firffiTTcH mm. Home and Around. 11U NT INO DON AND IIRO ADTI>P R. R. —WIXTSR ARRASOKMEST. —TIME TABLE.—Accom modation Train leaver Saxton at 7.3) *. tn.. and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4 40 p. m., and arrives at Saxton at 6.38 p. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. in., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p. m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.50 a in., and arrives at Mt. D.itlas a 11 05 a. in. SAD OCCURRENCE! A HOUSE WITH J TWO LI • TLK CHILDREN CONSUMED HY Ft RE !—We receive with pain the news contained in the following: RIDDLESBURG, Pa., Fel)., 'CB. MESSRS EDITORS:—Our usually qui et neighborhood was thrown int<> quite an excitement yesterday. A man hy the name of John Evans, with lii family, consisting of a wife and two small children (the oldest a little ovei 2 years old) residing across the river from this place, met with a terrible ca lamity yesterday, at about 12 o'clock. The youngest child had been sick all * the previous night, and yesterday morning, after Mr. Evans had left the house to go to his work and his wife had done up her morning's house-work. the latter left the youngest child in the cradle and the oldest to rock it un til she would run to a neighbor's, a short distance, in sight of her own house, to get something for her sick child. Site suys she was not gone over ten or fifteen minutes, when on retrac ing her steps homeward, she discover ed the house on lire. She raised tin alarm and the woman to whose house she had gone, ran along with her, hut before they reached the hoiise the up per portion had commenced falling in, and, it is thought some of the timber had fallen against the door, for, iu try ing to open it, they found it fast. Tlii was fortunate, in one respect, as if the mother had succeeded in opening tin door, she too, in all probability, would have perished with her dear children. It was with great difficulty, that the neighbor woman could prevent the mother front rushing into the flames after the house was almost entirely consumed. This is another sad warn ing to mothers not to leave small children without some one to take can of them. These unfortunate peoph lost all their little property, only leav ing them what they had on their baeks. Mrs. Evans was badly burned iu her efforts to get into the house. 11. CORRECTION. —Some vexatious er rors occurred in our issue of last week, in the Report of the County Auditors of Receipts and Expenditures of the county. After the proofs had been corrected, in lifting the matter front the galleys to the press, some of the types dropped out, and in replacing them, the press-man got them considerably mixed. The reader will find the er rors corrected in this issue. For instance in last week's edition, the salary of David Ilowsare, as Commissioner, was placed at §1209.10!! whereas it e hut §209.10; the salary of M. S. ltitchey at §91,800!!! whereas it is §191.80; Fox and Wild-cat scalps §1118.99, instead of §418.90; Assessors making returns §010.90!! instead of 1010.140, ic. We console ourselves by adopting the old adage, that 'mistakes w ill happen in the best of families,' and we may add, pi will he made in the best of printing offices. THE AMERICAN FARMER'S HORSE BOOK.—This is truly a hook of surpass ing interest and value. It contains, in addition to the subjects usually treated ofin similar works, a full description of the causes and nature of the several diseases peculiar to the American llorse; together with original, simple and effective modes of treatment, in eluding those of some diseases hereto fore considered incurable; and, also, an extended treatise on stock raising and management. The book is from the pen of Robert Stewart, M. R., V. S,, and is having a very rapid sale, 10,000 copies of it having been sold in less than two months. J. B. FAIMB HAR, of this place, is agent for this hook,and is now engaged iu receiving subscrip tions. We hope our readers will act the part of wisdom and subscribe for this useful work. THE WORLD AT HOME, published hy Evans & Co., Philadelphia. This is a new enterprise, and bids fair to he a success. To secure a large circulation, the publishers have adopted the "divi dend system." A large sum of money has been setapart and invested in goods, such as are most needed in the house hold, and each subscriber is allowed to participate in them. This should not he confounded with gift and ticket en terprises as they have heretofore exis ted. 11 is not pretended that more is given than subscribers pay for, hut simply tluit the profits of the tir.-t year's publication will iu this manner be used to enlarge the subscription list. We consider this magazine alone as fully worth the price charged. It contains a line collection of original reading matter, and is embellished with a well finished picture of Dickens and other beautiful engravings. We commend it as a magazine of merit. Price, with privilegeof participation in goods, §8 00 per year. HAS ARRIVED.—Mr. It. Barker, of the firm of T. Morris Perot &Co., Phil adelphia, is now in this county, and will call upon his old friends and tin merchants of Bedford county, in gen eral, during the present week. Next week he will visit Somerset county. Bob is a good fellow and represents an old and well established firm. Suc cess to him. RIGHT.