The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 03, 1868, Image 1

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THB BEBPOMO GAZJSTTB IS published every Fii
day morning by METERS A MSWOEL, at $2.00 per
annum, if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid
within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six
onths. All subscription accounts MUST be
settled annually. No paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
the expiration of the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each In
sertion. Special notices one-half additional All
resolutions of Associations; communications of
limited or individual interest, and notices of mar
riages and deaths exceeding five linos, ten cents
per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans'
Court and Judicial Sales, are, required by lata
to be published in both papers published in this
I JT All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
.3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
♦One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00
Two squares - - - 600 000 16 00
Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00
Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00
Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00
One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00
♦One square to occupy one inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFEICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
rates.—TERMS CASH.
All letters should be addressd to
gvy-<soortsi, ftr.
just received,
Having just returned from the East, we are now
opening a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods,
which have been BOUGHT FOR CASH, at nett
cash prices, and will be SOLD CHEAP. This be
ing the only full stock of goods brought to Bedford
this season, persons will be able to suit themselves
better, in style, quality and price, than at any
other store in Bedford. The following comprise a
few of our prices, viz :
Calicoes, at 10,12, 14, 15, 1G and the
best at 18 cents.
Muslins at 10, 12,14,15, 10, 18, and
and the best at 22 cents.
All Wool Flannels from 40cts. up.
French Merinoes, all wool Delaines, Coburgs, Ac.
SHAWLS Ladies', children's and misses'
shawls, latest styles; ladies' cloaking cloth.
MEN'S WEAR—Cloths, cassiineres, satinetts.
jeans. Ae.
BOOTS AND SHOES—In this line we have a
very extensive assortment for ladies, misses, chil
dren, and men's and boys' boots and shoes, all sizes
and prices, to suit all.
HATS—A large assortment of men's and boys'
CLOTHING—Men's and boys' coats, pants and
vests, all sizes and prices.
SHIRTS, Ac.—Men's woolen and muslin shirts;
Shakspeare, Lockwood and muslin-lined paper
collars; cotton chain (single and double, white
and colored).
GROCERIES—Coffee, sugar, syrups, green and
black teas, spices of all kinds, dye-stuffs, Ac.
LEATHER—SoIe leather, French and city calf
skins, upper leather, linings, Ac.
We will sell goods on the same terms that
we have been for the last three months—cash, or
note with interest from date. No bad debts con
tracted and no extra charges to good paying cus
tomers to make up losses of slow and never paying
customers. Cash buyers always get the best bar
gains, and their accounts are always settled up.
Bedford, Sep.2Z,'67. No. 1 Anderson's Row.
10 per cent, saved in buying your
goods for cash, at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S cash and
produce store, No. 1 Anderson's Row.
The undersigned have opened a very full supply
Our stock is complete and is not surpassed in
The old system of
having exploded, we are determined to
E3* 3 To prompt paying customers we will extend
a credit of four months , but we wish it expressly
understood, after the period named, account will be
due and interest will accrue thereon.
may depend upon
n0v1,'67 A. B. CRAMER A CO.
The undersigned has just received from the East a
large and varied stock of New Goods,
which are now open for
examination, at
two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything
usually found in a first-class country store,
consisting, in part, of
* Delaines,
Boots and Shoos,
&c., &c.
All of which will be sold at the most reasonable
|3P Thankful for past favors, wo solicit a con
tinuance ot the public patronage.
Call and examine our goods.
may24,'67. G. 1 EAGER
XTKW ARRIVAL.—Just received
Straw Hats and Bonnets, Straw Ornaments, Rib
bons Flowers, Millinery Goods, Embroideries,
Handkerchiefs, Bead-trimmings, Buttons. Hosiery
and Gloves. White Goods. Parasols and Sun-Um
brellas, Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, Fancy Goods
and Notions, Lndies' and Children's Shoes. Our
assortment contains all that is new and desirable.
Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope
to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus
tomers. Please call and see our new stock.
To display their Goods;
Tt sell their Goods:
To gather information;
To make known their wants;
Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac.,
by advevtisingin the columns of THR GAZKTTK.
by buying your GOODS of
Mann's Corner, ... BEDFORD, Pa.
They arc now opening a choice variety of
Ready-Made Clothing,
Fancy Goods,
Cotton Yarn,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Wooden ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
lie., Ac., lie.
CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 16.
GINGHAM, at 121, 15, 18, 20.
MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20.
Zfeiy Cassiineres,Cloths, Satinetts and
Ladies' Sacking, at very low prices.
Ladies', Gents' and Misses'
Shoes. Sandals and Over-Shoes, in great variety.
Usar Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots.
Ifegr Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syr
up in the market. Prices low
ghaT Feed, Flour, lie., for sale at all
We invite all to call antf see our
goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere.
Srjf- Our motto is, Short Proffils.
kzg*- TERMS —Cash, Note or Produce.
£jT L X D T I D I N G S
just received and will be sold
in Schellsburg,
We have no big stock of old goods at big prices.
Our stock is nearly all fresh and new. Look at
some of our prices :
MUSLINS, from 10 to 17 cents.
CALICOS, from 8 to 15 cents.
CLOTHS and CASSIMERES at reduced prices.
DRESS GOODS, all kinds, cheaper than before
the war.
ALL WOOLEN GOODS 25 per cent, choaper
than any that have been sold this season.
etc., etc., etc.,
very low.
Wooden Ware
ifcc., &c.,
at the lowest market prices.
If you want Good Bargains and Good Goods,
Schellsburg, Dec. Cm.'!
The undersigned hast just received from the
Eastern Cities, a large and varied stock of
which he will sell very CIIEAP FOR GASH or
COUNTRY PRODUCE. All wool pants and vests
as low as $3.06 to $12.00 ; overcoats, from SB.OO to
$30.00; cloths, cassiineres, cassinetts, Ac., of the
best quality, and at the lowest prices; under-cloth
ing, such as under-sliirts and drawers, at SI.OO
each ; also, flannel shirts, at sl-75.
He has also on hand a large assortment of
such as ladies' dress goods, consisting of all wool
delaines; calicoes, at 10, 12, 15 and 16 cents per
ya-rd ; muslins, at 10, 12,14 and 20 ; also NOTIONS
in great variety; queensware, groceries, hoop
skirts, cotton-chain, tobacco and cigars, Ac., Ac.
And a good supply of gum coats and* blankets al
ways on hand. Gum blankets at sl-75.
Thankful for past favors, he would solicit the
continued patronage of the public, feeling confi
dent that he can please all who purchase at his
store. Remember the place, the "Old Colonnade,"
southeast corner of Richard and Pitt streets, Bed
snp<£oo(ls, &r.
/ 1 L O R I O U S N E W S !
G. It. OSTER & CO.
Are now receiving at their NEW STORE a
large and carefully selected stock of new and
CHEAP Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing, Carpetings,
Oil cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wall papers,
Willow-ware, Queens-ware, Oils, Tobaccos, Scgars,
Ac., together with an extensive assortment of Fresh
Groceries, which for extent and CHEAPNESS is
unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which
they offer wholesale or retail at prices that defy
competition. Piles of calico prints and inuslins
from 6j cents up to sublime quality.
They invite all to call, see for themselves and
bo convinced. ®
less otherwise specified.
Beoford, Pa., Dec.l3,'67ui3.
The undersigned has opened, in Shafer's build
ing, on Julianna street, a new
Having purchased the largest stock of Books and
Stationery ever brought to this place, at the low
est wholesale prices, he flatters himself that he
will be able to sell cheaper than any other persons
engaged in the same business. His stock consists
in part of
School Books,
IVlifleedlauooue Hooka,
Standard Poetry,
Popular Novels,
Also llymn-bcoks for all denominations, Episco
pal Prayer-books, Missals, Ac., Ac.
Children's Story Books, Toy Books, Books_ on
Parlor Magic, Books on Games, Song Books, Dime
Novels, etc., etc.
His stock of School Books embraces Osgood's
serie sof Readers, Brown's Grammars, Brooks'
Arithmetics, Davies' Algebra, Raub's Speller, and
all the books used in the Common Schools of Bed
ford county ; also, copy-books, of all kinds.
Stationery of every description at the lowest
prices, will be found at his store, including Fools
cap, plain and ruled, Legal cap, Letter cap, Bill
Paper, Commercial Note, Ladies' Note, Envelopes,
of all kinds, and sizes, plain, fancy, fine white
wove, Ac., Ac., Steel Pens, Pen-holders, Slates
and Slate Pencils, Faber's Lead Pencils, of all
numbers, Ink-stands of the most beautiful and
convenient designs, and Inks of the best quality
at the lowest prices.
Also, a large assortment of Kerosene Lamps,
Plain and Fancy Soaps, Smoking and Chewing
Tobaccos, Cigars, Pen-knifes, Perfumery, Ac.
A specialty will be made of the Picture De-
Eartment. Fine Large Portraits of Washington,
incoln, Johnson and other distinguished Ameri
cans. Fancy Pictures, Stereoscopes and Stereo
scopic Views, Picture Frames, Ac., Ac , will be
always kept on hand. Porte Monnaies, Pocket
books, handsome Port-folios, Ac. Also, Violins,
Aceordeons and other Musical Instruments; Check
er-boards, Chess-men, etc., etc.
Hoping t# merit the patronage of the public, he
has selected his stock with great care, and is
bound to sell cheap to all who will give him a
Bedford, Dec. 13.
I The subscribers have just opened a Book and
Stationery Store, in the building adjoining the
"Inquirer Office," opposite the "Mengel House,"
lately occupied by Mrs. Tate, where they are pre
pared to sell all kinds of Stationery, such as Fools
cap, Congress, Legal and Record cap, Long Bill,
Sermon Letter, Congress Letter, Commercial
Note, best quality, Bath Post large and small, La
dies' note (gilt), Ladies' Octavo note (gilt), Mourn
ing different styles, French note, Envelopes of all
kinds and qualities, Pass Books at least a dozen
varieties, Pocket Ledgers, Time Books, weekly and
monthly, Tuck Memorandums, twenty different
kinds, Diaries of all descriptions, Blank Books,
Long Quarto, Broad, Ledgers and Day Books, all
sizes and qualities, Chalk Crayons, Slates, Arn
old's Writing Fluids, Hoover's Inks, Carmine
Inks, Charlton's Inks, Sand, Pocket Books, all
kinds, Banker's Cases, Carpenter's Pencils, twen
ty kinds of other pencils, a variety of pens and
pen-holders, Stationer's Gum, Clerk's Indelible
Pencils, Gum Bands, Pocket-book Bands, Flat
Glass Ink Wells and Racks, School Inkstands,
Baromertcr Inkstands with Rack, Pocket Ink
stands, Sand Boxes, Pencil Sharpeners, Receipt
Books different kinds, Copy Books, Composition
Books, Primers, A. B. C. Cards, Osgood's Spell
ers and Ist 2d, 3d, 4th and sth Readers, Brooks'
Primary Mental and Written Arithmetics,Mitch-
ell's Intermediate Geography, Brown's Grammar.
Lossing's Pictorial History of the United States,
Sealing Wax, Blanks, Deeds, Blotting Pads, Photo
graph Albums, various kinds and sizes, Almanacs,
Ac., Ac. Persons wishing any thing in this line
will find it to their advantage to give the "In
quirer Book Store" a call. Wo buy and sell for
cash and expect to sell as cheap as goods of the
same class and quality can be sold anywhere out
side of the large cities.
n0v,29'67yl DURBORROW A LUTZ.
AGENTS WANTED throughout the
State of Pennsylvania for the
Capital and Assets about $2,500,000.
General Agent for 1'0nna.,422 Walnut St., Phila
delphia. novlsm2^
riYKRMS for every description of Job
X PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for
every article we use, we must pay cash; and the
cash system will enable us to do our work as IQW
as it can be done in the eitiee
IJis ffiltol teik
The calm of the public mind has not
been disturbed by the meeting of Con
The several elections in the early
part of November were followed by a
peace that passed all expectation. Up
to that event, the conflict of parties was
waxing more and more fierce as each
wee\ passed by, and the gravest
apprehensions were felt as to the
result of the war of opinions. At 110
period since the failure of the rebellion,
has the sky appeared more threatening
than during the month of October last.
Such was the violence of party men, so
fearful were the extreme views they
were disposed to press, in the struggle
to keep or gain the power, that dispas
sionate men who stand ;doof from the
struggle of contending factions were at
a loss to understand whereunto this
thing would grow.
But the elections were followed by
an ominous and expressive calm.
