TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THH BXBFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by METERS A MBHSEL, at $2. 00 per annum, if paid strictly in advance ; $2 50 if paid within si* months; $3 00 if not paid within six months. All subscription accounts MUST be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for whioh they are paid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each ln ertion. Special notices one-half additional All -esoluti'.ns of Associations; communications of imitod or individual interest, and notices of mar -iages and deaths exceeding five liner, ten cents or line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans' Court and Judicial Sales, are required by law to be published in both papers published in this place. 13P All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: 3 mouths. 6 months. 1 year. ♦One square ... $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares - - - 600 900 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 1 2 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 ♦One square to occupy one inch of space. JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.—TERMS CASH. [y All letters should be addressd to MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. gMorncp at S. L. RUSSELL. i. H. LONGENECKER. T>USSELL & LONGENECKER, LI ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention givin to collections and the prosecution of claims lor BackPay, Bounty, Pensions, AC OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House. apro, 67tf J. MCD. BHARPE. E KERR. SHARPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on JuliAna St., opposite tne Banking House of Reed A Schell. |March 2, '66. R. DURBORROW. | JOB" LUTZ. HURBORROW & LUTZ, I J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to tLeir oare. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. I7*SPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT 'j LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his eare in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t to doors South of the Mengel House. Jan^22 i 1864, .M. KIMMELL. 1 J. W. LINGENFELTER. |Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of he Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South of the -'Mengel House," G H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT . LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three aoors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. B. F. MEYERS. I J. W. DICKERSON. MEYERS & DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., office game as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell, two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase and sal* of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66. jjfuttetrii. 3. N.HICKOK, | J. G. MINNICH. JR., DENTISTS, BEDFORD, PA. Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St. All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex cellent articles, always on hand. TFKMS—CASH. Bedford, January 6,1865. MRIUMPH IN DENTISTRY! TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with no danger whatever. TEETH INSERTED upon a new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and Vulcanite; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold, Platina and Silver. TEMPORARY' SETS inserted if called for. Soecial attention will be made to diseased gums and a cure warranted or no charge made. TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond with the times. UP i have located permanently in Bedford, and shall visit Schellsburg the Ist Monday of each month, remaining one week ; Bloody Ruu the 3rd Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of my time I can be found at my offi e, 3 doors South of the Court House, Bedford, Pa. n0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dentist. JQ ENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! A BEAUTIFUL SET OF TEETH FOR TEN DOLLARS Dr. H. VIRGIL PORTER, (late of New York city,) DENTIST, Would respectfully inform his numerous friends and the public generally, that he has located per manently IN BLOODY RUN, where he may be found at all times prepared to insert from ONE TOOTH to full sets of his BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH, on new and improved atmospheric principles. THE TRIUMPH OF MECHANICAL DENTISTRY, RUBBER FOR THE BASIS OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH.' This discovery which has met with such universal approval throughout this and other countries, has seemingly placed Artificial Teeth at the disposal of all who require them. Dr. PORTER is now in serting most beautiful and durable, at prices ranging from ten to eighteen dollars per set. UT Temporary sets inserted if desired. LJP All operations warranted. TEETH EXTRACTED, without pain, by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or LAUGHING GAS. This is NO HUMBUG, but a positive fact. Gas administered fresh every day. As the Gas administered by Dr. Porter is pre pared in accordance with the purifying method of Dr. Strong, of New Haven, Ct., and Prof. Siliman (late Professor of Chemistry in Yale College), he has no hesitation in asserting that it is attended with no danger whatever. Persons desiring the services of a Dentist, would promote their own interest by calling upon Dr. Porter, as he is determined to spare no effort to please the most fastidious. Dr. Porter's mode of operating will at all times be of the mildest char acter, avoiding the infliction of the slightest un necessary pain, and carefully adapted to the age, constitution, health and nervous condition of the patient. LJP" Special attention is invited to Dr. Porter's scientific method of preserving decayed and aching teeth. H. VIRGIL PORTER, mar29,'67tf. Dentist, Bloody Ran, Penna. "PRINTERS' INK has made many a I business man rich We ask yon to try it in thecolumns of THE GAZBTTE ®l)c Cicftforft (ftftjcttc. BY MEYERS & MENGEL. srorUs, &r. GOODS! NEW GOODS! FOR SPRING and SUMMER, 1867. J. M. SHOEMAKER has just re turned from the East with a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which he has bought AT REDUCED PRICES and is now offering CHEAP, AT HIS OLD STAND. The following comprise a few articles, viz : Ladies' Dress Goods, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Ginghams, Calicos, Bed Ticking, Checks, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cottonade, Satinett, Cotton Chain, (single A double.) Hosiery, Gloves, &c. GROCERIES, SPICES, Ac.: Coffees, Sugars, Syrups. Molasses, Salt. Oils, Teas, Spices, of all kinds. CEDAR WARE: Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. EATS, for Men and Boys, all sizes and prices. A large and cheap stock of Men's and Boys, CLOTHING. TOBACCO—Natural Leaf, Oronoco. Navy, Con gress, Black-Fat, Twist, Smoking-ttbacco and Se gars, Ao. QUEENSWARE, all kinds. A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, all sizes and prices, TRUNKS, Ac. FlSH—Mackerel, Nos 1, 2, and 3, in bbls, half bbls., quarter and eighth bbls. LEATHER—SoIe Leather, French and City Calf Skins, Kip and Upper Morocco, Ac. Be sure and call at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, apr26,'67. No. 1 Anderson's Row. GOODS!—THE SUBSCRI BERS HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF 0&- SPRING AND SUM MER GOODS. BUYERS IN SEARCH OF BARGAINS ARE RE SPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL, FEELING ASSURED WE CAN PLEASE ALL IN BaT QUALITY OR PRICE, ~©a TERMS, CASH OR PRO DUCE. WHEN CREDIT IS GIV EN IT IS ONLY FOR 6 MONTHS— AFTER THAT PERIOD WE CHARGE INTEREST ON ALL ACCOUNTS. A. B. CRAMER & CO. may3w4 ~~ J - B - F - ~ 1867 - # AT IT AGAIN! AND A rare CHANCE for BARGAINS! JAMES B. FARQUHAR Is pleased to state to his friends and former custo mers, that he has RESUMED BUSINESS IN BEDFORD, at the well known P. A. Reed stand, opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he is prepared to sell everything in his line, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST 1 He has a full line of Dry-Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, which have been purchased at very low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance. Call and examine our stock. jaD,18,'67. STORE!! NEW GOODS!! MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, where the subscriber has opened out a splendid assortment of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Notions, &c., &c. All which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Dress Goods, best quality. Everybody buys 'em. Muslins, " '' Everybody buys "em Groceries, all kinds. Everybody buys 'em. Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Codarware.Ac. and a general variety of everything usually kept in a country store. Everybody buys 'em. ty Call and examine our goods. dec7,'6B. G. YEAGER ghjjsiirkms. TYR. GEO. B. KELLEY, I / having permanently located in ST. CLAIRS VTLLE, tenders his professional services to the citizens of that place and vicinity. nov2'fifiyl WW. JAMISON, M. D., BLOODY 0 RUN. Pa., tenders his professional servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office •ne door west of Richard Langdon's store. Nov. 24, '6s—ly TAR. J. L. MARBOURG, Having 1 7 permanently located, respectfully tenders his professionalservices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on Juliana street, eastside, nearly opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schell. Bedford, February 12, 1864. MEDICAL.-DR. S. G. STATLER, near Schellsburg, and DR. J. J. CLARKE, irly of Cumberland county, Pa., having asso ciated themselves in the Practice of Medicine, re spectfully offer their professional services to the citizens oi Schellsburg and vicinity. Dr. Clarke's offiee and residence same as form erly occupied by J. Smith, Esq., dec'd. aprl2,'67yl STATLER A CLARKE. pottos. LIST OF RETAILERS.—A list of venders of Foreign and Domestic Merchan dise, in the county of Bedford, for the year 1867, as appraised and classified by the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. Class. Bedford Borough. Tax. 13 GEIW Oster Store $lO 00 13 A B Cramer ACo do 10 00 14 TH A N J Lyons do 7 00 14 SAW Shuck do 700 14 Robert Fyan do 7 00 14 J M Shoemaker do 7 00 14 A L Defibaugh do 7 00 14 J B Farquhsr do 7 00 14 Mrs V B Tate Fancy Store 7 00 14 Miss M Fetterly do do 7 00 14 William Shuck do do 7 00 14 Mrs M Schnffer do do 7 00 14 Mrs E V Mowry do do 7 00 14 Miss M Border do do 7 00 14 Geo Reimund Clothing, Ac 7 00 14 R W Berkstresser ACo do do 7 00 14 Isaac Lippel do do 7 00 14 Hartley A Metzger Hardware 700 14 Geo Blymyer ACo do 7 00 14 B McC Blymyer ACo Stoves, Ac 7 00 14 Drß F Harry Drugs 7 00 14 J L Lewis do 7 00 14 Irvine A Statler Shoes, Ac 7 00 14 Mrs Nancy Taylor do 7 00 14 James Hammond Confectionery 7 00 David Brode, do 7 00 John Harris, do 7 00 14 Jacob Bollinger do 7 00 14 Geo Mardorff Grocery 7 00 14 Jacob Bowser do 7 00 14 Daniel Border Jewelry Store 7 00 Reed A Schell Bankers 10 00 Rupp A Shannon do 10 00 Bedford Township. John Yount Distillery 15 00 Bedford Min. Springs Ten Pins 700 do do do Billiards 7 00 William Wolf Confectionery 500 14 Godfrey Yeager Store 7 00 14 E Y Imler do 7 00 14 William Lamburn do 7 00 Bloody Run Borough. 13 J B Williams Store $lO 00 14 Charles T Blake do 7 00 14 Jas Barndollar A Sons do 7 00 14 Thomas Ritchey do 7 00 14 Wm States ACo do 700 14 Andrew Ginger dc 7 00 14 Gump, B tughman A Co Hardware 7 00 14 Samuel Jaffa Clothing 7 00 14 Mrs J A Mann Fancy Store 7 00 14 Phineas Runyan Confectionery 700 14 John D Lucas do 7 00 A J Kegg, do 7 00 14 Frank Masters Drugs 7 00 Broad Top Township 14 Eichelberger, Lowry \Co Store 7 00 14 Langdon A Glazier do 7 00 14 Richard Langdon do 7 00 14 Williams A Loyd do 7 00 14 Daniel Rowland do 7 00 14 R B Wigton do 7 00 14 AW Swope do 7 00 14 Dunn A Lawrence do 7 00 Alfred Evans Confectionery 5 00 Scott Eichelberger, do 5 00 Cumberland Valley Township. 14 D R Anderson Store 7 00 14 William Laney do 7 00 14 isam'l Hunt <fc Co do 7 00 Colerain Township. 14 Miss Catharine Deal Fancy Store 7 00 14 AC James ACo Store 7 00 14 C F Iletzel do 7 00 Hopewell Township. 14 Wm Grove Store 7 00 14 Daniel Ritchey do 7 00 Harrison Township. 14 V B Wertz Store 7 00 14 James M Shoemaker do 7 00 Juniata Township. 14 Zeigler A Hillegas, Store 7 00 14 George Gardill do 7 00 14 John Markle do 7 00 14 Lewis N Fyan do 7 00 14 William Keyser do 7 00 14 Joseph Foller do 7 00 14 Joseph Ling do 7 00 14 George R Bailey do 7 00 John Hughes Distillery 15 00 Napier Township. 14 Blackburn A Wright Store 7 00 14 Samuel Hefner do 7 00 14 E Richards ACo do 7 00 14 A J Jrissman A Bro do 7 00 Middle Woodberry Township. 14 Andrew Baker Store 7 00 14 A L Beck beefier do 7 00 14 J W Ricketson do 7 00 14 Jacob Brenneman do 7 00 14 D F Keagy do 7 00 14 H dsinger A Stouffer do 7 00 Christ Stouffer Confectionery 5 00 14 A F Stock do 7 00 South Woodberry Township. 14 Armstrong A Byers Store 7 00 14 Samuel Oster do 7 00 14 George Kaufiinan do 7 00 14 C L Buck do 7 00 14 Robert Ralston Confectionery 7 00 Samuel Bottomfield, do 5 00 East Providence Township. 14 DAT Black Store 7 00 14 John Nycum A Son do 7 00 14 John Louderbaugh do 7 00 14 G W Hinish, do 7 00 West Providence Township. 14 John Gilbaugh Store 7 00 14 Henry Allen Grocery 7 00 14 John M Barndollar do 7 00 Southampton Township. 14 David Tewell Siore 7 00 14 H C Lash ley do 7 00 14 J M Pureell do 7 00 14 Laban Johnson do 7 00 14 John Mors do 7 00 Snake Spring Township. William Lysinger Confectionery 5 0.) Londonderry Township. 14 Jacob Evans Store 7 00 14 J C Devore do 7 00 14 William Devore do 7 00 14 Thos J Porter do 7 00 Monroe Township. 14 James R O'Neal Store 7 00 14 Daniel Fletcher do 7 00 14 Asa M Williams do 7 00 Saxton Borough. 14 JA A E Eichelberger Store 7 00 14 Mrs C Fockler A Son do 700 14 James L Prince do 7 00 14 H S Brode Confectioner 7 00 Liberty Township. 14 Little A Stoler store 7 00 Daniel Stoler Distillery 15 00 J V Besser do 15 00 Schellsburg Borough. 14 Connelly A Muliin Store 7 00 14 John S Schell do 7 00 14 Black A Border do 7 00 14 Miller A Egolf do 7 00 14 Duncan McVicker do 7 00 14 JohnEColvin do 7 00 14 Smith A Statler do 7 00 14 A J Snively Confectionery 7 00 St Clair Township. 14 Blackburn ACo Store 7 00 14 Simon Hershman do 7 00 14 Gideon D Trout do 7 00 14 Beckley A Holsinger do 7 00 14 Hiram Davis do 7 00 14 Horn A VanDiehl do 7 00 14 F D Beegle do 7 00 14 Hershman A Greenbaum do 7 00 14 G B Amick do 7 00 14 Nathan Wright do 7 00 Union Township. 14 Jerre Clark, do 7 00 14 Jno Walter, do 7 00 NOTICE is hereby given, that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' office, at the Court House, in Bedford, on the 13th day of May, A. D., 1867. A. J. SANSOM, Mercantile Appraiser. N. B.—Persons whose names are not contained in the above list, who have commenced business since April 1, 1867, will please inform the under signed of the same. A. J. SANSOM. aprl9w4 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin istration have been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estate of Eve Stuckey, late of Bedford township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims there on, will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. WM. GEPHART, Adm r. aprsw6 Bedford. G. SHROYER versus SUSAN J\^ m SHROYER. No 53, April Term, 1867 In the Common Pleas of Bedford county. Alias Subpoen .on Libel for Divorce. Two returns of non est inventus. April 22, 1867, on motion of J. B. Cessna, Esq , M. A. Points, appointed Commissioner to take tes timony. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will meet all parties interested at the house of John L. Grove, in the town of Bloody Run, on Tuesday, May 28, 1867, at 10 o'clock, A. M , to take testimony. M. A. POINTS, may3w4 Commissioner. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford, Pa. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1867. Ifo fSjeWfltl daxittf. SUPPLEMENT TO THE SCHOOL LAW. A further Supplement to an act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education by common schools, approved the eighth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Aessembly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same , That whenever the board of directors or controllers of any school district in this Commonwealth shall be unable to pro cure such eligible sites for the erection of school houses thereon as they may deem expedient, by agreement with the owner or owners of the land, itshall and may be lawful for the directors, in behalf of the district, to enter upon and occupy sufficient ground for the pur pose, which they shall designate and mark off, not exceeding in any case one acre, and to use and occupy the same for the pnrpose of erecting thereon a school house, with its necessary and convenient appurtenances, and for all damagedone and suffered, or which shall accrue to the owner or owners of such land by reason of the taking of the same for the purposes aforesaid, the funds of the district, which may be raised by taxation, shall be pledged and deemed as security; and it shall and may be lawful for the courtofcom mon pleas of the proper county, on ap plication thereto, by petition,either by the said school district, through the president and secretary of the board of directors, or by the owner or owners of said land, or any one of them, in be half of all, to appoint a jury of view ers, consisting of three discreet and disinterested citizens of said county, who shall not be the owners of proper ty or residents in the school district in which such land is taken, as aforesaid, and appoint a time, not less than twen ty nor more than thirty days thereaf ter, for said viewers to meet upon said land, of which time and place ten days' notice shall be given by the petition ers, to the said viewers, and the other party; and the said viewers, or any of them, having been first duly sworn or affirmed faithfully, justly and impar tially to decide, and a true report to make, concerning all matters and things to be submitted to them, and having viewed the premises, they shall establish and determine the quantity and value of said land so taken to be u.-jed for the purpose aforesaid, and af ter having made a fair and just compu tation of the advantages tfcid disadvan tages, they shall estimate and deter mine whether any, and if any, what amount of damages has been or may be sustained, and to whom payable, and make report thereof to said court; and if damages be awarded and there port be confirmed by the said court, judgment shall be entered thereon, and if the amount thereof be not paid with in thirty days after the entry of said judgment, execution to enforce the col lection thereof may be issued, as in other cases of judgment against school districts; and each viewer shall be en titled to one dollar and fifty cents per day, for every day necessarily employ ed in the performance of the duties herein prescribed, to be paid by such district: Provided , That either party shall have the right to have reviewers appointed by said court. SEC. 2. That the county superinten