—The shades of night wert falling fast, when hy our office dooi there passed, a veteran grey, and he asserts that the cheapest goods can IN bought at Rerkstressers', one door Wosl of the Washington Hotel. DEMo!fi£V3 M6!?i iter:— Mrr De mnrest has won the hearts of the ladies this year, by giving tliein all sorts of silverware, silk dresses, and other val uable things, for premiums. We have seen some of these "inducements, 1 and find them really beautiful and valuable, like the Magazine itself. One lady has supplied herself with a sewing-ma chine, a parlor organ, and a set ot sil ver s|x>onsand forks, in less than three years. We don't wonder that it is easy to get subscribers to " Deinorest." The book is worth the money without any premium. Publication Otfice, 478 Broadway, N. Y. Send for a circular. SICKNESS. —A {food deal of sickness, of no particular type, but of all kinds, i- prevailing at present, ill this vicinity, and the doctors are kept busy. The cause, \\'£ presume, lies iu the last sud den change from mild to very severe weather.— Fulton Democrat, 7t/i hist. LECTURE.—The second lecture ot the course for the benefit of the Bed ford Cemetery Association, will be de livered, at the Court House, on Tues day evening next, by Rev. 11. Hecker nian. Subject: Our Nationality. We hope there will he a good attendance. THE SOUL OF FLOWERS.— Poetry has given title to the living breath of fra grant blossoms, and this floral soul — this'quintessence of olfactory luxuries —exists, in its full perfection, in Plm lon's "Night-Blooming C'ereus."— Brooklyn Eagle. A NEW FLYING MACHINE.—An English lawyer, who evidently spurns the things of earth, has forsaken the gown and bar to invent and per fect a living machine. He proposes to "convey passengers through the air hy a steam bird or flying steam engine, titled with wings flapped hy the action of steam." A patent litis been taken out for this contrivance, hut the machine is not yet ready. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. Corrected every week. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10. FLOUR.—The quotationsare— Northwest superfine, §7. nil a 7.-70 Northwest extra, 8.00 v ir9.00 Northwest extra family, 9.50( of the Chainbersburg and Bedford Turnpike Kond Cotiipiny, will be held at the publie house ot'E. Brosius, in MeCRS' NC> 11 CE.-Nt >t ice is j hereby giv- n that letters testamentary to the estateot Philip Devore, late of Londonderry twp., dee'd, have been granted to the ttnd" rsigncd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make itn nediate pay ment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated tor settle ment JAC. ti. SLENKER. Ri ldleburg, Pa., Oct. 11, "ti7.—tu3 BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh, treaied with the utmost success, hy Dr. J. Is >ACS, Ooculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leaden, Hol land,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testi utoiiials filial the most reliable sources iu the eity and country can be seen at bis office. The Medi cal faculty are invited to accompany, their pa tients, as he has no secrets iu his practice. Artifi cial Ejes inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. |iuay3,'o7yl j) R O H P E C T U 6. ISSB. "TIIE AGE," " 1868. "THE AGE." A Democratic Daily and Weekly Journal iu Phil adelphia. The attention of the Democrats and Conserva tive-citizens of the country is called to ibe Daily and Weekly issues of this widely circulated jour nal. The dissemination of sound political doe trine* shnul I command the earnest Hitention of every true frieud of the Union atnl the Constitu tion. The events of the past political year are full of sigmfis inee. The uprising of The People in opposition to the deS'ructive policy of It idictl i-ui, clearly sh ovs that the m isses are determined to restore again to p iwer the great Democratic ptrly. every page of whose history is filled with the glory and prosperity of our common country. No more effectual method for presenting the Truth I can be de\ised, th in in circulating Democratic j lurnals. It is the inteiitiou of the Proprietors ot i The Age to make it, in every way wor'by of the ' support and confidence that have heretofore been : ex 1 ended 10 it. Improvements are contemplated in every department, and no pains or expense will : lie spared to keep it iu the froul rauk of American j niru 11 ism. I The Daily Age contains the latest intelligence from all parts of the world, wiib articles on Gov ernment, Politics Trade. Finance, and all the j curreut questions of llie day ; Local Inelligence, Maiket Keporis. Prices Current, Siook Quotation, ! M nine and Commercial Intelligence, Keports of Public Gaiherin/s. Foreign and Domestic Corres ( p oidence Legal Keporis, Book Notices, Thestri | cal Criticisms, Reviews of l.iteratuie, Art and : Music, Agricultural Matters, an I discussions ot | whatever subjects are of general iuterest and iut , portanee. Besides Special Telegrams, it has all I the dispatches ot the Associated Press troin every ! part 01 the United States, and also the Associated ! Press dispatches received by the Atlantic Cable; j and the i.ews front all parts of Eu ope brought by ' the steamers, is instantly telegraphed flout what ever point the steamer tirst touches. Tn. Weekly Age will be a complete compendi um vf the news of the week, and besides ihe lead ! iug editorials from the Daily, will contain a large i amount of interesting matter prepared expressly i for she weekly issue. It will be iu all re.-pec>s a j first-class family journal, particularly adapted to i the Politician, tbe Farmer, the Merchant, the ' Family Circle, and the General Reader, having, j in f.tei, every characteristic of a live newspaper. ; Ai an early d iy will be begun an intensely inter esting serial, by one ot ihe most popular and fas cinating authors, and it is also tbe intention to publish, from week to week, in the couise of the year, three or tour of the best and latest novels. Teruis*f the D ttly.—Due copy, one year. $9.00 ; six moid Its, $u 00; three months, $2.00; toi i any le.-s period, at the rate of oue Dollar per i mouth. Payment required invariably in advance : Postage ou the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, 01 one dollar and twenty cents per nuuuui, to be prepaid at the offi ;e ot delivery. Terms • f ihe VV ekly . —Due copy, one year. $2; five copies, oue year, i'J ; ten Copies oi.eyear, $> 7 - 50; twenty copies one year. $.13. To clubs, wucre the pipers are Sent t4oue address, the following ! reduction will be made ; Five copies, one year, I sß.jo , Ten copies, I year, SUS.SO; Twenty copies, I oue year, S3O. A eoj y will bo furnished gratis ! for each club of leu, or in're, to one address, fur j one year. Payment required invariably iu uu j vuuee. Postage on the Weekly, live ecu s, pei ! quarter, or twenty cents per auiiuni, to be pre i paid at ibe office of delivery Tue above terms will oe rigidly adhere 1 to. Drafts 011 Puiladelpbla. or Pusiotfice 'lrders. p iya | bie to Uie order of me Publishers, being safer, are ; preferable to any o,tier mode ot remittance An | wbo send money by Express, must pre-pay Ex j press charges, specimen copies of the Dally and | Weekly sent gratis, uu application at Ibis office. | Advertisements iusefi.-d at moderate rales. Ad | dress \\ LLsll A RDBB, 4JO Uuestuut street, j Puiludelpnin. jau24w4. ' 11 L GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Ballon Hole Ovefdeuinuig AMD SEWING MACHINE, Is warranted to execute iu the best manner, every t ariely of Sewing. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Braiding, Gathering, Quilting Over seaming. Embroidering ou the edge, mid in addi tion ui ikes beautiful Button and Eyelet Hales in all fabrics. IT HAS SO EQUAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN TIIS IVJ'iLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest, Fur it is two Mirhiuri romhiuel in one hy v ximp'e and hmintif'nl m r/niiteal arraugrin-nt Circulars wiib full particulars ant samples of work done on this machine, can be had on appli cation at the SALESROOMS OF TIIE COMPANY, S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Che-tnut S. 423 Market St A II \KT, JOHN T TAirr. GEO. J RICH ARDSON. W B. MENDENIIALL, Of Ooatesville. Chester County. Pa.- | F. PAXON, of F. I'axon A Co., No ions, No. 501 Market Street. j*n.3,T>B IN THE DISTRICT COURT Ot THE UNITED STATE-. FIR THE WES j TERN DISTKICI OF PENNSYLVANIA WIL | LIAM SPIDLK, a Bankrupt under the Act of Con gress of March 2 I. 1887, having applied for :l Di— I charge from all his deb s, and other claims prova ble under said Act, By order of the Court Not/n --ix hrrrhtf given , to all Creditors who have proved their debis, and o'her persons interested ; to ap pear on the 14th day of February IS>B, at 2 o'- clock, P. M., before II isting-i Gohr, Register, at the Court 11 >use in Bedford. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to ihesaid Bankrupt. And further, NO TICK is HkKKltr UIVKN, that the Second and Tbirl Alee iugs of Creditors of the sai 1 Btnkrupt, re quired by the 27tbaud 28 h Sections of said Act, will be had before said Register, at same time and place. S. C AICCANDLESS, Cloilc of U. S. District C urt for said District. | jiu3lw2 IT S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, J A W D. OF PENNSYLVANIA, PITTSBI UGH. Jut. 20ih. 1863. TIUS IS TO Gl\ E NOTICE :—That on the3u b d iy of November. A. D., 1867, a Warrant iu B itik ruplcy was issued against the Estate of J tines B Farquhar, of Bedford, iu the county of Bedford, and Slate of Peunsj Ivani i, who has been adjudged a Bitikrupt ou hisovn petilio ; that thepiymeni of any deliis .ml delivery ot nay property belong ing to such Li.iukiupt, to hint, oi for his use, and the tran.-fer of any properly hy him are forbidden by law; that a of tbe Creditors of tbe said Baukiupt, to prove their D -bts, and to chnoso one or more Assignees of hts Est lie. will bo uehl at a C urt ot B iuki uptcy. to be lioldeu at the Caur. 11>use iu Bedford, Bedford county, Pa., before 11 tsriMGH Urllß. E-q . Register on the 14th day ot February, A. D.. 1863. at U o'clock, A. M. lIIOMAS A. R'tWLET. U. 8 M irsbal, j iu24w4 MESSENGER. 4 RARE CHANGE IS OFFERED J\_ ALL PERSONS to display their Goo Is; Ti sell their Goods: To gather information; To make kiiowit their wants, Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by snsgn. the columns of THE GAZETTE. 'GMIE Local circulation of the BED- X Fottn GAZETTE islargerthan that of any other paper in this s-ctiou ol oouutry, and therefore ot ers'.he greatest inducements to business men to f.lvertise iu its columns OLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, aud all kinds of PLAIN AND FANOV JOB PRINTING, doue witn ueaines> siid despatch, at THE GAZETTE otfice LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men printed in the bust sty le of the art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. FJMIE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the [ best Advertising Medium n Southern Penn- Rvl v mii in R PERMS for every description of Job 1 PRINTING CASH! for the reason that foi every article we use, we must pay cash; and ihi cash system will enable us to do our work as low us it can he done in the cities . PRINTERS' IN"K has made many a business man rich We ask you to try it i> he •oliimos of THE GAZETTE ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed f..rd. Pa HORATIO J. MEANS, Licensed Auctioneer, tenders his services to all per sons oaviug sales, or ven lucs. Give him a call. Residence. Black Valley, Monroe tp., six miles South of Bloody Bun. &ovßu>3 A XNUA L UK PORT OF THE AU f\_ LI TORS OF BEDFORD CUNTY. GEOKGE MARDOKFF, E-q.. Treasurer of Be l. ford county, in account with said county from Jauuary 9. A D. 1867, to January 8, A. D. 1868. TREASURER. Dr. To Balance in Treasury $1176 91 To amount received troui A. J. Sausom, former Treisurer.