oftf-oOrts, rtr. IS, mK NO : n( T h! SAVE YOUR GREENBACKS! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, just received, At J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Store, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES' Having just returned from the East, we are now openings large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which have been BOUGHT FOR CASH, at nett oash prices, and will be SOLD CHEAP. This be ing the only full stock of goods brought to Bedford this season, persons will be able to suit themselves better, in style, quality and price, than at any other store in Bedford The following comprise a few of our prices, viz : Calicoes, at 10,12, 14, 15, 16 and the best at 1$ cents. Muslins at 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, and and the best at 22 cents. All Wool Flannels from 40cts. up. French Morinoes, all wool Delaines, Coburgs, Ac. SHAWLS Ladies', children's and misses' shawls, latest styles; ladies'cloaking cloth. MEN'S WEAR—Cloths, cassime.-es, satinctts j jeans. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES--In this line we have r. very extensive as-ortment for ladies, misses, chil dren. and men's and boys' boots and shoes, all sizes and prices, to suit all. HATS—A large assortment of men's and boys' j hats. CLOTHING —Men's and boys' coats, pants and I vests, all sizes and prices SHIRTS, Ac.—Men's woolen and tnuslin shirts; Shabspeare, Lockwood and muslin-lined paper collars; cotton chain (single and double, white and colored). GROCERIES—Coffee, sugar, syrups, green and black teas, spices of all kinds, dye-stuffs. Ac. LEATHER—SoIe leather, French and city calf skins, uppur leather, linings. Ac. IjF We will sell goods on the same terms that i we nave been for the last three mouths —cash, or note wiih interest from date. No bid debts con tracted and no extra charges to good paying cus toiners r former liberal patronage we hope to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus tomers Please call and see our new stock. maySl BY MEYERS & MENGEL. prtf-0)ood$, &c. '/GLORIOUS N E W S! FOR THE PEOPLE! ~ TELL IT! EVERYBODY TELL IT! COTTON NO LONGER KING! G. R. OSTER A C< >. Are now receiving at their NEW STORE a large and carefully selected stock ot new and CHEAP Dry Goods, Furs. Clothing, Carpetings, Oil cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wall papers. Willow-ware, Queens-ware, Oils, Tobaccos, Segars, Ac., together with an extensive assortment of Fresh ! Groceries, which for extent and CHEAPNESS is i unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which i they offer wholesale or retail at prices that defy ! competition. Piles of calico prints and muslin from 61 cents up to sublime quality. They invite all to call, see for themselves and j be convinced. TERMS .—POSITIVELY CASH on DELIVERY, un- I loss otherwise specified Beoford, Pa.. Dec.1.2,'67m3. DOLLARS REWARD! ! ! Just received at the New Imperial BARGAIN STOKE, A handsome assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS. As goods are now advancing daily, and no doubt ; will be much higher, we think families cannot buy too soon. G. K. OSTER A CO. j feb2Bui2 _____ * i U>3ooo DOLLARS WORTH! ! ot Boots and Shoes ol every description and best Manufacture, just reeeiveil and For Sale 25 per cent Cheaper than heretofore. Tht Boot and Shoe Department of G. R. OSTER A CO. has become a leading feature in their business, and is now the place to get U ood as well as Cheap Boots and shoes, as they have the largest and best i assortment in town. feb2Sm2 pjATrf! HATS!! dust received the leading N w Spring Styles of G**iits, Buys and Children's Hats, much cheaper than heretofore. We woul l call special attention to the Gents Self-conloruting Casstmere dress Hat, also the Velvet finish Seitr conforming Flexible Bund Hat. These Hats will he found to be very desirable, being very soft in band and conforming immediately to the shape of the head. feb*Bui2 G. H. OSTER A CO. A NOTHER VETO ON HIGH PRICES ? YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying your GOODS of MILLER A BOWSER, Mann's Corner, ... BEDFORD, Pa. They are now opening a choice variety of NEW AND DESIRABLE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Dry-Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Fancy Gods, Notions, Cotton Yarn, Hats and Caps, , Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Wooden ware, Tobacco ami Cigars, Brooms, Baskets, Ac., Ac., Ac. LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR PRICES: CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, IG. GINGHAM, at 12|, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20. Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinetts and Lac lies' Sacking, at very low prices. Ladies', Gents' and Misses' She.es, Sandals and Over-Shoes, in great variety. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots. Best Cot Tee, Tea, Sugar and Syr up iu the market. Prices low Feed, Flour, Ac., for sale at all tiroes. teg* We invite all to call and see our .goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere. fktT* Our motto is, Short Proffit JP-JY* TERMS —Cash, Note or Produce. ct2s,'S7 C TELLERS A FOLWELL, WHOLESALE C<>NFECTION E KM and FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA feb2lm3 UT Orders promptly attended to. TERMS OF PUBLICATION THE BEOFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by METERS A MEROEL, at $2 00 per annum, if paid strictly tn advance ; $2.50 if paid within six months; $.2.00 if not pain within six months. All subscription accounts 37UST be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for is ADVAHCE, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they are paid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional A' I resoluti'ns of Associations; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five line-, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal Notices-of every kind, and Orphans' Court and Judiei ■! Sales, ore required by law •o be published in oth papers published in this place. All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or yeJr, as follows : 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. •One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares • - • 600 900 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 •One square to occupy one inch of space. JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowet rates.—TERMS CASH. All letters should be addressd to MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. co n it usi'o \ ii EMCE. ADDI-OX, Pa., Feb. 24, IS6B. DEAR MEYERS:—I was standing at my desk, a day or two since, writing an article of some importance, (at least to mej when Squire William entered and told me he had seen and conversed with my friend Meyers, of the BED FORD GAZETTE. The train of thought was broken. The thick-coming fancies were all (lis- pelied, and memory immediately was busied with the buried past, buried more effectually to me than others, as there is now scarcely an interest, or a link, to connect me with it. But "let the dead past bury its deadyour place is emphatically with the living present. You have a post in the Grand Army of Regeneration, and this is no time for "gentledalliance in a lady's chamber," or for the lascivious plea sings of the lute. The hour demands vigorous workers as well as thinkers, when power is in the hands of men, without moral or legal restraint, bit terly hostile to everything that our fathers loved, who are breaking down every social barrier between the proud race to whom this country belongs, whose sacred birth-right it is, and who cannot sell it for a price without incur ring an eternity of infamy, and thede graded race who have borne and will bear,'he badge of inferiority and ser vitude, despite the mad efforts of the misguided men, who now control the Nation's destinies, and who will live in History as men recreant to God, to Country and Humanity. Then thepeopleareat length awakcn ed, thecryof"Rightsor Revolution,"is swelling on the prairies of the West, and from then re, for some time to come, will the nen be taken, who as the representat vesof ideas originating and sustained there, will sway tuis Nation for good or evil. Let us pray the former. That cry is a deeply significant and suggestive one, and woe to him who heeds it not. Temporary political damnation, which politicians appear to dread more than any, or all the de nunciations in Iloly Writ, is the least of the evils that will afflict them. There is truth in the old adage, that the gods make mad, whom they intend to destroy, as is abundantly proved by the declaration of a Radical Senator that Congress wouJU soon control the Ballot Box in all the States. Control the States, indeed ! Why, you can hear the slogan sounding now, that shall be the coronach of the "God and morali ty," "loil," nigger-loving crew who strut and swelter in the eapitol, clothed in corruption, reeking with innocent blood, and drunken with the wine of abomination. Before the specified five years of the "loii" Senator, the whole crew will have been scourged from the Capitol and will have called upon rocks and mountains to hide them from the scorn and indignation of an outraged people. May God in his goodness avert the storm of bloodshed and ruin, the fearful retribution, into which these men are so madly goading a long suffering people. The old Know-Nothing leaders, in disguise, fresh from persecuting and murdering one class of our citizens, have abandoned their old incendiary cry, the gathering cry of the Church burners, "America for Americans," and are now shouting another, eqaully as specious, as damnable—"America for the Africans." Oh, worse than fool ish ! The specious cries, "Rebellion," "Treason," "Loilty," will no longer avail you. The brass on Grant's coat, in Stanton's cheek, cannot save you.— The worn out twaddle of the last seven years, is impotent for political effect and stripped of your false colors of patriotism and humanity, you will be turned out to meet the scorn of all good men,andtherevilings, mayhap the torturing, of the bad. For yourservile tools who have hunted to the death so many true men, who burned and mob bed, and exulted in the devil's work you set for them, will burn and rend yon, as the dogs did Jezel>el mid will employ the lesxo/ot you taught them,/or BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 6. 1868. your own ted troops fought nobly." If the foregoing, suits you, Messrs. ' Editors, it i- fntirelv at your service, and you will again hear from me, if you see fit to f prent" it. Very trfily, &c., ""—r— — - ---- MESS.IG I < 111 K PRESIDENT. Ii is Rrasotts 4>v tSie Removal of Mr. Stanlon—\ I>H Argument aul Defense. * —7 . WASHINGTON", Feb. 24.—The Presi dent to-day -i;' to the Senate the fol j lowing mes.arch, 1807. The first se tion of that irt is in the follow ing words: "Thatevery person holding any civil office to which ho has been appointed by aid with the advice and consent of the Smate, and every per son who shall lereafter be appointed to any such offire, and shall become qualified to act .herein, is and shall be entitled to holdsuch office until a suc cessor shall haw? been in like manner appointed and duly qualified, except as herein other vise provided.—Provid ed that the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of War, of the Navy, and of the Interior, tie Postmaster General and the Attorney General, shall hold their offices, respectively, for and dur ing the term of the President by whom they may have been appointed, and for one month thereafter,subject to remov al by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The fourth section of the same net re stricts the term of offices to the limit prescribed by the law creating them. That part of the first section which precedes the proviso declares that every person holding a civil office to which he has been or may he appointed, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall hold such office until a successor shall have been in like man ner appointed. It purports to take from the Executive, during the fixed time established for the tenure of tne office, the independent power of re moval, and to require for such removal the concurrent action of the President and the Senate.—The proviso that fol lows proceeds to fix the term of office of seven heads of departments whose tenure never had been defined before, by prescribing that they "shall hold their offices, respectively, for and during the term of the President by whom they may have been appointed, and for one month thereafter, subject to removal by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." Thus, as to these enumerated officers, the proviso takes from the President the power of removal except with the advice and consent of the Senate. By its terms, before lie can be deprived of the power to displace them, it must appear that he himself has appointed them. It is only in thai case that they have any tenure of office or any inde pendent right to hold during the term of the President, and for one month after the cessation of his official func tions. The proviso, therefore, gives no ten ure of office, to any one of these officers who has ocen appointed by a former President beyond one month after the accession of his successor. In the case of Mr. Stanton the only appointment under which he held the office of Secretary of War was that conferred upon him by my immediate predecessor, with the advice and con sent of the Senate. He has never held from me any appointment as the head of the War Department. Whatever right he had to hold the office was de rived from that original appointment and my own sufferance. The law was not intended to protect such an incumbent of the War Depart ment by taking from the President the power to remove him. This, in my judgment, is perfectly clear, and the law itself admits of no other just con struction. We find in all that portion of the first section which precedes the proviso that as to civil officers gener ally, the president is deprived of the power of removal; and it is plain that if there had been no proviso, that pow er would just as clearly have been tak en from him, so far as it applies to the seven heads of the departments, but for reasons which were no doubt satis factory to Congress, these principal officers were specially provided for, and as to them the express and only re quirement is that the president who has appointed them shall not, without the advice and consent of the Seriate, remove them from office. The con sequence is that as to my cabinet, em bracing the seven officers designated in the first section, the act takes from me the power, without the concurrence of the Senate, to remove any one of them that I have appointed, but does not protect such of them as I did not ap- give to them any tenure of office beyond my pleasure. An examination of this act' then, shows that while in one part of the section provision is made for officers generally, in another clause there is a class of officers designated by their official titles, who are excepted by the general terms of the law, and in refer ence to whom a clear distinction is made as to the general power/>f remov al limited in the first clause of the sec tion. This distinction is that as to such of these enumerated officers as hold under the appointment of the President, the power of removal can only be exere.sed by him with the; consent of the Senate, wlile as to those who have not been appointed by him there is no like denial of his power to displace them. It would be a viola tion of the plain meaning of this enact ment to place Mr. Stanton upon the same footing as those heads of depart ments who have been appointed by myself. As to him, this law gives hiin no tenure of office. The members of my cabinet, who have been appointed by me, are by this act entitled to hold forone month after the term of my office shall cease; but Mr. Stanton could not, against the wishes of my successor, hold a moment thereafter. If he were permitted by that successor to hold for the tirst two weeks, would that successor have no power to remove him ? But the power of my successor over him could be no greater than my own. If my successor would have the power to remove Mr, ouiton after permitting him to re main a period of two weeks, because he was not appointed by him, but by his predecessor, I, who have tolerated Mr. Stanton for more than two years, cer tainly have the same right to remove him, and upon the same ground, name ly, that he was not appointed by me, but by my predecessor. Under this construction of thetenure of-officeact, I have never doubted my power to remove Mr. Stanton.— VOL. 62.