The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 14, 1866, Image 1

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Tranquil State of the Country.
Vfter a brief interval the Congress of
he United States resumes its annual
legislative labors. An all-wise and
merciful Providence has abated the
pestilence which visited our shores,
leaving its calamitous tran s upon some
portions of our country. Peace, order,
tranquility and civil authority have
been formally declare* 1 toexisf through
out the whole of the United States. In
all of the States civil authority has su
persede*! the coercion of arms, ami the
people, by their voluntary action, are
maintaining their governments in iu.l
activity and complete operation. Ihe
enforcement of the laws is no .onger
"obstructed in any State by combina
tions too powerful to be suppressed by
the ordinary course of judicial proeoed
in<rsand the animosities engendered
bvAhe war are rapidly yielding to the |
beneficent influences of our tree insii
tutions, and to the kindly effects of un- ;
restricted social and commercial inter-1
course. An entire restoration of fra- I
ternal feeling must be the wish of every j
ii-itriotic heart; and we will have ae-1
complislied our grandest national I
achievement when, forgetting the sad ;
events of the past, and remembering j
pn'v their instructive lessons, we re
gime our onward career as a free, pros
perous and united people.
Restoration of the State* South.
In inv message ot tiie 4th of Decern- 1
her 186-5, Congress was informed of the j
measures which had been instituted by i
the Executive with a view to l he grad-1
ua l restoration of the States, in which '
tile insurrection occurred, to their rela-!
jimis with the General Government.)
Provisional Governors had been ap- ;
i anted, Conventions called, Governors
jy-teil. Legislatures assembled, mid
- ators and Representatives chosen
pi the Congress of the United States.
I,carts had been opened for the enforce
ment of laws long in abeyance. The
blockade had been removed, custom
houses re-established, and the Internal
Revenue laws put in force, in order
that the people might contribute to the
national income. Postal operations
had been renewed, and efforts were
heing made to restore them to their
former condition of efficiency. The
State? themselves had been asked to
take part in the high functions of
amending the Constitution, and of thus j
sanctioning the extinction of African
slavery as one of the legitimate results
of on r'i n terneci ne st ruggle.
}Yhat tht Execufire Accomplished.
Having progressed thus far, the Ex
ecutive Department found that it had
accomplished nearly all that was with
in the scope of its Constitutional au
thority. One thing, however, yet re
mained to be done before the work of
restoration could be completed, and
that was the admission to Congress of
val Senators and Representatives
from the States whose people had re
helled against the lawful authority of
the General Government. This ques
tion devolved upon the respective
Houses, which, by the Constitution,
are made the judges of the elections,
returns and qualifications of their own
members, and its consideration at once
engaged the attention of Congress.
Efforts (o Perfect ll< storation.
In the meantime the Executive De
partment—no other plan having been
proposed by Congress—continued its
efforts to perfect, as far as practicable,
he restoration of the proper relations
-tween the citizens of the respective
sates, the States, and the Federal Gov
ernment, extending, from time to time
the public interests seemed to
require, the judicial, revenue, and
i'Ostdl systems of the country. With
me advice ami consent of the Senate,
the necessary officers were appointed,
and appropriations made by Congress
for the payment of their salaries. The
proposition to amend the Federal Con
stitution, so as to prevent the existence
of slavery within the United States,
or any place subject to their jurisdic
tion, was ratified by the requisite num
ber of States, and on the 18th day of
December, 1805, it was officially de
clared to have become valid as a part
of the Constitution of the United States.
All ot the States in which the insur
rection had existed promptly amended
their < destitutions, so as to make them
conform to the great change thus effect
'l in the organic law of the land ; de
sired null and void all ordinances and
twsof secession; repudiated all pre
tended debts and obligations created
>r the revolutionary purposes of the
iH-urrection ; and proceeded in good
nth to the enactment of measures for
ne protection and amelioration of the
jndition of the colored race. Uon
however, yet hesitated to admit
cyof these States to representation;
sjid it was not until the close of the
-bth month ol the session that an
weption was made in favor of Ten
nessee, by the admission of her Sena
tors and Representatives.
A Profound Regret.
deem it a subject of profound regret
J'WtJ ongro-, has thus far failed to ad
• oi seat , loyal Senators and Repre
sentatives from the other States, whose
inhabitants, with those of Tennessee,
"■''i engaged in the rebellion. Ten I
nmr '' than one-fourth of the
llu,ii '*T, remain without rep re- j
ion; the scats of fifty members
t 01 J'* , P res(, 'itntives and ;
' •■>.> members in the Senate are yet I
1 -jt.ii"t by their own consent, not:
■ V u . wof election, but by the re- j
■ U ot ( oi'grc-- to accept their ere-j
■ - us. i tn-ir admission, it is IM*-!
