The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 10, 1867, Image 2
Friday Horniaf, May 10, 1867. AGENTS TO OBTAIN SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE GAZETTE. Circulate your County Paper. The following named gentlemen bare been ap pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the GAZETTE. They are authorized to receipt for us: Woody Bun —Jeremiah Thompson." JinyeHtD- D. A T. Black. Monroe— Daniel Fletcher Cotemin —Geo. W. Deal, H. P. Diehl. C. Volley —D. R. Anderson. A Zembower. Londonderry —Jnmca C Devore. Harrison —Geo. W. Horn. Juniata —John A. C-ssna, Geo. Gardill. Srhellxhinjr —J E. Black. Napi-v— John Sill, John W. Bowen. Southampton — WD. Adams, John Carender, Wesftey Bennett Union —M Werts. W. B Larabngbt. M. Woodherry —W >l. Pearson, D ime! Barley. S Woodherry— J. I. Noble, J. S. Brumbaugh. Hoprvrell—Vf. A. Grore, J B. Fluke. broad Top —M. A. Hunter. Liberty —Geo. Roades, D. Stoler. Saxton— Charles Faxon. St Clair— John W. Crisman, Samuel Beckley. Snale Spring —Andrew Mortiinore, J. G. Hart ley and M. S. Ritchey. W. Providence —Geo. Baughman, Homer Neice. THE Greensburg Argus has been en larged and otherwise improved. Our friend LAIKD publishes one of the best Democratic papers in the State. KENTUCKY. An election for Members of Congress was held in Kentucky on Saturday last. The State is claimed for the Democrats by 40,000 majority! Comfortable. THE Inquirer is "great" on "refrain ing from mentioning" names. It has "carefully refrained from mentioning" a number of names that might be men tioned in connection with the Poor House subject. It "refrained" from saying any thing at all about the term of the two G. D.'s, G. D. Shuck and G. D. Trout. But, of course, since we have "seen proper to lug" those names into the controversy, it will have some thing to say about them. Come, now, what about the "deficits" during their term? The question, as to whether these things result from dishonesty, or in competency we leave to the people.— Inquirer. Yes, "the people" will decide that question as to your most excellent Poor Directors, the two G. D.'s (Messrs. Shuck and Trout) who formed the ma jority in the board when a great por tion of the blunders occurred which have been brought to light by the Democrats. By ali means submit that question to "the people." BAI TIMORE has just held an election for Judge and Clerk of the City Court. The Democratic candidates were elec ted by a majority of upwards of 6,000 over the Radical candidates, by nearly 10,000 over the Conservatives, and by nearly 5,000 over all together. Last fall the Democratic majority in the city was about 2,000. Baltimore, on a full vote, can give 10,000 Democratic majority over all opposition. Since Plug Uglyism and Military Despotism, Baltimore has become a peaceful, orderly, and conse quently, a Democratic city. But why not state the whole truth and say that the reason why Mr Bly rnyer's indebtedness is not SIO,OOO, is, that he has paid $3,336,47. — Inquirer. Ye gods! what logic! If Mr. Bly myer had never paid anything, his in debtedness might be SIOO,OOO instead of $7,000; but, as he has paid all but $7,000, his indebtedness cannot be more than $7,000. The Inguirer may, but figures will not, lie. The settlement with Mr. Blymyer is on file at the Poor House. The curious can examine it for them selves. If they find that Mr. Blymyer owes more than $7,000 on that settle ment, we will agree to eat a copy of the Inquirer, BORE ABOUT THE LATE LEGISLA TURE. The Radical journals are still com plainingofthe venality and want of hon esty in the late Legislature. How long they will be able to tell the truth about their own partizans, we do not know, and for fear that they will soon begin to praisethem and call upon the people to givethemanotherl ease ofpower, we has ten to give their present sayings as wide circulation as possible. Let the present opinions of the Radical newspapers in respect to their own Legislature be carefully treasured up, for it will not be long until those very newspapers will take the "other track." Mark the prediction !—The Johnstown Tribune, (Radical), thus discourseth: "The Republican press of the State, with few exceptions, is outspoken in its condemnation of the course of the Legislature which has just adjourned. There seems to be no ground for doubt that unblushing corruption--! he buying and selling of votes —characterized much of the important legislation of the session. Of course, members of both parties took the bribes, if bribes there were, but the Republican party is shamed the most by the conduct of its representatives, for we have hereto fore been somewhat loud in the utter ance of the boast that we were holier than our opponents. We have no ad vice to otter, but a blind man can see that if the Republicans of this State desire to retain power they must purge their party of the contamination winch comes of dishonest leadership." CTTNOVFR. Sanford Conover, upon whose testi mony in the Assassination eases, a Mil itary Commission sent a number of persons to the gallows, has been con victed of perjury and sentenced to sev en years' imprisonment. He was one ot the ready made witnesses upon whose testimony the Infamous star chamber courts of the Lincoln dynasty, condemned to death and sent into ex ile, men and women whose innocence has