fill* tlfonl (6 luetic Home and Around. LLCXTRXGDDN AND BROAD TOP U.K. — Winter Ann \nui:me>'t. — Time Table.—Aceom ino'ation Train leaves Sixron at 7.35 a. in., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4.40 p. m.. and arrives at Saxton at 6.3S p. tn. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.50 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a 11 05 n. tn. PROSPECTUS.— Read the Prospect us ol the Campaign GAZETTE, on the second page. Every one ean get up A club ol ten, or more. REV. R. F. WILSON, (Pastor elect), will preach, D. V., in the Presbyterian Church, in this place, on next Sabbath, | at 11. o'clock, a. m. CI iters COMlNG.— Thayer and Noyes great ( ircus and Menagerie will exhib it at this place, on Saturday, 18th inst. We have always found the proprietors of this circus and all connected with if, to be gentlemen. They will exhibit at Bloody Run, on Friday, 17TH. EPISCOPAL SERVICES.— There will be service and preaching at the Court House, on Good Friday morning, # a half past ten o'clock. Also the usual morning and evening services on Easter Sunday and a Sabbath School Easter Service in the afternoon, at half past three o'clock. FASHION'S PLATFORM. —One p r fiinie, pure, refreshing and imperish able, and that perfume Pnalon'S "Night-Blooming Oereus." 1 his is the platform of Fashion on this side of the Atlantic, and all the people say amen ! —Jersey City Times. SEVENTEEN YEAR LOCUSTS. —Thi- *is the year for the re-appearance of the ; seventeen year locusts. These insect.- ; made their tir.-t chronicled appearance • herein 1799, and returned every sev enteen years after that time. They last appeared in 18.71, of which many ot I oar yeaders doubtless have a distinct re-! collection. THE fruit prospects this year are of average promise. There is likely to bo plenty of apples, but there will be something of a scarcity in the peach line. Peach growers toil us that tiie hard winter has been severe on the buds. We apprehend, nevertheless, that nobody will suffer. THE WHEAT CROP. — From present indications, the next wheal crop w ill bt a good one in this county. Farmers in different sections agree in stating that it stood the winter very well; that tin large amount of snow which fell and re mained for a long time on the ground protected theyoung plants, aud preven ted them from freezing out. THE SUCCESS, DR. BEAMED & Co. have had in healing Chronic and Fe male diseases by their Algerian Rem* idies throughout the United States and Europe is unsurpassed. They are on a visit to this place from April 6th, to 13th, to receive patients and introduce their art of healing. They will read your disease free, and remove acute pain free ol charge. - ♦ ■ A SURE THING.- People may talk as they please, think and act as they please, and entertain contrary opinion -011 any subject; lAit there is one on which all agree, and that is, that R. W. Berkstresser & Co. keep always on hand the best assortment of ready-made Clothing, and sell at the very lowest cash prices. Call and see for your selves. ADDITIONAL LAW .JUDGE.— We have neglected to state that the legis lature have passed a bill autho*iziug an additional Law Judge for this Ju dicial District, and that Gov. Geary has appointed D. Watson Roue, Esq. of Chambershurg to fill the position un til the next election. Judge llowe i at present holding Ins first Court, thai for Fulton county. # ■ . ■ , SNOW.— On Tuesday morning last, a heavy snow beg in to fall and at tin present writing the weather is quite wintry. This is doubtlessa rohin snow; at any rate it robs spring of some 01 thedaysthat of right belong to her. Jam satis terr is nivis atque dirae, grand in is misit. Pater, etc. In ot her words, Win ter, we have had enough of you for the present. NEW ARRANGEMENT.