®ke fffttfOTil Cks ctif. y Friday Morning,..... January 11. ISO?. AGENTS TO OBTAIN SBS<KIITIO\S TO THE GAZETTE. Circulate your County Paper. The following named gentlemen have been ap pointed oar Agents to obtain subscriptions to the GAZETTE. They are authorized to receipt for us: Bloody Run —Jeremiah Thompson. Ray's Hill —D. A. T. Black. Monros —Daniel Fletcher Colerain— Geo. W. Deal, 11. P. Diehl. C. Valley— D. R. Anderson. A. Zembower. Londonderry —James C. Devore. Harrison —Geo. W. Horn. Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. G&rdill. Sckel/shiere —J E. Black. Napier —John Sill, John W. Bowen. Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender, Westley Bennett. Union —M. Wertz. W. B Lambright. M. Woodherry —W. M. Pearson, Daniel Barley. S. Woodherry— J. I. Noble. J. S. Brumbaugh. Hopewell —W. A. Grove, J B. Fluke. Broad Top —M. A. Hunter. Liberty— Geo. Roades, D. Stoler. Saxton —Charles Faxon. St Clair— John W. Crisman, Samuel Beckley. Snale Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart ley and M. S. Ritchey. IV". Providsnee —Geo. Baughman. HomerNeiee. THE TKIIMPIf OF PRINCIPLE. Our government was designed, by its founders, to be one of constitutional law. The several States, by their rep resentatives in Convention assembled, formed the organic law of the Repub lic. This organic law, the Constitution of the United States, gave being to the Federal Government, and without it that Government could not have had existence. Thest are axiomatic prop ositions, but there are those who affect to think that the doctrines of the polit cal party which happens to be in pow er, and not the principles of the Con stitution, ought to govern the people of the United States. On all constitu tional questions upon which partiesdif fer, thev tell us the construction of the ! party in power, is the law of the land. On all pointsin which the Constitution is clearly against them, their legisla-1 tion and executive administration eith er override the provisions of that in- j struraent, or seek to change it to suit! their purposes. They are a party of expediency, looking only to partizan advantages to be derived from the pub lic measures which they inaugurate or ; oppose. One day, in order to sustain themselves, they use powers not war ranted in the Constitution; the next they are compelled to attack the Con stitution itself so that they may screen themselves from the penalty due to j their usurpation. Can a party en-1 dure ? Can men driven about on the sea of politics, by every wind of for- j tune, now drawn into the whirlpool of their own agitation, now tossed upon : the breakers of popular indignation lashed into fury by their tyranny, now dashed against the rock of the Consti tution itself, can such men cling togeth er long enough to reach a safe and quiet harbor ? It cannot be. They lack the great chart of the Constitution by j which alone the stormy political ocean can be safely navigated. Their com pass wants the magnetic needle that points to the polar star of civil liberty. Their pilots disagree among themselves and their ship flounders between the scylla of Central Despotism and the Charybdis of French Red Republican ism. Not so with those who make it a principle to be governed in all their po litical actions by the letter of the Con stitution. They are always steering in the right direction, and though adverse winds may blow, though treacherous rocks may lie iu their way, though yawning maelstroms may threaten to engulf them, they move onward stead ily and surely, and sooner or later their gallant ship reaches in triumph the long desired haven. For instance, con template the buffetings of the constitu tional party during the last six years ! Behold its leaders kidnapped, impris oned and sent into exile ; its printing offices mobbed and their type thrown into the street; its representatives in Congress driven from their seets and its voters overcome at the polls by fraud and force; yet to-day that party is virtually in possession of two of the three branches of the Government. The President and tie Supreme Court both carry out the great doctrines of the Democratic constitutional party. Such is the triumph of principle. Only be true to the organic law, and if the government lasts, your political prin ciples cannot cease to endure. * WE publish, in another column, an abstract of the Governor's Message. About half of it consists of one of the old stump speeches on the "Constitu tional Amendment," made by the Governor during the last campaign. As our readers know as much on that hackneyed subject as the Governor, we coueluded we wouldn't inflict that part of the message upon them. We give all of the document that is of any earth ly account to any bod y. MR. JOHN 11. ORTH retires from the editorship of