OV,0 V ,! H 'htveaccomplished much j
.I'our - ; b-newal and strengthening :
iaov-,i . (mo Peop'<b nd re- j
t in- *t ''ause o[ discontent on i
u r o: tilf " inhabitants of those;
u '°uld have accorded with |
[m k ' 'v I'nnciptcs enunciated in the '
•I, ~"'''American Independence, ;
' ought to bear the burden
1 'ii and yet he denied the right
•' 'presentation.
wit*i, m!',"' 1 ' ' lav< ' heen in consonance
provisions of the Con
• l!ii it "each State shall have
. ; ■M'Mi,. Representative," a nd "that
, r its consent, shall be
s j 'T'ial suffrage in the
. 1 • these provisions were in
' • t' H'cure to every State, and to
■-■■it'cl, ,♦" '• (v, ' r . v State, the right of
.s.. " tu """ each House of Con- I
■ i and so important was it deemed •
'of the Constitution that
- e.j 1 ', 1 - v ui I' lo States in the Senate
; prex-rved, that not even by
ao si.'l ' to die Constitution can
■, without its consent, la 1 de
t; „,: that branch of the Na
hit' '"lurexx Rfrru-tory.
• '' h has been assumed that
•v.t-ic'v"e' v 01 , tfl ? ,S;a tes was tcrmi
•iliit n - *" e r r lK ' l,ious of their in
iiviri , a " die insurrection
" invfiir!::' "i ' su PP r essed, they were
. lard to be considered merely
.."".I "T' -l territories. The Legi,la
::i , 'defther* :,M<l • ,u,licil '. l 'B'part
"r win " v, '!"fiient have, how
d-iii' r\ n distinctness and tmi
■ asm, ' l ' 11{ ' v refused to sanction
"• 0 ,t„I 1 hicompatible With
l!n Wltft republican system,
n tht Jfrofessed objects of the
war. Throughout the recent legisla
tion of Congress, the undeniable fact
makes itself apparent, that these ten
political communities are nothing less
than States of this Union. At the very
commencement of the rebellion each
House declared, with a unanimity as
remarkable as it was significant, that
the war was not "waged, upon our
part, in any spirit of oppression, nor
for any purpose of conquest or subjuga
tion, nor purpose of overthrowing or
interfering with the rights or establish
ed institutions of those States, but to
defend and maintain the supremacy of
the Constitution and all laws made in
pursuance e thereof, and to preserve the
I nion with all the dignity, equality
and rights of the several States unim
paired; and that as soon as these ob
jects " were "accomplished the war
ought to cease."
In some instances Senators were per
mitted to continue their legislative
functions, while in other instances Re
presentatives were elected and admit
ted to seats after their States had for
mally declared their right to withdraw
from the Union, and were endeavoring
to maintain that right by foreeofarms.
All of the States whose people were in
insurrection, as States, were included
in the apportionment of the direct tax
of twenty millions of dollars annually
laid upon the United States by the act
approved sth of August, 1861. Con
gress, by the act of March 4th, 1862,
and by the apportionment of Repre
sentatives thereunder, also recognized
their presence as States in f he Union;
and they have, for judicial purposes,
been divided into districts as States
alone can be divided. The same re
cognition appears in the recent legisla
tion in reference to Tennessee, which
evidently rests upon the fact that the
functions of the State were not destroy
ed by the rebellion, but merely sus
pended ; and that principle is, of course,
applicable to those States wliieh, like
Tennessee, attempted to renounce their
places in the Union.
Action of the Executive.
The action of the Executive branch
of the Government upon this subject
has been equally definite and uniform,
and the purpose of the war was specifi
cally stated in the Proclamation issued
by my predecessor on the 22d day of
September, 1862. it was then solemn
ly proclaimed and declared that "here
after, as heretofore, the war will be
prosecuted for the object of practically
restoring the constitutional relations
between the United States and each of
the States, and the people thereof, in
which States that relation is or may be
suspended or disturbed."
The recognition of the States by the
Judicial Department of the Govern
ment has also been clear and conclu
sive, in all proceedings affecting them
as States, had in the Supreme, Circuit
and District Courts.
Southern Congressmen
In the admission of Senators and Re
presentatives from any and all the
States there can be no" just ground.of
apprehension that persons who are dis
loyal will be clothed with the powers
of legislation ; for this could not hap
pen when the Constitution and laws
are enforced by a vigilant and faithful
Congress. Each House is made the
"jucW <>f the elections, returns, and
qualifications of its own members,"
and may, with th econeurrenee of two
thirds, expel a member." When a
Senator or Representative presents his
certificate of election, he may at once
be admitted or rejected; or, should
there be any question as to his eligi
bility, bis credentials may be referred
for investigation to the appropriate
committee. If admitted to a seat, it
must be upon evidence satisfactory to
the House, of which he thus become a
member, that he possesses the requisite
constitutional and legal qualifications.
