fhf ffrifoft wttr,! Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP 11.11. ; —WITTER ARRAXOKXEXT.—TIME TABLE. —Accom- : mo 'ation Train leaves Saxton at 7.35 a. in., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4.40 p. m , and arrives at Saxton at : 6.38 p. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. in., ar- j rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p. m.; leaves Hunt- j ing lon at 750 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a j 11 05 a. m. FAT II(K. —Mr. Zuchary Wolf, of; Mill town, killed a hog a few days ago, which weighed 5G2i lbs. Some porker, that! Where is the pig that ran beat it? 0 NEW Goons.—See advertisement of G. It. Oster & Co., in this issue. They have just received a large lot of excel lent new goods. KF.EFFE'S NEW BOOK STOKE. — W E call attention to the advertisement of Mr. John Keeffe, who has just opened i a new Book, Stationery and Picture Store. His stock is large and will be sold low for cash. Give him a call. ♦- r- FROZEN KEET.— AII persons suffer ing from frozen feet, or bunions, should go to Ileckerman's and be cured. Tiiey j insure to cure you in a day's time.— J Try, and be convinced. FRESH ARRIVAL. —Geo. Mardorff i has just returned from the East, with, a fresh supply of groceries, confectionery, holiday goods, &c., &c. Give him a call. DEFERRED. —"Lines to Her Who'll Understand Them," will appear in our , next, Andrew Johnson having crowd-; ed them out this week. We know the author will excuse us, for Johnson's sake. AND STILL THEY COME.— A new supply of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, just received, at reduced prices at J. M. SIIOKMAK EK'S Cheap Store. December 13th, ISG7. CALL at the Inquirer Book Store if you want newspapers, periodicals, or books at the lowest city prices. t PATENT SCRUBBING MACHINE.— ! Mr. S. B. Taylor is now canvassing Bedford county, Selling a Patent Gum ' Scrubbing Machine. We have seen it' tried, and it does its work well, is cheap, and we have no doubt it will sell rapid ly. SALE OF THE MENU EL HOUSE.— We neglected, last week to mention that the "Mengel House," of this place, was sold to Isaac Mengel, Esq., the pres ent occupant, for the sum of eight thous and and five dollars. This hotel is one ; of the best in Pennsylvania and has aj large run of custom. SALE OF VALUABLE FARMS.— T. H. & N. J. Lyons, of this place, will sell at public sale, on Wednesday next, 18th inst., at the house of Ahner W. Slick, in St. Clair tp.,J?i'e valuable farms loca ted in said township. Here is a chance for a good investment. THE sweetest singer and t lie sweetest perfume of the day are Adalina Patti j and Phalon's "Night-Blooming Ce-1 reus." Both are American! The fair singer enraptures everybody—the per fume is in demand everywhere.— Georgetown Union. 1 . - ~ . * CHRISTMAS IS COMING, the time for; presents of love and friendship. All persons wishing to surprise their friends with acceptable gifts, will find the most elegant assortment of books for this purpose ever brought to Bedford at I the Inquirer Book Store. Call and see. - ? j 0 COME ye ragged, come ye needy, Tarry not another day, You whose clothes are old and seedy, Come at once without delay, To the Cheap Clothing Emporium of Berkstresser & Co., where you will al ways find a large lot of the latest style of Ready-Made Clothing, for men and boys, at astonishingly low prices. LYCEUM. —There will be a meeting of the Bedford Lyceum, on Tuesday e vening, 17th inst., at 6:30 P. M., in the Court Room. The programme of exer cises is as follows: Essay,.!. It. Yea ger ; Recitation, J. It. Durborrow; De bate, Aff., M. A. Points, Nog., E. F. Kerr, with the following question for Discussion: Resolved , that the right of suffrage should he extended to men i alike, regardless of race or color. The people of town, and especially the la dies, are respectfully invited to be pre sent. SECRETARY, i WILD CAT CAPTURED. —Mr James McC. M'Clure of Wells Valley, on ex amining his chicken coop on Saturday morning last, discovered that some an imal had been paying its addresses to some of his fowls, several of which were lyiugglead. A closer investiga tion revealed the intruder in the shape of a wild cat, crouched in a corner. A revolver soon dispatched the "var mint." It had been crippled at some time in its hind parts, and getting in to the coop and enjoying a luxurious meal, found ,'yelf unable to make its exit. —Fulton Republican. | THE SHARES of the Washington Li- ; brary Company of Philadelphia are j being disposed of with unexampled ra pidity. Tneahsence of all concealment, the honesty of purpose manifested by j those who first inaugurated the enter prise, the fairness with which the pro posed final distribution is to be conduc ted, and the patriotic purpose to which the entire surplus is to be applied, have taken firm hold upon the public confidence. Ev< ry share of stock will be accompanied by a present at the great distribution of $300,000 worth of presents. GEO. A. COOKE & Co., BANKERS, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, are receivers of all the funds, and their name is an assurance of the integrity and reliability of the Company, which is organized for a good purpose which should not be confounded with the bogus concerns that infest the country. Bead Advertisement, llrw gtdwtterwents. OTATEMENT'SHOWING THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ASSESSMENT AND VALUATION OF TIIE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS AND BOROUGHS of Bedford county, together with the amount of Taxes assessed thereon, published agreeably to the | 1 llth section of the Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July, A. D., 1842. j ; ■ * * v £ I 1-f I o S §7? t ■ DISTRICTS: £-5 *§ £„• |s I -z I'S 'E* it A£ AGR §"= ' £§ eJ fe - ■ -go .2* = 9 2S Eg .s irS5 ! i an J & a oS>-i&,©&or.OOcr> CJraa R/,r 77 7777777777 137395; 5200 3410 554 ioo 300 70000 1250i !!??S? mis 25 , n 7 16363 12175 7905 17685 4790 . 7150 3050 4400 4110 70 2043 19 ! n /Vm 162387 50690 18750 1275 5345 1344 195 2400 1501453 21 ' BMdv iui'"7777..7 400 43433 3575 2240 850 8410 700 2)0 10715 800 2a 71348 428 28 rlw.in ' 133064 14320 905 13080 4175 9800 1500 140 }J6984 1061 90 CumbY alley 777! 152697 2330 5370 9870 3170 1000 1200 6220 j l ™*®'. 103114! , lamb. Valley } 1259 245 I(5( , 17824 |(i(i 93 i H,me will -•••• •••"•• 89521 5425 330 60 4753 3040 3660 300 2520 10957a 05745 Hopewell : 69ij0 2460 380; 1250 6f -.62 401 17 Juniata ! *' 7 !". 77 ! 7 !!!!! 7 !!!!!!!! loouto 1012 1060 62 4297 : 2490 1750 110922 70153 Londonderry 7 97134 1369 150 9715 : 4141 3425 605 165 IIO'I 700 22 Liberty 46621 13918 6884 165 2160 1460 150 125 110 L'C-o 431 36 Monroe 63779 4148 4310; 227 16150 aS2a 370 570 : a<2 27 I Nanier 180592 825 3370 13040 8600 3650 1760 10633 218825: 1312 95 Providence E 83440 4103 777a 2320 570 2ao 70 060 83 Providence W 7 86793 14310 8626 3304 400 210 1000 60 1, 4708 „ss 24 'bur' 32940 1054 660 5825 500 482a 250 39979 239 87 Kainsourg.. ;{9# 460; 218 2200 355 1133 15 13249 : 79 49 si Clair ' 165637 7... • 4210 14600 8105 4000 1015 2335 25 199917 1199 50 Saxton 15000 2805 120 40 3710 21675 130 05 SehHlsbuVir 5518 1435 21676 431 1450 480 1550 820 450 1960 J4OO 250 37*62: 222 97 5nake5pr'ng7.:7::77.7.77.::7:7777. 83955 3039 6820 3040 3600 710 011 ,4 606 93 Southampton 866.36 1608 IbaaO 4198 108992. 6)3 9a Union 120687 2346 2050 90 7326 4530 3056 810 14189a Bal 37 Woodbury M 268361 10325 16090 11495 3492 6650 1787 6770 3230,0 1941 42 Woodbury 577 .77 7 7777777777 '107373 IWi 98 93:44 3550 22034 200 1535 40! . 362636 : 2176 II I ecil if that the above is a correct statement of the aggregate amount of the assessment and valuation of the s veral objects and things made taxable i by the laws of the Commonwealth, for county purposes, according to the returns of the several borough and township assessments, and published by au ! thority of an Act of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the Government," A c , passed the 2. th day of July, j A D 1842 And. further that the Commissioners did, on Monday, the 21 day of December, inst.. determine whether any of the valuations of the assessors have ; been made below'a just rate, according to the meaning and intention of said Act. TrtIIXW , m , By order of the Commissioners : JOHN G. FISHER, Clerk, j Commissioners' Office, December 13th, 1867. A POETIC JOKE. —We are not much i given to "poking fun" at a discomfited enemy. We are tot) good-natured for , that. But it is not said that our cor- j respondents should not have their way j in this respect. Hence we print the j following contributed by a friend : The following lines are respectfully inscribed ; byway of comfort, to the woolly-p.irty and their ; immortal chieftian : Upon the woollies let us run the rig. As they so lov'd and worshipped "The Nig." j The woollies in a mighty passion flew, When Pennsylvania loft the wretched crew. Upon King Thaddy let us crack a j ike, for soon his nigger reign shall end in smoke. ; Good Thaddy rag'd ouiright. and ripp'd and tore, . When this our gallant Keystone had gone o'er. Once '1 haddy prophesied* and did no> ii.e; So Caiphas furetoldf that Christ would die. Now let the woollies move to Afric's sands, Where one and all with Thaddy can get lauds, i Yes, let them forth unto Dahomyl go— He'll teach them how the niggers' blood can flow, i Dear Thaddy, now with one leg ill the grave, Put in the other, and thy country save. *Thad declared bef-re theelecti'u, that l'enn ; sylvania would go over to the Democrats. t"Now Caiphas was he who had given the coun i sel that one should die." John, 18th ch. {This monster African King immolates yearly whole hecatombs of his black subjects to appease I the mane* or ghosts of his departed parents, wives and relatives ' ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION.— On Wednesday evening lust, a bold and dastardly attempt was made to assas sinate Henry Miller, a young lad aged sixteen years, and son of Jacob M. Mil ler, Esq. He was sitting by the lire in the front room Wainsettas, &c., at from 8 to 12 cents per yard. The madder the merchants ' became the more "madders" the peo- 1 pie bought. Calico contests ought to' he encouraged. —The late Rev. Stephen Peiffer, ofj the New England conference, bequeath ed to the Methodist Episcopal Tract Society $1,000; to the Missionary Socie- ' ty, $2,500, and to the American Bible j Society $-500. —The celebrated Princess Salm-Sal in, who has lately he'-n figuring extensive ly iu and out of the Halls of the Mon tezumas, has arrived at New York. —A negro named War fie'd has been arrested in Memphis, charged with rob bing the First National Bank in Xenia, < Ohio, and murdering the cashier, Mr. Lang, in April. 186(. —The negroes in Georgia, aregrumh ling since the election, because they "don't see nothin oh de franchise what was gwain to he gub us." They sus pect their white managers for cheating I them. —The Illinois Central Railroad Com pany is said to he obliged to bring wa ter for its engines to one of the water stations a distance of fifty-four miles. —A fellow has been arrested in Lon don for acting as a trainer of youthful thieves. It wasshown that he had a school,and gave regular lessons in rogue ! ry. KF.VIEW OF THE HAIKCI6. . Corrected every week. j PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 9. i FLOUR.—The quotations are— Nortiiwest superfine, $7.90("7.50 Northwest extra, 8.00'c9.00 Northwest extra family, 10.00{c 11.09 Penna. and West'n sup., j Penna. and West'n extra, 8.G0(/ 9.50 Penna. and West'n family, 10.50 m 12.00 Penna.and West'n fancy, 12.50 m 13.50 , Rye Hour, * 8.50,^9.00 GRAIN.—We quote— Pennsylvania red, per has., j Southern " ; California, " i White, " I Kye, " 0.00(0,1.70 Corn, for yel., " $1.15(o 1.80 ; Oats, " 70m75c POVISIONS. —We quote— Mess Pork, per bbl., $22.00(o OOJTO Bacon Hams, per lb., lsminc Salt Shoulders, " lO olOic Prime Lard, " 13e SEEDS.—We quote C'loversecd, per bus., at $7.50@8.00 Timothy, " 2.50 v 02.00 Flaxseed, " 2.45(02.50 C 1 ACTION TO THE PUBLIC.—No /ticc is hereby given, that the License granted W. J. Mullin, Pa., for the useof Rubber as a base for artificial teeth, has been revoked All persons are hereby cautioned against employing said W.J. Mullin in the above-named branch of Dentistry, as by so doing they render themselves equally liable to prosecutiou for infringement. Any information of Rubber work done by him will be promptly prose cuted. " JO.-iAll BACON, Trens. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. I Boston, Dec .13,'67.m2J 4 DMINISTIIATOR'S NOTICE | Notice is hereby given that letters of admin j istration have been granted to the undersig. Ed by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of | Thog. linlcr, late of Bedford township, dee'd. All persons having claims against said esiate I are requested to present them, properly authenti ' cated. for settlement, and those indebted to the i estate to make immediate payment. I dc, ].36 K I'II KAIM FMLBR, A lm'r. "VTOTICEOF INCORPORATION X 1 In the matter of the petition of sundry per sons, (incorporators), for the incorporation of the "Democratic Brass Band of Bedford." presented | to the Court of Common Pleas ot Bedford County, at November Term, 1867. it was ordered and di rected that notice of the application be published : in one newspaper, in Bedford, for three weeks, 1 Ac. Now, notice is hereby given, that an applica tion for the incorporation of a musical society, jn ! der the act of assembly, has been made, to be | called "the Democratic Brass Band of Bedford," and that the charter of Incorporation will be ask i ed for at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be ! held at Bedford, on the 10th day of February, | 1868. By the Court: i decl3w3 0. E. SHANNON, Proth'y. PXR EW BOOK STATIONERY ! AND PICTURE STORE, i ■ The undersigned has opened, in Shafer's build ing, on Julianna street, a new BOOK, STATIONERY AND PIC TURE STORE. Having purchased the largest stoca of Books and Stationery ever brought to this place, at the low est wholesale prices, he flatters himself that he , will be able to sell cheaper than any other persons engaged in the same business. His stock consists • in part of 1 School Books, Miscellaneous Books, 'Standard Poetry, Popular Novels, i Also llymn-bcoks for all denominations, Episco pal Prayer-books, Missals, Ac., Ac. Children's Story Books, Toy Books, Books on Parlor Magic, Books ou Games, Song Books, Dime Novels, etc., etc. J His stock of Sctool Books embraces Osgood's i serie sof Read rs. Brown's Grammars, Brooks' j Arithmetics, Davies' Algebra, ltaub's Speller, and t all the books used in the Common Schools of Bed- , ! ford county ; also, copy-books, of all kinds. Stationery of >'r iu iu..esi ) j prices, will be found at his store, including Fools- ' ! cap, plain and ruled Legal cap, Letter cap. Bill i Paper, Commercial Note, Ladies' Note. Envelopes, i of all kinds, and sixes, plain, fancy, flue white j wove, Ac., Ac., Steel Pens, Peu-holdcrs, Slates and Slate Pencils, Faber's Lead Pencils, of all i numbers, Ink-stands of the most beautiful and j I convenient designs, and Inks of the best quality at the lowest prices. J Also, a large assortment of Kerosene Lamps, Plain and Fancy Soaps, Smoking and Chewing ! Tobaccos, Cigars, Pen-knifes, Perfumery, Ac. A specialty will be made of the Picture De- ' i parttneut. Fine Large Portraits of Washington, Lincoln, Johnson and other distinguished Ameri i cans. Fancy Pictures. Stereoscopes and Stereo ' scopic Views, Picture Frames, Ac., Ac , will be ! always kept on hand. Porte Monnaies, Pocket- j books, handsome Port-folios, Ac. Also, Vioiius, | j Accordcous and other Musical Instruments ; Check ' er-bo irds, Chess-men, etc., etc. Hoping to merit the patronage of the public, he ] has selected his stock with great care, and is j j bound to sell cheap to all who will give him a call JOHN KEEFFE. | Bedford, Dec. 13. G< L O II I ( ) U M N p: W S! ' I THE PEOPLE! I j TELL IT ! EVERYBODY TELL IT! I COTTt )N NO LONGER KING! I G. R. OSTER & CO. j Arc now receiving at their NEW S'iORE a j large and carefully selected stock of new and | CHEAP Dry Goods, Furs, Clothing, Carpetii gs, Oil cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wall papers. Willow-ware, Queens-ware, Oils, Tobaccos, Segars, j I Ac., together with an extensive assortmentof Fresh 1 Groceries, which for extent and CHEAPNESS is j unrivaled in Central Pennsylvania, all of which ! they offer wholesale or retail at prices that defy I competition. Piles of calico prints and mus'.ins | from 6j cents up to sublime quality. They invite all to call, see for themselves and be convinced. TERMS.—POSITIVELY CASH on DELIVERY, un-j less otherwise specified. Beoford, Pa., Dec.13,'67m3. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL P2S TATE.—The subscriber, appointed by the Crphans' Court of Bedford county, trustee to make sale of the Real Estate of William Stoner, late of Monroe township, in said county, dee'd., will in pursuance of an order to him for that purpose given, expose to saleon the premises, by public outcry, on FRIDAY, the 3rd day of JANUARY | next, the following described real estate, viz: A > '■ tract of land, situate in Monroe township, Bedford , | county, containing 348 acres, more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared and iu a good state . ;of cultivation, (part being good meadow land) i ; while the balance is covered wtth very excellent | timber. A good orchard, good springs and good buildings are upon the property. This tract sd j 'ins lands of George Vonstine, JohnNycum. Nan- ( i oy Davis and others, and will be offered upon the : following terms : One-third at the confirmation ! of sale and ihe remaining two-thirds in two equal annual payments thereafter, secured by judgment bonds, with interest from time of confirmation ot sai, or all cash it the purchaser prefer. Sale to : commence at 11 o'clock, . in., of said day. i decl3w3 J. H. LONGENECKER, Trustee, Ac. ] A ITEALS. —Notice is hereby given ,"\ to the taxable inhabitants of Bedforl Coun ty that appeals will be held by the County Com missioners. on the days, and at the places hereby specified, to wit : For Cumberland Valley township, on Tuesday, January 7th, at the house of William W. Lenny. ForColerain township and Kainsburg li trough, on Wednesday, January Bth, at the house of A J Pennell. For Southampton township, on Thursday, Janu ary, 9th. at the house of William Adams. For Monroe township on Friday. January 10th, at the house of David Weinier. For East Providence township, on Saturday, January 11th, lit the house of D A. T. Blaek For Snake Spring, on Monday, Jannary 13th, at the house of Joseph Mortimore. For West Providence township and Bloody Run Borough, on Tuesday, January 14th, at the house of W. Thomas Grove. For Hopewell township on, Wednesday, January i 15th, at the house of Wm. A Grove. For Broad Top township and Coaldale Borough , on Thursday, January 18th, at the house of Geo. i W. Figard. For Saxton Borough, on Friday, January 17th, : at the bouse of James L. Prince Fot Liberty townshipon Saturday, January 16th, • at the house of C. A. Pricker, in Stonerstown. For Middle Woodbury township, on Monday JariuaTy 20th. at the house of William G. Kicholtz. | For South Woodbury township, on Tuesday, Jan uary 21st, at New Enterprise, at the houseof Sam t uel Oster. I For Union township, on Wednesday, January, j 22nd, at Mowry'sMili. I For St Clair township and St. Clairsville Bor ough. on Thursday, January 23d, in St. Clairsville, at th" house of Mrs Rachael Nawgle. For Napier township, on Friday, January 21th, at the house of Burton Edsall. For Schellsburg Borough, on Saturday, January , 25th, at ihe house of Builou Edsall. For Londonderry township, on Monday, January 27th, at the house of James C. Devon?. For Harrison township, on Tuesday, January 28th, at the house of Joseph Cessna. . For Juniata township, on Wednesday, January | 29th, at the house of Joseph Foller. For Bedford township, on Thursday, January j 30rh at the Commissioners' For Bedford Borough, on Friday, January 31st, j at the Commissioners' office. When and where all persons and corporations, feeling themselves aggrieved at the enumeration and valuation of their taxable property and effects, made pursuant to the several Acts of Assembly in , such case made and provided, are requested to at f tend and state their grievances for redress, ac -1 cording to law. Special attention is a directed to the following portion of article 4th, section 2nd ot "An Aet for 1 the organization, discipline and regulation of the Militia nt tho Commonwealth of Pauneylvania," I to wit: —' On the day the County or City Commis sioners meet, to review the assessment, or for hold ! ' r, K appeals, they shall, also, determine who are exempt or not liable to do military du v." Ac. The appeals will be held on the days above | named between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M., and 12o'clock. M. MICHAEL S. RITCHEY, DAVID HOWSARE, t Jxo. G. FISHER, PETER M. BARTON, Clerk. Commissioners. FTBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of the last will and testament of Isaac Cuppett, late of St. Clair Township, Bedford county, dee'd. the subscriber j will offer ac public sale, on the premises, in said j township, on Saturday, the 11th day of January, j next, all that tract of land being the mansion i farm of said dee'd, adjoining lands of John Jarnes, formerly James Moore's heirs, Leonard Furry and ! others, • nil eontainining 127 acres and allowance, I j about 70 or 75 acres are cleared and in cuitiva I | tion, about six acres being meadow. There are ' two log dwelling houses on the place, with a. doub- | I le log barn and other outbuildings, and a well of . , water at each set ot buildings. There are also on j 1 the premises two good apple orchards with a con- j I siderable and fine variety of cherry, pear, peach ; I and plum trees, Ac., and on tl o whole it may te j (' considered one of the best fruit farms in the couu- j try. This land lies on the North west side of : "Chestnut Ridge," is well adapted to ail kinds of j grain, and is very productive. Four and a half i acres of this property is situated from the mansion J I place, and will be sold separately. The grain in : the ground is hereby reserved. Terms —One-third of the purchase money in j hand on the first of April next, when the deed will j be made and possession given, and the balance in j i two cquul annual payments without interest, to j f be secured by judgments or mortgage at the option | : of the subscriber. The purchaser w ill be required j ; to pay 20 per cent of the hand money when the ; I properly is struck down. Sale to commence at 10 j (o'clock a m. decl3w4 M M W. CUPPETT, Ex'r. I "PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ES-1 | TATE. —The subscriber, Guardian of the ! i minor children of Jacob Clapper, dee'd, will odor i !at public sale, on the premises, in Hopewell tp., j 1 on Saturday the 18th day of January next, all that I tract of land, late the property of s*id dee'd., ad I j >ining lands of George Wisharton the East, James ! Price, on the West, George Bowers, on the North, i and William Livingston, on the South, containing 1 about thirly-three acres, 12 or 15 acres' of which [ I are cleared and in cultivation, with a one and a ! half story log house and a small log stable thereon i erected ; and with a good spring ne r the house, j I The land not eleured is well timbered, j TERMS: —One half in hand at the confirmation | ' of the sale, balance in one year without interest, j j secured by judgment. Possession given on the Ist ; ; day of April, next. Sale to commence at 10 a. m. | ' decl3t4* HENRY CLAPPER, Guardian. I ' X A GENTS WANTED, for two of the j ' f\ best felling subscription books ever publish- ' . ed. Otie entitled ••Mysteries of the Neapolitan ! Convents," by an Ex-Benedictine Nun, a true ac count of ihe inner life of the convents —the most i thrilling and interesting work before the public, j ' The other entitled "The Cottage Cyclopedia," a, • gem of intellectual wealth, and wanted in every j | family ; complete in one large octavo volume of over 1000 pages, illustrated. Send for circulars ! ot terms, which are very liberal, j nov29w2 A. S. HALE A CO., Hartford, Conn. I C1 1 RC ULA RS SEN T FREE !! C'on / taining Lists of Dry and Fancy Goods, Watch les, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Ac., Ac., to be sold. ONE DFLLAR for each article. Great induce ments to Agents. PLUM.MER A MOULTON, 15 Marshall Street, Boston, Mass. DISEASES OF THE GENITAL ORGANS.