dent of each county in this Common wealth is hereby authorized and re quired, once in each year, at such time and place as he, or a properly author ized committee of teachers, acting with him, may deem most convenient, to call upon and invite the teachers of the common schools and other institutions of learning in his county to assemble together and organize themselves into a teachers'institute, to be deyoted to the improvement of teachers in the science and art of education, and to continue in session at least five days, including a half a day for going to, and a half a day for returning from, the place of meeting, said institute to be presided over by the county superin tendent, or by some one designated by him, and subject, in its general man agement, to his control. SEC. 3. That each county superinten dent, upon the assembling ofthe teach ers' institute of his county, shall cause a roll of members to be prepared, which roll shall be called at least twice every day during the session of the institute, and all absenteescarefully marked, and from which, upon the adjournment of the institute, he shall ascertain the ex act number of teachers who were in attendance, and the length of time each attended, and upon the presenta tion of a certificate, at the close of the session of each annual institute, setting forth these facts, and signed by the county superintendent, to the treasurer of the proper county, he is hereby au thorized and required to pay immedi ately, out of any money in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the county superintendent, one dol lar for every three days spent by teach ers of the county in attendance at the institute for that year, or as much of it as may be needed, such money to be expended by the county superinten dent, in procuring the services of lec turers and instructors for the institute, and in providing the necessary appa ratus, books and stationery for carry ing on its work: Provided , That the amount which may be drawn from the county treasury shall, in no case, be more than two hundred dollars, but may, in all cases, be sixty dollars, if it shall appear, from the vouchers presen ted by the county superintendent to the county auditors, as required by the fourth section of this act, that this sum has been actually expended for the purposes herein specified: Provided further , That all boards ofdirectors may allow the teachers in their employ the privilege of attending such institutes, without making any deduction from their salaries, and that any teacher who absents himself from the institute of his county, without a good reason, may have his want of professional spir it and zeal indicated by a lower mark on his certificate in the practice of teaching, than he would otherwise have received. SEC. 4. That each county superinten dent who may draw money from the county treasury for the purposes named in this act, shall file his account of all expenditures under the act in the office of the county treasury, with vouchers for the same, which shall be examined by the auditors of the county, in like manner as other county expenditures, and any misapplication of funds shall be punished in the same manner as col lectors of State and county taxes for like offenses are now punished. SEC. 5. That all county superinten dents, upon the adjournment of the teachers' institutes held in their respec tive counties, are hereby required to report to the Superintendent of Com mon Schools the number of teachers in attendance, the names of the lecturers or instructors who officiated, the sub jects upon which the instruction was given, and the degree of popular inter est awakened by the proceedings. SEC. 6. That it shall be lawful for the school directors of any county in this Commonwealth, at any tri-ennial con vention held for the purpose of elect ing a county superintendent, to appoint seven of their number possessing the necessary qualifications, whose duty it shall be to agree upon and select a ser ies of text bookj adapted to the wants of the common schools of the county, and present them for adoption to the several boards of directors; this action, however, to be of no binding force un less confirmed at the annual meeting of directors and teachers held as now provided by the twenty-third section of the act of May eighth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, but when so confirmed the books shall not be changed until after the action of the next tri-ennial convention as aforesaid: Provided, That a majority of the board of directors of any nounty ?nay at any time call a special meeting of the direc tors of the county for the purpose of appointing a county committee on text books as above indicated, whose action shall be valid until the meeting of the tri-ennial convention in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine. SEC. 7. The school directors of any city or borough in this Commonwealth, having a population of over ten thous and inhabitants, may, on the first Tuesday of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and every third year thereafter, elect, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary and scientific acquirements, and skill and experience in the art of teaching, as city or borough superintendent for the three succeeding school years; and thesaid school directors shall determine the amount of compensation for said city or borough superintendent, which compensation shall be paid by thesame officers as pay the salaries of teachers in such school district, and in the same manner as such salaries are now paid: Provided , That nothing in thisactshall prevent the directors of any city or bor ough from electing a superintendent to serve from the time of election until the commencement of the school year, one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, from filling a vacancy, should any occur, for the unexpired term of said office, nor from increasing the sal ary of a superintendent at any time. Provided also , That the president of the board of directors or controllers of any city or borough in this Commonwealth shall, at any time after the passageof this act, if so requested, in writing, by seven directors or controllers, call a convention, giving at least five days' notice thereof, of all the directors of said city or borough, to determine whether they will elect a city or borough super intendent, in accordance with the pro visions of this act; and if, at such meet ing, it shall be decided to hold such an election, thesaid directors shall again convene at the time appointed by this section of this act, or any other time, in accordance with its provisions, and at a place fixed upon # by themselves, when they shall proceed to carry their determination into effect in the same manner as is done by conventions held for the election of county superinten dents, and all subsequent conventions for carrying into effect the purposes of this act shall be called in the same manner by said president of the board of directors or controllers of such city or borough. SEC. 8. That it shall be the duty of the president and secretary of the meeting of the directors of any city or borough, at which a city or bor ough superintendent has been elec ted, to certify to the Superintendent of Common Schools, the name and ad dress of the person elected city or borough superintendent, in pursuance of the provisions of this act, and those of all other candidates who received votes, together with the amount of compensation fixed upon by said VOL. 61.-WHOLE No. 5,392. directors; upon the receipt of such cer tificate, i f no val id objection be received, within thirty days after the day of elec tion, the Superintendent of Common Schools shall commission the person so elected for the t-rm for which he was elected, but if objection to issuing such commission be made within thirty days, the Superintendent of Common Schools shall proceed, with like power and in like manner as he is now re quired to do, where objections are made against issuing commissions to persons claiming to be elected county superin tendent. SEC. 9. That from and after the appointment of *a city or borough superintendent, in any city or borough in this Commonwealth, and the proper notification of the Supeintendent of Common Schools of the fact, such city or borough shall not be subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the county superintendent, in which such city or borough is located, except that, in the matter of holding the annual teachers' institutes, as provided by sections sec ond, third, fourth and fifth of this act, in which the city or borough superin tendent shall co-operate, and the quota of the annual State appropriation to said city or borough shall not be dimin ished, by reason of any contribution to the salaries of county superintendents, nor shall the directors of such city or borough vote at any election for county superintendents. SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of all city or borough superintendents to take a similar oath or affirmation to that now required of county superin tendents, to perform within the limits of their several jurisdictions, all the duties now by law enjoined upon county superintendents, and to dis chargesuch other duties as thebye-laws, rules and regulations of the respective boards of duectors may require; and it shall be their further duty, in addition to an annual report, to report monthly to the Department of Common Schools such facts relating to their work, and the condition of the schools under their charge, as may be required by the Superintendent of Common Schools, and to attend meetings of superintend ents called by said Superintendent of Common Schools. SEC. 11. That after the passage of this act no teacher in this Commonwealth shall receive from a county, city or borough superintendent a certificate as a teacher, who hits notafair knowledge of orthography, reading, writiug geog raphy, English grammar, mental and written arithmetic, history of the United States, an I the theory of teach ing ; nor shall such certificate be given to any person who is in the habit of using as a beverage any intoxicating drinks, and all certificates given to teachers shall set forth the branches in which those holding them have been found proficient, and indicate by suitable marks the degree of that proficiency. SEC. 12. Ccunty, city or borough superintendents, shall issue two grades of teachers'certificates, one of which shall be given to applicants possessing a fair knowledge of the branches named in section eleven, or to those who, pos sessing a thorough knowledge of the branches, have little or no experience in teaching,and shall license the holder to teach in the county, city or borough where issued for one year, and which shall not be renewed without a re-ex amination ; and the other shall be called a professional certificate, and shall be given only to those who possess a thorough knowledge of the branches above named, and who have had suc cessful experience in teaching, and shall license the holder to teach in the county, city or borough where issued during the official term of the county, city or borough superintendent issuing it, and for one year thereafter: Provided, That all so called professional certifi cates heretofore issued by any county, city or borough superintendent, stall cease to be valid on the first Monday of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, except those issued since the first Monday of June, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty six, which certificate shall be valid as long as others issued during the present term of the superintendent : Provided , That any professional certificate may be re newed by a county, city or borough superinten*lent without re-examination after having fully satisfied himself, by personal observation in his or her school, of the competency and skill as a teacher of the person holding it. And provided further , That the State Super intendent of Cominou Schools shall cause to be prepared a new grade of teachers' certificate, to be called a per manent certificate, which shall be granted by him to practical teachers holding professional certificates, upon the recommendation of the board or boards of directors in whose employ ment the applicant shall have taught for the three preceding annual school terms, which shall be countersigned by the proper county, city or borough su perintendent, in office when theappliea tion shall be made and approved, after examination, if they deem it necessa ry, by a committee of five teachers, a part of whom may be females holding permanent certificates, if there be that many holding such certificates; but if there be none, or not a sufficient num ber of that grade of teachers, the com mittee shall be constituted wholly, or in part, as the case may be, of teachers holding professional certificates, said committee to be elected by ballot by thp members of the teachers' institute at its annual session, from the county, city Qt borough in which the applicant. I rqpidee at thetimeof making the appli cation ; and such permanent certificate shall continue to be valid in such coun ty, city or borough un less forfeited accor ding to the provisions of this act, and shall also enttile the holder to teach on# year in any other county, city or bor ough, in this Commonwealth, without a re-examination, at the end of which time it may be endorsed by the proper county, city or borough superintendent, if from personal knowledge he deem it worthily held, and shall then confer upon the holder the same rank and privileges as in the county where issued and such permanent certificate shall only be annulled upon complaint,duly proven, of incompetency, cruelty, neg ligence or immorality, made to the estate Superintendent of Common Schools by a county, city or borough superintendent, and a committee of teachers elected and constituted as aforesaid. SEC. 13. That no person shall here after be eligible to the office of county, city or borough superintendent, in any county of this Commonwealth, who does not possess a diploma from a col lege legally empowered to grant litera ry degrees, a diploma or State certifi cate, issued according to law, t>y the au thorities of a State normal school, a pro fessional certificate from a county, city ) or bor'h superintendent of good stand ing, issued at least one year prior to the election, or a certificate of competency from the State Superintendent of Com mon Schools; nor shall such person be eligible unless he has a sound moral character, and has had successful expe rience in teaching within three years of the time of his election; Provided, That serving as county, city or borough superintendent shall be deemed a suffi cient test of qualification; and the pres ident and secretary of each convention of school directors held in any county, city or borough to elect a county, city or borough superintendent, when certi fying to the superintendent of Common Schools the name and address of the person elected county, city or borough superintendent, shall at the same time state the kind and character of the ev idence upon which said convention re lied for proof of the eligibility of the person so elected; and the said Superin tendent of Common Schools, if upon ex amination of the evidence presented, it shall prove to be such as required by this act, and no objection be made in accordance with section fourth, of the act approved April seventeenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, the said Superintendent of Common Schools shall appoint two competent persons himself being the third, to examine the person so elected county, city or borough superintend ent ; and if, upon examination, he be found duly qualified for the office, the said Superintendentof Common Schools shall issuetohim the usual commission; but if not, the said Superintendent of Common Schools shall proceed in like manner in respect to the person receiv ing the next highest number of votes in the convention of directors, who, if found qualified, shall receive the com mission aforesaid as county, city or bo rough superintendent; but, if his qual ifications are also found insufficient,the said Su per i n tenden t of Co in mon Schools shall appoint, with the advice and con sent of the Governor of the Common wealth, some other person with the required qualifications, county, city or borough superintendent for the eusu ing term of such office. SEC. 14, That all acts or parts of acts, in opposition to or consistent with this act, are hereby repealed; Provided, That this act shall not apply to the city or county of Philadelpha. Louis W. HALL, Speaker of the Senate. JOHN P. GLASS, Speaker of the H. of Rep. APPROVED— The ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-seven. JNO. W. GEARY. THE ART OF ADVERTISING.— On this subject the Louisville Journal has the following: "We have been carry ing on the Louisville Journal between thirty-six and thirty seven years. During all this time we have known no man of business in the city to fail who advertised liberally. And we have known no one to succeed in any considerable, if even in a respectable, degree who didn't advertise liberally! "Do you tell us, oh <fndidate for the custom of the community, that you can't afford to advertise because your business is dull? Ah! why is it dull? Listen, and we will tell you. It is dull because you don't advertise, and you don't advertise because it is dull; so the vacant circle is complete. We tell you if you are doing ill toadvertise that you may do well, and if you are doing well, advertise that you may do better. Set high your mark of business success, and advertise up to it. You can do so, if you will, even in hard times. "A little nerve is needed in adver tising as well as in using any other effective means of success. Your men who have no more nerve than a wet rag advertise little or not at all, and they succeed little or not all. You may suppose that we are giving advice that we think would benefit ourselves. Yes, we do think that it would benefit us, but benefit you immensely more. Think a little, and you will agree with us. And if you do agree with us, be wise enough to act accordingly." PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE.— The New Jersey Legislature, which has a good working majority of Radicals in each branch, has defeated a proposition tostrike the word white from the State Constitution, so as to permit negroes to vote. The same Legislature did not hesitate to ratify the Constitutional Amendment which forces negro suff rage upon the Southern States, but, iike the Legislature of our own State, it en joys such suffrage only when at a res pectful distance. Such is the consisten cy of Radicalism. With it the negro is all right so long as he can be used in the manufacture of political capital; but when the poor darkey asks tor a - home application of Radical principles - he receives such rebuff's as he has just experienced in New Jersey.— N. Y. Sun.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers