The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 22, 1867, Image 1

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THE GAZXTTK i published ERry Fri
day morning by MEYERS A MERSKL, *t $2 00 per
annum, if paid strictly m advance; $3.60 if paid
within fix months; $3.00 if not paid within six
months All subscription accounts MUST be
settled annually. No papor will b sent ont of
the State unless paid for IK ADYAHCB. and all sach
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
the expiration ef the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each tn
ertion. Special notice# onc-hulf additional All
■•evolutions of Associations; ennimunic.tious of
imitcd or individual interest, and notices of inar
-iages and deaths exceeding five line?, ten cents
er line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal Notices of every hind, and Orphans
Ceurt and Judicial Sales, are required by law
to be published in both papers published in this
tjr* All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows:
g months. 6 months. 1 year.
♦One square - - - $ \ n no no
Two squares -*"?!!? ?, !!n
Three squares -- - 8 Ofl 12 00 20 00
Quarter eolutna - - " Q0 20 00 35 00
llalf eolutnn - - * WO9 25 00 45 00
On* sol uian - - - - 30 00 4o 00 80 00
♦One square t* occupy ene inch of space.
J"OB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everythiag in the Printing line can be execo-
ted ia th* most artistis manner and at the lowest
]2T All letter* should he addressd t*
Attovnnis at £au\
f| AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collections of bounty, back pay, Ac.,
aud all business entrusted to hi* care in Bedford
and adjoining counties. _
Cash advanced *n judgments, notes, military
and other elaims.
Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, where a
good Church is ereeted, and where a large School
House Bball be built. Farms. Land and Timber
Leave, from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur
• baser*.
Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel and
Bank of Reed A Schell.
April 6,1866 —ly
AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice on Juliana st., opposite the Banking House of
Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
tl.eir care. Collections made on the shortest no
'"rhey are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
and will give special attention to the prosecution
of claims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lauds, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
"Mengel House." and nearly opposite the Inquirer
a) LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders
lis services to the public.
Office second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug, 1,1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•pposite the Mengel House.
Bedford. Aug. 1, Mil.
\ LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted to his
sare in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
•laims, back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
**ro doors South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1864,
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
he Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South
of the 'Mengel House,''
\X* LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at
tend to collections and all business entrusted to
his care in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
May 13, 1864.
■r. uiYEni. | J- DICKER SON.
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office
same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
two doers east of the GAZETTE offica, will practice
in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
boun" and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sal* o.' real estate attended to. [may 11, 66.
roilN H. FILLER, Attorney at Law,
ft Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
Office. [apr.2o,'66. ly.
gkgjififttt* i*4 Dentists.
having permanently locate! in ST. CLAIRS
VILLE, tenders his professional service* to the
citizens of that place and vicinity. nev2 66yl
\\ A RUN, Pa., tenders his professional servi
ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
ne door west of Richard Langdon's store.
Nov. 24. '6s—ly
DU. J. L. MARBOURG, Having
permanently located, respectfully tenders
his professional services to the citizens of Bedford
and vicinity.
Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
the Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford. February 12, 1864.
Office in tho Bank Building, Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
•hnnical Dentistry carefully performed, and war
ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
cellent articles, always on hand.
Bedford, January 6,1865.
DIl. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect
fully tenders his professional services to the
people of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Uotel.
above Border's Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. Washabaugh s.
by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with :
no danger whatever.
upon a new style of base, which is a combination
of Gold and Vulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold,
Platitia and Silver.
TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for.
Special attention will be made to diseased gums
and a cure warranted or no charge made.
TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work
in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of
all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond
with the times.
if I have located permanently in Bedford,
and shall visit Sohellsburg the Ist Monday of each
month, remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd
Munday. remaining one week : the balance of my
time I can be found at my office. 3 doors South of
the Court II >use, Bedford, Pa.
u0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER. Dentist.
DR. 11. V I IIG 1 L PO R TER,
(late of New York City.)
Would respectfully inform his numerous friends,
and the public generally, that he has located per
manently in Bloody Run, where he may be found
at all times prepared to insert full or partial sets
improved principles.
Teeth filled in a superior manner.
Teeth extracted without pain.
All operations warranted. feb!stf.
T>ERSONS knowing themselves in
-1 debted to us for advertising Administrate',
Executors', Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales
and other sales of Real Estate, and for printing
bills, Ac., Ac., will please call and settle for the
same, as ail such advertising and printing should
Feb 16, 6-tf
£!) c 43ci>fori> <9>a?tfte.
fruflss, &r.
JL. LEWIS having purchased the
a Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned j
from the cities with a well selected stock of
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi
ted to the s'ock of PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes, Soaps. Preparations for the Hair,
Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes. Port Monaies. Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment :
Billet. Note, Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates. Ac,. Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will he sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and j
prices. Glass Lanterns, very n*t, for burning j
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dve Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab. Snuff and Dark Brown. Light and
Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow. Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands, gmokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoiing Tobeeeo,
Michigan and Solace Fine Cut.
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape, Blachberry and Elderberry
attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9,'66 —tt
(Clothing, rtr.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at Lippel's.'
If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made !
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Ac.. Ac., Ac.,
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel's.
If you would have the best quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel's.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for goods, at Lippel's,
I REIMUND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa.,
keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassimereß, and gents" furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
all of which will be sold low for cash. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a
call. I have just received a stock of new goods.
Manufacturer of
The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet
making business, will make to order and keep
hand everything in his line of manufacture.
STANDS, Ac., *C.,
will be furhished at all prices, and to suit every
taste. COFFINS also be made to order.
'Prompt attention paid to all orders for work.
on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite
the residence of George Shuck.
July Ift, 1863.—tf RICHARD LEO.
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
anv thing in his line not on hand.
Oct. 20. 1865-
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages, j
Leases, Articles of Agreement, and all business j
isuallv transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan- j
;er. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April 6, 'fifi-tf. j
IGO —BLACK WELL & Co., have !
|O I) I now ready their revised Catalogue of
1867—Newspapers for 1867, containing all the
1367—principal Publications, for which they re
1867—ceive Subscriptions at the regular rates", and
186"—on many of them offer the advantage of
1867—subscribing for 3 months. Send for a copy
1867—containing full details of our admirable
1868—system of operation We refer to the Pub
1867—lisher of this paper.
Office, 82 Cedar St.. New York.
jan4m3. BOX 4298 P. o.
"PRINTERS' INK has made many a
£ business man rich We ask joa *> try it in
tffß Mflwmnk of THE •AXKTT*
lllf 3 ilrtlfoV(l (bilxfttL
| From Edward Laboulay's "Fuir Book of all Na
tions." —French.]
At Dewitz, in the neighborhood of
j Prague, there once lived a rich and
whimsical old farmer, who had a beau
| tiful daughter. The students of Prague,
■ of whom there wereat that time twen
ty five thousand, often walked in the
direction of Dewitz, and more than
one of them offered to follow the plow
in hope of becoming the son-in-law of
; the farmer. The first condition that
■ the cunning peasant set on each new
j servant was this: "Engage you," he
' would say, "for a year, that is, till
cuckoo signs the return of spring; but
if, from now till then, you say once
that you are not satisfied, I will cut off
the end of your nose. I give you the
' same right over me," he added, laugh
ing. And he did as he said. Prague
was full of students with the end of
their noses glued on, which did not
prevent an ugly scar, and, still less,
bad jokes. To return from the farm
disfigured and ridiculed was well cal
culated to cool the warmest passion.
A young man by the name of Coran
da, somewhat ungainly in manner,
but cool, adroit and cunning, (which
are no bad aids in making one's for
tune,) took it in his head to try the ad
venture. The fanner received him
with his usual good nature, and, the
bargain made, sent him to the field to
work. At b. eakfast time the other ser
vants were called, but good care was
taken to forget Coranda. At dinner it
was the same.—Coranda gave himself
no trouble about it. He went back to
the house, and while the farmer's wife
was feeding the chickens,unhooked an
enormous ham from the kitchen raft
ers, took a huge loaf from the cupboard,
j and went back to the fields to dine and
I take a nap.
"Are you not satisfied?" cried the
farmer, when he returned at night.
"Perfectly satisfied," said Coranda.
"J have dined better than you have."
At that instant the farmer's wife
came rushing in, crying that her ham
was gone. Coranda laughed, and the
farmer turned pale.
"Are you not satisfied?" asked Co
"A ham is only a ham," answered
his master. "Such a trifle does not
j trouble me." But after that time he
took good care not to leave the student
Sunday came. The farmer and his
wife seated themselves in the wagon to
go to church, saying to CorandA, "It is
your business to cook the dinner. Cut
up the piece of meat you see yonder,
with onions, carrots, leeks and parsley,
i and boil them all together in the great
I pot over the kitchen fire."
"Very well," answered Coranda.
There was a little pet dog at the farm
j house by thename of Parsley. Coran
da killed him, skinned him, cut him
uj> with the meat and vegetables, and
put the whole to boil over the kitchen
fire. When the farmer's wife return
ed she called her favorite, but alas!
she saw nothing buta bloody skin hang
ing by the window.
"What have you done?" said she to
"What you ordered me, mistress. I
have boiled the meat, onions, carrots
and leek, and parsley in the bargain."
"Wicked wretch !" cried the farmer,
"had you the heart to kill the innocent
creature that was the joy of our house?"
"Are you not satisfied?" said Coran
da, taking his knife from his pocket.
"I did not say that," returned the
farmer. "A dead dog is nothing but
a dead dog." But he sighetl
A few days after the farmer and his
wife went to market. Fearing their
terrible servant, they said to him, "Stay
at home and do exactly whit you see
others do."
"Very well," said Coranda.
There was an old shed in the yard,
the roof of which was falling to pieces.
The carpenters came to repiir it, and
began as usual, by tearing down the
roof. Coranda took a ladderind moun
ted the roof of the house, vliieh was
quite new. Shingles, lath, nails and
tiles, he tore off everything, and scat
tered them all to the winds. When
the farmer returned, the house was o
pen to the sky.
"Villain,"said he, "whit new trick
have you played me?"
"I have obeyed you, caster," an
swered Coranda. "You Did me to do
exactly what I saw others d>. Are you
not satisfied?" And he took out his
"Satisfied!" returned the farmer;
"why should I not be satisfied? A few
shingles more or less, will not rtiinme!"
But he sighed.
Night came, the farmer andhis wife
said to each other that it was high time
to get rid of this incarnate demon. As
is always the ease with sensible people,
they never did anything without con
sulting their daughter, it beingthe cus
tom in Bohemia to think that children
always have more wit thsn their pa
"Father," said Helen, 'I will hide
in the great pear treeearly in the morn
ing, and call like the cuckoc. You can
tell Coranda that the year 3 up, since
the cuckoo is singing. Pay him, and
send him away."
Early in the morning th plaintive
' cry of the cuckoo was heart through
out the fields. The farmer seemed sur
prised. "Well, my boy, spring is come"
said he. "Do you hear the cuckoo
singing yonder? I will pay ydu and
we will part good friends."
"Acuckoo!" said Coranda, "that is
i a bird which I have always wanted to
t see."
He ran to the tree and shook it with
all his might, when behold! a young
girl fell from Ihe branches fortunately
more frightened than hurt.
"Villain !" cried the farmer.
"Are you not satisfied ?" said Coran
i da, opening his knife.
"Wretch !"you kill my daughterand
: think that 1 ought to be satisfied !—I
am furious. Begone, if you would not
I die by my hand."
"I will go when I cutoff your nose!"
said Coranda. "I have kept my word,
do you keep yours?"
"Stop!" cried the farmer putting his
hand before his face; "you will surely
! let me rede m my nose?"
"It depends on what you offer," said
I Coranda.
i "Will you take ten sheep for it, Co
! randa?"
"No; I would rather cut off your
I nose." And he sharpened his knife on
I the door-step. '
"Father," said Helen, the fault was
mine; it belongs to me to repair it.
Coranda, will you take my hand instead
of my father's nose?"
"I make one condition," said the
jyounggirl. "We will make the same
j bargain'; the first of us that is not sat
| isfied after marriage shall have their
j nose cut off by the other."
"Good," said Coranda, "I would
rather it was the tongue; but that will
come next."
Never was a finer wedding seen at
Prague, and never was there a happier
household. Coranda and the beautiful
Helen were a model. The husband and
wife were never heard to complain of
each other; they loved with drawn
swords, and thanks to their ingenious
bargain, they kept lor long years both
their love and their noses.
■"Hansßreitman" issupposed to have
been one of the invited and well-treated
guests on the Pacific Railroad excur
sion—and his experience is thus "nara
ted" by "Mace Sloper":
"Hans Breitman vent to Kansas, he
dravel fast und far. He rided shoost
drei dousand miles all in von railroat
car. He knowed foost rate how far he
goed—he gounted all de vile. Dere
vash shoost von pottle of champagne
dat bopped at efery mile.
."Hans Breitman vent to Kansas; I
dell you vot, my boy. You bet dey
hat a pully dimes in crossin Illinoy.
Dey speaked dere speaks to all de folk
a shtanding in de car; den ask dein in
to dake a trink, and corned em ganz
und gar.
"Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas;
by shingo, dey did it prown. Yen he
cot into Leafenvort he found himself
in town. Dey dined him at de Blan
ter's House, more good as man could
dink; mit efery tings on eart to eat, und
dwice as mooch to trink.
"Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas;
he vent it on de loud. At Ellsvort, in
de prairie land, he foundta pully crowd.
He looked for bleedin' Kansas, but
dat's blayed out, dey say; de whisky
keg's de only dings dat's bleedin' dere
"Hans Breitmann ventto Kansas, to
see vot he could hear. He foundt soom
Deutsehers dat exisdt by makin' lager
bier. Says he: ' Wie ghent de Alt (res
ell V but no dings could be heard;
dey'd grovved so fat in Kansas dat dey
couldn't speak a vord.
"Hansßreitmann vent to Kansas;
pyshings! I dell you vot. Von day
he met aerisley bear dat rooshed him
down bei Gott! Boot der Breitmann
reason mit der bear, und bleased him
fery much—for efery verdt the crisley
growled vasgoot Bavarian Dutch!
"Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas;
by donder dat is so! He ridet out up
on de plains to shasede boofalo. He
fired bis rifle at the bools, und gallop
troo de shmoke, und shoomp de cany
ons shoost as tyfel vas a choke!
"It's hey! de trail to SanteFe; it's
ho! agross de plain. It's lope along de
Denver road, until we toorn again.
Und de railroad dravel after us apout
as quick as we; dis Kansas ish de fast
est land ash efer 1 did see.
"Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas;
he have a pully dime;but 'twas in oldt
Missouri dat dey roashed him up sub
lime. Dey took him to der Biiot Nob,
und all de nobs around ; dey spreed
him und dey tea'd him dill dey roon
him to de ground.
"Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas;
troo all de earthly land, a vorkin out
life's mission here soo buetifly und
grand. Some beobli sh runs de buetiful,
some works philosophic; der Breit
mann solfe de infinide ash von eternal
A CLEAR case of "domestic infelicity"
was witnessed by a friend a few days
ago in a passenger car in which he was
traveling. The wife and two children
occupied one seat, while the husband
sat directly opposite, across the passage
way. Little "Johnny" was very ob
servant and talkative, and made many
remarks in a very loud tone of voice.
The father finally grew impatient, and
requested Johnny to "make less noise;"
whereupon the partner of his "jaws"
turned upon him theeonqueringglance
of her flashing eye, and exclaimed:
"Now, you just shut your mouth—
you're played out." The meek hus
band subsided and the passengers tit
1 How lie Preache* and how he Practice*.
In his inaugural, John W. Geary,
j the Governor elect of Pennsylvania,
j made a special point of the uses and a
j buses of the pardoning power. He
! promised great care and circumspec
tion in the exercise of this prerogative
jof the Executive. Shortly afterwards
! he caused to be published, over his own
: signature, the following regulations
concerning the issue of pardons which
j he promised "shall he strictly enfor
j ced,' viz:
First —No pardon will be grantee! Un
! til notice of the application therefor
' shall have been given by publication
| once a week for two consecutive weeks
I in a newspaper printed in the county
i in which the conviction was had.
Second —No pardon will be granted
j unless notice of the application shall
! have been given to the judge who tri
• ed the cause, to the district attorney, or
!to the attorney who prosecuted; proof
•of which notice shall be furnished this
Third —All applications for pardon
must have with them the following pa
pers written in a clear and distinct
1. A certified copy of the whole rec
ord, including docket entries, minutes
of court, copy of indictment, pleas, and
all other papers on file in the court re
lating to the case.
2. A full statement of the reasons up
on which the application is based, set
ting forth all the facts ; the notes of ev
idence taken on trial; letters from re
sponsible persons in the community
where the crime was committed; a
recommendation from the jurors who
sat on the trial, and if any of them re
fuse to recommend a pardon, reasons
given for such refusal; letter from the
district attorney or counsel who tried
the case, and a letter from the judge
setting forth his views upon ttyasub
ject of the application. *
Fourth —Recommendations for par
don for unexpired terms of sentence
must have a copy of the whole record
as before required. Also a copy of
I commitment; petition from prisoner
setting forth reasons and statemen
from warden and inspectors of pris
Fifth —No personal applications will
be permitted.
Sixth —All the above papers, when
submitted, must be accompanied by a
printed copy of the same in pamphlet
form, twelve copies of which at least
must be sent to this department. If
the parties are too poor the paper-book
need not be printed.
Simple minded people believed these
rules would be observed, and many of
the abuses that had heretofore been con
nected with the exercise of the par
doning power, avoided. But those who
were acquainted with the vacillating
character of our new Governor were
not deceived by his professions.
He was the first to violate his own
regulations, and the manner in which
it was done is refreshing to the lovers
of consistency and honest dealing, viz :
Jonathan Bieber, a Judge of Elec
tions in Berks county, was recently
tried in that county for misdemeanor,
in having refused to receive the vote of
Samuel Reinert, an alleged deserter,
at the October election, and on trial
was convicted. The fact was laid be
fore the Governor by thepolitical friends
of the prisoner, and when he was call
ed up for sentence, his attorney pre
sented to the court a full and free
pardon from Gov. Geary; and Mr. Bei-1
ber was accordingly liberated.
He exacted none of the testimony j
which he declared to be necessary be- j
fore the issue of a pardon, and which j
he had laid down in the above regula- j
tions. He violates good faith to shield j
a partizan friend from punishment, j
and treats the decision of the Supreme
Court with contempt.
With this instance of Punic faith at i
the beginning of his administration, I
what have we the-right to expect be- j
fore its close?— Doylestown Dent.
As it is somewhat interesting to know i
what the ceremony consists of we give j
it as enacted after judicial decision had;
been given. It was as follows:
The wife, dressed in black, with a j
black veil over her face, appeared with '
her husband before a council of ten j
men, members ofthe synagogue. There
were also three rabbis, one of
acted as a petitioner, and wrote out on
parchment a petition in Hebrew, ask
ing for a divorce; the second acted as a
respondent, or the defendant, and the
third as a kind of judge, the council of |
ten acting as a jury. The man and wife j
having appeared, they stood side by j
side before the ouncil. The rabbi and
council then took an oath all shaking j
hands—the oath being to the effect that!
they would always consider the divorce
legal and binding. The wife then re
moved her veil, and the rabbi who act
ed as petitioner read the petition in
German, and stated the case to the
council, who having heard it, decreed
the divorce. The decree folded up,
was handed to the husband and the
wife raising her open hands, the hus
band, dropped the paper into them.
The rabbi who acted as judge, then
took it and cut the end like a fring. He
then handed it to the president of the
synagogue, telling him to place it
among the records of the society, to be
preserved as evidence of the divorce.
This having been done, the ceremony
was finished, and the parties departed,
ntxfonger m!a!n and wtft*.
VOL. 61—WHOLE No. 5,381.
Private Miles O'Reiley,General Ilal
pine of New York, writing to his paper
from Washington City, says:
The Senate, in its eagerness toslaugh
l ter Mr. Johnson's proteges, is making a
; mighty bad record for itself with re
| gard to "Our Boys who Wore the
i Blue." It has rejected scores of noble
and deserving soldiers for no other rea
son than that their names had been
! sent in for various places by the Presi
dent—as if, because Sfr. Johnson may
| be wrong in some points, his sins were
i possessed of so foul a contagion as to
blast and sully the brightest record of
men who did gallant service during
the war. Take the case of young Ma
jor Howe, formerly of the "Bloody
Sixth Massachusetts," and for years a
confidential and trusted staff officer of
Maj-Gen. Sedgwick; yet even he, when
sent in for Collector of the Eighth Mas
sachusetts District, is rejected! So also
with Gen. Pratt, of Brooklyn, who trav
els round at this writing with a minie
ball somewhere hidden in his neck, and
whose record cannot be surpassed. So
likewise with Gen. Eagan; and so on
with nearly two score of faithful and
patriotic appointees, distinguished
graduates of the army, who have been
kicked by the Senate offtheladder upon
which Mr. Johnson strove to place their
feet. A full record of these rejections is
now being prepared by Mr. Hanseombe,
of the Republican —the personal and
army history of each officer being given
after his name; and when this shall
come to be published and used oratori
cally as a campaign document, it cer
tainly will do the reverse of good to
the Radicals as represented in the
Senate—the reverse of injury to the
TER.—General Gleason, the successor of
Stephens, is a young Irishman, remark
able for his tall stature. He is about
six feet six inches in height, slightly
stooped, and has just entered on his
twenty-eighth year. He was born in
Fishmoy, near Boirisoleigh, in the
county of Tipperary, and from hisearly
youth was connected with the insurrec
tionary movements in his native coun
try. In the year 1860, during the Ital
ian war, he raised a company of one
hundred and nine men to defend the
Papal dominions, and was complimen
ted for his bravery in action by General
Lamoriciere. Subsequently he was ta
ken prisoner at the siege of Ancona by
the Sardinian troops, and released after
a captivity of six months. He then re
turned to Ireland, and on the day he
arrived in his native town thesheriff of
the county dispossessed him of his es
tate, his lease having expired. Subse
quently he came to New York, and at
the beginning of the war joined the
Sixty-ninth regiment, and participated
in forty-two general engagements of
that organization. On his return he
oined the Fenian Brotherhood, and
went back to Ireland on a special mis
sion; but while there he was arrested
for treason, and lodged in Mountjoy
Prison, Dublin, where he wasincarcer
ated six months. He came back to
New York immediately after his release
and was a prominent member of the
Brotherhood up to the moment of his
appointment as its chief.
During his career in the Army of the
Potomac, as an officer of the Sixty
ninth regiment, he received the rank of
brevet brigadier-general.
PEACHMENT. —Gen. Halpine, Private
Miles O'Reily, writes from Washing
ton to liis paper as follows, and we
commend what he says to the especial
attention of the military editor of the
Vs to army opinion here, I am very
sure that it is opposed to the impeach
ment scheme, and on this point cannot
well be mistaken, for I have conversed
with half a dozen of the leading lights
in the worldofshoulderstraps. Grant,
Sheridan, Sherman and Thomas have
been unusually demonstrative of late
in paying respect to the President; and
while it is possible that one of these
(but not probable) may be carrying
water on both shoulders, I have pretty
absolute certainty that the three oth
ers are opposed to Uncle Thad's con
tinued persecution of our Chief Magis
trate, regarding such action as at war
with national dignity, dangerous to
the peace of the country, and not called
for by necessity, political or moral,
of a gravity to justify so extreme a
ETERNlTY.— "Eternity has no gray
hairs!" The flowers hide, the heart
withers, man grovVs old and dies; the
world lies down in the sepulchre of a
ges, but time writes no wrinkles on the
brow of eternity. Eternity! Stupen
dous thought! The ever present, un
born, underlying, but undying—the
endless chain, compassing the destinies
of the universe. Earth has its beau
ties, but time shrouds them for the
grave; its honors, they are but as the
gilded sepulchres, its possessions, they
are but types of changing fortune; its
pleasures, they are but bursting bub
bles. Not so in the untried bourne.
In the dwelling of the Almighty, can
come no footsteps of decay. Its days
will know nodarkening—eternal splen
dors forbid the approach of night. Its
foundations will never fail: they are
fresh from the eternal throne. Its glo
ry will never wane, for there is the ev
er present God. Its harmonies will
never cease, exhaustless love supplies
"YANKEES."— We have received the
"The question has often been asked
me: "what is the origin of the word
Yankee." Pleasetell an old subscriber.
J. H. M.
There has been a good deal of dispute
about this. It is certain that the term
was used first by the native Indians,
and applied exclusively to the white
eolonists of New England. From the
beginning the Indians used it to desig
nate tlie white men that would lie to
them, and cheat them, as distinguished
from other white men, who were friend
ly and truthful towards them. The
fancy has been entertained that it was
a corruption of" York men," but this
is answered by the ascertained fact that
the Indians used the term before what
is now New York ever fell into Eng
lish hands.—The most rational answer
is that Yankee is the Indian corruption
of AngUxise, the French for English.
The French byway of explaining to
the Indians why some white men were
such rogues and liars, and cheated the
poor Indians so, told them these were
ll Anglaise " or "English." As this was
the common character of the Puritans,
the Indians took to calling them Ang
laise, corrupted to "Yankees," meaning
"lying, cheating, stealing, meddling
white men." The name has been con
tinued, and the race, unfortunately,
though now, in rapid process of extinc
tion, is still very troublesome.— N. Y.
Freeman's Journal.
of a lecture on physiology before an
evening school not long since, the lec
turer remarked that any one was at lib
erty to ask questions upon the subject,
and he would answer them as far as he
was able. A young lady with much
apparent sincerity, remarked that she
had a question to ask, though she was
not certain that it was a proper ques
tion—she would, however, venture to
ask it. It was as follows:
"If one hen lays an egg, and another
sits on it and hatches out a chicken,
which hen is mother of the chicken?"
The lecturer said:
"1 will answer you in the Yankee
style by asking you a question: If a
little pretty, white, genteel, native pul
let sits on an egg of Oriental extraction,
and hatches a great homely, splinter,
shanked, slab sided, awkward gaited
Shanghai, would you, if you were a
pullet, own the great homely mon
ster ?"
"No, 1 wouldn't," said the lady.
"Very well," said the lecturer, "that
settles the question, for it is a principle
in physiology that hens think and act
alike in allessenti^^
your boy a boy while he is a boy; a
manly boy; a well behaved polite boy;
a courageous, self-reliant; no milk-sop
boy tied to his mother's skirts, but still
a boy, not a weakling fop, a precious
snob, a conceited monkey, aping the
airs and acquiring the habits of grown
up dandies and fast characters. Don't
make a self-indulgent small gentleman
of him. Teach him to wait upon and
take care of himself, and to respect his
inferiors and treat them courteously
and kindly. .Pray save him from the
absurdity of a cane and kid gloves, and
garments that are suitable for down
right heartyplay. It may bepretty and
aristocratic and a sign of your opulence
to dress him in the height of fashion ;
but in so doing you run the risk of
spoiling him for any robust and useful
DON'T STAND STILL. —If you do you
will be run over. Motion, action, pro
gress—these are the words which now
fill the vault of heaven with their
stirring demands, and make humani
ty's heart pulsate with a stronger
bound. Advance, or stand aside;do
not block up the way and hinder the
career of others; there is too much to
do now to allow of inacation anywhere
or in any one. There is something for
all to do j the world is becoming more
and more known; wider in magnitude;
closer in interest; more loving and
eventful than the old. Not in deeds of
daring, not in the. ensanguined field,
not in chains and terrors, not in blood
and tears, and gloom, but in the leap
ing, vivifying, exhilarating impulses
of a better birth of the soul. Reader,
are you doing your part in this
work ?
some reason not yet known, cream
skimmed from milk in cold weather
does not come to butter, when churned,
so quickly as that from the same cow in
warm weather. Perhaps the pellicles
which form the little sacks of butter
in the cream, are thicker and tougher.
There is one method of obviating this
trouble in a great degree. Set the pan
of milk on the stove, or in some warm
place,as soon as strained, and let it
remain until quite warm —some say,
until a bubble or two rises, or until a
scum of cream begins to form on the
A RAPID HORSE.—A gentleman ri
ding a very ordinary looking horse,
asked a negro whom he met how far it
was to a neighboring town, whither he
was going. The negro, looking at the
animal under the rider with a broad
grin of contempt, replied, "Wi' dat
ar hoss, massa, it's jist fo'teen miles.
Wi' a good chunk ob a hoss, seben
miles; but if you jist had Massa Jim
my's hoss!—Gosh! you're dar now!"
"* of my existence, give me
said a young printer to his sweetheart.
She made a at him, and planted her
8®- between his two I's. "Such an out
rage," said Faust, looking ft at her, "is
without a |l."
the part poisoned with sweet oil. A
small portion rubbed on the skin be
fore going among the ivy will prevent
taking the poison.
How sweet it is to recline in the lapse
of sgee—dby aged about seventeen.