—WHOLE No. 5,4?3 Whether the act was constitutional or not, it was always my opinion that it did not secure him from removal. I was, however, aware that there were doubts as to the construction of the law, and from the first I deemed it desirable that at the earliest possible moment those doubts should be settled, and the true construction of the act fixed by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. My order of suspension, in August last, was in tended to place the case in such a po sition as would make a resort to a ju dicial decision both necessary and proper. My understanding and wish es, however, under that order of sus pension, were frustrated, and the last order for Mr. Stanton's removal was a further step towards the accomplish ment of that purpose. I repeat that my own convictions as to the true construction of the law, and as to its eonstiutionality, were well settled and were sustained by ev ery member of my cabinet, including Mr. Stanton himself. Upon ths ques tion of constitutionality each one in turn deliberately advised me that the tenure-of-offlceact was unconstitution al. Upon tiie question whether, as to those members who were apppointed by my predecessor, that act took from me the power to remove them, one of those members emphatically stated in the presence of the others sitting in cabinet, tliet tlicy did not come with in ihe provisions of the act, and it was no protection to them ; no one dissented front this construction, and I un derstood them all to acquiesce in its correctness. In a matter of such grave consequence I was not disposed to rest upon my own opinions though fortified by my constitutional advisers. I have there fore sought to bring the question at as early a day as possible before the Supreme Court of the United States for final and authoritative decision. In respect to so much of the resolution as relates to the designation of an officer to act as Secretary of War ad interim , I have only t > say that I have exercised this power under the provisions of the first section of the act of February 13, 1795, which, so far as they are applica ble to vacancies caused by removals, I understand to be still in force. The legislation upon the subject of ad inter im appointments in the executive de partments stands as to the War Office as follows: The second section of the act of the 7th of August, 1789, makes provision for a vacancy in the very case of a re moval of the head of the War Depart ment, and upon such a vacancy gives the charge and custody of the records, books and papers to the chief clerk.— Next, by the act of the Bth of May, 1792, section 8, it is provided that in case of vacancy occasioned by death, absence from tlie seat of government, or sickness of the head of the War De partment, the President may author ize a person to perform the duties of the office until a successor is appointed or the disability removed. The act, it will lie observed, does not provide for the case of a vacancy caused by the removal. Then by the first section of the act of February 13th, 179"), it is provided that in the case of any vacancy the president may appoint a person to perform the duties while the vacancy exists. These acts are followed by that of the 20th February, 1803, by the first section of which pro vision is again made for vacancy caused by death, resignation, absence from the seat of government, or sickness of the head of any executive depart ment of the government; and upon the occurrence of such a vacancy, power is given to the President to authorize the head of any other executive depart ment, or other officer in either of said departments whose appointment Ts vested in the President, at his discre tion, to perform the duties of the said respective offices until a successor be appointed, or until such absence of ina bility by sickness shall cease; provided that no one vacancy shall be supplied in the manner aforesaid fora lunger term than six months, This law, with some modifications, re-enacts the aets ol 1792, and provides as did that act, for the sort of vacan cies so to be filled, nut, like the act of 1792, it makes no provision for a vacan cy occasioned by removal. It has re ference altogether to vacancies arising from other causes. According to my construction of the act of 18G3, while it impliedly repeals the act of 1792, regu lating the vacancies therein described, it has no bearing whatever upon so much of the act of 1795, as applies to a vacancy caused by the removal. The act of 1795, therefore, furnishes the rule for a vacancy occasioned by remo val—one of the vacancies express ly referred to in the act of the 7th of August, 1789, creating the department of war. Ortainly there is no express repeal by the act of 186.'! of the act of 1795. The repeal, if there is any, is by im plication, and em only be admitted so far as there is a clear inconsistency between the acts. The act of 1795 is inconsistent with that of 1863 as to a vacancy occasioned by death, registra tion, absence or sickness; but not at all inconsistent as to a vacancy caused by removal. It is assuredly proper that the Pres ident should have the same power to fill temporarily a vacancy occasioned by removal its he has to supply a place made vacant by death or expiration of term. If, for instance, the incumbent of an oftice should be found to be whol- ly unfit to exerviso it 3 functions, and fie public service should require his immediate expulsion, a icmedy should ex sr and be at once applied and time be allowed the President to select and appoint a successor, as is permitted him incase of a vacancy caused by death or the termination of an official term. The necessity, therefore, for an < d interna appointment is ju.-fi as great, and, indeed, may be greater, in cast* of removal than in any others. Before it be held, therefore, that the po\u r given by the act of lin cases of re moval is abrogated by succeeding leg islation, an express repeat! ought toap pear. So wholesome a power should certainly not be taken away by loose implication, it may be, however, that in this, as in other cases of implied iv peal, doubts may rise. It is confess