111? gtiM (biuffic. Home and Around. .. -■ .. # HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. — WHITER ARRANGEMENT. — TIME T VBLE. —Aeenm- molation Train leaves Saxton at 7.3j a in., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4.40 p. in., and arrives at Saxton at 6.38 p. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. in., ar rives at Huntingdon at 417 p. in.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a 11.05 a. m. O. To THE DEMOCRATS OK BEDFORD COUNTY! READ! PONDER! ACT! —The following circular was recently issued by the chairman of the Demo cratic State Commit tee, hut was stolen from the mails by some-scoundrel of the unanointed sort, and we publish it in order that the Democracy may have the full benefit of it: CLEARFIELD, Pa., Dec. 10,167. Dear Sir: —The Spring Elections are approaching and it is of vital impor tance to us, in the great contest now pending, that we should secure in ev ery locality, our just share of the Elec tion Officers : Judges, Inspectors, As sessors and Constables. I write, to call your especial attention to this subject. I need not attempt to demonstrate its importance, all appreciate it. Let me beg that you and your Committee will give this subject prompt and earnest attention. Regard it as a business mat ter, and act accordingly. Arouse our friends in every district; show them how powerful this weapon is, when ef fectually used. Use the necessary means to carry every sure and doubtful district for us. Where we are in a minority, place a man of high character, well in formed and courageous, on the- Board, as our Inspector; In such districts see that our very best men are selected. It is a great error to fill such places with weak men. Lists of doubtful men and of those who voted with us in 18(57, for the fir.it time, with their townshipsand postoffi ces, can be made very useful. Furnish me all of these that you can obtain. There are a great many aliens, ready for naturalization, throughout the State. All must now be naturalized. Your labors and mine will be lessened, if you will obtain their names and resi dences at an early day and give nie the probable cost of naturalizing them. In arranging for your spring elec tions, you can obtain this information with comparative ease. If you have not already furnished me with the names and post office ad dress of two active Democrats in each election district in your county, I will l>e obliged if you will do so. Very respectfully, yours, WM. A. WALLACE, Chairman. This is excellent advice. We hope our Democratic friends in the several districts of this county, will at once proceed to carry out the suggestions of Mr. Wallace. Let every district have a committee on Naturalization and see to it that all who are entitled to citi zenship apply for papers. BAND ASSOCIATION. —The Democrat ic and Republican Brass Bands of this place, have formed an association for the purpose of advancing the interests of both bands, by giving public en tertainments, &c. J. H. Longenecker was chosen President of the association, L. D. Saupp, Vice President, B. F. Meyers, Treasurer, and S. J. Jordan .Secretary. At a meeting of the associ ation held at the Court House, on Monday evening last, it was resolved to hold a Festival for the benefit of the Bands, on Monday and Tuesday nights of February Court. A theatrical enter tainment was also proposed, which may be given at some future time. This association deserves the support of the people of the county, and should be lib erally encouraged. The people of both parties, are fond of good music, at their political meetings, and they should see to it that these bands are not permitted to go down. The citizens of Bedford borough alone have contributed about $lOOO, in round numbers, to start and keep afloat the two hands, which is too much money to be invested in a mere temporary institution. A NEW LITERARY ENTERPRISE.— (jreat liberality on the part of the pub lishers.—sl,(KM),ooo to be awarded to the subscribers.—Novel plan to induce a large circulation. We have been favored with advance i sheets of a new monthly magazine, is sued on an entirely new plan, by .Messrs. Evans & Co., publishers. From our knowledge of the parties engaged in this enterprise, we feel jus tified in asserting that their undertak ing will be a success, and in all respects satisfactory to the public. In addition to the attractions of a fresh and interesting monthly, containing ar ticles from the best authors in this country and Europe, as the title indi cates. the publishers draw upon the whole work for topics of interest, and offer as inducements (if such were need ed) a "dividend system" of an entirely original character, in which all their patrons will participate. This depart ment is under the personal supervision and exclusive control of Mr. George G. Evans, long and favorably known as a gentleman of experience, capabili ty, enterprise and probity. We com mend to all a perusal of the "prospect us," wherein the distinctive features of the entrprise are fully set forth, feel ing satisfied that the result will be an immense circulation of their new monthly, "The World at Home." Full particulars are sent free. Address Pub lishers of "The World at Home," 814 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. — From the Philadelphia Sunday Times, Pee. "lath, 1867. Waverly Magazine, Oliver Optic's Magazine, Every Saturday, Harpers' Weekly, Harpers' Bazar, Chimney Corner, Leslies' Illustrated, New York Ledger, New York Weekly, Spirit of the Times, Ac., Ac., for sale at the IN QUIRER book store. Also all the School books used in the Common Schools, at reduced prices. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that R. W. Berkstresser A Co., make a spec iality in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing goods, and if .you desire to make a good selection, we advise you to give them aeall. U. & COMMISSIONER.—J. W. Ling enfelter, Esq., of this place, has been recently appointed by Chief Justice, Hon. Salmon P. Chase, as a Commis sioner, for Bedford County, under the Act of Congress of the 2Gth of February, A. D. 1812, entitled "An Act for the more convenient taking of Affidavits and Bail in Civil Causes depending in the Courts of the United States. He has also additional duties conferred by the several Acts of Congress relating to the Bankrupt and Internal Revenue Laws. # COLD WEATHER.— On Saturday, Sunday and Monday last, the weather was very cold. The Juniata, notwith standing the swollen waters,became fro zen over, and skating and ice-cutting went on briskly. Ice is a very good thing in its place. We prefer it in a water-cooler, in the dog-days, or inter spersed with mint-juleps, or with cream, vanilla and sugar. Some peo ple like it otherwise. THE CHEAPEST FOOD. — The cheap est and most nutritious vegetable used for food is beans. Professor Liebig says that pork and beans form a com pound of substances peculiarly adapted to furnish all that is necessary to sup port life. A quart of beans costs, say fifteen cents; half-pound of pork ten cents. This, as every housekeeper knows, will feed a small family for a day with good strengthening food. Four quarts of beans and two pounds of corned beef, boiled to rags, in fifty quarts of water, will furnish a good meal to forty men at a cost of one dol lar—two cents and a half a meal. • THE SUNBURNER. —We have tried this article and must say that it is the most convenient form of kerosene lamp that has come under our observation. It produces a better light than the old lamps, the chimney is not apt to tilt, but can be lifted off at any time with out scorching the fingers, and what is better than all, it saves oil. For sale by Irvine and Statler. REMOVED.— H. Nicodemus, Esq., has removed his office to the Banking House of O. E. Shannon, Blymyer's Row, where he will be glad to attend to all business in his line entrusted to his care. Collections promptly attend ed to. MARRIED. FLUKE—EICHELBERUER—OiI the 2.1 inst., by the Rev. A. R. Kremer, Mr David B. Fluke to Mias Harriet Eiohelberger, both of Hopewell township. OE SHANNON, BANKER, a BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittanees promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. janl7,'6B I? LECTION NOTICE.—The annual j Ijmeetingof the stockholders of the Huntingdon [ and Broadtop Mountain Railroad and Coal Com pany will be held at the office of the company. No. 258, South 3d street. PHILADELPHIA, on Tues day, the 4th day of February, 1868, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. when an election will be held for a Presi dent and twelve Directors, to se-ve during the ensuing year. J. P. AERTSEN Sec y. janl7w3 ADMINISTRATOR'S N()TICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersgned, by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Richard Foor, late of East Providence township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims can present them, duly authenticated for settlement. janl7w6* RICHARD T. FOOR, Adm r. I EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary to the estate of Joseph Sellers, late of Bedford town ship, deceased, have been granted to the under signed by the Register of Bedford county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested te make immediate payment, and those having claims thereon will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. JOHN S. SPROAT. J. T. GEPHART, janl7w6# WM. SHAFER, Ex'rs. FJBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE !—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the sub scriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the Bth day of February, 1868, the following described tract of land, late the property of Jonathan C. Dicken, deceased, situa ted in Cumberland Valley tp., adjoining lands of George Miller. Michael Boor and others, contain ing 200 ACRES, 101 PERCHES and allowance, a bout 50 acres cleared and under fence, and having thereon a splendid Orchard of thrifty fruit trees and a fine variety of grapes Ac, TWO LOG DWELLING HOUSES, a LOG BARN and TAN NERY, and other out-buildings thereon erected. TERMS : Cash at the confirmation of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day. LEVI lIARDINGER, Janl7w4 Administrator of J. C. Dicken, dec'd. CI OU RT PRO CLAM ATI ON.—7b J the Coroner, the Justices of the. Peace, and \ Constables tn the different Townships in the County of Bedford, Greeting: KNOW VE, that In pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING, President of the several Courts of Common 1 Pleas, in the 16th District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin, Fulton. Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pence; and G. W. GITMP, and WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ, Judges of 1 the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re | cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at ' Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and I General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses j sions of the peaoe therein to be holden for the coun !ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 2 d Monday of i bebruary, (being the 10 th day,) 1868, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. ; Given under my hand and seal the 17th day of Jauuary, in the year of our Lord, 1868. ROBERT STECKMAN, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 Sheriff. Bedford. Jan. 17, 1868. | w4 11ST OF CAUSES, put down for j trial, at February Term. 1868. 10th day. David Heidler vs. H. A B. M. R. R- A C. Co. W. S. Entrekin vs. Kensinger & Fluck. Mary Jane Holsinger vs. Josiah Hulsinger. Samuel Mosos vs. Sill A Zimmers : John Leech vs. Jno. B. Longeneeker. Henry Wertz vs. Wilson Hufer. j Francis M. Diehl vs. Colerain tp. School Dist. | Geo. Blackburn vs. County of Bedford. ) Kate Border vs. Geo. A. Beegle, et al. j John Cessna vs. Jonathan Bowser. Certified. Janttarv 13,1868 ! jan!7w4 O. E. SHANNON, Proth. rpAVERN LICENSES.—Notice is I hereby given that the following named per sons have made applications for license, to be j granted at February Sessions, A. D., 1868, 10th day. ; Joseph Mortimore, Snake Spring t--., Tavern. David Weimer. Monroe " '• John Reighart, Union " . Wm H. Allen, West Providence Restaurant. John Harris, Bedford Borough, " ! Wm. G. Eicholtz, Woodbury, Tavern. Wm. M. Pearson, " " | Grundy F. Ake, St. Clairsville, Restaurant. Aaron W Reed, S. Woodbury tp., Tavern. ! John B. Amick, St. Clairsville, '* Joseph Kirby, " Restaurant. Tobias Snider, Saxton. Tavern. Chas. M. Zook, M. Woodbury tp.. Restaurant. Jas. L. Prince, Saxton, Tavern. Wm. F Grove, Bloody Run, " Thos, Hodel, Bedford tp., Beer House. D. A M. Ott, Bloody Run, Tavern. janlTwl ). E SHANNON. Clerk EOBGE SOLEBBY n. SUSAN IT SOLESBY. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bedford county, No. 15, Sept. Term, 1867. Alias Subp'eua in Libel for Divorce. And now. September 2d, 1567, the Court, on mo tion of G. 11. Spang, Esq., grant a rule on Su3an Solesby, respondent in the above case, to show cause ithv a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii , should net be decreed. The rule returnable 011 Monday. February 10, 18S 0. E. SHANNON, Proth'y." Attest. KOBT. STECKMAS, SherifT. [janl"w4 REGISTER'S NOTICE.—A IT PER^ sons interested, are hereby notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will he presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said county, on Tuesday the 11th day of February, next, at-the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation: The account of Joseph Fisiier, Esq.. adm'rofthe estate of Peter Osborne, late of West Providence tp., dee'd. The account of Joseph Fisher, Esq., adm'r. of the estate of David Pittman, late of West Provi dence tp., dee'd. The account of Robert Fyan, adm'r of the es tate of Mary Byrne, late of Bedford borough, deed. The account of Josiah Miller, Ex'or of the last Will, Ac., of Catharine Wolford, late of London derry tp., deceased. The account of Jacob Evans. Esq., adm'r of the estate of John Ruiley, late of Londonderry tp., dee'd. The acount of Wni. Berkhimer, Ex'or of Joseph Riddle, late of Union tp., dee d. The account of Thomas McCoy, adm'r of the es tate of Elizabeth Blackburn, late of St. Clair tp.. dee'd. The account of Joseph B. Noble, guardian of Samuel Koontz and Mary Ann Bollman, formerly Mary Ann Koontz, children of Hetty Koontz, late of Bedford tp., dee'd. The account of George S. Bennett, and Artemas S. Bennett, executors of the last will and testament of Artemas Bennett, late of Southampton tp.. dee'd. The account of Mary Ann South, adin'r of Fra.iklin South, late of Snake Spring tp., dee'd. The account of John Dicken, Ex'or of Moses Dieken, late of Cumberland Valley tp., dee'd. The account of Daniel Fletcher, Ex'or of John Martin, late of Monroe tp., dee'd. jan!7w4 0. E. SHANNON, Reg'r. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue ofj sundry writs Vend Exponas and Levari Faci- i as and Fi Fa., to me directed, there will be ex-' posed to public sale, at the court house, in the j Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY BTII, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A.M., the following real estate, viz: One tract of land, containing 295 acres, inore or less, about 240 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house, plastered, double log barn, with tenant house and other outbuildings thereon erected, with two good apple orchards thereon, adjoining Phillip Shoemaker, dec'd. on the west, Abraham Weisel on the Northwest, Simon Stuck ey on the South, Christian Hetrick on the East, situate in Colerain Township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Stuckey. Also, one tract of land, containing 153 acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story frame house and double log barn thereon erected, adjoining lands of Wm. Latta, jr., on the South, Joseph Sleighter on the west, Bartley Hughes on the North, situate in west Providence Township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Elijah French. Also, one lot of_ground, containing 1 of an acre, more or less, and under fence, with a one story plank house and plank stable thereon erected, ad joining Adolphus Ake, Castleton Ake and others, situate in Union Township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of John Shaffer (miller.) Also, one frame house, in the borough of Coal dale, known as the Postoffiee and standing on springstreet, adjoining lots of David Dunn and A. W Evans, and taken in execution as the prop erty of A. W. Evans, Lemuel Evans and Levi Ev ans, situate in Broad Top Township, Bedford county. Also, one tract of land, containing 108] acres, more or less, with a two story log House thereon erected, being the same tract of land which P. F. Lehman and Mary Ann. his wife, sold and convey ed to John H. Wertz and Sophia, his wife, and taken in execution as the property of J. H. AV'ertz and Sophia Wertz, situate in Harrison township. Bedford county. Also, all th* certain two story log House, mes suage and tenement, situate in Rainsburg bor ough, Bedford jsounty, fronting on Main street, adjoining lots of George James on the South and A. J. Pennell o l the North and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant tosaid building, seized and taken in execution as the property of Abraham Mowry, situate in Rainsburg borough, Bedford county. Also, two tuOrr.-. of >7 l. lr; acres, more or less about 10f: acres cleared and under fence, with a two story dwelling House and log barn thereon erected and other outbuildings; there is also a small apple orchard on tLe premi ses, adjoining lands of Wm. Stuckey on the South. William Conner on the East, Wm. Grubb on the South, Benjamin Shaws' heirs on the North. No. 2. containing 20 acres, more or less, with about 2 acres cleared and under fence, adjoining the above land and Samuel Mixsell and others and taken in Execution as the property of John Hann. situate in Monroe township, Bedford county. Also, all the defendant's interest in and to a tract of land containing 70 acres, more or less, a bout 40 acres cleared and under fence, with a one story log house and log barn and apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Wash. Powell on the South and West, Peter Hillegas on the North, and Wm. Frazier on the East, situate in Juniata tp., Bedford county, Pa., seized and taken in execu tion as the property of Joseph Nicodemus. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) ROBERT STECKMAN, jun.17,18t58.-w4. J Sheriff. I IST OP GRAND JURORS— j Drawn for February Term, 2d Monday, 10th day, A. D., 1868: Schellsburg—lsaiah Conley, Foreman. Bedford Tp—Jacob Fetter. Bedford Bor.— Simon Naus. Broad Top tp—Levi Rinard. Cumb. Valley—Franklin Hite. Samuel Hunt, Albert Arnold. Harrison —William Egolf. Liberty—John Kensinger, Samuel narvey, Eli Eiehelberger. Londonderry—B T. Buchanan. Monroe—Abraham Stuckey, Geo B. Fletcher, Curtis Grubb. Napier—Jeremiah Gordon, Sylvester J. Souser. Providence W.—Alex Mortimore, Joseph Fish er. Southampton—Lewis Browning, James Collins. St. Clair—Jesse Blackburn, Thos. J. Miller. Union—Michael Wertz. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 18th day of December. A. D., 1867. ISAAC KENSINGER. WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: JuryCom'rs. Jso. G FISHER, Clerk. I IST OF PETIT JURORS, drawn _J for same term. Bedford B T. —Simon Cook. Johu R. Jordan. Broad Top—John F. Lowry. Cumb Valley—William Deremer. Jr., William Mason, John P. Miller. Colerain—Herbert Shoemaker. Juniata—William Keyser, Joseph Dull. Liberty—Philip Berkstresser, James Ronde3. Monroe—Harrison P. Williams, Gideon Wil liams, James Carnell, David Means. Providence E.—Christ. Meyers, Christian Fel ton, Samuel McFeeters, William Whetstone. Providence W.—Daniel Sparks. Southampton—Phillip llunes, James Pennell. George Elbin, John Ilowsare ot D., John Robison, St. Clair—James Barefoot, Isaac B. Mock, Wil iam Barefoot. Snake Spring—Abraham Koons, Benjamin Ash £om. St. Clairsville—F. D. Beegle. Wood berry M.—Thomas Johnson, Daniel Barley, Daniel H. Longeneeker. Woodberry S.— John Boyer, William H. Aaron. Union. —Josiah Mowry, Adolphus Ake. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 18th day of December, A. D. 1868. rSAAC KENSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Com'rs. J xo. G. FISIIER, Clerk [IST OF JURORS drawn for an Ad- J journed Court, Ist Monday, 2nd day of : March, A. D. 1868. j Bedford Tp.—Ezra Williamson, George Mann, j Michael Nawgel. Broad Top—James A. Horton, John L. Tobias. I Coalrlale—Walter Whitney. Colerain—A. C. James, William S. Beegle, J. ; H. Cessna, John Shafer of Jno , Geo. W. Cessna, j Cumb. Valley—Weaver B. Cessna, Francis Growaen. Juniata—William Kinsey, Leonard Bittner, Henry Hillogas, Joseph Barelay. John Garber. Liberty—David Steel. Monroe—Elias Nyeum. Daniel Miller. David Barkman. Napier—Thomas Cleaver, William H. Shafer, John S. Stuckey, Richard Me Mullin, Edmund S. Blackburn. Providence E.—William Gracy. Providence W.—Daniel Sams, James Calhoun, Snake Spring Daniel R. Snyder. St. Clair—John Wolf, B R. Henderson. William Oster. Saxton—Jacob Raum. Woodbery M.—Thomas Watson. Woodberry S.—William Tetwiler, Josiah Riteh. ey. Drawn 7 Nassau St., N. Y.,57 Washington st., Boston. JAMES VICE, IMPORTER AND GROWER OF FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS ROCHESTER, N. Y. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE or Heeds and Floral Guide for 1363, Is now published and ready to send out. It makes a work of ab >ut ONE HUNDRED LARGE PAGES, con taining full descriptions of the Choicest Flowers TKH OF THE WAGES of THIRTY THOUSAND FR INCS ' .' ($6,00(1 IN GOLD,) At the recent International contest, in the Paris Exhibition. The public are invited to call and examine the report of the Jury on the merits of the great con test and see the official award to the Herring's Patent over all others. HERRING, FARRELL A SHERMAN, 251 Broadway, Cor. Murray St., NEW YORK. FARRELL, HERRING A CO., PHILADELPHIA. HERRING A CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARRELL A SHERMAN, NEW ORLEANS. AND FARMERS' _ SONS wanted to engage in a business, during the Fall and Winter, paying from $1.50 to $2OO per month. Address ZIEGLER, McCURDY A CO , No. 614 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED.— Ladies or Gentlemen to sell the Gem Scissors Sharpener, Button Hole Cutter and Ripper combined. Sample sent by mail for 40 cts. Address Mrs. ANNA SMITH. 33 Parkman-st., Cleveland, 0. 117" ANTED. —Salesmen to travel and \\ sell goods by sample. Good Wages and steady employment. Address, with stamp, LAN PHEAR A PERKY, 107 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. E ARE COMING! And will present to any person sending us a club in our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, a Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattern, Ac., FREE OF COST. Catalogue of Goods and Sample sent to any ad dress FREE. ALLEN, HA WES A CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in French, German, and | English Dry and Fancy Goods,. Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac. ; ONE DOLLAR EACH. WEBS Cotton Cloth, Dress Patterns, Pant Patterns, Sewing Machines, Watches, Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac. Send Ten cents for Patent Pen Foun tain, with slip describing an artiele in our dollar sale. j Any person, (male or female), can send in a club ' of from 30 to 1,1100, at same rate (10 cts. for each,) j and get a premium for so doing. Send in tered Letters. Samples mailed free to any ad dress, EASTMAN A KENDALL, 65 Hanover St., | Bostou, Mass. ; \\r E SELL FOR ONE DOLLAR, F Y GOLD and Silver Watches, Sewing Ma chines, Silver Tea Setts, Silk Dress Patterns, Car petings, Domestic Goods, Ac., Ac. CIRCULARS SENT FREE, giving full particulars of our great One Dollar bale. Splendid inducements offered to Agents sending us clubs. Address, LABONTE A BABITT, No. 83 Sudbury Street, Boston. MORE NEED of People in the X l country paying three or four profits on the goods they have to buy. The methods introduced by the Dollar Side principle, as offered by GIL MAN A CO., 119 Hanover St., Boston, Mass., en ables consumers to obtain goods at wholesale pri ces, with almost unlimited allowing of exchange, and valuable presents thrown in. Send for a Cir cular, or send Ten cents for descriptive slip. Great inducements for persons to act as Agents. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE— The Cheapest Book Ever Fnhlished , containing nearly three hundred pages and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anato my of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the Mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of Cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cts in stamps or postul currency, by address ing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alba ny, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail. Medicines sent to any part I of the world. grw 2Uvfrttefments. REVOLUTION IN TRADE; J i, \ M F. s, —You can receive for the sum pf ONE DOLLAR, Silk. Merino aiid A1 pace a Dresses, Shawls, Bal morals Liueu Hoods. Embossed Table Covers, Watches. Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing Machines Ac. Send clubs of ten or more, with ten • ents for each descriptive check, and the get ter tp of the elub will receive a present worth t, $3OO, according to number sent. Agents wanted everywhere. Circulars sent free. PAR KER A CO.."successors to OR AHA M A CO., fit A (itj Federal St.. Boston W 1 ADAM FOY'S I CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Combines in one garment a PER FECT FITTING CORSET, and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. Itjilaces the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without tight lacing; gives laseand elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians. Sold at ladies' goods stores generally, and at wholesale by D. B. SAI'NDERS A Co., 90 Sum mer St . Boston, and 22 Walker St., New York. Also, by HENRY C. MOORE. 429 Market Street, Philadelphia, and STELLMANN, HINRICHS A CO.. 21 Hanover St., Baltimore, Md. novl. AZYGOB! Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books, containing important Physiological Infor mation, for Men and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing the Secretary of the New York Medical University, No. 30 Clinton place. New York City. ■ N 1 C IT is THE BEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED TO AGENTS! One or two days' time will secure a good Sewing Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Re volver, or some other article of equal value, Free of Cost.' Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, for the best One Dollar Pa wnbroker's Sale in the eountry. Send for cireular. S. C. THOMPSON A CO., 31 Exchange Street, Boston, Mass. 17H3UND. —A new method of copy _ ing Letters, without either Press or Water, thereby saving time, labor and expense. Ask for "Penn Let er Book.'' For circulars, address P. GARRETT A CO, 702 Chestnut St., Philadel phia. Agents wanted £uyn\ Notices. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary to the estate of Arthur Rose, late of Cumb. Valley tp , dee'd, have been granted to the undtrsigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated tor settle- [jan3w6*J HENRY ROSE, Ex'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Thos. linler, late of Bedford township, deo'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated. for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. dec!3w6 EPMKAIM IMLER, Adm r. I? X E C UTORS' XOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters testamen tary to the estate of Jacob Dull, late of Napier Township, deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned, by the Register of Bedford county. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. JOHN RININGR, jaulOwO JACOB DULL, Ex'rs. forties, npO BUILDERS.—The undersigned Building Committee for the Reformed Church near Simon Harclerode's, in Coleraiu tp., will receive proposals for the construction of the Church building, until Saturday, January 25, 13C3, the contract to be awarded to the lowest and best bidder For plan and specifications, address the undersigned, at Bedford, Pa. II P. DIEHL, JONATHAN BOWSER. jan'Jw4 JOSHUA DIEHL, Build. Com. XT( )TICE<)F INCOIt I'OR VTION.— in tne matter oi ire petition of sundry per sons. (incorporators), for the incorporation of the "Democratic Brass Ban-! of Bedford," presented to the Court of Common Pleas ot Bedford County, at November Term. 1867, it was ordered and di rected that notice of the application be published in one newspaper, in Bedford, for three weeks, Ac. Now, notice is hereby given, that an applica tion for the incorporation of a musical society, un der the act of assembly, has been made, to be called "the Democratic Brass Band of Bedford," and that the charter of Incorporation will be ask ed for at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Bedford, on the 10th day of February. 186 S. By the Court: dec!3w3 0 E SHANNON, Prothy. CIAUTION TO THE PUBLIC.—No /tice is hereby given, that the License granted W. J. Mullin, Pa., for the use of Rubber as a base for artificial teeth, has been revoked. All persons are hereby cautioned against employing said W.J. Mullin in the above-named branch of Dentistry, as by so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecution for infringement. Any information of Rubber work done by him will be promptly prose cuted. JOSIAH BAC'ON, Treas. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite C'o. Boston, Dec .13,'67.tn2] BEDFORD CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Founded by llev'd John Lyon, 1859. FREDERICK WOODS, PRINCIPAL. A first-class school for the instruction of youth ot both sexes in a classical and English educa tion, including Latin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics and the ordinary English branches. Terms moderate. Students from a distance can obtain board in town at reasonable rates. REFERENCES. Hon. A. King, Jacob Reed, Hon. John Q. Hartley, John P. Reed, Mm. Hartley, H. Nieodemus, 0. E. Shannon, K. B. Lewis, Pres't Broad Top R. R. W. H. Watson, M. D. C. N. llickok, B. F. Harry, M. D. Geo. Blymyer, SarnT L. Russell, G. D. Shuck, B. F. Meyers, C. Colfelt, John Lutz, Ross Anderson. M. D. janlo'6Byl Win. Lyon. FLUFF'S COLL EG E. No. 37 FIFTH ST., PITTSERNR., PA. We have now to announce to our numerous j patrons and friends, the publication of DLTFF'S NEW SYSTEM OF BOOK-REEFING, SPLENDIDLY PRINTED IN COLORS BY HAR- j PER A BROTHERS, New York, Pp 400. Royal J Octavo. $3,75; postage 35 cts. For sale by i booksellers. This splendid work includes all late ; improvements and labor-saving forms in -MERCHANTS' A MANUFACTURERS' BOOKS, fully illustrated in six complete sets of Books. 1 Next follow DUFF'S NATIONAL BANK BOOKS, Illustrating a full set of TWENTY-FIVE BOOKS; practically recording a series of transactions from the formation of the company to the declaration of the first dividend ; exhibiting new forms of the Receiving and Paying Tellers' Cash Books, Depos it Ledger, Ac. These are followed by DUFF'S RAILROAD ACCOUNTS, Practically exhibiting the business recorded in the SEVEN PRINCIPAL BOOKS in surveying, grading, building and equipment, with operating disbursements and receipts until the first divi dend. The next are DUFF'S PRIVATE BANKERS' BOOKS, Practically illustrating the Private Banker's busi ness. in TEN BUSINESS BOOKS. In this work all useless theories are rejected, and much new and important matter. f"und in no pre-existing work, is substituted. It is the first work of the kind published, bearing the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce, of New York. No course of business education given elsewhere will therefore compare with it in efficiency. The Col lege terms, and a full description of the above work, are given in our new 16 PAGE DOUBLE QUARTO CIRCULAR mailed free. Address P DUFF A SON, PITTSBTRG, PA. dec 20 uil SOMETHING YOU NEED.—Cleav ers Wonderful Liniment.. —lt is efiicacious and cheap. If vou have a cut, old sore, frost bite, tetter or any ailment requiring outward applica tion, you should use it. If your horses or cattle have cuts, kicks, sprains, grease, scratches, or old sores, you should use it, for you can get nothing better, either for yourself, or your horses and cat tie. You can procure it of Store Keepers and dealers in patent medicines throughout the coun ty. Manufactured only bv JAS. CLEAVER liopewefl, Pa novBm3 $a Us. ™7BLIO SAI E <)i VALUABLI-: I REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned exeeu tors of the last Will and testament of Abraham Keagy, late ut Middle Wood berry t p., deceased, by virtue of the said Will, will soli at public sale at "Kei;y's Bank," in Bedford oountv. Penna., on FRIDAY, the 17th day of JANUARY, IB6J. the following described valuable real estate, viz : ' 1 r, )r' "f land known as the "Abraham Rea gy I'arm, adjoining landsof William >S. Eldci on the North. Peter Keagv and Christian Hoffman on the west, Andrew Bnssler on the South, and other lands of the said decedent on the East, containing ninety-one acres and one hundred and fifty-five perches, net measure, ot which eighty acres are cleared and the balance well timbered, with a two story frame dwelling house, a f rnm e bank barn with wagon shed attached and other outbuildings thereon erected. There is a very fine young orchard thereon, also, good water convenient 't he land consists of the best of limestone. 2. A tract adjoining the above containing thirty six ncres and sixty-seven perches, net measure, having thereon erected a first-class Grist Mill, with three run of Stone, a Mill house and stable attached, a Country Carding Mill, dwell ing house and stable attached, Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, with a chopping Mill, and three dwelling houses and two Stables attached, with the patterns, flasks, Ac.' A., belonging t the said estate, and about four acres of timber land. The water power is ample to supply all the above im provements and any other that may from time to time be erected. The water right is as good as any in the country. All the above property lies on the turnpike leading from Ilollidaysburg to Pattonsville, within one mile of Woodberry, in one of the best wheat growing districts in south eru Pennsylvania and is one of the most desirable locations in the State. The railroad in contem plation from Hollidaysburg to Pattonsville must pass directly through it. TERMS—One-half cash in hand, the balance in two equal annual payments with interest, secured by juugment bonds or bonds and mortgage. Sale to commence at ten o'clock of said day. JOHN S. HETRICK, dec2owt JOHN KKAGY, Kx'rs. IJUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under signed, administrator of the estate of Sophia Pal mer, late of Juniata township, dee'd, will sell at public outcry, on the premises, on Saturday, the 26th day of January, 1863, ail the following de scribed real estate, situate in the township afore said, to wit : All that certain farm or tract of land, adjoining lands of Joseph Ling ou the West, Wm. Brant on the East, land occupied Daniel Metzgar. Esq., on the North, and lands of Joseph Ling and Wm Brant on the South, containing 107 acres and 58 perches and allowance, about 30 acres cleared and under fence, with a two-story log dwelling house and log stable thereon erected.— This property is favorably situated in a pleasant neighborhood convenient to schools and churches. There is also a never-failing spring of excellent water convenient to the dwelling house. The un improved part of the land is well covered with ex cellent oak and bark timber, and is only distant about 6 miles from the large and extensive steam Tannery of Boblitz A Black at the Foot of Dry Ridge. Title indisputable. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a. in., ot said day, when the terms will he made known and due attendance given by jan3w4 LEONARD BITTNKK, Adm'r. FIIVATE SALE OF V ALU ABL E REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned, Execu tor of the last W ill and Testament-of John S. Ritchey, late of Bedford tp., dee'd, will sell at private sale, the MANSION PLACE of said dee'd., containing 113 acres, more or less, with THREE DWELLING HOUSES, a GRIST MILL SAW MILL, DISTILLERY. BARN, and other out buildings thereon erected, situated three miles northeast of Bedford. There is also a good orch ard of choice fruit trees, and a Spring of never failing water on the premises. The place ajlbrds a spleDd.d site for a Factory, there being excellent water power. Also, a tract of choice land con taining 30 acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract, having a good BARN and ORCHARD thereon. These tracts will be sold separately, or together, as the purchaser may desire. ALSO, a tract of timber land, in Bedford tp., adjoining lands of Fred. Koontz, Adam Dibert and others containing about 50 acres. TERMS—reasonable. For information, address the undersigned, Pattonsville, Bedford Co., or Richard Sill, Bedford. nov2!ttf JOSIAH RITCHEY, Ex'r. JpOR SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of Hid acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton county. P., lnciuuiug minoral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. Also—22o acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining thfe borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each O.E.SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. "T7" ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE Y —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4,000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO — One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the town of Coa/mont, Huntingdon county. Jan 26, ilf.-tf F. C. REAMER^ TT ALU ABLE REAL EST ATE AT V PRIVATE SALE.—Onelotof ground in the centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to" Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. Mann, Bloody Run. or of Dr. ilickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. rjYHE GREAT A MER WAN COM BIN A TTON Button Hole Overs earning ASI> SEWING MACHINE, Is warranted to execute in the best manner, every variety of Sewing, IleminiDg, Felliug, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilting Over seaming, Embroidering on the edge, and in addi tion makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. IT lIAS NO EQUAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, . And Intrinsically the Cheapest, For it is two Machines combinel in one by v simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement. Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on this machine, can be had on aftpli cation at the SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY. S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Instructions given on the Machine gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THIS MACHINE Dt rectors. J. L FKNIMORE, President. WILLIAM P. JENK3, President Buck Mountain Coal Company. BENJAMIN BULLOCK. Wool Merchant, No. 40 South Front St. 11. 11. REED, of George W. Reed X NO LONGER KING ! G. It. OSTER & 00. Are now receiving at their NEW STORE a large and carefully selected stock of new and CHEAP Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing. Carpetings, Oil cloths, lints. Caps. Boots, Shoes, Wall papers, Willow-ware, Queens-ware, Oils, Tobaccos, Segars. Ac., together with an extensive assortment ofFresh Groceries, which for extent and CHEAPNESS is unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which they offer wholesale or retail at prices that defy competition. Piles of calico prints and muslins from 8] cents up to sublime quality. They invite all to call, see for themselves, and i be convinced. TERMS .—POSITIVELY CASH on OELIVERV, tin less otherwise specified. Beoford, Pa.. Dee.13,'67m3. at s£au\ S. L. RUSSELL. J. H. LOXGENECKER. RUSSELL & LONGENECKER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House. aprs,'67tf J. MCD. SHARPS. E. F. KERR. SHARPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice iu the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schelf. [ March 2, '66. J. R. DURBORROW. | JOHX LUTZ. DU RBOR RO W & LUTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. IN SPY M. A LSI P, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care In Bedford and adjoining counties. Military laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t .o doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, 1864, F M KIMMELL. ! J- W. LINGENFELTER. KIMMELL & LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South of the 1 'Mengel House," G1 H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT r # LAW BEDFORD, PA Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1861. B. F. MEYERS. | J- W - DICKEP.SON. H/rEYERS & DICKERSON, A1 iYJ_ TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell, two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66. HAYES IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office with G. 11 Spang, Esq., on Julianna Street, two doors South of the Mengel House. [may24,67. Jcntistni. RX'LUCKOK, I J. G. MINNICH, JR., DE N TISTS, BEDFORD, PA. Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St. All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex jllent articles, always on hand. TFR'MS—CASH. Bedford, January 6,1865. TVENTISTRY: Dr. H. VIRGTL PORTER, (late of New York city,) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his numerous friends and patrons, that he is still IN BLOODY RUN, where he may be found at all times prepared to insert those BEA UTIFUL AK TIFICIA L TEETIi, at the low price of from TEX to EIGH TEEN DOLLARS per set. TEETH EXTRACTED, without pain. Temporary sets inserted if desired. All operations warranted. ; Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter a scientific method of preserving decayed and aching tee th. H. VIRGIL PORTER jau3,'6Btf . riMIE SUN, A MORNING PAPER. To ms of S inscription -By Mail, $6 for twelve months ; *3 for six months; *1.50 for three mouths. TIIE WEEKLY SUN, A FIRSTCLASS FAMILY NEWSFAFER, for 1867. This Journal, with a reputation for excellence surpassed by none of its cotemporaries, comprises all those characteristics of a newspaper which adapt it to the wants ot the people of the towns, villages and rural districts. Its claims to public approval consist of its excellent ! Novelettes and Tales, Late and C- inpact Details of News. Agricultural Papers, Reviews of Markets, Poetry, Wit, Ilumor, Science and Art, And General Variety. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION THE W EEKLY SUN is published Every Satur day at the following exceedingly low rates to in dividuals and clubs when sent from one pos: office. The money in alt cases to be remitted in advance. ; For One Copy for One Year Si 50 Club of Six Copies, One Year 8 00 Club ofTwelve Copies, One Year 15 00 Club of Fifteen Copies, One Year 18 00 ! Club of Twenty Copies, One Year 22 00 Club of Twenty-five Copies, One Year 25 00 For the convenience of temporary subscribers the WEEKLY SUN will be mailed forsix months forone dollar. Parties ordering for a shorter period will be charged the same price, viz, one dollar. A S ABELL A CO., Publishers. Baltimore and South Streets, Baltimore, Md. janl7, 68 OYES! O YES! O Yes!— The un dersigned having taken out auctioneer li cense holds himself in readiness to cry sales and auctions on the shortest notice. Give him a call. MjjgjU. „t B.V. jjj-JJjfJ.