lb* f tMcnl Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOR 11*11. — SIN M Kit ARRANGEMENT.—TIMETABLE. —Express Train leaves Mt. Dallas 5.40 a. in., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 8.23 a.m.; leaves Ilantingdon at ♦1.05 p. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas 8t 8.53 p. tn. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 2.10 p. in., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4.52 p. m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.45 a. tn., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 10 30 a. tn. No PAPER NEXK WEEK.— In accor dance with our usual custom, and the custom of most all weekly papers, we will not issue a paper next week. 0 DYlNG— the noisy locusts. DEAD— the noisy Impeachers. OPEN— the Bedford Springs. NOT ON A STRIKE— the town clock. COOL— contracting debts for ice-cream. THIS is a summer of lightning and su icides. THE Democrats are not going to be Chased. PLAYED OUT— the Base Ballists in this region. ALL PLACES of business will lie closed on the 4th. SPlßlTED— "chalkingdown" tangle foot for future reference. WILTING.— Paper collars and the sarcasm of the Inquirer. ANOTHER STORY will soon be on Bollinger's house. THE CATHOLICS of this place have enlarged their burial ground. THE Inquirer men accuse us of lying. It is the old cry of "Stop thief!" THE contract for making the brick for the new alms house was awarded to Messrs. John S. Sproat A Co. THE Commissioners are building a bridge across the Dunuings Creek at Jacob Beckley's. GRANT'S MONKEY was in town the" other day. The boys were delighted with it. THE BARN of Michael Ritchey, in Snake Spring tp., was destroyed l>y fire on last Saturday. HAVE you heard the news from Mississippi ? "And the colored troops fought nobly!" GEN. BUTLER is going to strew the political grave of Stanton with apple blossoms. THE line of stages running between this place and Mt. Dallas are now own ed by Messrs. Shoemaker & Barclay. WON'T SOMEBODY buy a little "whiskey ring" and put it on the "fin gaw" of the senior of the Inquirer. He's after one "so bad CURSES —The goats and pigs that run our streets by day, the yelping curs at night and the midnight sere nades of Thomas cats. JOHN HUMBIRD, of Cumberland, has the, contract for the building of Sand Patch tunnel. The work will be commenced on the first of July, and finished in about two years. GREEDY —A precocious young A merie&n crawled into a sugar barrel at Mardorff's the other day. On behold ing the sweet situation his first excla mation was—"Oh, for a thousand tongues "SNA ix."—The Inquirer men are possessed of a mania for seeing ghosts and hobgoblins that is truly pitiable. They even see "suaix" in the religious discourse of "Bishop" Gates. We ad vise them to attend the next time the "Bishop" preaches, for, vile as thev are. they may be reclaimed. "While the lamp holds out to burn," Ac. - 0 THE Radical primary elections in Somerset county resulted as follows Congress, W. 11. Koontz; Assembly, John Weller; Commissioner, John Mong; (This is Mr. Mong's fourth term, Jn succession, we believe.) District Attorney, F. J. Kooser:— County Surveyor, W. M. Schrock.— The candidates for county offices enter tain some hope of being elected. EXTENSIVE SAI.EOF REAL E TATE. —Messrs. T. 11. A N. J. Lyons sold-to John Cessna, Esq., the following real estate Over 800 acres, divided into three farms, in St. Clair township ; the "Tannery" property, and 2> acres, in Bedford township; and 10 town lots in the borough of Bedford. The a mount paid for the whole is $28,000. LOCUSTS. —Prof. Smith of Baltimore says that the locust does not sting for the very best reason in the world, —be- cause he has nothing to sting with! Our opinion of "Pharoh's bird" is, that it is loiv cuas enough to do most any thing. A "WHOPPER".— O. E. Shannon, Esq., raised a strawberry that measur ed over five inches in circumference. If anybody has a larger one, send it to this office and "ye local" will take the dimensions. We are not particular as to size, however. SICK.— The Impeachers who scrib ble for the Inquirer are sick about the excellent nominations of the Demo cratic county convention.—Dont "go on" so. Try Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup. IT IS SUPPOSED the landlords, in this place, have ceased to pray for all bless ings save Democratic conventions.— Inquirer. Just so. The delegates are decent fellows and pay their bills without being sued for them. THE teachers and scholars of the Luth.S. School, here, have made anoth er addition of one hundred and twenty four volumes, to their choice Library. It now numbers about four hundred and fifty volumes, of carefully selected books. 0 THOSE wishing to buy farms will do well to notice the advertisement of J. W. Dickerson in this issue. W. M. HALL'S SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ON THE POOR HOUSE PROP ERTY.—Some time ago the Poor Direc tors recommended the sale of the House property, including the mill. W. M. Hall, Esq., was appointed au ditor to take testimony, find facts, Ac: His former report on the receipts and expenditures of the mill, which we published at the time, extended only to the year 1861, and the Court ordered that he should continue his examina tion so as to bring it down to the pres ent year. His supplementary report, embracing that period, we lay before i our readrs to-day. To the Honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bedford county, at an adjourned Session, June 1 Oth, 1868. The supplemental report of William M. Hall, auditor to take testimony, find the facts, and make report, Ac., in the matter of the recommendation of the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment of Bedford county, in regard to the erection of a new poor house, and the sale of the present poor house property, as fol lows : That your auditor has, since his for mer report, examined with care the ac counts, checks, books and Auditor's reports of the poor house from 1861 to 1867, and that he finds the receipts and expenditures of the mill to be its fol lows for the said years, to wit: Nett receipts of mill for 1861 $58.18 ." " " " " 13862 339.06 " " " 1363 233.13 " " " " " 11861 927.12 " " " " " 1865 692.30 " " " " " 1866 1184.50 " " " " " " 1867 1409.44 This brings the business of the mill up to the time of the last Auditors' settle ment, to wit, the Ist of January, 1868. Statements in detail of the receipts and expenditures of each year are hereto attached. Your Auditor desires to notice the candor, frankne-s and courtesy, of Mr. Samuel Defibaugh, the Stewart, and of Mr. J. E. Wills, the miller, and also the manifest honesty, ability and zeal, with which the business of the mill has been conducted by them. Mr. Defibaugh purchased and hauled to the mill during last year, two thousand and thirty-four bushels of wheat, be sides rye, the toll and offals from which made over $890; so that, but for that, the mill would not have netted more than S6OO. Mr. Wills has been the the miller from the Ist of January 18- 63. The average nett receipts of the mill during the five years for which he has been miller, is $869.29 per an num. The average nett receipts of the mill per annum from Dec. 2d., 1842, to Ist of January 1868, a period of 25 years, has been $211.55. No doubt this would be diminished somewhat, if all the ex penditures for the mill could be arriv ed at with precision. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. M. HALL, Auditor. P. S. Your auditor would respect fully suggest, that if the mill property is retained, it would greatly conduce to a satisfactory examination and ex hibit of its affairs, if all the receipts and expenditures of the mill were kept separate from the other poor house ac count, and if a minute annual state ment of all the expenditures for the mill, including toll and team to haul grain to mill, and printing mill state ment, and time of Stewart and Direc tors in regard to mill business, &e., Ac., were published. W. M. HALL, Auditor. SEVERE STORM. —The western end of this county was visited, one day last week, by one of the severest storms of rain and hail ever known in that re gion. Two buildings in the town of Schellsburg were struck by lightning and damaged. In one house the light ning deeended the chimney and knock ed an iron pot from the stove, leaving the inmates unharmed. Some half a dozen persons in different parts of the town, were knocked down by the electric fluid, yet miraculously escaped without any serious injury. We learn that some of the grain fields have been cut to pieces by the hail. 0 STREETS BLOCKADED.— Last week the street leading to 1 lollidaysburg was almost completely blockaded with Hartley and Met/gar's farm machin ery; Russell Reapers and Mowers, Gum Roller Grain Drills, Amos' Horse Rakes, Carlisle Rakes, Ac., Ac., in lengthened profusion. Well, all we can say is, that every farmer ought to own a Gum Roller Drill, and that our farmers are safe in buying from Hart ley A Metzgar. They always have the very best farm machines to be found anywhere, and the fact that their busi ness is constantly increasing, is evi dence that they please the people. Ev en dull days find Hartley A Metzgar busy. 0 PHOTOGRAI'IIIC.