She (£n*rttc. o Frliluy .Iftiriiiiic. Mnrrli 6. IsttS. Ull. KEY-ROTE. JUDGE WOODWARD sounded the key-note to the tone of popular feeling, when he said in Congress, the other day, that if he were a member of the l ir e*idenCs cabinet, he would advise him to demur to the authority of the ltump Senate to try him, and treat the whole impeachment scheme an & nullity. The Constitution provides that Congress shall be composed of members and Senators from all the States. But ten States are deprived by Congress of all representation in its councils. Is such a body a legal Congress ? It is, by the snfference of the people. But when such a body undertakes to override the co ordinate branches of the Govern ment, the people have good cause to withdraw their sufferance and to de clare the usurpations of the fragmenta ry Congress illegal and invalid. Let the President, therefore, protest against the assumed right of the Bump .Senate to try him, and thus fortify himself for an appeal,to the people, in case a partisan two-thirds of that body un-1 justly convict him. Andrew Johnson i should make up his mind, if he has not done so already, not to leave the White House, alive, under any circum-; stances, until the fourth oj March, 1869. J Let him resist tlie Radical revolution ists even unto death, and, if he will but catl upon the people to sustain him, they will do it with their property, their | blood and their lives. Oil! Andrew Johnson, be not deceived ! You must | fight, if you would maintain your rights! You must FIGHT, if you would preserve the Constitution ! You must FIGHT, if you would secure thi people in their liberties! Hearken j not unto the men who advise you to trust to the packed jury, the Rum| Senate. Two-thirds of that infamous j body, have already expressed them- j selves in favor of your removal. They j are a tribunal organized to convict!; Trust not them, but trust the people! Issue your proclamation setting forth t lie nature of the conspiracy formed to depose the Executive and to over throw the Constitution, and rather than permit that conspiracy to succeed, ar rest the conspirators ami call upon the people to settle the troubles of the country ly the election of a new Con gress. In a word, rather than give up the i'bnstitution, let us have a chance to fight for the preservation of that sacred instrument! THE Shugert contested election case, in the State Senate, lias not yet been concluded. The Phillippsburg ••im ported vote," "fraudulent naturaliza tion papers," Ac., about which John Cessna and other old grannies of the Radical persuasion, have been making such great ade, amount to just this: the imported and fraudulent voles were prim ipalfy cast few Itobison, the Jtadical opponent of Mr. Shugert. The BeHefonte Watchman, speaking of the principal witnesses for Itobison, says: "Of the three principal witnesses had to testify in theShugert-Pattersouelee- j tiou case, one of them, a dozen of men j from this place will swear they would not believe on his oath under any cir-j cuinstances; another was kept out 01 the Western Penitentiary lor forgery, ; by bis lather swearing that he was cra ze, and the other was saved imprison ment lor embezzling money belonging to the Pennsylvania railroad company, by a Democrat paying up bis dedica tions, and trusting him for the a- UIOUUt." It is by the oaths of such fellows that the immaculate Cessna expects to oust M.r Shugert. No wonder he and Geary makesuch a noise about "Iraud , inu - j d.-r," <.; They want to raise a smoke under cox-1 er of which they may conceal their own tracks. Of course, Shugert will be ousted. The necessities of the Rad ical party demand that lie shall -be ousted, and this fact is argument e nougli with the committee. Nobody expects justice at their hands. JIW. —I i miiiiwm THE President has the power under tlie Constitution, to strike Gen. Grant, or any other military subordinate of his from the rolls. lie can do tli.s without even asking for a court-martial of the offending under-strapper. If tie conspiracy to depose Mr. Johnson continues, he should make a clean sweep of the brass-buttoned gentry who have planted their feet upon the necks of the people. Grunt, especially, de serves punishment for disobediepce of the orders of his commander-in-chief. He has been clearly guilty of insubor dination and "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman." THE Democratic State Convention for the