The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 01, 1868, Image 2

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    Lite iddford <Sa
Friday Morning-, May 1, IS6A.
of Fayttte Comity
of Columbia County
Campaign Gazette!
Civil Libertv and Constitu
tional Rights!
White Men Musi Rule America!
"Light, more light!" is the start
ling cry of the honest people groping
in thodarkness of Radicalism. "Light,
more light!" shouts the groaning tax
payer, bending under the load which
a Radical Congress has heaped upon
him. "Light, more light!" is the
pleading cry that comes to us from
those who earnestly seek a remedy for
the disease that is tugging at the vi
tals of the nation. Look and ye shall
•ee! Read and ye shall know! The
BEDFORD GAZETTE, for the Presi
dential Campaign, will be a complete
com pendi u m of pol itical news, speeches,
documents and every thing that per
tains to a political canvass in the col
umns of a weekly newspaper. It will
be published from the first day of June
until the seventh of November, next,
at the following low terms, cash in ad-
One copy, $ -75
Ten copies, 0.00
Twenty copies, 11.00
Fifty copies, 25.00
We will also furnish the GAZETTE
anil New York Weekly World, or Phila
delphia Weekly Age , for the campaign,
at the following rates:
1 copy GAZBTTK, and 1 of World, or Age, % 1.75
10 copies do and 10 do do 15.00
20 do do and 20 do do 28.00
50 do do and 50 do do 05.00
jy Invariably, cash in advance
Not only should every Democrat
have his county newspaper, during the
coming campaign, hut he should like
wise make it a point to furnish his Re
publican neighbor a copy. This is
the plan upon which our opponents
have acted for years, and it is about
time that Democrats do something of
the same sort. NOW, GO T(> WORK
and put your Democratic newspaper into
(he hands o/ every Republican who nil/
read. Tf you will do this you will
accomplish -more g<ad in-six months
than you will by any other means in
six years. Democratic politicians,
throughout the county, are enabled, by
the above low terms, to circulate Dem
ocratic newspapers at a very small
cost. We appeal to them to see to get
ting up clubs, and to see to it in time.
.Vote is the time to sow the seed. Af
ter a little while the heat of passion
and prejudice will 'oeam upon the pub
lic mind in all its intcn-e fierceness,
and then seed-time will have passed.
Friends, let us hear from you !
We publish, on our outside, a copy
of the Registry Law, passed at the late
session of the Legislature. This Know-
Nothing gag should be thoroughly
studied by every Democrat, so that he
and his friends may not suffer disfran
chisement under it. File it away for
reference. . • .. _
- We ask people to note,
1. That under this law,- an odious dis
crimination is'made ago ilist foreign born
citizens. Germans, Englishmen, Welsh
men, Scotchmen, who have hitherto
voted the "Republican" ticket, behold
how your party strikes at your citizen
ship! Is such a party favorable to
equal rights ?
2. That it puts every citizen who
would exercise the right of suffrage, to
much trouble and vexation, in atten
dance upon the meeting of the board of
registration, making proof of his right
to vote, &e.
• 3. That it changes the hour of clos
ing the polls from seven to six o'clock,
thus aiming to disfranchise the labor
ing classes.
4. That it entails an additional ex
pense of thousands of dollars upon the
tax-payers, for extra services on the
part of Assessors and Election officers.
That it i.- in direct conflict with
the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
which defines the qualifications of a
voter as follows:
"In elections by the citizens, every
white person of the age of twenty one
years, having resided in this state one
year, and in the election district where
he offers to vote ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within
two years paid a state or county tax,
which shall have been assessed at h ast
ten days before the election, shall en
joy the rights of ail elector."
The "High Old Court of Impeach
ment," having ruled out the evidence
proposed to bo given by the President
in proof of his proper and lawful in
tent in attempting to remove Stanton,
the defence closed their part of the
ease. 11 was offered by the President's
counsel to prove, by the members of
I the Cabinet, that Johnson's motive in
attempting the removal of Stanton,
| was to bring the Tenure of Office Bill
I to a judicial test, in order that the ques
tion of its validity might be decided
|by the proper tribunal. It was also of
fered by tbeui to prove, by the same
witnesses, that Stanton and the re
mainder of the Cabinet advised the
President that the Tenure of Office
Bill is unconstitutional, and that Stan
ton and Seward made the draft of the
message in which the President vetoed
that Bill. None of this evidence was
admitted, notwithstanding the fact that
Chief Justice Chase ruled it to be clear
ly admissible. This action of the Sen
ate shows that the President is being
tried by a packed jury, incapable of
giving him a fair and impartial trial.