— The firm ol Irvine and Statler having been _dissol ved, the business will be continued by H. F. Irvine,at the old stand. Bootsand Shoes, cheaper and better than ever, Queensware. Glassware, Fancy Goods, Perfumery, etc., etc., always on hand. The new Dickens Collar, the latest ago ny, and so perfect an imitation of linen that the closest inspection will bareiy de tect the difference, for sale by 11. F. Ir vine at the old Regulator. Now is the time to buy. Come and see the stock. Tin- RE art tiro special, qualifies wh'wh determine and fix the superiority ol Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S new style improv ed hair restorer or dressing, in one hot tie, over all other preparations for the hair. First, the prompt, quick action great growth, life and vigor that it if sure to give to the hair, never failing by a few applications, to restore Gre.\ or white Hair to its uatunl color, im parting to the Hair a Delightful aro ma, fresh, delicate, and unchangeahh in any climate. Second, its easy ap plication without any previous prepar ation of the Hair; without that stick\ atul disagreeable sulphur odor fount and complained of in all othei preparations. It never soils the skii or linen. Ladies will find it a standard Toilet luxury to dress their Hair; ii retains the Hair in any desired position, and is cooling, healing, and cleansing ttheScalp, rem >ving immediately all scurf, dandruff, and pimples. Prut one dollar, Sold by aii druggists. DANGEROUS CDUXTE; FKIT. —A dan gerous counterfeit live dollar national bank bill is s.iid to be in extensive ti;- culaliou. The bills are well executed —the "landing of Columbus" on the back particularly. The prin ciple point of difference between the genuine and the counterfeit is this: the "T" in the sentence "This note is secured,' c at the head of the bill, covers the "ni" in 44 United Stales, ' while in the genuine it come.*?over the uper left hand corner. By this (infer ence t lie counterfeit can be easily de tected. SHADE TREES. —There is nothing that our citizens should feel greater pride in than having our streets adorn ed with shade and ornamental trees, and their lots and yards with choice fruit trees, which in a\ear or two will commence" to yield and repay them ten fold for the outlay. The old a ser tion that in business streets shade trees are an impediment, is fallacious. A beautiful tree is certainly much cooler and more convenient than an unsightly awning. Those who have not their property thus adorned, should take immediate steps to plant. MORTGAGE BILL AMENDED.—In the State Legislature, on Tuesday eve ning of last week, on motion of ir. M'Miller, the vote on the tinal pas sage of the bill exempting mortgages and other monied securities from lo cal taxation was reconsider]d ; and the bill was amended by- including Hie counties of M>n \ mery, Berks, Schuylkill, Chester, Lancaster, Elk, Forrest, Fulton. BEDFORD, Indiana. Huntingdon, Northampton, Northum berland, Crawford, Clinlon, Carbon, Monroe, Luzerne, Juniata, Mifflin, Somerset, Westmoreland, Clearfield, Yllegheny, Yor <, Delaware, Blair, Lebanon, Greene, Franklin, Perry and Cumberland, and again passed finally as amended. EARLY TOMATOES. —To have toma toes early, plant a few seeds, any time this month, in the pots in which the plants are growing in the kitchen win dow. They will so germinate and grow very rapidly, and when the plants are two or three inches high, set one of each in boxes three indies square, or very small flower pots, and give them Hie same attention tliehou.-e plants receive. As soon as all danger from frost i- over, transfer the tomato plants which will then be budded, and perhaps covered with miniature lruit, to the smooth side of a high fence or -ntiny side of a building, into not over rich soil, and you will haveiipe toma toes on the fourth of July, if past ex perience and a favorable season are worth any thing. Try it. CAUTION TO PERSONS HOARDING! COIN.— We commend the following to | the careful consideration of all persons in the hahit of hoaiding coin. We hear of many persons who, as soon as they receive a few of the new five cent pieces now begilining to circulate i tnrough the country, as well as the; pennies, hoard them away, instead ol allowing them to circulate for the ben em of the business coniiuunity. in view of the sad effects that may result from this habit, persons had better re- i fleet on the following: Very singular and dangerous. — We copy the following remarkanie acciilent from a Southern paper: —Near the town ofSmithville, in tiie State of Miss issippi, there was a violent thunder storm passed over that section lately, i fwo houses in the country were strucK l>y ligh.ning, very much damaged, out fortunately no person was kined. What seemed strange was that one house-had a good lightning rod on it, and the other had none; hut in the! central part of each house was a bureau, j which in each case was torn to atoms, ; and theelothing in it set on fire. Upon a thorough examination of the ruins! it was found that the people had a ; large number of the new nickie or zinc live cent pieces with a nu#uber oi cop- i pers, saved up and hid in one of the! drawers of the bureau; and as it is .nown to all that zinc and copper arc he metals with which electricity isgeu . rated, it is supposed by scieniitic men mat having them lying together in the drawer generated a stream of elec tricity, which became a powerful con ductor of the outside current, and in vited the disaster. If such tilings Happen, it would not be wise in per sons keeping many of the new five cent pieces on hand, especially if mixed with coppers. XOTICETO L)ELIXQI'EN Ts. —We ha ve placed our books ami accounts in the nandsof John I*. Iteed, Esq., of tlisi place, for collection. All accounts for subscription for the year ending Au gust 1, 186-S, remaining unpaid, are in cluded in tiie bills which Mr. Reed i authorized to collect. We have been compelled to resort to this course in or der to obtain a settlement of our ac counts. We have too much to do to attend to making out bills, and we arc* tired ot dunning. M ney ue must /nice, as we have many debts to pay, and we desire to act honestly with out i creditors. Therefore, we ask all to | pay Mr. deed, who can, and those who cannot, we ask to call and settle. It there is any thing in their accounts I>_\ which they consider themselves ag grieved, let them call on u-, and we will make all right that is not right. Friends, let us have the old scores wip ed out, and begin anew. NEW PRESS!—FANCY JOB PRINT ING ! Printing ill Odors.'— f an In, Jii/t --tirods.irods. Sole*, It ink-I 'hecks, litanies of at/ kinds, tie. — We haw just had .set up in our office, one of the latest im proved Gordon's Fast Job Presses, and oave, also, purchased a new assortment of Fancy Job Type. Thus prepared, we are now able to do ail kinds of Job Work, from the daintiest card to the most showy poster. These improve ments have cost us considerable outlay, and we now say to our friends and the public, generally, bring 011 your work, il you appreciate enterprise! We can do any kind of work done in the city offices and just as cheap as city prin ters do it. Horse-hiUs primed in all styles. Call at theUAZETTKoffice,and see our improvements; —The Supreme Court lias decided that deposits made in savings hanks may be lawfully subjected to local tax ation, even when those deposits ha\e been invested and are held 111 the fain of Government securities. If anything looks more dirty so d disgusting thau a coat covered ' will i dandruff, it s"certainly not known to im dern society, "Barrett's Vegetable lliir Restorat've" will effectually era dicate datidrulf in a single thorough ap plication. To this valuable preparation was awarded the only prize medal ev er besiowd oti any compound for the hair. Potiyhheepsie PITHS. REVIEW OF THE MAKKETS. Currerte/l every week. Pit ILA DELPHI A, April (i FLOUR.—'The quotaiionsare— Xortuwest superfine, 57.000 7.50 j Northwest extra, 8.D009.00 | Northwest extra family, l. IIELTZKIJ— On the 30'h u!t., in Retf>r. A 1 iiu Heltzel, ajjel 20 years 11 months and V.XEAL— At Chnneysvillc, March 25. 1 -68. Fr iitk 11 ii 0 Neat, aged 11 years. 9 months, an. 17 days at £au\ S L. RI.SSIJLL. J- H. LO.NRBSECKER. I > USSE EE & LONGEN EC' KE R, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims tor IJ iek Pay. Bounty, Pensions, Ac OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court II .use. aprd,"67if J. MCD. SHARPS. E F. KERR. tj 11 A IIPE ct KERR, ATT< >RNEYiS VI AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoiningcounties Of fice 011 Juliana st., opposite the Banking House of K 1 A Ml. | March 2. '66. J. R. DUBBORROW. | JOHN LUTZ. nr 11 HO II RO W & LUT A . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA , Will attend proutplly lo ail business intrusted to their cure. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution .f the Government for Pensions. Back Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lauds, Ac. Office on Juliaua street, one door South of the ••Mcngel House," aud uearly opposite the Inquirer office. JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders b *cr> ices t-> Ihe pabiie. Office second door North of the Mengel House. 1! liord. Aug. I. MM. | rsi'Y M. ALaSIP, ATTORNEY A I LAW, BEDFORD. .'A. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted _to his ■are in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military taints, back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, to doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, ISt>4, F. M. KIMMBLL. I J. W. LINGBNFKLTER KIM MEEK & LING EN FELT Eli ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice ol the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South oftbe 'Mengel House," i 1 11. SPANG ATTORNEY A ! \7 . LAW BEDFOPD. PA Will promptly at tend to collections aud a'l business eutrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office 00 Juliana Street, three doers south of the ••Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. It P MEYERS | J. W. DICKERSON. \ | p;YEItS & DICKERSON, AT ill TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Sehell. two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practic in Ihe several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and i-ack pay obtained aud the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [ mayll,'66. HAYS IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloody Run, Pa. Office in Harris' New Building mrl3 63 -ilotices, &(. UKEER'-S wsirrnnted I'resh ami £t*n uitic GARDEN SEEDS. and a full assort ment Spude.-, Spa-ling Forks, Ho s, Rakes. Shov els. Ac.. Ac., can be bought at HABTLEY A METZGEK'-, very low, for cash apr.'Ut IF you want to <*et the best Reaper, Mower. Grain Drill, or any other F irw Imple ment that is made, an a' 'ha lowest price, always go lo HARTLEY A METZGER'S old established agency. "A* their is a perm inent one. they will always keep extras, which may be need ed for any f.aim implement they sell. [aprdtf QIR JOHN FRANKLIN orCHAM- H BERSBURG COOKING STOVE —This cele br i ted stove is uow offered to the public by HART LEY A METZJER, ageu's for Bedford county, who will always have on hand a full supply, for wood or coal. aprStf 17ULL1ES, SHAFTS, Poles Spokes, and Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY A METZ GER at manufacturer's prices apr.'ltf It X E C UTOR'S NOT I C E.— j Notice is herebv given that letters testamen tary to the estate of Hiram D ivis, lite of St Clair township, dec'd. hive beeu granted to the under signed, by the Register of Be If -rd county. All persons having claims against said estate are requ- ted to present theui, properly a-utbenti eated. for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. JACOB BECKLEY, Ex'r. mar27w6 F? X EOUTO US' NOfli E.— ] j Notice is hereby given that letters testamen tary to the estate of Joseph Snyder, late of South ampton Township, dc -ea-ed. have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford coun ty. All perjons indebted to said estate are hereby no iti d to make immediate payment and tho.-e having claims against the estate will oresent them, properly authenticated for settlement. in n27wo NATHAN R''BI6ON, Exseutur of Ike last will. Ac., of Jos. H. Snvder. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundrv writs Vend Exponas and Levari Faci -I- tint Ft Fa., to me directed, there will be ex j ted t cpublic sale, at the court house, in the Borough fB • Iford. on SATURDAY, APRIL, 2.Vni. A D. 1863, at 1 o'clock IV M., the following real estate, viz: Lot No. 48, as the property of Levi Evans, 4n feet trout on hill street, lots 44. 45, 40 and 47. trniiiiiig on bill street. 4tl feet each. Lots no. 5-> of), 57, 58 and 59, as the property of Aaron W Ev iits. fronting 40 feet each on hill street. Lots 21. 25 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.31. 32, 33. 34 and 35, as the property of Aaron tV. Evans, fronting 40 f-e --each on King street, all situate in Coaldale Bor.. Bedford County. Als lot of ground containing 2 acres and 18 perches, and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, adj doing lands of John Meyers on the souih. Jno ii Z-iok on the west, siruate in Broad Top Tp., Bcdfoid County, and taken in Execution as the property of A W Evans, Lamuel Evans and Levi Evans. Also, one tract of land, containing 183 acres, with about 9.' acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house and log barn. Store house and other out buildings thereon erected, with two stn 111 apple orchards inereoii, aJj > ning lands ot Samuel Frazy on the North and John Maiott on the sou.b-west, Jacob Feltou on the east, and oth ers on the west, situate in Ext Providence Town ship, Bedford Couuty, and lakeu'in Execution as the property of Jobu Louderbau-'h. SHKHIFF'S OFFICE, i ROBERT STECKMAN. april-3, 1868.-w4. j Sheriff. f I TERMS lor every description of Job X PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for every article we use, we must pay cash; and tin cash -y-ieiu wilt enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in tfc cities- rl HKASl'llKirs t>.\ I'ltspaU'd Lands and Town Lots in Beiford coun'y. — Agreeably to the provisions of nn lot of Assembly, directing "'lie mode id' selling unstated lands f r taxes and for oiher purposes, paged the 13th of M ireh. 1815. Hiid the sop dementi thereto passed the I3;h of March, 1817. and the 25'h of March, 1831, the Treasurer of the countyof Bedford, here by gives notice to till persons concerned therein, that unless the county, state, school, bounty and road taxes due on the following ructs of unseated lauds, situate in Bedford couny, are paid be fore the day of sale the whole, r such parts of each tract as will pay 'he lasts, and the costs chargeable theieon, will he sold tit the Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on tb* second Monday of June, next, (sth day,) for the arreara es of taxes due. and the cost accruedlhereon ; and said sale will he continued frotn daydav until all are disposed of. (aprdj I. MSNuEL, Treas. BRO.ADTUP. Taxes. 55 acres, Win. A. Griy 1 90 410 do 33 perches, James Batt;n 0 80 410 do 130 do do dt 14 20 175 do 131 do do do 7 io 58 do 44 do do d 263 .03 haw 75 I 200 do Wm Nicholas 63 2. do Mil.ig in A B nedict 20 9 do Pu lei bough's heirs 15 402 do • Francis Johnson 1 43 .43 do Wm Lana 45 365 do Daniel Montgomery 1 13 324 do Alex J iliusou 98 366 do Geo. Htuish 1 09 2c6 do Wm Foster 88 75 do Robert Montgomery 23 100 do Isaac C.iv. li 2 01 400 do Margaret Cavan 1 80 JUNIA I A TOWNSHIP. 30 do Nicolas kunufl 9 LONDONDKIIKY TOW NSHIP. 461 do Peter Bush 102 2.0 do Jacob Bush 78 200 do Catharine Bush 96 100 do MiryElinior 18 4001 do Christian Meyers Jr 90 395 do Daniel Gr en 90 220 do James Shaw 03 3981 do- Wui King 45 149 do George Wolford 14 76 40.) do Philip Auieriue I 25 61 do Eiward Allen I 25 360 do Abr.hatu Amerine 1 20 417* do M .tthew Shaw 1 25 251 do II nry Ani -nne §3 426j do Wm. Shaw 1 25 339 do George Amorine 1 08 271 do Frederick Amorine 88 76 do Philip Smith 50 436 do , Jacob Smithy 138 433 do ' John Smith 138 433 do • George Smith 138 400$ do James Dick 1 25 231 do Andrew Dick 75 400* do George MuC ill 1 25 40 i do Joseph McCall 1 25 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 200 do Marry Gordon 2 85 2ho do James Gordon 208 4ho do Thomas Jones 5 at) lsds do Stephen Kerr 1 03 165 do El ward Lu.gley 3 .">8 200 do *. J -cob Miller 1 38 200 do * Elizabeth Miller 1 38 200 do M try Piper 1 3.8 200 do Amelia Piper J 38 40J do Eiward .-tone 5 50 132 do John Touim 5 50 403 do Alex Montgomery 90 20(1 do Juhu Iverr 9 03 200 do John R izor 1 38 200 do Francis Moans 12 35 200 do Mtlligen A Benedict 1 28 5 do George Thompson 6 $ lot Luke Feeuey 43 i 8 lots Gen. Wm U Irvine 85 102 do John MeElnaly 65 (32 do I'iivd Piper 83 2(10 do Maria Alberti 1 25 107 do Bartlebaugh 65 !32 do Thomas A John King 25 40 do AB. Cruett 100 1 Lot Henry Stonerook 15 do Daniel atoner 15 do D niel bear 15 do Samuel Y'ingiing 1 68 do J.icb Bid lie 15 do .. Ephriam Smeltzer 15" do . M Stone \ 15 do J Troutmau 15 do Samuel Carmao 20 do Daniel Bear 1 32 do Mis. Lawrence 20 do Ann Scott 2 68 MONROE TOWNSHIP. |25 do Joseph McDiuiel 43 346 do Jacob Martin 3 10 440 do George Ureal head 3 3 i PROVIDENCE EAST. ' 1219 do S 11 fate's lleirs 34 900 do do do 34 800 do do do 34 224$ do do do W Carvin 22 4"2 Uo 48 do Kcziah L gun 90 403 do Charles Evans 90 402 do 62 do l buries Logan 90 4(0 do 75 do JobuCivau 90 401 do 40 do James C (Van 90 400 do Isaac Cavan 99 394 do 38 do Francis Logan 90 2!0 do George Deweese 67$ 30 do P Cliogeimm or S Williams 30 100 do J a i b Ritchey 27 400 do Wui C ivan 1 20 400 do Wm Long 1 35 431 do John Crosby 1 23 PROVIDENCE \\ EST. 106 do Peter Morgan 1 '6 420 do Edward Glen 1 44 4201 do Edward Gibbons 1 44 ST. CLAIR TP. 411 do Win puiveiy 90 62 do Henry K 'ontz 75 SOUTHAMPTON TP. lis do Ktehaid Reed 132 439 do Paul W ird 63 •>57 do Patrick Ward 1 25 351 do Joseph Ward 1 25 353 do Jonathan Wind 1 25 439 do 141 do Jnuit sliced Jr. 99 343$ do Jessu Reed 78 362 do 19 do C Loyer A G II Spang 1 II UNION TOWNSHIP. 100 do John Swuggart 752 4uO do Leonard Swuggart 7 52 266 do Alexander Gardner 5 84 116 do Dr Wm Smith 234 43 do Samuel Burket 1 00 116 do John Shea 1 88 50 do Frederick Snyder 100 274 do Jeretninh Juckson . 6 48 130 do Jacob Swuggart 3 38 440 do Wm Pearson 9 (0 380 do Ebenezer Branhain 9 10 120 do Conrad liuler 244 100 do George Laib 2 02 100 do Jacob Burket 2 02 150 do Peter snueuberger 3 12 12 i do John Still 8 3 2oU do Michael Shinier 2 18 50 do Couples Brush Mt 63 433 do Hugh Porter 1 27 339 da Gritfiith Evans 8 63 403 i do Pinltp Siine 8 35 439 do John Martin . #,46 336 do Wilsou Hunt 'u it) 3*3s do Alex Se-'ti 9 10 127 do Dr P Shoenberger 7 58 124 uo do do 8 77 2o do . do do oo 00 do •* Uo no Geo Lelb 3 38 £rpi yoUrrs. 150 do Win Lntighatn 5 72 80 do Bowser Brush Mt 369 40 Jo Pe'er Shinier Brush Mt 86 WOODBK iKY SOUTH. JBS do P Shoenberger (Ridge) 2 70 10 do Wm Fluke 9 19 do Fluke's Heirs IS 222 do • Elizabeth Piper 48 07 do Robert Shaw 124 216 do 60$ do Is ibelln Day is 18 54 do 100 ii-> JobnS Hetri-k " 21^ 300 do J icob Lingenfelter 46 WOODBKKUY MIDDLE. 180 do Daniel Montgomery 8 02 22 do Kensinger's Heirs 125 2(( do Frederick Nicodcmus 125 14 do Charles Typor's Heirs 125 46 do Stonerouk p irt of Watt track 165 156 do Robert Montgomery 546 13 do Jacob Forrey 75 46 do Benner's Heirg 266 r IST OF GRAND JURORS I j'Druwn for April Term, 4th Monday, 271 h day. A. D.. 1868: Bedf.rd Bor —Willi tin Hartley. Foreman. Bedford Tp.—Samuel B Amos J Jacob Wolf. Thotn i- H.ighes Broad Top—Joltn C Figard. Bloody Run—Wilson L eeks. Cuinb V till y— John Deremer. Hopewell—John Gates. Alexander Davis. Londonderry—John J WoH'urd. Napier—George M wrv. Provi lenco E.—Simon Nycum. John M Vanhorn. Johu W S.-nns. Providence VV.—John I' Weaverling, George Buughiuan Snake Spring—A-iSStuekcy, Harrison Hart ley. St. Clair—Thomas W M-Creary. SchelLburg—Jeremiah E Black. Union — John T Crist. Woodbury M Jamet M Snowden, Robert Rals ton Woodbury S. —John Burger. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 11th day ol February. A. D., 186*. ISAAC KENSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: ' Jury Coui'rs. J.vo. G Fish Kit. Clerk. I" IST OF J'ETIT JURORS, drawn j for ?ame term. Bedford Bor —Thomas M Lynch, Reuben W Cook, Andrew Middleton. Bedford Tp.—John Todd, David R Earnest, Ja cob Barnhart. Bloody Bun—Join: C Black. W T Grove. Citmb. Valley—Albert Smith. Thomas Fisher. Cnlerain —D.ivid Diehl of J, Josisih Ott. Hopewell—John \V K