The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 15, 1867, Image 1

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TNI BEFOR GAZETTE is published every Fri
day morning by MEYERS A Misarii ftt $2.00 per
annum, if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid
within aix months; $3.00 if not paid within six
months. All subscription accounts MUST be
settled annually. No paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and nil such
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
the expiration af the time for which tbey are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for less term than
three months TEN CENTS por line for each !n
--ertion. Special notices one-half sdditional A 1
esoluti" us of Associations; eommnnic. tions of
imited or individual interest, and notices of niar
•iages and deaths exceeding five lice', ten cents
er line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans'
Court and Judicial Sales, are required by law
tc be published in both papers published in this
All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
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3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
*one square - - - $4 50 $0 00 $lO 00
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JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
■ eatnes* and dispatch. THSE GAZETTE OFFICE has
jmt bean refitted witli a Power Press and new type,
and everythimg in the Printing line can be execu
ted ia the most artistic manner and at the lowest
ratea.—TERMS CASH.
All letter* should be addremd t*
3Vttorcus at £au\
F) AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collections of bounty, back pay, Ac.,
and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford
and adjoining counties.
Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military
and other slaims.
Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, where a
Siod Church is erested, and where a large School
ouse shall be built. Farms, Land and Timber
Leave, from ene acre to 500 acres to suit pur
• hasers.
Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel and
Bank of Reed A Schell.
April 6,1866 — ly
AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice on Juliana at., opposite the Banking House of
Reed A Scbell. [March 2. "66.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
their care. Collections made on the shortest 110-
They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
and will give special attention to the prosecution
of claims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juiiaiia street, one door South of the
"Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer
f) LAW, BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders
Sis services to the pnblie.
Office second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug, 1, 186 L
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
opposite the Mengel H 'use.
Bedford. Aug. 1. 1861.
Jj LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted to his
• are in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
Raima, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
t o doors South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1884,
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
he Law. Office en Juliana street, two doorsSouth
of the -'Mengel House,"
LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at
tend to collections and all business entrusted to
his care in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
May 18, 1864.
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office
same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Sehell.
we doers east of the GAZETTE office, will practice
in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
bountv and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66.
JOHN H. FILLER, Attorney at Law,
Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
Office. | apr.20,'66.—1y.
iMnisirians and jituttetti.
# RUN, Pa., (late surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten
ders his professional services to the people of that
place and vicinity. Dec. 22. '65-ly*
\ T • REX, Pa., tenders his professional servi
•es to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
one door west of Richard Langdon's store.
Nov. 24, '6s—ly
DR. J. L. MARBOURG, Having
permanently located, respectfully tenders
his professional services to the citizens ot Bedford
and vicinity.
Office on Juliar.a street, east side, nearly opposite
the Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford. Fehiuary 12, 1564.
Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St.
AH operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
•hanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war
ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
cellent articles, always on hand.
Bedford. January 6,1865.
DR. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect
fully tenders his professional services to the
people of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Hotel,
above Border's Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. Washabaugh's.
by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with
no danger whatever.
upon a new style of base, which is a combination
of Gold and Vulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold.
Platina and Silver.
TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for.
Soceial attention will be made to diseased gums
and a cure warranted or no charge made.
TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work
in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of
all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond
with the times.
I have located permanently in Bedford,
and shall visit Sehellsburg the Ist Monday of each
month, remaining one week; Bloody Run the 3rd
Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of mv
time I can be found a-t my office, 3 doors South of
the Court House, Bedford. Pa.
u0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dentist.
Bankers and
DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and
Money promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North
and South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittanees promptly made. REAL ESTATE
Vbught and told febß
?rugs, &c.
r 1.. LEWIS having purchased the
f/ 9 Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. 11. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock ol
I'he stock of Drugs and Medicines coniat of the
purest quality, and selected with groat care.
Genersl assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi
ted to thes'ockof PERFUMERY, TOILFT and FANCY
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes. Soaps. Preparations for the Hair.
Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes. Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there ts a fine assortment :
Billet. Note, Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper. Marriage Certifi
cates. Ac., Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can he lighted
without removing the ehimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dve Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab, Snuff and Dark Brown. Light and
Dark Blue. Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink,
Orange. Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a
f ood cigar.
lose Smaking Tobceeo,
Michigan and Solace Fine Cut,
Natural Leaf, Twist and Btg Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape, Blackberry and Elderberry
r-Tbe attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately coin
pounded. [Feb 9, 66—tt
(flothintu ft.c.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chalice is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at Lippel's.
If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Ac.. Ac.. Ac..
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, potions, etc., call at Lippel's.
If you would have the best quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel's.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in
< xchange for goods, at Lippel's,
sep. 28,'66.
/ REIMUND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford. Pa.,
keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassimeres, and gents' furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins. Ac.,
all of which will be sold low for cash. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a
call. I hove just received a stock of new goods.
ir.ay2s ,'66.
Manufacturer of
The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet
making business, will make to ordeMtand keep
hand everything in his line of manufacture.
will be furhished at all prices, and to suit every
teste. COFFINS will also be made to order.
attention paid to all orders for work.
Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite
the residence of George Shuck.
July 10, 1863.—tf RICHARD LEO.
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sli
er "Watelies, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand.
Oct. 20. 1865-
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, Articles of Agreement, and all business
:sually transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan
:er. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April fi,
I Q£7— BLACKWELL A ( <>., have
JO!) I now ready their revised Catalogue of
1867—Newspapers for 1867, containing all the,
1867—principal Publications, for which they re
1867—ceive Subscriptions at the regular rates, and
1867 —on mnnv of them offer the advantage of
1867—subscribing lor 3 months. Send for a copy
1867—containing full details of our admirable
1868—system of operation We refer to the Pub
1887—lisher of this paper.
Office, 82 Cedar St.. New York.
jan4m3. Box 4298 p. o.
"PRINTERS' INK has made many a
I businessman rich Wo ask ycru to try it in
the 'olumns JF THE GAZETTB
flif Jf.cilfonl eV.m'tti'.
A Tale of aii Air Voyage.
BY J. F.
A number of years ago, when the
science of aerostation was confined to
the comparatively few, I received the
following note from Prof. Colchester:
disappointed me—he will not go up to
day. There are only four besides my
self —two ladies and two gentlemen.
Will you take B's place? Let me know
positively by tiirec o'clock, for another
gentleman has applied for a passage,
and my answer to him will depend on
yours to me. We are advertised for 4,
and shall certainly cut loose by 5. I
give you the preference over all others,
hut please decide as soon as possible. I
cannot foresee the result, of course, but
the day promises to he fine and I think
the trip will be an agreeable one to all
This note was signed and dated from
a well-known garden in the suburbs of
London, and, as has probably been
conjectured, was a special invitation to
make an ascent in a balloon, then a
much rarer venture than now. It had
long been a wish of mine to see terra
firma, from theclouds, and now I could
have my desire gratified. The profes
sor had already made three ascensions
with passengers, and as this was an
nounced ;ts his last for the season, I
lost no time in agreeing to become one
of the privileged few for an aerial
The day promised to be all that could
be desired. It was clear without being
hot, and there was little or no breeze.
Betweeen 3 and 1 o'clock I was at the
garden, and saw the balloon in the act
of being inflated. Vs a man surveys
a ship in which he is about to embark
for an uncertain perilous voyage, so did
I examine my aerial vessel. As far as
I could judge, everything was right.
It was a monster in size, made of the
best lutestring silk, and required 40,000
cubic feet of gas to fill it. This silk
was well covered with an elastic coat
ing of oil and indiarubber, and further
protected by a close net work of Italian
hemp.; but still, as I looked up at it,
slowly swaying and rolling from side
to side, swelling out with gas and tug
ging to get loose from its fastenings, I
thought how comparatively frail a
thing it was to carry humanity above
the clouds and through the mid-heav
ens, and I shuddered at the thought of
what would become of us should any
purtiun or u give way in the thousand
dfferent strains it would be put to in the
ever-varying strata of air. Attached
to the balloon, by eight strong ropes,
was a car of wicker-work, capable of
containing twelve persons—though,
compared to the balloon in size, it was
a pea suspended below the point of a
large humming-top.
At 5 o'clock the professor announ
ced everything was ready for a start,
and we, the passengers, immediately
took leave of our friends and entered
the ear. There were some laughing,
some crying, according to the different
views of the various parties. In one
ease a husband and father was leaving
his wife and children, who clung to
him with such fondness, and sopiteous
ly begged him not to do so, that had I
been in his place I certainly should
have remained with them. He, how
ever, continued firm to his purpose,
and made so light of their fears, that at
length they began to smile—though I
shall never forget the agonized expres
sion of his wife's face, as I caught a
glimpse of it at the moment when we
were bounding into the world of air.
"Give my love to the man in the
moon!" cried a merry voice.
"Just put a hextinguisher hover one
of the stars!" exclaimed a true-blood
ed cockney.
"Bring us back a chunk of chain
lightning!" laughed a third.
"Don't come down fast enough to
butt a hole through the earth !" shout
ed a fourth.
At exactly the signal was given,
the rope wassevered and away we flew,
amid the shouts and plaudits of the as
sent b'ed crowd, and next to half of Lon
don, who were in the streets looking at
us. It did not seem to us as if we mo
ved, but as if we were remaining sta
tionary and theearth was receding from
us. I experienced a sensation of gid
diness and nausea, which at first de
stroyed all my pleasure; and both of
the ladies,almost fainting, threw them
selves down in the bottom of the car,
and clung spasmodically to whatever
they could get hold of. Fortunately
these disagreeable sensations did not
last long, and in a few minutes we
were all on our feet, delighted with
the magnificent panorama spread out
before us.
London had become a dense cluster
of little toy houses; the Thames was
a mere silver ribbon ; the bridges over
lit looked like twigs; the shipping on
it were only nut-shells cut in half; St.
Paul's Cathedral resembled a snuff-box
with fancy carving, and miles of coun
,! try appeared to be but a variegated a
• | ere of scenery. As for people, I could
i not distinguish them at all with the na
ked eye, and through the glass they
' j seemed rather like the smallest kind of
ants, than human beings puffed up by
worldly vanity into ruling gods per
forming a mighty part in the economy
of creation.
I Up, up—still higher—till London it
i self could scarcely be distinuisbed by
the nh!ked eyV. The air had now be-
' come so cold that we were glad to en
velop ourselves in our cloaks and over
coats, and so rarifled that we could on
ly breathe it with great difficulty ; and
there was a pain about the temples,
pressure in the eyes, and a kind of roar
ing, cracking sound in the ears. The
gas, too, was rushing out of the bot
tom of the balloon with great force,
pouring right down upon and half
strangling us. Looking directly up at
it, I was startled, and for a moment
thought our balloon was on fire—for
the gas, which Iliad observed in the
garden below as presenting a color of
beautiful pinkish red, now had the ap
pearanceof a dense, black smoke. The
professor noticed my expression of a
larm, and made me a sign that all was
right. He now pulled open the valve
made for the escape of the gas at the
top, and our aerial vessel soon descend
ed to an altitude where wecould breathe
easily and hear each other speak.
We struck a strong current of air,
and began to pass rapidly to the west
ward. In a few minutes I observed a
cloud that looked like a huge ledge of
gray rocks, coming toward us with such
velocity, that, till weentered it, I could
not dispossess myself of the fear that
we should be dashed to pieces. When
we did enter it, we found ourselves in a
cold fog, so dense that we could not see
half a dozen feet in any direction.
Here there was 110 breeze whatever,
and our balloon soon became stationa
ry, or at least, moving only with the
cloud. What had become of the wind
which had carried us to it with such
velocity, I could not imagine ; but the
professor explained it by saying we
had got out of the current.
"Within half a mile of us," pursued
he, "there are probably at this moment
two strong currents of air rushing in
exactly opposite directions; while, as
you perceive, everything is still. It
is thought by some that when these
things come to be better understood—
when we shall have got them reduced
to a science, in fact—we shall then be
able to navigate the air as well as the
water. "Well, ladies, what do you
say—shall wego above this cloud, or be
low it?"
'' We should 1 ike to see it from above,' ;
was the answer. "But, professor, how
can you tell which way we are going
"Thus," he answered, taking a piece
of paper, making a ball about the size
of a pea, and dropping it over the side
of the car, where it slowly disappeared
below us. "You see," he continued,
"we are descending but not so fast as
the paper ball. If we were either sta-
Uvjimiji ui £iOT.cuviJjig, it Woulil leave us
much faster; and if we were rapidly
descending it would remain alongside
of us."
He then lightened the car a few
pounds by emptying a bag of sand,
and we soon shot up above the cloud,
and beheld the sun shining on it. The
effect was very beautiful—thecloud ap
pearing from the upper view like an
immense roll of snow-white cotton.
We now, in accordance with the pro
fessor's remarks, struck another cur
rent of air, which swiftly bore us away
in a direction opposite to the one by
which w r e had entered the cloud, and
which, so great was our velocity, was
soon seen afar in the distance.
I was much interested in seeing from
this upper region, the sunset upon the
world below. While it was shining
bright upon us weeould see shade after
shade ere ping over the face of the
earth, which grew dimmer and dim
mer, till at last all form and shape dis
appeared, and the eye rested only up
on a black, dismal gulf, as if it might
be the beginning of the Bottomless
An hour after this it became quite
dark where we were, and the rapid
gathering of a thunder storm, toward
which we were drifting, began to make
the most of us quite uneasy.
"Had we not better descend at once,
before the tempest breaks upon the
earth?" was the anxious question now
put to the professor.
"if it is the general desire," was the
obliging answer.
It was the general desire; and he
immediately took hold of the cord con
nected with the valve at the top of the
balloon, to let off the gas. From some
cause he could not move it. I did not
notice this at first, but seeing him
steadily jerking for some minutes and
apparently becoming nervous and anx
ious, I asked him if there was anything
"I fear there is," he replied in a tone
that betrayed a good deal of anxiety,
not to say alarm; "the valve will|not
"Oh, my God !" cried one of the la
dies, "what will become of us?"
"Do not be frightened," said the pro
fessor nervously, "I shall bring it all
right presently."
But he did not. In spite of all he
could do, the valve remained closed,
and we could not descend. In fact, it
was soon discovered that we had begun
to ascend. Moreover, we were rapidly
approaching the black rolling storm
cloud, and the lightning was playing
vividly and thunder roaring heavily.
In another minute—five minutes of
the most in tense anxiety fast deepening
into terrors—during which the profess
or tugged at the valve cord, with great
beads of perspiration standing all over
his face—in another five minutes, I say,
we entered the black cloud, which clos
ed around us like a pall, shutting out
every rav of light, so that we could not
sqe each other, nor even our be
fore our oyee. We now felt our situation
ito be appalling, and all had become
breathlessly still. Suddenly we were
| lighted up with a crinkling fire, that
seemed to play all round and through
us, and which was followed by a crash
of thunder that shook us from our feet.
The ladies screamed, and I believe ev
ery man of us, not even excepting the
professor, uttered exclamations of sur
prise and terror. We had a large, five
pronged grapnel aboard, for catching
into trees, bushes, fences and hedges,
when near the earth, and we were afraid
the lightning would be attracted by
this. It was terrible to think of the
consequences which would follow a lit
tle damage to our frail vessel. Thous
ands of feet below us, our breathless
mangled bodies would be found by
strangers. Again that awful lightning
crinkled over us, lingering around, and
seeming to set us all on fire, and again
that crashing pea! succeeded. In the
comparative silence that followed we
could hear the wild roaringof the wind
below us; but with us all was still. Five
times more did that crinkling fire and
almost deafening roar make us think
our last moment was at hand, and then
we suddenly emerged into a lighter re
gion, and saw the stars above and the
clouds below us.
Alas! we had only escaped one danger
for another. We were ascending, and
the valve was fast! We had no means
by which to force ourselves down ! Al
ready the gas was pouring out below,
and we soon began to feel the unpleas
ant sensations in our heads. We were
going up, up, up, and would soon beat
a point where the balloon would burst!
What was to be done? Something
quickly, or our voyage would end in
eternity. The professor h i msel f became
alarmed. He pulled and tugged at the
cord till he felt it was hopeless, and
then stood for a few minutes with his
hands pressed against his temples.
There was no crying or complaining.
We all knew our danger; and in silence,
except, perhaps, an occasional moan,
were preparing ourselves, by repen
tance and prayers, for our last great
Suddenly the professor started and
threw off his outer garments with great
rapidity, and then drew off his boots.
The next moment, without a word to
us, and before we were aware of his
purpose, he had swung himself clear of
the car, and was boldly climbing upthe
ropes to the netting above, with noth
ing to keep him from the eternal fall
but the frail hold of his hands. We
comprehended his designs; and ah!
how prayerfully we watched him, in
the dim lierht. till he had gone bevond
our sight! and then how we clasped
each other's hands, with tremulous ex
pectation, and silently stared in each
other's wondering faces, and fervently
prayed fo; his success.
Five minutes, that seemed like an
eternity then, and we heard the peculi
ar sound of the escaping gas. Noble
man! God bless him! he had saved
us ! Another minute, and, in the dim
light we saw his form descending, and
we prayed for him still, for we could
not aid him. Down, down —slowly,
cautiously—till at last his feet rested on
the car; and then, with a wild shout,
we caught him in our arms, and ming
led our tears of gratitude with his.
We now struck a current of air that
carried us away from the storm, and
then we descended to the earth as gent
ly as a bird on the wing, and found
ourselves within two miles ofa railway
station and a hundred from London.
The next morning we were within the
limits of the mighty city, relating our
adventures to our anxious and wonder
ing friends.
Parental affection naturally inquires
what it can best do for the welfare of
its children in future years, and when
the bosom which now throbs with love
to its offspring shall be cold in death.
Many plans are laid, and many days
and hours of anxious solicitude are
spent in contriving ways and means of
.rendering children prosperous and
happy in future life. But parents are
not always wisein the provisions which
they seek to make for their children ;
nor do they always seek direction and
counsel from God in this matter. The
best inheritance for children, beyond
all contradiction, is true piety towards
God, the salutary truths and principles
01 religion laid up in the hearts of chil
dren—a good education—good and vir
tuous habits—unbending principles of
moral conduct -the fear of God, and
the hope of heaven. This is the inher
itance for children, and which all pa
rents should be most anxious to lay up
for them.
Many an unwise parent works hard
•\nd lives sparingly all his life, for the
purpose of leaving enough to give his
children a start in the world, as it is
called. Setting a young man afloat
with money left him by his relatives,
is like tying bladders under the arms
of one who cannot swim, ten chances
to one he will lose the bladders or go
to the bottom. Teach him to swim,
and he will not need the bladders.
Give your child a sound education.
See to it that his morals are pure, his
mind cultivated, and his whole nature
made subservient to the laws which
govern man, and you have given what
will be more valuable than the wealth
of the Indies. You have given him a
start which 110 misfortune cau deprive
him of. The earlier you teach him to
depend upon his own resources, and the
blessing of Go'd. the better.
VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5,380.
The Erie Dispatch, the ablest Repub
lican paper of the Northwestern section
of the State, "goes off," as follows, at
Geary, Cameron, and the rest of the
unwashed and ull regenerated Radicals,
who now have control of the State.—
By the way, what is therein said are
not "copperhead lies." Read:
The State is emphatically in the hands
of the most despicable and degraded
class of knaves that ever disgraced a
Commonwealth, and the time is not far
distant when the names of Cameron
and Geary will sound so much like Ben
Wood, Vallandigham, and Raphael
Senimes that 110 one will be able to jus
tly classify them in a different cata
We do not know but that we regiv
ing too much prominence to Geary, as
he is such an ignoramus, and such a
miserable apology of a man, such a
complete loafer, who is allowed to
sponge a subsistence from his more
prosperous neighbors, that he alone is
not able to gain distinction as a knave,
or even as a loafer. The promiseswhich
lie has already made and violated, the
influence which he consented to have
used to effect his election, and the man
ner in which he is dovetailed with men
in the State who are known to be
knaves, ought to be sufficient to keep
him from being inaugurated as Govern
or of the State. But they will not. He
will be placed in the office of Chief Ex
ecutive with a howl of triumph, amidst
a tournament of sin and corruption.