If refused admission as a member for
want of due allegiance to the Govern
ment, and returned to his constituents,
they are admonished that none hut
persons loyal to the United States will
be allowed a voice in the legislative
councils of the nation, and the political
power and moral influence of Congress
are thus effectively exerb'd in the in
terests of loyalty to the Government
and fidelity to the Union. Upon this
question, so vitally affecting the resto
ration of the Union and the perma
nency of our present form of govern
ment, my convictions, heretofore ex
pressed,'have Undergone no change;
but, on the contrary, their correctness
lias been confirmed by reflection and
time. If the admission of loyal mem
bers to seats in the respective Houses
of Congress was wise and expedient a
year ago, it is no less wise and expedi
ent now. If tiii- anomalous condition
j s right—if, in the exact condition of
these States at the present time, it is
lawful to exclude them from represen
tation, I do not see that the question
will be changed by the efllux of time.
Ten years hence, if these States remain
as they are, the right of representation
will he no stronger—the right of ex
clusion will be no weaker.
Demand for the Admission of " f ac/iU"
The Constitution of the United States
makes it the duty of the President to
recommend to the consideration of Con
gre-s "such measures as he shall judge
necessary or expedient." ! know of
no measure more imperatively de
manded by every consideration of na
tional interest, sound policy and equal
justice, than the admission of loyal
members from the now unrepresented
Stales. This would consummate the
work of restoration, and exert a most
salutary influence in the re-establish
ment of peace, harmony and fraternal
feeling. It would tend greatly to re
new the confidence of the American
people in the vigor and stability
of their institutions, it would bind
us more closely together as a nation,
and enable us to show to the world the
inherent and recuperative power of a
Government founded upon the will of
the people, and established upon the
principles of liberty, justice and intel
''Thir increased strength and enhanced
nrosnerity would irrcfragably demon
strate the fallacy of the arguments
mSnat free institutions drawn from
S m-enTnu by the
oniios of republican government.
T e Emission of loyal members from
the States now excluded from ( ingress,
• al iyii g doubt ami apprehension
l) > , Mtijtal, now awaiting an
wonld tur . I v<strnPnt into the
"J' 1 " ,r tricle ami industry. It
ment of fertile "l"','•-
ar his. t
fields of enterprise would be opened to
| our progressive people, and soon the
| devastations of war would be repaired,
j and all traces of our domestic diffcr
, ences effaced from the minds of our
! countrymen. *
A Word of Caution.
In our efforts to preserve "the unity
of the Government which constitutes
us one people," by restoring the States
to the.condition which they held prior
to the Rebellion, we should' be cautious
lest, having rescued our nation from
perils of threatened disintegration, we
resort to consolidation, and, in the end,
absolute despotism, as a remedy for the
recurrence of similar troubles. The
war having terminated, and with it all
occasion tor the exercise of power of
doubtful constitutionality, we should
hasten to bring legislation within the
boundaries prescribed by the Constitu
tion, and to return to the ancient land
marks established by our fathers for
the gu idanee of succeeding generations.
"The Constitution which at any time
exists, until changed by an explicit and
authentic act of the people, is sacredly a?
a whole obligatory upon all." "If," in
the opinion of the people, the distri
bution or modification of the constitu
tional powers be, in any particular,
wrong, let it be cor; eeted by an amend
ment in the way in which " the Consti
tution designates. But let there he no
change by usurpation ; for it is the cus
tomary weapon by which free Govern
ments are destroyed." Washington
spoke these words to his countrymen,
when, followed by their love and grat
itude, he voluntarily retired from the
cares of public life. "To keep in all
things wjfhin the pale of our constitu
tional powers, and cherish the Federal
Union astheonly rock of safety," were
prescribed by Jefferson as rules of ac
tion to endear to his "countrymen the
true principles of their Constitution,
and promote a union of sentiment and
action equally auspicious to their hap
piness and safety." Jackson held that
the action of the General Government
should always be strictly confined to
the sphere of its appropriate duties,
and justly and forcibly urged that our
Government is not to be maintained
nor our Union preserved "by invasions
of the rights and powers of the sever
al States. In thus attempting to make
our General Government strong, we
make it weak. Its true strength con
sists in leaving individuals and States
as much as possible to themselves; in
making itself felt, not in its power but
in its beneficence; not in its control,
but in its protection; not in binding
the States more closely to the centre,
hut leaving each to move unobstructed
in its proper constitutional orbit."
These are the teachings of men whose
deeds and services have made them
illustrious, and who, long since with
drawn from the scenes of life, have left
to their country therich legacy of their
example, their wisdom and their pa
triotism. Drawing fresh inspiration
from their lessons, let us emulate them
in love of country and respect for the
Constitution and the laws.
Our Financial Status.
The report of the Secretary of the
Treasury affords much information re
specting the revenue and commerce of
the country. His views upon the cur
rency, and' with reference to a proper
adjustment of our revenue system, in
ternal as well as impost, are commend
ed to the careful consideration of Con
gress In my last annual message I
expressed my general views upon these
subjects. I need now only call atten
tion to the necessity of carrying into
every department of the (Government
a system of rigid accountability,
thorough retrenchment,and wise econ
omy. With noexoeptional nor unusu
al expenditures, the oppressive burdens
of taxation can be lessened by such a
modification of our Revenue laws as
will be consistent with the public faith,
and the legitimate and necessary wants
of the Government.
The National Debt.
The report presents a much more
satisfactory condition of our finances
than one year ago the most sanguine
could have anticipated. During the
fiscal pear ending the 30th June, ISG-~>,
the la>t year of the war, the public
debt was increased $941,002,#17, and on
the 31st of October, 1865, it amounted
to $2,740,354,750. On the 31st day of
October, 1806, it had been reduced to
$2,551,310,000, the diminution, during
a period of fourteen months, commen
cing Sept. 1, 1865, and ending October
31, 18(56, having been $200,370,505. In
the last annual report on the state of
the finances, it was estimated that (lu
ring the three quarters of the fiscal year
ending the 30th of June last, the debt
would be increased $112,194,917. Du
ring that period, however, it was redu
ced $31,105,387, the receipts of the year
having been $89,905,005 more, and the
expenditures $200,529,235 less than the
estimates. Nothing could more clear
ly indicate than these statements the
extent and availability of the national
resources, and the rapidity and safety
with which, under our form of Gov
ernment, great military and naval es
tablishments can he disbanded, and ex
penses reduced from a war to a peace
Receipts For The Fiscal Year.
During the tiscai year ending t he 30th
of June, 18Gt>, tlie receipts were $558,-
032,(520, and the expenditures $320,-
750,040, leaving an available surplus of
$>7,231,030. it is estimated that the re
ceipts for the fiscal year ending tint 30th
of June, 1807, will be $475,001,330, and
that the expenditures will reach the
sum of $310,428,078, leaving in the
Treasury a surplus $153,033,308. For
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1808, it
is estimated that the receipts will a
mount to 3430,000,000, and that the ex
penditures will lie $350,217,041 -show
ing an excess of $85,702,35!> in favor of
the Government. These estimated re
ceipts may be diminished by *a reduc
tion of excise and import duties; but
after all necessary reductionsshall have
been made, the revenue of the present
and of following years will be doubt
less, sufficient to cover all legitimate
charges upon the Treasury, and leave
a large annual surplus to be applied to
the payment of the principal of the
debt. There seems now to be no good
reason why taxes may not be reduced
as the country advances in population
and wealth, and yet the debt be extin
guished within the next quarter of a
Secretary Stanton's Report.
The report of the Secretary of War
furnishes valuable and important in
formation in reference to the operations
of hisdepartmentduririg the past year.
Few volunteers now remain in the ser
vice, and they are being discharged as
rapidly as they can be replaced by reg
ular troops. The army lias been
promptly paid, carefully provided with
medical treatment, wert sheltered and
subsisted, and is to he furnished with
breech-loading small arms. The mil
itary strength of the nation has been
unimpaired by the discharge of volun
teers, the disposition of unserviceable
or perishable stores, ami the retrench
ment of expenditures. Sufficient war
material to meet any emergency has
been retained, and. from the disband
ed volunteers standing ready to respond
to the national call, large armies can be
rapidly organized, equipped and con
_ Fortifications on the coast and fron
tier have received, 01* are being prepa
red for more powerful armaments;
lake surveys and harbor and river im
provements are in course otj energetic
prosecution. Preparations have been
made for the payment of the addition
al bounties authorized during the re
cent session of Congress, under such
regulations as will protect the Govern
ment from fraud, and secure to the
honorably discharged soldier the well
earned reward of his faithfulness and
gallantry. More than six thousand
maimed soldiers have received artifi
cial limbs or other surgical apparatus;
and forty-one national cemeteries, con
taining the remains of 1JJ4.526 Union
soldiers, have already been established.
The total estimate of military appro
priations is 205,669.
Secretary 1J ettes on the Navy.
It is stated in the report of the Sec
retary of the Navy that the Naval force
at this time consists of two hundred
and seventy-eight vessels, armed with
two thousand three hundred and fifty
one guns. Of these, one hundred and
fifteen vessels, carrying one thousand
and twenty-nine guns, are in commis
sion, distributed chiefly among seven
squadrons. The number of men in the
service is thirteen thousand six hund
red. Great activity and vigilance have
been displayed by all the squadrons,
and their movements have been judi
ciously and efficiently arranged in such
manner as would best promote Amer
ican commerce, and protect the rights
and interests of our countrymen abroad.
The vessels unemployed are undergo
ing repairs, or are laid up until their
services may be required.
The Leayue Island I von-Clad Navy
Most of the iron-clad fleet is at League
Island, in the vicinity of Philadelphia,
a place which, until decisive action was
taken by Congress, was selected by the
Secretary of the Navy as the most eli
gible location for that class of vessels.
It is important that a suitable public
station should be provided for the iron
clad fleet. It is intended that these
vessels shall be in proper condition for
any emergency, and it is desirable that
the bill accepting League Island for
naval purposes, which passed the House
of Representatives at its last session,
should receive final action at an early
period, in order that there may be a
suitable public station for this class of
vessels, as well as a navy yard of area
sufficient for the wants of the service,
on the Delaware river. The Naval
Pension fund amounts to $11,750,000,
having been increased $2,750,000 during
the year. The expenditures of the De
partment for the fiscal year ending 30th
June last, were $43,324,520., and the es
timates for the coming year amount to
$23,508,436. Attention is invited to the
condition of our seamen, and the im
portance of legislative measures for
their relief and improvement. The
suggestions in behalf of this deserving
class of our fellow citizens are earnest
ly recommended to the favorable at
tention of Congn \SS.
Poxtnuider General RxindalPs Report.
The report of the Postmaster Gener
al presents a most satisfactory condi
tion of the postal service, and submits
recommendations- which deserve the
consideration of Congress. The reve
nues of the Department for the year
ending June 30, 1860, were $14,380,980,
and the expenditures $15,352,079, show
ing an excess of the latter of $965,093.
In anticipation of this deficiency, how
ever, a special appropriation was made
by Congress in the act approved July
28,1806. Including the standing ap
propriation of §700,000 for free mail
matter, as a legitimate portion of the
revenues yet remaining unexpended,
the actual deficiency for the past year
is only $205,093—a sum within $51,141
of the amount estimated in the annual
report of 1804. The decrease of reve
nue compared with the previous year
was one and one-fifth per cent., and the
increase of expenditures, owing prin
cipally to the enlargement of the mail
service in the South was twelve per
On the 30th of June last there were
in operation six thousand ninehundred
and thirty nail routes, with an aggre
gate length of one hundred and eighty
1 housand nine hundred and twenty-one
miles, an aggregate annual transporta
tion of severity-one millionseight hun
dred and thirty-seven thousand nine
hundred and fourteen miles, and an
aggregate annualeost, including all ex
penditures, of $8,410,184. The length
of railroad routes is thirty-two thou
sand and ninety-two miles,and the an
nual transportation thirty millions six
hundred and nine thousand four hun
dred and sixty-seven miles. The length
of steamboat routes is fourteen thou
sand three hundred and lortv-six miles,
and the annual transportation three
million four hundred and eleven thou
sand nine hundred and sixty-two miles.
The mail service is rapidly increasing
throughout the country, and its steady
extension in the Southern States indi
cates their constantly improving condi
tion. The growing importance of the
foreign service also merits attention, j
The Post Office Department of Great
Britain and our own agreed upon a
preliminary basis fora new Postal Con
vention, which it is believed, will prove
eminently beneficial to the commercial
interestsof the United States, inasmuch
as it contemplates a reduction of the
international letter postage to one-half
the existing rates; a reduction of post
age with all other countries toand from
which correspondence is transmitted
in the British mail, or in closed mails,
through the United Kingdom; the es
tablishment of uniform and reasonable
charges for the sea and territorial trans
it of correspondence in closed mails;
and an allowance to each Post Office
Department of the right to use all mail
communications established under the
authority of theothoafor the despatch
of correspondence, either in open or
closed mails, on the same terms as
those applicable to the inhabitants of
the country providing the means of
<V< rrc/ary Hroicniiif/'s Exhibit Jor the
The report of the Secretary of the In
terior exhibits the condition of those
branches of the public service which
are committed to his supervision. 1 lu
ring the last fiscal year, four million
-ix hundred and twenty-nine thousand '
three hundred and twelveacresof pid>-
lie land were'disposed of, one million
; eight hundred and ninety-two thou- j
sand five hundred and sixteen acres of
which were entered under the Homc
j stead act. The policy originally adopt- i
| ed relative to the public lands has un
j dergone essential modifications. In
mediate revenue, and not their rapid
; settlement, was the cardinal feature of
our land system. Long experience and
earnest discussion has resulted in the !
i conviction that the early development
of our agricultural resources, and the
diffusion of an energetic population
over our vast territory, are objects of
far greater importance to the national
growth and prosperity than the pro-:
ceeds of the sale of the land to the j
highest bidder in open market.
The pre-emption laws confer upon j
the pioneer who complies with the
terms they impose the privilege of pur- j
chasing a limited portion of "unoifered
lands" at the minimum price. The!
Homestead enactments relieve the set- j
tier from the payment of purchase :
money, and secure him a permanent
home, upon the condition of residence j
for a term of years. This liberal policy!
invites emigration from the old, and j
from the more crowded portions of the ;
new world. Its propitious results are !
undoubted, and will be more signally J
manifested when time shall have given
to it a wider development. Congress
has made liberal grants of public land
to corporations, in aid of the construc
tion of railroads and other internal im- j
provements. Should this policy here- j
after prevail, more stringent provisions j
will be required to secure a faithful ap- j
plication of the fund. The title to the ,
lands should not pass, by patent or j
otherwise, but remain in the Govern- j
ment and subject to its control until j
some portion of the road has been ac- i
tually built. Portions of them might j
then, from time to time, be conveyed :
to the corporation, but never in a great- ,
er ratio to the whole quantity embra
ced by the grant than the completed
parts bear to the entire length of the
projected improvement. This restric- j
tion would not operate to the prejudice
of any undertaking conceived in good ,
faith and executed with reasonable en
ergy, as it is the settled practice to
withdraw from market the lands fail
ing within the operation of such grants
and thus to exclude the inception of a ,
subsequent adverse right. A breach of
the conditions which Congress may
deem propor~to impose should work a
forfeiture of claim to the lands so with
drawn but unconveyed, and of title to
the lands conveyed which remain un
The Pacific Railroad.
Operations on the several linos of the !
Pacific Railroad have been prosecuted <
with unexampled vigor and success.
Should no unforeseen causes of delay
occur, it is confidently anticipated that
this great thoroughfare willbe com
pleted before the expiration of the
period designated by Congress.
Payment of Pensions.
During the last fiscal year the amount
paid to pensioners, including the ex
penses of disbursement, was thirteen '
million four hundred and fifty-nine \
thousand nine hundred and ninety-six '
dollars; and fifty thousand one Jiun- 1
dred and seventy-seven names were -
added to the pension rolls. The entire 1
number of pensioners, June 30, 186(5, '
was one hundred and twenty-six thou- .
sand seven hundred and twenty-two.
This fact furnishes melancholy and
striking proof of the sacrifices made to ]
vindicate the constitutional authority ]
of tiie Federal Government, and to <
maintain inviolate the integrity of the i
Union. They impose upon us corres- !
ponding obligations. It is estimated >
that thirty-three million dollars will 1
he required to meet the exigencies of :
this branch of the service during the i
next fiscal year. s
Treaties icith the Indians.
Treaties have been concluded with '
the Indians who enticed into armed 1
opposition to our Government at the -!
outbreak of the rebellion, have uncoil- ■
ditioually submitted to our authority,
and manifested an earnest desire for a 1
renewal of friendly relations. !
The Patent Office.
During the year ending September '
30, 1866, eight thousand seven hundred '
and sixteen patents for useful inven- '
tions and designs were issued, and at ,
that date the balance in the Treasury .
to the credit of the Patent fund was two
hundred and twenty-eight thousand
The Mississippi Levees.
As a subject upon which depends an
immense amount of the production
and commerce of the country, I reeom- 1
mend to Congress such legislation as 1
may be necessary for the preservation '
of the levees of the Mississippi river. _
It is a matter of national importance :
that early steps should be taken not \
only to add to the efficiency of these .
barriers against destructive inunda- J
tions, but for the removal of all oh- '
structions to the free and safe naviga- \
tion of that great channel of trade and > [
1 lep reset on for the DMrlef of Colum-
The District of Columbia,iindor exist
ing laws, is not entitled to that repre
sentation in the National Councils
which, from our earliest history, has
been uniformly accorded to each Terri
tory established from time to time with
in our limits, it maintains peculiar re
lations to Congress, to whom the Con
stitution has granted the power ofexer
cising exclusive legislation over the
seat of Government. Our fellow citi
zens residing in the District, whose in
terests are thus confided to the special
guardianship of Congress, exceed in
number the population of several ofour
territories, and no just reason is per
ceived why a delegate of their choice
should not he admitted to a seat in the
House of Representatives. No mode
seems so appropriate and effectual of
enabling them to make known their
peculiar condition and wants, and of se
curing the local legislation adapted to
them. T therefore recommend the i<as
sage of a law authorizing t he electors o"
the District of Columbia to choose a
delegate, to be allowed the same rights
and privileges as a delegate represent
ing a territory. The increasing enter
priseand rapid progress of improvement
in the District are highly gratifying,
and i trust-that the efforts of the muni
cipal authorities to promote the pros
perity of the National metropolis will
receive the efficient audgenerouseo-op
eration of Congress.
The report of the Commissioner of
Agriculture reviews the operations of
his department during the past year,
and asks the aid of Congress in its eff
orts to encourage those States which
scourged by war, are now earnestly en-
VOL 61.—WHOLE No. 5.376.
gaged in the reorganization of domestic
('ausefor Congratulation.
It is a subject of congratulation that
no foreign combinations against our do
mestic peace and safety, or our legiti
-1 influence among the nations, have been
formed or at tempted. Whilesentiments
of reconciliation, loyalty and patriotism
have increased at home, a more just
consideration of our national character
and rights has been manifested by for
eign nations.
The Atlantic Telegraph.
The ent ire success of the Atlantic Tel
egraph between the coast of Ireland and
the Province of Newfoundland, is an
achievement which has been justly cel
ebrated in both hemispheres as the op
ening of an era in the progress of civili
zation. There is reason to expect that
equal success will attend, and even
greater results follow, the enterprise
for connecting the two Continents
through the Pacific* ocean by the pro
jected lineof telegraph between Kamts
chutka and the Russian Possessions in
Emigration of Foreign Convicts.
The resolution of < .'engross protesting
against pardons by foreign Govern
ments of persons convicted of infamous
offenses, on condition of emigration to
our country, has been communicated to
the States with which we maintain in
tercourse, and the practice, so justly
the subject of complaint on our part,
has not been renewed.
Congress and the Emperor of Russia.
The congratulations of Congress to
tlx* Emperor of Russia, upon his escape
from attempted assassination, have
been presented to that humane and en
lightened ruler, and received by him
with expressions of grateful apprecia
Emigration of Freedmen to Foreign
The Executive, warned of an attempt
by Spanish-Americanadventiires to in
duce the emigration of freedmen of the
United States to a foreign country, pro
tested against the project as one which,
if consummated, would reduce them to a
bondage even more oppressive than that
from which they have just been reliev
ed. Assurance has been received from
the Government of the State in which
the plan was matured, that the proceed
ing will meet neither its encouragement
nor approval. It is a question worthy
of your consideration, whetherouriaws
upon this subject are adequate to the
prevention or punishment of the crime
thus meditated.
Our Relations with France, and Mexico.
In the month of April last, as Cong
ress is aware, a friendly arrangement
was made between the Emperor of
France and the President of the United
States for the withdrawal fiom Mexico
of the French expeditionary military
forces. This withdrawal was to he ef
fected in three detachments, the first of
which it was understood, would leave
Mexico in November, now past, the
second in March next, and the third
and last in November, 18(57. Immedi
ately upon the completion of the evacu
ation, the French Government was to
assume the same attitude of non-inter
vention in regard to Mexico, as is held
by the Government of the United
States. Repeated assurances have been
given by the Emperor, since that agree
ment, he would complete the promised
evacuation within the period mention
ed. or sooner.
JTinisfer Campbell and Lieutenant- Gener
al Sherman.
It was reasonably expected that the
proceeding thus contemplated would
]>roduce a crisis of great political inter
est in the Republic of Mexico. The
newly appointed Minister of the United
States, Mr. Campbell, was, therefore,
sent forward, on the lltth day of Novem
ber last, to assume his proper functions
as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Uni
ted States to that Republic, it was al
so thought expedient that he should be
attended in the vicinity of Mexico by
the Lieutenant-Ueneral of the army of
the United States, with the view ofob
taining such information as might be
important to determine the course to he
pursued by the United States in re-es
tablishing and maintaining; necessary
and proper intercourse with the Repub
lic of Mexico. Deeply interested in the
cause of liberty and humanity, it seem
ed an obvious duty on our part to exer
cise whatever influence we possessed
for the restoration and permanent es
tablishment in that country of a domes
tie and republican form government.
Napoleon Goes back on His word.
Such was the condition of affairs in
regard to Mexico, when on the 22(1 of
November last, official information was
received from Paris that the Emperor
of France had some time before decid
ed not to withdraw a detachment of his
forces in the month of November past,
according to engagement, but that this
decision was made with the purpose of
withdrawing the whole of those forces
in the ensuing spring. Of this deter
mination, however, the United States
had not received any notice or intima
tion ; and, so soon as the information
was received by the Government, care
was taken to make known its dissent to
the Emperor of France.
I cannot forego the hope that France
will re-consider the subject, and adopt
some resolution in regard to the evacu
ation of Mexico which will conform as
nearly as practicable with the existing
engagement, and thus meet the justex
pectations of the United States. The
papers relating to the subject will be
laid before you. It is believed that with
the evacuation of Mexico by the expe
ditionary forces, no subject for serious
differences, between France and the
United States would remain. The ex
pressions of the Emperor and people of
France warrant a hope that the tradi
tionary friendship between the two
countries might, in that case, be renewed
and permanently restored.
Adjustment of Claims for hlemnUy.
A claim of a citizen of the United
States for ideinnit.v for spoliations com
mitted on the high seas by the French
authorities, in the exercise of a bellig
erent power against Mexico, lias been
met by the Governmentof France with
a proposition to defer settlement until
a mutual convention for the adjustment
of all claim- of citizens and subjects of
both countries, arising out ofthe recent
wars on this continent shall be agreed
upon by the twocountries. The sugges
tion is not deemed unreasonable, but-it
belongs to < 'ongress to direct the man
ner in which claims for indemnity by
foreigners, as well as by citizens of the
United States, arising out of the bite
civil war, shall be adjudicated and de
termined. I have no doubt that the sub
ject of all such claims will engage your
attention at a convenient and proper
• The United States and Great Britain.
It is a matter of great regret that no
considerable advance has been made to
wards an adjustment of the differences
between the United States and Great
Britain, arising out of the depredations
upon our national commerce and ot her
trespasses committed during our civn
war by British subjects, in violation of
international law and treaty obliga
tions. The delay, however, may be be
lieved to have resulted in no small de
gree from thedome-t icsituation of Great
Britain. An entire change of ministry
occurred in that country during the last
session of Parliament. The attention of
tli' new ministry was called to the.sub
ject at an early day, and tliere is some
reason to expect that it will now be con
sidered ina tM'coming and friendly spir
it. The importance of an early disposi
tion of the cjuestion cannot be exagger
ated. Whatever might be the wishes of
the two Governments, it is manifest
that good will and friend-hip between
the twoeonntrie-cannot be established
until a reciprocity, in the practice of
good faith and neutrality, shall lie res
tored between the respective nations.
Tin Fenian Affair of W June
On the 6th of June last, in violation
of our Neutrality laws, a military expe
dition and enterprise against British
North American Colonies was projected
and attempted to IK* carried on within
the territory and jurisdiction of the Uni
ted States. In obedience to the obliga
tion imposed upon the Executive by the
Constitution, to see that the laws are
faithfully executed, all citizens were
warned, bv proclamation, against tak
ing part in or aiding such unlawful
proceedings, and the proper civil, mili
tary, and naval officers were directed to
take all necessary measures for the en
forcement of the laws. The expedition
failed, but it has not been without its
painful consequences. Some of our citi
zens, who, it was alleged, were engaged
iii the expedition, were captured, and
have been brought to trial as for a cap
ital offense, in the province of Canada.
Judgment and sentence of death have
been prononunced against some, while
others have been acquitted. Fully be
lieving in the maxim of government,
that severity of civil punishment for
misguided persons who have engaged
in revolutionary attempts which have
disastrously failed, is unsound and un
wise, such representations have been
made to the British Government in be
half of the convicted persons, as being
sustained by an enlightened and Jiu
inaue judgment, will, it is hoped, induce
in their cases an exercise of clemency,
and a judicious amnesty to all who were
engaged in the movement. Counsel
has been employed by the Government
to defend citizens of the United States
on trial for capital offenses in Caijada;
and adiscontinuanceof the prosecutions
which were instituted in the courts of
the United States against those who
took part in thcexpedition lias been di
llow the President Views the Subject.
I have regarded theexpeditionasnot
only political in its nature, hut as also
in a great measure foreign from the 1 ni
ted States in its causes, character and
objects. The attempt was understood
to be made in sympathy with an insur
gent party in Ireland, and, by striking
at a British province on this Continent,
was designed to aid in obtaining redress
for political grievances which, it was
assumed, the people of I reland had suff
ered at the handsofthe British Govern
ment during a period of several centu
ries. The persons engaged in it were
chiefly natives of that country, some of
whom had, while others had not be
come citizens of the United States un
der our general laws of naturalization.
Complaints of misgovernment in Ire
land continually engage the attention
of the British nation, and so great an
agitation is now prevailing in Ireland
that the British Government have deem
ed it necessary to suspend the writ of
habeas corpus in that country. These
circumstances must necessarily modify
the opinion which we might otherwise
have entertained in regard to an expe
dition expressly prohibited by ourNeu
tralitv laws. So long as those laws re
main uponourstatueuooks, they should
be faithfully executed, and if they ope
rate harshly, unjustly or oppressively,
("ongress alone can apply the remedy,
by their modification or repeal.
A Representation Wanted for Greece.
Political and commercial interests of
the United States are not unlikely to
be affected in some degree by events
which are transpiring in the Eastern
regions of Europe, and the time seems
to have come when our Government
ought to have a proper diplomatic rep
resentation in Greece.
The Right of Self-Expatriation.
This Goveenment has claimed for all
persons not convicted, or accused, or
suspected of crime, an absolute politi
cal right of self-expatriation, and a
choice of new national allegiance.
Most of the European State.-, have dis
sented from this principle, and have
claimed a right to hold such of their
subjects as have emigrated to and been
naturalized in the United States, and
afterwards returned on transient visits
to their native countries, to the per
formance of military service in like
manner as resident subjects.
Complaints arising from the claim in
this respect made by foreign States,
have heretofore been matters of contro
versy between the United States and
some of the European powers, and the
irritation consequent upon the failure
to settle this question increased during
the war in which Prussia, Italy ana
Austria were recently engaged. While
Great Britain lias never acknowledged
the right of expatriation, she has not
practically insisted upon it. France
has been equally forbearing; and Prus
sia has proposed a compromise, which,
although evincing increased liberality,
has not been accepted by the United
States. Peace is now prevailing every
where in Europe, and tin* present seems
to be a favorable time for an assertion
bv Congress of the principle, so long
maintained by the Executive Depart
ment, that naturalization by one State
fully exempts the native born subject
of any other State from the perform
ance of military service under any for
eign Government, as long as he does
not voluntarily renounce its rights and
.1 Trying Ordeal.
In the performance of a duty impos
ed upon me by the Constitution, 1 have
thus'submitted to the Representatives
of the States and of the people such in
formation of our domestic and foreign
a (fairs as the public interests seem to
require. Our Government is now un
dergoing its most trying ordeal, and
my earnest prayer is, that the peril may
be successfully and finally passed with
out impairing its original strength and
symmetry. The interests of the nation
are best to be promoted by the revival
of fraternal relations, the complete ob
literation of our past differences and
the reinauguration of all the pur
suits of peace. I firecting our efforts to
the early accomplishment of these
great ends, let us endeavor to preserve
harmony between the co-ordinate de
partments of the Government, that
each in it- proper sphere may cordially
co-operate with the other in securing
the maintenance of the Constitution,
the preservation of the Union and the y
perpetuity of our free institutions.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 3, istiti.