the Clinton Democrat, and is sucoeeded by Messrs. J. W. and W. P. Furey. Mr. J. W. Furey was lately connected editorially with the Belle fonte Watchman. The Clinton Democrat is oneof the best papers on our exchange list and both the retiring editor and his successors have our very best wishes. VICTORY! | "In themidstof life we are in death," and in the midst of triumph tlie Mon grel Radical Disunion party, have re ceived, from the hands of their own partizans, the death blow. The great ; controversy between the Democracy 1 and their opponents, during the past six years, was, as to whether the Consti tution of the United States, could be set aside by any necessity whatever. The Democrats declared it could not be and must not be so set aside. Their oppo nents insisted that it could be and ought to be. The Supreme Court of the United States, in the celebrated Milligan case, have just decided in fa vor of the Democratic view. The opin ion of the Court was delivered by Mr. Justice Davis, one of Mr. Lincoln's ap pointees, and who was an intimate friend of the late President, and is the administrator of the Lincoln estate. This is a greater victory-for the Democracy than if every North em State had cast a majority for the Democratic candidates at the late elec tions. It cuts up by the roots the whole Mongrel-Radical theory of the war and brands with eternal infamy the men who trampled under foot the rights of their fellow citizens by superseding the Constitution with "military commis sions" and mock trials by "courts-mar tial." The following extract from Judge Davis' opinion is enough to make Democrats shout for joy: "The Constitution of the United States is law for rulers and people, e qually in war and peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine invol ving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be sus pended during any of the great emer gencies of the Government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy and despotism; but the theory of necessity on which it is based is false, for the Government, within the Constitution, has all the powers granted to it which are necessary to preserve its existence, as has* been happily proved by thege sult of the great effort to throw of its just authority." WE have our usual instalment of let ters commenting upon the unmanly assault made upon the people ofSouth ampton, by a certain anonymous scrib bler for the Bedford Inquirer. We have at last discovered the author of that as sault, and to our great regret, we find him to be the Rev. J. Elderdiee, of Cumberland Valley township. Now, where is the editor so daring as to un dertake to carry on a controversy with a preacher, especially a political preach er, and more especially a political preacher so singularly gifted and so profoundly learned as the Rev. Mr. El derdiee? Our courage oozes out at our fingers'ends at the very thought of such a thing! We shall incontinently retire from the contest and therefore, at once withdraw our skirmishers. What! fight a preacher! a political preacher! a talented, learned political preacher! We would as .-oon think of matching claws with a catamount! JUDGE SPALDING, of Ohio, one of the leading Radical members of Con gress, made a speech the other day, on the floor of the House, in which he handled Thad. Stevens without gloves. Judge Spalding insisted that the un derstanding daring the late campaign, was, that if the "out-standing" States accepted the Constitutional Amend ment they would be entitled to repre sentation. Mr. Stevens denied this, and said he would never vote to admit another State which did not give its negroes the right to vote. Mr. Spal ding also eulogized the administrative abilities of Secretaries McCulloch and Welles, and opposed the impeachment of the President. It is said that Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, will follow the ex ample of Judge Spalding. Now, to which wing of the Radical party will yowattachyourself,Mr. "Republican?" Are you for Spalding, or Stevens ? ALFRED SANDERSON, ESQ., former ly of the Lancaster Intelligencer, has be come part owner of the Reading Ga zette. The paper will in future be edi ted and published by Messrs. Getz and Sanderson. The senior member of the firm, and for many years the editor and proprietor of the Gazette, is the Con gressman elect front the Berks district. Success to the new firm. THE Harrisburg Patriot <fc Union has been enlarged and otherwiseimproved. It is now issued in the morning instead of the afternoon. We are glad to note the prosperity of the Patriot & Union, and hope that its circulation may con tinue to increase in every quarter of the State. WASHINGTON. CunsrMs tnkcx a lloHdny—H'n*hlns>on oii|) itwlf (Inriny thr alMMiee of tlie Rtitftpera—'The Supreme Court knock* .Military Commissions in the head— Mongrel rage thereat—Two of the three Brauehe*of"tlie Government Dem ocratic—Celebration of Jackson's Vic tory at Mew Orleans. Ac. Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette. WASHINGTON, D. C., \ Jap. 1867. j MB. EDITOR Congress has had its Holiday recess, and so has your corre spondent. It has been remarked that the capital has been unusually dull this winter. Well, the adjournment of Congress having temporarily elimina ted the negro from our daily talk, as well as from the society of white folks, things began to take a livelier turn, and we actually began to enjoy our selves as in the good old days of yore. But our season of pleasure was brief. The inevitable Congress re-assembled and the everlastinguegro again obtru ded himself upon our notice. So we relapsed into our old feeling of min gled wonder and desperation at the folly and fanaticism that rule the day. You will remember that the Supreme Court of the United States was recon structed by the late Abraham Lincoln, of pleasant memory. It is not gener ally known that the said Lincoln was a great friend of civil liberty. I, there fore, digress to inform the public that he was. As such, he found it his duty to sanction "military commissions" and "courts-martial," as proppr tribu nals for the .trial of civilians, in districts in which the administration of the civil laws was unimpeded. Assuch, he found it necessary to send Yaliandig •ruun into exile, because the latter had chosen to exercise the right of express ing his political opinions. As such, too, he discovered that the Supreme Court must be remodeled in order to sustain his great work in behalf of civ il liberty. Well, the Supreme Court was remodeled. One of the ten dis tricts was abolished, and the friend of civil liberty appointed live of his own partizans to seats upon the bench. These were S. P. Chase, and Noah ovvayne, of Ohio, David Davis, of Il linois, Samuel F. Miller, of lowa, and Stephen J. Field, of California. The other judges (for the old ones did not al I die, or resign) J. M. Wayne, of Geor gia, Samuel Nelson, of New York, Xa i;han Clifford, of Maine, and R. C. Grier, of Pennsylvania. These nine consti tute the Supreme Court as it exists to day. Judge Wayne is a "Southern Loyalist," of the Jack Hamilton type, which is to say, he is of a black politic al hue. Judges Nelson, Clifford and Grier were "war Democrats" during the "Rebellion." So, you see, Mr. 1 Lincoln thought he had a "sure thing" of it in the Supreme Court, and, in tact, the Radical leaders all thought as lio did. According to theirarithaietic, si x Radical judges would certainly out m imber three Democratic judges. But t'.ie battle is not always to the strong. The very question which Lincoln and his co-adjutors were afraid the oid Su preme Court, with Judge Taney at the head, would decide against them, came up before the new Lincoln court, some time last year. It was the question of the constitutionality of Military Com missions. Three citiizens of tiie State of Indiana, Messrs. Bowles, Mil ligan and Horsey, had been tried by a . military commission for conspiracy to release the Confederate prisoners at Chicago. They were found guilty and condemned to death. Their sentence was afterwards commuted by the Pres ident to imprisonment for life. A Habeas Corpus was demanded in their case, and the question of the legality •oftheir imprisonment was thus brought before this court. The case was ably and fully argued on both sides, Judge Black, of your State, making a master ly effort in behalf of the prisoners. After long-deliberation, the Court unan imously decided that the prisoners were unlaicfidty detained and should be dis charged from imprisonment ! Mark you, Chase and every other Radical on the bench, agreed, to this decision. Five •of the judges decided every point in fa i -or of the prisoners ; the other four a g reed with them in all points save one. Judge David Davis, of Illinois, deliv < red the opinion of the majority of the (Jourt, whi&i decides every point at is jue in favor of the prisoners. I know . fudge Davis well. He was for many years, the President Judge of one of f the central judicial districts of Illinois, | and Mr. Lincoln practiced law in his !j court formany years. The Judge has 1 always been a. "Republican" and was a boSora friend of Mr. Lincoln, to whom he owes his appointment as one of the justices of the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, he is an honest man and a good lawyer, as is abundantly proved by hisconduct in the groat case just men Honed. But lain getting "desultory." Suffice it to say, that the castle built by the Radicals upon the Supreme •Court as a foundation, has toppled to the ground, and in consequence of this great fall, the whole