The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 21, 1866, Image 3

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    ®lir tit.
Friday Jlornlntr,......lwmb#r 21, I*o6
Circulate your County Paper.
The following named gentlemen hare been ap
pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the
GAZETTE. They are authorized to receipt for us:
Bloody Tluii —Jeremiah Thompson.
Ray's Hitl —D. A T Black.
Monroe —Daniel Fletcher
Cole,ruin —Geo. W. Deal, H P Diebl.
C. Voile y—D. R Anderson, A Zeuibower.
Londonderry —J.-imes C Devore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. C'ssna, Geo. Gardill.
Srhel/sharg —J E. Black.
Sapier —John Sill. John W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender
RVsiey Bennett
Union— yi. Werti. W. B Lambright.
M. Woodherry —W M Pearson, Daniel Barley
.S Woodherry —J. I. Noble. J. S Brumbaugh
Hopewell—W. A. Grove, J B. Fluke.
Broad Top —M A. Hunter
Liberty —Geo. Romles, D. Stoler.
Saxton —Charles Faxon.
St Clair— John W. Crisman, Samuel Bcckley
Snaie Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G. Hart
ley and M S. Ritchey.
W. Providence —Geo. Baughman, Homer Neice
TEiad. Steven* announce* on the flooi
of Coujfrca* that Jeff. Davis la not
guilty of Treason!
On Tuesday, the 11th inst., Thadde
us Stevens arose in his place in th<
lower House of Congress, and declaret
L .hathe "did not believe that Mr. Davi
ould be tried for treason, nor that he hat
en guilty of treason. Fits offence ucu
71 of a belligerant, not of a traitor
A l he was utterly opposed to passim
s to hang a man, after his offence am
'he purposeof hanging him Wi
?Iy publish the fact that Mr. Stev
bok this position, and leave ou
r rs to draw their own inference
is no question as to the correct
nfc " this statement, and it can, a
an ie, be verified.
has been introduced ir
( OII S declaring it inexpedient foi
the O rnment to adopt such mea
sures p U y o ff the national deb
during ii ves 0 f the present genera
tion. igquints toward repudiation
If the di )e no paid within the nexi
thirty yt NV ht> knows but thatothei
wars and -gibiy much mal-adminis
to tration of, Goverumtnt, may plact
us in in which oui
forefathers , n( j themselves at the
close of the V oiution? May it nol
be too late, v. n this generation shall
have passed ay ? to institute measure;
to relieve the, V ernmeut from its in
debtedness? ,y t ma y no t by thai
time, the tax-y ers beo>me restivt
and continentali the bonis and otliei
paper representi- U ur deb ? We con
sider the proposim to postpone th<
payment of our BJonal indebtedness
as fraught with to tli) creditors
ind dishonor to nane, of oui
I Yd era 1 Governmet. "Piy as yoi
V is a good mottcfor govern menu
well as for indiviuais, b t if yoi
i t pay as you go, py as son as yoi
'. Me have lived to seer he grea
1 war fought out,md tbre is n<
1 reason why the >reson genera
should not see the Tnion'ully re
d and the debt prolucedby th<
lifted from the shiuldei of th<
leresolution referredto, ws offer
e< * udge Kelley, one of the trim her:
Philadelphia, and a leadeiof the
Rat, The source whence iboine*
pi ,e use for alarm. Bond-hlden
re;'explicitly upon men like lellej
to k e the faith of the goverrment
hu * tf Kvill find that their confilencc
has bey,jfepj ace£ i There is evflent
Iv trou-aijpaxj
in this regard. We
shall sei
The Rtai Mongrels having esab
IMiotl Ne. Suffrage in Massachusetts
and f'avin orn ; nate( j negroes on tleii
tickets in } er to thatclasio:
voters, the> ere enables!, for a time,
to increase t iV majorities. Thinking
that they hi permanently attached
the negroes t. e ir organization, th(
Mongrels of R refused, in theii
nominations for fy officers, a few days
<*go, to give thcirfilorcd brethren the
places upon the tqets which they de
manded. Theresu was that the whole
n?gr., element bolfi. The Democrats,
in order still furtrtf to annoy their op
ponents, nominate a negro for coun
cilman. The Moigrel majority in
Boston u-as reducedYom 3,000 to about
800, and the negro undidate for coun
cilman rah a tie with his Mongrel op
ponent. Sich are te results of Ne
gro Suffrage. The pirty that bids
highest will geithe colored vote. Shall
this element be introduced into our
The immortal Declaration of Inde
pendence asserts this great principle:
h Taxation without Representation is
Tyranny!" The people of ten States
lISU!r are now being taxed by the Mongrel
V Caucus at Washington, without being
P*,,. allowed representation in Congress.
y<L Js tyranny. Do you believe in the
On Friday last the lower House of
Congress passed the Senate Bill to con
j fer suffrage upon the Negroes of the
District of Columbia. Every "ltepub
i lican" member voted for it except the
I representatives of West Virginia, Itan
; dall and McKee, of Kentucky, and
; Kuvkendall, of Illinois. Every Dem- >
J ocratic member voted against it.
It will be remembered that last year, j
| when this subject was mooted in Con
gress, the people of the District held an
j election at which they rejected the prop
osition by an almost unanimous vote.
| This alone should have been sufficient
jto deter Congress from passing this
j bill. Upon the very doctrine of Abra- j
! ham Lincoln that our system of Gov- '
i eminent is based upon the will of the
majority, Congress should have re- ,
frained from enacting the measure.
But the law has been forced upon them,
in spite of their protest, and they are
p compelled to submit to its execution.
It can hardly be believed that a party l
: which is so fastidious a stickler for the :
. | most enlarged freedom, has deliberate-!
j ly enslaved the white people of the j
j | capital of the Union. We say enslaved, 1
for when the large majority of the vo- ;
s ; ters of a State are forced by those who j
make laws for them, to submit to
s | measures which they loathe and abhor, i
| those voters are reduced to political sla- \
f very. Congress is authorized by the j
' Constitution to legislate for the District ;
of Columbia; but it has no better right j
to set at defiance the will of the voters
* I of the District than the legislature of
r any State has to override the wishes of
the people of such State. Suppose that
_; a Constitutional Convention were cho
t sen in Pennsylvania, and that the peo
ple, by a large majority, would instruct
that Convention that it should not
strike the word white from the Consti
tution, and in spite of this instruction,
j that body would thus alter that instru
ment, would not the Convention be j
guilty of the grossest tyranny ? Well,
the case of Congress and the District of
Columbia, is precisely parallel. If it
be tyranny for the law-makers of Penn
"! sylvania to defy the will of the major
ity of the people of the State, so is it
equally tyranny in the law-makers for
j the District of Columbia, to force an
odious measure upon the citizens of the
District. But let us remember that
logic is love's labor lost with those who
are governed by party feeling, and we
know but few men who vote with the
party which has thus enslaved the
'' white people of the District of Colum
i bia, who are governed by any other
j motive. They are joined to their idols;
► >
| let them alone. So, good bye, logic!
and let the stern reasoning of results
i j convince those who will not learn in
' any other school than that of experi
ence. Let the corruption of the elec
j tive franchise, the scramble for the
votes of ignorant and degraded negroes,
| the resultant elevation of these miser
' able creatures to office, and, finally, a
t! *
| war of races, teach the lesson which
' will not be learned even from the very
: lips of Reason.
1 We. put this question to every man
1 who calls himself a Republican : Are
-! you, or are you not, in favor of forcing
> Negro Suffrage upon an unwilling peo
' | pie? Your representatives in Congress,
> j the men of your choice, have done that
' very thing. They have given the ne
* groes of the District of Columbia the
, ; right to vote, in the face of the almost
' j unanimous protest of the voters of the
• District. Now, if you are in favor of
' this business, say so; if you are oppo
sed to it, say so, and what is more and
better, act accordingly. You have
"beat around the bush" long enough
jon this subject. Be a man and show
1 the world that you are not bound to
cling to your party when it does a great
I Democrats, you remember that du
; ring the last campaign our "Republic
■ an" friend.-.denied the charge that their
i party is in favor of Negro Suffrage.
■ Now, both Houses of Congress have,
passed the bill to force Negro Suffrage
upon the people of the District of Co
i lumbia. We want every man of you
j to put this foci into the ear of his "Re
publican" neighbor. You can nowjus- 1
tify fully all that you said in regard to
this subject. The people are bound to
acknowledge that you were right. You
possess the advantage of having Truth
on your side. Make use of that advan
tage. Bring it home to every "Repub
lican" in the country.
It is the common practice of Demo- i
cratsto cease talking politics as soon as
the election is over. It is thought that j
the time for work is only during the
heat of the campaign This is all a
• mistake. NOW is the accepted time. 1
| You can't reason with a man who is !
i excited, but you may reach his under- :
i standing when his excitement has pass- 1
ed away. If Democratic newspapers j
and politicians would work effective- i
ly, now is the time for them to do it* j i
Don't slacken the traces! Pull up, i
boys, and let us all pull together! ' i
ii i* ■ liifri i ■ A
The following lines were written by
U. 8. Army, (better known as "Miles
O'Reilly," and the friend and favorite
of President Lincoln.) They are a
hard hit at the agitating Mongrel Rad
The plotting knaves who stand confessed
Rousing a permanent war of races,
Can show no badges on the breast —
I No corps hath known their faces !
Brothers are they of ''Gideon's band,"
Who followed you down to the conquered land,
And whose purses did wondrousiy expand,
1 While yoa fought the rebels hand to hand,
Reasserting our glorious Union!
They were captains in the " Home Brigade,"
When our country needed eaeh man s sinew;
In the war they drove a prosperous trade,
; And wish it now to continue.
"Our foes," forsooth, "they will not trust;
! A volcano, indeed, is beneath the crust
The sword once drawn must never rust,
: And the South forever lie in the dust—
! They will hear no talk of Union !
| Of fresh revolts they plant the germs,
' New wars are in their tyranny tendered ;
: But the Boys in Blue will keep the terms
j On which tae South surrendered !
We trust the men with whom we fought,
' We know them gallaut in act and thought—
The dream they cherished has come to nought,
And to loyalty now by rough means brought,
We welcome them back to the Union
The Congressional lied lam : Passage of
<iit> bill lo force unqnnlilictl Xegro Suf
frage upon Hie Ilislrirl of f'oliiaibiit :
<>iit;ro**inii Kootila votes for it; Tliail
Steven* declare* Jell liavi* not suillj
of Treason : Why thi* view is entertain
ed by the -Mongrel leader*. Ar„ Ac.
■ Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 1866.
MR. EDITOR: —The insane asylum
: in the Capitol is still working away,
I raging and roaring like a true bedlam,
tearing the Constitution to tatters and
trampling it under its feet. Could the
people but look in upon the doings of
their M. C's (Mad-Caps) for a single
day, they would agree with me in pro
nouncing Congress a collection of in
sane revolutionists, or a pack of knavish
politicians, plotting for their own su
premacy, at the risk of the destruction
of republican government. Such a set
of political desperadoes as compose this
Congress havn't got together since the
, days of the Long Parliament, and if
l they undertake to imitate that histori
cal legislature, as they talk of doing,
by making themselves perpetual, the
love of Liberty will have died out in
the hearts of the American people, if
not another Cromwell be found to
check their usurpation.
Yesterday was signalized by the pas
sage of the bill to force Negro Suffrage
upon the people of the District of Colum
bia. It was attempted to amend it by
confining the right to vote to those who
can read and write. But even this lim
itation was not allowed by the Mongrel
Radicals. Senator Cowan proposed to
amend the bill so as to confer suffrage
upon women, but as this included white
persons, it was summarily voted down.
The bill has now been passed by both
Houses, and wants but the signature of
the President to become a law. It is
naked, flat-footed Negro Suffrage , with
out limitation or qualification, and
under this law any negro, no matter
how ignorant or degraded, becomes the
political equal of any and every white
man, and the political superior of any
white woman in the District
of Columbia. Your Representative , Mr.
KOONTZ, voted for the bill. 1 am glad
to find that he is honest enough to stand
up for the doctrines of his party. Every
"Republican" member from Pennsyl
vania, present when the vote was taken,
voted for the bill. I wonder whether
in the next canvass in your State these
fellows will deny, as they did last fall,
that they are in favor of Negro Suf
frage? The President will, doubtless,
veto the hill, but it will be passed over
his veto. The vote, upon its passage,
stood in the Senate, 32 to 16; in the
House, 117 to 46. The Democrats all
voled against it, and also the "Repub
licans" in the House from West Vir
ginia and Kentucky. Old Frank Thom
as, of the Allegany district, Maryland,
voted for it.
Thad. Stevens declared in a speech
in the House, the other day, that Jeff.
Davis is not guilty of Treason, and might
not to be tried for Treason ! Now,
oughtn't Thad. to be hung for this dis
loyal utterance ? I wonder what people
will begin to say about Mr. Stevens!
Will they not set him down as a traitor,
too ? What! Jeff. Davis not guilty of
treason! And here we have been lis
tening for six years to the thunderings
of Mr. Stevens and his friends against
Traitors and Treason, and even in the
late campaign we heard them proclaim
from every stump that "Treason must
be punished and Traitors madeodious!"
Who will not be disloyal after this sum
mersault of Mr. Stevens ? Who cannot
turn "copperhead," now that the leader
of the "loyal people" pronounces Jeff.
Davis innocent of Treason ? But Thad.
and his co-workers care not a huddle
about Jeff. Davis. The game they are
after is of a different sort. They want
to emasculate the Stales that will not vote
the Radical ticket for President , or, if
that cannot be done, they aim to kill
them altogether. Their effort to deprive
the Southern States of one-half of their
representation, by the adoption of the
proposed Constitutional Amendment,
having failed, they now talk of re
manding those States into a territorial
condition. In order to accomplish this
last, they must proceed upon the ground
that secessiota was lawful, and that the
secession of the Southern States made
them independent foreign govern
ments, wh|>se territory the United
States Government holds by right of
conquest. <j[)f course, under this view,
Jeff. Davis tiould not be guilty of Trea
son. But ll doubt whether Mr. Ste
vens'territorial project will find enough
supporters ir\ either House to make it
a law. I thi nut it will fail. The fact
is, that with aJI their show of unanim
ity, there is little cohesion among tliu
mongrels at present. 1 have hope that
• i ■
they will be unable to cling together
till the Presidential election.
I saw here, a few days ago, your
friend I). A. T. Black, Esq. of your
county,who has taken out letters patent
for an improvement on sleds and
sleighs, which ought to be of use in
your snowy regions. David deserves
success, and I hope his patent will look
to everybody as "pretty as a woman."
Congress has adjourned for the Holi
days, and so will your correspondent.
__________ I >HY *
—John G. Saxe is going to Europe.
—Fenian Father McMahon was once
curate of St. Benott Parish, C. E.
—Mrs. Jefferson Davis has returned
to Montreal, after a long stay with her
husband at Fortress Monroe.
—The Gazette de France is the oldest
newspaper in existence. It is in its
236 th year.
The dead duck thinks he won't be a
candidate for United States Senator.
Everybody else thought so long ago.
—The United States government has
| concluded to furnish the entire army
with breech-loading arms.
—Jenny Lind's husband has been
made Vice-President of the London
Academy of Music.
—The test oath excludes all but sixty
of the seven hundred lawyers of New
Orleans from practicing in the United
! States Court.
—The bakers of London are hereafter
j to have a newspaper devoted to their
interests, and it is to be called by the
I appropriate title of "The Staff of Life."
—The Alabama Legislature has re
jected the Rump Amendment to the
Constitution by a vote of 27 to 2 in the
Senate, and 69 to Bin the House. Good.
—Birds' feathers are now being used
to trim ladies dresses with. They will
; be great to go on a lark, or a robin ex
| cursion.
—Somebody wants to know why
flour was cheaper with gold at 280 than
it is with gold at 140. Let him ask the
1 Rump Congress how it is.
—ln Massachusetts, they whip wo
j men, but are shocked at the idea of
I the slightest indignity offered to the
: sacred hide of a negro.
A Lynchburg paper thinks that
if the Southern States shall be reduced
to a territorial condition, that their le
i gislatures will repudiate all State debts.
Old Brown low is represented as
! "emaciated." No wonder; for several
i years he has vented nothing but corro
sive sublimate. — Pat. and Union.
A New Hampshire court lately
granted forty divorces in two days.
They seem to be opposed to every sort
of Union up there.
The gross receipts from premiums of
| the Hartford insurance companies for
! the month of October, as returned to
' the assessor, amount to $741,630.
The Southern States areeonstantly
"insulting" the Radical Rump because
i they refuse to put the halterof negro
: suffrage around their necks and chop
: their political heads off.
—The Bermuda Gazette of the 27th
i ult. says:—Cholera is reported to pre
vail at St. Thomas, and it is said that
from eighteen to twenty persons were
| faliing victims to it daily.
—Last year the wheat received at
I Chicago amounted to 16,424,491 bush
i els. This year it amounts to 20,045,000
bushels. The present high price of
| flour is thus traceable to the specula
tors and not to a short crop.
—The cigar ship Ross Winans, built
I in England, had returned from a short
cruise. She encounted very stormy
weather, but made her way through the
; heavy sea at the rate of sixteen knots
| an hour.
—An effort is to be made in Congress
; to "get the channel of Hell Gate deep
! ened." Ben. Butler should be on that
I Committee, byal! means, as one noton
' ly likely to be familiar with the sub
| jeet, but personally interested in its
! approaches.
—Cholera cases in a state of collapse
i have recently been successful treated by
I injecting cold water into the veins. The
blood is thussupplied with the watery
particles which it loses in cholera, the
coagulation is dissipated and heat and
circulation restored.
—TIIK Cinci n nat i Commercial foots up
the grand total of one hundred and
eight houses of ill fame, and fifteen
gambling houses in that city and adds:
In each case, as to houses of this class,
the Chief of Police has recorded the
name of the managing woman, and the
number, street, Ac.
—The Metropolitan police force, or
ganized, under the laws of the New
York State Legislature, for the Govern
ment of the cities of New York and
Brooklyn, consists of 2171 men, of whom
1808 are in New York city and 307 in
Brooklyn. During thepast year 75,638
arrests have been made by this force
in New York, and 21,696 in Brooklyn.
—Bernard Sprunk, the Treasurer of
the Pennsylvania Building Association
of Philadelphia, has disappeared. Sev
eral sums have been named as the a
mount of the defalcation. It will cer
tainly reach fourteen thousand dollars.
The members, most of whom are men
of small means, have generally in vest
ed all theirearnings in the concern, and
theirlosses, forthat reason,are the more
severely felt by them.
—Governor Swann, Lieutenant Gov
ernor Cox and Superintendent of In
struetion Van Bokkelen, who compose
the State Board of Education, of Md.,
have adopted the following: "< Irdered,
that no teacher be required to take any
test oath, or any other oath, as a re
quisite condition to entitle him or her
to receive a certificate or to be employ
ed as a teacher in any of the public
schocls of the State."
SENATE. —The Committee on Terri
tories reported in favor of the hi 11 for
the admission of Colorado. The Com
mittee on the Judiciary was instructed
to ascertain whether any additions' d leg
islation is necessary in relation to the
succession to the Presidency, in case of
disability by death or otherwise of the
persons now designated to fillth. it off
ice. The bill suspending all payments
for services of slaves enlisted in the
United States army until the a war d of
the Commissioners has been appro * r ed
by Congress was reported from the Co m
mittee on Finance. The bill providii 'g
for negro suffrage in the District of Co 1-
umbia was then taken up, the questioi'
being on Mr. Cowan's amendment al
lowing females the right of suffrage. A
long debate ensued, i n which a number
of members participated, Mr. Wil
liams, of Oregon, made a vi
olent speech in favor of negro suffrage,
in which he said that "he wished the
descendants of those proud and haugh
ty familiesof the District to goto the {
polls with negroes." He thought all j
males should be allowed to vote, but did j
not favor female suffrage. Mr Morrill
declared that sutfrage was not a natu
ral right, but a privilege, which could
betaken away at any time. Mr. Cowan,
the author of the amendment, made
several humorous speeches in favor of
it, and Mr. Wade advocated female suff
rage. Without finally disposing ofthe
amendment the Senate adjourned.
HOUSE. —A bill requiring the Secre
tary of the Treasury to sell fifty millions
of dollars of gold, or m< re if necessary,
was introduced but was; Afterwards with
drawn. The Committee on the Judici
ary reported a bill requiring the Clerk
of the House to make a roll of the Rep
resentatives elect fromtdl the States be
fore the next Congress, and forbidding
the insertion of the name of any person
from a State not represented in this
Congress. The bill was passed. A bill
was introduced by Mr. Wilson prohibi
ting the counting of electoral votes
from any Southern State until such
State shall be allowed r< 'presentation in
Congress. The bill was referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary. A bill
was passed repealing as much of the
act of April .10, 1790, as related to the
powers of jurors. The hill regulating
appointments and removals from office
was taken up and debated. A substi
tute was offered by Mr. I tale, from the
Committee on retrenchment. A long
discussion ensued and was continued up
to the hour of adjournment, but no
definite action was taken on the bill.
SENATE.—A joint resolution return
ing thanks to Mr. Cyrus W. Field for
his efforts in establishing theocean tele
graph was introduced and referred to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The
President was requested to inform the !
Senate whether any appointments have j
been made to till vacancies existing pri
or to the adjournment of Congress on
the 28th of July,and ifso, whether per
sons so appointed have received any
pay for their services, and especially in
relation to the office of Surveyor of the
port of Philadelphia. The consideration
of the bill providing for negro stiifrage
in the District of Columbia was then
resumed, the question being on Mr.
Cowan's amendment giving females
the right of voting. After a very long
discussion a vote was taken on the
amendment, and it was rejected—yeas
6, nays :!7. An amendment was offered
by Mr. Dixon, requiring all persons
who have not heretofore voted in the
District to be able to read and write be
fore their ballots shall be received at the
polls. The Senate then adjourned.
HOUSE. —The credentials of Hon. B.
H. Epperson, representative elect from
the Western district of Texas, were in
troduced and referred to the Committee
on Elections. The bill reported from
the Committeeon the Judiciary repeal
ing so much of the statute of 1790 as
prohibits prosecutions for treason from
being made after a longer period than
three years from the commission of the
crime was taken up. A long debate
ensued, in which Mr. Rogers, of New
Jersy, argued with great ability against
the repeal of this law. A number of
other members also participated in the
discussion, some favoring and others
opposing the bill. It was finally recom
mitted to the Committeeon the Judici
ary. A bill was passed allowing the
President to confer brevet rank on offi
cers in the regulararmy, who havebeen
brevetted for gallant and meritorious
actions while serving in the volunteer
forces. The bill regulating appoint
ments and removals from office, was ta
ken up, and an amendment was offered
allowing heads of Departments to ap
point their own subordinate officers
with the consent of the Senate. This
amendment was afterwards modified
so as to give the appointing power to
the President, and was then passed by
a vote of 78 to 77. An amendment was
adopted providing for the punishment,
by tine or imprisonment, of all persons
who shall presume to hold office after
being rejected by the Senate. The bill
was finally laid over and made the spec
ial order for to-day. A resolution was
adopted calling on the President for all
information" in his possession in relation
to the New Orleans riots. The House
then adjourned.
SBNiVTE. —Notice was given that the
bill for the admission of Colorado will
be called up to-day. The bill provi
ding for negro suffrage in the District
of Columbia was then taken up, the
question being on Mr. Dixon's amend
ment, requiring all persons offering to
vote, who have not heretofore been
voters in the District, to he able to read
and write before their ballots shall be
received. A long discussion ensued,
in which a number of the members par
ticipated. Mr. I>ane, of Indiana, made
a speech in which he said that he would
never vote for the readmission of the
Southern State until they allowed the
negroes to vote. A vote was taken on
the amendment and it was rejected
yeas 11, nays 34. An amendment was
adopted providing that any person at
tempting to bribe a voter shall be pun
ished by imprisonment for not over
two years, or by tine not exceeding two
thousand dollars, and any person re
ceiving a bribe by not over one year's
imprisonment and shall be forever dis
franchised. Several additional amend
ments were also adopted. A vote was
then taken on the bill and it was pass
ed—yeas 32, nays 13. <)n the announe
ment of the result it was cheered by
the negroes in the galleries and hissed
by the whites. The Senate then ad
HOUSE. —A resolution was passed al
lowing the Committee on Public Ex
penditures to hold a meeting in New
York during the present session of Con
gress. A concurrent resolution was
passed, providing that when the House
adjourns on Thursday the 20th inst.,
it be until Thursday, Jan. 3d, 1867.
The House then went into Committee
of the Whole upon the Diticiency Ap
propriation bill for the year ending
June, 30, 1867. The paragraph appro
priating one hundred and seventy-five
thousand live hundred and eighty-two
dollars for the deficiency for work done
on Government property by the corpo
ration of Washington was stricken out.
A number of unimportant amend
ments were then adopted, after which ;
the committee rose and reported the
bill to the House. The bill was passed
by the House as amended. Among
the principal items is one of two hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars, to sup
ply deficiencies in expenses for foreign
intercourse, by which is meant the ex -
expenses of bringing Surratt to this
! country and for those of his trial after
! wards. The House then went into
Committee of the Whole and took cip
I the President's message. Mr. War d,
| of New York, made a long speech d e
nouncing the President. At its co n
elusion the committee rose and the
House adjourned.
SENATE.—The bill for the admissi on
of Nebraska was taken up and re ad.
! An amendment was offered declaring
j that this act shall not take effect un' ess
negro suffrage shall be allowed by the
State Constitution. A long discus- ion
arose. Mr. Sherman made a speec nin
which he said that the Southern SI xites
| would be admitted to representatio non
; their adopting the Constitutional
1 amendment. After some further dis-
I eussion tl le bill was laid aside, and the
j resolution adoptod by the House, pro
-1 viding rot' itsudjournnient from Thurs
! day, the 3 >th inst., to Thursday, Janu
| ary :3d, 188 7, was taken up and passed
after being amended so as to apply to
the Senate also. The Senate then went
into exeeuti ve session, and at its close
adjourned until Monday.
HOUSE. —The Chaplain of the House,
in his openit >g prayer, thanked God for
the enfraneh isement of the negro in the
District, and hoped that this was but a
commeneeme nt of "more good work."
A petition sig ned by Governor Weils
and certain ot. her citizens of the State
of Louisiana, i -"king the establishment
i of a "loyal Got /eminent" in that State,
! was presented and referred to the Com
mittee on tne I sew Orleans Riots. The
Houseconcurre d in the Senate amend
ments to the Dt 'ficiency bill. The Sen
ate bill proviiiii >g for negro suffrage in
the District of Columbia was taken up
and passed, b\ • a vote of yeas lis, nays
46, without de. >ate. The House then
went into Conn nit tee of the Whole, and
resumed the eo usideration of the Presi
dent's message. Mr. Wentworth, of Il
linois, made a speech, opposing the
President's poli ey. Mr. Hise made a
brief speech in i avorof the President's
course, after which the Committee rose.
Mr. N. G. Tayl< >r, of Tennessee, was ex
cused from ser\ dug on the Committee
on the New < >r : .i-ans Riots, and Mr. Mc-
Cullough, of M ary land, was appointed
to fill the vacai icy.
We find the following sensible talk
in the Philadelphia Age, and we coin
mend it to the attention of those Dem
ocrats who see tn to think that printing
a Democratic j >aper is an easy and pro
i fitable bu.sines s; to those, also, who,
i being in position to assist the editor,
! neglect to do it; and, especially, to
! that more numerous class who sub
j scribe for theii • paper but are negligent
) about paying f or it:
" It is no m ore than justice to say
that every nn in who now publishes a
Democratic p. i per, does a self-sacrificing
work, and, ta ken as a class, we know
of no truer oi • more patriotic men than
the Democrat ic editors of the North
ern States, iVs n body, they are far in
advance of the politicians, who, in
j many instances, are dead weights upon
them. We say, therefore, that if there
is any class of r.aen who deserve well
of Democrats , it is, taken as a whole,
the Deinocn itic editors. We urge,
therefore, th at Democrats generally
I should try t y understand the difficul
; ties under v Inch their editors labor,
| and when 1 ney see what advantages
the Aboliti > n press have over them,
they will let ( like taking hold and aid
ing them with material aid in their
unequal fight.
As the Nt nv Year approaches, let
systematic efforts be made to give a
wide exte isi' Dn to Democratic journals.
Active Dcni ocrats should commence
; early making out lists of those who
! ought to, ar d probably will take (if
' called upon) either a city or local paper,
jor perhaps b< jth. Let it be the busi
i ness of some one to see his Democratic
neighbors, a> id urge upon them the ne
cessity of sust fining their papers. Dem
ocrats must be doubly vigilant if they
would perpetuate their principles and
.save republic an institutions from com
plete overth row, and their children
1 from the cru filing taxation of a money
| ed aristocrat :y and monopolist's des
i mmm '• -
• RAILROAD.- -An item published a few
| days ago, re.'erring to the Sand Patch
i Tunnel on th e line of the above road,
j concluded as follows: "As soon as the
j legal questio tis concerning the Pitts
! burg and Connellsville Railroad shall
; have been d ecided, the work on the
; road will be pushed rapidly forward to
j completion." The "United States
! Railroad and Mining Register" replies
j and makes tl ic following suggestion:
j "As the questions' referred to
j have been appealed to the Supreme
j Court of the United States, at Wash
| ington, it would seem as if a final de
i eision had been indefinitely adjourned,
; for, as the case stands before the pub
j lie, it is not clear that either of the
j two great interests that are the real
| parties in the suit, are very urgent for
i a conclusive adjudication. *
i Meanwhile the development of the
; Southwest portion of Pennsylvania is
I postponed. In the progress of events,
j however, it is made more manifest from
j year to year that the Pittsburg and
1 Connelsville Railroad Company must
, look upon Harrisburg rather than Cu
m berland as the principal eastern point
in its plan and programme.
With its name changed to the "Pits
burg, Cum norland ahd 1 larrisburg Rail
road," and its corporate privileges ex
tended to cover the ground from Will's
Creek, at the eastern base of the Alle-1
glieny Mountain, (where the present j
route makes a turn in its course to j
reach Cumberland,) to the Lebanon ;
Valley Railroad on the east bank of ;
the .Susquehanna river, the scheme j
would be adjusted to the interests of J
Pittsburg, Ihe southwest counties. West j
Virginia, etc.; because then the line j
would have direct outlet to all the three I
great tide water cities, and could com- j
mand financial success."
United States R- t/is/er for 1867, com- j
piled by J. Disturnell, and not yet ;
printed, shows thai of the six hundred j
vessels belonging to our navy at the I
close of the war, two hundred and j
ninety-four were in the service last j
week. About all the useless vessels I
have been sold. On the list now are
sixty-three iron-dads, six frigates, and i
sixty-five ships of the line. The Gov- ,
eminent makes the following classifi- :
cation, the rates referring to size rather j
than to the quality of the vessels : j
Rates. Nos. Guns, j
First-rate ships of war, 31 886 ,
Second-rate ships of war, 48 608 j
Third-rate ships of war, 60 881 j "■
Fourth-rate ship 3of war, 145 390 i *
Total, 294 2,563 .
In the first-rate are placed the vessels 1
of 2,500 tons and over. 5
• SCHENCK'S MKPICIXES.—To cure consumption, the
. system must be prepared so that the iungs will
- heal. To accomplish this, the liver and stomach
) I must first be cleansed and an appetite created for
> good wholesome food, which, by these medicines
• will be digested properly, and good healthy blood
" ! made; thus building up the constitution. Sehenek's
~ | Mandrake Pills cleanse the stomach of all bilious
" ! or mucous accumulations; and, by using the Sea
! Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored.
Scbcnck's Pulmonic Syrup is nutritious as well
" r as medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all
J. | impurities are expelled from the system, ami good, 4
(i wholesome blood made, which will repel all dis
j : ease. If patients will take thete medicines ac
j ! cording to directions, consumption very frequently
s i in its last stage yields readily to their action
, j Take the pills cleanse the liver and
I , stomach. It does not follow that because the bow
- j els are not costive they are not required, forsome
-0 | times in diarrhoea they are necessary. The stora
- ach must be kept healthy, and an appetite created J||
to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on tho resnir- fl
- atory organs properly and allay any irritation. tjH|
1 Then all that is required to perforin a permanent 1
' cure is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise ahuint ..." '
1 tho rooms as much as possible, eat ail the rich<* 5
- food—fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything tfe "'
appetite craves; hut be particular and maaticie
' well. 2d w
r „
S j the IIAIR, and is the most delightful and wono.
i ful article the world ever produced.
| Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy
. i Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but all
• desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly j.
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indep
j dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm i
> 1 Mace.
1 | a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to t
_ baudkerehicf and person, is unequaled.
2 The above articles for sale by all Druggists ai
4 Perfumers, at $i per bottle each. Sentbyexpn
to any address by proprietors,
3 octlD'fiiiyl 100 Liberty St., New York.
■warranted superior to any others, or no pay, fbi
the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs. Hide
bound. Odds, Ac., in Horses; and Colds, Cough 3,
; Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper. Ac.,
. | in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up
by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, aud. since
| bis death, the demand has been so great for them
1 I that Dr. Tobias has continued to manufacture
" | them. They are perfectly safe and inDocent; no
, j need of stopping the working of your animals.
, | They increase tho appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse
) j the stomach and urinary organs; also i acrease the
i milk of cows. Try them, and you will never be
! without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated
t trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years.
and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo
. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course. Fordham
N. Y.. would not use them until he was told of
r what they are composed, since which he is nevei
without them. He has over 20 running horses ir
I his charge, and for the last three years he has usee
. no other medicine fur them. He has kindly per
, mitted me 10 refer any ona to him. Over 1,00
I j other references can be seen at the depot. Sob
I by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents pe
i box Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street. New York.
[ nov3ow7
so! ve an d assuage pain, by calling forth the acrl
: humors from parts internal to the shin and gr
eral circulation—thus, tn many cases, positivty
evapora ting the disease.
There is nothing equal, in the way of a plaste,
' to the Porous Plaster of Mr. ALLCOCK. Ever
thing is pleasant about them. They arc the pi a
| ter of the'day, and a fit type of our present a -
j vaneement in science and art. In Asthma. Cougi,
-j Kidney Affections, Gout, Rheumatism, and locil
I deep-seated pains, they afford permanent relief,
i J. F. JOHNSON, M. D., on --Topicil Remedies."
From a personal knowledge of these plasters, we
can state that they arc decidedly preferable to any
other in use. Wherever relief is to be obtained
by the use of a plaster, we should recommend
them. A. INGRAIIAM, M.D . Ed. N. Y. Mentor.
Agency, Brandreth House, New Y'ork. Sold by
druggists. nov3oml
MARCHING OX ! \ —Constantly ad
vancing in public favor, throughout the United
States, the British Colonies and Spanish America,
and needing no
to proclaim its success, that standard article,
is now far ahead of any preparation of its class.
People of Fashion at length thoroughly under
stand the terrible consequences entailed by the
use of metallic and caustic preparations, and admit
the superiority of this famous vegetable Dye. Man
ufactured byJ. CHRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New
York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair
Dressers. novSOml j
To CoxauMPTivES. —The advertiser,
having been restored t" health in a few weeks bv
| a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make .
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the (
prescription used (tree of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure CURB for CONSUMPTION.
Throat and Lung Affections. The only object "i J;
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to ,
benefit the afflicted.-and spread information whiib fin
he conceives to be invaluable, and ho hopes every Tl
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost thesn rl
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by re
turn mail, will nleaso address
Williamsburg!), Kings Co., New York
Jan. 5, '66 —ly.
STRANGE, BUT TRUE.— Every young j
lady and gontleman in the United States can host r
something very much to their advantage by re- I
turn mail (free of charge,) by addressing the un- 1
dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug- l
ged will oblige by not noticing this card. Others I
will please address their obedient servant,
83! Broadway, New dork
| Jan. 5, '60 —ly.
j Scratch! Scratch.' — WHKATON'S OINTMENT will
I cure Itch in 48 Hours.
I Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
nil Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For
1 sale by all druggists By sending 60 cents to
WecksA Potter, soleagents. 170 Washington street
Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of post
age, to any part of the United States.
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion. will, for the sake of suffering humani
ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
rections for making the simple remedy by which jj
be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the 0
advertisers experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers St., New York.
Jan. 5. 66 —ly.
lie keeps on hand a stock ot" tine tiold and ril- ■
or Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re- J
mod Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold |
Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best flj
quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
any thing in his line not on hand. iS
Oct. 20, 1805- ■
I best Advertising Medium in SoutherD I'enn- K
ylvania. II