The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 18, 1867, Image 1

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THB lEBFOEB GAZETTE is published every Fri
day morning by METERS A MERGER at $2 00 per
annum, if paid etnctly ; $2.50 if paid
within liz months; $3.00 if not paid within six
months. All etibseription atcounts MUST !>e
.settltd annually No paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for is ADVANCE, and all such
subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
the expiration af the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a lose term than
three mouths TEN CENTS per line for each in
ertion. Special notices one-half additional All
esolutitns of Associations; •oinmunict.tions of
imited or individual interest, and notices of mar
riages and deaths exceeding five line.*, ten rents
per line. Editorial notices fifteea cents per line.
All legal Notiets of every bind, and Orphans'
Court gstd Judicial Sales, art required by law
tt it pitilithtd *a ioth papers published in this
ifg" All advertising due after first insertion.
A Jibcral discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows:
2 months. 6 months. 1 year.
♦Oue square - - - $4 50 $0 00 $lO 00
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JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
■•atnoss and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted i> the most artistie manner and at the lowest
rates.— TERMS CASH.
All letters should be addressd te
Jk Publishers.
SMtornfjiss at s£au\
AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collections of bounty, back pay. Ac.,
and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford
and adjoining counties.^
Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military
and other olaiins.
Has for sal* Town lots in Tatesville. where a
Sood Church is created, and where a large School
[ouse shall bo built. Farms, Land and Timber
Leavo, from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur
Ofm?e nearlj opposite the "Mengel Hotel and
Bank of Reed A Schell.
April 6,186#—1y
AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66.
H ill attend promptly to all business intrusted to
tLeir care. Collections made on the shortest no
''ihev are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
and will give special attention to the prosecution
•f claims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
"Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders
Jiis services to the pnblic.
Office second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•pposite the Mengel House.
Bedford. Aug. 1, 1861.
LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend ta all business entrusted to his
#are in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
Gaims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
t #o doors South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1864,
Have formed a partnership in the practice of
he Law. Office an Juliana street, two doors South
afthe "Mengel House,"
. LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at
tend to collections and all business entrusted to
his cara in Bedford und adjoining counties.
Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
May 12, 1864. .
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office
same as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
two doars east of the GAZETTE office, will practice
in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66.
JOHN H. FILLER, Attorney at Law,
Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
Office. [apr.2o,'66.—ly.
JL • RUN, Pa., (Lite surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten
ders his professional services to the people of that
place and vicinity. Dec. 22. '65-ly*
W # RBN, Pa., tenders his professional servi
ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
•ne door west of Richard Langdon s store.
Nov. 24, '6s—ly
T\R. J. L. MARBOURG, Having
I / permanently located, respectfully tenders
ntiTprofessional services to the citizens of Bedford
and vicinity.
Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
the Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford. February 12, 1864.
•3. N. HICICOX. | J- G- MINN ICH. JR.,
Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
chanical Dentistry oarefully performed, and war
ranted. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
cellent articles, always on hand.
Bedford. January 6,1865.
DR. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect
fully tenders his professional services to the
people of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Hotel,
above Border's Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. WashabauglYs.
by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with
no danger whatever.
apon a new style of base, whieh is a combination
of Gold and Vulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold,
Platina and Silver.
TEMPORARY SETS inserted if called for.
Special attention will be made to diseased gums
and a cure warranted or no charge made.
TEETII FILLED to last for life, and all work
in the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of
all or the money refunded. Prices to correspond
with the times.
ijf I have located permanently in Bedford,
ana shall visit Sohellsburg the Ist Monday of each
month, remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd
Monday, remaining one week ; the balance of my
time I can be found at my office, 3 doors South of
the Court House, Bedford, Pa.
n0v.16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMER, Dentist.
Bankers and
DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and
money promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
COLLECTIONS made for the East, West. North
and South, and the general business of Exchange
transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
?lemirtanaos promptly made. REAL ESTATE
bought and send. Oct. 20, 1865.
®l)c' ori> #a^ctte
srPedirincs, kt.
JL. LEWIS having purchased the
# Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford nnd vicinity, that be has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock of
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particularly invi
ted to the slock of PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes, Soaps, Preparations for the Hair.
