Ihr fhflfortl (Sasfttr. Home and Around. • AGENTS FOR THE GAZETTE. We bare appointed S. J. McCauslin, of this place, and J. W. Bowen. of Napier tp., agents to receive subscriptions and collect accountspfor this office They will visit our friends throughout the county, in a short time, and, we hope, will meet with a proper reception. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. —SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. — TIME TABLE.—Ex press Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.30 p. m., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 4.45 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 7.45 a. m., and arrives at Mt Dallas, at 10.59 a. m. Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 6.10 a. m., ar rives at Huntingdon at 9.10 a.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 6 p. in., aDd arrives at Mt. Dallas at 8.57 p. m. THE "SWALLOP" PART V. —The "Swallops" of the Inquirer have prin ted another article on the Poor House. It is simply ajie that there is any com bination for the removal of the Stew ard and Miller. All we have to say, is, that if those officers want to retain the good opinion of the public, they had better repudiate the "honey-fug ling" of the Inquirer. The caresses of the editors of that sheet are not of so vir tuous a character that they will sweet en the savor of qny one's reputation who willingly receives them. The In quirer seems determined to run this campaign on the "Swallop" question. ASTUTE. —The Dogberry of the In quirer goes to the trouble of garbling the opinion of Judge Sharswood in the case of Borie vs. Trott, and places the disjointed extracts at the head of his editorial columns. Why does he not publish the opinion entire, so that his readers may learn what Judge Khars wood's opinion really is in regard to the constitutionality of greenbacks. We dare him to publish the whole de cision. We intend to print it on our outside just as soon as we can get room, regarding it as the very best argument that could be made to the people for the election of a man who has the abili ty and honesty to render SQ just and correct a decision. MATCH GAME OF BASE BALL, AT SAXTOX. — Bedford County Ahead!—A friend at Saxton sends us the annexed report of a match game at Base Ball, played at Saxton, on the loth inst., be tween theSaxonian Club, of that place, and the Resolute Club, of Dudler, ifun tingdon co. The latte** were the chal lengers. TheS' ,Aun ' ans > 't will be seen, were victorious. The score stood as follows: SAXONIAN. O.R.j -RESOLUTE. O.R. Fockler'c. - s!Parks, c., 5 1 Barr, p., - 5 Ackers, p., 3 2 Kelley, fS-, 2 4 McNevin, s.s., 3 1 Fockle, 1.b., 3 SjShay, 1.b., 4 1 ClarV. 2.b., 5 3 Eagan, 2.b., 2 3 (j O nC, 3.b., 4 3Ma her, 3. b., 0 4 F'lton, 1 .f., L 5 Hillgrove, L.f. , 4 1 JcGee, c.f., 4 2 Flanigan, c.f., 3 1 Keagy, r.f., 4 3 Jones, r.f., 3 1 . 27 33 27 15 Innings—l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Saxonian, 5, 7, 7, 4, 0, 4, 3, 0, 3, —33 Resolute, 5, 1, 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 2, —15 Umpire, E. Ashcom. THE LADY'S FRIEND, FOR SEPTEM BER, 18(57. "The Village Doctor," an expressive picture, is the title of the Steel Engraving in the September num ber of this popular magazine. A beau tiful Steel Fashion Plate, with numer ous other Engravings of the Fashions, follow, and the usual piece of popular Music, worth of itself the price of the number. The Literary matter is both interesting and instructive. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00. ()ne copy of Lady,s Friend and oneof Satur day Evening Post (and one engraving), $4.00. Address Deacon & Peterson, 310 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. MUCH has been sung of the "Maid with Golden Hair." No.song, howev er, has yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of time. Light red, faded or sandy hair are eqally under the ban of public opin ion. Weare happy to announce to our readers who desire to change those col lors, that three applications of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia will "give them beautiful auburn tresses possessing all that soft, lustrous appearance so desira ble in this chief adornment of female beauty. HON. HIRAM FINDLAY.— We had the pleasure of a visit, during the past week, from Hiram Findlay, Esq., of Somerset county. Mr. Findlay is again presented by his county as a candidate for the Legislature. He represents the iron and coal interests of his county, and is deeply concerned in the construc tion of the Uonnellsville railroad, the route of which passes through some of his lands. Mr. Findlay is the very man who ought to be elected. "REBEL SUFFRAGE VS. NEGRO SUF FRAGE."—The Bedford Inquirer should not be so hard on its own friends. The only "rebel" that voted in Bedford county last fall, was one of the heroes of the Texas "cart war," a rebel soldier who helped "to shoot down Union men," and who capped his infamy by voting the Radical ticket at the Bed ford township window. Spare your friends, M r* Inquirev. TUSCAROKA. —Prof. S. 11. Shumaker, Principal of the Tuscarora Seminary, and his excellent lady, are stopping at the Mengel House, in this place. We are always glad to meet the genial and scholarly Professor. DRUGS, AC. —lf you want good fresh drugs, excellent perfumery, the best patent medicines, stationery of any kind, or a good glass of sparkling soda water, call at the Drugstore of H. Heck erman & Son, (late J. L. Lewis') on Ju lianna st. Give them a call. REGULATOR.— Don't forget the im mortal Regulator. Irvine and Statler never surrender. Call and see their fine stock of boots and shoes, queens ware, notions, Ac., Ac. PONS ASINORTM-AUT FONS SAI.U TARIS?—A classical friend of ours, has handed us a corrected copy of the Ode, "On the Medicinal Spring of Bedford," written by James Ross, formerly of Chambersburg, at one time Professorof I.languages in the University of Penn sylvania, and the author of Ross' Latin Grammar and Ross' Greek Grammar. The Ode, as published in the Inquirer, some weeks sin ce, was full of typograph ical errors which marred the beauty of the poem. For instance, the caption read, "In Pontem Bedfordite Salutar em," that is, "Upon tho Medicinal Bridge of Bedford!" Also, in the third line of the first stanza, latebras should be read instead of catebras, &c., &v. We give the poem as corrected by our friend: J. ANDERSON, M. 1). llos rersicitlos sytnkolum amicitiu i user i bit JA. ROSS,* IN FONTEM BEDFORDI.E SALUTAREM. Monte decurrens, velut amnis. alto, Fons. loquax nunquam, tacitus reeedis Abditus terris, larebrasque celans Flutninis unda. Non alts campos virides vel agros; Non greges pascis, vitulosque vaceas; Non tuie ripae generant leoiics # Dente furentes. Seil tuas unda.s celebrant Puellie Famuhe et Matres, Puerique sponsi, Has senes undas adamant Anusque Ore bibentes. • His que guudentes Homines levabunt Pectoris morbos, capitis dolores ; Aurium sensus, laterumque pcenas Siepe lavando. Has bibant isti quibus est podagra ; Hasquibus tussis mala, nec fuganda Artibus, cura aut Medici periri ; Narnque levabunt. Quin et afflicti ac oculisque lurabis Has bibant undas, stoinachi dolentes ; Pauperes, dites, recreent que corpus Smpe bibenio. Has bibant undas vacui, salubres; Nil nocent sanis Puerisve Xymphis; Pauperes multi haec, simul atque dites, Dicere possunt. Bedfordiae (Pennsylvanorum), Quarto Kal. Sep tembres, A. 1)., 1809. [TRANSLATION. T J To JOHN ANDERSON, M. I> these ver se* are inscribed as a token of Friend ship by the author JAMES ROSS. OX THE MEDICINAL SPRING OF BEDFORD. From the base of a lofty mountain issuing, O fountain, thy profusion of waters, thou sendest forth in silence from thy fountain, deep in earth's womb embowelled: them mingling with the stream which murmurs below, thou losest. No verdant plains or verdant fields are nourished by thy stream irriguous. Nor flocks "or younglings of the herd dost 4/iou with food supply. To no prowling beasts of prey do thy shady, thy romantic banks, afford shelter or refuge. Hence, blooming virgins gay, ma trons old and aged sires, and youths lately in wedlock joined, greatly delight to saunter along thy streams to quaff thy healing waters. While, with joyful satisfaction, the valetudinarian in the waters of this fountain laves himself, the diseases of the breast, the pains of the head, the distresses of the side and deafness—all shrink from the healing efficacy of the healthful element. Let those drink whom the gout tor ments, and those whom distressing cough annoys,—diseases which yield not to the art or care of the physician however learned. In drinking they cer tain aid shall find. The humble cottager and the wealthy lord, however weakened by disease, shall rein vigorate theirsystsm by drink ing these waters. Tender eyes shall re gain their strength, lost powers of di gestion shall again return, ana the en feebled lions with new strength be gir ded. Let the sons of leisure and votaries of amusement on these health-preserv ing waters regale themselves. The vigorous young man and the rosy cheek ed maiden from them receive 110 harm. Rich and poor innumerous can well at tt st the truths I sing. Bedford, Pennsylvania, > August 21), 1809. ) tßy Rev. JAMES WILLSOX, Teacher of Langua ges, at Bedford, 1810. LET ANY ONE take the trouble to in quire, and they will ascertain that the engravings now being given away by the Washington Library Company of Philadelphia, to those who purchase one or more shares of stock in aid of the Riverside Institute, are worth more at retail by fifty per cent, that what is paid for the stock. Besides this, every share of stock will be accompanied by a present at the great distribution.— Geo. A. Cooke &Co., Bankers, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, are receiv ers of all the funds, and their names is an asurance of the integrity and relia bility of the Company, which is orga nized for a good purpose which should not be confounded with the bogus con-" 1 cerns that infest the country. Read the advertisements. SPLENDID PRIZES IN GREENBACKS. —Over £5,000 in Greenbacks ; $lO,OOO in Sewing Machines; $9OOO in Wash ing Machines ; a vast amount of Hoop Skirts,. Albums, Books, Gold Pens, Pencils, Lockets, Ac., Ac., to be dis tributed to the subscribers and purchas ers of the 'HOME AMUSEMENT.' Every yearly subscriber gets twenty-four tick ets, drawing from $-5 to $lOO each in Greenbacks. Canvassing Agents clear from 10 to $l5 per day raising clubs. Sample copies with a prize ticket and full directions and instructions to A gents, sent by mail, by inclosing ten cents, addressed to the HOME AMUSE MENT, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Male and Female Canvassing Agents wanted in every town and neighbor hood in the United States. [augOwS A Pow KRFUJJ RlVAL.— There is a new patent Sewing Machine (called the Star Shuttle,) manufactured in Cleve land, Ohio, by G. W. Wilson A Co., and sold for Twenty Dollars, that makes the Lock Stitch similar to Wheel er A Wilson, and other first class ma chines. The manufacturers claim that it is equal in si7.e, finish and workman ship, to any other first class machine, beside being able to do the same range of work. REMEMBER —That at Berkstresser's you can get ready-made clothing, piece goods, gents' furnishing goods, hats, •Sec., all of the best quality, at prices to suit the pocket-books of all classes of buyers. Give them a call. THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the best Advertising Medium in Southern Pean aylvania. CABINET MAKING.—We refer our readers to the advertisement df R. V. Leo & Co., in another column. .They are now prepared to supply everything that may be wanted in their line. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. Pirn.ADEI.PIRIA, Aug. 20. FL( )UR.—The quotationsare— Northwest superfine, $7.00(^7.25 Northwest extra, 8.00(^0.00 Northwest extra family, # lo.oop' 11.50 Penna. and West'n sup., 7_.50(" 8.00 Penna. and West'n extra, 8.50( 10..>0 Penna. and West'n family, 10.00( 12.00 Penna. and West'n fancy, 12.00( 14.0n Rye flour, 6.75(d6.90 GRAIN. —We quote- Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.00(o 2.30 Southern California, " White, " Rye, " O.OOt," L 45 Corn, for yel., " $1.04(1.05 Gats, " T-K" 75c MA It liIED. CITPPET—GROUDEN—On the 2<)th of .June, at the Lutheran Parsonage. Sehellsburg, by the Rev. B. H. Hunt, Mr. Philip Cuppet and Hannah Grouden, both of this county. NEVri'T—SIIEELY— On the 13th inst.. at the residence of Dr. Xeary. by the Rev. G C. Probst, Mr. Jacob Nevitt, of Otnaha city, Nebraska, and Miss Sarah A. Shoely, of Bloody Run, Pa. METZLER—KEUG—On the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. G. C. Probst. Mr. Harry Clay Metzler, of Harrisonville, Fulton county, Pa., and Miss Margaret Virginia Kegg, of Rainsburg, Bedford county. Pa. DIKE. WALKER —Near West End. on the 2tsth of July, George Albert, infant son of Jacob and Amanda Walker. BOYER —Near Buena Vista, on the 3d instant, Joseph "oyer, aged 72 years and 6 months. CESSNA —At the Foot of Dry Ridge, on the 11th inst.. Jons, son of Joseph and Eliz'beth Cessna, aged 2 years. 10 months and 22 days. Little John ny was a remarkable child tor his age. lie was the life of the home circle, and the pet of all who knew him. Sickness came and the merry hearted boy lay quietly and patiently for several days up on his bed. A few hours before his departure, he called his mother to his side, and said : ' Ma, your dear little boy is going to die." And. when she asked him if he wanted to die, he said he did.— And as the icy hand of death was about to lay hold of him, he kissed his father and mother and little sisters for the last time, and said : "I am now going home." Thus this little boy was taken, as li beautiful flower, to the Paradise of God, there to bloom forever. "For of such is the kingdom of heaven. ' 2Uu* O.) (M) PER HOUR realized by our Sl T agents. For particulars enclose stamp and address KEPHIRT. CnmElt A- BRO.. York. Pa. \\TASHINGTON AND JEFFER y\ SON COLLEGE. NEXT TERM OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEP. 18. Apply to the PRESIDENT, Canonsburg, or to the Vice President, Washington, Pa. aug23w4 TirOIITIIY OF NOTE! yy The place to buy good BOOTS AND SHOES, cliiap, is at the Bargain Store of G. R. AW. OSTER. They have just received a large assortment of superior quality. Bedford, Aug. 23,'67.w4. MONEY SAVED: The place to buy your goods and save 25 per rent., is at the Great Bargain Store of G. R. & W. OSTER, who are now selling off (prior to closing, to extend and otherwise repair their Store room) their entire st or A- at greatly reduced prices, many goods at and be/oir cost. Bedford, Aug. 23,'67.w6 ATOTICE. —THE CASH SYSTEM XM IN FASHION!—The undersigned takes this method of requesting all persons indebted to him to call and settle their accounts. Thi3 notice must be observed On and after October 1, 1867.be will sell goods for cash and approved produce only , having been convinced, by experience, that the cash system is the best for his customers as well as himself. A. L. DEFIBAUGII. aug23m3 OOLDIERS' MONUMENT.—The Committee and all the Borough and Township Executive Committees, of the "Bed ford county Soldiers' Monument Association," are requested to meet at the Court House in Bedford, on Wednesday evening of next Court week, Sep tember 4th, at 7i o'clock The attendance of every member of the several committees is earnestly requested, as important business will be laid before mem. aug23w2 C. N. lIIJKOK, Chairman. rpiIIK IK TO GIVE NOTICE, That I on the 14th day of August, A D., 1867. a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of William Spidle, of Bloody Run, in the county of Bedford and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petilion; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be helden at the office of John Cessna, Esq., in Bedford. Bedford county, State of Pennsylvania, before Hastings Gehr, Register, on the 17th day of September, A. I>., 1867. at 11 o'clock, A. M. IIIOS. A. ROWLEY. aug23\\ 1 U.S. Marshal. T> ICIIARD V. LEO A CO., Manufacturers of CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, AC., BEDFORD, PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in their line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, PARLOR AND EXTEN SION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, &C., AC., will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. They have also added to their stock, FRENCH COTTAGE SUITS, MARBI.E TOP TABLES, CANE CHAIP.S, SOFAS, TETE A TETES, Ac , Ac.. ; Eastern manufacture. Having purchased the stock and tools of Thos. Merwine, (late Wm. Stahl's) they have added the same to their manufactory. COFFTNS will also be made to order, and a HEARSE always in readiness to attend funerals. attention paid to all ordors for work. kgi"Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence of George Shuck, aug.23,in3. RICHARD V. LEO A CO. MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED — Just published, a new etli tion of DR. CI'LVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAI on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, Irapoteney, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.. also Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits induced by self-ludulgenco or Sexual extravagance. Priee, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the nlarming consequences of SeW-Abuse may be rudicallyeured without the dan gerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife —pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual,- by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's'MarriageGuide,' price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, N. Y. , Post Office Box 4586. aug23,'67—ly FTIERMS for every description of Job 1 PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for every article ire use. we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done iD the cities. MERCHANTS and MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to TIIE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. Pa PRINTERS' INK has made many a businessman rich We ask yoq try it in the "oUumis of THE GAZETTE *Uu' QUAGKENBOS'S ARITHMETICS TJ3 . LATEST AND BEST. Primary, 40c. E'ementary, 60c. Practical, $l.OO. Dp to the time*; teach the methods used by busi ness men ; compicte on all the branches of Com mercial Arithmetic ; well condensed in rules and analyses; admirably graded; PERFECT TEXT BOOKS ; WITH NO DEFECTS. So say Teachers who use them. Going in everywhere. Specimens mailed to Teachers at half the above prices. A gents wanted in every County. Address aug9w4 D. APPLKIGX A CO.. New Vork. lIGHT WORK AND GOOD PAY. _gFor pleasant and profitable employment take AgencyTbr -'Goo ! Books." Ask for illustrated Catalogue. Send two stamps. S. R. WELLS. 389 Broadway, N. Y. __ aug9w4 4 GENTS WANTED to eanvftft for F\ -'FOUR YEARS IX THE OLD WORLD." 13,000 already sold. Now is the time to make money. No competition Great inducements offered teach ers, ministers, nctive ladies or experienced agents. Send for terms to FOSTER A PALMER, JR , 14 Bi ble House, New York. aug'.)w4 4 G E NTS WANTED.— Another /\ Great Work by E A POLLARD, entitled Life ot Gen. R. E. Lee. replete with facts never before published, includingj3iographies of every South ern General of distinction A companion volume to " THE LOST CAUSE,'' a Standard Southern History of tlie War. A new and enlarged edition is now ready. These two works form a somplete library of the War from the other side. B. TREAT & CO., Publishers, 6.">4 Broadwaj, N. Y. J OS. GILLOTT'B STEEL PENS, OF THE OLD STANDARD QUALITY. JOSEPH Or Descriptive TRADEMARK: GILIJ)TT, Name and desig- Warraited. nating Number. The well known URIUIXJL and POPULAR Numbers, 303 -404r-170—351, Having been assumed bj other MAKERS, we desire to caution the public iurespect to said imitations. ASK FORGILLOTT'S CAUTION! An injunction was gwnted by the Supreme Court (New York) at General Term. January 1807, against the use by other* of the NUMB ER 303. JOS. GILLOTT & SONS, No. 91 John St , New York. Mg9w4 HENRY' )WEX, SOLE AGENT. J) OILMAN, FIBK & GO.. BANKERS, AND DEaLERS IX GOVERXM EN I 1 SEE URI TIES, No. 18 Nassau St., NEW YORK, Buy and sell at marketrates Six per cent Bonds of 1881 ; Five-Twenty Boids, all issues ; Ten-Forty Bonds; Seven-Thirty-Notes, all series; Compound Interest Notes, and GoH and Silver Coin. Convert all series of '-30 Notes into the New con solidated 5-20 Bonds at best market rates. Execute orders for pircbase and sale of all mis cellaneous securities. Receive Deposits aid allow 5 per cent Interest on balances, subject U check at sight. Make collections ouall accessible points. All issues of Government Securities credited or remitted for, on receipt, at market rates. Free, of all commission charge*. faug9w4| R. F. & Co. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTII KRS —THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY' are row manufacturing the best, cheapest and most, durable paint in use; two eoats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, drab or o-enm, to suit the taste of the consumer. Itis valnatleforHouses. Barns, Fences, Agricultural Implements, Carriage and Car-m.a kers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) Bridges. Burial ••■ism, Canal Boats, Ship? and Ships' Bottoms, F >or Oil-cloths, (one Manufactu rer having used at* '0 bbls. the past year); as a paint for any purpose is inmrpassed for body, durabili ty, elasticity, and idlesiveness. Price sfi per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, whicl gives full particulars. None genuine unless biaisled in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, Proprietor 254 Poarl-st , New York [aug9w4 j 860 allxvlX. 18GT. "CENTURY." - $lOO A DA Y. We have adopted lie plan of putting money in CENTURY TCBACOO to Induce consumers to use it, knowing that it istonly necessary fur them to give it a trial to be eoie fully sati-fied of its mer its. and to pronouncejt THE BEST FINE CUT MADE. We will continue to offer these induce-' tuenis until this fact 8 fully recognized. We are making TIE CENTURY from selections j of the very choicest DtS ENl' IjEM EN EM PLOYED. Picturt business. Very profita ble. No risk. 17 spetitnen Pictures and Cata logue sent for Ise. postage. MANSON LANG, 297 Bowery, New York City aug9w4 "MIST OJ THE MORNING" LITTERS. JIOHGE X D U F T. The purest tonic in the known world. Univers ally used and MISSED if not taken. BARNETT A LI"MLEY, 15 Water St.. N Y. P~ ROW ELL & uo., A DVERTISING AGENTS, 40 Park Row, NEW YORK. Business men wishing to advertise in ' any part of the country can semi their orders to us. The cost is no more, as the Agent's commission comes irom the publisher. We nre authorized to contract for ALL newspa pers throughout the country at publishers' regular rates. aug9wt LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. IN VERY VARIETY AND STYLE J OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low lates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and reave yaur orders. sry-6oort.si, rtr. \TE\\T;( TER\ISJ 1\ CASH AND PRO HUGE STORE! .J. M. SHOEMAKER has just re turned from the East and is now-opening a NEW AND CHEAP STUCK OF GOODS, bought at the late decline in prices. The following comprise a few of his prices : Calicoes, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 cents. Muslins, 10, 12, la, 18, 20, and best, 22. Gassi meres, 75, 90, 100, 110, 120, 150 a yard. Ginghams, 12 cents up to 25. Cottonades, from 18J cents up to 50. Ladies' Hose, 12, 1(5, 20, 25, 50. Gents' Half-llose, 12, 20, 25, 40, 50. Roots and Shoes, all sizes and prices. I Tats, a large assortment, from 15 cents up. Coffee, 25, 28 and 50. Green and Black Teas, from $1.50 up to $2.20. Sugars, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, and host at 19 cents. Rice, 124 cts per lb. Clothing-—Linen Coats, $1.50, 1.75 and $2.00. We will sell Goods for CASH and I'RODLCE only, unless otherwise specified, and then we will require a Note, with Interest from date, and in no case will these terms be deviated from. We expect TO SELL GOODS AT SUCH LOW FIG URES that the consumers will see at once that it is TO THEIR IXTEREST TO BUY FOR CASH or PROD UCE. You need not have any fears about paying high prices for goods to make up for losses sustained from customers who never pay for the goods they buy. YOU CAN SAVE AT LEAST TE.\ PER CENT BY BUYING FOR CASH. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, jun2B,'67. No. 1 Anderson's Row. itotirrs, kt. A CHANCE FOR PROFITABLE ±\_ INVESTMENT.—A business man with from 2 to 3 thousand Dollars Capital can get a one half interest in a Store, with an established trade, that can be doubled by increasing the capital. For particulars inquire of the Editor of this paper. aug'LlwS "VfOTICE TO T UESSP ASSERS.— J_ l Notice is hereby given to all persons not to tresspass on my premises, known as the Breast work Run property, by fishing, or in any other manner, as I will prosecute all such, without re spect to persons, to the fullest extent of the law. augl6w3* HENRY WOLFHOP. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersig> ed by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Matthias Otto late, of St. Clair township, dec'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. jull'Jivf) JOHN GRIFFITH, Adm'r. "Vf < )TI('E. —Allin our debt will please Xs| bear in mind we are preparing to make our fall purchases, ami must have money. lu many cases longer indulgence cannot be given, and we earnestly liope all who know they have not pan/ it.s, will read this notice,come forward and pay an at once. Our terms are six months, and upon all accounts, we charge interest, after due. aug9. A B. CRAMER A CO. MONEY SAVED.—lntending to t - dopt the cash system Oct. 1. 1867, and desi rous of reducing our stock as low as possible, before making fall purchases, we will offer many great bargains for CASH. A. B. CRAMER & CO. a ug9 1 UMBER.—(id, ooo feet Oak, White 1 and Yellow Pine Lfimber on hands and for sale by J. B. WILLIAMS A CO . junl4,'67tf Bloody Run, Pa. CIOTTAGE SEMINARY FOR / YOUNG LADIES, POTTSTOWN, PA -This Institution is located on the Philadelphia aud Reading Railroad, two hours ride from Philadel phia. The next yearly session will open Tuesday, September 10th, to continue ten months. Terms for Boarding and Tuition for ten months, $2OO. Extras at the usual rates For rurthei informa tion send for circular to Rev. JOHN MOORE, jul26m3 Principal. DISSOLUTION of COPARTNER SHIP.—We, the undersigned, having done business under the name and firm of Stover A Hol singer, hereby give notieo that said firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. STOVER & HOLSINGER. The notes and books of said firm will be left in the hands of C. R. Stover for collection, at their old stand. Woodberry, May 27, 1867 The business will be conducted under the name and firm of C. R. Stoier A Co. Thankful for past favors, we would respectfully ask the continuance of the same for the future." We invite the public to call and examine our stock of GOODS, as we shall, as before, keep a general assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a country store. jun7m3 C. R. STO\ ER A CO. "JgEYONII THE MISSISSIPPI!" COMPLETE lIISTORY Of the New States aud Territories, From the Grea River to the Great Ocean. BV ALBERT D. RICHARDSOS. Over 20,(MX) Copies Sold in One Month. Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and the Pacific Coast. With over 200 Descriptive and Photographic Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lands. Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far West," this History of that vast and tertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it dues a want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable uuide to climate, soil, products, means of travel, Ac. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. [aug9w4 OOLDIERS' BOUNTIES.—The un- has the blanks now ready and will attend promptly to the collection of all claims un der the law lately passed for the Equalization of B< aug.'l7-tf. J. W. DICKERSON. FOR SALE—VERY Low—a second hand PIANO. Inquire of apr,13,'66.-tf. C. N. HICROK. • Crpl Jtotirti nOURT Plt O CLAM ATM >N.—7 b \ z/jf Co roll I r ill' Justices of the Peace, ami Countable* in lh/' different Town sit ip* in the Con my of lied fori.'- Greeting': KNOW VE, that in pursuance of a pnv®|'t to me directed, under the hand and seal of the lion. ALEXANDER KING, President of the several Courtsof Common Pleas, in the I6tb District consisting of the coun ties of Franklin. Pulton. .Redford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and G W. GI MP, and WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ. Judgesof the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace thereiu to be holdcn for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the l.vf Monday of September, (being the '2d day.) 1867, a! 10 o'elorf in the forenoon of that Jay. there and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 20th day ot March, in the year of our Lord, 1867. HUBERT STECKMAX, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, { Sheriff. Bedford. Aug. 0. 1867. 1 w4 I IST OF CAUSES, put down for A trial at September Term, 1867, (2d day.) John Cessna, Esq . vs Thos 11 Murray et al. Theo Weil A Coet al, vs Sam 1 Stern. W S Entriken. vs Keusinger A' Fluck. Mary Ann Yarnell, vs Win Marshall. Win Firmstone etal vs Jas Fink. AnnEßurk, vs John Weyant. John Kemp, vs Riddlesburg Coal and Iron company David Ileidler, vs 11 A B Railroad eo. Robert Adams et al vs Francis Hay man et al. Riddlesburg Coal and Broadtop Coal & Iron Iron company, company. Marg't A Blackburn, vs Geo Blackburn. Geo Meyers, vs Mich J Feather et al Juo II Karus, vs David Ritehey et al. Jeremiah Kuouff, vs John U Hertz etal. Thos R Evans, vs Shafer A Adams. John Black et al, vs Catharine Tricker. Samuel Crissman et al, vs Jno Ake's adin'rs. Thos llitehey, vs Jae Lingcnfeltcr et al. Certified, August sth, 1867. aug9w4 0. E. SHANNON, Proth. I IST OF GRAND J URO RS— | J Drawn for September Term, Ist Monday, 2d day. A. D., 1867 : Bed foul Township —David Wolf, Foreman. Samuel Carney, John Knox. Broad Tup —Jesse Wright. Bloody Run —Samuel D Williams. Colerain —Geo W Cessna, Isaac Freet, Tobias Shafer. Cnmb. Valley —James McFerrin. Londonderry —Martin L Miller, Jon Feightncr. Monroe —Samuel Snively. Napier —Geo W Bowser. Scltellshitrg —William C Snively, Peter Dewalt. St. Clair —John Amiek, James L Norton James E Over. Southampton Emanuel Johnson, Hezekiah Northcraft, Levi C'in erman. Union —Adam Briggle. Woodbury M. —Charles Martin, Cyrus Over. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 23d day of April. A. D. 1867. ISAAC KENSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Com'rs. JNO. G. FISHER, Clerk. I IST OF PETIT JURORS, drawn J for same term. Bedford Borough —Samuel Vonderswith, Geo D Shuck. Bedford Township —John D Ileltzel, Scott \V Hughes. Coold ale —Daniel McNally Cnmb. Valley —John Dicken, William Boor of J., Thomas FJliott of 8. Hopewell —Joseph, Gates, Jr. Harrison — Jackson Kerr Juniata —Valentine V Wertz, # H Knipple, Jacob Corley. Londonderry —Levi Carpen'er, Samuel Wil helin. Liberty —Jacob Kensinger, Geo Roades. Monroe—John Layt>n, Levin Weimer. Napier —Levi Otto, John Rock, J W Bowen. Prorideiiee E. —Geo MoUraw, Thomas Grove, Stephen Wink. Prorideace IF.—David Sparks. St. Clair —lsrael Davis, Jacob H Wright, Yal entine Fickes. Southampton John Mors, Nicholns Walter, Denton St< phens Abel Johnson, Wm. Cheney. Union —Martin I oiler. Woodbury M. —Philip S Croft, John SHetrick, Daniel Price of D. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 23d day of April, A. D. 1867. ISAAC KENSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Com'rs. JNO. G FISHER, Clerk. aiigOwl I REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AH per ~\) sons interested, are herebv notified that the following accountants have filed tliSir accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Cour', in and for said coun y. on Tuesday, the 3d day of September next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation : The account of Leonard Bittner, Esq., adminis trator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of David Meyers, late of Juniata township, Bedlord county, Pa., de ceased. The account of Wil'iam Griffith, administrator of the estate of Isaac Burket, late of Union town ship, Bedford county, deceased. The administration account of John M. Claar. 1 administrator of :he goods ami chattels. Ac., which i were of Michael Fry, late of Union township, Bed- ; ford county deceased. The account of Horatio J. Means, administrator ' of all and singular the goods aud chattels, rights and credits, which were of Elizabeth Means, late of Monroe township, Bedford county, Pa., dee'd. The final account of Jacob U. Snider, surviving and acting executor of the last Will and Tes t ment of John Snider, late of Snake Spring town ship. Bedford county, deceased. The final account of Henry lekes. Jr., and Jo seph lekes, administrators of all and singular the goods, Ac., which were of Henry lekes Sr., late of Union township. Bedford county, deceased. j Tne administration account of John P Reed, ad ministrator of the estate of Alfred Entrikin. late j of Liberty township. Bedford county, deceased. The account of Silas H Sparks, administrator of , the estate of Solomon Sparks, late of West Provi dence township, deceased. Account of A King, trustee appointed by the Court to make sale of the real estate of Dr Wil liam Watson, late of Bedford borough, deceased. The administration account of D A T Black, ad ministrator of the estate of Jesse McDonald, WHO of Broadtop. deceased. The account of Dnvid F Buck, administrator of the goods, Ac., which were of Nancy Longeneckcr, late of Middle Woodbury township, Bedford coun ty, deceased. The final account of George Smith and Jacob Law, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Paul Rhodes, late of Middle Woodbury township, Bedford county, Pa., yeoman, deceased. The account of William Dorrier, administrator of all ami singular the goods and chattels, rights and erediis, which were of Frederick Miller, late of Hopewell township. Bedford county, Pa., dec d The account of Charles Harcleroad, executor of I the last Will and Testament of Henry Haroleroad, lateof Colerain township, deceased First account of Alexander King, administrator of the estate of John Watson, Esq , late Bedford township, deceased. The account of Samuel Mock, administrator of the estate of Catharine Mock, lateof Union town ship. Bedford county, deceased. The final account of John Mower and Samuel L Russell, E qs., administrators de bonis non cum testamento annexo ot William Lane, late of Hop-swell township, Bedford county, deceased. The final account of Levi Evans, administrator of the esiateof Mary H .over, laie of Liberty town ship, Bedford county, PH., deceased. The account of Levi Hardinger, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and crcdi:s, which were of Jonathan C Dicken. late of Cumberland Valley township, Bedford coun ty, deceased. The account of George M L Dicken, administra tor de bonis non cum testamento annexo ot David Dicaen, lateof Cumberland Valley township, Bed ford county. Pa., deceased. The account of K. D. Barclay, Esq., administra tor de bonis non with the will unuexed of .Samuel M Barclay, Esq., deceased. The partial account of Mary Ann Stoner. admin istratrtzoi all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were ot William Stoner, laie of Monroe township, Bedford county, dee d. The account of J. W. LiugeiiMter Esq., admin istrator of J. W. Beeler. late of Bedford township, deceased. Fiual account of George Zimmers and J W Ling enlelter, executors of Anthony Zimmers, late of Bedford township deceased. The account of Anna Kininger, administratrix of Henry Kiuiuger, late of 8.. Glair township, de ceased. The accoun' of M A Points, Esq.. adminis'rator of the estate of Pius Little, late ot llopewell lOWU sbip. deceased. The account of Cyrus Penrose, administrator ot William Penrose, late of St. Clair township, Bed ford county, deceased. The account of Josiah Koontz and Joseph S. Diehl, executors of Adam Koontz, lateof Colerain township, deceased. aug9w4 0. E. SHANNON, Reg r. AA SACKS OF GROUND ALUM IU BALT, just received, at aug9 J M. BHOEMAKEK'fe. .)- WAGONS FOR SALE AT KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedford. [aprl9tf. jgatts. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of i ' sundry writs of fieri facias and venditioni ex ponas to mo directed, there will be sold at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY. AUGUST 31ST, A. D. 1867, 19 o clock A.M.. the following real estate, viz: One lot of ground in the borough of Coaldale, fronting Fulton street 40 feet and running buck 120 feet, with n two and a half story plank house with basement and ba attached there on erected, adjoining lots "f Win Green on the East and a 2(1 teet alley on the West, situate in Coaldale ; borough, Bedford county, taken in execution as the property of Jatues Brieker and Drhew, part ners trading as Brh-ker A Drhew. with notice lo Patrick Drhew and all other tenants Also. One lot of ground in Woodbury, fronting on Main street 66 feet and 198 feet deep, with a two-story frame house aud kitchen attached, a frame stable, smoke house and other onlbuildii gs thereon, adjoining lots of Wm M. Pearson on the North and Jacot> Hoover on the South, situate in the town of Woodbury. Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Samuel J Castner. Also, One tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence and a good apple orchard thereon, hat ing thereon erected a two-story log bouse, stable and other outbuildings, adjoining lands of Sam'l Stai lev, \\ illiam Lisinger, John li. Barton aud others, situate in East Providence township, Bedford Co., taken in execution as the property of Samuel Peek and Kosnnna Peek. Also, One lot of ground in the borough of Bed lord, being No. 149 in the general plan of the bnr ough, now occupied by defendant's tenant, with a large two-story brick house and other buildings thereon erected ; said lot fronting 25 feet, more or less, on Pitt street and extending back 240 feet to a 20 foot alley, adjoining lot of Job Mann on the West and Hiram Leutz and wife on the East, seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of Mrs. Sophia D. Gibson. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 ROBERT STECKMAN. Aug. 9, 1867.-w4. j Sheriff rpo CAPITALISTS.—I have for sale, 1 on easy terms, over 200.000 acres of farming, timber nnd mineral lands, situate in Bedford, Cen tre, Clearfield, Fulton. Huntingdon, Somerset, Westmoreland, and other counties, in Pennsylva nia, which will be sold in tracts ranging from 100 to 10.00 i acres FARMS—Several fine limestone farms near Bed ford. FARMING LANDS—With limestone and red slate soils. TANNERIES—and fine sites for same, with large tracts of rock-oak limber. FURNACES AND FORGES, and sites for same, with large tracts of timber and iron ore lands. WATER PRIVILEGES, on never failing streams. IRON' ORES—Bog, Specular. Fossil and Hema tite —Fossil vein from 3 to 5 feet thick, Hematite bed from 10 to 40 teet thick COAL AND COLLIERIES—Collieries in full operation, with houses, shops, schutes, tracks. Ae., undeveloped coal lands with it seam 20 feet thick. Also, gas. canned and anthracite coal lauds. TIMBER—Large tracts covered with white and yellow pine, spruce and hemlock; red, white aud rock oak; chestnut, walnut, locust, cherry, poplar, Ac. Also, Steam Saw Mills. FIRE-CLAY, of superior quality, for making fire brick. SAND-STONE, of pure quality, for making glass. Ac. ALSO, farms, and farming, timber and mineral lands, in all Western, f-outhern and Pacific States, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. WILLIAM P. S.CUELL, ju!l9ui3 Attorney at Law, Bedford. Pa. IAOR SALE OR TRADE. 2 lots in the city of Ouiaha, Nebraska. 2 iraets, of 160 acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres iu Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lauds, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lauds in West Virginia. 0. E. SH ANNON, jun2l.'67yl Bedford, Pa. 1 EXTENSIVE PRIVATE SALE \ OF VALUABLE REAL" ESTATE.—The un dersigned will sell t private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts of land, lying on the headwaters of Dunning's Creek, in St. Clair town ship. Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157, 163, at.d 183 acres and the other, being the Saw Mvll tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers. The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing head of water, aud is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other of the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAN YARD. with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the resources for Balk are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the laud is bottom, mostly covered by large sugar trees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, up pon the premises and THREE BARNS, with oilier outbuildings. The Fruit is choice aud in abund ance upon some of these tructs. This property lies 12 miles North of Bedford, and in a country noted for its good roads, leading North, South, East and West, to Bedford, Hollidaysburg. Johnstown, and other points, on the Penn'a Central Railroad. Fanners, Lumbermen, Tanners and Speculators should examine the premises, as these lauds will be sold on fair nnd reasonable terms. T. 11. LYONS, junB,'66. N. J. LYONS "Y7"ALUABLE LAND FOR SALE f —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champuigu county, State of Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile from Itcntual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, aud one of lUem has a never failing pond of wateruponit The city of Urbara contains about 4,000 in I abitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. Ar.so — One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, con Min ing about 45 acres, with all thecoal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the town of Coal mout, Huntingdon county. Jan 36, '66-tf F. C. REAMER. SPLENDID FARM-FOR SALE— -7 miles from Bedford, containing ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY ACRES, 125 acres under cul tivation. half creek bottom; well watered; excel lent Brick House and Frame Barn; plenty of good iuiber; convenient to schools, churches and mills. \\ ill be sold at a bargain. Inquire of MEYERS A DICKERSON, oct26tf Bedford, Pa. TTALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT Y PRIVATE SALE—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs.S. E. Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. prftf*, fpefiiri***, si(. DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-BTI FFS, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY. TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac. Rev. H. lIECKERMAN & SON have purchased the Drug Store of J. L. Lewis, cn Juliauua street, Bedford, where they are now re ceiving, and intend always to keep on hand, a large and complete assortmei * of DRUGS, MEDI CINES. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, STA TIONERY (plain aud fancy), best qualities ot TO BACCO, best brands of CIGARS, Ac. Also, PATENT MEDICINES, and everything else usu ally asked for at a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS will be supplied with everything in their line on reasonable terms. All orders promptly attended to, and all PRE SCRIPTIONS carefully compounded. By careful and -trict attention to business, they hope to merit a liberal share of public patrouago. jul26m3 DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED FORD HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES, AC. He koopson hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil i er \VtcheB, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Ke i , ncf i Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. Oct. 20, 1865- _ mfEROANTILE LICENSES mu>t 1Y I be lifted and paid for by the s'h day of August next> or they will be left in the hands ot an officer for collection. GEO MARDORFF, jnll9w3 Treasurer. TVTAMMOTH SALE BILLS, priiit ed at short notice. Large Bills make large i *iies. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will I much more than pay the extra expense of print I ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFF