flit Home and Around. ♦ HLNTI NIT DON AND BROAD TOP R.R. —SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. —TIME TABLE. —Express Train leaves Mt. Dallas 5 40 a. m , and arrives at Huntingdon, at 823 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 6.05 p. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 8.53 p. in Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 2.10 p. in., ar rives at Huntingdon at 452 p. m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.45 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 10.30 a. m. DKMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. Pursuant to the call of the Democrat ic* County Committee, the Democratic County Convention assembled in the Court House, in Bedford, on Monday, June 22. Onmotionof J.C.Black,Esq., HON. JAMES BURNS, of Juniata, was chosen President, and Hon. A. J.Snive ly and C. S. Faxon, Esq., Secretaries. The following named delegates pre-j seuted their credentials and were ad mitted to seats in the Convention : Bedford Borough— O. E. Shannon, George Mardorff. Bedford Township —Samuel Defi baugh, Daniel Ilellzell. Broad Top— John C. Figard and B. F. Edwards. Bloody Run —Capt. P. G. Morgart, Sam'l B. Tate. Colerain —ll. I'. Diehl, S. 11. Feath er. Coaldale— A. W. Swope. C. Valley —Jas. Cessna, Esq., F. C. Morgart. Harrison —Win Egolf, S. J. Souser. llopewell —W. A. Grove, W. Gor sucli. Juniata —Hon. James Burns, L. X. Fyan, Esq. Londonderry —Samuel Lehman. Liberty— lsaac Kensinger, Esq. Monroe —Erederiek Xetf, Esq., Hez. Bark man. Napier— Or. W. Bowser, Levi Otto. Prov. East-I). A. T. Black, J*. M. Barton. Prov. West —A. J. Morgart, J. 8.. Smith. Saxton—C. S. Faxon, Esq., S. S. Fluke, Esq. Snake Spring —John Koous, Sol. Reighard. Schellsburg Bor. —John Keniery, A. J. Snively. St. Clair —S. M. Sleek, John Grif fith. . SI. Clairsville Bor. —And. Blackburn, J. K. Sours. Union—J. M. Sleek, Francis Beard. Woodbury M.—Daniel Barley, D. 1?. Koehendarfer. Woodbury S. —J. E. Noble, J. /• Koehendarfer. Woodbury Bor. —W. G. Eieholtz, Lewis Potter. On motion of O. E. Shannon, Esq., tlie Convention proceeded to ballot for candidates. On the third ballot, D. P. BEEGLE, of St. Clair tp., was nominated for County Commissioner. On the third ballot, IIENRY EGOLF, of Napier tp., was nominated for Poor Director. ( )U motion, SAMUEL KETTERM AN, of Bedford borough, was unanimously nominated for County Surveyor. Du. P. 11. PENNSYL, of Bloody Run, was unanimously nominated for Coro • ner. VALENTINE STI-XKMAN, of Bedford borough, was nominated, by acclama tion, for Auditor. The following resolutions were then adopted: Resolved, That E. F. Kerr, I*. G. Morgart and James Siil be and they are hereby appointed conferees (with pow er to substitute) to meet similar con ferees from the counties of Adams, Franklin, Knlton and Somerset, for the purpose of placing in nomination a can didate for Congress, and they are here by instructed to vote for Hon. B. F. Meyers and use every honorable effort to secure his nomination. Resolved, That if Mr. Meyers cannot be nominated, the conferees are to use their best judgment in" the selection of a candidate. Resolved, That Peter M. Barton, J. \V. Tate and Win. Keyser be and they are hereby appointed conferees (with power to substitute) to meet similar conferees from the counties of Frank lin, Fulton and Somerset, for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi _date for the oliiee of Additional Law Judge, and should the Hon. J. Mc- Dowell Sharpe, of Franklin county, he presented for that position, they are instructed to vote for him and use ev ery honorable effort to secure his nomi nation. Resolved, That L. X. Fyan, \Y. Schaeffer and D. A. T. Black, be ap pointed conferees, (with power to sub stitute) to meet similar conferees from the counties of Fulton and Somerset, for the purpose of nominating eandi * dates for members of the Legislature, and that they are hereby instructed to vote for, aud use every honorable means to secure the nomination of, Capt. Thos. 11. Lyons. Resolved, That the Chairman of the County Committee, hereafter, in his call for the primary elections, desig nate the committees to hold such elec tions. Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed to revise the rules for the government of the Democratic party of Bedford county, such committee to make report to the County Committee, prior to the issuing of the call for the next County Convention, and the action of the County Committee upon such report to be final. In accordance with the last resolu tion, John C. Black, Esq., and Capt. P. G. Morgart, of Bloody Run, Hon. J. G. Hartley, of Snake Spring, Hon. A. J. Snively, of Schellsburg, G. W. Bowser and Andrew Crisman, Esq., of Napier, and George Elder, Esq., of Harrison, were appointed a committee on revision of rules to report to the County Committee. The following County Committee was then appointed for the ensuing year: J. \V. DICKERSON, Chairman, Bedford Bor. R W Berkstresser, Secretary, Bed ford Bor. John P Reed, Bedford Bor. Isaac D Earnest, Bedford Tp. D Rowland, Broad Top. Jeremiah Thompson, Bloody Run. S H Feather, Colerain. J M Barnet, Coaldale. James Cessna, C. Valley. Joseph Cessna, Harrison. \V. Gorsucli, Hopewell. Thomson Burns, Juniata. J C Devore, Londonderry. Isaac Kensinger, Liberty. Jacob Barkman, Monroe. John A Burns, Napier. John 11 Barton, E. Providence. Geo Baughinau, W. Providence. S S Fluke, Saxton. Geo Smou.se, Jr.,- Snake Spring. S W Statler, Schellsburg. Dr VV Hall, St. Clair. F i) Boogie, at. Clairsville. Wni. Adams, Southampton. Josiah Mowry, Fnion. Daniel Barley, M. Woodbury. Jos B Noblo, S. Woodbury. L> It P Swaney, Woodbury Bor. On motion the Convention adjourn ed sine die. JAMES BURNS, Pres't. A' S T Si v ' Secretaries. A.J. BNI \ , ) STREET PREACHING. —On last Sun day afternoon, Rev. Bishop Gates, (colored), held forth to a "large and enthusiastic audi nee" in front of the Union School house, on Juliana street. The "extinguished privilege" of hear ing the Bishop is not often enjoyed by the good people of Bedford, and hence, without much "previousnotice given," the novelty of an out-door sermon at tracted quite a large crowd. Two of the "Deacons" passed the hat, and as the "stamps" dropped in, the voice of the "old man eloquent" suddenly rose, and in the midst of a beautiful pero ration he exclaimed, "that's right, help the old man along!" And the "congregation" came down liberally. After "renouncing the benediction," the Bishop that on next Sunday week, his voice would again be heard "at the usual time and place." THE STING OF THE LOCUST.— There is a difference of opinion among men who profess to be familiar with the'ci cada as to whether its sting is poison ous. From the following article pub lished in the Reading Daily Dispatch, it would appear that the sting of this insect is poisonous. On last Wednes day Miss Elizabeth Gambler, residing near the Temple station, on the East Pennsylvania railroad, caught a locust— the tirst she had seen—and was exhibit ing it to her mother, when it stung •her in the hand. The sting caused her much pain, and its poisonous effects ran through her whole system, from the effects of which she died on Saturday evening. Miss Gambler was a very amiable young lady of eighteen years of age. The same paper from which the a bove is copied contains the following: "Mrs. Ream, wifeof Frederick Ream, residing on Washington street, was yesterday stung in the back of the neck by a locust. The wound immediately com menced swelling, and fears were entertained for Mrs. It's life. The fol lowing remedies were applied, and she is now out of danger : A young chick en was killed and gutted, and the flesh applied to the wound. In about an hour the poison was absorbed by the flesh of the chicken, which presented a greenish appearance." THE new Pension bill, now before Congress, provides that where a pen sion is granted to the relatives of a de ceased person, it shall he paid—first, to the mother ; second, to the father ; and, thirdly, to the orphan brothers and sisters, who shall be pensioned jointly, if there be more than one. In the case of brothers and sisters, the pepsion is to cease upon the youngest one's becoming sixteen years of age. In the case of the remarriage of a widow or dependent mother, the pen sion is to he paid from the death of the husband or son up to the time of the remarriage.. RUNAWAY.— One day last week, a horse attached a to buggy containing John C. Wright and another gentle man, ran away on East Pitt street, throwing out both riders, and travel ing at a rate inconsistent with our bor ough ordiuances"in such case made and provided." "Nobody hurt" much, except the buggy which insisted on be ing in too close proximity to the horse's heels. NEW STORE ROOM AND NEW STORE. —Fisher & Burns have fitted up a large and commodious store room in the old Postoflice Building, one door west of the Bedford Hotel, where they have just opened and have on ex hibition a large aud varied assortment of Dry-Goods, Boots and Shoes, No tions, Groceries, Ac., Ac., which they will sell at the lowest prices. See their advertisinent in another column. 0 A FTNK SUMMER.— It is stated as a proved proverb that "when the oak is in leaf before the ash, it is sure to beto ken a dry summer." This spring be ing an illustration of the fact indicates that our present sumhier wilPbe a fine one; which will be consoling, as hav ing been so near drowning out, it will be a variety to endure a dry up. LADIES' FASHIONS. —From various Fashion reports we tind that a uni form color is the great desideratum now in a stylish costume. A costume complete in one color, and not in one color only, but in one shade of one color, requires genius, patience, judg ment, and tine artistic taste. THE German Reformed congrega tions of the Huntingdon charge, have tendered Rev. Mr. Heilman, of Bed ford county, the pastorship of their several churches. IT has just been decided by the courts of Pennsylvania that a rrftirried woman may not sell stock without her hus band's consent, although his signature as a witness on the certificate of trans fer has been ruled as evidence of as sent. IN DEMAND— Linen coats, Summer Hats, &c. Berkstresser A Co. have a fine assortment. 0- DURABLE —The Boots and Shoes sold by Irvine. Ladies should call and examine his stock af Gaiters. 0 THE new Fee Bill for Justices and constables as passed by the last Legis lature, for sale at Inquirer Book Store. Every justice and constable should have one. IF YOU WANT to enjoy good health, excellent appetites and ruddy complex ions, throw open your doors, hoist your windows, and give the pure air a chance to circulate. i -RELII . iocs.—The 2d Quarterly Meet ing for Bedford Station will lie held on ! Suturday and Sunday, the 27th and 28th inst. Rev. J.S. f)oalo, of the Bal timore Conference, and Rev. A. W. I Guyer, of Central Pa. Conference, will bein attendance. B. W. G. REED, Pastor. JUST AKKIVKD.—A large lot of new goods bought at low prices, and to be sold at correspondingly low rates, have just been received at A. L. Defibaugh's. Now is the time for bargains! Come along and look at Defibaugh's stock. See for yourselves and be convinced that it is your interest to make your purchases at his store. ALL the July magazines including Harper, Atlantic, Galaxy, Lippincott, Eclectic, Godey, Young Folks, River side, Frank Leslie, Demorests, Ac., for sale at the Inquirer Book Store, on Ju liana Street. DRESS material for courting—pop lin. SPECIAL NOTICES. 4fc #- REASONS WHY. We are enabled to offer superior inducements to purchasers of clothing, to which your attention is respectfully invited. We have n business experience of more than years, have been longer established than any house in our trade in Philadelphia. We employ sufficient'cnpital to make ALL PUR CHASES FOR CASH, which, together with the fact that our large business enables us to buy in large amounts in first hands, thereby saving all profits of jobbers and middlemen, give us ad vantages in purchasing at tbe lowest rates, SHARED BV .NO HOUSE IN OUR TRADE. We sell only for cash and having no losses from bad debts to provide for, the paying customer is not TAXED TO KELP PAV THE DEBT OF ANOTHER who does not pay, as is inevitably the case in a busi ness where credit is given. We employ the best talent in all departments, which, with long experience, enable us to man ufacture garments SUPERIOR IN EVERY RES PECT — equalled by fw —surpassed by none. We have the largest establishment for the manu facture and sale of clothing in Phila lelphia, extending through from 518 Market street to 511 Minor street, occupied exclusively by our selves, also a branch store at 600 Broadway, .New York, and keep at all times of MEN'S, YOUTH'S and BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING, the largest stock and best assort ment in the city, from which any person can be accurately fitted at once, as well, orbetter, than by garments made to order, our large stock comprising every size of all styles of goods. We have recently added to our previous stock a full assortment of CHILDREN'S GARIBALDI AND OTHER SUITS, equal to any in the city in style, trim ming, and make; whieh are sold at lower pri ces than have hitherto been known in Phila delphia. They, with all our Boys' and Youth's goods, are kept on the first floor, nearest the front, convenient for ladies. We have also re cently opened on our SECOND B'LOOR A CUSTOM DEPARTMENT for the display of a choice selection of Foreign and Domestic Fa brics in the piece, which will be MADE UP TO OR DER, in the best style, by competent and skill ful cutters and workmen. Tbe advantage of dealing with a CASH HOJSK will be especially apparent in this department, upon a compari son of prices. We guarantee our prices lower than the lowest elsewhere and also guarantee full satisfaction to every purchaser, and request, that should any cause of dissatisfaction exist with a purchase made, it may be reported to us, pledging our selves, by exchange, refunding of money, or oth erwise, to give full satisfaction in every case. (Humpies and prices seat by mail when desired.) An examination of our stock respectfully re quested and your patronage, if the above state ment of facts be satisfactorily demonstrated. Halfway between J BENNETT & Co., Fifth and J- TOWF.R HALL, Sixth streets I 518 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. jan3in6*] And 600 Broadway, NEW YORK. DK. S. I. TOBIAS' PULMONIC LIFE SI RI P, for the cure of Incipient Consumption, Coughs, colds, Croup, Asthma, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and General Debility. For several years I have been urged by kind freinds, who have used, and been benefited by, my Life Syrup, to put it up for general sale ; but few know the large expense, now that the country is flooded with Patent Medicines, which attend the same For years past I was reluctant to do so, as the capital required would be large, and I did not wish to curtail the operations of my Venetian Liniment business. But, thanks to the generous public, who have appreciated my Venetian Lini ment, I am now able to do so, without any detri ment to my large business in that medicine. The foundation of my success I attribute to attending to the manufacture of every drop myself, and shall do the same in regard to my Pulmonic Life Syrup. The Ingredients are perfectly harmless, but act on the Lungs and Liver with astonishing effect. Price 75 cent 3. Depot, No. 56 Cortlandt Street, New York, near Jersey City Ferry. Sold by the Druggists and Store keepers. junesml A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION.-- A Physician who had Consumption for several years, with frequent bleedings of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the profes sion, when his case appeared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medicine ; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to hazard the experiment To those suffering with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treatment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Medicine sent by ex press. Send for a circular or call on DR E. BOYLSTOX JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Phil'a. mayS'6Byl. 0 ITCH ! ITCH !! ITCH !!!— Scratch ! Scratch .' Scratch .'—ln from 10 48 hours WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures THE ITCH. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures SALT RHEUM. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures TETTER. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Barbers' 1 Itch. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Old Sores. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a box ; by mail, 60 cents. Ad dress WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all Druggists. sep2o,'67y I 0 A PANIC would paralyze the world of fashion if it were Troc!aimed Everywhere that henceforth no lady or gentleman could change the color of their hair with safety. Yet such would be the Dreadful Dilemma of both sexes, if that genial, balsamic, poisouless, and-peerless preparation, CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, were stricken off the roll of toilet luxuries. No danger of that, however. It is not for a day, but for all time. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. Junesml CANCEH, SCROFULA, AC., CURED.— Persona afflicted with Cancer, Scrofula, Tu mor's, Eruptions, Ac., are CUBED by the use of Dr. GREENE'S ELECTRO-MEDICATED BATIIS and Indian Vegetable remedies which cleanse the blood of all Humors, Mercury, Lead, Ac., and restore health to invalids afflicted with every variety of disease. A book describing Cancer, Scrofula, Hu mors and other diseases, with their proper means of cure, may ue obtained free at the Medical Insti tute, or by mail. Address Dr. R. GREENE, 16 Temple place, Boston, Mass. INFORMATlON.— lnformation guar anteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair up on a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the rcmovnl of Pimples Blotches, Ernptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau tiful, can be obtained without charge by address ing THOS. F- CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 Broad? way, New York. sepl3inß To CONSUMPTIVES* —'A'h© Re\\ F.i>- WAHD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for waking and using the simple remedy by which ho was cure Jof a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to bene fit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing Please address Rev. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williainsburgh, New York. sepl3uiß REVIEW or THE MARKETS. Corrected every week. PHILADELPHIA, June 23. FLOUR.—The quotations are- North west superfine, 87.50(^8.00 Northwest extra, 8.50(a9.00 Northwest extra family, Penna. and West'n sup., 8.00(8.75 Pehna. and West'n extra, 9.00( 9.50 Penna. and West'n family, 10.50(a 12.00 Penna. and West'n fancy, 12.50(14.00 Rve flour, 9.50@9.75 GRAIN. —We quote- Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.G5@2.70 Southern California, " White, " Rye, " 0.00(^1.90 Corn, for yel., " 1.14(<71.14 Oats, * " ("90 c PROVISIONS.—We quote— Mess Pork, ]>er bbl., 828..T0p/ 29.00 Bacon Hams, per lb., 20( 21c Salt Shoulders, " I-c Prime Lard, '* 17c SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed, per bus., at $5.50(0,6.00 Timothy, " 2.50@2.60 Flaxseed, " " 2.85@2.85 MARRIED. RICHARDSON—BOYD—On the 17th inst., by the Rev. G. 11. Souser, Mr. John Richardson, of Fulton co., to Miss Sallie E. Boyd, of Bedford co. CARPENTER—BEAL—On the 18th inst.. near Wellersburg, Pa., at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Jesse Beal, by the Rev. J. 11. A. Kitzmiller, Mr. Abraham Carpenter of Bedford county, Pa., to Mi 33 Diana Deal of Somerset eo., Pa RESSLER—PENSYL—At the Friends' Cove Parsonage, on Wednesday morning, June 17th, 1868, by the Rev. Wm. M. Deatrick, Mr. Reamer Ressler, of Rainsburg, and Miss Rebecca Jane Pensyl, of Charlesville. DIED. ANDERSON—At the residence of her son-in law, in Bedford, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Sarah An derson, aged 75 years, 9 months, and 8 days. Our aged mother has at last left us. God, in his Providence, has seen fit to remove her after suffer ing for several months. During her sickness she was patient, although often expressing a desire to depart. She was born in Frederick County, Vir ginia, and removed here some 25 years ago. She united with the Church in early youth, and the communion record of the Lutheran Church of this place, of which she was a member, shows how faithful she was in her profession of Christ. She often spoke of Jesus and Heaven. She has been admitted into the presence of the Savior, and has exchanged this home for that above. Having committed herself to him in this life, she now rests from sorrows free, and will abide with her Savior forever. M. gew ~VTOTICE-—On and after the first of Ay July next, no freight will be delivered at Mt. Dallas Station until paid for. A G. ALLEN, june2tiw2* Agent. INX E(' UTOif S XOT I (' E.— J Notice is hereby given that letters testamen tary to the estate of Jno. Honestine late of St. Clair township, dee'd, have been granted to the under signed, by the Register of Bedford county. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. SAMUEL HONESTINE. HENRY HONESTINE, jun26w6 Executors. MARY RICHARDSON. S. S. CAMPBELL. JJ. RICHARDSON&.CO , , Manufacturers of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, and Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS AND NUTS, No 126 Market St., Bet. Front A Second, de06,M57y1. PHILADELPHIA, PA. INSTATE OP JOHN METZGAR, j DEC'D.--AUDITORS' NOTICE.— The under signed appointed by the Orphans' court of Bed ford county, auditor, to ascertain the advance merits te the heirs ot said deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of John Alsip, Esq., administrator of said deceased, among the heirs and others legally entitled to receive the same, will attend to the dutiesof his appoint ment on Thursday, the I6th day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, at his office in Bed ford. jun26w2 S. L. RUSSELL, auditor. XITAR! WAR ! ! WAR !! ! y \ Among the DRY-GOODS MERCHANTS ! FISHER & BURNS Have just received from Philadelphia, New Turk and Boston, a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, (jueensware, Ac., all of which will be sold below "low water mark," for cash or approved country produce. Their Room is in the old Post-office Building, (formerly owned by 0 Loyer) 1 door west of the Bedford Hotel. jun2Gmf> r|MIE COMING CONFLICT! We give greater inducements to Agents than any other House in the trade. Ladies and Gents, get up Clubs in our great ONE DOLLAR SALE of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Ac., Ac. Thousands can testify as to the superior quality and the large remuneration received for selling our goods. We will present to any person, (free of cuit), sending us a club, goods worth $3 to §3OO, or will pay cash if necessary. All goods sold at an uniform price of ONE DOL LAR for each article. We have made special arrangements with the celebrated ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY, to sup ply their standard Teas and Coffees, at their best prices. Agents wanted everywhere. Descriptive Circu lars will be sent free, on application. CI I AH. LETTS A CO., Maufrs' Agents, 64 A 66 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. jun26wl rpHE Local circulation of the BKD- I FORD GAZETTE is larger than that of any other paper in this section ol country, and therefore of ersthe greatest, inducements to business men to fdvertise in its columns. N'AMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra expense of print ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB Or? IT* VERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low lates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and eave yeur orders. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own intorests by advertising in the columns of THE GAZF.TTB. rpERMS for every description of Job I PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for every article we use, we must pay oash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in the cities. IETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. ORDERS front a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. Pa. OYES ! OYES! O Yes!— The un dersigned having taken out auctioneer li cense holds himself in readiness to ory sales and auctions on the shortest notice. Give him a call. Address him at Ray's Hill, Bedford county. Pa. oct2sm6 WILLIAM GRACEY. AUCTION EER.—The undersigned having renewed his license as an auctioneer, offers his services to the public genorally. Post office address Cumberland Vley. mar2(lm2* _ JOHN DICK EN PLASTER. —The undersigned would respectfully inform the public, that he is prepared to supply both ROCK and GROUND PLASTER. Warehouse, Bloody Run Station. jan3l'63tf JOHN W. BARNHOLLAR. geu' MILL, MULAY, GA^Ci, ANI) CROSS CUT SAWS. Every Saw that leaves our Factory is Oil Tem pered and Patent Ground. ■perfectly true and even, and made of uniform temper by our patent tem pering process. | LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL'S { Patent Ground, Patent Temper, —STAMP — LIPPINCOTT A CO. Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. I AXES, Common shape, as good as the best. THE RED JACKET (COLBCRS s PATENT; AXE cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cut 26 per cent, more than common Axeg. with less la bor to the chopper. Send for circular and prices to LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pittsburg, Pa., Sole Manufacturers. For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. inaylswl STENCIL STOCK. STAFFORD MAN* LFACTORING Co., 66 Fulton St., New York, uirculars and samples sent free. 4 GENTS WANTED FORTHE OFFICIAL HISTOKY OF THE WAR. Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Re sults. BY HON. ALEXANDER H.STEPHENS. Its ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it the best subscription book ever published. One agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 snbscribers in three days. Another in Boston, 103 subscrib ers in four dayg. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address National Pub lishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MEDIC A L I LLUMI NATION ; Four Magnificently Illustrated Medical Books, containing Important Physiological Infor mation, for Men and Women sent free on receipt of 25 cts., by addressing Dr. JOHN VANDER PUOL, No. 30 Clinton Place, N. Y. City. (CRAWFORD'S Stump af:d Rock J Extractor and Elevator perfected. Send for circular. A. Crawford, Warren, Me. AGENTS WANTED. 87". to S2OO per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manuer. Price only $lB. Fully waranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO for any machine that will sow a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the -'Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stich can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SE COMB A CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., or BOSTON, MASS. Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours i the only genuine and really practical chenp machine manufactured. CI ARPENTERS. Send for a Cata / logue of New Practical Books on Architec ture and Stair Building. A. J. BICKNELL A CO., Publishers, Troy, N. Y. RRVHE SUCCESS I Of the One DOLLAR Sale a Revolution in Trade. WE furnish at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR, such articles as are used by every family, at a less price than they are sold by any wholesale dealer in New York or Boston. Agents wanted to co-operate with us in carry ing out a plan which meets the wants of the mil lion, and in the disposal of a largo and varied stock of Dry and Fancy Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Carpetings, Ac. Our terms to Agents are superior to those of any other firm, as our circular will show. Those getting up clubs can secure a pieee of Sheeting, Watch, Silk Dress, Shawl, Sewing Machine, Ac., Ac., FREE OF COST. A check describing an article to be sold for a Dollar, 10 cts. ; 20 for $2 ; 40 for $4 ; 60 for $6 ; 100 for $lO, sent by mail. Send money by Registered letter. Circulars mailed free to any address. A gents wanted everywhere. Adress HARRIS A PLUMMER, 34 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. T OOK ! LOOK!! LOOK!!! AGENTS WANTED—FOR SHAW A FISK'S PAWNBROKER'S SALE, to whom great induce ments are offered. We will send you a Sewing Machine or Nice Dress free of cost. Give us a trial. Catalogues sent free. SHAW A FISK, P. 0. Box 3178, Boston, Mass. HAVE YOU TRIED TOWLE A CO S NONPAREIL DOLLAR SALE? If you have not now is your time to secure the greatest bargains ever offered by any concern in the world. Investigate this at once—it will pay. All parties in the Dollar Sale business advertise to give the best bargains, best inducements to agents, Ac. But the Goods tell the story. The proof of the pudding is the eating. Terms lower than the lowest. Circulars sent free. Address TuWLE A CO., 7 Trcinont Row, Boston. Mass. Proof of our statement that we have made A COMPLETE ItEVOL U T I O N IN TRADE, con be found in the faot that the immense busi ness we have built up has induced a multitude of small concerns to imitate our club system, and some by advertising the presents they will give to agents, seek, unsuccessfully, to divert some of our business to themselves. We make this an nouncement simply to inform the public that it will be for their interest to patronize our house, as we still continue to give better Goods and greater inducements to agents than any other concern in the business. We sell every description of DRY AND FAN- ■ CY GOODS, PLATED WARE, JEWELRY, WATCHES, SEWING MACHINES, Ac.. Ac , for the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR Circulars sent to any address free. PARKER A CO., Nos. 98 and 100 Sumner St., Boston. ( 1 RE AT SALE DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, SILVER PLATED WARE, OF ALL KINDS, ALBUMS, And a variety of valuable and useful articles for sale at ONE DOLLAR for each ARTICLE. A cheok describing an article selected from our Stock for sale at ONE DOLLAR, will be sent on the receipt ofTnuisß CENTS to piy postage. NO CHARGE FOR SCHEDULES OR CHECKS MADE AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT. Send for Circulars, as this is the most liberal sale of the kind in the country. Address FARNHAM A CO., No 24 Friend St., Boston, Mass. rpo THE LADIES. [_ We are agents for over ONE HUNDRED For eign and Domestic Manufacturers, and are pre pared to furnish the whole country with Dry and Fancy Goods, Silks, Shawls, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Furniture, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Ac., Ac., at the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE- Send your clubs of 10 and upwards, for descrip tive checks, showing what article oan bo obtained for One Dollar, with 10 cents for each cheok. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. Presents worth from $3 to S4OO sent free of charge to agents sending clubs. Agents Wanted in eve :y Town. CUSHMAN A CO.. 10 Arch Street. Bosron, Mass. gcw i TREAT DlST^wtion \ J IIV TBC METUOPOLITAK GIFT CO. . Cash Gifts to the Amount, of $250,000. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Cash Gifts, - Each SIU,OOO 10 •• " 5,000 20 ..." 1,000 40 " .... •' 500 200 " ..." 100 300 " " 50 450 " - - " * 25 600 " - ..." 25 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos - Each S3OOO to SSOO 35 " " Melodeons " 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines - - " 60 to 175 250 Musica 1 Boxes - "25 to 200 300 Fine <1 old Watches - " 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches - " 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assort ment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at $1,000,000. A CHANCE TO DRAW ANY OF THE ABOVE PRIZES by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25ets Tickets describing each Prize are Sealed in En velopes and thoroughly mixed. On receipt of 25 cts. a Sealed Ticket will bo drawn without choice and delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be deliv ered to the ticket-holder on payment of ONE DOLLAR. Prizes will be immediately sent to any address, as requested, by express or return mail. Yon WILL KNOW WHAT YOUR PRIZE IS BEFORE YOU PAY FOR IT. Any Prize, may he exchanged for another of the sa me value. NO BLANKS. £_tfc*Oiir patrons can depend on fair dealings. REFERENCES. —We select the few following names from the many who have lately drawn Val uable Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish theus : S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo, N. Y., 1,000, Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111., Piano, valued at $650 ; Robt. Jackson, Dubuque, lowa, Gold Watch, $250 ; Phillip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky , Diamond Clus ter Ring, $600; R. A. Patterson, New Bedford, Mass., Silver Tea Set, $175; Miss Emma Wal worth, Milwaukee, Wis., Piano, SSOO ; Rev. T. W. Pitt, Cleveland, Ohio, Melodcon, $125. publish no names without permission. OPINIONS OF the Press.—"They are doing the largest business; the Arm is reliable, and know them to bo a fairdealing Srm." — Weekly Tribune, l'eh. 8, 1868. "We have examined their system, and know them to be a fair dealing firm."— N. Y. Herald, Feb. 28, 1868. "Last week a friend of ours drew a SSOO prize, which was promptly received."— Daily News, Alar. 3, 1868. Send for circulars giving many more references and favorable notices from the press. Liberal in ducements to Agents Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes contains ONE CASH GIFT. Six Tickets for $1; 13 for $2; 35 tor SSOO ; 110 for sls. All letters should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON A CO., 173 Broadway, N. \\ GEPL GATIAG. ADM INISTRA TOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration upon the Estate of Archibald Perdew, Esq , late of Southampton tp., deceased, having been granted to the subscriber by' the Register of Bedford County, hereby noti fies all persons indebted to said estate to make payment immediately; and all persons having claims are requested to present the same properly ahthenticated for settlement. ELIJAH PERDEW, adrn'r. TJTSTAT E OF J EREMI AH A K ERS, I'j DEC'D.—The Register of Bedford County having granted letters of administration upon the estate of Jeremiah Akers, late of Monroe Town ship, Bediord County, dce'd , to the undersigned residing in said Township, All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment and those having claims against the estate will present them, properly authenticated for settlement. ABIA AKERS, may29w6 Adrn'r. A1 >M 1 NISTRATOR'S N<)TICE.— Letters of administration upon the estate of Jonathan Potts, late of Southampton township, deo'd, having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Bedford county, he hereby noti fies all persons indebted to said estate to make payment immediately ; and all persons having claims, are requested to present the same, proper ly authenticated, for settlement. JACOB POTTS, adrn'r., junl2w6 Southampton Township. Notices, &r. PR I\ 7 ATE SALE ()F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The well-known "Meyers Farm,'' in East Providenoe Tp., containing 200 ACRES, 100 of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation ; balance well timbered with white pine, hemlock and white oak. On the premises are erected a first-class country DWELL ING HOUSE, BANK BARN and all the necessary out-houses. There is a never failing spring at the door. The above property is offered at pri vate sale until the 21st DAY OF JULY. TERMS reasonable, Persons desiring to purchase this valuable property should apply at once to CHRIST. MEYERS, on the premises, or E. F. KERR, Bedford, Pa. jun!2w4 OOK AGENTS WANTEDTosoli cit orders for Dr. WILLIAM SMITH'S DIC TIONARY OF THE BIBLE. The Only Edition Published In America, Condensed By Dr. Smith's Own Hand. In one large Octavo volume, illus trated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers see that you get the Genuine Edition By Dr. Smith. The Springfield Republican says, this edition published by Messrs Burr & Co. is the geuuine thing. The Congregational in says, whoever wishes to get in the cheapest form, the best Dictionary of the Bible should buy THIS. Agents are meeting with unparalleled success. We employ no General Agents, and offer extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly with the PUBLISH ERS. For descriptive circulars with full particu lars and terms, address the Publishers, J B. BURR A CO., Hartford, Conn, may 29 m 6 HARVEST T<>OLS AND MACHIN ERY, AT HARTLEY & METZGER'S, SIGN OP THE RED PADLOCK. Russell's Massillon Reapers and Mowers, with which we challenge all competition Farmer Mowers, Troy Pattern, warranted. 100 Greencastle Grain Cradles, the only genu ine Greencastles in the County. Waldron's Grain Scythes. Beard's Silver Steel Grain Scythes. Gilt Grain Scythes. English Waldron Grass Scythes. Waldron's English Pattern Scythes. Red Racer Scythes Queen of the Meadow Scythes. Dunn's Guilt Scythes Gilt Back Scythes. Red Rover Scythes. Silver Steel Scytho3, Black Snake Soythcs. Mowery's Steel Back Scythes. American Waldron Scythes. Spring, Tooth, Horse, Hay and Grain Pakes, several of the best patents. Scythe Snaths in variety. Hand Rakes. Pitch Forks. Horse Hay-Forks. Field Cans. Scythe Stones, and Rifles of all kinds. Sickles. Rope, all sizes. Demijohns. Hammered Shovel Molds. Children's Carriages and Wagons. Ice Cream Freezers. In short, all kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery, at lowest cash prices. And the largest general Hardware stock in the county. Call and soe us may29tf A T LYNCH'S HARDWARE STORE you will find the best GRAIN CRADLES IN BEDFORD. Lots of Grain and Grass Scythes and Snaths of all kinds. Scythe Stones and Rifles. Hay and rain Forks. Field water cans and domi-johns. All kinds of Rope. Churns and Ice-cream Freezers. Paints, Oils, and Glass, all sizes. In fact, everything usually kept in first-class Ilnrdware Stores. Call at the sign of the BIG SAW. jun!2w4 N'OTICE TO BUlLDEßS.—Propo sals for the erection of a new school-hous in Schollsburg, will be received until SATUR DAY, August 1, by John E. Colvin, Sec'y Schells burg school board. The whole work will be let to one builder, or the masonry, brick work, plaster ing and carpenter work to separate contractors. Stone work to be put up this summer aud building to be completed by November, 18t>9. Proposals to furnish from ninety to one hundred thousand brick will also be received dntil Aug. 1. For plans and specifications of building apply to J. E. Colvin, Schcllsburg, or 11. W. Fisher, Bed ford. Contracts to bo awarded to tho lowest and best bidder, llv order of tho Board of School Di rectors of Scholfsburg Borough. junlUwij J, a. COLVIN. Sec'y. srii-#oods, ftr. FWGOODS ~ XT AT THE CASH FRODUCESTOKE! J. M. SHOEMAKER HAS JI'ST RETURNED FROM THE CITY HE HAS BOUGHT A LARGE AND CHEAP STOCK OF GOODS. JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME, AT REDUCED PRICES, WHICH HE WILL SELL VERY CHEAP. GIVE HIM A CALL AND SEE F< >R YOURSELVES. Bedford, Pa., June 12'h, 1868. READY-MADE CLOTHING. IF you want a cheap suit of clothes, call at J. M. Shoemaker's cheap Store, Bed ford, Pa. junl2 DRESS GOODS. When you are in search of good dress goods, and cheap at that, call at J. M. Shoemaker's Store. jun!2 HATS. If you want a cheap and nice hat, go to J. M. Shoemaker's and you will he sure to get it. jun!2 MEN'S WEAR. - . Avery large assortment of men's wear just received at J. M. Shoemaker a store. junl2 MUSLINS. A full line of bleached and unbleach ed muslins for sale at J. M. Shoemakers. juul2 HOOP SKIRTS. A complete line of Ladies' late style Hoop Skirts, just received at J. M. Shoe maker's store. junl2 TOBACCO. If you want good tobacco, go to J. M. Shoemaker's store. junl2 GROCERIES. When you want nice and cheap gro ceries, call at Shoemaker's store. junl2 BED-TICKING. If you want a No. 1 article of bed ticking or hickory check, go to J. M. Shoe maker's store. junl2 HOSIERY, GLOVES, AC. When you want good hosiery, gloves, handkerchiels, neck-ties, collars, Ac., call at Shoemaker's store. junl2 SALT. (w i bags ground alum salt, just re •)\ ) ceived, at J. M. Shoemaker's. junl2 RA R E O P POR T UNIT Y FOR BARGAINS! NOW IS THE TIME AND. G. R. OSTER A CO'S large and Spacious New Store is the place to buy your goods. They have just received an unusually large and cheap Stock of choice and desirable NEW GOODS, purchased since the LATE DECLINE at GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES, comprising a choice va riaty of Ladies' Dross Goods, Heavy Black Gros Grain Silk for Sacques and Dresses, Black Al paca luster from low to sublime quality, Mohair all the new shades for walking suits, Melange for traveling suits, Beautiful Poplins, Armures, De laines, French Organdy Lawn, Scotch Gingham, White Merino, White Alpaca, White Pique for Sacques and Dresses, Dotted Swiss, Striped and Plaid Nar.sook, Organdy, Victoria Lawn, Shirred Muslin, Dimity, India Twill, Brilliant, Elastig. Shirting and table linen, Napkins, Towels Mar seilles, Allendale and Honey comb Quilts, Damask table covers, all the leading makes of muslin. New York Mills, Utioa, Wamsutta, Lonsdale, Williamsville, Semper Idem, White Rock, Whit ney, Ac. A LARGE STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Ladies' Cloth, Cottonade, Ticking, Shirting Stripe, Clothing Hats, Boots and Shoes, DECIDEDLY CHEAP. Carpets, Oil-cloth and Window Shades, Wool fill ing and all wool Ingrain Carpets, Yenitian entry, and stair carpet, uew listing and Dutch Yam Carpets, the oheapest in town, Floor and Stair oil cloth, Gilt bordered window shades, cheap. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee, choice Im perial, Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. Su gars and Syrups. In a word, everything you want. Call and see for yourselves. junl9'6S. SPRING GOODS.—A. B. CRAMER A CO. are now receiving the LARGEST and MOST ELEGANT STOCK of GOODS, ever opened in Bedford. GREAT BARGAINS on hand, in every depart ment. TERMS— cash, or six months approved credit. May 18, '6B. gOMETHING NEW. The undersigned has just returned from the city with all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS in Photography, and is introducing the new Style of Picture called the CABINET SIZE PHOTOGRAPH, ' which has attracted so much attention in New York and Philadelphia. Having gone to considerable expense in refit ting and improving his Gallery, he is enabled to make any of the _ NEW STYLES OF PICTURES ATVER 1' LOW PRICES, FROM 25 CENTS UP. He would also invite attention to his splendid stock of ALBUMS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; also GILT, ROSEWOOD, and WALNUT FRAMES and MOULDINGS, very cheap. Also Brackets for Ornamenting Parlors. HIS FANCY CASES are of the latest style and made of the boat material. Photographs copied and Enlarged from old De guerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Paintings or any other kind of Picture. Thankful to his friends for thoir patronage dur ing the past fifteen years, ho hopes to merit a continuance of the same, and would respectfally invite all who wish a correct likeness of them selves, to oall and examine his work before going clsewhore, satisfied that he can give entire satis faction to any who may favor him with their cus tein. T. R. GETTYS. junl9m3 T)RINTERS' INK has made many a. X businessman rioh We ask yoa to try it in ine >olumns of THR GAIBTTI THE" BEDFORD. GAZETTE is the best Advertis : >gMedium fi Southern Peau tylvauiv