gbitaftt'tpftte (Trade. A RMBRUSTER & BROTHER, J\ jf o 306 N. Third St., above Vine, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Hoisiery. Glovee, Shirts and Drawers, Buttons, Suspenders. Hoop Skirts, Handk< rchiefs, Threads, Sewing Silks, Port Monnaies Soaps, Perfumery, Trimmings, paoey Goods and Notions generally. ALSO, anufacturers of Brushes and Looking Glasses, and Dealers in Wood and Willow Ware, Brooms, Ropes, Twines, Ac. febl,'67yl R. TAYLOR, Wholesale TUBA CCO Dealer, No. 336 Market Street, One Door below 4th. PHILADELPHIA. feb.l,'67yl WARTMAN &*ENGELMAN, TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEGAR MAN UFACTORY, No. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below W T ood, PHILDELPHIA. J. v. WARTKAX. H. ENGELMAN. fcbl,'67yl JgUNTING 8R05.,; D R'Y -GOODS, 428 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. febl,'67yl JAMES BOYD, (formerly CARSON A BOVD,) YOUNG, MOORE & Co. Hosiery, Notions, White Goods, Embroideries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ac., No. 429 MARKET ST., and 418 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. marlsyl TTAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. LAING'S, N. E. Corner 6th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods, in every style and quality. Skirls made to order. jy BASE-BALL HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of articles, such as Caps, Bats, Balls, Belts, Shoes, Bases, Ac. marlsyl $23,000,000. THE NEW SIX PER CENT. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN FREE FROM ALL STATE, COUN TY AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION. Will be furnished in sums to suit, on application tot he nearest Bank or Banker; also by either of the undersigned, JAY COOKE & CO., DREXEL & CO., E. W. CLARK & CO. Spr26* Bankers, Philadelphia. p U M P s! ! ! I am engaged in selling the ERIE i>Un certainly the only pump well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PUMP, will do well to give me a call. from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS: WM. C. SNIVELY, Schellsburg Aug. 1, '6s—ly LEWISTOWN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. T. B. REESE & CO., Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONERY STEAM EN GINES AND BOILERS; Portable Steam Saw Mills ; Iron and Brass castings of every description made and fitted up for Mills, Factories, Blast Furnaces, Forges, Rolling Mills, Ac. We call the attention of TANNERS to our Oven for Burning Tan uuder Steam Boilers. TERMS MODERATE. All orders by mail promptly attended to. T. B REESE A CO. mayl7mfi* fcewistown, Pa. GtLOBE WOOLEN FACTORY.— JT 20,000 lbs of WOOL WANTED.—The pro prietor of this well-known factoiy returns his thanks to his numerous customers for their former liberal patronage, and begs 10 at,snre them that he is now better prepared than ever to accommodate them. His machinery, which is abundant, is in excellent order, and he can card and spin for cus tomers on the shortest notice, at 25 cts per pound And he is prepared to do all kinds of manufactur ing. Mr. Uliery will wit upon our customers throughout the country and afford them an oppor tunity to exchange their wool for goods. At least 20 000 lbs of good wool is anxiously desired. Please give us a call if convenient, it not, "wait for the wagon." [may24m3| JOHN KEAGY THE Local circulation of the BED FORD GAZETTE islarger than that of any other p ( ci in mis ol oountry, and therefore of ersthe greatest inducements to business men to fdvertise in its columns. \\TASH INGTON HOTEL, BED ▼ ▼ FORD, Pa —This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, is now open for the reception of visitors and hoard ers. The rooms are large, well vt ntilated, and comfortab'v furnished The table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thankii g the public for past favors, I respectful ly solicit a renewal of their patronage. "N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and the Springs. mayl7,'67yl W. DIBERT, PropT. BEDFORD HOTEL.—The un dersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hafer, an nounces to the public that he will be able to af ford the best accommodations, both to the travel ing public and home custom. The house will be improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always he well supplied with choice liquors. Ilis table will be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no pains io make it suitable tor all. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. £ taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public arc respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. la, "64 rp H E ME N GEL HOUSE, Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travellingpublie that he'has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his house, both for the ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as well as country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage house. All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April 15, '64. MORRISON HOUSE, HUNTINGDON, PA. I have purchased and entirely renovated the large stone and brick building opposite the Penn sylvania Railroad Depot, and have now* opened it for the accommodation of .the traveling public.— The Carpets. Furniture, Beds and Bedding are en tirely new and first class, and I am safe in saying that I can offer accommodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. I refer to my patrons who have formerly known me while in charge of the Broad Top C'.ty Hotel and Jackson House. JOSEPH MORRISON. may25,'66.-tf. FT N I O N HO T E L, WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA : V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, '62. J ACKSON HOTEL, Railroad Street, II UN TIN GI)O N, Pa. C. SNELL. apr.13,'66. Proprietor. (flotUintj, etr. E M OVAL TO TUE OLD COLONNADE STAND. NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes pleasure in informing the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, that he has re moved from his old stand to the Old Colonnade Building, where he has just opened a new and well selected stock of CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Ac., Dress Goods, Calicos, Muslins, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises and Notions, which he will sell at the very LOWEST PRICES as the goods were bought during the fall of prices. A fine assortment of Dry-Goods, all kinds, cheap; a fine lot of de Laines; Muslin at I2i cts; Calico at 12i cts; Molasses ; best Syrup at 37i cts; Sugar; Coffee at 30 cents; Queensware, Ac. £jp Don't forget the place, Colonnade Building, and you can suit yourselves. Thankful for the past patronage bestowed upon me, I will kindly ask for the continuance ot the same. I. LIPPEL. aprl2m3 ITSTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS are J still ahead of all competitors and stand un rivalled in POWER, PURITY OF TONE and BRILLIANCY, and all oiher points which go to make a first-class instrument. The "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is the great est of all modern improvements on reed instru ments. It CHARMS and SURPRISES all who hear it, by its wonderful resemblance to the HU MAN VOICE. Do not confound this with the common tremolo in use. It is entirely different, and far superior io any other. For sale wholesale and retail by E. M BRUCE. ISN. Seventh Street, Philadelphia, [y Send for descriptive circular and price list. The effect of your "Tremolo" is entirely new to ine, and is certainly the best I ever heard.— GEO. W. MORGAN. |The first Organist of America. No Tremolo has yet been invented that will in any degree compare with this for beauty of effect. In fact, it seems to me to be absolutely perfect.— WM. A. JOHNSON Pipe Organ Builder. Estey's Cottage Organs are without a superior for exceedingly quick articulation and round tone —the essential fea ures in instruments of this class —GEO. JARDINB, Pipe Organ Builder. The Cotttge Organ is the best of its class I ever saw, and he best adapted for church music of any in use.—C. HEINTZ, Organist, Find lay, 0. I am much pleased with the Cottage Organ which I purchased from you; it comoines sweetuess aud power in an unusual degree, and is quite a tavor ite in our family circle.— BlSHOP SIMPSON. We know no-organs of the class which possess so many valuable qualities. — INDEPENDENT. For the parlor, its sweetness is remarkable; for the church it has a power more organ-like than anything we have seen. — METHODIST. Persons wishing to purchase an organ are re quested to examine the Estey instruments now in use at the Presbyterian and Episcopal Churehes, Bedford. Pa. ju126,'67 RROBISON & CO., # WHOLESALE • GROCERS AND PORK PACKERS, DEALERS IN Glass, Iron and Nails, Fa jiily Flour of the best brand, Bacon llanis, Sides aud Shoulders, Leaf Lard, Mess Pork, Cheese, Beans, Hominy, Dried Fruit, Dried Beef, Carbou and Lard Oil, Ae. No. 255 Liberty Street, (Red Front), juu7ui6 PITTSBURG, PA. G1 UNS AND LOCKS. —The under signed respectfully tenders his services to ilie people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer liGuns aud Locks. Ail work promptly attended, to. L. DEFIBAUGH sep 28, '66-tf LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and EN V ELOPES for business men, printed in the best style ofthe art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. IjV VERY VARIETY AND STYLE J OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low lates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and r-ave yur orders. VT AM MOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra expense of print ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFF SLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMB POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN \WD FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office. cms at £atr. S. L. RUSSELL. J. H. LONGEXKCKKR. | 1> USSELL & LONGENECKER, Y ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 1 BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi- ' ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay. Bounty, Pensions, Ac OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House. aprs,'67tf J. MCD. SHARPE. E F. KERR. QUA IIPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66. J. R. DURBORROW. | JOHN LUTZ. DU RBOII RO W & LUTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are. also, regularly lictnsed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution >f claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. TOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT J LAW, BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. INSPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT J LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t .o doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, 1864, F. M. KIMMELL. | J. W. LIXGEXFELTER. FTI MM ELL & LI NGEN FELTER, IV ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe 'Mengel House," F 1 EL SPANG, ATTORNEY AT LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford an.l adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. B. F. MEYERS. | W. DICKERSOX. MEYERS & DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schcll, two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and oack pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. [ mayll,'66. HAYES IRVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office with G. II Spang, Esq., on Julianna Street, two doors South of the Mengel House. [tn:vy24,67. JJcntijstry. D. N.HICKOK, | J. G. MINNICH, JR., DENTISTS, BEDFORD, PA. Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St. All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex cellent articles, always on hand. TFRMS —CASH. Bedford, January 6,1865. rpii I U MIMI IN DENTISTRY! TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with no danger whatever. TEETH INSERTED upon a new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and Vulcanite; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold, Platina and Silver. TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for. Special attention will be made to diseased gums and a cure warranted or no charge made. TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond with the times. I have located permanently in Bedford, and shall visit Schellsburg the Ist Monday of each month, remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of iny time I can be found at my office, 3 doors South of the Court House, Bedford, Pa. n0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dqntist. T\ EX TI STR Y ! DENTISTRY! A BEAUTIFUL SET OF TEETH FOR TEN DOLLARS Dr. H. VIRGIL PORTER, (late of New York city,) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his numerous friends and the f üblie generally, that he has located per manently IN BLOODY RUN, where he may he found at all times prepared to insert from ONE TOOTH to full sets of his BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH, on new and improved atmospheric principles. THE TRIUMPH OF MECHANICAL DENTISTRY, RUBBER FOR TIIE BASIS OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH. This discovery which has met with such universal approval throughout this and other countries, has seemingly placed Artificial Teeth at the disposul of all who require them. Dr. PORTER is now in serting most beautiful and durable, at prices, ranging from ten to eighteen dollars per set. Temporary sets inserted if desired. All operations warranted. TEETH EXTRACTED, without pain, by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or LAUGHING GAS. This is NO HUMBUG, but a positive fact. Gas administered fresh every day. As the Gas administered by Dr. Porter is pre pared in accordance with the purifying method of Dr. Strong, of New Haven, Ct., and Prof. Siliman (late Professor of Chemistry in Yale College), he has no hesitation in asserting that it is attended with no danger whatever. Persons desiring the services of a Dentist, would promote their own interest by calling upon Dr. Porter, as he is determined to spare no effort to please the most fastidious. Dr. Porter's mode of operating will at all times be of the mildest char acter, avoiding the infliction of the slightest un necessary pain, and carefully adapted to the age, constitution, health and nervous condition of the patient. Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter s scientific method of preserving decayed and aching teeth. H. VIRGIL PORTER, mar29,'67tf Dentist, Bloody Run, I'enna. pcdiral. I) 1 N G 8 VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE. RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS ' To RINGS RINGS Restore RINGS KINGS Gray Hair to its RINGS RINGS Original Color, Erad- RINGS RINGS icate Dandruff and RINGS RINGS i VEGETABLE AMBROSIA I RINGS RINGS (IS WARRANTED!! RINGS RINGS Humors from the RINGS KINGS Sculp and pre- KINGS RINGS vent Baldness, RINGS RINGS TRY A BOTTLE, RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS GRAY-HEADED PEOPLE have their locks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy. Young People, with lighf, faded or red Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beau-, tiful auburn, and rejoice ! People whose heads are covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! BALD-HEADED VETERANS have their remaining locks ti htened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy ! Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly per -1 umed ! Young Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in place ! Everybody must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best article in the market! PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. E. M. TUBUS & Co., PROPRIETORS, Peterborough, if. H. . For sale by J. L. Lewis and Dr. B. Harry, Bed ford, Pa., F. M Masters, Bloody Run, Pa., and Black k Border, Schellsburg, aud by all Druggists maylOmfi <&xottvits, tot. GROCERY AND FEED STORE! MANX'S CORNKR RECONSTRUCTED! The undersigned has just opened a New Grocery and Feed Store, at Mann's corner, immediately opposite the Drug Store of J. L. Lewis, where he keeps constantly on hand FLOUR, FLED AND GROCERIES of all kinds, including First-class FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT and CORN MEAL. MIDDLINGS, Ac. All kinds of Feed, sueh as Corn, Oats, Shorts, Rye Chopped, Bran, &e., POTATOES, ONIONS, BEETS, BEANS, Ac. FISH of all kinds, Mackerel, Shad, Herring, Ac. Prime Cider VINEGAR, Lovcring's SYRUP,^ Baking MOLASSES, etc. SUGARS at 14,15,18 and 20 ets. per pound. COFFEE, good Rio, at 30 cents per pound, and Java, of the best quality. TEAS, Young Hyson, Imperial, Ja pan, Ac. TOBACCO, Navy, Natural Leaf, Congress, Fine-cut, Solace, Ac. CIGARS, the best brands in the mar ket. PRUNES, FIGS, DATES, RAISINS, and NUTS of all Kinds. CONFECTIONERY, Candies of the purest manufacture, Oranges and Lemons, etc. SALT, Ground Alum, American and Table Salt. CHEESE, the very best manufactu red New York Dairy. BUTTER and EGGS, fresh, constant ly kept on hand. POULTRY for sale whenever ob tainable in the country. SOAPS, Plain and Fancy, of all kinds. Diluting Pans, Brooms, Brushes, Shoe Blacking, Ac. SPICES, of all kinds, Pepper, Black and Cayenne, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nut megs, etc., etc. jfeT If you want to buy cheap as well as good articles call at our store. JACOB BOWSER. may3,'6T. TVEMOVAL OF THE BEDFORD CLOTHING EMPORIUM TO SCHAEFFER'S ROW, IULIANNA STREET, where will be found READY-MADE CLOTHING, CASSIMERES, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS and CALICOES, HATS, CAPS, and FURNISHING GOODS, BSr CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST— FOR CASH. apr!9] Come one! Come all! R. W. BEItKSTRESSER & CO. rriHE SUPERIOR MERITS of the [ WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINE over all others, for family use and general purpo ses, are so well established and so generally ad mitted, that an enumeration of their relative ex cellencies is no longer considered necessary. They are simple durable and beautiful. OVER 50,000 SOLD THE PAST YEAR. THE * "WHEELER & WILSON" possesses valuable improvements, which can only be used with this popular machine, a fact which should be noted by those who intend and desire to purchase a Machine adapted to ALL KINDS OF FAMILY SEWING. Below we give a few well known Pittsburg names who are using these Machines in their families, and to whom we refer with pleasure. Rev Dr J Douglas, Rev Dr Kerr, " Dr Gracey, " AC Holmes, " Samuel Findley, " Mr Wagner, " A K Bell, " W J Reid, " W Sproul, " G Slatterly, "AC McClelland, " W S Gray, Hon J K Moorehead, " E B Snyder, " Thos Williams, " A Macrum, " II W Williams, " F Scovelle. Rev Dr J Allison, ) p res byterian Banner R Paterson, Esq , ) Rev Dr Kerr, I Umt e (l Presbyterian. H J Murdock, ) Russell Errett, 1 j ato Pittsburgh Gatette, Sam I Riddle, j Thompson, j Pittsburgh Commercial J C Harper, J J Herron Foster, Pittsburgh Dispatch. J P Barr, Pittsburgh Post. C Henne, German Republican. LAW Neeb, Freedom's Friend. J T Wright, Evening Chronicle. And over 5,1)00 others. Circulars containing eminent testimonials, and samples of sewing, will be sent to any address on application to WM SUMNER A CO., junl4,'67 No. 27 Filth Street, Pittsburg. Mrs. H M Ogle, Local Agent, Bedford, Pa. R 0 Grove, Traveling Agent, Bloody Run, Pa. the (ffltumw. rjIHE BEDFORD REGULATOR, No. 2 ANDERSON'S ROW IRVINE A STATLER Are again in the field battling against the imposi tion of high prices and would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have just received a large and varied assortment goods, consisting of * oots and Shoes, Muslins and Tickings, Notions and Perfumery, Groceries and Spices, Queensware and Glassware, Tobacco and Segtirs, White & Colored Shirts, Cotton & Woolen Yarns, Trunks & Valises,. Brooms & Twines, <tC *'^ [JGP Call at No. 2 ANDERSON'S Rot. If you want a good p'r Boots, go to the Regulator. QUR STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES are full and complete. BOOTS, SHOES, BALMORALS, GAITERS and SLIPPERS, Ac., to fit any man, woman and child in the county. Measures taken for Ladies and Gentlemen and neat and complete fits warranted or no sale. At IRVINE A STATLER'S, No. 2 A.'s Row. If you want a good p'rShoes, go to the Regulator Q ROC E It I E S.— Prime Rio Coffee, - 25 to 30 cents per lb. do La Guayra, - 25 to 30 " " " White Sugar, ... 18 " " Light Brown Sugars, - 12i to 15 " " " Teas, - - - - $1 50 to 2.00 per lb. Spices, all kinds, cheap and good. Best quality Syrups and Molasses, at the lowest market prices, at '-The Regulator's,'" No. 2 A. R. If you want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go to the Regulator. TTNBLEACIIED and BLEACHED MUSLINS, From the best Manufactories in the country. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins from 12ic up. Sheeting, from 18c up Tickings, all grades and prices, at IRVINE A STATLER'S. If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator. /AUR NOTIONS ARE AT ALL TIMES FULL AND COMPLETE in . Shirts, Collars, Neck-Ties, Soaps, Gloves, Hosiery, Perfumery, Suspenders, Combs, Threads, Buttons, Wallets, Brushes, Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Sewing Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Shaving Cream, &c., &0., &c. At No. 2 Anderson's Row If you want a variety of Notions, go to the Reg'r. OTATIONERY and PERFUMERY. Note, Lottcr and Fools-cap Paper, Envelopes, Perfumery, all kinds of Toilet Soap, Tooth Brush es, Ac., At THE REGULATOR'S. If you want Queensware or Glassware, go to the Regulator. QUEENSWABE & GLASSWARE. We have a large and magnificent selection of Queensware and Glassware, of the latest and most fashionable patterns, and will be sold at the most reasonable prices, by IRVINE A STATLER. If you want good Spices of any kind, go to the Regulator. rpoBACCO AND SEGA IIS of the best brands and manufacture : Gravely, Oronoke Twist, Century Fine-cut, Cavendish, Baltimore Twist, Natural Leaf, Congress, Ac.. Ac Smoking Tobacco, all kinds. Segars from a Cheroot to the finest article. Also, a large assortment of Pipes. Call at No. 2 Anderson's Row. If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neck-ties co lars, Ac., go to the Regulator. yyrE HAVE EVERYTHING tin is usually kept in a No. 1 country store. MARKETING of all kinds taken in ej change FOR GOODS, and the highest prices pai( Any goods desired will be ordered from the Eai tern cities Country merchants supplied with goods a a small advance. No trouble to show goods. A1 we ask is a call and we fee' satisfied we can pleas ALL. Thankful for past fuvors, we solicit a con tinuance of the same. apr26,'67. IRVINE A STATLER. If you want any thing in our line go to the Bed ford Regulator, No. 2, Anderson's Row. 3?FTYSIRIANS(. DR. GEO. B. KELLEY, having permanently locate! in ST. CLAIRS VILLE. tenders his professional services to the citizens of that place and vicinity. nnv2'66yl lAT W.JAMISON, M. 1)., BIXK)IV Y J . KITN, Pa., tenders his professional servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office one door west of Richard Langdon's store. Nov. 24, '65 —ly DR. J. L. MARBOUBG, HAVING permanently located, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schell. Bedford, February 12, 1864. Medical.— ijr. s. g. statler, near Sehellsburg, and DR. J. J. CLARKE, formerly of Cumberland county. Pa., having asso ciated themselves in the Practice of Medicine, re spectfully offer their professional services to the citizens ot Sehellsburg and vicinity. Dr. Clarke's office and residence same as form erly occupied by J. Smith, Esq., dee'd. aprl2,'67yl STATLER A CLARKE. JANKERS. JACOB REED, | J. J. SCHELL, I ) E E D AND SCHELL, I V Bankers and DEAL ER S IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. I) UPP A- SHANNON, BANKERS, V BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. febß —"TIIE WORLD."—IBO7. The attention of the public is invited to the claims of "The World" as one of the leading pub lic journals of the country. It is the chief organ of the Democratic Party of the United States, and the foremost advocate of the immediate restoration of the Union. Its highest merits consists in its character as an enterprising and trustworthy news paper. The next year bids fair to be a more critical one in the history of our free institutions than even any eventful ones that have preceded it. The first rcqusite for an intelligent judgment of public af fairs is a full andauthentic account offsets as they transpire. These THE WORLD always aims to give with consciencious accuracy, and with equal full ness and fidelity, whether they make for or against its own views of public policy. Prompt activity in spreading before its readers every kind of news in which any part of the public takes an interst, is the first duty of a newspaper, and the facilities of THE WORLD for discharging this obligation are unsurpassed by those of any journal in the United Staffs. Whatever else it may fail in, it certainly will not fail to furnish the news, nor to supply it with such promptitude, spirit, freshness, abund ance, variety, accuracy and candor, that no class of readers can miss anything of interest which they wish to find. THE WORLD will publish doc uments and arguments prepared by political foes just as freely as those prepared by political friends; making its own comments on them, of course, but never suppressing or garbling them because they are calculated to damage its own party. Adverse arguments, which it cannot refute, it is content to leave to make their full impression. THE WORLD auopts this rule because it believes no other is honest; because it conceives that its first duty to its readers is to keep them thoroughly informed on every passing subject of importance. In poli tics, THE WORLD will continue to be the bold ad vocate of a Liberal, Progressive Democracy. The unflinching champion of Freedom, Justice, Order and Constitutional Rights. The inspiration of its politics is Freedom restrained by Justice; or, to speak more strictly, Freedom pure and simple, in the largest collective measure; the office of justice being merclv to protect freedom from encroach ments; Freedom of the individual citizen in his rights of thought, speech, religion and locomotion; in his Right to choose his own food and drink, in spite of meddlesome temperance laws; in his Right to make any money bargains he thinks proper, in spite of foolish usury laws; in his Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and loreign, in spite of unjust protective tariffs; in his Right to repre sentation in the legislative bodies which tax him, in spite of unconstitutional exclusions; Freedom of collective citizens to assemble for discussion of grievances; Freedom of all local communities to manage their local affairs without central iuter terence; Freedom in every section of the country from the arrogant and unconstitutional domination of other sections; this large and comprehensive idea of Freedom sums up the politics of THE WORLD, which will never be found wanting to this capital interest of the country and of the human race. In its accurate Commercial Intelligence and careful, reliable market reports, THE WORLD will continue to maintain its present high reputation. A paper published in the commercial metropolis is naturally looked to for authentic information re lating to trade, commerce and finance; and this be ing a feature in which the THE WORLD prides it self, it boldly challenges comparison with every journal in the metropolis. EDITIONS. The WEEKLY WORLD, a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, is now printed throughout in large type, and has the largest circulation of any week ly journal published, save one. Its extraordinary success since its union with the New York ARGUS has justified the most liberal expenditures, which will make it unrivalled in interest and value to farmers. Published Wednesday. 1. Its Market Reports embrace the New York, Albany, Brighton and Cambridge Livestock Mar kets; the New York Country Produce ami General Produce Markets; special and valuable llopTntel ligence; a department of Agricultural Reading; all together composing an unrivalled handbook of cur rent information for the Farmer, Live Stock or Produce Dealer, Country Merchant, Ac. 2. A page or more reserved for entertaining Fireside Reading for the Family circle, embracing the freshest and best Stories, Poetry, Religious Reading, etc., and a page for the Discussion of all Prominent Topics of general interest, political agricultural, financial, literary, etc. 3. Its Digest of the News is not, like most week lies, a mere waste-basket of the Daily; only mat ters of interest and importance are chosen from the Daily, while the mass of its contents are prepared especially for the Weekly. In every postoffice district there should be found some active, public spirited Democrat, who will confer a benefit upon us, his neighbors, and the cause, by counseling with his Democratic friends and making a determined effort to form as large a club as possible for the WEEKLY WORLD. The SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD is a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omitting a great mass of city advertisements from the Daily, contains all its news, correspondence, editorials, commercial and market news, cattle market and provision reports, and a fresh and entertaining miscellany of literature. Published Tuesday and Friday. The DAILY WORLD affords a complete couipondi urn of, and commentary upon, the news of every day. TERMS. WEEKLY WORLD. —One copy, one year, $2.00, four copies, $7.00; ten copies, sls; twenty copies to one address, $25; fifty copies, to one address, s;>o SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. —One copy, oneyear, $4 four copies, $10; ten copies, 20. DAILY WORLD —One copy, one year, SIO.OO CLUB PRIZES. For clubs of 10, one Weekly, one year. " " 50, one Semi-Weekly, one year. " " 100, one Daily, one year. DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be made any time in the year at the above club rates. , Changes in club lists made only on request of persons receiving packages, stating edition, post office and State to which it has previously been sent and enclosing twenty-five cents to pay for trouble of the change to separate address. Terms, cash in advance. Send, if possible Post Office Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk of sender. THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, i| chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and Organized in aid of the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE for edhcating gratuitously SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ORPHAN'S. Incorporated by the State of N. J. APRIL 8, 1867. The Washington Library Company, by virtue of their CHARTER, and in ACCORDANCE WITH ITS PROVISIONS, will distribute THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On Wednesday , Bth of January, next, At PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Or at the Institute, Riverside, N. J. One present wrrth $40,000 One present worth 20,000 One present worth 10 000 One present worth 5 000 Two presents worth $2,500 each.. 5 000 One present, valued at '. 18,000 Two presents, valued at $15,000 each 30.000 One present, valued at 10.000 Four presents, valued at 5,000 each 20.000 Two presents, valued at 3,000 each 6,000 Three presents, valued at 1.000 each 3.000 Twenty presents, valued at 500 each 10.000 Ten presents, valued at 300 each 3.000 Three presents, valued at 250 each 750 Twenty presents, valued at 225 each 4.500 Fifty-five presents, valued at S2OO each.. 11,000 Fitty presents, valued at $75 each 8,750 One hundred and ten presents, valued at SIOO 11,000 Twenty presents, valued at $75 each 1,500 Ten presents, valued at SSO each 500 The remaining presents consist of articles of use and value, appertaining to the dif fusion of Literature and the fine arts.. $82,000 $300,000 Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING, worth more at retail than the cost of Certificate, And also insures to the holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. Any person sending us ONE DOLLAR, or pay ing the same to our local Agents, will receive im mediately a fine Steel-Plate Engraving, at choice from the following list, and One Certificate of Stock insuring One Present in our published schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. I—"My Child! My Child!" No. 2 "They're Saved ! They're Saved No. 3—"Old Seventy-six; or, the Early Days of the Revolu tion." Any person paying TWO DOLLARS will re ceive either of the following fine Steel Plates, at choice, and Two Certificates of &tock, thus be coming entitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. I—'.'Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Washington's Last Interview with his Mother." THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying THREE DOLLARS will re ceive the beautiful Steel Plate of ' HOME FROM THE WAR," and Three Certificates of Stock, becoming enti led to Three Presents. FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying FOUR DOLLARS shall re ceive the large and beautiful Steel Plate of "THE PERILS OF OUR FOREFATHERS," and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Four Presents. FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person who pays FIVE DOLLARS shall re ceive the large and splendid Steel Plate ot "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Five Presents. The engravings and certificates will be delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered. HOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND ENGRA VINGS. Send orders to us by mail, enclosing from $1 to S2O, either by Post Office orders or in a registered lett< r, at our risk. Larger amounts should be sent by draft or express. 10 shares with Engravings, $9 50 25 shares with Engravings, 23 50 50 shares with Engravings, 46 50 75 shares with Engravings, 69 00 100 shares with Engravings, 90 00 THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situate at Riverside, Burlington county. New Jer sey, is founded for the purpose of gratuitously ed ucating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Seamen of the United States. The Board of Trustees consists of the following well-known citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey HON. WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. HON LEWIS R. BROOMALL, Ex-chief coiner U. S. Mint, and recorder of deeds, Philad'a, Pa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVEL, New Jersey. HON. W. W. WARE. New Jersey HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. COE, Esq , of Joy, Coe A Co., Philadelphia. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 18, 1867.—Office of Internal Revenue : 'Having received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds of the enterprise conducted by the "Wash ington Library Company" will be devoted to char itablc uses, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other du ty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. The Association has appointed as Receivers, Mcs-rs. GEORGE A. COOKE A CO., whose well known integrity and business experience will be a sufficient guarantee that the money intrusted to them will be promptly applied to the purpose sta ted. PHILADELPHIA, PA., May 20, 1867. To the Officers and Members of the Washington Library Co., N. S. READ, Secretary. GENTLEMEN :—On receipt of your favor of the 15th inst., notifying us of our appointment as Re ceivers for your Company, we took the liberty to submit a copy of your enterprise, to the highest legal authority of the State, received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathising with the benevolent object of your Association, viz : the education and maintenance of the orphan children of our soldiers and sailors at the Riverside Institute, we have concluded to ac cept the trust, and to use our best efforts to promote so worthy an object. Respectfully, yours, Ac., GEO. A. COOKE A CO. Address all letters and orders to GEO. A. COOKE A Co., Bankers, 33 South Third Street, Phila delphia, Pa., Receivers for the Washington Li brary Co. oct!Bm3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers