Ill* 'i'rilfovil (b jsettr. vO Home and Around. HUNTING DON AND BROAD TOP R.R. —WINTER ARRANGEMENT. —TIME TABLE.—Accom modation Train leaves Saxton at 7.35 a. m . and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 4.40 p. m., and arrives at Saxton at 6.38 p. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p. in.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.50 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas a 11.05 a. m. 0 MASS ! Democratic Jubilee! There will be a Mass Meeting of the Democrats and Conservatives of Bed ford county, at the Court House, on MONDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 18th (Court week) to celebrate the vic tories achieved at the recent elections. A number of addresses will be deliver ed upon the occasion. Let the people turn out and hear the state of the coun try discussed, so that they may make up an honest judgment in regard to their political duty in the future. GEO. MARDOUFF, Chairman Dem. Co. Coin. W. C. SCHAEFFER, Sec'y. —• THE NEED OF TIIE DEMOCRACY. — One thing is now certain, to wit: Jtail icalism must, in future, rely upon prej udice and ignorance for success. It is equally certain that Democracy must look to the intelligence and reason of the people for aid and recuperation of strength. Radicalism manipulates the unlettered and half-civilized ex-slaves of the South, by appeals to their cupid ity and base passions, and thus hopes to maintain its power. But Democra cy could not, if it would, resort to such dastard means. It must convince the thinking, cool-headed, patriotic people of the North, and by so doing it alone can succeed. How is this to be done? We answer, mainly through the influ ence of the press. Democratic newspa pers are the surest and most effective engines that can lie used in the work of the political regeneration ofthe people. Could every Republican in Bedford county, read a Democratic newspaper, weekly, for one year, there would be 1000 Democratic majority in thecounty, at the succeeding election. The people need only to see and know the truth in regard to the doings of Radicalism, to cause them to turn their backs upon it. H nee, we would urge upon the leading Democrats of the different districts of this county, to canvass actively for subscribers to the GAZETTE. Let the work commence now. Campaign pa pers are not of near so groat service, as regular issues. In every township some Democrat could make himself useful to the cause, by inducing his neighbor to subscribe for bis county paper. Of course this will benefit the publishers, but it will be of far greater advantage to the party. Now, friends, "put your shoulders to the wheel," and let your motto for the next three months be, "Circulate the GAZETTE." CLOSE OF THE NORMAL SCHOOL.— The session of the Bedford County Nor mal School, has closed, and we cannot permit the opportunity to pass, with out expressing our conviction that the "institution" has proved a decided suc cess. The young ladies and gentlemen in attendance, exhibited more than or dinary ability, and we are glad to say that this year Bedford county will fur nish more and better teachers than she has at any previous period. Mr. H. W. Fisher, the County Superintendent of Common Schools, deserves great credit for his assiduous attention to the duties of his office, and for the careful selection of assistants who understand their business and make thorough per formance of their work. On our out side will be found a report of the pro ceedings of the Bedford County Teach ers' Association. This society has al ready produced good results, and de serves the encouragement of all who are interested in the progress of our schools. Teaching is just as much a profession, as Law or Medicine, and should, therefore, be studied with equal care. Hence, the usefulness of Teach ers' Institutes, and other instrumental ities to educate the Teacher in his call ing- BEDFORD UXIOX SCHOOL.-Theeoin mon schools of this borough, will open on Monday, next, 11th inst. The board of Directors have appointed Mr. John M. Reynolds, Principal, with the fol lowing named persons as assistants: Samuel J. Jordan, Samuel D. Middle ton, Miss Mary Holderbaum, Miss Jennie Smith, Miss M. J. O'Conor. These appointments are said to give general satisfaction. John Cessna, Esq., was elected Director, last Spring, upon the hobby that no more female teach ers should be employed. lie assured his supporters that if he would be e lected, he would see to it that none but males should teach. Those who swal lowed the bait with which John angled for their votes, would like to have some explanation of the failure of his omnipotence to prevent ladies from getting schools. Some of them are ev en inquiring whether he made any ef fort at all to fulfil his promise.—Miss Amanda Hansom was appointed teach er of the colored school. THE CELEBRATED MORNING GLORY GAS BURNER. —This stove requires to be filled with coal, once in twenty-four hours, this is all theattention it requires as it is a Self-Eeeder , and keeps fire all the time. BALTIMORE GAS BURN ING FIRE-BOARD STOVE. HEATERS for Churches, Schools and Duellings.— Also second hand stoves suitable for Churches and School-Houses, will be sold low. Call at B. M. Blymyer & Co's Store, No. 1 Stone Row.—novßw3 BEDFORD CLASSICA L SCHOOL.— I TH : S school, which was formerly kept by the Rev. John Lyon, re-opened on Monday, under the Principalshipof Mr. Frederick Woods who conies to our town highly recommended as a teach er. The School is for both sexes and instruction will be given in the ordi nary English branches, together with the usual classical course in Latin, Greek and Mathematics, to prepare Students for College. The French, German, Italian and Spanish languag es will also be taught when required. Terms are moderate and every etfort will be put forth to make this a first class school. Pupils from a distance can find board in town on reasonable terms. ENCOUNTER WITH BEARS.— On Thursday last, Porter M. Skinner and David Cowan were out on the moun tain, a few miles from Fannettsburg, this county, looking after cattle, when they discovered three bears on one tree. Thebearsattempted to escape, and as the party had neither guns or dogs, were prevented from doing so by the free use of clubs and stones. One of the party then stood sentinel, while the other went some two miles for a gun. The first one shot at was wounded and fell to the ground, but not so badly hurt but that he was able to show fight. After a severe en counter, however, they succeeded in dispatching him with their clubs. The second one they shot dead, while the third one made his escape. The gentlemen were uninjured. This is altogether the tallest bear hunt ofthe season. Bears appear to be unusually plenty on the North Mountain this sea son. Several have been captured in the neighborhood of MeConnellsburg.— Fran klin Repository. THE Good work undertaken by the Washington Library Company of Phila delphia, for the endowment ofthe Riv erside Institute as a National Home and College for the orphans of those soldiers who were fed at the Noble Na tional Refreshment Saloon of that city, goes bravely on. That their noble ob ject may be most surely accomplished, they have issued five series of fine steel plate engravings, one of which is given with every share of stock sold, at pri ces much below their retail value. In connection with this superb induce ment, every shareholder is guaranteed a present in tiie great distribution of $300,000. Many of them are quite for tunes of themselves. We notice that one is worth as high as S4O,(KM), another $20,000, another SIB,OOO, one SIO,OOO, one $50,000, two $25,000 each, and a large number ranging from SIOOO to SSO each. Read advertise ment. NEW GOODS! GREAT EXCITEMENT AND NO WONDER!—A. L. Deflbaugh has just received a large lot of new Goods which "take down" in quality, variety and cheapness, any stock re cently brought to this "viiliage."— Call and see him, at his old stand, Cam's building, opposite the Post Of fice. WESTWARD HO !—'-Westward the stars of Empire takes its way," and so has Berkstresser & (Jo's Clothing Em porium, and so must the people if they would buy goods cheap. The largest stock of Ready-made clothing, Notions and Hats, will be found at Berkstress er's, one door west of the Washington House. See their advertisement. NOTICE. —The books of the late firm ofG. Blymyer & Son, are ready for set tlement. Persons who are indebted to the firm will please settle immediately, as it is necessary that our books be set tled at once; accounts not closed by cash must be closed by note. The books of the firm will be found at the stove store of B. M. Blymyer & Son. + YOUR CHILDREN.— If you wish your children to make rapid progress at school this winter, call at Heckerman's drug store, and get new books for them. + WOOD! WOOD!— Twenty cords of wood wanted at this office, in payment of subscription. None but good hick ory, or chestnut oak will be taken. —The three hundred and fiftieth an niversary of the Reformation was cele brated in St. Louis yesterday. A pro cession of ten thou, and persons, with music and banners, marched through the public streets. —The mountains around Johnstown were on fire during last week, and the spectacle presented at night is said to have been a most beautiful one. —Fred. Douglass lectured on negro suffrage and negro equality in Reading on Thursday night last. —ln St. Joseph, Mo., on Thursday night, a livery stable and three dwell ing houses were destroyed by fire.— Twenty horses perished in the flames. —A number of clerks in the Pay master's Department, at Washington, received notices of dismissal yester day. —According to John Sherman there are two hundred and forty thousand copperheads in Ohio. MARRIED. BARCLAY—DE CHARMES—At Cincinnati. 0., on the 24th Oct., by Rev. W. tl. Benade. assis ted by Rev. Mr. Sewall. R. D. E irclay, Esq , of Philadelphia, to Miss Mary De Chariaes, of the former city. Our triend, the bridegroom, is 080 of nature's noblemen, and we wish him and bis bride many years of happiness and prosperity. CLE\ ENGER—HARWOOD—On the 29th inst., at Stoner's Hotel, Bloody Run, by the Rev. G. C. Probst, Mr. Harry Clevenger of Hirrisonville. Fulton county, and Miss Sue Harwood, of Piper's Run, Bedford county. MUM A W—CLKVENGER—AIso, at the same time and place, by the same, Mr D. R. Murnaw and Miss Eve Clovenger, both of Harrisouville Fulton co. Pa. DIED. MTLLER—In Waynesboro, on the 22d October, William Edgar, son of A. and I. Miller, aged 6 years, 4 months. 4 days. Dearest Willie, thou hast left us! Here your 1 >3s we all do feel; but in Heaven we hope to meet you, where no farewell tear is shed ! HORATIO J. MEANS, Licensed Auctioneer, tenders his services to all per sons haviug sales, or vendues. Give him a call. Residence, Black Valley, Monroe tp., six miles South of Bloody Bun. novßm3 BEDFORD SPCIXGS FEMALE SEMINARY.— A Boarding And Day School For Young Ladies. The next Quarter will commence Monday, November IT. TEEMS, perauarter of ten weeks, $6 to $lO. Principal, MRS. C. \ • R- BONNES . References. Rev. A. V. C. Sehenck, W. P. Schell, O. E. Shannon, A. King, T. R Gettys, Jacob R< ed, Bedford, novSwd G. W. Rupp. rpo BUILDERS.—There will be a- L warded by public outcry, at Centreville, on Saturday, 231 inst , the contracts for building three School houses in the township of Cumber land V • Hey, the lowest and best bidder, in each case, to be awarded the contract. Specifications and plans may b< seen at the store of D. R. An derson, in Centreville. Bv order of the Board WM. MASON, Pres't. D. R. ANDERSON - , Sec'y. novßw3 4 DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTICE.— /~\ Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersgned. by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Martin Ituler. late of Union township, decea ed. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated tor settle ment. [uovSwt)| JOSEPH IMLER Adnrr. DEMO REST'S YOUNG AMERI CA, the best. Juvenile Magazine. Every Boy and Girl that sees it says so; all the Press says so ; anil Parents and Teachers confirm it. Do not fail to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two-bladed, pearl Pocket-Knife, mid a large num ber ot other desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, 51,50. The Novem ber Number commences a new volume. Publish ed by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 473 Broad, way, New Yurk. novß DEMOREST'S MONTHLY M \G AZINE, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America : devoted to Origi nal Stories, Poems. Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thoughts. Personal and Literary Gosip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely illustrated with costly En gravings ;full size) useful and reliablo Patterns, Embroideries, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful mid entertaining liter ature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Mod el M .nthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back num bers, as specimens, 10 cents ; either mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a vauable premium ; two copies, $5,50 ; three copies, $7,50; five copies. sl2, and splendid premium ; for clubs at $3 each with the first premiums to each subscriber. LjpA new Wheeler k Wilson Sewing Machine for 20 subscrib ers at $3 each. Address. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. SOMETHING YOU NEED.— Cleav- Lj s Wonderful Liniment.. —lt is efficacious and cheap. If you have a cut, old sore, frost bite, tetter or any ailment requiring outward applica tion, you should use it. Ityour horses or cat'le have cuts, kicks, sprains, grease, scratches, or old sores, you should use it, for you can get nothing better, either for yourself, or your horses an t eat tie. You can procure it of Store Keepers and dealers in patent medicines throughout the coun ty. Manufactured only by JAS. CLEAVER, Hopewell, Pa. novSml REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned. Attorneys in fact of the widow and heirs of David Kensinger. dee'd, will sell at public gale, at Stouerstown. on Thurs day, the 28th day of November, inst., a tract of land containing in and about 50 acres, being a portion of the David Kensinger Farm, adjoining Stouerstown, about one half thereof river bottom und the other half undulating upland ; about 10 acres in timber, 'he remainder in cultivation, well watered. This is a beautiful piece of land und is capable of making a snug little farm. Also will be sold, vacant lots, adjoining said town, Nos. >6, 87, 50, 51, 52. 58, 59 & 00. Terms, reasonable, w'll be made known on day of sale. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A M., of said day. For par ticulars apply to Jno. P. Itoed, Esq., Bedford, or the subscribers, at Stouerstown. PAUL KENSINGER novßw3 EUAS HOOVER. REMOVAL! REMOVAL!! THE BEDFORD CL< )TIIING EMPORIUM Has been removed to SIITJCK S ROOM, one door West of the Washington House. The undersigned would beg leave to inform their friends and many customers that they have re moved their store to the above named place, where wc are prepared to exhibit the largest stock of READY-MADE CLQTIIING ever brought to Bedford, consisting in part of Over-Coats, of every quality and price, Dress Coats, Business Coats, Cassimere Pants, Cloth Pants, Cassinet Pants, Cassimere Vests, Cloth Vests, Cassinet Vests. We have a lot of Army Clothing, Very Cheap - Blouses, $2 50 Overcoats, G 00 Blue Pants, 3 50 @ 4 00 Currying Shirts, 1 50 Our NOTION department is full and complete. CASSIMER E SHIR TS, WHITE SHIRTS, WOOLEN SHIR TS, at all prices. The largest stock of PAPER COLLARS in Bedford, Cloth-lined, Linen finished, Lockwood, Enamelled, Cloth imitation, Glazed, of all sizes, for ladies and gents, cf USPENDERS, NECK-TIES, BOWS, 4 -c. Ladies' and Gents' Linen and Paper Cuffs. Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., of every description. Our CASSI MEItES and CLOTHS will be found suitable for old and young, rich ivnd poor. TRIMMINGS of all qualities. We would call the special attention of gentle men to our line of HATS, which wo boast oa in price, quality and style. There is no style but what we have. Calicos, Delaines, Muslins, Tickings, Ac., Ac. CASH BUYEi'IS should call and ex amine, as our terms are cash or produce. n0v8,'67 R. W. BERKSTRESSER A CO. VTEW HOLIDAY BOOKS G. W. CARELTON A CO., Publishers. Love Letters. —A selection of the most absorbing character and interest, from correspondence of eel ebrated and notorious men and women. Price §2 00 Widow Spriggins. I A new comic volume, by the author of' - " idow Bedott." Illustiated 81 75. A 800 l about Lawyers. —A reprint of the in tensely curious Loudon work, just published 82 00. Epistles of Corry O' Lanus. —An irresistibly laughable book of comic opinions. Illustrated 81 50 Woman's Strategy. —A splendid new English Love Story. Beautitully and profusely Illustra ted. $1 50. Condensed Novels, ami other Comic and Bur lesque Papers. By Bret Harte. Illustrated, 8' 50. The Cameron Pride. —A most delightful new home novel By Mary J. Holmes 81 50. Artemus Ward in London. —A new Comic Book by this great author. Illustrated...-81 50. St. Elmo. —By the author of "Beulah " One of the best and most popular Novels of tue age. .S2OO. The Culprit Fay. —A magnificent Illustrated Edition of this Poem. Elegantly bound in gilt 85 00. How ta Male Money and How to Keep It.— A valuable book that every one should read, 8' 50. The Habits of Good Society. —An excellent work, teaching good manners and behavior, 8175. The art of Conversation.—A book that cannot fail to make almost any one a good talker. 81 50. The Art of Amusing. —lnstructions and Hints lor every sort of Home Amusements 82 00 These books are all beautitully bound —sold ev erywhere—and sent by mail, postage free , on re ceipt of price, by G. W. CAKLETON A CO., Publishers, N. Y. XTEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1868 TO the ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, at 83 a year, will receive Nov. and Dec. Nos. this year Free. Address S. R. WELLS. 389 Broadway, N. Y. BALLOT'S MONTHLY MAGA ZINE FOIt 1868 .—Enlarged to One Hun dred Pages. —The circulation of BALLOU'S MAGAZINE having increased during 1867 nearly fifteen thousand copies and never being so pros perous as at present. th publishers are thereby in duced to still further add to its value by ENLARG ING EACH NUMBER TO ONE HUNDRED PAGES. Al though this enlargement involves an additional expense of some 85,000 a year, yet there will be NO INCREASE IN TIIE PRICE. Now is the Time to Get Up Clubs! Terms:—Bl.soa year; seven copies, 8000; twelve copies, 15 00 ; and a copy gratis one year to the person sending a club of twelve. Single number, 15 cents Send stamp for specimen copy. The Cheapest Magazine m the. World ! Address ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT, Boston, Mass. C1 A X VASSE US W A NTED. —We / are in want of CANVASSING AGENTS f r Boyntoifs History of the Navy, the most elegant illustrated work ever issued in this or any coun try. Apply for Circular to D APPLETON A CO.. 443 A 445 Broadway, N. Y AGENTS WANTED FOR THE "HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE," B> Gen. L. C. BAKER. The astounding revela tions and startling disclousures made in this work are creating the most intense desire in the minds of the people to obtain it. Its official character and ready sale, combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscription book ever published. Send for circulars and see our terms, and why it sells faster than any other work. Ad dress P. GARRETT A CO., 702 Chesnut St., Phil adelphia. 4 DVERTISER'S GAZETTE. New Vol. Price advanced to $2 per year in ad vance. Single eopies 2a cts. G. P HOWELL & CO., Publishers, N. Y. Complete Lists of all Newspapers in Michigan and Wisconsin in No vember number. Also a complete list of All Re ligious Newspapers in America. f" 1 1 R.ST MORTGAGE BONGS, ST. 1 LOUIS A IKON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO—Seven per cent, interest. February and Au gust. These Bonds cover a road of 91 miles, fin ished from St. Louis to Pilot Knob, and in first class order, and an exteusion of about the same length from Pilot Knob to Belmont, now rapidly constru ting, tor which the proceeds of these bonds are to be used, making a through route from St. Louis to New Orleans by rail. The earnings of the 91 miles are SOOO,OOO a year; the net profits now are sufficient to pay the interest on the entire a mouut of bonds, were they all issued. The basis of security is believed to be beyond that of any otner bonds now ottered. Apply at the Office of the Company, No. 43 W'all-st., toll. G.MARQUAND, Vice President, or to CLAKK, I>ODUE A CO., Corner of Wall and William- ts.. New York City. MISSOURI LANDS.—IS,OOO ACRES choice farming and Timber lands, in South IV esiern Missouri, at $1,25 per acre (cash) in lots to suit. Title perfect. WM. HICKOK, Jr. 30 Broad St., New York city. VIR A N T E D—AN AGENT— One y y chance in each town, worthy the atten tion of an nctive business man, to take the agen cy for the sale of BRAIISTREET'S RUBBER MOULD ING AND WEATHER STRIPS, applied to the sides, bottom, top and centre of doors and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever offered before to an agent, aud from $lO to $25 per day can be made. Send for agent's circular. The first who apply se cure a bargain. Terms for moulding, cash. J. R. BBADS'fKKBT A CO., Boston, Mass rnOHREY'rf PATENT WEATHER g STRIPS.—An examination of its merits will convince any one that Torrey's Patent Weather S l ips excel all others. Send for illustrated cir cular. Agents wanted in every town. E. S. AJ. TURKEY A CO., Sole Manufacturers, 72 Maiden Lane, New York. \ if ANTED. —Salesmen to travel ami yy Sell Goods by sample. Good wages and steady employment. Address with stamp, HAMILTON, PERKY A CO., Cleveland. 0. Cl< >NSUMPTION CAN DC CDKRL>. ) TIIE TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOV EKED.—Upham's Fresh Meat Cure, prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau of Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspep sia, Marasmus, General Debility and all morbid conditions of the system dependent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skeptical of ils vir tue as the great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sent by Express. Sold by S. C. UPHAM, No. 25 South Eightu-st., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists. Circulars sent free. r pillS IS NO HUMBUG !—By seiul | ing 30 cents, and stamp, with age, height, tutor of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with uuine and date of marriage. Address MINNIE CLIFTON, P. 0. Drawer No. 8, Fulton ville, N. Y. JADIES AND GENTLEMEN, You A can have a beautiful Card Photograph fri e oj expense, (with circulars of our great Dry and Fancy broods Sale) by sending stamp for return postage to EASTMAN A KENDALL, 05 Hanover St., Boston. Mass (I 1 C IT IS THE BEST CHANCE EVER OFFERED TO AOEXTS! One or two days' time will secure A good Sewing Machine, Watch, Silk J) res.*, lie volver. or some other article of equal value, Free of Cost ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, for the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sale in the euuntry. Senil for circular. S. C. THOMPSON A CO., 31 Exchange Street. Boston, Mass. k*7s Wanted—Agents to sell the best rT low-priced Sewing Machine ever made—eith eT 8200 by the month or on commission. Our ma chine will sew, hem, fell, tuck, bind, and embroid er equal to a high priced machine. Cut any third stitcu, and the goods will tear before the seam will give out. From $75 to S2OO per month, ex penses paid. Address BAKER SEW ING MA CHINE \T OItTM AMERICAN STEAM 1\ * SHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA, EVERY 20 DAY'< 5. PASSAGE and FREIGHT at REDUCED RATES. For lurther information, apply to D. N. OARKINGION, Agt., 177 West St., N. Y. 1 1 YDRAULIC RAMS, DEEP WELL PUMPS, Force Pumps and POWER PUMPS, Manufactured by COWING A CO., Seneca Falls, N. Y ■ INVERT BODY tan Cut their own CLOTHING for Men and Boys, by using Par sou s Self Instructing Charts. Complete set sent to any address for $2.00. Agents order a sam ple. Send stamps for terms and circular HUBBELL A PARSONS, Unadilla, N- V. WANTED—3 CENTS —To sell it live man in every county, a business paying $250 per month sure. tl- C. TlLTON,Pittsburg, Pa, 2UU? JSUVCRTISEMCNTS. TTI-: ARE COMING, and will prt sent to any person sending us a club in our Great. One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac., a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch, Ac., free of cost. Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any address free. Address J. S. HA WES A CO., 30 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box 5125. TWTEBTILL LIVE! Don't behum- T T bugged by Impostors or "patent" east iron or machine "Stencil tools." Send for our New Catalogue qf IMPROVED STENCIL DIE.-, 20 varieties all of Sled, carefully finished and tempered. S M. SPENCER A CO., Brattleboro, Vt. DMQ A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE, with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay samples free. Beware of infringers. My circu lars will explain Address A. J. FULL AM, Springfield, Vermont. RPHE RICHEST MAN IN THE J WORLD.— Extract of a letter from Duron Solomon Rothschild. PARIS, Bth April, 1864, 25 Rue Fauby, St. Honore. Will you bo kind euough to have forwarded to me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment if you will send at the same time the account, 1 will forward you the amount through Messrs BELMONT A Co., New York. BARON SOLOMON ROTHSCHILD having recommend ed to many of his friends Major LANE'S LINI MENT, and they being desirous to procure it. he should advise him to establish a depot in Paris. TIIE INDIAN LINIMENT. As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain, taken inwardly, or Outwardly applied has no equal For the relief and cure of Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains, Bruises, t \c., it is uiuquull ed. It is also most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure ot Cholera, Cramps and Pains in the Stomach. Dirrlioea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. ifC., and is without exception the most wonderful Panacea the world affords. No FAMILY should be without it. Every TRA VELER by land or sea should have a Lottie. MI NERS and FARMERS residing at a distance from Physicians should keep it constantly "it hand. In case of Accidents, and sudden attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannot be estimated. In quire tor Major LANES INDIAN LINI ME NT, and tale no other. PRICE 50 Cts. per bottle. For s ile at wholesale and retail by De mas Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y.; Gale A Robinson, 186 Greenwich-st., N. Y., F. C. Wells A Co., 192 Fulton-st., N. Y.; Chas. N Crittenden, 38 6ih Ave , N. Y.; and by respectable Druggists throughout the world. None genuine unless sign ed by JOHN THOS LANE, and countersigned by J. T.LANE A CO., Proprietors, 163 Broadway, N. Y. Send for circular. 4 PHYSIOLOGICAL VIL\V OF /\ MARRIAGE The Cheapest Iloof Ever Published , containingneaily three hundnd pages and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anato my of the Human Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the Mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment —thfe only rational and successful mode of Cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cts iu stamps or postal currency, by address ing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alba ny, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of ihe world. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTH ERS—THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the best, cheapest and most durable paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Barns, Fences, Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car-ma kers, Wooden-ware. Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) Bridges, Burial cases, Canal Boats, Ship< and Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil-cloths, (one Manufactu rer having used 5000 bbls. the past year); as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durabili ty, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price 86 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which wilt supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL. Proprietor, 254 Pearl-st., New York. Agents Wanted. WIADAM FOY'S ill CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Combines ill one garment a PER FECT FITTING CORSET, and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without tight lacing; gives • ase and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians. Sold at ladies' goods stores gene-ally, and at wholesale by D. B. SAUNDERS A Co., 96 Sum mer St., Boston, and 22 Walker St., New York. Also, by HENRY C. MOORE, 429 Market Street, Philadelpnia, and STELLMANN, HINRICIIS A CO., 21 Hanover St., Baltimore, Md. novl. JianUraif, &(. jETARDWARE! A NEW HAND AT THE BELLOWS, at the old stand of BLYMYER A SON. The undersigned, having purchased the entire stock of Geo. Blymyer A Son, and having added thereto, by fresh purchases in the East, respectful ly annonnces to the public, that he is now prepa red to sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, or for APPROVED COUNTRY PRODUCE, everything in the IIAIiD WARE line, such as Carpenters', Joiners', Cabinet and Shoemakers' tools and findings, cross-cut and mill saws, grindstones and fixtures. saddlery of all kinds, nails by the keg or pound, wagon tire, strap iron, nail rod, double and single shear, blister and cast steel, horse-shoes by the keg or smal ler quantities, double and single bitted axes, cutlery of every description, knives and forks very cheap, and the very best picket knives, Porte iuouaies and pocket-books, si ver tea and ta bic spoons in sets, brittauiiT ware m sets, trays, Ac,, paints, oils and varnishes, window glass all sizes, lamps and lamp chimneys, wooden and willow ware, wash boards, churns, manill.a rope, halters bed-cords and twines, brushes of every description, shoe black ing, shovels and forks, grain shovels, chains of all kinds, sausage cutters and solo and kip leather, also the very best calf skins, buffalo robes, and n general variety of goods kept in a first-class HARDI v ARE STORE. OP* O ur object shall be to be governed by the goldcu rule, to do unto others as you would wish to be done by We intend to sell at par rates, and by fair dealing hope to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed on Blymyer A Sou. novlmfi THOMAS M. LYNCH. J ARGEST! CHEAPEST! BEST! B. M. BLYMYER & CO., have the LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER & CO., have the CHEAPEST STOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER & CO., have the BEST STOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. Call and See the Mammoth Stock. 200 STOVES of every size and description. 50 second-hand Stoves, all kinds, which will be sold very low. THEY WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Also, TINWARE, of every description, Cheaper than the. Cheapest Everybody will please bearinmind thatß. M. Blymyer A Co. sell CHEAPER GOODS, in their line, of the same quality, than can be sold by any one else in Bedford. Remember the place, No. 1, Stone Row. sept,' SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES.—The un dersigned has the blanks now ready and will attend promptly to the collection of all claims un der the law lately passed for the Equalization of Bounties. aug 17-.f. J. W. DICKERSON OLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness And despatch, at THE GAZKTTB oilier Notices, &(. TOST.— On Friday, Oct. in the j neighborhood of Jacob Bowser s Storo, in Bedford, H POCKET-BOOK, containing SSO, or more, in money, and some valuable papers A suitable reward will be paid tor the return of the pocket-book, money and papers to HENRY VVERTZ, novlwl#) Or to the Proprietors of this Office. "VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—The partnership heretofore existing between Richard Litngdon and James 0 Slenker, under the style and title of Laugdon and Slenker, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be continued by the said Richard Langdon. RICHARD LANGDON. J AS. (l. SLENKER. Ri ldlesburg, Pa., Oct. 11, 'tS7.—tn3 "VfOTICE. —Notice is hereby given X a that there will be exposed at public sale, on Tuesday, November 19tb, 1867, at the north end of Richard street, in the Borough of Bedford, the Bridge on wbieh the Bedford and llollidaysburg road, crosses the Juniata. JAMES CLARK. oct2sw3* _ JOSIAH PENROSE. I OYEri! O YES! OYes!—' The un dersigned having taken out auctioneer li cense holds himself in readiness to cry sales and ! auctions on the shortest notice. Give him a call. Address him at Ray's Hill. Bedford county. Pa. oct2 un 6 WILLIAM GRACEY. FJRE GRAPE WINE FOR-SA CRAMENTAL PURPOSES. Pure Blackberry Wine nine years old, sold when prescribed by a regular physician. No. 1 Diamond coal oil, clear as crystal. Heavy Flint Glass lamp chimneys. At lIECIiERMAN r bis customers as well as himself. A. L. DEFIBAUGII. aug23m3 STRAY SHEEP.—Came tresspass ing upon the premises of the subscriber, in Colerniu tp., on or about the first of September, last, twelve head of sheep, some of them lambs) those marked having both ears cropped the lambs not marked. The owner is requested to prove his property, pay charges, and take them away, or they will he disposed of according to law. oct2sw3 REUBEN SMITH. T JO! FO R TJI E F AIR! SAVE YOUR MONEY! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES The undersigned having made a very important discovery in Photography, is now enabled to re duce the prtee ot all kinds of pictures 25 per cent less than former prices, and is willing to give his customers the benefit of such discovery. A first class picture can now be had for 25 cents, made of the best material and put up in the most substantial manner. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in great variety and cheaper than can be had at any other place in the eountv. A large assortment of GILT FRAMES, ROSEWOOD FRAMES, FANCY CASES, CORD and TASSELS for frames, suitable tor any style of picture, at reduced prices. A superior lot of gilt and rosewood moulding for frames, just received, very low. Persons desiring a good likeness of themselves will please call and examine his speci mens before going elsewhere. sep2tn3 T. It. GETTY'S. £ci]al llotiffj*. VDMIN ISTIIATf)U\S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersig ed by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Jeremiah Morris, late of Monroe township, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated, for settlement, and those iudebtod to the estate to make immediate payment. oct2swfi* HORATIO J. MEANS, Adm'r. x ECUT()R'S X<)T ICE. Letters JJ Testamentary upon the last Will. Ac., of Ann Catharine Danaker. dee'd having been issued to the s bscriber. by the Register ot Bedford county, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to the estate of lie deceased to ui ike payment; and ail persons having claims are requested to present the same properly authenticated for settlement. oct4w6 ABRAHAM B. BUNN, Executor. \ DMINLSTRATORS' NOTICE.— f\ Letters of administration having been grant ed to the subscribers, residing in Liberty Town ship, by the Register ot Bedford County, upon the Estate of David Kcnsinger, late of said township, deceased, All persons indebted to said estate are requested tn make immediate payment, and tnose having claims thereon will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. PAUL KENSINGER, Octllw6 ELI AS HOUVER, Adm'rs. I REGISTER'S -NOTICE.-All per- V sons interested, are herebv notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be prcseuted to the Orphans' Couri, in and forsaid county, on Tuesday, the 19 li day of November next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation : The account < f John Ilnrcleroad, administrator of the estate of Christian Harcleroad, late of Bed ford. tp., dec d. The account of John Dieken.Ex'r of the last Will Ac., of Moses Dicken. late of Cumberland Volley tp., dee'd. The account of Daniel Fletcher. Ex r of the last will Ac., of John Morton, late of Monroe township. dec 4 d. The final account of David M. Replogle. Adm'r of the estate of George Sharp, late of Middle Woodberry tp., dee'd. The account of Hiram Davis, Adm'r of the es tate of David Koudabush, late of Napier township, dee'd. The account of Albert Wright and Edwin V. Wright, Adtnr's of the estate of Tbos. G. Wright, la eof St. Clair tp.. dee'd. The account of Michael Wejtz, Esq., Testamen tary Guardian of Joseph Cl ycoinb. The account of George B. Holsinger, Guardian of Louisa Funk. The account ot James M. Barndollar, Ex'r of the last will Ac. of Sarah Faro, la'e of Bloody Run Borough, d'-e'd. The account of David C. Long. Adm'r of the es tateof Richard W. Jones, lateol'South Woodberry tp., dee'd. The account of Aaron Wilson, Guardian of Mag gie. Charles A Jonathan C. Dickeu, minor children ot Jonathan C. Dicken, late of Cumberland Valley Township, dee'd. oct2sw4 SHANNON, Rcg'r._ }IST OF CAUSES, put down fur j trial at November Term, 18t>7, (18th day.) W.S. Entrekin vs. KeusiugerAFlock, John Crist vs. Elizabeth Corl, David Heidler vs. Huntingdon A B. T Mo. R. K. A Coal Co. Michael Ritchey vs. Jos. B. Stoner, Jos. A Josiah Kennard vs.'l A Arnold Lash ley Geo. W. Meyers vs. Mioh'l Feather et al, David B. Bulger vs. Jac. Brenneman, Jeremiah Ktioufi' vs. Jno. 11. M ertz et al, Thos. R. Evans vs. Isaiah Shafer, et at, Jas. Patton vs. Dr Win. Bureh, John Blaek, et al, vs. Cath Trieker, Jas. Patton vs. Dr. Win Bureh, Sam'l Crisman, et al, vs. Jno. Ake's Adm'r. Thos. Ritchey vs. Jac Lingeufelter, et al Fred. Smith, et al, vs. Alex. Fletcher, et a!, Same vs. Jno. Cavender, et al, Saui'l J. Castner, et al, vs. Michael Fox, Michael Ilogan vs. Alvah Boylan, John S. Hoirick vs. Jno. G. Clark, Geo. S. Potter vs. Jno. Eberly, Jno. Stresser vs. Levi Fluek, Certified, October 14. 1887 oct2sw4 0. E. SHANNON, Proth. C1 0 UR T PRO CL AM A TION- To / the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables in the different Townships in the Connty of Bedford, Greeting: KNOW YE, that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING, P resident of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the Itith District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court ofOyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and G W. GUMP, and WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ, Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons wiiji your Re cords, Recoguizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer anil Termiuer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be holden lor the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the. Zd Monday of November, (being the 18 thday,) 1887, at It) o clock in the forenoon of that day , there and then to do those things to which yourseveral offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal Ihe 2oih day of October, in the year of our Lord, 18(57. ROBERT STECKMAN, SHERIFF'S OFFICE. / Sheriff. Bedford, Oct. 2a, 1867. ( w4 I ttmreß.— 6o,oo9 feet Oak, While j and Yellow Pine Lumber on hands and for sate by J. B. WILLIAMS A CO , jnn!4,'67tf Bloody Run, Pa. I TKT OF GRANB J UJROST— j Drawn for November Term, 3d Mond y, .b.n day A. D.. J867: Bedford tp. —David Points, Foreman. Bedford Bor —Jo.-eph Alsip. Broad Top —James Ross. Hopewell— George Clapper, W. H. Dasher, John Hinign. llamson —John H. Wertz, James Seott, Sam l uel is. Hoffman. Juniata —Stephen McCreary, John Armell. Liberty— John McCluin, Henry Kelly, John Berkstresser. Providence E. —Francis W. Pee. Providence IF.—Joseph Whetstone. St. Clair —Henry Kauftmon, Joseph Furgeson, Josiah Penrose, Samuel lekes Jr. nvid Miller, Edu u ,d Ash. Napier —John Williams, George W. Blackburn, Cornelius Whetstone. Providence IF.—Daniel Smouse. John L Mor timore. John C. Calhonn. St. Clair — William Yont, Hiram Blackburn. Southampton —James Northoraft, Lewis Brown ing- * Union— George Beeglc. Joseph Croyle, George Sowers. Michael Moses, Emanuel Benton, Jacob Shafer. I Voodberry HI. William Simpson, James Mil ler, David F. Keagy. I Voodbrrry S —D. B. Armstrong, D. F. Buck, Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 16th day of September. A. I)., 1807. ISAAC KENSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: JuryC'uu'rs. JKO. G FISHKR, Clerk. oct2sur4 OiIERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias and venditioni ex ponas to me directed, there will be sold at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, A. D. 1867, at to o'clock A.M., the following renl estate, viz: Oi.e tract ot laud containing one hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less, about forty-five acres cleared and under fence, with a one-story log bouse and log stable thereon, and a small orchard, adjoining lands of James Bowman. Isaac Dimes, M iry Jones, Michael Sinner, Elias Murphey, and oibers, situated in Southampton township; taken in execution as the property ofGe*rge W Buxton. Also—One" tract of land containing one hundred acres, more or less, about fifty-four aores cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house and log stable'hereon erected ; also one ap ple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Adam Sb fier, Samuel Shaffer, Jacob Sender and others, situated in St. Clair township. Bedford eounty, and taken in execution as the property of Andrew Ad ams. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, | ROBERT STECKMAN, Oct. 25,1867.—w4. J Sheriff. | JUBLIU SALE OK VALUABLE 1 REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under signed, administrator of (bo cstite of Henry Whetstone, lute of Monroe township, in said county, deceased, will offer for sale by public out cry upon the premises, on Sa'urdny the 9'h day of November, next, all the following described two tracts of land, situated in the township afore said, to wit: No. 1. Being the MANSION TRACT, adjoining lands of widow Means' heirs, A J. Steekmm, tract No. 2, hereafter described, contairiin ; about 180 acres and 70 perches, more or less, and having thereon erected a good two and a half story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, double Gog Barn with sheds, good granary, Ac., attached, and other out build ings thereon erected. About 100 acres of this land is cleared, is under fence and in a good state of cultivation, 8 acres of which is good meadow. There is also a good apple orchard and two never failing springs of water upon the premises, with running pumps at the door. No, 2 Is a tract of Timber land, adjoining the above, containing 22 acres, and is well covered with Oak, Pino and other valuable Timber. These lands are situated in a pleasant neigh borhood. about ti miles south of the Kail Road Sta tion at. Bloody Run, and convenient to schools and churches. Titles indispensable. Also, there will be sold at the same time and place, hay by the ton and corn and oats by the bushel. Sale to com mence at 11 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when terms will be made known by ocilSw-t LEWIS HOWSARE, Adm'r. i.M)H SALE Oil TRADE. 2 lots in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. 2 tracts, of IGO acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton connty. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia. Also—32t) acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each ALSO—A lot of ground (about ono acre) at WU low i rcc, in Snake Spring township, on Chauibers burg and Bedford Turnpike, three miles East of B>'dtord. with frame dwelling house, cooper-shop, stuble, Ac , thereon erect; d. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. T7" ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE V —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on (he Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4,000 itii abitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat grow ing county in llliuois. ALSO — One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all thecoal veins of Broad I >p running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the town of Coal mo ut, Huntingdon county. Jan 2i5, 'O6-tf F. C. REAMER. ] "EXTENSIVE PRIVATE SALE fOF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The un dersigned will sell at private sale, several adjoin ing alid contiguous tracts of laud, lying on tha headwaters of Dunning's Creek, in St. Clair town ship, Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157, 163. ai.d 183 acres and the other, being the Saw Mill tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers. The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing head of water, and is it) the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other of the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAN YARD, with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the resources for B irk are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the land is bottom, mostly covered by large sugar trees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, up pon the premises and THREE BARNS, with other outbuildings. The Fruit is choice and in abund ance upon some of these tracts. This property lies 12 miles North of Bedford, and in a country noted for its good roads, leading North, South, East and West, to Bedford. Hollidaysburg, Johnstown, and other points, on the Pcnn'a Central Railroad. Farmers, Lumbermen, Tanners and Speculators should examine the premises, as these lands will be sold on fair and reasonable terms. T 11. LYONS, junß,'6t>. N. J. LYONS SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE— -7 miles from Bedford, containing ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY' ACRES, 125 acres uudercul tivation. half creek bottom; well watered; excel lent Brick House and Frame Burn; plenty of good timber; convenient to schools, churches andaiills. Will be sold at a bargain. Inquire of MEYERS A DICKERSON, oct26tf Bedford, Pa. \ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main etreet about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locutions in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood laud, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford RaiLjtuitd, containing first rate iron ore and having ttmreon a never-tailing spring ot water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs.S. E. Mann, Bloody Run, or ef Dr. llickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. _ NAMMOTH SALE BILES, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT ! It will much more than pay the extra erpease of print ing. Call at THB GAZETTE JOB OFF QRINTERS' INK has made many a X businessman rich We ask you to try it in the COLUMNS of THB GAZBTT*