The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 28, 1868, Image 3

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    Iht Bedford teeitc.
Home and Around.
nio'ation Train leaves F ixton tit 7.35 a. tn.. and
arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt-
ILglon lit 4 ft) p. tn., and arrives at Faxtoc at
6 38 p. in.
Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at l .00 p. m.. ar
rives at H'liitiug lon at 4 17 p. in.; leaves Hunt
ing l-m al 7.50 a. m. and arrives at Mt. D itlas a
11 05 a. m.
-I #
plan d our Ixioks and accounts in tlio
handsof John P. Reed, Esq., of this
place, for collection. All accounts for
subscription for the year ending Au
gust 1, 18G8, rciiiainiiig unpaid, are in
cluded in the hills which Mr. Keed is
authorized to collect. We have been j
compelled to resort to this course in or
der to obtain a settlement of our ac
counts. We have too much to do to j
attend to making out bills, and we
are tired of dunning. M *ney we must \
/i<tve, as we have many debts to pay,
and we desire to act honestly with our
creditors. Therefore, we ask all to;
pay Mr. deed, who can, and those who j
cannot, we ask to call and settle, if;
there is any thing in their accounts by i
which they consider themselves ag-.
grieved, let them call on us, and we |
will make all right that is not right, j
Friends, let us have the old scores wip-!
Ed out, and begin anew.
ING !— Printing in Colors!—t'ards, Bill
/tends, Notes, Hank-Checks, Blanks of all
kinds, Ac., &c. —We have just had set
up in our office, one of the latest im
proved Gordon's Fast Job Presses, and
have, also, purchased a new assortment ;
of Fancy Job Type. Thus prepared, j
we are now able to do all kinds of Job .
Work, from the daintiest card to the ;
most showy poster. These improve- '
moots have cost us considerable outlay,
and we now say to our friends and the
public, generally, bring on your work,
if you appreciate enterprise! We can
do any kind of work done in the city
offices and just as cheap as city prin
i tcrs do it. Horse-bids primed in all j
styles. Call at theGAZETTEoffice,and
see our improvements;
have received a prospect us of the " Bed
ford County Press " a new paper about
to be started at Bloody Run, this coun
ty, by J. C. Long & Co. The Press is
to lie "neutral in potitics." The first
number of the paper will be issued on
the fourth ol March, next. We are well
acquainted with the projectors of this
enterprise, and believe they will be able
to make a good paper We hope they
may have much success, and whilst
their journal remains truly "neutral in
politics," they can always count on
our friendship and good wishes.
BORDER LOSSES. —The hill which i
eoiilempla es payment, by the Stale, j
for 10-ses sustained by the border eoun- j
ties during the war lias been reported
by the committee to which it was re- j
ferret I. Wearegladof this. We fear-J
ed that it might be strangled in the)
c /iiimittee. An opportunity will now \
b>' presented to the members of the I
Legislature to put themselves on the
record in favoi of or against thispropo- j
sition. We trust that the Democrats
in that body will show themselves j
willing to do justice to the plundered!
citizens of the border, and let the Rati-
icals shoulder the responsibility of de
feating this bill, if it is to be defeated. !
At any rate, let us have a fair open
vote on the hill, so that we can seewho
are our friends.— Vaf. Spirit.
RAH ROAD MEETING.—The citizens
of Bedford county interested in the
construction of a railroad through the
county, connecting with the Hunting
don and Broad Top Mountain Railroad
at Mt. Dallas, and the Pittsburgh and
Connellsville Railroad at Bridgeport,
are respectfully invited to assemble in
the Court House, on next Monday eve
ning, the 2ntl of March, for the pur- j
pose of recommending to the Legisla-'
ture the incorporation of a Company j
for this purpose. MANY, j
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, ,
there will !>e service and preaching, !
morning and evening. The court j
room being otherwise occupied, the
evening service will be in the basement
of the Lutheran Church. There will
also he the usual services at the Court
House next Sabbath, and in the even-1
in of that day, Rev. Barrow will con tin- !
ue his lectures on the Life of St. Paul.
Subject: " Paul before Felix."
"OUR NATIONALITY."—The lecture j
delivered in the Court House, on Tues- ;
day night of last week, by Rev. H. ;
Heckerinan, on the subject of "Our I
Nationality," was a very able and in-;
terest ing effort,and wasgreatly applaud
ed. A resolution was adopted by the
audience, requesting a copy of the lec- J
ture for publication.
LECTURE. —The next lecture for the
benefit of the Cemetery Association, j
will be delivered in the Court House,
on Tuesday, March 3d, by Rev. J. Q.
McAtee. Subject, Nova Scotia,
TABLEAUX,AC. —The Ev. Luth.S.S.
L. Association, will give an entertain
ment on Friday and Saturday nights
of this week, in the Court House, con
sisting ol tableaux, charades, it:-., Ac. ;
Those who desire to assist the Associ
ation should attend.
late term of court, John Alsip, E-q.,
was admitted to the practice of the law
in Hie several courts of this county.
.Mr. Aisip is one of the I test business
men in the county, and will make a
good lawyer. Success to him always.
SI,(XK) REWARD.—See Oster A- Go's
advertisements in another column.
They otler the above reward.
31 iicti Snow in Hie Western Em! : A Good
ileal of Sleighing;: Aslieom Iteenpiia
telh the Kndieal leaders ill Juniata, ete.
DRY RIDGE, Feb. 21, 1808.
MR. EDITOR :—Thinking you might
occasionally like to hear from \our
friends in this section, i have tak
en the liberty to write you a few lines.
Imping that the same may prove ac
We have had much snow, and, con
s-queiitiy, a good deal of sleighing.
ilorse-fle.->h lias suffered considerably,
an*!, occasionally, by the accident ol
an up-set, human flesh has not escaped
injury. For instance the other night
a party of young fellows were enjoy
ing a sleigh-ride behind a fast horse,
and "brought up" against a stump to
the great damage of trousers and the
bruising of legs,
i Quite a flutter among the Radicals
of this neighborhood was occasioned a
few days ago, by the announcement
that Collector C. \V. Ashconi ■had cut
off the head of Leonard Bittner, E-q.,
store-keeper at John Hughes' distil
lery and appointed in his stead a man
by the nauie-of Hammer. Bittner has
been one of the leaders of the Radical
party in Juniata township, for years,
and always stood by bis party through
good and through evil report. He
bails from Somerset county, and comes
of a respectable and prosperous stock,
lie has always been opposed to the
Democratic party, ai.'d was really the
leading spirit of the Radical organiza
tion in Juniata tp. Why Ashconi
should have made the mistake of de
capitating liini and appointing anoth
er in hisstead, puzzles everybody. Per
haps he intended to /Jammer some
body. Your friend Jacob Corley, an
other prominent Radical of Juniata
tp., and a worker in the ranks of his l
party, was an applicant for the store
keepership at L. N. Fyan's distillery.