His removal seems to be a foregone
conclusion. A majority of the Senate
had made up their minds to convict
him, before they heard any of the evi
dence in the case. Their partizans
openly and shamelessly proclaim that
Johnson must be convicted and gotten
rid of, right or wrong! They say such
a course is dictated by party necessity !
They besiege those Radical Senators
who have refused to commit themselves
to their desperate scheme, with threats
and all sorts of party appliances, in or
der to force them to vote for convic
tion! Expectants of office under
Wade, are in the lobby, button-holing
and dragooning Senators ?<> vote for
conviction! Radical newspapers are
hectoring Senators to compel them to
vo e for conviction ! Even the pulpit
(hide your faces, ye followers of the
meek and lowly Nazarene) is belching
forth its anathemas against Senators
who are suspected of being against con
viction ! 4 -nil ye this justice? Call ye
this a fair and impartial trial? His
tory will record it as the crowning
shame of that party, which, in order
to retain its leaders in office, has chang
ed our form of government and now
seeks to destroy the whole fabric of Re
publican liberty.
A few more days will end this wicked
and infamous proceeding. A few more
days will determine whether there is
virtue enough left in the Senatorial
Sodom to save it from the, fire and
brimstone of the ('oming \\ rath.
"If the assassination could trammel up the con
sequence, and catch.
With its surcease, success
But, Senators, ye
"But reach bloody instructions which, being
taught, return
To plague the inventor."
There have recently been held in
Georgia and North Carolina, elections
to ratify the Negro Reconstruction
Constitutions, and for .St ate officers and
members of Congres*. These elections
have lieen continued for four or five
days, in order to enable the negroes to
repeat their votes at different polls.
They were managed on the Radical
side by the agents of the Freedmen's
Bureau. Notwithstanding tno disfran
chisement of large numbers of the
whites, the contest in each of these
states, was a very close one. Many ne
groes, already disgusted with Radical
treachery and meanness, voted the
Democratic ticket. "Dem mules"
promised them by the "carpet-baggers,"
have not been forth-coming. At this
writing it is not known whether the
Negro Constitutions are ratified or not.
At the elections on the Convention
question, some months ago, in Georgia
and North Carolina, the Radical Ne
groes carried those States by large ma
jorities, the latter by 50,000. Now, they
are close. Negro Suffrage will be the
death of Radicalism yet.
The President, on Friday last, with
drew the nomination of Thomas Ew
ing, as Secretary of War, and appoin
ted Gen. John M. Sehofield, the pre
sent commander ol'the Virginia, Mil
itary District. Sehofield is a '•Repub
lican," and by this appointment the
President shows that his reasons for
desiring Stanton's removal, are perso
nal and not political. Is Johnson, then,
to he removed for trying to put out one
"Republican" in order that another
may take his place? Sehofield is one
ofthe great Union commanders; yet,
we venture to predict, that the Senate
will not confirm him.
'•PICKJ.I i'*" is on the a
gain. He screeched sit the Radical
meeting on Tuesday night. For want
of argument, he uttered a wilful and
deliierate falsehood in regard to the
editor of this paper. We shall attend
to his case upon the stump. He once
prosecuted us for libel, (on tiie ground
that we had charged him with certain
crimes,) and didn't make much. The
next time we take the stump, we shall
ffivp hpii a oh a nop to sue us for slander.
Great Popular Demonstration!
Sppet-beft, Resolution*, ie.
Pursuant to previous notice a large
number of the Democrats and Conser
vative people of Bedford county, assem
bled in the Court House, iii Bedford,
on Monday evening last, 27th ult. On
motion, JOHN* C. FIGARO, ESQ., of
j Broad Top, was appointed President,
i assisted by the following named gentle
; men as Vice Presidents: Hon. \V . T.
j Daugherty, Isaac E. Reighard, Geo.
! Elder, Esq., David Karns, "W. L.
Weeks, Col. F. I>. Beegle, Hon. Jos.
B. Noble, Isaac Kensinger, Esq., Jacob
Beck ley, Esq., Tbos. Fisher, Caselton
Ake, \Y. >J. Pearson, Esq., James
I Cessna, Esq., J. B. Anderson, Esq.,
H. P. Dield,George Bauglunan, David
Ilowsare, Daniel Fletcher, Henry
Fluke, Esq., Caspar St roup, James C.
Devore, Esq., John Koons, and John
B. Fluke, Esq., and by J. M. Gephart,
J. M. Van horn, Esq., Henry W. Reed,
Jacob Kensinger and Richard Sill, as
The meeting was then addressed by
B. F. MEYERS and (). E. SHANNON,
ESQS., who discussed the issues before
the people, at length, and handled with
out gloves, the revolutionary and des
perate men who lead the Radical par
Hie meeting was enlivened by choice
music discoursed by the Democratic
Brass Band, to which the people of the
county are indebted for frequent and
very fine musical entertainments.
The following resolutions were unan
imously adopted and the meeting ad
journed with three cheers for the Con
stitution and the Union, and three
more for General \V. S. Hancock, the
man who saved Useless Grant at the
Jleso'ved, By the Democrats of Bed
ford county, in Mass Meeting assem
bled, that in this momentous crisis in
public affairs, when the Constitution
is set at naught, when tho Executive
and .Judicial branches of the Govern
ment are made subservient to a plot
ting faction in the legislative branch,
and when that faction is declared to be
"a law unto itself," it behooves each
and every citizen to reflect with calm
ness, and decide with patriotic solici
tude, upon a proper remedy for the
evils which beset us.
Resolved, That the impeachment and
threatened removal of the President of
the United States, for no other alleged
reasons than that he attempted to re
move an odious member of his Cabi
net, and that he exercised the privilege
of publicly expressing his opinions on
great political issues," privileges exer
cised by the best of presidents, is an
outrage tin parallel led in the history of
any civilized country, and will cover
the nation with unutterable and eter
nal shame.
Resolved , That we, the people, plain
ly perceive the motives of the men who
are plotting to remove the President,
to be simply greed for the spoils of
office and the sore necessity of a reek
less party which is determined to keep
itself in power, though it be at the
cost of the honor, the peace and the
liberty of the people, but which is
doomed to disaster and defeat, even by
its own desperate and despicable meas
ures to save itself from annihilation.
The assassination ol Lincoln was the
deed of a misguided enthusiast; the
impeachment of Johnson is the delib
erate and malicious act of corrupt and
unscrupulous politicians. The Im
peachers are assassins actuated by
malice prepense.
Resolved , That we call upon the peo
ple to rebuke the greediness for office
which seeks to remove the lawful Exec
utive, which throttles the Supreme
Court by partizan legislation, which
forces Negroes to vote at the point of
the bayonet, which disfranchises thous
ands of intelligent White Americans,
and which stops at 110 outrage upon
law, liberty, decency, or right, to satis
fy its insatiable and beastly lust.
' Resolved , That we are in favor of
reducing the Army and Navy to a
peace establishment, thereby saving at
least one hundred millions of dollars to
the Government, annually , and that we
are, furthermore, in favor of the dis
continuance of the National Loafing
School for Southern Negro Lazzaroni,
commonly called the Freedmen's Bu
reau, thus saving millions more of the
people's taxes, and at the same time
causing the idle blacks to earn their
bread and to-assist in re-building the
wasted prosperity of the South.
Resolved , That we are in favor of
equal taxation of all species of proper
ty, that we are opposed to all legisla
tion lor the benefit of a class, at the ex
pense of the many, that we believe the
financial system which enables the Na
tional Banks to draw compound inter
est upon their bonds, to be wrong and
dangerous in principle, and we are
anxious that the Revenue laws be so
modified that the burdens of Govern
ment shall be equally distributed in
proportion to the wealth of individu
als, and that the National Debt may
be paid at the earliest possible period
and in the manner least hurtful to the
interests of the people.
Resolved , That wo condemn and
hold up to the execration of the public,
the reckless and extravagant appro
priations made by the late State Legis
lature, attacking as they did, even the
Sinking Fund of the Commonwealth,
and that the thanks of the axpayers
are clue to Hon. \V. .V. Wallace, and
other Democratic members of the Leg
islature, who, by their sleepless vigi
lance, obtained a reduction in the ap
propriations to the amount of three
hundred thousand dollars.
Resolved , That the country needs A
CHANGE in its Lawgivers; Com
merce cries out, from coast to coast,
for A CHANGE; the Manafacturing
Interest calls, with the voice of ten
thousand starving operatives, for A
CHANGE; the Farmer, :v he ploughs
his land mortgaged for the payment of
the increasing Public Debt, demands A
CHANGE; the Mechanic, as he counts
the cost of the necessaries of life and
finds that the prices of his wares do not
increase in a corresponding degree,
sighs for A CHANGE;and the Labor
ing Man, he "who eats his bread in
the s\\*eat of his free," as he sees penury
stare him in the fuee, prays from the
depths of his soul, for A CHANGE!
Resolved , Therefore, that all who de
sire this "consummation so devoutly
to be wished," A CHANGE from Rad
ical Destructiveness to Constitutional
Healthfulness and Soundness, are in
vited to act with the Democratic or
ganization, whose mission it is to re
store the conn try to perfect peace and
to that normal financial condition in
which filone the various avocations of
life can bo pursued with safety and suc
Resolved , That in the nominationsof
Hon. Charles E. Boyle, for Auditor
General, and Gen. W. H. Ent, for
Surveyor General, the people of Penn
sylvania are presented with candidates
in every way wiydby of their suppoit.
The former a civilian, trained in tlie
school of honesty and tried and proved
as a faithful representative of the peo
ple, the latter a gallant and faithful
soldier, whose name is a household
word with the brave and never-to-be
fargotten Pennsylvania Reserves; let
us rally around these noble standard
bearers and push foward to assured
For a year past, the press of both po
litical parties, have been engaged in
discussing the alleged intemperance of
Gen. U. S. Grant. We have thus far
studiously avoided any reference to the
j subject, for we try to make it a rule not
| to bring charge- against any candidate,
i unless we believe them to be true,
i Lately we have become Satisfied that
the allegation that Grant is in the hab
it of getting drunk, is, indeed, too true.
The subject has been brought before
the public by Grant's own political as
sociates. Wendell Phillips, theavant
eourier of Radicalism, lias printed the
accusation of drunkenness against
Grant, time after time, whilst Anna
Dickinson, the Radical lectures-, has
made it before a dozen audiences. We
append a letter written by Wendell
Phillips, copied from the Anti-Slavery
Standard, of April 11, upon this sub
ject :
"So of Grant's intemperance. We
think the evidence was sufficient lie
fore. But if anything in the way of
proof was lacking, P is amply supplied
by a speech of Mr. Dodge, of New
York, the President of the National
Temperance Society, and by the letter
of Mr. Senator Wilson, published in
the Boston Daily Advertiser , April L
Mr. Dodge has been in
and assures temperance men they need
have 110 fears. lie knows of the re
porks of the General's recent published
intoxication. At such a moment, and
speaking as an officer of a temperance
society, Mr. Dodge would have denied
the truth of those reports if he had
been able to do so. IDs omission to do
that, and the evasive, general terms in
which he indulges, will convince any
thoughtful tetotaller that 3D'. Dodge
knows and feels that he cannot deny
the General's intemperance. He iias
schooled himself into thinking that it
does not amount to enough to peril the
State, and hence, letting his party feel
ing override his temperance principles,
he is willing to run the risk. What
we claim, is, that, before lie asks us to
run the risk, he let us know the exact
facts. Then we will decide whether to
run it or not.
Mr. Wilson's letter is even more
characteristic, and therefore more eva
sive. He, too, knows of the reports >1
Grant's public drunkenness on a par
ticular day in last January. If we mis
take not, these reports were brought
more than once to his notice. In his
leiter he says: "I have seen Gen. Grant
in camp,'iii his office, at hisown house,
and at dinner parties where liquors
were freely used by others, but have
never seen him drink even a glass ol
wine, nor have I ever seen him when
I had the slightest reason to think he
was in any degree, under the influence
of drink."
Of course, no doubt. We can bring
10,000 people in that very city of Wash
ington who never saw Grant drunk.
There are 10,090,000 in the North who
never saw Grant drunk. We never
saw Grant drunk or sober. But Mr.
Wilson knows well that the country
never asked him, as a prominent teto
taller, whether he had seen Grant
druiik. The question was, "Sir, living
in Washington, knowing the facts or
easily able to know them, what are
the facts as to these alleged public ex
posures of your Presidential candi
date?" Mr. Senator Wilson under
takes to answer that question.—llisan
swer is, he never saw Grant drunk. II
any shrewd lawyer had, in such cir
cumstances, received from a witness
such an answer, he would have asked
no further question ; but taken it for
granted and argued to the jury, that
the witness substantially admitted the
drunkenness. To us no further evi
dence is necessary. Knowing Henry
Wilson, we see in this equivocation
convincing evidence that iie cannot
and dares not deny that he lias heard
from trustworthy sources of this public
drunken exposure of his. candidate.
Mr. Wilson's course on this occasion is
precisely the same he pursued a year
ago, when, having originated a report
'as to the drunkenness of a Massachu
setts Congressman, and afraid to meet
the consequences, he equivocated him
self out of the responsibility. Now,
wben all that Congressman's constitu
ents admit his intoxication, it is not
probable that Mr. Wilson would think
it worth while to sliullle. II Grant as
President, should show himself in Mr.
