the |!etlfortl Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP —Whiter Arraviiemext. —Time Table.—Accom mo'ation Train leaves Saxton at 7.35 a. in., ami j nr.-ives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt- 1 ingdon at 4.40 p. m., and arrives at Saxton at 6.38 p. m. Mail Train loaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 417 p.m.; leaves Hunt-; ingdon at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a ! 11.05 a. m. It ATS, ATTENTION ! The Democrats of Bedford borough, will meet at the Court House, on Mon day evening next, for the purpose of nominating a borough ticket. Turn out! VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. OUR YOUNG FRIEND, J. Harry Hut ton, has again returned to his old quar ters with Messrs. A. A. Shumway Co., 221 Market Street, half way be tween No. 2 and No. 3, North Side. This is one of the oldest established boot and shoe houses in the city. It was our pleasure, a few days ago, to he shown through the house, and we saw immense piles of boots and shoes, of every conceivable quality and at exceedingly low prices. The firm with whom Harry is employed are courteous and obliginggentelnien, who fully understand their business and ap preciate the wants of our merchants.; We would earnestly recommend thoseof our country merchants that have not yet called on the young man, to give him a call. To those who have favor ed him with their patronage he ex tends thanks. Don't miss the place,— 221 Market Street, North Side. "SPECTATOR" writes us a glowing account of the exhibition recently given in Bloody Run, by the ladies and gen tlemen connected with the Lutheran Sabbath School Library Association, of this place. We cannot find room for so lengthy a communication at present, but wHI say that "Spectator" considers ! that the exhibition was a grand success, and that the ladies of Bloody Run de serve great credit for "baking so ma ny delicious cakes for the encourage ment of the good cause." One hun dred and three dollars were realized by the exhibition. ♦ PANORAMA. —JTershberger's Pano rama of the invasion of Pennsylvania, and the burning of Chanibersburg, was exhibited in the Court House, on last Tuesday night, before a very large crowd of people. The Major has suc ceeded in giving a true picture of the invasion, the burning of Chambers burg, Ac., and the painting is well exe cuted. SOMETHING NEW AT J. M. SHOEMA KER'S STORE— The Orignal non-Ex plosive Patent Comet Coal Oil Burner and Reflector Lamp Chimney. Call and see them. mar 1 3 THE "new thing under the sun" of which Solomon doubted, is Phalon'g "Flor De Mayo," that rare perfume for the handkerchief. It cannot be described, for there is nothing like it in the whole realm of fragrance. Sold by all druggists. "Will wonders never cease?" is the uniform exclamation of the millions who constantly use "Barrett's Vege table Hair Restorative." One bottle will convince the most sceptical of its miraculous effect upon the human hair.— Norfolk Virginian. PATTONSVILLE, March 0. MESSRS. EDITORS:— The last session of the South Woodbury District Insti tute was held at New Enterprise, on Saturday the 29th day of February, 18G8. The house was called to order by the President at the usual hour (9 A. M.) In the absence of .the Secretary and Assistant Secretary, W. B. Miller was appointed Secretary pro tern. All the members were present except Mes>rs. D. Stayer, I>. F. Woodcock, M. M. Richey, D. B. Zook and 1). Price. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Next in order was the regular programme of bu-iuess, which was as follows: Class drill in Grammar by W. B. Miller, in Mental Arithmetic, by D. Stayer, in Geography, by G. W. Dive ly, in Reading, by J. M. Detrick ' Ou Motion, the Institute adjourned to meet at 1 o'clock, P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The institute metat the time appoint ed. House called by President. Roll was ealied, and all members pres eut except Messrs. M. M. Richey and D. B. Zook. The exercises were com menced by Mr. D. Stayer leading in vocal music, after which followed the regular programme of business. Class Drill iu Written Arithmetic by A. S. Stayer, in orthography by F. B. Derk himer. The following question was then debated: Resolved, 'That the School term should be extended to Six months in Bedford County, on the Affirmative by D. Stayer, W. B. Miller, F. B. Berk liimer, S. B. Benner, and A. S. Stayer, and on the Negative,by B. F. Woodcock, G. W. Dively, G. C. Long, D. Price and J. M. Detrick. The following resolutions were then offered and adopted: 1. Resolved, That the school term should be extended to six months in South Woodbury tp. 2. Resolved, That we, the teachers of S. Woodbury, tender a vote of thanks to the Directors of said tp., for giving us permission to hold a District Insti tute. 3. Resolved, That we, the members of this institute, tender our sineerest thanks to the County Institute for en couraging district institutes. 4. lieso/ved, That we tender a vote of thanks to all persons disinterested in the cause of education for their absence during the sessions of this in stitute. 5. Resolved, That we tender a vote of thanks to the Directors for their punc tuality in visiting the Schools and In- 3titute. G. R eaolved, That wo, tlio tc-iieitcrs of South Woodbury, will not teach anoth er term for less than $45,00 per month. The Institute then adjourned to meet next fall. A. S. STAYER, Pres't. DAVID PRICK, Sec'y.. YMPEACHMENT. What tlie People l>o anil What the Ituisiji ers Say and lo. TremeiKloim Benioeratle Wuiiis in Vciv llainpNhlre. Srw York, and Maine! ItudiealKm Honteal. Democracy Dominant. In all parts of New York State the Democrats have gained heavily afc the late elections. In the City ofTroy, the Democrats elect their candidate for Mayor by 1,450 majority, a gain of over 1,200 since last year. The same party carry the Common Council, and gain three Supervisors. In Utiea, the Demo crats elect their Mayor by four hun dred majority, a gain of nearly one hundred per cent., and carry the Board of Aldermen. In Rochester, the Dem ocrats elect their Mayor by 888 majori ty, against a majority of 102 last year. In Elmira, the Radicals elected their candidate for Mayor last year by eighty majority. On the 3d instant the Dem ocrats elected their eaudidate by over two hundred majority. In the towns of Millerton, Palmyrai, Fulton, Lan singburg, Corning, Rhinebeck, Bata via, and Yonkers —representing all parts of the State—the friends of the Constitution and of a government of white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity, have "cleaned out" the Radicals, and placed honest, patriotic men in their positions. The same results are observable in the town elections in Maine and New Hamp shire. Portland, in the former State, led off with a largely increased majority for the Democratic ticket, and that good example has been followed in other towns until the whole East is roseate with the beams of the rising sun of con stitutional liberty. NOTICETO DELINQUENTS.—We hgve placed our books and accounts in the hands of John P. Reed, Esq., of thsi place, for collection. All accounts for subscription for the year ending Au gust 1, 18G8, remaining unpaid, are in cluded in the bills which Mr. Reed is authorized to collect. We have been compelled to resort to this course in or der to obtain a settlement of our ac counts. We have too much to do to attend to making out bills, and we are tired of dunning. Money we must have, as we have many debts to pay, and we desire to act honestly with our creditors. Therefore, we ask all to pay .Mr. Reed, who can, and those who cannot, we ask to call and settle. If there is any thing in their accounts by which they consider themselves ag grieved, let them call on us, and we will make all right that is not right. Friends, let us have the old scores wip ed out, and begin anew. REVIEW or TIIE MARKETS. Corrected every week. PHILADELPHIA, March 9 FLOUR.—The quotations are— Northwest superfine, $7.00@7.50 Northwest extra, 8.U0(9.00 Northwest extra family, 10.00( 11.75 Penna. and West'n sup., 7.5U(,8.50 Penna. and West'n extra, 8.50(9.50 Penna. and West'n family, 1 l.OOf'i 12.50 Penna. and West'n fancy, 13.00( 15.00 Rye flour, 8.50(<|,9.00 GRAIN.—We quote— Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.50(Y<2.55 Southern " California, " White, " Rye, " 1).00@1.65 Corn, for yel., " 1.20(a;1.23 Oats, " 76(f7Sc PROVISIONS. —We quote— Mess Pork, per bbi., $22.00@00.00 Bacon Hams, per lb., 18(w>19c Salt Shoulders, " 10f lOjc Prime SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed, per bus., at $>.50@8.00 Timothy, " 2.50(a,2.60 Flaxseed, " 2-45(g52.50 CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 50 CENTS. —Thousands of Childron die annually of Croup. Now, Mothers, if you spend 50 cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in the house, you never need fear losing your little one when attacked with this complaint. It is now 20 years since I*have put up my Lini ment, and never heard of a child dying of Croup wfien my Liniment was used ; but hundreds of cases of cures have been reported tome, and many state if it was $lO per bottle thoy would not be without it. Besides which, it is a certain cure for Cuts, Burus. Headache, Toothache, Sore Threats, Swellings, Mumps. Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Spasms, Old Sores, and Pains in the Back and Chest. No one once tries it who is ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take inter nally. Full Directions with every bottle. Sold i by the Drugists. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street 1 New York. . teb2luil. SUDDEN DEATH is the fate of every fibre upon which the Caustic of an ordinary hair dye falls. There is no Ressurrection for the filaments thus blighted. J3ut. as it were, in the Twinkling of mn Eye, hair of any obnoxious cot r is changed to a Rich and Glorious Hue, and at the saule time vitalized and improved by the use of CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, nature's safe ally, and "beauty's regenerator Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO,* ti3 Maiden Lane. New York. Sold by all Druggists. Ap plied by all Hair Dressers. fob2lml INFORMATION. —Information guar anteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair up on a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same sott, clear, and beau tiful, can bo obtained wilhout oharge by address ing TIIOB. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 Broad way, New York. sepl3mß MARRIED. SHOEXTHAL—TAYLOR—On the luth inst , at the Mengel House, iu Bedford, by 11. Xicodemus, Esq , Mr. H. Shoenthal. of Hollidaysburg. to Miss M:iry B , daughter of James and Isabella Taylor, of New Paris, this county. Accompanying the above notice, we acknowl edge the receipt of a two dollar greenback, and accordingly pronounce the printer's blessing upon the happy pair. May their wedded life be bright and joyous, without a single cloud to dark en their pathway. FETTER—HOFFMYER—On the luth iust.. by Rev. 11. Ilcckerinan, Mr. Peter Fetter to Miss Sarah A. Hoflinyer. both of Bedford. DIED. , WillTZ—ln Cumberland valley twp., F' b. 29, I*6B, William Wertz, aged 28 years, 1 mon'hsand 25 days. The deceased was a young man of com mendable moral conduct, a dutiful son. kind and obedient to his parents, lie will be sadly missed at oursjeial gatherings, where, by bis correct de portmeut and manly behavior, be won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. Several weeks before he was taken ill he embraced religion, and died in the full hope of a blissful immortality be yond the grave He was followed to his last rest ing place by a largo concourse of sympathizing friends. SELLERS—Feb 22d, Daniel, infant son of Wil liam aind Sarah Sellers, of Friends' Cove, aged 4 months and 27 days. ECEIPTS AND EXPENDI , TURE3 of the Poor and House of Employ ment of Bedford county, for the year ending Jan uary 1, 1863. Win. Bowles, Treasurer, Dr. To ain't rcc'd from former treasurer, Geo. Blymyer $3083 (55 To ain't from collectors, 7143 28 To ain't from Esq. Roberts, fines. 4 00 Toam't from Joseph F. Barley fines, To money borrowed from Rev. S. Kepler 530 00 Total $15,792 63 Treasurer, t*r. By amount paid ouchecks as follows: Merchandise, 44 Hardware, }27 30 Drugs, >32 00 Groceries, 26 18 Beef 4065 99 Bacon, 380 43 Pork,- 34 sts Potatoes, 25 Corn, -2 Cider, 40 00 Oats. • 2 25 Applebuttor, 218 03 ?7™p. \ inezar, 43 60 Out-door paupers, ®"' 62 Removal of " 37 Issuing orders, *0 7a Blaeksmithing, .4 64 J I Noble, manufacturing goods, 150 Castings and cooperage for mill, 24 98 One horse, '®s 00 Mill license, ]0 20 Insurance, 4® ®® Funeral expenses, 44 00 Coffins, 3b 2a Toll, 30 ol Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum, -1® 80 Services as matron, 45 00 Medical attendance, 207 50 D. R. Anderson, salary and extra services, 84 00 Samuel Beckley, do do 84 00 Michael Diebl, do do 84 00 S. Defib iugh. salary as steward, 2ao 00 T. R. Gettys, salary as clerk, 50 00 T. R. Gettys, making out and distributing duplicates, _ 97 70 E F Kerr, salary as att'y and extra services, 135 00 J W Dickerson, do do 115 Oil William Bowles, salary as treasurer. 50 00 Durborrow A Lutz. printing, ®® 40 Meyers A Mengel, do 6b 40 do do advertising, _1 80 Sundries, as per bills filed, Sundry articles of furniture for poor house, 73 93 Old checks, 5710 79 Judgment of Dr. Conrad, 20 32 Costs in Bixler case, 52 00 Interest paid on Rev. Kepler's note, 42 50 Amount overpaid on duplicates, 4 87 Auditors and clerk, 40 00 Total credits. $13568 95 Charges, $15792 63 Credits, 13568 95 Balance in Treasury, $2223.03 Owing county from collectors, 11022 21 Indebtedness of county, about 4000 00 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Bedford county, do certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts of William Bowles, Treas urer of the Poor and House of Employment of Bed ford county, and found the same to be correct and true, as above stated. Witness our hands this 9th day of January, 1868. JAS. MATTINtILY, Attest: " JOHN I). LUCAS, W. C. SCHAEFFER, S. WHIP, Auditors. marl3w4 Clerk. Statement and Report of Samuel De fibiugh, Steward of the Poor and House of Employ ment of Bedford county, from January 1, 1867, to January Ist. 1888. Dr. 1867, Jan. Ist, To balance at last set tlement S3O 74 To cash received from sundry persons; R Sheeter for muslin 50 L. Ringler for corn 1 10 Miller for bran 40 M A Line for corn „ 1 50 Wm Chenoweth for 100 lbs buckwheat flour 3 50 J E Wills for sugar 4 40 11 IK-fibaugh for 1 qt. syrup 15 J Shoemaker for tomatoes 2 25 II Crawley for tomatoes 75 J E Wills for butter 1 00 II Moses for beef 1 35 M A Liue for coal 5 37 J E Wills 3 60 Mus'in 1 03 $57 64 By balance 69 61 $127 25 (Jr. By cash paid for sundry articles, as follows : sixty nine and a half bus. ears corn $24 43 Win. Allen, making two coffins 1 00 Post-office box 1 00 V Steekman, whisky 12 00 J L Lewis, blank book 2 25 5 Reigbard, apples 2 00 —Diebl, butter 50 Miller & Evans, butter 2 40 F McGiven, removal of Pauper 1 00 Revenue Stamps 1 50 E Diehl, 3 bus. apples 3 50 J. Shaffer, butter 2 90 M Howser, altering stock 2 00 C Evans, butter 1 00 England, butter 2 30 J Bunker, Lime 80 J T Gephart, vinegar 60 England butter 1 80 1800 lbs. hay 10 80 T M Lynch, Plants 45 J Dutikel, lime 1 20 A J Pennell, horse hire 4 50 11 W Resslcr, removal of Pauper 2 50 Revenue stamps 50 500 rails and 50 stakes 10 75 J Wolf, ink 50 I Mengel, horse hire 83 II Defibaugh, work at race 6 00 V Stecktnan, whiskey 2 00 T. Mason, cherries 2 00 J. Mower, rep-tiring 1 00 A tlarraan, bucket 1 25 A Wolford, work at race 1 50 Mrs Snyder, butter 6 00 Envelopes 87 J J Shoemaker, whiskey 5 00 W Cook, repairing shaft 25 J J Shoemaker, whiskey I 50 Box matches 1 00 3 green scrubbers 3 00 $127 25 Produce of Farm and Garden 33 loads of hay, 450 bushels of potatoes, 400 bushels ears of corn, 100 bushels of oats. 15 bush els of buckwheat, 3 loads of sweet pumpkins, 20 bushels of large onions, 2 bushels of small onions, 6 bushels of shelled beans. 12 bushels of beats, 3 bbls. of cucumber pickles, 3000 heads of cabbage, 10 bushels Of turnips, 10 bushels of parsnips, 5 busnuls of peas, 480 pounds of mutton, 12 sheep skins. 6 calf skins, 420 pounds of veal, 3775 pounds of pork, 363 pounds of butter, vegetables used during summer not accounted for. Stock on Farm. 87 head of sheep. 18 slioats, 2 brood sows and 6 pigs, 6 head of cattle, 1 beef. 3 horses Bought of Wm Dunkle 4 beef cattle for $126 00 do do Simon England, 2 do for 42 00 $l6B 00 2654 lbs of beef at 7i per lb 199 05 ■368 lbs of beef hide at 10 per lb 36 80 190 lbs of tallow at 11 per lb 26 60 $262 45 Articles Manufactured by Matron. 70 women's and children's dresses, 62 do. chimeses, 19 do. skirts, 40 pr do. stockings, 44 do. aprons. 5 do. bonnets, t do. sack ; 6 men and boy'a round jackets,"6o do. pants, 100 do. shifts, '9 do. drawers, 8 do. coats, 23 do. socks. 3 do. vests, 8 comforts, 4 leather ticks, 6 chuff ticks, II bolsters, 56 pillow slips, 31 sheets, 36 towels. Number of paupers remaining Jan. Ist, 1868, 09 Number of paupers admitted durng the year, 47 Number of paupers escaped during the year, I Number of paupers discharged during the year 28 Number of paupers died during the year, 5 Number of paupers births during the year, 2 Number of paupers bound out during the year, 1 Average number per month during the year s'Jj Meals given to wayfaring persons, 1130 There were 25 out-door paupers, who arc not included in the above, who have been provided with board, medical attendance, Ac. Persons desiring further information, in re gard to the above reports, are referred to the looks of the Poor House, which arc open for any ono to examine. Certified to be correct by sAMUEL DEFIBAUGH, Steward- We, the undersigned, Directors of the Poor aud House of Employment of Bedford county, do certify that we have examined the above ac count, statement, and report of Samuel Defibaugh, Steward of the Poor and House of Employment of Bedford county, from the Ist of Jan. 1867, till the Ist of Jan. 1865, and find the same to be correct. Witness our hands and seals this Ist clay Janu ary. 1863. D 11 ANDERSON, [L.S | Attest : MICHAEL DIEHL, H/s.J T. R. UETTVS, J.I.NOBLE, IL.S.J Clerk. Statement of Poor House Mill, from getv ' January 1. 1837. to January 1. 1863. J. E. Wills Dr. Wheat. Rye. Corn. Buckw't To ain't of toll grain brought iu by tho mill per monthly reports, 7271 1544 ssj 65J J. E. Wills, Cr. By ain't of grain used in Poor House and sold sundry persons for cash and on ac counts as per month ly orders : Use of Poor House 41® 17 34 75 Horse feed, ?5 Hog feed Sold sundry persons ' 6 31 By 3 of the toll vrain brought in by the mill, (it being my share of the toll as per agreement), 2421 511 19 1 213 6621 1331 691 1001 Examined and certified to be correct by marl3w4 J. E. WILLS, Miller. JG. GARDILL WITH STILZ & ME LICK, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, No. 325 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. marl3yl rpnis IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That [ on the 28th day of February, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy w as issued against the Es tase of Frederick Benedict of Bedford, in the County of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that, the payment of any debts i>nd de livery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt, to him. for his use. and the transfer of any property by him aie forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of tne said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts and to choose one or more As signees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq.. iu Bedford, Bedford co., Penna., before Hastings Gehr. Esq., R agister, on th 3 7th day of April, A. D. 1863, at 9 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, MESSENGER. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE : That on the 4th day of March. A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy*was issued against the Estnte of Daniel Metzger, ef Harrison township, in the County of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and de livery oi any property belonging to ■guch Bank rupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by Law ; that a meeting oi the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more As signeesof his estate, will be held at a Court of bank ruptcy to be holden at the office of J. W. Ling' nfel ter, Esq.. in Bedford, Bedford county, Pa. before Hastings Gehr. Esq., Register, on the 7th day oi April. A. 1). 1863, at 2 o'clock, P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, MESSENGER. aITIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 3rd day of Marts!), A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Isaac F. Grove ot Bedford, in the County of Bed ford, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use and the transfer ef any property by him are forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and ttfehoose one or more Assignees cf his Estate will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the offiee of J. W. Lingenfelter, Esq., in Bedford. Bedford County, Pa., before Hastings Gehr, Esq., Register, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, marl3w4 U. S. Marshal, MESSENGER. T7ARMERS, TAKE NOTICE.— HOOD CANADA SEED BARLEY. The undersigned have a supply of first quality Canada Barley on hand, which they desire to in troduce to the farmers of the neighboring coun ties. They will be glad to sell limited quanlities of it as seed to such farmers as desire to embark in the raising of this very profitable crop, and will in return purehuso from such all marketable Barley they may have for sale after harvest, pay ing therefor the current market price, in cash, on delivery. Price for seed 82 00 per bushel, sent as may be directed on receipt of order, accompanied by the cash. Address 3 0-tCAR GRAKFE A CO.. marl3w4* Jo instown, Pa. J HENRY HUTTON; # WITH A. A. SI IUM WAY, & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market and 210 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Aug3o,'67. J 1 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —The under signed, appointed by the Court of Common Picas, to make and report a aistribu ion of the proceeds of the sale of the goodsof James B. Far quhar. now inihehandsof Robert Steckman, Esq., Sheriff, to and among the creditors of said J. B. Farquhar, according to law, will, for that purpose, meet said creditors, and all others interested, at his office, in Bedford, on Tuesday the 31st day of March, inst.. when and where all who choose may attend. [marl3w3] JNO. MOWER, Auditor. HAYS IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bloody Run, Pa. Ofiko in Harris' New Building. ' marl3'63 FOUND BL<XJI) SEARCHER This very valuable medicine, which is purely vegetable, has done wonders. It is a never-failing remedy for cleansing the blood. When the blood is pure, disease cannot take hold of the system. I could produce testimonials in regard to what it has effected, but I submit it to the public, guaran teeing that if used according to directions, the re sult will bo GOOD HEALTH. It is my own manu facture. This medicine will cure Consumption, Dispepsia, Sore Tnroat, and niue out of ten of all other di seases. DIRECTIONS FOR USING.—For adults, dose, two tablespoonsfull, three times a day, before meals. Les en the dose according to constitution. Price .'-—Quart bottles, $1.00) Pint bottles, 50 cents. JACOB L. HOOVhA, Sole Proprietor. SAXTON, Bedford county, Pa. feb2Biu3 FACTS. That wo have unequalled facilities for conduct ing business to tbo advantage bajh of ourselvos and patrons, we submit the following TRUTHS— weII known as such to the entire business commu nity. Ist. We have abundant cash capital, therefore— 2d. We are enabled to Buy for Cash exclusive ly, consequently at the lowest possible prices, with the markets of the entire world to select from. 3d. Iti this particular WE HAVE ADVANTAGES shared by no other house in our business. 4th. We sell for cash exclusively—therefore at the lowest possible prices—having no losses incurred by selling on credit, to provide for. sth We have a business experience of a quarter of a century, having been longer established than any house in our trade in Philadelphia. 6th. Our business is thoroughly systematized, the result of long experience, which has taught us what the wants of the public are, and how best to meet them. 7th. We employ the best talent in all departments, our garments are therefore unsurpassed in style, fit and workmanship. Bth. O .r business is large and constantly, increas ing, enabling us to keep at all times the lar gest. best assorted, and most complete stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS', and BOYS' CLO'IH ING in Philadelphia, to which large daily additions are made of fresh goods, replacing those sold. 9th. For reasons already enumerated we can, and do sell clothing in every respect superior— surpassed by none, equalled by few—at pri ces guaranteed in all cases lower than the the lowest else where, or the sale cancelled and, money refunded. 10th. If buyers should for any cause become dissat isfied after a purchase is made, if reported within a reasonable time,we pledge ourselves, by exchange, refunding of money, or other wise, to give full satisfaction in every case, and request that all such may be reported to us for adjustment. CARD.— Our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing is full and complete, and selling rapidly, but is as rapidly replenished each day wiih fresh and desi rable styles of new goods, purchased recently, for cash, at great sacrifices, enabling us to sell at pri ces lower than have been known for years. Con gratulating our patrons ujjn the decline of prices, which enables us to offer superior garments at such tow rates, we request the favor of a call. Halfway between j BENNETT A 'Jo., Fifth and J- TOWER HALL, Bi-cth streets l 518 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. jan3m6*| And 600 Broadway, NEW YORK. &c. A'irS\T\ r M ALE AND FE MALE SEMINARY.— The Spring Quarter will open Monday April Oh. Students prepared to teaeh, to enter oollcge, or to engage in business avocations. TEH vts moderate. The Principal is prepared, to accommodate eight Boarders. For further information, address J IF. HUGHES. feb7m2 Rainsburg, Bedford Co.. Pa. I) ARE CHANCE.—The exclusive control and sale of five valuable inventions, needed in every family, and paying large profits, can be secured, by applying either personally or by letter to J. S. LASH & Co., 727 Market St., Phila. feb2lw4 B ANKER'S CELEBRATED TAR, WILD CHERRY AND IIOARHOUND COUGH CANDY.—This unrivalled cough candy has gained for itself a reputation second to none as a remedy for coughs, colds, sore throat, and lung disease. Sold everywhere. H. HECIvER MAN A SON. wholesale agents, druggists, Bed ford, Pa. feb2lw2* IjiXECUTORK' NOTlCE.—Notice is j hereby giv-n that letters testamentary to tho estateoi Philip Devore, Into of Londonderry twp., deo'd, have been granted to the undtrsigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated tor settle ment JACOB L. ALBRIGHT, febl4w6* JOSIAH MILLER, Ex'rs. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been grunted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of John L. Nyeum, late of Monroe township, Bed ford county, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate pryment, and those having claims can present them, duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE NYCUM, fob2Bw6 CHRIST. FELTON, adm'rs. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bedford County to report a distribution of the money in the hands of John Dicken, Executor of the last will, Ac., of Moses Dicken, dee'd., to and amongst heirs and creditors, will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his office in Bedford, on Tuesday, the 17 Ji day of March, A. D , 1868, at 10 o'clock, A M., of said day, when ana where all parties interesied can attend if they see prop er. JNO. P. REED, auditor. mar6w2 WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA ' IN BANKRUPTCY, At.B.edford, the 7th day of March, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of hitf ap pointment as Assignee of James B. Farquhar, of the Borough of Bedford, in the County of Bed ford, and late of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District, J. W. LINGENFELTER, Assignee. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. mar6w3 17 XECUT( )RS' NOTICE. —Notice is J hereby given that letters testaments y to the estate of Amos McCreary, late of Napier town ship, deceased, have been granted to the under signed by the Register of Bedford county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested t make immediate payment, and tnose having claims thereon will present them, duly authenti cated. for settlement. STEVFN W. MeOKEARY, JEREMIAH McCREARY, Exutora mar6w6 AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— I The under signed appointed by the Orphans' Court ot Bedford county Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hands ot J. U. Longenecker, Esq., Trustee to sell real estate of Win. Stoner, dec'd., of Monroe Township, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bedford, on Tuesday, March 17th, A. D., 1868, when and where all interested can attend if they think prop er. J- B. CESSNA, Auditor. inar6w2 IA ST ATE OF JO H X MARTIN, DECEASED. — AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —The un dersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bed ford county auditor to settle the exception to the account of Daniel Fletcher, Executor of the last will, Ac., of John Martin, late of Monroe Twp., deceased, and to make distribution (among the creditors and heirs or such of them as are entitled thereto) of the balance in the hands of said Exec utor, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in Bedford Borough, on Thursday the 19;h day of March, A. D., 1868, at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day. mar6w2 S. L. RUSSELL, Auditor. BOROUGH ORDINANCE,— At meeting of the Burgess and Council of the Borough of Bedford, on the 27th Feb., 1868, the following ordinance was unanimously adopted : Be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and Council of the Borouih of Bedford, and it is here by ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That a Sue of ten dollars be imposed, col lected and received off of any person or persons who themselves, or their employees, use any water inside of the Borough for the purpose of watering Horses, Cattle or other Stock at or from any ot the Hydrants, and which is supplied to said Bor ough by tha Reservoir, and that for every such offence said fine be at once collected and recover ed as directed by law for the recovery of fines, Ac, Certified. February 27, 1868. 0. E SHANNON, Chief Burgess. H. NICODEMUS, Cl'k mar6w3 • /-28 HOOP SKIRTS. 028 WM. T. HOPKIN S "OWN MAKE" OF "KEYSTONE SKIRTS," are the best and Cheapest Low Priced Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail Skirts, 25 springs. §I.OO ;30 springs, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1 45. Plain Skirts. 6 tapes, 20 springs, 86 Cents; 25 sgrings, 95 Cents , 30 si rings, $1 15 ; and 35 springs, sl.- 25. Warranted in every respect. "Our Own Make" ot "UNION SKIRTS," Elev en Tape Trails, from 2o to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2 - 50. Plain, Six Tapes2o to 50 springs, from 95 Cents to $2 00. These Skirts are better than those sold by other establishments as first class goods, and at much lower prices. "Our Own Make of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" are in every way superior to all other Hoop Skirts be fore the public, and only have to be examined or worn to convince every one of tho fact. Manu factured of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the clyle of the mctalTc fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and nre lighter, more elas tic, will wear longer, give more satisfaction, and are really cheaper than uli others. Every lady should tjy them. They are being sold extensive ly by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining States at very moderate prices. If you want the best, ask for "HopkiiTs Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or curne or send direct to us. Merchants will find our diflerent grades of Slfirts exactly what they r.oed. and we especially invite thorn to call and examine our ex tensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. To be bad at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manulacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, 728 Arch Street. Between 6th and 7th Sts.. Pa. WM. HOPKINS. marOmlO HA R RETT'S, THE BEST VEGETABLE HA 111 RES TOR A TII r E. TO WHICH WAS AWARDED A SILVER MEDAL THH HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE FAIR, Is now conceded to be *perior to all others for RESTORING GRAY to its ORIGINAL COLOR. This Preparation relieves the head of Dandruff. Humors, and all unpleasant Burning or Itching of the scalp, supplying to the ROOTS of the hair the required nourishment for the promotion of its growth. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DRESSING, leaving the scalp COOL, CLEAN, and HEAI.THV. Every Bottle Warranted. J. R. BARRET & CO., Proprietors. Manchester, N. 11. Sold by Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford, F. M. Mas ters, Bloody Run. and druggists generally. feb2Sui6 rpHE OLl) ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON A CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHIL AD* A,, Is the largest Manufa luring Confectioners and Wholesale Dealers in Fiuits, Nuts, Ac., in the United States. inarGyl r s. B EIIK ST i i ESS ER, f J . WITH E. MEG RAW A CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. 53 and 55 Han I Street and 3L Si Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. raar.6nil. PRINTERS' INK has made many a business man rich We ask you to try it in the 'Olutnns of THE GABKTTR tis at 8. L. RL'3B ELL. K- LONG K NECK ER. RUSS ELL & IA) X (E NEC K Ell, I ATTORNEYS A\P COUNSELWIRS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay. Bounty, Pensions, Ac OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House. • aprs,'67tf J. MCD. SHARER. E F. KERR. SHARPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD. PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana at., opposite tlie Banking House of Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66. J. R. DUB BORROW. | JOHN LL'TZ. DU RBOR R( \V & LUT Z , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution if claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford. Aug. 1. IS6I. 17 SPY M. A LSI I', ATTORNEY AT jj LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, to doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, 1864, F. M. KIMMELL. | J. W. LIXGENFELTER. KIMMELL A LIXGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe 'Mengel House," ( 1 H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT UJT LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining oounties. Office on Juliana Street, three doers south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. B. F. >1 MYERS. J. W. DICKERBON. MEYERS & DICKER-SON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell, two doors east of tho GAZETTE office, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66. HAYES IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will faithfully and promptly aitend to all business entrusted to his care. Office with G. II Spang, E-q., on Julianna Street, two doors South of the Mengel House. [may24,67. Jentistvu. C 1 NJ IIICKOK, / # DENTIST, Office at the old stand in BANK BUILDI.NO, Julian na Street, BEDFORD, Pa. All operati-ns, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and WARRANTED. Anaesthetics administered, when desired. Ar tificial teeth inserted, per set, 53.00 and upward. As I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced tho prices of ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the various kinds, 20 TER CENT, and of OOLD FILLINGS 33 PER EENT. This reduction will be made only to strictly CASH PATIENTS, and all such will rSceive prompt attention. feb7,'6Btf _ JTA EN TIS TR Y ! Dr. 11. VIRGIL PORTER, (late of New York citv.) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his. numerous friends and patrons, thai he is still IN BLOODY RUN, where he mav be found at all times prepared to insert those BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETII, at the low price of from TEN to EIGH TEEN DOLLARS per set. TEE TH EXTRACTED, without pain. Temporary sets inserted if desired, jje All operations warranted. Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter's scientific method of preserving decayed and aching teeth. II VIRGIL PORTER. jiin3,'6Btf If you want * A BEAUTIFUL SET OF TEETH, GO TO DR. 8. M. GROSS, RESIDENT DENTIST, SCHELLSBCRG, PA., who operates in every branch of surgical and Mechanical Dentistry, at REDUCED PRICES. Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN positively, and NO HUMBUG! by the surest, safest and best ANAESTHETIC KNOWN. Persons desiriug the services of a Dentist will do well by calling on ino before contracting else where. ALL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. in with W. J. MULLIN, M. D. CARD.—I take great pleasure in recommend ing DR. GROSS as a skillful Dentist, and in every way qualified to give satisfaction to th' public in his line. W.J. MULLIN, M- D. feb!o:3m A PPLETONS' EDIT!ON Of THE WAVER LY NOVELS, NOW PUBLISHING, From new Stereotype Plates, uniform with the New Edition of DICKENS, cAnining all the Notes of the Author, and pnnted from the latest edition of the Authorized Text. To be Completed in Twenty-fire Volumes. Price 2-~> Celt is Bach. Printed on fine white paper, clear type, and con venient in size and Pronounced "A Miracle of Cheapness." ORDER OF ISSUE. 1. Wavetly. 14. Fortunes of Nigel. 2. Ivanhoe. 15. Peveril of the Peak. 3. Kenihvorth. 16. Quentin Durward. 4. Guy Mannering. 17. St. Ronau's Well. 5. Antiquary. 18. Redguantlet. 6. Rob ltoy. 19. The Betrothed, and 7. Old Mortality. Highland Widow. 8. The Black Dwarf, A 20. The Talisman. Legend of Montrose. 21. Woodstock. 9. Bride of Lammermoor. 22 Fair Maid of Perth. 10. Heart of Midlothian. 23. Aune of Geierstein. 11. The Monastery. 24 Countßob't of Paris. 12. The Abbott. 25.TheSurgeon'sDaugh -13. The Pirate. ' ter. On receipt of SIX DOLLARS we will send the entire set of Waverly Novels, as published, and a copy of a new Steel-plate Portrait of Sir Waller Scott. from a painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence, suitable for framing ; the Books and Engravings to be gent free of postage to any part of the United States. Either of the above sent to any address on re ceipt of the price. 25 cents per volume. On receipt of TEN DOLLARS a complete set of DICKENS (in uniform style), 17 volumes, and WAVERI.Y, 25 volumes, will be sent post paid. The cheapest Ten Dollars' worth to be found in the whole range of Literature. Forty-two vol umes for $lO. Extraordinary Opportunity for the Million to Pur chase a set of Sir Walter Scott's World re nowned Waverly Novels. CLUB RATES. One Complete Set, 25 vols., i Five Sots, $26.00, 56.00. | Ton Sets, $6.00, Three Complete Sets, 25 | vols., $16.00- Mailed at our expense Any person obtaining Four subscribers for the WAVERLY NOVELS, and remitting us s2l, will be entitled to a Set of DICKENS. 17 vols., GRATIS All mailed at eur expense. Any person obtaining eight subscribers, and re mitting SIB.OO, will receivo a copy of the "Waver ly Gallery," containing 28 Steel Engravings of the Female Characters in the Waveily Novels, bound ill elegant morocco, price it 5.00 Canvassers wanted In every town in the United States. A great opportunity is afforded to indus trious men and women to make tuouey, as every man, woman, aud child witlpuichagc the WAVER LY NOVELS at this low price. For special r ites, apply to the Publishers, D. appdkton a company, 443 & 443 Srqadway, N. Y. WAGONS FOR SALE AT „KNOX' SHOPS, neay Bed'ord. [aprl9tf. ORPHANS' (COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE-By virtue of an order of the Orphans' court of Bedford County, the undersigned will ell at public sale, upon tiie premises, ON THE 21st DAY OF MARCH, the following described valuable tract oflat.d, la'e the residence of John Potter, dee'd.. situate in Middle Woodbury tp., Bedford co., adjoining lands of Jeremiah Mentzer, Jobti Kcagy, Philip Croft an i others, containing 80 acres and 11 perches of fir 1 class Morrison s Cove farming land, under g""d fence and in a high state of cultivation. Well watered, and part of it well timbered. A good log house and large, new, batik barn thereon erec ted. There is a spiiug of water near the house which is nowhere excelled. This tract of land is situated in tho best agricultural region in the County and is in every way a most desirable property. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. TERMS:—One-third in hand on confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two equal annua] | ay ments without interest. GEORGES. POTTER, feb2Bw4 Trustee. I)R1VA T]•: SALE ( >F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Execu tor of the last Will and Testament of John S. Ritchcy, late of Bedford tp., dee'd, will sell at private sale, the MANSION PLACE of said d*c'd . containing 11.'! acres, more or less, with THREE DWELLING HOUSES,.a GRIST MILL SAW MILL, DISTILLERY, BARN, and other out buildings thereon erected, situated "hree rnilaa northeast of Bedford. Tbero is also a good orch ard of choice fruit trees, and a Spring of rioter failing water on the premises. The place affords a splend d site for a Factory, there being excellent water power. Also, a tract ot choice land con taining 30 acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract, naving a good BARN and ORCHARD thereon. These tracts will be sold separately, or together, as the purchaser may desire. ALSO, A tract of timber laud, in Bedford tp., adjoining lands of Fred. Koontz, Adam Dibert and others containing about 50 acres. TERMS—reasonable. For information, address the undersigned, Pattonsville," Bedford co., or Richard Sill, Bedford. nov29tf JOSIAH lUTCHEY, EXT. JPOIL SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of 100 acres each, within throe miles of a depot on tho Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom laud, timbered and praire. two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton eounty, IV, including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lanjls in West Virginia. Also —320 acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoiniug tho borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each. .ALSO - 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri. 480 do do Shannon do do 270 ido do Bollinger do do 80 do do Franklin do lowa. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. \r ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE —The undersigned offers lor sale the follow iug valuable bodies ot land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign eounty, State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4,000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO — One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO —Three Lots in the town of Coalmont, Huntingdon county. Jan 215, '66-tf _ F. C. REAMER. VALUABLE LEA L EST AT E A T PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood laud, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hickok, Bedford, Pu. Dee 15, '65. SHERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue ot sundry writs of Vend Exponas and Fluriux Vind Ex point t to ine directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 14th day of March. A. D., 1868, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following Properly, viz : One lot of ground, fronting on Main Street, 90 feet and running back to an allej- 210 feet, with a two story log dwelling House and Store House and a large frame stable thereon erected, adjoiniug lots of Joseph Woimer, on the east, au alley on the south and west; also onobaek lot containing three-quarters of an acre, adjoining lots of William Gilliam on the east, Jo seph Barney on the west, Samuel Suively's lands on the south, situate in Clearvilte, Monroe twp., Bedford county, and taken in execution as tho property of A. M. William 3. Also—One tract ot land, containing one hundred ! and ninety-five acres, more or less, about forty | five aores cleared and under fence, with a one j story log House and log stable an I small apple ! orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Joseph Bow | man, Isaac James, A1 try Jones, Michael Stoner, Elias Murphey and others situate in Soutbamp j ton township, Bedford co., seized and taken into execution as the property of George W. Buxton. ' Sheriffs office. ROBERT STECKMAX, SL'tf |teb2lw4J RPHE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole Overseamiug ANI> SEWING MACHINE, Is warranted to execute in the best manner, every %ariety of Sewiug, Hemming, Felling, Cordiug, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilling Over seaming, Embroidering on the edjje, and in addi tion makes beautiful Button aud Eyelet Holes iu all fabrics. IT HAS NO EQIAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsioally the Cheapest, For it is two Michines combined in one by o ■■; :,iple and beautiful mechanical ar rang tin:at. iiculars with full particulars and of work done on this machine, can be had on appli cation at the SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Instructions given on the Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THIS MACHINE. Directors. J L FENIMORE, President. WILLIAM P. JENKS, President Buok Mountain Coal Company. BENJAMIN EI.'LLOCK, Wool Merchant, No. 40 Sooth Front St. n. II- REED, of George W. Reed A Co., Wholesale Clothing, No. 423 Market St. A HART, JOHXT. TAITT. GEO. J. RICH ARDSON, W. B. MENDENHALL, Of Coatesville, Chester County, Pa. F. PAXON, of F. Paxon k Co., Notions, No. 504 Market Street. jan3,'6B S. J. MeCAUSLIN, Agent, Bedford, Pa. RIMLE LANCASTER INTELLI - THE LARGEST AND CHE APEST DEMOCRAT IC JOURNAL IN PENNSYLVANIA. The Lancaster Intelligencer, established in 1709, has always been known as a first-olas- Political and Family Newspaper The Weekly In'cl!ig<m cer is now the Largest Democratic Paper publish ed in Pennsylvania. It has lately been grea'lv improved in all respects, and is just such a paper as every Democrat should take. The publishers of the Intelligenoer regard it to. bo the duty of every Democrat to support his county paper in preference to any other ; but as there are many who will be Lkeiy to subscribe for more than one paper during the ponding Presi dential Campaign, they have concluded to offer THE WEEKLY INTELLIGENCES at tbo following low rates: Single Copies, One Year, $ 2.00 Thirty Copies, Ouo Year, 9.00 Fifty " to ouo address, flit 00 Ten " One Year, 17.00 Eighty " to one address, SO.OO Twenty " Que Year, 32.00 DAILY INTELLIGENCER, $5.00 per annum. L jir 1 Persons wishiug to sell Heal Estate can find no better Advertising Medium than the WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. Address 11. G. SMITH k CO.. mar6w2 Lancaster, Pa. LIVERY STABLES, in rear of 'he -'Mengel House,'' BEDFORD, PA., MENGEL A BURNS, Proprietors. The undersigned would inform their friends, and the public generally, that they are prepared to furnish HOUsES AND BUGGIES, Carriages, Sporting Wagons, or anything in the Livery lino of business, in good stym and at moderate charg es. T'-ims : CASH, unless by special agreemeut. jaulO OStf MENGEL & BURNS. rpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is (he I best Advertising Medium n Southern Penn sylvania.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers