The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 01, 1867, Image 2

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    fdfard (laaeiir.
Friday Morning', -Mareh 1, 1567.
Circulate your County Paper.
The following named gentlemen hare been ap
pointed oar Agents to obtain subscriptions to the
GAZETTE. They are antborixed to receipt for as:
Bloody Run —Jeremiah Thompson.
Ray's Hdl—D. A. T. Black
Monroe—Daniel Fletcher
Coleoin —Geo. W. Deal, fI.P. Diehl.
C. Valley —D. R. Anderson. A. Zembower.
Londonderry —James C. Derore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Srhellehutg —J E. Black.
JSapier —John Bill, John TV. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Carender,
Wetley Bennett.
Union —M. Wertx. W. B. Lambright.
M. TVoodberry—Wt M. Pearson. Daniel Barley.
S. Woodberry —J.l. Noble, J. 8 Brumbaugh.
Hopewell —W. A. Grore, J B. Fluke.
Broad Top —M A. Hunter.
Liberty— Geo. Roades, D. Stoler.
Saxton —Charles Faxon.
St Clair— John W. Crisman, Samuel Buckley.
Snale Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart
ley and M. S. Ritchey.
W. Providence —Geo. Baughman, HomerNeice.
THE Radical party from its very in
ception down to the present time, has
been a party of treachery and double
dealing. It has never fought a cam
paign openly and manfully, nevcs de
clared to the country, before the elec
tion, its real principles and purposes.
The ultraism of its leaders needed only
to be avowed to be repudiated by the
people. Hence its uniform policy has
been to deny the real issues and carry
the elections on false ones. This it has
done from first to last, with an unblush
ing effrontery that baffles description.
From 1856 to 1860 that party, through
every authoritative channel, through
its press and stump-speakers, its State:
and National Conventions, solemnly
declared tothe country that it intend
ed no interference with slavery in the
States. Mr. Lincoln, in his inaugural
address, reiterated the same doctrines
that had cheated the country into his
support. Congress followed this by
joint resolutions deliberately repeating
the same solemn lie. The sequel is
familiar to all. As soon as they had
the country hopelessly involved in
war, this party, false to all its pledges,
but true to its secret intentions from
the first, abolished slavery by a single
stroke of the Presidential pen.
They have always shirked the ques
tion of Negro Suffrage and Negro E
quality, and yet these doctrines are as
much a part of their creed as the ten
commandments are a part of the Bi
ble. Their leaders have intended
from the first, to stop at nothing less
than complete social and political equal
ity between the two races. Their de
nial of this was only another instance
of their cowardly mode of warfare.
In this, as in every thing else, they
have uniformly gone into the contest
with an honest flag floating over a pi
rate's deck, and thus achieved their
They have, however, at last seen
proper to throw off their disguise and
unfurl the black flag that marks the
true character of their craft. Congress,
at its present session, has established
unqualified negro suffrage in the Dis
trict of Columbia and in \ all the terri
tories of the "United States. It has al
so passed a law excluding the Southern
States from the Union until they shall
establish Negro Suffrage. These acts,
it seems to us, render it impossible for
the Radical leaders longer to conceal
their real purposes from the people.
The issues must hereafter be squarely
met. It remains to be seen whether
the country will indorse these meas
ures ; whether this party of fraud, hy
pocrisy and lies, can be continued in
power after it has cheated and betrayed
the great body of its own followers.
THE Radicals in Congress have at
last declared their deliberate purpose
to exclude the South from the Union
until Negro Equality is established by
the several State Constitutions. In the
meantime the Southern people are to
be governed by the bayonet. Armies
'are to be quartered upon them, and
the military is to be superior to the
civil power. Military commissions
with all their infernal incidents, are to
take the place of Courts of Justice.
Such are the provisions of the Military
Subjugation Bill as it at last passed
both houses of Congress. The infamy
of this measure is unparalleled in the
annals of oppression. Never before
were a conquered and unresisting peo
ple so mercilessly compelled to bite the
dust. But one result can follow. A
spirit of hatred and vengem e, the nat
ural offspring of tyranny, will spring
up all over the South. A dozen Po
lands and Irelands are established
within our borders, and standing ar
mies are necessary to keep them in
subjugation. God alone can foresee
where all this will end.
—A. H. Coffroth has been rejected by
the Rump Senate as Assessor of Inter
nal Revenue for the 16th district. Al
fred G. Lloyd, of the 23d district, is in
thesame'flx. They are not Radical
enough on disunion and the darkey to
get their bread and bitter. Rufus <
bwope, of the 16th, and W. S. M'Caud
less, of the 23d, have been rejected as
eol lectors.