—DR. WALTER, 907 Broadway, N. V., devotes particular attention to all diseases i peculiar to these organs in both sexes. Send : i stamp for a circular. j PS Y C 110 MAN CY, Oli SO UL CHARMING. How either sex may fascin ate an 1 gain the love aud affections of any person they choose, instantly. Ibis simple mental uc -1 quirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with a guide to the unmarried ot both sexes. A queer, exei ing book, 100,000 cop ies sold. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Book '* Publishers, Philadelphia. i WAN TED.—JOO Farmers to enjja^e ; in a business that will pay from SIOO to $l5O per i month from now until Spring. Address JONES BRO.S A CO., Phil. lAXCEL.SIOR DIALOGUES consis- J ting of New and Original first-class dramas, i Ae , for advanced speakers in Schools, Exhibition-rooms and private theatricals. Every line written expressly for this book, by a corps of Professional Teachers aud writers. Acknowledged ! to be the best work of the kind ever published. I Cloth, nearly 100 duodecimo pages, price $1.75, mailed free. Address P. GAItRETT A CO., Pub lishers, 702 Chestnut Sr., Phila. \J ASSAR COLLEGE for Youilg La dies.—The Trustees of this Institution, de j siring to extend the benefits of Mr. Vassar's rnuu : ifieeut gift for the better education of young tvo ; men, will admit, at any time in the Collegiate year, students prepared to join College classes | charging expenses only from 'be date of their rc | ceptiun. Terms low ; great facilities for eduea- 1 j tion, such as Cabinets, Art Gallery, Library, Mus- , | ieal Conservatory, Ac. For circulars containing ! full information, address J. N. SCHOU, Pough j keepsie, N. Y. S r |MFE BEST is THE CHEAPEST! Harvest is Over ! Th, Yie.hl i s (heat .' I'/ asperity Abounds Winter is Cuming ! j AND NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE MO! IRE'S RURAL X EW-YoRKEIi, The Great Totc>l and Country Weekly'. j THE RURAL is the Leading and the Largest Circulating Newspaper of its Class on the Conti- j neut. —superior in Value and Variety of Contents j and Beauty of Appearance. It embraces more ' Agricultural, 11 irticultural, Scientific, Education- j al. Literary and News Matter, interspersed with Engravings, than any other Journal.—for it com- , prises Departments tnclu ting Agriculture, Choice Literature, Horticulture, Science and Art, Sheep Husbandry, Education, Grazing, Dairying, Youth's Reading, Rural Architecture, General News, Domestic Economy, Commerce, Markets, With illustrations, Tales, Essays, Music, Poetry, ! Rebuses, Enigmas, Ae., Ac THE RURAL NEW-YORKER is a National Jour nal, circulating largely in the East and West, j North and South. It EMPLOYS THE BEST TALENT J in ail Departments. Its corps of Editors, Con- ! tributors, Ae., comprises many of the best Farm- ; ers, Planters, Wool Growers, Graziers, H rticul- • tunsts. Ao , and also Authors, Scholars. Ae., of j note and ability. In brief the RURAL is Ably I Edited, Profusely Illustrated, Neatly Printed— j Practical, Scientific, Useful—Moral, Instructive and Entertaining. Wherever located, —in Country, Village or City,— j YOU WANT THE RURAL! YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS WANT IT ! For it is adapted to the wants of all. Note that it is not n monthly, but a Large and Beautiful Week ly, and that Vol. XIX will be materially Enlarg- j ed ! Each No. contains Eight Double Quarto Pages, 1 printed in extra style,—Clear Type, Good paper, j and more and better ILLUSTRATIONS thanany oth- j er Journal of its Class. A Title Page, Index, Ac., j at close of Vol. TERMS—OnIy $3 a Year; to clubs of ten, $2.50 ! per copy. Vol XIX betius Jan. 4. 863. Now is j the time to Sab-scribe and Club. Great Offers to { Club Agents. Specimens, Show-Bills, Premium ! Lists, Ac. SENT FREE ; or the 13 numbers of this ' Quarter, (Oct. to Jan.) on trial, for ONLY FIFTY | CENTS '. Address D. D. T. MOORE, Rochester, N. Y. I rpHK BAUER FOR THE MIL -1 LION!—THE AMERICAN FARMER, the Practical Farmer's Own Paper, the Cheapest and the Best Agricultural and Horticultural Journal ! in America. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with j Numerous Engravings of Farm Buildings, Aui- | tnals, Fruits and Flowers. Now is the time to subscribe for the year 1863. (July One Dollar a Year Agents wanted everywhere. For Club Prices List ot Valuable Prizes open to all, Ac., address j JOHN TURNER, Publisher A Proprietor, Roches- j ter, N. Y. | \\T A N T E* D ! yV 200 FARMERS! To engage in alight and honorable business for the winter monlhs, in the vicinity where they reside, which will aet them SSO to $l5O per month For particulars apply to or address PARMELEE BROS., 722 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Perm. A ZYGOS ! /~\ Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books, containing important Physiological Infor mation, for Men aud Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing the Secretary of the New York Medical University, No. 30 Clinton place, New York City. j ST AND AR D M I LLING MA- j CHINES—OF IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION, j g-eat power, large capacity, unrivaled convenience of adjustment. Also, pipe vises, with and without i ex'ra jaw, and vises of all sizes, for heavy and j light work. Send to UNION VISE COMPANY, j of Boston. Mass , for illustrated circular. For sale I by dealers in hardware and machinery. riK N II BY TO B A CCO". j jsjl'O : £JT WE HAVE NOT PACKED DISCONTINUED, NOR LN THIJ■ liItAXD SaTZv Mondays, One SIOO Note. I W J ed'sdays, °" ntrar >' notwithstand- j ja^waS?,££ W. are making , Saturdays, Fifty Twos. the from the ; J ' J CHOICEST LEAF ; It la tree P.iO LOKH.LAKD, ! X 20Chb.„S, .7- NEM 5 ORK speetablejobbers. j (JjU5 TO $25 PER DAY, SURE.— Agents wanted everywhere, to sell our Patent Everlasting White Wire Clotlies-lincs. I "Every housewife should use it."— N. Y. Trt- I banc. "We have seen it used and it gives entire | I satisfaction."— N N. Christian Advocate j ! "The Patent Wire Clothes line is all it purports to j be."— N. Independent. Address the AMKR- I ICAN WIRE CO.. 162 Broadway, New York. REVOLU riON IN TRADE ! i Ladies, you will be astonished at the value j of all kinds of Goods sent by the well known and justly celebrated firm of GRAHAM A Co., Ear Only One. Dollar .' I Such as Silk, Merino, and Alpaesa Dresses, Shawls, I | Balmorals, Linen Goods, Embossed Table Covers, j Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing I Machines, Ac. i'his is no humbug, but a reality, j Send your clubs of ten and upwards, for checks ! ' describing the goods, with ten cents foi each check, \ | and t e getter up of the club will receive a valu able present, worth from $3 to S3OO, according to ' number of names sent. Agents wanted in every town. Circulars sent j free. Address, GRAHAM A CO., 64 A66 Federal t I Street, Boston. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRTAGE— The Cheapest Rook Ever ! Published, containing neatly three hundrid pages j and 130 line plates and engravings of the Anato !my of the Human Organs in a state of Health and I Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De- I plornble Consequences upon the Mind and Body, i with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only | rational and successful mode of Cure, as shown by : the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to i j tiie married ami those contemplating marriage, ! who entertain doubts of their physical condition. $ out free of postage to any address, on receipt j of 25 ets in stamps or postal currency, by aiidress j ing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alba- I ny, N. Y. The authoriuay be consulted upon any \ I of the diseases upon which his book treats, either 1 personally or by mail. Medicines sent to any part ! otMic world. j j rfIHE RICHEST MAN IN THE £ WORLD.— Extract of a letter from Baron j ! Solomon Rothschild. PARIS, Bth April, 1864. 25 Rue Fauby, St. Ilonore. Will you bo kind enough to have forwarded to! ! me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment if i you will send at the same time the account, 1 j : will forward you the amount through Messrs j i BELMONT A Co., New York. BAKON SOLOMON ROTHSCHILD having recommend ed to many of his friends M ijor LANE'S LINI-j j MENT, and they being desirous to procure it, he { should advise him to esiablbh a depot in Paris. THE INDIAN LINIMENT. As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain, taken inwardly, or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the relief and cure of Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains, Bruises, tyc., it is unequall ed. It is also most effieaeious, taken inwardly, in the cure of Cholera, Cramps and Pains tn the Stomach, Dtrrhoea Dysentery. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, if/-., and is without exception the most wonderful Panacea the world affords. No FAMILY should be without it. Every TRA VELER by land or sea should have a Lottie. MI NERS anil FARMERS residing at a distance from : Physicians should keep it constantly "n hand. In j ease of Accidents, and sudden attacks of Stomach I Complaints, lis value cannot be esrima'ed. In ! quire lor Major LANE'S INDIAN LINI ; MENT, ami take no other. PRICE 50 Cis per i bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by De j mas Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y.; Gale A ' Robinson, 186 Greenwich-st., N. Y., F. C. Wells A | Co., 192 Fulton-st., N. Y.; Chas. N. Crittenden, j 33 6tb Ave , N. Y.; and by respectable Druggists ! throughout the world. None genuine unless sign i ed by JOHN THUS LANE, and countersigned by J. | T.LANE A CD., Proprietors, 163 Broadway, N. j 1". Send for circular. \VTESTILL LIVE! Don'tbehum- W bugged by Impostors or "patent" ro.t ! iron or marl/me "Stencil tools." Send for our New Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIE% I 26 varieties all of Steel, c irefully finished and i tempered. S M. SPENCER A CO., Brattleboro, j Vt. _ j Oil) A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE, ?A with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay ! s.nnples free". Beware of in.ringers. My eirou j lars will explain. Address A. J. FULL AM, ' Springfield, Vermont. ITU LLST MORTGAGE BOND.-., Sl\ LOUIS A IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO.—Seven per cent, interest. February and Au gust. These Bonds cover a road of 91 miles, fin ished from St. Louis to Pilot Knob, and in first class order, and an extension of about the same length from Pilot Knob to Belmont, now rapidly const ru ting, for which the proceeds of these bonds are to be used, making a through route from St Louis to New Orleans by rail "The earnings of the 91 milts are $600,000 a year; the not profiis now ! are sufficient to pay the interest on the entiro a luount of bonds, were they all issued. The basis; : of security is believed to be beyond that of any ! ot er bonds now offered. Apply at the Office of the j Company, No. 43 Wall-st.. to 11. G. MARQI'AND, : Vice President, or to CLARK. DODGE A Co.. > ! corner of Wall and Wilhaiii- ts . New York City, j j TIT A XT ED—AX AGENT—One | yy chance in each town, worthy the atten- ! ' tion of an active business man. to take the agen- ] | cy for the sale of BRADSTKEET'S RUBBER MOULD ! INI; AND WKATUEK STRIPS, applied to the sides, i bottom, top and centre of doors and windows. The | sale is beyond anything ever offered before to an j agent and from $lO to $25 per day can be made. ! ; Send for agent's circular. The first who apply se-! cure a bargain. Terms fur moulding, cash. J. i R. BRADSTREET A CO., Boston, Mass ! C CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. / THE TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOV ! EIIED.—UphAID'S Fresh Meat Cure, prepared ; from the formula of Prof. Trousseau of Paris, cures i Consumption, Lung Dise ises, Bronchitis, Dyspep- : i sia, Marasmus, General Debility and all morbid ! conditions of the system dependent on deficiency | ! of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, audasiugle j : bottle will convince the most skeptical ot its vir tue us the great healing remedy of the age. $1 a j | bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sent by Express. 1 Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 25 South Eighth-st., ! ; Philadelphia, and principal Druggists. Circulars ! j sent free. j MPILI.S IS NO 11UMBU(i '.-—By TJCE Xotioo ia horv.by given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undcrsgned, by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Martin Imler. late of Union township, deeea ed. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make im-nedinto py --j uient, and those having claims are requested to i present them properly authenticated tor settle j nient. [novrfw6| JOSEPH IMLER. Adm r. A DMIN IST RATOR'S NOTICE.— j /\ Letters of Administration cam testa men to I annexo upon the Estate of Valentine Weirick, i late of Cumberland valley Township, deceased, 1 having been granted by the Register of Bedford j County to the subscriber, he hereby notifies all persons having claims against the Estate, to pre sent the same properly authenticated for settle ! mcnt, and all persons indebted are requested to 1 make immediate payment • novlsi\6 FRANCIS DONAHOE. Adm rc. t. a. A D MINI ST 11 ATI) R'S NOTIC E.— Notice is hereby given that letters ot admin | istration have been granted to the undersigned, I by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Samuel Robinson late of Southampton Town ship. deceaed. All per ions having claims against said estate are requested to nresent them, properly authenticated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. nov!sw6 FRANCIS DONAHUE, Adm r. A DM IN ISTR ATOR'S NOTICE.— /\ Notice is hereby given that Le'ters of Ad ministration on the estate of Jacob F. Hoover, late of Middle Woodbury township have been granted ; to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford ■ county. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims can present them, duly authenticated for | settlement. DAVID L. KEAGY, Adm'r., nov22w6 Residence, Martinsburg, Blair co..Pa. ICIEST XATK )N AI, WHITE LEAD. I This Paint is Manufactured of the BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL. WARRANTED Equal to any made, for durability and brilliancy. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL NEVER USE ANV OTHER. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IV PAINTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTR Y. T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., Wholesale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac 621 Market, aud 612 Commerce Sts PHILADELPHIA, PA. CAUTION. —Owing to the populariiy of our First ! National Lead, other parties have been induced to i offer a spurious article. jjgf-Therefore Beware | of Counterfeits..#"! The Genuine is put up in Ex- J tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic ! wire handles, and the name of T. Morris Perot all orders promptly and do work neat and in a i workmanlike style, and on the most reasonable tenus. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to j all p rts of this and adjoining counties without ex j | tra charge. apt 19, 6fiyl j AGENTS WANTED throughout the 1 State of Pennsylvania for the ! UNITED STATES I.IFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED IS 1850. Capital and Assets about $2,500,000. Apply to 0. HARDEN WEKPER, | General Agent for Peuna.,422 Walnut St., Phila delphia. novlsm2* SUP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND j FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness 1 and despatch, atTHE Gazette office. 1 - r - 1500 ~*~rr~Vs or THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Running Wtn From Omukm ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ARK NOW COMPLETED. The Union Pacific Railroad Company hav | built a longer line of railroad in the last eighteen months than was ever built by any other eompa | ny in the same time, and they will continue the ! work with the same energy until it is completed. • The Western Division is being pushed rapidly J eastward from Sacrameuto by the Central Pacific j Company of California, and it is expected that THE ENTIRE GRAND LINE j to the Pacific will be open for business in 1870. | More than one-third of the wort has already been. | done, more than one-third of the whole line i* now j in running order. and more laborers art vow em | ployed upon it than ever before. More than FORTY MILLION DOLLARS IN MONEY i have already been expended by the two power* | ful companies that have undertaken the enter prise. aud there is no lack of funds for its most I vigorous prosecution. When the United St ties ! Government found it necessary to secure toe con struction of the Union Pacific Railroad, to develop j and protect its own interests, it gave the Coinpa ; nies authorized to build it such ample aid as : should rentier its speedy coinplotion beyond a | doubt. The available means of the Union Pacific j Railroad Company, derived from the Government and its own stockholders, may be briefly summed ; up as follows : I—UNITED STATES BONDS Having thirty years to run and bearing six per ! cent, currency interest at the rate of $16,000 per I mile for 517 miles on the Plains; then at the rate jof SIB,OOO per mile for 150 miles through the j Rocky Mountains; thence ut the rate of $52,000 J per mile for the remaining distance, for which the ! United States takes a second lien as security The I interest on these bonds is paid by the United j States government, which also pays the company j one-half the amount of its bills in money for trnus j porting its freight, troops, mails, Ac. The re ! maining half of those bills is placed to the com pany's credit, and forms a sinking fund which may finally discharge the whole amount of this lien. The claims against the government siuce April of the current year amount to four and one half times this interest. 