The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 04, 1867, Image 2

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    i f'lit terite.
TFrldny Morning;.. Jnnnnry 4. 1*67.
Circulate ynnr County Paper.
The following named gentlemen hare been ap
pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the
GAIBTT?. They ere authorized to receipt for us:
Bloody Kun —Jeremiah Thompson."
Hi'l —D. A T. BUck
ATouroo—Diniel Fletcher
Cohmu>— Geo W. Deal, H P. Diebi.
C. Volley— D R Anderson. A Zoinbowcr.
J.ondondtrry —Jnme" C Devore.
H'irrisoti —Geo. IV. Horn.
Juniata —John A. C -ssna, Geo. Gardill.
prh*/'xhi/ter—J E. Black.
JVapier—John Sill. John W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender,
W'|ey Bennett
IT,ion—M Wertz W B Lnmbrtght.
M. TV oodherry —W M Pearson. Diniel Barley.
S Woodberry —J. I. Noble. J. S Brumbaugh.
Hopi-w'l— W. A. Grove. JB. Fluke.
Broad Top —M. A. Hunter.
Liberty —Geo. Hosdes, D. Stoler.
Suxton —Charles Faxon.
St Clair —John W. Ciisman, Simnel Beekley.
SnaJbe Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart
ley aDd M. S. Ritchey.
W. Providonee —Geo. Baughman, Homer Neice.
There appears to be a free fight on
the U. S. Senator question. Not only
does the quarrel rage among the Mon
grels, but it has been extended even in
to the ranks of the Democracy. So bit
ter is the strife between Cameron, Cur
tin, Stevens, & Co., that the Democrats
are expected to act as arbiters to settle
the dispute. Now, we don't care much
which of the rival Mongrel candidates
is chosen, but, as the fight seems to be
a free one, we think it is our turn to
pitch into somebody. The marksman
always selects a small mark when he
desires to make a centre shot. For this
reason we choose to shoot at Andrew
G. Curtin.
On the thirtieth of January last, Gov.
Curtin sent his annual message to the
Legislature, concluding it with these
"My uniform course during the late
war, was to avoid the discussion of tiie
policy of the General Government,
while giving a hearty support to the
Rational authorities in all their meas
ures to suppress this rebellion. I shall
continue to pursue the same course during
the embarrassments necessarily connected
vith the entire restoration of the country.
The principles expressed in the message
of the President, at the commencement of
the session of Congress, will receive my
cordial support."
Here we find Gov. Curtin giving un
equivocal support to the restoration
policy of President Johnson, and prom
ising in the most positive manner, that
he would abstain from all discussion of
that policy. The principles of the Pres
ident's message, that is, the doctrines
of President Johnson in regard to the
right of the Sates to immediate rep
resentation in Congress, the Govern
or declares, will receive his "cordial
support." Our object in referring to
this matter is two-fold. First, as one
of the Democratic arbiters appealed to
by the Mongrel candidates to settle
their Senatorial difficulty, it becomes
our duty to warn our Radical friends
against repeating the mistake they
made in electing Edgar Cowan. Sec
ondly, because we desire to make men
tion, of a little understanding which
was had last winter between Gov. Cur
tin and the Democratic members of the
Legislature. To discharge our duty to
wards our Radical brethren, we need
only ask them to read the extract from
the Governor's last annual message
printed aoove. If that does not prove
to them that he is an unqualified pub
lic liar, let them vote for him and take
the consequences. As for our Demo
cratic friends, let them know that, al
though Gov. Curtin has frequently re
ceived the support of Democratic rep
resentatives in the Legislature, when
those of his own party turned their
backs upon him, lie has always proved
false to his promises made in return for
such kindness. For instance, last win
ter winter, after the infamous "deserter
law" had passed both houses of the
L 'gislature.Gov. Curtin was called up
on by several Democratic Senators with
the hope that he might be prevailed
upon to withhold his signature from
the bill. The Governor expressed his
disapprobation of the measure and
promised most positively that he would
never sign # it. This was the express
understanding between the Governor
and the Democratic Senators. Doubt
less, many Democrats wondered how
1 it came that Senator Wallace, last win
' ter, introduced in the Senate, a resolu
tion complimenting the administration
of Gov. Curtin, and were amazed that
such a resolution should receive the
vote of nearly every Democratic mem
ber of both houses. Let them wonder
no longer. Curtin had promised to let
" the "deserter law" die the death.—
What tout promised him in return we
\ need not state; but ws know that the
Democrats introduced and voted for a
resolution lauding him to the skies. This
pink of gubernatorial fidelity, however,
failed to keep his promise to withhold
his signature from the "deserter bill,"
and although the question of the con
stitutionality of the Act of Congress j
upon which that bill was based, was ■,
before the Supreme Court of the
State,he hastened togive it hisapproval. j
~\\h will not suggest the motive which
thiuk induced him thus to break
promise to the Democratic Senators.'
