Friday Marntng. October IN. IHG7. Tlir. HEBIXT IX THE COUNTY. The splendid victory achwved by the Democrats of Bedford county, at the late election, will inspire every friend of constitutional liberty within the bounds of the county, with renewed hope for the cause and renewed en -rgy to prosecute the struggle for the redemp tion of the country from the clutches of the vainpyres that have battened upon its blood. Many successive defeats (not in the county, it is true, but in the coun try at large) had wrought a feeling of despair in tiie hearts of Democrats, and it is really a matter of wonder that in the face of repeated disaster, they ralli ed again and again, until finally their banner waved triumphantly above their fallen foe. in 1803, tic county gave but 137 Democratic majority. In 186G, we added 107 to this, making the majority 211. In 1867, we again added 9-3, making the majority 339. During the last three years the contest has been most fierce and determined, the enemy straining their utmost to poll every vote they could muster. But their ef forts have culminated, and they will never again be able to rally their forces as in the past. It is for the triumphant Democracy, to improve their victory, by moderation, fairness and justice to ward the vanquished, whilst seeking to exert every proper influence to in crease the strength of the party. Go to work now, and keep up the work until the Presidential election. WE will publish the official vote of the State in our next. Philadelphia gives Sharswood 2487 majority; Berks, 5,795; Northampton, 2,952; Luzerne, 2,305; Lehigh, 1,027; Schuylkill, 1,123; Westmoreland, 1,433; Greene, 1,413; Clearfie'd 1,263; Clarion, 1,193; Colum bia, 1,757; Cambria, 952; Monroe, 1 ,SIG j York, 2,823. Williams has 6,425 majority in Alle gheny; 3,208 in Bradford; 1,898 in Ches ter; 1,401 in Dauphin; 1,967 in Erie; 5,324 in Lancaster; 1,547 in Lawrence; 1,124 in Lebanon; 1,215 in Somerset; 1,276 in Susquehannah ; 2,655 in Tioga; and 1,059 in Deleware. JUDGE SHARSWOOD'S real majority is upwards of 1,000, as the Philadelphia Return judges counted several hundred votes polled for Williams, by regulars at Fort Delaware. Even the Radical Act of Assembly permitting soldiers to vote outside of the State, does not pro vide for this. It provides only for the reception of votes cast by volunteers called into service by the President of the United States. THE defeat of Messrs. Sehell and Findlay, our candidates for the legisla ture, is greatly regretted. In the midst of the general rejoicing, we must pause to express our sorrow for their fate. Bedford county did all that was expected of her. She gave Mr. ScheH 53d majority and Mr. Findlay a gain of 100 over Sharswood. Little Fulton also did well. But Somerset is joined to her idols. She loves her politics bet ter than her own material welfare. Well, if her people can stand that sort of business, we can. As "Swan's militia" are about to in vade Pennsylvania, ought not "loyal people" at once to rush to the defence of the State? Let none wait for the editors of the Inquirer to "enlist." One of them has "varicose veins," and the other is singularly afflicted with peri odical lameness during war times. Poor fellows! Nature has forbidden that they should enter the lists of mar tial glory. "SCHELDER deine gewc-hr! Abs, peif! Uhly, drumm! Hamsparger, kumm !" Such is, doubtless, the battle cry of Bro. Scull, of t'.ie Somerset Her ald, as he marshals the hosts of Som erset to defend tb e sacred soil of Penn sylvania again-, t the threatened inroad of "Swan's railitia." Hurry up your recruits, >* e d! Pennsylvania must not be captured by 12,000 militia ! IT is hinted in certain Radical quar ters that there is to be a change in the editorship of the Inquirer , the elections having repeatedly demonstrated that the more violently a Democratic candi date is opposed by that sheet, the great er is sure to he his majority. THE laggards were taught a lesson at the late election, which they will not soon forget. They said to their neighbors, "Oh! it's of no use to go to the election ! We'll be beaten any how !" They will know better hereafter. JOHN CESSNA is a "buster." He stumped Franklin county this year- Result, 180 Democratic majority. Last year it gave Geary, 19.3. THE Democrats gain a .-senator and Representative in the Huntingdon district. Farewell, Gerrymander. VICTORY! i*ex xxy lva x i a redeem f.d : OHIO REGENERATED! lOWA OX TIIE MEND! "AND THE COLORED TROOPS FOUGHT BRAVELY !*' Official returns from all the counties ofthis State show theelectionof HON. GEORGE SH A Its WOOD to the office of Supreme Judge for the ensuing fif teen years, by a majority of 791. This makes the Democratic gain in the State since hist year about 18,000, and since 1.863, 23,.300! The Legislature is close, but owing to the infamous ap portionment under which the people labor, will be again in the hands of the Radicals. A number of Democratic candidates for the Legislature, were defeated by but a few votes. Another tire along the lino, and the Legislature will also be Democratic. In Ohio, the Democrats have curried both houses of the Legislature, secur ing the election of a Democratic U. S. Senator in place of Ben. Wade. The Governor is in doubt, the majority be ing but a few hundred either way. A bout 1,500 negroes voted for the Radi cal candidate, and the chances are that there will be a contested election. The Democratic gain in Ohio, since last year, is fully 40,000, and since 18G3,100,- 000! That will do for this time. lowa, also, has made large Demo cratic gains, probably about 20,000 since last year. Such is the story from every quarter, and it will be better still next year, if the Radicals do not repent of their sins, quit their agitation of the Negro question, and cease talking a bout impeachment, confiscation, agra rianism, and the rest of their deviltries. RE!' & T.S E X TAT JV E DISI'RIi T. The return judges for this Represen tative district met in this place, on Tuesday last, and upon examination of the returns, it appeared that the vote for Representatives stood as follows: Schell Findlny. Welter. Richards. Bedford, 2751 2649 2214 2217 Fulton 1035 1010 60S 711 Somerset, 1523 1623 2746 2632 5309 5232 5653 5610 Richards over Schell, 301, over Find lav, 328. Weller over Schell, 349, over Findlay, 376. Enough Democratic votes remained at home in the district to have overcome these majorities by at least 200. How do you feel, lag gards ? THE ( ONORiasiUX VI. mSTKICT KE DEEMEIt ! The vote in this Congressional dis trict stands : Devi. Maj. Rctd. Maj. Adams, 392 Bedford, 339 Franklin, 189 Fulton, 310 Somerset, 1,215 1,230 1,215 Dern. maj. in district. 15 Will Gen. Koontz please make a note of this ? * THE majority for Peter M. Barton, for county Commissioner, is 377, just 38 more than that for Sharswood. So much for the Inquirer's great "discov ery" of the "316,000" which the county isiuflebted to the State. If the Inquirer keeps on with its "discoveries," its par ty will have trouble to find candidates after awhile. JOHN' I. NOBLE, the Democratic can didate for Poor Director, has 317 major ity, 9 more than Sharswood. Thus have the people rebuked the vile cal umnies heaped upon the late Treasurer of the Poor House, and manifested their utter contempt for the lying electioneer ing stories of the Bedford Inquirer. DREADFUL ! It appears that the peo ple wanted "a District Attorney who drank toasts to Jeff. Davis during the war and proposed to raise the rebel fiag in their midst!" The election of Kerr renders "another war" almost cer tain! MR. KERR, the Democratic candidate for District Attorney, has 310 majority, 10 more than Sharswood. What a pity that he drank that "toast to Jeff. Da vis!" There is no telling what might have been his majority, if he hadn't done that awful deed. THE Inquirer is great on Mother Goose's Melodies. In its last issue it sang thus of its candidates: •-Little 80-peep, lie lost his sheep, And don't know where to find them- Let them alone, And they'll forne home, With their little tails behind them !" And they did. THE question is, mis John Brown made drunk on "Copperhead whis ky?" A NUMBER of Democratic meetings were held, which were not reported in our paper, for the reason that we did not get an account of the proceedings un til after the election. OFFICIAL BF.TUKXSOETHE ELECTION HELD IX BEDFORD '( \rv, OCT. H. I HUT. Below will be found a full and accu rate table of the returns of the late elec tion for this county. It will be seen that Judge Sharswood's majority, is 339, a gain of 95 votes since last year. Nearly all the Democratic candidates for county offices run ahead of Khars wood. In justice to Capt. Swart/, it should be remembered that he declin ed the Radical nomination for Audi tor. and was, therefore, no candidate. S. .fudge. Assembly. IJ s* ~fd Districts: ' , ' ■ . Bedford Dor 142 118 160 111 107 104 Bedford tp 210 151 253 239 140 136 Bloody Run 35 72 42 35 70 06 Broad Top 42 90 56 43 80 82 Coaldale 3 16 5 3 15 14 Colerain 155 95 157 I<>6 93 93 Cumb. Valley ISS 53 191 IS6 48 48 Harrison 73 S6 78 74 82 83 Hopewell... 56 93 63 57 <B6 89 Juuiata ltd 66 176 169 54 58 Liberty 18 54 79 78 53 53 Londonderry 87 62 88 89 60 61 Monroe 11l 156 117 117 *5B I* J B Napier 119 131 178 177 132 131 Providence E 3-4 167 37 31 164 165 Providence W 44 108 40 43 104 102 Saxton 26 19 29 28 15 16 Schellsburg 48 32 49 47 30 31 Snake Spring 80 45 82 SO 43 43 St. Clair...: 228 197 234 228 194 192 Southampton 214 49 214 214 50 50 Union v.... 166 156 167 165 I<>s 105 Woodbury S 101 127 105 105 !2o 126 Woodbury M 138 162 142 141 158 158 Total 2344 2305 2751 2649 2217 2214 Dis.Atty. Treasurer. Ja. Com. V 7\ £. ® ° 2 =7 -II f | Z ® A ~ 3 ' • ; W L_. • • tl? •** ■"* • Bedford Bor 142 110 112 113 138 121 Bedford tp 232 157 229 156 236 151 Bio eiy Run 35 70 36 69 35 69 Broad Top 42 89 43 89 42 90 Coaldale 3 16 3 16 3 16 Colerain 155 91 154 94 155 94 Cumb Valley 187 50 182 53 185 53 Harrison 75 8) 77 83 74 86 Hopewell 59 91 59 90 57 93 Juniata 170 68 *l7O 67 169 68 Liberty 79 53 73 54 78 53 Londonderry 87 62 87 62 87 62 Monroe 117 158 117 158 117 158 Napier 176 133 178 131 175 1.33 Providence E 33 167 33 168 34 167 Providence W 45 105 43 169 43 109 Saxton 28 17 27 18 27 18 Schellsburg 47 32 47 32 44 33 Snake Spring 78 45 77 46 80 45 St. Clair 227 199 228 195 222 201 Southampton 213 50 214 50 214 50 Union 165 156 164 157 105 156 Woodbury S 1(15 125 105 125 105 126 Woodbury M 139 158 140 160 142 159 Total 2639 2190 2633 2295 2627 2311 Co-Corn'r. D.of Poor. Auditor. ? ? S Jp 5. 3 cr "a £ j3 ? ~ Bedford Bor 141 118 144 115 141 16 Bedford tp 237 153 232 152 236 15 Bloody Run '.. 38 67 36 67 36 1 Broad Top 43 88 4-3 89 43 21 Coaldale 3 16 3 16 3 1 Colerain 155 94 152 98 156 7 Cumb. Valley 185 53 185 53 207 20 Harrison 74 86 74 86 74 ... Hopewell 52 90 58 i>2 58 4 Juniata 169 68 169 68 170 ... Liberty 78 5 4 78 5 4 78 3 Londonderry 87 62 87 62 88 4 Monroe 117 158 117 158 117 17 Napier 176 131 175 134 177 1 Providence E 48 152 34 166 34 10 Providence W 43 199 42 110 44 5 Saxton 27 18 27 18 27 ... Schellsburg 47 32 47 32 47 1 Snake Spring 80 45 81 44 80 ... St. Clair 228 197 228 197 229 23 Southampton 214 49 213 50 214 25 Union 164 157 164 158 165 24 Woodbury S 106 118 118 113 105 5 Woodbury M 138 159 135 165 141 31 Total 2650 2273 2642 2295 2670 234 SPECIAL mention must be made of the Democrats of Union, Snake Spring, C'. Valley, Saxton, Liberty, M. Wood bury, Broad Top, Bloody Run, Monroe and Bedford borough, for the hand some gains they made over last year. Juniata, St. Clair and Colerain also did well, considering the removals of Democrats from those townships. U nion, Snake Spring, Bloody Run and Bedford borough, increased their Dem ocratic vote over last year. To. CANDIDATES. —Our rule has al ways been to portion the cost of print ing the tickets among the candidates. We make this notice, so that there will be no misapprehension upon this sub ject. Democratic Rcjoiriii£-s. ALBANY, N. Y., October 11. —The Democrats of the Knickerbocker City have had a public rejoicingthisevening over the result of the October elections. Salutes, torchlight processions, bands of music and a tumult generally expres sed the satisfaction of tlie Albanians. Among the transparencies was one stating that "Ohio has been Wade and found wanting," and another promi sing forty thousand Democratic major ity for Mew York. The demonstrations in honor of the supposed Democratic victory was fully as enthusiastic as the one in the afternoon in honor of General Sheridan's presence. LOCK PORT, A'. Y., October 10.— This city is illuminated, bonfires are burn ing and one hundred guns are being fired over the Democratic victories in Pennsylvania and Ohio. WORCESTER, Mass., October 10.— A salute of one hundred guns was fired in this city at noon to-day in honor of the recent Democratic victories. BANGOR, Me., October 10. —The De mocracy of this city are firing one hun dred guns in honor of the Democratic victories in Pennsylvania and Ohio. PORTLAND, Me., October 10.—One hundred guns are being fired here in honor of the Democratic victories. WATEKTOWN, N. Y., October 10.— The late Democratic victories are being celebrated here by the firing of cannon. Bands of music are parading the streets and the Democrats are feeling very ju bilant. GENKKAL BUTLER WILL NOT SACRI FIC His INDEPENDENCE TO BE PRES IDENT.—GeneraI Butler has published a ielter in reply to friends wlio want to know if he would make a good candi date for the presidency, holding the views he does on financial and political questions. He says that his hopes-or expectations of preferment have noth ingtodowith lus political views, and that he would not sacrifice his indepen dence of thought and action-to be Presi dent ten times over. lie declares he will speak bis thoughts and views, no mat ter what the consequence may be. This is rather spoony for Butler. Connecticut, The iatesl returns from Connecticut show that in the returns from llGtowns the Radicals have gained 3 and the Democrats 23, which will elect 39 mem bers, and thus give a handsome major ity to the Democrats on joint ballot in the next Legislature. New London. Stratford, FaTrfieid and Say brook are among the towns gained by the Demo crats. j! ATKR.J [/ the Hartford, Ct., Tune.s - , Oct. 10. j We have received returns from every town in Connecticut that voted last Monday. The result is: Democratic towns, 33 Radical towns, * 73 Democratic majority, R> This is the first time in thirteen years tlint the Democrats have carried a ma jority of the towns in this State. We have gained over twenty towns this fail. The Ohio Election. The result of the Ohio election is as yet so far in doubt that it is thought nothing but the official count will de termine the issue. Charges are made that negroes were permitted to vote, and in ease the Radicals should make out a small majority, sufficient to have been made by these votes, the election is to he contested. The Cincinnati En quirer calls on the Democracy not to yield the governorship if negro votes can be proven to have been polled. In the legislature the Democrats have a majority often on joint ballot, a change from the Radical majority of the last body of forty-six. Jotv.i F.lcctian. In lowa, Merrill < Rad.) is in all likeli hood elected Governor, but returns so far show a Democratic gain in 31 coun ties of 5,835. Last year the Radical majority was 35,412. Sixty-nine coun ties are yet to hear l'rom, and indica tions are that the Democratic gain will be very greatly increase d. isiilisiiia Election. Scattering returns from Indiana show a Democratic gain of 4,2320il the Radi cal majority last year of 11,202. Ei'iii>ito:i ol'"laiii Slecla. The Marquis ol' Brute bus just return ed to England from Iceland, and re ports that his party ascended Mount lleela on the 17th of August, but ob served no indications of a coming erup tion. A littie smoke arose from the crater, but there was no symptom that the volcano was on the eve of breaking out. On the 27th of August the yacht was leaving Iceland, and when about two hundred miles distant from Mount Heeia, the brass mountings on beard became suddenly discolored, audit was then conjectured that the volcano bad burst fourth. On arriving shortly af terwards at North Faroe, it was ascer tained that the mail steamer, which which had left Iceland later than the yacht, had brought intelligence of an e ruption which had been so terrible in its nature that the inhabitants of Rci.;- avik, living at a distance of about one hundred miles from Ilecla, were near ly suffocated by the sulphurous fumes from the volcano. Erosn the Itulinn Country. WASHINGTON, October 14.—The In dian bureau has received the following despatch from superintendent Murphy of Indian Affairs in the West, dated 12th inst., at GO miles south of Fort Ear ned : 1 have been 12 days among the Indi ans and find them all anxious for peace. I had considerable trouble in getting a communication with the Cheyennes, but have succeeded. They promise that no more war parties shall go out, and agree to meet the commissioners. 1 can say that the Arrapahoes, Cheyon es, Apaches, Kiowas, and Comanches will be fully represented herd at the grand council. There are large num bers of these Indians here now, and others are coming in as fast as they can. if the Com missioners can get h ere soon er than full moon it would be better. POOH ST AX TON*. —Hon. Edwin M. Stanton was among the arrivals at the Continental Hotel last tiight.—Phila delphia Press, O -tober 8. There is a prevalent suspicion that the "Hon. Edwin M. Stanton" did not enjoy his visit in Philadelphia as much as lie hoped to, especially when late in thcevening theshouts over a Democrat ic victory greeted his ears, it is un derstood that he now entertains a deep sympathy for Cardinal Woolsey, and is about to devote the remainder of his days to the study of Shakspeare.—JV. Y. World. XSCWS AVI) OTHER ITEMS. —Over one hundred illegal stills have been captured in the northern part of Philadelphia, where the rioters success fully, in two instances, drove off the of ficers. The last raid on these distille ries was supported by a force of United States marines with their muskets load ed. The revenue officers were, in con sequence, permitted to carry off the stills they had seized without any further demonstrations than hisses and groans. —Mrs. Lincoln, the widow of Presi dent Lincoln, is selling her dresses and jewelry in Xew York and has given permission that the fact should be sta ted. She says she has but seventeen hundred dollars a year to live on. Having tasted of high life, she cannot return to her former simple style of living. The estimated value of all the articles offered for sale is twenty-four thousand dollars. —By the Ist of November the Union Pacific railroad will be completed as tar as Cheyenne City, Dakota Terri tory, at the base of the Rocky moun tains. This is the point of intersection of the Denver branch railroad—from which place it is distant one hundred and twelve miles—the distribution point for Colorada mines, and the general de pt for all parts on the Fort Laramie, Fort Reno and Montana roads. —The Montgomery (Ala.,) Sentinel says: We regret to learn that a new and fatal disease has recently appeared indifferent parts of Montgomery coun ty. Thus far it has baffled the utmost skill of the physicians. It begins with fever, and soon bloody discharges from the bladder ensue, which continue till a fatal termination within forty eight hours. After death the corpse becomes extremely yellow. All the cases, so far, have resulted fatally. —lt is stated iu a special despatch from Nashville to the Cincinnati Com mercial that Brownlow will be elected United States Senator, in place of Sen ator Patterson, whose term expires on the 4th of March next. —A few evenings since, during tho prevalence of a storm, as a journey man and an apprentice boy were at work in if carpentershop, the lightning enter ed in at the window, passed down a saw in the boy's hand, struck a plane which the journey man was using, and passing down the bit set fire to the piece of lumber which the journeyman was dressing, leaving the boy and man un harmed. —The papers chronicle the death, in Brooklyn, of Mrs. Mary Arnold, aged one"hundred and ten years. She used 1 to visit General Washington when he lived in Pearl Street square, and dur ing the war of 1812 assisted a noble band of women in throwing up the earth works at Fort Greene. She has five children living, of whom tho oldest is seventy yeaus ofage, and her descen dants reach to the fifth generation. —Mr. Charles A. Lane, of New York, proposes that the Loyal Leagues throughout the country shall contrib ute toward a purse of $250,000 for Mrs. Lincoln, "not as a gift, but as a slight acknowledgment of the debt which the loyal peopleowe to the memory of the Great Emancipator." —Governor Fenton, of New York, re fuses to pay over the appropriation made by the Legislature of that State in aid of the Antietam Cemetery until a commission presents a satisfactory re port upon its past and present manage ment. Governor Geary, of Pennsylva nia, has also appointed a special com mission for a like purpose. —The next National Republican Con vention, for the nomination of a Presi dent and Vice-President, will be held at Chicago. The members of the na tional executive committee have been corresponding on the subject, and a ma jority have expressed themselves in fa vor of Chicago. —There was an extraordinary dis play of "Northern lights" at St. Paul, Minnesota, last Wednesday night.— The electrical illumination was quite brilliant, and so powerful was the mag netic effect that the telegraphic wires were rendered inoperative. —The decrease of thirty-two millions in the import trade, and eleven and a half millions in the export trade of New York, since the Ist of January, indicates how far the wholesale busi ness is behind this year. —A Texas paper says that there are now several thousand beevbs in Wil lianistown County, in that Slate, full, fat, and fine and that the same may be said of almost any county. —A little daughter of Mr Buckle, near Bristol, Virginia, aged seven years, met a horrible death on Thurs day. She was assisting in grinding su garcane, when her head was caught in the machinery and so terribly crushed as to cause her de.itii almost instant ly. —The Now York Times speaks of the Democratic party as "a united and powerful enemy" to the Radicals. A little while ago the Times was ridicul ing the Democratic party as defunct. —A train on the Northwestern Rail road in the western part of lowa, was a few days since delayed one hour and a quarter by grasshoppers, which cover ed the track so thick that theenginedri vers slipped on the raiis. —Gen. Joseph E. Johnson has resign ed the presidency of the Alabama and Tennessee River railroad, from SeJma to Dalton, and his place has been filled by the election of Franklin H. Deland, of New York. —The temperance movement, it is announced, has, during the past twenty five years, enrolled 1,500,000 members, and its societies now have 200,000 active members in North America. —The thirteenth section of thirty miles of the Union Pacific railroad has been accepted. This section completes the road 455 miles west from Omaha, Nebraska. —Nearly 14,000 acres of public lands were disposed of at the land offices at San Francisco and Stockton, Cal., dur ing August. —lt is said that one-eighth of the iron and steel now made in the United States is from the iron ores of Lake Su perior. —The reciprocity treaty with the i United States has passed the Sandwich Islands Legislature, and received the King's approval. —The cultivation of sorghum, which was quite extensive in Wisconsin in 18(55, has nearly ceased, the season proving too short for ripening it. —A Women's Christian Association is to be established in Chicago. —General Lee has GOO students at his college, against 100 last year. —General Schenck is Wade's compe titor for the Ohio Senatorship. —There were several shocks of earth quakes in East Tennessee last week. Fori ACTS OF CHARITY and Benevo lence Philadelphia stands prominent a mong her sister cities. During the war she had our refreshment saloons where thousands were fed while on their way to the "front,"and now, in order that the good work may be continued, it is pro posed to provide for the orphans of ma ny of those brave heroes who feli in de fense of the stars and stripes. For this purpose the Washington Library Com pany of Philadelphia was organized in aid of the Riverside Institute of New Jersey. Here the Orphans of Soldie s and Sailors in all parts of the country will be gratuitously educated and made useful members of society. The just and honorable plan adopted for raising the necessary funds for this charitable object has received the endorsement of every one. Read advertisement. WOOD! WOOD!— Twenty cords of wood wanted at this office, in payment of subscription. None but good hick ory, or chestnut oak will be taken. THE LADY'S FRIEND, FOR NOVEM BER. —This number is remarkably GOOD. The Steel Engraving "Learning to 1 Sew" is a sweet, quiet, home picture. The Fashion Plate is stylish anil gay; nothing of the kind in the country is worth looking at with the elegant refinement of the fashions as shown by this magazine. The Wood Cuts lead oil' with some captivating skating costumes, and some illustra tions of a novel and most convenient kind of hood ; and include a wonderful variety of things interesting to ladies. There are two pages of Music—'"The Pearly Stream Polkaand the literary matter is uncommonly rich:—August Bell, Elizabeth Pre.scott, Aunt Alice and Frank Lee Benedict havedone their best. Great inducements in the way of Premiums, &c., are promised to new subscribers, and our readers should send for a sample copy, containing all these liberal offers. Sample copies will be sent for fifteen cents. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00. One copy of Lady's Friend and one of Saturday Evening Post (and one en graving), $4.00. Address Deacon A* Peterson, .'llO Walnut Street, Philadel phia. —Since the year 1812 when the first load of anthracite coal was taken back to Philadelphia and given away, the production consequent upon an extend ed demand has increased with great regularity, and now it reaches from ten to twelve million tuns a year. It is es timated that in ten years it will have reached the enormous annual produc tion of twenty million tuns. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GLO R Y OF MA N IS S TR ENG TH. —Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use llelmbold's Extract Buchu. DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYIIUP. This great medicine cured Dr. J. 11. Schenck, the proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. Hisphy sicians pronounced his case incurable, when he commenced the isc of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the disease has been appre hended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases which aro usually complicated with it. and the cures effected by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits to several of tho larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust persons. Dr. Schenck's PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required in curing Consumption. Full direc tions accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Re spirometer his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stnge of consumption, and the other as ho now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck's prin cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadcl phia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents—Deinas Barnes A Co. New York; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D. Turk, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chic a go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 3dw WHAT EVERY ONE WANTS.—A GOOD, reliable medicine that will be on hand when re quired, and never fails when called on. That it now to be obtained in Dr. Tobias' Celebrated Ven etian Liniment. Many thousands call it the Wonder of the age,asitdoesall that is represented and more. It cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Spasms, Vomiting, Croup, and Sea-sickness as surely as it is used, and is perfectly innocent to take internal ly, even in double the quantity named in the di rections; and as an external remedy for Chronic Rheumatism, Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Mumps, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Insect Stings, Pains in the Back, Chest, and Limbs, thousands have testified to, and their certificates can be seen by any one at the Doctor's Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. Hundreds of physi cians use it in their practice. It has been intro duced since 1847, and hundreds who now have it in their houses, say they would not be without it even if it was $lO per bottle. Every drop is mix ed by Dr. Tobias himselt, and can be depended on. Only 50 cents and $1 per Bottle. Sold by Druggists Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, N.Y. Sepl3w4 HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and IMPROVED ROSE WASH cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and o exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im mediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. A GENERAL MASSACRE of the fibres of the head, the whiskers, the mustaches, or the beard, can be easily accomplished by the appli cation of the scorching hair dyes, and when every hair is KILLED DEAD, the parties deceived by these nostrums will regret, too late, that tjiey did not use the wonderful and entirely poisonless prep aration which, IN FIVE MINUTES, produces a black or brown which is not surpassed by nature's own hue. Be wise in time. The only safe and sure article is CRISTA DORO'S HAIR D 1 E. Manufactured by J, CRISTADORO, 68 .Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists Applied Hair Dressers. sepl3w4 ERRORS OF YOUTII.—A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc tions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, uiayl7,'67-ly Cedar Street, New York. THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OF MERCY. —Howard Association Reports, for YOUNG MEN, on the crime of -solitude, and the errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to mar riage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLON lIOUGIITON Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. juu7,*67yl. BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Occuiist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Hol land,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in the city and eountry can be seen at his office. The Medi cal faculty are invited to accompany, their pa tients, as ho has no secrets in bis practice. Artifi cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. |mayJ, 07yl TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT and j UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Heliubold s Extract Bu- | chu and Improved Rose Wash. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by Helmbold's Extract Ruchu. lIE EM BOND'S FLUID EXTRACT OK BUCIIU is si oert.iin euro for BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of no ir LONG S TANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a di uretic. It no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity muy ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH ANI) HAPPINESS, and thsit of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. . HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist, 59-1 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. inarS,' G7yl To COXSUMPTIVES. — The Rev. ED WARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cure Jof a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. Ilis only object is to bene fit tho afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try tliis prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please address Rev. EDWARD A WILSON, No. 105 South Second Street, Williainsburgh, New York. sepl3wB ITCH ! ITCH !! ITCH !! I—Scratch ! Scratch!'. Scratch'.'.'. —ln from 10 48 hours WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures THE ITCH. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures SALT RHEUM. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures TETTER. WIIEATON'S OINTMENT cures Barbers' Itch. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Old Sores. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price. 50 cents a box ; by mail, 60 cents. Ad dress WEEKS A POITER, No. 170 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all Druggists. sep2o,'67yl I X FORMATION.— I n formation guar anteed to produce a luxuriaut growth of hair up on a bald head or beardless fnee, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same sott, clear, and beau tiful, can be obtained without charge by address ing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 Broad way, New York. sepl3mB -)Uu' / •00 AG EXTeJ wanted, to sell Six New \/Inventions, of great value to families; all pay great profits. Send 25c. and get 80 pages and sample gratis. Agents have made $lOO,OOO. Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Mass. sua ADAM FOY'S i ? I CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Combines ill one garment a PER FECT FITTING CORSET, and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without tight lacing ; gives • ase and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians. Manufactured by D. B. SAUNDERS A Co., 96 Summer St., Boston. \rOU'KE WANTED! LOOK HERE '. —Agents, both male and female, w nted everywhere to sell the PATENT IMPROVED INK RESERVOIR, (by which from one to two pages can be written without replenishing with iuk), and our Fancy aud Dry floods, etc. Can clear from $3 to $lO a day. No capital required. Price 10 cents with an advertisement describing an ar ticle for sale in our Dollar Purchasing Agency. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. EASTMAN A KENDALL. 65 Hanover St., Boston. Mass. \TT E ARE COMING, anil will pre- J V sent to any person sending us a club in our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, Ac., a Silk Dress Pattern. Piece of Sheeting, Watch, Ac., free of cost. Catalogue of goods, and sample, sent to any address free. Address J. S. lIA WES A CO., 30 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box 5125. A LIST OF NEWS PA PEES. We have published a Complete List of all Newspapers in the NEW ENGLAND STATES ; price 25c. STATE OF NEW YORK; price 25c. DEL., MD., and DIST. OF COL. ; price 25c. OHIO; price 25c. PENNSYLVANIA ; price 25c. INDIANA; price 25c. ALL of the above for ONE DOLLAR. G. P. ROWELL A CO., 40 Park Row, X. Y. T AUG EST! CHEAPEST! BEST! B. M. BLYMYER & CO., have the LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER A CO., have the CHEAPEST S TOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. B. M. BLYMYER & CO., have the BEST STOCK OF STOVES ever brought to Bedford. Call and See the Mammoth Stock. 200 STOVES of every size and description. 50 second-hand Stoves, all kinds, which will bo sold very low. THE Y WILL AO T BE U.VD ERSOLD. Also, TINWARE, of every description, Cheaper than the Cheapest! Everybody will please bear in mind that B. M. Blymyer & Co. sell CHEAPER GOODS, in their line, of the same quality, than can be sold by any one else in Bedford, LdjP Remember tho place, No. 1, Stone Row. sep4,' J ] fEN BY II CTTON~ . WITH SIiUMVYAY, CHANDLER & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market and 210 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. cr v our patronage is respectfully solicited. Aug3o,'67. J7YRE A: LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch Si roots, PHILADELPHIA, Are offering a NEW STOCK of DRY GOODS, For the Fall Sales of 1867. SHAWLS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, and STAPLE DRY GOODS. N. B. Job lots of goods received daily. augl3w6 DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED FORD HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES, AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Ke rned Ulasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. Oct. 20, 13(55- A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED ALL PERSONS To display their Goods; Ti sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertisingin the columns of THE GAZETTE rpERMS for every description of Job | PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for every article ire use. we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in the cities. MERCHANTS and MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFIICE, Bed ford. Pa IPRINTERS' INK lias made many a | businessman rich We ask you to try it in the columns of THE GAZETTE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers