The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 08, 1867, Image 2

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    fTh* ®32Cflf.
Friday Morn In jr.. March 3, 1367.
Circulate your County Paper.
The following named gentlemen hare been ap
pointed our Agents to obtain übscriptions to the
SAZCTTB. They are authorized to receipt for u:
Bloody Run— Jeremiah Thompson.
Ray's Hill— D. A T Black.
Monroe —Daniel Fletcher
Colerain —Geo W. Deal, H.P. Diehl.
C. Valley —D. R Anderson. A. Zembower. i
hovdonderry —James C Devore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Schel/shuig —J E. Black
Hapier— John Sill, John W. Bowen.
Southampton— Wm. Adams, John Carender,
Weatlejr Bennett.
Union—Hi. Wertz. W B Lan}bris*ht.
M. Woodke.rry— W. M. Pearson, Daniel Barley.
S. Woodberry —J. I. Noble, J. S. Brumbaugh.
Hopetoe'l—Vf. A. Grore, J B. Fluke.
broad Top —M. A. Hunter.
Liberty —Geo. Roadc*, D. Stoler.
Saxtori —Charles Faxon.
St Clair— John W. Criaman, Samuel Beckley.
Sttjle Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart
ley and M. S. Ritchey.
IV. Providence. —Geo. Baughman, Ilomer Neice.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 28.
DEAR GAZETTE A sojourn of four
days in the Capital of "the nation" (I
say "nation," for as to the Republic—
Ilium fuit!) has convinced me thut po
litical quiet prevails here to a much
greater extent than even in any part
of sedate old Pennsylvania. As the
heart itself is only a piece of dull flesh,
so the seat of government is compara
tively lifeless as regards political agita
tion ; but, as the heart sends the blood
throbbing through all the veins, so the
legislation of the capital gives motion
and excitation to all thecurrents of pol
itics running and rushing throughout
the country. Sumner may growl his
most threatening gutterals, Boutwell
may rage in the most approved Mas
sachusetts style, States may be abolish
ed, the President impeached, Liberty
itself subverted; no one here is dis
turbed in his equanimity by any thing
of the sort. Such things are regarded
here as matters of course. In the way
of revolution there can be "nothing
new under the sun" to the people of
this city. But the doses which fail to
stimulate Washingtonians, excite to fe
ver the people of the country. It is
well that this is true. It is well that
men are not all so callous as to be un
impressed by the subver ion of the
government and the loss of liberty.
In the country there is much specula
tion in regard to the proposed impeach
ment of the President. Here it is
scarcely mentioned. Shrewd men,
when interrogated upon the subject,
say the President will be removed, yet
such men do not seem to think it prop
er to sound the alarm to the country.
A strange spell seems to be fastened
upon those who should exert every
netve to save the government. But
the true-hearted yeomanry of the
North will not brook the deviltry which
robs them as well of liberty as of live
lihood, and their voice will one day
break the enchantment which is upon
those who should be sentinels on the
watch-towers of Freedom.