It is enough to know that he did break
it. The fact is that he is incapable of
fidelity to any thing, or any body. The
very fact that he publicly and in the |
most solemn manner declared himself:
in favor of the President's policy, at
the same time announcing that he
would not, in the future, discuss the
measures of the Federal Government,
and afterwards took the stump in oppo
sition' to the President's policy and in
favor of the opposite doctrine, is con
clusive proof of this assertion. His
treachery to the Democratic Senators
in regard to the "deserter bill," throws
additional light upon this hideous gap
in the moral character of the man. —
We might also call upon the stand at
least a dozen of the prominent Radicals
in this State, who would be compelled,
if they spoke the truth, to testify to the
faithlessness wecharge upon him. Nay,
we can prove !>y Gov. Curtin's admis
sion, over his own signature, that he
proved false to his promise to Francis
Jordan, Esq., to make the latter Attor
ney General, during the first three
years of his administration, and that
while the Governor acknowledged his
faithlessness, in this instance, he also
admitted that he himself did not know
why lie did not keep his promise to
Mr. Jordan. But, let us drop the cur
tain. We have no personal objections
to the Governor. We only wish it to
be understood that we don't believe he
can be trusted by any party.
Some people imagine that the Dem
ocratic party, during the late political
canvass, had under its control the pa
tronage of the Federal Government.—
This is a most absurd mistake. Why,
in Pennsylvania, more than one-half
the Federal offices are at this day filled
by opponents of the Democracy. The
half-way policy which removed a Rad
ical here and retained another there,
was neitheroriginatcd nor approved by
Democrats. The latter had nothing to
expect from Mr. Johnson's adminis
tration, and when his public policy
commended itself to their approval,
they only asked that he should stand
by his friends, if any he had, in the
"Republican" party. They hoped for
the removal of all office-holders who
antagonised the political doctrines of
the President, but they did not expect
the vacancies to be filled by Democrats.
Nor was any Democrat appointed to any
place in the gift of the Federal Admin
istration, except in ease no suitable
"conservative Republican" could be
found to fill it. True, Gen.Coffroth was
appointed Assessor for this district, but
his is an exceptional case,and we think
he was appointed because of Presiden
tial gratitude for his vote on the Con
stutional Amendment abolishing sla
very. Had the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania been given the unqualified con
trol of the Federal patronage, the "Rad
icals" would have been routed at the
late election. But we do not complain.
We only hope that a dilferent policy
will prevail in the future. As things
are at present, Democrats are made to
carry the blame for all removals and
appointments, when, in fact, they are
responsible for but few ot them. If
we are to have "the blame," let us also
have "the game."
I It will be remembered that when the
: Mongrel conferees of this Representa
tive and Senatorial district met in this
place, last summer, to nominate candi
dates for Representatives and Senator,
there was a hitch in their proceedings,
which lasted until Simon Cameron,
who was then at the Springs, arrived in
town. The presence of old Winnebago
immediately cut the Gordian knot.
Richards, Wellerand Stutzman were
nominated. We said, at the time, that
the nominations had been corruptly
made,and we are now sustained in that
opinion, by the leading Mongrel paper
in this section of Pennsylvania, the
Franklin Repository, edited by A. K.
McClure. Mr. McClure says that he
has "seen some of the important paj>ers
arising from the sale." We transfer
his article entire, and ask our "Repub
lican" friends to read it with care, and
then say whether we didn't speak tru
ly when we told them that they were
"sold as sheep in the shambles." The
Repository''s article is as follows:
TliEFultoii Republican seems to have
been embraced in the general purchase
made by Simon Cameron when the
Senatorial and legislative nominations
were made in that district, and itis part
of the property delivered. The contract
to deliver the Representatives to Cam
eron by a few purchaseable politicians
will be somewhat difficult, although
the Republican is struggling earnestly
to clear the way for it. The misfortune
is that Messrs. Richards and Weller
have to return to the People and pass
the ordeal of the ballot next fall, and
should they voce for Cameron, as they
have been pledged for a consideration
by a few speculators, they must share
the odium of the purchase and would
be disgracefully de.ea el. Ue arefu ly
advised of the transaction, have seen some
of the important papers arising from the '
vale, and we mean t hat there shall not !
be a corrupt delivery of innocent Rep
resentatives, as has been promised,
without due notice. Move on, gentle
men! !
A quaint philosophy of the East
speaks as follows: "If a man knows,
and knows what he knows, he will lead
a happy life. If he does not know,and
knows that he does not know, he will
lead a tolerable life. But if he does npfc
know, an,d does not know that he does
not know, he will lead a wretched life."
The first is applicable to our worthy
President and all whosupport his sound
Union policy. The second is true of
the Radical office-holders. The third
applies to the fellows who blindly fol
low the lead of Stevens Co., and vote
the Mongrel ticket.
One of the appropriation bills before
Congress sets apart $38,000,000 for the
Freedtnen's Bureau. We call that pay
ing for the whistle!
IT appears that GEARY hasgoneover,
body and breeches, to the clan Cam
eron. His appointment of Ben. Brews
ter, as Attorney General, and Major
Tom. Maguire, as Private Secretary,
(both of them "life-long Democrats")
also hurts the feelings of many of his
Republican supporters. Curtin, Me
et ure <ic Co. are in a terrible stew over
Geary's defection.
HON. T. H. PUKDY has sold his pa
per, the Northumberland Democrat , to
Messrs. J. E. Eicholtz and J.J. Auten.
We are sorry that we are no longer to
read Mr. Purdy's pungent and trench
ant editorials. lie has our best wishes
in pis retirement.
WE learn that Gov. Geary has ap
pointed It. H. Brewster, of Philadel
phia, Attorney general, and Francis
Jordan, formerly of this place, Secreta
ry of State. The latter was an appli-
cant for the Attorney Generalship,
Poor little John Cessna! How disap-
pointed ho must feel!
WE are informed by a telegraphic des
path, that Highspire, Dauphin county,
at the election held in that place, 011
Friday last, elected the whole Demo
cratic ticket "bv a large majority.—
"There is life in the old land yet," even
in Dauphin county.
TALK about the intelligence of New
England! That section dominates in
Congress, yet that body has passed a
tariff bill which imposes a duty on "lin
seed" and at the same time exempts
WE are under obligations to Hon. C.
R. Buckalew, of the U. S. Senate, and
Hon. W. 11. Koontz, M. C., for docu
mentary favors.
We give place to the following com
munication, handed us by a prominent
"Republican," because we "sympa
thize" with him (not politically, but
literarily) and because so far as duty to
friends and readers will allow, we are
always ready to give all skies "a hear
ing." "Iv" is certainly correct as to
the smallness of anonymous articles
written for the purpose of vilification.
Should any one feel aggrieved by the
following, "K" authorizes us to give
his name to the party com plaiting:
EDITORS :—Sirs:—l have noticed, for
several weeks, a number of publica
tions in your paper and in the Inquirer,
over fictitious names, as per example,
"Pilgrim," Homespun," and "Uncle
Toby." The first communication over
any of these names appeared in the
Inquirer. It was "Pilgrim's" effort at
Southampton. This untimely letter of
course was the inducement to "Home
spun" to write his, and to the spurious
"Uncle Toby" to give his assistance in
this warfare of letters; (I have said
spurious "Uncle Toby," for so it seems
he is.) I was not at all pleased with
"Pilgrim's" letter, for reasons which
no charitable person can fail to see. I
considered "Homespun's" article in
reply, as one that merited little, if any
condemnation, he having been provo
ked by the attacks of "Pilgrim" up
on the institutions, manners and cus
toms of the community in which he
lived, and in the crudity of its inhab
itants ; and further, "1 lomespun" wrote
a gentlemanly letter, one not character
ized by the illiberal insinuations with
which "Pilgrim's" letter was so preg
But I am surprised to see how you
editors (of both papers) sometimes bore
your readers with sueh unprofitable
communications of would-be great
composers of literature. What non
sense is such an article, put in meas
ure, as appeared in your paper a your
or more ago, over the signature of Un
cle Toby! You may have given it
room in your columns through sympa
thy, because the Inquirer had refused it
place. But that is a poor excuse. And
what ill taste in "Pilgrim's" first let
ter, which I have said was published
in the Inquirer, and how little in the
following ones!
The only excuse for you, that seems
to me to be reasonable, for inserting
such communications in your papers,
is sympathy for the correspondent;
and if I had not this excuse to offer in
your behalf, I should conclude at once
that you betook of t-heirown littleness.
I knowsome people like these things,
and some even envy the fame of their
authors. Look at the spurious "Toby"
trying to steal the laurels of another
(I believe "laurels" has a very general
significance). If this "Toby" writes
again it should be about four years
froui now, so as to raise the inference j
that he has become wiser, and then he
should let his first letter be an apology
for that little act of his life, in which
he tried tosteal the honors of the "Key
stone Railroad" man, reposing in the
"Shadow of the Mountain," as a war
rior taking his rest. But, Messrs. Ed
itors, (and let the "Inquirer" take the
hint, too,) besides the effect of these
communications in carrying away the
pleasurable fancies of young men, they
sometimes make bad blood. See the
"card of Mr. Elderdice" in last week's
"Inquirer," which alludes to the spu
rious "Toby" in such brave and ehival
ric terms a.-* "mean defamer," "thus
wickedly assailed," "contemptibleslan
derer," &c. ilr. Elderdice might
make a good soldier, might help take
a fortress, or conquer a city, but I con
fess i don't lik nis belles lettres. The
"Inquirer" editors must have had some
of that excusing sympathy 1 alluded
to, or partdok of Mr. E's own bravery
and chivalry, and consequently would
make good soldiers, too. I think be
sides carrying away the fancies of
young men andi making bad blood,
some fair-thinking men don't like
these effusions. I believe they gratify
the authors anda clique in some nar
row locality, but they don't do much
good elsewher*. K.
Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette.
BARRALLTILne. Allegany co., Md., )
December 17, 1806. J
Thinking a few lines from this county
might be acceptable to you, I will give
you some items. Tie oil well at our
neighboringtown of Wellersburg, Pa.,
is down 850 feet. The last 150 feet was
solid rock and took four months regu
lar drilling. Now the rock is softer
and works easier. The last month the
indications of oil have been good. Not
withstanding all the bad luck v#iich
impeded their progress of boring, the
Company are in the best of spirits and
are determined to find more oil if they
must put the well down fifteen hund
red feet. Success to the oil men!
There is great excitement in this
community owing to a report that an
abundance of silver ore has been dis
covered, near Weliersburg, on the "sun
side" of Savage Mountain. A Mr.
Jones bought fifty acresof land in that
vicinity, some two years ago, upon
which the ore is said to have been
found. It is reported that Mr. Jones
has taken out some of it and sent it to
the Mint, where it has been pronoun
ced good silver. They are at work
daily, and have been hauling bone and
other material for trying the ore on
the ground. They will not allow any
one to come near but the hands em
ployed. Success to Jones!
A new stone Machine Shop, 250 feet
by 100 feet, with slate roof, has been
erected at Mt, Savage. The engine
shop is 100 feet by 80 feet, and two sto
ries high. A new boarding-house, 100
feet by about 40 feet, four stories high,
with ninety rooms has also been late
ly built at that place. Rolling Mills,
Furnaces and shrtps are being put in
condition for full operations.
A dreadful accident occurred near
Barton, Md., on Friday, 14th inst.
The engine of a coal train upset, whilst
running at full siteed, killing the engi
neer and his little son and a man by
the name of Barcus. Three others
were so badly hurt tha ttheir recov
ery is said to be impossible.
Respectfully yours,
I. H. T.
THE GALAXY.— This new candidate
for public favor, is rapidly increasing
in popularity. The Philadelphia Le
gal Intelligencer thus speaks of the De
cember number of this work: The
present number completes the second
volume, and great inducements are of
fered for the coming year. It is pub
lished, as every one knows, fortnight
ly, and will be increased sixteen pages
in size. An able corps of writers keep
itbriniful of interesting and useful read
ing matter, and the catholicity of its
taste commend it to every liberal and
high minded reader. Among the gems
of the present number is a powerful
story by Mrs. 11. H. Davis, (author of
Margaret Howth,) entitled the "Cap
tain's Story," wherein the deepest psy
chological truths are illustrated by
thrilling narrative. The publishers
announce that in January they will
commence a new lovel by this gifted
author, "Waiting for the Verdict."
It will depict man/ interesting phases
of American Life, md is an Htm need as
"by far the most complete, elaborate,
thoughtful and ambitious effort of its
author." We shall peruse it with great
interest. Every cue remembers the
pathos and vigor if Margaret Howth,
in which the author takes for her hero
ine' one, whose little life scarcely soar
ed beyond her etory-day tasks, but
who acts and suffeis as any being might
be proud to act and suffer. We recall
with pleasure the k-'en analysis of char
acter that that unnue work unfolded
to us. Are we to have another such
vivid picture? Jfso, it will be the
brightest star in th:s mundane Galaxy.
The interesting taU, Archie Lovell, is
concluded. "The Claveriugs," grows
in interest. The minor tales, sketches
and "nebula?," are worthy of perusal
and merit commeidation. Altogeth
er the enterprising publishers have oc
casion to he proud of their successful
is the oldest ladies' magazine in the
country so it is al.-o the best. Like
wine it improves by age. The January
number contains two fine steel plates—
"The First Party"—and the Title Page
—the usua l number of colored fashion
plates and a large nimber of other il
lustrations of fashions, <fcc* Marion
Harland and other yell known writers
contributes to its pafes,'and, all in all,
it is an excellent number. Address L. THE WAR IN PARAGUAY.—The war
on the River Plate has, for some time
been taking a turn specially unfavora
ble to Brazil. There are indications
that there may be still greater troubles
in store for the South American Em
pire. Paraguay has long been in nego
tiation with Bolivia for the conclusion
of an alliance, and the last mail brings
a report that a treaty, offensive and de
fensive, has been concluded, according
to which Bolivia will supply to Para
guay a contingent of 2,500 men, carry
the war into Brazil, and, if possible, re
publicanize that country. If this re
port should be confirmed Brazil will
find it exceedingly difficult, if not im
possible, to defend its Western Provin
ces, the only communication with
which in former years was by rivers
now made impassable by the guns of
the Paraguayans. It is also confirmed
that both thOjPresidents of the Argen
tine Republic and Uruguay are power
less to aid any longer in carrying on
the war. The latter may any moment
be unseated by his opponents at home;
and the former is even said to be fa
vorable to the alliance between Para
guay and Bolivia.
A. Godev, N. E. corner sixth Chestnut
sts., Philadelphia.
THE LADY'S FRIEND, for January,
has been received and we do not hesi
tate to pronounce it a superb number.
Tftis"excellent magazine is not surpas
sed by any of a similar kind in the
country, and should be in every house
hold. Published by Deacon & Peter
son, 310 Walnut street, Philadelphia,
for the low price of $2.50a year, in ad
—Mount Hood is in eruption.
—Butler is in Washington.
—Many Irish are emigrating to
—lron foundries are. being establish
ed in every Alabama county.
—Sunday smoking in the streets is
prohibited in Galveston.
—The cotton crop of Egypt this year
is estimated at 100,000,000.
—Fine veins of gold hav been dis
covered in Fauquier county, Virginia.
—Four thousand emigrants a month
go to Texas.
—Tea raised in Georgia is pronounc
ed equal to the best Japan.
—Government detectives are in Mon
treal looking up evidence against Sur-
—There are now seventy-eight man
ufactories of cotton, calico and woollen
goods in Georgia.
—General Grant is convalescent from
his recent illness, a severe cold, and is
again at duty.
—Wilson is visiting the Richmond
battle-fields. He never went there
with his regiment.
—Miss Susan Denin, the actress, has
just been married to a Mr. Coyle, who
is her fourth masculine venture.
—A financial crisis prevails at Ha
vana, and several banks have suspend
—The tobacco crop in Missouri this
year is estimated at from twelve to fif
teen thousand hogsheads.
—Judge McCunn, at Xew York, has
decided substantially that a person lo
sing money in gaming is not entitled
Jo recover by law.
—Gen. Grant has ordered the with
drawal of the United States forces from
Lexington, Missouri.
—The receipts of cotton at New Or
leans, since the Ist of September, have
been 690,000 bales.
—Maximilian lias divided Mexico in
to four military districts, appointing
commanders for them.
—A rich lead mine has been discov
ered in East Tennessee. Gen. Thomas
will be president of a company to work
—A Boston minister has been preach
ing against tilting hoops. He says he
can't shut his eye to the abomination
any longer.
—A ten day's widow in Petersburg
bought a new wedding trousseau tor
herself and a tombstone for her scarce
ly cold liege at the saipe time.
—Bishop Hopkins thinks that there
are neither men nor means enough in
the South. He says that Jackson, Mis
sissippi, is yet a mass of ruins.
—A rich lead mine has been discov
ered in East Tennessee. General Thom
as will he president of a company to
work it.
—One hundred and sixteen members
of Congress have their wives, daugh
tersor other ladies with them at Wash
ington this winter.
I—The submarine cablebetween Flor
ida and Cuba will be ready for the pub
lic in March. The maximum sound
ings give 845 fathoms.
—The temperance movement is ma
king great headway in St. Louis. A
new hall, to cost $20,000, is about to be
—Frequent earthquake shocks in Sa
cramento and other points along the
Pacific coast, remind the inhabitants
that many things are passing away.
—New York city polled almost as
many votes at the late State election as
the entire State of Massachusetts—only
four thousand less.
—Negotiations are pending for the
introduction from China by the new
mail steamship line, of a large force of
laborers for the Central Pacific railroad.
—The hog cholera is prevailing in
various sections of Indiana. In War
rack county most of the fanners have
l<*d their entire stock by this disease.
—An Idaho letter says the business
of counterfeiting gold dust is carried on
to a serious extent, and the authorities
of the Territory have been called on to
suppress it.
—Thus far this season the packers of
Indianapolis, Ind., have packed 27,-
904 hogs on commission for farmers and
drovers, and 5,350 on purchase. Pack
ers are offering and sellers
ask $(5.
—The Pittsburg Republic places, at
the head of its editorial column, the
name of Andrew Johnson, of Tenness
ee, as a candidate for the Presidency in
ISGB, and devotes a column of editorial
to the assignment of reasons for so do
—A Western editor says: We learn
from South America that there is ''war
on the Plate," and Prentice adds:
When General Butler was in New Or
leans there was a terrible war on the
plate—the gold and silver plate.
—The owner of the farm known as
Dutch Gap, finding that the island
made by the cutting of Butler's canal
could not be conveniently put to
without some means of communication
with the mainland, has gone to work
filling up one end of the canal, in order
to create a causeway; and the great ca
nal will soon be among the things that
Th e Washington Republican of yester
day says:
We learn that Judge Wayne, of the
Supreme Court of the United States,
will, under the recent decision of that
tribunal against the right of military
commissions to try citizens not in the
military or naval service, issue a writ
by which Dr. Mudd, one of the assas
sin conspirators, will be removed from
confinement at the Dry Tortugas and
brought before a civil triVainal for trial.
Similar writs may issue in the cases of
Spangler, Arnold and Laoighlin, the
other conspirators confined there.
SION.—The lialeigh Sentinel of Friday
says: "Gov. Worth, Judge Ruffin and
Gov. Swain returned from Wash in gton
city last night to this city, having ac
complished their mission entirely to
their satisfaction. They speak in t igh
terms of the courtesy and prompts ess
of the President, and his readiness to
execute with fidelity his obligations to
the entire country. Their intercom
with the officials of the Governrae at
and leading members of Congress w as
entirely courteous and pleasant, ai id
they return with the hope, mingle d
with much anxiety, that coming event s
will not be as direful and destructive
to the peace and welfare of the South
as recent developments have led oar
people to fear."
ABOUT FEET.— A lady writer, who
can doubtless spring for herself an ankle
exquisitely fragile—sp*eaks thus sensi
bly and sharply in regard to the new
edict of imperial fashion which pre
scribes short skirts and small crinoline.
Mind you, ladies fair, they are the
words of your sex, not ours—but
though not a party we are interested
lookers on. All of upper tendom and
japonieadum is in a flutter of anxious
excitement about the new fashion of'
short skirts. The new aristocracy that
came in with the war (confidentially)
cannot all of them boast of little feet,
the arching instep and slender make
that should accord with their brilliant
surroundings. Mesdames Oil, Shoddy
and Peat, are rather large and bony,
with ill-kept nails and stubby as to the
hands, and the feet are certainly not
models for a sculptor, if we may judge
from observation and an eye quick to
observe these little mistakes in nature.
Complexions may be made, forms made
over, and capacities may be bought for
new and rustling greenbacks but what
skill can fashion into symmetry a clum
sy foot and ankle? How can gloves
ever be made to hide the size of the
hand? Thus the short skirts, just
escaping the ground, and a very small
crinoline, though presenting so piquant
and neat an appearance, are surveyed
with horror by those who cannot dis- j
close "little feet that peep in and out
like mice."
GOOD IDEA. —An exchange well says
that in view of the financial chang< s
which have taken place during thepast
five yars; our school arithmetics should
he revised and adapted to the pres
ent state t>f things; the price given
in the example should lie those of the
present day; the difference between
gold and currency recognized; the
mode of computing the national in
ome tax explained ; different class of
U. S. securities described, and exam
ples given ioshow the result of invest
ment in them.
—lt is said that the Government de
tectives are unable to find L. Lad, tie
tavern keeper at Surrattsville, who
gave testimony for the Government on
the trial of Mrs. Surratt, Paine, and
others, and also George Wilkman,
another witness, who held a Govern
ment office as deputy clerk. This is.
not strange. The wonder is that many
more have not "turned up missing,"
considering that they are wanted by a
court wjiich will not put a premium
upon lying.
"MY dear," said a husband to his
affectionate better half, after a little
squabble, "you'll certainly never be
permitted to go to heaven." "Why
not?" "Because you will be wantedas
tormentor below."
MISCEGENATION . —"A good-! oolcing,
intelligent, well dressed, tidy and pre
posessing white girl," of Ohio, has
married a big Sambo, about seven de
grees blacker than a bucket of coal tar.
Mated doves,
Two souls with but a single thought,
Two colors mixed 4s one.
IT is proposed to light the streets
a certain village with red-headed girls.
Quadrat, of the Lexington Gazette,
says if lie lived there he'd play tipsey
every night and hug the lamp-posts.
This great medicine cared Dr. J. H. Schenck, the
proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it
had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when
speeds death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced his case incurable, when ho
commenced the tse of this simple but powerful
remedy. His health was restored in a very short
time, and no return of the disease has been appre
hended, for alt thesymptoms quickly disappeared,
and his present weight is more than two hunt re
Since his recovery, he has devoted his attention
exclusively to th fare of Consumption, and the
diseases which art usually complicated with it,
and the cures effected by his medicines have been
very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck
makes professional visvt* to several of tho larger
cities weekly, where he hn a large concourse
patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor
consumptives that have t© be lifted out of their
carriages, and in a few 111 onth s healthy, robust
persons. Dr. Schenck's PULMONIC Svntrp, SKA
WEED TOXIC, and MANDRAKE PIT- '- a > are generally
all required in curing Consum pt '° n - Fu)l d,rcc *
tions accompany each, so that A n y one c,in l '" >
them without seeing Dr. Schenck'. but when it is
convenient it is best to see him. Hi ' P Tes J VICO
free, but for a thorough examinatioi i with bis Re
spirometer his fee is three dollars.
Please observe, when purchasing, t two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in ti 10 last stage
of consumption, und the other as he no' I )er
feet health, are on the Government sti °P
Sold by all druggists and dealers; pi ico oO
per bottle, or $7 50 the half dozen. All letters for
advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck s prin
cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, P oiladel
phia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents—Dema a Barnes & Cc .
New York; S. S. Hanc'e, Baltimore, Md ; John C .
Park. Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A T aylor, Chief
go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo..
the HAIR, and is the most delightful md wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair , but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is 1 dgbly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of ?alin and
a new n>..l beautiful perfume, which in d; dicacy of
I scent, aud the tenacity with which it clin; js to tho
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.-
The above articles for sale by all Drugs ists and
Perfumers, per bottle each. Sent by express
| to any address by proprietors,
T. W. WRIGHT 4. CO.,
octl9'G6yl 10 0 Liberty St., New York.
warranted superior to a. iy others, or no pay. for '
the cure of Distemper. Wo rais, Rots, Coughs, Hide
bound, Colds, Ac., in Hones; and Colds, Coughs,
Loss of Milk, Black TongutHorn Distemper, Ac.,
in Cattle. These Powders tvere formerly put up
by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, since
his death, the demand Iras In *en so great for them,
that Dr. Tobias has continued to manufacture
them. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no
need of stopping the working of j'our animals.
They increase the appeitife, 'give a fim-coat, cleanse
the stomach and urinary organs ; also increase tho
milk of cows. Try them, an d you n ill never be
without them. Hiram Woodruff, tho celebrated
trainer of trotting horses, has used then i for years,
and recommends them to his friei'ds. Col. Philo
P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Cou'rser, Fordham,
N. Y., would not use them until be w as told of
what they are composed, since ivhich he is never
without them. Ho has over 20 running torses in
his charge, and for the last three years he h as use J
no other medicine for them. He has kin-i 'y per
mitted me 10 refer any one to him. Over, 1,000
otlioT references can be seen at tho depot. . Sohl
by Druggists and Saddlers. Price -25 cents per
box. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York.
INVASION!—Do you wish to have
yoixr hair cauterized from the scalp? No. Thi >n
he-.vare of the new brood of Nitriolie and causfi 0
IDj/es got up by nostrum-mongers, who bear tht '
•arae relation to the responsible Chemist that
bear to honest merchantmen. Remember that the
experience of years, and the very highest scientific
endorsements, guarantee the superiority of
over every other in use. It is purely vegetable,,
inftillib'e and instantaneous. Manufactured by
J. CHRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold,
by Druggists. Applied by all flair Dressers,
('ONTAG ious DISEASES.—Water must
be Adapted to the nature of the fish, or there will
he no increase; the soil must be adapted to the
seed, or there will be small returns; and the hu
man body must contain impurities, or there will
be no sickness. The man whoso bowels and blond
have been cleansed by a few
may walk through infected districts without fear
"The life of the flesh is in the blood." To secure
health we must use BRAXDRETH'S PILLS, because
but from unhealthy accumulations in the bowels
or the blood, which Brandreih's Pills remove; this
method is following nature, and is safe, and has
STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. Soe B. Brandreth in
■white letters in the Government stamp, t*old by
all Druggists. janfml
To CONUM PTI VKS. —The advertiser,.
having been restored t" health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and th i*
dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
1 To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tile
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure CORE for CONSUMPTION,.
Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of
] the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
j benelit the afflicted, and spread information which
■ he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
] sufferer will try his remedy, as it wiU.ksoat theuu
j nothing, and may provf a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE"; by rc
j turn mail, will please address
Williamsburg!), Kings Co., New York.
I Jan. 3, ; (5(1—ly.
STRANGE, EL T TRUE.—Every young
lady and gentleman in the United States can hear
j something very much to their advantage by re
turn mail (free of charge,) hy addressing the un
dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug
ged will oblige by not noticing this cord. Others,
will please address their obedient servant,
t>iil Broadway, New York
1 Jan. 5, '6B ly.
Scratch! Scratch! — WH EATON'S OINTMENT will
, cure Itch in 43 Hours.
Also cures Salt Kheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
\ all Eruptions of the Skin. Price off cents. For,
j sale by all druggists By sending (50 cents to .
i Weeks A Potter, sole agents. 170 Washington strcoMl
Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of
' age, to any part of the United States. m
_funß,'66.-ly. 1
• /
i ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A Gentleman#
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Prul
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful iii|_
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering
ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
, rections for making the simple remedy by which ■
i he was cured. Sufferers wishiug to profit by the
advertisers experience, can do so by addre- ing ri
1 No. El
I Ju - iV, - |v
| \S best