Dodge's felicitous language, "fully ca
pable of filling Andy Johnson's place,"
drunkenness and all; or when Grant
is thrown aside, because he bad been
President, oris not needed for that of
fice, we shall hear the absolute truth
about this vice even .from Henry Wil
son. Now when the temperance body
need his knowledge, he obeys that
same law of timid self-preservation
which shocked his admirers when it
carried him selfishly into the Know
nothing party to save his place. We
call this letter equivocation. It is a
mild phrase considering the vast peril,
and the value the writer professes to
set on temperance. We should be am
ply justified in describing it by a much
stronger term. And the constant rep
etition of this offense by this public
servant seems almost to call for such
frank description.
In view of this element in his career
the success of Mr. Wilson is one of the
most alarming results of Democratic
institutions ; sad evidence of how of
ten they throw worthless men to the
—The isthmus of Panama has been
declared to be in a state of war for six
ty days. Rev. W. G. Hughes, a Pro
testant chaplain, on the isthmus, is
Thiititlcr Out in Grant's Xrlghborliswl!
COPS Driiiorratk bj urnrly
1,000 majority I
Dpinoornlip Gain, since last jrar, ISO© !
The "black hole" of ('hicago lias been
redeemed! At the election held in
that city, on the2lst ult., for Recorder
and Clerk of the Courts, the Democrat
ic candidates were elected by nearly
1,000 majority. The vote was a heavy
one. The whole vote cast was 23, Got); last
year the whole vote w. s 10,880. This
year the vote stood: Democratic, 12,-
281, Radical, 11,874 ; hist year, Demo
cratic 7,077, Radical, 11,901; showing a
net Dernocra'lc guii of 4,834! That
will do for Chi cage Grant used to
live out that way. There is some talk
of the Radicals changing their place of
holding their National Convention,
since this result in the Lake City.
Simon Cameron is after J. \V. For
ney, with a peculiarly sharp stick, up
on which the notorious plate-licker of
former Presidential kitchens, is in im
minent danger of being impaled.—
Cameron alleges that there is a deficit
0f540,000 in Forney's accounts, as Sec
retary of the Senate, which is not ex
plained. lie (Cameron) offered a reso
lution, the other day, for the appoint
ment of a committee to investigate the
charge, which was adopted. We hope
Forney's rascality may be fully expos
ed, and not merely subjected to the
usual white-washing process of a "Com
mittee of Investigation." He is a
contemptible scoundrel and the peo
ple ought to be made acquainted with
his true character.
Die I*::!iciit Public ; The Boii<Uoll'iV
Candidate: bran! tin the Double Shuttle;
'Slit* Voverly-Sti-ieken Flyases: His
friends lvaiit more; The Sow S.itasiy.
ADDISON, PA., April 18, 18(58.
1 >FAK GAZETTE If anything could
surprise one, acquainted with the
events of the past eight years, the pa
tience ol' that overburdened ass,
Public, would. A few months ago, and
yours truly, in common with hundreds
of others, lirinly believed that the addi
tion of a few more feathers, would cause
it to turn and rend the cruel taskmas
ters in the State and National Legisla
tures, whose energies seemed to be
concentrated upon increasing the bur
den of public indebtedness beyond all
11ope of liquidation. The exemplary
patience displayed since, has convin
ced us all that there is a deeper depth,
to which we must passively descend,
or be rudely thrust by the Law-break
ing, Constitution-destroying, and God
defy ing m i screa n ts,ru 1i ng the Congress,
and through it, the once free people of
the United States. But the theme is
not inspiriting; let us change it.
The Bondholders in the East are
still vigorously at work, through the
aid of venal pens an I their large cor
ruption fund, to force upon the Nation
another Illinois prodigy, as President.
The former one was distinguished for
a certain species of wit and readiness
at repartee. The present one is distin
guished for being devoid of wit, words
and ideas, and having great talent
for silence. From one extreme to
another. Grant, however, is reputed
to be hard to beat dancing Jim Crow
or executing the Double Shuffle in reg
ular Broadhorn style; arrumor we are
disposed to credit, as none but very
good performers would undertake to
execute those difficult steps on Penn
sylvania Avenue, on Sunday after
noons, when the Terpsiehorean critics of
the Capital, would have nothing
to distract their attention from the
That nations should liberally pay
for services rendered and benefits con
ferred, is conceded. Individual econo
my is praiseworthy; National economy
is meanness. Therefore, when A. T.
Stewart, the ew York Millionaire and
Bondholder, and Henry Hilton,
"Chairman Ex. Com.," speak of re
warding Gen. Grant's services, we ful
ly agree with them, as it is right and
proper that his services should be paid
lor. It were a joke, indeed, if common
soldiers, who only risked life, limb,
and health, who for the loss of an arm
or leg, should receive from a greatful
and munificent Government, the sti
pend of SB.OO, or $15.00 per month, and
that so readily and easily that they'
don't earn more than twice that sum j
in drawing it, if the services and saeri- '
fices of the Illinois Heroare tube forgot
ten. Let us see how matters stand. |
In the year 1861, Hiram U,, or Ulysses!
S. Grant was a porter in a Galena leath
er store, at a salary of one dollar per
day, payable every Saturday night, of
tener, if the saloon keepers and land
lords required it, and refused to wait.
On the breaking out of the unholy re
bellion, he unhesitatingly threw up his
porter's situation, to accept a captaincy,
sacrificed his business connection with
out a sigh, and eventually condescen
ded to accept a colonel's commission,
with the"few paltry emoluments there
to appertaining." 1 was informed by a
member of his regiment, that the offi
cers at one time held a meeting, asking
for his dismissal from the service, on
the groundsof drunkenness and incom
petency. The war was fiercely waged ;
battles, siege and storm succeeded each
other; the eartii was sodden with gore,
was drunken with human blood, but
through it all Hirs n Ulysses calmly
smoked on. It is not on record thai he
ever went without a full meal, ever wet
his feet or was deprived of a cigar dur
ing all that fearful time. 'Tis true, the
rftnk and file underwent suffering in
every form, but watchful eyes and wil
ling hands carefully guarded the mod-
Crn Ulysses, and turned asideprivations,
fatigue and suffering from hirnj to be
borne by others, born undera less lucky
aspect. And when theendwas come
and Lee had surrendered, when at last
the spinal eoluinn of the rebellion was
fractured, there wereSherman, Thomas,
ltosecranz, and hundreds of others,
who had made vigorous and repeated
efforts against the aforesaid vertebrae,
all cast aside hv the watchful eyes and
willing hands that guarded the slum
bers and covered his blunders, and blew
the trumpets for the modern Ulysses;
and Jie alone received the praise and
glory, with "the few paltry emoluments
thereto appertaining." For instance,
palatial residences furnished in the
highest style of modern art, in Wash
ington, Philadelphia, Galena and oth
er places "too tedious to < numerate."
Bonds,; old-bearing, of course, horses,
earring! , pianos, greenbacks, an office
especially created for him, with a "few
paltry emoluments, &c.," say about
withstanding all this, A. T. Stewart
and the Bondholders, like the horse
leech, are lustily bawling to the people,
.Mid while on the Grant question, let
us not forget the Old .ll<tn Imfteri/e , the
disgustingly garrulous old Grant, the
Biographer of Ulysses, the correspon
dent of Bonner, the pet of the " Ledg
er" an illustrious example of igno
rance, i m pudenee and over ween i ng sel f
eoneeit. The man is fully described
by the names he selected for his chil
dren, offending alike against good
taste and christian tradition, tit com
panion lor the intellectual Aunt, "who
was a great reader of History and wan
ted the baby called Ulysses." Oh! wor
thy and mighty race! Plymouth Rook,
a!! hail! Baked Beans and Puritanic
Godliness for ever! Bali! Is it not e
nough to make one forswear sack and
live cleanly ?
When a new popular Litany is writ
ten, we would suggest the following :
From Grum Grants, from garrulous
Grants and Grants generally, good God
guard us!
—Tito Democratic New York Legisla
ture has passed an act for the suppres
sion of obscene publications. Tis well
for Forney that he prints in Pennsyl
We are enabled to offer superior inducement* to
purchasers of clothing, to which your attention
•is respectfully invited.
We have a business experience of more than 26
vears, hare been longer established than any
house in our trade in Philadelphia.
We employ sufficient capital to make AM, PUR
CHASES FOR CASH, which, together with the
fact that otir large business enables us to buy in
large amounts in first hands, thereby saving all
profits of joboers and middlemen, give us ad
vantages in purchasing at the lowest rates,
We sell only for cash and having no losses from bad
debts to provide for, the paying customer is not
does not pay, as is inevitably the case in a busi
ness where eredit is given.
We employ the best talent in all departments,
which, with long experience, enable us to man
ufacture garments SUPERIOR IN EVERY RES
PECT — equalled by feur—surpassed by none.
We have tug largest establishment for the manu
facture and sale of clothing in Philadelphia,
extending through from 518 Market street to
511 Minor street, occupied exclusively by our
selves. also a branch store at 600 Broadway,
New York, and keep at nil times of
CLOTH [NIJ, the largest stock and best assort
ment ii the ciiy, from which any person can be
accurat- ly fitted at once, as well, orbetter, than
by gari. euts made to order, our large stock
comprising every size of all styles of goods.
We have recently added to our previous stock a
full assortment of
SUITS, equal to auy iu the eity in style, trim
ming, ami make; which are sold at lower pri
ces than have hitherto been known in Phila
delphia. They, with all our Boys' and Youth's
goods, are kept on the first floor, nearest the
front, convenient for ladies. We have also re
cently opened on our SECOND FLOOR A
CUSTOM DEPARTMENT for the display of a
choice selection of Foreign and Domestic Fa
brics in the piece, which will be MADE UP TO OR
DER, in the best style, by competent and skill
ful cutters and workmen. The advantage ot
dealing with a CASH HOUSE will be especially
apparent in this department, upon a compari
son of prices.
We guarantee our prices lower than the lowest
elsewhere and also guarantee full satisfaction to
every purchaser, and request, that should any
cause of dissatisfaction exist with a purchase
made, it may be reported to us, pledging our
selves, by exchange, refunding of money, or oth
erwise, to give full satisfaction in every case.
(Samples and prices sent by mail when desired.)
An examination of our stock respectfully re
quested and your patronage, if the above state
ment of facts be satisfactorily demonstrated.
Half way between ) BENNETT & Co.,
Fifth, and > TOWER HALL,
Sixth streets I 518 MARKET ST.,
janum6*] And 6UO Broadway, NEW YORK.
STOP THE ROBBER!— Dou you ak,
what robber ? Why, Father Time, of course, who
is stealing the color from millions of heads of
hair. Alas!
He Can't be Stopped.
What then ? His ravages can be repaired
In less than Ten Minutes.
It is soon done. No trouble; no danger of injur
ing the fibres. Not a stain.
confers a superb black or any shade of brown
with all but miraculous rapidity. Manufactured
by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Maiden Lane, New York.
Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair
Dressers. • maylinl
—To Farmers, Express Companies. Stage Proprie
tors, Livery Establishments, and all who use
Dr. Tobias' Venetian Hoise Liniment, In
Pint Bottles, at One Dollar,
For the cure of Lameness. Scratches, Wind Galls,
Sprains, Bruises, SpliDts, Galls, Cuts, Colic, Slip
ping Stifle, Over-heating, Sore Throat, Nail in
the Foot, Ac.
All who own or employ horses, are assured that
this Liniment will do all and more than is stated
in curing the above-named complaints. During
twenty years it has never failed to give satisfac
tion in a single instance Sold by the Druggists.
Depot 56 Cortlandt Street, New York,
may lull
WARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all
who desire it. the prescription with the directions
for making aud using the simple remedy by which
he was cured of a lung affection and that dread
disease Consumption. His only object is to bene
fit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will
try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing. Please address Rev.
EDWARD A WILSON. No. 165 South Second
Street, Williamsburgh, New York. sepl3uiß
who suffi ed for years from Nervous Debility.
Prem&tur • Decay, and ali the effects of youthful in
discre'ioi . will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc
tions lor making the simple remedy by which ho
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so by addressiug, in
perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
may!7,'67-ly Cedar Street, New York.
3tfu* 3Vclverttscmcnts
Tbo best and cheapest Article ever made. Ev
erybody, particularly Farmers and Miners, send
for a free descriptive circular and price list to J.
A WOODWARD. Williamsport, Pa.
PA TEN T OE FIG ES.—ln ven tors
who wish to takeout Letters Patent are ad
vised to counsel with MUNN A CO., Editors of
\he Scientific American, who have prosecuted
claims before the Patent Office tor over Twenty
Years. Their American and European Patent
Agency is the most extensive iu the world.
Charges less than any other reliable agency A
Pamphlet containing full instructions to invent
ors. sent gratis.
A handsome Round Volume, containing lot!
Mechanic d engravings, and the United States
Census by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for
Mechanics, mailed on.receipt of 25 cents. Ad
dress MI NX A CO.. 37 Park Row. New York.
or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegant oc
tavo volume, richly illustrated with IS beautiful
Steel Engravings, and a portrait of the author.
it is the best, and sells the quickest of any book
they ever sold. Some are taking 200 orders per
week. It will outsell "Uncle Tom's Cabin " We
employ no general agents, but pay extra commis
sion. Old agents will appreciate thisitcm. Send
for circulars giving full particulars. Address
IT parts of the United States for our New
Containing over eighty sketches ot eminent per
sons of all ages tind countries, women as well as
men; a handsome Octavo book of over 600 pages,
illustrated with beautiful steel engravings; writ
ten by JAMES PARTON, the most popular of living
authors, whose name will ensure for it a rapid
sale. Send for descriptive circular and see our
extra terms. A. S. HALE A CO.. Pub'rs, Hart
ford, Ct.
