The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 06, 1868, Image 5
gftitadflpUta <TratU. ARMBRUSTER & BROTHER, No. 386 N. Third St., abovo Vine, * PHILADELPHIA, IMTORTERS AND JOBBERS Hoisiery, Gloves, Shirts and Drawers, Buttons, Suspenders. Hoop Skirts, Handk< rehiefs, Threads, Sewing Silks. Port Monnaies Soaps, Perfumery, Trimmings, FaiiCy Goods and Notions generally. ALSO, antifactnrcrs of Brushes and Looking Glasses, and Dealers in Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, Ropes, Twines, Ac. * febl,'67yl JjR. TAYLOR, Wholesale TO 11A < 9 CO Deafer, No. 338 Murket Street, One Door below 4th. PHILADELPHIA. feb.l,'67yl NVART MA N & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEGAR AIAN UFACTORY, No. 313 NOHTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, P H I L D E 1, P H 1 A. J. W. WARTMAW. H. P. KNSKLIf.iN. febl.'B7yl T> UN TING BROS., D II Y - O O O I) S, 428 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. iebl,'67yl JAM E S BOY D, (formerly CURSON A BO YD.) YOU N G , 31 OO RE A Co. Hosiery, Notions, White G-rads, Embroideries, Gents' Furnishing GooJa, Ac., No. 429 MARKET ST., and 413 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. inarloyl OAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. LAING'S, N. E. Corner fith and Chestnut Si roots, PHILADELPHIA Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods, in every style and quality. Shirt* made to order. Uf B BALL IIE4DQU.ARTERS for all kiuds of arid'. #ueL a? B its. Balls, Belts, Shoes. Bases. .to. inarlayl s. € \MPBKLL A CO., MtumftKlurii) t CONFEs riONERS, nivF wholes tie dealers in l-'Oa rjn V FRUITNUT*. &■•.. N . Rmo S.*.. PHII. \DELPHIA. Also, m urer# of all kinds of Molasses Candy a tut Ceoanut work. dee 6. 67yl A. B. Ct NNINGHAM j J. 11. LiSWAKS. | J S. OLKIM. | CIUNN1 NGIIAM. GLEIM & CO.. j J WHOLESALE DitALKKSi IS TOBACCO, CIGARS, A-e., ! \o 408 Market Street, above Fourth. . PHILADELPHIA. dec6.'B7yl piRST NA riONAL WHITE LEAD. This Paint is M tnufactiiac i <>f the BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL. WARRANTKD Equal to any made, for durability i and brilliancy. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL SEVER ISK ANY OTHER. SOLD BY ALL DEALB US t V PAINTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. T. MORRIS PEROT A CO., Wholesale dcnlers in Drug'. Paints. Oils, Glass, j ,ic . t*JI Market, inid 012 Commerce Sts. PHILADELPHIA, Pa C.ii'Ttox. —Owing to the popularity of our First National Lead, other parties ha\o been indueoil to 1 otfer n spurious artiele Therefore Beware ! of Counterfeits --""J The Genuine is put up in Ex- Ira Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic wire handles, and the name ol i. Morris Perot A Co. on each label dec 6, 67yl T lIENRY T-IUTTON, fi WITH SIIUMWAY, CHANDLER dt Co., Wholesale M mufacturcrs and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Matket and 210 Church Streets, m PHILADELPHIA, j y- Your patronage i- respectfully solicited. Aug3o,'O7. IJSTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANB *n? I A j still ahead of all eompetitoi - and stand un rivalled in P nVEIt. PURITY OF TONE and BRILLIANCY, and all oilier points which go to in ike a first-class instrument. I he - VOX HUM ANA TREMOLO ' if the great est of all unid'on improvements on reed iiisiru- • tnrntf It CHARMS and SURPRISES all who | bear it. by its ■ underfill rcsoinblnioe to the HU MAN VOICE l'o uot eout 'Uiid this witnthc cmuuion ttotnolo in use. Ii is entirely different, j and far superior in any other. For sale whoß side and retail bv E M BRUCE. 18 N Seventh Street, Pniladvlphia. Ls?" Sct.d for de- 'riptiv e circular and price list. The effect f our •"Tremolo" 1; entirely new to mo, and i errt"i tily the Xv/ 1 ever heard.— GEO. W Moti.; v\ | The first Organist of America. No Tr< >.el hi"Jit been invented that will in mv degree compare with this t >t bounty <4 effect. In* fact it secuis o IUC to he absolutely perfect.— W* A. d. tiNso.t Pipe Organ Bail ter Esley's College Organs arc without a superior fores ■ ugly quick at eolation and ruuua tone —the 0.-v,.ii; te mes ui iusiiuiuents of this class —GEO J AttoiAC, PipeOrgau Builder. The Co t. o Organ is the best of it* class I ever saw , and .he his adapted : r chur. h music of any in use.— C Uitisfi. Orgam-., Ftodlay, 0. 1 ammuch pi- s i with tho Cottage Orgun which 1 based fi in J i: it cvtwnines tweets*** and i power in an nuu.-.ial degree, and is quite a tavor- 1 1 ft* ui ecr fiwilj Bisttsr SiaiUNt W know os. _>- Mf the . lass which fosse* so a any valuable .on! i.c- IxunrSNSSSt. JX r ' IT, ..rkable; for | the ebwteh it Ts.vs s p-wer nnuv like titan I I anyrhi gwe Lst s*ec.—Mßtnortsr. IX - pauli.- - v-rgsu k t | , ~.. 4M >\ -el > - •>; i auieuu uow ;n Sv •< i v , - |msl Ctiuichea, It -It ,-f. *. JslJti,'! 1 ! NAMMUTU t*ALI Bl LIS. t.rim -i ■ * h>.U make large 11 vf ti a . tv 1 ii 4 14 ' It witi . . ,s . • cf pnm T "* ' * V . f 4 RA U i I hA.Na S. IS OFFERED 4LL PKKSANs * T. I I'M gatbsNt isibnaatlM; I . k in tteir wauta, a .t ,1. is 4, ,is . ill.. Av".| 4.' I ® br , . tit* i*dua" of TUB G* terra i a Ttotfl. \\R^IIXGTON 'IioIEL, BED i ft FORD, Pa.—This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, is j now open for the reception of visitors ami board ers. The rooms are large, well vi ntilfted, and comfortab'y furnished The table will always be , supplied with the best the market can afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-'JLASS HOTEL. Thankir g the public for past favors, I respectful . ly solicit a renewal nf their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the i Hotel and the Springs. may 17,'67y I W. DIBERT. Prop'r. BEDFORD HOTEL.