since been well established. There was formerly a man at Washington, by the name of Joseph Holt, who was the Jeffreys of those bloody courts. His name was intimately connected with that of Conover. What has be come of him? Why is his connection with Conover not investigated? And why are we not enlightened as to who it was that tore those out of Booth's diary? Conover was a tool; where is the hand that used him ? Wehad carefully refrained from men tioning Mr. Blyrnyer's name in con nection with this subject, but since the Gazette has seen proper to lug it in, with a covert insinuation that the fault lies in great part with him, we have only to say that in our former strictures upon the management of this institu tion, we ex pressed our faith in theinteg rity of Mr. Blymyerand we do not now believe that he would willingly take one cent more than is justly due him. —lnquirer. Yes, you had "carefully refrained from mentioning Mr. Blyrnyer's name in connection with this subject," because you knew that your talk about "defi cits" in the Poor House Treasury, was the easiest and safest way to stab him. By such talk the public would at once inquire who was the Treasurer, and having found Mr. Blymyer to be the man, would, of course, put the blame for the alleged "deficits," upon him. But your little trick of stabbing in the dark, has been frustrated, and you have been compelled (because you dared not say anything contrary) to acknowledge Mr. Blyrnyer's honesty to be impeacha ble. This is all we wanted you to ad mit. We have carried our point, by your own admission, and, therefore, "rest" the case. XOXIXATE THE BENT HEX. We publish, in another column, the call of the Chairman of the Democratic County Committee, for the holding of the annual nominating Convention of the party. It is always right that the best men that will accept a nomination, should be put upon the ticket. All of us have our favorites, but we should lay aside all personal considerations for the good of the party and the coun ty. Let the very best men that can be found, be put in nomination by the coming Convention. If this be done, we will sweep the county by a larger majority than it ever gave before. It is not our busiuess to dictate who the nominees shall be, but we ask the Dem ocrats of the county to see to it that they will be men around whom we can rally with that earnestness which is al ways essential to success. Let there be a fair, full and unshrinking canvass of the merits of the several candidates and let those who are found worthiest re ceive the nomination. We utter this word of caution, because we desire to organize for such a drubbing of the Radicals as they have not received, but have richly merited, for many years. THE FAILVRE OF THE POOR HOUSE BILL. The Inquirer, in reply to ourquestion as to the reason for the defeat of the bill before the late Legislature, to enable the Poor Directors to build a new Poor House, says: "We neither know how nor why the bill was defeated. We are in favor of building a new Poor House just as soon as it c*an be done. But as the bill has not passed, we will be obliged to wait another year. In the meantime we would say that we are opposed to any bill authorizing the Poor Directors to build." Aha! that's where the shoe pinches. You are "opposed to any bill authoriz ing the Poor Directors to build." How narrow-minded! Because the Poor Directors are Democrats, you would let the roof and the walls of the old Poor House fall upon the heads of its inmates, before you would permit them to build. The people of Bedford coun ty will please take notice that "we will be obliged to wait another year" before a decent Poor House can be erected, because it didn't suit the purposes of Radical politicians to permit the pas sage of the bill authorizing the con struction of such a building. At the same time, be it remembered, that the bill proposed was so drawn as to obvi ate the objection of the Inquirer. It required the Court to appoint three Com missioners, who were to act in conjunc tion with the Poor Directors. Again, we say to the Inquirer, give us a reason why this bill was not passed, or let you) party take the responsibility for its failure. —TheGallip lis, Ohio, Dispatch,says that the Radical school directors of Ad dison township pay white male teachers S2O per month, white female teachers sls, and female negro teachers $25 per month—all in the saniegrade of school-. That is one of the beauties of "loyalty." GRAND DEMOCRATIC VICTO TORY IN LANCASTER! Mayor Sanderson Re-elected by 511 Majority-A Gain of 331 Since Last Year. The home of Thaddeus Stevens has just administered a most signal rebuke to that old arch-persecutor of the peo ple of the South. The Legislature last winter, in order to enable the Radicals to carry the city of Lancaster, cut it up into nine wards, but the people of that noble old city have responded to this legislative knavery, by increasing the Democratic majority of 180 last year, to 511 ! Seven of the nine members of Select Council and 19 oftiie 27members of the Common Council, are Demo crats! There is great rejoicing among the unterrified over this signal victory. It is a harbinger of what is to come next fall. Let the Radicals "stand from under!" PROORFSS. We see it stated that Gov. Geary has prohibited the use of wine at his table, that the