election of delegates to the Na tional Convention and the nomination of a State and Electoral Ticket, meets at Harrisburg to-day (Wednesday). We have uo doubt that it will do its work well. oisciiAiM.lT: or GE*\ Tiion.ts. JuiKiF CAHTTEK, of the District of Columbia Criminal Court, one of the tools and lick-spittles of the RumpCoi • gress, after holding' Gen. Thomas to $•">,000 bail, has discharged him uncon ditionally without examination! The reason of this action of Judge Cartter, is found in the fact that if he had com mitted Gen. Thomas for violation of the Tenure of office bill, the latter would have applied for a writ of habe as corpus , which would have at once brought up the question of the consti tutionality of that act before the Su preme Court of the United States. As Judge Cartter justly feared that the Supreme Court would decide that act unconstitutional and thus knock the bottom out of impeachment, he made haste to release Gen. Thomas without examination, notwithstanding the oath made before him by Edwin M. Stanton that Gen. Thomas had violated a law of Congress. What a Judge! and what justice! VAX HERRI I.T VAMOSES. CORNELIUS VANDKRBILT, one of the New York nabobs who recently brought out Gen. Grant as a candidate for Pres dent, has "vamosed the ranche" Ulys ses, and declares he cannot support Grant since bis duplicity and decep tion in regard to the War office. Grant's dishonorable conduct lias turned the stomach of more than one man, who, like Vanderbilt, once thought of sup porting him. Had Grant fulfilled his understanding with the President, Stanton would have been compelled to resort to the Courts, and the present troubles would have been averted from the country. But this weak-minded military trickster feared that if he held on to the War Department, or resigned so that the President might appoint -otne one in his place, as he had agrei d to do, he might lose the Radical noini nation for the Presidency, and, there fore, deliberately broke his word and threw the doors of tlie War Depart ment open to Stanton. No wonder decent men are disgusted with liiin ! The spirit ftf'6l seems again to per vade the Keystone Slate. Volunteers are hourly tendering tin-ir services to support tile laws. Let Congress stand firm. JOHN W. GEARY. The above is a copy of a telegram sent by Gov. Geary to Simon Cameron, one day last week. This Jackass of a Governor was, with difficulty, persua ded by his party friends out of a deter mination lie bad formed to eall out 50,000 militia to support Congress! What business has he to jump in be tween the President and Congress, to decide the conflict between them ! j Nay, what right has he to commit the ; people of Pennsylvania to open, armed j rebellion against the Constitutional and j rightful Executive of the United States f \ The men who would muster under j such a call as Geary proposed to issue, are rebels and traitors, and the man who intended to issue the call would j be a traitor, if he were not a/oof. As to the "Spirit of '61," we know that it "pervades the Keystone State." Our people were taught in '6l that the "President is the Government" and that rebellion against bis authority must be put down. Hence, it is no wonder "volunteers are hourly tender ing their services to support the laws." But the volunteers are not tendering their services to Hans Geary. Ne'er a volunteer. They don't want a jackass to lead them. - M IM'EGEX ATIOX. Jeuner t wnship, Somerset county, pulls about 3UO Radical, to 50 Demo cratic, votes, usually giving about 250 Radical majority. In this hot-bed oi fanaticism, the doctrine of miscegena tion lias t ken deep root. Some time ' since the daughter of a prominent citi zen of that township, eloped with a negro, and now we learn from the Somerset Democrat, that "Solomon Buyer (white) was married, the other day, to widow McKelvery, (colored; and David Deetz (colored) to Polly Thomas (while;." Such are lite natu ral consequences of the teachings of Radicalism. Can it be possible that th" |>eople of th ! * country, with such evidence of the tendencies of Radical ism before their eyes, will till contin ue to give countenance and support to a thing so vile and monstrous? PRESIDE*'!"!* MESSAGE. We call attention to the very able message of the President of the United States, printed on our outside, giving his reason for his removal of Stanton. No reasonable man can read it without being convinced that the President has done right. And yet, for attempt ing to exercise the right to select his own cabinet adviser, the President lias been impeached! The thing is too ridiculous to challenge discussion, As "Republicans" will not be likely to see this message in their own papers, we suggest to our subscribers, that af ter they shall have read it, they hand it to their "Republican" neighbors.— Let your light ahiuc-1 GRANT FOR TilE RIGGER! Gen. Hancock, some time since; re moved some of t lie aldermen and other city officers of New Orleans. He did so, because he declared that their con duct was so had that they could not be tolerated. Nine of these officers were removed. Seven of them were Ne * i groes. The other day Grant iqsued an order commanding Hancock to restore these officers to the pfaces fronrwhich he had removed them ! How do vou like j that, white soldiers ? U. S. Grant has become the servile tool of the Negro j Suffrage fanatics in Congress. He ap points Negroes to office, by his own or der. Rich, isn't it ? TI'RX Gl'T ! The Spring Elections will be bold on FRIDAY, MARCH 20th. Let every Democrat make it a point to go to the potts. "A stitch in time saves nine." "An ounce of preventive is worth a pound of cure." Rebuke the conspira tors in Congress ! Let the people rebuke them NOW, and thus check the im pending revolution. THE New Hampshire election comes off on the 10th inst. Both parties are straining every nerve to carry the State. The Radicals are said to be im porting voters from Massachusetts and Vermont, and using money profusely. The Democrats must gain 3,100 votes over the last election, to elect their candidates. This is a larger purport in nate gain than New York state gave last fall, as the whole vote of New Hampshire is hut about 73,000. We have no doubt, however, that the Democrats will gain largely, but can hardly hope that the Radical majority will be entirely overcome. si AXioxvniK i.EEt n : The leech, Stanton, still sticks to the walls of the War Department. He fears to go outside of its walls for a moment, iesi be might find Thomas in posses sion on Ids return. He eats, drinks, sleeps, Ac., in bis room in the Depart ment. We should think that hole needs ventilation. This blood sucker, it appears, can't be shaken off the teat of Uncle Sam's cow. He wants milk, blood and all. Stunner knew bis character, or he would not have told "stick." STAXTOX SEER FOR DAMAGES. Gen. Thomas lias sued Stanton for false imprisonment, and lays his dam ages at $150,000. The "Carnot of the war," may yet find use for some of his i ill-gotten salary. Some of the blood which this leech daily sucks from tlie hearts of the people, may yet be squeezed out of him. WE erred, last week, in stating that the President had appointed Gen. Thomas Ewing, permanent Secretary of War. He has appointed Hon. Thom as Ewing, of Ohio, the General's fath er, to that responsible position. Mr. Ewing was a member of both Gen. Harrison's and Gen. Taylor's cabinets. He is an old line Whig, in favor of the Constitution and the White Man. THE Spring election promises to he a hotly contested one. Make arrange ments to get every Democratic voter to the polls. The election will be held on Friday, March 20th. —An organization is in progress at St. Louis to be composed of Democrat ic ex-officers and soldiers of the Feder al army, the object of the organization b- ing to counteract as much as possible the influence of the Grand army of the Republic. The Kansas State Democratic Con vention lias passed resolutions in favor of an equal and uniform currency f r the whole people, and i:i denunciation of the policy of Congress. The Methodist congregaton at Sun bury had a protracted meeting which continued five weeks, and so many new converts were obtained that it was found necessary to build a new church, which they are now doing. —A defalcation to the amount of from forty to fifty thousand dollars has been discovered in the North Prov idence Bank, of Providence, Rhode island. The Cashier and one of the D.lectors of the. Bank are said to be involved, —A bill was introduced in the Senate on 8a unlay last to abolish the office of adjutant general of the army. This is intended to displace General Thomas, lately nominated by the President as Secretary of War ad interim. A Connecticut paper publishes the following among its notices of births i In Cornwall, Feb. sth, a son to John Triechemenn, I&sq„ (a Demo cratic