The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 08, 1867, Image 1

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THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri
day morning by MEYERS A MRIKJEL, at $2 00 per
annum, if paid, strictly m advance ; $2.50 if paid
within six months; $.2.00 if not paid within six
months. All subscription accounts MUST be
settled annually. No paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for ix ADVANCE, and all such
subscriptions will invariably bo discontinued at
the expiration of the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each In
sertion. Special notices one-half additional All
resolutions of Associations; communications of
limited or individual interest, and notices of mar
riages and deaths exceeding five line.-, ten cents
per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans'
Court and Judicial Sales, are required by law
to be published in both papers published in this
All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
♦One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $!0 00
Two squares - - - 600 900 16 00
Three squares - - - 800 12 00 20 00
Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00
ilalf column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00
One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00
♦One square to occupy one inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
rates.—TERMS CASH.
LB' All letters should be addressd to
T notlher vrto on~ high
by buying your GOODS of
Mann's Comer, ... BEDFORD, Pa.
They are now opening a choice variety of
Ready-Made Clothing,
Fancy Goods,
Cotton Yarn,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Wooden ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Ac., Ac., Ac.
CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 16.
GINGHAM, at 121, 15, 18, 20.
MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20.
fiisr* Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinettsand
Ladies' Sacking, at very low prices.
JStstT Ladies', Gents' and Misses'
Shoes, Sandals and Over-Shoos, in great variety.
SatST Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots.
BsaT Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syr
up in the market. Prices low
jgiasr Feed, Flour, Ac., for sale at all
B&aT" We invite all to call and see our
goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere.
tetf" Our motto is, Short Ihroffits.
Asa?" Terms— Cash, Note or Produce.
The undersigned hast just received from the
Eastern Cities, a large and varied stock of
which he will sell very CHEAP FOR CASH or
COUNTRY PRODUCE. All wool pants and vests
as low as $3.00 to $12.00; overcoats, from SB.OO to
S3O 00; cloths, cassimeres, cassinetts, Ac., of the
beat quality, and at the lowest prices; under-cloth
ing, such as under-shirts and drawers, at SI.OO
each ; also, flannel shirts, at $1.75.
He has also on hand a large assortment of
such as ladies' dress goods, consisting of all wool
delaines; calicoes, at 10, 12, 15 and 16 cents per
yard; muslins, at 10, 12. II and 20 ; also NOTIONS
in great variety ; queensware, groceries, hoop
skirts, cotton-chain, tobacco and cigars, Ac., Ac.
And a good supply of gum coats and blankots al
ways on hand. Gum blankets at $1.75.
Thankful for past favors, he would solicit the
continued patronage of the public, feeling confi
dent that he can please all who purchase at his
store. Remember the place, the "Old Colonnade,"
southeast corner of Richard and Pitt streets. Bed
T. B. REESE & CO., Proprietors.
Portable Steam Saw Mills ;
Iron and Brass castings of overy description made
and fitted up for Mills-, Factories, Blast
Furnaces, Forges, Rolling
Mills, Ac.
We call the attention of TANNERS to our Oven
for Burning Tan under Steam Boilers.
IjT All orders by mail promptly attended to.
mayl7m6* Lewistown, Pa.
31) c tlcbforii (Shijctte.
3)rtf-ftoods, ftr.
just received,
Having just returned from the East, we are now
opening a large stock of FHII and Winier Goods,
which have been BOUGHT FOR CASH, at nett
cash prices, and will be SOLD CHEAP. This be
ing the only full stock of goods brought to Bedford
this season, persons will be able to suit themselves
better, in style, quality and price, than at any
other store in Bedford The following comprise a
few of our prices, viz :
Calicoes, at 10,12, 14, 15, 16 and the
best at 18 cents.
Muslins at 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, and
and the best at 22 cents.
All Wool Flannels from 40cts. up.
French Merinoes, all wool Delaines, Coburgs, Ac.
SHAWLS —Ladies', children's and misses'
shawls, latest styles; ladies'cloaking cloth.
MEN'S WEAR—Cloths, cassimeres, satinetts.
jeans. Ae.
BOOTS AND SHOES—In this line we have a
very extensive assort merit for ladies, misses, chil- |
dren, and men's and boys' boots and shoes, all sizes
and prices, to suit all.
HATS—A large assortment of men's and boys'
CLOTHING—Men's and boys' coats, pants and
vests, all sizes and prices
SHIRTS, Ac.—Men's woolen and muslin shirts;
Sbakspeare, Lockwood and muslin-lined paper
collars; cotton chain (single and double, white
and colored).
GROCERIES—Coffee, sugar, syrups, green and
black teas, spices of all kinds, dye-stuffs, Ae.
LEATHER—SoIe leather, French and city calf
skins, upper leather, linings, Ac.
We will sell goods on the same terms that
we have been for the last three months—cash, or
note with interest from date. No bad debts con
tracted and no extra charges to good paying cus
tomers to make up losses of slow and never paying
customers. Cash buyers always get the best bar
gains, and their accounts are always settled up.
Bedford, 5ep.27,'67. No. 1 Anderson's Row.
10 per cent, saved in buying your
goods for cash, at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S cash and j
produce store, No. 1 Anderson's Row.
Bep27 j
The undersigned have opened a very full supply
Our stock is complete and is not surpassed in
The old system of
having exploded, we are determined to
To prompt paying customers we will extend
a credit of four months , but we wish it expressly
understood, after the period named, account will be
due and interest will accrue thereon.
may depend upon
n0v1,'67 A. B. CRAMER A CO.
We have on hand, and intend to sell
a large variety of seasonable
and a general variety of articles, usually kept in a
first-class store.
The undersigned has just received from the East a
large and varied stock of New Goods,
which are now open for
examination, at
two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything ,
usually found in a first-class country store, j
consisting, in part, of
Boots and Shoes,
Ac., &c.
All of nich will be sold at the most reasonable
Thankful for past favors, wo solicit a con
tinuance ot the public patronage.
Lif Call and examine our goods,
may 24,'67. G. YEAGER
\JEW ARRIVAL.—Just received
Straw Hats and Bonnets, Straw Ornaments, Rib
bons Flowers, Millinery Goods, Embroideries,
Handkerchiefs, Bead-trimmings, Buttons. Hosiery
and Gloves, White Goods. Parasols and Sun-Um
brellas, Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, Fancy Goods
and Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Our
assortment contains all that is new and desirable.
Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope
to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus
tomers. Please call and see our new stock,
may 31
# R. H. SIPES having established a manu
factory of Monuments, Tombstones, Table-Tops,
Counter Slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun
ty, Pa., and having on hand a well selected stock
of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to fill
all orders promptly and do work neat and in a
workmanlik 0 style, and ou the must reasonable
terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to
all p .rts of this and adjoining counties without ox
tra charge. apr!9,'66yl
flte f rdfortl fefttf.
Pursuant to a call issued by the Coun
ty Superintendent, the teachers of the
county met, Monday 21st Oct., 9 A. M.,
in the Union School House Hall, Bed
ford, to organize a Teachers' County
The meeting was called to order by
the Co. Sup't., President, ex afficio.—
He then read the supplement to the
school law, relative to teachers county
institutes, passed last winter, and made
someappropriate remarkson the subject
of Institutes. On motion, C. G. McCoy
was chosen Secretary pro tern. An
election of officers was then held, re
sulting as follows: Vice President,
Jno. A. Songster, rec., sect., Wm. C.
Smith, csr. soct., Miss Mary Holder
baum, treasurer, Jno. O. Smith, busi
ness committee—S. J. Jordan, J. M.
Reynolds, V. \V. Schuck, Miss Maggie
McCleary and Miss M. Jennie Smith.
Committee on members—Miss A.
Leany, Ettie Irvine, S. I). Middleton,
T. W. White. The chair then appoint,
ed Messrs. Jno. A. Songster, S: J. Jord
an and W. C. Smith, committee on
constitution. After some miscellaneous
business the committee on program
reported the following order of busi
ness for the afternoon session.
Exercise in Orthography—by Co.
Written Arithmetic.
Debate—resolved that district insti
tute are beneficial to schools and teach
On motion Prof. R. A. McClure and
Class were respectfully requested to
open and close the ses-ionsof the Insti
tute, with music. On motion the In
stitute agreed to open at 9 A. M., and
1-30 P. M., daily.
The Institute, on motion of J. M.
Reynolds, resolved itself into a com
mittee to solicit the attendance of the
citizens of the town at the meetings
of the Institute.
Adjourned to meet at 1-30 P. M.
Institute met at 1-30 P. M. H. W.
Fisher, County Sup't. in the chair.
Exercises opened with music, by R. A.
McC'lure. The chair then stated that
five hundred words, would be given,
in lessons of one hundred words each,
to the members of the Institute, and
the three prizes (valued at twenty dol
lars), awarded to the three members
missing the fewest number of words.
Hon. J. P. Wickersham, and Prof.
Amos Stevens, of Pittsburg, were then
elected honorary members. The In
stitute proceeded with the regular or
der of business, exercise in orthography,
by H. W. Fisher, co. sup't. Debate on
question submitted by committee was
participated in by Messrs. Jordan.
Reynolds, W. C. Smith, David Stayer,
A. Stayer, Geo. S. Carpenter, Henry
Hiledbrant,D. M.Sams, Miss McCleary,
and others; vote taken on the merits
of the question, all the members save
one voting in the aflirmitive.
The following program was submit
ted by the business committee.
Music—Prof. 11. A. McClure.
Written Arithmetic—County Sup't.
Orthography—Co. Sup't.
Debate—Resolved, that teachers
should be compelled by law, to attend
the County Institute.
Music—Prof. R. A. McClure.
Adjourned, 4 P. M.
Institute met at 9 A. M. President in
the chair.
Music—by Prof. R. A. McClure.
Journal of previous meeting read and
Roll was called, and all the members
responded. The leading educational
men of the county were elected hon
orary members of the Institute.
Class drill in Orthography, by the
Program of afternoon session, sub
mitted by committee.
Music, by Prof. R. A. McClure.
Orthography, County Superinten
Lecture on teaching Elementary
Arithmetic, by J. M. Reynolds.
Adjourned, 12 M.
Institute called to order 1-30, P. M.
by county Superintendent. Journal
read and approved. Roll called and
absentees marked.
Music, by It. A. McClure, and Class.
Lecture,.by J. M. Reynolds, on Ele
mentary Arithmetic. Class drHl in
Orthography, by County Superinten
dant. Compulsory attendance at coun
ty Institute was discussed by J. W.
Dickerson, ex-County Superintendent,
11. W. Fisher, J. A. Songster, and W.
C. Smith.
Resolutions sustained by the Insti
Music, Prof. It. A. McClure.
Lecture on Penmanship, by Prof. A.
Orthography, County Superinten
Debate on Supplement to the School
Law passed last winter.
Adjourned, 4 P. M.
Wednesday morning.
Institute met at 9 A. M., and was
! called to order. County Superinten
: dent in the chair. After miscellaneous
business, Prof. A. Stevens delivered
an abie lecture on the subject of pen
l manship, showing clearly the great ad
| vantages to be derived from the study
I of a good system of penmanship.
1 Adjourned, 11-30 A. M.
Institute met at the usual hour, Coun
ty Superintendent in the chair. After
reading of journal, and roll-call, the
County Superintendent continued the
exercise in Orthography. The Insti
tute was then divided into two classes,
, one of which was formed into a class
; in Penmanship, conducted by Prof. A.
Stevens; the other, into a class in Men
! tal Arithmetic, conducted by J. M.
Reynolds. After the class drills, the
County Superintendent introduced the
Hon. J. P. Wickershain, who deliver
ed an able lecture on the Science of
Teaching. On motion ofW.C. Smith
a vote of thanks was tendered the lec
turer for his address.
The Glee Club then favored the In
stitute with several choice pieces of
Music, R. A. MeClure.
Lecture, by Hon. J. P. Wickersham.
Orthography, County Superinten
Penmanship—Class drill, Prof. A.
Adjourned, 4 P. M.
The Institute met in the Court House
at 7 P. M. The County Superintendent
introduced the Hon. J. P. Wickersham
who delivered an address on the ob
jects of the common school system of
Pennsylvania. The State Superinten
dent spoke in more than his usual earn
est manner, and won the admiration of
all his hearers. The subject was dis
cussed in all its bearings, and the
teachers were more than ever convinc
ed of their high calling.
Institute met, and proceeded with
the usual order of business.
The Hon. J. P. Wickersham address
ed the Institute on the late supplement
to the Common School Law. On mo
tion the speaker was again tendered
the thanks of the Institute.
The State Sup't then answered sun
dry questions, touching the School
Law, proposed by the members of the
Institute. Class drill in Penmanship,
by Prof. A. Stevens, and class drill in
Mental Arithmetic, by J. M. Reynolds.
The late Supplement to the School
Law was taken up, and discussed by
the County Sup't., and W. C.Smith.
Music drill by Prof. It. A. MeCiure,
Lecture on Object Lessons, J. M. Rey
Classdrillon Penmanship Prof. Amos
Music by Class.
Adjourned, 12 M.
Class drill on the Elements of Music
by Prof. R. A. McClure. J. M. Rey
nolds read an able paper 011 the subject
of object lessons. Class drill 011 Pen
manship by Prof. Stevens, debate on
the subject of corporal punishment, by
Co. Supt If. VV. Fisher, J. G. Krich
baum, \V. C. Smith, S. J. Jordan.
Adjourned, 4 P. M.
Institute met at 9 A.M., Vice Presi
dent in the chair, minutes read and a
dopted. On motion ofS. J. Jordan the
institute tendered its sincere thanks
to the Co. Supt., 11. W. i isher, for the
zeal and energy manifested by him in
the discharge of his duties relative to
the County Institute. Res. unanimous
adopted. On motion of R. A. McClure,
it was resolved that it is the duty of
all teachers, who have the ability, to
teach vocal music in their schools.
The Institute elected the following
Committee on Teachers' Certificates, J.
M. Reynolds, J. G. Krichbaum, J. A.
Songster, S. J. Jordan and Miss. M.
McCleary. Class drill i n Orthography by
Co. Supt.
Lecture 011 Penmanship, J. M.Rey
Adjourned, 12 M.
After the usual miscellaneous busi
siness, Prof. A. Stevens continued his
class drill in Pennmanship, after which
the Co. Supt. announced the result of
the lessons in Orthography, Miss Jen
nie Baylor received the first prize, Miss
Nellie Hartley, the second, and Geo.
VV. Fletcher, the third.
The subject of History was then dis
cussed and the Co. Supt. urged the
teachers to introduce the study in all
the schools where classes can be formed
in it.
Committee on resolutions reported
the following:
Resolved, That it is the duty of all
teachers, who wish to teach in Bedford
Co., to attend some Normal School.
Resolved , That it is the duty of every
teacher in the County to his use infi uence
in favor of Township Institutes.
Resolved , That we urge the adoption
of Payson, Dunton and SeribnePs Na
tional System of Penmanship in all the
schools of the County.
Resolved, That the,teachers who ab
sent themselves from this Institute
without just cause, merit and receive
our censure.
Resolved , That we tender our thanks
to Prof. Amos Stevens lor his able and
interesting instructions on the subject
of Penmanship.
Resolved , That we tender our thanks
to the School Board of Bed ford, for the
use of the Union School Hall.
Resolved , That we tender our thanks
to the Commissioners df the County,
for the use of the Court Room for our
evening meetings.
On motion the Institute adjourned
to meet at the call of the County Su
H. W. FISIIEU, Co. Supt,
\V. C. SMITH, Sec. President.
SCENE—Bondholder's parlor.
DRAMATIS PERSON.®—A gouty Bondholder in his
easy chair, sitting by a table, drinking wine.
ENTER—A ragged man with bare feet and tat
tered garments, preceeded by a little boy and girl.
Poor man— Good afternoon, Mr.
Bondholder. I have brought you a
present.—Here are two little children,
your slaves for life. I give' them to
you, if you please, for no fault of theirs,
except that they are white! But, sir, I
could not help it—their father and
mother, both dead, were white. These
are my innocent little grandchildren—
all you and your party have left me—
and the bonds you hold are mortgages
on them, as upon myself. I cannot
pay the debt—take the little ones.
Bondholder—Be off—get out—take
the dirty brats away from me!
Poor man—Please, sir, don't speak
so harshly. It frightens the little girl.
The l>oy does not seem to start much
at your angry tones, else he would not
double up his fists, but the girl is tim
Bondholder—Get out—he off with
your brats, or I'll ring the bell foraser
vant to put you out, you impertinent
scoundrel !
Poor man—You needn't ring, Mr. i
Bondholder. The day of ringing little
bells has passed away. And you need
not ring for a servant, for I am your
servant. I will stand here a moment
before I go, and have a little talk with
you, and you will listen. And you
will not speak cross or interrupt me.
Once, when you were afraid of the
draft, you wore the kindliest smile.
And you patted me 011 the back and
said 1 was a dear, good, patriotic man.
I listened to you then, and, by the
Eternal, you shall listen to me now.
Do you remember those days ? There
was a war. You, with your oily tongue,
helped bring it about. It was more of
a war than you thought it would be.
You were a coward, a great big coward.
Don't look ugly, for I don't scare worth
a cent! And you were afraid to go to
war. You made long speeches about
saving the Union, protecting the Con
stitution, honoring the laws, and help
ing the poor man.
You said the war was to restore the
country to peace and prosperity.
You said the object of the war was
not to coerce States, nor to deprive the
people of liberty.
You said those who would not fight
were cowards. I was no coward, Mr.
Bondholder, so I went to war. You
were a coward—you dared not go, so
you hired me to go. I took your mon
ey and went. And, now, when I have
returned, 1 find that I owe you more
than you gave me, and that I must
now work to pay myself for being shot
at, and to pay you big interest on the
money you let me have.
And I find that you are exempt from
taxation, that you hold the wealth 01
the nation in your pockets, and that I
am your slave.
In short, Mr. Bondholder, you are a
coward, a cheat, a swindler, a tyrant,
a robl er, a great bloated aristocrat.
When the war came on I was a poor
but honest man. I knew but little ol
your tricks and financial plans. I had
a wife and I loved her very dearly.
She wore no silks, for I could not buy
them. We had no grand home as you
now have. Wedrank milk—you drink
wine and I pay for it. Our home was
a poor man's home, but was a very
happy one. Do you know, Mr. Bond
holder, how you whined and begged ol
me to go to war? You said the. coun
try was in danger. You promised to
care for my family, and to look out for
my interests, if I would go and figln
for you. You promised well, you did.
and you lied to me all the while.
While I was fighting you were specu
lating. I bade my wife good bye, and
went to war. My son went to war.
You made war speeches. You prom
ised great things to the soldiers. You
lied to them, you did, and you know
it! Don't look mad—l am not afraid
of cowards—don't scare worth a
I was wounded in battle and hall
starved in the hospital. My son wa
killed by the Confederates while on a
cotton expedition to enrich your loyal
cousin in the army as General. I had
a hard time of it and at last came
My wifedied from neglect. You never
cared for her. My son was killed by
the Confederates while helping on the
crusade after cotton and negroes. 1
came home to find you rich and mt
poor. My farm was covered with
weeds and mortgages. My wife lies in
the churchyard for your benefit. My
boy sleeps by a cotton field for his Gen
eral's benefit.
These are his children. They are not
left to me—they are left to you. You
stole my son. You lied to me. You
j starved my wife and my son's wife.
You and your party lied to all the
soldiers—you robbed them in the field
—you sacrificed them for private ends—
you gave away our blood to protect
| your dollars.
While we fought to save the coun
try, you said that a national debt was a
national blessing, and you made the
blessing great; but a blessing only to
yourselves and the other cowardly
thieves and aristocrats ol the country.
The soldiers should have been ex
empt, but they are not. Only the aris
i tocrats are exempt, and able to live
at ease.
Take the little children. I have no
, home. Your mortgages cover it. My
1 hopes arc gone. This is no more a
! land of liberty, of right, of equal taxa-
I tion. lam weary of life—l shall soon
VOL. 62.—WHOLE No. 5,417.
(lie—l have no home for little ones,
and nothing to leave them but eternal
Their labor is for your good, not for
their own benefit.
Take these children; take all the
children of America. Kill them, hold
them in bondage, make them your
slaves. They will wait on you, your
negroes, your Congressmen, clergy, or
pampered sons, but I can't help it.
I leave them with you that they
may look upon their robber—on the
murderer of their father. I must go
to the plow, the hoe, thespade, the axe,
the pick, the farm, the work bench,
the hammer, the trowel, the forest, the
loom—anywhere and everywhere, and
toil early and late to buy you wines
and luxuries to support you in idleness;
to protect you in your swindles, i
must now go to work and slave that
you may rest and live. I will go and
wear out my life to support you in idle
ness till the day which is dawning
comes, which will bring relief in Equal
Ah-ha-hn-ha-ha-ha! That makesyou
tremble! Then I will repeat it, Equal
It is good to see your cheek pale, and
to see you clutch for your bonds !
I have seen you so before.
It was when you begged me to fight
for you!
When you fooled me!
When you lied to me !
When you whined and begged me to
go to war, and let you look out for my
It was when you trembled and shook
like an aspen leaf, lest the draft would
snatch you away from the place wheie
you could rob and steal.
When I fought for your interests and
my interests alike. You looked only
for your own interests. You played it
well, you controlled legislation nicely.
And now, I'll look after my own in
terests. All you worked lor during
the war was to make money. That
was your great aim. Now, you are
again in danger, you tremble, and no
one will help you. Does that little
boy look as if he would be a willing
slave or the tool his father and grand
father have been ?
He will look out for his interests; I
will look out tor my interests, and as
the object of government as Jacobins
manage it, is to makemoney, I'll follow
suit and seek relief from your great
Bondholding swindlers, in Equal Taxa
There was a large and pleasant nurse
ry, fitted up with everything likely
to make a little boy or girl happy.
On one side were shelves stored with
books of such various kinds that they
would suit every humor you might hap
pen to be in ; stories and tales, histories
and travels, books for Sunday and
books for Monday. Underneath, on a
large table was a pile of picture books ;
and moreattractivestill, three beautiful
ships, with sails, and rigging, and lit
tle cannon all complete,as if they were
real vessels, and so constricted that you
could take them for a make-believe -ail
along the passage, when you could not
put them 011 the pond out of doors. On
the other side of the room was a rocking
horse, and in the middle were two ropes,
fastened hooks to the ceiling, by
means of which you might swing, or
twist yourself about into some of the
strange attitudes which little children
deiight in.
But the owner of these pleasant
things did not seem any the better for
them; on the contrary, he was standing
at the window, pressing his nose a
gainst the pane as if he was not think
ing about them at all. A long yawn
made nurse look up from her work.
"Whydon't you get something to do,
Master Henry ?" she asked.
"Ican't" replied thechild, "for there
is nothing for me to do."
"Well, did I ever hear the like of
that?" cried Nurse. "Why there's
the swing, and the rocking-horse, be
sides heaps of puzzles in the cupboard."
"I don't want them," said Master
Henry: "I'm tired of them all, I want
to go'out."
"Very likely, sir, in this drizzling
rain : spoil your clothes, and catch your
death of cold into the bargain. Other
young gentlemen would be satisfied
at home with all these playthings."
"I don't care about other young gen
tlemen ; I know 1 can never do any
thing I want to do."
"Oh, Master Henry, for shame; when
there's everything got for you, and ev
erything done for you, and 3*oll ought
to be the happiest little boy alive."
We do not wonder that Nurse should
i>e shocked, but she was wrong there,
for there was no ought in the case. No
oody ever is or can be happy, although
ne may have ever 3' thing to make him
so, unless his own mind is in a state to
t>e pleased and to be happy. Henry
was a spoiled child—his mind in conse
quence was restless and discontented;
and when we have those feelings within
us, the 3* put everything wrong outride
us. It is quite impossible, then, for
outward circumstances to please us—
it is like having a mist before our e3*es,
so that we cannot see the sunshine and
the pleasant things of fife.
Just outside of the garden wall of the
house where Henry lived, a different
scene was going 011. Some large trees
iiad been cut down, and were lying 63*
the roadside; some carpenters had left
a plank there too, and Tim and Bob,
the gardener's boys, came homo from
the village school ; the prospect it held
out of a see-saw was much too inviting
to be resisted. So the plank was hois
ted over eneof the truuksandin a minute
the two boys were going up and down
to their heart's content.
"I say, Tim, is'nt it famous?"
"Glorious!" shouted Tim, in reply,
as his turn came to go up ; and their
sister, who had come out of the cottage
to look on, clapped her hands in com
pany. True, it looked as if it would
rain, but the prospect of it did not spoil
their fun a bit.
Yet these children were very poor,
their clothes were coarse and thread
bare, and they did not always get quite
enough to eat; how was it they could
be so happy?
I will tell you. It is because they
had contented spirits, and because they
were making their own pleasures. Chil
dren who contrive their own plays are
generally happier than those who
have everything ready made to their
hands; because —and it is the same
with men and women too—what we
find out for ourselves gives us more
pleasure than what is done for us by
Have you not often noticed how
some people go about getting some
thing pleasantoutof everything; while
others, do what we will for them, nev
er seem satisfied ? There is no doubt
that God gives this happy disposition
to some more than others naturally,
but al' may attain to some degree of it
by trying, and with His gracious help.
It is often very hard work for grown
up people to learn it, but to you it
is easy; and the babbit once gained,
you will find life all the brighter for be
ing able to turn small things to account,
and make, as it were, sunshine for your
Gur blessed Saviour says, "A man's
life eonsisteth not in the abundance
of the things which he posesseth;" and
one meaning of the words is, that great
possessions can never of themselves give
happiness. Our real, true life we carry
with us in our own hearts. We must
have peace there, peace with God,
peace with ourselves —this is life. Then
if we have outward blessings we shall
enjoy them indeed ; but if not, God can
and will make a littla enough for our
A Sen Which Uricd i'p and Reappeared
nller liiipnc of I,'JOO Years.
A curious question was discussed at a
recent meeting of the British Royal
Geographical society. Sir Henry Raw
linson expressed the opinion that the
sea of Aral—a, body of water having an
area of 23,000 square miles, or three
times the size of Massachusetts —had
no existence in the period between 600
years before Christ and 600 years after,
and the rivers Oxus and Jaxaries, now
flowing into it, both flowed into the
Caspian seas. He said : "The sea first
comes into notice in the seventh centu
ry, and those two rivers are spoken of
for several hundred years as emptying
into it.—Another change seems to have
occurred between 1000 and 1500, and the
rivers again flowed into the Caspian
sea; but since the late date they slowly
changed their channels until they
found an outlet in the sea of Aral."
This theory was combated by Sir Rod
erick Murchison, the geologist, who af
firmed that the mereabsence of allusion
to the sea of Aral was no proof of its
non-existence, and cited the geological
evidence that whatever changes the
sea had undergone must have occurred
long before the birth of history or tra
dition. Sir Henry Rawlinson, in re
pl3 T , said that evidence exists in the
writing of the 14th and 15th centuries
that a highway of travel from Europe
to Asia passed directly over the region
now covered by the waters of the Aral.
His opponent admitted that such evi
dence would be conclusive. Here the
debate ended, with the understanding
that Sir Henry is to collect and publish
the proofs of his assertion.
There's the secret! A saving woman
at the head of a iainiiy is the very best
saving bank yet established—one who
receives deposits daily and hourly with
no costly machinery to manage it. The
idea of saving is a pleasant one, and
if the women would imbibe it at once,
they would cultivate and adhere to it,
and thus when they were not aware
of it, would be laying the foundation
of a competent security in a stormy
time, and shelter in a rainy day. The
woman who sees to her own house, has
a large field to save in. The best way
to make her comprehend it is to keep
an account of all current expenses.—
Probably not one woman in ten has an
idea of how much are the expenditures
of herself and family. Where from one
to two thousand dollars are expended
annually, there is a chance to save
something if the effort is only made.
Let 'he housewife taketheidea, act up
on it, and she will save many dollars,
perhaps hundreds, where before she
thought it impossible.
party of old and young, the question
was asked, which season of life is the
most happy? After being freely dis
cussed by the guests, it was referred for
answer to the host, upon whom was
the burden of four score years. Ho
asked if they had noticed a grove of
trees before the dwelling, and said:—
When the spring comes and in the si ft
air the buds are breaking on the trees
and they are covered with blossoms, I
think, how beautiful is spring! And
when the summer comes, and covers
the trees with its foliage, and singing
birds are all among the branches, I
think, how beautiful is summer! When
autumn loads them with golden fruit,
and their leaves bear the gorgeous tint
of frost, I think, how beautiful is au
tumn! And when it is sere winter,
and there is neither foliage Lor fruit, I
look up, and through theleafless branch
es as 1 never could until now, I see
the stars shine through.