Legislature has appropriated five hundred dollars for the painting of the Governor's portrait, and twenty thousand dollars to extend and improve the Executive Mansion. lo 1 Io ! let us rejoice ! We have a Governor "as is" a Governor. We have a Governor who doesn't permit wine upon his table (he keeps it all in his private chamber), a Governor who patronizes the Fine Arts and who has an eye for the beauties of Architecture. How poor Curtin pales into insignifi cance before the moral grandeur of the character of his il lustrous successor! No wonder the Ex-Governor has inconti nently left the Continent. How could he have lived here under the withering comparisons of his fondness for Old Rye with Geary's total abstinence, and under the charge that he never entered a painter's studio or an architect's of fice, whilst Geary is the liberal patron of both? It is well for his peace of mind that he has left the country. The people are heartily sick of such fossils as he. Hail, glorious Progress! John Brown's soul must march on and the Governor of Pennsylvania must have his portrait painted. It will cost but five hundred dollars (we mean the por trait) and people who believe in prog ress will not mind footing the bill. So handsome a face as the Governor's snould have its counterfeit prest nt ment hung up in every drawing-room in the State. [Quere. Would it not be well to have Geary's portrait sus pended in bar-rooms and tippling shops, as it might remind drunkards and other "hard cases" what they might come to some day?]. Let the next Legislature require this to be done. We promise most excellent results. But we must not forget that our Gov ernor is a great patron of Architecture. The Executive Mansion is to be exten ded. It will cost only twenty thous and dollars, and what is that to a pro gressive people like usPennsylvanians? We must patronize Architecture, else the Keystone will drop out of the Arch! Eroe, Geary! Ilater of Wine, friend of the Fine Arts, patron of Arch itecture! How shall we celebrate the glory of Geary? For the Bedford Gazette. TIIE SUPPLEMENT TO THE COMMON SCHOOL LAW. We are glad to see that the legisla ture passed a supplement to the Com mon School law, which makes certain important changes in the manner of organizing, supervising and conduct ing the common schools of the State. This supplement, signed by the Gov ernor, is now in full force and effect. It provides that when school directors are unable to procure from the owner or owners of land an eligible site for a school house, they may enter upon and occupy such land, to the amount ofone acre, and the damage resulting from such occupancy to be determined by a jury of viewers; and in case the award of the viewers is confirmed by the court, payment shall be made within thirty days, after which time collection may be made by execution, as in other cases of judgment against school direc tors; and either party shall havfe the right to have reviewers appointed by the court. The same act provides for theholding of a County Teachers' Institute, to con tinue at least five days in each year, and appropriating out of the money in the county treasury one dollar for ev ery three days attendance of teachers upon the institute, said sum to lie ex pended in procuring the attendance and instruction of competent lecturers at said annual meeting; and for non attendance, except for good cause, a teacher's certificate may be reduced in grade; the time spent in attending the Institute may be allowed the teacher by the board of directors. The Super intendent must make a full statement of the expenditures of moneys in his hands. The act also provides for the selection of text books at each triennial conven tion of directors, the same to be valida ted by confirmation attheanuual meet ing of directors and teachers, held as now provided by law, and a majority of the board of directors may at any time call a special meeting of directors for the purpose of appointing a com mittee on text, books, prior to the tri ennial meeting in ISG9. Provision is also made for city and borough Super intendents, in places having over 10,000 inhabitants. A salutary change is also made in the issue of teachers' certifi cates. To this we especially invite the atttention of the teachers of Bedford county. The act legalizes the issue of three grades of teachers' certificates, the lowest called "Provisional," good for one year only; the second "Profess ional," which shall grant the holder to teach in the county, city or borough where it was issued during the official term of the officer who issued it, and one year thereafter; the third or high est grade is called a "Permanent Cer tificate," which must be signed by the State Superintendent. All profession al certificates issued before the first Monday of June, 1806, shall cease to be valid after the first Monday of June, 1868. Any professional certificate may be renewed by the proper officer if he is satisfied that the holder is entitled to such certificate. By the same act "no person shall hereafter be eligible to the office of county, city or borough superintendent, in any county of this State, who does not hold a diploma from a col lege legal ly empowered to grant literary degrees, a diploma or state certificate issued ac cording to law by the authorities of a State Normal School; a