The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 18, 1867, Image 3

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Home and Around.
modation Train leaves Saxton at 7.35 a. m., and
arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.30 a.m.'; leaves Hunt
ingdon at 4.40 p. in., and arrives at Saxton at
6.38 p. m.
Mail Train loaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. in., ar
rives at Huntingdon at 4 17 p. in.; leaves Hunt
ingdon at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at Ml. Dallas at
11 05 a. m.
HIKE.—XOW that the good fight has
been fought, we feel justified in appeal
ing to our friends who are in arrears to
pay up. We are always at much ex
pense during political campaigns, and
invariably come out of them with deple
ted pockets. We owe some debts which
must be paid. Will those who owe us
respond to this appeal ? Come and set
tle, at any rate. This is the last dun
we shall print. Our accounts must be
settled, and we shall make out bills
for all unsettled accounts and place
them in the hands of an officer for col
lection. We shall do this with great
reluctance, but it must he done, if kind
words are of no avail.
Oct. 4, a large concourse of the sterling'
Democracy of Southampton tp., assem
bled at Adams' Mills, for the purpose
of receiving a flag which was to be pre
sented to Southampton by the Demo
crats of Bedford borough. The meet
ing was organized by the appointment
of David Rowland as President; Adam
Fetter, Mr. Rose, Ed. Northeraft,Thos.
Lawhead, David Howsare, James Col
lins, Denton Stevens, Thos. Conrad,
David Walter, and James Elder, Vice
Presidents; and Hez. Barkman, John
Barnes, Sol. Wilkerson, Asa Howsare,
Michael Northeraft, Thos. Trail, Sam
uel Jay, John Kennard, Joshua Hows
are, Daniel Miller, Owen Ash and Phil.
Barkman, Secretaries. A beautiful
silk flag, bearing the inscription,
"Southampton," in gilt letters, was
then presented to the Democrats of
Southampton, by O. E. Shannon, Esq.,
in behalf of the Democrats of Bedford
borough, in an appropriate address.—
J. W. Dickerson, Esq., in a neat speech,
received the flag, after which it was
placed in the custody of 31 r. Michael
Mills, the oldest Democrat in the town
ship. (Mr. Mills has voted 62 times at
the Southampton polls, and his ballot
was always the Democratic ticket.) The
meeting was also addressed by E. F.
Kerr, Esq. After the speeches the
meeting adjourned with the best of fcel
will meet in Bedford, Monday, Oct. 21,
and continue five days. Several lectur
ers from abroad are expected. Hon.
J. P. Wiekershani, State Supt. C. S.,
will deliver a free lecture in the Court
House, on Wednesday evening, Oct.
23. The singing class of the Co. Nor
mal School, will give a Concert on
Tuesday night. The music will con
sist of solos, duets, quartets, choruses,
Ac. Closing exercises, of the Normal
School, on Friday night, in the Court
House. The exercises will consist of
Orations, Recitations, Select Reading,
Essays, Music, Ac. Tickets to concert,
or closing exercises, 2-3 cts.
Music.—Prof. John Plaszyk, ofHar
risburg, will visit Bedford, this week,
for the pur{>ose of tuning pianos. He
will remain but a few days. Persons
desiring to have their pianos put in
tune, are requested to leave their or
ders at the "Bedford House," or at the
Hardware Store of Hartley A 3letzger.
fall and winter there will be services
and preaching every Sabbath morning
and evening, except the last Sabbath
in the month. 3lorning Service at 11
o'clock—Evening, half past six. Seats
free and all are welcome. Sunday
School at halfppst 9 A. 31.
TIIE poor fellows who have just re
turned, all torn and tattered, from the
cold bleak bluffs of Salt River, would
do well to call at Farquhar's and get a
good suit of clothes. Price: satinet
suits, $lO,OO ; Cassimere suits, from 810
to $2O ; Very best, 825. f
Classical School, formerly the Rev.
John Lyon's, is expected to re-open on
3londay, the 4th of November, at tlie
close of the Normal School. Further
particulars in our next.
GOOD NEWS. —Berkstresser A co. sell
none but the best quality of ready
made clothing, piece goods, bats, gents'
furnishing goods, Ac., at prices to suit
all. Give them a call.
DEDICATION. —The Methodist E
piscopal Church, built near the resi
dence of 3lr. Samuel Elliott, in Cum
berland Valley township, will be dedi
cated on the 27th day of October, 1867.
ing resolutions were passed at a regular
nieetingjof Bedford Lodge, No. 148 I. O.
of G. T., held Monday Evening. Oct.
7, 1867.
Whereas, God, in his inscrutable wis
dom, has removed by death one of our
number, brother JOSEPH GIBSON,
Jlesotved, That we bow submissively
to the dark and mysterious Providence
which has taken one so early in life
from our midst; that we sincerely regret
our loss, and deeply sympathize with
tiie bereaved relatives, and pray that
the God of all consolation may stand by
them in this the hour of their severe
Resolved, That as a token of respect
for our deceased brother, the members
of this lodge wear a badge of mourn
ing on the right arm for twenty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be transmitted to the family of our
deceased brother, that they be entered
on the journal of the lodge, and pub
lished in the BEDFORD GAZETTE, Bed
foffl Inquirer aud Monthly Circular.
—The following premiums have been
awarded by the respective committees!
To Fred Ostcr for best bushel of white
wheat, $1; Gideon D Trout for best bus.
red wheat 1, 00; Jacob Croyle best bus.
1 of rye. 1 00; Do. buckwheat, 1 00; Do.
oats 1 00; Taylor & Mowry best display
of corn 1 00. The exhibition of grain
was not large but was of an extra qual
ity, showing that our county stands
hfgh as a grain growing county.
C it tie.
To John S Sprout best bull over 3
years old $1 00; Do. Jonathan Bowser
2nd best bull, the Agriculturist 1 yr.