Jacob fared" no better than his com
peer, Mr. Bittner. If anybody deserv
ed an office at the hands of the Radical
party, it was Jacob Corley. But "Re
publicans" as well as Republics, "are
The snow is rapidly leaving and ev
en the drifts on the "pike" are grow
ing sdntll. To-day a mild south-west
wind is blowing, and Spring seems to
be almost upon us. Let bercouie, say
I, and the sooner the better.
#- _
THE following is going the rounds of
the press, "A rule by which counterfeit
greenbacks, or national bank notes can
bcdetected, but lately has been discover
ed, which upon thorough trial has prov
ed infallible. It is this: Divide the
last two figures of the number of the
bills by four, if one remains the letter
on the genuine will he A. If two re
mains it will be B; if three remains it
will be 0. For example; a note is reg
istered 2,ti11; divide forty-one by four,
and yob will have one remaining. Ac
cording to the rule, the letter on the
note will be A. In case the rule fails,
!>• certain hat the note is counter! eit."
Try it.
ECLIPSES. —There will be 110 eel ipse
of the moon this year, out there will
be two of the sun and of the Radical
party. The latter will be visible in ail
portions of Ihe United States, including
the five "military districts." formerly
known as the Southern States, some of
which were the "original thirteen,"
for which George Washington and
other "traitors" fought seven long
years. May the great eclipse speedily
"BARRETT'S Vegetable Hair Restor
ative" took the First Premium over
all competitors at the New Hampshire
State Fair. It stands confessedly with
out a rival throughout the country,
and is driving all other preparations
from the market.— Philadelphia Public
THE "new thing under the sun" <>f
which Solomon doubted, is Phaloirs
"/•Yor De Mayo," that rare perfume
for the handkerchief. It cannot be
described, for there is nothing like it
in the whole realm of fragrance. Sold
by all druggists.
REGULATOR.—Don't forget Irvine
and Statler's Regulator, the place
where you get the best and cheapest
shoes in town. Glassware, Queens
ware, Notions, Groceries, Ac., are also
kept constantly on hand at the Regu
A SrLEXii S-OCK of coats, pants,
! vest, hats, and a general assortment of
gent's furnishing goods, always on
hand at R. VV. Berk stressor & (Jo's, for
: saie at the lowest prices.
* FLUID. —An armful of roses might ex
: hale a more overpowering odor than
a single drop of Phalon's "Night
| Blooming Cereus," hut in freshness,
delicacy, and pure, healthful fra
grance, the drop would far transcend
the flowers.— Warmw Mirror.
Corrected every week
f LOU It.—The quotations are—
Nortuwest superfine, $7.00;a 7.50
Northwest extra, 8.00 v , 0.00
Northwest extra family, lO.OOpf 11.75
Penna. and West'n sup., 7.50,a 8.50
Pemm. and West'n extra, 8.50 ,5 0.50
I Penna. and West'n family, 11.00;a 12.50
| Penna.and West'n fancy, 13.00 v 15.00
Bye flour, " 8.50 v ao.oo
GBAIN.—We quote—
Pennsylvania red, per bus.,
Southern 44
. Ualifornia, 44
White, 44
Bye, 44 0.00(0-1.(v>
Corn, for yel., 44 1.20 a 1.23
Oats, 44 7G v r/ 7.8 c
Pitt)VISIONS.—We quote—
Mess Pork, per blil., $22.00 000.00
Bacon Hams, per lb., IS^tlOc
Salt Shoulders, 44 10, iojc
Prime Lard, 4 * 13c
SLEDS.—We quote
Cloverseed, per bus., at $7.50. </ 8.00
Timothy, * 44 2.50^2.00
I Flaxseed, 44 2.45^2.50
BENDER—HOFFMAN—On the 14th inst, by
R-v. A. R. Kr-iuer, Gabriel Bender, of Altoona.
Pa., to Nuicv H ffinnti of Waterside.
REIGHARD—BAYLOR—On Feb. I2'h, at the
Lu'berau parsonage, by the Rev. J. Q. MeAtee.
Mr Matthias Reighard to Miss Maggie Baylor,
both of Bedford Pa.
SW ARTZ-DIBERT—On the I9'b inst. by the
same, at the residence of the b-ide's parents, Mi •
E-py S*arn to Miss Suphii Dibert, daughterof
David Dihert.of Bedford iwp.
FKITEK—DICKEN—On the morning of thi
20. ti inst. t>y the a Hue. Mr. Thomas Fetter to MisS
Nancy Di-ken, both of PleasaDt Valley, Bedford
IIERR—On the Isth inst . Sarah Alice, daugh
ter of John and Rebecca Herr, aged 7 years. 7
months and 6 lays ...
VVII.HEE.M—At Palo Alto, of dipthena, J-n.
31. ALBERT 0 . oldest son of Josi h and Elizzi
Wilhelui. aged ll years. II mouths, and 28 days
On the 5 hof J limary. LEONARD FRANKLIN
second sou of the same parents, aged 9 years. 9
m Ml th A aid 12 l lys. On the 7th of Jan., JOHN
M , third the sime pcrents. aged 7 years, ti
months and 2S days. On the llth of Jan., SAM
UEL C , fourth son of the same pnents. aged t>
years I uioi th and 19 (lays. Oil the 28rhot Jau..
NICHOLAS M . fifth son of'be s ime parents, aged
2 vears and 8 days. They were well attended b
three able physicians.
" Just received nt the N-w Imperial
A handsome assortment of
As goods are now advancing daily, and no doub
will be much higher, we think families cannot buy
too soon. G. R. OSIER A CO.
ol Boots and Shoes of every description and bes
Manufacture, just received and For Sale 25 pel
cent Cheaper han hcretolore.
The, U'.ot and Shoe Department of
G. H. OS TEH ir CO.
has become a leading feature in their business,
and is now the place to get Good as well as Cheap
Boots at.d ftbo-s, as they have the largest and best
assortment in town. feb2Bu2
Just received the leading New Spring Styles of
G-nts, 15 >ys and Children's II its, much cheapei
than heretofore. We w-ml 1 call special attention
to the Cents Self-inwloruiing Casstuiere dress Hat.
also the Velvet finish Se (-conforming Flexibli
Bind H it. These 11 its will he found to be very
desirable, being very soft in binl at 1 couformiit g
itiuuedia ely to the shape of the head.
feb-Bu>2 G. 11. OSIER A CO.