2 —FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. By its charter the Company is permitted to is sue its own First Mortgage Bonds to the saute amount as the bonds issued by the government, and no more, and only as the roudprogresses. 1 he Trustees for the boudhold-rs are the Hon. E. D. Morgan, U. S. Senator from New York, and the Hon Oakes Ames, Member of the U. S. House of Representatives, who are responsible for the de livery of these bonds to the Company in strict ac cordance with the terms of the law. 3.—THE LAND GRANT. The Union Pacific Railroad Company has a land grant or absolute donation from the govern I ment of 12.800 acres to the mile on the line of the road, which will not be worth less than $1.5.1 per acre at the lowest valuation. 4.—THE CAPITAL STOCK. . ) Tho authorized capital of the Union Pacific j Railroad Company is $100,000,000, of which over $5,000,000,000 have been paid on the work already | done. THE MEANS SUFFICIENT TO BUILD THE ROAD. Contracts for the entire work of the building j 914 miles of first-class railroad west from Omaha, comprising much of the most difficult mountain i work, and embracing every expenses except sur | veying, have been made with responsible par I ties (who have already finished over 500 miles), 1 at the average rate of sixty-eight thousand aud j fifty-eight dollars V SSB,OSB) per mile. This price | includes all necessary shops for construction and • repairs of cars, depots, stations and all other in ! cidental buildings, and also locomotives, passen j ger, baggage, and freight cars, and other requisite I rolling stock, to an amount tba shall not be less than so,ooo per mile. Allowing the cost of the remaining one hundred aud eighty-six of tho i eleven hundred miles assumed to be built by the I Pacific Company to be $90,000 per mile. THE TOTAL COST OF ELEVEN HUNDRED MILES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS : 914 miles, at $68,058 $62,205,012 j 186 miles at $90.000 16.740,000 Add discounts on bonds, surveys, Ac... .4 500.000 Amount $-.3,415,012 As the U. S. Bonds are equal to money, and the Company's own First Mortgage Bonds have a ready market, ive have as the I AVAILABLE CASH RESOURCES FOR BUILDING ELEVEN HUNDRED MILES: I U. S Bonds $29,328,000 ' First Mortgage Bonds 29,328,000 1 Capital stock paid in on the work now done 5,369 750 Land Grant, 14,080,000 acres, at $1,50 per acre 21,120,000 Total $85,145,750 The company have ample facilities for supply ing any deficiency that may arise in means for ! construction. This may be done wholly or in j part by additional subscriptions to capital stock, i Active inquiry has already been made for a t ! portion of these landa. and arrangements are now 1 ! pioposed to offer a part of them h>r sale. While i their whole v-lue will not be available for some I i years to come, they will remain a very important ; ! source of revenue to the Company. The lands of 1 the Illinois Central Railroad Company are sel ! ling at from $6 to sl2 per acre, and other land grant companies in the West are receiving equal prices for similar properties. FUTURE BUSINESS. The most skeptical have never expressed a doubt that when the Union Pacific Railroad is finished the immense busines.- that must flow over if. as the only railroad connecting the two grand divisions of the North American continent, will be one ot the wonders of railway transportation ; and as it will have no competitor it can always charge renumerated rates. EARNINGS FROM WAY BUSINESS. During the quarter ending July 31, an average of 325 miles of the Union Pacific Railroad was in operation. The Superintendent's Report showe the following result : EARNINGS. Passengers, Freight. Telegraph and Mails $723,755 51 Transportation of Contractor's Mate rials and Men 479,283 -11 Total $1,203,038 41 EXPENSES. Fuel. Repairs, Offices, Conductors, Trains, Ac. $390,53092 NKT EARNINGS to balance 807,508 03 Total $1,203,038 95 T le net operating expeuses on the commercial business for 'he quarter were $237,900 50. The account tor the COMMERCIAL. BUSINESS stands as follows • Earnings for May, June and July $723,700 54 Expenses " 41 " 237,966 50 Net Profit $485,789 04 The amount of Bonds the Company can issue on 325 miles, at $16,000 per mile, is $5,200,000. In torest iu gold, three months, at 6 percent., on this sum, is $78,000; add 40 per cent, premium, to cor respond with currency earnings, is $109,200 showing that the net earnings for this qu.rter were more than four times the interest on the First Mortgage Bonds on this length of road. * FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, whose principal is so amply provided for, and whose interest is so thoroughly secured, must bo cl ssed among the safest investments- They pay SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, and are offered for the present at NINETY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, and accrued interest at Six Per Cent, in Currency from July 1. Many parties are taking advantage of the pres ent high prices of Government stocks to exchange for these Bonds, which are over FIFTEEN PER CENT. CHEAPER, and, at the current rate of premium on gold pay OVER NINE PER CENT. INTEREST. Subscriptions will be received in Bedford by RUPP AND SHANNON, and in New York at the Company s Office, No. 20 Nassau street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Nassau sueet, .LAKK, DODGE A CO., Bankers, No. 51 Wall stieet, JOHN J. CISCO A SON, Bankers, No. 33 Wall street, and by the Compa ny's advcriised Agents throughout the United i Slates, ol iv bom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained on application Remittances should be made in dralts or other lu.-ds par in New York, and the bonds will bo sent tree of charge by return express. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Subscribers through local agents will WoK to theu. lor their delivery. ' nov22w4