— "Secure your shad ow ere the substance fails" is done thus—drink two pints of tanglefoot, on a moonlight night; then start home. When you observe your shad ow at full length, drop flat on your face and bury your nose two inches into the ground. Lie still there till a frien 1 takes you home on a wheelbar row. For effect it beats the artist's method. Who'll try it? CLOTHING.— The rain it raineth ev ery day; the streets, they run like rivers ; dark clouds obscure the face of June; cold winds give one the shivers; but when the hot sun comes out, the folks, with one accord, rush to Eerk stressers' to get a new suit of spring clothing, made in the latest style. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY.— At 11. F. Irvine's, No 2, Anderson's Row. He has boots and shoes, ladies' gaiters, queensware, glassware, groceries, spices, tobaccos, notions, Ac., Ac. 0 SWEET ALISSUM is a pretty little garden-flower; but if you want a whiff of sweet elysium, you will find the near est approach to it in the heavenly odor of PHALOX'S new perfume, "FLOR DE MAYO." Sold by all' druggists. 0 FOR SALE—A four-octave MELODE AN, of excellent tone, and as good as new. Will be sold cheap. Terms Cash. Enquire at this office. jul3tf. A SHAW AND CLARK $25 Sewing Machine (in good order) for sale. En- j quire at this office. ju!3tf. j THERE are two special qualities which determine and fix the superiority of Mrs. S. A. A LLEN'S new style imprrov edkair restorer or dressing, in one bot tle,* over all other preparations for the hair. First, the prompt, quick action, great growth, iile and vigor that it is sure to give to the hair, never failing, by a few applications, to restore Grey or white hair to its natural color, im parting to the Hair a Delightful aro ma, fresh, delicate, and unchangeable in any climate. Second, its easy ap plication without any previous prepar ation of the Hair ; without that sticky and disagreeable sulphur odor found and complained of in all other prepar ations. It never soils the skin or linen. Ladies will find it a standard Toilet luxury to dress their hair ; it retains the Hair in any desired position, and is cooling, healing, and cleansing to the Scalp, removing immediately all scurf, dandruff, and pimples. Price one dol lar. Sold by all druggists. 3w Now READY.—A BOOK FOR THE TIMES! — An unanswered and unansicer abte Reposition of the Nature and Theo ry of our Government. —The Federal Government, its true Nature and Char acter; being a review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, by Judge Abel P. Upshur, a Law Student under the in struction of William Wirt, author of the life of Patrick Henry, Judge of the General Court of Virginia, Secretary of the Navy in 1841-2, and Secretary of State on the retirement of Daniel Web ster, with an introduction and Copious Critical and Explanatory Notes, by C. Chauncey Burr. One vol. 12 "mo, cloth. Price $1 50. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address VAN EYRIE, HORTON & CO., 162 Nassau street, New York. w2 LET those who have detected the premature evidences of age—the tell tale whitening of the locks, the unnat ural thining of the covering which na ture designed should be preserved to the period of dissolution, lose no time in securing a bottle of "Barrett's Veget able Hair Restorative," the great ante dote to baldness, gray hair and wigs.— Buffalo Express. WE are assured that the firm of EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass., advertised in our columns, is trustworthy and relia ble. For 10 cts. they send a patent pen fountain, and a check describing an ar ticle to be sold for sl. Their club sys tem of selling goods is becoming quite popular, particularly with the ladies. It is worthy of a trial.— Buffalo Ga zette. SPECIAL NOTICES. • REASONS WHY. We are enabled to offer superior inducements to purchasers of clothing, to which your attention is respectfully invited. We have a business experience of more than 25 years, have been longer established than any house in our trade in Philadelphia. We employ sufficient capital to make ALL PUR CHASES FOR CASH, which, together with the fact that our large business enables us to buy in large amounts in first hands, thereby saving all profits of jobbers and middlemen, give us ad vantages in purchasing at the lowest rates, SHARED BV NO HOUSE IN OUR TRADE. We sell only for cash and having no losses from bad debts to provide for, the paying customer is not TAXED TO HELP PAV THE DEBT OF ANOTHER WHO does not pay, as is inevitably the case in a busi ness where credit is given. We employ the best talent in all departments, which, with long experience, enable us to man ufacture garments SUPERIOR IN EVERY RES PECT — equalled by few —surpassed by none. We have the largest establishment for the manu facture and sale of clothing in Philadelphia, extending through from 518 Market street to 511 Minor street, occupied exclusively by our selves, also a branch store at 600 Broadway, New York, and keep at all times of MEN S, YOUTH'S and BOYS' KEADY-MADE CLOTHING, the largest stock and best assort ment in the city, from which any person can be accurately fitted at once, as well, or better, than by garments made to order, our large stock comprising every size of all styles of goods. We have recently added to our previous stock a full assortment of CHILDREN'S GARIBALDI AND OTHER SUITS, equal to any in the cily in style, trim ming, and make; which are sold at lower pri ces than have hitherto been known in Phila delphia. They, with all our Boys' and Youth's goods, are kept on the first floor, nearest the front, convenient for ladies. We have also re cently opened on our SECOND FLOOR A CUSTOM DEPARTMENT for the display of a choice selection of Foreign and Domestic Fa brics in the piece, which will be MADE UP TO OR DER, in the best style, by competent and skill ful cutters and workmen. The advantage of dealing with a CASH HOUSE will be especially apparent in this department, upon a compari son of prices. We guarantee our prices lower than the lowest elsewhere and also guarantee full satisfaction to every purchaser, and request, that should any cause of dissatisfaction exist with a purchase made, it may be reported to us, pledging our selves, by exchange, refunding of money, or oth erwise, to give full satisfaction in every case. (Samples and prices sent by mail when desired.) An examination of our stock respectfully re quested and your patronage, if the above state ment of facts be satisfactorily demonstrated. Halfway between I BENNETT & Co., Fifth and > TOWER HALL, Sixth streets 1 518 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. jau3mo#] And 600 Broadway, NEW YORK. DR. S. I. TOBIAS' PULMONIC LIFE SIRUP, for the cure of Incipient Consumption, Coughs, colds, Croup, Asthma, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and General Debility. For several years I have been urged by kind freinds, who have used, and been benefited by, ray Life Syrup, to put it up for general sale ; but few know the large expense, now that the country is flooded with Patent Medicines, which attend the same For years past I was reluctant to do so, as the capital required would be large, and I did not wish to curtail the operations of my Venetian Liniment business. But, thanks to the generous public, who have appreciated my Venetian Lini ment, I am now able to do so, without any detri ment to my large business in that medicine. The foundation of my success I attribute to attending to the manufacture of every drop myself, and shall do the seme in regard to my Pulmonic Life Syrup. The Ingredients are perfectly harmless, but act on the Lungs and Liver with astonishing effect. Price 75 cents. Depot, No. 56 Cortlandt Street, New York, near Jersey City Ferry. Sold by the Druggists and Store keepers. junesinl A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION.-- A Physician who had Consumption for several years, with frequent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the profes ston, when his case appeared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medicine ; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to hazard the experiment To those suffering with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treatment ho confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Medicine sent by ex press. Send for a circular or call on DR. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Phil'a. inayß'6Byl. 1 ITCII ! ITCII !! ITCH !!!— Scratch ! Scratch'.! Scratch!!! —I n from 10 48 hours WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures THE ITCH. WHEATOS'S OINTMENT cures SALT RHEUM. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures TETTEB. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Barbers'ltch. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Old Sore. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a box; by mail, 60 cents. Ad dress WEEKS & POITER, No. 170 Washington I Street, Boston, Mass. Eor sale by all Druggists. sep2o,'67yl A PANIC would paralyze the world of fashion if it were Proclaimed Everywhere that henceforth no lady or gentleman could change the color of their hair with safety. Tet such would be the Dreadful Dilemma of both sexes, if that genial, balsamic, poisonless, and peerless preparation, CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, were stricken off the roll of toilet luxuries. No danger of that, however. It is not for a day, but for all time. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. Junesml DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M. D., and professor of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Penn sylvania. 12 years experience , (formerly of Leyden, Holland), No. 805 Arch Street Phila. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi cal faculty are invited to accompany their pa tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. july3,'6Byl CANCER, SCROFULA, &C., CURED.— Persons afflicted with Cancer, Scrofula, Tu mors, Eruptions, Ac., are CURED by the use of Dr. GREENE'S ELECTRO-MEDICATED BATHS and Indian Vegetable remedies which cleanse the blood of all Humors, Mercury, Lead, Ac., and restore health to invalids afflicted with every variety of disease. A book describing Cancer, Scrofula, Hu mors and other diseases, with their proper means of cure, may ue obtained free at the Medical Insti tute, or by mail. Address Dr. R. GREENE, 16 Temple place, Boston, Mass. To CONSUMPTIVES. —The Rev. ED WARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affection and ( that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to bene fit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address Rev. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburgh, Now York. sepl3inß # INFORMATION. —Information guar anteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair up on a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau tiful, can be obtained without charge by address ing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 Broadj way, New York. sepl3mß MARRIED. KNIPPLE—DULL—On the 7th of June, 186S, at-tho Reformed parsonage, by Rev N. H.Skyles, Mr. Eli Knipple and Miss Lavenia Dull, both of Schellsburg. TFCEDFORD COUNTY NORMAL I ) SCHOOL. —The Fall Quarter will begin, at Bedford, Monday, August 3d, 1868, and coutinue eleven weeks, closing with a County Institute. Special attention will be given to methods of In struction, or Seliool Economy, History and Vocal Culture. Terms, including vocal music so, to be paid in advance. Boarding can be had at reasona ble rates. H. VV. FISHER. july3w4 Co Sup't. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.—NO tice is hereby given to all persons not to trespass on the property of the undersigned, in St. Cluir tp., by fishing or hunting or in any way whatever, as they will DO prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. T. H. A N. J. LYONS, JACOB BECKLEY, ABNER W. SLEEK, JESSE BLACKBURN, _jul3w3 JESSE WILLIS. J NO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BEDFORD, PA. Fire Insurance effected perpetually or for any term. Life Insurance on the Interest Bearing Plan. Losses speedily adjusted and promptly paid. july3,'6B QHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, OF THE BEST QUALITY, AT LYNCH'S HARDWRE STORE, CHEAPER THAN EVER BROUGHT TO BEDFORD. CALL AND SEE THEM. ALSO Hubs, Fellows, Spokes, Bows, Shafts, Spin dles, Axles, Springs, Hay Fork Pulleys, Hay Rope. Grain Cradles and Scythes in quantity. jul3w4 T. M. LYNCH. D/wv ACRES OF EXCELLENT 1)1 !U FARM LAND FOR SALE.—ONE TRACT containing 262 ACRES, with good log house Rnd barn thereon ; also a good SAW-MILL, worth a rental of S2OO per annum. About half of this tract is excellent bottom and the balance upland. About 100 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on Dunning's creek, in St Clair tp., adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Andrews and Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will be gold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. ALSO, one tract containing 183 acres, having a good log house and barn and oft buildings there on. About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation ; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and