••/••• 100 00 To amount of tax received lrom collectors A a nut Heed. Woodbury Soutb, 1863 910 00 Samuel Bender. Bloody Run le>G4 13 70 Samuel Beckley. St. Clair do 207 32 lon u C Black. Bloody Run 1865 24 41 Arch. Blair, Cumberland Valley... Jo 111 64 Heuiy Wert*. Harrison do 138 84 A lolnbus Akc, Union do 151 15 Sam'l Crissman. Woodbury South., do 11 26 E F Kerr. Bedford B >rough 1865 1418 37 Henry M .sea. Bed ord Township |„ |y ( }; 20 John 0 Figard. Broad Top ,( 0 gyp gg Jerre Thosnpson. Bloody Run do 100 00 J .cob 11 iwser. C il-raiu.... do 114188 Henry Hite, Cumberland V lley lo "43 04 A. W Shoem ■ ker, Hirrism do 283 20 J mies Fmk. Hopewell do 216 62 Henry Horn. lo 585 64 Jacob Ev ins. Londonderry do 502 49 John M Clain. Liberty do 230 00 J ic lb Fletcher, Monroe do 92 45 Henry Egolf, N ipier lo 820 84 Uriah Mellott. Providence. E....... do 448 34 Jos HII S'arks. Providence. W do 455 00 John Keinery. Schellsburg do 173 00 Willi i'ii Grissinger, snake Spring.. do 823 83 M >scs Tewell, Southampton do 431 43 Henry F Smi h. St. Clair do 1275 25 Henry Corl, Union do 1063 l > Solomon Barley. Woodbury. M do 1650 63 Mirtin Srumbaugh. Woodbury, S.. do 1936 83 Usury Nieoleinus. Bedford Bor 1867 350 00 Istac D E trues', BelfordTp do 797 50 Aex Tate. Bloody do 225 00 John C Fig ird. Broad Top do 327 09 William R Green. Coaldale do 102 89 Divid Diehl, Colerain do 676 40 Tobias Boor, Cj nberl ind Valley.... do 577 00 William Egolt, H irrison do 295 00 J imes Fink, Hopewell do 388 30 JobnGirber. Juniata do 697 10 Jacob Evans, Londonderry do 200 00 George Xyeuui, Monroe do 733 00 James Taylor. Napier do 751 79 Jacob Chamberlain. Providence, E.. do 321 00 Joseph Weaverliug, Providence, W.. do 290 00 Peter Dew dr, Scbellsburg do 91 00 Harris u U irtley. Snake Spring.... do 425 00 Henry Bennett. S luthauipton do 140 74 Joseph Claar. Union do 625 00 Solomon Bii ley. Woo Ibury, M do 483 73 Josiah liiichey. W lodbury. S do 860 00 Samuel Sliek, S . Clair do 750 00 lo money received from Good Templars. for rent 22 00 To money borrowed fmm Michael S Riteh ey 300 00 To money borrowed from John Sill 1000 00 To money b irrowed fr-un John Keinery... 2000 00 To money received from J. B Farquhar, former Treasurer 925 00 To money received from Episcopal church, for luol in Court II 5 50 To fines in ease of Charleston. Smith and Big ley 7 00 To costs recovered from Peter ?oedder... 80 00 To money receive 1 for Huckster's Licen ses 213 00 To money received by sale of unseated lan Is 10 79 Total char res, $34911 40 TREASURER. _ _ Cr. ')n sundry checks drawn by the Commissioners, as follows, viz : Paid Grand Jurors, February term 152 58 Peti' Jurors. February terin 315 09 Petii Jurors. February Special term 356 23 Grand Jurors. April term 140 61 Petit Jurors, April term 310 26 Grand Jurors, September term 185 76 Petit Jurors, September term 367 29 14rami Jurors, November term 178 94 Petit Jurors. N iveinber term 387 02 Petit Jurors, adjourned Court 318 77 Kensinger, Jury Commissioner.... 125 90 William Kirk. Jury Commissioner 121 00 J. G. Fisher, clerk to Jury<'ominission'rs *64 30 M A Points elerk to Jury Commission'rs 30 00 Pri p iring assessment book, correcting as sessment, in iking out and distributing duplicates and services at special terms, 91 00 Tipstaves 258 50 Talesmen 54 37 C uirt-crier 143 99 Fox anil wild cat scalps 413 94 Assess >rs making assessment returns 11110 9d C iii-tables' returns 383 34 Aliuh iel Wertz. C uniuissioner's salary... 230 90 D ivid II iws ire. C unintssioner's salary... 209 10 Vlichael S Kitehey. C unmissioner'ssalary, 191 80 Peter M Barton, Commissioner's salary.. 34 00 J G Fisiier, cl'k. to Commissioners 330 00 K Sicckin in. Sheriff bo trding prisoners.. 933 25 K S'eekinan. sheriff, carrying prisoners to Western Peni'eiitiaiy. 903 00 Expenses of Spring election 262 18 Expenses of General election, 330 26 ♦ *ti irles Merwine. -orvices as j n itor 91 25 Ad li ional Insur inc" of Court House and Jail 21 35 W8 Fluck, costs as Sheriff 22 93 D iniel Bir ler, cleaning and repairing Court II >use clock.. 3 50 0 E Shannon, fees as ProiiSonotary 150 00 E F Kerr, attorney to Commissioners.... 100 00 II d ling Special electi nin Pmvi lence W 11 32 A Mower, for election returns from Rains* burg B >r 2 30 1 B Fluck, commissioner to divide Wood bury. M 15 00 Daniel B rley 15 00 G. W. Williams 15 00 Costs in commonwealth eases 2071 96 Fees of Justices and constables in com monweal 'a cases. 19 95 Wood and coal, fir public buildings, and hauling same 170 53 Interest on uiouey borrowed -from John Sid 160 00 W G Periy, record b'oks for Proth'tary's otfi 82 50 Expressage 2 20 Seals and presses for Prothouotary'suffice 91 2o J W Dickersun. docket fees „ 52 97 Samuel Roberts, commissiouer to divide Southampton Tp.... 4 00 J B Fluek. commissioner to divide South ampton township 7 00 Jacob Fries, erecting Hopewell bridge... 3700 00 Harry Drollinger mason work at Hopewell bridge 3084 25 Georg% Gibb nv, building bridge at Roades' Mill 2006 68 J Fork done upon bridge at Mowry's in Ju niata 700 00 (Fork done upon bridge at Statler's, in Napier 19 20 Bridge expenses 64 00 Bridge views..... 23 Oil Road views 237 50 Joshua Mower, cleaning and scrubbing Couri II '• 42 00 Miry M trris, cleaning and scrubbing Couri II 37 00 IFiiliam f rout man, work done at J i 11.... 23 00 Joshua Mower, work done atjiil 13 00 Rewards anil mileage, arresting horse thieves and prisoners 134 04 Expanses at bridge sales 49 40 Keeping prisoners in IFestern Peniteutia ty •••• 412 67 George MarJorff. costs in Johnson Barnes' case 3 75 J IF" Dickersun. attorney to Commission ers 75 00 •I IF Dtckersoti, percentage on collections, 30 00 Durborruw A Luu, advertising 603 5o Meyers A Mongol, advertising 568 30 do do blank priming 136 50 Btidge plank 10 00 1 F Grove, boarding Jurors 8 00 Inquest on body of Harry Tipper 16 45 L'nanes Crothcrs. bounty and interest... 