gain). lt is stated by a gentleman engaged in fruit culture, that the peach buds have not as yet been injured t and a good crop of this luscious fruit is antic ipated. —Carrie Lay ton, aged twelve years, living near Darby station, Allegheny county, was brutally assaulted a few days ago by a black scoundrel. She is not expected to recover. —The official returns of the election on the Constitution in Alabama have been received at Montgomery but their publication has been, thus far, forb.c den. DOWN WITHTHEIMPEACHERS! Great Maeting t a Protest Against the Revolutionary Action of the Rump Congress. THE; PIti'SIOEXT I'U.I.KH I IMIX Til TO M AIXTAI \ ms NISI mix vr A 1.1, IIIKIKOK! On Monday evening last, the largest impromptu meeting ever held in Red ford, assembled at the Court House to protest against the revolutionary and outrageous conduct of the Rump Con gress in impeaching and striving to remove President Johuson. JOHN FULTON, ESQ., of Saxton was ap pointed President ; with Michael Reed, Esq., John A. Mo wry, John Yont, Henry W. Reed, Win. Bowles, Henry P. Diehl, James Corboy, Sr., Geo W. Cessna, James Sill, John Fens'er, Jacob Bolinger and Michael Wyant, as Vice Pr< sidents ; and Daniel L. Defibangh, Win. Fyannnd Tims. Jamison, as Sec retaries. On motion of E. F. Kerr, Esq., a committee of. live was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of tin sense of the meeting. The Chair ap pointed the following named gentle men : John I'. lleed, Esq., John B. Fluke, Esq., J. T. (iephart, I'eler M. Barton, and Josiali Uitehey, with E F. Kerr, Esq., as Chairman. The meeting was then addressed hy O. E. Shannon, B. F. Meyers, and W. G. Smith, Ksqs., in sp eches strongly condemnatory ol the course of I he Had icals in Congiess and appealing to the people tostand hy the President. Whilst it was not claimed that Andrew .John son is a Democratic President, or that the Democratic party is any way res ponsible for his action, hut that it is the duty of every good citizen to suppoit the President in his struggle with tin- Revolutionists. E. F. Kerr, Esq., Chairman of the Committee 011 resolutions, t lien repor ted the following which were unani mously adopted, after which the meet ing adjourned with three times three for the Constitution and the Union: Resolved , That we heboid with a mazemeiit and horror the ra*l: and des perate attempts or the Radicals in Con gress, to override the Constitution and plunge the country into anarchy ami civil war, and can ascribe their to nothing else than the impulses o. partizan hate and fanatical madness. Resolved, That the most hauieies.- farcc that ever was enacted in tire an nals ol politics, the most diabetica effrontery that ever was exhibited in the history of human governments, the most cowardly scheme to shackle the popular will that ever was eoncoc ted in a free country, thi* most malic ious, devilish and damnable usurpation that ever was attempted by ambitious villainy, is the Cause e s indecent and partizan impeachment of the faithful, patriotic and Constitution-loving Pres ident of the United .States, by a band of malignants, who, by their own con fession have violated the Constitution, who, following in the footsteps I lis i'ltlHS illl.K ( QI'EXCEM. [From 'he New York Herald ] .Already ihe imposing and over whelming proceedings oft lit* House of llepre>entati v'w in the impcarjiment of Andrew Johnsun are assuming the appearance of a solemn but ridiculous farce. Already upon the case against the accused ii isapparent there can i>e no conviction by the {Senate. What are the high crimes and niisdeniean ers upon which he is indicted—the ov ert acts which legally render him sub ject to removal from office? The re moval of Mr. Stanton as Secretary ot War and the appointment of General Lorenzo I'homas to the office. In this removal and in this appointment, it is charged, Mr. Johltson has flatly vio lated the I'cn are oft Mice law and defied the sovereign authority of Congres-. lint here these quest ions recur—is Mr. Stanton removed ? and is Mr. Thomas filling Ids place in the War (Mice? No. Mr, Stanton still holds absolute possession of lie department, and Gen era! Thomas after making ids demand for a surrend -r of the office, gracefully retires, leaving Stanton still master ot the situation. Stanton sticks to hi post; but Mr. Sumner, in bis hot haste in enjoining iiim to "stick," has spoil ed the impeachment of Johnson. In point of fact, h iwever, Stanton is the man who ought to lie impeach'ut in both instances the attempt was a signal failure, first before the ouse itself, and, secondly, in the prelimi nary investigation by tiie Committee on Reconstruction. The same com mittee, by a party vote upon this third experiment, did make up a ease, ami the House, by a clean party division, has sustaim d and reported that in be half" of all the people of the United Sates" the charges to be preferred will be made good lie fore the donate. Fiio indictment, then, is this time a success; but the trial has yet to come. The Senate in ibis trial assumes the character and responsibilities of a court of justice. Party considerations, party annoyances and party prejudices must lie cast aside, ami the guilt or innocence of the accused must he determined by the law, the facts and the evidence. From this ordeal we undertake to say that there wit/ he no conviction, but that the President will come off' the victor from the field for lack of law. facts and evidence upon which to condemn him. What then? The next thing, then, in order will he the ini, eaelunent of this Radical party in Congress before the bar of the American people. Nor will there be any scanty budget of "high crimes and misdemeanors" in the gen eral indictment against them. Their attempts to take away the constitution al powers of the Executive Depart ment ; their efforts to upset the Judi cial Department or to ruduce it to a mere party machine; their icgro su premacy policy oi Southern reconstruc tion; theirtiiiaucial follies,extravagan ces, spoliations and corruptions, will all be in the hill; and we shad proba bly have an inkling in the approach ing New Hampshire election .!' what is to come in the autumnal Congress ional elections. TIN; WAY FOR A NATION TO GKT RICH. —The gross annual production of the United States is s2.llll;MKM) t ni>U; this includes everything. Out of that grn wh sky than lis bkin cou.UUold, and it died. SPECIAL NOTICES. i FACTS. That we hive unequalled facilities fur conduct ing business to the advantage both of nurs-tves and pa rons. we submit the folloeiig TRUTHS— ! well known as such to the entire business couiuiu niy. I Ist* We have abundant rq*h r 'pitaf therefore— 2d. We are enabled to II "y for Cash errl nsi re ly. c>nsequari'ly at the lowest possible prim, with the markets of the entire world toseleot from. 31. In this parti--ulir WK HAVE ADVANT AGKS shared by no other bouse in ou- business. 4th. We sell for cash exclusively—therefore N ! your general health ? Do ou feel weak, debilita ted, easily rircd ? Does a little extra exerliou piw duce p ilpitarion of the hear.? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out i sf order? Is your uriue sometimes tniok. milky, or I fiocky, or is it ropy on settling' Or does a thick : scum rise to the top' Or is a sediment at he bottom afier it has so d awhile? Do you have spells of short breaming or dyspepsia? Are your bowels I constipated ? Do you have spells id' fainting or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory itu | paired? Is >our mind constantly dwelling upon ! thissubjec ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, ol lifo ' Do you wish to oe left alone, to get away from everybody ? Does any lit tle thing make you start or jump ? Is y ur sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of y.ur eye as j brilliant' Tile bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you unj iy yourself iu society as well ? Do you I pursue your business with the same energy ? Do ! you feel as much lence in yoursell ? Arc ' yourspirits dull ami ti tgging. given to tits or uiel j aiicboly ? If so, do not lay it to your liyer or ; dyspepsia. 11 ive you rest.ess iiiglus ? Your back I weak, your knees weak, aud have but little appv | tite. aud you attribute ihis to dyspepsia or liver- J complain ? Now, reader, se'f-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, anil sexual excesses, are al capable ot pro ducing a weakness of me general ive organs. The organs of generation. W hen in perfect health, make the uian. Dtl you ever ihink lhat tbo.-e limit, etiergelie, persevering, successful business men are always those wnoe generative organs are in perfect he Ith ? You never hear ucb men complain of being melancholy, of nervous ness, of palpitation ot" the heait. 'they are nev er afraid they cannot succeed in business; ihcy don't become sad ami discouraged; they are al ways polite and pleat- lit lu the company ot ladies, and look you and iheui right in the face—none oi your down;ast looks >r any other meanness about luetu. Idili lt ine in luose wUo k.-ep the organs intl lined by running to excess. I'hcso will uot only tuin tlieii euostltutious, but also tho e they do business with or for. llow many in u from badly-cured diseases, from the ellt-cis of aelf-ulKise mid exce'St s. bav-: bio Ugh. about thai state of weakness lu those organs Uiul lias reduced llie general system so lUiieu as iu iu duee almost every 01 her disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal ntk'jciions suicide, and alums, every oilier toiui of dise .se which humanity is ueir to, an lme nti. cause of the trouble scarce.y ev cr su-pc ucd, and have doctored for all nut the right one. OiacMSc-jj ut these •ri*ansrequire the use oi i ln --reiic. ftlbif r'Ll Lu tAIKACI lilCiit is lin: grout D', turn is u ceitniii cuie lor u liie iSi.iUde.r, ivhinejs. tar&vol, l>ro|ysy, O.g.uiic V\e ikuts>. Feiu.le 0 >tii|>i.auls, Dcuili.y. ;iitti all uistMjjeij ul iiie Uiinuiy Urgnb;', wiieiiier existing lu Malts or Female, t'rouj iirit eVer caUSw oilglaitlii.g aud Uo ui Uer Uow long si Hiding If no ire.itiucut issubtuitted to. Consumption or Ins.iui y may eusue. ijai iiesn and bio id are sup ported I foul these sources, iind the health und uapptuess, uutl of Posterity, depends up iii prouipi. use ot a telluric remedy. tieniihold's Extract. Ducbu, est iblisbed of IS years. prepared by 11. I. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 594 Broaiiway, New York, aud 1 ui soutu loui street, Pui.adelphia, Pa. PRICK—$l.2a per buttle, or 6 bottles tor Srt all, deliverea -io any address, sold by all Diug gists every where. marS.'o7yl To CONSUMPTIVES. —The Rev. ED WARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all wno itesire it. the prescription with the directions for muki ig and using the simple remedy by which Ue was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. IDs only object is to bene fit the atllieted aud he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and ui.' Twin it lug of a a liye, hair of any obnoxious o d r is cnunged ui a liich anil Gturtous Hue. and at the same lime vi.&.izeil aud improved by the uae of t HIST ADO ItO'S HAIU DYK, nature's s ife ally, and beauty's regeuerator M inut"ictured by J. CItISTADOKO, 88 Maiden j Lane. New Yolk. Sold by all Druggists. Ap | plied bv all Hair Drvssers. tcb2!uil THE 11 EAI.I-NC POOL, AND HOISI ot' MEUCV. —iltward Association Reports, l of i YOUNH MEN, oa.fhe crime uf solitude, and tin rrrn - abuses ind diseases which destroy the uuinlv powers, and create impe liuients to mar riage, with sure means uf relief. Scut inseniid letter envelopes, fr- eof cha ge. Address Dr. J. SKILLO.v H"IUUION Howard Ass-ieiaiioa, I Philadelphia, Pa. jun7,o7jl. 2tcu' gMwttefmerits. rpHE PULPIT.—A .Fnurnnl of Public Speaking, Pure Literature and Practical Religion, con a : ning the best things said by he Clergy and Politic Men the world ov er Be ur plan SENT ONE YEA" FOR NOTH ING. Send 10 cts with y >ur address to •THE PULPIT COMPANY," 37 Puik Row, New Yoik. VGFNTS WA \ rEI>. Now KfMily for Canvassers,'-THE HISTORV tr irs WAR BETWEEN THE STAT'S " I s oaiis"s. Character, C . d ; cf. a,.l R, suits Bv 11 .u ALEXANDER II sTEVKN'S Send for Circulars, wi h terms, and af i 1 i.-s.-r p'i 2il't par month according to ability." Address ZEGLER, McCURDY A CO., 814 Arch S.. I'lii'n . l'i. TAX I El) -Tit iiiiikt* an strrangH- Tl ment with a live man in every County, who wishes to make money, ami can give good re ferem.-es. No capital r-quire.l. Will sell a busi ness now p.iyin g $1,500 pji ntoinn. mil rely ou pro ft s foi my pay. Address J. O.TILTON, Pitts hurgb. P.i. QNK DOLL A II I XL ALL A PRESENT OF $25 VALUE. Of your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or village. Par'i'-ulars and a gift sent free, bv addressing with stamp. N B. OLOUDM.AN A CO.. 40 Hanover St., Bos on, Mass LD JACKET AXE. COLBURV'S PATENT. Tried and not found Wanting. We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25 per cent, more cord wool per day than auy other Axe made. MCKEESPORT. DEC. 19, 1867. MESSRS. LippisroTr A Co. MKS:— I hive iully tried your Patent Axe and fii d that it is all that you claim It will cliopfster ih iu any other Axe that I ever saw, aud leaves the wood without sticking at all. I would not chop three days without oue for thecost. I need in t. say a> y more, for auy mt< that tries oue will be satisfied. VVM. IvEES. f~l ACTION ! The Axe and the Label are both patented. Infringers on these patents will be prosecuted ac cording to law. — Venders or dealers, and persons using any iufri gemeut, are liable with the maker of the infringement. For sale by all Dealers aud the Manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, (SUCCESSORS TO LIPPIN2 >TT A Co.) Sole owiers of the Patents, PITTSBURGH. PA BOKDENTOWN FEMALE COL LEGE. BORDENTOWN. N. J. Furnishes the very best E luc ition il Advantage" 111 connection wiih a pleasant home. Board and Tuition S2IH per year. For catalogues vddress Rev JOHN 11. BRAKELEV. A. M-, Pres't. ONE HOLLA ! ONE DOLLAR! A Great Won ler. a Silk. Thibet or Atpacca Dress, Wool Shawl, C r ten or more n imcs of arlieles, I which we will *EI.L Al' ONE DOLLAR EACH. ! Agi-n # can pureli tse an article worth from $ i to i .'ftdlMl, oi Oto Dillar, according to s'z • of club orleied C roulais sent fieo. KIMBALL ACO , No. 3 I'r uioiit R iw, Uos en, Mass. I*. 0., Box Jo Id I.M i'(>UTA NT ANN I) UIE MEN R! A Beautiful Illustrated Book, worth aTho 5...d ...d Dollars, sent free t • n.v address on r -ceipt of Ja cell s. by ad Iressuig Professor JdllN" \ AN- D. tiPOOL. No. Jdo w inthrop Place, New \otk Cut. 'IULE CELL ii II ATE L> "EsTY" ORGAN, llitll VOX LIL'.SIA.N A STOP. ! Pronounced by all who have beard it the most ; 1,1.0ral and "bemiiiiu! in tuition of the Ut MaN ! Yotct! ever yet iutioduccd. J ES'l \ A CO., ( Urai th boro. Vt . the original Invoiiiors and Mm | ufieturers. 417 Broome street, N. \ 79 West E ivette St.. Biliintore. Ml; Id Noith 7.1t St., , Phila.; 115 Raudolph Si., Chic'o NORTH A Mi: It I CAN STEAM SIIIP C ). ! THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, J VIA PANA.UA OU NICARAGUA. SAILING FROM NEW YORK I DKCKMIIKII srtt AND lorn ; JANUARY STH, 15TH AND Jsrtt. AND FRBKLARY 15TH AND 25TH. With New Steamships of the First Class Passage Lower Than hy any Other Line For further information address the undersigned at 177 West Street, New Y rk. D. N. CARRIN JTON, Agent. h MERITAN CLOCK COMPANY. J\_ 3 CORTLANDT ST.. NEW 4 ORK. Manuf te lure is. Agents i.ud Dealers in AH Vgnetie* of American Clods. SULK AGK NT S FOR SETU THOMAS CLOCKS ONE ILOLLAR EACH. WEBS Cotton Cloth. Dre-g Patterns. Pant Patterns, I Sewing Machines. Watches, Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac.. Ac. Send Ten eeius for Patent Pen Foun tain, with slip describing an article iu our dollar Sale. Any person, (malf or female), can send in a club of from 30 to 1,1100. at saute rate (10 cts. for each.) and get a premium for so doing. Sen 1 in regis* tered Letters. Samples mailed free to any ad dress. EASI'.VIAN A KENDALL, 65 liauover St., Bostou, Mass A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE -The Cheapest 800 l Ever Published, containing neat ly three buudrid pages and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anato my of the Human Organs iu a stale of Health and Disease, witn a trea'iseon Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the Mind aud Body, with the Au hor's Plan of Treatment —the only rational anil successful mode of Cure, as shorn by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of J5 cts in stamps or postal currency, by address ing DR LA CKOIX. No. 31 M.tideu Lane, Alba ny, N. Y. The author way be consulted upon any d'the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mall. Mediciues sent to any part of he world. E ARE COMING I And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch. Piece ot Sheeting. Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., Fit EE OF COU P. Catalogue of Goods aud Sample sent to any ad dress FKKV. ALLEN. H VWES A CV. 15 Federal Ft., Boston, Mas*. P. 0 B x C. Whdesale Deilers iu French. German, and English Dry 11>•! Fancy (£• Is. Cutlery, Plalei it tie, Ainu us, Lea hei Goods, Ac. ITCH ! ITCH ! I ITCH !!!— Scratch ! Scratch ! I Scratch'.'.'. — In from 10 4H hour* WHKATON'S OINTMKNT cures TUB ITCH. VIIKATON'S OINTMT NT cures SALT RIIKIAI. WH BATON'S OIN R MK N T cures TKTTKH. WHKATON'S OINTMKNT cures Ba.beis I'ch. WHKATON'S OINTMENT cures Old Sores. WHKATON'S OINTMKNT cures Every kind oj Honor lite Magic. Price. 50 ceu'sab ix; by mail, 60 cents, dtess WEEKS A POiTEli No. 170 Washington Street, Boston, M is*. For .-"'e by ail Druggists sep2o,'o7y I