Reuben Smith best bull between 1 and
2yrs., Agriculturist 1 year; F F Jami
son, best bull under 1 year Agricultur
ist 1 year; F L Jamison, best cow, >' 1 00;
Till yons, 2nd best cow, Agriculturist
1 year; Reuben Smith, best heifer be
tween 2 and 3 yrs. old, $200; Jus. Ling,
best cow under 2 yrs. old, Agriculturist
1 year. Asa silvers exhibited a cow
and calf of the short-horned Durham, a
line specimen. Quite a number of good
cattle were exhibited showing great
improvement in the cattle of our coun
Fred. Oster, best south down buck,
1 .-?2 00; Fred. Naugle, best Irish buck,
Agriculturist 1 year. But few were ex
hibited and they showed marks of good
John Anderson, best Chester white
boar, $4 00; Dan'l Defibaugh, 2 best
Suffolk boar, 2 00; J J Shoemaker, best
pen of "hogs 2 00; John Little, best sow
and pigs, 2 00; Chas. Harris, best pair j
of pigs under 8 months, 2 00; Daniel
Shannon, 1 pig 4 months old, 1 00. In
addition to the above, a number of fine ■
specimens were exhibited which de- ;
served special notice and the commit-,
tee regret that they cannot award a
John Horn, 1 coop best Jersey blue,
$1 00; Wm. Cook, best shanghai, 1 00;
Jas. Arnold, 2nd best shanghai, 50;
Thos. M Lynch, best bramaputrachick
ens, 1 (id; Vaenael Brengle, best game
chickens, 1 00; Geo. C. Stifiler, 2nd best
game chickens, 50; Oliver S M'Mullin,
best Poland chickens, 1 DO; Geo. C Stii
tler, best wild turkey, 1 00; Frank
Crawford, best lot geese, 1 00; Jacob
Barnhart, best lot of ducks, 1 00; llenry
Dorsey, 2nd best lot of ducks, 50; Chas.
Gubenotter, best lot pigeons, 1 00; J M
Gephart, best coop bantams, 1 00; Win j
Cook, 2nd best bantams, •"><>; Jas. Ling,
1 coop chickens, 1 00. The display of!
poultry was quite large, showing that j
considerable attention has been paid to
the raising of them, particularly the
game, Jersey blue, shanghai, poland,
Bra mas and the bantams which were
very fine.
Garden Products.
John McGinnis, best tomatoes, 50c;
J R Durborrovv, best onions, 50c; Mrs. i
Sam'l Smith, best red beets, 50c; Dan'l.
Barley, best cabbage, 50e; Joseph S
Deihl, test bus. potatoes, 1 00; David
Barnhart, best sweet potatoes, 1 00;
John McGinnis, best carrots, 50c; Do.
best lima beans 50c; Sam'l Harmon,
best radishes, 50c; Hy. Dorsey, best
dried beans, 50c; Maj. D. Washabaugh, i
best squashes 50c; Jas. B Farquhar, best
celery, 50c; John McGinnis, best dis
play, of vegetables, 1 00; Henry Woods,
tine display of vegetables, 1 00; J R
Durborrow, best display of übbard
squash, 100; Wm Bowles Jr., best dis
play of acorn pumpkin, 25c; Philip
Keys, best display sweet potato pump
kin, 50c; Harry Minnich, second best
übbard squash, 50c; Mrs. Sa'l Smith,
best frenen squash, 100; Fred. Oster,
2nd best freneh squash, 50c; Geo. C
Stitfl >r, best potato pumpkin, 50c; Ja
cob Croyle, best display of cow pump
kin, 25c. In addition to the foregoing
list there were other displays of garden
vegetables that were creditable to toe
persons who produced them and giving
evidence that on the score of cultiva
tion and taste, our county is not sur
passed by any in the State.
SS Diehl, best bus. apples, 1 00; Hy.
Barley, 2nd best bus. apples, 50c; David
F Maun, best peck vaudevers, sf>.-; Si
mon Naus, best pears, 1 00; 3laj. Wash
abaugh, 2nd best pairs, 50c; Tlios.
Lynch, largest variety of pears 1 Of);
3laj. Washabaugh 2nd largest variety
of pears 50c; Thos. Lynch, largest and
best variety of apples (56 varieties) 1 00;
Win. England, best basket peaches,
1 00; Thos. Lynch, best display of na
tive grapes, 1 00; D Washabaugh, 2nd
best display of native grapes, 50c; D
Washabaugh best display of foreign
grapes, 100.
Fruits Continued.
J R Jordan best peck quinces, 50c;
R Montgomery, best bus. seckel pears,
100; fine apples were also exhibited by
Dan'l Walter, Henry Dorsey and Jacob
Croyle. This department of the exhi
bition was the admiration of all, and
the regret of the committee is that ali
could not be awarded premiums.
3lrs Rob't Fyan, finest display of
house plants, 1 00; Thos. Lynch, second
best display of house plants, 50c; John
3lcGinnis, third best display of house
plants, s<>c; 3lrs Alex. Jving, handsom
est boquet, 50c; 3lrs Isabella Smith,
second best boquet 50c; two elegant
boquets were also exhibited by 3liss
Sallie Shannon. Many other displays
were almost equal to thosecontained in
the above list and deserve special no
tice if room permitted it.
Preserves <kc.
A J Sansom, best pound cake and
fruitcake, 100; Miss Sallie Shannon,
best jelly cake and jelly, 1 00; Fred'k
Schnebly, best specimen of preserves,
1 00; Emanuel Smith, best specimen of
pickles, 1 00;3Iaj. D Washabaugh, best
grape wine, 1 00; 3lrs Hiram Lentz,
best currant wine, 1 00; 3lrs Elizabeth
3lorgret, best dried apples, 50c; Jacob
Croyle, best dried cherries, 50c There
were other specimensoi wines, grape,
elderberry, and blackberry, that de
serve special notice, as well as pre
serves, jellies Ac., of great variety.
Emanuel Smith* best blankets, 2<)0;
Win. Dunkel,second best blankets, 100;
3lrs Dan'l Pensel, best hemp carpet,
3 00; Wm Dunkel, best rag carpet, 2 00;
31 rs Sarah Trout, second best rag ear
pet, 1 00; John Keagy, best eassimere,
2 50; 31 rs Sarah Dively, 83 yrs of age,
best pr. socks, 50c; Fred. Oster, best
coverlets, 1 50; Asa Silvers, second best
coverlets, 100; J J Shoemaker, two
coverlets, 1 00. 3lrs Isabella Cook, and
Fred. Oster were awarded a premium
of 50c each for coverlets.
Linen Bags.
3lrs E 31orgart, best 5 yds. tow lin
en, 2 00; 31 rs Isabella Cook, best pr.
sheets, 50c; V in Dunkel, second best
pr. sheets, 50c; Fred. Oster, best table
diaper 1 00; 3lrs I Cook, second best ta
ble diaper, 50c. The display of linen
goods was very fine and reflects great
credit upon the contributors.
Agricultural Implements.
Shires A Jordan, best one horse plow,
82 f0; do. two-Jiorse plow, 2 00; do. Inst
hillside plow, 2 00; Peter II Shires,
threshing machine, 4 00; do. threshing
machine (one-horse railroad power), $2;
Danl. L Defibaugh, best sled, 200; same
doubleshovel plow, 100; William Oster,
two horse spring wagon, 2 00; John
A- Daniel Shuck, buggy with top, 3 00;
same, buggy, without 2 00; same, one
horse spring wagon, 2 00; John It Jor
dan, patent jack, 50e; Michael Hartman,
one horse rake, 200; Hartley & Metzger,
Blymyer son, J C Nicodenms, and
Peter 11 Shires, exhibited different
specimens of machinery manufactured
outside of the county, which deserves
i special notice. John Daniel Shuck,
exhibited a very handsom sleigh which
.deserves special notice, being one of the
' finest specimens ever exhibited in this
county. The rticles exhibited under
this head were very numerous and re
flects great credit upon the manufac
Cabinet, Carpenter and Cooper Work.
Richard Leo, best bedstead, $2 00;
Vachel Brengle, hair mattress 2 00;
same, husk mattress 1 00; James Mc-
Mullen, common chairs, 1 00; Richard
Leo, best sett walnut furniture, 2 00
George Berkstresser, churn, 1 00; Win
Phillips,churn, 1 0<; N MeMullen,rock
ing chair, 1 00; Win Phillips, best wash
maebineand wringer, 100; Solomon Rei
inund, best spinning wheel and real,
1 00; A very handsome display of goods
under the above head was made, and
are deserving of notice. The commit
tee regret that they have not the pow
er to reward premiums to all the con
Stoves and other Castings.
Shires & Jordan, fence railing (iron,)
$2 00; same, Display of Castings, 2 00;
same parlor stove, 2 00; same, coal
1 00; Abraham Harinan, best Display
of tinware, 2 00; B M Blymyer & co!,
second best deservd notice, 1 00; also
for their display of stoves.
Hoots, Shoes and Leather.
Taylor & Mowrv, best side upper
leather, $1 00; S & W Shuck, sole leath
er, 1 00; Taylor & Mowry, Harness
leather, 1 00; Jno calfskin, 100;
Taylor A: Mowry, kip leather, 1 00; Win
Nycum, finished sheep skin, 1 00; Jno
A Mowry, pair gents boots, 1 00; John
Milie", common boots, 1 00; John A
Mowry, pair iadies gaters, 1 00; John
Miller, best pairgentseloth slippers, 50c;
John A Mowry, best pair gents slippers,
f>oe. This branch was well rpresented.
showing that our mechanics fully under
stand their business and are awake to
their interest.
Smith Work.
Wm Spidle Best Horseshoes, $100;
Jonathan Bright bill, Best Horse shoe
nails, 50c; Win Cook, Best display of
smith work, 2 00. The exhibition in
this department was creditable, and
the work was pronounced the best that
was ever displayed in our county.
Photographs, Ambrotypes, &c.
Thomas It Gettys best display of photo
graphs, £2 00; same best anibrotypes,
1 00. The committee would call atten.
tion to the first class pictures of different
artists simply for display not for prem
Mrs Dr Douglass, best quilt, 82 50; A J
Hansom, second best quilt, 2 (J!); same,
third best quilt, 1 00; Mrs Jane Tate,
quilt (patchwork,) 1 00; Richard Sil
vers' quilt (patchwork,) 1 00; Mrs J B
Farqunar, qudt (patchwork unfinish
ed), 50c; MrsS Filler, quilt, 50c; J J
Shoemaker, quilt, 50c; Mrs Catharine
Over, aged 60 years, best suit boys'
clothes, 1 00. The display of qui it
work was magnificent and the commit
tee are sorry they cannot reward all a
Miscellaneous Articles.
George W Cessna, self-setting rat trap,
50c; Daniel Amas, one puzzle, 25c;
Barnhart, and McMuliin & co., lot of
fruit trees, 50c; George W Gump, two
bundles shooks, 1 00; Frederick Oster,
tubs and churn, 1 00; Dr C N Hickok,
case of teeth, 1 00.
No 01. A display of dental work by
Dr C N Ilickok. These specimens of
the denial art in its various departments
were exquisitely beautiful and worthy
of admiration and stu ly. They would
bear a strict comparison with any simi
lar specimens we have ever seen ex
No. 204, was a mll-jewilod lever
watch without its external case, exhibi.
ted by its maker, Mr D Border, as a
specimen of what Bedford can do in the
difficult art of making time. It ap
peared to be perfect in beauty, finsihed
and movement.
J G i Win Hartley, best brand of
wheat fiour, 82 00; Jonathan Bowser,
second best brand of wheat flour, 1 00;
Messrs Trout, Wilson, Ashcoin and
others exhibited barrels of flour which
deserve particular notice.
Produce of the Dairy, &c.
Mrs D Wash aba ugh, best hard soap,
50c; same, best ham, t 00; Mrs Asa Sil
vers, best fresh butter, 1 00; Mrs Henry
Dorsey, second best fresh butter, 50c;
Mrs Jacob Walter, third best fresh bai
ter, 50c; Mrs David F Mann, best pack
ed butter, Agriculturalist and 1 00; same,
best plum butter, 50c; Mrs Elizabeh,
Morgret, best cheese, 1 00; Wm S Fluek,
Esq., best honey, 1 00; Mrs Elizabeth
Morgret, second best honey, 50c; Fred
erick Sclintbly, best apple-butter, 50c;
Emanuel Smith, be t peach-butter, 50c;
Daniel Washabaugh, best egg plants,
50c. Theexhibition in this department
was exceedingly tveditable.
Fancy A'eedle Work.
Mrs Dr Douglas, best chair cover
$1 00; Jane 31 Mower, chair tidy, 1 00;
31rs Ricdard Silvers, best straw bat 1 00;
3lrs Asa Silvers, second best straw hat;
50c;3Iiss Lottie Watson, best ornamen
ted needlework, 1 00; Mis Kate John
son best wax flowers, 1 00; 31 rs Wm
Bowles, Jr., best lamp mat,soc. The
display in this branch was most excel-
reflecting great credit upon the
Iliram Lentz, gentleman's best saddle,
bridle and 3lurtingals, $2 00; Same,
Ladies' suddie, 2 00; Same, set of doub
le harness, 2 00; There was a blind bri
dle with drawing bit which deserves
special mention.
Jonathan Bowser, best G horse team,
4 00; Same, best 6 mule team, 4 00; Same,
best 4 horse Wagon, 4 00.
It. S. 3lapes, best stallion for all uses
over 4yrs., 86 00; Daniel Barley, second
best stallion, 2 001 Tjios 11 Lyons, best
blooded stallion, 3 00; Wm Dibert, sec
ond best blooded stallion, 2 00; Thos
Grove, third best blooded stallion, 1 00;
P II Shirts, best 3yr. old stallion, 2 00;
Wm Phillips, best mare with colt at her
side 5 00Solomon Diehl second best mare
with colt at her side 2 00; Shannon Ken
edey, best spring colt, 2 00; John 3ia
loy, second best spring colt, 1 Of); Har
rison Reed, best pony and colt, 2 00;
Wm Croyle, best lyr. old colt horse, 1 00;
Jacob Fetter, second best lyr. old colt
horse, 50c; Job Mann, best lyr. old
colt mare, 1 00; George Cessna second
best lyr. old colt mare, 50c; John An
derson, best blooded colt, 1 00; George
Zimmers, best 2 yr. old horse colt, 2 00;
John C Ling, second best 2 yr. old
horse colt, 200; Ezra Williamson, third
best 2 yr. old horse colt, 50c; Win S
Beegle best 2 yr. old mare colt, 1 00;
Daniel Walter, second best 2 yr. old
mare colt, 1 00; Lewis Ling, third best
2 yr. old mare colt, 50c; Geo. Beegle,
host mare and horse colt 2 yr. old, 1( 0;
Wm S Fluck, 1 fine mare colt, 50c; De
walt Harshbarger, best pair match
mare colts 3 00. The 2yr. old colts wore
so nearly equal that the Committee felt
much embarrassed in dealing and the
display of young horses was the best
ever made in the county surpassing
that made at Pittsburg in the opinion
of gentlemen who were present at the
.State Fair. Win Bowles, best 3 vr. old
colt, saddle and driving, $-3 00; James
Curboy, best 3 yr. old colt, draught
100; Henry Boor, best 3yr. oid mare
eolt 30c; John X Shuck best 5 yr. old
driving horse, 2 00; Jacob Heed, second
best o yr. old driving horse, 1 00; Hugh
More, best 4 yr. old gaited horse, 1 00;
Dr B F Harry, best ladies' riding horse,
1 00; David Madura, best gaited horse,
200; Daniel Walter, best Morgan mare
4 yrs. old, 1 "0; John Fetter, best
draught mare, oyrs. old, 200; Geo. Bin
der, Fastest stallion, 10 00, made up by
voluntary subscription; J S Sprout,
best Jack, 1 00. _
Premiums paid at anytime.
ARE— ICKES—On the 13th inst., by the Rev. C.
U lleilinnn. Mr. W. Scott Ake and Miss Ann
Maria Ickes. both of Union tp., Bedford Co.. Pa.
CORLK—DEAL—On the Bih inst., at the Luth
eran parsonage, in Bloody Run. by the Rev. G-. C.
Probst, Mr. John A Corle and Miss Kate A. Deal,
both of Friends' Cove.
J3EEOLE—In Friends' cove, on the 23th ult.,
Martin, and on the 7th inst., Emma Blanch, the
only children of Daniel and Rebecca Beegle.
The former was aged 2 years, 3 months and 29
days, and the latter 5 months and 28 days. Thus,
in a few days, have these respected parents been
bereft of all their dear children. Litt'e Martin
and Emma were sweet infants, almost idolized by
their father and mother. But how soon the icy
touch ' f death and the damp, cold grave withered
the greatest joys and blasted the fondest anticipa
tions. But listen, ye sorrowmgones !
"'Tis Jesus speaks! I fold, says he,
These lambs within my breast ;
Protection they s all find in me,
In me be ever blessed.
Death may the bands of life unloose,
But can't dissolve my love ;
Millions of infant sou is compose
The family aheve."
f f single man, one who can come well recom
mended, to whom good wages and steady employ
ment will be given. Address
octlSwe* Cumberland, Md.
XIL PA.—Good location. Price, $3,500. Terms,
reasonable. Apply personally, or by letter, to
octlSml "Saltan, Bedford CO., Pa..
JL REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an Order of
the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under
signed, administrator of the estate of Henry
Whetstone, late of Monroe township, in said
j couuUr, deceased, will offer for sale by pubiicout
cry upon the premises, on Saturday the 19th day
of November, next, all the following described
two tracts of land, situated in the township afore
said, to wit:
No. 1. Being the MAXSIOX TRACT, adjoining
lands of widow Means' heirs, A J. Steckman.
tract No. 2, hereafter described, containing about
186 acres and 70 perches, more or less, and having
thereon erected a good two and a half storf LOG
DWELLING HOUSE, double Log Barn with sheds,
good granary, Ac., attached, and other out build
ings thereon erected. About 100 acres of this
land is cleared, is under fence and in a good stale
of cultivation, 8 acres of which is good meadow.
There is also a good apple orchard and two never
failing springs of water upon the premises, with
running pumps at the door.
No, 2 Is a tract of Timber land, adjoining the
above, containing 22 acres, and is well covered
with Oak, Pine and other valuable Timber.
These lands are situated in a pleasant neigh
borhood, about 6 miles south of the Rail Road Sta
tion at Bloody Run, and convenient to schools and
churches. Titles indispensable. Also, there will
be sold at the same time and place, hay by the
ton and corn and oats by tbebusbel. Sale to com
inence at 11 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when
terms will be made known by
ootlBw4 LEWIS HOWSARE, Adm'r.
WOOD AXD GRAZING LANDS. —In pursuance of an
order of the Orphans' Court of the County of Bed
ford, the subscriber, Trustee to sell the Real Estate
of Dr. William Watson, dee'd, and Administrator
with the Will annexed, of Eliza Watson, deceased,
will expose at Pubhe Sale, on the premises, on
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1807. the following
described Real Estate, late the property of said de
cedents, situated iu the townships of Bedford and
Cumberland Valley, adjoining and South ot the
Bedford Springs property, viz :
No. 1. Containing 213 Acres and 150 Perches,
neat measure, of which a considerable portion is
cleared and having a TENANT HOUSE thereon
No. 2, Containing 281 Acres and 71 Perches,
neat measure, adjoining Number 1.
No. 3, Containing acres and 36 perches,
neat measure, adjoining number 2, partly cleared.
No. 4, Adjoining No. 3, containing 288 acres and
101 perches, neat measure, of which a large part is
cleared and under fence, and having a TENANT
HOUSE and Double Log Barn thereon erected.
There is upon this tract an excellent SITE FOR A
No. 5, Adjoining the Bedford Springs property,
containing 207 acres and 45 perches, neat measure,
of which a considerable portion is cleared, and
having a TENANT HOUSE thereon erected.
No. 6, Also adj lining the Bedford Springs prop
erty, containing 239 acres and 29 perches, neat
measure, of which a considerable portion is clear
ed and under fence, with a TENANT HOUsE
thereon erected.
No. 7, Being Woodland, containing 253 acre?,
and 27 perches, neat measure, adjoining Nos. 3
and 4.
No. 8, Being al.o Woodland, containing 204 a
cres and 86 perches, neat measure, adjoining No.
6 and tbe Springs property.
These lauds are well timbered, and Nos. 1, 2, 3.
4, 5 and 6 are well watered and will make excel
lent grazing farms.
A draft of the lands can be seen at the office of
the subscriber in Bedlord Borough.
No. 9, All tfce interest which the said Dr. Wil
liam Watson had at the time of his death, in a lot
of ground containing 10 acres, more or less, in the
manor of Bedford, adjoining land of J. Martin's
heirs aud others.
TERMS : One-third of the purchase money at
the confirmation of the sale by the Court, and the
balance in two equal annual payments thereafter,
without interest, to be secured by judgment bonds.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., of said
day. |oettBw4| S. L. Rl'S ELL.
We have on hand, and intend to sell
a large variety of seasonable
and a general variety of articles, usually kept in a !
first-class store.
i The annual examinations of teachers will be
held as follows : For East Providence, (House
holder's S. II ) Sat-. Oct. 12. Union, (Moses'),
Sat., Oct. 19 St. Clair, (Eight Square). Sat., Oet.
26. Bedford bor. and tj> (Bedford), Monday aud
Tuesday, Oet. 2S and 29. Londonderry. (Hog Back),
Weds., Oct. 30. Harrison, (Buffalo Mills), Thurs.,
Oct. 31. Juniata, (Buena Vista), Friday, Nov. 1.
Scbellsburg and Napier. (Schellsburg), Sat. Nov. 2
Cumb. Valley. (Ccntrei ille), Mon., Nov. 4. Snake
Spring, (liar ley's), Tues., Nov. 5. Monroe, (Clear
ville), JVIV. 6. Bloody Run bor. and W. Provi
dence (Bloody Run), Thurs., Nov. 7. Hopewell,
(Dasher's), Broad Top and Coaldule bor. Hope
well], Friday, Nov. 8. Saxton bor. ana Libeity,
(Stonerstown).Sat.,Nov.9. Woodbury M., (Wood
bury), Monday, Nov. 11- Woodbury S., (New En
terprise), Tuesday, Nov 12. Colerain, (Brick
Church), Thursday. Nov. 14. Southampton, (Ad
ams'S. II.), Friday. Nov. 15. Special Ex., Bed
ford, Nov. 18. and Sat., Nov. 23. No private ex
aminations will be granted. begins at 9
a. m.. when all who wish to be examined must be
present. Nouo need apply except those who are
prepared to stand an examination in Orthography,
Reading, Writing, Geog., Grammar, Meutal and
Written Arith. Theory of Teaching, and U S.
History. [oct4] H. W. FISHER, Co. Supt.
IJkiv zV.lvcvtiscmcnK
rpilF WASHINGTON LliiJtAtth'
is chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and
Organized in aid of the
for educating gratuitously
Incorporated by the State of X. J.
APRIL 8, 1887.
The Washington Library Company,
by virtue of their CHARTER,
and in
will distribute
On Wednesday, Bfh of January, next,
Or at the Institute, Riverside, N. J.
Ono present worth $lO,OOO
One present worth 20,000
One present worth ,10 000
One present worth 5 000
Two presents worth $2 500 eneh 5 000
One present, valued at 18,100
Two presents, valued at $15,000 each 30 000
One present, valued at . IO.OOp
Four presents, valued at 5,000 each 20,000
Two presents, valued at 3.000 each 6,000
Three presents, valued at I.OOC each 3.000
Twenty presents, valued at 500 each 10.000
Ten presents, valued at 300 each 3,000
Three presents, valued at 250 each.*. 750
Twenty presents, valued at 225 each 4.500
Fifty-five presents, valued at $2OO each.. 11,000
Fitly presents, valued at $75 each 8,750
One hundred aud teu presents, valued at
SlOO 11,000
Twenty presents, valued at $75 each 1,500
Ten presents, valued at $5O each 501)
Toe remaining presents consist of articles
of use aud value, appertaining to the dif
fusion of Literature and the fine arts.. 582.000
Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a
worth more at retail than the cost of Certificate,
And also insures to the holder a
Any person sending us ONE DOLLAR, or pay
ing the same to our local Agents, will receive im
mediately a fine Steel-Plate Engraving, at choice
from the following list, and One Certificate of Stock
insuring Oue Present in our published schedule.
No. I—'My Child! My Child !" No. 2
'•They're Saved ! They're Saved !" No. 3—"Old
Seventy-six; or, the Early Days of the Revolu
Any person paying TWO DOLLARS will re
ceive either of the following fine Steel Plates, at
choice, and Two Certificates of ftock, thus be
coming entitled to Two Presents.
No. I—"Washington's Courtship." No. 2
" Washington's Last Interview with his Mother."
Any person paying THREE DOLLARS will re
ceivo the beautiful Steel Plate of
and Three Certificates of Stock, becoming enti
led to Three Presents.
Any person paying FOUR DOLLARS shall re
ceive the large and beautiful Steel Plate of
and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to
Four Presents.
Any person who pays FIVE DOLLARS shall re
ceive the large and splendid Steel Plate ot
and Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them to
Five Presents.
The engravings and certificates will be delivered
to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by
mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered.
Send orders to us by mail, enclosing from $1 to
S2O. either by Post Office orders or in a registered
lett l r, at our ri.-k. Larger amounts should be
sent by draft
10 shares with Engravings, S9 50
25 shares with Engravings, 2.1 50
50 shares with Engravings, 40 50
75 shares wish Engravings, 09 00
100 shares with Engravings, 90 00
Situate at Riverside, Burlington county. New Jer
sey. is founded for the purpose of gratuitously ed
ucating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Seamen
of the United States.
The Board of Trustees consists of the following
well-known citizens of Pennsylvania and New
Jersey :
HON. WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney,
Philadelphia, Pa.
HON LEWIS R. BgOOMALL, Ex-chief coiner U.
S. Mint, and recorder of deeds, Philad'a, Pa.
HON JAMES M. SCOVEL, New Jersey. '
HON. W. W WARE, New Jersey
HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Agent Adams' Express,
Philadelphia, Pa.
J. E. COE, Esq , of Joy, Coe A Co., Philadelphia
April IS, 1867.—Office of Internal Revenue :
Having received satisfactory evidence that the
proceeds of the enterprise conducted by the'-Wnsh
ington Library Company" will be devoted to char
itable uses, permission is hereby granted to said
Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from
all charge, whether from special tax or other du
ty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner.
The Association has appointed as Receivers.
Mes-rs. GEORGE A. COOKE A CO., whose well
known integrity and business experience will be a
sufficient guarantee that the money intrusted to
them will be promptly applied to the purpose sta
PHILADELPHIA, PA., May 20, 1867.
To the. Officers and Members of the Washington
Library Co. t iV. JS. RJiAD, Secretary.
GENTLEMEN: —On receipt of your favor of the
15th iust., notifying us of our appointment as Re
ceivers for your Company, we took the liberty to
submit a copy of your enterprise, to the highest
legal authoriiy of the State, and having received
bis favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and
sympathising with the benevolent objeet of your
Association, viz : the education and maintenance
of the orpnan children of our soldiers and sailors at
the Riverside institute, we have concluded to ac
cept the trust, and to use our best efforts to promote
so worthy an object.
Respectfully, yours, Ac.,
Address all letters and orders to GEO. A. COOKE
A Co., Bankers, 33 South Third Street, Phila
delphia, l'a., Receivers for the Washington Li
brary Co. oetlBu)3
/\X I.V ;). KI XT LIX E T() IItAX (• E.
\ " The lienoril Transatlantic Company's
Splendid Mail S team ships :
OF. LAURENT BOCAN;> —Saturday, Oct. ■>.
I'ERELBE Dl'CllKSXK—Saturday, Ot ID.
V ILLE DE PARIS--SARMO\T— Saturday. Nov. 2.
El ROPE LKMAIIIE- Saturday. Nov. 16.
To Brest or Havre, (wine included). First Cab
iD. §l6O ; Second Cabin, §35, (in gold).
These 81camera do not earrv Steerage Passen
gers. GEO. MACKENZIE, Agent, 53 Broadway,
N. r. "
.4 Comp'r.te Ihstory of the Sen: St ties and
Territories, from the tire it River to the Great
Its popularity is attested by the sale of over 20,000
Copies in a single month-.
'•Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains
and the Pacific Coast. V ith over 2110 Descriptive
and Photographic Views of the Scenery, Cities,
Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New
States and Territoiies."
To prospective emigrants and settlers in the
"Far West," this History of that vast and fertile
region will prove an invaluable assistance, sup
plying as it does a want long felt of a full, au
thentic and reliable guide to climate, soil, pro
due's, means of travel, Ac.
AGENTS WANTED.—Send for Circulars and see
our terms, and a full description of the work. Ad
enth St., Philadelphia. l'a
-1 V. Ed to take orders for our popular Books and
Engravings, either on Commission or salary. Ou:
publications are standard works by tho nest au
thors in the country, among which is
Tiffany's Sacred Biography and History,
Holland's Life of Lincoln,
Abbot's History of the ar,
Headley's Lile of Washington,
Rev. S. Phillips' Christian Home,
and others. Agents will not be required to can
vass territory previously occupied unless prefer
red. For particulars ad lress. GURDON, BILL A
CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mass.
J. EBTEY A CO., Brattlebiro, Vt..
The Original Inventors and Manufacturers.
Combining more perfections than any other in the
Have taken the Ist premiums at all the principal
Fairs iu the country.
.'!!)5 Wasbington-st., Boston ; 417 Broomc-st., N. Y.;
13 No. 7th.St.; Philn ; 115 Rardolph-st., Chicago.
Ji\_ A.M'K AGENTS, AC., AC—WC wish to secure
in every city of more than 5,000 population, to act
for us in canvassing for business. A man who is
already established in some occupation whioh al
lows him a few spare hours, can easily increase
his income several hundred dollars per year. This
is an opportunity for active men to secure a profi
table connection with the best established Adver
tising Agency in the United States. Addre.-s,
with full particulars, references, Ac., GEO. I'.
lIOWELL A C 0..40 Park Row, NY.
AHEXTS WANTED everywhere fur our One
Dollar sale. A Watch, a Tea Sett, a Shawl, a
Dress for one dollar each Send 25 ef.s. and stair,p
tor two checks and circulars giving full particu
lars. Address ARLINGTON. BROWNE A CO.,
o7d Washington street. Boston.
day, to introduce oar new patent STAII
.<lll TTLE SEW IN if MACHINE. Price $2O It
uses two threads, and tnakes the genuine LOCK
STICII. All other low priced machines mike the
CHAIN STICH. Exclusive territory given Send
for circulars. W. G. WILSON A CO. Manufac
IT7ESTILL LIVE! Dop'tbehum
f f bugged by Impostors or "patent'' cast
iron or marhine "Stencil tools." Send for our
Now Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIE--,
2d varieties all of Steel, carefully finished and
tempered. S M. SI'ENCEK A CO., Drattleboro,
* J with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay
simples free. Beware of infringers. My circu
lars will explain Address A. J. FULLAM,
Springfield, Vermont.
S 7-) To $lOO per month tin I travel
ing expenses paid good agents to sell our
Patent Everlasting White. Wire Clothes Lines
State age and address American Wire Co., lt!2
Broadway, N. Y
pared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau of Par
is, cures Consumption, Lung Bronchitis,
Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General Debility and all
morbid conditions of the system dependent on
deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant to taste,
and a single bottle will convince the most skepti
cal of its virtue as the great healing remedy of the
age. SI a bottle, or six bottles for S5. Sent by
Express. Sold by S. C UPHAM, No. 25 South
Eightb-st., Philadelphia, and principal Druggists-
Circulars sent free
JJ WORLD. — Extract of a letter from Baron
So/omn n linth sch i/d.
PARIS, Bth April, LSbl. 25 Rue Faulty, St. Honore
Will you be kind enough to have forwarded to
me here 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment if
you will send at the same time the account, 1
will forward you the amount through Messrs
BKI.MOXT A Co., New York.
ed to tnanj of his friends 51 .jor LANE'S LINI
MENT, and they being desirous to procure it, lie
should advise him to establish a depot in Paris.
Asa relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain, taken
inwardly, or outwardly applied, has uo equal. For
the relief and cure of Rheumatic and Neuralgic
Affections, Sprains, Bruises, \e., it is uiuquall
e.t. It is also most etti-acinus, taken inwardly, in
the cure nl Cholera. Ctamps and Pains ia the
Sto in te/i ■ JJirrhoea I) ysentery. Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, -c., and is without exception
the most wonderful Panacea the world affords.
No FAMILY should be without it. Every TRA
VELER bv land or sea should have a Lottie. MI
NERS and FARMERS residing at a distance from
Physicians should keep it constantly '-a hand In
case of Accidents, and sudden attacks of Stomach
Complaints, its value cannot be csiima'ed. In
quire tor Mi joe LANE'S ISDIAN LINI
MENT. and tale no other. PRICE 50 Cts per
bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by De
nies Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, X. Y.; A
Robinson, 13fi Ureenwich-st.. N. Y., F. C. jVells A
Co., 192 Fulton-st., N. Y.; Cbus. N Crittenden,
25 (i h Ave , X. Y.; und by respectable Druggists
throughout the world. None genuine unless sign
ed by JOHN TIIOS LANE, and countersigned by J.
T.LANE A CO., Proprietors, lli.'i Broadway, X.
Y. Send for circular.
C'XXLYsI. Unfortunate humanity.
f 81 only. My injection cures Gonorrhaea or
Glset in ten n.vvs. without noxious drugs, when
till other remedies fail. Da. Hkxuie
Station F , N. Y'. City.
/\ MARRIAGE The cheapest Hook Kerr
I'ah! t shed , containing neatly three hundred pages
and 130 tine plates and engravings of the Anato
my of the Human Organs 1:1 a state of Health and
Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De
plorable Consequences upon the Mind and Body,
with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only
rational and successful tnodeof Cure, as shown by
the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to
the married and those contemplating marriage,
who entertain doubts of their physical condition.
Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt
of 25 cts in stattips or postal currency, by address
ing DR. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alba
ny, N. \ T . The author may be consulted upon any
of the diseases upon which his book treats, cither
personally or by mail. Medicines sent to any part
of the world.
cess guaranteed. —DR. RECORD S Essence of Life
restores manly p over, front whatevcrcause arising,
the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse,
itnpolency and climate, give way at once to this
wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according
to the directions (which arc very simple, and re
quire no restraint from business or pleasure ) Fail
ure is impossible. Sold in bottles, atS-l, or 4 quan
tities in otic for $9. To be had only of the sole ap
pointed agent in America. HERMAN GEUETZEN.
323 Bowery, and 205 2d Ave., N. Y.
COMPANY arc n.w manufacturing the best,
cheapest and most durable paint in use; two coats
well put on. mixed with pure linseed oil, will las!
10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or_beautiful
chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead,
stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste of the
consumer. If is valuable for Houses. Barns, Fences,
Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car-ma
kers, Wooden-ware, Canvas, Metal and
Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,)
Bridges, Burial cases, Canal Boats, Shipt and
Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil-cloths, (one Manufactu
rer having used 50(H) bbls. the past year); as a paint
for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durabili
ty, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price §6 per bbl.
of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer foryearsto
come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for
a circular, which gives full particulars. None
genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton
Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL.
Proprietor, 254 Pearl-st., New York. Agents
\\ auted.
Cciini IWiffSu
V(vri( i-; OF IKQUISITIOX. —
V x WnwtE.ts, Peter Rowser, Sr.. apd.hoir at
■ I law of John Rovser, into of Napier township,
Bedford county, deed, preseuted a petition setting
forth that the said John Rowser, lately died intes
tate. leaving a widow. Mary Rowser and four ciiil
dren towii: Mrs. Elizabeth Rowser, residing in
Allegheny county. Pa., Peter Rowser, the peti
tioner, Rachel Rowser and Juliu Rowser, and -ev
en grand children, all. except Elizabeth, residing
in lledford county. Pa. That the said intestate
died seized in demesne as of fee, and in the
following described real estate, situate in Napier
township, lledford county, bounded by lands of
Peter Rowser. Jacob W ' Miller, Joseph llewetts'
heirs and others, containing 250 acres, mor'or less,
with the appurtenances; and pray the Court to
make partition of the premises, aloresaid, to and
amongst the heirs. Thereupon the Court awarded
an inquest to make partition according to the
praj-er of tho petitioner. NOTICE is hereby giv
eu that in pursuance of a writ jf partition or valu
ation to uie directed I will proceed to bold an In
quisition, on tho premises, on Friday, the 25th
day of October, A. 1).. 1367, at 11 o'clock, A. .VI.,
when and where all persons interested may attend
if they see proper. ROBERT s'i'ECKM AN,
sep27w4 Sheriff.
STIFFEEiI, by her
\_y next friend, John Aldstadt, vs. MICHAEL
In the Common Pleas of Bedford county, No. 21' i
Sept. T., 1367. Alius subpoena in Libel for Di
And now, Sept. 2, ISS7, tho Court on motion of
J. W. Lingeufelter, Esq.. grant a rule on Michael
Slither, respondent in the above case, to show cause
why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not bo
decreed. The said rule returnable on Monday,
Nov 18, 1567. 0. E. SHANNON, Proth'y.
Attest, ROBERT STEOKMAN, Sheriff.
To Michael Stijflrr and atl others interested.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
Commissioner appointed by the Court, to take tes
timony in the above case, will attend to the duties
of his appointment at his office in Bedford, on Fii
day. October 18, 1867, at ten o'clock, A M., when
all interested can attend if they think proper.
stp27w4 M. A. POINTS, Commissioner.
XOTR'E.-Xoiitv is
8 A hereby given that letters testamenui y to
l ne estate of Abraham Keugy, late of M. Woodbury
township, have been giauted to the undersigned
by the Register of Bedford couuty.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims can present them, duly authenticated for
sep2ow6 JOHN KEAtIV, E.x'rs.
V_y QUIRENDO. —Th" undersigned,appointe 1 by
the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford county, a
Commissioner to inquire whether ValentineSteek
nian. of West Providence township, is a lunatic or
not. respectfully gives notice th . t he will attend
to the duties of his appointment, at his office in
Bedford, on Tuesday, the 15th day of October,
18(17, when all interested can attend.
Bep27w4 M. A. POINTS, Commissioner.
r?XIi(TUTOR'S XI )TICE. —Letters
ij j Testamentary upon the last Will. Ac., of Ann
Catharine Dauakcr, dee'd having beeu issued to
the s bseriber, by the Register ot Bedford couuty,
he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
the estate of "ho deceased to make payment; and
all persons having claims are requested to present
the same properly authenticated for settlement.
oct4w6 ABRAHAM B. BONN, Executor.
T ewis Kcitli, Jacob Carper, S. K.
1 J Brumbaugh, and their successors in office,
Auditors of Middle Woodbury township,
Wm. M Pearson, Treasurer of Middle Wood
bury township.
In the Common Pleas of Bedford county, No. 57
Sept. Term, 1867.
The under igned will meet the parties interes
ted at the House of Judge Eicholtz. iti Woodberry,
ou Thursday, the 21th day of October, instant, at
I) o clock. A. M., for the purpose of examining and
stating accounts and taking testimony, where
they attend.
oct4w3 JNO. P. REED, Aditor.
f\ Letters of administration having been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Liberty Town
ship, by the Register ot Bedford Couuty, upon ihe
Estate of David Kensinger, late of said township,
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and tnose having
claims thereon will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement.
Oct 11 w 6 ELI AS HOOVER, Adm'rs.
ilotirc.s, &r.
STRAY BULL - "ne trespassing upon the
premises ot tlie subscriber, in Liberty I p., about
the 22nd day of August last, a Red and White
spotted Lull, about two years old, no car marks.
The owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges and take-him away, otherwise be will be
disposed of according to law.
"V"()TICE is hereby jriven all persons
X 1 not to trust or harbor my wife. Nancy Kil
hack, on my account, as I will not bo responsible
for any debts she may contract.
I7STHAY NOT ICE.—Came to the
3 j premises of the undersigned, in Cumberland
valley tp., some time in July last, five head of
Heifers, 1 yearlings and I two-yearling. The
owner is requested to coiue forward, prove proper
ty. pay charges and take them away, or else they
will bo disposed of according to law.
Ocil 1 w.'l JOHN McFERREX. _
y y SYLVAN'I A.— Tn Binkraptei/. At Bed
ford, the Slth day of October, A. D. 181)7.
The undersigned hereby gives notice ot his ap
pointment as Assignee of Win. Spi lie. of Bloody
Run borough, in the county of Bedford and Sta.o
of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has
been adjudged a bankrupt, upon bis otvu petition,
by the D.strict Court of s dd disriet.
oetllw6 J. K. BoWLES, Assignee.
partnership heretofore existing between
Richard Linadoii and James G Slenker, under
the style and title of L.tngdon and tsb nker, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. The busine.-s
will hereafter bocoutiuued by the said Richard
Ri Idlcsburg, Pa., Oct. 11, '67.—m3
'q persons arc hereby notified not to trespass
on my property in Bedford tp., by hunting, fish
ing, or in any other way, as I will prosecute all
such to the fullest extent of the law, without re
ap* ct to persons. EN C. REAMER,
sepi w3
"VTOTICE.— All iii ourdeht will pletiso
bear in mind we arc preparing to make our
fall purchases, and mant luir: money. In many
cases longer indulgence cannot be given, and we
earnestly hope all who know they halt not paid
ni, will read this notice, come forward and pay np
at once. Our terms are six months, and upon ail
accounts, we charge interest, after due.
. aug9. A. B. CRAMER k C<>.
MONEY S^Ved.—lntending to ii
dopt the cash system Oct. 1. 1867. and desi
rous of reducing ou stock as low as possible, before
m.tkiug fall purchases, we will offer many great
bargains for CASH. A. B. CRAMER £ CO.
Institution is located on the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, two hours ride from Philadel
phia. The next yearly session will open Tuesday,
September lOtb, to continue ten months. Terms
for Boarding and Tuition for ten months. $26!).
Extras at the usual rates For rurthei informa
tion send for circular to Rev. JOHN MOORE,
jul26m3 l'riueipal.
_ IN FASHION !—The undersigned takes this
method of requesting all persons indebted to him
to CM II and settle their accounts. This notice must
be observed. On and after October I, 1867 he
will sell goods for cad) anil approved prodnre
on/if, having been convinced, by experience, that
•the rash system is the best f>r his customers as
well as himself. A. L. BEFIBAUiiH.
■ UMBER.—6O,OOB feet Oak. White
I / and Y'ellow Pine Lumber on hands and for
sale by J. B. WILLIAMS A CO ,
junid.'67tf Bloody Run, Pa.
QOLMERS' ii EXTIES.-Tlh- un-
Kjdersigned has the blanks now ready and will
attend promptly to the collection of all claims uu
der the law lately passed for the Equalisation of
aug.l7-.f. J. W. DICKERSOX.
V# R- H. SIPES having established a manu
factory of Monuments. Tombstones, Table-Tops,
Counter Slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun
ty. Pa., and having on hand a well selected stock
of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to till
all orders promptly and do work neat and in a
workmanlik e style, and on the most reasonable
terms. work warranted. Jobs delivered to
all p rts of this and adjoining counties withi ut ex
tra charge. npr!9,'66yl
f best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn