice is yet beating on cur ear-drums. "Oh! for a lodge," Ac. But to relate The first speaker treat ed his hearers to a strong cup of Hor ace Greeley's "Pennsylvania Coffee," which, owing to the suspicion that it was not made of pure Java, was not relished by them. Not being Shugart and without a particle of cream, it was J insipid, and unpalatable. It was poor Coffey to say the most of it. This bitter cup was followed by a short exhorta- H tion by McFarland. After these sev f eral dishes had been served up, then . came the desert. This was handed, or M\ rather thrown, around by the übiqui jf tous Johnny, the man of great political ►Jf a robotic notority. He went in "heavy" and slashed about like Taurus in a ; Chinaman's porcelain establishment, f He trampled everything to pieces bt- I fore him and kicked at everything be hind. John isa demolisher, and can I s juelch more soldiers who want uifice, [ than any other man in this Congres ! sional district. His abuse and'slander M of the Democratic party, which lie left I§l some time ago for the party's good, *- wiil not procure many votes for hi in i for Congress from that quarter. Curses, M like chickens, will come home to roost, |g and ere long Cessna will learn that the [ public denunciation of men, who have made him what he is, will recoil on i hi in with damaging effect. The great I public heart is not callous and devoid 1* of principle like his own, and the soon- I er he is taught this, the sooner will the race of demagogues like he be run out. DIDN'T SPEAK.—CoI. Francis Jor dan was announced to speak at the Rad ii iral meeting on Saturday evening and was in town on that day, but ior some reason or other did not do so. Mr. Jor dan madeaspeech in Harrisburgashort time ago, in which he declared uno quivocallyin favor of negro .Suffrage. * Was John Cessna afraid to have anoth f er denunciation of the "poor white 4 trash," the "cowardly mud-silis" of the I North, who are afraid to give the ne | gro the ballot, as Tom Marshall ex- I pressed it? Dr. Marshall's dose of HH ' manhood" pi lis are not thoroughly di f gested yet, and another dose from Jor m ve for his country and its f institutions than ever entered, or ever # wiil enter into the narrow-contracted bniil of tlie sanctimonious hypocrite, w.io lioastsof his "loilty" and morality and traduces braver and better men 4 than he has ever shown himself to be. Bp"Let us have peace." ILLL GIVE VS ANOTHER.— We hope the -Inquirer will give another list of Rad ical conversions. The one published i- is so decidedly rich. If you cannot i fix up another, publish that one from P week to week by all means. It will S be such a good standing joke. It beats "Let us have peace!" cry Grant and Lutz of the Inquirer. "lad us have •war!" shouts the infernal lJrownlow lis he calls out thirty thousand militia o destroy the liberties of the people of Tennessee, and prevent a free and fair expression of the will of the majority JOHN CESSNA was very bitter in his lenuneiation of tiie "Copperheads" in li- sjieeeh on last Saturday evening. He will ask some of these "Copper heads" to vote for him before long, lemocrats, remember this. JOHN CESSNA said in his speech, "a nan who goes over from our party to he Democrats is the worst 'copper icad'ofall." He measures others by lis own standard, for as a renegade Vniocrat lie out-Herods Herod. THE inquirer admonished us to be onest. Set up a school, brother Lutz, nil we'll attend. 10,000 fine standard brands of cigars, t "> cents, at G. It. < ister & Co.'s new tore—all to end in smoke. THE Inquirer says they have the i-ide track. Yes, but it is on the f>ad up Salt River. < hie of the latest novelties of the sea- JD, the yacht collar. For sale by G. t. Oster & Co. PERSONAL. —John M. Cooper. Esq., one of the editors of the Valey Spirit is in town. Mr. Cooper is an able writer and doing good service in this district. Hon. Francis Jordan, Secretary of the Commonwealth, was here last week on a visit to his friends. IN 1804 the Democrats were ridiculed and slandered us the "Peace Party, by the Radicals. Now, in order to cover up their tracks of desolation and destt notion the whole Radical pack are yelling, "Let us have Peace !" THE REV. MR. COOK will preach at half-past ten o'clock, on Sunday morn ing next,in the Catholic Church, of this place. This will be the last occasion of Divine Service in this Church, which is to be pulled down and replaced by a more beautiful and substantial church on the corner of Richard and Main streets. "Go to thunder!" said Tom ; With ready retort, Jim answered, "1 won't; But to Grouse's Resort, I'll go for a beautiful, Fragrant cigar, For he keeps the best In the Borough by far." If you want cigars, tobacco, meer schaums, or any thing in that line, you can get them better and cheaper at Grouse,s than anywhere else. Remem ber Grouse's Resort, Cam's Row. CAMP MEETlNG.— Perhaps the lar gest camp-meeting ever held in this county is now in progress in St. Clair township. On Sunday last it was esti mated that over three thousand persons were present. FOUND HALE. —The Inquirer Book Store luts at last found Sale for its Grant badges. Nearly all the "manhoods" about town are wearing them. And "the colored troops fought nobly." If you want good boots and shoes, go to G. It. Oster & Co.'s spacious new store. They have just received a large assortment of D. It. King's ladies' gai ters, boots and shoes, made to order. AYER'S AMERICAN ALMANAC, for 1869 has been received by B. F. Harry, for delivery gratis, to all who call for it. This number contains proofs to show that some of the stars have existed for sixty millions of years. We had not supposed such proof possible, but tlie Doctor gives it in a shape which seems indisputable. His witicisms have long made his book acceptable; his medical advice makes it indespensible to families, and now he adds the most startling problems of abstract science to its attractions. | 11. F. Irvine is always receiving supplies of new goods, to supply the increasing demand for boots and shoes, queensware and glassware, gent's fur nishing goods, etc., etc. Choice brands of chewing tobacco, just received, at ft 00 -'- new store. 0 G. T. T. 15. C. E. A. B. Y. ('.—Be ing interpeted means, Go to tin? Bed ford clothing emporium and buy your clothing. REVIEW or TIIE MARKET*. Corrected every week. Philadelphia, Aug. 20. FLOUR.—The quotations are- Northwest superfine, $7.507.70 i Northwest extra, B.*10.25 Penna. and West'n sup., 7.50 5.50 Ponna. and West'n extra, 8.500 9.25 Penna. and West'n family, 10.00( U.tii) ) Penna. and West'n fancy, 12.0 M' 13.00 Rye fiour, 9.23@9.50 GRAIN.—We quote- Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.3002.85 Southern " California, " 1 White, " Rye, " 0.0001.G0 Corn, for yel., " 1.1801.20 1 Oats, * " @BBc PROVISIONS. —We quote— Mess Pork, i>er bbl., $28.50(<>.20.00 Bacon Ham-, per lb., 20021 c Salt Shoulders, " 12c Prime Lard, '* 17c SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseetl, per bus., at $8.5009.00 Timothy, " 2.500 2.60 j Flaxseed, " 2.8502.85 DIED. | BOWEN—At her residence in Napier township, on the 20til inst., Mrs Mary IJowen, wife of John W. linwcii, E- CatESus S O A I\ The washing powers of this Soap are truly mar .velous. No person who has ever tried it will do without it. Its recommendations are perfect PI'RITY. utter lI.VRMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY. Wa-ranted to contain more washing power to the dollar's worth than any j other soap in the market—therefore the j CHEAPEST. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, \ (if used according to directions) or MONEY RE FUNDED. Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by IDECKLEY A HALL, (CBtESL'S SOAP WOHKS,) No. 448 \ork Ave., (Old York Road,) Philad'a. augTinfi Ctjr asrttforß jUrls Turn, piu *teir gVflvertisicmentsi. 4 YER'S HAIR VIGO It, FOR TIIE RENOVATION OF TIIF. HAIR THE GREAT DESIDERATUM OF THE AGF.. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of ten, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed. or the glands atrophied and decayed. But snch as remain can be saved tor usefulness by this application. Instead ot fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil r.or dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., PRACTICAL, AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS, Price $1 00. aug2l'6Byl B. F. HARRY, Agent. CATHARTIC PILLS, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one Medicine is so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universally adopted into use, in ev ery country and among all classes, cs this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is a more reliable and far more effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always —that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its composition We have thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the followingcomplaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, aDd we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates ; Containing neither calomel or any dele terious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ev er fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscerato purify the blood aud stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and otherorgans of tha body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the foilowing complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure : For DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, LISTLESSNESS, LANGUOR and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and actien. HILLTOPS HEADACHE, SICK HEADACHE, JAUNDICE or Green SICKNESS, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe vers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. F\>R DYSENTERY or DIARRHIEA, but one mild dose is generally required. For RHEUMATISM, GOUT, GRAVEL, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK and LOINS, tbey should be continuously taken, as re quired. to change the diseased action of the sys tem. Wish such change those complaints disap pear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they | should be taken in large and frequent doses to ! produce the effect of a drastic purge. For fii l PREssioN a large dose should be taken ; as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a DI.N.NBR PILL, take one or two pills to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often linds that a dose i of these PILLS makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and reuovating effect on the | digestive apparatus. DR. J. C. AVER A CO, Practical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., V. S. A | aug2l'63yl B F. HARRY, AGENT. l\ r K A It E C O M I N CI, AND WILL PRESENT TO ANY PERSON Sending us a Club in our Great One Dollar Sale of Dry A Fancy G O O D S, ; A WATCII, piece of SHEETING, SILK DRESS PATTERN, Ac., Ac., P II E E OF C O S T. , Our inducements during the past few years have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES OF PREMIUMS. i Our friends will readily notice our Presents for .'tO and t>o Clubs arc now more than equal in value to Clubs of 60 and 190 re spectively of other fir ms. i PLEASE EXAMINE,!] Any person ordering either of the Clubs men tioned below, can have their selecti'>ns of premi ums enumerated, corresponding with the size of I the Club PR EE OF OXE DOL LA K FOR A CLUB OF do, (iSI).--One of the following articles, viz : Delaine dress pattern ; fancy eol | ored bed spread ; 100 view Turkey morocco al I bum ; 2i) yards sheeting; striped cashmere de laine dress pattern ; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl ; set solid gold bosom studs; all ! wool fancy cashmere pants and vest pattern ; ; gent's hair guard erain. gold trimmings; silver \ plated chased butter dish ; silver plated 5 bottle j revolving castor, on feet; set superior steeled ; blnded knives and forks; worsted promenade , shawl; ladies' long gold plated chain ; ladies' double gold ring; gents' heavy chased solid gold ring; solid black walnut work box or writing desk : extra quality bnlmoral skirt; set jewelry sleeve buttons to match : violin and bow; gents' cardigan jacket, splendid ebony 1) flute, ivory trimmings; superior Turkey morocco shopping bag; ladies' high eut balinorai boots. FOR A CLI IJ OF 511, (SD.) —One of the following articles, viz Jflaek or colored alpaca dress pat tern ; poplin dress pattern ; one piece of bleached or brown sheeting ; engraved silver plated 6 bot tle revolving castor; 3 1-2 yards superior cash mere for pants and vest pattern ; extra heavy honey comb quilt; two fancy colored bedspreads; pair gent's calf boots ; 4 yds. farmers' gojd wool trucking - fancy cashmere plaid dress pattern; best quality balnsoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm ciock ; ladies' all wool cloak pattern ; silver pla ted cake or card basket; fur muff or cape ; ladies' fashionable wool doable shawl; splendid elas'ped family Bible, 9x12, record page and engravings; 3 yds double width water proof cloaking ; set ivory handle knives, with silver plated forks; one set lace curtains. FOR A CLI B OF 100, (SlO) —One of the following articles, viz . 