We have read the journals represen
ting the extremes of both sides, and
they draw one and the same lesson—
that moderate counsels must prevail;
the war is over; slavery is dead; seces
sion is buried ; peace has returned; har
vests of grain have been gathered from
fields fattened with brothers' blood;
the wanderers have come back; let us
kill the fatted calf and be glad; the na
tion was (almost) dead and is alive a
gain, was lost and is found. This is
the public sentiment of the American
people. This sentiment dictatesyoncil
ation and gentleness, with justice and
prudence. This spirit requires us to do
as we would be done by. It forbids to
break the bruised reed. It demands
of us to lay 110 burdens 011 our brethren
which we are not willing ourselves to
bear. It teaches all parties to lay aside
prejudice and animosity, while, with
the ancient feelings of American union
we get together again as soon as possi
ble.—JV. Y. Observer.
The following account of this remark
able piece of mechanism purports to be
taken from the Persian manuscript,
called "The History of Jerusalem:"
The sides of it were of pure gold, the
feet of emeralds and rubies intermixed
with pearls, each of which were as
large as an ostrich's egg. The throne
linil cavon olclou OA otwl3 cidp vvnro /lo
lineated orchards full of trees, the
branches of which were of precious
stones, representing fruit, ripe and un
ripe ; on the tops of the trees were to
be seen figures of birds of plumage, par
ticularly the peacock, theetanh, and the
karges. All these birds were hollowed
within artificially, so as to occasionally
utter melodious sounds, such at the ear
of mortal never heard. On the first step
were delineated vine branches having
bunches of grapes, composed of precious
stones of various kings, fashioned in
such a manner as to represent the vari
ous colors of purple, violet, green and
red, so as to render the appearance of
real fruit. On the second step, on each
side of the throne, were two lions of
terrible aspect, large as life, and formed
of cast gold.
The nature of this remarkable throne
was such that when Solomon placed his
foot 011 the first steps, the birds spread
their wings and made a fluttering noise
in the air. On his reaching the third
step, the whole assemblage of demons,
and fairies, and men, repeated the prais
es of the Deity. When he arrived at the
fourth step, voices were heard address
ing him in the followiug manner: "Son
of David, be thankful for the blessings
which the Almighty has bestowed upon
us." The same was repeated on his
reaching the fifth step. On his reach,
ing the sixth, all of thechildrenof Isra
el joined them ; and 011 his arrival at the
seventh, all the birds and animals be
came in motion, and ceased not until he
had placed himself 011 the royal seat,
when the birds, lionsand other animals,
by secret springs, discharged a shower
of the most precious perfumes on Solo
mon, after which two of the karges de
scended and placed the golden crown
upon his head.
Before the throne was a column of
burnished gold, on the top of which
was a golden dove, which held in its
beak a volume bound in silver. In this
book were written the Psalms of David,
and the dove having presented the book
to the King, he read aloud a portion of
it to the children of Israel. It is further
related that on the approach of evil
persons to the throne, the lions were
wont to set up a terrible roar, and to
lash their tails with violence, the birds
also, and demons and genii to utter
horrid cries; so for fear of them no one
dared be guilty of falsehood, but all con
fessed theircrimes. Such was thethrone
of Solomon, the son of David.
A Paris correspondent writes: "The
recent death of Nuzillard, the senior
cashier at the Comptoir d'Escompte,
through whose hands more gold has
passed than would buy up an empire,
reminds me of the following story:
Nuzillard has always enjoyed the re
putation of being the most clever, and
at the same time most prudent cashier.
However, in 1849 he managed to get
robbed of a sum of £4,000 in £lO notes.
The director of the Comptoir, although
he had always had the greatest confi
dence in the often tried probity of his
clerk, still thinking it strange that ho
could have had so large a packet of
notes taken from him without his
knowledge, went to the Prefect of Po
lice, M. Carlier, and told him all about
it. The latter pronounced an opinion
favorable to the honesty of poor Nuzil
lard. 'Remember,' said the director,
'that a hundred bank notes make quite
a thick packet on his breast ——, Noth
ing for a clever thief,' interrupted M.
Carlier. 'Here is a newspaper, fold it,
and button it in your breast pocket.
Now I will not promise you it will
still be there when you leave the Per
fecture!' The director laughed, and
declared it was impossible, while he
carefully placed the newspaper at the
side of his pocket-book. The two
gentlemen remained some time in con
versation during which the Prefect of
Police was receiving people and writ
ing orders. When the director rose
to go, M. Carlier, after shaking hands
with him, said: 'By-the-by, I suppose
you have the newspaper all right!'
