The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 21, 1867, Image 2

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Friday Morning June 21, 1*47.
Democratic State Ticket.
Democratic County Ticket.
E. F. KERR, of Bedford Borough.
ISAAC MENGEL, of Bedford Bor.
P. M. BARTON, of E. Providence.
JOHN I. NOBLE, 01 S. Woodberry.
SAMUEL WHIP, of Cumb. Valley.
IT becomes our mournful duty to re
cord the death of Edward G. Roddy,
Esq., editor of the Uniontown Geniu*
of Liberty. He was a true man and
the editorial fraternity will "keep his
memory green."
WE lack the room to make any
lengthy comment upon the proceedings
of the Democratic County Convention
which assembled in this place, on Tues
day last. Suffice it to say that the Con
vention was entirely harmonious and
nominated a first rate ticket which will
be elected by a large majority. We
shall speak more fully on this subject
The Gazette says that $3,000 of the
Poor House deficit accrued during the
administration of Messrs. Shuck and
Trout. Will it please state who com
posed the board of Auditors at that
remote period ? Inquirer.
Most assuredly. Henry B. Mock,
the present leader of the Radical party
in St. Clair township, was the board
of Auditors at that time. Any more
The Philadelphia Inquirer, whose ed
itor is a kind of aid de camp of the U
nion League, having reconnoitred the
Democratic Convention at Harrisburg,
thus reports:
"The Democracy of Pennsylvania met
in Convention in the Hall of the House
of Representatives this morning, to
nominate a candidate for the Supreme
Bench and arrange matters. The Con
vention is full; the outside attendance
is large, and the usual well-drilled but
tumultuous enthusiasm of the rank
and tile lends force and vim to the pro
ceedings. Altogether, the Convention
is an able and respectable one."
Such commendation from such a
source at such a time, ought to have
some weight with the "loyal people of
the country."
Finally, however, the list was nar
rowed down to Boyle and Black. The
former was the acknowledged repre
sentative of the "Young Democracy,"
and he was accordingly arrayed against
Mr. Black, one of the old apostles of
the party, whose management was be
coming obnoxious to the young blood.
The result was a complete victory for
Young America, an i a terrible defeat
for the old dynasty. Charles E. Boyle
received 74 votes; Hon. Jeremiah S.
Black received 44 votes. This result
was greeted with loud and continuous
cheers. — Philadelphia Inquirer.
The above is said in regard to the e
lecuon of the President of the late Dem
ocratic State Convention. It is not
true that there was any contest between
what the Inquirer styles the "Young
Democracy," and the "old dynasty,"
nor was Judge Black a candidate for
any position in the gift of the Conven
tion. He peremptorily refused to per
mit his name to be used in connection
with the presidency of the Convention,
and made a speech recommending his
friends to vote for Mr. Boyle. The
votes cast for him were given him in
spite of his determination not to per
mit the use of his name.
There is scarcely a Radical newspa
per in the State, (with the exception of
the Harrisburg Telegraph , which lives
upon legislative pap) that has not de
nounced the late Radical Legislature in
the most unqualified terms. The uni
versal verdict of the presses of both
parties, is, that the last legislature was
the most corrupt and infamous that
ever assembled at Harrisburg. The
other day Forney''s Press added its tes
timony to the long and damning col
umn of evidence against that execra
ted body. Thus speaks the Press :
"These men (members of the Legis
lature,) were sent to Harrisburg to at
tend to the public interests. They lost
sight of them entirely in the mass of
grivate acts which flooded the chant
ers. It seems that we might just as
well have no representatives at Harris
burg as the ones we had last session.
We await with interest some apology
or attempted explanation from the sup
posititious guardians of the public weal.
So far, in no part oi the State, we be
lieve, have any of our Senators or As
semblymen undertaken to explain how
it was* that several general bills passed
both Houses without any one knowing
anythingabout thein. It is bad enough
to neglect public business, but it is
criminal to be surprised. In the army
those officers who suffered themselves
to be taken by surprise were court-mar
tialed and disgraced, or shot, and they
had excuses our over-paid Legislature
never can have."
A national convention of the various
German Catholic benevolent societies
in the United States convened at Pitts
burg on Monday, for the purpose of or
ganizing a National German Catholic
Benevolent Society.
Pursuant to the call of the Democratic
County Committee, the Democrats of
Bedford county, assembled in their res
pective districts, on Saturday last, June
15, and elected the usual number of
delegates, who assembled in Conven
; tion, at the Court House, in Bedford,
| on Tuesday last, 18th inst.
The Convention was called to order
by J. W. Dickerson, Chairman of the
Democratic County Committee, when
the following named delegates presen
ted their credentials and took seats in
the Convention:
Bedford Borough —Hon. Job Mann,
II Nicodeinus, Esq.
Bedford Tp. —J. E. Wills, F. H. Bee
Broad Top— Wm. Foster, M. A. Hun
Bloody Bun— S. Bender, Esq., P. G.
Cole)'ain— Hon. A. Weisel, Joshua
C. Valley —D. R. Anderson, T. Fish
Harrison—Ci. W. Horn, Esq., Geo.
Elder, Esq.
Hopewell— C. B. Kochendarfer.
Juniata —Casper Stroup, G. G. Burns.
Liberty —J. A. White, J. C. Neary.
Londonderry —M. J. Miller, and 1). J.
Monroe —Davidßarkman, Jac. Mills.
Napier —Hon. G. W. Gump, A.Cris
raan, Esq.
Pror. E. —D. A. T. Black, John Fil
Prov. W. —Jere. Weight, A. .1. Mor
St. Clair— M. Miller, Jas. M. Sleek.
Saxton— S. S. Fluck, Jas. L. Prince.
Schel/sburg —C. W. Colvin, Thos.
Snake Spring—A. Mortimore, Geo.
Soidhampton—W. Adams, Esq., B.
Union —C. Ake, Jos. Claar.
Woodberry M. —H. S. Fluck, S. Cris
Woodbei~ry S. —J. Grove, J. I. Noble.
On motion, HON. JOB MANN was
unanimously elected President of the
Convention; and M. A. Hunter and P.
G. Morgart, Esqs., Secretaries. The
Convention then proceeded to ballot
for candidates to be placed upon the
Democratic ticket for the ensuing elec
tion, which resulted as follows.
District Attorney —E. F. Kerr.
Treasurer — Isaac Mengel.
Commissioner —Peter M. Barton.
Poor Director— John I. Noble.
Auditor —Samuel Whip.
On motion the nominations were
made unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to se
lect a County Committee for the ensu
ing year, which was chosen as follows:
Bedford Bofough, GEORGE MAR
DORFF. Chairman, W. C. Schafer,
Secretary; Bedford tp., Hugh Moore:
Bloody Run, Sam'l Bender; Broad
Top, J. C. Figard ; Coaldal >, A. W.
Swope; Colerain, Henry P. Diehl; C.
Valley, John P. Miller; Harrison, Geo.
Elder; Hopewell, J. B. Fluck; Juniata,
James E. Burns; Liberty, Jacob Ken
singer; Londonderry, Jac. C. Devore ;
Monroe, Daniel Miller; Napier, James
Sill; W. Providence, Geo. Baughman ;
E. Providence, John Barton ; St. Clair,
B. F. Horn; Saxton, S. S. Fluck;
Schellsburg, William. J. Rock; Snake
Spring, John Koons; Southampton,
Wm. Donahoe; Union, Cas. Ake; M.
Woodberry, Henry S. Fluck; S. Wood
berry, Joseph Ritchey.
The following resolutions were then
offered by Hon. Job Mann, which
were unanimously adopted:
Resolved , by the Democracy of Bed
ford County, in Convention assembled,
That we re-affirm the platfoim of prin
ciples adopted by the Democratic State
Convention, which assembled at llar
risburg, on Tuesday, 11th inst., and
commend thesame to the careful consid
eration of every voter in the county.
Resolved , That the nomination of Hon.
George Sharswood, of Phila lelpha, for
Justice of theSupremeCourt, meets our
most hearty approbation, and is a well
deserved tribute to one of the ablest
jurists and noblest men in the whole
Resolved , That the Legislature of our
State, needs reform, that, in the lan
guage of the newspaper organ of the
Radicals of this county, ''another such
Legislature as the last will sink us,"
and, therefore, we recommend the nom
ination of a Democratic Reform Ticket
for membersj>f the Legislature for this
Resolved , That we are earnestly in fa
vor of the enactment of such laws as
will give our section the much needed
railroad development, and we repro
bate the negligence and inefficiency of
the members of the late Legislature
from this district, in regard to this mat
ter so vital and all important to the in
terests of our eounty.
Resolved , That we approve of the vig
ilance and fidelity to duty of the pres
ent Board of Poor Directors, in recti
fying the financial errors in the Poor
House accounts, as well those commit
ted by our political opponents as those
which occurred during the administra
tion of Democrats, and that we hail
with satisfaction the extrication of the
county from its indebtedness to the
State, by the present board of County
Resolved , That G. W. Gump, J. W.
Dickerson and D. A. T. Black be and
they are hereby appointed conferees to
meet similar conferees from the coun
ties of Fulton and Somerset to nomi
nate candidates for members of the
Resolved , That this Convention ap
prove of the ticket this day nominated
and we will give it our undivided sup
Prothonotary Shannon, being called
upon to address the Convention, re
sponded in his usual happy style. His
address elicited much applause.
On motion the Convention adjourned
sine die.
The Bedford Democratic Brass Band
enlivened the proceedings, with most
excellent music, and after listening to
one of its splendid pieces, the members
of the Convention dispersed, resolved
to do more determined battle than ever
for Democratic principles and Demo
cratic candidates.
JOB MANN, President.
M. A. HUNTER, ) csppi'fitnries
P. G. Morgart, \ hecreia i
This body assembled at Harrisburg,
on Tuesday, 11th inst., andat 12o'clock,
M., was called to order by Hon. W.
A. Wallace, Chairman of the Demo
cratic State Committee. Hon. D. M.
Fox, of Philadelphia, was chosen Tem
porary Chairman. A permanent or
ganization was then effected by the
election of Hon. Charles E. Boyle, of
Fayette, as President, with one Vice
President from each Senatorial dis
trict, and the usual number of Secreta
ries. The Convention was large, har
monious and full of enthusiasm. A
number of the ablest jurists and law
yers of the State were delegates, among
whom we remarked Judge Black,
Hon. F. W. Hughes, Hon. J. McDow
ell Sharpe, Hon. Richard Vaux, H. P.
Laird, Esq., R. A. Lamberton, Esq.,
Hon. J. D. Stiles, Hon. B. M. Boyer,
Gen. A. P. Wilson and others. The
delegates from this Representative and
Senatorial district, were: A. S. Smith,
of Fulton, (Senatorial) John G. Hart
ley, of Bedford, and Hiram Findlay of
Somerset, (Representative). A com
mittee on Resolutions, consisting of one
from each Senatorial district, was ap
pointed, Mr. Smith, of Fulton, repre
senting this district on the committee.
Nominations were then made for the
office of Justice of the Supreme Court,
and George Sharswood, of Philadel
phia, James Ryon, of Schuylkill, James
H. Graham, of Cumberland, John W.
Maynard, of Northampton, W. H.
Lowrie, of Alegheny, Will. Elwell, of
Bradford, Robert J. Fisher, of York,
Gaylord Church,ot Bradford, Benjamin
Grant, of Erie, Henry D. Foster, of
Westmoreland, and Cyrus L. Pershing
were named. The name of Gen. Foster
was withdrawn. The first ballot re
sulted as follows:
Geo. Sharswood, 00 votes.
John W. Maynard, 14 "
W. H. Lowrie, 1(J "
James Ryon, 14 "
R. J. Fisher, 9 "
Gaylord Church, 3 "
Benjamin Grant, 2 "
William Elwell, 7 "
C. L. Pershing, 2 "
All the names, except those of Shars
wood, Ryon, Maynard and Fisher were
then withdrawn. The second ballot
stood as follows:
George Sharswood had 85 votes
J. W. Maynard " 15
James Ryon " 11 "
R. J. Fisher " 9 "
Hon. George Sharswood of Philadel
phia, having received a majority of all
the votes cast, was then declared the
nominee of the Convention. On mo
tion of Judge Black, who had voted
for Judge Fisher, of York, the nomina
tion of Judge Sharswood was made u
nanimous, amidst the most tumultuous
The Convention then proceeded to
select a State Committee, and elect a
chairman of the same. Hon. W. A.
Wallace, of Clearfield, was re-elected
Chairman of the State Committee, and
the Convention decided that his term
of office should continue until January
1,1869. J. O. lvimmell, Esq., of Som
erset, is the member of the State Com
mittee for this district. The Committee
on resolutions, then reported the fol
lowing platform, which was unani
mously adopted, after which tho Con
vention adjourned sitie die:
We, the delegates of the Democratic
party of Pennsylvania in general
State Convention assembled, for the
nomination of a candidate for Judge
of the Sup 1 erne Court, profoundly grate
ful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe
for the return of peace to our beloved
country, but deeply anxious on account
of the trials and delays which impede
the complete restoration and reunion of
all the States, and appreciating the dan
gers which still threaten the safety of
our political institutions, and the future
peace, liberty and prosperity of the peo
ple, resolve,
1. That we steadfastly adhere to the
principles of civil government estab
lished by the founders of the Union ,
and in the present conflict of legisla
tive usurpation with constitutional
law, we esteem a wise, upright and
fearless judiciary the great bulwark of
public liberty and individual right.
2. That the Union of the States is per
petual, and the Federal Government
supreme within its constitutional lim
3. That Representation in the Congress
of the United States, and in the elec
toral college, is a right fundamental
and indestructible in its nature and
abiding in every State, being a duty as
well as a right pertaining to the people
of every State and essential to our Re
publican system of Government. Its
denial is the destruction of the Govern
ment itself.
4. Each State having under the Con
stitution theexclusi ve right to prescribe
the qualifications of its own electors, we
proclaim as a usurpation and an outrage
the establishment of negro suffrage in
any of the States by the coercive exer
cise of Federal power: and we shall re
sist to the last resort the threatened
measures of the leaders of the Republi
can party to interfere by acts of Con
gress with the regulation of the elec
tive franchise in the State of Pennsyl
5. That we are opposed to any amend
ment of the Constitution of the "•date
giving to negroes the right of suffrage.
6. That the failure of the Tariff Bill
in the last session of the late Congress,
more than three-fourths of whose mem
bers belonged to the Republican party,
is an illustration of their infidelity to
their pledges and their neglect of their
professions in relation to the great in
dustrial and financial interests of the
7. That the Radical majority in Con
gress, and those who sustain them, have
overthrown the Constitution, dismem
bered the Federal Union and subverted
republican government by a long series
of usurpations, among which are the
Their denial of the right of States of
the Union to representation in Con
Their treatment of ten States as sub
jugated provinces and governing them
by military force in time of peace.
Their enactment of laws denying
indemnity for arrests and false impris
onments made without authority of
Their resistance of the authority of
the civil tribunals,and their overthrow
by the sul>stitution of military com
missions for the trial of undefined of
Their efforts to destroy the executive
and judicial departments of the Govern
ment by threatened impeachment to
control executive action and a projected
"remodelling" of the Supreme Court
of the United States to force obedience
to congressional mandates.
Their ejection Iroin their seats in the
Federal Senate and House, of members
duly and legally chosen.
That the purpose of confiscation avow
ed by the Republican leaders, in viola
tion of the Declaration of Rights and
other guarantees of the Federal and
State Constitutions, tending as it does,
to destroy all protection to private p. o
perty, advances them far on the high
road to repudiation.
8. That a strict conformity, both by
the Federal and State Government, to
all the powers, restrictions and guaran
tees, as contained in the Constitution
of the United States, a right and wise
economy in the administration of pub
i lie affairs, and the election of capable,
honest and patriotic men to office, are
measures absolutely necessary to restore
public confideQMe, avert national bank
ruptcy, and, to ensure the perpetuity of
our free institutions.
9. That the late Republican Legisla
ture of this State has distingushed it
self for the number of its unwise and
unconstitutional enactments.
Some of these laws have already been
judicially determined to be unconstitu
tional, others are unwise, inexpedient,
oppressive and fanatical, and the mem
bers who sustained them should be con
demned by the people at the polls.
10. That the power and success of
the Democratic party greatly depends
on the character and efficiency of its
newspaper press, and that to give due
force to its usefulness, this Convention
earnestly requests that in every county
all the members of the Democratic par
ty should make a vigorous effort to in
crease its circulation by giving it indi
vidual patronage and support.
11. That the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania, by their representatives now as
sembled, hereby tender their acknowl
edgments and thanks to the Hon. Geo.
W. Woodward in his retirement from
the position of Chief Justice of this Com
monwealth, for the pure faithful and
able manner in which he discharged
the duties of that exalted position.
12. That the candidate we this day
present to the people of Pennsylvania
for a place on the Supreme Bench of the
State, is in all respects worthy of the
confidence and support of all who are
in favor of an enlightened, faithful and
impartial administration of the laws.
The Bangor Democrat publishes an
article upon the above subject, which
does not give so hopeless a view of our
situation as many people insist upon
taking. Throwing out the ten south
ern States, which it is not probable will
be allowed to participate in the election,
the numberof electoral votes will be 247.
These, the Democrat thinks, from pres
ent indications, will be divided as fol
lows :
Democrat. Republican.
New Hampshire 5 Maine 7
Connecticut 6 Vermont 5
New York 33 Massachusetts 12
New Jersey 7 Rhode Island 4
Pennsylvania 26 Ohio 12
Maryland 7 Illinois 16
Delaware 3 Michigan 8
Kentucky 11 Wisconsin 8
Tennessee 10 lowa 8
Indiana 13 Minnesota 4
Nebraska 3 Kansas 3
Nevada 3 Doubtful.
Oregon 3 West Virginia 5
California 5 Missouri 11
Total 135 Total 112
If the ten excluded States are permit
ted to participate in the election, the
Democrat thinks that "it is altogether
probable that their 70 electoral votes
will be cast solid for the Democratic
nominee, although it is possible,
through the interference of the mili
tary, that the negroes may carry South
Carolina and Louisiana." In that e
vent, the southern vote would stand:
Democratic, 57 ; Republican, 13; and
the total electoral vote would be divid
ed as follows:
For the Democratic candidate 192
For the Republican candidate 125
Democratic majority 67
Commenting upon these figures, the
New York Day-Book says, this is cer
tainly not so hopeless a case. .Men
have no right, in view of these figures,
and they are not unreasonable ones, to
sit down, fold their hands, and cry "all
is lost." If every Democrat would put
his shoulder to the wheel, and work
half as hard to get the Mongrels out of
power as they wo: k to retain it, the
victory would be won. If we should
spend one-half the money in enlighten
ing the people that the Abolitionists
spend in deluding them, their power
would fade away like the mist before
the morning sun. It is inaction, the
deadly stupor in the Democracy, that
precedes death, that alarms us more
than any inherent difficulties in the
way of success. Our enemies are strong,
not in their cause, but only because of
our weakness. They are courageous,
only because we are cowardly. They
are lions, only because we are sheep!—
Let the Democracy recover from their
lethargy, and success is certain. But
how shall they ? We answer, by a true
understanding of the real issues before the
country. Knowledge will beget courage,
courage will instil hope, hope will in
duce work, and by work the worlds
were made. When every Democrat
feels that it is a part of his personal
duty to aid in extricating our country
from its present deplorable position, it
will be so extricated, in spite of all the
Abolitionists from Maine to Mexico.
—The reception of the President ev
erywhere at the South, was most grati
fyingly enthusiastic.
—A gentlemen in St. Louis has re
covered $20,000 from the city for dam
ages caused by falling into a cellar.
—During May 15, 4(58 acres of public
lands were disposed of at the offices in
Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin.
—The Chicago Common Council
have appropriated $320,000 for sewerage
—The Massachusetts Legislature has
abolished the usury laws in that State,
making free trade in money.
—Some of the temperance men in
Connecticut are attacking the clergy
for using wine in the communion.
—A number of puddlers have arrived
at Pittsburg, Pa., from Europe, and gone
to work in the rolling mills.
—The people of some portions of
North Carolina and Virginia are mak
ing preparations, this season, to pick
and dry blackberries and huckleberries
for exportation.
—Two lady compositors in the Port
land Advertiser office were the first in
Maine to set a thousand ems toward the
fund to erect a monument to Artemus
—The President and Cabinet are u
nanimous in the belief that a Satrap can
not either remove or appoint a civil offi
—Farmers complain that nothing
comes up—it has been so wet and cold.
They forget that prices have come up.
They are likely to stay up, too.
—Flanders who was appointed gov
erner of Louisiania by Satrap Sheridan,
is a native of Bristol, New Hampshire.
—Along the line of the Illinois Cen
tral Railroad there are one thonsand a
cres of strawberries.
—The surplus of the wheat harvest
in Georgia, it is estimated, will reach
10,000,000 bushels.
—Pittsburg has been agreed upon as
theplacefor holding the fair of the Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Society.—
The fair wiU commence 011 Tuesday,
September 24.
—The Indians have taken almost en
tire possession of Brown county, Texas,
driving out the sellers.
—lt is stated that 180,000 voters have
been registered in Alabama, and that
of this number one-half are negroes.
It is said that the colored confiden
tial clerk recently put in the Treasury
Department is under arrest for embez
zlement and forgery.
—A man named Robert Price was
murdi red near Augusta, Georgia, on
the night of the 12th, by negroes.
—J. B. Foster, collector of customs at
Wilmington, N. C., has been arraigned
for malieasance in office.
—The Nashville darkies demand
their turn with the whites in the barber
—ln Baltimore a man was fined $lO for
cracking and eating peanuts in a church,
during divine service.
—The prospect of peace in Europe
has raised the price of white oak staves
in West Virginia, where the Spanish
i n 1 French wine merchants get their
supply of wine casks.
—A natural cave has been discovered
in Duval County, Texas, which has
gushing streams, a deep well, and walls
composed of sulphate of lime.
—The Radicals are already complain
ing that whenever a negro gets a little
education he leaves their party and be
comes Conservative. They might have
known that without waiting to be
taught it by experience.
—The Baltimore Episcopal Methodist
advises its Southern friends to buy the
English edition of Lange's Commen
tary upon the Bible. The American
edition contains—what no one could
guess in a dozen trials—"a partisan ac
count of Gen. Lee's invasion of Penn
— THE Davenport Democrat says
there is great mortality among the
lambs of Vermont. The Pittsburg Re
public adds that there is great immo
rality among the shepherds of Massa
Frightful and Melancholy Accident at
the New York Academy of Muic.
The performance of the Japanese A
crobats at the Academy of Music, New-
York, on Wednesday evening was ab
ruptly terminated by a most distress
ing accident. The wonderful little boy
performer, "All Right," who has af
forded so much pleasure, and won such
a lively interest in every city wherein
he has performed, was the victim
of thissad mishap. Oneof thisfe'low's
feats was a flight across the Academy,
from the top of the proscenium to the
middle of the first tier of boxes. This
was preformed upon a stout rope.—
When in the midst of the flight, last
evening, the poor boy lost his hold, and
fell to the floor, a distance of 30 or 40
feet, landing in the middle isle of the
parquette. Of course the performance
was immediately terminated in the
midst of the greatest excitement. "All
Right," was promptly taken up and
conveyed home and Dr. Carnochan and
other surgeons were immediately sum
moned to his aid. He bled profusely
from the nose and mouth, and was in
To the above from the Tribune, the
World adds the following:
At one-o'clock Thursday morning All
Right had slightly r, covered from the
terible shock to his system, and after
answering at intervals the questions of
the anxious friends who surrounded
him, had fallen asleep on his couch.
For some time before sleeping he was
quite rational and answered all ques
tions put to him in an intelligent man
ner, although he evidently did not half
realize his dangerous condition. The
physicians stated that his injuries were
principally internal. He also suffer
ed a terrible concussion on the right
side of the hea i, but wonderful though
it may seem, not a bone was frac
tured. The unfortunate young per
former is a small lad only 10 years
of age, a clever genius in his profes
sional art, and thousands of pub
lic admirers from whom he received
that odd nickname, will long to hear
that the favorite young performer is
still "All Right."
FLOUR.—The quotationsare—
Northwest superfine, $7.50@8.00
Northwest extra, 9.00@10.00
Northwest extra family, 12.rt0@13.00
Peuna. and West'n sup., 8.50@9.00
Penna. and West'n extra, 9.50@11.00
Penna. and West'n family, 12.50@14.50
Penna.and West'n fancy, 15.00@l<i.rtrt
Rye flour, 8.25@8.5rt
GRAIN.—We quote—
Pennsylvania red, per bus., $2.00@3.00
Southern 44
California, 44 $3.20
White, "
Rye, " 0.00@1.65
Corn, for yel., (new) 44 $1.20@1.22
Oats, 44 75@70c
POVISIONS.—We quote—
Mess Pork, per bbl., $23.50@24.00
Bacon Hams, per lb., 15@17c
Salt Shoulders, 44 9@9jc
Prime Lard, 4 * 13c
SEEDS. —We quote
Cloverseed, per bus., at $12.00( 13.00
Timothy, 44 3.50@8.60
Flaxseed, 44 3.00@3.05
WHISKEY.—The trade is supplied
with the contraband article, at $1@1.50
Easily verified by examination, which we re
spectfully invite.
1. We have the largest establishment for the
manufacture and sale of Clothing in Philadelphia,
extending through from 518 Market street to 511
Minor street, and occupied exclusively by our
2. Our building, having been constructed by us
for our own exclusive occupancy, and for the busi
ness to which it is entirely devoted, unites all the
conveniences and appliances which have been
found necessary or desirable.
3. We have an ample cash capital, enabling us
to make all purchases for cash and giving us a se
lection, at the most favorable prices, from the
markets of the entire world. IN THIS PARTICULAR
IN THE TRADE. This fact is well known to the
entire business community.
4. We sell our goods for cash only, which, though
it restricts our business to those prepared to pur
chase in that way, enables us to eive them such
advantages as no house doing a different business
can possibly offer.
5. A business experience of a quarter of a cen
tury has informed us fully of the wants of the
public and of the best way to meet them.
6. We employ the best and most experienced
Cutters and Workmen in making up our goods—
the style, fit and make of which are unsurpassed.
7. All persons, whatever may be their physical
peculiarities (unless deformed), can be accurately
fitted at once from our stock, in most cases better
• han by goods made to order, and prices 25 to 50
per cent lower.
8 Our business is large and constantly increas
ing, enabling us to keep the largest, best assorted
ami most complete stock of Men's, Youths' and
Boys' Clothing in Philadelphia, to which lirge
daily additions are made of fresh goods, replacing
those sold.
9. For reasons already enumerated, we can and
do sell at prices guaranteed in all cases lower
than the lowest elsewhere, or the sale cancelled
and money refunded.
10. All goods when offered for sale are represcn
ted to be ex ictly what they are.
11. When buyers are, for any reason, dissatisfied
with a purchase made, if reported within a reason
able time, we pledge ourselves, by exchange, re
funding of money or otherwise, to give full satis
faction in every ease, and request that all such
may be reported to us for adjustment.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The above articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York.
BUCHU is a certain cure for
and all diseases of the
whether existing in
from whatever cause originating and no matter of
Diseases of these organs require the use of a di
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are
supported from these sources, and the
and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of
a reliable remedy.
Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by
H T. HELMBOLD, Druggist,
594 Broadway, New York, and
104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
marB,' 67yl
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in
the city, was hardly recognized by her friends.
In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had
a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth
ness, and instead of twenty three she really ap
peared bur. eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, she plainly told them
that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and con
sidered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's
toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im
prove their personal appearance an hundred fold.
It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself
is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw
ing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its di
rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its
impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving
the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear,
soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $l, sent by Mail
or Express, on receip. of order by
W. L. CLARK A co., chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for sale of the same.
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility.
Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
send free to all who need it, the recipe and direc
tions lor making the simple remedy by whieh he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in
perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
mayl7,'67-ly Cedar Street, New York.
pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beauti
ful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their Address, and receive a copy postpaid, by re
mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21,
marlmfl ' Troy, N. Y.
♦- *
OF MERCV. —Howard Association Reports, for
YOUNG MEN, on the crime of .solitude, and the
errors, abuses and diseases which destroy the
manly powers, and create impediments to mar ~
riage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed
letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J.
SKILLON HOUGHTON, Howard Association,
Philadelphia, Pa. jun7,'67yl.
Thin great medicine cured Dr. J. 11. Schenck, the
proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it
had assumed its most formidable aspeot, and when
speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced his case incurable, when he
commenced the ise of this simple but powerful
remedy. His health was restored in a very short
time, and no return of the disease has been appre
hended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared,
and his present weight is more than two hundred
Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention
exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the
diseases which are usually complicated with it,
and the cures effected by his medicines have been
very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck
makes professional visits to several of the larger
cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of
patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor
consumptives that have to be lifted out of their
carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust
persons. Dr. Schenck's PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA
WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally
all required in curing Consumption. Full direc
tions accompany each, so that any one can take
them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is
convenient it is best to see him. He gives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his Re
spirometer his fee is three dollars.
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage
of consumption, and the other as he now is, in per
fect health, are on the Government stamp
Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50
per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for
advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck's prin
cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents—Demas Barnes A Co
New York; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D.
Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chica
go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
STORED by Helmbold's Extract Buchu.
E. F. THORNTON, the great English Astrologist,
Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old World, has
now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec
ond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of
the greatest importance to the single or married of
either sex. While in a state of trance, she delin
eates the very featnres of the person you are to
marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense
power, known as the Psychomotropc, guarantees
to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with the date of
marriage, position in life, leading traits of char
acter, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of
testimonials can assert. She will send when de
sired a certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that the picture is what it purports to be. By en
closing a small lock of hair, and stating place of
birth, age, disposition and complexion and enclo
sing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to
yourself, you will receive the picture and desired
information by return mail. All communication,
sacredly confidential. Address in confidence,
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson,
N. Y. marl,'67yl
—Therefore the nervous and debilitated should
immediately use Helnibold's Extract Buchu.
IMPROVED HOSE WASH cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and
no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im
mediate in its action, and free from all injurious
REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoy
ant state, delineates the very features of the per
son you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru
rnent of intense power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life
like picture of tfte future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition,
as testimonials without number can assert BT
stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of
eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stam
ped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with de
sired information.
TJP* Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE
REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.
UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and
dangerous diseases. Use Helnibold's Extract Bu
chu and Improved Rose Wash.
Allentown, Penn., April 4, 1865.
Messrs. T. AI-LCOCK A Co.:
Dear Sirs My daughter used one of your
Porous Plasters. She had a very bad pain in her
side, and it cured her in one week.
Yours truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER.
Forty Thousand Druggists
who sell our Plasters, as to their high sterling
ALLCOCK A CO., Agency, Brandreth House, N.
Y. Sold by all Druggists. [mayl7-lm.
that the most successful candidate for general fa
vor ever placed before
The People,
is that pure and salubrious vegetable beautifier,
Cristadoro's Hair Dye,
Far and wide, throughout the restored republic, in
defiance of rivalry and competition, it appeals
To the Polls !
of all who design to clothe the same with the mag
nificent black or brown hues which nature has de
nied, or age stolen away. Manufactured by J.
CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold
by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
are safe and sure. They are prepared by a pro
cess which secures all the best qualities of the
herbs of which they are composed, without any of
their bad. They benefit in all cases, and do harm
in none.
See B. Brandreth is in white letters on the Gov
ernment stamp. jun2lml
To CONSUMPTIVES.— The advertiser,
having been restored to health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and tha
dread disease Consumption--is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, whiohthey
will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung
Affections. The only object of the advertiser iu
sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted,
and spread information which he conceives to be
iu valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription |
FREE, by return mail, will please address
may 17,67 ly. Williamsburg, Kings CO., N. Y.
BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh,
treated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS,
Occulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Hol
land,) No. 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi
monials from the most reliable sources in the city
and country can be seen at his office. • The Medi
cal faculty are invited to accompany, their pa
tients. as he has no secrets in his practice. Artifi
cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made
for examination. |may3,'67yl
OF JOE PRINTING neatly executed at low
latesat THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and
reave year orders.
ed at short notice. Large Bills mnke largo
sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will
much more than pay the extra expense of print
ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB Orric*.