gbitadftphia Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods, in every style and quality. Shirt* made to order. BASE-BALL HEADQUARTERS for all kiuds of articles, such as Caps, Bats, Balls, Belts, Shoe?'. B tses, Ac. marlsyl S. e VMPBKLL A ("0., 3lanufat luring CONFEU'TIONERS, an'f wholes-lie dealers in FUR FIGS FRUITS. SUT<. \c.. N 303 Runs St.. PHIL iDELPHIA. Also, u iiiuf ic urers of all kiuds of Molasses Candy and Cocoanut work. dsc6. 67yl 4. n. CUNNINGHAM- j H. LEWARS. |J. S. ULKIM. CIUNN INGHAM. GLEiM & CO.. / WHOLESALE DEALERS IS TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac., No 408 Market Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. dec6.'67yl jMRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD. This Paint is Manufactuaed of (he BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL. WARRANTED Equal to any made, for durability and brilliancy. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL NEVER USE ANY OTHER SOLD BY ALL D BALERS IV PAINTS TH R O UGIIO V T TH E ('OU.X TR Y. T. MORRIS PEROT A CO., Wholesale dealers in Drag?. Taints, Oils, Gllass Ac &21 Market, and 012 Commerce Sis. PHILADELPHIA, P.v L'AtTtos—Owing to the popularity of our First National Lead, other parties Itate been indueed to offer n spurious article. Therefore Beware of Counterfeits JCJ Tbe Genuine is put up in Ex tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic wire handles, and the name of T. Morris Perot A Co. ou eaeh label dec6,'67yl J HENRY IIUTTON, • SIIUM WAY, CHANDLER & Co., Wholesale M inufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market and 210 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ' .Sr" Yonr patronage is respectfully solicited. Aug. 30,"67. STEY^rCOTTAGE ORGANS are still ahead of all competitors and stand un rivalled in POWER, PURITY OF TONE and BRILLIANCY, aud all oiher points which go to make a first-olass instrument. The "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO'' istho great est of all ui"derii improvements on ret-d instru ments. It CHARMS and SURPRISES all who bear if. by its wonderful resemblance to the HU MAN YOiCE. Do not confound this wit". the common ttemolo in use. It is entirely different, and far superior 10 any other. For Sale wholesale and retail by E. M. BRUCE. ISN. Seventh Street, Pniladelphia. Uf' Send for descriptive circular and price list. The effect of ,our "Tremolo" is entirely new to me, and is certainly tbe best I ever heard.— GßO. W. MOBGAX. [The first Organist of America. No Tremolo has yet been invented that will in auv degree compare with this for beauty-of effect. lu* fact, it seems io me to be absolutely perfect.— WM. A. JOHXSO.N Pipe Organ Buil ier. Estey's Cottage Organs are without a superior for exceedingly quick articulatiuu and round tone tho essential leisures in instruments of this class —GEO. JAUOI.VE, Pipe Orgau Builder. The Cotttge Organ is the best of its class I ever saw, and .be best adapted for church music of any in use.—C HEIXTZ, Organist, Findlay, 0. I am much pleased with the Cottage Organ which I purchased from you; it cumoines sweetness and power in an unusual degree, aud is quite a favor ite iu our family circle. — BISHOP SIMPSON. We know uo organs of the class which possess so many vuluablo qualities. — IXDSPKNDENT. Tor the pari >r, its sweetness i remarkable; tor the church it lias a power more organ-like than anything we have seen.— METHODIST. Persons wishing to purchase an organ arc re quested to examine the Estey instruments now in use at the Presbyterian and Episcopal Chuicbes, Bedford. Pa. ju128,'7 N' AMMoTIi SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make Urge gales. We know it to be so. TBI IT! It will much more than pay tlie extra expense of p-int inn CALL AT THS GAZETTE JOW OKP A RARE CHANGE IB OFFERED A ALL PERSONS To display their G<>oig; T< o ®ll their Goods: T<> gutter information; To make known their want*, • Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., £O., Am, Ac., by ndr-rtiaiagn. the oolumnr of THE GAZETTE. Tiotet. WASHINGTON HOTEL, BED FORD, Pa.—This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, it now open for the reception of visitors ami board ers. The rooms are large, well vi ntilated, and oomfortab'y furnished The table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Tbankii g the public for past favors, I respectful ly solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and the Springs. may!7,'67yl W. DIBERT, Prop'r. BE DFO RDII OT E L.