But, lo and behold! to the intense
stupefaction of the director, both pock
et-book and paper had disappeared,
whereupon the Prefect rang the bell,
and the amateur thief, who had done
the deed on a pencil command from
his master, and the astonished owner
of the pocket-book then and there de
clared his complete belief in his cash
ier's innocence."
"Business isbusiuess," "andacontract
is a contract." These are sound com
mercial maxims, but the following in
cident illustrates the nature of the busi
ness community which obeys the in
spired injunction, "Look not every
man on his own things, but every man,
also , on the things of others:"
A merchant of New York, during
the late war, made a contract with a
mechanic to supply him with a num
ber of tin cans. Not longafter this the
price of tin rose so much that the con
tractor must lose money by complet
ing the ware at the price agreed upon.
However, he said nothing, but went on
delivering the cans. When the first
bill for the pay of the cans was receiv
ed, the employer called upon him and
"I understand you are losing money
on this job."
"Yes," replied the contractor, "but
I can stand it; a contract is a contract,
you know."
"How much will you lose?" asked
the gentleman.
"(), no matter," was the reply: I
don't complain, and yon ouglit not
to.' ;
"I insist on knowing."
"Well, since*you desire it, I shall
lose so much a hundred," naming the
"Well, sir," said the noble-hearted
man, "you must not lose this—it would
not be right. I shall add the amount
to your bill, and, as the price of materi
al may still rise, I will advance you
the money for the* whole contract,
which, no doubt, you can use to ad
The difference thus paid, to which
the contractor laid no claim, amounted
to five hundred dollars. That was
something more than business honesty;
it was Christian principle carried out
in business. The world needs just such
examples to convince it of the truth of
You have asked me to prescribe for
you. You expect medicine, perhaps
you hope for whisky, just now the rage
for chronic maladies, but I shall give
you nothing to swallow; you haveswal
lowed too much already. Of all the
maladies dyspepsia is the most distress
ing ; to get rid of its horrors you would
part with your rightarm ; I believe you,
but would you part with a portion of
your table luxuries ? I fear not; but
presuming you are in earnest, I will
prescribe for you:
1. Rise early, dress warm and go out;
ifstrong, walk; if weak,saunter, Drink
cold water three times—of ail cold
baths this is best for dyspepsia; after
half an hour or more, come in for
2. For breakfast eat a piece of good
steak half as large as your hand, a slice
of coarse bread and a baked apple; eat
very slowly; talk very pleasantly with
your neighbors; read cheerful com
ments of journals; avoid hot biscuits
and strong coffee; drink nothing.
3. Digest for an hour, and then to
your work; I trust it is in the open air.
Work hard till noon, and then rest body
and miiul till dinner; sleep little; drink
4. For dinner—two or three o'clock —
eat a slice of beef or mutton or fish as
large as your hand, a potato, two or
three spoonsful of other vegetables, a
slice of coarse bread ; give more than
half an hour to this meal; use no drink.
5. After dinner play anaconda for an
hour ; now for the social, for pleasant
games—a good time.
6. No supper—a little toast and tea,
even for supper, will make your recov
ery very slow.
Iu a warm room, bathe your skin
with cold water hastily, and go to bed
in a well ventilated room before nine
Follow this prescription for three
months and your stomach will so far
recover that you can indulge for some
time in all sorts of irregular and glut
tonous eating; or if you have resolved,
in the fear of Heaven, to present your
bodies, living sacrifices, holy and ac
ceptable unto God, and will continue to
cat and work like a Christian, your
distressing malady will soon be for
gotten.— Dio Lewis, M. I>.
VOL. 62.—WHOLE No. 5,424.
There are now in this city some
specimens of the work of Japanese
which shows that they have attained
a proficiency in some branches almost if
not quite equal to our own. Oneof these
is a large map of the Imperial City of
Yeddo, apparently executed by litho
graphic process, or something similar,
and finished up in colors. No job of
this kind, executed in Europe or Amer
ca, could excel it in minutences of de
tail and careful neatness of execution.
The streets, many of which are seven
teen miles in length, are all laid down
with apparent mathematical exactness,
the vast system of canals like those of
Venice, but on an immensely extended
scale, is also exhibited, and the location
of the Imperial Palace and grounds,
covering several square miles of territo
ry, and the palaces of some 250 princes
who reside in the city, are all given.—
The city is said to contain 1,500,000
houses, and 5,000,000 people, and to have
a commerce more extensive by far
than that of any city on earth, though
this last seems incredible. Another
is a birdseye view of Yokohama, with
the foreign quarter to prevent indis
criminate commingling of the races,
the harbor, the surrounding hils, &c.
These maps were purchased by a gentle
man now in this city, at a native sta
tioner's shop in Yokohama, and are
said to be, as in fact they must almost
necessarily be, entirely of native work
manship. No foreigners have yet been
allowed to settle in Yeddo, and the
surveys of that city from which the
map was made must have been wholly
by native enginers.— San Francisco Al-
The Jackson, Louisiana, Flay pre
sents a new phase of the negro voting
question. In that part of the South the
freednicn were told that unless they
voted with the Radicals the supplies of
provisions for the owning year would
be stopped. In consequence of this in
formation, communicated in the lodge
rooms of the colored loyal leagues, the
negroes assembled immediately after
the election to make requsitions for the
donations promised. The Flag says:
"There was a full exhibition of negro
credulity and ignorance on the occa
sion. Asa sample of what they ex
pect, we give the following bill made
out by a freed man for his family for
supplies for the next year: Fifty
pounds coffee, two barrels flour, fifty
pounds sugar, four hundred pounds
bacon, one bolt calico, one bolt do
mestic, half barrel molases, one dou
ble-barrel shot-gun, one pistol, &c."
This is the manner in which the ne
groes are manipulated in the loyal
leagues. They are bribed by promises,
cajoled by flattery, their passions stim
ulated, their prejudices inflamed, and
all this for the purpose of inducing
them to vote the Radical ticket, to
place in office persons who will dis
franchise intelligent white men, and
place the balance of the power in the
hands of such individuals as those con
stituting the gathering at Jackson.
What hope is there for the peace and
prosperity of a section while political
power wielded by persons who can be
thus fooled and deceived, and why
should white men of the North support
a party willing to debauch our whole
elective system to hold power in the
Union? This question of negro voting
lies at the very foundation of the Radi
cal party, and they will push on that
column regardless of consequences to
the real prosperity of the nation. If
the North will not allow the experiment
to be tried here, why should they force
the system upon the South, especially
in the face of such facts as those presen
ted in the Flay f—Age.
To promote her husband's interests
she attended in his little shop, where
she bought rags, sewed pamphlets, fold
ed newspapers, and sold the few arti
cles in which he dealt, such as ink,
papers, lampblack, blacks and other
stationery. At the same time, she was
an excellent housekeepers, and besides
being economical herself, taught her
somewhat careless, disorderly husband
to be economical also. Sometimes,
Franklin was clothed from head to foot
in garments which his wife had both
woven and made, and for a long time
she performed all the work of the
house without the assistance of a ser
Nevertheless, she knew how to be
liberal at proper times. Franklin tells
us that for some years after his marri
age, his breakfast was bread and milk,
which they ate out of a two penny
earthen vessel, with a pewter spoon;
bnt one morning, on going down to
breakfast, he found upon the table a
beautiful china bowl, from whiee his
bread and milk was steaming, with a
silver spoon by its side, which had cost
a sum equal in our currency to ten dol
lars. When he expressed his astonish
ment at this unwonted splendor, Mrs.
Franklin only remarked, that she
thought her husband deserved a silver
spoon and china bowl as much as any
of his neighbors.
Franklin prospered in his business
until he became the most famous edi
tor and most flourishing printer in A-j
merica, which gave him the pleasure
of relieving his wife from the cares of
business, and enabled hi in to provide
for her a spacious and well furnishtd
abode. She adorned a high station as
well as she had borne a lowly one, and
presided at her husband's liberal table
■ l= -2-
as gracefully as when he ate his break
fast of bread and uiilk from a two pen
ny bow I.— Par toil's Life of Franklin.
But let us seek a field of interest.
Hereon our right hand are the private
grounds of him who ruleth in Zion,
Brigham Young. Twenty acres he
owns in the heart of the city, where are
pleasant walks and floral beauties, sur
rounded by a stone wall. Within this
enclosure are three princely mansions,
where live his thirty wives and num
berless progeny. Each of these houses
carries a name, that disorder and con
fusion may not arise in the camp of
Israel. They are the Bee llive
House, Lion House and White House
on the Ilill. This mighty wall is
designed to shut out the world,
to exclude inquisitive sight, but we
shall venture to describe the scene with
in. It is the hour of sunset, gilding
the mountains with rapturous light.—
We approach the massive iron gates,
and unlike Moore's disconsolate Peri,
we are permitted to enter the domestic
paradise. Strolling leisurely along the
grassy walks, our attention is attracted
to the singular movements of an elder
ly woman, her hair streaked with silver
threads, yet with a step firm and elas
tic. This evening's air isinviting, and
she seems to enjoy the freshness. In
her hand is an open book (can it be
"Griffith Gaunt; or jealousy ?") which
closes with a nervous twitch of the hand
as her fading eye rekindles with a look
that would seem to say, 'Oh, how I des
pise you !' This woman, forty years ago,
became Brigham Young's first wife.
But who can be the victim of that ma
lignant scorning ? What poor mortal
is being crushed between her clenched
teeth? Can it be I,only a looker-on—
a harmless and unoffending Gentile?
No; but we have discovered the study
of her hate—the bohum upas that has
been planted in her side. Yonder is a
cluster of trees—they are aspen and
maple —and under their thin, yellow
tinged tops, is a bright eyed woman of
twenty summers, who now leans upon
an old man's arm. By what power we
know not, but, as if drawn by magic
hand, our steps are directed thither
ward. The now mistress of the heart
and situation flashes winsomelooks and
breathes poetic words; he, old man that
he is, and slave of sensualism, treads
the floor of his own paradise, and smiles
approving glances. This man is Brig
ham Young, and this woman his very
last and much the prettiest wife. No
wonder that the "old creature" looked
the disagreeable. Perhaps there are
others peeping from behind damask
curtains who are also.mourning the loss
of their place in that old man's affec
The skeleton in every woman's
closet—Her hoop-skirt.
Improved proverb—.Spoil the road
and spare the child-
If figures don't lie, the woman's
figures now-a-days are an exception.
"Necessity is the mother of inven
tion," but it has never been accurately
ascertained who is the father.
Marriages may be made in heaven,
but they are often continued in the
other place.
What is the difference between a
barber and a mother? One has ra
zors to shave, the other has shavers to
"The ocean speaks eloquently and
forever," says Beecher. "Yes," retorts
Prentice, "and there is no use in tel
ling it to dry up."
It has been said to strike children
aboul the head is barbarous, unchrist
ian and brutal. This should never be
done, especially as nature has provid
ed a good deal better place.
A woman being about to sign a deed,
the lawyer asked her whether her hus
, band had compelled her to sign it.—
. "He com pel me?" said the lady; 110,
sir, nor ten like him."
A young lady out West is so modest
that she left the dinner table blushing,
the other day, because the servant put
some bear meat before her.
TEXAN BEEF.—At the taking of the
. last census Texas had, or was estimat
! Ed to have, 3,500,000 head of horned
cattle. They were worth little then,
just as in the South American pampas
the best stock was killed for the tongue
. and hide. A plan lately devised has
. introduced much of the South Ameri
can beef into Europe in a comparatively
! fresh state. The fact that Texas cattle
I can be bought for eight to ten dollars a
head in gold there, while selling at
[ twenty to forty cents a pound here,
j has led to a plan by which some 30,000
:i to -10,000 Texas cattle have been coliect
-1 ed at Abilene, on the Arkansas river,
seventy-five miles from its mouth, one
hundred and sixty-five miles west
a from Kansas City and three hun
. dred and seventy-five miles from
northern Texas. Great preparations
have been made for receiving and
\ fattening animals there, and from
. there they will be transported to the
' east. They can bo sold for four cents a
v pound, gross, in Chicago, and leave
s a good profit over all expenses. They
v can be sold for six and seven cents
t here, with equal results. The matter
has been so well demonstrated that ex
tensive preparations have been made
. for the ensuing year, and the Texas
.* farmers will be rejoiced to get cash for
r their stock and we to get beef for our
cash. The wild cattle are not quite so
succulent eating when killed in the
grass as our stall-fed beasts. But when
• a Texas cow has been well fed for four
or six weeks and kept quiet, nothing
e but buffalo hump is tenderer, juicier or
)f better flavored.
e =
a —Wooden legs cost the government
is last year $15,203 50. Wooden heads
d cost the government much more than
le that.