SPECIAL NOTICES. - - - FACTS FOR THE PUBLIC, Easily verified by examination, which we re spectfully invite. .... r . 1. We have the largest establishment for the manufacture and sale of Clothing in I hiladelphia. extending through from 518 Market strept to 511 Minor street, and occupied exclusively by our selves. 2. Our building, having been constructed by us for our own exclusive occupancy, and tor the busi ness to which it is entirely devoted, unites all the conveniences and appliances which have been found necessary or desirable. 3. We have an ample cash capital, enabling us to make all purchases fur cash and giving us a se lection, at the most favorable prices, from the markets of the entire world. Is THIS PARTICULAR WE HAVE ADVANTAGES SHARED BY NO OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. This fact is well known to the entire business community. 4. We sell our goods for cash only, which, though it restricts our business to those prepared to pur chase in that way, enables us to eive them such advantages as no house doing a different business can possibly offer. 5. A business experience of a quarter of a cen tury has informed us fully of the wants of the public and of the best way to meet theui. 6. We employ the best and most experienced Cutters and Workmen in making up our goods— the style, fit and make of which are unsurpassed. 7. All persons, whatever may be their physical peculiarities (unless deformed), can be accurately fitted at once from our stock, iu most cases better than by goods made to order, and prices 25 to 50 per cent lower. 8 Our business is large and constantly increas ing. enabling us to keep the largest, best rssorted and most complete stock ot Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing in Philadelphia, to which large daily additions are made of fresh goods, replacing those sold. 9. For reasons alreidy enumerated, we can and do sell at prices gua anteed iu all cases lower than the lowest elsewhe. e, or the sate cancelled and mo.tey efunded. 10. All goods when offered for sale are rcpresen ted to be exactly what they are. 11. When buyers are, for any reason, dissatisfied with a purchase made, if reported within a reason able time, we pledge ourselves, by exchange, re funding of money or otherwise, to give full satis faction in every case, and request that all such may be reported to us for adjustment. HALF WAY BETWEEN i BENNETT k Co., FITTH AND : TOWER lIALL, SIXTH STS. ( 518 MARKET ST. AND 600 BROADWAY, NEW YOKK. junll IN THE CORAL CAVES sea-green is said to be the prevailing hair color, and the fish- Tailed Maidens sit on the rocks and comb their green locks assidu ously. But the Belles of Bart/. prefer glossy browns and shining blacks to any other tinge, and if nature has not given their fair heals these beautiful hues, or if mischance has robbed them of their one exquisite beauty, they don't cry about it. but resort at onco to CRISTADOROS HAIR DYE, which in five minutes does all that nature ever did for any head in her happiest mood. Manufactur ed bp J CRISTADORQ, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. jull9w4 To CONSUMPTIVES. —The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severelung affection, and tha dread disease Consumption--is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which thev will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and usay prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription FREE, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, may!7,'67 ly. Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and IMPROVED ROSE WASH cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and o exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im mediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE for PRESERVING, RESTORING, and BEAUTIFYING the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder ful article the world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. THE MARVEL OF PERU, a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the handkerchief and person, is unequaled. The above articles for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers, at SI per bottle each. Sent by express to any address by proprietors, T. W. WRIGHT A CO., octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New Y'ork. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT and UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold s Extract Bu chu and Improved Rose Wash. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a certain cure for BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a di uretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. T. lIEL.MBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 194 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. marB,' 67yl THE GLORY OF MA N IS S TR ENG Til. —Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu. ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc tions lor making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, mayl7,'67-ly Cedar Street, New York. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Occulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Hol land,) No. 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The Medi cal faculty are invited to accompany, (heir pa tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artifi cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. (may3,'67yl MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance own interests by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distaifbe for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford, Pa. A CARD FROM THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, Of Waltham, Mass. This Company beg leave to inform the public that they commenced operations in 1850, and their factory now covers four acres of ground, and has cost more than a million dollars, and employs ov er 700 operatives. They produce 75,000 Watches a year, and make and sell not less than one half of all the watches sold in the United States. The difference between their manufacture and the European, is briefly this : European M'atches are made almost entirely by hand, and the result is of necessity a lack of that uniformity, which is indispensable to correct tiinc-keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the most skillful operative must vary. But it is a fact that, except watches of the higher grades, European watches are the product of the cheapest labor of Switzerland, and the result is the worthless Ancres. Lepines and so called Patent Levers—which Suon cost more in at tempted repairs, than their original price. Com mon workmen, boys and women, tuy the rough separate parts of these watches from various fac tories, polish and put them together, and take them to the nearest watch merchant, who stamps and engraves them with any name or brand that may be ordered. How AMERICAN WATCHES ARE MADE. The American M'altham M'atch is made by no such uncertain process—and bj' no such incompe tent workmen. All the Company's operations, from the reception of the raw materials to the completion of the M'atch, are carried on under one roof, and under one skillful and competent direc tion. But the great distinguished feature of their M'ajches, is the fact that their several parts are all made by the finest, the mist perfect and deli cate machinery ever brought to the aid of human industry. Every one of the more than a hundred parts of every watch is made by a machine—that infallibly reproduces every succeeding part with the most unvarying accuracy. It was only neces sary to make one perfect watch of any particular style and then to adjust the hundred machines necessary to reproduce every part of that watch, and it follows that every succeeding watch must be like it. . The Company respectfully submit their watches on. their merits only. They claim to make] A BETTER ARTICLE FOR THE MONEY by their improved mechanical processes than can be made under the old-fashioned handicraft sys tem. They manufacture watches of every grade, from a good, low priced, and substantial article in solid silver hunting cases, to the finest chron ometer; and also ladies' watches in plain gold or the finest enameled and jeweled cases; but the in dispensable requisite of all their watches is that they shall be GOOD TIME-KEEPERS. It should be remembered that except their single lowest grade named'-Home Watch Company, Boston,"' ALL WATCHES made by them ARE FULLY WARRANTED by a special certificate, and this warrantee is good at all times against the Company or its agents. ROBBINS A APPLETON, jull9w4 182 Broadway, New York. DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. This great medicine cured Dr. J. 11. Schenek, the proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. Hisphy sicians prononnced his case incurable, when he commenced the ise of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the disease has been appre hended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures effected by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust persons. Br. Schenok'S Pi l.ho.vii- STRVP, Ska- WEED TOXIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required i"n curing Consumption. Full direc tions accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Re spiromc,er his foe is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck s prin cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel phia, Pd. General Wholesale Agents—Demas Barnes A Co. New York; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; "Walker A Taylor, Chica go. 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 3dw TIIE GREATEST PAIN-RELIEVER IN TIIE WORLD. —Warranted superior to any other, or no pay, for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Mumps. Burns. Cuts. Insect stings, Pains in the Back, Chest, and Limbs, Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings; also, to take internally for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting, and Croup. It is perfect ly innocent to take internally, if used according to the directions, and never fails, as thousands can attest. It was first introduced in 1817, and now millions of bottles are annually sold. Every one who has once used it. centinues to do so, and rec ommend it to their friends as the most valuable medicine extant. Certificates enough to fill a doz en newspapers, have been received by Dr. Tobias. His medicine, the Venetian Liniment, will do all that is stated, and more. No one will regret try ing it. Those residing at a distance from a phy sician, will find it a reliable medicine to have on hand in case of accidents. Ask for Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, and take no other. Price 50 cents and $l. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. jull9wl. THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OF MERCY.—Howard Association Reports, for Y'OUNG MEN, on the crime of solitude, and the errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to mar riage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLOX HOUGHTON Howard Association. Philadelphia, Pa. jun7. 6?yl. MARRIED. t BERKHErMER—In St. Clairsville, on the Ist inst . Elizabeth Berkh'eimer, aged about 911 years. BOWSER—Near St. Clairsville, on t e Ist inst., John J. Bowser, aged 29 ys, 2 ms, and 28 days. A MICK —In Altoona. formerly of St. Clairsville. on the 2d inst., Mary A Aiuick, aged 37 years, 2 months and 15 days. DIED. LEOPOLD—BRIDEH AM—On the 23d ult., by Rev. H. Heckerman, Mr. John Leopold to Miss Charlotte Brideham, both of Bedford township. (\A SACKS OF GROUND ALUM y/' f SALT, just received, at _aug9 J M. SHOEMAKER'S. r IST OF CAUSES, put down for trial at Septiinber Term, 1867. (2d day ) John Cessna, Esq., vs Thos H Murray et al. Theo Weil A Coetal, vs Sam'l Stern. W S Entriken, vs Kensinger A Fluck, Mary Ann Yarncll, vs Wm Marshall. Wm Firmstone et al vs Jas Fink. AnnEßurk, , vs John Weyant. John Kemp, vs Riddlesburg Coal and Iron company David Heidler, vs HA B Railroad co. Robert Adams et al vs Francis Hayman et al. Riddlesburg Coal and Broadtop Coal A Iron Iron company, company. Marg't A Blackburn, vs Geo Blackburn. Geo V Meyers, vs Mich 1 Feather et al Jno H Karns. vs David Ritchey et al. Jeremiah Knouff, vs John U Wertz et al. Thos R Evans, vs Shafer A A lams. John Black et al, vs Catharine Tricker. Samuel Crissman et al, vs Jno Ake's adm'rs. Thos Ritchey, vs Jac Lingeufelter et al. Certified, August sth, 1867. aug9ty4 0. E SHANNON, Proth. Witw 3tdvertisfracnts. T^OTICE. —All in our debt will plea.se XV bear in mind we are preparing to make our fail purchases, and must have money. In many cases longer indulgence cannot bo given, and we earnestly Eope all who know they have not paid as, will read this notice, come forward and pay up at once. Our terms are six months, and upon all accounts, we charge interest, after due. aug9. A. B. CRAMER A CO^ MONEY SAVED.—lntending t( a dopt the cash system Oct. 1. 1867.' and desi rous of reducing our stock as low as possible, before making fall purchases, we will offer many great bargain for CASH. A. B. CRAMER & CO. _ug9 SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias and venditioni ex ponas to uie directed, there will be sold at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, AUGUST3IST, A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock A.M.. the following real estate, viz: One lot of ground in the borough of Coaldale, fronting Fulton street 40 feet and running back 120 fee l , with a two and a half story plank house with ba.-ement and ba -k-building attached there on erected, adjoining lots of M m Green on the East and a 2(1 feet alley on the M'est, situate in Coaldale borough. Bedford county, taken in execution as the property of James Bricker and Brhew, part ners tr. ting as Bricker & Drhew, with notice to Patrick Drhew an 1 all other tenants. Also, One lot of ground in M'oodbury, fronting on Main street 66 feet and 198 feet deep, with a fwo-story frame house and kitchen attached, a frame stable, smoke house and other outbuildings thereon, adjoining lots of Wm. M. Pearson on the North and Jacob Hoover on the South, situate in the town of M'oodbury. Btdford county, and taken in execution as the property of Samuel J Castner. Also, One tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence and a good apple orchard thereon, having thereon erected a two-story log house, stable and other outbuildings, adjoining lands of Sam'l Slai ley, William Lisinger, John H. Barton and others, situate in East Providence township. Bedford Co., taken in execution as the property of Samuel Peck and Rosanna Peck. Also, One lot of ground in the borough of Bed ford, being No. 149 in the general plan of the bor ough, now occupied by defendant's tenant, with a large two-story brick house and other buildings thereon erected ; said lot fronting 25 feet, more or less, on Pitt street and extending back 240 feet to a 20 foot alley, adjoining lot of Job Mann on the M'est and Hiram Lentz and wife on the East, seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of Mrs. Sophia D. Gibson. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) ROBERT STECKMAN. Aug. 9, 1867.-W4. } Sheriff I IST OF GRAND JURDltri J Drawn for September Term, Ist Monday, 2d day, A. I)., 1867: Bedford Township —David Wolf, Foreman, Samuel Carney, John Knox. Broad Top —Jesse Wright. Bloody Run —Samuel D Williams. Cote ruin —Geo \V Cessna, Isaac Frect, Tobias Shafer. Cumb. Valley —James McFerrin. Londonderry —Martin L Miller, Jon Feightner. Monroe —Samuel Snively. Napier —Geo W Bowser. Schellsburg —William C Snively, Peter Dewalt. St. Clair —John Auiick, James L Norton, Jumes E Over. Soutluimplou Emanuel Johuson, Hezekiah Nurtheraft, Levi C'.in^erman. Union —Adam Briggle. Woodbury M.— Charles Martin, Cyrus Over. Drawn anil certified at Bedford, this 23d day of April, A. D. 1867. ISAAC KENSINGEII. WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Coin'rs. JNO. G. FISHER, Clerk. I IST OF PETIT JURORS, drawn J for same term. Bedford Roropgh— Samuel Vondersmith, Geo D Shuek. • Bedford Township —John D Heltzel, Scott W Hughes. Coalda/e— Daniel McNally. Cumb. Valley— John Dicken, William Boor of J., Thomas Elliott of S. Hopewell —Joseph Gates, Jr. Harrison— Jackson Kerr Juniata —Valentine V Wertz, W II Knipple, Jacob Corley. Londonderry —Levi Carpenter, Samuel Wil- j helm. Liberty —Jacob Kensinger, Geo Roades. Monroe— John Laytn. Levin Weimer. Napier —Levi Otto. John Rock, J W Bowcn. Providence E. —Geo MeUraw, Thomas Grove, Stephen Wink. Providence W.— David Sparks. St. Clair —lsrael Davis, Jacob H Wright, Val entine Fickes. Southampton —John Mors, Nicholas Walter, > Denton Stephens Abel Johnson, Win. Cheney. V-Afiiritn Iniiei. Woodbury M. —Philip S Croft, John SHetrick, j Daniel Price of D. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 23d day of April, A. D. 1867. ISAAC KENSINGER, ' WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Com'rs. Jso. G FISHER, Clerk. aug9w4 I) EGISTER'S" NOTICE.—AII per \i sons interested, are hereby notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the sam< will be presented to the Orphans' Courr, in and f said county, on Tuesday, the 3d day ot Septemb. • next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confi nation : The account of Leonard Bittner, Esq., adminis trator of ell and singular the goods aud chattels, rights and credits, which were of David Meyers, late of Juniata township, Bedford county, Pa., de ceased. The account of William Griffith, administrator of the estate of Isaac Burket, late of Union town ship, Bedford county, deceased. The administration account of John M. Claar. administrator of the goods and chattels, Ac., which were of Michael Fry, late of Union township, Bed- j ford county deceased. The aecount of Horatio J. Means, administrator of all ami singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Elizabeth Means, late of Monroe township, Bedford county, Pa., dec d. The final account of Jacob U. Snider, surviving and acting executor of the last Will and Tes tament of John Snider, late of Snake Spring town ship, Bedford county, deceased. The final account of Henry lekes. Jr., and Jo seph Ickes, administrators of all and singular the goods, Ac., which were of Henry Ickes Sr., late of Union township. Bedford county, deceased. The administration account of John P Reed, ad ministrator of the estate of Alfred Entrikin, late of Liberty township. Bedford county, deceased. The account of Silas H Sparks, administrator of the estate of Solomon Sparks, late of West Provi dence township, deceased. Account of A King, trustee appointed by the Court to make sale of the real estate of Dr Wil liam Watson, late of Bedford borough, deceased. The administration account of D A T Black, ad ministrator of the estate of Jesse McDonald, late of Broadtop. deceased. The account ot David F Buck, administrator of the goods, Ac., which were of Nancy Longeneckcr, late of Middle Woodbury township, Bedford coun ty, deceased. The final account of George Smith and Jacob Law, administrator of all and siugular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Paul Rhodes, late of Middle Woodbury township, Bedford county, Pa., yeoman, deceased. The account of William Dorrier, administrator of all and singular the goods aud chattels, rights and credits, which were of Frederick Miller, late of H'ipeweli township. Bedford county, Pa..dec'd. The account of Charles llareleroad, executor of the last Will and Testament of llenry llareleroad, late of Coleraiu township, deceased First account of Alexander King, administrator of the estate of John Watson, Esq., lute Bedford township, deceased. The account of Samuel Mock, administrator of the estate of Catharine Moek, late of Union town ship. Bedford county, deceased. The final uccouut of John Mower and Samuel L Russell, Esqs., administrators de bonis lion cum testamento annexo ot William Lane, late of Hopewell township. Bedford county, deceased. The final account of Levi Evans, administrator of the estate of Mary Hoover, late of Liberty town ship, Bedford county, Pa., deceased. The account of Levi Hardinger, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Jonathan C Dicken, late of Cumberland Valley township, Bedford coun ty, deceased. * The account of George M L Dicken, administra tor de bonis non cum testamento annexo ot David Dichen, fate of Cumberland Valley township, Bed ford county, Pa., deceased. The account of R. D. Barclay, Esq., administra tor de bonis non with the will annexed of Samuel M Barclay, Esq., deceased. The partial account of Mary Ann Stoner, admin istrate ol all aud singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were <>t William Stoner, late of M >nroe townsnip. Bedford county, dee'd. The account of J. W. LingenMter. Esq., admin istrator of J. W. Beeler. late of Bedford township, deceased. Final account of George Zimmers und J W Ling entelter, executors of Anthony Zimmers, late of Bedford township deceased. The account of Anna Riuinger, administratrix of llenry Riniuger, late of S.. Clair township, de- Tbe account of M A Points, Esq.: administrator of the estate of Pius Little, late of Hopewell town ship, deceased. The account of Cyrus Penrose, administrator ol William Penrose, late of St. Clair township, Bed ford couuty, deceased. aug9w4 0 E. SHANNON, Reg'r. rpjLIF BEDFORD GAZETTE is the I best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn sylvania II cu? QUACKENBOS'S ARITHMETICS THE LATEST AND BEST. Primary, 40e. Elementary, 60e Practical, $l.OO. Up to the times; teach the methods ised by busi ness men ; compiete on all the branches of Com mercial Arithmetic ; well condensed ii rules and analyses; admirably graded; PERIECT TEXT BOOKS; WITH so DEFECTS. So say Tiaehers who use them. Going in everywhere. Specimens mailed to Teachers at half the above prices. A gents wanted in every County. Addiess aug9w4 P. AI'PLLTQN A CO.. lew York. T IGHT WORK AND Go|)D PAY. j[ jPor pleasant and profitable empbyment take Agency for -'Good Books." Ask fir illustrated Catalogue. Send two stamps. 8. R WELLS. 389 Broadway, N. Y- aug9w4 A GENTS WANTED to f.*anvas for XX-'FOUR YEARS IN THE OLD WLD." 13,000 already sold. Now is the time to make money. No competition Great inducement offered teach ers, ministers, active ladies or experienced agents. Bend for terms to FOSTER A PALMUI, JR , 14 Bi ble House, New Y°rk. aug9w4 AG EN T S WANTEO.—Another Great Work by E A POLLAJD, entitled Life of Gen. R. E. Lee, replete with ftets never before published, including Biograpbiesof every South ern General of distinction. A companion volume to < I TIIE LOST CAUSE," a Standard Southern History of t e War. A new and enlarged edition is now ready. These two works form a complete library of the War from the other side. E Jj .TR EAT A CO., Publishers, 654 Broadway, N. Y, JOS. GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS, OF TIIE OLD STANDARD QUALITY. JOSEPH Or Descriptive TRADEMARK: GILLOTT, Name and desig- Warrunted Dating Number. The well known ORIGINAL and POPULAR Numbers, 303-404—170-351, Having been assumed by othir MAKERS, we desire to caution the public iu respict to said imitations. ASK FOR GILLOTT'S CAUTION! An injunction was granted by the Supreme Court (New York) at GenetalTenn. January 1867, against the use by others of the NUMBER 303. JOS. GILLOTT A SONS, No 91 John St , New York. aug9w4 IIENRY OWEN, SOLE AGENT. JQODMAN, FISK & CO., BANKERS, AND DEAIERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, No. 18 Nassau St, NEW YORK, Buy and sell at market rates Six percent Bonds of 1881; Five-Twenty Bondt, all issues; Ten-Forty Bonds; Seven-Thirty-Notes, all series; Compound Interest Notes, and Gold and Silver Coin. Convert all series of 7-30 Notes into the New con solidated 5-20 Bonds at best market rates. Execute orders for purchase and sale of all mis cellaneous securities. Receive Deposits and allow 5 per cent Interest on balances, subject to check at sight. Make collections on all accessible points. All issues of Government Securities credited or remitted for, on receipt, at market rates. Free of all commission charges. [aug9w4] R. F. A Co. PAINTS for FARMERS AND OTH- ' EBS —THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are now manufacturing the best, ' cheapest and most durable paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure linseed oil, will last 10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Barns, Fences,. Agricultural Implements. Carriage and Car-ma kers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof,) Bridges, Burial cases, Canal Boats, Ships and Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil-cloths, (one Manufactu rer having used 5000 bbls. the past year); as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durabili ty, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a fanner for years t > couie. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL. Proprietor, 254 Pearl-st , New York faug9w4 j 860 MDCCLX. 18<>7. "CENTURY." $lOO A DA Y. We hsive adopteil the plan of putting money in CENTURY TOBACCO to Induce consumers to use it, knowing that it is only necessary for them to give it a trial to become fully satisfied of its mer its, and to pronounce it THE BEST FINE CUT MADE. We will continue to offer these induce ments until this fact is fully recognized. We are making THE CENTURY' from sele?tiors of the very choicest old leaf, and have devoted every care to its manufacture. It is free from Drugs, and in everv respect A PURE ARTICLE OF CHEWING TOBACCO. On Mondays we will place in one paper a $lOO U. S. Note. On Tuesdays, in two papers, $5O each. On Wednesdays, in five papers, $2O in each. On Thursdays, in ten papers, $lO eaeh On Fri days, in twenty papers, $5 in each, and on Satur days, in fifty papers, $2 each in all cases issuing GENUINE U. S. GREENBACKS to the amount of $lOO a day. The finders of these GREENBACKS—by sending us their names, address, and numbers of the bills,- will be presented with packages of our Tobacco, in proportion to the amouut of money found. This hOuse has been established for over a Hun dred Y'ears, and has always sustained a character for honesty and fair dealing, which puts to flight all doubts, if any should exist, as to ihe genuine ness of this enterprise. THE CENTURY TOBACCO can be had in large quantities at Manufacturers prices, of A. R. Mitch ell, 35 Central-st , Boston ; B. A. Van Schraick, 16 S. Front-st., Philadelphia; Foy A Earle, 85 S. Water-st., Chicago; Schuliz & Bagley, 94 West Second-st., Cinciunati. Price list sent on application to P. & G.LORILLARD, [Established in 1760,] aug9w4 16 CHAMBERS ST.. N. Y ITADAM FOY'S IVL CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER Combines in one garment a PER FECT FITTING CORSET, and the most desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered Ihe public. It places the weight o: the skirts upon the shoulders initead of the hips; it improves the form without tight lacing; givei > ase and elegance; is approved anil recommended by physicians. Manufactured by i). B SAUNDERS & Co., aug9w4 96 Summer St., Boston. MORE QOI \(\ EEH THAN eJPiiUU MONTH. Made with Steneil Dies Send for Catalogue and Samples, free. 6". ill- SPENCER A Co., Brattleboro, Vt. GOO AGENTS wanted, to sell Six New Inventions, of great value to families; all p#y great profits. Send 25c and jet 80 pages and sample gratis. Agents havt made $lOO,OOO. Ephraim Brown, Lowell, Mass. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN EM PLOYED. Picture busineis. Very profita ble. No risk. 17 specimen P.ctures and Cata logue sent for 15c. postage. MANSON LANG, 207 Bowery, New York City aug9w4_ "MIST OF THE MORNING" BITTERS, M O R G E N I) U F T. The purest tonic in the known world. Univers ally used and MISSED if not taken. BARNETT A LUMLEY, 151 Water St., X. Y. £OX). P. ROWELL <t CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, 40 Park Row, NEW YORi. Business men wishing to advertise in any part of the country csn send their orders to us. The cost is no more, as the Agent's commission comes Irom the publisher. We are authorized to eonlract for ALL newspa pers throughout the country atpublishers' regular rates. aug9w4 LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and EN VELOPIS for business men, printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. 17 VERY VARIETY AND STYLE _j OF JOE PRINTING neatly executed at low lates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office Call and reave yeur orders llcur Advertisements.. COURT PROCLAMATION^Tb the Coroner, the Justices of thee Peace, and Constables in the different Townships in the Comity of Bedford, Greeting: KNOW VE, that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the I6th District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery forthctrinl of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and G W.GUMP, and WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ. Judgesbf the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be holden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 1/ Monday of September, ( being the id day,) 186", at 10 o'clori in the forenoon of that day, I bore and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 29th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1867. ROBERT STKCKMAN, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Sheriff. Bedford, Aug. 9^1867.J_ w4 'OgEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI!" COMPLETE HISTORY Of the New States and Territories, From the Grea River to the GreaUOcean, BV ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. Over 20,000 Copies Sold iu One Month. Life and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and tho Pacific Coast. With over 200 Descriptive and Photographic Views of the Scenery, Cities. Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To pro-peetive emigrants and settlers in the "Far West,'' this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic aud reliable guide toclimate, soil, products, means of travel,Ae. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. [aug9w4 sni-6ooils, rtr. GOODS and NEW TKK.Ms! CASH AND PRODUCE STORE! J. M. SHOEMAKER lias just re turned from the East and is now opening a NEW AND CHEAP STOCK OF GOODS, bought at the late decline in prices. The following comprise a few of his prices : Calicoes, 8, 10,12, 14, 10, 18 cents. Mucins, 10,12, 15,18,20, and best, 22. Cassimeres, 75, 90, 100, 110, 120, 150 a yard. Ginghams, 12 cents up to 25. Cottonades, from 18| cents up to 50. Ladies' Hose, 12, 10, 20, 25, 50. Gents' Half-Hose, 12, 20, 25, 40, 50. Boots and Shoes, all sizes and prices. Hats, a large assortment, from 15 cents up. Coffee, 25, 28 and 30. Green and Black Teas, from $1.50 up to $2.20. Sugars, 12, 15, 10, 17, 18, and best at 19 cents. Rice, 121 cts per lb. Clothing—Linen (.'oats, $1.50, 1.75 and $2.00. We will sell Goods for CASH and PRODUCE only, unless otherwise specified, and then we will require a Note, with Interest from date, and in no case will these terms be deviated from. We expect TO SELL GOODS AT SUCH LOW FIG URES that the consumers will see at once that it is TO THEIR INTEREST TO BUY FOR CASH or PROI)UCE. You need not have auy fears about paying high prices for goods to make up for losses sustained from customers who never pay for the goods they buy. YOU CAN SAVE AT LEAST TEA PER CENT BY BUYING FOR CASH. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, jun2B,'67. No. 1 Anderson's Row. drtotifcs, &c. CRYSTAL STEAM MILLS.—AB persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, will please call at HARTLEY A MKTZ GER'S Store and settle at once Interest will be charged on all accounts not settled by the 15th ot August. POSITIVELY no more flour, feed, or mill stuff will be sold on credit. Respectful ly, aug2w2 J. G. t WM. HARTLEY^ I "UMBER.—6O,OOO feet Oak, White j and Yellow Pine Lumber on bands and for sale by J. B. WILLIAMS A CO . junl4,'67tf Bloody Run, Pa. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The next Term begins on Wednesday, July 31st, inst. Courses Of In struction given in General Science, in Agricul ture, in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, in Metalurgy, Mineralogy and Mining, and in Classical Literature. 'For further information apply to JOHN FRASER, President, jul23w.3* Agricultural College, Centre Co., Pa. COTTAGE SEMINARY. FOR YOUNG LADIES, POTTSTOWN, PA —This Institution is located on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, two hours ride from Philadel phia. The next yearly session will open Tuesday, September 10th, to continue ten months. Terms for Boarding and Tuition for ten months. 5260. Extras at the usual rates For rurthei informa tion send for circular to Rev. JOHN MOORE, jul26m3 Principal. DISSOLUTION of COPARTNER SHIP. —We, the undersigned, having done business under the name and firm of Stover A II ol singer, hereby give notice that said firm hus this day been dissolved by mutual consent. STOVER A HOLSINGER. The notes and books of said firm will be left in the hands of C. R. Stover for collection, at their old stand. Woodberry, May 27, 1807. The business will be conducted under the name and firm of C. R. Stover A Co. Thankful for past favors, we would respectfully ask the continuance of the same for the future. We invite the public to call and examine our stock of GOODS, as we shall, as before, keep a general assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a country store. jun7ma C. R. STOVER A CO jfahri rro CAPITALISTS.—I have for sale, 1 on easy terms, over 200.000 aores of farming, timber and mineral hnds, situate in Bedford, Cen tre, Clearfield, Fulton. Huntingdon, Somer et, Westmoreland, and other counties, in Pennsylva nia, whieh will be sold in tracts ranging from 100 to 10 00 1 acres FARMS—Several fine limestone farms near Bed ford. FARMING LANDS—With limestone and red slate soils. TANNERIES—and fine sites for same, with large tracts of rock-oak timber, FURNACES AND FORGES, and sites for same, with large tracts of timber and iron ore lands. WATER PRI\ ILEGES, on never failing streams. IRON ORES—Bog, Specular, Fossil and Hema tite—Fossil vein from 3 to 5 feet thick, Hematite bed from 10 to 40 feet thick. COAL AND COLLIERIES—Collieries in full operation, with houses, shops, schutes, tracks, Ac., undeveloped coal lands with a seurn 20 feet thick. Also, gas, cannel and anthracite coal lands. TIMBER—Large tracts covered with white and yellow pine, spruce and hemlock; red, white and rock oak; chestnut, walnut, locust, cherry, poplar, Ac. Also. Steam Saw Mills. FIRE-CLAY, of superior quality, for making fire brick. SAND-STONE, of pure quality, for making glass. Ac. ALSO, farms, and farming, timber and mineral lands, in all Western, southern and Pacific States, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. WILLIAM P. SCIIELL, jull9in3 Attorney at Law, Bedford. Pa. FOB SALE OR TRADE. 2 lots in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. 2 tracts, of 160 acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire, two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lauds in West Virginia. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. I A XTENSIVE P RIV ATE SALE 2J OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-The un dersigued will sell at private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts of land, lying on the headwaters of Dunning's Creek, in St. Clair town ship, Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157, 163, at.d 183 acres and the other, being the Saw Mill tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers. The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing head of water, and is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other of the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAN YARD, with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the resources for Bark are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the laud is bottom, mostly covered by large sugar trees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, up pon the premises and THREE BARNS, with other outbuildings. The Fruit is choice and in abund ance upon some of these tracts. This property lies 12 miles North of Bedford, and in a country noted for its good roads, leading North, South, East and West, to Bedford, Hollidaysburg, Johnstown, and other points, on the Penn'a Central Railroad. Farmers, Lumbermen, Tanners and Speculators should examine the premises, as these lands will be sold on fair and reasonable terms. T. H. LYONS, junB,'t)6. N. J. LYONS Y ALU ABLE LAND FOR BALE V —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, sitflated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Ufbana contains about 4,000 in! abitants. Champaign is tho greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO— One-fourth of a tract of land , situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the, town of Coa/mont. Huntingdon eounty. Jan 26. "66-tf F. C. REAMER. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE— -7 miles from Bedford, containing ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY ACRES, 125 acres undercul tivation, half creek bottom; well watered; excel lent Brick House and Frame Barn; plenty of good TII.IL-.R- NIINVUNITTNT TO COLOULR, OTMROHER ANIL LOILLT. W ill be sold at a bargain. Inquire of MEYERS & DICKERSON, oct26tf Bedford, Pa. T7 ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE AT \ PRIVATE SALE.—One lotof ground in the centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. &c. Drugs, MEDICINES, DYE-STI FFS. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac. llev. H. HECKERMAN & SON have purchased the Drug Store of J: L. Lewis, on Julianna street, Bedford, where tbey are now re ceiving, and intend always to keep on hand, a large and complete assortment of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, STA TIONERY (plain and fancy), best qualities of TO BACCO, best brands of CIGARS. Ac. Also, PATENT MEDICINES, and everything else usu ally asked for at a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS will be supplied with everything in their line on reasonable terms. All orders promptly attended to, and all PRE SCRIPTIONS carefully compounded. By careful and -trict attention to business, tbey hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ju!26m3 §^pl 4 DMINISTR ATOR'S NOTICE.— /~\ Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the uudersig ed by the Hegister of Bedford county, upon the estate of Matthias Otto late, of St. Clair township, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated, for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. jull9wt) JOHN GRIFFITH, AdmT. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS and PAYMENTS in Volunteer Bounty Account of Liberty township. Bedford county, Pa. TREASURER DR. To Amount collected, as follows : By S. F. Shnup, 1864,'65,'66,'67, $2348 75 By G. W. Gibbony, '• " 268 00 By D Cyphers, " " 396 30 By Jacob Roads " " " 174 45 By Samuel Bollinger, " " '* 333 93 By Henty Kelley, " " 230 98 By Geo Mardorff, unseated lands, 73 34 Total collections, $3825 75 TREASURER CR. 24 Sept.'64, Paid J Fulton an Bond No. 11, $505 00 do do C Foekler do 12, 505 00 21 Sept.'6s, do D Heffner, do 7, 424 00 do do S McCahen do 13, 503 50 do do Geo Boyee do 14, 318 00 21 Sept.'o6, do Geo Roads do 1, 560 00 do do do 2, 205 00 3 Dec. do C Foekler do 3, 562 50 2 Jan.'6s, do S F Shoup, collector, 24 00 25 Oct. do D'l Cyphers, do 441 20 Dec. do F Shoup, do 16 80 10 Ft b.'66, do S'l Bo linger, do 3 86 4 Nov'67, do S Shoup, do 8 81 10 do do D'l Cyphers, do 350 $3644 38 Balance in hand, 181 37 $3825 75 JNO. FULTON, Treasurer. We, the Auditors of Lioerty township, decerti fy that wc ha ve examined the account as above statid and find it to be correct. Witness our hands, the 4th day of July, 1567. ISAAC KENSINGER, aug2w3 * GEO. ROADES, Auditors. SELECT SCHOOL. The first terra ol the Woodbury Select School will commence AUGUST sth, 1867. Special attention given to Normal Students. For further-inloruiHtion apply to J.G.KRICHBAUM,or-) T , W.C. SMITH. I leachers. jul26w3 Bedfom. Pa. 6).~ WAGONS FOR SALE AT KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedford (aprlfltf. gew §ttUtfrttefments. riiflE WASHING IX )N LimwviuY X COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLL A $BOO,OOO PRESENTS TO SUBSCRIBERS. One Cash Prtsent of $40,U00. One Cash Present of $20,000. One Cash Present of §lO,OOO. Two Cash Presents of $2,500 each. Read f't!l Schedule of Presents Below Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied will a BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING, worth more at retail than the cost of the certifies to. • And also insures to the holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY" COMPANY is chartered by the State of Penn sylvania, and Organized in aid of the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE FOR SOLDIERS' AND SOLDIERS' ORPHANS. Incorporated by the State of N. J. APRIL 8, 1867. THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situate at Riverside. Burlington county. New J r sey, is founded for the purpose of gratuitously ed ucating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Sean; in of the lluited States. The Board of Trustees eonsists of the following well-known citizens of Pennsylvania and Now Jersey : HON. WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia. Pa. HON LEWIS R. BROOMALL, Ex-chief coiner U. S. Mint, and recorder of deeds, Philad'a, Pa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVEL, New Jersey. HON. W. W WARE. New Jersey HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. COE, Esq ,of Joy, Coe A Co., Philadelphia. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 18, 1867. —Office of Internal Revenue : Having received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds of the enterprise conducted by tho "W"3h ington Library Company" will be devoted to char itable uses, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other du ty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY CO., in order that the benevolent object set forth in this circular may be successfully accomplished, have issued five series of Fine Steel-Plate Engravings, which are put on subscription at prices much he low their retail value. Certifirates of Stock in the Washington Library Company will be issued, stamped with the seal of the Com pany, and signed by the Secretary. (None othi rs genuine.) Any person sending us ONE DOLLAR, or pay ing the same to our local Agents, will receive im mediately a fine Steel-Plate Engraving, at choice from the following list, and One Certificate of Stock insuring One Present in our published schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. I—-My Child! My Child!" No. 2 '•They're Saved ! They're Saved !" No. 3—"Old Seventy-six; or, the Early Days of the Revolu tion." Any person paying TWO DOLLARS will re ceive cither of the following fine Steel Plates, it choice, and Two Certificates of i-tock, thus be coming entitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. I—"Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Washington's Lust luterview with his Mother." THREE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying THREE DOLLARS will re ceive the beautiful Steel Plate of ' HOME FROM THE WAR," and Three Certificates of Stock, becoming enti tled to Three Presents. FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying FOUR DOLLARS shall re ceive rhe large and beautiful Steel Plate of "THE PERILS OF OUR FOREFATHERS," and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Four Presents. . FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person who pays FIVE DOLLARS ska 11 re ceive the large and splendid Steel Plate o; "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Five Presents. The engravings and certificates will be delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agences, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered. The Washington Library Company WILL AWARD THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On Wednesday, September 26th , 1857, At PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Or at the Institute, Riverside, N. J. SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. 1 Cash Present, $40,000 1 Cash Present. 20,000 1 Cash Present, 10^000 1 Cash Present, 5,0 0 2 Cash Presents of $2,500 each, 5,0 10 1 Handsome Country Residence, Stable, Grounds. Ac.. Germantown, Philad'a, 18,000 ] Double Residence, three-story Brick, Camden. N. J., 15,0 10 1 Coal Depot, Offices, Sheds, Ground, with business established. No. 1314 Washing ton Avenue. Philadelphia, 15,000 1 Country Residence. Riverside, N. J., with Ground. Fruiti, Ac. 10,000 1 Three-story Cottage, Lot, Ac., 5,000 25 Valuable Building Lots, Riverside, $3OO each, 5,000 1 Elegant Turnout Family Carriage, Span of Horses, H-utess, Ac., complete, 5,000 10 Valuable Building Lots, Riverside,s3oo each, 3,0,10 1 Beautiful Silver-gray Horse, 151 hands high, sired by the celebrated imported Arabian Horse ''Caliph also, a light Road Wagon, weight 140 pounds, with set of superior Single Harness, Ac., ma king a first-class establishment, 50.>0 20 Pianos. $5OO each, 10,0 >0 20 Melodeons, $225 each. 4,5 10 5 Rosewood Sewing Machines, $2OO each, 1,0 10 10 Family Sewing Machines, $lOO each, 1,000 50 Fine Gold Watches, $2OO each, 10,000 100 Oil Paintings, by leading artists—aggre gate value, 10.010 3 Camel's Hair Shawls, $l,OOO each, 3,0 >0 2 Camel's Hair t-hawls, $3,000 eaeh, 6,000 3 Handsome Lace Shawls, $250 each, 7 >0 10 Cashmere Shawls, $5O each, 5 )0 20 Silk Dress Patterns, $75 eaeh. 1,5 )0 50 Ci'y Building Lots, 175 each, 8,750 The remainder will consist of Silverware, Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, Pocket Bibles, and different articles of orna ment and use, amounting to 82,050 Total, $300,0(0 All the properties given clear of incumbrance. HOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND ENGRA VINGS. Send orders to us by mail, enclosing from $1 'o $2O, either by Post Office orders or in a register i letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should he sent by draft or express. 10 shares with Engravings, $9 . 0 25 shares with Engravings, 23 . # 50 shares with Engravings, 46 . 0 75 shares with Engravings, 69 ( 0 100 shares with Engravings, 90 t 0 Local AGENTS WANTED throughout the Uni ted States. The Association has appointed as Receivers, Mes-rs. GE')RGE A. COOkE A CO., whose w 11 known integrity and business ex peri ei ce will be a sufficient guarantee that the money intrusted :o them will be promptly applied to the purpose st i ted. PHILADELPHIA, PA,, May 20, 1867. To the Officers and Members of the Washington Library t 'o., iV. S. REAL), Secretary. GENTLEMEN:—On receipt of your favor of the 15th iusi., notifying us of our appointment as Re ceivers for your Company, we took the liberty o submit a copy of your enterprise, to the highl it legal uuthonty of the State, and having received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathising with the benevolent object of your Association, viz : the education and maintenance of the orpnau children of our soldiers and sailors at the Riverside Institute, we have concluded to ac cept the trust, and to use our best efforts to promote so worthy an object. Respectfully, yours, Ac., GEO. A. COOKE A CO. Address all letters and orders to uao. A. Coutci A Co., Bankers, 33 oouth Third Street, Phila delphia, Pa., Receivers for the Washington Li brary Co. jun2Ba#
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers