The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 20, 1868, Image 3
ulic 58ctlfcut! (liinfttr. Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP It. It. —WINTER ABBAS JKMRNT.—TIME TABLE.—Accom ino'ation Train loaves Saxton at 7.45 a. ui., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4.40 p. in., and arrives at Saxton at 6.38 p in. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. ui.. ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p. tu.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a 11.05 a. ui. BEDFORD BOROUGH DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS.— Pursuant to previous the Democrats of Bedford bor ough, met at the Court House, on Monday evening last, for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be supported at the coming Spring election. On motion, W. It. KING, Lstj., was called to the chair, and A. J. Sansom and W. A. Edwards were appointed Secretar ies. .he following ticket was then put in nomination : BOROUGH TICKET. Chief Burgess— Valentine Steekinan. August ant Jiurgess— A.J. Sansoni. Counciltnen —Jacob Lieed, William Bowles. lligh Constable— John Harris. Auditor —l 3. It. Middleton. DISTRICT TICKET. Judge of Election —N. J. Lyons. Inspector —Jonathan Onus table William Gephart. Assessor- -Lawrence Detibaugh. School Directors —Job Mann, G. 11. Mengel. Town Clerk —Josiah Haley. Supervisors— Jolm Miller, A. Leonard. This is a good ticket and ought to be elected by a handsome majority. — The Democrats of this borough have the strength to give it an overwhelm ing triumph, if they will but pull steadily and together. Jn this crisis, it is very important that the verdict of the people should be in favor of the Constitution and the Right. NAPIER TICKET.— The Democrats of Napier tp., have nominated the fol lowing excellent ticket, which should, and, doubtless, will ho elected by a rousing majority : Judg, of Election —John A. Burns. Inspector — William Crisman. Constable —George 11. King. Snpercisors — 11 ugh E. Kin ton, Benja min W. Miller. School Directors —James Sill, Wil liam Rock, Sr. Assessor— I tobert 1 )ouglas. Auditor, 2 gears —George H. Sleek. Auditor, .*> gears— Solomon Egolf. Towns/tip Cierk —John Miller. BEDFORD TP.—The Democrats of Bedford tp., have nominated the fol -1 >wing first rate ticket : Cons/übfe—JdcoU D. Fetter. Justice of the Peace— David Points. Supervisors— Jonathan Deal, George Mann. School Directors— Owen MeGirr,Sam uel Walter. Judge of Election —W. P. Micke!. Inspector —J. T. Gephart. Assessor —Jacob Jlershberger. Auditor —Daniel B. Diehl. Towns/tip Clerk —Philip Beegle. This is truly a good ticket. Now, let the Democrats of Bedford tp., see to it that they elect it by a majority such as they have never given before. SNAKE SPRING. —The Democrats of Snake Spring, have nominated their ticket, as follows: Judge of Election —Andrew Morti more. Inspector —William Deatnek. Justice of the. Pence— Geo. Sinouse, Jr. Constable —Geo. Shearer. Supervisors —James Jamison, Sebas tian Foetter. School Directors —Joseph Mortimore, Thomas Stapleton, Aaron Whetstone, Win. Forney, Win Harclerode. Assessor — Henry W. Reed. Auditor —Hen ry 81 nou se. These are all excellent men and de serve a triumphant election. Little Snake Spring will do her duty. BEDFORD CLASSICAL SCHOOL.—We understand 31 r. Woods has engaged an assistant, Miss Anna Gary, of New York, who is quite accomplished and conies highly recommended as a teach er. Her services will add to the effi ciency of the School, which ahvady stands high in popular favor. •>,-hol lars of both sexes and all ages, are now admitted. The terms are moderate and those residing at a di>taiice, can obtain board in town af roa-onable rates. WINDOW BLINDS.—A tine variety of window paper, cheap, at the Inquir er Book Store. We hear considerable complaint made against parties who have .-.uttered lumber, refuse, building stones, ashes, Ac., to accumulate on the streets and pavements in front of their dwellings and places of business, to the anoyance of their neighbors.— lnquirer of lout week. Now, hold on, fault-finder! "Cast the beam out of thine own eye," Ac. Walking up Juliannast.,we discovered in front of the Inquirer office, the larg e-it pile of ashes on that street. Bor ough authorities, take notice. WINDOW BLINDS.—A fine variety of window paper, cheap, at the inquir er Book Store. SPRING. —li. W. Berkstresser A co. are preparing for the Spring trade. Now, ii you want a good suit of Cloth ing, a good Ilat or Cap, give Berk stressers a call. WINDOW BLINDS.—A fine variety of window paper, cheap, at the Inquir er Book Store. ATTENTION is invited to Millinery Goods—all kinds—advertisement in this issue, by 11. Ward, lO.'i North Second Street. This is an old and re liable house. "Mischief may he helped is hard to know," said Lord Brooke. But the mischief that time would work on the human hair may lie forever avoided by the use of "Barret's Vegetable liair Restorative," which never fails to bring hack the hair to its original beau ty .— Rjches'er Democrat. IN M F.MORIAM. —Mrs. Ijouisa McA tee, wife of Rev. J. Q. Me A tee, died in "Bedford, on the 7th inst., aged 28 years—.Mrs. Me A tee was the daughter of Jesse Craig, of Welsh Run, Frank- j lin eo., Pa. At an early age she be came a member of the Presbyterian | church, but subsequently connected with the Lutheran church, of which her husband was a Minister. than one year ago, brother MeAtee re moved to Bedford, as Pastor of the Lutheran church; and prospects of long life and usefulness,were before him and his wife. In this short lime, not only the entire membership of this large field, but the people of every name in town and country, became warmly attracted to them. In Mrs. M., our bereaved brother found a wife ardently devoted to his people and I interested in all that pertained to the i church. "None knew her but to love her, None named her but to praise." Merely to be the Pastor's wife, i> not i suficient to gain the hearts and. win the love of a parish ; but in her they found those rare virtues and tender sympa thies, the suave manner *nd mode t demeanor, in a word, the pure, good noble soul which so beautifully adorns the Parsonage and effectually wins the heart of every one. It is no marvel, | then, that the whole community was startled and dismayed when the sad intelligence flew from lip to lip, that amid the strength and bloom of life, ! this lovely, this christian woman had suddenly been call'd away from earth. It was a dark day to the church—to every one, but how inexpressibly fear ful was it to our dear brother ! j Not till the kind offices of love and 1 sympathy could bear him up against the first crash of the storm that fell up | on him. Rut, now the same voice speaketh as it did to Ezekiel, when the desire of his eyes was taken away so sudden, | Jy, though the only light of that little 1 home has gone out forever: "Know that this is tin Lord (7or/." Mrs. Mc A tee, according to a previous I request, was buried in the graveyard at the "old White Church", at home. The funeral service was preached by the Presbyterian pastor to a large as sembly of friends. The writer of this ' enjoyed many happy hours with the dear departed and her husband in the home she made so pleasant. Soft, ye winds, and let tiie turf be green over ijiother and babe until the Resurrection Morn. A FRIEND. Schellshurg, Mar. 15. WINDOW BLINDS.—A fine variety of window paper, cheap, at the Inquir er Book Store. MUSHROOM PERFUMES.— Of the j swarm of inferior perfumes got up to compete with Phaion's"Night-Bloom ing Cereu.s," scarcely even the mem ory remains. They are literally forgot ten, while the sales of that ne plus ultra ofirfl fragrance constantly increases.— Winsted Herald. WINDOW BLINDS.— A line variety of window paper, cheap, at the Inquir er Book Store. WINDOW BLINDS.— A tine variety of window' paper, cheap, at the Inquir er Book Store. —Bantam's .Museum, near Spring street, took fire at about half past twelve o'clock on Monday of last week and was entirely consumed. The gir affe,'while efforts were making to res cue the animals, fell against the door way and effectually prevented egress. The rest of the animals with the ex ception of a few which were rescued by the Mercer Street door, were burned up. The fire extended to the Prescott House and created great confusion u mong the boarders. A high wind was prevailing at the time. The bumingof the-Museum entailed a loss of §400,000 on the Museum and Menagerie Com pany. The buildings were purchased a few days ago by the Company lor$l(io,- noo of which only $20,000 has been paid. The insurance on the buildings amoun ted to $02,000. The owners and occu pants of the adjacent buildings suffered heavily also. —A daring and extensive robbery was committed last week at Kassing er's Mill, on the Tulkacken Creek, a bout three miles from Reading, Penn. <ihas. Long, a miller, was attacked in his mill about 2 o'clock in the morning, by four men in disguise. They shot at him with pistols, and robbed him of $1,500 which he had upon his person ; he was then left tied, it was discover ed, Saturday morning, that his house had been entered during the night, by the same party. Two bed rooms were ransacked and $5,000 in Government bonds, $2,000 in greenbacks, and $20,000 in gold taken therefrom. William Levan, a policeman in Reading, Penn., while assisting to secure a drunken man, was kicked by him in the abdomen, receiving inju ries, l'rom the effects of which he died in a short time. DIED. BEEMILLER—On the morning of the rtth inst., a' hi--' residence, near Bedford. departed this life, ?.Ir Cetcr Beeiniller, in the 63th year of his age. The dec' l originally canoe from Bavaria in Ger many. He was truly a gout christian and honest man, very much esteemed by all his neighbors. He died as he had lived, a pious and worthy member of the Catholic church. FEI'TERLY—At the residence of her daughter in Bedford, on Thursday evening, I2ih inst. Mrs. Fredriea C. Fetterley, in her 77th year. Bereave ment is robbed of its sadness, w hen such christians die. Surely surviving friends cannot mourn when a lifetime of godliness has terminated in a trans lation so triumphant. For sixty-two years the de parted bad been a member of the church of Christ and well did she adora her profession llcr life was truly a life of prayer and her dying hours were praise. Surrounded by dutiful children who Led labored to make her deeliuing years happy, she peacefully passed from earth, and now '•Far from this world of toil and strife Is present with the Lord, The labors of her mortal life End in a large reward.'' iUtv I UCTIO.^EER. —Tile uutieiHgueti, , \ having renewed his license as an auctioneer, oil is his services to the tunic generally. l\>st ' office andress Cumberland Valley inr2om2* N JOHN DICKEN. 3MvfrUsrmfutsi. P;\NINGTON MALE SEMI NARY an<l FEMALE COLLEGE, near Trenton, New-Jersey. A Boarding-School lor both sex as, lon-; established and of grade, aiming earnestly to excel in attention to the edu cation. the morals, the home comforts and the health of the student. Terms moderate. Ad dress the Rev. T. HAXLOX, A. M., Pennington, X\ £. __ I T)OOK AGENTS WANTED—"FOR I 13 DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. —Written by 70 of the most dis- ; tinguisbed Divines in Europe and America. Illus trated with over 12A Steel and Wood Engravings. In one large Octavo volume. Price $3 50. IHE ONLY EDITION RFBLISHED IN AMERICA, CONDENSED BV DB SMITH S OWN HAND. We employ no Gen eral Agents and offer extra inducements to A gents dealing with us Send tor descriptive cir culars, and see our terms J. B. BIRR A 00., Publishers, Hartford. Ct. 1000 AGENTS WANTED in all parts I of the Vnited States, to sell our immense list oi nearly alio different B .oks. Bible# and Photo graph Albums. Every family wants something II Cutalo'ues furnished on application, and books sent post-paid to any address on receipt of price. Canvassing books containing the list, with prices, together wi h blank sheets and piloted beading lor enrolling a list of names, sent free to any one on receipt ot 50 cents. , Anybody can sell from 100 to 1,000 of these books almost anywhere. For terms to agents and other information address JOHN E PoTTER A CO., Publishers, Nos. 614 and 617 Sansbm .It., Phila. A "GENTS WANTED FOB /\ ' THE HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN T llia STATES,'' ITS CAUSES, CHARACTER, COS DCCT AND RESULTS. By Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS. ~ , Its official character and ready sale, combined .villi an increased eommiscion, make it the best subscription book ever published. Send for Cir culars and sae oar terms, and a fu'l description of'he work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Pa. A GENTS WANTED for ft Book, entitled A PICTURE OF THE DESOLA 'i ED STATES, and the Work of Restoration. Every voter needs it before Nov., 1863. Freight, largest commissions, and a premium of SSOO paid. For particulars address L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Conn. T MATEUIt CULTIVA TO LI'S F\ GUIDE TO THE KITCHEN AND FLOWER GARDEN, NOIV READY. A Descriptive work of 140 pages, fully' illustrated with a beautiful colored plate and 100 engravings, containing a list of over 2500 varieties of Flower and Vegetable Seeds; also, 150 varieties of the choicest French Hybrid Gladiolus. All the Nov elties, both of the Flower and Vegetable, for IH6S, will be found described in the above work. Taste fully bound in cloth. 2colored plates, price, 50cits ; in paper covers, post-paid, 25 cts. Address WASHBURN & CO.- Horticultural Hull, Boston, Mass. rpilE RADICAL. A Monthly Mag | aziiiC, devoted to Free Thought. Priee SO a year. Scud 30 els for specimen number. Address THE RADICAL, Lock Box 132. Boston, M—. CtAPEIiON'S / IMPROVED BRICK MACHINE. IT USES Cur directly from the bank (water being used if not suffieently moist). It tempers the clay thoroughly, presses it into the moulds and raise the bricks out of the moulds ready to be hacked up. without drying on the yard, Seud for Illustrated Circular to C. B. STONE. New Mil ford, Ct., sole agent for Pennsylvania. Manufac. turer'soffice, No. 5 Murray st , N. Y. ("1 UANO. No. 1 Peruvian Guano, JT Best Superphosphate, Puro Ground Bone, Fish Guano, Plaster, Phosphatic Guanos, Ac., for sale by GEO. E. WHITE, 150 Trent St., If. Y. I Per Day, Sure. No money in O1 *) advance Agents wanted everywhere to sell our Patent Everlasting Metallic Clot hex- Lines. Address AMERICAN WIRE CO., 162 B'dway, N. Y., 16 Dearborn St., Chicago. TO THE WORKING CLASS.— Farmers, Mechanics, Ladies, and everybody. I am now prepared to furnish you with constant employment at your homes—the whole of your time, or in your spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. 00 cts. to $0 per evening easily e irned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls nearly as much as men. Great inducements offered those who will devote their whole time to the business, and, that every person who sees this notice may send their address and test the business for themselves, I make the fol lowing uu parallel led offer : To all who are not well satisfied with *he business, I will send $1 to pay fir the trouble of writing. Full particulars, directions, Ac., sent free. Sample sent by mail for 10 cts. Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Maine. TJTTE ABE COMING! will present to any person sending us a club in our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Our inducements during the past few yoars have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES OP PREMIUMS. Our friends will readily notice our Presents for 30 a.nd 60 Clubs are now more than equal iD value to Clubs of 60 and 100 respectively of other firms. ijT PLEASE EXAMINE.Jg\ Any person ordering either of the Clubs men tioned below, can have their selections of premi ums enumerated, corresponding to the size of the Club, FREE OF ONE DOLLAR ' For a club of 30, ($3 ) —One of the following ar ticles, viz : Delaine dress pattern ; fancy colored bedspread; 100 view Tuikey morocco album; 20 yards sheeting : striped cashmere delaine dress pattern; honey comb quilt; all wool square shawl; set solid gold bosom studs: all wool fancy eash more pants and vest pattern ; gent's hair guard chain gold trimmings ; silver plated chased butter dish ; silver plated b bottle revolving castor, on feet; set superior st> eled bladed knives and forks; worsted promenade shawl; ladies' long gold plated chain ; ladies' gold double ring ; gent.? heavy chased solid gold ring ; solid blaek walnut work box or writing desk ; extra quality balmor al skirt; set jewelry, sleeve buttons to match; violin and bow ; gents' cardigan jacket ; splendid ebony D liute, ivory trimmings ;'superior Turkey morocco shopping bag ; ladies'high cut balmor al boots. For a club of 00 ($3 ) —One of ihe following ar ticles, viz ; Black or colored alpacca dress pattern ; poplin dress pattern : one piece of bleached or brown sheeting; engraved, silver-plated, 0 bottle revolving castor ; 3 1-2 yards superior cashmere for pants and vest pattern ; extra heavy honey comb quilt; two fancy colored bed spreads; pair gent's calf boots; 4 yds farmers' good wool fruek ing; fancy cashmere plaid dress pattern; best quality balmoral skirt; rosewood brass alarm clock ; ladies' all wool eloak pattern, silver-pla ted cake or card basket; fur muff or cape; ladies' fashionable wool double shawl ; splendid clasped family Bible, 9x12 record page and engravings; 3 yds. double 'width water proof cloaking; set ivory handle knives, with silver-plated forks; set silver forty : one set lace cut tains. For a club of 100, ($lO.) —One of the following articles, viz: 4 yds. double width cloaking or coat ing; 2 large, Sue, bleached linen table covers, with 1 do*, large sized dinner napkins to match; twenty-five yards splendid hemp carpeting, good colors ; extra quantity blaek or alpaeca dress patterns ; extra quality poplin dress patterns; one large piece superior quality extra width sheet ing ; pair gent's calf boots best quality ; silver hunting-eased patent lever watch ; one dozen ivory handled steel bladed knives and forks; silver plated engraved six bottle revolving castor, with cut glass bottles; splendid violin, box and bow complete ; single barrel shot gun ; Bacon's six barrel revolver ; pair superior white wool blank ets ; nice fur muff and cape ; silver plated eugrav cd ice pitcher, with salver; seven annd one-half yards all wool fancy cassimere, for suit ; one doz en Rogers' best silver-plated forks, common sense sewing and embroidering machine; two heavy honey comb quilts ; splendid family Bible, record and photograph page. For larger Clubs the value increases in the same ratio. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any ad dress free. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to ALLEN, HAYVES & CO. 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P 0. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry aud Fancy Goods, Cut lery. Piated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac. riMIE CELEBRATED "ESTY" X ORGAN, WITH VOX II CM AX A STOP. Pronounced by all who have heard it the most natural and beautitul imitation of the HcMaN \ OICK ever yet introduced. J ESTY & CO., Brattleboro, Vt , the original Inventors apd Man ufacturers. 417 Broome street, N. Y.; 79 West Fayette St., Baltimore, Md ; IS North 7th St., Phila.; 115 Randolph St., Cliic'o. 2Uu* i Tp EVOLUTION IN TRAmT~ '—{ IV Greater inducements than ever before offered to persons getting up dubs ia our ONE DOLL Ail SALE. Send for New Spring Circular. PAUKER A CO., 6i and ®6 Federal St.. Boston, Mass. _ • HOW THE QUACKs EXTORT from their unfortunate patients. QI ACK EKV EXPOSED. See-The Patient s Guide." It tells you how to cure diseases of the generative organs, in both sexes, with simple, safe, reli able Remedies, to be procured at any Drug Store. Those about to marry shouMprocure a copy at once. Addn-ssG. W ■ MORTON, M. D., 1-4 j Crosby St , New York. Mailed on reeeipt of 4; postage stamps. /"lURE YOURSELF of DEBILITY, I ly SEXUAL DISEASES, Ac.—Send your ad dress on stamped envelope and ask tor circular of . •Pathology." Direct AMERICAN NEWS CO., 12! Nassau-st , New York. _ YCII<)MANCY, or Soul Charm ing. How either sex may fascinate and gain | the affections of any oue they choose, instantly ; j also secure prosperity in love or business. Every one can acquire ttiis singular power. This queer, exciting book has been published by us ten years, the sale of which has been enormous, and is the only bo k of ihe kind in the English language sent by mail for 25 cts., or five for one dollar, together with a guide to tb< unmarried. Address T. WILLI ,A.M A CO., Book Publishers, Philadelphia. TVJOUTII AMERICAN STEAM SHIP co. THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. SAILING FROM NEW YORK MARCH STII AND 25TH; APRIL STH AND 15TH ; MAY STH, 15TH AND 25TH. With New Steamships of the First Class. Passage Lower Thau by any Other Live. For further information address tho undersigned at 177 West Street, New Y->rk. I). N. CARRINGTON, Agent. W. H. WEBB, Pres. Cil AS. DANA, Vice Pres. Office—s4 Exchange Place, New York. ! YY7"ANTEI). —SALESMEN to travel S YT f° r n Manufacturing Company and sell by sample. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, ivi h stamp, HAMILTON <fc HOWE, 418 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. \TTiIY WILL YOU WORK FOR YY $3,00 PER DAY and bo bossed round, when you can engage ill an easy and lucrative business that will pay you from SI to $6 per day or $2 per evening, if at leisure You won't be sorry if you send 10 cents for full particulars aud sample. Address GEO. S. MELLEN, Lewiston, Me. / vNE DOLLAR | U , XI. ALL A PRESENT OF 825 VALUE, Of vou r own selection, free of cost, tor a few days service .in any town or village. Particulars and a eifr sent /ree, by addre-sing with stamp, V B. CLOUDIA4.N A CO-jO HanojerSt., Boston, Mass E) LR A' KKI 1 AXE. •COJ/BTRX'S PATEXT. Tried and ua found Wanting. We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25) per cent, more cord wood per flay than any other Axe made. MCKEESPOST, DEC. 19. 1867. MESSRS. LIPPIXCOTT A Co. SIRS:— I have tu'.ly tried your Patsnt Axe ana fiud that it is all that you claim for it. It will chop faster than any other Axe that I ever saw, and leaves the wood without sticking at all. 1 would not chop three days without one for theaost. I need net say any more, for any man that trios one will be satisfied. WM. KEES. f lAUTION! , . Vy The Axe and Die Label are both patented. Infringers on these pat w prosecuted ac cording to law.—Venders or dealers, _ and persons using any infringement, are liable with the maker of the infringement. . , For sale by all Dealers and the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, (SUCCESSORS TO LIPPIX -OTT A Co.) Sole owner* of the P<xte< s, PITTSBURGH, PA a PPEALS.—UNITED STATES Ix- TJL TEB.VAL REVENCK TAXES. —Notice is hereby given that appeals will be received relative to any erroneous or excessive valuations or asses-'meuts returned to this office, in the annual list of Inter | nnl llevenue Taxes for 1867, at the office of J. B. j Helm. Esq.,in Bedford on M>n l ay, March 30, 18- j 68, for persons residing in Bedford county. The j lists and assessments will be open to the inspec j tion of all parties interested, from 10 o'clock, a. ! in., until 4 o'clock, p. m., of said day. All appeals j are required to be in wriiing and must specify the | particularc iuse, matter or thing respecting which j a decision is requested and state the ground or ! principle of error complained of. i WM. McSIIERRY, Assesor 16th Dis't., Pa. Littlwtow, IV. March lOih, '63x2 PHILADELPHIA, Marcb Ist, 1888.—[ We beg to inform you that we are prepared | to offer tor your inspection our usual assortment] of Millinery Goods, consisting of the Newest | Shapes in Straw. Silk and Gimp Hats. Bonne.ts, j A•; Velvets, Silk Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feath- i ers, Ruches, Crapes, Blondes, Braids, Ornaments, j Ac., Ac. We shall be happy to wait on you at j our Store, or receive your orders. Prices low lor i Cash. Yours, Ac. H. WARD, Nos. 103, 105 A 107 N. Second St.. Phila. march2oml ITTANTED!— I,OOO MEN and WO- j \\ mK.N !—NEW ENGRAVINGS. FIVE BEAUTIFUL IDEAL AMERICAN FACES, En graved on stone in Paris by the most eminent Lithographers in the world. f For particulars and descriptive circular, address L.D.ROBIN-. SON, 10 Main St.. Springfield. Mass. niar2ow3 1 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under- j J~\ signed, appointed Auditor to distribute the j balance in the hands of Daniel Sparks and George j K-'in, Executors cf the last will, Ac., of Peter; Earn, laie of West Providence tp , Bedford Co , deceased, will sii for the purposes of his appoint ment, at his office in Bedford, on Thursday the 2d day of April. 1868', at the nour of 1 o'clock, P. M., when all parties interested can attend mnr2(iw2 J. II LONGENECKEIt, audi'or. "VfOTK.'E. — knowing them selves indebted to me, eilher by book ac count or note, will please call and settle the same without fail, as I am in need of money. mar2ow3 A. L. DEFIBAUGH. A n)iT() lt'S NOTR E.— Bedford ■ f\ Co/'i/li/, S. iS.—At a Court of Quarter Ses- \ sinus held at Bedford, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 10 th day of February, A D., 18- I 08. The Recommendation of the Directors of the j Poor and the House of Employment of said Coun- ' ty, was read and tiled setting forth: That the J building now occupied as the Poor llcusc ot said Couuiy is totally uusufficient for the sheltering 1 and protection of the poor; That a new poor j house should be erected as provided by the Act of ' Assembly, approved 17th April, 1866; That the present poor house property is not desirable for the I purpose for which it is now used and recommend | ing that said property be sold, and, that in lieu of it, a farm of from seventy five to one hundred aeres ' of good land be purchased upon which the Poor: House above recommended shall be erected Ac. | Whereupon the Court referred the same to the ' Grand Jury, who on the I2th day of Feli'y, A. D., 18(18, made the following return and endorse- j ments upon said recommendation; This recom- ! inenda ion approved by the Grand Jury, except ■ that in the opinion of ihe Grand Jury, the farm ! to be purchased should uot contain less than one : hundred and twenty-five acres. Now, M ireh 7th, 1818, The Court appoiut Win, j M. Hull, Esq., auditor, to tako testimony, find ! facts and make report, Ac. hand and official seal, at Bedford, the same day. O. E. SHANNON, Clerk. Pursuant to the above appointment, I will meet in the Grand Jury Room, on Thursday the l(5:h day of April, next, all parties who may desire to be heard. The invesiigation will em brace, Ist. An Examination of the Receipts and Ex penditures of the present property, with view to determine whether it is profitable or the re verse. 2. Proposals for the purchase of the entire property Also, tor the Mill an l the Miller's ! House, separately. 3. Off-rs of suitable farms, stating the price, i number of acres, and locality with a tull descrip- ! tiou. 4. I invite plans, with estimate of cost of a suitable building with ull the modern improve- ; ments for the sheltering and maintaining one j hundred poor persous; S.tid building to be erect- , ed on the present property or at any other loc ili- ' ty proposed. No plan to be paid lor unless ulti- j mutely adopted by the Couu.y Commissioners. fceuied proposals toqiurehase or 10 sell inay be ! sent to uie or to J. W. Dickerson, Att'y for Bed lord County, at any rime before the meeting, mar2(l w3 WM. MACLAY HALL, Auditor. ! gcgal gotirf. T> ECE I PTS AND~EXPEN Dl \j TUBES of the Poor and House of Eutpldy- | moot of Bedford county, for the year ending Jan uary 1, 1863. i Win. Bowles, Treasurer, Dr. To ain't rec'd from former treasurer, Geo. Blymycr $308.") 65 To ain't from collectors, 7118 28 To am't from Esq- Roberts, fines. 4 00 To am't from Joseph E. Barley lines. ~9^9 To money borrowed from Rev. S. Kepler 550 00 . Total 515,792 63! Treasurer, L'r. By amount paid on cheeks as follows: Merchandise, $1625 14 Hardware, 1-' \ I'Drugs. 00 I Groceries, 26 18 | 1 Beef. 100 ° 99 1 Bacon, 230 ' l'ork. Jb Potatoes, V, fj> f!„, n 22 oO j i Cider, 60 j I OaU - ,H 2" Applebutter, 2 ' 03 ; Syrup, *2 JJ j VINC P F,R ' AM 09 Out-door paupers. Removal of " 10" _I Issuing orders, ' Blacksmithing, 24 01 J I Noble. manufacturing goods, lo.> 87 Castings and cooperage for mill, "** 93 One horse, ™ Of Mill license, |0 2 Insurance, ' Funeral expenses. 7,; Coffins, 'J' ?! > Toll. • 'l° Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum, 216 80 Services as matron, '2 V' I Medical attendance, , 20 < ->U | L>. R. Anderson, salary and extra services, 34 00 Samuel Becklev. do do Michael Diehl, do do 84 00 S. Dcfib iugh, salary as steward, 200 00 T. R. Gettys, salary as clerk, 50 00 T. R. Gettys, makin.' ou; and distributing duplicates, for 1864 and 1867, 97 70 E F Kerr, salary as att'y and extra services, 155 00 J W Dickerson, do do 115 00 William Bowles, salary as treasurer. ■>•} 00 Durborrow <t Lutz. printing, Meyers & Mengel, do do do advertising, I°9 Sundries, as per bills filed, 2al bl Sundry articles of furniture for poor house, _"4 94 Old checks, 5710 Judgment of I)r. Conrad, -.'f f" Costs in Bixler case, 32 00 Interest paid on Rev. Kepler s note, 44 o0 Amount overpaid on duplicates, 4 8< Auditors and clerk, "19 00 Total credits. _ $13063 9o Charges, $15792 62 Credits, 12568 95 Balance in Treasury, 2 o?'o¥ OwiDg county from collectors, 1162- 21 Indebtedness of county, about 4000 00 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Bedford county, do certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts of \\ illiair. Bowles, Treas urer of the Poor and House of Employment ot Bed ; ford county, and found the same to be correct and true, as above stated. Witness our hands this 9th | day of Jannary, 1868. J AS. M ATTINGLS., j j Attest: JOHN D.LUCAS, \V. C. SCHAEFFER, S. WHIP, Auditors. , ( marl3w4 Clerk. Statement and Report of Samuel De ' fibaugh. Steward of the Poor and House of Employ- : | m ent of Bedford county, from January 1, 1867, to j ! January Ist, 1868. Dr. 1867, Jan. Ist, To balance at last set tlement S3O 71 To cash received from sundry persons;- 11 Sheeter for muslin 50 L. Ringler for corn 4 49 Miller for bran 40 M A Line for corn 1 50 Wm Chenoweth for 106 lb? buckwheat Hour 3 50 J E Wills for sugar 4 40 H Defibaugh for 1 qt. syrup * ♦ la I J Shoemaker for tomatoes 2 2o il Crawley for tomatoes 75 J E Wills for butter 4 00 H Moses for beef 4 35 M A Line for coal 5 37 J E Wills 3 60 Muslin 1 Ui <57 64 I By balance • ®9 61 | 1 $127 25! (Jr. for sundry articles, as follows : By cash , \ a half bus. ears corn 524 43 sixty nine an '-(ng two coffins 100 Win. Allen, miu 1 00 Post-office box 12 00 V Steckman, whisky 2 25 J L Lewis, blank book 87 S Reighard, apples 50 —Diehl, butter $ 40 Miller & Evans, butter j 00 F McGiven, removal of Pauper f 50 Revenue Stamps ' 5# E Diehl, 3 bus. apples 3 J. Shaffer, butter 2 9u M Howser, altering stock 2 01' C Evans, butter j pp England, butter 2 30 J Danker, Lime " gp J T Gephart, vinegar gp England butter I gp 1300 lbs. hay jp gp T M Lynch, Plants 43 J Dunkel, lime 1 211 A J Pennell, horse hire 4 5G 11 W Ressler, removal of Pauper 2 50 Revenue stamps ~ jp 500 rails and 50 stakes IP 73 J Wolf, ink jp I Mengel, horse hire g;j II Defibaugh, work at race g pp V Steckman, whiskey o 00 T. Mason, cherries 2 00 J. Mower, repairing I pp A riarman, bucket 1 25 A Wolford, work at race ] jp Mrs Snyder, butter p pp Euvelopes gj J J Shoemaker, whiskey j pp W Cook, repairing shaft 25 J J Shoemaker, whiskey 1 jp Box matches I pp 3 green scrubbers 3 pp 5127 25 Produce of Farm and Garden 33 loads of hay, 450 bushels of potatoes, 400 bushels ears of oorn, 160 bushels of oats. 15 bush els ot buckwheat, 3 loads id sweet pumpkins, 20 bushels of large onions, 2 bushels of small onions. 6 bushels of shelled beans, 12 bushels of beats, 3 bids, of cucumber pickles, 3000 heads of cabbage, 10 bushels of turnips, 10 bushels of parsnips, 5 busnels of peas, 480 pounds of mutton, 12 sheep skins. 6 calf skins. 420 pounds of veal, 3775 pounds of pork, 363 pounds of butter, vegetables used during summer not accounted for. Stock on Farm. 87 head of.sheep. 18 shoats, 2 brood sows and 6 pigs. 0 head of cat lie, 1 beet. 3 horses Bought of Win Dunkle 4 beef cattle for $126 00 do do Simon England, 2 do for 42 00 §l6B 00 26>1 lbs of beef at 71 per lb 109 05 368 lbs of beef hido at 10 per lb 36 80 190 lbs of tallow at It per lb 26 60 $262 45 Articles Manufactured by Matron. 70 women's and children's ' dresses, 62 do. chimeses, 19 do. skirts, 40 pr do. stockings, 44 do. aprons. 5 do. bonnets, 1 do. saek ; 6 men and boy's round jackets, (50 do. pants, 100 do. shirts, 9 do. drawers, 8 do. coats, 33 do. socks, 3 do. vests, 8 conitorts, 4 leather ticks, 0 chaff ticks, 11 bolsters, 56 pillow slips, 31 sheets, 36 towels. Number of paupers remaining Jan: Ist, 1863, 69 Number of paupcVs admitted durng the year, 47 Number of paupera escaped during the year, 1 Number of paupers discharged during the year 28 Number of paupers died during the year, 5 Number of paupers births during the year, 2 Number of paupers bound out during the year, 1 Average number per month during the year 591 Meals given to wayfaring persons, 1130 There were 25 out-door paupers, who arc not iucluded in the above, who have been provided with board, medical attendance, Ac. desiring further information, in re gard to the above reports, are referred to the Jooks ! of the Poor House, which are open for any one to I examine. Certified to be correct by uAMUEL DEFIBAUGH, Steward. We, the undersigned, Directors of the Poor and House ot Employment of Bedford county, j do certify that we have examined the above ac- j count, statement, and report ol'Samuel Defibaugh. Steward of the Poor and House of Employment of j Bedford county, from the Ist of Jan. 1867, till the j Ist of Jan. 1865, and find the same to be correct. J Witness oar bands and seals this Ist day Janu- ! ary, 1868. . j D 11. ANDERSON, [L.S | Attest: - MICH AEL DIEHL, [L'3. | T.R. GETTVS, J.I.NOBLE. IL.S.J Clerk. Statement of Poor House Mill, from 1 gegftl juoii tt%. January 1. 1837. to January 1. 1868. J. E Wills Dr. „ , , Wheat. Bye Corn Buck*- t. j To am't of toll grain brought in by the mill per monthly reports, 727 i 1 31 * 391 , J. E. Wills, Cr. Bv ain't ofgrain used in Poor House and sold sundry persons for cash and on so counts as per month ly orders : Use of Poor House 113 17 34 7j Horse Iced 33 Hog feed 10 Sold sundry persons 3 6 31 By J of the toll j.rin brought in by the mill, (it being my share of the toll as per agreement), 2123 511 lfi 21 i i 6621 1331 3yj 1001 I Examined and certified to he cor'ect by mariowl J. K. \\ ILLS, Miller. fTIHISIS TO GIVE NOTICE: That |_ on the 28th day of February, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against theEs tase of Frederick Benedict of Bedford, in the Coun'y of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a B fllkrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt, to him. for his use, an I the transfer of any property by him ate forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of tne said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts and to choose one or more As-' signees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be bolden at the office of J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq.. in Bedford,Bedfordco., Penna., before Hastings Gohr, Esq., Register, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 186s, at 9 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, MESSENGER. Ti 118 IS T() GIVE NOTICE : That on the 4th day of March. A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Daniel Metzger, ef Harrison township, in the County of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are lorbidden by Law ; that a meeting ot the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more As signeesofhis estate, will be heldat a Court of bank ruptcy to be bolden at the office of J. W. Lingenfel ter, Esq., in Bedford. Bedford couuty, Pa. before Hastings Gehr. E-q., Register, on the 7th day ot i April. A. D. 1868. at 2 o'clock. P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, MESSENGER. TIIIS IS TO (JIVE NOTICE: That on the 3rd day of March, A. i'- 1863, a M arrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Isaac F. Grove ot Bedford, in the County of Bed ford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use and the transfer rf any property by hitn are forbi ttlen by Law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their j Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees cf his j Estate will fee held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he holden at the offiee of J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq., in Bedford. Bedford County, Pa., before Hastings Gehr, Esq., Register, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, iuarl3wl U. S. Marshal, MESSEXGF.K. A UDITOB'S NOTICE.—The onder signed, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, to make and report a distribu ion of the proceeds of the sale of the goods of James B. Far quhar. now in the hands of KobertSteckman, Esq., Sheriff, to and among the creditors of saidJ.B. Pnrquhar, according to !av, will, for that purpose, meet said creditors, and all others interested, at his office, in Bedford, on Tuesday the 31st day of March, inst.. when and where all who choose may attend. [marl3w3J JXO. MOWER, Auditor. 1 EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby giv-n that letters testamentary to the estateot PbiliikDevore, late of Londonderry twp., dee'd, have bron granted to the undirsigncd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate aro hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated tor settle i Jnent JACOB L. ALBRIGHT, febllwO* JOSIAH MILLER, Ex'rs. j A DM IN IST R ATOR'S NOTICE.— ; Notice is hereby given that letters of admin i istration have been granted to the undersigned, by i the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of John L Nycnm, late of Monroe township, Bed- I ford county, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims can present them, duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE NYCUM, fcb2Bu •> CHRIST. FELTOX, adm'rs. WESTERN DISTRICT OP PENN SYLVANIA IN BANKRUPTCY, At Bedford, the 7th day of March. A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of James 13. Farquhar, of j the Borough of Bedford, in the County of Bed *ord. and late of Pennsylvania, who has been ad '"Led a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the in "i (Court of said District, J. W. LINGENFELTER, Assignee. '••ft of s-.i i "ankrupt. mar6w3 To the C red i j/. —Notice fe EXECUTOR '-vi letters te.-<cnenta y to j hereby given t. vy, late of Naplsr town the estate of Amos McCre panted t<> the linger ship, deceased, have been "'G) cqpnty. signed by the Register of Bed! are requested All persons indebted to said est. having t make immediate payment, and " £pthenti claims thereon will present them, dul\ catcd, for settlement. STEVFN W. MeOREARY, JEREMIAH McCREARY, Exutors mar6w6 iloti rc&'&r. 4 LLEGHANY MALE AND PE- I V MALE SEMINARY.—The Spring Quarter will open Monday April fiih. Students prepared to teach, to enter college, or to engage in husincss avocations. TERMS moderate. • The Principal is prepared to accommodate eight Boarders. Forfurther information, address J W. HUGHES. feb7m2 Rainsburg, Bedford Co.. Pa. 130 HOUGH OKI) I NANCE.—At a meeting of the Burgess and Council of the [ Borough of Bedford, on the 27 th Feb., 1 SfiS. the | following ordinance was unanimously adopted : Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and ! Council Of the Borourh of Bedford, and it is here by ordained and enacted by the authority of the i same, That a fine of ten dollars be imposed, col lected and received off of any person or persons who themselves, or I heir employees, use any water inside of the Borough for the purpose of watering Horses, Cattle or other Stock at or front any of the Hydrants, and which is supplied to s aid Bor ough by the Reservoir, and that for every such •tft'ence said fine be tit once collected and recover ed as directed by law for the recovery of fines, Ac. Certified. February 27, 1881. 0. E SHANNON, Chief Burgess. H. NICOKKMLS, CFk. mar6w3 / 10MP0UXD BLOOD SEARCHER This very valuable medicine, which is purely vegetable, has done wonders. It is a never-failing remedy for cleansing the blood. \V hen tho blood is pure, disease cannot take hold of the system. I could produce testimonials in regard to what it has effected, but f'snbmit it roth* public, guaran teeing that if used according to directions, the re sult will be GOOD HEALTH. It is my own manu facture. This medicine will cure Consumption, Dispopsia, Sore Throat, and nine out of ten of all other di seases. DIRECTIONS FOR USING —For adults, dose, two tablespoonsfull, three times a day, before meals. Les-en the dose according to constitution. Price: —Quart bottles, SI.00; Pint bottles, 50 cents. JACOB L. HOOVER, Sole Proprietor. SAXTON, Bedford eounty, Pa. feb2Su).'i LIVERY STABLES, in rear of 'he "Mongol House," BEDFORD, PA., MENGEL & BURNS, Proprietors. The undersigned would inform their friends, and the public generally, that they are prepared to furnish HORcES AND BUGGIES, Carriages, Sporting Wagons, or anything in the Livery line of business, in good style and at moderate charg es. T'-ims : CASH, unless by special agreement. janlO'fiSif MENGELA BURNS. T S. BERKSTREBBER, f J • WITH E. MEG RAW & CO., Manufacturer, and Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. 63 and 55 Hand Street and 31 Si. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar.fiuil. LUMBER. —GO,000 foot Oak, White and Yellow Pino Lumber on hands and fo sale by J. B. WILLIAMS A CO , junM,'67tf Bloody Run. Pa. jwonuxi.u u S. I. RUSSELL. J- n. LOXGENECKEIt F)USSELL & LONGEXECKEK, 1 ATTORNEY*: AXI> ConsEtloiis AI T.te, BEWOKD, FA , Will attend promptly and faithfully to all bud ness entrusted to their care. Spoeial attention given to collections and the prosecution of olaii - for Hack Pay. Bounty, ns. Ac OFFICE. on Juliana Street, "outh of the Colin House. itprs,'67ti' J". XCD. SHARPY. E F KFF.R LJ H AIIPE A KERR, WTTOR' XE\ . AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., v, ill practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St.. opposite the Banking House of Reed & Sehell | March 2. '6fi. J. R. DIRBORROVf. | JOHN I.CTZ. DU 11 li OItII O\Y A LI'TZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA , Will attend promptly to all busine.-s intrusted t their care. Collections made on the short A-1 no tice. They are. also, regularly licensed Claim Ag-; • and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions. Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Itiquin r office. rOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT f| LAW, BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tend is his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford. Aug. 1, 18ft 1. TNSPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT lJi LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully :• I promptly attend to all business entrusted to hi care in Bedford an 1 adjoining counties. Military laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, to doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22. ISOI, F. W. KIMMKM.. I J- W- MSGESFKLTKU. KI MM ELL & LINGEN FE!;VEII. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA .. Have formed a partnership in the practice t t the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doorsSouth of the 'Mengel House," D. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT VT, LAW BEDFORD, I'A. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doers south of the '•Mengel House." opposite the residence of Mr-. Tate. = May 13, 1564. B. F MEYERS. | J. Mf. DICKF.RSON'. MEYERS & DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Sehell, two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will PRACTICE in the several courts of Bedford county. Pension.-, bounty and tiack pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll, 06. Hays irvine, attorney at LAW, Bloody Run, Pa. Office in Harris' New Building. * inarlS 63 gcattetvy. C 1 N. HICKOK, j % DENTIST, Office at the old star.d in BANK BUILDING, Julian na Street, BEDFORD, Pa. All operatins, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and WARRANTED. Anaesthetics administered, when desired. Ar tificial teeth inserted, jier set , 53.00 and upward. ' As I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the p: ice- of AKTIiTCI \L TEETH of the various kind 20 PER VENT, and f r GOLD FILLINGS 33 PER BEST. This rcducti-u ' will be made only to strictly CASH PATIENTS and all such will receive prompt attention. feb7,'6Btf > JXENTISTRY! Dr. 11. VIRGIL PORTER, (late of New York city,) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his numerous friends and patrons, thai he is still IN BLOODY RUN, ■ " where he may be found at all times prepared to insert those BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL f TEETH, at the low price of from TEN to EIGH ( TEEN DOLLARS per set. TEETH EXTRACTED, without pain. Temporary sets inserted if desired. All operations warranted. S • Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter's r scientific method of preserving decayed and aching teeth. 11. VIRGIL PORTER jau3,'6Stf • ryENTLSTIIY! If you want A BEAUTIFFISET OF TEETH, ,f GO TO DR. S. M. GROSS, u RESIDENT DENTIST, SCHELLSBURG, P.\., who operates in every branch of surgical and Mechanical Dentistry, at REDUCED PRICES. Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN positively, ana 3 NO HUMBUG! J by the surest, safest and best - ANAESTHETIC KNOWN. Persons desiring the services of a Dentist will do will by calling on me before contracting el-. - = where. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED tjjpOffice in with W. J. MULLIN, M. D. CARD.—I take great pleasure in recommend ing DR. GROSS as a skillful Dentist, and in every v qualified to give satisfaction to th< public 'in wa V * W.J. Ml LLIN, M. D. his'lw. feblO:.. -gWßg== GXS' ED'TION A PPLE'I v o/ WAVERLY NOW PCrs.LISIIING, om new Stereotype Plates, uniform with the New Edition of DICKENS, containing all the Notes of the Author, and printed from the latest edition ot the Authorized Text. To he Completed m Twenty-five I oltimes. Price 2~) Cents Each. Printed on fine white paper t clear type, and con venient in size and Pronounced "A Miracle of Cheapness." ORDER OF ISSUE. 4. Wavcrly. If. Fortunes of Nigel. 2. Ivanhoe. 15. l'overil of the Peak. 3. Kenilworth. 16. (Juentin Durward. 4. Guy Mannering. 17. St. Ronan's Well. 5. Antiquary. 18. Redguanllct. 6. Rob Roy. lit. The Betrothed, and 7. Old Mortality. Highland Widow. 8. The Black D.vnrf, A 2ft. The Talisman. Legend of Montrose. 21. Woodstock. 9. Bride ot'Lamraermoor. 22. Fair Maid of Perth. II). Heart of Midlothian. 23. Anne of Gcierstein. 11. The Monastery. 2t. Count Rob'tof Paris. 12. The Abbott. 25.TheSurgeon'sDaugh -13. The Pirate. ter. On receipt of SIX DOLLARS we will send the entire set of Waverlv Novels, as published, and a copy of a new Steel-plate Portrait of Sir Walter Scott. from a painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence.suitable for framing ; the Books and Engravings to be sent free of postage to any part of the United States. Either of the above sent to any address on re ceipt of the price. 25 cents per volume. . On receipt of TEN DOLLARS n complete set <•? DICKENS (in uniform style), 17 volumes, an 1 WAVERLV, 25 volumes, will be Fent post paid. The cheapest Ten Dollars' worth to be found in the whole rango of Literature. F"orty-two vol umes for SlO. Extraordinary Opportunity for the Million to Pur chase a set of Sir Walter Scott's World re nowned Waverlv Novels. CLUB RATES. One Complete Set, 25 vols., j Five Sets, $26.0P, $6.00. | Ten Sets, $5.00- Three Complete Sets, 25 | vols., $16.00. Mailed at our expense. Any person obtaining Four subscribers for the WAVERLV NOVELS, and remitting us S2I, will be entitled to a Set of DICKENS, -17 vols., GRATIS All mailed at our expense. Any person obtaining eight subscribers, and re mitting SIB.OO, will receive a copy of the "Waver ly Gallery," containing 26 Steel Engravings of the Female Characters in the Waveily Novels, bound in elegant morocco, price §15.00 Canvassers wanted in every town in the United States. A great opportunity is afforded to indus trious men aud women to make money, as every man, woman, and child will purchase the WAY EI:- LY NOVELS at this low price. For special rates, apply to the Publishers, I). APPLETON & COMPANY, 413 <t 145 Broadway, N. Y. PLASTER.— The imdersigued would respectfully inform the public, that he is prepared to supply both ROOK and GROUND PLASTER. Warehouse, Bloody Run Station. jnn3l'tsßtf JOHN W. BARXDOLLAR.