—The un dersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hafer, an nounces to the public that he will be able to af ford the best accommodations, both to the travel ing public anil borne custom. The house will be improved and re-fitted, and 'be Bur will always be well supplied with choice liquors His table will be supplied i*li the choicest edibles of the season, and be will spare no pains 'o make it suitable for all His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. L_s>-Boarders taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in vited to give bitn a call JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 16, '6l * rjT H E MEN GE L HOUS H, Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travelling public thst tic has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his house, both for the ac commodation of travelers "and boarders, as well as country cus'omers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly locaied. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage house. All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April 15, '64. rT N I O N H O T fc L, WEST PITT ST.. BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9. "62. LOUISA MUHLRACH'S HISTOR ICAL NOVELS: I). APPLE TON A CO., 443 and 445 Bro-idwav, New York, HAVE JUST PUBLISHED, The Empress Joseph!ne. An Historical Sketch of the Days of Napoleon. 1 vol., Svo. Paper covers $1.50; Cloth. #2. Napo/eon and the Queen of Prussia. 1 vol., Svo. Paper covrs, 51.50 ; Cloth. $4.00. The Daughter of an Empress. I vol.. Bvo. ll lustrated. Pupereovcis $1.50 ; Cloth. $2 00. Marie Antoinette and Her Sou. 1 vol., Svo. Paper covers. $l5O ; Cloth, $2 CO Joseph 11. and llis Court. Translated from the German by Adelaide de V. Chaudron. 1. vol., Bvo Cloth. S2 00. Frederick the. Great and His Court. Translated from the Germ iq by Mrs. Chapman Coletn in and her L) mghters. 1 vol., 12wo. 434 pages. Cloth, 82.00 Berlin and Sans-Soitei; or, Frederick the Great and His Friends. I vol 12 mo. Cloth. 82.00. The Merchant of Ber'iu. Tran.-latbd from the German by Ainory Coffin, M. D. 1 vol., 12uio- Clo'h, 82.H0. Frederick the Great and His Family. 1 vol., Svo. Illustrated. Cloth, $2.00. Lonisia of Prussia and Her Times. 1 vol., Svo. Illustrated. Paper covers, $1.50; Cloth, 82.00. Ilenry I 111. and Catharine Parr. An Histori cal Novel. By L. Muhlbach. 1 vol., 12ino. Cloth, $2.00. P ROMINENT CHARACTERISTIC'S. I. — They are Instructive. '•As purely literary works, these historical ro mances possess a high degree of merit. They read like genuine histories —Catholic World. '•They are eorreet descriptions of the countries and the people described."— Herald. . . 11. They arc Entertaining. '•We regard these books as .among the best and most entertaining novels of the day."—Spring field Republican. ' The reader is at once fascinated and held spell bruud until the volume is completed."— Free Press. •'There is no dull chapter in it."— Utica Her ald. 11l —They are mirror s of the. Tunes. "No one can put-sue them without conceding the author's great skill in grasping and delinea ting the characters woicli figure-conspicuously in them. •'The study which enables tbe author to deline ate so accurately the emotions and incen ives to action which moved men and women of a p ist age must be close an 1 tin iring, and L mis i Muhlbach shows in all ot her works a perfection which car ries the reader into the very presence of the char acters represente I."— Syracuse Journal. IV.— Tiny are Historically Correct. ••Historically correct. and as entertaining as many of the volum sof Sir W alter Sco t. — l'rov• idence Herald '•Louisa Muhlbach must have carefully and dil igently studied the se"ret histories of tne times and countries of which she and her task is dme well an 1 • ffiaiively." — 0 oice.ster S/iy. "No Historical Novelist has labored so faithful ly and successfully to reproduce a oiuplete pic. ture of past times and oven;.-; "— (Jtica Herald. V.— They are Original. 'Tt has agreeably surprised readers to find a new writer with uch constructive genius and knowledge-of character as Louisa Muhlbach pos sesses."—Public Ledger. ' Each succeeding nov> I adds to Mr-. Mundt's reputation as a wiuer of historic fiction.—" N. T. Times. VI. They are full of Im igination ■ "She is not only the skilful joiner, but a neat banded artizan."— Christian Witness. "There is seldom any straining after effect, but it is really wonderful bow Madame Mundt mana ges to sustain and increase the interest to the end."— City Jtem. "The word-painting id' the authoress is much more effective than the best efforts of the engrav er."— lllinois State Register. VII.— They Contain Anecdotes of Courts. ''Scottish history offered no fresher and more romantic material to the magic working hand ot Sir Walter Scott than she finds iu the annals of the German courts."— Evening Gazette. "There are not to be found anywhere in human annals, uoused, such magnificent, such superabun dant materials for -outauce, as clog tne chronicles of the Prussian and Austrian eouils ot the 18ih c ntury. By their dress, their manners, their modes of thought, their laugu ige, they are almost as much Sep irated from us as if they had lived one thousand years ago."— Observer. VIII They tell about Enperors, Kings, and Queens. "We learn from her not only how Frederick William and Fioieriek the Great, Joseph the Second, Voltaire, Rousseau, Baron Treuck. the Empress Calheriuo, walked aud 'alked iu their grind roles, but how they powdered their, hair, fiiried, aud took tea." — Register. "The choice of her subjects exhibits her genius bbe takes the tune of Frederick tho Greut, Jo seph the Second, for example, aud upst Office Mouey Order or Rank Draft. Rills seut by mail will be at the risk of seuder. We have no traveling agents. Address all or- I dersand letters to THE WORLD. febl 35 Park Row. New York. AGENTS WANTED throughout the State of Pennsylvania for the UNITED STATES UFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW 1 ORE. ESTABLISHED IS 1850. Capital and Asset* about $2,500,000. Apply to 0. RARDEN rt ERPER, General Agent for Penua.,422 Walnut St., Pnila dclpbia. novlsin2* DW. LROUSE, Wholesale Segar a Manufacturer, two doors West of Dr. R r. ri .rry sDrug Store, West Pitt Street, Bedlord, Pa. inay24.'t>7 ORDERS front a distance for any kind of .JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford. P. ___ CILIP- BILLS, PROGRAMMES O POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnesf stid despatch, at THE G AZETTE^oftlf IETTER HEADS AND BILL j HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTB JOB OrriCE (tftf Iteptator's CWmmt. rjMIE ITALIAN WAR ENDED! I - GARIBALDI A PRISONER ! But . IRVINE A STATLER, No. 2 ANDERSON S ROW. Are again in the field Wat'ling against the imposi ion of high prices, and desiriDg that all should be made comfortable for the comiDg hard winter, have just received one of the largest and best se lected stock of BOOTS and SHOES, GLASS-WARE and QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, . GROCERIES, Ac., Ac., fec., ever offered in this market, which they will sell at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. If you want a goodp'r Boots, go to the Regulator. QUR STOCK OF BOOTS A SHOES are full and complete. BOOTS, SHOES, BALMORALS, GAITERS and SLIPPERS, Ac., to fit any man. woman and child in the county. LiP Measures taken for Ladies and Gentlemen and neat and complete fits warranted or no sale. At IRVINE A STATLER'S, No. 2 A.'s Row. If you want a good p'rShoes, go to the Regulator. 0 R O C E R 1 E S.— Prime Rio Coffee, - 25 to 30 cents per lb. do La Guayra, - 25 to 30 " " " White Sugar, - - IS to 20 " '' '* Light Brown-Sugars, - 121 to 15 " '* Teas, .... $1 50 to 2.00 per lb Spices, all kinds, cheap and good. Best quality Syrups and Molasses, at the lowest market prices, at "The Regulator's," No. 2 A. R If you want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go to the Regulator. JJN BLEACHED and BLEACHED MUSLINS, From tho best Manufactories in the oountry. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins from 10c up. Best " " " 18 cts. Sheeting, from 18c up. Tickings, all grades and prices, at IRVINE A STATLER'S. If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator. QUR NOTIONS ARE AT ALL TIMES FULL AND COMPLETE! Shirts, Collars, Neck-Ties, Soaps, Gloves, Hosiery, Perfumery, Suspenders, Combs, Threads, Buttons, Wallets, Brushes, Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Sewing Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shaving Cream, i Ac., Ac., Ac. At No. 2 Anderson's Row If you wan a variety of Notions, go he Reg S TATIONERY and PERFUMERY. Note. Letter and Fools-cap Paper, Envekrpue Perfumery, all kinds of Toilet Soap, Tooth Brash : es, Ac., At THE REGULATOR'S. I ' If you want Queensware er Glassware, go to the I Regulator. j OUEENSWABE A GLASSWARE. We have a large and maguifioent selection of Queensware and Glassware, of the latest and moat j fashionable patterns, and will be sold at the most i reasonable prices, by IRVINE A STATLER If you want good Spices of any kind, go to Iks Regulator. TOBACCO AND SEGAIiS of the best brands and manufacture:- I _ ' Gravely, Oronoke Twist, Century Fine-out, Cavendish, Baltimore Twist, Natural Leaf, Congress, Ac.. Ac- Smoking Tobacco, all kinds. Segars from a Cheroot to the finest article. Also, a large assortment of Pipe*, ty Call at No. 2 Anderson's Row. If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neck-ties eel j lars, Ac., go to the Regulator. HAVE EVERYTHING that is usually kept in a No. I oountry store. MARKETING of all kinds taken in ax change FOR GOODS, and the highest prioes paid. Any goods desired will be ordered from the Eas tern eities iiT" Country merchants supplied with goods at a small advance. No trouble to show goods. All wc ask is a call and we feel satisfied we can plsasa ALL. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a oon tinuance of the same. n0v15,'67. IRVINE A STATLER. i If you want any thing in our Una go to lit Bod* | ford Regulator, No. 2, Anderson's Row.