situate near Pleasantvjlle, in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Bowser, Jacob Beckley and Joseph Smith. ALSO, one tract containing 137 acres, about -20 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber;, well watered and situate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Beckley, Joseph Smith and Christian Mock. Each of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchasers, and will be offered at private sale until SATURDAY, the 14th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, they will be gold to the highest and best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. For further particulars, address personally, or by letter, J. W. DICKERSON, Attorney-at-Law, july3tf Bedford, Pa. TO SALESMEN. ~ We wish to employ a few First-class NOTION SALESMEN to sell thirty days cash trade. We want men of experience in the business, and only such as can control a good trade. To such men we are willing to propose most liberal terms as to pay and means of increasing. Our house is well and generally known as the largest and cheapest net cash General Notion Es tablishment in the country, and with our large stock of goods and method of extensively adver tising our business, we do more than any other to assist our salesmen to make and hold a trade. Parties making app'ication will be particular to state the locality and actual amount of trade they can control, having the facilities of a large stock to sell from. Engagements will be made for any time after July Ist, 1868. We will consider all communica tions as strictly confidential. Address NOTIONS, box 1, 815 Philadelphia Postofflce. jul3w3 N~~ OTICETO~B UI LI )ERS.—Propo sals for the erection of a new school-hous in Sohollsburg, will be received until SATUR DAY , August 1, by John E. Colvin, Sec'y Schells burg school board. The whole work will be let to one builder, or the masonry, brick work, plaster ing and carpenter work to separate contractors. Stone work to be put up this summer and building to be completed byNovember, 1869. Proposals to furnish from ninety to one hundred thousand brick will also be received until Aug. 1. For plans and specifications of building apply to J. E. Colvin, Schellsburg, or H. W. Fisher, Bed ford. Contracts to be awarded to the lowest and best bidder. By order of the Board of School Di rectors of Schellsburg Borough. jun!9w6 JLE. COLVIN, Sec'y. ttonade, Ticking, Shirting Stripe, Clothing Huts, Boots and Shoes, DECIDEDLY CHEAP. Carpets, Oil-cloth and Window Shades, Wool fill ing and all wool Ingrain Carpets, Venitian entry, and stair carpet, new listing and Dutch Yam Carpets, the cheapest in town, Floor and Stair oil cloth, Gilt bordered window shades, cheap. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee, choice Im perial, Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. Su gars and Syrups. In a word, everything you want. Call and soe for yourselves. junl9'63. SPRING GOODS.—A. B. CRAMER A CO. are now receiving the LARGEST and MOST ELEGANT STOCK of GOODS, ever opened in Bedford. GREAT BARGAINS on hand, in every depart ment. TERMS— cash, or six months approved oredit. May 18, '6B. WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! AmoDg the DRY-GOODS MERCHANTS ! FISHER & BURNS Have just received from Philadelphia, New York and Boston, a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Ao., all of which will be sold below "low water mark," for cash or approved country produce. Their Room is in the old Post-office Building, (formerly owned by C Loyer) 1 door west of the Bedford Hotel. jun26m6 BOOK AGENTS W ANTED TO soli cit orders for Dr. WILLIAM SMITH'S DIC TIONARY OF TnE BIBLE. The Only Edition Published In America, Condensed By Dr. Smith's Own Hand. In one large Octavo volume, illus trated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers see that you get the Genuine Edition By Dr. Smith. The Springfield Rtpubkcan says, this edition published by Messrs Burift Co. is the geuuine thing. The Cengregationalist says, whoever wishes to get in the cheapest form, *the best Dictionary of the Bible should buy THIS. Agents are meeting with unparalleled sucoe3. We employ no General Agents, and offer extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly with the PUBLISH ERS. For descriptive circulars with full particu lars and terms, address the Publishers, J B. BURR A CO., Hartford, Conn. tnay29m6 NAMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra expense of print ing. Call at THE GAXETTI JO* ORR