sradf. TINWARE.— The largest assort ment of well made Tinware in the city con stantly kept on hand ; also a general assortment of House Furnishing (?->ods. Country storekeepers will find it to their advan tage to call. JNO. M MELLOY, 723 Market Street, mar27ml Philadelphia, Pa. MAXWELL KINKEAD, WITH CHARLES HENDERSON A SON, ESTABLISHED, 1838. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in IIA TS, CAPS, FURS AND STRAW GOODS, No. 412 Market St., Ab. Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. inar27in3 QPRING OPENING FOR. 1868. EIIYE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. New Spring Silks. New Style Shawls. Novelties in Dress poods. Steel and Pearl Poplins. E A L. always keep the BEST BLACK SILKS. N. B. —Net Cash Buyers will find it to their inter est to call, as Bargains Irom Auction are daily re ceived. mar27w6w MARY RICHARDSON* S. S. CAMPBELL. J J. RICHARDSON &CO , # Manufacturers of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, and Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS AND NUTS, % No 120 Market St., Bet. Front A Second, dec6,'67yl. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. B. CUNNINGHAM. | J. H. LEWARS. | J. S. CLEIM. CUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, &C., No 408 Market Street, above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. dec6,'67yl THIRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD. This Paint is Manufactured of the BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL. WARRANTED Equal to any made, for durability and brilliancy. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL NEVER USE ANY OTHER. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS Til ROUGHOUT TH E CO UN TR Y. T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., Wholesale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac . 621 Market, and 612 Commerce Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA. CAUTION.— Owing to the popularity of our First National Lead, other parties have been induced to offer a spurious article. Beware of Counterfeits.The Genuine is put up in Ex tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic wire handles, and the name of T. Morris Perot A Co. on eaeh label. dec 6, 67yl JG. GARDILL # WITH STILZ & MELICK, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, No. 325 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. marl3yl J HENRY HUTTON, WITH A. A. SIIUMWAY, & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market and 210 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Of" Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Aug3o,'67. RIMIE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON A CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHILAD'A,, Is the largest Manufacturing Confectioners and Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, Ac., in the Unitod States, marfiyl . ITENRY HARPER, No. 520 Arch Street PHILADELPHIA Fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and Rodgers' Celebrated Silver Plated Ware, warranted triple plate, on the whitest metal, at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. aprl7lß6Bm3 nil OYER, FELDMAN & CO., 11l WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, 318 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . Cloths, Cassimeres. Vesting?, Tailors' Trimmings and Men's Wear, and Piece Goods. FELIX HEYMAN who has been in the clothing business for many years, is a partner in this House and respectfully solicits the patronage of his for mer customers and the trade generally m ay22lyr. I ~S. BERKSTRESSER, ■ I WITH E. MEG RAW A CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, 53 and 55 Hand Street and 31 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar.6ml. HORATIO J. MEANS, Licensed Auctioneer, tenders his services to all per sons haviug sales, or vendues. Give him a call. Residence, Black Valley, Monroe tp., six miles South of Bloody Ban. novßm3 I~UMBER.— 60,000 feet Oak, White 1 and Yellow Pine Lumber on hands and fo sale by J- B. WILLIAMS A CO', junl4,'67tf Bloody Run, Pa. 4 GENTS WANTED FOR THE J\ WEARING OF THE GREEN The great est Book ever published. Its contents deep ly interesting and should be CAREFULLY READ by every one. The immense demand for this work stamps it the most SUCCESSFUL BOOK OUT. It is decidedly the BOOK FOR THE TIMES. It fully illustrates Old Ireland, abounds in Romance, Incident and Wit, showing the Patriotism and Devotion, the Truth and Fer vor, of that warm-hearted people, containg 400 pages and over 100 illustrations, bound in cloth, green and gold. Price $3. Agents wanted ev erywhere. Exclusive territory given Send for circulars and sample copy. WILLIAM JfLlJxi, 26 So. 7th St., Phil'_a.,_Pa. _ BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR LOSING'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES—from its discovery to the close of An drew Johnson's administration ; in one royal oc tavo volume of 800 pages, illustrated by four hun dred engravings on wood and twelve engravings on steel; entirely new. For specimens and terms, apply to T. BELKNAP, Hartford, Conn., or BLISS A CO., 194 Broad St., Newark, N J. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOB "PEOPLE'S BOOK OF BioGßApnr," by JAMES PARTON, the "Prince of Biographers," contain ing lives of distinguished persons of all ages and countries, women as well as men. A handsome octAvo book of over 600 pages, illlustrated with 12 beautiful steel engravings. No competition. Agents say it sells faster than any Boot they ever sold Terms liberal. Send for subscription circular. A. S. HALE AJX). Alartford, Conn. MARR & LANDMAN'S PATENT LIQUID 81-BULPHITE OF LIME. A certain Preservative of Egg. Fruit, Meat, Ac., for any length of time. For sale by Druggists and tiroeer*. GENTS WANTED. People in want of. and Agents who are selling all i of SEWING MACHINES, are requested to ad dress me (with stamp) for greatly reduced prices and terms. J. K. PEARSON*, box 4, Charles town, Mass. INDISPENSABLE FOR LADIES IS THE SEWING GUIDE, For the assistance of ladies in hand sewing, pro tecting the finger from the needle, and causing stitches to be taken with exact regularity and in creased rapidity. Invaluable for all kinds of em broidering and chrocheting. foent to any address, by mail, elegantly silver plated, for 25 cents, or solid silver, for 75 cents. Agents wanted in every town. Terms and sam ple for 25 cents. Liberal digcount to tho trade. Address NILES MANUF'G CO., 55 Water St., Boston, Mass. WANTED —A GENT s.—s2oo per month the year round or a certainty of SSOO to SI,OOO per month to those having a little capital We guarantee the above monthly salary to good r itive agents at their ewn homes, tv erv agent, farmer, gardner, planter and fruit grower, North and South, should send at once for particulars. Please call on or address J. AUEABN a CO., 63 Second St., Baltimore, Md, srii-EX X.SY LYAXTA II () I 'Si:, J WOODBURY, PA. The undersigned has refitted this house, and is prepared to accommodate his customers and the traveling public in a manner that will give satis faction to all. HENRY FLUCK, Proprietor. janl2m.3* IASTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS are J still ahead of all competitors and stand un rivalled in POWER, PURITY OF TONE and BRILLIANCY, and all oiher points which go to make a first-class instrument. The "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is the great est of all modern improvements on reed instru ments. It CHARMS and SURPRISES all who hear it, by its wonderful resemblance to the HU MAN VOICE. Do not confound this with the common tremolo in use. It is entirely different, and far superior to any other. For sale wholesale and retail by E. M. BRUCE, 18 N. Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Or Send for descriptive circular and price list. The effect of your "Tremolo" is entirely new to me, arid is certainly the best I ever heard.—GEO. W. MORGAN. |The first Organist of America. No Tremolo has yet been invented that will in any degree compare with this for beauty of effect. In fact, it seems to me to be absolutely perfect.— War. A. JOHNSON. Pipe Organ Builder. Estey's Cottage Organs are without a superior for exceedingly quick articulation and round tone —the essential features in instruments of this class. —GEO. JARDINK, Pipe Organ Builder. The Cotttge Organ is the best of its class I ever saw, and ihe best adapted for church music of any in use. —C. HEINTZ, Organist, Findlay, 0. I am much pleased with the Cottage Organ which I purchased from you ; it combines sweetness and power in an unusual degree, and is quite a favor ite in our family circle.— BlSHOl' SIMPSON. We know no organs of the class which possess so many valuable quaIities.— INDEPENDENT. For the parlor, its sweetness is remarkable; for the church it has a power more organ-like than anything we have seen. — METHODIST. Persons wishing to purchase an organ are re quested to examine the Estey instruments now in use at the Presbyterian and Episcopal Churches, • Bedford, Pa. jul26,'tS7 jriOMPOUND BLOOD SEARCHER This very valuable medicine, which is purely vegetable, has done wonders. It is a never-failing remedy for cleansing the blood. W hen the blood is pure, disease cannot take hold of the system. I could produce testimonials in regard to what it has effected, but I submit it to the public, guaran teeing that if used according to directions, the re sult will be GOOD HEALTH. It is my own manu facture. This medicine will cure Consumption, Dispepsia, Sore Throat, and nine out of ten of all other di seases. * DIRECTIONS FOR USING.—For adults, dose, two tablespoonsfull, three times a day, before meals. Lessen the dose according to constitution. Price .—Quart bottles, $1.00; Pint bottles, 50 cents. JACOB L. HOOVER, Sole Proprietor. SAXTON, Bedford county, Pa. feb2Bm3 EjIARMERS, TAKE NOTICE.— GOOD CANADA SEED BARLEY. The undersigned have a supply of first_ quality Canada Barley on hand, which they desire to in troduce to the farmers of the neighboring coun ties. They will be glad to sell limited quantities of it as seed to such farmers as desire to embark in the raising of this very profitable crop, and will in return purchase from such all marketable Barley they may have for sale after harvest, pay ing therefor the.currcnt market price, in cash, on delivery. Price for seed $2.00 per bushel, sent as may be directed on receipt of order, accompanied by the cash. Address OSCAR GRAEFE & CO., marl3w4# Johnstown, Pa. I7AIRBANK'S STANDARD ; SCALES, of all kinds, also, Baggage Barrows, Ware house Tracts, Copying Presses, tfc. FAIRBANKS, MOUSE V CO., Corner Wood £ Second Sts., Pittsburg, Pa. careful to buy only the Genuine Scales. Repaired promptly. mar27m6. I TILLIES, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, and Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY' A METZ GER at manufacturer's prices. apr3tf Q LIP BI L LS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office. £he gegtilator $ tfolumu. rjHIE REGULATOR takes pleasure in informing his fiicads that he has taken The Old Store all to himself, and tends as formerly, keeping nothing but the best goods at REASONABLE PRICES. Remember always to call at N.o 2 ANDERSON'S Row, where you Will always find H. F. IRVINfi prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest BOOTS AND SI IOES. Everybody in search of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, should call at Irvine's Regulator. GLASSWARE. Everybody in search of Glass ware, should call at Ir vine's Regulator. QUEENS WARE. Everybody in search of Gueensware, should call at Irvine's Regulator. SPICES. Everybody in want of Spices of any kind, should not fail to call at Irvine's Reg ulator. GROCERIES. Everybody in search of Su gar, Tea or Coffee, should not fail to call at Irvine's Regulator. TOBACCO. Men loving good Tobacco, should call at Irvine's Regulator, as he keeps the best. % NOTIONS. Everybody wanting good Neck-ties, Collars, Ac., should call at once at Ir vine's. . iuayl,'6S. GOODS!! NEW GOODS The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open for examination, at MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part, of Dry-Goods, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Cassimers, * Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions, &c., &c. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance ol the public p tronage. |jgp Call and examine r goods. may24,'67. G. Y'EAGER "VT E W ARRIVAL.— Just received i>| at M. C. FETTEIILY'S FANCY STORE, Straw Hats and Bonnets, Straw Ornaments, Rib bons Flowers, Millinery Goods, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Bead-trimmings, Buttons, Hosiery and Gloves, White Goods, Parasols and Sun-Um brellas, Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, Fancy Goods and Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Our assortment contains all that is new and desirable. Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus tomers. Please call and see our new stock, may 31 DR. CHASE'S RECIPES, or Infor mation for Everybody : —An invaluable collection of about 800 practical recipes for Mer chants, Grocers. Saloon keepers, Physicians, Drug gists, Tanners, Shoemakers. Harness-makers, Pain ters, Jewelers, Blacksmiths, Tinners, Gunsmiths, Farriers, Barbers, Bakers, Dyers, Renovators, Farmers, and Families Generally. To which has been added a Rational Treatment of Pleurisy, Inflammation of the Lungs and Inflam matory Diseases, and also for General Female Debil ity and Irregularities. The undersigned is agent for Bedford county.— For agencies address L. M. STATLER, apr24tf Stoystown, Pa. V) ALLEY, FARRELL & CO., LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Pig Lead. Iron Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam Gauges Whistles and Valves, Iron and Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps and F'oree Pumps. And every description of goods for WATER, GAS & STEAM. NO. 167 SMITIIFIELD STREET, Send for a Price List. PITTSBURG, PA. apr24'6Byl BEDFORD CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Founded by Rev'd John Lyon, 1859. FREDERICK WOODS, PRINCIPAL. A first-class school for the instruction of youth of both sexes in a classical and English educa tion, including Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics and the ordinary English branches. Terms moderate. Students from a distance can obtain board in town at reasonable rates. REFERENCES. Hon. A. King, Jacob Reed, Hon. John G. Hartley, John P. Reed, Win. Hartley, H. Nicodemus, * 0. E. Shannon, R- B. Lewis, Pres't Broad Top R. R. WH. Watson, M. D. C. N. Hickok, B. F. Harry, M. D. Geo. Blymyer, Sam'l L. Russell, G. D. Shuck, B. F. Meyers, C. Colfelt, John Lutz, Ross Anderson, M. D. janlo'6Byl Win. Lyon. ALLEGHANY MALE AND FE MALE SEMINARY. —The Spring Quarter will open Monday April 6th. Students prepared to teach, to enter college, or to engage in business avocations. TERMS moderate. The Principal is prepared to accommodate eight Boarders. For further information, address J W. HUGHES feb7m2 Rainsburg, Bedford Co., Pa rpHE CELEBRATED ESTEY' COTTAGE ORGANS. J. ESTEY' & CO., Brattleboro, \'t.. The Original Inventors and Manufacturers. Combiuing more perfections than any other in the world. Have taken the Ist premiums at all the principal Fairs in the country. 395 Washington-st., Boston ; 417 Broome-st , N. Y.; 18 No.; Phila.; 115 Randolph-st., Chicago.