4 yds. double width cloaking or coating : 2 large, fine, bleached linen tablecovers, with one doz large sized dinner napkins to match ; twenty-five yards splendid hemp carpeting, good colors : extra quantity tlack or alpaca dress pat terns; extra quality poplin dress patterns; one large piece superior quality extra width sheeting ; pair gents' call' boots, best quality ; 3ilver hunt ing-cased patent lever watch ; one dozen ivory handled steel bladed knives and forks; silver pla ted engraved 9 bottle revolving castor, with cut glass bottles; splendid violin, box and bow, com plete ; single barrel shot-gun ; Bacon's six-barrel revolver , pair superior white wool blankets; nice fur muff and eape; silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salver; seven and one half yards all wool fancy cassimere, for suit; one doxen Rogers' best silver plated forks ; common sense sewing and embroidering machine; two heavy honey comb quilts; splendid latnily Bible, record and photograph page. For larger Clubs the value increases in the same ratio. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any ad dress free. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to ALLEN, HA WES A CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cut lery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac., he. jul3lw4 I mw 3V(Ufrtiocwfuts. JF A II U M BU G, What a wonder That the doors Are open w ide; Ever since the First of August Thousands have Pain Paint applied. Those who lie, Or call it humbug, Are the doctor 3. Not acquaint ; For tbey always Have beeu jealous When their patients Use Pain Paint. Pile up facts As high as mountains. Flash the truth Before their eyes, But the cry Is always humbug, Men of science Full of lies. People know that liniments composed of Cay enne pepper, turpentine, hartshorn, ether, Ac., will produee inflammation and pain To purchase such trash to stop Pain and Inflammation is ridicu lous. Fire will not stop heat; a dumb brute shuns the heat, and knows enough to wade in a pond of water, when wounded, to reduce, cool, and cure Inflammation and Fever Pimps and gamblers try to look honest, but folks can read the face too plainly. Some try to persuade the ignorant that pills, physic, Ac., cleanse the blood, purge the system, and do a hundred other things equally absurd. Every body knows that it is false, and that no medicine can purify or increase a drop of blond. Food makes blood, bone, and muscle, and is the Staff of Life. Every dose of medicine swallowed is reject ed, and hurried out of the system as quick as pos sible. It is an enemy : yea, a deadly foe. Con stipation, ill health, and weakness, arc the result of dosing, dosing, dosing the stomach.—The living system has enough to do without working herself to death in expelling and kicking out the perni cious nostrums poured down the throat. Food she welcomes when she needs it; yea, asks for it. Let pill makers and physic venders stop eating food, and see how long they can subsist on their blood-purifying, invigorating, health-giving med icines and cordials. What humbug is more trans parent'' A dog would fee! so insulted, if offered a dose, be would curl his tail downward in scorn, and run away in utter disgust. All physical pain arises from inflammation. Put out the fire and you stop pain absolutely. You can stop pain as easy as you can qucncli fire with water. WOLCOTTS PAIN PAINT subdues inflammation, heat, and fe ver one hundred times faster than ice. Thousands have bad a practical test of its merits at the very moment o"most extreme pain and they can testi fy that it has not failed in doing its work It is simple ;it is harmless , it has no stain ; it gives no smart; it is for sale by Druggists everywhere ; and it is tested free ofcost at 170 CHATHAM SQI ARE. N. Y., ami 622 Arch Street, Philadelphia My wife had an ulcer on her leg for thirteen years, caused by varicose veins, ulceration extend ing from her au'kle to her knee, some places eating away to the bone. I have employed over twenty physicians at vast expense during this period. But all attempts at cure proved utterly abortive until I tried Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paint, which the doctors told me was a humbug. But humbug or not. it has done the work completely in less than one month, removing the pain at the first applica tion. I kept her leg wet with Pain Paiut con stantly until healed. I wish we had more hum bugs as uselul as Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paiut. I am well known in this city any person who wants to make further inquiry will call at 101 West Street, New York, at the Hanover House, of which I am the proprietor, and I think I can satisfy them as to the benefit derived by the use of Pain Paint. May 12, 1868. PETER MINCK. I aiu selling Wolcott's Pain Paint and Annihila tor, and itcejtainly gives satisfaction to my cus tomers. D. F. COLES, Druggist, Rahway, X J. I am selling more ot' Woleott's Pain Paint, than j any other Patent Medicine. C. N. CKITTENTON. Wholesale Druggist, No. 7 fitb Ave., N. Y. I sell more of Woleott's Pain Paint than all the j other patent medicines combined, and I keep a ! full suppivof all that have any demand. VALENTINE II A.MM ANN, Druggist, No. 11. 7th Avenue. New York. I ! ICENSED BY THE j UNITED STATES Authority. NEW ENGLAND PAWNBROKER'S JOINT STOCK OF UNREDEEMED GOODS, CONSISTING OF SI I ,KS, SUA W LS, I )RMSiS GOODS, j Linen Goods, Dry Goods, Cottons, Fancy Goods, Alburns, Bibles, Sil ver Plated Ware, Watches, Cutlery, Sewiner Machines, &<•.. .t,._ To be sold at ONE DOLLAR EACH, without re : gard to value, and not to he paid for until you know what you are to receive, j STOCK VALUED AT S2OO,OOO, SALESROOM, 110 Ilanover-st., Boston. The most popular, reliable, prompt and business : like concern of the kind- The best of Boston ref erences furnished on application. By patronis ing this sale you have a chance to exchange your ! goods with a large variety to select from, j TERMS TO AGENTS. —We believe our Terms to Agents are superior to those offered by any other i house. Take Particular Notice Of This: Our | Agents are not required to pay one dollar for j their presents, as in all other concerns. Certificates giving a complete description of ; articles that wi'l be sold for one dollar each, will j be sold at the following rates : TEN FOR $1 ; ; THIRTY (with present) TOE $-S; SIXTV (with pre ! sent) §6: ONE KINDRED iwith present) $lO. And | same rate for larger clubs. LOOK at THIS CHANTS to get a Silk Dress, Sew ing Machine, Gold Watch, or some other good j articles of equal value, with but very little trouble I and no expense to the Agents FOR A CHJB OF THIRTY, WC will give the person sending it the etioice of the following articles : Prints Dress Pattern, Worsted Breakfast Shawl, . White Linen Tablecloth, Embossed Table Spread, j Sat of steal-bladed Knives and Forks. Set of Sil ver-plated Forks, Elegant Engraved Silver-plated j Gold-lined Goblet, Violin and Bow, Fancy Dress Pattern, Pair Ladies' Extra quality Cloth Boots, Elegant Beaded Silk Parasol, One-Hundred-Pic. ture Morocco Photograph Album, Elegant Ivory handled Spangled Silk Fan, One dozen large sized Linen Towels, Ladies' Morocco Shopping Bag. Al hambra Guilt. Fancy Balmoral Skirt, Ladies solid ! Gold California Diamond Ring, Gent's Plain or j Engraved Gold Ring, (16 carats fine.) Ladies j Solid Black Walnut Wriling Desk, Ladies' Fancy | Black Walnut Workbox, or a Cottage Clock. For A Club Of Sixty, one of the following arti cles : Fancy Cashmere Dress Pattern, Three yards ! double width Water Proof Cloaking, Thibet shawl, ! Four yards Wool Frocking, Set of Lace Curtains, | Ladies' double Wool Shawl, Silver-plated Card Basket, Splendid Engraved Silver-plated lee : Pitcher, Engraved Silver-plated Tea Pot, Oue -1 Hundred-Picture Turkey Morocco Photograph ! Album. Lancaster Quilt, Fancy plad Wool Shawl, j Twenty-five yds. Sheeting, Alpacca Dress Pattern, I Engraved Silver-plated six bottle Revolving I Castor, Pair Gent's Calf Boots, Harris Cloth Pants and Vest Pattern, Splendid Balmoral Skirt. Set ! of Ivory-handle Knives with Silver-plated Forks. Pair of all Wool Blankets. Rosewood-frame Brass I Alarm Clock, Splendid beaded and Unci Silk Par i usol, Laiies splendid Morocco Traveling Bag, | Thirty yards Print, or a Marseilles Quilt FOR ACLI it OF ONE IIIXIIRKD, Splendid Engrav ; C'L Silver-plated Tea Set, three prices (Sugar Bowl.) Tea Pot and Creamer,) Silver-plated Cake i Basket, Fancy plaid Wool Long Shawl, Twenty i five yds. Ilemp Carpeting, Splendid Violin and j Bow, English Berage Shawl, Forty-five yards Sheeting. Splendid Alpaoc.i Dress Pattern. Silver Hunting Case Watch, Splendid Family Bible with elegant Steel Engravings and Family Pieeord and Photograph Pago, Poplin Dress Pattern, Engrav ed Silver plated Ice Pitcher, Splendid Beaver Cloth Pattern, and Vest Pattern extra quality, Splendid Aecordeon Music Box, One pair fine Damask Table Covers with One Dozen Dinner Napkins to match. PRESENTS FOR LARGE CLUBS IN PROPOR TION. This is no Humbug Lottery Gift Enterprises or Salo of Cheaji Jewelry, but a fair, square Sale of Unredeemed Goods. Our Goods are New and not Second Handed. And we guarantee more for the money invested than can be bought at any wholesale store in the country. Agents will please take notice of this. Do not send names, but number your clubs from one up wards. Make your letters short, and plain as possible. Be sure and send money amounting to $5.00 or more by Registered Letters (which can be sent from any office), P. O. Money Order, or Express; for when sent in this way you run no risk of los ing it whatever. Small amounts may be sent by mail, but he sure and put thetn in the office your self. li r e cannot be responsible for Money lost tin iest some precautions are taken to insure its ■safety. Send your address in full, Town, County and State. All Certificates are good until redeemed. S. C. THOMPSON A CO., No. JO Hauover-St., Boston. Send for Circulars ju'.dlwl Gl RANT ANDOOLFAX. T AGENTS WANTED for J. T deadly'a Life of Grant. Now ready, a Life of Colfax, wilb a Steel Portrait. Price, 25 e Given with every copy of Grant. The National J hind-Book of Facts and" Figures, just issued, is the Book for the Times. Sent for $1 50. TREAT & CO., Publishers, 650 Broadway New York jul3lw4 rp< ) B-VC C() ANTID OT E, I WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood , invigorates the system, pos sesses great nourishing anil strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. SMOKERS and CHEWERS for Sixty Years Cured. Price, Fifty Cents post free. A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, Ac., sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. lUu* Mvcrtisemcnts. I?EM ALE ( OLLKUE-Bonlen town. N ,T. Pleasantly located on the Dela ware rive, 2 3-1 hour ride from New York aud 1 1-4 from Pbila. The very beat educational ad vantage# furnished in connection with a pleasant home. Fall term begins Sept. 15th. For Cata logues, address liev JOHN H Bit AKELEY. A. M., Pres't. AGE NTS WAN T E D For the Standard and Official LIVES OK SEYMOUR AND BLAIR. A book for every li brary and a work of present interest and perma nent value. No Democrat or Conservative can do without it, or have a just understanding of the is sues before the country without reading it. A gents are everywhere finding it the best oppor tunity to make money ever offered. Send for cir culars and see our liberal terms and a full de scription of the work. Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO.. 411 Broome St., New York. V GENTS WANTED For the Stan dard and Official LIFE OF HON. SCHUYL ER COLFAX. Indispensable to a just under standing of the political issues of the day and en dorsed by the leaders of the Republican party. The claims of this statesman to the gratitude of the nation are so clearly set forth in this volume that none of his admirers can afford to be without a copy. Send for circulars and see our liberal terms, and a full description of this great work. Address United States Publishing Co.. No. 411 Broome St., New York. WANTED FOR "THE BLUE-COATS, And how they Lived. Fought and Died for the U nion, with Scenes and Incidents in the Great Re bellion." It contains over 109 fine Engravings and 500 pages, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only $1.50 per copy. Send for circulars and see our terms, and full de scription of the work. Address JONES BROTH ERS A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Cincinnati, Ohio ; Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 4 GENTS WAN T K1) r. > SELL THE ' EMINENT WOMEN OF THK AGE,' 1 An octavo volume of 030 pages, containing 17 new ly written Sketches, by Messrs. Parton. Greeley Iligginson. Tilton, Winter. Abbott, Prof iioppin, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Fanny Fern, Grace Green wood, etc. Illustrated with fourteen beautiful steel engravings. The New York Tribune , says :—"So thorough ly have the publishers done their work that their volume in paper, typo, binding, engravings, a bove all in the excellence of its subject matter, goes far to remove the reproach urged against subscription hooks—'only made toseli.'-' ' For descriptive circulars, Ac. address. S.M. BKTTS A CO., Hartford. Conn. OTA R AGRICULTURAL Wok Kb. K} THE ALBANY COTTON GIN MAM I'AI TI HING Co., Albany, N. Y., Manufacturers of General Agricultural Machinery, comprising the celebra ted "Star" Threshing Machines; "Star" Rail v.ay (or Endless Chain) aud Lever Horse Powers; "Star " Cotton Gins and Condensers; Cir> ular Cross-cut Sawmills; Vegetable Cutters; Horse llay Forks ; Corn and Feed Mills ; Power Corn Shelters ; Dog Powers, Ac . Ac. Wc wish to call the particular attention of Farmers to our celebrated "STAR" TIIRKsIIER AND CLEANER, which, as lately improved, we claim it far superior to any other machine now in market. It is compact and easily portable, sim ple in its construction, and therefore easy to op erate by the most inexperienced, and will do its work with marvellous rapidity and perfection, and with comparatively the least demand upon the strength of the animals driving it. We have made recent improvements in this ma chine by which we are enabled to thoroughly clean the grain under almost any combination of difficulties, and we are now using an entirely new and effective device for relieving the feeder of dust, thus making the operation of threshing as comfortable and safe as with the ordinary ma chines it is annoying and frequently destructive of health. These Machines are made of suitable sizes for our "Star" Railway 2 Horse Power aud for our "Star" Lever Powers for 4 and 6 horses. For sale by our agents and dealers generally. For full particulars, send for our Illustrated De scriptive Circular and Price List. Correspondents will please address The Albany Cottoa Gin Man ufacturing Co.. P. 0. Drawer 162, Albany, N \ . 1 A WRENCE VILLE FEMALE J j SEMINARY, LAWRENCEVILLE, NEW JERSEY.— THE NEXT SESSION will commence on Sept. lUth. Send for Circular. C W. NASSAU, Principal. A FIRST CLASS BOARDING J\_ SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, In Con nection with the STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Trenton, New Jersey. Total charges, including board, tuition, and books, $225 a year. For Cir cular with full particular-, apply to JOHN S. HART, Principal. E Alt E O N HA ND, And will sell more for the money than any DOLLAR CONCERN IN THE COURTRY. Our inducements for forming Clnlis arc more than double that of any establishment in the country. For the proof of this assertion, please examine our Terms to Agents which are as follows : ;.j Read carefully and compare with the terms for getting up clubs, as advertised by other estab lishments. Any person send ins us Tiro Dollars can re ceive tor the same a selection from the following articles : —Two (not one) 50 picture Morocco Al bums, 2 (not one pair) of Congress Boots, 2 pieces (not one piece) of Punts Pattern, 2 (not one) 5 hot tie Revolving Castors, 2 (not one) worsted Break fast Shawls, or any two articles (nut one article from our exchange list. IPs will also send 20 printed notices of arti cles for sale at one dollar each. Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the same a selection from the following arti cles: —15 yds De Laine, 1 white Marseilles Quilt. 2 (not one) 100 view Turkey Morocco Albums. 20 yds, Sheeting. Wool Square Shawl. 2 sets (not one set) Gold Bosom Stubs, 2 (not oue) Hair Guard Chains, with gold plated trimmings. (The trim mings of these chains are advertised by other con cerns as GOLD, which is a. deception, as they are all of them gold plated. 2 (uot one) silver plated, chased Butter Dishes, 2 (not one) silver plated 5 bottle Revolving Castors, 2 sets (not one set) Steel Bladed Knives and Forks, 2 (not one) Worsted Promenade Shaw ls, ,'j rnot one) la lies' long gold plated chains, .2 (not one) ladies' solid Gold Doub le Rings, 2 (not one) gents' heavy chased gold plated Rings. (These rings are advertised by oth er concerns as solid gold, which is a fraud upou the public.) 3 (not one) black walnut Work Box or Writing Desks, 2 (not one) extra quality Bal moral Skirts, 2 sots (not one) of Jewelry and Sleeve Buttons to match, 2 (not one) superior Turkey Morocco Shopping Bigs, 2 pairs (not one) ladies' Balmoral Boots. We will also send 40 printed notices of articles for sale at one dollar each. Any person sending Five Dollars, (not six dol lars I can receive for the same a selection Irom the following articles .—A black or colored Alpacca Dress Pattern, a Poplin Dress Pattern, 1 piece of Brown or Bleached ."-heeling, 1 engraved (6 bot tles) silver [dated Revolving Castor, 1 yds super fine Cassimore, extra heavy large sized White Quilt. 1 pair gents Calf Boots, 4 yds. good Wool Frocking, 2 (not one) best quality Balmoral Skirts, an eight day Clock, made by Setli Thomas. 4 yds. double width Cloth for ladies' Sacks or children's wear, a silver plated Cake or Card Basket. Fur Muff or Cape, Wool Long Shawl, splendid clasp Family Bible, 4 yds. (not 3 yds.) double width water proof cloaking. 2 sets each (not one set each) Ivory Handle Knives, with Sil ver plated Forks, 1 set of Lace Curtains. We will also send tit) printed notices of articles for sale at one dollar each. Any person sending Ten Dollars, can receive for the same a selection from the following articles : 7 yds. (not four yds) double width Cloth for Cloak ing or Coating, 3 (not two) Bleached Linen Table Cloths, with 2 doz. (not one doz.) Linen Damask Napkins, 30 yds. (not 25 yds.) Hemp Carpeting. 13 yards extra quality black or colored Alpacca Dress Patterns, 14 yds. extra quality, Poplin Dress Patterns. Silver Hunting Case Watch, new (not second handed) 2 doz. (not one doz ) ivory handled steel bladed Knives and Forks, 1 pr. su perior Woo! Blankets, nice Fur Muff and Cape, 2 [not one) silver plated engraved Ice Pitchers, t) yds (uot 7 yds,) Wool Cassimero for suit, 2 doz. (not one doz). Rogers' best silver plated Forks. Common Sense Sew ing Machine (the real article, not a base imitation as used by other concerns), 4 (not two) Honey Comb Quilts, 2 (not one) splendid clasp Family Bibles. We will also send printed notices for 120 articles for sale at one dollar each. For larger clubs the value increases in the same ratio. Oar stock ol Goods is all new and in good order. The quality of the Goods is better than those used by any other concern in the coun try We are of -he opinion that, after reading the above advertisemen', some parties will come to the conclusion that they have been severely swindled by some of the bigus Gift concerns in this city. We eannot offer to the person sending us the largest amount of money for a month, a Gift of money or Watches, as that is a violation of the Law against Lotteries ; but in addition to the a bove liberal terms, we will sell to any one who luav sand us $lO, eleven articles from our ex change list, all to he sent in one order ; and for S2O we wilt sell twenty-two articles from our exchange list, all to be sent in one order. . Money sent by Registered Letters or by a Postal Money Order, or Draft at our risk. Cata logues sont to any address. P. S. Agents will please notify us what firms have agents in tbeir town or city, and they will receive our most sincere thanks. THOMAS L. FEN NO A CO., Nos. 52 & 54 Elm St , Boston, Mass. OYES! O YES! O Yes!— The un dersigned having taken out auctioneer li cense holds himself in readiness to cry sales and auctions on the shortest notice. Give him a call. Address him at Ray's Hill, Bedford county. Pa. oct2stu6 WILLIAM GRACRY. *lcu' \I T E 11 A V E C O M E T V With great inducements to agents to co operate with us in our GRAND ONE DOLLAR SALE! Sheetings free of Cost to our Agents. Watches free of Cost to our Agents. Sewing Machines free of Cost to our Agents. Leather Goods free of Cost to our Agents. Linen Goods tree of Cost to our Agents Silks and Shawls free of Cost to our Agents. Boots and Shoes tree of Cost to our Agents. Dress Goods free of Cost to our Agents. GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. Send for circular. Agents wanted everywhere. Address HARRIS A PLUMMER, 34 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. OIRCULAR, MILL, MULAY, GANG, AND CROSS CUT SAWS. Every Saw that leaves our Factory is Oil Tem pered and Patent Ground, perfectly true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent tem pering process. j LI PPINCOTT A BAKKWELL'S { Patent Ground, Patent Temper, —STAMP— LIPPINCOTT t CO. Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. A X E S, Common shape, fu good as the best. THE RED JACKET (COLBCBN S PAFENF J AXE cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cut 26 per cent, more than common Axes, with less la bor to the chopper. Send for circular and prices to LIPPIXCOTT A BAKEWELL, Pittsburg, Pa.. Sole Manufacturers. For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. aug7w4 itotiffx, kt. SAVE COSTS!—AII poisons having unsettled accounts on the books of the firm of G. R. A W. Oster are respectfully requested to call at once and settle the same by Cash or Note, otherwise costs will bo added without respect to persons. G. R. A W. OSTER. Bedford Pa. Aug 14. 1865m3 nl VI DEN 1 >. -The Managers of the Bedford and S toys town turnpike road com pany have declared a dividend of one-half per cent., payable on demand. aug2U6Bw3 A. E. SCHELL, See'y 1) U1 LDEIIS nil.l CONTRACTORS! > TAKE NOTICE ! Sealed piopesals for the erection of the Bedford county Poor House will be received at the office of the county commissioners in Bedford, until SATURDAi . THE 151H DAY OF SEPTEMBER, NEXT. when the contract will he awarded, to the lowest and best bidder. The Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all of the bids. The building to be erected upon the present Poor House property, to be two stories and a base ment in hight. large enough to accommodate one hundred and twenty paupers, and to be comple ted. and ready for use. on, or before, the Ist day of October, 1869. The Commissioners will furnish the bricks Ail the labor, an 1 all other materials must be supplied by the contractor. The plan, with detailed specifications, can be seen at the commissioners' office, on, or any day after the 21st inst, The plan and specifications will be made part of the contract, and the contractor will be held to a strict compliance therewith. All proposals should he addressed to Jno. G. Fisher, Commis sioners' clerk. Bedford. Pa. MICHAELS. RITCIIEY, DAVID 110WSARE, PETER M. BARTON, jnl 17m2 Commissioners. 4 <; E N T S W A N T E IX LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF THE GREAT REBELLION. Containing Thrilling Adventures, During Deeds. Startling Exploits, and Marvellous Escapes of Spies, Scouts and De tectives. The Cheapest, most complete ami intensely in teresting war book yet published, containiug over 500 pages and numerous engravings. Price only §2 75. Semi for circular and terms. Also, Family Quarto Bibles, best edition pub lished. WILLIAM FLINT, Publisher. aug2lml No. 25 S. Seventh, Phifa.. Pa. rpilE HO CSKHOLDGAS Meohine! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS. STORES. FAC TORIES. CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS ! Generate< Ga v without Fire or Ileat The simplicity and ease by which this Machine is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recommends it to public favor. Call and see ma chine in operation at the store ! Manufacturer and Sole Agent, DAVID JONES, TIN FURNISHING STORE. No 733 GREEN ST.. PHILADELPHIA. tjCSeiid for illustrated Circular. aug2!ui3 A GENTS WANTED For the Stan f\ dard and Official Lives of SEYMOUR and BLAIR A book for every library and a work of extraordinary interest and rare historical value. No Patriot can do without it or have a just under standing of the issues befo o thecountry. withou reading it. Endorsed by the leading Detnocrui. and Conservatives of the Union. The claims of the Democratic candidates to the suffrages of the people are so forcibly portrayed and clearly shown in this volume, that no friend of constitu tional liberty should fail to read it. Agents in all parts of the country are finding this great stan dard work the best opportunity to make money ever offered, as its large size, low price, and great popularity have made a positive demand which canvassers only have to supply. Send for circulars, audsoeour liberal terms and a full de scription of the greatest subscription book of the times. Address 1 XITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 4i i Broome Street, angZTwS Niv IOKK | S(;s > ITtHS!GKNTIAL CONTEST. FLAGS, BANNERS, TKANH PA it FOGIES A,„I LANTERNS, Campaign Badges, Medals and Pins, OF BOTH CANDIDATES. Ten different styles sent on receipt of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Agents wanted everywhere. Flags in Muslin, Bunting and Silk, all sizes, wholesale and retail. Political Clubs fitted out with everything they may require. Call on or address W. F. SCHEIBLE, No. 49 South Third Street, aug2lu)2 PHILADELPHIA. irr 1 I. LOUO N BYS PATENT GUM SPRING GRAIN DRlLL—Chal lenges competition. Is the only drill that will sow regularly. Has no pins to break and can be used on rooky and stumpy fields and on the hill side with the same advantage as on the level ground. As the supply is limited and the de mand greater than ever, engage what you want soon of HARTLEY A METZGER, the only au thorized agents for this part of Penn'a julJltf T KEYSTONE CIDEIt MILLS— Best in the market, Separators, Horse Pow ers. Feed Cutters. Corn Sbcllers. and all kinds of latest improved Farm Implements. THIMBLE SKEINS and a full assortment of Carriage bolts, Clips, Hobs, Spokes, helloes, Shafts, Bands, Axles, Springs Ac., at manufactur er's prioos. Shoe findings and all kinds of leather A com plete stock of builders' Hardware, Bam Door Hangers, Hinges, Oils, Paints, Iron, Nails, Brass Kettles, Apple Parers, Water Pipe and every thing else needed in the Harware line, including the celebrated Chainbersburg Cook Stove, all ol which we now sell at eastern prices, for cash. HARTLEY A METZIiKR. Sign of the Red Pad Look. rpKRMS for every description of Job I PKINTINtx CASII! for the reason that for every artielc ipe use, we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in the cities. £ J VERY VARIETY AND STYLE J OF JOB PRIXTINO neatly executed at low lutes at TUB BsnroßD GAXBTTE office. Call and eave yaur orders. JtoUiS. poll SALE Oil TRADE. 2 tract*. of 160 acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Pulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim her lands in West Virginia. Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury CO.. lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Eedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each. ALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri. 480 do do Shannon do do 270J do do Bollinger do do SO do do Franklin do lowa. ALSO. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford, 60 by 240 It , former ly part pf the Lyons' estate. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. TT ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE j —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile fiom Rcntual Station on said Railroad. Two of the traets adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of wateruponit The city of Urbana contains about 4.060 inhabitants. Champaigu the greatest wheat grow ing county in Illinois. ALSO— Out-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 46 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the town of Coalmont. Huntingdon county. Jan 26, 66-tf F. C. REAMER /)AA ACRES OF EXCELLENT O' J\J FARM LAND FOR SALE —ONE TRACT containing 262 ACRES, with good log house and barn thereon ; also a good SAW-MILL, worth a rental of S2OO per annum. About half of this tract is excellent bottom and the balance upland. About 100 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on llunning's creek, in St Clair tp., adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Andrews and Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will he gold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. ALSO, one tract containing 183 acres, having a good log house and barn and out buildings there on. About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and situate near I'leasantville, in St. Ciair Township, adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Bowser. Jacob Beckley and Joseph Smith. ALSO, one tract containing 157 acres, about 20 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber; well watered and situate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Beckley, Joseph Smith and Christian Mock. These lands formerly belonged to the estate of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are in a neighbor hood well supplied with schools, churches, stores, Each of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchasers, and will he offered at private sale until SATURDAY, the 14th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, they wilt be sold to the highest and best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. For further particulars, address personally, or by letter, J W. DICKERSON, Attorney-at-Law, july3tf Bedford, Pa. IyUBLIC SALE OP REAL ES TATE. —In pursuance of an order issued by the Orphan's Court of Bedford County, the under signed Committee of Augustus Klippi, (a lunatic), will offer at public Sale, on the premises, on SAT URDAY the sth day of Sept., 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. M., all said lunatic's interest in a certain tract of land situated in Hopewell tp., Bedford county, adjoining lands of William Gorsuch, Fink and Fluke, Levi and Oliver Fluck and others, con taining about 145 acres, about 90 acres of whieh are cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a good two Btory dwelling house, hank barn and other buildings. Terms made known on day of Sale. ' JOAN. B. FLUCK. Committee of lunacy for Augustus Klippi. aug2lw4 QIIERIFFS SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs Vend Exponas and Levari Faci as and Fi Fa., to me directed, there will he ex posed to public sale, at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, SEPT. STO. A D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A M , the following real estate, viz: One tract of land, containing 160 acres, more or less, 25 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house and log stable. Saw mil! and ap ple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Jno Eng land on the East, David J. Morris on the South, Lewis Koons and Henry O'Neal on the West, Frederick Davis on the North, and situa'e in West Providence township, Bedford Co.. and tak en in Execution as the property of Philip Cham berlain. ALSO —One tract of land, containing 147 acres, more or less, with about So acres cleared and un der fence, with a 2i story Log house and double Log barn thereon erected, also a small Apple and Peach orchard thereon, adjoining landi of Samuel Kerr and Jaekson Kerr on the West, James Wertz on the South-east. Widow Mullin on the North, situate in Harrison township, and taken in execu tion as the property of Nelson B. Miller ALSO —One tract of land, containing 240 acres, more or less, about 85 acres cleared and under fence, with 2 two Story houses and two baius thereon erected, also a young apple orchard there on. adjoining lands of E. L Anderson. John Laf ferty and others, eitunte in Juniata towi I-ip, Bedford Co., and taken in execution as the prop erty of Robert Adams and Jacob Egolf. ALSO —One lot of ground, containing one acre more or less, with a log house and log stable there on erected, adjoining lauds of Daniel Brumbaugh, situate in Middle Woodbury tp., Bedford co., and taken in execution as the property of W. K. Weimor and Hannah Weimer. ALSO —One lot of ground, containing one acre more cr less, with a two story plank house there on, adjoining lands of Cbas. (irubenater on the Suuih, Hugh Moore on the North and West, and fronting on the road leading to Dutch Corner, situate in Bedford twp., Bedford CO., and taken in execution as the property of Evaline llarcleroad. ALSO —AII that certain tract of land, situate in Broad Top township, Bedford county, and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, viz : Beginning at a black oak, a corner of the herein after described tract, thence south by line of said tract, eighty-nine degrees and thirly-nine minutes cast, seventy-eight perches to a post, thenee south two and one-fourth degrees east, twenty-six and forty-five hundredths perches to stones, thenco south two degrees and eleven minutes east, seven ty-one and seven-tenths perches to a chestnut, thence south three degrees and forty-two minutes east, twenty three perches to a post, thence north seventy-eight degrees west, three and nine-tenths perches to chestnut oak, thenee south six degrees and forty-eight minutes west, twenty-two and one-tenth perches to a chestnut, thence south twenty degrees and thirty-three minutes west, eighty-six perches to a white oak, thenee north twenty-two degrees west, forty-two and sixty-five hundredths perches to a beech, thenee north thirty-two degrees and seventeen minutes west, twenty-four and five-tenths perches to a maple, thenee north 47 degrees and ten minutes east sixty-six and sixty-five hundredths perches to stones, white oak gone, thenee north forty-two degrees and thirty-three minutes west, forty-foi r and four-tenths perches to a white oak stump, thenee north fourteen and three-fourths degrees west, seventy and five-tenths to black oak, the place of begiuning. containing about fifty-eight acres, leaving out of and taking from the said 58 acres as above described, however ten acres and sixty-five perches of the same conveyed by deed of said Jaiues Maguire and John B. Given and wife to John Kommell and John Rommoll. junior, dated the fourth day of August, A. D , 1860, and recorded in Bedford county, in Record book. A N, page 584, et seg., and leaving out of and takiDg from said fifty-eight acres above described. Also a small lot of about one-fourth of an acre, convey ed by deed of said James Maguire and John B Given and wife, dated the third day of April, A. i>., 1865, to Lewis Anderson, recorded in Bedford county, A L. page 37a, but retaining as subject to the said Mortgage ail the rights and privileges reserved to the said grantors, their heirs and as signs, in the said parts so conveyed to said Roin mell and Anderson. Also, the undivided one-third part ola tract of land, containing two hundred and five and one-half acres, more or Jess, of which about one hundred acres are cleared and under fence, and having thereon erected two dwelling houses and two barns (beiug the same tract con veyed to Hezokiah Easton, et al, by William An derson, by deed recorded in Bedford couuty, in book A A. page 349), adjoining lands of Asa Du vall, et at , situate in Broad Top tp., adjoining the first above described tract, and in the same township, the and title of Hezekiab Easton. therein (being the one-third part, having passed by Sheriff s Sale to John McCandless, and his right, by Sheriff's Sate to Samuel J. Brown, Esq., who conveys the same by deed dated 12 May, 16- 62, to said Maguire and Given, and takeniu exe cution as the property of James Maguire and Jno. B Given. ROBERT STECKMAN, Stiff. Sheriffs Office, Aug. 14,w4 JQ W. CROUSE, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP SEGA RS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew ers' articles. BEDFORD, Fa. ju!3l,'6Syl _____ AUCTIO.N EElt. —The undersigned having renewed his license as an auctioneer, offers his services to the public generally. Post office address Cumberland Vlev mar2om2* JOHN DICKEN )~ WAGONS FOB SALE AT tJO KNOi' SHOPS, near Bedford. |aprl9tf