-Notice is hereby given that letters of adtuin
islrution have been granted to the undersigned, by
the Kegister of Bedford county, upon the estate ol
John L Nyeutn. late of Monroe township, Boil
tord county, dec'd.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate piyment, and those having
claims can present them, dutv authenticated fut
settlement. tIKORtJE NYCUM.
fob2S*6 CHRIST. FKLTON, adtn'rs.
an order of the Orphans' court of B ;dford County
the undersigned will ell at public sale, upon tin
j premises. ON THE 21st DAY OF MARCH, th.
j following described valuable tract of land, late the
I residence of John I'otter, dec'd. situate in Mi Idle
! Woodbury tp.. Bedford eo., adj lining lands of
Jeremiah Mentzer. John Keagy, Philip Croft and
others, containing 80 acres and II perches of firs
class Morrison 8 Cove farming laud, under good
fence and in a high stale of cultivation. Wei
watered, and part of it well limbered. A good
log house and large, new, bank barn thereon erec
tel. There is a spring of water near the house
which is uowhere excelled. This tract of land is
si'uuedin the best agricultural region in the
County and is in every way a most desirabli
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.
TERMS: —One-third in hand on confirmation of
sale, and the remainder in two equal annual pay
ments without interest. GEORGES. POTTER,
feb2B.v4 Trtts'eo.
QO.ViPOUND ULOOi) dJiiAitCilCsii
This very valuable medicine, which is purely
vegetable, has done wonders. It is a never-failing
remedy for eleansitig ihe bio id. When the blood
is pure, disease cannot take hold of the system. !
could produce testimonials in regard to what it
hasiff-eted, but I submit it to the public, gttaran
teeing that if used according to directions, the re
sult will be Goon HEALTH. It is my own tnamt
This medicine will cure Consumption, Dispepsia.
Sore Throat, and nine out of ten of all other di-
DONS FOR USING-For adults, dose,
two tablcspoonsfull, three times a day, before
me ils. L'-s en the dose according to constitution
Price: —Quart bottles, SI.1>0; Pint bo'tles, 50
cents. JACOB L. fIOOVER,
Sole Proprietor.
SAXTON. Bedford county. Pa.
Is now concede 1 to he superior to all others for
This Preparation relieves the head of Dandruff.
Humors, and all unpleasant Burning or Itching ot
the scalp, supplying to the ROOTS of the hair the
required nourishment for the promotion of its
leaving the scalp COOL. CLBAV, and HEALTH v
Every Bottle Warranted.
J. It. BARRKT&CO., Proprietors.
Manchester, N. 11.
Sold hy Dr. B F H irry, Bedford. F M. Mas
ters. Bloody Run, and druggists generally.
From new Stereo'ype Plates, uniform with the
New Edition of DICKENS, containing all the
Notes of the Author, and printed finni the
latest edition "t the Authoriz-d Text.
To he Completed in Twenty-Jive Volume.
Price 25 Ceilih r,acli.
Printed on fine white paper, clear type, and con
venient in size and Pronounced -'A Miracle
of Cheapness."
1. Waverly. 14. Fortunes of Nigel.
2. Ivinhoe. 15. Peveril of the Peak.
3. K-nilworth. 16. Quentin Dtt rward.
4. Guy Minnering. 17. Sr. Ronan's Well.
5. Antiqiiary. IS. Redguantlet.
6. Rob Hoy. 19. The Betrothed, and
7. Old Mortality. Highland Widow
8 The Black D.varf, A 2(1. The T ilistnan.
Legend ot Montrose. 21. Woodstock.
9. Bride of L iiiimertnoor. 22 Fair Maid of Perth
lit. II oart of Midlothian. 23. Anne of Geiersteiu.
11. The Monastery. 2* Count R b'tof Paris
12 The Abbott. 25.TheSurgeon'sD.iugh
-13. 1 he Pirate. ter.
On receipt of S[X DOLLARS we will send the
entire set of Waverly Novels, as published, and a
copy of a new
Steel-plate Portrait of Sir Walter Scott.
froui a pointing by sir Thomas Lawrence, suitable
for framing ; the Books and Engravings to be sent
free of postage to any part of the Uni'e I States.
Either of ihe above sent to any address on re
ceipt of the price. 25 cents per volume.
On receipt of TEX DOLLARS a complete set of
DICKENS (in uniform style), 17 volumes, anl
W AVKULV, 25 v dumes. will be sent post paid.
The chi-apest Ten D 'liars' wor.h to be found in
the whole range of Literature. Forty-two vol
umes f.i SlO.
Extraordinary Opportunity for the Million to Pur
chase a ?et of Sir Walter Scott's World re
, Downed Waverly Novels.
One C unplete Set, 2o vols.. I Five Sets. $26 00,
$6.00. I fen Sets, So.oo,
Three Complete Sets. 2'j j
vols . SIO.OO.
M tiled at our expense.
Any person obtaining Four subscribers for the
W.AVKKLV NOVKLS, and remitting us .s2l, tvtll
be entitled to a Set of DICKK.NS, 17 vols., GRATIS
AH mailed at our expense.
Any person obt liuiug eight subscribers, and re
iniituig $16.00. will receive a copy of the "Waver
ly (1 tilery," containing 26 Steel Engravings of
the Female Characters in the Wiveily Novels
bound iu elegant morocco, price $5.00
Canvassers wanted iu every town in the United
States A great opportunuv is afforded to indus
trious men and women to make money, as every
man. woman, aud child willpuich tse the W AVKK
LV NOVKLS at this low price.
For special rates, apply to the Publishers,
443 & 446 iiuadwsy, N. Y
£cg;tt goticc.
4~ NX UAL 111-: PO It r o K THE AU*
GEORGE MAKDOKFF, Esq.. Treasurer of Bud
lord county, in account with ** Q C< i UI V/\ t *f U!n
January 9. A D. 1857, to Jauuary o, A. 1). lS6$.
To Balauce\u Treasury *H76 91
To amount received from A. J- c>auaom,
former Treasurer it""" 100 00
To iimount of tax received from collectors
A'iron Heed. Woodbury Sou'b. 010 00
Samuel Bender. Bloody 'Bb4 |3 70
S tuiuei Beckley. St. Clair <*" 207 31
lonn C Black. Bloody Run 24 41
Arch Blair, Cumberland Valley..• do 111 84
lieuiy Wenz. 11 >rrison '3B 84
A lolphus Ake, Union 151 15
Sa ml Crissman. Woodbury oUt, ® l '*'J" '1 26
E F Kerr. Bedford B .rough 'BO6 141837
llenrv M iscs. Bed ord Townshi| do 196.20
John C Figard. Broad Top 'Jo 600 86
Jerre Thompson. Bloody Run do 100 00
J icob B >wser. Cil*raiu 1'44 88
Henry llite, Cuitiberl'iud V f lluy-* d*> 74J 04
A. W Shoemtker, do 283 20
J tines Fu.k. <} ,J 246 62
Henry Horn. Juniata ( J° 58 >64
Jacob Evans. Londonderry no 502 49
John McClain, Liberty do 236 00
I icob Fletcher, Monroe do 92 45
Henry Ego'f, N .pier do 820 84
Uriah Meltott. Providence. do 448 26
Jos II 11 Si arks. Providence, W do 455 lit)
John Keinery. 5che115burg,......... do 173 00
Willi imi Grissinger, Snake Spring., do 822 88
Moses Tewell, Southampton do 421 42
Henry F Smi h. St. Clair do 1275 25
Henry Corl, Union.. do l'|6B l a
Solomon Barley. Woodbury. M..**. do 1650 62
VI irtin irumbaugh. Woodbury, S.. do 1925 88
Henry Nicoleuius. Bedford Bor 1867 256 1)0
Isiae D Earnesi, Bedford Tp do 797 50
Aex Taie. Bloody Bun do 225 06
John U Figard. Broad lop do 327 69
William R Green. CoalJale do 162 89
1) i vid Diehl, Colerain do 676 40
I'obias Boor. Ca oberlind Vtlley..*. do s<< 06
William Egoil. II 295 06
J imes Fink. Hopewell do 388 30
John G irber. Juniata do 697 t0
Jacob Evans. Londonderry 266 00
George Nyvum, Monroe do 723 00
fames Taylor. Napier do 751 79
Jacob Chamberlain. Provi lence, E.. do 324 00
Joseph Weaverliug. Providence, VV.. do 296 60
Peter Dew ilt, Schellsburg do 91 00
Harris m H irtley, Snake Spring.... do 425 00
Henry Bennett, S >utbampton do 140 75
ioseph Claar. Union do 625 60
Solomon B irley, Woodbury, M do 483 72
Josiah Ritehey. JW.aidbury. S do 860 00
Samuel Slick, S . Clair do 750 00
To money received from Templars,
for rent. *2 00
To money borrowed from Michael S Ritch
To money borrowed from John Sill 1060 60
To money borrowed fr"tn John Keinery... 2000 00
To money received from J. B tarquhar,
former Treasurer 925 00
To money received from Episcopal church,
for fuel in Court II .in-e '•> 50
To fines in case ,>f Charleston, Smith and
Baglcy 7 00
To costs recovered from Peter Foedder... 80 00
To money received for Huckster's Licen
scs i ><•• * 2l> OU
To money received by sale "1 unsealed
lands fee
Total charges, s3mT4oi
TREASmER, , . r
')n sundry checks drawn by the Commissioners, as
follows, viz:
Paid Grand Jurors, February term...... 102 on
Petit Jurors. February term
Petit Jurors. February Special term..... 353
Grand Jurors. April term 'J"
Petit Jurors, April term 310 2J>
Grand Jurors. Sep:etnber term 18 3 '6
Petit Jurors, September term 3t>7 29
Grand Jurors, November term 178 91
Petit Jurors. N .vember t.arm 387 02'
Petit Jurors, niljoui'Ued Court... 318 <7
Isaac Kensinger. Jury Commissioner.... IJj 1 J
William Kirk. Jury Commissioner....... 121 00
J. G.'Fisher, clerk to Jury I'fimmisston'rs 64 36
M A Points clerk to Jury Commission'rs 36 06
Preparing assessment book, correufing as
sessment, making out and distributing
duplicates and services at special terms, 91 06
Tipstaves T. 258 50
Fox and wild cat scalps
Assess >rs making assessment retui" ,J9 !!,
Constables' returns 383 3A
Michael Wertz, Commissioner's salary.. .• ? l l(
D 1 vid II <ws ire. Commissioner's salary... *69 I
Michael S Ritehey. Commissioner'ssalary, . , ....
Peter M Bartou, Commissioner's salary.. 3. "JJ
./ G Fisher, cl'k. to Commissioners 330 I.
K Sleek man, Sheriff bo arditig prisoners.. 933 25 1
R Sfeekuian. ShenfT. carrying prisoners to
Western Peni'entiary 90S 00 '
Expenses of Spring election 282 18-
Expenses of General eleciion, 3;Jo 26;
Charles Mertvine, services as janitor 91 25
Adili ional Insurance of Court House and
Jail 21 35 j
W S Fluek. costs as Sheriff' 22 93 1
Daniel Border, cleaning and repairing
Court House clock 3 50 j
0 E Shannon, fees as Prothonotary 150 Oh
E F Kerr, attorney to Commissioners.... 100 00
H ilding Special electi uin Providence W 11 32
A Mower, for election returns from Rains
burg Bor 2 30
1 B Fluek. commissioner to divide Wood
bury. M 15 00
Daniel B rley 15 00
(jr. W. Williams 15 00
Costs in corntnonwealth cases 2071 96
Fees of Justices and constables in com
mon weaPo cases 19 95
Wood and c nil, for public buildings, and
haulingsame 170 53
Inieresi on money b irrowe.l from John
Sid 160 00
W G Periy, record books for Protb'tary's
office 82 50
Exprcssage '. 2 20
Seals and presses for Protbouotary's office 9t 25
J W Diokcrsou, docket fees 52 97
Samuel Roberts,'commissioner to divide
Southampton Tp 4 00
J B Fluek. commissioner to divide South
ampton township 7 00
Jacob Fries, erecting Hopewell bridge... 3700 00
Harry Drollinger mason work at Hopewell
bridge 3084 25
George Gibb ny, building bridge at
Roades' Mill 206S 66
Work done upon bridge at Mowry's in Ju
niata 700 00
Work done upon bridge at Statler's, in
Napier 19 20
Bridge expenses 64 00
Bridge views 28 Otl
Road views 237 50
Joshua Mower, cleaning and scrubbing
Couri House 42 00
Mary M >rris, cleaning and scrubbing
Court H 37 00
William Troulman, work done at jail.... 28 00
Joshua Mower, work done at jail 13 00
Rewards and mileage, arresting horse
thieves and prisouers 134 04
Expcuses at bridge sales 49 40
Keeping prisoners in Western Penitent ia
ry.. •••• 412 67
George Mardorff. costs in Johnson Barnes'
case 3 75
J W Diekerson. attorney to Commission
ers 75 00
J W Diekerson, percentage on collections, 30 00
Durborrow A Lutz. advertising 6U3 5(1
Meyers & Mongol, advertising 568 30
do do blank printing 130 50
Bridge plank 10 00
I F Grove, boarding Jurors 8 00
Inquest on body ot Harry Tipper 16 45
C'harles C'rothers. bounty and interest... 36 25
Plas'eriug and • pouting Jail, grading and
curbing pavement, sand and brick and
hauling same 121 60
Expenses at Jail 71 2
R venue stamps, postage, S ationery, Ac. 62 80
E F Kerr, services as attorney 11l 50
E F Kerr, for use of county 'l3 50
r, F Kerr, costs on judgment vs. collec
tors 13 75
Lumber and plank 13 27
P tluzzard, table A book-case 12 50
Repairing bridge at Lyons' 600 (
Telegraphing at' er prisoners 8 75
Thomas Hughes, work at bridge 20 00 -
Hobbling prisouers and making chains
and blacksmi btug 21 15
Removing prisoners from Cumberland to
cuntyJail 56 80
Removiug prisoners from Fulton connty •
to county Jail 47 20 J
Rapairs in Prothouotary office 17 50
A Ako money overpaid on duplicates... 1 00
.-ainutl Bccktey. money overpaid on dup
licates 1 80
Henry Egoif. money overpaid on dupli- '
cates 10
Henry M -sos. money over paid on county
tax 66 55
Money overpaid on militia 3 97 '
George Mardorff. money oversredited on
duplicate of 11 Moses 89 65 *
James Fink, money overpaid on militia
tax 1 53
Solomon Shrader, money overpaid on dup
licates 3 95 i
Moses Tewetl, money overpaid on dupli
cates 2 70 j
Jacob Fletcher, money overpaid on dupli- I '
onto '..... 3 16
A Blair, uioney overpaid on duplicate... 6 47 t
Henry llite, money overpaid ou County t
tax 4 72 c
Henry F. Smith, money overbid on Slate
tax " 2 04 i
J Fisher, money overpaid on duplicate... 251 !
Bill of goods for prisoners, jail and court
house 132 49
John Kiuffinan and J Beneigh. damages on j j
road 35 00 i
stegat Jtotircs.
Plank fir bridge at Bloody Run.. 7 75 ,
R Steckmau, Sheriff, summoning Jurors.. 127 43
Hoofing litlus 38 60 | J
Jos W late, money wrongly paid on deed, 20 09 :
Job Mann, money wrongly paid on deed, 857 ; j
Lewis Fluck, work done at Hopewell
bndge 20 00 Roades. rip-rapping bridge ut Ston- j j
Expenses of holding appeals 150 00 j
Expenses of boldiug county lustitute 29 13:
Treasurer's salary 30.) 00 ,
Revenue stamps, postage Ac 30 00 j
Bank uote detector 1 50 j
George Mardoiff. refunding loss of note ! .
stolen 20 00 I c
Auditors and clerk 140 60 j.
Charles Merwine, attending auditors.... 606 j
Total credits 26099 71 j
Cuarges $31911 40
* Credits 2>099 71 i
| f
Balance in county treasury... .$BBll 69 > „
Moneys due and owing to Bedford County from i
Collectors, and others, for 1867 and 1
previous years.
From. Collectors : ,Statt. Co y. Mil a. j
J A Osborne, tlroadtop.
1857, $ 76 01 $ 106 69 $ j ,
L Evans. B. T , 1853, 220 46 239 67
S Beckley, St.Ci'r, 1861, 846 291 #1139 1
U H Akers. Bed. B " *2Bl 85 | ,
J CBl ck. 8.Run,1865, 7 77 j i
A Blair, C.Valley, do 46 00
J C Figart. 8.T0p,1860, 25 00 i
J Thompson, BR, do 42 36 77 70 12 00 j
Jac Bowser, Colc'n do 316 92 32 00 i
J H II Sparks, P. W ,do 269 70
J K'*uiery,Sebellsu' 42 93 II 87 350
H Ctrl. Union tp., do 26 til
11 Ni -o leiiius,B B ,1867. 870 33 28 50 ,
E F Kerr. do I ->66. 249 37 19 27
I D E.rnest B T. 18.7, 9<4 16 42 50
A I'aic, 13. Kuu. t dj liii 07 BOU j
sllO9 88
JC Fi art. Broad Top, 1567. 1650 49 13 00 I
D ivid Diehl, C iteraiu. do 451 14 28 00 !
Tobias Boor. Cuiub. Va'ley do 4->7 99 55 56 j
Wm. Egolf. II irrisou, do 185 02 37 50 j
Jatues Fink. Hopewell, do 2)' 127 19 50 ,
JohuGarbcr. Juniata, do 33 14 59 00 i
Jacob Evans. Londonderry, do 595 30 27 06 |
J T Shirley. Liberty, do 4u4 78 44 06 !
George Nycuin. Monroe, do 119 42 35 06 '
James Taylor, Napier. do 424 58 27 56 j
JCO mberUin, Pr >v. E, do 273 31 15 06 !
Jos Weaverliug, Prov. W, do 137 58 26 60 t
SS l luck, Sax,on, do 130 66 18 50 i
Peter Deivalt, Schellsburg, do 140 51 35U
II Hartley, Snake Spring, do 306 00 23 50
H Bennett, Southampton, do 546 46 51 06
Joseph Claar, Union, do 327 34 34 50 .
Sol. Barley, Woodbary, M. do 1537 56 33 50 I
Jos. Hitch -y, Woodbury. .*>. do 995 63 42 06 1
Saiu'l W. Sleek, St Clair, do 617 23 65 06
|*Rounty.J $12581 26 $339 04
Amount due on County tax Sf2SSI 26,
amount due on State tax 1109 88
amount due on Militia tax 839 1)4 j
! amount due on Bounty tax 256 24
| amount due fr-.m J. B. Farquhar, for
mer treasurer.... 87 97
' Total due county sl4 914 39
Money oierl hy Bedford County.
John Sill, ou uote 3000 00
' John Kexuery, on note 2000 00
Total indebtedness soooo 00
Bedford County, S.S.
The uudeisigued auditors of 9aid county, do cer
tify, that, ia pursuance of the Acts of Assembly,
in such cases made ami provide 1, they met at the
Court House in the Boroug .of Bedford and did
audit and adjust the accounts of Ge rge Mardoiff |
Treasurer of said county for the year. A. D. 1867. |
as contained in the foregoing statements, an 1 thai '
, they have'examined ihe foregoing ac'couuts due to j
and owed by said county aud that they huve
found tho same to oe oorrect.
Witness our hands, this 16th day "f January.!
Attest —W. C. SchaeUer, Cl'k. Auditors.
To the Auditor Gene, at of Pennsylvania :
GEORGE MARDOrCFF, Esq , Treasurer of Bed
ford county in account wilu he Coininonwealth
of Peuusylvauia, from Jauuary 9, 1367, to Janu
ary 8, 1863.
Treasurer, < r.
By receipt of State Treasurer 3500 00
By receipt of Sta.e Treasurer 3UU 66
1 By receipt of State Treasurer 702 00
IBv receipt of S ate Treasurer for auuui
ties. 360 00
Associate Judges' salary 5a9 00
1 Trv#surers' percentage 8o 22
$3606 72
t' Licenses.
! f reasun for the year
| Xo aggregate amou 9PO qq
1807 ; Ur.
I Treasurer, 45 50
; By Ireasurer s percentage
Durborrow A Lutz, advertising , , rt
list of retailers, 1 ' ,
Meyers A Meugei, ,do 14 . .
By receipt of Slate Treasurer 500 OP J
Balance due State, s•*""'
Tavern Licenses.
Treasurer, Dr. I
To aggregate amount assessed for 1867, $515 00
treasurer, (Jr.
By Treasurer's percentage, 25 75
By receipt of State Treasurer 5(10 00 525 75
Credit by balance, $lO 75
EAing Houses.
Treasurer, Dr.
To aggregate amouut assessed for 1807, 80 Oo
Treasurer, e,r.
By Treasurer's percentage, 4 00
Balance duo Stale S7O 00
Bunking Houses.
Treasurer, Dr.
To aggregate amount assessed for 1867, 20 00
treasurer, (Jr.
By Treasurer's percentage, 1 00
Balance due State, sl9 00
Treasurer, Dr.
To balance in County Treasury, 83.11 69
Treasurer, Cr.
By sundry payments to Commonwealth on
indebtedness 8136 72
Net balance in County Treasury $024 97
Bedford County, S.S.
The undersigned Auditors of said County do.
hereby, certify that, m pursuance of the Aeis of
Assembly, iu such cases made and provided, the,)
inotat the Court 11 IUSC iu the borough of Bed
ford and did audit and adjust the accounts between
George Mardorff", Treasurer of said county aud the
Couiiuoiiwe.iltn of Pennsylvania, us contained in
the foregoing statements.
Witness uur hands this 9th day of January,
Attest—W. C. SciiAaFPUK, Cl'k. Auditors. ;
LIST OF JURORS drawn for an Ad
journed Court, Ist Monday, 2nd day of
Al .rcb. A D. 1868.
Bedford Tp.—Ezra Williamson, Goorge Maun,
Michael Nawgel.
Broad Top—James A. florton, John L. Tobius
Coaldale—Walter Whiiuey.
Coleriin—A. C. James, William IS Beegle, J.
U. Cessna, John Shater of Juo , Geo. W. Cessna.
Cuuib Valley Weaver B. Cessna, Francis
Juniata—William Kinsey, Leonard Bittner,
Henry Uillegas, Joseph Barclay, John Garber.
Liberty—David Steel.
Monroe—Elias Nyoum, Daniel Miller, David
Napier—Thomas Cleaver, William 11. Shafer, ,
John 8. Siuckey, Rionari M Mullin, Edmund 8.
Blackburn. i
Providence E—William Gracy. i
Providence W.—Dauiel Sams. James Calhoun,
Snake Spring Daniel R. Snyder.
St. Clair—John Wolf, IS R. Heuderson. William
Oster. j i
Saxton—Jacob Kaum. j |
Woodbery 41.—Tuoas Watson. ! t
Woodberry S.— v\ illiatn Tetwiler, Josiah Ritch. j (
ey. • ,
Drawn A certified at Bedford, this 18ih day of ]
December, A. D 1863. j i
Attest: Jury Com'rs.
Jos. GT FLSFLER, Clerk. jau!7w4 i
rpAVERN LICENSE.—Notice is
| hereby given that the following named per
sons have made application for license, to be grant- I 1
ed at February Sessions ( Adj turned Court) 2 1 day ! f
of March, A. i>. 13 >B. _ I ,
Lewis Long, Londonderry tp.. Tavern.
feb7 \i 0 K. SHANNON, Clerk.
OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low
laics at TBK BKHKOKD GAZSTTB office, Call and I
reave yur orders. |
3totiCCs, Si(.
MALE SEMINARY.— The Spring Quarter
will opeu Monday April (J k.
•Studeii's prepared to teach, to enter college, or
to engage iu business avocations.
TBKMS moderate.
The Piiucipa! isji reps red to accommodate eight
For further inform ■ti >n, address
fcb7m2 ll iinsburg. Be Ifor t C.. Pa.
Rake chance.— lot- e.\ciu-tvo
control and sale of live valuable inventions,
needed iu every family, and prying large pr.-fi s,
can be secured, by applying cither personally or
by letter to J. S. LA->II A Co., 727 Market St.,
Puila. feb2lw4
COUGH CANDY.—Tnis unrivalled cough candy
has gained lor itself a reputation second to none
as a reme ly for coughs colds, sore throat, anil
lung disease. Sold everywhere. 11. IIECKEH
MAN A SON. wholesale agents, diuggis s, Bed
ford, Pi. Teb2lw2*
NO I ICE.—Notice is
j hereby giv n that letters testamentary to the
estate ot Philip Devore, late of Londonderry twp.,
dee'd, have been granted to the uu-L rsigned.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are hereby Minified to make iin aediate pay
ment, and those having claims are requested to
[■resent them properly authenticated tor settle
febUwfi* JUM.AII MILLER, Ex'rs.
Si it AY ST EE It.—Came to lite prem
ises of ihe uu ' crsigned. iu Union tp., Bedf-nd
poun'v. during the in inth of October last, a
BLACK STEER, one year old. with white sots,
a whit forehead, left oi r sp l i'. aol righ- ear eut
•ff straight. The owner is requested to come for
ward. prove property, p ye arges. and take it
away o.herwise it will be disposed of according
to law. THOS. 11. STIFFLER.
4 X ELECTION lot five Managers
of the Ctiamber-burg and Be-lford Turnpike
Road Compmy, till b- held at the public bouse
of E. Brosius, in McConnelisbnrg, on Monhay.
the 2nd day of March, next, between the hours ol
10 A. M.. and 1 o'clock. P. M . of said day.
leb!4w3 T. B. KENNEDY, Frost.
IT*LE(TION.—The Stuckholders ol
Jjj the Bedford and Stoystown Turnfiike Road
Company, will meet at the llou-e of B E Isnll. iu
the Borough of Scbell.-btirg, on the first Monday
in March, bctvvce the hours id iwelve and two
o'clock, to elect five managers, for the ensuing
Febl7w3* A E. SCIIE' L, Sec'y.
Notice of dlssolu riox.—tiu*
partnership heretofore existing between
Richard Lancd-oi and James G Slenker, under
the style anil title of Laogdon and SI- nker, is ibis
day dissolved by mutual consent. The business
will hereafter be continued by Ibe said Richard
Ri Idlesburg, Pa., Oct. 11, 07.—Hi3
I IST OF CAUSES put down for tri
j al at A 1 j turned Court March 2nd. 1563.
Titos B Keating vs Bedturil K. R. Co.
Win Rogers vs Riildlesburg Coal Co.
C Fockler A Son vs Roads A Fockler.
Geo. W IF.ilker vs J icob IFitt.
Henry rfertz . vs Ifilson H if'r.
Ridd'esburg C A I Co vs op C A I Co.
Simon IFoLere. al vs H else I A Rurket.
K'-bert Steckintin vs J antes Williams et nl.
Fraucis M Diehl vs Colerain tp. Sch'l Dis.
John Block et al vs C uh. Triokor.
Geo R. BirndolUr vs tlnwer,Brumt)aiighACo
Fredoliu Suuth et a! vs Juo Cavender et al.
Hartley A Metzger vs A G. Allen.
F D B e-gle vs D. A Plank
Simon W,titer et al vs John Borer et al.
HTn Hartley vs Saumel M Barclay.
Philips. Croft vs Juo Watson.
Elizabeth Beeler vs Augustus Greenawalt.
Geo Blackburn vs County t Bedford.
Douiiuixsk Gillan vs A B. Bulger
Kate Birder vs Geo A. Ueegle et al.
John Cessna vs Jonathan Bowser.
Certified, February Jul. 1853
Feb7w4 0 E SH \NNON, Proth.
Fuvatesalkof valuable
REAL EST ATE.—The undersigned, Execu
'or of the and Testament of John S
Ritchey. late <>f Bedford 'p.. ricu'd, will sell at
privatesale thoM VN- ION PLACEof said d-c'd
containing 113 acres, more or l--ss. with THREE
MILL DISTILLERV. BARN, and other out
| buildings thereon erected, situated "hree miles
j northeast of Bedford. There is also a good oreh
i urd of choice fruit trees, and u Spring of ncver
faijing water on the premises The place afifirds
■ a splond <1 site for a F ictory, there Deingexcellent
water power. Also, a tract ot choiee land con
taining 30 acres, adjoining'he above mentioned
tract, having a good BARN and ORCHARD
thereon. These tracts wit 1 be sold separately, or
together, as the purchaser may desire. Also, a
I tract of timber land, in Bedford I p., adjoining
lands of Fred. Koontz Adam Dibort and others
I containing about ot) acres.
Tkkjis—reasonable. For information, address
j the undersigned. Pattousville, Bedford co., or
j Richard Sill, Bedford.
I nov29if JOSIAH RITCHEY, Ex'r.
3 o
o of to' 1 tfTPs each, within three miles of
a depot fit" I'n.on Pacific Railroad, back of
ol i a tiwt of bottom land, tl^ bered " n,J P raire ' two
miles from Omaha -.'ity. .
One-third of 7.0t)1f acres in Fu!t on ounty. Pa.,
including valuable ore, mineral and t.uiber lands,
near Fort Littleton. ,
Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coa apu tim
ber lauds in West Virginia.
A150—32.) acres of laud in Woodbury co., lows, j
ALSO—Tweii'y-five one sore lots, adjoining the
borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kilu
or quarry, ou the upper en I of each.
320 acres in Reynold* Co., Missouri.
480 do do Shannon do do
270 ido do B .dinger do do
SO do do Franklin do lowa.
jun2l. 67yl Bcdfoid, Pa.
—The undersigned offers for sale the follow
io valuable bodies id land :
containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois
Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State ol
Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urb ma, and one
utile from Keutuul .Station on said Railroad. Two
of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never
flailing pond of witter upon it lhecttyof Irbana
contains about 4.000 int abitattjs. Champaign
the greiitest wheat growing county tn Illinois.
AI. so — One-fourth of a tract oj land, situated
in Broad Top township. Bedford county, contain
ing abouL 45 acres, with all the coal ve.usoi Croud
Top running through it.
ALSO — Tit rue Lot* in the town of Coal mom
Huntingdon county.
Jan 2(5, 't>t>-tf F. C. REAMER.
PRIVATE SAIsR. —One lot of ground in the
centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street
about sixty-five feet, on of the very best business
locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood
land, adjacent to Bloody Run, iyihg on the Bed
ford Kail Road, containing first rate iron ore and
having thereon a never-tailing spring of water.
For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. 8. E
Mann. Bloody Run. or of Dr. Uiekok, Bedford, Pa.
Dec 15, '6b.
B.v virtue ot sundry writs of Vend Exponas
amt I'lnriax Viiid Er/mu < to me directed, there
will be exposed to Public Sale. a. the Court II -use.
in the Boioagh of Beiil >rl. ou Saturday, th • I4th
day ol March. A D. ISiS. at I o'clock. P. M.,
the following Proper y, viz : Ooe lot of ground,
fronting on M ■in Street. 'JO feet and running bie-k
to nn alley 210 foot, with a two story log dwelling
House and Store House and a largo stable
thereon erected, adj >iui-ig lots of Joseph Weiuier,
on the east, an alley on the south ami west; also
one back lot containing three-quarters of an acre,
adj lining lots of William Gilli an on the east, Jo
sepu Barney on the west, Samuel Suively'e lands
on the south, sitfhtte in Clearville. Monroe twp.,
Bedford county, and tskeu in execution ag the
property of A. M. Williams.
Also—One tract ot laud, containing one hundred
and ninety-five acres, inure or !• ss. about forty
five acres cleared aud under fence, with a one
story log House and log stable an I small apple
orchard thereon, adj lining lands of Joseph Bow \
■uan, Isaac Jatncs. A1 try Jones, Michael Stoner,
Eiias .Ylurphcy and others situate in Southamp
ton township, Bedford cu., seized and taken into
execution as the property of George W Buxton.
Sheriff's office. KOBEKT SIECKMAX, Sh'ff
JtebJl wdj
Fit KG us OF VOLTII.—A Gentleman
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility.
Premature Decay, and all thoeffects of youthfui in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity. ,
send free to all who need it. tile r -jipe and diree- i
lions lor making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing t • profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so hy addressing, in
perfect confidence, JOHN It. OGDEN.
may 17,'d7-ly Cedar Street. New Vork.
KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedford. laprlDtf.
~ *gftisc?lUrafous.
I) H O~T I' E c T U 8.
18M. "THE AGE," I* 9.
A Democratic Daily nnd Weekly Journal in Ph'l
The attention of the Dimoorats r.nd Conserva
tive-citizens of the countty is culled to the Da ; y
and Weekly issues of this widely circulated j t.r
nal. The dissemination of sound political tke
trinca should command the can est aitntioi. i f
every true friend of the Union and the Constitu
tion. The events of the past political jeer arc
tull of significance. The uprising of 'j he Pcnp'e
iu opposition to the destructive policy of It a i iial
i.-tn, clearly shows that the masses are determined
to restore again to power the great l>>niocrtic
party, every page of whose liistoiy is filled with
the glory and prosperity of our common country.
No more effectual method for presenting the rruth
can be devised, than in circulating Democruic
journals. It is the intention of the Proprie oss of
The Age to make it, in every way worthy "i the
support and confidence that have heielofore hi ■ ti
extended to it. luiprovtincuts ate conttinj lat d
in every department, and no pains or expense will
he spared to keep it in the front rank of Ametican
The Daily Age contains the latest ir.u-1 igt-Mo
from all parts of the w trld. wi h articles on Gov
ernment, Politics Trade. Finance, and all the
current questions <>f (lie day ; Local,
Market Reports. Prices Current, Stock Quotation,
.Marine and Commercial Intelligence, Reports of
Public Ga herinys. Foreign and Domestic Corres
pondence Legal Reports, Book No ices, Theatri
cal Criticisms, Li views ot i.iteratuie, Art and
Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of
whatever subjects are of gciu-r d iuteresr and im
portance. Besides Special Telegrams, it has (.11
the dispatches ot the Associated Press fiotn every
part ol the United States, and also the Associated
Press dispatches received by the Atlantic Cable;
and the news from all parts of Eu ope brought by
the steamers, is instantly telegraphed flour what
ever point ibe steamer tirst touches.
Th' Weekly Age will be a complete compendi
um vf the news of the weeks aud besides be lead
ing editorials from the Daily, will contain a la'gc
amount uf interesting matter prepared expressly
for the weekly issue. It will be in all respec s a
first-class family journal, particularly adapted to
the Politician, itie Farmer, the Merchant, the
Family Circle, and the General Leader, h. vitg,
in fact, every characteristic ola live newspaper.
At an early Uiy will be begun au intensely it: cr
esting serial, by one ot the most popular and its.
cinatiug authors, aud it is also the intention to *
publish, from week to week, in the course of the
year, thiee or tour of the best and latvsl levels.
'1 eruts of the Daily.—One copy, one j ear. S'J.OO ;
six mouths, $o.l)U; three months, $2.0il I tor
any less period, at the rate of one Doll ii" per
month. Payment required invariably in ndvai ee.
Postage on the Daily, ibirty cents per quarter,
or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, to be
prepaid at the office ot delivery.
Terms of ihe Wiekly . —One copy, one year, f2;
five copies, one year, $y ; ten copies o> eyear, si7 -
50; twenty copies one yeai, $ i-i. To clubs, wtiet c
■be papers are Sent to one add; ess. the following
reduction will be made : Five copies, one year,
§3.50, Ten copies, 1 year, $lO 50 ; Twenty copies,
one year, S3O. A copy will be tarnished gratis
for each club often, or ui-re, to one address, for
one year. Payment required invariably in ad
vance. Postage on the Weekly, five ecu s, pur
quarter, or twenty cents per aunuui, to be pre
paid at the office of duliveiy
The above terms will ijc rigidly adhere I to.
Drafts ou Philadelphia, or Posioiii m Orders, p iy
bie lo the order of me Publishers, being safer, .ire
piet'erable to any u.tu-r mode ot rcuiuiance All
wbo send money by Express, must pre-pay Ex
press charges, specimen copies of the D illy aud
Weekly soul gratis, ou application at this office.
Advertisements inserted at moderate rates. Ad
dress WEL-311 A KOBB, 430 Chestnut s i eat.
Ptiiladelpina. * j ui2Tw4.
BdUoit Hole v )v'er-jeaaiiiig
Is warranted to execute iu the b in.inner, every
variety of Sewing, llemtiiing, Felling. Cording,
Tuokuig, Braiding, Githeruig, Quitting Over
seaming, Embroidering on the edge, and iu addi
tion makes beautiful Button aud Eyelet Holes .
all fabrics.
And Intrinsically the Cheapest.
For it tt two Miehines combine lin one by v
simple and beautiful m-chan/cal arrangement.
j Circulars with full puuculurs an 1 si.i.ples of
{ work done ou this machine, cau be bad on appli
cation at the
S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Che-tout S's.
Instructions given on the Machine gratuitously
j to all purchasers
J L FEN IMO RE, President.
I're-id en t Buck Mountain Coal Company.
Wool Merchant. No. 40 South Front St.
11. H. REED, of George VI. Rea l A C >.,
Wholesale Clothing. N >• 453 M trket Bt.
.! Of Coatesville. Chester County, Pa.
I F. PAXON, of F. P.xoii A Co.
No ions, No. 504 Market 8 ret.
8. J. McCAUSLIV, Agent, Bedford. Pa.
The undersigned hast jus! received from the
Eastern Cities, a large and varied stock of
which he will sell very CHEAP FOR CASH or
COUNTRY PRODUCE All wool punts and vests
! as low as $4.00 to $12.00 ; overcoats, from $3.00 to
S3O 00; cloths, cassimeres, cassinetls, Ac., of the
best quality, and at the lowest prices; uinler-ch'tb
ing, such as under-shirts an 1 drawers, at SI.OO
each; also, flannel shirts, at $1.75.
He has also on hand a large assortment of
such as 1 idies' dress goods, consisting of all wool
delaines; calicoes, at 10, 12. ia and 16 cents per
yard; muslins, tit 10, 12,14 and 20; also NOTIONS
in great variety; qucensware, groceries, ho >p
skirts, cotton-chain, tobacco and cigars. Ac.. Ac.
And a good sppply of gum coats and blankets al
ways on hand. Gum blankets at $1.75.
Thankful f>r past ftvors. he would solicit the
continued patronage of the public, feeling confi
dent that he c m please all who purchase at his
store. Remember the place, the "Old Colonnade,"
Southeast coruer of Richard and Pi t streets, Bd
PLASTER.— The uiidt-rsigued would
respectfully inform the public, that he ts
prepared to supply huih ROCK and GROUND
PLASTER. Warehouse. Bloody Run Btaiion.
jan3l'tißtf JOHN W. BAttNDOLLAR.
iyX and Business tnon generally will advance
their own interests by advertising in the columns
of i -dK OAZEtrB .
rpHE Local circulation of the Red.
J, ford Gazette is larger than that of any other
paper in this s-ction ol oountry, and thert-foie of
ersthe greatest inducements to business uitu t.o
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Blindness, Deafness and Catarrh,
treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Is > s,
Occulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leiden, liol•
land.) No. SOS Arch Street, Philadelphia. Tt :i
mouials from the most reliable sources in the eiiy
and country can be seen at his office. The Medi
cal faculty tire invited to accompany, their pa
tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artifi
cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge mndo
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Cancer, Scrofula, Ac., Cukkd. -
j-ff Persons nillicted with Cancer, Scrofula. Tu
mors. Eruptions, Ac., are cl'rkd by the use of Dr.
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mors and other diseases, with their proper means
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tute, or by mail. Address Dr. K. GREENE, 16
Temple place, Boston, Mass.