— The un dersigned having taken charge of the Bed ; ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col John ILifer, an | trainees to the public that he will bo able to af j ford the best accommodations, both to the travel ing public and home custom. The house will be j improved ami re-fitted, and 'he Bar will always be well supplied with choice liquors. His table will 1 be supplied wi-*4s the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no pains to make it suitable for . all. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and | a good hostler will always he in attendance. IjF Boarders taken by the wet-k, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in- I vited to give hini a call JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 15, 'fi I * rp H E MEN G E L II OUS K, Juliana Strrrt, Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform ; the travelling public that fie has recently enlarged. ! improved and refitted his house, both fur the ac commodation of travelers'and boarders, as well as country cus'omers. Persons coming to this place ' for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always bo attended by a , careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car | riage house. Alt are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April 15, '64. rj NI o X II o T L, WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA : V. STEUKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, '62. IOUIBA MUHLBAI H'S HIBTOR j ICAL NOVELS: I). APPLE ION & CO., 413 and 445 Bm-tdwav, New York, HAVE JUST PUBLISHED, TV Emprer . Jrttrphit. An Historical Sketch of the Days of Napoleon. 1 vol., fivo. Paper covers SI .50; Cloth, $2. Napoleon find thr (fieei) of Prussia. 1 vol., Svo. Paper eov -rs. #1.50 ; Cloth. #4.00. Thr Daughter of an Empress. 1 vol.. Bvo. 11. luiitrnted. Paper covets Si .50 ; Cloth. $2 00. Marie, Antoinette and H'-r Son. 1 vol., Bvo. Paper covers. SISO ; Cloth, $2 CO Joseph 11. and His Court. Translated from the German by Adelaide de V. Ch.iudron. 1. vol., Bvo Cloth. #2 00. Frederic! the Great and His Court. Translated from the Germ iq by Mrs. Chapman Coleman and her Diugliters. 1 vol., 12ino. 431 pages. Cloth, #2.00. ! Berlin und Saits-Souci; or. Frederick the Great and His Friends. 1 vol 12 mo. Cloth, i #2 00. 'The Merchant of Bcr'ia. Tr.m.-lattsd from the German by Ataory C itfin, M. D. 1 vol , 12mo. Clo'h, #2.00. Frederic! the Great and His Family. 1 vol., Bvo. Illustrated. Cloth, #2 00. Lou is in of Prussia und Her 'Times. 1 vol., Bvo. Illustrated. Paper covers, #1.50; Cloth, #2.00. Ilenry I 111. and Catharine Parr. An Histori cal Novel. By L. Muhlbach. 1 vol., 12ino. Cloth, #2.00. P ROMIXE.XT CHARACTERISTICS. I.— 'They are Instructive. '■As purely literary works, these historical ro mances possess a high degree of merit. They read like genuine histories — Catholic World. ••They are correct descriptions of the countries and the people described.'"— Herald. 11. They aiC Entertaining. . . •AA'e regard these books as .among the best and most entertaining novels of the day."—Spring field Republic in. • The reader is at once fascinated and held spell biuud until the volume is completed."— Free Press. •'There is no dull chapter in it."— Uttca Her ald. 11l —They are mirrors of the Times. "No oue can pursue tbeui without conceding I the author's great skill in grasping and delinea ting the characters watch figure - conspicuously in : | iheio. •'The study which enables !bo author to deline ate so accurately the emotions and inecn ives to j action which moved men and women of a p ist age ; must be close and tin iring, and Liuisi .Muhlbach , shows in all ot her works a perfection which car ries the reader into the very pros uee of iho char acters represented."— Syracuse Journal. IV.— Tiny are Historically Correct. i "Historically c -rivet, and .as entertaining as | many of the vol urn - of #ir Walter Bco t."— Pro e ; ideuce Herald "Louisa Mulilb .ch must have e rrefully and dil- j i i.-ently studied the scrct histories of ine times' i and countries of which she writes, and her task ! jisi mo well au I • 11'J,-lively."— iYoiccster Spy. i "No Historical Novelist has labored so faithlul- i j ly and successfully to reproduce a ■ omplete pie. j I tura of past tiuio and events " — Uttca Herald, j ! Y.— They are Original. "It has agreeably surprised readers to find a ! : new writer with ucb constructive genius and [ ; knowledge-of character as Louisa Muhlbach pos- j j sesges."— Public Ledger. ' Each succeeding nov-1 adds to Mr-. Muudt's ! | reputation as a wiiier of historic fiction.—" .V j | Y Times. | VI. They are fittll ofi hit tgination. '•She is uot only the skilful joiner, but a neat- I handed artizan.'"— Christian ll*////r.?. "There is seldom any straining after effect, but | it is really wonderful how Madame Mundt mana ges to sustain and inert ;se the interest to the j ; end."— City Jirm. '•The word-painting of the authoress Is much j more effective than the best efforts of the ongrav ! er."— lllinois State Rrgisttr. ! VII.— They Contain Anecdotes of Courts. "Scottish history offered no fresher and more j ! romantic material to iho magic working hand ot | Sir Walter Scott than -he finds in the annals of j : tho German courts."— Evening Gas-tic. "There arc not to be fouu 1 anywhere in human i annals, unused, such magnificent, such superabun dant materials for -oiuauce, as clog toe chronicles I ot the Prussian and Austrian couits ot the lSth { c ntury. By their dress, their ui tuners, their modes of thought, their language, they are almost j as much Sep united from us as if they h id lived : oue thousand Jen rs ago. — Observer. VIII Tin y teff about Eupi rors. Kings, and \ Querns. ••AA'e learn from her not only how FrcWriek j William and F.ederick the Great. Joseph the Second, Voltaire, Rousseau, Barou Trenck, the j Empress Catherine, walked and 'alked iu their graud rotes, but how ttiey powdered their, hair, ; (lined, ami look tea.' — Register. "The choice t her sul.jecis exhibits her genius i fthe takes the time of Frederick the Great, Jo- < seph tho Second, for example, and upmi the back grouu l of fact w nicb the chronicles of the periods ! a fiords, she uuibroiderg tho bright and sombre j colors, the li a ht and .-nudes ot i<er fieiiou, with | llio skill of a cousumma c artist " — The Eaglt. IX —The Style is Line, sting. "The sijle of ihis writer tor'puuty, perspicuity, j and elegauoo. is souieitiiog greatly to be Com iu tided. Il is free fom iuiiutious, tuatmerisms. and tricks of every kiud."— Tin Argus. "Tha irauslatious do justice to the vivid, pi quant style of tne original; and the story is full ofuiuveuieu auit crowded with instructive and elite." am tug ' — The C hicage Post. '•The iult rest ol the book does uot depend up ou its characters uur in incidents, nor yet on its charming style, but ou Its general harmony of j colli position."— Day Ball. X—OtWJthoJg M A' .; Lug them. "Our people seem to have stepped reading; French novels, and Eugluh works are complained | of as dull. Miss Mutiioacb precisely supplies the , public want • The novels of Clara Mundt are being read by every one "-- h , "Muhlbach's novels have a world-wide repu- | tatioii, and are read u iib avidity, as fast as issued . from the press " — Sy n. gfie/d gtyewtM "Thev are wiuuing a wide and desertruil (aipular { ity iu iLi* ceuutty. State Joitruat. Either ot the Not'?, se titer by it rit to any addcfs >♦* c,r-pt otpnr*. jilntliul OYl'>! AVi s : f> Yes ! _-Thf un dersigned having ink en out auctioneer li hukls huusctf iu rcadinww to cry sates and , sa. t.tuis n ti.< sl.ories. notice. vi htur a call. Address turn at Ray *s Jl it, Bedford oouuty. P. v.J.mfi AiILLIAM GHACKV. . i I MUl.iu -i i •, j let I Oak, U hito i § j aud 4 'W Pint I. er on hs. ds and fo ,,, by J Ik iLi.l AAi> v CD . jv tl. 47if filo,wlj Run, i'a. I '■MIL b. I'FORLI' GA/ETIE L the I I best AJev .M-'U iia n Surtisr*PlU- - ' - j rvvvry l". riftion of Job I t'KIN.. o. C.v.-ii for • it that 'or *.. ry ante . *■ *>-, r- it p y en.-h. tud tb* - au kjtuiu wll vnabtv l to do ou: work wm I a* it esn be dene in the eitiee ! ftatioumt. ur. : : 7YR^:ROIR"' l STATIONERY 1 AND PICTURE ! STORE. The undersigned has opened, in Shafer's build a ing. on Julianna street, a new BOOK, STATIONERY AND PIC TURE STORE. Having purchased the largest stock of Books and . Stationery ever brought to this pl-.ce. at the low . est wholesale prices, he flitters himself that he . will be able to sell cheaper than any other persons engag-d in ihesurn* business. His stock consists „ in part of p School Books, l Miscellaneous Books, Standard Poetry, [ Popular Novels, Also Ilyrnn-bcoks for all denominations, Episco | pal Prayer-b'ioka, Missals, <tc., Ac. Children's S'ory Books, Toy Books. Books on Parlor M igie. Books on Games, Song Books, Dime Novels, e'c., etc. His stock • f School Books embraces Osgood's s -rij sof Head r<. Brown's Grammars, Brooks' Arithmetics. D ivi'-s Algebra. 11 rub's Speller, .and all the books used ill the Common Schools of Bed , for I county ; also, copy-books, of all kinds. Stationery of every description at the lowest I prices, will be found at bis store, including Fools ? cap, plain and ruftd Legal cap. Letter cip. Bill Paper, Commercial Note, Ladies' Note, Envelopes, of all kiuds. and sizes, plain, fancy, fine white wove, Ac., Ac., Steel Pens, Pen-holders, Slates j and Slale Pencils, Faber's Lead Pencils, of all , numbers, Ink-stands of the most beautiful and convenient designs, and Inks of the best quality ut the lowest prices. Also, a large assortment of Kerosene Lamps, Plain and Faucy Soaps, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Cigars, Pen-knifes, Perfumery, Ac. A specialty will be made of the Picture De- Eartmeut. Fine Large Portraits of Washington, incoln, Johnson and other distinguished Atueri i cans. Fancy Pictures. Stereoscopes and Stereo ' scopic Views. Picture Frames, Ac., Ac , will be I always kept on hand. Porte Monnaies, Pocket books, handsome Port-folios, Ac. Also, Violins, Accordeonsand otherMusicul Instruments; Cbeek • er-boards, Chess-men, etc., etc. Hoping to merit the patronage of the public, he has selected his stock with great care, and is bound to sell cheap to all who will givo him a call. JOHNKEEFFE. Bedford, Dec. 13. NPHE INQUIRER BOOK STORE.— I The subscribers have just opened a Book and Stationery Store, in the building adjoining tbF j "Inquirer Office," opposite the "Mongol House," lately occupied by Mrs. Tate, where they are pre ; pared to sell all kinds ol stationery, such as Fools cap, Congress, Legal and Record cap, Long Bill, Sermon Letter, Congress Letter, Commercial ! i Note, best quality, Bith Post large and small, La- | dies' note (gilt), Ladies' Octavo note (gilt), Mourn- j ing differeut stylos, French note, Envelopes of all ! I kinds aud qualities. Pass Books af least a dozen j varieties, Pocket Ledgers, Time Books, weekly and j monthly, Tuck Memorandums, twenty different kinds. Diaries of all descriptions, Blank Books, Long Quarto, Broad, L nlgars and Day Books, all sizes and qualities, Co ilk Crayons, Slates, Arn old's Writing Fluids, Hoover's Inks, Carmine Inks, Charlton's li-ks, Sand, Pocket Books, all | kinds, Banker's Cases, Carpenter's Pencils, twen- j : ty kinds of other pencils, a variety of pens and pen-holders, Stationer's Gum, Clerk's Indelible Pencils, Gum Bands, Pocket-book Bands, Flat Glass Ink Wells and Racks, School Inkstands, Baromerter Inkstands with Rack, Pocket Ink stands, oand Boxes, Pencil Sharpeners, Receipt Books different kinds, Copy Books, Composition Books. Primers, A. I!. C. Cards, Osgood's Spell ers and Ist 2d. 3d, 4th aud sth Readers, Brooks' Primary Mental and Written Arithmetics, Mitch ell's Intermediate Geography, Brown's Grammar. Lossing's Pictorial History of the United States, 1 Sealing Wax, Blanks, Deeds, Blotting Pads, Photo graph Albums, various kinds and sizes, Altnanaos, Ac., Ac. Persons wishing anything in this line | will find it to their advantage to give the "In-i quirer Book Store" a call. SVe buy and sell for j cash and expect to sell as cheap as goods of the j same class and quality can be soil any where out- j siue of the largo cities. n0v,29'67yl DL'RBORROW A LLTZ. 'PHE SUN, 1 A MORNING PAPER. Terms of S nhscription. — By Mail. $8 for twelve I j months ;$3 for .-ix mouths; #1.5(1 for three months | TIIE WEEKLY SUN, A FIRS TC LASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER, ! lor 18(57. This Journal, with a jamututinn for excellence | surpassed by none of its cWemporaries, comprises j all "those characteristics of a newspaper which I adapt it to the wants ot the people of the towns, i villages and rural districts. Its claims t.o public approval consist of its excellent ! Novelettes and Tales, Late and C inpaet Details of News. Agricultural Papers, Reviews of Markets, Poetry, Wit, lluuior, Science and Art, I And General Variety. TERMS or SLBSCBIPTIOX THE it EEKLY SUN is published Every Satur- i ! day at the following exceedingly low rates to in- j j dividuals and clubs when sent from one pos office. The uiouey in all cases to be remitted in advance For One for Ouo Year, #1 50 j Club of Six Copies, Oue Year ~...,8 00 ; Club of Twelve Copies, One Year 15 00 Club of Fifteen Copies, Oue Year 18 00 Ciub of Twenty Copies, One Year 22 00 l i Club of Twenty-five Copies, One Year 25 00 ! , For the convenience of temporary subscribers the j WEEKLY SEN will be mailed for six months for one j dollar. Parties ordering tor a shorter period will j be charged the same price, viz. one dollar. A. S. ABELL A CO., Publishers, Baltimore and South Streets. Baltimore, Md. i janl7, 88 N T E R PETS E MACHINE WORKS, Logon Street, - - - LEWISTOWN, Pa. j H. D. SLAGLE & BRO., Pro'rs. 0. li. DAVIS, Superiutcudeut. J , M.INCFACTI'KKKS OF I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT#, PORTABLE , ANU Si AiTONhRY SIKAM ENGINES < AND BOILERs; I Portable Steam Saw Mills; _ Iron ami Brass eastings in every description made and fitted up for Mills, Factories. Blast Furnaces, Forges, Rolling t Mills, <Jtc : We call the attention of i AXN'ERS -o our Oven i for Burning Tan under Steam Boilers. TERMS MODERATE. All orders promptly attended to. 11 I). SLAGLE A BRO , sep27uifi Lcwistown, Pa. riMIE CELEBRATED J ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS. J. ESTEY A CO.. Brattlcboro. Vt.. The Original Itiveutnrs aud Manufacturers. Combiuing more perfections than any other iu the world Have takeu the Ist premium# at all the principal Fairs iu the country. a 395 Washington-st , Bostou ; 417 Broonie-st.. N. Y.; | I* No. 7th st.; Phiia ; 115 Kaidolph-st., Chicago. BEDFORD CLASSICAL SCHOOL, J Founded bv Kev'd John Lyon, 1559 FREDERICK WOODS, PHISCIPAL A 6rst-elas school for the instruction of youth of both sexes in a classical aud English educa. titMi, including L>tiu, Greek. Freucu, German, Slathemati -s and th* or tinary English branches. Xenus tuoda rata. Students Irorn a distance p ean obtain board in l.wt at reasonable rates. y lirttKM'Kl. Hon. A. King. Jacob Reed, liou. juuu ti Hartley, Jofiu P Reed. Gin Hartley, li. Nu-o-lemus, j O E fiuainon, R U Lewis. V Pres't Biojid Top R. R q W 11 Watsm. M D C N Htekok, i B F H<rrv.M U. Geo Bivuiyer, Sm'l L Russell, G D .3u uck, B K Meyer*. C. Ooltelt, a Juhit Lu>i. lo Anderson. M P I jantff'tciy 1 l\ui. Lion. ( l HORATIO J. MEANS, luvhskl Au.'tioi • er icndeis lit* service* tu alt per oaviug sales -r veu tues. Give biui a call. - RvM ieuvc ulai-k Valley, Ajouroo tp., six n ilv • #v>utb of Btooiiy Bus Uovsm3 g 3*ot> printing. ■ rpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE POWER PRESS PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, BEDFORD, PA. jMEYERS & MENGEL PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im j provements t( our office, we are pre j pa ml to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY IOBPIII N T I N G , With dispatch and in the most SUPERIOR STY LE. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS. B'ILL HEADS, CHECKS, CERTIFICATES, BLANKS. DEEDS, REGISTERS, RE j CE IP TS, CARDS, HE A DINGS, ENVEL OPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, IN VITATIONS, LABELS, \e. ire. Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, <fcc., FOR CONCERTS AND EX II IB ITioNS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed at short no tier. We can insure complete satisfaction as to tinfe and price rriHE SUPERIOR MERITS of the £ WHEELER A WILSON SEWIXU MACHINE over all others, for family uso and general purpo ses, are so well established and so generally ad mitted. that an enumeration of their relative ex cellencies is no longer considered necessary. They are simple durable untp beautiful. OVER 50,000 SOLD TIIE PAST YEAR. THE "WHEELER & WILSON" j possesses valuable improvements, which can only | be used with this popular machine, a fact whicii | should be noted by those who intend and desire to j | purchase a Machine adapted to ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING. Below we give a few well known Pittsburg names ■ , who are using these M tcbiues in their families,' and to whom we refer with pleasure. Rev Dr J Douglas, Rev Dr Kerr, •• Dr Gracey, " A C Holmes, " Samuel Findley, " Mr Wagner, " A K Bell, * •' W J Keid, " W Sproul, " GSI itterly, "AC McClelland, " W S Gray, Hon J K Moorehead, " E B Snyder, j " Thus Williams, " A Macrum, " II W Williams, " F Scov'elle. R C Paterii!Esq : | Banner HJMuS | United Presbyterian. J C SrpT 0 "' j Commercial J Herron Foster. Pittsburgh Dispatch. J P Burr, Pittsburgh Post. C llenne, German Republican. L A W Neeb, Freedom's Friend. J T Wright. Evening Chronicle. And over 5.0U0 others. Circulars containing eminent testimonials, and , samples of sewing, will be sent to any address on ' application to WM. SUMNER A CO., juul4.'ti7 No. 27 Fifth S'reet, Pittsburg, i Mrs II M Ogle, Local Agei.t, Bedford, Pa. R C Grove, Traveling Agent, Bloody Run, Pa H^F EDIGAL.—DR. A.. SMITH, |_vX having resumed the Practice of Medicine, | solicits a generous share of the patronage of the j comtniiiiity. Office in hi? residence, at St Cluirs- j ville. He woulii call the attention of the public, and to those more immedi itely interested to the follow- I ing : His health being too delicate to bear much of the fatigues and exposures consequent 011 gen- j eral practice, ho has adopted a speciality in the j profession. Soon after commencing practice,, some twenty! years siuce. he was attracted by the almost uni- I verealiry of fetnale complaints, both in the mar | ried and single state. Partly from natural incli nation, aud in order to obtain success in practice, j these complaints were made the subject of inoess- ; an'study. These alterations, displacements audi deranged functions of the organs peculiar to the ! femalo, are owing to that refiued sense of delicacy j on the part of (he female, who, ignorant ot the consequences, prefers to suffer in silence rather | than expose her situation. Seldom cured by the' general practitioner, who is prevented by this j delicacy from acquiring by experience that tact ' and skill necessary to discriminate the exact | change present, and contents himself with pre- ; scribing for the deranged functions, or overlooking j the cause, simply for attendant nervous disorders, founding his prescriptions on a Plethoric Anneuioii- ; ic state of the general system and the result is uo I benefit, as the number of the long suffering fe males bears ample testimony. Believing that he has. from loug and special attention paid to them, ! acquired that skill in discriminating and experi ence in treating, he solicits the suffering to give j him a call. No charges for consultation or exam- : ination. Visits made to all parts of tbe county. ; Applications for medicines can bo made in wri- ' ting by accompanying stamp for reiuru letter.— j Medicines sent when desired. TERMS invariably . cash for all medicines aud instruments. nov29iu2 j rriHE GREAT CAUSE OF HU-j X MAN MISERY.' Just Published, iu a Seal- ! ed Envelope.—Price six cents. A Lecture on tbe Nature, Treatment and Radi- : ca! cure of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Im potency, Mental ami Physical Incapacity. Inipedimeu s to Mirriage, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, re sulting from self-indulgence or Sexual extruv- j agance, Ac.—By ROB J. CL'L\ ERM ELL, M. D-, , Author of the •Green Book, Ac. _ _. j The world-renowned author, iu this admirable es- , say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yeurs' sue- ' eessful practice, that tb> alarming consequeuces of ; Self-Abuse uiay be radically-cured without the dun- ; gerous use of internal uiediciueor the applie&tioq of the knife —pointing out a mode of cure at once j , simple, certain and effectual, by means of which | ( every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally lIIIS LECTURE WILL PKO\ E A BOON j TO THOUSANDS AND iHOLSANDS. Sou. under seal, in a plum euvelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on reeeiptof six cents, or two post j stamps. Also, Dr. Cu vorwell's Marriage Guide,' j price 25 eeuts. Address the publishers, CIIAS. J 0. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, N. Y Post Office Box 4586. —ly jp U M P Bit! I am engagod in selling the ERIE PUMP oertainly the only pump well adapted to this oliiuau Persons in need of a GOOD PCMP, will do well to give me * a call. I Lgff"orderß from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS: WM. C. SNIVKLY, Schellsburg Aug. 1, 'M—ly DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET. TWO DOORS WEST or THB BRD T'OKD HOTEL. BRPRORD. PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock ot fine Gold and Sil er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chain*, Breast Pius. Finger best quality of Gold Pen-, lie will supply te order { ruy thing iu his line not on band. ( Got. 2U, iNij- • t GUNS AND LOCKB. —The under- !! signed respectfully tenders his services to * he people of Ucdtord aud vicinity, as a repairer t Guns aud Locks. Ail worK prompt!v atiended, a to. L.DEFIBAUUU t sep 28. "<W-tf j . ,)- WAGONS FOR SALE AT KNOX' -"> HOPS, near Bedford- |aprl9tf. (nothing rtr. R EM ° v A L: 11E M ° v A L!! ' i | THE BEDFORD J | CLOTHING EMPORIUM Has been removed to SHUCK'S ROOM, one - I door West of the Washington lL>use. , j The undersigned would beg leave to inform their i friends and many customers that they have re moved their store to the above named place, where : we are prepared to exhibit the largest stock of •! RE AI) Y-M ADE (.' L< >TH IN U ever brought to Bedford, consisting in part of - j Over-Coats, of every quality and price. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Cass i in ere Pants, Cloth Pants, Cassinet Pants, Cassimere Vests, Cloth Vests, Cassinet Vests. We have a lot of Army Clothing, Very Cheap: i j Blouses, £2 50 Overcoats, t> 00 Blue Pants, 850 (a. 400 J Currying Shirts, 1 50 ' i Our NOTION department is full and complete. CASSIMERE SHIRTS, WHITE SIIIR TS, WOO LEX SHIR TS, at all prices. The largest stock of PAPER COLLARS in Bedford, Cloth-lined, Linen finished, Lock wood, Enamelled, Cloth imitation, Glazed, of all sizes, i for ladies and gents. ' JUS FENDERS, NECK- TIES. ROWS, \r. Ladies' and Gents' Linen and Paper Cuffs. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., of every description. Our CASSI MERES and CLOTHS will be found suitable for old and young, rich and poor. TRIMMINGS of all qualities. We would call the special attention of gentle men to our Hue of IIATS, which wo boast on in ! price, quality and style. There is no style but j tyhat we have. |ji Calicos, Delaines, Muslins, Tickings, | Ac., Ac. CASH BUYERS should call and ex : amine, as our terms are cash or produce. n0v8,"67 R W. BERIvSTRESSER A CO. itardtvavc, cir. 1 J_£ ARI AVAKE ! A NEW HAND AT THE BELLOWS, at the old stand of BLYMVEK A SON. The undersigned, having purchased the entire stock of Geo. Blymyer A Sou, and having added I thereto, by fresh purchases in the East, respectful ; ly announces to the public, that he is now prepa i red to sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, or for APPROVED COUNTRY PRODUCE. | everything in the HARDWARE line, such as Curpenters', Joiners', Cabinet and Shoemakers' tools and findings, cross-'-ut and mill saws, gruidstoues and fixtures, saddlery of all kinds, nails by the keg or pound, wagon tire, strap iron, nail rod, double and single shear, blister and cast steel, horse-shoes by the keg or smal ler quantities, double and single bitted axes, cutlery of every description, knives and forks very ' j cheap, and the very best pocket knives, Porte moiiaies and pocket-books, si ver tea and ta ble spoons in sets, briitauia ware in sets, trays, Ac., paints, oils and varnishes, window glass all sizes, lamps and lamp chimneys, woodeu and willow ware, wash boards, churns, manill.i rope, halters bed-cords aud twines, brushes of every description, shoe black ing. shovels aud forks, grain shovels, j chains of all kinds, sausage cutters and sole and kip leather, also the very best calf skins buffalo robes, and a general variety of goods kept in a first-class HARDBAKE SIGRE. Our object shall be to be governed by the golden rule, to do unto others as you would wish lo be done by We intend to sell at par rates, and by fair dealing hope to merit a continuance of the patrouage bestowed on Blyuiyer A Sou. novluifi THOMAS M. LXNCH. $28,000,000. THE NEW SIX PER CENT, j PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN FREE FROM ALL STATE, CO UN- I, TY AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION. Will be furnished in sums to suit, on application j tot he nearest Bank or Banker ; also by j either of the undersigned. JAY COOKE A CO., DREXEL A CO., 1 E. W. CLARK A CO. apr26* Bankers, Philadelphia. i RII. SI PES' MARBLE WORKS.. # R. H. SIPES hav'ug established a mtnu- j Lie.wry of Mouuuieuts, Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs. Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford eoun- > ty. Pa., and having on Uaud a well selected stock ' of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to Oil all orders promptly and do work ue it and in a * workmanlike s'yle, and on the most reasonable i terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to i all p rts of this aud adjoiniug counties without ex a tra charge. >pr!9. 66yl |)RINTERS' INK has made many a X business man rich We ask you to try it in r toe <olumns of TUB GAZETTE • J DR. GEO.' B. K'EITLEY, having permanently located in ST.CLAIRS VILLE, tcndeis his professional services to the citizens of that place and vicinity. nov2'66yl TT7 W. J A MISON ,~M.D., BLOODY I T 0 RUN. Pa., tenders his professional servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office one door west of Richard Langdon's store. Nov. 24. '6s ly DR. J. L. MARBOURG, Having permanently located, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on Juliann street, cast side, nearly opposite the Banking H<>use of Heed A Sehell. Bedford. Febiuary 12. 1864. MEDK AL.—DK. S. G. STATLER, near Schellsburg, and DR. J. J. CLARKE, formerly of Cumberland county, Pa., having asso ciated themselves iu the Practice of Medicine, re spectful iy offer 'heir professional services to the citizens of Schellsburg and vicinity. Dr. Clarke's office and residence same as form erly occupied by J. Smith. Esq.. dee'd. aprl2,'67yl STATLER A CLARKE. bankers. JACOB REED, j J. J. SCHKLL, RE E D AND SCH E L L, i Bankers and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD. PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made aud money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. OF SUA N NON, BANK ER, • BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. janl7,'6B ?uMiration.s. ]Bl>7 ~~" T1IK wouLi) " (i " The attention of the public is invited to the claims of --The World" as one of the leading pub lic journals of the country. It is the chief organ of the Democratic Party of the United Slates, and the foremost advocate of the immediate restoration of the Union. Its highest merits consists in its character as an enterprising and trustworthy news paper '1 he next year bids fair to be a more critical one in the history of our free institutions than even any eventful ones that have preceded it. The first requsite for an intelligent judgment of public af fairs is a lull and authentic account offsets as thev transpire. These THE WORLD always aims to give with conacieneious accuracy, and with equal full ncssnnd fidelity, whether they make for or against its own views of public policy. Prompt activity in spreading before its readers"every kind of news in which any part of the public takes an interst, is the first duty of a newspaper, and the facilities of THE WOULD for discharging this obligation are unsurpassed by those of any journal in the United Statrs. Whatever else it may fail in, it certainly ! will not fail to furnish the news, nor to supply it with such promptitude, spirit, freshness, abund ance. variety, accuracy and candor, that no class of readers can miss anything of interest which they wish to find. THE WORLD will publish doc uments and arguments prepared by political foes just as freely as those prepared by political friends; making its own comments on them, of course, but never suppressing or garbling theni because they arc calculated to damage its own party. Adverse arguments, which it cannot refute, it is content to leave to make their full impression. THE WORLD ] aoopts this rule because it believes no other is-j honest; because it conceives that its first duty to I its readers is to keep them thoroughly informed on every "pissing subject of importance. In poli tics, THE WORLD will continue to be the bold ad vocate of a Liberal, Progressive Democracy. The unflinching champion of Freedom, Justice, Order and Constitutional Rights. The inspiration of its politics is Freedom restrained by-Justice; or, to speak more strictly, Freedom pure and simple, in toe largest collective measure; the office of jus'iee being tuerch to protect freedom from t lcroaeh tnents; Freedom of the individual citizen in his rights of thought, speech, religion and locomotion; in his Right to choose his own food and drink, in spite of meddlesome temperance laws; in his Right to make any money bargains ho thinks proper, in spite of foolish usury laws; in his Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and oreign, in spite ot unjust protective tariff's; in his Right to repre sentation in the legislative bodies which tax him. in spite of un'(institutional exclusions; Freedom of collective citizens to assemble for discussion of grievances; Freedom of all local communities to manage their local uff lirs without central inter lerence; Freedom in every section of the country from the arrogant and unconstitutional domination of other sections; this large and comprehensive idea of Freedom sums up the politics of THE [ WORLD, which will never be found wanting to this ! capital interest of the country and of the human | race. In its accurate Commercial Intelligence and careful, reliable market reports. THE WORLD will continue to maintain its present high reputation. A piper published in the commercial metropolis is naturally looked to for authentic information re lating to trade, commerce and finance; aud this be ing a teat ure in which the THE WORLD prides it self, it boldly challenges comparison with every journal in the metropolis. EDITIONS. j The WEEKLY WORLD, a largequarto sheet, same j size as Daily, is now printed throughout in large i type, aud has the largest circulation of any week j I v journal published, save one. Its extraordinary | success since its union with the New York Alters has justified the most liberi-1 expenditures, which will make it unrivalled in interest and value to farmers. Published Wednesday. 1. rta M traet Reports embrace the New York, Albany. Brighton and Cambridge LiveStock Mar kets; the New York Country Produce and General Produce Markets; special and valuable Hop Intel ligence; a department of Agricultural Heading; all together composing an unrivalled handbook of cur rent information for the Farmer, Live Stock or Produce Dealer,' Country Merchant, Ac. 2. A page or more reserved For entertaining Fireside Heading for the Family circle, embracing the freshest and best Stories, Poetry. Religious Heading, etc., and a page for the Discussion of all Prominent Topics of general interest, political agricultural, financial, literary, etc. 3. lis Digest of the News is not, like most week lies, a mere waste-basket of the Daily; uniy mat ters of iut-rest and importance are chosen from the Daily, while the mass of its contents are prepared especially fur ihtMV'eekly. In every postuffioe district there should be found some active, public spirited Democrat, who will confer a benefit upon us, his ueighbors, and the cause, by counseling witD his Democratic friends and making a determined effort to form as large a club as possible for the WEEKLY WORLD. The SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD is a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omitting a great mass ol city advertisements from the Daily, contains all its news, correspondence, editorials, commercial and market news cattle market and provision reports, aud a fresh and entertaining miscellany ot literature. Published Tuesday and Friday. The DAJLV WORLD affords a complete cotnpendi um of, and commentary upon, the news of every day. TERMS WEEKLY WORLD.—One oopy, oue year, $2.0-1, four copies, $7.00; ten oopies. sls: twenty copies to oue address, *25; fifty copies, to one address, S6O SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD.—One copy, one year. $4 tour copies, $10; ten copies. 20. DAILY WORLD —One copy, one vear. SIO.OO CLL'B PHIZES.' For clubs of 10, one Weekly, one year. " " 50. one Semi-Weekly, one year. " " 100, one Daily, otie year. • DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be made any time in the ; year at the above club rates. Changes >u club lists made only on request of persons receiving packages, stating ediriou, post- ; office and State to which it has previously been sent aud enclosing twenty-five cents to pay for trouble ] of the change to separate address. Terms, cash iu advance. Send if possible P >at i Office Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk of sender. We have no traveling agents. Address all or- I ders and letters to THE WORLD, febl 35 Park Row. Now I'ork. j 4 GEN iis WA N TEL) througlioui the r\ State of Pennsylvania for the INIIED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NKM iORK. ESTABLISHED IS ISSO Capital and Aiscts aimut $2,500,000. Apply to 0. HARDEN rtERPER, General Agent for Penna .422 Walnut St., Pnila dvlpbia. r.ov I jui.'* I \ W. CItUUBK, Wholesale Begar J I /+ Manufacturer, two doors West of Dr. B r . ti.rry'sDrug Store. West Pitt street. Bed lord. Pa. may 24 "til ORDERS from a distance for any KtudofJOß PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to IHE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. IV 0 LIP* BILLS, PROGRAMMES j n POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB rRIXTIXG. done with ueatnes and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office. f ETTER HEADS AND BILL 1 j HEADS, and EN VELOPESfor business men printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OrricE (The Siefltttnftrr's (Tottmra. rjpHE ITALIAN WAR ENDED! I GARIBALDI A PRISONER * But . IRVINE & STATLER, No. 2 ANDERSON'S ROW. ; Are ngaib in the field Uat'ling against the imposi ion of high prices, and desiting that all should be mate comfortable for the coming hard winter, have just received one of the largest and beat se lected stock o( BOOTS and SHOES, GLASS-WARE and Q UEENS W A RE, NOTIONS, . GROCERIES, Ac., <£-e., Ac., ever offered in this market, which they will sell at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. If you want a goodp'r Boots, go to the Regulator. QUE STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES are full and complete. BOOTS, SHOES, BALMORALS, GAITERS and SLIPPERS. Ac., to fit any man, woman and child in the county. GtG Measures taken for Ladies and Gentlemen and neat and complete fits warranted or no sale. At IRVINE A STATLER'S, No. 2 A.'s Row. If you want a good p'r Shoes, go to the Regulator. KOCE R I E 8 Prime Rio Coffee, - 2a to 30 cents per lb. do La Guayra, * 25 to 30 " " " White Sugar, - - IS to 20 " '• '' Light Brown-Sugars. - 121 to 15 " '• Teas, - - . . fl 00 to 2.00 per lb Spices, all kinds, cheap and good. Best quality Syrups and Molasses, at the lowest market prices, at '-The Regulator's," No. 2 A. R If you want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go to the Regulator. JJNBLEACHED and BLEACHED MUSLINS, From the best Manufactories in the oonntry Bleached and Unbleached Muslins from 10c up. Best " " 13 cts. Sheeting, from 18c up. Tickings, all grades and prices, at IRVINE A STATLER'S. If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator. I ONOTIONS0 NOTIONS ABE AT ALL TIMES FULL AND COMPLETE"; j Shirts, Collars, Neck-Ties, . Soaps, Gloves, Hosiery, Perfumery, Suspenders, Combs, Threads, Buttons, Wallets, j Brushes, Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Sewing Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shaving Cream, i &C; Ac., JrC. At No. 2 Anderson's Row llf you wan a variety of Notions, go he Reg t STATIONERY and PERFUMERY. Note. Letter and Fools-cap Paper, Euvektyue Perfumery, all kinds of Toilet Soap, Tooth Brush : es. Ac., At THE REGULATOR'S If you want Queensware or Glassware, go to the Regulator. Q L'E ENS WARE & GLASSWARE. j We have a large and magnificent selection of ! Queenswnre and Glassware, of the latest and most j fashionable patterns, and will be sold at the most ; reasonable prices, by IRVINE A STATLER If you want good Spices of any kind, go to Ike Regulator. TOBACCO AND SEGARS of the best brands and manufacture:. Gravely. dronoke Twist. Century Fiue-cut, Cavendish, Baltimore Twist, Natural Leaf, Congress, Ac . Ac- Smoking Tobacco, ali kinds. Segars from a Cheroot to the finest article Also, a large assortment of Pipes Call at No. 2 Anderson's Row. If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neok-ties sol lars, Ac., go to the Regulator. HAVE EVERYTHING that is usually kept in a No. I country store. MARKETING of all kinds taken in ex change FOR GOODS, and the highest prioes paid Any goods desired will be ordered from the Eas tern eities Ijr' Country merchants supplied with goods at a small advance No trouble to show goods. AU we ask is a call and we ieel satisfied we can plena* ALL. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a ocn tinuance of the same. n0v16,'7. IRVINE A BTATLK*. If you waul any thing in our line go to the Bed* ford Regulator, No. 2, Anderson's Row.