The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 08, 1867, Image 2

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Friday Horning. February 8, 1567.
Circulate your County Paper.
The following named gentlemen have been ap
pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the
GAIETTK. They are authorised to receipt for us:
Bloody Run —Jeremiah Thompson.
Roy's Hill —D. A. J. Black.
Monroe —Daniel Fletcher.
Colerain —Geo. W. Deal, H.P. Diehl.
C. Valley —D. R. Anderson, A. Zembower.
Londonderry —James C. Dcvore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Sehellshurg —J E. # Blaeh.
Napier —John Sill, John W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender,
Westley Bennett.
Union —M. Wertt, W. B. Lambrigbt.
M. Woodherry —W. M. Pearson, Daniel Barley.
S. Woodherry —J.l. Noble. J. S. Brumbaugh.
Hopewell—XV. A. Grove, J B. Fluke.
Broad Lop —M. A. Hunter.
Liberty —Geo. Koades, D. Stoler.
Saxton— Charles Faxon.
St Clair —John W. Crisman, Samuel Beckley.
Snake Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart
ley and M. S. Ritchey.
W. Providence —Geo. Baughman, HomerNcicc.
The Democrats and Conservatives of
Bedford county, are requested to as
semble in Mass Meeting, at the Court
FEBRUARY 11, for the purpose.of e
lecting a delegate to represent the
county in the next Democratic State
Several addresses may be expected
upon the occasion.
Ch'n Dem. Co. Com.
The Democratic State Committee, at
its meeting, on January 29th, at Har
risl)iug*ado])ted the following resolu-
lsLMhattho regular Convention of
the patty, for nominating a candidate
for tlw Supreme Bench, be held at
Harrisburg, on the SECOXI) TUES
DAY of June, 18(57, at 12 o'clock m.;
snd that said Convention be composed
of the usual number of delegates.
2nd. In addition thereto, it is recom
mended to the Democracy of Pennsvl
vania to FORTHWITH elect, in the
usual manner, two delegates, of recog
nized position and influence in the par
ty, for each Representative district,
who shall meet in Mass Convention, at
Harrisburg, on a day to be fixed by
the Chairman of the State Central Com
By order of the Democratic State
•hair man.
B. L. FORSTER, Sec'y.
Some of the negroes of South Caroli
na have risen in rebellion against the
U. S. authorities. A fight has occurr
ed between the colored insurgents and
a force under an agent of the Freed
men:s Bureau, Lieut. Lemon, in which
the latter was badly wounded. The
following despatches to the Associated
Press, show the state of affairs existing
at last accounts.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. 30. —Colonel
Sibley returned in the boat, and reports
that all is quiet now, but he deemed it
necessary to leave a heavy guard to
maintain order. The whole of the trou
ble is laid to Aaron Bradley, a colored
lawyer from Boston, who makes a
boast that he would like to see blood
shed, and promises the negroes that if
they will resist the United States forces
at the point of the bayonet the land will
be theirs.
The burning of the steamer General
Sheply is attributed to thesamesouree.
There is a general spiritof insubordina
tion among the negroes in thisdistrict.
CHARLESTON, S. C, Jan. 31.—A1l is
quiet in Carolina to-day. The negro
Bradley was arrested this morning by
the United States authorities. Lieut.
Lemon is doing well.
"The whole of the trouble is laid to
Aaron Bradley a colored lawyer."
What a sermon is this to the men who
are continually engaged in hampering
the negroes with ideas of white and
black equality ! What a lesson to the
people as to the necessity of restoring
the Southern States to their normal re
lations to the Government! What a
rebuke to the mischievous Radical
Congress which keeps the subject of ne
gro rights in unending agitation! What
a commentary upon the New England
idea of sending "colored lawyers" from
Boston to the South to teach the ne
groes their duty! Do the quiet, law
abiding people of Pennsylvania appre
ciate, in all its enormity, the policy
which makes "Aaron Bradley a color
ed lawyer from Boston, who boasts that
he would like to see blood-shed," a
missionary among the blacks of the
South, to stir them up to insurrection
and murder? If not, it is high time
that they begin to think upon the sub
ject. Here we have aU. S. officer shot
in the discharge of his duty, a vessel
burned, and the negroes called upon to
resist the U. S. forces at the point of the
bayonet, and all this in the name of ne
gro rights. A few more speeches from
our members of Congress, a few more
"colored lawyers" sent on missions to
their brethren, and we shall have a
black rebellion in comparison with
which the horrors of San Domingo will
pale into insignificance.
WE again call attention to the fact
that the Democratic County Commit
tee is requested to met t at the Court
House, at 7 o'clock, on Tuesday eve
ning next, and urge upon its members
the importance of a full tun>out.
A special detective agent of the Treas
ury department was recently sent to
the Canada border, among the Custom
Houses. He succeeded in making ar
rangements with twenty two revenue
officers fall "loyal men," too, no doubt}
to engage in smuggling goods from
Canada into the United .States. The
Yankees have now a good enough Rec
iprocity Treaty with Canada, in the
present infamous tariff. They smug
gle all the foreign goods they need from
Canada, and compel the rest of the
country to pay exorbitant prices for
their own manufactures. The other
day every New England member of
Congress voted to reduce the duty on
Nova Scotia coal, an article which they
consume very heavily, and find at the
same time, too "unhandy" to smuggle
through by the underground railroad.