An election for municipal officers was
held in the city of Georgetown, on
Monday last. It was the first experi
ment under the rule of "universal suf
frage" established for this district by
Congress. The election passed off in
an orderly manner, as how could it do
otherwise, when no challenges of voters
were permitted, an armed force of one
hundred and forty men being on hand
to prevent any such challenges and
"to quell disturbances.'* By this
means, some hundreds of negroes from
Freedmen's Village, in Virginia, were
"voted" for the Radical candidate, and
the white men of Georgetown were
beaten by ninety-six majority in a vote
of two thousand. The city councils,
however, are conservative and the Rad
ical mayor will be powerless for mis
chief. Georgetown and Washington
are filled with negroes who came to
these cities during the war, nine-tenths
of whom can neither read nor write,
and many of whom have no other than
their old plantation names of "Sam,"
and "Bill" and "Joe," and are, there
fore, compelled to manufacture names
for themselves when they come to be
enrolled upon the poll-books. This el
ement is strongenough to out-vote the
conservatives, and the two cities of the
District of Columbia are now, to all in
tents and purposes, politically speak
ing, in the hands of emancipated negro
slaves. This state of affairs, of course,
cannot last long. History solves the
problem as to the fate of the black
man when thrown into collision with
the Caucasian. Let those who pin their
politics to the skirts of emancipated
negro slaves learn the lesson of his
On Wednesday night last, there was
quite a lively scene in the Senate. A
debate arose upon the question of the
payment of Assistant Assessors of In
t?rnal Revenue in the excluded States,
when Senators Sumner and Chandler
-mured out a torrent of abuse upon
Ir. MeCulloch, the Secretary of the
Treasury* Mr. Chandler declared that
the Secretory was pauper" and to
tally unfit for the position which he
occupied. Senators Hendricks. Sher
man, Buckalew and Fessenden defend
ed the Secretary against the onslaught
of Sumner and Chandler, and the lat-
tercarae out of the "scrimmage" con
siderably the worse for the wear. Sen
ator Fessenden (Radical as he is) decla
red that he had not words to character-j
ize the mitrageousness of the language
used by Chandler, and said that it was
false from beginning to end.
The veto of the Military Reconstruc
tion Bill has not yet been sent into
Congress, but is hourly expected. It is
just now rumored that the President ,
has signed it, which I doubt. It is a
measure which would create revolution
in any country but this, and I fear will:
finally result in war even among the
phlegmatic people of the United (?) j
States. It is unnecessary that I should
refer to the details of this iniquitous
bill; suffice it to say that it annihilates
the State Governments of the South
and makes that section the Poland of
the Union. In view of the fact, how
ever, that if the Southern communities
(how can we any longer rail them
States t ) are not represented in Congress
| by the next Presidential election, they
will have no voice in that election, it
is a question whether the Southern
peopie will not conform to the require
ments of this bill, and demand repre
sentation under it. They will be com
pelled to adopt the constitutional a
mendment and negro suffrage, but they
hope to be able to control their emanci
pated slaves and thus slay Radicalism
with its own sword. I would not be
surprised to learn that a movement
will soon be made, by prominent South
ern men, looking to the end which I
havejust indicated.
The tariff bill is at present under
consideration in the House. There is
great fear that it will fail for want of
time. The diversity of interests which
ask to be "protected," causes consider
able clashing among those who want a
tariff, and the iron men and wool men
and flax men are all at loggerheads.
New England having succeeded in get
ting her manufactures protected, now
protests against a like protection of
Pennsylvania coal. The House com
mittee has reduced the duty on that ar
ticle from $1.25 to 50 cents per ton, but
an effort is now being made to increase
the duty when the matter shall come
before the House. Our coal-operators
can judge from this of the fairness and
magnanimity of Radical New Eng
The hotels are swarming with poli
ticians of every hue, whose business
here is to reconstruct the vacant reve
nue offices in their respective districts.
Things are at sixes and sevens in this
regard and there is no prophesying
what will be the upshot of the strug
gle between the Secretary of the Treas
ury and the Senate. There are plenty
of long faces on both sides.
I have spent some time in sight-see
ing around the capital, but must fore
go, for want of space, the pleasure of
relating my experience. In the mat
ter of art, I cannot help referring to
the statue of Lincoln, placed in the ro
tunda of the Capitol. It is a short and
thick-set representation of a tall and
spare man—in short it resembles Lin
coln, in form, about as mnch as it does
the Kentucky giant. In the dome of
the Capitol there is a grand painting
which a grave and reverend Senator
declares is a picture of the Father of his
Country surrounded by the girls of the
Canterbury. On the top of the dome
is a brownish looking woman, with the
appearance (from the front of the Cap
itol) of having her head knocked off.
But I must close. B. F. M.
It will be remembered by our Dem
ocratic friends that the Spring Elec
tions are held on Friday, the 15th inst.
Our friends should be vigilant and ac
tive. Let them turn out to a man, and
elect a full conservative ticket in every
township, wherever we have the vote
to do it. This is of far greater import
ance than many suppose. Democrats
sometimes stay at home and allow the
Radicals to achieve triumphs where
there are Democratic majorities. We
trust we shall have nothing of this kind
to record at the coming election.
—The mode of voting was changed
by the law passed last winter. Here
tofore candidates could be voted lor on
a separate slip of paper. Now all town
ship officers are required to be on one
slip, with the word "Township" at the
head, the slip or ticket folded so that
the word township is on the outside.
All borough officers are also to be pn
one slip or ticket, which is to be head
ed "Borough" and folded in like man
ner. Care should be taken in this mat
ter or votes may be lost.
Gov. SwANX.last Friday,sent a mes
sage to the Maryland Legislature, sta
ting that he should not accept the U
nited States Senatorship, but would re
tain the Governor..hip of Maryland.
He did this at the solicitation of prom
inent citi/zens.
Radicalism and corruption go hand
in hand in this country. Indeed we
are of the opiuion that this is natural
and that it has always been so. Just
as insanity and drunkenness are some
times hereditary and constitutional, so
the peculiar temperament that makes
a man Radical, goes far to make him
corrupt and dangerous whenever temp
tation offers, or when interest, ambi
tion or resentment prompt him to oth
er than honorable actions. This may
not be true of the rank and tile who
are mere followers of doctrines cun
ningly their leaders, but of
the leaders themselves, who have stud
ied and understand the nature and ten
dencies of their teachings, it is scarcely
questionable. The history of Radical
ism in all ages and in every country
that has ever felt its malign influences,
justifies these assertions. But aside
from the illustrations of history, we
have other reasons for believing them
to be true. Radicalism originates in
an over-weening pride of human rea
son, and a contempt for old and well
established land-marks of all kinds,
whether in morals or politics. It can
originate in no other way. The "High
er Law" doctrine isessential to its very
existence. Thus, jn the Politics of our
own country, its leaders boldly declare
that there is a "Higher Law" than the
Constitution, and treat that instrument
and the laws of the land which em
body the accumulated wisdom of ages,
as of no value.
In morals and religion the same men
are equally intolerant and dangerous.
Here, too, old land-marks are swept
away and their boasted "Human Rea
son" and "Higher Law" reigns su
preme. Whenever a part of the Bible
conflicts with their fanatical notions,
they ruthlessly tear out the leaf and de
clare that it is no part of Revelation.
Gerrit Smith, one of their champions,
boldly avowed this shocking doctrine,
in a speech a few days ago, and most of
the Radical leaders believe the same
doctrine, and carry it out, although
they may be too cowardly to avow it
openly. Of this sort are the. public
men who have been thrown to the sur
face by Radical triumphs at the polls
since 1856. They include among their
number the Free-thinkers, Scoffers, In
fidels, Atheists and every shade of
scepticism, from Atheism down to the
milder forms which assume the garb of
a Christian church, in order the more ef
fectually to disseminate their moral
poisons. Such are the men who now
assume to direct the destinies of the na
tion—men with no guide, moral or po
litical, except their boasted Reason and
"Higher Law." What eouid be ex
pected of them except that which has
actually taken place. They perpetrate
the lesser villainies of political life, nat
urally and seemingly with infinite rel
ish. When urgent occasion seemed to
require, they have shown themselves
capable of doing things that blanch the
cheek and curdle the blood in one's
It is not, therefore, strange that the
advent of the Radical party to power
in this country, began an era of legis
lative corruption and infamy that has
perhaps never had a parallell in the his
tory of the world. That whole Legis
latures should be bribed, that individ
ual members should be bought like
beef in the market, and that scoun
drels of all grades should swarm like
maggots in a putrid carcass, wherever
Radicals are in power, is precisely what
should have been expected. All this
has come and it will continue until the
buzzards that now fatten upon the body
politic are driven from their feast and
men are elected in their stead who will
bring to their work an honest heart and
a decent regard for the Bible and the
Constitution of their country.
The President has vetoed the Milita
ry Reconstruction Bill, and also the
act "regulating the tenure of civil offi
ces." The arguments against both
bills are unanswerable. But the Rad
icals did not halt to even consider the
facts presented by the President. Up
on the receipt of the vetoes, they at
once acted upon the bills and passed
them into laws by the constitutional
number of votes. The Military Recon
struction Bill is now the law of the
land. Ten States of the Union are re
duced to Territories, and military
power placed above the civil authori
ties, in time of peace, and in the face
of all constitutional prohibitions to
the contrary. The only hope now is
the Supreme Court. The President
has exhausted his constitutional power
in defence of the Union, the Constitu
tion and the perpetuity ol our form of
government. The appeal now is to the
supreme judicial tribunal of the land.
That hotly, in the "military commis
sion" and the "test oath." eases, nobiy
vindicated the Constitution from the
assaults of the Radicals, and the people
again look in that direction for assist
ance in preserving the life of the na
tion from the acts of political assassins.
The end of the contest between fnilita-
ry despotism as represented by the
Radicals, and civil liberty as champi
oned by the Democratic party, is not
yet. The latter organization will use
all constitutional and lawful means to
protect the people from the effect ef
Radical legislation, and fight inch by
inch pvery illegal and unconstitutional
enactment attempted tobe enforced.—
WASHINGTON, March 2—2.10 P. M.
—The President has just sent to the
House his veto of the military bill, for
the more efficient government of the
rebel States.
WASHINGTON, March 2.—'The fol
lowing is a synopsis of the President's
Veto Message on the Military Recon
struction Bill: He submits whether
this measure is not in its whole charac
ter, scope and object without precedent,
and without authority, and in palpable
conflict with the plainest provisions of
the Constitution and utterly destruc
tive to those great principles of liberty
and humanity, for which our ancestors
on both sides of the Atlantic have shed
so much blood and expended so much
The military rule which it establish
es, is plainly to he used, not for any
purpose of order, but solely as a means
of coercing the people into theadoption
of principles and measures to which it
is known they are opposed, and upon
which they have en undeniable right
to exercise their own good judgment.
He concludes by saying:
He says the bill would seem to have
upon its face that the establishment of
peace and good order is not its real ob
ject. Healludesto the conditions which
must be fulfilled before the people of
any Southern State can be relieved from
the bondage of military domination.
At present, ten States are denied rep
resentation, and when the 40th Cong
ress assembles on the 4th day of the
present month, sixteen States will be
without a vote in the House of Repre
The grave facts with the important
question before us, should induce us to
pause in a course of legislation which,
looking solely to the attainment of po
litical ends, fails to consider the rights
it transgresses, the laws which it vio
lates, or the institutions which it im
WASHINGTON, March 2.—The Presi
dent has approved the Consular and
Diplomatic bill,and the Military Acade
my bill. Also the bill to refund to
each person drafted under the calls of
February and March, 18G4, who paid
commutation to enter the service or
furnish a substitute, the sum ofs3oo,
that being the amount of money so paid
by him ; it being the meaning of the
amendatory act to exempt persons thus
payingcommutationfroni further draft
until that quota should be tilled, and
not exceeding one year. The President
has also approved the joint resolution
extending for two years the use of cer
tain vessels for quarantine purposes at
the port of New York.
The Senate of the United States last
Saturday passed an Act for the relief of
certain drafted men, which had been
passed by the House of Representa
tives on the last day of the last ses
It provides that the Secretary of War
shall refund the three hundred dollars
paid as commutation by the men draft
ed under the amendatory enrollment
act of February 24, 1804, where the
same men were again drafted within
one year and held to service or required
to furnish substitutes. The draft under
the cail of December 19, 1864, having
been ordered at a very early day in this
district, quite a number of the men who
commuted in 1801 were again drqfted
and entered the service or furnished
substitutes, and similar cases exist in a
number of the other districts of Penn
sylvania, as.weil as in Delaware, Ken
tucky and some parts of the West.
The Act of February 24,1804, provid
ed that the payment of commutation
should exempt "until thatquota should
be tilled and not exceeding one year."
The quoto under the calls of February 1
and March 14. 1804, were never tilled.
Notwithstanding the draft under the
eail of Dec. 19, 1804, took place within
one year from the time the men draft
ed under the calls of February 1 and
March 14,1804, paid commutation, the
Provost Marshals were ordered by the
War Department inexorably to hold
the men drafted in the last draft who
had so commuted. A contrary ruling,
it is true, was made at a late day, but
too late to avail to release those men
whose ca. es had been theretofore adju
Strange to say, the attempt to have
the money refunded to these injured
men was resisted by the War Depart
ment, and it was only after repeated
and persistent effort that the refunding
act, doing measurable justice, was pass
This act was passed through theearn
estand tireless efforts ol'Capt.Geo. Eys
ter, late Provost Marshal,—he having
several times visited Washington to
effect its passage. He first appealed to
the Provost Marshal General to refund
the money, but he refused, the Secreta r
ry of War sustained his decision, and
both those officers advised against the
bill. Not daunted, Capt Eyster appear
ed before the Military committees of
Congress and presented the justice of
the case so clearly that both reported
favorably. The "bill was at first defeat
ed in the Senate, but he effected a re
consideration, a modified bill proposing
to pay but Slot) was passed, but he again
appeared before the House committee
and ttie House refused to concur, and
finally he effected the passage of the
original bill. He was cordially aided
by Gen. Coffroth last session and Gen.
Koontz and Hon. K. McPherson also
gave their earnest efforts to aid the suc
cess of the measu re. — (Jhambcrsburg Re
pository, Feb. 27.
—A manufacturer in New York city
is filling an order for two thousand
thimbles at eighteen cents per dozen,
for the manager of a popular gift enter
prise. "No blanks ! Every ticket en
titles the holder to a present!"
—A western contemporary is willing
to pay off all bis overdu 1 obligations,
like the Radical State officials offer to
pay the State debt, if somebody will
only lend him the "Spinners."'
—T!ie Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
publishes a complete list of the disasters
on the lakes and tributary rivers in 18-
66. It fills six columns, with an aggre
gate of seven hundred and thirty-four
disasters, involvingthe lossof one hun
dred and eleven lives and $1,647,428 in
property. The greatest number of dis
asters happened in June and October.
The loss by sailing vessels was more
than double that by steam vessels; but,
though the lake business of last year
was considerably in excess of that of
1865, the losses were not so great by for
ty-one lives and a quarter of a million
of dollars, showing a more favorable
season for navigation in 1866 than in
ISO; - ).
—A gangof Georgetown negroes, the
night after the election which made a
darkey equal to "any other man," made
a raid upon the store of Patrick Dona
ghue,and, after nearly killing the pro
prietor, carried off a large amount of
bacon, brooms, and other property.
Four of the "citizens" are under arrest,
but as ebony now rules in that city, of
course they will escape. What use is
freedom to a nigger unless he is allowed
to steal ?
-The registered voters of George
town, I). C., were—whites 1,350; blacks
971—total 2,321. The poll was—for
Welsh, the negro candidate, 1,010; Ad
dison, White Man's candidate, 923—to
tal I,o42—showing a poll of 379 less
than the registry lists. From these
figures it would appear that 48 white
men (!) voted with the niggers and 379
white men did not vote. It is stated
that Welsh is preparing a "grand en
tertainment" for the nigs of both col
—The New York Herald recommends
"government" to goto work coining
ten cent pieces made of copper and nick
el. Very proper, for copper and nick
el are justabout as much like silver , as
the government is like that formed by
Washington and Jefferson. —Gold and
silver are the remembrances of the gov
ernment as it was, but copper and nick
el the signs of the thing as it is.—Ex
—The Williamsport (Pa.) Bulletin
says one of the curiosities of the season
is that of numerous grasshoppers ap
pearing on the grass where the snow
has melted off. Whether this pheno
menon is general, or only confined to
particular localities, we are not able to
state. Mr. H. S. Morse, who resides
on Center street, caged several and
brought them to our office. They are as
lively asin midsummer. Who has seen
winter grasshoppers elsewhere?
—On the day when the niggers vo
ted in Georgetown, the Rads of the
Rump House squashed a bill for grant
ing suffrage to the white, intelligent
foreigners of the District of Columbia.
According to the Radical view, there
fore, foreigners haven't manhood e
nough to enjoy the privilege of voting.
The "rights of man," they say, mean
only the rights of negroes.
—The people of Schuylkill county
are in the midst of a black band of iron
ore excitement. Veins have been dis
covered within two or three miles of
Pottsville. That kind of ore is valua
ble because it possesses within itself all
the necessary ingredients for smelting,
it is black, heavy and streaked with
slate or coal.
—From Vera Cruz it is reported that
the Liberals in the interior of Mexico
have intercepted all communication
with the coast. Everything is said to
be in I lie greatest confusion. The
French transports have reached Vera
Cruz. Foreigners are leaving the coun
try as fast as possible, and the belief is
expressed that Maximilian will also
take his departure soon—perhaps with
in ten days.
—A committee at Guelph, C. W.,
awarded a prize for a crop* of G4,000
pounds of turnips from an acre of land.
The second prize was given for a crop
of 60,330 pouuds. The lightest oftive
other crops was 52,320 pounds. The
committee recommended planting
turnips in drills 28 inches apart, and 9
to 12 inches apart in the rows.
—The Cincinnati Price Current of
the 13th, states the number of hogs
packed to date this season from points
heard from to be 1,976,979; estimate for
the season 2,225,203; total packed last
year, 1,454,998; estimated increase so far
—The Senate, in pursuance of the
new law, elected John D. Defrees, Esq.,
Superintendent of Public Printing, in
place of Cornelius Wendell, Esq., who
was appointed by the President under
the old law last summer, which was
changed a few days ago for the purpose
of reinstating Mr. Defrees.
—Greenwood Cemetery has been op
en to the public as a place of burial for
the dead less than twenty-seven years,
and the interments had reached, last
Saturday night, the immense number
of one hundred and twenty-four thous
and one hundred and twenty-eight.
—A movement is said to he on foot
to lay pipes from Titusville, Pa., to
New York, for the purpose of trans
porting oil, in competition with the
railroads. The estimated capital isss,-
—The Indians of New Mexico are on
the war path. Gov. Amy reports a
number of murders committed by
them, and large quantities of stock
driven off. All the settlers and miners
on Membres River have gone into Mes
silla for protection.
—The Legislature of Virginia, whose
session expireson Monday next, is to be
called together again in extra session
for the purpose of taking into consid
eration the Congressional plan of re
—Frederick Douglass was on Friday
last admitted within the bar of the
House of the Michigan legislature, in
troduced by the Speaker, and received
with applaus •
—The Legislature of Tennessee has
adopted resolutions calling on the Fed
eral Government for additional milita
ry 011 the alleged plea that it is neces
sary for the purpose of maintaining
peace and order in several of the coun
ies of the State.
—A family in Hartford, Connecticut,
consisting of a gentleman, his wifeand
several children, were all poisoned a
day or two since by taking what was
supposed to be dandelion bitters, which
contained belladona. The mistake oc
curred through the carelessness of the
druggist's clerk. None of the cases
proved fatal.
—The Rads of the Wisconsin' Legis
lature and those of the bogus Tennessee
Legislature have passed a bill to pay
themselves in gold. Those "loyal"
fellows dou't seem to fancy greenbacks
on a par basis.
—Five dead bodies, shipped to Ann
Arbor, Mich., were discovered in flour
barrels at Buffalo, yesterday. Four of
the bodies were adult and the fifth an
infant. They were probably designed
for dissection.
—ln Chicago, in order to economize
in the cost of transporting lumber to
purchasers in other places, they are now
building and selling ready built houses,
cottages, villages, stores, churches etc.
—Three hundred and fifty millions
of Hindoos worship cows. Half of
Wall street worship bulls. •
—A great conflagration at Yeddo, in
Japan, has destroyed four miles of
houses, in the commercial quarter.
—The Indians in Arizona and New
Mexico are very hostile, and commit
numerous outrages on the white sett
—A young lady in Norfolk walked
into a store and cowhided a clerk who
had been saying naughty things about
—The failure of the Equitable Life
and Marine Insurance Company, of
Boston, is announced.
—A German woman in Cincinnati
who died last week and left behind her
$7,000 in gold, had been a subject of
A Westerly (R. I.) gift enterprise
firm has disappeared, with about $lOO,-
000 forwarded by deluded people who
hoped to get suddenly rich.
—The annual budget of expenditures
of New York city shows this year a total
of $19,393,941.
FLOUR.—The market is very dull.
Nortiiwest superfine, $7.0007.75
Northwest extra, 8.5009.50
Northwest extra family, 10.50012.50
Penna. and West'n superfine,
Pen.ia. and West'n extra, 9.00010.50
Penna. and West'n family, 12.00013.50
Penna. and West'n fancy, 14.00016.50
Rye flour, 7.0007.25
GRAIN.—We quote—
Pennsylvania red, per $2.60@3.00
Southern " 3.0003.15
White, " 8.25(//,3.30
Rye, " 1.3001.31
Corn, for yel., (new) " . $0.9700.98
Oats, " 08(5 59c
POVISIONS. —We quote—
Mess, Pork, per bbl., $21.50022.00
Bacon, Hams, per lb., 15018 c
Salt Shoulders, " 90.90
Prime Lard, " 13c
SEEDS.—We quote
Cloverseed, per bus., at $8.00(7/ 8.50
Timothy, " 3.5003.65
Flaxseed, " 3.2503.25
WHISKEY.—The trade is supplied
with the contraband article, at $101.50
BUCHU is a eertain cure lor
and all diseases of the
whether existing in
from whatever cause originating and no matter of
Diseases of these organs require the use of a di
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are
supported from these sources, and the
and that, of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of
a reliable remedy.
Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by
11. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist,
594 Broadway, Now York, and
104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
marB,' 67yl
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in
the city, was hardly recognized by her friends.
In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had
a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth
ness. and instead of twenty three sho really ap
peared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, sho plainly told them
that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and con
sidered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's
toi'.et. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im
prove their personal appearance an hundred fold.
It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself
is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw
ing irupuriiies from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its di
rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its
impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving
the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear,
soft, smooth and beautiful. Price SI, scut by Mail
or Express, on receipt of order by
W. L. CLARK A co., chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents for sale of the same.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article }he world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirnble article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragraut odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, whieh ID delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The above articles for sale/by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at SI per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 10 Liberty St., New York.
medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. Scbenck, of Phil
adelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and mako
it into chyle, the first process of digestion. Ev
cleansing the stomach with Schenek's Mandrake
p 'lls, the Tonic soon restores the appetite, and food
that could not bo eaten before using it will be eas
ily digested.
Consumption cannot bo cured by Schenek's Pul Syrup unless the stomach and liver istnado
ltS . p.T, and the a PPctite restored, hence the Tonic
an i s are required in nearly every ease of con
sumption A halt dozen bottles of th'e SEAWEED
OMC, an t fee or tour boxes of the MANDRAKE
PILLS w.ll cure an, ordinary c ,se of dyspepsia.
Dr.Sehenck makes profesaional vWts jn F
4 ork Boston, and at hi, principal offiee jn phi , ft _
delphta every week. See ciniw „ _ ,
. . . ~ e a "'ly papers of each
place, or h.s pamphlet on consumption, for his days
of visitation.
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the lastsWc
of consumption, and the other as he now is j n per
fect health, Rre on the Government stamp
Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $1 50
per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for
advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenek's prin
cipal Office, Xo. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
General W holesalc Agents—Demas Barnes <t Co.
New \ork; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D.
1 ark, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Tavlor, Chica
go, 111.; Collius Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
0ct19'66 lstw
LXSAI'E REMEDIES for unpleasant and
dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Extract Bu
chu and Improved Rose Wash.
New York, Nov. 23, 1859.
I. ALLCOCK A co.—Gentlemen : I lately suf
fered severely from a weakness in my back. Hav
ing heard j'our plasters much recommended for
cases of this kind. I procured one, and the result
was all I could desire. A sin.'le plaster cured me
in a week. Yours respectfully,
Proprietor of the Brandreth House.
Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862.
Messrs. Allcock A co.:—Please send me a dol
ar's worth of your plasters. They have cured mo
of a crick in my back, which has troubled me for
some time, and now my father is going to try them
for difficulty about his heart.
Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway, New York, in
forms us he sold, on Monday, June 22d, 1862, two
plasters two a young woman suffering very severe
ly from lumbago. On Thursday she called to get
two more for a friend, aud then stated how the two
she had purchased on Monday had relieved her
immediately after putting them on, and cured her
in two days ot a most distressing pain in her back
and loins. Sold by all Druggists. feblsml
OF CROUP.— Now, mothers, if you would spend 50
cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Ve
nitian Linimeut in the house, you never need fear
losing your little one when attacked with this com
plaint. It is now 19 years since I have put up my
Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of
croup when my liniment was used; but hundreds
of cases of cures have been reported to me, aud
many state if it was $lO per bottle they would not
be without it. Besides which, it is a certain cure
for cuts, burns, headache, toothache, sore throats,
swellings, mump-', colic, diarrhoea, dysentery,
spasms, old sores, and pains in the back and chest.
No one once tries it who is ever without it. It is
warranted perfectly safe to take internally. Full
directions with every bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. feblsw7
—Therefore the nervous and debilitated should
immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu.
E. F. TnoisNTOX, the great English Astrologist,
Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has astun
ilfetd the scientific classes of the Old World, has
ntwv located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec
ond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of
the greatest importance to the single or married of
either sex. While in a state of trance,
eates the very featnres of the person you are to
marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense
power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees
to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with the date of
marriage, position in life, leading traits of char
acter, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of
testimonials can assert. She will send when de
sired a certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that the picture is what it purports to be. By en
closing a small lock of hair, and stating place of
birth, age, disposition and complexion and enclo
sing fifty-cents and stamped envelope addressed to
yourself, you will receive the picture and desired
information by return mail. All communications
sacredly confidential. Address in confidence,
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson,
N. Y. marl,'67yl
STORED by Helmbold's Extract Buchu.
REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoy
ant state, delineates the very features of the per
son you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru
ment of intense power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition,
as testimonials without number can assert By
stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of
eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stam
ped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with de
sired information.
Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE
REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.
pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the yung of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beauti
tul, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
Noyounglady or gentleman should fail to send
their Address, and receive a copy postpaid, by re
inail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21,
iaarlm6 Troy, N. Y.
IMPROVED ROSE WASH cures secret and delicate
disorders in all their stages, at little expense,
little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and
no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, im
mediate in its lietion, and free from all injurious
properties. -
THE HEAD OF A COMET, according
to Milton, is rendered tenfold more terrible by its
and there are thousands of fiery human heads
which might be rendered charming by simply
changing their tint to a mellow brown, or a per
fectly natural black with
It is ridiculous to carry into society a grey, sandy
or carrotty head, when five minutes would render
it as attractive as Naturo 'could have made it in
her happiest mood. Manufactured by .1. Christo
doro, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by drug
gists. Applied by Hair Dressers. febloml
signed has for sale township and borough rights
for Dr. Vaughan's LIGHTNING LAMP, which
was | atented on the 6th of November last, and is
pronounced the brightest and cheapest light at
presence known to science. Those wanting rights,
can obtain them by addressing the undersigned at
Ruinsburg, Bedford county, Pa.
feb22ml C P. HELTZEL