Mongrel hive is in such a state of uproar as I have nev er seen them in since the day Wilson [ <fc Co. ran into Washington from Bull \ Run. That a "Republican" Supreme I Court, with S. P. Chase at its head, 1. should pronounce "military coxnmis s sions" unconstitutional, and thus vir i tually declare all the proceedings of ! their party during the war, illegal, ma [ Icing them, in effect, kidnapping and | murder, has surprised and enraged [ them beyond all bounds. Already they are talking of gelling rid of the Supreme Court. Thad. Stevens, in his place in the House, has made a tierce onslaught upon the Court, and meas ures are about to be taken by the House, to check, if possible, the "headlong tendency of the Court towards the ranks of the Copperheads." Thus, this revolutionary party seeks to prop its tottering fabric. It is going down, down, down, but like a patient in the i last stages of consumption, the strong- I est doses are prescribed for it and it is galvanized into temporary life, while death is tugging at its very vitals. But this last dose, the purging of the Su preme Court from our political system, is a little too strong for its iron-clad stomach. It cannot, dare not swal low it. The people would eject it, as Jonah did the whale. Isn't it glori ous, though, to think that with all the diablerie, the twisting and screwing and cheating and tyrannising and ly ing and steaiing, of the leaders of the Mongrel party, the Democracy have got the better of them in two of the three I tranches of the Government? The Executive and Judicial branches arc both administered in accordance with Democratic doctrines, and noth ing remains to the 'Mongrels save the Rump Congress. "What is best of all, is, that Seward in the one and Chase in the other branch, are at the head of affairs, and both have been compelled, by their oath to the Constitution , to step under the Democratic banner. Rich, isn't it? The Democracy of this city are pre paring to celebrate the eighth of Janu ary, in grand style. The anniversary of Old Hickory's victory at New Or leans, is Jin appropriate occasion for Democratic reunions and ought to be observed in that way ail over the coun try. Talking of celebrations, reminds me that the party who furnished, the supper on the occasion of the late Rad ical wel<k>me to Congress, has brought suit for moneyf due him for furnishing the said supper. Some of the Mongrel Rumpers, will probably get rid of some of their extra pay before they get through with him. The last on dit is that a movement is afoot among the Western Democrats to nominate Gen. Grant for the Presiden cy. The Radicals have tried their best to capture Grant, but have utterly fail ed. But lam getting prolix and must halt for the present. PRY. HARRISBURG. Assembling? of (ho Legislature: Election of Officers : Siatc Treasurer : S". S. Ken s-.tor: lletl fort! ami En It on in 3. uck; Tlc inauguration of the new Governor; Tiie "Boston House." etc Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette. HARKISBURG, Jan. 5, ISG7. MR. EDITOR:— The Legislature as sembled on Tuesday last and proceeded to organize. In the House, Hon. A. D. Markley, of Montgomery, was the Democratic nominee for Speaker, and Hon. Cyrus T. Alexander for Clerk. The Mongrel nominee for Speaker, was Hon. J. P. Glass, of Allegheny, for Clerk, A. W. Benedict, Esq., of Hunt ingdon. The House standing (52 Mon grels to 38 Democrats, the latter were, of course, elected. The nomination of Messrs. Markley and Alexander for the two highest offices in the gift of the House, was a compliment well deserv ed by those gentlemen. Mr. Glass will make, I think, a fair speaker. lie has had some four or five years' legis lative experience, was originally a Democrat, is now a Cameron man, and is, withal, a fery "clever fellow." The Senate was organized by the election of Hon. L. W.Hall, of Blair,as Speak er, and Geo. W. Hamersly, of Phila delphia, as Cnief Clerk, both Mongrels. The Democratic nominee for Speaker, was Hon. Geo. B. Schall, of Lehigh, one of the ablest of the young guard of Democracy. The Senate stands 21 Mongrels to 12 Democrats. As the former do not have two thirds of either House, the Democrats have some op portunity of fightingthem. The Mon grel caucus has nominated W. H. Kem ble, the present State Treasurer, for re election. The Democrats have nom inated Hon. John F. Spangler, of York, for that position. I know .John well, and if there is a man in Pennsylvania who can be safely trusted with the pub lic funds, it is he. It is said that somp old fellow in ancient times used to make the trees dance after him when lie played on his pipe. If history re peats itseif, I do not see why John Spangler could not be another Orphe us, and with some of those charming songs of his, lure enough Mongrels in to his support to make him, State Treas urer. Did you ever see such a loud, long, high and windy hid for a nomination as that contained in the Governor's Message? Doesn't he blow hard to attract the Radical element of his par ty in the Legislature? But he might as well have spared himself the pains. He will be defeated beyond all ques tion. His candidate for Spear er of the House, Mr. Quay, of Beaver, had so little show that he was compelled to leave the field. The Speakers of both Houses are in the Cameron interest. The new State administration is Cam eronian to the back-bone, fluid. Ste vens has some strength, but Curtin can not control it. Cameron may not be able to elect himself, but he is abund antly able and entirely willing to de feat the election of Curtin, at all haz ards. I am not a Cameron man, in fact 1 am pretty much in the position occupied by the old woman when her husband and the bear had the fight— "l don't care much which whips"— but if Curtin is soundly floored, J shall not weep much. He is a most despica ble demagogue, nothing but a common political trimmer, and his political de mise is "a consummation most devout ly to be wished." Your article in last week's GAZETTE, on the Governor's record, made some stir here among the politicians. It is just and true, e very word of it. Some of your friends and neighbors have been lucky enough to obtain pla ces here. Your townsman, J. T. Kea gy, Esq., has been appointed an Assist ant Messenger of the House, and M. Edgar King, Esq., of Fulton co., his been given the place of Doorkeeper to the Senate. King, I presume, earned this place at the Hands of Sen atorStutz man, of your district, by voting for him, instead of Mr. Householder, for the nomination fur Senator. '-'Aleck l ' isasjoilyas you please, and say what you will of him, lie is a kind-hearted, whole-souled fellow. My own opin ion is that he would have been a Dem j ocrat long ago, had he lived any where else than in Somerset. That climate is I unhealthy. "Aleck" is Cameronian [ to the spinal marrow, i Gov. Geary will be inaugurated on the 15th inst. On the same day the i election for U. S. Senator will be held. There is some difference of opinion as i to whether the election ought, accor ding to the Act of Congress, be held on the Bth, or the 15th, but I incline to the belief that the latter will be the day fixed upon for that purpose. A joint committee, of both houses, has • been appointed to determine the day. : Our hotels are pretty full, just now. The "Bolton House," kept by our old S friend, Geo. J. Bolton, is especially well patronized. There is not a better hotel in the State than the "Bolton." The Legislature has adjourned until Tuesday next, and I will take a recess > until they meet again and do some : thing worth recording. LEX. JSIZWS ITEMS. —Joseph Booth, brother of Edwin, has appeared at an Edinburg theatre. —Rothschild has bought a fast horse of the Crown Prince of Hanover. —The total French force in Mexico is -7,000 men and 4,000 horses. —Miss Muloch's forthcoming novel is entitled "Two Marriages."* —Braxton Bragg is in New Orleans, for the first time since the "late un pleasantness. —The King of Prussia is the only monarch in Europe that knows his Bis, —The oldest living actor, according to the Boston Post , is "Superfluous Lags, the veteran on the stage." —General N. B. Forrest has the con tract to build forty-five miles of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad. —For the first time in seven years, snow fed in Galveston, Texas, on the 3d inst. —Gen. Frank P. Blair has been ap pointed Government Coranii.-sioner of the Union Pacific Railroad. T-A "colored citizen" is on trial in Cleveland for attempting to commit a rape upon a German woman, on Christ mas day. —A respectable white lady, of Green county, North Carolina, was violated last week by five negroes and one white man. All are in jail. —The municipality of Antwerp has ordered, on sanitary grounds, every house in the town to be painted, inside and out, at least once a year. —lt is said the New Hampshire Democrats will bring out a military man for Governor next time. Their Convention will meet in January. —There are fifteen thousand work men idle in New York city—the vic tims of the Radical "policy" of agita tion, high tariffs for Yankee manufac turers, and disunion. —lt is stated that the State Democrat ic Committee of Illinois have conclud ed to establish a new Democratic paper in Chicago, and that the company will have a capital of $250,000 to start on. —The following is the specie ship ment for Europe from New York on Saturday: St. Laurent takes out $460, 000; Deutschland takes out $195,000, and the City of Boston takes out none. —There are forty firms in the lumber trade in Chicago, Illinois, employing 2,000 hands, making up 21,000,000 feet per month into doors, surfacing, floor ing, siding, blinds and boxes. —A singular innovation was made at a funeral in Paris the other day. Instead of a laudatory discourse in honor of the individual interred, one of his friends read extracts from a news paper article in his praise. —The receipts of cattle at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago for the yearlß - were 392,(504 head; shipments, 202, 159. Receipts of live hogs, 980,364; shipments, 182, 779. Receipts of siieep, 209, 737; shipments, 75,447. —Hon. James H. Campbell, of Potts ville, who four years ago, represented the Schuylkill district in Congress, and has since been Minister to Stockholm, was last week nominated as Minis ter to Bogota by the President. —Gen. Pennypacker, of Chester coun ty, has received the appointment of Colonel of the 37th U. S. Infantry, de clined some time since by Gen. John F. Hartrauft. An excellent appoint ment. —We lately heard of an old woman who is collecting all the Radical papers she can lay her hands on, to make soap of. .She sa\>, "they are a desperate sight better than ashes —they are 'most as good as clear lie.'' —A Russian paper gives a curious it em of news from Wilna. The Russian authorities have recently seized, con fiscated and mutilated a bronze statue of the Goddess Flora, which stood in the park of a Polish gentleman, near the city just named, they were under the impression that it was an image of some Roman Catholic saint! —Mention is made of a photograph of Mr. Lincoln reading the Bible to his little boy "Tad." who stands between his knees. "The "Bible"' is a large photograph album, which theoperator placed in Mr. Lincoln's hands, which has been converted into a better book by those who are so persistent in mis representing the martyr-President.— Wash. C'orres. —A Yankee is nothing if not practi cal and pretendediy pious. The par ishioners of one of the largest Boston churches having purchased a mammoth organ, and wishing to obviate the nec essity of rnanipil labor, have so arrang ed it that a stream of Cochituate water shall work the bellows. What is the use of attempting to escape our destiny when such a people are determined to rule and ruin us?— Bl. Louis Times. OVER-CROWDED LABOR MARKET.— The New York papers are cautioning country workmen against seeking em ployment in thatcity,teliingthem that the lahor market there is overstocked, business dull, and multitudes of work men are discharged, while the rate of wages is hilling. Referring to this fact the Washington Btar remarks: "We feel it a duty to give the same warning to persons coming to Wash ington in search of employment. In our long experience in the newspaper business we have never before known so many persons out of employment in this city. A large portion of the float ing population brought here by the war, still linger long after the demand for their labor has ceased, and jostle each other for a livelihood in all the trades, and in a fleece contest for the smallest Governmental office. De scending the social scale, we have some thirty thousand colored people, contra bands, &t\, seeking employment here, of whom it is safe to say that twenty thousand will not average a day's work in a week during thecorning win ter. The poor-house is already over flowing and unable to afford a shelter for the swarms of vagrants and house less ones afloat upon our streets, and Heaven only knows what will become of the thousands of the unemployed here when the severity of the winter comes upon us." CUBTIN. —"For the first time during his official career" the Philadelphia JVeicts is obliged to withhold i'rotn Gov. Curtin's message "the meed of our (its) approbation." It says, also, "We can forgive a man on account of his ignorance, for that is more a misfor tune than a fault, and we can even assist to palliate the errors of a weak minded or imbecile creature, but we have neith er charity for nor patience with one who will deliberately prostitute a bril liant intellect and an originally good heart to the base purpose of making a trifle of political capital in a canvass for a high office, at the expense of truth, honor and decency combined." SAD OCCURRENCE.—A Father Acci dently Kills His Child. —On Monday last, Mr. George Wise, of West Bethle hem township, Washington county, accidently shot and mortally injured his child, and severely wounded his i wife. Mr. Wise was shooting hogs, i and had exploded a cap, and was rest ing his rifle upon his arm to cap it, : wheh the gun was discharged—the ball i passing through the head of an infant ! in the arms of his wife, and lodging in J her breast. The child died in a few | hours, and the ball was extracted from ; the breast of the mother, and she is like : ly to recover. Of course language would ! fail to express the grief of the unhappy | husband and father. It is another | warning to be careful when handling | firearms. COV6BESS. | SENATE.— A communication was re ; ceived from the Secretary of the Treas ury enclosing a reportonthe Tarift'and ' a form of bill prepared by Special Com missioner Wells. The report and bill were ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on Finance. A res olution was introduced by Mr. Sumner instructing the Committee on the Ju diciary to inquire whether any addi tional' legislation or Constitutional ! amendment is required to provide a gainst the sale of any persons into sla very in execution of the decrees of any civil court. The resolution was intro duced with special reference to the re cent case in Maryland and other South'n ! States in which negroes have heen sen tenced to be sold for a brief term after being tried and convicted of crime. Af ter a long discussion the resolution was adopted. A resolution was also adopt ed instructing the Committee on Mili tary Affairs to inquire whether any i additional legislation is necessary to prevent the enslavement of Indians in the Territory of New Mexico. It was ordered that the last report of the Co mmissioner of the General Land Office shall be printed in the German, French and Swedish languages fordistribution at the Paris Exposition. The bill rep calling the 13th section of the act to sup press insurrection, punish treason,etc., 1 was taken up, and after considerable discussion was laid aside until to-day. j The Senate at 3.20 P. M. adjourned, I HOUSE. —A communication from the j Secretary of the Treasury, inclosing the ' report of Commissioner Wells and the | Tariff'bill prepared by him, was laid j before the House and referred to the ! Committee on Ways and Means. The ! Secretary of the Treasury was requested | to communicate to the House the result of the investigation in regard to the loss of til? steamers Evening Star and Commodore. A resolution for the es tablishment of lour territorial govern ments in the State of Texas was intro duced and referred to the Committee on Territories. A bill wasproposed by Mr. Paine of Wisconsin, to reorganize the militia force of the United States so as to enrol all male persons between the ages of eighteen and forty-five born •or naturalized in the United States, except such as participated in the late war against the Federal Government, or who gave aid to the Confederate Government. Mr. Stevens took up his substitute for the bill to provide He publican Governments for the Southern States. This substitute recognizes the present State Governments as legal for j municipal purposes until altered by j conventions to be held in the several : States. It also provides that negroes shall vote for the members composing the conventions. Mr Stevens then ad dressed the House in favor of the bill. He said the recent decision of the Su preme Court "had made the passage of! this bill absolutely indispensable." Mr.; Ashley, of Ohio, introduced a substi tute for the whole bill,which was or dered to be printed. Without action on the bill the House went into Com mittee of the Whole on the President's message. Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, made a speech denouncing the report of tho Secretary of the Treasury. The committee then rose. A number of bills, resolutions and communications, of but little importance, were laid be fore the House and disposed of. SENATE.—A number of bills, memo rials and petitions of minor importance were received and disposed of; among them were several* petitions from ar tists asking that higher duties be im posed on painting, ike, imported into this country. The bill repealing the 13th section of the act to suppress insur rection and punish treason and rebel lion, which relates to the granting of amnesty and pardon by the President, was taken up, the question being on the amendment of Mr. Saulsbury to repeal the entire act. Mr Johnson, of Maryland, made a long and able speech. Mr. Johnson maintained that the sec tion referred to in the bill conferred no additional power on the President, and that there could in consequence be no necessity for repealing it. In the course of his speech Mr. Johnson referred to the imprisonment of Mr. Davis, and to the fact that he has not been allowed a trial, which he denounced as a "blot on American civilization." After some additional discussion a vide was taken on Mr. Saulsbury's amendment, and it was rejected. A vote was then taken on the bill to repeal the 13-th section of the act, which was passed—yeas 27, nays 7. HOUSE.— -A bill making appropria tion for the service of the rostoffiee Department for the year ending June 30th, 1868, was reported from the Com mittee on Appropriations, and made the special order for Monday. The Com mitteemen \\ ays anil Means was instruc ted to inquire into the propriety of amending the tariff on sugar, molasses, coffee, Arc., so as to discriminate in fa vor of free and against slave grown products. A number of other resolu tions were introduced and disposed of. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the President's mes sage, and a number of members made speeches, after which the Committee rose and the House adjourned. ABSTRACT OF THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : We have reason to be thankful to God for the blessings of peace, abundant crops, that industry has been rewarded and that thus the Commonwealth has been able to do her full duty to herself, to the country and posterity. The condition of our finances is as follows: Balance in Treasury, No vember 30, 1865, $2,373,668 14 Receipts during fiscal yr ending Nov. 30, 1806, -3,829?668 54 Total in Treasury for fiscal year ending N0v.30,'66, 8,203,336 68 Payments for same peri od have been 6,462,303 41 Balance in Treasury, De ectuber 1, 1866, 1,741,033 27 Amount of the public debt as it stood on the Ist day of Dec., 1865, $38,476,528 08 Am't reduced at the State Treasury, during the fiscal yr end ing Nov. 30, 1865, 5 per loan, $1,828,553 25 4V per ct. loan, 25,000 00 Relief notes, 626 00 Domesticered itors'certifi- cates, 26 56 Public debt Dec. 1,1866, $35,622,052 l(v To wit, funded debt: 6 per cent, loan, $400,6:10 00 5 per cent. Joan, 32,073,192 59 41 per cent, loan, 213,200 00 6 per cent, loan, milita ry, per act May 15, '6l, 2,820,750 00 Unfunded debt, relief notes in circulation, 96,625 00 Interest certificates out standing, 13,086 52 Interest certificates un claimed, 4,448 38 Domestic creditors' cer tificates, 119 67 $35,622,052 16 Assets in Treasury : Bonds Pennsylvaniaßail lioad Company, $6,600,000 00 Bonds Phi la. and Erie Railroad Company, . 3,500,000 00 Interests on bond of the Phila. and Erie Rail road Company, 1,225,000 00 Cash in Treasury, 1,741,033 27 13,086,033 27 Liabilities in excess of assets, 22,536,018 89 ' 35,622,052 16 The time fixed for the redemption of $23,108,626 24 of the indebtedness of the Commonwealth having expired, I re commend that provisions be made for its redemption, by making a new loan for that purpose, payable at such peri ods as the prospective revenues will justify. Since my last annifal message, I have drawn from the Treasury, two thous and do'lars of the fund placed in the hands of the Governor lor secret ser vice and other extraordinary expenses, which I have expended, in payment of my personal staff, and for other purpo ses, as heretofore, except five hundred and sixty-three dollars and forty-eight cents, which I have returned into the Treasury. I again recommend the passage of general laws, when it is at all practica ble, and in this connection, recommend the passage of a general law, regulating railroads now existing and the incor poration of new companies, so that so far as possible there may be just uni formity in the franchises granted and equal facilities afi'orded to thepeopleof all sections of the Commonwealth. There are at this time, in the various prisons, a number of persons, under sentence of death, some of them for many years, and as it has become a cus tom that ihe incoming Governor should not issue a warrant of execution in ca ses unacted on by his predecessor, it not unfrequently happens that in many cases, some of which are recent, while some punishment should be inflicted, that of death may appear to the Exec utive to be too severe. I earnestly repeat my recommenda tion heretofore made, that provision be made for the reception of such persons into the penitentiaries, who may be pardoned on condition of remaining a limited time therein. Tne State Agency at Washington shoul , in mv judgment, be continued, it has proved very useful in all respects and especially to our volunteers and their families. Four thousand six hundred and nine ty claims have passed through the A gency during the past year, and three hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and three dollars have been collected from the Government and transmitted to the claimant free of charge. The trustees of the State Lunatic hos pital represent that it is impossible for them to accommodate and care for the number of patients committed to them under the* laws regulating admissions into hospital, and earnestly recom mend that provision be made for in creased accommodation. J invite your attention A) ihe condi tion of the Arsenal. It w too small— usafe as a depository for the largo a mount of valuable military material to be kept in it, and is, in all respects, in convenient and not adapted to its pur poses.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers