FRIDAY M0RU111GF,............TLAY 31. IS®7. AGENTS TO OBTAIN SI BSCRIFRIOXS TO THE GAZETTE. Circulate your County Paper. The following named gentlemen have been ap pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the GAZETTE. They are authorized to receipt for us: Bloody Rit/i —Jeremiah Thompson. Roy's Hill —D. A T. Black. Monroe —Daniel Fletcher. Co/eroti> —Geo. W. Deal, H. P. Diehl. C. Valley —D. R. Anderson. A Zembower. Londonderry —Jnmes C Devore. Harrison —Geo. W. H>rn. Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill. Schr.l/sbutg —J E. Black. Napier —John Sill, John W. Bowen. Southampton—Vim. Adams, John Cavender, Westley Bennett. Union— M Wert*. W B Lambnght. M Woodberry —W. M. Pearson, Daniel Barley. ■S. Woodberry —J.l. Noble, J. S. Brumbaugh. Hopewell —W. A. Grove, J B. Fluke. Broad Top— M. A. Hunter. Liberty —Geo. Roades, D. Stoler. Saxton —Charles Faxon. St Clair —John W. Crisman, Samuel Beckley. Snake Spring —Andrew Mortiinore, J. G. Hart ley and M. S. Ritchey. W. Providence —Geo. Baugbman, Homer Neice. Though Horace Greely, in one of his visionary freaks, may see great merit in the indiscriminate pardon or release of State prisoners, &c.—lnquirer. Narrow-minded block-heads!— Ho race Greely. THE old song, "We'll hang Jell". Da vis on a sour apple tree!" is emphatic ally played out, Congress having chan ged the penalty for treason from hang ing to ten years' imprisonment. Con gress must have feared that Jefferson Davis would be tried and convicted, that they hastened to modify the "pun ishment for traitors." = Mrs. Surratt, Payne, Atzerott, &c., were, doubtless, justly punished for murder, &c.—lnquirer. Maj. Gen. Benj. F. Butler, L. L. D., said, upon the floor of Congress, that Mrs. Surratt was an "innocent woman." . Is it possible that there is a difference of opinion, on that subject, among the Radical brethren? KEEP it before the people, that the late Radical Legislature appropriated for payment of itsmembersand attach es, $115,000 more than that of 1864. Just think of it! An increase of expen diture for "running" the Legislature, since 1864, of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! "That's the way the money goes, pop goes the weasel! WHY don't the Radical party bring Jefferson Davis to trial? The District Attorney for the district of Virginia, and his assistant counsel, Mr. Evarts, are both Radicals, Judge Underwood is a crazy Radical and Judge Chase is a prospective Radical candidate for the Presidency. Now, why is'nt Davis run through this Radical machine? The Democrats want to see him tried and are anxious toknow Judge Chase's opinion as to what constitutes Treason in this country. HORACE GREEI.Y has been called to account by the New York Union League, for becoming security for Jef ferson Davis. Horace has replied in a lengthy epistle, in which he calls the brethren of the league "narrow-minded blockheads." The letter from the white coated philosopher has created quite a sensation, and the Union League have backed down from their resolution to expel him. We will give Horace's e pistle to the "blockheads" in full, next week. ___________ WASHINGTON' CITY. The Radical organization in Wash ington city, consists of seven thousand negroes and about two hundred whites. The whole number of white voters reg istered is aboutseven thousand. About two thousand whites neglected to reg ister. It is meet that under such cir cumstances the Radicals should carry the city. In fact, we hope they may carry it, just to teach the sleepy conser vatives a lesson. TO SOLDIERS. The last Congress having failed to make an appropriation for the addi tional bounties to soldiers, the Depart mental Washington has been compelled to stop the payment of all claims for such bounties. Such as have been paid were paid out of the general Military fund. This is a pretty state of affairs, to be sure. We charged it upon the Radical Congress last fall, that it had failed to make any appropriation for the payment of the additional boun ties. This charge was denied most ve hemently by the partizans of Congress, but it appears that we were correct af ter all. What is more, Congress took good care to make an appropriation for the three hundred dollars bounty to be paid to each negro soldier. The pet lambs of the Radicals must have their fodder, whether the white boys in blue get any appropriations or not. We once had a Soldiers' Convention in this county. There is more reason for the assembling of such a body now than there ever was before. The soldiers of the country,if they would do themselves justice, ought to rise up en masse and denounce the double-dealing and trick ery of the late Congress. TENNESSEE. The Kingdom of Tennessee, now ruled over by his Brimstone Majesty, "Governor" Browulow, will hold an election sonic of these days. Brown low, is a candidate for re-election. He and his delectable Legislature have disfranchised two thirds of the white men of the State, and, at the same time, have given all the negroes the right of suffrage. Old Brownlow is more thoroughly despised and more cordially hated by three fourths of the white people of Tennessee than any other man on the face of the globe. Yet he has under his control the ma chinery to impose his odious tyranny upon those people as longashe pleases. He has the negro mob to sustain him, and a negro militia to overawe and slay the few true and brave men who dare to stand in the way of his accursed ambition He threatens to disperse all meetings held to oppose his re-election andtoavrest all speakers who may choose to mention his public career in terms of disapprobation. For this pur pose he dec'ares he will use his black militia. And these janissaries that are to crush out the last vestige of freed om in Tennessee, are armed at the ex pense of the United States, Congress having directed 10,000 stand of arms to be placed at the disposal of Brown low for that purpose. Was ever coun try cursed with such infernal knavery as this, since the day when Nero Ad dled over burning Rome? If all the Aends in the hottest of incandescent hells were molten into one gigantic devil, and if such a demoniac mon strosity were fed on vitriol and saltpe tre for ten centuries, and then let loose to invent a curse for this land, he could be furnished a recipe for all he desired to accomplish, by that incarnation of all that is diabolical, Brownlow, of Tennessee. "HELP I S. CASH I S, OR WE SINK!" Such is the "Macedonian cry" of the Radical National Committee, in an address recently issued to the "Repub licans of the Union !" This address is signed by Marcus L. Ward, N. J., S. A. Burviance, Pa., W. Claflin, Mass., John B. Clark, N. H., Horace Greely, N. Y., 11. H. Starkweather, Conn., N. B. Smithers, Del., and 11. W. Hoffman, Md. After discoursing upon the ne cessity for organization, especially in the South, it concludes as follows: "Republicans! Our appeal is to you, to carry on and sustain the work which a few loyal and true men have so nobly begun. * We cannot ask speakers, in ad dition to giving their time and talents for months to this labor, to defray their own necessary expenses. We cannot ; print and distribute documents of the character required without a heavy outlay. We have no means of reliance except upon the generous spirit of that great party which holds the claims of humanity and freedom above all price. The patronage of the Government, brought into power by the statesman ship, the courage and the loyalty of that party, will not aid us in this good work. We must, therefore, appeal directly and personally to you. If you are rich give generously. If poor, send to us whatever you can afford. The generous purpose and the noble aim sanctify the humblest efforts. At all events, act promptly, and let us feel that the sympathy of the Republican party is with us in our purpose of mak ing this great land the home of true Republican principles, where distinc tions of race and color are unknown, and where Liberty, Virtue and Intelli gence, form the enduring basis of our greatness and prosperity." "Brethren, let us pray!" as Brick Pomeroy says. Bro. Lutz will please pass the hat around. The Union League fund has "giu eout" and the Military Despotism in the South is a heavy con tract. Hand over your greenbacks. Negro Suffrage has need of them. MORE CORRI'PTIOX. Forney. I>. D..' Gobbles $200.000! The following is printed in a late number of the New York Express: "It is stated on good authority that the franchise of the Baltimore and Po tomac Railroad Company has been sold to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for $-500,000. Of this amount John W. torney received $200,000, a Mr. Lloyd, from Widiarnsport, Pa., now a clerk in the Clerk's Office 11. of R., $45,000, and other persons connected with the so-called enterprise the bal ance." Wholesale robbery like this, accord ing to the morals of these times, makes the scoundrels who perpetrate it, gen tlemen ! If some poor devil runs away with a thousand or two, he is, forsooth, a great criminal; but when the villain of colossal proportions, pockets his quarter of a million, he is only a gentle man of quick parts! In regard to the transaction above referred to, we adopt the language of the Lancaster Ex aminer, which, though a Radical pa per, seems to have sufficient grit to speak plainly. The Examiner says: AW we have to say about this is, that if true, the parties with Col. Forney at their head, have perpetrated a base fraud on the public. During the last session of the Maryland legislature, the persons owning the charter of the "Bal timore and Potomac Railroad" resisted what they called the effort of the mo nopolists of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to have their charter repealed by the legislature, on the ground that the Baltimore and Ohio company was a huge monopoly, controlling the only road leading to Washington, and if they were not interfered with they would build a rival road. The Mary land legislature believed them and re fused to repeal the charter. But the legislature of Maryland had scarcely ad journed, when these great champions of the cause of the people, and anti-mo nopolists, who had enlisted on their side the entire press of the country for a rival route to Washington, sell out to the very monopoly they professed to be contending with, for half a million of dollars. The chief speculator pockets his two hundred thousand dollars and runs away to Europe. This, we say, if true , is a base, con temptible fraud, which might be all right for stock-gamblers, railroad con tractors and speculators, who follow that sort of business to make fortunes; but for a public man , the chief officer of the United States Senate, a professed statesman, a loud-mouthed champion of the people and their rights and privileges, to be the leader, the prin cipal receiver of the "black-mail," is nothing less than a disgraceful public scandal. SIR ARCHIBALD ALISOX, author of the well known History of Europe, and a number of works on Criminal Law, died a few days ago. JEFF. DAVIS' SECURITIES. —'Thebond of JEFF. DAVIS for SIOO,OOO as taken and acknowledged on the 13th inst. contains the following names: JEFFERSON DAVIS. Horace Greeley, New York. Augustus Schell, New York. Aristides Welsh, Philadelphia. David K. Jack man Phila. R. 11. McFarland, Richmond. R. Barton Haxall, Richmond. Isaac Davenport, Richmond. Abraham Warwick, Richmond. Gustavus A. Myers, Richmond. Wm. W. Crumb, Richmond. James Lyons, Richmond. John A. Meredith, Richmond. Wm, H. Lyons, Richmond. John Minor Botts, Virginia. Thomas W. Doswell, Va. Jas. Thomas, Jr., Richmond. Horace F. Clark, New York. A GLIMPSE BEHIND THE MASK.— A colored Baptist minister at Beaufort, S. C., writing to the Christian Record, among other things says: "Someofour white ministerial friends do more in the way of procuring farms and keeping our poor race in ignorance than anything else. They pretend, when they are North, that they would come down and do anything for our race in the way of enlightening them ; but instead of this, when they see the cotton gag, they forget all about Cririst and Him crucified, and the saving of souls." Of certain Northern merchants, he says:— "All they wish to do, is to teach what President Lincoln has done, patthecol ored man on the shoulder with the left hand, whilo with the right baud they catch hold of his pocketbook. And when they have got the last cent from him, their friendship suddenly ceases. Then 'he is only a nigger." NEWS ITEMS. —Ex-President Pierce is building him a summer residence on Rye Beach. —Black Repub. expenditures.—To make a Poland South and buy a Siberia North. —Governor English returns a taxable income for 18660f548,000. With two ex ceptions, it is the largest income re turned in New Haven. —Prominent Radicals are pressing the nomination of Fred Douglass as Chief of the Freedmen's Bureau. —The Mayor and Chief of Police of Mobile have been deposed by order of Gen. Pope, and other officers appointed in their places. —Mr.Bonner assures the Springfield Republican that Beecher's Norwood is Northampton. —Pio Nono gets fifty-eight thousand dollars from the private contributions of the Roman Catholics of Philadel phia. —Turkey being bankrupt, and hav ing imposed taxes on every other imagi nable thing, has at length resorted to a tax on babies, because they are "ex empt from military service." —The so-called Republican party of Xew Orleans has split into Radicals and Unionists. —Joel Lindsay, who whipped his boy to death, has been released on bail at Auburn, to stand a new trial. —Owing to the late frosts the peach orchards in Delaware, along the bay shore, are not expected to yield more than a quarter crop. —Santa Anna, now an old man of seventy years, has been spending the winter on Staten Island. He is said to be worth a little less than a million. —A Baltimore lad got his head fast between two iron railings upon a pair of steps the other day, and the rails had to be cut by a black smith before he could be extricated. —The Buffalo papers are excited over