TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THIS BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri .lay morning by MEYERS A MENDEL, at $2 00 per annum, if paid strictly in advance ; 52.50 if paid within six months; $2.00 if not paid within six months. AH subscription accounts MUST be settled annually. No .paper will he sent out of the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration <>£ the time for which they are paid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five "lines, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal Notices of every find, and Orphans' Court and Judicial Sales, are required by law to be published in both papers published in this place. All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. ♦One square ---$4 50 $6 00 s'.o 00 Two squares - - - 600 900 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 ♦One square to occupy one inch of space JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with ncHtness and dispatch. TEE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. ••-TERMS CASH. LxT All letters should be addressd to MEYERS A ME.VOEL, Publishers. 3Utovncu'a at £;ut\ S. L. RUSSELL. J- H. LONGENECKER. 1) USSELL & LONGENECKER, VJ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to ali busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Buck Pay, Bounty, Pensions. Ac. OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House. aprs,'67tf J. MCD. SHARPE. E P - KERR. OLIARPE A KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana st., opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schell. [March 2, 06. J. R. DURBORROW. | JOHN LUTZ. nu It BOIt BO w & LUTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA , Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mongol House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. FOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT f) LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblie. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, I,lßftl. ]ISPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT J LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military lainis, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t vo doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22,1864, F M. KIMMF.LL. | J W. LI NO E S FELT KR. KIMMELL & LING EN FELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Offiee on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe "Mengel House," H SPANG, ATTORNEY AT \T LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all b -iness entrusted to his care in Bedford and auj.fining counties. ' Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. B. F. MEYERS. | J- W. DICKF.USON. MEYERS & DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., offiee .same as formerly occupied by Hon. S. L. Russell, a few doors south of the Court House, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66. HAYS IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloody Run, Pa. Office in Harris' New Building. marl 3 68 SOMETHING NEW. The undersigned has just returned from the city with all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS in Photography, and is introducing the new Style of Picture called the "CABINET SIZE PHOTOGRAPIIN which has attracted so much attention in New York and Philadelphia. Having gone to considerable expense in refit ting and improving his Gallery, he is enabled to make any of the NEW STYLES OF PICTURES AT VERY LOW PRICES. FROM 25 CENTS UP. lie would also invite attention to his splendid stock of ALBUMS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; also GILT, ROSEWOOD, and WALNUT FRAMES and MOULDINGS, very cheap. Also Brackets for Ornamenting Parlors. HIS FANCY CASES are of the latest style and made of the best material. Photographs copied aud Enlarged from old De guerreotypes, Ambrotypcs, Paintings or any other kind of Picture. Thankful to his friends for their patronage dur ing the past fifteen years, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same, and wouid respectfully invite all whe wish a correct likeness of them selves, to call and examine his work before going elsewhere, satisfied that he can give entire sati-- faction to any who may favor him with their cus tem. T. 11. GETTYS. junl9m3 rpHE COMING CONFLICT! We give greater inducements to Agents than auy other House in the trade. Ladies aud Gents, get up Clubs in our great ONE DOLLAR SALE of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Ac., Ac. Thousands can testify as to the superior quality and the large remuneration received for selling our goods. We will present to any person, (free of cost), sending us a club, goods worth 83 to 8300, or will pay cash if necessary. All goods sold at an uniform price of ONE DOL LAR for each article. We have made ;pecial arrangement.- with the celebrated ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY, to sup ply their standard Teas and Coffees, at their best prices. Agents wanted everywhere. Descriptive Circu lars"will bo sent free, on application. ( HAS. LETTS A CO., Manfra' Agents, 64 & 66 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. jun26wt I .FURNITURE AND CABINET i ROOMS. THOMAS MERWINE, AT THE OLD STAHL WORK-SHOP, has re-opened the Furniture and Cabinet business in that part of town, and is prepared to furnish ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, at remarkably cheap rates. Call and examine his work before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid to the manufacture and furnishing of coffins. Terms reasonable. maylin3 WATERSIDE WOOLEN FAC TORY !—30,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED 1 The undersigned having leased the Large New Woolen Factory, erected recently at Waterside, for a number of years, respectfully informs the old customers of the Factory and the public generally, that they will need at least the above amount ot wool. They have on hand a large lot of Cloths, Casiraeres, Tweeds. Sattinetts, Jeans, Blankets, Coverlets, Flannel, Ac., which they will exchange tor wool, as has been the custom heretofore. Carpets will be made to order, at all times. Stocking yarn of all kinds always on hand. Our Peddler, W. H. Ralston, will call on all the old customers, and the public generally, in due time, for the pur pose of exchanging goods for wool. The highest market price will be paid for wool in cash. N. B. Wool carding spinning and country Full ing will be done in the best manner and at short notice. JOHN I. NOBLE A BRO., may22m3 Waterside, Pa. rpilE Local circulation of the BED- I FORD GAZETTE islargerthan that of any other paper in this section ol country, and therefore of ersthe greatest inducements to business men to fdvertise in its columns 2l)c BcMorii #)dtc. BY MEYERS & MENGEL. Ttoofland'S Column. you ALL BATE HEARD OF IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. Their introduction into this country from Ger many occurred in 1825. THEY CURED YOUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS, And will cure you and your children. They are entirely different fromqr -w the many preparations now in the eountry cal I—l led Bitters or Tonics. They are no tavern R -"-preparation, or any thing like one ; but good, honest, reliable medi cines. They are The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, stomach, or IMPURITY OF THE 13LOOD. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fullncs of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Full ness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the cs. Heart, Choking or Suffocating Seusa j I tions when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Y'ellowness ofthe Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. Constant Imagi nings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate diseases of the Liver or Di gestive Organs, combined with impure blood. , IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is entirely vegetable and contains no liquor. It is a compound of Fluid Extracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts are made, are gathered in Germany. All the medi cinal virtueas are ex traetcd from them by a scientific Chemist. I 1 These extracts are then forwarded to this V/ country to be used ex pressly fr the manufacture of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can be used in esses where alcoholic stimulants are advisable. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bit ters, with PURE Santa Cruz Rum. Orange, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in case where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies are en tirely different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the oth ers are mere decoctions of rum in some form. The TONIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal quali ties have caused it to be known as the greatest of all tonics. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to Hoofland's Ger man Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone |q and vigor to the whole system, strengthen JL the appetite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the stomach to di gest it, purify the blood, give a good, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eye. impart a blooin to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaci ated, weak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigorous person. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These remedies are the best Blood Purifiers ever known and will cure all diseases resulting from bad blosd. Keep your blood pure ; keep your Liver in order; keep your digestive organs in a sound, I healthy condition, by the use of these rente JL J dies, and no diseases will ever assail you. The best men inthecountry recommend theui. If years of honest reputation go for anything, you must try these preparations. FROM HON. GEO. W r . WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia. PHILADELPHIA, March 1(5, 1867. I find that "Hoofland's German Bitters" is not an intoxicating beverage, but is a good tonic, use ful in disorders of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in eases of debility and want of ner vous action in the system. Yours Truly, GEO. W. WOODWARD. FROM IION. JAMES TAOMPSON. Judge of the Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA. April 28, 1866. I consider ''Hoofland's German Bitters" a valua ble medicine in case of attaeks of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia. I \ can certify this from my experience of it. JE\~ Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON. FROM REV. JOSEPH H. KENNARD, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dn. JAOKSOS — DEAR SIR:—I have been fre quently requested to connect my name with rec ommendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the piaetice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined ; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness ot Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Com -m-r- plaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail; bnt usual -LA ly, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Your 3, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD, Eigth, below Coates Street. CAUTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counterfeited. The Genuine have the signature of C. M. JACK SON on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and the name of the article blown iu each bottle. All others are counterfeit. Price of the Bitters, $1 yer bottle; Or, a half dozen for $5. Price of the Tonic, $1 50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7 50. The tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. Hoofland's German Remedies that are so universally used and so highly recommended; y-. and do not allow the Druggist to induce I lyou to take anything else that he say-l_/is just as good, be cause he makes a larger profit on it. Those Reme dies will be sent by express to any locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, At the German Medicine Store. No. 631 ARCII STREET, Philadelphia. CI I AS. M. EVANS, PROPRIETOR. Formerly C. M. JACKSON A Co. These Reaedies are for sale by Druggists, Store keepers and Medicine Dealers everywhere. Do not forget to examine the article you buy in order to git the genuine. uiay29'6Hyl 3!u (&mttit MESSAGE OF TIIF. PRESIDENT. Veto of the Arkansas Bill. The President has transmitted to the House the following message, return ing with his objections the bill for the admission of Arkansas: To the House of Representatives : I return without my signature a bill entitled "An Act to admit the State of Arkansas to representation in Con gress." ' The approval of this bill would bean I admission on the part of the Execu tive that the "Act for the more effi cient government of the rebel States," passed March 2d, 18G7, and the act sup plementary thereto, were proper and constitutional. My opinion, however, in reference to these measures lias un dergone no change, but on the contrary, has been strengthened by the results which have attended their execution. Even were this not the case, I could j not consent to a bill which is based, upon the assumption either that by an i act of rebellion of a portion of its peo ple the State of Arkansas seceded from the Union, or that Congress may at its j pleasure, expel or exclude a State from the Union, or interrupt its relations j with the Government byarbitarily de-j priving it of representation in the Sen ate and House of Representatives. If Arkansas is a State not in the Union, this bill does not admit it as a State in to the Union. If, on the other hand, Arkansas is a State in the Union, no | legislation is necessary to declare it en-j titled "to representation in Congress as one of the States of the Union." The | Constitution already declares that' "each State shall have at least one Rep-1 resentative;" "that the Senate shall be j composed of two Senators from each ; State and "that no State without its consent shall be deprived of its suf frage in the Senate." That instru ment also makes each House "thejudg es of the elections, returns and quallG cations of its own members," and therefore all that is now neeessarty to restore Arkansas in all its constitution al relations to the Government is the decision by each House upon the eligi bility of those who, presenting their credentials, claim seats in the respec tive Houses of Congress. This is the plain and simple plan of the Constitu tion ; and believing that had it been pursued when Congress assembled in the month of December, ISGS, the re storation of the States would long since have been completed, I o.nce again re commend that it be adopted -Aft r , a recur rence of the troubles which have so long agitated the country? Would it not be the part of wisdom to take for our guide the Federal Constitution, rath er than resort to measures which, look ing only to the present, may in a few 3*ears renew, in an aggravated form, the strife and bitterness caused b>' leg islation which has proved to be ill timed and unfortunate. ANDREW JOHNSON. WASHINGTON, June 20,18G8. A BEAUTIFUL INCIDENT. —A naval officer being at sea in a dreadful storm, his lady, who was sitting in the cabin near him; and filled with alarm for the safet>' of the vessel; was so sur prised at his composure and serenity that she cricd,out — "M3 t dear, are not 3'ou afraid? J low is it possible you can he calm in such a dreadful storm?" He rose from his chair, lashed to the deck, supporting himself by a pillar of the bed place, drew his sword, and, pointed to the breast of wife, exclaim j ed: "Are you not afraid"?" She instantly answered, "No." "Why ?" said the officer. "Because." rejoined the lad3 r , "I know that this sword is in the hands of 1113' husband, and he loves me too well to hurt me." "Then," said he, "remember, I know in whom I believe, and that he holds the winds in his fists, and the ! water in the hollow of his hands." A BEAUTIFNL THOUGHT.— Dickens wrote: "There is nothing—llo, noth ing beautiful and good, that dies and is forgotten. An infant, a prattling child, d3*ing in its cradle will live again in the better thoughts of those who loved it, play its part though its bod 3* be burned to ashes or drowned in the deepest There is not an angel added to the hosts of heaven but does its blessed work on earth in those that loved it here. Deeds ! 011, if the good deeds of hu man creatures could be traced to their source, how beautiful would even death appear; for how much chari(3', merc 3', purified affection would he seen to have their growth indusk3 T graves!" LITTLE WOMEN. —The woman is ir repressible. Too fragile to come into the fighting section of humanity, a puny creature whom one blow from a man's huge fist could anninhilate, absolute ly fearless, and insolent with the inso lence which only those dare show who know that retribution cannot follow — what can be done with her? She is afraid of nothing, and to be controlled by no one. Sheltered behind her weakness as behind a tripple shield of brass, the angriest man dare not touch her while she provokes him to a com bat in which his hands are tied. She gets her own wa3* in everything and ever3*\vhere. At home and abroad she is dominant and irrepressi ble, equallj' free from obedience and from fear. WHAT BECOME* OK THE WASTE? It is one of the wonderful facts in the economy of Nature, that no particle of matter, however minute or worthless it may appear, is ever wasted. Noth ing is ever destroyed, for though we may change the form of matter, and make it for the time unfit for its primary use, we can never annihilate anything, for nature will use the ele ments apparently destroyed for some of her most subtle and valuable pro cesses. In the last number of the Lon don Quarterly, we find a graphic ac count of some of the ways in which art is learning to imitate nature in this respect, and is putting to various im portant uses the refuse matter that is daily cast away as worthless. The dust heaps of London, which contain ail the waste of its 500,000 houses, were formerly deposited on open ground, forming vast hills, where swine were brought to fatten, but of late this nuisance has been abolished, and now the contents of the dust carts are sep arated and analyzed as soon as they arrive. The waste coal is divided, and the larger pieces resold, while the refuse coal-dust bakes the bricks that rebuild the city. The bones go to the boiling houses to make gelatine, the larger ones being converted into the numerous articles now manufac tured of bone, the smaller being ground down for manure, and the fat around them carefully preserved for soap.— The paper, sorted according to coldr, is re-made into paper, the worst por tions being used for wrapper and pa pier-mache ornaments. The cotton and linen rags are of course converted into paper; the woolen ones being changed into brilliant and silky cloths of various textures. This is the orig inal shoddy, the figurative meaning of which is so familiar to us all. The old metal is stripped of its solder (the most -valuable part) and remelted, scraps of iron being frequently used to secure the copper that is found in some streams, and which will incrust the iron, and in time dissolve it, so that it is replaced by a mass of copper which would otherwise escape into the sea. Broken glass is melted and worked up anew, and glass vials are resold to the druggists. Old boots and shoes are, if possible, patched up and sold to those who are willing to buy them, or if too far gone, the leather is cut up into pieces for the cobbler. India-rubber shoes and other articles are melted, mixed with new gum, and reformed into their original shapes. The vege table decay feeds the pigs, and the broken crockery is powdered to make new roads. In France, the dead body of every horse is utilized, the hair going to the upholsterer, the hide to the tanner, the intestines to make strings for lathes, the fat is sold for 12 cents a pound, the hoofs and bones are sent to the turner. Even the rats of Paris are secured for their furs, and their skins which are used for gloves. The French sheep are also now made to contribute in a novel manner to the use of man. They draw from the land, in grazing, a large amount of potash, much of which is expelled from the skin in the form of sweat, constituting about 15 percent, of the weight of the fresh fleece. The potash is extracted by im mersing the raw wool in water, evap orating the solution, and distilling the residue, from which is obtained some gas used in lighting the factory, some ammonia, and a final residue corbo nate, sulphate, and chloride of po tassium, which are separated and sold. It has been computed that eighty-four sheep would in this way produce pot ash to the value of about five dollars each year. The drainage that has just been com pleted in London, not only secures health to its inhabitants, but is esti mated to be worth two millions of pound sterling, in the manner it yields. For many years the English went to great expense to procure guano from the Pacifiic Islands, which formed a less useful manure than that which was already poisoning the air of their own shores. Various useful products are now obtained from the offensive refuse of gas works, which was former ly emptied into the sea. Benzine, naphtha, lampblack, paraffin oil, and ammonia, are some of these. The de licate perfumery, so highly prized by the most fastidious, is often obtained from refuse and repulsive materials. Fusil oil, a peculiarly fetid liquid, forms the basis of the oil of pears, oil of apples, and oil of grapes. The oil of almonds, so much in demand as a perfume and flavor, is procured by the action of nitric acid on the offensive oils of gas tar, and the "oil demille fieur," is chiefly derived from the drainage of the cow house.— Public Ledger. The custom of allowing the bride a monopoly of the wedding presents was not adhered to at a recent fashion able wed 1 ing in St. Louis. The groom was substantially remembered in a spe cial douceour , the donor of which was the bride's mother. In a silver pitcher was a plain looking bit of paper, which was found those who had the curi osit3 r to examine it, a check in his fa vor for $25,000. It is altogether too absurd tosa3' that "Man is not perfect." Who is there that has not met with many who were perfect rascals, and not a few who were perfect fools. A prett3 T female artist can draw the men equalty with a brush and a blush. VOL. 62.—WHOLE No. 5,450. A MOTHER'S IXFLI'ENCE. A Mother's Manner* Mold the Child. There is no disputing this fact—it shines in the face of every little child. The coarse, bawling, scolding woman will have coarse, vicious, bawling, fight ing children. She who cries on every occasion, "I'll box your ears—l'll slap your jaws —l'll break your neck," is known as thorougly through her children as if her unwomanly manners were openly displayed in the public streets. These remarks were suggested by the conversation in a street car—that great institution for the students of men and manners—between a friend and a schoolmaster. Our teacher was caustic, mirthful and sharp. His wit flashed like the polished edge of a diamond, and kept the car in a roar. The entire community of insiders— and whoever is intimate with one of these conveyances can form a pretty good idea of our numbers, inclusive of the 'one more' so well known to the fraternity—turned their head, eyes and ears one way, and finally our teacher said—"l can always tell the mother by the boy. The urchin who draws back with doubled fists and lungs at his playmate, has a very questionable mother. She may feed him and clothe him, cram him with sweat meats, coax him with promises, but if she gets mad she fights. "She will pull him by the jacket; she will give him a knock in the back; she will drag him by the hair; she will call him all sorts of wicked names, while pashion plays over her red face in lambent flames that curl and writhe out at the corners of her red eyes. "And we never see the courteous lit tle fellow with smooth locks and gentle maners—in whom delicacy does not detr act from courage or manliness, but we say that boy's mother is a true lady. Her words and ways are soft, loving and quiet. If she reproves, her lan guage is 'my son'—not 'you little wretch—you plage of my life--you tor ment—you scamp!' "She hovers before him as a piller of light before the wandering Israelites, and her beams are reflected into his face. To him the word mother is syn onymous with everyting pure, sweet and beautiful. Is he an artist? In af ter-life, that which with the holy radi ance shines on his canvass will be the mother's face. Whoever flits across his path with sunny smiles and soft, low voice will bring 'mother's ini inage,' freshly to his heart. 'She. is like my mother,'will be the highest meed of his praise. Not even when the hair turns silver and eye grows dim will the majesty of that life and presence desert him. "But the ruffian mother—alas, that there are such—will form the ruffian character of the man. He in turn will become a merciless tyrant, with a tongue sharper than a two edged sword, and remembering the brawling and cuffing, seek some meek, gentle victim for tiio sacrifice, with the condition that he shall be master. And master he is for a few sad years, when he wears a widower's weed till he finds a victim number two." We wonder not that there are so ma ny awkward, ungainly men in society— they have all been trained by women who knew not nor cared for the holy nature of their trust. They had been made bitter to the hearts core, and that bitterness will find vent and lodgment somewhere. Strike the infant in anger and he will, if he cannot reach you, vent his passion by beating the door, the chair or any inanimate thing with in reach. Strike him repeatedly, and by the time he wears shoes he will have become a bully, with hands that doub ble for fight as naturally as if especial pains had been taken to teach him the art of boxing. Mothers, remember that your man ners mold the child. Who will not say that mothers ought to be thor ougly educated, whether their sons are or not ? LIVING WITHOUT SLEEP. —Five young men in Berlin lately made an agreement for a wager, to see who of them could keep awake for a whole week. They all held out for about five days and a half, by drinking largely of strong coffee, and keeping up a con stant round of active exercises and exciting amusements. At the end of that time two of them yielded to drows iness. A third soon after fell asleep while riding, tumbled from his sad dle and broke his arm. A fourth was attacked by severe sickness and com pelled to retire from the lists. The fifth held out to the end, but lost twenty-five pounds of flesh in winning the wager. Long ago, Frederick the Great and Voltaire made a similar experiment, making use of the same stimulant of strong coffee, but they did not succeed in driving away sleep for more than four days. "Tired nature" obstinately refuses to accept any substitute for her "sweet restorer." THE majesty of justice was fearfully sustained by Lord Eksgrove who it is related, once sentenced a tailor for murdering a soldier, in these words: 'And not only did you murder him, whereby he was bereaved of his life, but you did thrust, push, or pierce, or propel the lethal weapon through the bellyband of his Regimental breeches, which were the property of his Majes ty.' To stop potatoes rotting—eat 'em. THE MAX WITH THE PHOTOGRAPH IC MEMORY.— Some months ago an of ficer of the United States Army, who is remarkable for the .suddenness and i keenness of iiis vision, accosted an in j dividual on the levee, with— j "J low do you do, my dear fellow? Glad to see you looking so well. But that was an awful scare we got, was ii not ?" "Sir," said the accosted gravely, "you have the advantage of me." "Had the advantage of you, you mean ; but not so much— you were down nearly as soon as 1 was." "Sir," said the party addressed, still more gravely, "you speak in riddles. Will you be so good as to explain ?" "Ah !" responded the phenomenon, "don't remember, 1 suppose. Quite natural. We had only a passing glimpse of each other." "Sir, you probably mistake me for some one else," returned the other, more mystified than ever. "Not a bit of it," said the man with photographic memory. "You were.on board steamer when she blew up near Memphis, on the 22d of April, at thirteen minutes past eleven o'clock, nine years ago, were you not?" "Yes, I was, but—" "No buts. So was I. Not that I saw you before the explosion. My first and only interview with you, sir, was in the air. You were going up* and I was coming down. The glimpse I had of you was necessarily short. Your features were distorted by fright, our paces were killing, and I was wrong side up. Consequently my opportuni ties for observation were unfavorable. But I never forget faces under any cir cumstances, however discomposing. I photographed you, sir, and I have had you in my mind's-eye ever since. The moment I saw you I recognized you as the original of my mental daguerreotype.—Glad to see you looking in better trim than when 1 saw you last. But we all have our ups and downs in this world. Suppose we adjourn where we can crack a bot tle of champagne for the sake of auld latig syne?" "Which," said our informant, as he wound up the story, "they accordingly did." A party of hunters from San Francis co were chased by a grizzly on the Coast Range and, in jumping over a fallen tree, one of them dropped a bot tle from the pocket of his shooting coat. This accident saved their live:-, for the bear stopped, smelt of the bot tle, set himself down on his haunches, and, taking the flask in his paws, drank like a sensible human being, rubbing his hirsute stomach in satis faction, utterly forgetting his enemies. AN Irish citizen in grief is asked by a friend what is the matter ? 'Matter indade. Why here, I insur ed my brother's life only two wakes ago, and yesterday he got killed with a derrick. And whin I came to tell those insurances they'd be after mak ing some mistake, the blackguards thryed to bribe me off with five hun dred dollars—as if I was a hay then to sell my brother's blood.' LITTLE Frank was taught that ev ery one was made of dust. One day he was wathching the dust in the street as the wind was whirling in eddies.— 'What are you thinking of?' asked his mother. 'O'said Frank, with a serious face, 'I thought the dust looked as though there was going to be another little boy.' A man who had purchased a new pair of shoes, tindiug the road to l>e a rather rough one, decided on putting his shoes under his arm and walk home barefoot. After awhile he stumped his big toe, taking oil'the nail as clear as a whistle. "How lucky!' he exclaimed—'what a tremendous kick that would have been for the shoes.* MY son, would you suppose that the Lord's prayer could be engraved in a small space no larger than a nickel cent?" 'Wei!, yes, father, if a cent would be as large in everybody's eyes as it is in yours, I think no difficulty would be experienced in putting it on about four times.' Jonx Phoenix once said, that when, from the deck of an out-going steamer, he shouted to a friend, 'Good bye. Colonel,' two-thirds of the crowd raised their hats, and said, Good bye, old tel. Takkar yerself.' Ax unmarried lady on this side of fifty, hearing of the marriage of a very young friend, observed with a deep sigh— ' Well, as soon as all the infants are disposed of, I suppose the women will have a chance.' 'Do you keep matches?' asked a would be wit of a retail dealer. 'Oh, yes,' was the reply. 'Well, then I guess I'll take a trot ting match.' The retailer immediately handed hiin a box of pills. A preacher, in a funeral sermon on a lady, after summing up her good qualities, added, 'that she always reach ed her husband his hat, when he called for it, without muttering.' WHAT is the difference between edi tors and matrimonial experience? In the former the devil cries for 'copy.' In the latter the 'copy cries like the devil.' AN exchange says that six cents worth of green paint in powder used about any house, will "clear the kitch en and all its surroundings of roaches and kindred pests." AHEAD OFOUK POST OFFICE.— The New York Post Office, when complet ed will cover two acres.