srti-(soWN! SCHELLSBURG AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! just received and will be sold AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Call at BLACK A MAIIBOURG'S, in Schellsburg, IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS of any kind ! We have no big stock of old goods at big prices. Our stock is nearly all fresh and new. Look at some of our prices : MUSLINS, from 10 to 17 cents. CALICOS, from 8 to 15 cents. CLOTHS and CABSIMERE3 at reduced prices. DRESS GOODS, all kinds, cheaper than before the war. ALL WOOLEN GOODS 25 per cent, cheaper than any that have been sold this season. Gloves, . Hosiery, etc., etc., etc., very low. Groceries, Queensware, Wooden Ware fcc., Ac., at the lowest market prices. If you want Good Bargains and Good Goods, cail at BLACK A MARBOURG'S. Schellsburg, Dec. 6m3 VfEW ARRIVAL.—Just received at M C. FEITERLY'S FANCY STOKE, Straw Hats and Bonnets, Straw Ornaments, Rib bons Flowers, Millinery Goods, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Bead-trimmings, Buttons. Hosiery and Gloves. White Goods. Parasols and Sun-Um brellas, Balmorals and Hoop Skirts. Fancy Goods and Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Our assortment contains all that is new and desirable. Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus tomers. Please call and see our new stock. maySl BY MEYERS & MENGEL. sry-&ootl$. &r. /GLORIOUS N E W S! ' FOR THE PEOPLE! TELL IT ! EVERYBODY TELL IT! COTTON NO LONGER KING! G. R. OSTER & CO. Are now receiving at their NEW STORE a large and carefully selected stock of new and CHEAP Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing, Carpetings, Oil cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wall papers, Willow-ware, Queens-ware, Oils, Tobaccos, Segars, Ac., together with an extensive assortment of Fresh Groceries, which for extent and CHEAPNESS is unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which they offer wholesale or retail at prices that defy competition. Piles of calico prints and muslin from 61 cents up to sublime quality. They invite all to call, see for themselves and be convinced TERMS .—POSITIVELY CASH on DELIVERY, un less otherwise specified. Beoford, Pa., Dec.13,'67m3. g1000 DOLLARS REWARD! ! Just received at the New Imperial . BARGAIN STORE, A handsome assortment of NEW SPUING GOODS. - As goods are now advancing daily, and no doubt will be much higher, we think families cannot buy too soon. G. R. OSIEK A CO. feb2Bm2 DOLLARS WORTll! ! ot Boots and Shoes of every description and best Manufacture, just received and For Sale 25 per cent Cheaper ihan heretofore. The Boot and Shoe Department of G. R OSTEII $ CO. has become a leading feature in their business, and is now the place to get Good as well us Cheap Boots and shoes, as they have the largest and best assortment in town. feb2Sui2 JJATS! HATS!! Jusi received the leading New Spring Styles of G p uts, Boys and Children's Hats, much cheaper than heretofore. We would call special attention to the Cents Self-eonfortuing Casstmere dress Hat, also the Velvet finish Flexible Band Hat. These Hats will be found to be very desirable, being very soft in bandaod conforming immediately to the shape of the head. G. R. OSIER