the appearance on the street of a hus band of ninety carrying his infant of eight months, while his wife of seven teen walks by his side. SOME fifty colored people were ship ped on Saturday from Fortress Monroe to Boston, where employment has been obtained for them by the agents of the Freedmen's Bureau. —Chief Justice Chase has granted a writ of error in the case of Joseph Bru in, whose estate was sold under a decree of the United States Court at Alexan dria during the war. The writ is ba sed mainly ou the fact that the abso lute estate was sold, which was beyond the power of the Court, and the con demnation was for treason, of which the party could only be adjudged guilty by a jury. —At last accounts the Liberals were bombading the city of Mexico with 50.000 troops. The Imperial garrison numbers but 8,000. Orders had been given to shoot the Emperor and his offi cers, if captured. —A secret negro military organiza tion has been discovered at Fredericks burg, Virginia, hostile to the United States military. The "colored troops fought bravely" and are all loyal. —The Louisville Courier thinks that when the full vote of Kentucky shall be brought outin August, the Democra tic majority will reach seventy thous and. —A large meeting of freed men was held in Hampton, Va., last week, and confiscation, social equality, the priv ilege of rooms at hotels, &c., insisted upon. The negroes are fast paving the way to their own destruction. —lt is rumored in Europe that Eng land designs to seize Cuba in the event of any difficulty with Spain, and en deavor to retain the Island as a base in the Gulf of Mexico. —The total number of male whites and blacks in the StateofVirginia who have attained the age of twenty-one years is stated to be 197,690, the total number of each class being—whites 124, 792; blacks 73,044. —General Pope has issued an order summarily deposing the Mayor and the Chief of Police in Mobile and ap pointing other persons in their places. —General Sickles has issued an order prohibiting the distillation of spirits from grain in the Carolinas in conse quence of the famine prevailing there. —lt is said that Utulerwood has been handsomely rewarded by the Radical leaders for getting the Davis elephant off their hands so handsomely, without compromising Chase or any others of the "loyal" immaculates. —A SOUTHERN paper is of the o pinion that Underwood's charge to the grand jury of Richmond was written by the "phosphorescent light of a pu trid herring." —LOCUSTS are so plenty in Algiers that General Marmier has placed at the disposal of the local authorities a detach ment of soldiers to assist in their des truction. —The way the Radical despotism scheme works is shown by the registra tion of voters for Baton Rouge, Louisi ana, where 1,100 negroes have been registered and only 70 white men ac cepted. Could such things be, if this Government were a republic? —The next monthly Treasury state ment will show an increase of the pub lic debt. It could not be otherwise with five military despotisms in full blast to keep up the falling fortunes of the Radical party with nigger votes. —The bankrupt act, which will go into operation on the first of June, sweeps off imprisonment for debt throughout this country. It sets aside all stay laws, and all preferences, vol untary agreements, and secret attach ments. —A bear was shot recently in Charles ton county, Ga., which weighed twen ty-five hundred pounds. It yield ed twenty-nine gallons of oil, and its nails sold for $5 each. —There are now thirteen cotton fac tories in operation in Tennessee, worth nearly a million of dollars, and em ploying over nine hundred operatives. —The richest member of the Connec ticut Senate is an Irishman, whose property is valued at $2,500,000, and and whose daily income is SIOOO. He made his money from an oil farm in Pennsylvania, which lie purchased for $2500. —The latest invention reported from New England, so prolific in inventions, is an "automaton hay-pitcher" for loading hay upon the cart in the field, the movement of the cart-wheels furn ishing the motive power. —Ex-Governor Havvley, of Connec ticut, asks in the Hartford Courant: 44 Who knows but that a good many of us may yet have to pay our respects to an occupant of the White House, who traces his descent down from some wild and savage African chief!" —Eggs with iron shells, it hasalready been announced, have been laid by the highly educated hens of Prussia. A Berlin chemist, who caused his hens to lay then*, did so by teaching the hens to eat a preparation in which iron was used, and by compelling them toabstain from lime. —The stringent liquor law in Massa chusetts appears to be anything but a success in Boston. The amount of drunkenness is the same as ever, and liquor can be obtained by some means or another by every body who wants it. The House of Representatives are debating on the bill favoring licenses. —The Washington correspondent of the Herald, of Wednesday, says: The time has come again when a President of the United States may walk the streets in safety. Yesterday President John son took a walk out on Fourteenth street wholly unattended—without guard, policemen, or anything else, to suggest the thought of possible danger. —A little girl, aged seven years, was chased the other day, near Mar tinsburg, Illinois, by a lynx. The screams of the child's mother fright ened the animal and kept him at bay until a neighbor, with some dogs, laid him out, when he measured 5 feet 7 in ches. —We are told of a citizen of Bridg port, Conn., who lately refused an in crease of wages to one of his servant girls, saying he considered the privile ges she enjoyed of living in a Christian family worth $o a month. —The newspapers of New York com plain that that State this year pays in taxes twice the amount it cost to ad minister the Government of the Uni ted States for the eight years Thomas Jefferson was President. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, May 28. FLOUR.—The quotationsare— Northwest superfine, $0.00(7/0.50 Northwest extra, 10.000 10.50 Northwest extra family, 13.00014.75 Penna. and West'n sup., 9.50010.50 Penna. and West'n extra, 10.50011.50 Penna. and West'n family, 13.00015.00 Penna. and West'n fancy, Rye flour, 8.7509.00 GRAIN. —We quote— Pennsylvania red, per bus., $3.1503.35 Southern " California, " $3.40 White, " Rye, " 0.00@1.70 Corn, for yel., (new) 44 $1.2301.24 Oats, 44 77078 c POVISIONS.—We quote— Mess Pork, per bbl., $23.50024.00 Bacon Hams, per lb., 15017 c Salt Shoulders, 44 909) c Prime Lard, 4 * 13c SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed, per bus., at $12.00013.00 Timothy, 44 3.5003.60 Flaxseed, 44 3.0003.05 WHISKEY.—The trade is supplied with the contraband article, at $101.50 SPECIAL NOTICES. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE for PRESERVING, RESTORING, and BEAUTIFYING the IIAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder ful article the world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. THE MARVEL OF PERU, a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the handkerchief and person, is unequaled. The above articles for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address by proprietors, T. W. WRIGHT fc CO., octl9'6fiyl 100 Liberty St., New York. ITELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHI; is a certain cure for BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a di uretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. T. IIELMBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10 th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. marß,' 67yl Ws ARE SELLING Men's all wool Cass. Business Coats as low as $5 00 >< " " Pants " 300 " " " Vests " 2 00 " " " Whole Suits " $lO 00 " Better " Coats for $6 00 " " Pants " 3 50 " Vests " 2 50 " Whole Suits for sl2 00 it it " Ooata for S3 OA i *< t tt Pants <£ 400 " Vests •' 3 00 " " " Whole Suits for sls 00 The garments we are rapidly selling at above named prices are all good, well made and service able, well adapted to business or ordinary wear. The prices are less than half those for which same goods have been sold. Advancing from these, we have all grades up to the finest French and English fabrics, which are sold at proportionately low prices, are surpassed by none in style or fit, aud made with especial care, the small quantity of clothing manufactured gen erally this season having given us an unusually good chance for selecting our workmen from the best in the city. Our goods have all been pur chased for cash from manufacturers and impor ters at far less than cost, which enables us to sell at the low prices named. Boys' Department. We are selling Boys' all wool Cassimere Coats as low as $3 00 " " " Pants " 2 00 " " " Whole Suit " $5 00 " Better " Coats " SIOO " " " Pants " 3 00 " " " Whole Suit " $7 00 And all finer grades at prices equally low—made and trimmed in the best manner from a choice se lection of suitable fabrics. Our Boys' goods are alt on the Jirst floor, nearest the front, convenient for ladies. We have the largest establishment for the man ufacture and sale of Clothing in Philadelphia, oc cupied exclusively by ourselves and filled with the largest stock and most complete assortment in the city. We guarantee our prices lower than the lowest elsewhere or sale cancelled and money refunded. HALF WAY BETWEEN j BENNETT