The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 12, 1867, Image 2

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Cri<lii.v Voriiiiiir July 12. 1*67.
Democratic State Ticket.
Democratic County Ticket.
E. F. KERR, of Bedford Borough.
ISAAC MENGEL, of Bedford Bor.
P. M. BARTON, of E. Providence.
JOHN I. NOBLE, 01 S. Woodberry.
SAMUEL WHIP, of Cumb. Valley.
The Fourth of July was desecrated
by a meeting of Greely's "Blockheads,"
in the t ourt House, in this place, to
nominate a "ticket," and to let the B.
H. brethren of this Congressional dis
trict know that the firm of J. B. C. &
Bro. are running the Radical machine
in this county, —especially the latter.
The "Ticket" is composed as follows:
District Attorney, M. A. Points; Treas
urer, John R. Jordan; Commissioner,
Win. Karns, Poor Director, Adam TJI
- Auditor, Swartz. These are
respectable gentlemen, but not a whit
more so than the candidates on the
Democratic ticket. Mr. Karns and Mr.
Ullery have not had the experience in
business possessed by Mr. Barton and
Mr. Noble, their Democraticopponents,
and are not, in any particular, so well
qualified for the offices for which they
are named, as the latter. The bead ol
the ticket, Mr. Points, is a Copperhead,
of 1863-4, and the tail end, Mr. Swartz,
is an estimable young gentleman who
voted for Hiester Clymer last year.
The nomination of Mr. Swartz was in
tended to tmy him back into the Radi
cal organization. We don't think he
can be bought so cheap. But, of course,
the "ticket" was put up only to be
kno-ked down, and we suppose the
candidates on it can stand that opera
tion about as well as any body else.
The election of the Democratic county
ticket is a foregone conclusion. The
fight in this neck of the woods, will be
for the members of the Legislature.
Let Democrats organize for the election
of reform candidates, and the district
will be redeemed.
The Radical State Convention metat
Williamsport, on the 26th inst., and
nominated H. W. Williams, of Pitts
burg, formerly of Connecticut, as their
candidate for Supreme Juige. Judge
Linn, Judge Pearson, Judge Taylor,
and other native Pennsylvanians, bet
ter jurists, all of them, than Williams,
were thrust aside in order to toady to
New England. The people of Pennsyl
vania are presented by the Democrats,
with a candidate Who is the pride and
boast of the legal profession of the
State, whilst, on the other hand, the
Radicals ask them to support a wooden
nutmeg Yankee, whose obscurity is
his only recommendation as a candi
Where is the Pennsylvanian who
would not vote for George Sharswood
in preference to H. W. Williams?
The State of Kentucky is refused rep
resentation in Congress. The whole
delegation is Democratic; hence its ex
clusion by the Radicals. One of these
Kentucky Congressmen was a Major in
the Union army during the war, and
another was a member of the last Con
gress; yet they are both excluded from
the seats to which they were elected by
large majorities. If this high-handed
tyranny on the part of the Radicals,
does not soon have an end, the people
of the United States will have to re
port to arms to recover their lost rights.
It is all that is left them.
RITXP B. 11. (\<JRF,SS.
We are afflicted, during the heated
terra, with a session of Congress. The
Radical "Blockheads" failed, last win
ter, to make their "reconstruction" laws
strong enough to secure the total Afri
canization of the South. Ilence they
meet to revise their work. What do
the people think of such legislative
butchery, anyhow?
THE Bedford Inquirer remarks that
the Democratic Convention "must
have had the public funds in view, '
when they appointed Mr. Mardorff
Chairman of the County Committee.
Mr. Mardorff says that one of the editors
ofth e Inquirer "must have had the
public funds in view," some time ago,
when he asked him (Mardorff) to lend
him some of the County's money to
pay off his (theeditor's) Tax Duplicate.
THE testimony for the United States
intheSurrattcase has been concluded.
The defence state that they will dis
prove the important pa rtsof it and estab
lish the innocence of Surratt and his
mother. We shall see.
J. It. C. A: into.
The delegate from thisieounty to the
Radical State Convention, recently held
at Williamsport, was J. B. Cessna, Esq.
Mr. C. was elected by the County Com
mittee, of which he is chairman. A
member of the committee informs us
that Mr. C. owes his election to the
vote of— the chairman This was well
done, for J. B. It was a finely conceiv
ed and neatly executed coup d'etat.
Encouraged by his success, our young
friend determined to achieve still great
er honors. lie had elected himself a
delegate, why should he not elect oth
ers also? A bright idea strikes him !
He will elect his brother John to rep
resent Fulton county. He "mentions
the thing" to "Dad," and the latter
likes it first rate. So J. B. elects "Dad"
for Fulton county, and this legislative
district is represented at Williamsport,
by J. B. Cessna & Bro. The day of
the Convention arrives and with it a
peck of troubles 'o J. B. He had reso
lutions to fix up, Judge Taylor's inter
ests were entrusted exclusively to his
championship, and he had to take care
of the verdant delegate from Fulton.
Everything, however, passed off swim
mingly, until the Convention assem
bled, when J. B. found it impossible to
keep his fidgetty brother quiet. "Dad"
was the first man on the floor and the
last one to leave it. But, owing to the
prudence of J. 8., sundry resolutions
and a cut-and-dry speech covering
twenty-four sheets of fools-cap, did not
get out of the coat-pockets of the irre
pressible "Dad." Nevertheless, toward
the close of the Convention, the latter
found himself in an ugly snarl, he hav
ing offered a resolution that the Con
vention proceed to the election of a
Chairman of the State Committee, ex
pecting, of course, that, as the mover
of the resolution, Ac would be selected
to fill the position. The friends of Mr.
Jordan saw the "drift of the thing,"
and at once took "Dad" by the neck.
It was in this awful emergency that
his guardian angel, the prudent and
sapient J. 8., came to the rescue of his
brother, and suggested to him to mod
ify his resolution so that Mr. Jordan
should be elected chairman, but that
if Jordan did not accept, then some
body else should be the man. "Dad"
availed himself of the suggestion, wrig
gled out of the dilemma, and, we are
told, immediately took the cars for
home. Let "Republicans" decide which
of the firm of J. B. Cessna and Bro.,
was the more useful man in their Con
vention, J. 8., or "Dad."
The Clinton Democrat lias been great
ly enlarged ami improved, and is now
printed on a power press.—The Doyles
toicn Democrat has donned a suit of
new type and looks as bright asasilver
dollar, if any of our readers know
what that is like.—The Somerset Dem
ocrat has been sold by V. Hay, Esq., to
John J. Hoffman, Esq. Mr. Hoffman
is a young man of ability and will make
the Democrat a strong paper.—The
Genius of Liberty office is for sale. It
is one of the best offices in Western
JUAREZ has permitted Prince MAXI
MILIAN to be shot. It is also rumored
that Santa Ana, Ex-Dictator of Mex
ico, who had recently returned to that
country, was shot by order of Juarez. If
such barbarism be Republicanism in
Mexico, the less there is of it, the better.
PHIL SHERIDAN —"noble Phil.
Sheridan"—"gallant Phil. Sheridan" —
who burned the dwelling houses in the
Shenandoah Valley and who now fights
unarmed and defenceless people in
Louisiana,—has backed down from his
elevated position, and ordered the time
for registration to be extended, in ac
cordance with the directions of the
Johnson, we verily believe, would
pardon the Devil, if he had a chance.
—Leicistown Gazette.
Never mind! The "Republicans"
will ask him to do it, some day, as
they did in the case of those other re
bellious spirits, Longstreet A Co., and
we don't see why you should complain,
Mr. Gazette , for, if the head Devil be
pardoned, the little fiends will be all
right, of course.
THE Pennsylvania Steel Works at
Harrisburg, havegone into operation.—
The Pennsylvania Steal Works at
Harrisburg, have been in operation
ever since Radicalism obtained possess
ion of the State Government.
J. B. Sansom, Esq., the talented ed
itor of the Indiana Democrat , is at pres
ent on a visit to his friends in this
place. Long may he flourish.
JUDGE J. M. WAYNE of the U. S.
Supreme Court, died in Washington
city, a few days ago. He was appoint
ed to the Supreme Bench, by President
The Republican Convention of Maine
havenominated Joshua L. Chamberlain
for Governor.
GREF.LV the man who bailed Jeff.
Davis and who shamelessly calls "Re
publicans" "blockheads"—says, "Mr.
Secretary Stanton belongs to the class
that rarely die and never resign. As
to his political sympathies, they can
he expressed by saying that there are
three parties in the country now, —the
Democrats, the Republicans and Mr.
THE Radicals think the legislation
of Congress will make the negro just
what he should be. They have no
doubt that it will change his wool to
Hyperian curls, that it will give him a
Roman or Grecian nose, that it will
shorten his heel, scoop out a hollow in
his foot, and impart to him the odor
of "the balm of a thousand flowers."
GOING down street the other day we
overheard the following colloquy
between two "American citizens of
African descent:" "See heah, Sam!
who's goin' to make de greatest stir in
de new Congress ?" "De greatest stir,
Julius? Why, Gen. Butler, I spects."
"Why so, Sam ?" "Why, Julius, you
see he's got de spoons to do it with !"
TIIE first article in the Phrenological
Journal , for July, is entitled "Man,
Monkeys and Gorillas;" and the next,
"Hon. S. P. Chase." A cotemporary
prints it thus: The Phrenological Jour
nal', for July, contains "Man, Monkeys,
and Gorillas, S. P. Chase," Ac.
THE campaign being about to open,
it is time for our opponents to re-intro
duce the slang-term "Copperhead."
Greely's "blockheads" should begin
the use of the word at once, or they will
get "behind time."
THE following is the State ticket
nominated by the Democratic Conven
tion of Vermont: For Governor, J. L.
Edwards, for Lieutenant Governor,
Waldo Brigham, for Treasurer, J. H.
HON. L. W. POWELL, formerly Gov
ernor of Kentucky and U. S. Senator
from that State, died a few days ago.
He was one of the ablest men in the
THE negroes of Tennessee have organ
ized a secret society whose members
are sworn to put to death any of their
number who may oppose Brownlow
for Governor.
SOME Southern paper says that Jeff
erson Davis once owned seven hundred
slaves, but the only one of his bond
men who ever distinguished himself
was Horace (Jreely.
THE Democrats of the Jefferson dis
trict, have renominated Hon. W. P.
Jenks for member of the Legislature.
Mr. Jenks is one of the best lawyers
and purest men in the State.
of Congress from the Twelfth Pennsyl
vania District, died on Thursday of last
GEARY has become a Good Templar.
We would like to hear of his becoming
a good Governor.
On every side the Radical press is
complimenting Judge Snarswood, the
Democratic nominee for Supreme
Judge. He is so good a man and able a
things about him. The Pittsburg Ga
zette, an extreme Radical paper says :
" I n nominating Judge Sharswood as
their candidate for the Supreme bench,
the Democrats have made a wise selec
tion, for themselves during the progress
of the canvass, and for the people of
the whole Commonwealth in case he
shall be elected. He is as suitable a
man for the place as could be brought
forward. Naturally of sound and
discriminating judgment, his faculties
have been matured by thorough study
and large, varied experience. His rep
utation as a man is unblemished. In
deed, he is a consistent and honored of
fice-bearer in the Presbyterian Church.
As a magistrate a suspicion of unfair
ness or partiality has never been raised
against him."
The Sunday Dispatch of the same po
litical persuasion, says:
"No better lawyer than the Hon.
Geo. Sharswood can be found in Penn
sylvania. As a Judge he has had am
ple experience, and lias conducted him
self in all things with purity, imparti
ality and industry. His knowledge of
the law is extensive. His long prac
tice has cast a mind, originally of a ju
dicial bent, into a firm and enduring
mould. His judgment is strong, his
perceptions acute and his desire to do
justice is in all cases transparent. He
has as little of the weakness of favorit
ism or of the fault of dislike as any
man ; and in his long career upon the
bench of the District Court of this city
there has been nothing to show that
he ever allowed his private opinions
to influence his judgment or to color
his views of a case. We believe him
to be most admirably fitted for the po
sition for which he has been named, by
personal integrity, deep learning, and
the possession of the analytical ability
which compares principles with facts
and applies to circumstances the fitting
legal consequences. The citizens of
Philadelphia will be well satisfied with
the nomination of Judge Sharswood,
and he will have a handsome support
from independent voters of all par
The Bucks County Rad
ical) pays him the following compli
ment :
"To Judge Sharswood, so far as we
know, there can be no personal or pro
fessional objection. His reputation,
gained by long and faithful services up
on the bench, is unspotted."
—An egg in perfect preservation, is
reported to have been found 28 feet un
der the earth at a brewery in Albany.
For the Gazette.
This ill-starred adventurer, this vic
tim of "Napoleon's policy, a Prince al
lied to the proudest houses of Europe-
England, Belgium, Austria —has fal
len under the bloody laws of that fall
blooded Indian, Juarez , the pet of Sec
retary Seward. This Machiavel Secre
tary of State wrote two ways. First,
he wrote despatches to Juarez, "to save
Maximilian." Afterwards, he told Ro
mero—Juarez' ambassador —"that he
did not care whether Maximilian was
shot or not," thus nullifying his former
despatch. Tliere is 110 excuse for the
blood-thirsty Juarez and his tiger-gen
eral, E-cobedo, in executing Maximil
ian. There is less excuse for Seward —
the double-faced Seward—the ringer
of "the little bell," who from his office
arrested, and sent to prison, or death,
from North, or South, all obnoxious
characters, all opposed to him, the
Robespierre of America. From au
thentic statements, Maximilian was an
admirer of American institutions and
people. If left alone, if unopposed by
the weight of foreign influence, or the
Seward line of policy, he would, most
probably, have secured to Mexico as
good a government, as they are destined
to have at the hands of Juarez and Es
cobedo,the bloody executioners of their
noble opponent.generals. He would
have been the friend of the United
States, and, after his benign rule, Mex
ico would have been merged in the
best, nay the model, of Republics.
Who can wish for this Indo-Negio,
this hybrid race—any other fate but
that it should be annexed to the supe
rior one. It is to be hoped, in the cause
of civilization, that this mongrel peo
ple of Spaniard, Indian and Negro
blood, will be very soon absorbed by
the superior people of the United States.
It is thus, and only thus, that we may
expect that these half Mexican savages
will emerge from their barbarism to the
broad-day-light of true liberty. T. 13.
For the Bedford Gazette.
The radicals could not find among
the native Pennsylvanians, a man who
came fully up to their standard for Su
preme Judge, and they nominated
11. W. Williams, of Allegheny, who
hails from Connecticut, a man who
comes to us fully imbued with all the
fanatical, rabid notions of government
and society, that prevail among the
A violent radical, he is opposed to
the admission of Representatives front
the Southern States to the Congress of
the nation, and is, therefore, a Disu
nionist, and in any opinion he may be
called upon to deliver, would treat the
excluded States as subject provinces.
A furious temperance fanatic, he
would gladly introduce into Pennsyl
vania, by judicial decision, a complete
prohibition of intoxicating beverages,
with the full experience of the past that
prohibition leads to increased indul
gence in intoxicating drinks, to smug
gling, perjury, contraband manufac
ture and general demoralization.
A Sunday law pietist, he would pro
hibit cheap conveyance in our cities for
the poor people desiring to attend
church, while the rich can spend the
day, riding about in gilded coaches.
Such is the candidate presented by
the Radicals for Supreme Judge; an
imported Hartford convention, blue
law, witch-burning, free love, Connec
ticut Yankee. KEYSTONE.
—A man who was a "war Democrat,"
writes us that he "went in for saving
the Union, but has come out, not only
with a destroyed Union, but with one
half of the States annihilated, and re
duced to 4 Military districts.' Perhaps I
am served right for allowing myself to
train in the company of Lincoln, Phil
lips, and Seward." This, we doubt
not, is the feeling of every "war Demo
crat" in the country.— New York Day-
—The radicals claim that Jeff Davis
has triumphed at last, and it does look
like it. lie undertook to take the
Southern States out o.' the Union, and
did not quite succeed. The Radicals
took up the work, and completed it.
The Southern States are out of the
Union. Davis and the Radicals have
triumphed at last.
—The Internal Revenue Bureau has
now on hand ninety-seven thousand
two hundred gallons of whisky, con
demned and forfeited to the United
States under the act passed last Februa
ry; besides which about two hundred
and fifty thousand gallons are under
seizure, but have not yet been formally
condemned. The Commissioner is not
in position to say how much more has
been forfeited or sold for the benefit of
the Treasury.
—The potato bug is destroying the
growing potato crop in some parts of
lowa and in the ltock river region of
Illinois. The pestiferous insects swarm
over the potato fields like locusts and
literally devour the plants.
—The execution of Maximilian caus
es great indignation in England and on
the Continent. The English Govern
ment postponed the grand review in
Hyde Park on account of the Arch
duke's death, and the Court of Vienna
has gone into mourning.
—All festivities have ceased in Paris,
and preparations for forthcoming/eteB
have been abandoned out of respect for
the memory of Maximilian.
—A Fenian leader, alleged to be Gen
eral Halpine, has been arrested at
Lord Lyons has assumed the duties
of British Minister at the Court of Na
poleon 111.
—France has granted a concession to
the new Franco-American Telegraph
—France has sent out orders suspend
ing from their functions all French
Consuls in Mexico.
—The French cannot understand the
English ideas with regard to the Sab
bath. They are quite indignant be
cause the English exhibitors in the
Champ de Mars cover up their goods on
Sunday. They even declare this to be
a breach of contract, "for," say they,
"Sunday is our chief day for visiting
the Exhibition, and when we go to pay
our money we are deprived of a great
portion of the show."
—An Omaha despatch reports great
alarm among the settlers between Forts
Yankton and Randall, on account of
hostile Indians. The Indians are
likewise frightened, and declare that
the savages threaten indiscriminate
attacks on all the settlements above
Yankton. General Sherman expects to
meet General Hancock at Fort Harker
—The speculators in breadstuff's have
commenced to croak, and false reports
of crop failures are afloat. Several re
ports of the kind have been telegraph
ed from different points in the West,
but they have been promptly corrected.
A writer who has traveled through Il
linois, Indiana, lowa and Ohio, says
crops never looked better,corn included.
He says he heard a man offer to deliver
in Richmond, Indiana, before January,
18GS, at the option of the buyer, 200,<X)0
bushels of wheat at $1.50 a bushel.
—United States Marshal Murray, Col.
Wood, chief of the secret service di
vision of the Treasury Department,
and several deputy marshals and sub
ordinate detectives, have been indicted
by the grand jury of Queen's county, N.
Y., for the alleged abduction and ille
gal arrest of Philip Stanley.
—The Daily Neics says that intoxica
ting liquors con be had on Sunday, in
Philadelphia, at any place where they
were obtainable before the Mayor gave
instructions to his police to arrest all
Sunday sellers.
—Galloway, the Radical candidate
for Lieutenant Governor, of Ohio, has
declined the nomination. He is a man
of brains and education, and no doubt
did not feel like playing second fiddle
to and becoming a martyr for a mili
tary humbug like Hayes
—lt is stated that Satrap Pope recent
ly declared that unless the Southern
States should accept the 'reconstruction'
bills, they would be reduced to the con
dition of Tennessee and Missouri. The
people need not be alarmed; Pope's
bulls are harmless, these days.
—Captain Buchanan and his wife,
and Mr. Sweet, all of New London,
Connecticut, who were supposed to
have been lost at sea several years ago,
are reported to be in captivity on the
Feejee Islands. Efforts are being made
to send a U. S. vessel to rescue them.
—A circus performer, named White,
was set upon by lions which he was ex
hibiting at Rochester, 011 Thursday
night. With the assistance of his com
rades the beasts were driven off, and
White escaped with severe wounds.
A regular line of steamships is to
be established between Liverpool and
Galveston, Texas, beginning the trips
in October next. These vessels are ex
pected to do a large trade in cotton
—The Pittsburgers are discussing the
best methods of relieving their ice front
its strong taste of petroleum, an undesi
rable ingredient in cooling drinks just
—The Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has decided that whetstones
are not included in the exemption of
burrstones and grindstones.
—The Mexican Minister at Wash
ington does not believe that Escobedo
expressed a desire to see spilt the blood
of every foreigner that resides in Mex
—The new Brazilian Minister was
yesterday introduced to the President.
This new envoy bears the name of Don
Doiningos Jose Gonzales de Magothaes.
—A man, named Rigney, has been
arrested at Boston for the murder of
Thomas Clay. The deceased was killed
while endeavoring to protect bis sisters
from insults.
—The Union Pacific Railroad is now
open for business as far as Julesburg.—
The eleventh section of the road has
been examined by the government
—A man named John McCarty, 011
Wednesday, shot through the heart a
young woman, on the outskirts of Bal
—The Red river levee, in front of Al
exandria, La., has given way, and un
less the river falls the town will be in
—Congressmen Pomeroy and Judd
were arrested and fined in Washington
011 the Fourth, for "shooting" fire
crackers in the street.
—A Salt Lake paper announces the re
cent withdrawal of a number of fami
lies from the pleasing mysteries of Mor
mon ism.
—The small pox panic in Danville,
Pa., has subsided. The Danville pa
pers say that but two deaths took place
there from small pox.
—Notwithstanding the prohibitory
law in Connecticut, Hartford has 2T>3
places where one can "takesomething."
—At Danville, Va., the registry list
shows but one white voter to every
three colored.
—The heavy rains in the interior of
North Carolina have caused serious
damage to the crops.
—Five cases of yellow fever occurred
at Galveston, but no fears of an epi
demic are entertained.
—Ex-Governor L. W. Powell, of
Kentucky, died at Henderson, in that
State, 011 the afternoon of the 3d.
—The Fenian prisoners Burke, Dor
an and others, have been transferred
lrom Ireland to England.
—The yellow fever prevails as an ep-!
idemic at Kingston, Jamaica.
FLOUR. —The quotations are—
Northwest superfine, $7.50@8.00
Northwest extra, 8.50@i9.50
Northwest extra family, 10.00(// 11.oh
Penna. and West'n sup., 8.00(",8.o0
Penna. and West'n extra, 9.00@9.50
Penna. and West'n family, 11.00@12.00
Penna. and West'n fancy, 12.00@14.00
Rye flour, 6.75@6.90
GRAIN.—We quote —
Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.00@2.30
Southern "
California, "
White, "
Rye, 41 0.00@1.45
Corn, for yel., (new) 44 $1.04(//1.05
Oats, 44 75@76c
PO VISIONS.—We quote—
Mess Pork, per bbl., f23.50@24.00
Bacon Hams, per lb., 15@17c
Salt Shoulders, 44 9@9}c
Prime Lard, 4 * 13c
SEEDS. —We quote
Cloverseed, per bus., at 812.0n," 13.00
Timothy, 44 3.50@3.60
Flaxseed, 44 3.00@3.05
WHISKEY.—The trade is supplied
with the contraband article, atsl( 1.50
Easily verified by examination, which we re
spectfully invite.
1. We have the largest establishment for the
manufacture and sale of Clothing in Philadelphia,
extending through from 518 Market street to 511
Minor street, and occupied exclusively by our
2. Our building, having been constructed by us
for our own exclusive occupancy, and for the busi
ness to which it is entirely devoted, unites all the
conveniences and appliances which have been
found necessary or desirable.
3. We have an ample cash capital, enabling us
to make all purchases for cash and giving us a se
lection, at the most favorable prices, from the
markets of the entire world. IN THIS PARTICULAR
IN THE TRADE. This fact is well known to the
entire business community.
4. We sell our goods for cash only, which, though
it restricts our business to those prepared to pur
chase in that way, enables us to sive them such
advantages as no house doing a different business
can possibly offer.
5. A business experience of a quarter of a cen
tury has informed us fully of the wants of the
public and of the best way to meet them.
6. We employ the best and most experienced
Cutters and Workmen in making up our goods—
the style, fit and make of which are unsurpassed.
7. All persons, whatever may be their physical
peculiarities (unless deformed), can be accurately
fitted at once from our stock, in most cases better
than by goods made to order, and prices 25 to 50
per cent lower.
8 Our business is large and constantly increas
ing, enabling us to keep the largest, best assorted
and most complete stock of Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Clothing in Philadelphia, to which large
daily additions are made of fresh goods, replacing
those sold.
9. For reasons already enumerated, we can and
do sell at prices guaranteed in all cases lower
than the lowest elsewhere, or the sale cancelled
and money refunded.
10. All goods when offered tor sale are represen
ted to be exactly what they are.
11. When buyers are, for any reason, dissatisfied
with a purchase m:le, if reported within a reason
able time, we pledge ourselves, by exchange, re
funding of money or otherwise, to give full satis
faction in every case, and request that all such
may be reported to us for adjustment.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The above articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York.
BUCHU is a certain cure for
and all diseases of the
whether existing in
from whatever cause originating and no matter of
Diseases of these organs require the use of a di
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are
supported from these sources, and the
and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of
a reliable remedy.
Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by
H. T. lIELMBOLD, Druggist,
591 Broadway, New York, and
104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
marS, 1 67yl
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in
the city, was hardly recognized by her friends.
In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had
a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth
ness, and instead of twenty three she really ap
peared hue eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a cnange, she plainly told them
that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and con
sidered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady s
toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im
prove their personal appearance an hundred fold.
It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself
is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw
ing impurilies from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its di
rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its
impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving
the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear,
soft, smooth and beautiful. Price SI, sent by Mail
or Express, on receip: of order by
W. L. CLARK <fc co., chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for sale of the same.
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility.
Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discre'ion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc
tions for making the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in
perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
mayl7.'67-ly Cedar Street, New York.
pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the ysung of both sexes,
It teaches how the homely may become beauti
ful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their Address, and receive a copy postpaid, by re
mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
marlm6 Troy, N. Y.
OF MERCV. —Howard Association Reports, for
YOUNG MEN, on the crime of solitude, and the
errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the
manly powers, and create impediments to mar
riage, with sure means of relief, Sent in sealed
letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J.
SKILLON HOUGHTON, Howard Association,
Philadelphia, Pa. jun7, 67y1.
composed of various roots, having the power to re
lax the secretions of the liver as promptly and ef
fectually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous ef
fects which often follow the use of the latter.
• In all billious disorders these Pills may be used
with confidence, as they promote the discharge of
vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from
the liver ani billiary ducts, which are the cause
of billious affections in general.
Schenck'g Mandrake Pills cure Sick Headache,
and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow
skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsiness, and a
general feeling of weariness and lassitude, show
ing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed con
In short, these Pills may be used with advan
tage in all cases when a purgative or alterative
medicine is required.
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage
of consumption, and the other as he now is, in per
fect health, are on the Government stamp
Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50
per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for
advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck's prin
cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents —Demas Barnes A Co.
New York; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D.
Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chica
go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
4th A sthw.
STORED by Helmbold's Extract Buchu.
E. F. THORNTON, the great English Astrologist,
Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old World, has
now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec
ond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of
the greatest importance to the single or married of
either sex. While in a state of trance, she delin
eates the very features of the person you are to
marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense
power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees
to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with the date of
marriage, position in life, leading traits of char
acter, Ae. This is no humbug, as thousands of
testimonials can assert. She will send when de
sired a certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that the picture is what it purports to be. By en
closing a small lock of hair, and stating place of
birth, age, disposition and complexion and enclo
sing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to
yourself, you will receive the picture and desired
information by return mail. All communication,
sacredly confidential. Address in confidence,
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson,
N. Y. marl,'67yl
—Therefore the nervous and debilitated should
immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu.
IMPROVED ROSE WASH cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and
no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im
mediate in its action, and free from all injurious
REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoy
ant state, delineates the very features of the per
son you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru
uient of intense power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition,
as testimonials' without number can assert By
stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of
eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stam
ped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with de
sired information.
Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE
REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.
UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and
dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Extract Bu
chu and Improved Rose Wash.
Allentown, Penn., April 4, iB6O.
Messrs. T. ALECOCK A Co.:
Dear Sirs : —My daughter used one of your
Porous Piasters. She had a very bad pain in her
side, and it cured her in one week.
Yours truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER.
Forty Thousand Druggists
who sell our Plasters, as to their high sterling
ALLCOCK A CO., Agency, Brandrcth House, N.
Y. Sold by all Druggists. |mayl7-lm.
that the most successful candidate for general fa
vor ever placed before
The People,
is that pure and salubrious vegetable beautificr,
Cristadoro's Hair Dye,
Far and wide, throughout the restored republic, in
defiance of rivalry and competition, it appeals
To the Polls !
of all who design to clothe the same with the mag
nificent black or brown hues which nature has de
nied, or age stolen away. Manufactured by J.
CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold
by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
are safe and sure. They are prepared by a pro
cess which secures all the best qualities of the
herbs of which they are composed, without any of
their bad. They benefit in all cases, and do harm
in none.
See B. Brandreth is in white letters on the Gov
ernment stamp. jun2lml
To CONSUMPTIVES.— The advertiser,
having been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and tha
dread disease Consumption--is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which they
will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung
Affeciious. The only object of the advertiser in
sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,
and spread information which he conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription
FREE, by return mail, will please address
may!7,'67 ly. Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y.
BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh,
treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS,
Occulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, llol
land.) No. 51!) Pine Street, Philadelphia, lest'"
mouials from the most reliable sources in the cit)
and country can bo seen at his office, lhe Medi
cal faculty are invited to accompany, tbeir pa
tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artih
cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made
for examination. |may3, Otyl
OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low
lates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and
reave ysur orders.
ed at short notice. Large Bills make large
sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will
much more than pay the extra expense of p-int
PIIINTERS' INK has made many a
business man rich We ask you to try it in
the ••(lmnns of THE GAZETTE
KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedford. [prl9tf.
■ AOU SALE—VERY LOW—a second
JM hand PIANO. Inquire of „ Tnvnv
apr.13,'66.-tf. C. N. HICkOk.