professional cer tificate from a county, city or borough superintendent of good standing, issued at least one year prior to the election, or a certificate of competency from the State Superintendent of Common Schools; nor shall such person be eligi ble unless he has a sound moral charac ter, and has had successful experience in teaching within three years of the time of his election : Provided , That serving as county, city or borough su perintendent shall betaken as evidence of the requisite qualifications. A NATIONAL HOME FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. —Measures are now in hand which are calculated, after the lapse of a few months, to establish, on a grand scale, the desideratum—a National Home for Invalid Soldiers. The de sign is an admirable one, and is as fol lows: It is well known that all efforts to obtain the voluntary subscriptions sufficient to erect a Soidiers' Home have been without avail. In furtherance of the object, however, the Legislature of Pennsylvania have passed an act dated March 6, 18fi7, ireailig- a corporation ol which Major General George G. Meade is president, and General Horatio G. Sickels is treasurer, with an efficient board of super visors, who have the pow er to distribute to the holders of certifi cates a large number of immensely val uable gifts, consisting of diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, &c., purchased from citizens of the Southern States during the rebellion, and which articles will soon be exhibited in this city. By this scheme itisconfidently anticipated a large fund will be created towards the erection of the Home. A great fea ture of the affair consists in the fact that every purchaser of the certificates becomes a contributor to this National Home fund, and at the same time has a direct interest in the distribution of the rare gems mentioned above. The details of the entire scheme will be con ducted in a perfectly fair and honorable manner. The site for the Home has already been purchased, and consists of thirty acres of land, used by General Meade during the battle of Gettysburg as his headquarters. The plan has been approved by ex-Governor Curtin, Ma jor General Meade, Governor Geary, and a large number of prominent mili tary heroes .—Philadelphia Press. A NEW M-TER. —Distillers should read the following circular, just issued from theoffieeofthe Internal Revenue: Notice is hereby given that the Secre tary of the Treasury has adopted and prescribed for use in distilleries, a meter invented by Mr. Isaac P. Tice, of New York, and that regulations of the intro duction of such meter will be issued in a few clays. Each collector will notify every distiller who applies to make payment for the special tax for the year ending May 1, 1868, that he will not be allowed to continue in operation after the loth day of May, unless he shall before that time have made ap plication for a meter, and accompanied his application with adequate security for the payment of the necessary ex penses, which will probably vary ac cording to the size of the distillery, from six hundred to fifteen hundred dollars. (Signed) E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. IF our friends will use preparations for restoring gray hair they should use the best in the market. Our attention has lately been called to an article which has an extensive sale and a very high reputation, known as Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, and we are in clined to think that it possesses more desirable and less objectionable qualities than any other in the market, it restores gray or faded hair to itsoriginal color in a most remarkable manner, and by its invigorating and soothing properties removes all dandruff and humors from the scalp. Give it a fair trial and you cannot fail to like it. —The youngest son of Fred Douglass has been appointed to afirst-class clerk ship in the Negro Bureau. X EWS ITEMS. —Two hundred and forty-one patents will be issued for the week ending May 17. —General Ord has detailed army officers to take the place of State officers removed by him in Arkansas. —Fifteen stores, including nearly the whole business portion of Brenham, Texas, were burned on April 24th. —Kelly, Butler, and other Radicals, are going South to make political speech es to a starving people. —Under the prohibitory liquor laws of Maine and Massachusetts, it is stated, there is more liquor consumed than ev er before. —The Radical registers of Washing ton City refuse to re-open the books for correction and special registration, as bound by the Rump "law." —An ex-rebel officer named Nunn was brutally murdered and robbed at Summerville, Mississippi, a few days ago, by one Fitzgerald. Hadn't Gov. Geary better offer a heavy reward for the murderer?— Patriot and Union. —Senator Wilson made a Radical speech iutheAfrican church at Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 26th of April and was followed by two colored speakers, who made conservative speeches. —lt is presumed that Senator Wilson is well provided with Radical pam phlets—speeches, &c.—for distribution among the starving Southerners who are begging for bread. —lt is said that the colored Radicals of New Orleans are selling their regi stration papers to "rebels." Thus early have the darkies become corrup ted by their Radical associations. But even a negro can't touch pitch without becoming defiled. —A large number of Radicals intend to spend the coming summer in Europe. They go, no doubt, to receive the thanks of the Old World despots for crushing civil liberty in this Republic. They will be welcomed where they go and will be welcome to stay there. —A Radical organ says: "Republi canism is founded on morality and Christianity." That may be; but Rad icalism is founded on barbarity and the promptings of the devil. — Pat Union. —The Postmaster General has finally decided to appoint special agents to take charge of post-offices left vacant by the failureof the Senate to confirm nominations. —lt was decided in the Supreme Court of the United States that the City of Philadelphia, being a manufacturer of gas, must pay tax on that article the same as private parties. —George Peabody has made another donation. On Thursday last, while in Washington, he placed in the hands of Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs, $15,000 for the establishment of a circuiting library in the neighboring city of Georgetown. —Gov. English, of Connecticut, was inaugurated on the Ist of May, at Hart ford. The parade was the grandest affair ever witnessed in the State. About forty military companies were in line, and thirty thousand people came into the city. Great enthusiasm prevailed. It will do that State good to try Democracy awhile. —A Mississippi paper states that Col. Scott, one of the prisoners sent to the Dry Tortugas, passed Holly Springs in that State recently. He reports the treatment the prisoners undergo to be of a very barbarous nature. They are flogged for the least indiscretion, and otherwise cruelly deait with. Organization of the C'onnectiout Legis lature—Jlpssafjc of Gov. Gn^lhh. HARTFORD, May I.—The Legislature organized to-day. Governor English, in his message, says the situation of public affairs is in every respect impor tant. He urges that as citizens of a common country we should strive to extinguish vindictive resentment, caus ed by the late civil war waged to main tain the supremacy of the Federal Con stitution and the integrity of the na tional honor. He says the great object is not yet attained—the Union is not restored. Ten States are denied partic ipation in the National Government by the action of Congress. Such meas ures, if persisted in, will transform the Republic into a despotism, He deems the course of legislation pursued by Con gress wholly unwarranted and as fatal to the Union and the Constitution as the doctrine of secession. The legisla tion of the Thirty-ninth Congress, toa large extent, wasaseriesof usurpations and infractions of the Constitution.— He argues that Congress has no more power under the Coustitution to estab lish military government in the South ern States than to institute the order of nobility in England, and claims that Cor.gress"assumed that power only for the purpose of more thoroughly accom plishing the subversion of State author ity. If Congress can legislate for these States, it is not difficult to loree a like interference in other States in the right of States to regulate their inter nal affairs in their own way, hence forth would be subject to the caprice of Congress. He speaks of the Senate arrogating the power to select, as well as confirm, and ofdictating to the Pres ident in regard to his appointments, and says it is in pursuance of a purpo.-e to absorb the functions which legitim ately appertain toother branches of the Government, and says it was proposed to take the pardoning power out of the hands of the President, where the Con stitution had placed it, and by an ex post facto proceeding confer it on Con gress. He does not doubt the tacit sub mission of the Southern people ;othe rule provided for them, but serious questions arise from th.: precedent es tablished by Congress. THE CASE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS.— Intelligence was received from Rich mond, which shows that it is, after all, again in doubt as to whether Judge Underwood will essay the trial of Jefferson Davis at the May term of the United States District Court. If the term be adjourned without such trial, the President has determined to at once release Davis from confinement at Fortress Monroe, on nominal bail. The President has in his possession a letter signed by leading republicans, asking that Davis be released, and also a proposition from Horace Greeley, of fering to be one of Mr. Davis's bonds men. So says a Washington correspon dent of the New York World. THE LATEST FASHIONS.— Since the j invention and successful introduction of the Celebrated Duplex Elliptic [or double] Spring Hoop Skirt, by Mr. J. | W. Bradley, of New York, the ladies throughout the country have given up the idea of discarding the fashion of wearing hoop skirts on account of the peculiar and graceful manner in which the Duplex Skirts adapt themselves to every exigency and emergency. So generally acceptable have these Skirts become that the ladies regard them as a special favorite in view of the superior Flexibility, Lightness and Durability Combined in their Manufacture. They also consider them a far more Economi cal and Comfortable Hoop Skirt, than ever has or can be made for all Crowded Assemblies, for the Promenade or House Dress. Any lady after wearing one of these Skirts will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. Long experience in the manufac ture of Hoop Skirts, has proven to the proprietors of this invention, that Single-springs will always retain that stiff, unyielding and bungling style which has ever characterised them, whereas the Double Spring Hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will be found Free from these objections. Notwithstand ing the ability of the manufacturers, Messrs. Wests, Bradley and Gary, to turn out over six thousand Skirts per day from their Large Manufactories in New York, they feel obliged to request all merchants ordering the Duplex Elliptic Skirts, to send their orders a few days before they are wanted, if pos sible, as they are most constantly over sold some days ahead. ATTENTION is called to the adver tisement inanother column, of Madame H. A. PERRIGO, of Buffalo, N. Y. f the great Astrologist and Clairvoyant. Madame P. can be consulted by letter, on all affairs of life, past, present and future. READ the advertisement of Messrs. Berger, Shutts & Co., in another col umn, headed, "Afflicted, suffer no more." REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, May 7. FLOUR.—The quotations are— Northwest superfine, $8.00®,8.50 Northwest extra, 9.00@10.00 Northwest extra family, 12.00®14.25 Penna. and West'n superfine,9.oo@9.7s Penna, and West'n extra, 10.50@11.50 Penna. and West'n family, 13.00@15.00 Penna. and West'n fancy, 15.50@ 18.00 Rye flour, 8.00@8.50 GRAIN. —We quote- Pennsylvania red, per bus., $3.15@3.35 Southern " California, " $3.40 White " Rye, ' " o.oo® 1.67 Corn, for yel., (new) " $1.23@1.24 Oats, " 77@78c POVISIONS. —We quote— Mess Pork, per bbl., $23.50@24.00 Bacon Hams, per lb., 15® 17c Salt Shoulders, " 9@9}c Prime Lard, " 13c SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed, per bus., at $12.00®13.00 Timothy, " 3.50®3.00 Flaxseed, " 3.00® 3.05 WHISKEY. —The trade is supplied with the contraband article, SPECIAL NOTICES. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE for PRESERVING, RESTORING, and BEAUTIFYING the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder ful article the world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and MaCe THE MARVEL OF PERU, a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the handkerchief and person, is unequaled. The above articles for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address by proprietors, T. W. WRIGHT A CO., octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a certain cure for BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY OR GA NS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of IIOIV LONG STA NDING. Diseases of Ihese organs require the use of a di uretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H T. IIELMBOLD, Druggist, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. marß,' 67yl A YOUNG LADY returning to her country hotne, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth ness, and instead of twenty three she really ap peared bu: eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a cnange, she plainly told them ♦hat she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and con sidered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady s toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw ing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its di rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its imparities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sent by Mail or Express, on receip: of order by W. L. CLARK A co., chemists, No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for sale of the same. marl,'67yl FREE TO EVERYBODY. —A large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the greatest importance to the ysung of both sexes. It teaches how the homoly may become beauti tul, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their Address, and receive * copy postpaid, by re mail. Address P. 0. Diawer, 21, marliufi Troy, N. Y. DR. SOHEXCK'S "PULMONIC SYRUP. This great medicine oared Dr. J. H. Schenck, the proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy sicians prononnced bis case incurable, when be commenced the ise of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the disease has been appre hended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the diseases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures effected by his medicines have been very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits to several of the larger cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust persons. Dr. Schenck's PULMONIC STRCP, SEA WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required in curing Consumption. Full direc tions accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to see him. He gives advica free, but for a thorough examination with his Re spirometer his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stump Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50 per bottle, of $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck's prin cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel phia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents—Demas Barnes A Co. New York; S. S. Hancc, Baltimore, Md ; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, Chica go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. 3dw CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 50 CENTS.—THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY OF CROUP. —Now, mothers, if you would spend 50 cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Ve nitian Liniment in the house, you never need fear losing your little one when attacked with this com plaint. It is now 19 years since I have put up my * Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of croup when my liniment was used; but hundreds of cases of cures have been reported to me, and many state if it was $lO per bottle they would not be without it. Besides which, it is a certain cure for cuts, burns, headache, toothache, sore throats, swellings, mump*, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, spasms, old sores, and pains in the back and chest. No one once tries it who is ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take internally. Full directions with every bottle. Sold by all druggists. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. feblsw7 SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. KNOW THY DESTINY.—MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great English Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has aston ished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec ond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in a state of trance, she delin eates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with the date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of char acter, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when de sired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By en closing a small lock of hair, and staling place of birth, age, disposition and complexion and enclo sing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communication, sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. marl,'67yl THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. —Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu. IMPORTANT QUALITIES. —BRAND- RETH'S PILLS SO stimulate all the interior powers of the system that every poison or impurity is for ced from the blood into the bowels, and thus pas ses off. Recent cases of sickness will often be cured by the effect of 6 or 8 Brandreth'sPills, which, when the operation is full and complete, leave the blood as free from poisonous and un healthy matter as that of a new-born babe. In colds, inflammatory diseases, and even in cholera, their use restores to health sooner than all other remedies, because they take from the blood and bowels those matters upon which pains, cramps, and aches depend for con.inuance. Captain Isaac Smith, of Sinir Sing, says, thirty of Brandre'h's Pills, taken according to directions, cured him of a very severe bronchial affection af ter other means had failed and he wishes his nu merous friends to know the fact. Brandreth's Pills, Principal Office, Brandreth House, New York. Sold also by all Druggists.— See my name on Government stamp, without which the pills are spurious. B. BRANDRETH. mar22ml HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and IMPROVED ROSE WASH cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im mediate in its action, and free from ail injurious properties. WONDERFUL BUT TRUE.—MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoy ant state, delineates the very features of the per son you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru ment of intense power, known as the Psychomo trope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead j ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stam ped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture by return mail, together with de sired information. |3P Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. marl,'67yl TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT and UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Extract Bu chu and Improved Rose Wash. FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION is done up on thousands of grey heads, by endeavoring to darken them with metallic dyes that SCORCH AND BLAST the fibres from tip to root. t3P Avoid these hor rible DISFIGURIXG AGENTS, and use only the great toilet staple of America, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DVE, which not only instantaneously produces all shades of black and brown, but also nourishes, strength ens and beautifies the hair Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York, bold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. mar22ml BLINDNESS, Deafness and Catarrh, treated with the utmost guccess, by Dr. J ISAACS , Occulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Hol land,) No. 519 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The Medi cal faculty are invited to accompany, their pa tients, as he has no secrets in bis practice. Artifi cial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. |may3, 67yl ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! ITCH!— Scratch Scratch! Scratch!— WHEATON'S OINTMENT will cure Itch in 48 Hou,s. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists By sending 60 cents to Weeks A Potter, sol.: agents. 170 Washington street Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of poat age, to any part of the United States. funß,'66.-:ly.