IIARRISBURG, Feb. 23, 1867.
DEAR GAZETTE: —Having a few
moments of leisure, I will jot down
some desultory notes touching things
at the State Capital. The legislature
is not in session at present, having ad
journed on Thursday last to meet on
Tuesday next. This adjournment, it
isalleged by some of the majority, was
effected because of the respect the Leg
islature are supposed to entertain for
the memory of thatold Virginia rebel,
George Washington ; but it is shrewd
ly surmised that since Andy Johnson's
disquisition on defunct ducks, the Rad
icals regard this as diesirac , and, there
foie, think it best to keep quiet whilst
its hours are passing. At any rate the
glorious Twenty-Second was permitted
to go by without any demonstration in
its honor by the Radical Legislature of
There is still some little talk about
! the Pittsburg and Connellsviile Rail
| road bill which was lost in the Senate,
| a few days ago. The bill will soon be
! acted upon in the House, but I think
, will fail there also. There is a good
; deal of acrimony between the friends
| of this bill and those of the Pennsylva
| nia Railroad, and in the debate upon
j the bill in the Senate, the Speaker was
: frequently compelled to check Senators
j in their attempts to reflect upon each
: other's motives. It is a sad thing that
i jealousy of sectional interests should
thus divide and distract the counsels of
the legislature in regard to railroad im
provements, and the people should a
i wake to the necessity of electing men
j to that body whose broader views and
earnest desires for the good of the peo
ple of every section of the State will
put an end to legislation which favors
one locality to thedetrimentof another.
I fear that there is but little prospect of
the enactment of a Free Railroad Law.
True, there may some law be passed
which will bear such a title, but the bills
which I find on the tiles of the two j
Houses, professing to be "free railroad
laws," would make an infinitely worse j
system than that which exists at pres- j
ent. One of them, for instance, pfopo- j
ses to erect a "Railroad Bureau," the j
"Comptroller of Railroads," to be ap-!
pointed by the Governor. There is j
too much one man power in this to be
a safe measure, and at any rate we want j
as few bureaux in this country as possi
ble. There are generally too many j
drawers in such institutions to suit the i
pockets of the people. Another bill
(the "free railroad" law pur excellence)
constitutes the Secretary of the Com
monwealth the head of a railroad de
partment, and requires that fifteen
thousand dollars of stock shall be sub
scribed for every mile of railroad to be
built, ten thousand dollars of which
must be subscribed and ten per cent, of
the ten thousand dollars paid up, be
fore permission will be granted by the
Secretary of the Commonwealth to a
ny company to act as a corporation.
This bill, also, makes the members of
companies individually liablefor every
responsibility incurred by such compa
nies. I should like to see the railroad
that will be constructed under such a
law as this. If we are to have a "free
railroad law" at all, let it be free in the
true sense of the term. Let us have
no Railroad Autocrat at llarrisburg,
but, as railroads are a public blessing,
let us have a law which will permit a
nyman, or set of men, under proper
restriction, to construct all the railroads
they please. If we cannot have such
a "free railroad law," it will be infi
nitely better to have none at all.
There is not much said about the pro
posed Constitutional Convention. The
Radicals are very reticent in regard to
the matter. Ls there any doubt that
such a body should assemble? I think
not. Our State system needs remodel
ing. The local interests of this great
Commonwealth are so various and di
versified that justice to all of them de
mands that communities rather than
counties or municipalities, should have
representation in the Legislature. A
gain, the office of Auditor General
should be abolished, and instead there
of, a board of State Auditors should be
erected, to consist of two persons, both
to be chosen at the same election, and
each voter to cast a ballot for but one of
them. This would operate as an effect
ual check to all partizan white-wash
ing Of the plundering of the Treasury.
Other reforms, of which I have not
space to speak at present, would also
engage the attention of such a body.
I, therefore, hope, almost against hope,
that the Legislature will yet adopt a
call for such a Convention.
I have just learned that Gen. A. 11.
Coffroth, Assessor of Internal Revenue
for our district, and Col. R. C. Svvope,
Collector of Internal Revenue lor the
same, have both been rejected by the
U. S. Senate. lam sorry for this, per
sonally speaking, as they were both
excellent officers and good friends of
the subscriber. I cannot see why the
Senate refuses toconrfim the appoint
ments of President Johnson, as their
refusing to do so does not restore the
Radicals to office, but operates only to
give the vacant places to other friends
of the President.
There has been lately some legisla
tion for Bedford county, among which
I notice the passage bv the House of
the bill to incorjK>rate the "Morrison's
Cove liailroad Company," which com
pany, I understand, is to build a road
to connect Wood berry with Newry,
Blair county. I must close. An re
voir. B. F. M.
—The lihode Island Radical State
Convention nominated the following
i canidates. For Governor, General
Burnside; Lieut. Governor, William
Green; Attorney General, Colonel Win.
Sayles; Secretu ry. of State, John R. Bari
lett; Treasurer, George W. Tew.
f-The New York Tribune, the orgi n
' of those who are continually clamoring .
j for protection to home interests, is :
Sri uted upon imported paper. Why
pn't it practice what It preaches?
—Artemus Ward has left London
and gone to the Island of Jersey.
—The Indians on the plains have ta
ken over three thousand white scalps
this season.
—A heavy emigration of whites and
blacks has set in from Virginia to Mis
—I u Holyoke tMass.) schools they pun
ish refractory pupils with doses of cay
enne pepper. That ought to make them
—There are nearly twice as many
newspapers published in the United
States as in all the rest of the world to
—lt takes more money to run the
"negroes' wardrobe" than it did the
whole Government when Jefferson had
hold of it.
—The President has nominated Syd
enham E. Ancona, one of the Pennsyl
vania delegation in Congress, as Naval
Officer in Philadelphia.
—Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackweil will
soon address the New Jersey and Ohio
Legislatures in behalf of woman suff
—Mr. Pelot's juvenile male school in
Augusta, Georgia, have contributed
their little mite, $lO, to the relief of
Jefferson Davis.
—The rumor that Banks had joined
the Congressional Temperance Society
excites his constituents and an investi
gating committee is talked of.
—Mrs. Henderson of Wisconsin, was
severely injured by drinking lye which
was offered her by some one who play
fully represented that it was beer. A
malicious lye.
—The Democracy of Altoona have
elected their whole borough ticket. In
the surrounding township the Radical
majority was decreased 123 votes since
last fall.
—A woman, wearing the pronounce
able name of Mrs. Lebbeuchuer, in
Milwaukee, tried to poison herself and
two children, being jealous of her hus
band. Purging produced recovery and
repentance in each case.
—Botts has just received a horse
which was stolen from him early in
the war. His loss is the beast's gain.
If Botts was disconsolate without the
horse, how happy was the horse to he
free from Botts.
—The Wabash River is reported to
be higher than ever known before. On
the Illinois side the flood has almost
reached the of the houses, and it is
reported that steamboats are running
over portions of the prairies.
—A photograph has been taken from
the body of a deceased literary man,
wljo died on the 17th of Februray last,
and who was embalmed by a certain
method introduced in Paris by a Dr.
Marina. When thebodywasexhumed,
some months afterwards, it was so sup
ple and life-like that it was dressed in
the clothes worn during life and photo
graphed, as an advertisement for the
18G7. —"The Truant's Return," a beau
tiful Steel Engraving, leads off this
number of the "Queen of the Month
lies." Then we have the usual elegant
and refined Steel Fashion Plate, and a
number of Patterns for Spring Dresses,
Promenade Toilettes, Laps, Ac. The
Music this month is "Tillie's Passed
Away." The literary matter is made
up of the continuations of the novelets
of "Orvilie College," and "How a wo
man had her Way," both of which in
crease steadily in interest and attract
iveness—with shorter articles, Editori
als, Receipts, Fashions, Ac. The pub
lishers announce in addition, novelets
by Amanda Douglass and Frank Lee
Benedict. They also announce, in ad
dition to the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing
Machines, a splendid list of new pre
miums, including Silver-plated Tea
sets, Cake-baskets and Ice-Pitchers, Sil
ver and Gold Watches, Guns and Rifles,
Clothes' Wringers, Melodeous and Or
gans, Appleton's. Cyclopedia, Ac. A
beautiful steel engraving, 2(5 inches
long by 20 inches wide, called "One of
Life's Happy Hours," will be sent grat
is to every single (, and
to every person sending a club, speci
men numbers of the magazine, con
taining the particulars of the premium
offers and the reduced prices to clubs,
will be sent on the receipt of twenty
cents. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a
year; four copies (with one engraving)
$6.00; eight copies (with extra maga
zine and an engraving) $12.00. One
copy of Lady's Friend and one of Sat
urday Evening Post (and one engra
ving) .$1 00. Address v Deacon A- Peter
son, 610 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
JOHN W. BOW EN ESQ., is a regular
j lv authorized agent for this paper, and
; will visit our friends throughout the
county, for the purpose of makingcol
leetions and taking suhscritions. We
hope that his calls will be responded
to in the proper spirit. We havesome
SO,OOO on our books, SI,OOO of which we
need very badly to pay a debt we owe
in bank. In fact we must collect, and
if mild measures will not answer our
purpose, we will be compelled to resort
to harsher ones. There are many per
sons who pay promptly. To such,
thanks ! There are more who do not.
To such, duns, and finally writs. We
desire to oppress no man. We are wil
ling to be liheral to those who are in
straitened circumstances. But if me
do not heed our request to settle, ifthey
treat our call for payment with con
tempt, they have no further claim upon
our generosity. We have given away
enough in onr business to keep a small
family five years. If we are to contin
ue that sort of work, we want those
who can pay to coine forward and do
it, and those who can't, to step upland
settle. Of course, we don't refer to
those who do pay. If this be not at
tended to soon, we will see whether
"some things can't be done as well as
SENATE.—The President was reques
ted to inform the Senate whether any
salary has been paid to Mr. Ilarvey the
United States Minister to Portugal, since
; the passage of the Diplomatic Appro
' priation bill of July 2oth, 1866, The bill
to quiet land titles in California, and al
so the bill to amend the act providing
for the safety of passengers in steam ves
sels, were taken up and passed. The
Clerk of the House, at 12.40 P. M., an
nounced that the House refused to con
cur in the Senate amendments to the
bill providing for the establishment of
military governments in the Southern
States and asked a committee of confer
ence. A motion was then made by Mr.
Williams that the Senate should insist
on its amendments and appoint aeom
mittee. After a long and spirited discus
sion, in which Messrs. Williams, Sum
ner and Fessenden spoke in favor of
the motion, and Messrs. Conneas, Sher
man, Lane, Wade and Brown against
it, themotion was withdrawn. The mo
tion was then made that tiie Senate in
sist on its amendments. Messrs. Sher
man and Trumbull then made speeches
in favor of the motion. At the close of
Mr. Trumbull's speech a warm discuss
ion sprung up upon his having stated
that theFreedmen's Bureau bill was
not executed by the President. Mr. Cow
an denounced the habit of tiie Senators
from Massachusetts (Wilson and Sum
ner) and Howard, of Michigan, of re
citing to the Senate accounts of alleged
murders ond outrages on the freedmen
in the Southern States, which he bow
ed to be wholly unfounded. A vote
was finally taken on tlie motion that
the Senate insist on its amendmentsand
it was agreed to. The Senate then took
a recess until 7} o'clock P. M.
j keening Session. —A number of bills
i were reported from the Committee on
j Military Aifairsand passed by theSen
l ate. Among them was the bill prohibi
ting any system of peonage in New
Mexico, or in any other Territory or
State. A bill providing for the tempo
rary increase of the pay of officers of
the army was also passed. The Senate
soon after adjourned.
HOUSE.—The House resumed the
consideration of the bill to establish
military governments in the Southern
States, the question being on the mo
tion to concur in theSenateamendments
thereto. A vote was taken and resulted
yeas 73, nays 98, so the House refused
to concur, and a com m i ttee ofconference
was ordered. The report of the com
mittee of conference on the disagreeing
vote of the two Houses on the hill to
regulate the tenure of certain civil offi
ces, making the tenure of Cabinet offi
cers during the tenure of the President
appointing them, but making their re
moval subject to the approval of the
Senate, was agreed to. A communica
tion was received from the Secretary of
State, statingthat the States of Indiana,
Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota and New
York have given official notification of
their adoption of the constitutional
amendment. A despatch was received
announcing the death of Samuel Down
ey, the last surviving soldier of the
Revolution. The House concurred in
the Senate amendments to the hill pro
viding for the election of a Congression
al printer. The House then went into
Committee nf the Whole and took up
the Army appropriation bill. This hill
appropriates over twenty-four million
dollars. Pending its consideration the
House took a recess until 7.30 P. M.
Evening Session. —A message was re-,
ceived from the Senate announcing the
refusal of that body to recede from its
amendments to the bill establishing
military governments in the Southern
States. * The resolution introduced by
Mr. Banks to send relief to cer tain Sout h
ern States was taken up and passed.
The House then went into Committee
of the Whole on the Army Appropria
tion bill, and after some time spent
thereon the committee rose and the
House took up the message of the Sen
ate, insisting upon its amendments to
the bill providing for military govern
ments in the Southern States. A mo
tion was made that the House recede
from its disagreement, and concur in the
Senate amendments with an additional
amendment, providing that no person
who is unable to hold office under the
bill shall be allowed a seat in the con
stitutional convention or permitted to
vote for memb. rs of such convention.
A motion to lay the bill on the table
was voted down. A number of dilatory
motions were then made. Pending the
bill providing for the establishment of
military governments in the Southern
States, a motion was made to concur in
theSenateamendments. A motion to
lay on the tab'e was voted down. A
number of dilatory motions were then
made, and finally at ten minutes past
eleven the House adjourned, s with the
understanding that tiie vote on the
motion ponding shall be taken to-day.
SENATE.—Several bills in relation to
a flairs in the District were reported
from the Committee on the District of
Columbia. The Clerk ofthe Ilousean
nounced the concurrence of that body
in the Senate amendments to the hill
providing for the establishment of mil
itary governments in the Southern
States, and also the adoption of addi
tional amendments by the House. A
long discussion ensued on amotion that
the Senate concur in the House amend
ments, and a number of speeches were
made. Mr. Johnson,of Maryland, made
a speecli in which, after a long eulogy
of the South, heannounced that though
he did not approve of the bill be would
nevertheless vote for it. Withouttaking
a vote tiie Senate took a recess until
7.30 o'clock I'. M.
HOUSE.—The House resumed the
consideration of the bill to establish
military governments in the Southern
States as amended by the Senate. A
motion was made to concur in the Sen
ate amendments, with the amendment
ottered last night by Mr. Wilson of
lowa, declaring certain persons iueligi- ;
ble to seats in State constitutional con
ventions, and also depriving them of
the right to vote for mem lie rs of such
conventions. An amendment was otter
ed by Mr. Shellabarger, of Ohio, as an
addition to Mr. Wilson's amendment,
providing that all governments formed
in the States shall be regarded as tem
porary and subject to tiie control of the
United States until such States shall be
admitted to representation in Congress,
and increasing the number of persons
who are to be disqualified from holding
office. The previous question was then
demanded and seconded on Mr. Wil
son's amendment as amended, and a
vole was taken which resulted in the
adoption ofthe amendment—yeas 1)8,
nays 70. The Senate amendments as
amended were then agreed to by a vote
of yeas 125 to nays 46. The bill to reo.-
ganize and equip the militia was then
taken opandan amendment was adopt
ed providing that companies of the Na
tional Guard might be organized within
the late insurgent States, to be compos
ed of loyal men without distinction of
color. These regiments shall he under
control of the military commander of
tiie district, who shall exercise the same
powers as are exercised by Governors
ofStates over tiie militia. The bill
was then recommitted. A bill was also
passed extending the provisions of the
army bounty bill to sailors and mar
ines. A bill was passed authorizing the j
distribution of one hundred and ninety |
thousand dollars among the officers and
crew of the United States steamer Kear
sarge for the destruction of the Confed
erate cruiser Alabama. The Army
Appropriation bill was taken from the
Committee ofthe Whole and reported
to the House. The bill was passed after
some discussion by a vote of yeas 88,
nays 32. Communicationswerereceiv
ed from the Secretary of the Treasury
in relation to the taxes paid by national
banks, and from the Postmaster Gen
eral in reference to the removal of
clerks in the Postoffice Department.!
The House then went into Committee
of the Whole on the Internal Tax bill.
A tax of $5 per thousand was imposed
on cigars of all descriptions. The tax of
50cents per gallon on bjandy made
from grapes was stricken out. Several
other amendments pfnogeneral impor
tance were adopted, and the House then
took a recess until 7.30 P. M.
Evening Session. —The House in Com
mittee of the Whole resumed the con
sideration of the Tax bill and. several
amendments were adopted. The
House then adjourned.
SENATE. —A bill was passed transferr- i
; ing the Government property at Camp |
' Chase to the Stute of Ohio as a home!
| fordisabled soldiers. A bill was passed i
I authorizingthe refunding to the nation-1
! al banks any excess of duties paid by
them on the presentation of proper
i vouchers. The Senate went into exe
cutive ses ion and at its close took a
recess until seven and a half o'clock P.
HOUSE.—The Committee of Ways
and Means reported a bill to provide
ways and means for the payment of
compound interest notesand to prevent
a further contraction of the currency.
A long discussion ensued, and Mr. Ste
vens offered an amendment providing
"that tiie Secretary of the Treasury is
hereby authorized and directed to re
deem the compound interest notes, with
the accrued interest thereon, and to is
sue therefore United States legal tender
notes not exceeding one hundred mil
lions of dollars." The amendment was
adopted. A vote was then taken, and
the bill, as amended, was rejected. The
vote was, however, afterwards recon
sidered, and the bill was recommitted
to the Committee on BankingandCur
rency, and was immediately reported
back to the House with the second sec
tion, which forbids the retiring or can
celling of greenbacks, stricken out. The
bill was then passed by a vote of yeas
95, nays 64. The bill, as passed, directs
the Secretajy ofthe Treasury to redeem
the compound interest notes, with the
accrued interest thereon, and to issue
therefor legal tender notesto an amount
not exceeding one hundred millions of
dollars. The House then took a recess
until 7.30 o'clock P. M.
Evening Session. —The House went in
to Committee of the Whole on the In
ternal Revenue bill, and after making
some changes, adjourned.
SENATE.—The resolutions ofthe Leg
islatures of Rhode Island and Wisconsin
ratifying the constitutional amendment
were received and placed on file. The
joint resolution authorizing the estab
lishment of ocean mail service between
San Francisco and the Hawaiian Islands
was taken up and passed. The joint
resolution appropriating the additional
sum of ninety-three thousand dollars to
enable the United States to be properly
represented at the Paris Exposition
was then*taken up. One hundred and
fifty-six thousand dollars has already
been appropriated for this purpose. Af
ter a short discussion the resolution was
passed—yeas 26, nays 10. The Senate
then adjourned.
HOUSE.—The Legislative, Executive
and Judicial Appropriatron bill, with
the Senate amenduiv nts thereto, was
taken up and the i louse refused to agree
to the amendments providing for with
drawing the publication of tiie proceed
ings of Congress from the Congressional
Globe. Several other of the Senate
amendments were rejected and a com
mittee of conference was ordered on the
disagreeing votes. The West Point
Appropriation hill for the year ending
ing June 3, 1868, was taken up and a
committee of conference was ordered on
the disagreeing votes ofthe two Houses.
The bill making approoriatiou for the
consular and diplomatic expenses of
the Government was taken up and con
currence was asked in all of the Senate
amendments except the one providing
for the payment of the Minister to Por
tugal. A motion to reconsider the vote
by which this amendment was non
concurred in was laid on the table. The
House then went into Committee of
the Whole and took up the Tax bill.
A number of amendments were pro
posed and adopted. They consist chief
ly of additions to the free list. An a
mendment was adopted prohibiting any
tax being imposed on cotton grown in
the United States after September Ist,
1567. A motion to impose a tax of five
per centum on amount of income over
81,000 and not exceeding $6,000 and ten
per centum on incomes in excess of $6,-
000, caused considerable discussion,
which was still pending at 4.30 o'clock,
when the House took a recess until 7.30
o'clock P. M.
Evening Session. —Theselect commit
tee on the alleged murder of Federal
soldiers in South Carolina made a re
port, in which, after a review of the cir
cumstances of tiie trial, conviction and
release of tlxe parties accused, they fur
ther state that punishment for crime in
the courts of that department cannot
be relied on in casses where soldiers,
Union men or freedmen are implicated;
that justice is denied and offences go
unpunished; that the only power which
can accomplish any good is the military
power, ana that the best rneasuje to se
cure order is tiie bill just passed by
Congress. A minority report will be
submitted by Mr. Cooper, of Tennes
The House afterwards resumed • the
consideration of the Tax bill in Com
mittee ofthe Whole.
—A special despatch from England
to the Toronto Globe announces the
name ofthe confederated provinces to I
be Canada. Upper Canada is to lie j
called the Provinces of the Ontario, |
and Lower Canada Quebec. The oth- j
er provinces will retain their present!
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in
the city, was hardly recognized by her friends.
In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had
a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth
ness. and instead of twenty three she really ap
peared bu t eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, she plainly told them
that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and con
sidered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's
toilet. By its use any Lady or Uentleman can im
prove their personal appearance an hundred fold.
It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself
is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw
ing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion By its di
rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its
impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving
the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear,
soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sent by Mail
or Express, on receipt of order by
W. L. CLARK & co., chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette et., Syracuse, N. Y.
The oily American Agents for sale of the same.
| marl,'o7yl
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful artiole the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rioh and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The above artioles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York.
composed of various roots, having the power to re
lax the secretions of the liver as promptly and ef
fectually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous ef
fects which often follow the use of the latter.
In all billious disorders these Pills may be used
with confidence, as they promote the discharge of
vit ated bile, and removo those obstructions from
the liver and billiary ducts, which are the cause
of billious affections in general.
Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure Sick Headache,
and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow
skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsiness, and a
general feeling of weariness and lassitude, show
ing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed con
dition. ,
In short, these Pills may be used with advan
tage in all cases when a purgative or alterative
medicine is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills,"
and observe that tho two likenesses of the Doctor
are on the Government stamp—one when in the
last stage of Consumption, and the other in his
present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cts
per box. Principal office, No. 15 North 6th street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
4th A othtv.
New York, Nov. 23, 1859.
T. ALLCOCK A co.—Gentlemen : I lately suf
fered severely from a weakness in my back. Hav
ing heard your planters much recommended for
eases of this kind, I procured one, and the result
was all I could desire. A single plaster cured me
in a week. Yours respectfully,
Proprietor of the Brandreth House.
Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862.
Messrs. Allcock A co.:—Please send me a dol
ar's worth of your plasters. They have cured me
of a crick in my back, which has troubled me for
some time, and now my father is going to try them
for difficulty about his hean.
Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway, New York, in
forms us he sold, on Monday, June 22d, 1562, two
plasters two a young woman suffering very severe
ly from lumbago. On Thursday she called to get
two more for a friend, aud then stated how the two
she had purchased on Monday had relieved her
immediately after putting them on, and cured her
in two days ot a most distressing pain in her back
and loins. Sold by all Druggists.* febloml
OP CROUP. —Now, toothers, if you would spend 50
cents, ard always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias : Ve
-1 nitian Liniment in the house, you never need fear
losing your little one when attacked with this com
plaint. It is now 19 years since I have put up my
Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of
croup when my liniment was used; but hundreds
of cases of cures have been reported to me, and
many state if it was $lO per bottle they would not
be without it. Besides which, it is a certain cure
for cuts, burns, headache, toothache, soro thioats,
swellings, mump l , colic, diarrhoea, dysentery,
spasms, old sores, and pains in the back and chest.
No one once tries it who is ever without it. It is
warranted perfectly safo to lake internally. Full
directions wiih every 00l tie. Sold by all druggists.
Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. feblsw7
E. F. THORNTON, the great English Astrologist,
Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has aston
ished the scientific classes of the Old World, has
now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of sec
ond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of
the greatest importance io the single o r married of
either sex. While in a state of trance, she delin
eates the very features of the person you are to
marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense
power, known as the I'sychomotrope, guarantees
to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with ihe date of
marriage, posi.ion iu life, leading traits of char
acter, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of
testimonials can assert. She will send when d>
sired a certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that the picture is what it purports to be. By en
closing a small lock of hair, and stating place of
birth*, age, disposition and complexion and enclo
sing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to
yourself, you will receive the picture and desired
information by return mail. All communications
sacredly confidential. Address in confidence,
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson,
N. Y. marl, : 67yl
REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and
Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoy
ant state, delineates the very features of the per
son yoa are to marry, and by ihe aid of an icstru
ment of intense power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition,
as testimonials without number can assert. By
stating place of birih. age, disposition, color of
eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stam
ped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture by return mail, together with de
sired information.
Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE
REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. \ .
pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the y vung of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become benuti
tul, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
Noyounglady or gentleman should fail to send
their Address, and receive a copy postpaid, by re
mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21 fc
marlm6 Troy, N. 1.
THE HEAD OF A COMET, according
to Milton, is rendered tenfold more terrible by its
and there are thousands of fiery human heads
which might be rendered charming by simply
changing their tint to a mellow brown, or a per
fectly natural black with
It is ridiculous to carry into society a grey, saady
or carrotty head, when five minutes would render
it as attractive as Nature could have made it in
her happiest mood. Manufactured by J. Chnsto
doro, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by drug
gists. Applied by Hair Dressers. febioml
signed has for sale township and borough rights
for Dr. Vaughan's LIGHTNING LAMP, which
was patented on the 6th of November last, and is
pronounced the brightest und cheapest light at
presence known to science. Those wanting rights,
can obtain them by addressing the undersigned at
Rainsburg, Bedford county, Pa.
feb32ml C- F. HELTZEL.
gWorttfttf at ptr.
F) AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collections of bounty, back pay, Ac.,
and all business entrusted to his care m Bedford
and adjoining counties.
Cash advanced en judgments, notes, military
and other slaimi.
His for sale Town lots in Tatesville. where a
good Church is ereeted, and where a large School
House shall be built. Farms, Land and Timber
Leave, from one acre to 600 acres to suit pur
Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel and
Bank of Reed A Schell.
April 6,1866 —ly
AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practioe in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
Reed A Schell. _ [March 2, '66.
attend promptly to all business intrusted to
tl.eir care. Collections made on the shortest no
They are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
and will give special attention to the prosecution
of claims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of tho
"Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders
his services to the pnblic.
Office second door North of tho Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug. 1. 1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the colloction of
Military claims. .Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•pposite the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted to his
care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
t :o doors South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1864, ~ _
Have formed a partnersh ! p in the practice of
he Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South
•fthe 'Mengel House,"
X LAW BEDFORD. PA Will promptly nt
tend to collections end all business entrusted to
his onre in Bedford end pilioioing counties.
Office on Juliana S.veet, three i.oers south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
May 13, 1564.
TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., office
same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
two doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice
in the several courts of Bedford6ouu ! y. Pensions,
bountr and back pay obtained and the purchase
and salt of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66.
JOHN H. FILLER, Attomeyat Law,
Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
| Office. [apr.2o,'66.—ly.
and dentists.
having permanently located in ST. CLATP.S
VILLE, tenders his piofessional services to the
citizens of that plaie and vicinity. nov2'66yl
, RBN, Pa., tenders his professional servi
ces to the peop'e of that place and vicinity. Office
•ne door west of Richard Lnngdou s store.
Nov. 24, '6s—ly
DR. J. L. MARBOURG, Having
permanently located, respectfully tenders
his professional services to the c'tizens of Bedford
and vicinity.
Office on Juliana street, eactsiue, nearly opposite
the Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford, February 12, 1864.
Office in tbs Bank Building, Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war
ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
cellent articles, always on band.
Bedford, January 6,1865.
by the use of Nitrons Oxide, and is attended with
no danger whatever.
upon a new style of base, which is a combination
of Gold and Vulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold,
Platina and Silver.
TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for.
Special attention will be made to diseased gnms
and a cure warranted or no charge made.
TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work
in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of
all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond
with the times.
Ijp* I have located permanently in Bedford,
and shall visit Schellsburg the Ist Monday of each
month, remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd
Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of my
time I can be found at my office. 3 doors South of
the Court House, Bedford Pa.
nov.l6,'6i>. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dentist.
(late of New York City,)
AVould respectfully inform his numerous friends,
and the public generally, that he has located per
manently in Bloody Run, where he may be found
at all times prepared to insert full or partial sets
improved principles.
Teeth filled in a superior manner.
Teeth extracted without pain.
All operations warranted. feblstf
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages,
Lenses. Articles of Agreement, and all business
:suall.v transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan
:cr. /The patronage of the public is respectfully
April fi, '6tHf-
1 Q/*7-BLACKWELL A CO., have
jO O | now ready their revised Catalogue of
1867—Newspapers for 1867, containing all the
IH67—principal Publications, for which they re
-1867 —ceive Subscriptions at the regular rates, and
1867—0n many of them offer the advantage of
1867—subscribing for 3 months. Send for a o-^py
1867—containing full details of our admirable
1868—system of operation. We refer to the Put
1867—lisher of this paper.
Office, 82 Cedar St., New York.
janlm3. BOX 4298 p. o.
PERSONS knowing themselves in
debted to us for advertising Administrators',
Executors', Auditors' Notices. Orphans' Court sales
and other gales of Real Estate, and for printing
bills, Ac., Ac., will please call and settle lor the
same, as all such advertising and printing should
Feb 16. '66—tf.
rpHE Local circulation of the BED
| FORD GAZETTE isl.irger than that of any o,ber
paper in this section ol country, and tucrelore of
ers the greatest inducements to business men t
fdvertise in its
J HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men,
printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE
OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low
rates at THE BF.DFORD GAZETTE office. Cell and
leave youv orners.
ri TERMS for every description of Job
1 PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for
every article we use, we must pay cash; and the
cash system wi'l enable us to oo 6ur work as lew
as it can be done in the cities. 1
Scratch! Scratch WHEATON'S OINTMENT will
cure Itch in 13 Hours.
Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
nil Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For
sale by all druggists By sending 60 cents to
Weeks A Potter, sole agents. 170 Washington street
Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of post
age, to any part of tho United States.