36 25 Plas'eriug and - pouting Jail, grading and curbing pavement, sand and brick and hauling same 121 60 Expenses at Jail... 71 2' Revenue stamps, postage, S ationery, Ac. 62 80 E F Kerr, services is attorney 11l 50 E F Kerr, for use of county 13 50 I*. F Kerr, costs on judguieut vs. collec tors 13 75 Lumber and plauk 13 27 P liuzzard, table A book-o 12 50 Repairing bridge at Lyons' 6 00 Telegrapbiug at' er prisoners 8 75 Thomas Hughes, work at bridge 20 00 Hobbling prisoners and making chains and blocksuti httig 21 15 Removing prisoners from Cumberland to . c untyjail 56 80 Removing prisoners from Fulton conuty to county Jail 47 20 Repairs in Prothouotary office 17 50 A Ake money overpaid oil duplicates... 100 amuei Bcck.ey. money overpaid on dup licates 1 80 Heury Egolf, money overpaid on dupli cates 10 Henry M ises, money over paid on oouuty tax . 68 55 Money overpaid on militia 3 97 George Mardorff. money overcrediled on dup icate of 11 Moses 69 65 James Fink, money overpaid on militia tax 7 53 Solomon Shrader, money overpaid on dup licates 3 95 Moses Tewell, money overpaid on dupli cates 2 70 Jacob Fletcher, money overpaid on dupli cate 3 16 A Blair, money overpaid on duplicate... 647 Henry Hue, money overpaid ou County tax 4 72 Houry F. Smith, money overpaid on Slate tax 2 04 J Fisher, money overptid on duplicate... 251 Bill ol goods for prisoners, jail aud court bouse... 132 49 John Kauffmau and J B -neigh, damages on road 7 35 00 f rpt ! Pl,ink for bridge nt Bloody Run 775 R Sleekuian, Sheriff, summoning Jurors.. 177 43 Roofing lalus 3d GO Jos W Tate, money wrongly paid on deed, 20 09 Job Mann, money wrongly pai lon deed. 857 Lewis Fluck, work done at Hopewell bridge 20 00 bridge at Ston Expenses of holding appeals 150 Oil Expenses of holding county Institute.... 2'J 13 Treasurer's salary 300 00 Revenue stamps, postage Ac 30 00 Bank note detector 1 50 George M.trdoiff. refunding loss of note stolen 20 00 Auditors and clerk 140 00 Charles Merwiue, attending auditors.... 6 00 Total credits 26000 71 Cliarges $31911 40 Credits 21000 71 Balance in county treasury... .s4Bll 69 Money* due and owing to Bedford County from Collectors, and others, for 1867 anil previous years. From Collectors : State. Co'y. Mil'a- J A Osborne, Uroa I top, 1857, $ 76 01 $ 106 69 $ L Evans. B. T , 1858, 230 46 280 67 8 Berkley,St.Cl'r, 1861, 840 201 *1139 U II Akers, Bed. B •• *3Bl 85 J CBl-ck. 8.Run,1865, 7 77 A Blair, C.Valley, do 46 00 J C Figart, 8.T0p,1865, 25 00 J Thompson, B R., do 43 36 77 70 12 00 Jac Bowser, Cole'n. do 346 02 32 00 J II II Sparks, P.W.,do 269 70 J Keinery ,Schellsb' 42 96 11 87 3 50 11 Curl, Union tp., do 26 61 11 Ni o leums,B B ,1867, 870 33 28 50 E F Kerr. do 1364. 249 37 19 27 I DEirncst 8.T..18i7, 984 16 42 50 A Tate, B. Run., do 165 67 8 50 $llOO 88 JC Fi art. Broad Top, 1667, 1650 49 13 00 D ivid Diehl, C deraiu. do 454 14 28 00 Tobias Boor, Cuinb. Va'ley do 4-7 90 55 s* Win. Egolf. 11 irrison, do 185 02 37 50 Jaiues Fmk. Hopewell, do 20l 27 19 50 John G trber, Juniata, do 38 14 50 00 Jacob Evans. Londonderry, do 595 30 27 00 J T Shirley. Liberty, do 4u4 78 44 00 George Nycum. Monroe, do 119 42 35 00 James Taylor, Napier. do 424 58 27 50 JOn mberUin, Pr >v. E, do 278 31 15 00 Jos Weaverliug, Prov. ff, do 187 58 20 50 S 8 Fluck, S txioii, do 130 60 18 50 Peter Dewalr, Scbellsburg, do 140 51 350 H Hartley, Snake Spring, do 304 00 28 50 U Bennett. Southampton, do 540 46 51 00 Joseph Claar. Union. do 327 34 34 50 Sol. B irley, Woodbury, M. do 1587 56 33 50 Jos. Riteh-y, Woodbury, S. do 994 63 42 00 Sam'l W. Sleek, St Clair, do 6i7 28 65 00 |*Bounty.] 5t2581 26 $539 04 Amount due on County tax $12581 26 amount due on State tax 1109 S3 amount dueon Militia tax 839 04 amount due on Bounty tax 2. J 6 24 amount due from J. B. Farqutiar, for mer treasurer 87 97 Total due county sl4 914 39 Money owe I by Bedford County. John Sill, on note 3000 00 John Keraory, on note 2000 00 Total indebtedness suooo 00 Bedford County, 88. The undersigned auditors of said county, decer tify, that, in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly, in such cases made and provided, ttiey met at ihe Court llouse ill the Birougi of Bedford Mild did audit and adjust the accounts of Ge .rge M irdorff, Treasurer of said county for the year. A. id. 1807, as contained in the foregoing statements, and that they have examiued the foregoing accounts due to and oived by said couiity and that they have found the same to be correct. VVituess our hands, this Kith day of January, A. D. 1363. JA.VIES MAITINULI', JOHN Id. LLCA , is. VV lIIP, Attest—W. C. Schaefter. Ci k. Auditors. T'J ttis Auditor, til of Pennsylvania : UEOKGh MAtfDUßb'b', Esij., Treasurer of Bed ford county in account Wltn he Commonwealth of Peuusylvnui i, from January 9, 1867, to Jauu ary 3, 1333. Treasurer, < r. By receipt of State Treasurer 3500 00 By receipt of Sia.e Treasurer 3500 00 By receipt of Stale Treasurer 702 00 By receipt of S ate Treasurer for annui ties 2*VO 00 Associate Judges' salary 5j3 50 Treesurers' percentage 85 22 S3OOO 72 Merchants' 1 Licenses. Treasurer, Dr. To aggregate amount assessed for the year 1807 910 00 Treasurer, Cr.- By Treasurer's percentage 45 50 iduvborrow A Cuts, advertising list ofretailers, 14 70 M yers A Mengel, do 14 70 By receipt of Slate Treasurer 500 00 574 90 Balance due State, $335 10 Tavern Licenses. Treasurer, l)r. To aggregate amount assessed for 1,a67, $515 00 i rer, Cr. By Treasurer's percentage, 2J 75 By receipt of State Treasurer 500 00 525 75 Credit by balance, $lO 75 Eating Houses. Treasurer, Dr. To aggregate amount assessed for 1337, 80 00 Treasurer, Cr. By Treasurer's percentage, 4 00 Balance due Stale s7d 00 Hank ing Houses. Treasurer, Dr. To aggregate amount assessed for 1867, 20 00 Treasurer, Cr. By Treasurer's percentage, 1 00 Balance due State, sl9 00 Treasurer, Dr. To balance iu County Treasury, 8311 69 Treasurer, Cr. By sundry payments to Commonwealth on indeb.cducss 8136 72 Net balance in County Treasury $524 97 Bedford County, 88. The uudersigued Auditors of said County do. hereby, certify lb-it, in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly, in such eases made and provided, they met at the Court 11.u*e in the birougn of Bed lord and did audit and adjust the accounts between George Mardorif, Treasurer of said eoui.ty and the Commonwe.iltli of Pennsylvania, as contained in the foreg >iug statements. Witness our hands this 9th day of January, 1803. JOHN D. LUCAS, JAMES MAiriNGLY, S. WHIP. Attest—W. C. SoiAfcKfiiu, Cl'k. Auditors. Eeb7w4 LIST OF JUltO lts drawn for an Ad journed Court, Ist Mouday, 2nd day of March. A. D. 18S3. Bedford Tp.—Ezra Williamson, George Mann, Michael Nawgel. Broad Top—James A. Ilorton, John L. Tobias. Coaldale —Walter Whitney. Colerain—A. C. James. William 8 Beegle, J. H. Cessua, John Sbater of Juo., Geo. W. Cessna. Cuuib Valley—Weaver B. Cessna, Francis Growaen. Juniata—William Kinsey, Leonard Bittner, Henry Hillegis. Joseph Barclay, John Garber. Liberty—D.tvid .Seel. Monroe—Elias Nycum, Daniel Miller, David Barkuian. Napier—Thomas Cleaver, William 11. Shafer, John 6. S.uckey, Kionari M Muliin, Edmund a. Blackburn. Providence E—William Gracy. Providence W.—D.iuiel Sams, James Calhonn, Snake spring Daniel K. Snyder. St. Clair—John Wolf, B it. Henderson. William Oster. Saxton—Jacob Kaum. Woodhery il. —Thutnas Watson. Wood berry S. — William Telwiler, Josiah Kitch. ey. Drawn A certified at Bedford, this 13th day of December, A. D. lo6i, ISAAC KENSINGEK. WILLIAM KIKK Attest: Jury Coui'rs. Jo.x. G. FISHER, Clerk. jaul7w4 mAVEBN LICENSE.—Notice is I hereby given that the following named per sons have male application for liceuse, to be grant ed at February Sessions (Adj >urned Court) 2 1 day of March, A. D. 18iS Lewis Long, Londonderry :p., Tavern. feb7w4 0 E. SHANNON. Clerk. rpHE NORTHERN MONTHLY, a I higb.toncd Literary Magazine; a year, 'lire Atnericau Agriculturisl sent one year tree to new subscribers to Northern Monthly. Office 37 Faik Kow, N. V. Sample copy 2d U- grtr P' ROVIDKNCK MORNING IIER AI.D. LV, $3 Dkk AsscM_a*l REPUBLICAN IIEItALD, |jgfWKfcKL.r, $- 50 P*B Awtu JTI Largest Circulation tn the State of Rhode Is land . Only Democratic Piper in Rhode Island. M VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. AGENTS WANTED FOR "BE VOND THE MISSISSIPPI," A Complete History of the New States and Terri tories, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Life and Adventure on Prairies. Mountains and the P icific Coast, with over 200 Fngravinggof the Scenery, Cities, Lauds. Mines, People, .mil Curi osities of the Great West. Its ready sale, with an increased couiinissson, make it the best subscrip tion book ever published. Send for circulars Addr. ss -NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila delphia. Pa WANTED -EVERYWHERE, GOOD AGEN'IS for our new work, ••Home B Milt of Wonders;" also, for a new •'Family Pbo Digraph Bible," containing Notes, Indexes. Maps, Engravings, Album, Family Record, Ac. Best . terms given. Address 3RAINARD A SAMPSON, | II iriford. Conn . 'IMIE CELEBRATED "ERTY" J ORGAN, WITH VOX HUMAN A STOP. Pronounced by all who have heard it the most; natural and beauiitul imitation of the HI MSN VOICE ever yet intioduced. J ESTY A CO., J Braltleboro, Vt , the original Inventors and Man utacturers. 417 Broome street, N.Y.; 79 West I Fayette St., Baltimore, Md ; 18 North 7th St., j Phila.; 115 Randolph St., Chic'o 05,000 ACRES (•) SELECTED FARMING LANDS I.V IOWA, IX MAS A. ILLINOIS, MIS SOURI AND KANSAS, with perfect titles, for sale cheap for cash. Apply to E. G. HEPPARD. 2 Bowling Green, N. Y. P. 0. Box. 4US3 IT7"ANTED.—Salesmen to travel for t fa Manufacturing Company and sell by 1 sample. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, with stamp, HAMILTON A HOWE, 431 Chestnut St.. Philvtdelphia, Pa. V4>200 PER MONTH SURE.—No j fip money required in advance. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our Patent Everlasting Metalic Clothes Lines. Address Am. Wire Co., 162B'way, N. Y , or 16 Dearborn, St , Chic'o, 111. 4 LL PRIVATE DISEASES OF .*1 BOTH SEXES treated successfully, and the I> uigers incident to Pregnancy arising from Mal formation, General Debility, or other causes, en tirely obviated by our REMEDIES and PREVEN TIVES. which consist of a new, simple, convenient and efficient form of Remedial Agents, the Scien tific results of careful Physiological, Chemical, and Microscopical Investigation, and which, lo cally applied by the p-iti nt, readily and with so cre.-y, entirely dispense with Injections, Instru ments, and Medicines per Mouib. Enclose siamp or Private circular. DOOTOR WALTER, 907 Broadway, New Y'ork. rplIE MYSTIC TEMPLE. The l>est I Masonic Piper. $2 per year; $1 for six | months. Published Weekly, by the • Fraternal | Publishing Association," No. 9 spruce Street, N. RANK MILLER'S LEATHER Preservative and Water Proof O.i Llacking. | for Boots and Shoes. I FRANK MILLER'S PREPARED HARNESS OIL I Blacking, for Oiling H irnesses, Carriage Tops, A -., ready for use, wiih directions for using, I FRANK MILLER'S PoLtsh OIL BLACKIXO FOR I Sale generally in the U. S. and Canada-. I FKANK MILLER A Co., 18 and 20 Celar St., New I _ York. \TORTH AMERICAN STEAM IL SHIP CO. THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. SAILING FROM NEW YORK DECEMBER STH AND 16TH ; JANDAKV STH, 15TH AND 25TH, AND PESROARV 15TH AND 26TH. With New Steamships of the First Glass. Passage Lowe) Thutt fry any Other Line | For further information address the undersigned ! at 177 West Street, New Y ak. j D. N. CARRINGTQN. Agent. ! \ MERICAN CLOCK COMPANY. : J\_ 3 CORTLANDT ST., NEW 3 ORK. Manufacturers, Agents and Dealers ID Alt Varieties of American Clocks. SOLE AGENTS Port SETU THOMAS CLOCKS E ARE COMING! And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great ONE DOLLAR RALE of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a I Watch. Piece of Sheeting. Silk Dress Pattern, Ac.. FREE OF COST. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any ad ! dress FREE. ALLEN. IIAWES A CO.. 15 Federal St., Ronton, Mass. j P. 0 Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French. German, and English Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated | Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac. | 4 ZYGOS! If\ Three magnificently illustrated Medical ' B "ik-, containing important Physiological li.for ! ination, for Men and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, bv addressing Dr. JOHN VANDER ! POOL, No. 30 Clinton place, New York City. I) EVOLUTION IN TRADE! LA D I E 8, —You can receive for the sum of ONE DOLLAR, Silk, Merino and Alpacca Dresses. Shawls, Bal morals, Linen Goods, Embossed Table Covers, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Machines Ac. Send clubs of ten or more, with ten cents for each descriptive cheek, and the get ter up of tho club will receive a present worth $3 to $3oO, according to number sunt. Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars sent free. PAR KER A CO., successors to GRAHAM A CO., 64 A 66 Federal St., Boston. API I YS7<>LOGIC A L VIEW GF MARRIAGE The Cheapest Rook Ever \ Published, containing near ly three hundri d pages | and 130 ttuo plates and engravings of the Anato my of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon tho Mind and Body, wiih the Auihor's Plan of Treatment—the only | rational and successful mode of Cure, as by ; the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, wb" entertain doubts of their physical condition. Bent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 ots in stamps or postal currency, by address ing DK LA CROIX. No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alba ny, N. Y. The auth irmay be consulted upon any •>f the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of he world. ONE DOLLAR EACH. WEBS Cotton Cloth, Dress Patterns. Pant Patterns, .■seeing Machines. W utehes, Dry anil Fancy Goods, Ac.. Ac. Send Ten oeuis tor Patent Pen Foun tain, with slip describing an article in our dollar sule. Any person, (mala or female), ean send in a club of from 30 to 1,000, at same rate (10 ots. for each.) and get a premium for so doing, Sen I in regis_ tered Letters, O.mpleg mailed free to any ad dress. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 6o ilanover St., Eostou, Mass. Q.EO P. HOWELL i CO. Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers. No advance charged on Publishers' prices All leading Newspapers kept on file. Information as to cast of Advertising furnished. All Orders receive careful a'tention. I inquiries by Muil answered promptly. Complete Printed Lists of Newspapers for sale. Special Lists prepared for Customers. Advertisements Written and Notices secured. Orders from Busiutss .Men especially solicited. We also beg to call attention to our Lists of 100 New England Newspapers. 100 N Y. and N. J. Newspapers. 100 Ohio, lnd. and 111. Newspapers. 100 Pa., Del,. Aid., Va. and D. C. do. 100 Principal Daily and Weekly Newspapers, in cluding Sixteen States. 100 Selections from Sixteen States 250 Newspapers at the price bor&More charged for One Hundred. 53 Religious A Agricultural Newspapers. Having special conducts with all the above pa. pers we can tier very favorahlo terms. Circulars, wi.h full particulate, sent to any address. 40 ?rk How, Naw York, I7OR RENT.—A conmioilious Brit k House for rent in Bedford Borough. Apply soon t T 11. A N. J. LYONS. fcb73t 4 EEEGIIANY MALE AND FE i\_ MALE SEMINARY.—The SpriDg Quarer will open Monday April 6 h. Students prepared to teach, to enter college, or to engage in business avocations. sr TK-RMS moderate. The Principal is prepared to accommodate eight Boarders. For further information, address J IT HUGHES. feb7m2 Rainsburg, Bedford Co.. Pa. DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNER SIIIP.—The association of the subscribers in the practice of Dentistry, lias expired by limit of agreement, and all persons indebted to the firm are requested to make payment as soon s possible. C N. IIICKOK. Bedford, Feb. 1,'68 J. G. MINNICH, Jr. My late partner. Dr. Minnich, having lo cated at Bloody Run, I recommend him to the cit izens of that as well qualified to engage in the duties of bis profession. C. N. IIKKOK. leb7w3 * EX ECUT(J R6' NUT 14 E Notice is hereby given that letters testamen tary to Ihe estate of Jacob Dull, late of Napier Township, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned, by the Register of Bedford county. All perjons haviug laims against said estate are requested to nresent them, properly authenticated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. JOHN RININGR, janlOwfi JACOB DULL. Ex'rs. \ I)MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— f\_ Notice is hereby given that lettersof admin istration have been granted to the utidersgned. by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Richard Foor, late of East Providence township, decea ed. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having Claims can present thorn, duly authenticated for settlement. janl76* RICHARD T. FOOR. Adm'r. _ EXECUTORS* NOTICE. -Notice u hereby given that letters testaments y to the estate of Joseph Sellers, late of Bedford town ship, deceased, have been granted to the under signed by the Register of Bedford county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested ta make immediate payment, and tnose having claims thereon will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. JOHN S. SPROAT, J T GE I'll ART. janl7wn* WM. SHAFER. Ex'rs. I IST OF CAUSES put down for tri j al nt Adjourned Court March 2nd. 1863. Thos.-B Keating vs Bedford K. R. Co. Wui Rogers vs Riddlesbnrg Coal Co. C Fockler A Son vs Roads A Foekler. Geo. W. Walker vs Jacob Witt. Henry Wertz vs Wilson Hafer. Riddlesbnrg C A I Co vs Brondtop C A I Co. Simon Walleretal vs Helsel A Burket. Robert Steekman vs James IPilliams et al. Francis M. Diehl vs Colerain tp. Sch'l Dis. John Black et al vs Cith. Tricker. Geo R. Barndollar vs ilower,BrumbaughACo Fredolin Smith et al rs Juo Cavender et al. Hartley A Metzger vs A. G. Allen. F. D. Beegle vs D. A Plunk Biiuon Walter et al vs John Bover et al. (I'm Hartley . vs Samuel M. Barclay. Philips. Croft vs Juo Watzou. Elizabeth Becler vs Augustus Greenawalt. Geo Blackburn vs County • f Bedford. Doininick Gillun vs A B. Bulger. Kate Border vs Geo "A. Bcegle et al. John Cessna vs Jonathan Bowser. Certified, February 3rd. 18-33 Feb7w4 U. E SHANNON, Proth. CIAUTION TO TIIE PUBLlC'.—No yiice is hereby given, that the License granted W. J. Mullin, Pa., for the use of Rubber us a. base for artifii-i it teeth, has beon revoked. All persons are hereby cautioned against employing said W. J. Muliiu in the above-named branch of Dentistry, as by so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecutiou for infringement. Any information of Rubber work done by him will be promptly prose cuted. " JOBIAII BACON, • Treas. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. Boston, Deo .13,'67.m2] NOTICE TO BUILDERS.—THEN* will be awarded by public outcry, at the house of B. Elsall. in Schellsburg, oil .Saturday, Feb. 8:b, 1863, the contracts for building three School houses in the township of Napier, the low est and best bidder, in each case, to be awarded the contract. The buildings are to be 22 by 24. Plans and speciiicatii.iia can be seen on day of sale. Also, will be sold on the same day two old 3cbool Houses. By order of the Board : ROB'T TAYLOR, Pres't, T. P. STCDBBAKER, Sso'y. jan24w3* £nics. FT IVATE HA LEOF V A LUA BLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned. Execu tor of the Inst Will anil Testament of John S. Ritchey, late of Bedford tp., dec'd, will sell at private sale, the M AN-ION PLACE of said di-o'd . containing 113 acres, more or less, with THREE DWELLING HOIiSES, a GRIST MILL SAW MILL. DISTILLERY, BARN, und oOukr out buildings thereon erected, situated *bn?e miles northeast of Bedford. There is also a good orch ard of choice fruit trees, and a Spring of never failing water on the premises. The place affords a splend d sito for a Factory, there being excellent water power. Also, a tract ot choice land con taining 30 acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract, having a good BARN and ORCHARD thereon. These tracts wiil be sold separately, or together, as the purchaser may desire. ALSO, a tjact of timber laud, in Bedford tp., adjoining lands of Fred. Koontz. Adam Dibert and others containing about 50 acres. TKKSlS—reasonable. For information, address the undersigned. Pat tons ville, Bedford 00., or Richard Rill, Bedford. m.v29tf JOSIAH RITCHEY, Exr. LPOU SALE OR TRADE, 2 iraets, of 160 acres each, within three mites of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-thiril of 7.000 acres in Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, miueral and timber lauds, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuablo ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. ALSO—Tweuty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kilu or quarry, on the upper eud of each. IALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co., Missouri. 480 do do Shannon do do 270| do do Bollinger do do 80 do do Franklin do lowa. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE —The undersigned offers for sale the follow icg valuable bodies ol land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LA. YD, containing ICO acres eaeh, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urbana, aud one mike from Kentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of thera has u never failing pond of water upon it The'oity of Urbana contains about 4,G00 inl abitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois, ALSO— Out-fourth of a tract of land, SITUATED in Broad Top township, Bedford oouuty, contain iug about 45 acres, with all the coal veiusuf Broad Tup running through it. ALSO— Tnrte Lots in t/it tato.i cf CoalnofH. Huntingdon ooanty. Jan 2ts, '66-tf F. C REAMER. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of gtouud in this centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best lusiu"ia locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wod land, adjacent to Bloody Ruu, lying on the Bed ford Kail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. Maun, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Uickok, Bedford, Pa. Deo 15, '65. LIVERY STABLES, in rear of he -'Mangel House,' 1 BEDFORD, PA , MENDEL & BURNS, Proprietors. The undersizned weald inform their friends, and the public gnerally, that they are prepared to furnish HORSES AND BUGGIES, Carriages, Sporting Wagons, or anything in ihe Livery line of business, in g. o l style and at moderate ohnrg es. T"ima : CASH, unless by special agreeiueut. jan lOflStf MENDEL A BURNS. PLASTER.—' The undersigned wouid respectfully inform the public, that he is prepared to supply both ROCK aud GROUND PLASTER. Warehouse. Bloody Ruu Station. jau3l'Btf _ JOHN W. BARE DOLLAR. MERCHANTS UNA MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance own interests by advertising in the column* of THE GAXBTTK. EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low lates at TUB URMTOKD Gaagrrx office. Call AND jeava jreur ordart