THE MARKETS. —PhiI'a, Jan. 30.
Whisky. Nothing doing except in
the contraband article, which sells free
ly at $1.50 and $1.75 per gal.— BhiCa
Such is the unvarying refrain in the
market reports of the daily press.
Whisky is selling in the open market,
at one-third less than thelnternal Rev
enue tax, and yet not the slightest ef
fort is being made to modify this un
just and ineffective law, which offers
constant temptations to violate it, and
bears oppressively upon no one but the
honest dealer. The retailer of liquor
has begun to discover that he can buy
whisky in Philadelphia at half the
price he pays for that made at home—
if there should be a little strychnine in
it. This is the only way to account for
the number of agents for liquor houses
in Philadelphia, who are traveling the
country in all directions. Unless Con
gress alters the law, the domestic man
ufacturer willengagein the contraband
business too, and the fight tlill then
become a free one between the home
distiller, the Eastern smuggler and
the revenue officers, the latter of whom
can soon be "counted out."
THE " Cambria Freeman'''' is the title
of a new paper published at Ebensburg,
by R. L. Johnston and H. A. McPike.
It is edited with much sprightliness
and is in every respect an improvement
upon the old Sentinel now defunct.
With the inimitalfle "Bob" as its ed
itor, the Freeman is bound to succeed.
We do not see, however, how he he can
devote much attention to the editorial
business, as he is always on the stump.
THE Indiana Democrat , edited and
published by our old friend James
B. Sansom, Esq., comes to us enlarged
and printed on new type. The Demo
crat i doing good service in the benight
ed regions of Indiana county, and de
serves the united and liberal support of
the true men of that county.
THE Huntingdon Monitor has late
ly been enlarged and otherwise im
proved. Mr. Cornman makes a good
paper and should be liberally support
ed by the democracy of Huntingdon.
I.ex falls on Genry; legislation for Bed
ford County: Contested Seats: Hcetin;;
of Democratic State Committee.
Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette .
Mn. EDITOR:— Tired of looking on
in the galleriesof the Senate and,
I concluded, to-day, to make a recon
noissance of Gen. Geary's position on
"The Hill." Accordingly, 1 flanked
the Legislature, and by adroitly pick
eting my advance, secured a point of
propinquity to the General. Was it
unnatural, or singular, to note careful
ly, as 1 did, the manners, speech and
general appearance of the new Execu
tive? If so, I can only plead in exten
uation of the fault, that—/ could not
help if. Geary and I are old friends.
I knew him, years ago, in old Cambria;
talked Democracy (what his present
supporters used to call "loco-foco-ism")
with him in old Westmoreland ; puffed
him when he fell (in the ditch) at Che
pultepec; "legged" for him with Mr.
Buchanan when he aspired to the Gov
ernorship of Kansas, and, during the
late war, assisted somewhat (may the
Lord forgive me!) in building up his
newspaper reputation. Notwithstand
ing the fact that I know the man so
well, I felt curious to know how he de
ports himself as Executive of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania. Well,
the Governor bears his blushing hon
ors as meekly as his nature will per
mit. He confesses that the Guberna
torial chair is not cushioned with roses.
From the very hour of his inaugura
tion he has felt the lacerating thorns
placed in tte Executive seat by men of
his o\Vn party, with whom he had but
lately b en on the best of terms. Even
whilst hislnaugural was being deliver
ed, he beheld impatience written all
over the faces of those who ought not
only to have tolerated, but applauded,
his labored address. Even in that
crowning hour of his triumph, he
heard his predecessor in office, Gov.
Curtin, whisper between his clenched
teeth, "My God ! Will the thing nev
er end ?" He feels deeply the enmity
of Curtin and his friends; thinks that
thelatter will secretly endeavor toleave
him in a minority, politically speaking,
in the next Legislature; but, with his
finger on one sideof his nose, intimates
that he is expert enough in turning po
litical somersaults to be always with
the party that is in power. Judging
from his conversation* I think that 6i*
j mon Cameron's position in politics will
always indicate where His Excellency
is to be found. For, says Geary, "1
| made Cameron Senator, and as Simon
I is proverbially true to his friends, he
i cannot be so ungrateful as to refuse to
follow where I may choose to lead."
i But affairs of State crowd upon theat
! tention of the Governor, and 1 must
take my departure. "Call often,"
; said the Governor, "we old Democrats
have a fellow feeling which nothing
on earth is puissant enough to aberun
cate, eradicate, uproot or exterminate!"
and with a bend of his body and a
flourish of his hand, hewaved me from
the Executive presence.
Some legislation affecting your ooun
; ty, has been inaugurated. Senator
Stutzman read, in his place, a few days
| ago, "A bill to remit the Five per Cent
um Penalty to the county of Bedford,"
which was referred to the Committee
|of Judiciary Local. A bill has also
! passed the Senate changing the time
of holding the courts in your district,
i This bill provides that after the first
day of March next, thecourts shall be
gin as follows: In Fulton, on the first
• Monday of April and August; the
| third Monday of October and thesec
; ond Monday of January ; in Frankiin,
on the second Monday of April and
j August; the fourth Monday of Octo
; her and the third Monday of January;
: in Bedford, on the fourth Monday of
! April and August; thesecond Monday
i of November and the first Monday of
I February; in Somerset, on the first
\ Monday of May, the second Monday
! of September, the fourth Monday of
November and the third Monday of
February. A bill has also been repor
ted from the Committee on Education
| to attach certain lands and tenements
in Bedford township to Bedford Bor
| ough, for school purposes.
One of the three contested seats in
the House, has been decided, viz: that
of Glass vs. Linton, from the Cambria
district. Col. Linton, the sitting mem
ber, was elected by a majority of over
SOU, but his opponent, Mr. Glass, rely
ing upon the precedents set by his par
ty, supposed that it would be only nec
essary for him to present himself as a
contestant to insure the ousting of Col.
Linton. But soflimsy was Mr. Glass'
case that his party friends compelled
him to withdraw from the contest.
Two contested cases, one from Phila
delphia, and one from the Lycoming
district, are undecided. The sitting
member in the Philadelphia case (Mr.
Muliin) will, doubtless, retain his seat,
but as to the case in the Lycoming dis
trict, I think the Committee will oust
Mr. Roush, the sitting member. His
majority was only two votes, and the
contestantalleges thatanumber of "de
serters" voted for Mr. Roush. Of
course, the Committee will pay no at
tention to the decision of the Supreme
Court which bears upon this subject.
If they were to regard that decision,
Mr. Roush would retain his seat.
I have just been informed that Gov.
Geary has issued a "previous pardon"
to a Judge of Election, convicted in
the Quarter Sessions of Berks county,
of refusing the vote of a citizen on the
ground of his being an alleged "deser
ter." Truly "justice has fled to bru
tish beasts."
The Democratic State Committee met
hereon Tuesday last. Notwithstand
ing the inclemency of the weather,
there was a pretty full attendance.
The Committee determined to issue a
call for a State Convention to nominate
a candidate for Supreme Judge, to be
held on the second Tuesday of June,
next, and also recommended the elec
tion of two delegates for each Repre
sentative and Senator in the Legisla
ture, to a Mass Convention to be held
at Harrisburg, on a day to be fixed by the
Chairman of the Democratic State Com
mittee. The meeting was very harmo
Hon. S. L.Russell, of your place, was
in town, a few days ago, looking after
some local legislation for your county.
More anon. LEX.
Imppariimenl: The Radicals vs. the Cath
olics: Koontz Speaketh : .Wore Vetoes,
Af., Ac.
Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette.
MR. EDITOR:— The impeachment
scheme hangs fire, and as has been pre
dicted, not much, if any, progress will
be made in it by the present Con
gress. The Judiciary Committee which
has the matter in charge, is composed
of the most radical of Radicals, and
will, doubtless, hatch out some trick or
other, by which they expect thev fur
therance of their scheme to lie promo
ted. The infamous Baker, who has
been in the criminal courts time and
again, has presented himself before
the Committee to testify. Other wit
nesses of a similar character are to be
made the instruments of Ashley & Co.,
and had not the notorious Sanford
Conover, upon whose testimony Mrs.
Surratt was convicted' confessed his
perjury in that case, he would, doubt
less, figure as largely in the impeach
ment movement as he did in the trials
of the Assassination Conspirators. The
Conovers have not all confessed yet,
and, I doubt not, plenty ot them will
be on hand to assist the enemies of the
President. It is said that John H.
Surratt is to be brought before the
Committee, and if he can be suborned
to testify to something that will dam
age Mr. Johnson, he is to be set at lib
erty. Wouldn't such an arrangement
speak highly for the justice and honesty
of a Radical Congress. But with all
these convenient witnesses at hand, 1
do not think that the present Congress
will be able to accomplish anything
in the way of impeachment. The For
tieth Congress may undertake to carry
the matter further, as "Old Cock-eye" j
(Ben. Butler) will be a member of that
body, and he is a terrible fellow, to-be
sure, having already impeached Brick
Pomeroy. At present the Radical Mon
grelsaje so divided into factions, that
they are unable to agree upon any
measure, and I hope and believe that
they will not be more harmonious In
the next Congress. Tliad. Stevens has
lost the control of his fellow destruc
tives, the Pennsylvania Legislature
having used him up most effectually.
He has succeeded but once, since his
defeat for U. S. Senator, in tallying a
majority for any measure he has advo
cated. The other day he njoved to
utrikeout the mission to Rome, on
the ground thkt protectant worship
was prohibited within the wails of that
city. He was asked for proof of this
allegation, but could give nothing but
hearsay. The Government hail receiv
ed no official information whatever,
upon the subject. But the old hatred
of the Catholics still cherished by the
Mungrel Know Nothings now trans
formed into Radicals, found vent in
the resolution offered by Stevens and
it was carried. How any Catholic can,
in future, vote with these men, passes
my comprehension.
Your representative, Mr. Koontz,
"spoke a piece," the** other day. His
speech was almost entirely devoted to
a discus-ion of the right of the negro
"to wield the ballot." He argued in
favor of granting suffrage to the negroes,
without limit or qualification. Did the
people of your district bargain for tiffs,
when they voted for him last fall?
The President has vetoed the bills for
the admission of Nebraska and Colora
do. In the case of the former it is al
leged that it does not contain sufficient
population, and that about one half of
its inhabitants are opposed to admis
sion. Colorado, itself, protests against
admission, through its territorial House
of Representatives. Yet the Radicals,
for thesake ofstrengthening themselves
in Congress and in the Electoral Col
lege, insist upon forcing these States
into ihe Union. Hon. Philip John
son, of the "Tenth Legion" district in
your State, died night before last, of
congestion of the liver. His death was
sudden and unexpected, though he had
not been in good health for some time.
His remains will be interred in the
Congressional Cemetery in this city.
Hon. Henry S. Magraw, formerly State
Treasurer of Pennsylvania, died here,
on Thursday last, of apoplexy. Mr.
Magraw has latterly been a citizen of
Maryland, and at his death, represent
ed the county of Cecil in the Maryland
Legislature. PRY.
Cori-espoinleiice Between General B. F.
Butler ami Brick Pomeroy.
The La Crosse (Wisconsin) Democrat
publishes thefollowing correspondence,
as having taken place bet ween General
Butler and its editor, Mr. Pomeroy. It
explains itself:
"No. 71 BROADWAY, N.Y. CITY, )
"January 13, 1867. j
"M. M. Pomeroy, Editor Democrat, La
Crosse, Wisconsin:
"Sir— When in Milwaukee last Octo
ber I made all arrangements with par
ties there toward the prosecution of the
suit I have brought against you for def
amation of character, as per prelimina
ry notification and summons. This
was the principal object 1 had in visit-
I inpr Wisoonsjp, and my work was done
well. On consultation with R few
friends 1 have decided to withdraw the
suit if you will agree to stop your per
sonal attacks on me as a man and offi
cer, which have so often appeared in
your paper, the La Crosse Democrat. I
have no particular desire or need to col
lect of you the amount claimed (SIOO,-
000), but do wish to have your annoy
ing articles stopped, and if you do not
accede to this proposition, the Jaw must
take its course.
January 18, 1867. )
"Major-General Benjamin F. Batter,
L. L. D:
"Sir —Your note is before me by to
day's mail, and duly noted. As at pres
ent constituted, with a natural disgust
for thieves, robbers, turn-coats, military
blunderers, bank robbers, women insur
ers and evil-hearted scoundrels general
ly, permit me in all kindness to say
that I have no retraction to make to
you, for I never published a word con
cerning you 1 did not believe true, and
which you must know to be true as ho
ly writ, if you are at all familiar with
your own dishonorable history as f a pub
lic being, dignified by accident of birth
with the name of man. I would not
willingly injure your feeling, or deprive
you of your world-wide reputation , so
well-earned in the service of Butler vs.
honesty, patriotism and virtue. Nor
do 1 wish you to die yet awhile, for
your name, history, blunders, robber
ies, insults to women, and treason to
your country, are valuable as warnings
to the rising generation.
"Believing you to be all I have ever
charged you with being, confident in
my full ability to prove every charge,
you are politely privileged to let the
law hike its course, when the world will
know more of your robberies, history,
ambitions, Ac., too numerous to men
"The only favor I ask of you is this—if
you conclude to go on with your suit
for libel aiytdamuges to the amount of
SIOO,OOO, permit me to plead my own
case in court, and give me only
put my spoons, silverware, watches,
jewelry, Ac., in some place of safety,
outside the court-room, till the trial is
over. •
"With best wishes for your success
and warm reception in your future
home, I am, sir,
"Editor Democrat , La Crosse, Wis."
—James Bedpath writes to the Anti-
Slavery Standard that he is in favor of
abolishing the Supreme Court, the reg
ularariny,and the United States Senate,
which last he pronounces "themost of
fensive of ail our oligarchical institu
tions." The Radicals have commenced
a work which will not be so easily ar
rested as it was begun.
—Nearly every factory in German
town l\as suspended operations by rea
son of depression in trade. A large
number of working people have there
by been thrown out of employment.—
Phila. Aye, Feb. 1.
—The Pickwickian style of insult
and adjustment is being revived in
Richmond. One man knocks another
down, and each then apologizes to the
other, and a committee from the Legis
lature declare, the difficulty amicably
and honorably adjusted.—This farce
was enacted the other day.
—AJeftlous wife in Cincinnati, nam
ed McLaughlin, finding her husband
in company with his paramour, Miss
Thompson, a daughter of a well known
liquor dealer of that city, under suspic
ious circumstances, attacked her with a
poker and so badly injured her that she
died shortly afterward.
—A special despatch from Montreal
says that an ice-shove occurred at St.
Regis, on the St. Lawrence River, com
pletely submerging an Indian village.
The inhabitants were thrown into a
fearful consternation, and much suffer
ing ensued.
—The first annual dinner of the Wash
ington Board of Trade of the District of
Columbia, was given at the Seaton
House in that city, on Wednesday eve
—The Indians of the Florida Ever
glades have declared their determina
tion to hold their negroes as slaves.
They deny the jurisdiction of the laws,
and trouble is apprehended, as the ne
groes are arming, and have called up
on the military for assistance.
—The labor of the New Orleans Riot
Committee will not be completed for
two weeks to come. Mr. Boyer, it is
thought, will send in a minority re
On the 27th inst. an extensive fire oc
curred in ITagerstown, Md., consuming
the Mail newspaper office and all the
types and presses, the Eagle Hotel and
several stores. The J fait office was ful
ly insured.
—The Boston negro "lawyer," Brad-
Icy. was arrested at Savannah, Georgia,
on the 31st, by the United States au
thorities. • He is accused of instigating
the presentrevoit among the negroes in
South Carolina.
—The tax upon advertisements is
to be repealed. Only about $200,000
were derived from this source last
—Deßow, the statistician, has been
pardoned, so we may not expect to ap
ply to him the words of the old negro
melody, "Hang up de fiddle and De
—Horace Greely, the negro who kill
ed Mr. llhett, at Charleston, S. C., has
been found guilty of murder in the first
—The Fenian ex-chief organizer, Ste
phens, is now positively said to be
living in Second place, Brooklyn.
—The Radicals have no objection to
their members of Congress lying, but
only to their being told of it.— Boston
—The Republicans in Washington
say the impeachment furore will a
mount, in the end, to nothing.
SCHENCK'S MEDICINES.—TO cure consumption, the
system must be prepared so that the lungs will
heal. To accomplish this, the liver and stomach
must first be cleansed and an appetite created for
good wholesome food, which, by these medicines
will be digested properly, and good healthy blood
made; thus building up the constitution. Schenek's
JSanarake Pills cleanse the stomach of all bilious
or mucous accumulations; and, by using the Sea
Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is nutritious as well
as medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all
impurities are expelled from the system, and good,
wholesome blood made, which will repel all dis
ease. If patients will take there medicines ac
cording to directions, consumption very frequently
in its last stage yields readily to their action.—
Take the pills frequency, to cleanse the liver and
stomach. It does not follow that because the bow
els are not costive they are not required, for some
times in diarrhoea they are necessary. The stom
ach must be kept healthy, and an appetite created
to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respir
atory organs properly and allay any irritation.
Then all that is required to perform a permanent
cure is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise about
the rooms as much as possible, eat iall the richest
food—fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the
appetite craves; but be particular and masticate
twh. 2d w
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen-c
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is uncqualed.
The above articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York.
warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for
the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs, Hide
bound, Colds, Ac., in Horses; and Colds, Coughs,
Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac.,
in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up
by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, since
his death, the demand has been so great for them,
that Dr. Tobias has continued to manufacture
them. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no
need of stopping the working of your animals.
They increase the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse
the stomach and urinary organs ; also increase the
milk of cows. Try them, and you will never be
without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated
trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years,
and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo
P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordham,
N. Y., would not use them until he was told of
what they are composed, gince which he is never
without He has over 20 running horses in
his charge, and for the last three years ho has used
no other medicine for them. He has kindly per
mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000
other references can be seen at the depot. Sold
by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per
box. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York.
INVASION!— Do you wish to have
your hair cauterized from the scalp? No. Then
beware of the new brood of Xitriolic and caustic
Dyes sot up by nostrum-mongers, who bear the
same relation to the responsible Chemist that
bear to honest merchantmen. Remember that the
experience of years, and the very highest scientific
endorsements, guarantee the superiority of
over every other in use. It is purely vegetable,
infallible and instantaneous. Manufactured hy
J. Christadoro. ti Astor House. New York. Sold
by Druggists. Applied by all zluir Dretsers.
janlinl '
setr JKtocrtirfmcHti
EORGE MARDORFF. Esq., Treasurer of Bed
ford county, in account with said county, frcra Jau
uary 4, A. D., 1866, to January 9, A. D., 1867.
i To amount received from Jaities B. Far
quhar, Esq ~late treasurer, as per re-
I celpts exhibited, !?9,298 24 1
• To amount of tax received from collectors.
i Jacob A Nicodcmtts, Woodberry M. IPSS 152 84
iR D Barclay, Bedford borougn, 1861 25 00,
lT M Lynch, Bedford borough, 1862 76 91
I William Phillips, Bedford borough, do 47 19
• Philip ilardman, Cumb. Valley, do 5 10
|J R Durborrow, Woodberry M, do 2-2 20
Jacob Fetter. Bedford township, 1863 561 11
iU H Akers, Bedford borough, 1864 367 72
! Samuel Bender, Bloody Run, do 50 00
William Stuckey, Monroe, do 114 70
Joseph Fisher, Providence W, do 58 84
S'.'tnuel Beckley, St. Clair, do 65 52
George Beegle. Union, do 73 67
E F Kerr, Bedford borough, 1865 532 10
Henry Beegle. Union, do 1366 82
John C Figard, Broad Top, do 639 77
John C Black, Bloody Itun, do 115 00
Jacob Bowser, Colerain, do 606 8,3
Archibald Blair. Cumberl'd Valley, da 425 00
Henry Wertz, Hirrison, do 135 16
George Gardill, Juniata, • do 258 03
Michael Carpenter, Londonderry, do 127 00
Samuel Harvey, Liberty, do 83 58
Philip Snyder," Monroe, do 19 64
David H Bowser. Napier, do 519 09
P M Barton. Providence E. do 239 37
George Baughtuan, Providence W, do 55 33
Solomon Shrader, St. Clair, dd 569 56
Westley Perdew, Southampton, do 172 91
N N Koons, Snake Spring, do 113 44
Daniel Horn, Schellsburg, do 100 00
Adolphus Ake. Union, do 506 05
Solomon Barley, Woodberry M, do 737 29
Samuel Crissman, Woodberry S, do 1221 73
John C Figard, Broad Top, 1866 783 84
Jeremiah Thompson, Bloody Run, do 200 00
Henry Hite, Cumberland Valley do 350 00
Jacob Bowser, Colerain, do 200 00
A W Shoemaker, Harrison, do 185 00
James Fink, Hopewell, do 282 00
Henry Horn, Jurtiata, do 150 00
Jacob Evans, Londonderry, do 300 00
John McLain, Liberty, do 60 00
Jacob Fletcher. Monroe, do 715 00
Henry Egolf, Napier, do 347 00
Uriah Melott, Providence, E, do 105 00
John Kinsey, Schellsburg, do 57 00
Moses Tewell, Southampton, do 249 00
Solomon Barley, Woodberry M, *do 362 11
To amount received from Hucksters lor
Hucksters' license, 210 00
To money advanced from citizens of Na
pier and Harrison townships on bridge, 800 00
To money received from sales of estrays, 31 67
To money received on Treasurer's deeds, 26 00
To money received on lath sold at Court
House, 2 75
To costs in commonw'h vs. S Amick et al, 32 30
To amount received on sale of unseated
lands, 790 82
To amount received on bounty fund, 56 40
To sundry refunding checks, 331 20
Total charges, $25,351 91
On sundry checks drawn by the commissioners, as
follows, viz :
Paid Petit Jurors, February term, $452 34
Grand Jurors, do do 171 10
Petit Jurors, Special court, 449 90
Petit Jurors, September term, 336 88
Grand Jurors do do 142 10
Petit Jurors. November do 383 25
Grand Jurors, do do 142 39
Petit Jurors. May do 261 73
Grand Jurors, do do 127 59
Fox and wild cat scalps, 327 53
Isaac Kensinger, Jury Commissioner, 48 00
William Kirk, do .do 48 00
J G Fisher, clerk do do 24 00
Tip-staves, 199 83
Talesmen, 99 22
Court-crier, 48 00
Assessors making assesment returns, 205 61
Constable's returns, 365 73
George Roades, Commissioner's salary, 238 00
Michael Wertz, do do 141 00
Michael Ritchey, do do 124 00
David Howsare, do do 16 00
J G Fisher, clerk to do 250 00
J Aldstadt, Sheriff, boarding prisoners, 1187 72
do conveying prisoners to
Western Penitentiary, 692 00
do costs on comni'h cases, 78 98
do costs in commonwealth
vs. John Hammond, 201 86
do costs in commonwealth
vs John Stokenius 25 51
Metropolitan Insurance company, 90 50
John Harris arresting Walker alias Rom
dolf, 20 00
Expenses of Spring election, 241 04
do October election, 414 42
Charles Merwine, services as janitor, 4c., 72 50
John C Figard, money over paid on State
tax, 110 53
shannon & co., chairs for court
house 128 64
Jeremiah Thompson, repairing bridge at
Bloody Run. 200 00
Jacob Lingenfelter, hauling stone, &c.,
for same, 50 00
0 E Shannon, Esq., fees as Prothonotary, 150 00
G Blymyer & Son, bill of oils, paints, <tc. 300 29
B McC Blymyer & co., bill of goods, 29 65
W G Perry, dockets for Prothonotary's
office, 61 00
Mevers & Mengel, advertising and blank
printing, 681 50
Durborrow & Lutz, advertising, 562 20
Dr John Compher, attendance on prison
ers at jail, 6 00
Expenses of road views, 232 00
do bridge do 28 96
do do sales, 17 35
John and Joshua Mower, work done in re
pairing court house. 164 90
B W Garretson, building bridge at Egolf's 959 00
John G. Fisher, making out aud distribu
ting duplicates, attending bridge sales,
and mouoy paid for work at court house 71 00
William Beegle. bounty and interest, 29 67
A B Crsrner, bill of goods, 25 58
Matting for court house, chandeliers, Ac., 150 33
B W Garretson, lumber for court house, 11 94
Win Troutinan, painting court house, 245 00
Bounty paid to soldiers under act of 1863, 335 39
S L Russell, overpaid on unseated lands, 112 84
Money overpaid oil duplicates for which
treasurer is charged, _ 224 53
James B Farquhar, money overpaid on
militia fund, 499 75
Henry Nieodemus, costs on commonwealth
cases, 36 51
George Mardorff, money paid for slate roof 545 08
John Sill, interest on note, 60 00
George W Gibbony, bridge at Stonerstown, 500 00
J W Tate, money wrongly paid on deed, 44 53
Revenue stamps and postage for commis
sioner's office, 46 43
S L ltussell, services at Harrisburg, 40 00
Wood and coal for public buildings, 180 98
Henry Nieodemus, money wrongly paid
on treasurer's deed, 32 37
Stationery for commissioner's office, 40 31
John Aldstadt. bill of goods for jail 160 93
Tobias Boor, building bridge in Cumber
land Valley, 200 00
Jacob A Sleek and Adam Dichl, coal and
wood for jail, 109 90
Costs paid to justices and constables in
commonwealth cases. 127 19
George Mardorff, advertising unseated
lands, 41 00
Wm Hartley, oils, paints, nails, Ac., 446 39
Georze Blackburn, building bridge at
Statler's 630 36
Lath, lime, and hauling sand for court
house. 68 20
John Aldstadt, costs in commonwealth
cases, 1093 92
John Aldstadt, costs in commonwealth vs.
A May. 44 38
R Leo, book-case and chairs for court
house, 32 80
Williams, Orne A co., window shades and
carpet _ 138 47
Henry Nieodemus, examining dockets and
swearing assessors, 42 60
Caslleton Ake, building bridge at Mow
ry's, 1105 00
Siiuon Nycum, plank on bridge in East
Providence township, 18 90
Hartley A Metzger, freight on slate, 81 00
Lumber for repairing court house, 72 12
Matthew Spidle, painting court house, 208 12
Isaac Mengel, freight on chairs. 22 20
Daniel Miller, plastering court house, 105 25
Work in repairing, roofing and while- 1
washing court house, 162 80
Jacob Seinler, hobbling prisoners, 44 00
Isaac Mengel, meals furnished jurors, 8 00
O E Shannon, for having dockets bound in
Prothonotary's office, 20 00
Philip Little, hauling slate from Mount
Dallas. 30 04
Advertising horse thieves, 286 70
Marv Norris, scrubbing offices in court
house, 36 50
William Keyser. bridge order, 500 00
James H Moorhead, repairing bridge at
Wisegarver'a, 95 00
Harry Drollinger, Hopewell bridge, 51 1W
George Mardorff. treasurer's deed to com
missioners, 54 37
Conrad Feaster, building bridge at Shaw
nee Run, 80 00
Special election in Saxton borough, 10 50
David Brown, OD Blackburn'sorder, 10 80
Michael Keed, Esq.. bridge plans, 6 00
O E Shannon, fees as protnouotary, 120 00
Treasurer's salary, 300 00 .
Revenue stamps and postage, 30 00 j
Allowance on old account, 10 00
Expenses on sales of unseated lands, 40 00
Bank note detector, a 1 50
Certified copy of huckster s law, 1 50 j
Huckster's blanks, 7 00
Auditors and clerk. _ 100 00 !
Chas Merwine, attending auditors, 6 00 j
Total credits, $21,247 66 j
2Uu; 3UU'frtisfmrnts.
Charges, $25,351 91
j Credit", 21,247 66
Balance in ccwnty treasury, $4-,104 25
1 Money* due and owing to Bedford Cow/it y from
Collector*, and otkers, for 1866 and
previous year*.
From Collector* : County: State:
John A Osbovn, Broad Top, 1857, 106 69 76 01
Lemuel Evans, do do 1858, 289 67 230 46
John C Morgan. C- Valley, do 89 23 100 00
Aaron Reed, Woodberry S. 1883, 750 40
Samuel Beckley, St Clair, 1864, 94 00 750
r lender, Bioody Ron, 1864, 25 00
;J C Black, do do 1865, 23 84
Arch. Blair. C Valley, do 174 00 64 98
Hetify Wertz, Harrison, do 138 41
IV estiey I erdew. Southarap'n,do 368 41 67 20
j Sara Crissman. Woodberry S. do 10 16
E F Kerr. Bedford borough. 1866, 1061 19 163 02
Hen. Moses. Bedford tp., do 1793 68 230 00
jJ C Figart. Broad Top, do 1264 79 163 24
Jer. Thompson. Bloody R U n, do 177 70 43 36
Jacob Bowser. Colerain, do 935 00 557 06
| Henrv Hite, C. Valley, do 750 11 134 71
; A W Shoemaker. Harrison, do 295 39 42 91
James Fink Hopewell, do 300 22 25 91
Jacob Evans. Londondery, do 491 03 79 12
1 John McLain, Liberty, do 462 66 43 16
; | Jacob Fletcher. Monroe, do 12s 82 54 17
: Henry Egolf, Napier, do 826 43 112 49
; Uriah Mellott, Providence E. do 485 17 31 22
JII II Sparks, do 465 81 224 81
1 John Kemery, Schellsburg, do 184 87 42 98
Win Grisingcr. Snake Spring, d 718 26 167 53
I Moses TewelU Southampton, do 414 35 67 61
1 Henry F Smith. St. Clair, do 1377 92 51 72
Henry Corle. Union, do 959 97 227 17
t Sol. Barley, Woodberry M. do 1741 95 179 76
I M Brumbau.'h, do 8. do 1848 16 291 98
> To amount due from former treas-
I urers:
t A J Sansom, late treasurer, 100 00
[ J B Farquhar, do 927 82
1 Jacob D Fetter, mistake in acc't, 60 84
I $20,577.41 $3,991.29
• Moneys due. and owed iy Bedford County.
' The county of Bedford owes John Sill, on
note, S2OOO 00
The State claims from Bedford county, on
account, half mill tax on real estate and
( fine, under act of 1865, about SBOOO 00-
1 Treasurer, Dr.^
To militia tax received from collectors, $lO2 09
Treasurer, Cr.
To amount paid for assessing and making
out duplicates and rolls of militia, 80 GO
Balance in treasury, $22 00
Bedford County, SS.'
The undersigned, Auditors of said county, do
, certify that in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly,
j in such cases made and provided, they met at the
1 Courr House, in the borough of Bedford, and did
audii and adjust the accounts of George Mardorff,
Treasurer of said county, for the year A. D., 1865,
as contained in the foregoing statements, and that
we have examined the foregoing accounts of money
due to and owed by said county, and that we have
1 found the same to be correct.
Witness our hands, this 9th dav of January,
J Attest—E. F. KEKR, Clerk. Auditors.
' To the Auditor General of Pennsylvania :
. GEORGE MARDORFF, Esq., Treasurer of Bed-
I ford county, in account with the Commonwealth
; of Pennsylvania, from January 4, 1866, to Janua-
I ry 9 1867.
> Treasurer, Dr.
! To amount received from collectors of
1 taxes for 1866 and previous years, $8965 66
i Treasurer, Cr.
By receipt of State Treasurer, dated
I March 2,1866, S3OOO 00
' do do Aug't 3, 1866, 2500 00
1 do do Oct r2, 1866, 4000 00
do * do Jan'y 3, 1867, 1560 50
' Associate Judges' salary, as per receipt,
J dated January 3, 1867, 439 50
■ Treasurer's per centage, 115 00
' Credits, $11,615 00
' Charges, 8,649 34
> $2,649 34
[ Merchants' Licenses.
Treasurer, Dr.
' To aggregate amotrtit of mercantile license
| for the year 1866, $837 00
J Treasurer, Cr.
By Treasurer's commission, s4l 85
5 Durborrow A Lutz, advertising
list of retailers, 13 70
1 Meyers A Mengel, do 13 70
—— $69 25
Amount due State, $767 75
Tar em Licenses.
> Treasurer, Dr.
j To aggregate amount assessed for 1866, SBOS 00
Treasurer, Cr.
' By Treasurer's per centage, 40 25
Balance due Slate, $764 75
| Eating Houses.
Treasurer, Dr.
To aggregate amount assessed for 1866, SIOO 00
) Treasurer, Cr.
By per centage to Treasurer, 5 00
' Amount due State, • $95 00
Banking Houses.
i Treasurer, Dr.
To aggregate amount assessed for 1866, S2O 00
i Treasurer, Cr.
j By Treasurer's per centage, 1 00
Balance due State, sl9 00
[ Distilleries.
Treasurer, Dr.
) 1
I To aggregate amount assessed for 1866, $45 00
1 Treasurer, Cr.
j By per centage to Treasurer, 225
| Amount due State, $42 75
j Bedford County,* SS.
I The undersigned, Auditors of said county, do
1 hereby certify that in pursuance of the Acts of As
sembly, in such cases made and provided, they
' met at the Court House, in the borough of Bed-
I ford, and did audit and adjust the accounts betweon
' | George Mardorff, Esq., Treasurer of said county,
{ and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as con
-1 I taincd in the foregoing statements, Witness our
i hands, this 9th day of January, A. D..1867.
! Attest—E. F. KERR, Clerk. Auditors.
COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North
and South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittanees promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. febß
Notice is hereby given that letters of admin
istration have been granted to the undersigned by
the Register of Bedlord county, upon the estate of
Sophia McFarland. late of Monroe township, dee'd.
All persons knowing themselves to be indebted
to said estate, will make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same, will present
them properly authenticated for settlement,
j feb.Sw6 DANIEL McFARLAND. Adm'r.
be adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will
be no increase; the soil must be| adapted to the
seed or there will be small returns; and the hu
man body must contain impurities, or there will
! be no sickness. The man whose bowels and blood
! have been cleansed by a few
may walk through infected districts without fear.
"The life of the flesh is in the blood." To secure
' health we must use BRANDRETH'S PILLS, because
but from unhealthy accumulations in the bowels
or the blood, which Brandreth's Pills remove; this
method is following nature, and is safe, and has
STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. See B. Erandrvth in
white letters in the Gimirnment stamp. Sold by
all Druggists. jan4ml
j —TIME TABLE.— Express Train leaves Mt. Dallas
at 1.30 p. m., and arrives at Huntiudon, at 4.45 p.
in.; leaves Huntingdon at 7.59 a. m., and arrives
at Mi Dallas, at 11.15 a. m.
Accommodation Train leaves Huntington at 4.04
p. w., and arrives at Saxton, 5.45 p.m.; leaves
j Saxton, at 9.43 a. in., and arrives at Huntingdon,
; at 11 22 a. m. janlß.