Complexion and Teeth : Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment:
Billet, Note, Letter. Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops. Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates. Ac.. Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dvc Colors, the shades being light
Fawn. Drab, Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue. Light and Dark Green, Yellow. Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoking Tobrrro,
Michigan and Solace Pine Cut,
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape, Blackberry and Elderberry
[_jgr-Tbe attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
prices. •
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9, 66—tf
(Hotlting, ctr.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling af Lippel's.
If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Ac., Ac., Ac..
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel's.
If you would have the best quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel's.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for goods, at Lippel's
J REIMLND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa.,
keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests. Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassimeres. and gents' furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
all of whieh will be sold low for cush. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a
call. I have just received a stock of now goods.
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, Articles of Agreement, and all business
;sually transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan
cer. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April ft,
He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
_ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand.
Oct. 20, 1865-
two miles West of Bedford, where the subscriber
has opened out a splendid assortment of
<tc., Ac.
All of which will be sold at the most reasonable
Dress Goods, best quality. Everybody buys em.
Muslins, " '• Everybody buys em.
Groceries, all kinds, Ever> body buys'em.
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Cedarware,Ao.
and a general variety of everything
usually kept in a country store.
Everybody buys 'em.
Call and examine our goods.
dec7,'66. 6. YEAGER
rPERMS for every description of Job
|_ PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for
every article we use, we must pay cash; and the
cash system will enable us to do our work as low
as it can be done in the cities.
printed in superior style, and upon reaaona
HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men,
ted in the beet style of the art, at THE GAZETTE
BY I. K. Is.
|'-Die Stsedtel Bump,"' ("The Town Pump,"l
appeared in the July number of the -'Guardian,"
edited by Rev. H. Harbaugh, to whom the au
thorship of the piece is attributed. Rev. Har
baugh has immortalized the Pennsylvania patois.
in this ahd similar poetical efforts. " S Alt
Schul Haus An Dcr Krick," published some five
years ago, is one of the most popular of these, but
we think "Die Staedtel Bump" is better. But let
the render judge for himself.] —Ed. GAZETTE.
In alta Zeita, wes ich gut,
"War's net wie now in a lies ;
Gewachselt hot sich's, Schuh un Hut,
Zu was es heut der Fall is.
Zwe Meil hen iner ins Sehulhaus g'-
Es war im alta S tied tel.
Un dert hie sin iner alle Tag,
Dorch Stanb un Dreck geweddelt.
Net alle Tag,—ich war schier letz -
Juscht funf Schultag aus sexa.
Uf Samstagshen nierg'schaft daheme,
De Siveta : Gottes Gesetza.
J)er Alte Couch —er sell loft in Ruh—
Hot al die Schul dert g'halta,
Un oft an Madel un an Buh
Sei Whippa lossawalta.
Un doch war's pleasant dert zu sei
Im Summer un im Winter.
In Schnee un Dreck ins Sehulhaus nei,
Sin ganga arg viel Kinner.
E hunnert yard vom Sehulhaus war
E.plaz mir frisch im Sinn.
Net's "Sclipook-haus", war's—sei men
ich net—
But was dert steht vor sellem "Inn"—
Die Sttedtel Bump.
Die Stsedtel Bump ! 's war's B—ler's
Vor B—ler's Werthshaus g'stanna—
Hot Wasser g'hat for Mann un Lump,
Dor weit o'r nachst is g'komma—
Die Stsedtel Bump.
Dert hie sin mer als ganga gern
For Wasser for die Schuler ;
Un in der lloiet oder Ern
War sei for uns en Kuhler —
Die Sttedtel Bump.
Das Wasser hola war en Ehr
Die viel hen "couldn't come it";
Un die Zwe wara happy boys,
Die b'sucha derfte ohne noise
Die Stsedtel Bump.
Am Turnpike 'naus e hunnert yard
War Waasem schoe un gru:
Uf dem zu Walka war's dewerth
Der Master froga so: May we
Zur Sttedtel Bump?
"Master"—un do war der ketch—
"The water's warm, or nearly all,
May Bill and I some water fetch?"
"You may."—Nohsinmerwieen Knall
Zur Sta'dtel Bump,
Zur There draus—der Emer mit—
Geht's langsam g'nung vorun.
Uns is net Ernst—mit langs'ma Schritt
Kommt mer doch glei schon wieder von
Der Stsedtel Bump.
So in der Hurry sin mer net,
Good bye, Bill, books and Single Rule;
Do sin die locher —marbles do,
Un aus dem Sinn, Couch, books un Schul
Un Stiedtel Bump.
I)es Game vorbei, mit Emer now
Geht's grad am Kerchhof naus.
Doschlofa arg viel Menscha gut,
Die an hen oft getrunka aus
Der Stiedtel Bump.
Die Staedtel Bump! Do si# mer now,
Vor'm Werthshaus schoe un gros
Der Bumpahandel in de hand
Un bumpa schmart druf los
Die Staedtel Bump.
An der Bump hot mer kennaals—
Kann noch—sei dorst gut loescha.
B'sides maneher Gin un Whiskyhals
War do vom Wasser g'waescha
Der Staedtel Bump.
Was rothe g'siehter sin als do
Vom Werthshaus raus geloffa;
Sie hen dert drin am Bar ge'ttend
Un wara als schier g'soft'a—
Von Staedtel Bump ?
Ne ! Ne! Das Feier-Wasser war's
In grosse Schmaller getrunka.
'S hot character, respect und geld
Gar kreislich stark versunka,
Troz Staedtel Bump.
I)o sin au Leut von aller Art
Alle Tag par mol her koinma;
Un hen der Emer un der Krug
Voll firstrate Wasser g'nomma
Aus Staedtel Bump.
Do hot mir au als Gaul getraenkt,
Un Kuh un Sau bei truppa.
Do hot der Hostler als gedenkt:
E Fip ich grick : "Der Gaul'sgetrankt"
An Staedtel Bump.
Uf Sonntags sin viel Leut doher
Von Land un Staedtel komma;
Un vor un noch der Kerch e Drink
Aus dera Bump genomma—
Aus Staedtel Bump.
Die Buva hen als for die Maed
Gebumpt polite un schmart.
Die Maed die hen's versucht, un dann
Wegg'schit: doch war's dawerth—
Gell Staedtel Bump.
Noh hen sie als, gnitz, looks exchan
Un sachte g'samma g'schwaetzt.
Die 1 land gedruckt: 's war so arranged,
Bis Samstag Ovit werd net g'schwaetzt
Bei Staedtel Bump.
E Johr o'r zwe—die "Match" 's ge
E Hochzieh gelit em Parra zu.
Der Bump vorbei; der Braut'gara lacht:
"Do sin mer g'meet, wescht's, ich un
Bei Staedtel Bump.
Bump, Bump, Bump! Der Emer's
Now, Bill; now let us go.
Der Couch von books un Single Rule
Guckt now vielleicht von seller Schul
Zur Staedtel Bump.
Bei Grabhof, Waasem, Spielplaz hie,
Geht's now ins Sehulhaus nei ;
Un wie e dorstig Hinkelie
Springt manches Kind herbei,
Dank Staedtel Bump.
4 S is zwanzig Johr seit seller Zeit!
Der Brunne is noch do.
Die alte Bump's schier gar verfault,
Un so im Grab viel Bumper, noh
Der Staedtel Bump.
Good by, O Staedtel Bump, Good by!
Good by, ihr Jung un Alta;
Bei euch un Gott kann einst der sei,
Der do Gott gern lost walta,
Un Staedtel Bump.
Sketched In Smiles nnd Shadows.
J spent the winter of 1852 in Wash
ington. It was rather a dull season po
litically. The atmosphere about the
capitol was sullen and pbrterlous. Dis
agreeable wrangle, that led to nothing
but intenser ill-feeling, were the order
of each day. After unsatisfactory
mornings, spent in watching Congres
sional proceedings, which were neither
amusing nor edifying, we turned with
more than the usual zest to musical
and dramatic entertainments. Among
the latter, perhaps, might be included
the somewhat profuse and deluding
honors paid to Kossuth?
Charlotte Cushman played a long en
gagement at the National Theatre that
reason, filling the stage iwith the grand
sweep and regal altitude of her geni
us—charming in social life with rare
wit and culture—with the womanly
truth of her nature and the, genial sim
plicity of her manners—all of which
followed some tempest of tragic power
like sunshine, rainbows and soft airs,
after a tropical tornado.
Then came Ole Bull, with his wierd
violin, his artistic ectasies and trances,
and his well, preserved boyishness of
enthusiasm—and Catharine Hayes, the
sweet singing bird of the Shannon.
Following Cushman, that fixed star
of the drama, came the lawless, erratic
little meteor, Lola Montez.
Everybody knew that she was by no
means a nice and proper young person,
yet everybody was anxious to see that
dancing enchantress, who owned her
self to being "wild and wayward—
though never wicked" —that subduer
of elderly kings and tamer of young
husbands—and everybody went once
at least, and was subject for one peril
ous evening to the spell of her dark,
splendid, entangling eyes and Circean
fascinations. She appeared merely as
a dancer, and she was hardly that.
Daring and dazzling, she was wanting
in grace and artistic finish. She show
ed a sort of petulant disdain of the or
dinary arts of the danseuse, relying
wholly, itseemed, on the piquant beau
ty of her face and the splendor of her
costumes. Her form was light and
lithe, but too thin at that time for per
fect symmetry. Beautiful she was
with those wonderful eyes, blazing
forth now and then from under long,
heavy drooping lashes—the masked
batteries of passion—and her dark,
soft, abundant hair, gathered back from
her low forehead in lovely, shining
ripples, and lit by some gorgeous trop
ical flower. Yet to me there was some
thing sad in her passionate, defiant,
utterly unpeaceable fqce.- Alas, it
would have seemed sad beyond tears,
could I have foreseen the piteous, drea
ry ending of that erring and wasted
life, of that mad, baffled chase after
pleasure; the sudden, awful blight of
paralysis—the painful death, so weari
ly prolonged—the funeral of the for
gotten courtesan—the humble grave of
the Magdalen.
Very little is really known of Lola
Montez, though several sketches of
her life have been written—one pur
porting to be from her own pen. One
of our party at the Theatre that night
was an English gentleman, who had
seen her several years before at her first
appearance in London. She was then,
he said, exquisitely beautiful, yet was
hissed, not for her bad dancing, though
that may have deserved it, but be
cause of her being recognized, by some
officers in the pit, as an English or
rather Irish woman, and the runaway
wife of a captain in the army. She
had, it seems, left her husband in In
dia, with the understanding that she
was going to England on a visit; but
she went no further than Spain, where
she took some lessons in Spanish and
ballet dancing. After gaining some
little reputation on the Continent, she
was daring enough to appear under her
pretty Spanish sobriquet on the boards
of Drury Lane. Her English career
was very short. She was next heard of
as playing a more important, if not a
more honorable role , as the chief fa
vorite, friend and adviser of King
Ludwig, of Bavaria—as the power be
hind that respectable, but not very im
perial throne, which stands in a gor
geous, gilded hall in the new palace at
Munich. Ludwig was a gentleman of
much energy and enterprise, and of ar
tistic tastes. He had built a fine pal
ace and noble museums of art. He
had been the generous patron of sculp
tors and painters, and had greatly beau
tified the capital city. His loyal sub
jects had been willing to indulge him
in his pretty but expensive tastes for
pictures, statues and elegant edifices,
but they did object to the scandal and
cost involved in his infatuation for the
young Spanish dansfise, who had turn
ed his royal head with her heels, and
fired his steady-going old German
heart with her wicked witch eyes. It
was an attachment highly paternal
and platonic doubtless, but necessita
ting, in the munificent royal mind,
a handsome establishment, horses,
phtetons, dogs, diamonds, and finally
the title and estates of a Countess.
Well, those loving subjects grew
more and more averse to seeing their
august sovereign bowing hisannointed
head to kiss the hand of a dancing ad
venturess. They denied his divine
right to make a fool of himself in his
old age. They ridiculed, they reviled,
they raved. They finally made the
crown too hot for that monarch's head,
and it was laid down more in sorrow
than in anger—and Maximillian took
it up and wore it royally enough, I be
Lola Montez, or Madame the Coun
tess of Landsfeldt, whose unveracity
has never been impeached, said that
her persecutions resulted from her hav
ing advocated reforms, political and re
ligious, which roused against her the
Jesuits, that immortal and übiquitous
society, which has borne so much kill
ing, and so thrives on proscription.—
The Priests, she said, set on the stu
dents, an ungallaut set of German boors,
who quarrelled with her dogs and did
not take horse-whipping meekly. Cer
tain it is that she was compelled to
leave Munich without much time for
packing; but perhaps she went not al
together unwillingly: the dull life of a
small German capital must have bored
her immensely, and she was evidently
not meant for "an old man's darling."
If I remember rightly, the next the
world heard of her was a piece of piq
uant domestic scandal. She had some
where caught in her toils—those suptle
toils, seemingly light and silvery as gos
samer, yet in reality as strong as steel,
and as tenacious as grappling irons—a
wealthy and well-borne young Eng
lishman, and married him. He wasun
der age and of weak intellect, and as it
was presumed that he had given him
self in marriage under the spell of the
evil eye (a pair of them), if not under
actual bodily fear, his friends resolved
to rescue him, and separate the ill
matched couple. Then followed that fa
mous pursuit over the continent, from
city to city, Lola Montez always keep
ing a little ahead, having in close cus
tody her terrified and submissive vic
tim. A pretty chase she led them, but
they overtook her, or intercepted her,
at last—her husband went over to the
enemy, who bore him off in triumph.
Then there was a trial. The law vindi
cated injured male innocence, wealth
and respectability, and divorced the
poor young gentleman—the mere wreck
of himself, his friends said, but it is to
be hoped he was brought round again,
on toast and wine-whey, and ripened
at last into an average Briton of the
"swell" type, which Leech so delight
ed to picture.
It was well for poor Lola that all this
did not happen a century earlier. Her
judges would then have shut their eyes,
and condemned her to hanging or
drowning as a witch. She was now
afloat again, and, like all floating things,
she naturally drifted to America.
On the same steamer with the Ex-
Governor of Hungary, came the Ex
dictatress of Bavaria. It was noticed
that she tried her fascinations on the
great Magyar, but without avail. She
daily sat near him on deck, looking
charming, even in her sea-raps, gazing
dreamingly over the waves and pen-'
sively smoking a cigarette. And he
too smoked, and dreamed, and remem
bered, and hoped;—but his cigar was
the sedative of a brain overwrought by
grand schemes and great thoughts—his
dreams were noble, his memories sol
emn, his hopes beneficent, and if he
heeded that woman of unwomanly
ways, it was to give a thought of pity
to the restless heart and the wasted
The theatrical career of Lola Montez
in the States was not brilliant nor pro
longed. Few wished to see her more
than once, —she flitted from city to city,
doing some very generous things, let
it be remembered of her—showing es
pecial kindness towards children, who
were in sorrow and in need. Then
sighing, like him of Macedon, for a new
world to conquer, she flitted to Califor
nia, where she saw life under a thous
and new aspects, each one wilder than
the last. She flung herself, with reck
less abandon, with what seemed pure,
Irish deviltry, into that rough, adven
turous life, unsubdued, unterrified, in
corrigible, under some very hard expe
riences. Strange stories of her eccen
tricities, her crazy freaks, her desper
ate, daring ways, came to us and made
us laugh, yet shudder while we laugh
ed. She tamed bears, rode en cavalier,
gambled, shot at and horsewhipped her
enemies, flung about her money, and
married right and left. She seemed to
have a mania for marrying and being
divorced, for falling in love and fight
ing her way out—poor mad little sin
At length, broken in health if not in
spirit, she returned to the Atlantic
States, and began a new career, as a lec
turer. Her lectures were flimsy, patch
ed up affairs, and of questionable mor
al tone. They were probably not writ
ten altogether by herself—yet I should
say she could have produced something
better, if less ambitious, had she given
naturally and simply, recollections of
the strange countries and peoples she
had seen. Though not a well educated
woman, her conversation was said to
be singularly sparkling and racy. Yet
the flash and sweep of her magnificent
eyes and the bewitching fall of her lus
trous dark hair went far with the gen
eral audience to make up for the lack
of wit and wisdom in her words.
Though apparently the most respect
able, this period was perhaps the most
pitiable of her life. The tool of unprin
cipled men, she had entered on a work
for which she was even less fitted than
for the profession of the dancer, and in
which she depended more directly for
success on her unenviable repute.
Though her dress was modest and her
manner grave, her lectures were more
demoralizing than her dancing had
been. She usually read very nicely,
with no effort at oratory or display of
VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5,376.
feeling; but on the night when I heard
her, a somewhat objectionable passage
was distinctly hissed by a gentleman
sitting in front of the platform. Instant
ly r. gust of passion swept over her
lovely face, transforming it into some
thing terrible. She paused, fixed her
eyes on the offender, and seemed like a
tigress just about to spring. She master
ed her anger, however, and went on
reading, but with a fierce glint in her
eyes to the end.
After this, out of sight and out of
mind she passed wholly, till I heard of
her sudden illness—that cruel stroke
that left her helpless and so pitiable,
blighted and aged before her time—a
fate most terrible for an organization
like hers, all nerves and fire and action.
Then followed the long dim twilight
of that life of fitful and lurid brilliance,
misty and chill, and ushering in a night
that seemed quite dreary and starless.
But the poor soul thought she saw
amid the mists of the gloom, the steady
shining of the Star of Stars, gracious
and pitiful—the Star that shone over
the Manger of Bethlehem and came out
above the Cross of Calvary; and on this
side she fixed, to the last, those great
dark eyes through which had blazed
every wild human passion and sinful
beguilement, but which had sometimes
softened with human pity and over
flowed with penitent tears. So who
would dare deny to them the right to
look toward those divine beckoning
rays of peace and pardoning grace?
I have heard from a lady who knew
the kind Samaritans who nursed poor
Lola Montez in her last sickness, that
her gratefui gentleness and humility
were very pathetic. That fierce, rebel
lious nature seemed utterly tamed. She
crept to the foot of the Cross and crouch
ed there weeping, till she seemed to
hear the gracious words—"Thy sins are
forgiven thee."
In the summer 0f18531 visited Mun
ich. While driving about that tine
capital, which from its aspects of new
ness, seems more likean American than
a European city, the beautiful residence
allotted by the late King to Madame
Lola Montez, was pointed out to us by
our valet de place.
"Was she very unpopular in Mun
ich?" I asked.
"Yes, Madame, with our most res
pectable citizens, and latterly with the
students—but she was good to the poor
—they missed her."
In the Art Gallery of the new palace,
King Ludwig, who was a great connois
seur of beauty, had set apart a hall for
the portraits of living European beau
ties, and at the head of all these we
found a portrait of Lola Montez, decid
edly the lovliest picture there. Even
the reigning Queen, a yodftg and pret
ty woman, was given a less honorable
position in the gallery. We were told
that the old King exacted of hissucces,
sor a promise that this picture should
remain in its place, at least while he
In the rose-embowered studio of
Kaulbach we found another portrait of
—as the painter named her—"the Coun
tess ofLandsfeldt." It was a full length,
in an antique Spanish dress, a superb
and stately picture, after the style of
One bright afternoon in this winter
of 1860,1 was wanderingthrough Green
wood Cemetery, and suddenly came
upon an humble grave, in a small three
cornered lot, quite unadorned and on
ly marked by a plain white bear
ing simply this inscription :
'■'■ Mrs. Eliza Gilbert. Died February
Yith, 1861 —aged 42."
It was the grave of Lola Montez!
I could hardly realize that after such
a free, wild swing at life, from conti
nent to continent, she had been limited
to such a narrow domain. How that lit
tle triangular hedge seemed to imprison
that wilful, untamable creature, that
rebel against society, that Zingara of
the world! How heavily the earth
seemed to rest on that strange, wild
heart, passionate as fire, inconstant as
water. How still she lay, who had
seemed like .some gleaming tropical
bird, gay and fierce and restless.
Kind people provided this place of
repose for her poor, weary, faded body,
but it is hardly likely that they often
visit the spot. There are here no floral
tokens of lovely remembrance. Doubt
less, many an unmarked grave in the
Potter's Field, on the hillside, is more
frequently visited. But as I stood over
that mound, I felt only womanly pity
and regret, and 'gladly would I have
laid thereon an offering of flowers, to
fade on the brown turf as her beauty
had faded from the world; notsumptu
ous roses, typical of her in her lovely
prime, when the great German painted
her, —not Lilies, which might seem to
reproach her memory—but a bunch of
purple Heart's Ease, breathing recon
cilementand Home
A LADY was told, the other day, by
a traveling gentleman, that every lady
who had a small mouth was provided
with a husband by Government.
"Ith it pothibul?" said the lady,
making her mouth as little as she
The gentleman added: "That if she
had a large mouth she was provided
with two husbands."
"My gracious!" exclaimed the lady,
at the same time throwing her mouth
open to the full extent.
The gentleman became alarmed,
made his escape, and has not been
heard of since.
Jesus, thy love can we forget, •
And never bring to mina
j The grace that paid our hopeless debt,
And bade us pardon find?
Our sorrows and our sins were laid
On Thee alone, on Thee;
Thy precious blood our ransom paid,
Thine, all the glory be.
Can we thy life of grief forget,
Thv fasting and thy prayer?
Thy locks with mountain vapors wot,
To save us from despair ?
Our sorrows, &c.
The platted crown can we forget;
Thy agony and shame,
When earth thy sinkingsoul beset,
And hell reviled thy name?
Our sorrows, <l*c.
Gethsemane can we forget,
Thy struggling agony,
When night lay dark on Olivet,
And none to watch with thee?
Our sorrows, Ac.
Our dearest friends we may forget,
Our kindred cease to love;
But He who paid our hopeless debt,
Our constancy shall prove.
Our sorrows, Ac.
The skating mania being now at its
height, the following directions for
beginners, which we take from an ex
change may be of interest:
1. Never try to skate in two direc
tions at once. This feat has often been
attempted by beginners, but never very
successfully. It always ends in sor
2. Eat a few apples for refreshment's
sake while skating, and besure to throw
the cores on the ice, for fast skaters to
break their shins over. Fast skaters
are your natural enemies and should
not be allowed to enjoy themselves
3. Sit down occasionally, no matter
where—right in the way of the rest of
the party, if you want to. There is no
law to prevent a new beginner from
sitting down whenever he has an in
clination to do so.
4. When you meet a particularly
handsome lady, try to skate on both
sides of her at once. This is very pret
ty, and sure to create a sensation. If
the lady's big brother is in sight, it is
well to omit this.
5. Skate over all the small boys at
once. Knock 'em down. It makes
great fun— they like it.
6. If you skate into a hole in the ice,
take it coolly. Think how you would
feel if the water was boiling hot.
7. If your skates are too slippery buy
a new pair. Keep buying new pair 3
until you find a pair that are not slip
pery. This will be fun for the dealers.
8. In sitting down, do it gradually.
Don't be too sudden; you may break
the ice.
9. When you fall headlong examine
the straps of your skates very carefully
before you get up. This will make ev
ery body think you fell because your
skate was loose. Beginners alwaysdo,
you know.
10. Wear a heavy overcoat or cloak
till you get thoroughly warmed up, and
then throw it off and let the wind cool
you. This will insure you a fine cold
that will last you as long as you live.
11. After you get so you can skate
tolerably well, skate yourself sick im
mediately. Don't be reasonable about
it; skate three or four hours—skate
frantically—skate till you can't stand
up. Do this every day and it will be
sure to make you sick at last, and then
you may die, and that will be an excel
lent thing, it will besuchagood exam
ple to the rest of the young people.
A few simple directions for lady ska
ters are added:
1. If you wear filters on the ice, be
sure that your calves are properly ad
justed. The spectators along the bank
are generally critical.
2. Scream prettily in passing an air
hole, and give the arm of Charles Au
gustus a frantic squeeze. It makes him
feel his oats, in a protectional way.
3. If your skating partner is eligible,
and your foot is pretty, don't hesitate
in asking him to adjust your skate
straps every ten minutes. He will rath
er like it.
'•LA ME !" sighed Mrs. Partington,
"here I've been sufferin' the bigamies
of death three moral weeks. Fust I
was seized with a bleeding phrenology
in the left hemisphere of the brain,
which was exceeded by a stoppage of'
the left ventilator of the heart. This
gave me an inflamation of the borax,
and now I'm sick with chloroform mor
bus.—There's no blessin' like that of
health, particularly when you're sick."
COLERIDGE was acknowledged to be
a bad rider. One day, riding through
the street, he was accosted by a would
be wit:
"I say, do you know what happened
to Baalam ?"
Came the answer quick and sharp:
"The same as did to me—an ass spoke
to him!"
A LADY, a regular shopper, who had
made an unfortunate clerk tumble over
all the stockings in the store, objected
that none were long enough. "I
want," said she, "the longest hose that
are made." "Then, Madam," was the
reply, "you'd better apply at the next
engine house."
"No taxation without representa
tion," says the Tribune, "is a battle cry
that cannot be permanently resisted."
It is exactly for this reason that all good
men await the downfall of the Radical
Republican party.
"TELL the truth and shame the Dev-
il." I know lots of people who can
shame the devil easy enuff, but the fa
ther thing bothers 'em—Josh Billings.
—lt is stated that the State Democrat
ic Committee of Illinois have conclud
ed to establish a new Democratic paper
in Chicago, and that the company will
have a capital of $250,000 to start on.