T t Agents for our new work "Home Book of
Wonders; also for --A New Family Photograph
Bible." For terms, address A. BRAINARD,
Hartford, Ct.
1200 Royal Octavo Pages. 1200 Fine Engravings.
Price Only st>.•"><•.
The Cheapest Book in the world. Exclusive
Territory and the largest commission. Circulars
giving full particulars, terms, etc.; also our fine
poster with 50 sample illustrations, sent free on
application. Address C. F. VENT A CO., 38
Wist 4th St , Cincinnati, 0.
"Is pauses. Character. Conduct and Results."
Its ready sale, combined with an increased com
mission. make it the best subscription book ever
One Agent in Easton. Pa., reports 72 subscrib
ers in three days.
Another in Boston, 103 subscribers in four days.
• Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full
description ot the work. Address NATIONAL
Pt BUSHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
iIA RENTERS. Send for Gata
\_y logue of New Practjeol Books on Architec
ture and Star Building. A. J BICKXELL A
CO.. Publishers, Springfield, 111.
I A Beautiful Illustrated Book, worth a Thous
and Dollars, sent free to any address on receipt of
25 cents, by addressing Professor JOHN VAN
DEUPOOL. No. 265 Wintbrop Place New York
/ lURE YOURSELF of Debility, Sex
ual Diseases, Ac.—Send your address on
stamped envelope, and ask for circular of '-Pa
thology " Direct AMERICAN NEWS CO., 121
Nassau-st., New York.
\JT 60 lines written with one pen of Ink. The
best thing in the world. Sample sent for 10 cts.
$lO a day guaranteed to Agents Address J. T.
PRICE A CO.. 37 Park Row, X Y.
1 260 and 262 GREENWICH St ,N. Y
Has reduced the prices of 'leas, Coffees, Sugars,
Flour, and all kinds of Groceries from 10 to 20 per
cent. Bist Japan Tea, SI. Bast English Break
fast Tea. sl. Splendid Oolong Tea, 9()c. 1(100
bbls. Flour, all grades, from sll upwards. 20,000
gal. Molasses, all grades, from 40c. upwards.
Coffees, roasted, and ground, 15c. to 40e. Sugars,
all grades, at refiners' prices, and everything used
in every family cheaper and better than any store
in New York
THOMAS 11. AGNEW occupies his own store,
owns the property, and has no rent to pay ; im
ports and buys exclusively for cash, never gave a
note in his life, consequently lie can undersell
any house in the eitv
flMiUSSES.—"sSeeley's Hard Rubber
I Truss" Cures Rupture, retains the most dif
ficult safely and easily; never rusts, brenks,
moves or soils; always new. Sold by all Drug
gists. Send for pamphlet, 1347 Chestnut Street,
per month, everywhere, male and female, to
machine will stieh. hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord,
bind, braid and embroider in a most superior
manner. Price only $lB Fully waranted for
five years. \Y'e will pay SIOOO for any machine
that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more
elastic seam than ours. It makes the -Elastic
Lockstitch." Every second stich can be cut,
and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without
tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per
month and expenses, or a commission from which
twice that amount ean be made. Address SE
Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by other
parties palming eff worthless cast-iron machines,
under the same name or otherwise Ours is the
only genuine and really practical cheap machine
per month guaranteed to agents
everywhere selling our Patent Everlasting
Metaltc Clotheslmes. Write for Circulars to the
American Wire Co., 162 Broad way, N. Y., or 16
St., Chicago, 111.
LY DY'E COLORS. Thirty Different Shades,
all in liquid form. The same shades, all in pow
der form. We advise the use of the Blacks.
Browns and Drabs, in the powder form. For sale
by all Druggists aud Dealers, and at the Manu
factory, Boston. Mass.
With New Steamships of the First Class.
Passage Lower Than hy any Other Line.
For further information address the undersigned
at 177 West Street. 2t£W York.
W. H. WEBB, Pres. CHAS. DANA, Vtre Pres.
Office—s4 Exchange Place, New York.
Tried and not found Wanting.
We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25) per cent.
more cord wood per day than any other Axe
made. .
MCKEESPORT, DEC. 19. 1867.
SIRS I have iully tried your Patant Axe and
find that it is all that you claim for it. It will
chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw,
and leaves the wood without sticking at all. I
would not chop three days without one for the cost.
I need net say any more, for any man that tries
one will be satisfied. WM. KEES
ly The Axo and the Label are both patented,
luiriiigers on these patents will be prosecuted ac
cording to law.—Venders or dealers, and persons
using any infringement, are liable with the maker
of the infringement.
For sale by all Dealers aud the Manufacturers,
Sole owners of the Paten's,