Our uninitiated readers may wonder
why we have not before given our opin
ions upon this subject, if they, were
held from the beginning. We have in
timated them before; and have warned
the people of the State in general, the
Republican party in particular, that
they were egregiously sold 011 John W.
Geary; but we hoped that the manage
ment which had him in charge would
be sufficiently prudent to cover up a
portion oftheir nakedness, and manifest
by subsequent events that it was their
desire to foster the principles as well as
the interests of the party. But they
have done nothing of the kind. They
seem to sacrifice every principle to pol
icy, and bury not only the honor and
power of the party, but all its adherents
in a grave of dishonor and oblivion.
The power of the Republican party in
Pennsylvania is for the present used
up. The imbecility and inefficiency of
our next Governor, as a man within
himself, will disgust every member of
Hoth parties, ami the povnt public of the
Commonwealth will not dare trust the
party with the selection of another man
to rule over them. The term of John
W. Geary will be the era from which
will date the decay of the Republican
party in Pennsylvania, and which will
furnish examples of folly to be guarded
against in thefuture. It will constitute
a severe, and, we hope, a beneficial les
son to the party, which will teach it
that honesty and consistency must not
be sacrificed to the policy of the time
being. Or, in other words, that avail
ability will avail nothing when it does
not bring with it an amount of brain
and legitimate power sufficient to con
trol at. all times an honest majority in
the party. The people are already dis
gusted with Geary. Their expressions
are loud and unmistakable, and though
they may be smothered for a time, it
will be but a little while before they
will flame out all over the State in all
their truth and power.
We are not disposed to award him so
much honor as to give him the benefit
of having created this dissatisfaction
himself. On theeontrary, we know he
has not the ability to do it. It has been
brought about by the knaves and dem
agogues who have had the management
of him. The party has allowed these
men to deeeiveand swindle it, to barter
it off for a mess of pottage which has not
the merit of being either palatable or
digestible, andet at once gives the De
mocracy the advantage of the sympa
thy of the dissatisfied, and an opportu
nity of regaining power by offering men
whom the people are willing to accept
on account of real merit. The conclu
sion is, that the Republican party in
Pennsylvania must either be washed
and regenerated, or conclude to hereaf
ter sufi'er defeat.
you get your nice new warm sack ?"
asked a lady of a little girl.
"From God, ma'am," said the little
girl modestly.
"Why, did not your mother make
it?" asked the lady.
"Yes mother sewed it," said the
"And did she not buy the cloth of
the shopkeeper?" asked the lady.
"Yes," said the little girl, "but the
shopkeeper bought it from the factory
where jt was spun and wove, and the
factory man bought the wool from the
farmer, and the farmer took it from the
lamb's back, and the lamb got it from
God, who clothes the little lambs with
their soft wool, to keep them warm.
The lambs could not dress themselves,
nor could their mothers dress them.
God dresses them. So God is in the be
ginning, mother says, and without God
I should not have had it."
That is the very first thing the Bible
"Iu the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth."
And so of everything in the world;
since everything we eat, drink, wear
or use, if we follow them up to the be
ginning we shall find God. It is God,
Go'd, God everywhere.—PajW.
Dr. Arnott, in his Physics, states that
I canary birds suspended near the top of
a curtained bedstead where persons are
sleeping, will generally be found dead
in the morning, from the effects of car
bonic acid gas, generated in respiration.
He sets forth this as a fact, to show the
necessity of breathing pure air in sleep
ing apartments, and a sweeping argu
ment against the old-fashioned, high
curtained bedsteads. A healthy man
respires about twenty times in a min
ute, and inhales in that period about
seven hundred cubic inches of air; this
he exhales again in the form of carbonic
acid gas and water, which vitiates the
atmosphere. Three and one-half per
cent, of carbonic acid gas in the air ren
ders it unfit for the support of life; this
shows how necessary it is to provide a
supply of pure air for the support of
There are also certain facts which go
to prove that more danger exists—that
there is a greater proneness of disease
—during sleep than in the waking state.
In Turkey and Hindoostan, if a person
falls asleep in the neighborhood of a
poppy field, over which the wind is
blowing towards him, he is liable to
"sleep the sleep that knows no waking."
The peasants of Italy who fall asleep in
the neighborhood of the Pontine marsh
es are invariably smitten with fever.
Even travelers who pass the night in
theCampagna du Loma, inevitably be
come more or less affected with the
noxious air, while those who pass
through without stopping escape the
marsh fever. Those who have traveled
111 tropical climes, and who have been
attacked with bilious fevers, uniformly
ascribe the cause of their sufferings to
night exposure in the open air.
An English traveler in Aby&synia
has asserted that he could live in health
in that sickly country, by a proper se
lection of the situation where he slept
every night. There is abundant evi
dence, it would appear, which goes to
prove that by proper attention to the
place where, and the circumstances un
der which persons sleep, diseases may
be avoided.
CEED. —The modus operandi of the coun
terfeitinggentry is described as follows:
A suitable person approaches a first
class engraver with an offer of SIO,OOO
or even $20,000 for a plate. The latter
is seldom able toresistthis temptation,
and as he 110 doubt has a daily engage
ment in some bank note establishment,
the work is done by him in over time,
such as nights and Sundays. When
the bills are printed they are distribu
ted with surprising celerity and are
"shoved" simultaneously in different
parts of the Union. In this manner
a large number is got off before suspi
cion is aroused. The best counterfeit
greenback on record is the SSO issue
which was at first accepted in the Treas
ury at Washington. Roberts, the ar
tist, who executed the plate, received
$20,000 for bis services, but was detect
ed, and is now serving out a sentence
of twenty years at Sing Sing.
still exists, among even well-informed
French people, a tradition that in Eng
land a husbaud commonly puts a hal
ter around his wife's neck, leads her to
Smithfield, and sells her to the highest
bidder. A laborer named Martin, age,
30, at Vire (Calvados) recently went
still further.- He not only sold his wife
and cupboard together for five francs to a
young man named Vautier, but assisted
the latter by force to take possession of
his purchase. For this grave offence
the two men have just been tried at the
Court of Assizes of Caen. The hearing
of the case took place with closed doors,
and the jury having returned a verdict
of guilty, but with extenuating circum
stances, Martin was condemned to eight
years' hard labor, and Vautier to five
years' imprisonment.
An eminent divine, remarkable for
the devoted piety and spotless purity
of his character, was heard to say that
he never read or heard of a crime in his
life, no matter how heinous, without
feeling an inward consciousness that
under certain conditions of education,
training or association, he might have
committed the same crime himself.
The same feeling must have been ex
perienced more or less by all reflecting,
enlightened men; and yet—and yet,
how little charity there is in the world.
Washington Chronicle says: "Does it
pay England to hold Ireland, merely
by aid of bayonets and artillery?" A
much more pertinent question for
American editors to discuss is, Will it
pay the United States to hold the
South by the same tenure?
Rosseau says: Men will argue more
forcibly about the human heart, but
women will read the heart much better.
Women have most wit; men have
most genius. Women observe; men
reason. The world is the book of wo
A CONNECTICUT pedler asked an old
lady to whom he was trying to sell
some articles, if she could tell him of
any road that no pedler had ever trav
eled. "I know of but one, and that is
the road to heaven," was the reply.
IN Washington county, Tenn., twen
ty miles northeast of Jonesboro', is an
ancient birch tree, on the bark of which
is still legible the following inscrip
tion : "1771 —1). Boon killed a bar."
"IT seems to me," says F. W.Rob
ertson, "a pitiful thing for any man to
aspire to be true and to speak the truth,
and then to complain in astonishment
that truth has not crowns to give but
thorns." > __ ii^__— ——s^sszsa
"A traveler" wishes us to explain
what sense there is just now in the
term "railroad securities," seeing
ttfere is no security on any of the rail