The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 01, 1867, Image 1

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Tan BEDFORB GAZETTK is published every Fri
day morning by MEYERS A MBITGEL, at $2.00 per
annum, if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid
within six months; $3.00 if not paid w\thin six
month*. All siibseription aerennts MUST be
settled manually. No paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for IN AOVASCE, and all sueh
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
the expiration • f the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each ln
ertion. Special notices one-half additional All
"esoluthns of Associations; sommunications of
imited or individual interest, and notices of mar
-iages and deaths exceeding five line.', ten cents
er line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal No Sites of every kind, and Orphans
Court mud Judicial Sales , art required by law
te be published in both papers published in this
I 'fp All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
2 months. 6 months. 1 year.
♦One square - - -S4 50 $6 00 $lO 00
Two squares - - - • 900 16 00
Throe squsres .--80# 12 00 20 00
Quarter solumn - - 14 00 20 00 45 00
Half eolumn - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00
One eolumn - - - • 30 00 45 00 80 00
♦One square te occupy ene inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness nd dispatch. THB GAZETTE OFFICE has
Just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted ia the most artistie manner and at the lowest
rates. —TERMS CASH.
All letters should be addressd te
3WorncMs at sEaw.
FJ AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collections of bounty, back pay, Ac.,
and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford
and adjoining counties. _ .
Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military
and other claims.
Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, where a
gaod Church is orested, and where a large School
Hbuse shall be built. Farms, Land and Timber
Leave, from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur
Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel and
Bank of Reed & Schell.
April 6,1866 —ly _
AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
Reed & Schell. [March 2, 66.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to
their care. Collections made on the shortest no
'"Thej are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
and will giva special attention to the prosecution
cf claims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Offics on Juliana street, one door South of the
"Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer
M LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders
lis services to the public.
Office second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•pposite the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861.
J LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted to his
♦are in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
riaims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
to doors South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1864,
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
he Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South
of the ''Mengel House,"
# LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at
tend to collections and all business entrusted to
his caro in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
May 11,
TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., office
•ame a* formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
two do#r east of the GAZETTE office, will practice
in the everal courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll. 66.
JOHN H. FILLER, Attorney at Law,
Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
Office. [apr.2o,'66. —Jy.
£Uysirians and
J7 o RUN, Pa., (late surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten
ders hi* professional services to the people of that
place and vicinity. Dec. 22, '6s—ly*
# RUN, Pa., tenders his professional servi
ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
•ne door west of Richard Langdon's store.
Nov. 24, '6s—ly
1 / permanently located, respectfully tenders
hi* professional services to the citizens of Bedford
and vicinity.
Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
the Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford, February 12, 1864.
3.N.HICKOE, | J. G. MINNICH. .Ift.,
Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war
ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
cellent articles, always on hand. 4
Bedford, January 6,1865.
DR. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect
fully tender* his professional services to the
people of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Hotel,
above Border'* Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. Washabaugh's.
hy the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with
no danger whatever.
upon a new style of base, which is a combination
of Gold and Vulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold,
Platina and Silver.
TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for.
Special attention will be made to diseased gums
and a cure warranted or no charge made.
TEETH FILLED to last for life, and all work
in the deutal line done to the entire satisfaction of
all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond
with the times.
I have located permanently in Bedford,
and shall visit Schellsburg the Ist Monday of each
month, remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd
Monday, remaining one T3ek ; the balance of my
time I can be found at my office, 3 doors South of
the Court Eouse, Bedford, Pa.
n0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dentist.
Bankers and
DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and
money promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
COLLECTIONStnade for the East, West, North
and South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and sold. Oct. 20, 1865
£l|c <3csfori> (ftajcHc.
srttfls, &r.
JL. LEWIS having purchased the
m Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock of
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particularly invi
ted to the s'ock of PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes, Soaps. Preparations for the Hair.
Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped
bands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment:
Billet, Note. Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink. Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates, Ac., Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Ijamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dye Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab. Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black.
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoling Tobecro,
Michigan and Solace Fine Cut,
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape, Blackberry and Elderberry
£yTbe attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines , which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9, '66 —tt
Ctatlnnij, etr.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at Lippel's.
If you would have a good suit of Rea.dy-Made
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
" Ladies' Dress Goods,
Ac.. Ac., Ac.,
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel's.
If you would have thebes* quality of Gr<>ceries,
buy them at Lippel'g.
Goods of nil kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds token in
exchange for goods, at Lippel's,
V_y REIMUND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa.,
keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassimeres, and gents' furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
all of which will be sold lota for cash. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a
cull. I have just received a stock of new goods,
may 25,'66.
Manufacturer of
The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet
making business, will make to order and keep
hand everything in his line of manufacture.
will be furbished at all prices, and to suit every
taste. COFFINS will also be made to order.
attention paid to all orders for work.
on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite
the residence of George Shuck.
July 10, 1863.—tf RICHARD LEO.
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
ined Glasses, also Sootch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand.
Oct. 20. 1865-
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages.
Leases, Articles of Agreement, and all business
isually transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan
;er. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April g, >,fi-tf.
I Q/*S-_BLA('KWELL A CO., have
J O O / now ready their revised Catalogue of
IB67 —Newspapers for 1867, containing all the
1867 —principal Publications, for which they re
jgS7—ceive Subscriptions at the regular rates, and
1867—0n many of them offer the advantage of
1867—subscribing tor 3 months. Send for a copy
1867—containing full details of our admirable
1868—system of operation. We refer to the Pub
1867—lisher of this paper.
Office, 82 Cedar St., New York.
jan4m3. BOX
I / having permanently locate! in ST. CLAIRS
vYI.T.K tender* hi* professional services to the
citizen* of that place and vicinity. nov2'66yl
Hit iSttTtetl fettle.
O •
The Public ledger rather ostentatious
ly publishes a private letter on the
"condition and prospect of business in
the South, addressed to one of the lar
gest commercial houses in this city,"
"from a gentleman of large influence
in England," who is now traveling in
the South. As very probably the large
commercial house contributed some
what to the sad state of things which
the letter describes, we are deeply in
debted to them for producing it. But,
as we have done nothing to bring about
this end, have no drop of blood and 110
desolation on our consciences, there is
peculiar pleasure in producing confir
matory evidence to the same effect. A
friend, says the Age , writes to us from
New Orleans on the Bth of January:
"It is of course impossible for me to
write you from this place without say
ing something as to the first impres
sion produced on me by the changes
everywhere visible.
"I came up the river by daylight.
Cultivation never extended lower than
forty miles from the Balize, but from
that point up it is a scene of utter des
olation. One large sugar place was at
work, and one only; elsewhere, deso
lation, ruins and solitude; weeds in
stead of cane; yet lam told that on
tb.e bayous and in the inte; ior of the
State the work of destruction is still
more complete.
"Passing over the great changes as
to individuals, what chiefly strikes me
is the perfect quiet of this city; its po
lice are notoriously bad, yet its streets
are safer than those of Philadelphia or
I New York. There is great gloom, but
|an absence of excitement. The posi
tion of affairs is rendered worse by the
disastrous results of last year's plant
ing, owing to a series of natural caus
es, such as have hardly ever occurred
in the same year. This has brought
ruin on many whose prospects at the
beginning of the year were good.
Hundreds of planters are here trying
to obtain advances to cultivate their
places during 1867, but at present they
have met with but littlesuccess in their
applications. As you have much later
news as to Washington movements, I
say nothing as to politics, but it is ob
vious that no investments can safely be
made in a country whoso fate is so un
certain that no one can say whether,
in six months, it will be a State, a Ter
ritory, or simply under a military
despotism. Robbed of their negroes,
their land was the only possession left,
and that is being made valueless.—New
Orleans is apathetic, quiet, "commer
cial." There are no plans, no Hopes,
no prospects.
"The farce of the Riot Committee of
Inquiry has been played out, and in
time you will hear all about it. Mr.
Boyer, of Pennsylvania, hasacted very
well, and done what he could under
the circumstances.—When Gen. Frank
Blair attended to give evidence, Mr.
Boyer said openly before his colleagues
and the public, "why do you come
here, General ?" "We have come to
make a case, and we only want Radi
cals and niggers." The labor question
is settling itself in this State in spite of
the Freedmen's Bureau in a tolerably
satisfactory way. The negroes behave
well apd are civil. On some places
they don't work well, in others they
are as industrious as before. Old, well
known planters have little difficulty in
getting laborers, chiefly their old hands.
The labor contracts are verbally very
one-sided, and in favor of the master
if they were enforced. It is a question
of faith, and the negro prefers to trust
his master rather than the Bureau peo
ple. In direct opposition to what was
said to be the case, sugar places are do
ing better than cotton, so far as labor
isconcerned. In other States, Alabama
and Mississippi for instance, there are
greater difficulties. The smaller plan
ters outbid each other, and promise
what they cannot perform. If the
country was without political interfe
rence, these things would settle them
selves. At present the prospects for
this generation of proprietors is very
bad. But whoever may reap the ben
efit, these rich river lands must contin
ue to produce, from their great natural
advantages. The poor uplands of the
Atlantic States, upper Alabama, and
the hill lands of Mississippi, are being
deserted, and there is a large emigra
tion of negroes and planters to the
West, chiefly to Texas."
On all this we have no comment to
make, except that the dread responsi
bility of all this ruin and sorrow rests
upon those whose wicked sentimental
ism made this dreary war.
CHARITY.— "I fear," said a country
curate to his flock, "when I explained
to you in my last' charity sermon, that
philanthropy was the love of our spe
cies, you must have understood me to
say specie, which accounts for the
smallnessof the collection. You will
prove, I hope, by your present contri
bution, that you are no longer laboring,
under the same mistake."
"MR. SMITH, have you got a match?"
"Yes, sir—a match for the devil;
there she is, mixing up dough."
Smith pointed to his wife and then
"slid" for the front door. The last we
saw of Smith he was "kiting" it down
the road hotly pursued by a redhead
ed lady with a cistern pole. Poor
Smith! J...
The Journal of Commerce in an arti
cle on places of amusement, says: •
There will always be persons who re
gard this world as a school which has
no play hours, and who look on amuse
ments as only so much time wasted,
that should have been devoted to mak
ing money. But it is a comfort to be
lieve that the influence of such in the
community is becoming less and less
strong—a circumstance which will con
tinue as long as parents study for im
provements in the mental and physical
health of their children.
Business and professional men take
far too little recreation and exercise;
and although the ban is somewhat re
moved which for so long was held ov
er the clerical profession, some of the
old prejudice remains which forbids
recreation, especially field sports, to
that class. Chess, and the playing up
on musical instruments, even the vio
lin, is allowed to the minister. Indeed
the cannons of propriety have been so
far fringed as to allow him an occasion
al indulgence in theun-orthodox game
of checkers—but should he appear in a
shooting jacket it is regarded asathing
—if not exactly wicked—that is "great
ly to be deprecated on the part of our
minister." It is to be feared also that
our national game of ball, which, when
first introduced, seemed to be exactly
suited to the purpose for which it was
designed, is fast losing its usefulness
Upon its first introduction it appeared
to be just the thing.
Clerks and employers could run out
and take a hand at ball, but its very
popularity soon defeated itt original
aims. Like the game of cricket in Eng
land, it has now become so scientific in
its character that only those are willing
to play it who have gone through a
regular professional course of training.
And it is accordingly not surprising if
those who can spare only an hour or so
from the enervating counting room fail
to see the fun of standing up against
balls which come in from the "profes
sional" with the force of a catapult.
Accordingly, after having had a finger
or two broken in the course of one sea
son, the amateur player declares him
self out of practice, and contents himself
with paying his dues, which go to pay
stalwart men to make the playing of
the game their business.
There once lived on Long Island one
Smith, rich, but a hard looking case.
He once visited New York, and stroll
ing along on the then fashionable thor
oughfare of Broad street, he was attrac
ted by a new jewelry store, and stopped
to look in the window. The jeweler,
seeing such a shabby-looking individu
al staring at his goods, walked to the
door and kept a sharp eyeon thestrang
er. Smith, having finished his survey,
walked into the store, and accosted the
"l say, mister, what are them buck
les worth ?" pointing to a pair of hand
some gold knee-buckles displayed in
the window. The jeweler took a sur
vey of him, and now concluded that
he was some farm laborer, who had a
desire to shine on Sundays, but was
ignorant of the quality and value of
the covered articles.
"They are solid gold," he replied.—
"I don't ax what they were; I axed the
price," replied Smith. "Do you have
money enough to pay for them?" said
the jeweler, in a bantering tone. "If
1 haven't, I guess I could soon borrer
it," replied Smith, somewhat riled."
The jeweler laughed. "If you will
stand outside, and find some one who
will lend you the money on your secu
rity, I will give you the buckles," said
he. Smith assented, and went out. In
a few minutes he looked in, and said,
"Here comes a man'll lend me the
The jeweler stepped to the door and
iooked out. One of the city bankers
approached, who was well known to
the jeweler. Curiosity to see the re
sult kept him quiet. As soon as the
banker came up, Smith cooly address
ed him, "I say, friend, can you lend
me forty or fifty dollars if I want 'em?"
In an instant the banker's waUet was
out. "Yes, Mr. Smith, five hundred
dollars if you want them." The jew
eler was astonished; and still more so
when the banker introduced Mr. Smith,
his particular friend, one of the richest
men on Long Island!
ECONOMY.— When a Spaniard eats a
peach or pear by the roadside, where
ever he is, he dig's a hole in the ground
with his foot and covers the seed. Con
sequently, all over Spain, by the road
sides and elsewhere, fruit in great abun
dance tempts the taste, and is ever
free. Let this practice be imitated in
our country, and the weary wanderer
will be blessed, and bless the hand that
ministered to hiscomfortand joy. We
are bound to leave the world as good,
or better than we found it, and he is a
selfish churl who basks under the shad
ow and eats the fruit of trees which
other hands have planted, if he will
not also plant trees which shall yield
fruit to coming generations.
"REPUBLICS are created by the vir
tue, public spirit and intelligence of
the citizens. They fall when the wise
are banished from the public councils
because they dare to be honest, and the
profligate are rewarded because they
flatter .the people in order t© betray
M. Pouchet lately read an interesting
paper on this subject before the French
Academy of Science. The author's in
ferences are as follows:
1. That the firstphenomenon produced
by cold is a contraction of the capillary
vessels to such an extent that a globule
of blood can not enter; these vessels,
therefore remain perfectly empty.
2. The second phenomenon is an al
teration of the blood globules, which
amounts to their complete disorganiza
3. Every animal completely frozen is
absolutely dead, and no power can re
animate it.
4. "When only a part is frozen, that
part is destroyed by gangrene.
5. If the part frozen is not ejftensive,
and only a few disorganized blood glo
bules pass into circulation, the animal
may recover.
6. But if, on the contrary, the frozen
part is of considerable extent, then the
mass of altered globules brought into
circulation when the part is thawed,
rapidly kills the animal.
7. For this reason a half frozen ani
mal may live a longtime if maintained
in this condition, since the altered glo
bules do not get into the circulation ;
but it expires rapidly as soonasthefro
zen part is thawed.
8. In all cases of congelation, death is
due to the alteration of the blood glo
bules, and not to any affect on the ner
vous system.
9. It results from these facts that the
less rapidly the frozen part is thawed,
the more slowly altered globules find
their way into the circulation, and the
greater the chances of the recovery of
the animal.
On the seventh day of the seventh
month a holy observance was ordained
to the children of Israel, who feasted
seven days and remained seven days in
tents. The seventh year was directed
to be a Sabbath of rest to the land, and
at the end of seven times seven years
commenced the grand jubilee. Every
seventh year the ground lay fallow; and
every seventh year there was a release
from all debts, when bondmen were set
free. From this ancient Jewish law
may have originated the custom of
binding young men to seven years ap
prenticeship, and ofpunishing crimin
als by transportation for seven, twice
seven, or three times seven years.
Anciently, a child was not named be
fore seven days, not being accounted to
have life fully before. The teeth appear,
in the seventh month, and are shed in
theseventh year, when infancy is chang
ed intochildhood. At thrice seven years
the faculties are all developed, manhood
commences, and the individual becomes
legally competent to all civil acts. At
four times seven a man is in full posses
sion of his strength ; at five times seven
he becomes grave and wise, or never;
at seven times seven he is in apogee,
and from that time gradually decays;
at eight times seven he is in his first
climacteric; at nine times seven he is in
hi 6 grand climacteric, or year of danger;
and ten times seven, or "three score
years and ten," has by the royal Psalm
ist been pronounced, the natural period
of human life.
The N. Y. Ledger contains the fol
lowing remarks, from the pen of Fan
ny Fern: "How often have I seen a
face loitering at a church threshhold,
listening to the swelling notes of the
organ, and longing to go in, were it not
for the wide social gulf between itself
and those assembled—l will not say
worshipping—there. And I know if
the clergyman inside that church spoke
as his Master spoke when on earth, that
he would soon preach to empty walls.—
They want husks, and they got them,
I say in my vexation, as the door
swings on its hinges in some poor crea
ture's face, and he wanders forth to
struggle, unaided, as best he may with
a poor man's temptations. Our Itoman
Catholic brethern are wiser. Their creed
is not my creed, save this part of it:
That the rich and poor meet together,
and the Lord is the maker of them all.
I often go there to see it. lam glad
when a servant drops on her knees in
the aisle, and makes the sign of the
cross, that nobody bids her to rise, to
make way for a silken robe that may
be waiting behind. I am glad the moth
er of many little children may drop in
for a brief moment before the altar, to
recognize her spiritual wants, and then
pass out to the cares she may no longer
lose sight of. Ido not believe as they
do, but it gladdens my heart all the
same that one man is as good as his
neighbor, at least there—before God. I
breathe freer at the thought. I can sit
in a corner, and watch them pass in and
out, and rejoice that everyone, however
humble soever, feels that he or she is
to that church, just as much as the rich
est foreigner, the cathedrals of the old
world, whom they may jostle in going
Henry Ward Beecher is getting a story
ready for publication in the New York
Ijedger. Pie writes to Bonner: "I
hope to put enough manuscript in your
hands to enable you to begin the story
early in the year 1867." Well, well
but there is no telling where Radical
ism won't lead a man, especially a
preacher. We hope, however, that
Henry's next step will not be into the
"yaller kiyers."
VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5,378.
The following are the latest fashions
for ladies, which will be universally
adopted, owing to their admirable a
daptation to the season, and the climate
of the latitude :
Winter Bonnets—The latest style
consists of a postage stamp with strings
of green ribbons; the hair is carefully
combed back so as to give the air unin
terrupted access to the roots, ears and
neck. This style ishighlv recommend
ed by physicians. A box of Shefuhl's
Neuralgic Ointment accompanies each
Skirt—The new hoop skirt, also rec
ommended by physicians, commences
expanding under the arms—excellent
article for skating and sleighrides. A
bottle of Kuleg's Rheumatic Lotion
sold with each skirt.
Trains —Crinoline is to be discarded,
and trains from one-half to two yards
in length will be worn. In view of
this fact the city government have dis
charged the regular street-sweepers, as
their places will be filled by female
Fast ladies will wear railroad trains.
Steady young ladies of even temper
ament, who are not subject to a tight
reign, will wear a tie train.
The wives of retired editors will wear
the ex-press train.
The color for elderly ladies will ren
der it necessary that theirs should be
of a large size, as it will be a gray train
(great train.)
There are getting to be more points
to a lady's dress than her conversation.
The points which they arrive at with
little difficulty, except to their hus
bands, is point lace. Most ladies, how
ever, have an eye to the great waste
when they are very snug with the
A GOOD ONE.— During the first years
of the war, when change was scarce and
some large firms were issuing currency
of their own, a farmer went to a store
in a neighboring town and boughtsome
goods, and gave to the merchant a five
dollar bill, of which he wanted seventy
five cents back. The merchant count
ed out the amount and handed it over
to the farmer. He looked at it a mo
ment and inquired: "What's this?"
"It's my currency," said the merchant.
"Wal, taint good for nothin' where I
live," said the farmer.—"Very well, re
plied the merchant, "keep it till you
get a dollar's worth and bring it to my
store and I will give you a dollar bill
for it." The farmer pocketed the
change and departed. A few weeks af
ter he went into the same store and
bought goods to the amount of one dol
lar, and after paying over the identical
seventy-five cents, he took out a hand
ful of pumpkin seeds and counted out
twenty-five of them, and passed them
over to the merchant. "Why," says
the merchant, "what'sthis?" "Wal,"
says the farmer, "this is my currency,
and when you get a dollar's worth
bring iL to my place and I will give you
a dollar bill for it."
Italian bishop, who had struggled
through many difficulties without re
pining, and been much opposed with
out manifesting impatience, being ask
ed by a friend to communicate the se
cret of his being always so happy, re
plied : "It consists in a single thing,
and that is, making a right use of my
eyes." His friend, in surprise, begged
him to explain his meaning. "Most
willingly," replied the bishop. "In
whatsoever state I am, I first of all
look up to heaven and remember that
my great business is to get there. I
then look down upon the earth and call
to mind how small a space I shall soon
fill in it. I then look abroad in the
world and see what multitudes are, in
all respects, less happy than myself.
And thus I learn where true happiness
is placed, where all my cares must end,
and how little reason I ever had to
murmur, or to be otherwise than thank
ful. And to live in this spirit is to be
always happy."
BOOK THIEVES.— There is a class of
people—intelligent people—who, while
disdaining shop-lifting, burglary, horse
stealing, and the like, do not hesitate to
deliberately steal books. They may
be very high toned in their views of the
rights of property, that is of their own
property, but they are decidedly low
toned as to other persons' property.
Books are expensive things, as well as
useful things; and the man or woman
who will borrow and not return them,
or takes them without informing the
owner, intending professedly to return
them, is nothing less than a common
thief , and as such ought to be arrested,
tried, convicted and sentenced to the
penitentiary. The poor vagrant who
steals a pair of shoes is lodged in jail
and paraded in court as a criminal,
while theaccomplished gentleman, who
is indebted to stolen books for the bulk
of his information, goes scot free.—Ex
mer by the name of Bayse, who was
in the nightly habit of counting his
stock to see if any had gone astray,
said to his son one evening previous to
"John, have you counted the hogs?"
"Yes." "And the turkeys?" "Yes."
"And the cows ?" "Yes." "And the
ducks ?" "Yes." "Well. John, now
go and wake up the old hen, and count
her, then we'll go to bed."
few very simple common sense rules
which, if followed, will commend
themselves to the horse as well as the
trainer, viz:
Ist.—Always feel kindly toward a
horse, no matter what he does to you,
and consequently nevershow temper."
Remember the horse knows instinct
ively how you feel.
2d.—Never go near a horse if you
are afraid of him; thehorse will know
it and take advantage of it, before you
acknowledge it yourself.
3d.—Never undertake anything with
a horse that you do not know you can
carry out.
4th.—"Make haste slowly ," teaching
theanimal what you want of him, as
a child learns his A-B-C's, one letter at
a time, being sure he knows each sim
ple thing before you attempt to teach
another ; and repeat lessons often.
sth.—Reward each effort to do as you
wish, whether he means it or does it
6th.—Be sure that it is your will and
not his that conquers every time.
Following these rules, you may make
a horse do almost anything, if he has
not been spoiled before you get him.
"TIIEM BOOTS." —A jealous husband
in Memphis recently returned home in
the night, and to his horror, discover
ed a pair of boots near his back door.
Seizing the obnoxious articles he lock
ed them in a closet and then stealthily
crept to his wife's bedroom, but she
was alone. Not satisfied with this
fact he then searched the house through
and found absolutely nothing to con
firm his suspicions. He charged the
lady with infidelity nevertheless and
spent the night abusing her in spite of
her protestations. He had the lover's
boots and was determined to know the
name of the owner. In the morning
he went to the closet and got them,
and to his confusion they proved to be
his own! Since that time his wife has
only to say "boots" when he gets into
a passion, and he becomes quiet as a
lamb, instanter.
RAW, mellow apples are digested in
an hour and a half, while boiled cab
bage requires five hours. The most
healthy dessert that can be on the table
is a baked apple. If eaten frequently
at breakfast, with coarse bread and
butter, without meat or flesh of any
kind, it has admirable effect on the
general system, removing constipa
tion, correcting acidities and cooling
off febrile conditions more effectually
than the most approved medicines.
Liebig says they prevent debility,
strengthen digestion, correct the pu
trefactive tendencies of nitrogenous
food, avert scurvy, and probably main
tain and strengthen the power of pro
ductive labor.
IRISH POTATOES.— WecaII the atten
tion of our farmers to the fact that the
Philadelphia Agricultural Society has
appointed a committee of three oftheir
most competent members to examine
into and report upon the new and best
varieties of the Irish potato, for the ta
ble as well as for stock. Since the dis
ease of the favorite Mercer, much at
tention has been given to the subject of
a potato crop, and the Society could not
have taken up a more important subject
than a full investigation of the United
States potato crop, ranking in impor
tance to millions, with the other great
staples of our country—wheat, corn,
cotton, &c.
phis Post tells a story greatly to the
honor of a son of Gen. Lee. At a
dinner party in-Richmond one of the
guests proposed as a toast "The Fallen
Flag." Col. Lee promptly placed his
hand upon the glass and arose. "Gen
tlemen," said he, "this will not do.
We are paroled prisoners. We now
have but one flag, and that is the flag
of our whole country—the glorious old
stars and stripes. 1 can recognize no
other, fight for no other, and will drink
to no other."
NATURE'S BOOK.— It is very well to
i laugh at book students of nature, but
they carry that about them which gives
an interest to every flower, cloud and
stone they see. They see the object,
and then, by the magic of association,
the true beauty, fitness, history, which
surround and accompany it, reveal
themselves. A leaf or a bird is but a
letter in the great book, which is read
only by those who can put letters to
gether ; that is, who have the faculty
of association.
AT a celebration of marriage, a large
number of young ladies were present,
the minister said: "Those wishing to
be joined in the holy bonds of matrimo
ny, will please stand up;" and nearly
all arose.
—During the past year about $133,-
000- were deposited in the Treasury by
f the Patent office, after paying all the
expenses of the office. This makes the
total amount now to the credit of the
Patent office nearly $300,000.
In the United States Supreme Court,
on motion of Hon. J. A. Garfield, of
Ohio, Mr. John M. Langston, colored,
from Oberlin, Ohio, was admitted as an
attorney and consellor of this court.
THERE is a bashful bachelor who
dares not meet ladies in the street,
lie says they wear so many bugles on
their dresses that he fears overtures
from them.
WHEN is a train of cars in danger of
running over an old man withascythe
in his hand ? When it is behind time.
Dr. McClure, recommends the use of
glycerine on the hoofs of horses to pre
vent them splitting in cold weather.
A serious scribbler well writes that
life is too short to drink poor whiskey,
or make love to ugly women.