The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 07, 1866, Image 2

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Tridsr Afornins: licccnilxT 7. IS6II
TO TSII; (iAAirrn:.
('irenla)e your Connly Paper.
'The following named gentlemen have been ap
pointed our Agents to obtain subscriptions to the
GAZETTE. They are authorized to receipt for us:
Bloody Run —Jeremiah Thompson.
Roy's 7R//-I) A T. Black.
Monroe —Daniel Fletcher
Hoi fro in —Geo. W. Deal, II P. Diebl.
C. Vat ley —l). R. Anderson. A. Zembower.
lyondonderry —James C. Devore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Jnni 'ta —.John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Neh et/sh >/r ; r —J 11. Rlaek
Xapirr —John Sill. John W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavendcr,
Wes'ley Bennett
Union —M. Wert*. W. B Lambnght.
.If. I Voodherry —W. M. Pearson. Daniel Barley.
N Woodherry —J. 1. Noble. J. S. Brumbuu-li.
Jfopeere/ /—W. A. Grove. J R. Fluke.
liroad Top —Al. A. Hunter.
Utterly —Geo. Roades, D. Stoler.
Sojrton —Charles Faxon.
St Clair —John W. Crisman, Samuel Reckley.
Snake Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J.G. Hart
IV. Providence —Geo. Baughiuan, Homer Xeice.
We are just now under the rule of
King Caucus-. His Secret Majesty sits
enthroned at Washington, with Ste
vens and Wadeand Fornevas his min
isters of State. Time was when the
laws of our country were made in the
light of day, when every member of
the legislative body was permitted to
lake part in thedeterminaiion of ques
tion- before it, when a free peopleeould
sit in the galleries and listen to all the
arguments adduced on all sides of siu h
questions; but now a parli/.an majori
ty meet in secret- conelave, and deter
mine, as partizans, not as honest legis
lators, what laws are to he enacted ai: 1
what, measures are to be rejected. To
night they resolve to pi-- a certain
bill; to-innrrow it wiil be reported in
the House and passed under the gag of
the previous question and the whip
and .-pur of the slave-drivers of the
Rump. The minority are allowed to
protest and—that is all. The pa--uge
of the measure has been pre-determin
ed by the secret C-twits, and nothing
can prevent its adoption. Now, we
submit, in all candor, is this legi-lation
according to the spirit and intent of a
Republican government? Are our
laws to be made by a secret Cawus, in
stead of an open L'i/iskdnn Are the
minority to be considered as nonenti
ties who have no brains to think, and
no tongues to speak, or rather who
have no right to exercise their brains
in thinking, or their tongue- in speak
ing? If so, let the people know it.
If so, King Caucus mu-t he slain! We
say, given- Revolution, give us War,
give us Death, rather than such -la
very !
XVIII oovr vol TRY HIM?
Mr. Mongrel, why don't your recon
structed, regenerated Supreme Court
proceed with the trial of Jefferson
Davis ? You have called him "traitor,"
you have accused him of murder, you
have damned him as the vilest incar
nation of all that is evil and hateful;
now, why don't you try him, anil if
found guilty of treason, or murder, or
arson, or larceny, by a jury of his peers,
empaneled according to law, punish
him according to the grade of his of
fence? Why do you keep him im
mured in that fort down by the sea,
boarding and clothing and guarding
him at the expense of the government?
If his guilt be so patent and indisputa
ble, there can be no doubt of his convic
tion. You would try a common felon,
a horse-thief, a highway robber, or a
murderer, but this criminal of crimi
nals, this prince of traitors (so your
vocabulary runs; you refuse to try, and
through your negligence lie remains
unhanged. Yet you prate about the
"punishment of treason," and "trai
tor-" being made "odious." Ah ! ye
hypocrites! You are afraid lest the
Supreme Court will define "treason" a
somcthiug el-e than what you have
been preaching fur the last six years.
You fear that your own Judge Chase,
holding his old State Right views,
under which he and you nullified the
Federal Fugitive Slave Law, will be
compelled to decide that Davi* is not
ffttifh/ of In ■son. We understand you,
and the people will, sooner or later,
learn to understand you. You had
better try that man in prison down at
Fortress Monroe. Your masters, the
people, are beginning to inquire into
the cause of your delay. Look out!
oh, ye slippery, there are some sharp
turns in your path, around which you
will find it troublesome to wriggle.
You had better try Jeff. Davis before
the next election in Pennsylvania.
THE Franklin Ileposilory seems to
think that a political organization
oyght not to rejoice at the overthrow
of doctrines which it combats, but only
over the attainment of the sjwils by the
success of it- candidates for office. Not
an unnatural conclusion to he arrived
at by Col. M'Clure.
THE Franklin Ileposilory, of last
v. eel,. -ay- that there are forty candi
dates for th- Mongrel nomination for
t U. S. Senator.
"Business is dull!" Such is the ex
clamation we hear, now-a-days, from
every body. Well, is it any wonder ;
that business is dull?" For the year ;
ending June 30,1806, the Federal (lov
er u men t collected from the people of >
the United States, over fee hundred ;
millions of dollars in the shape of tax
es. For the present year the estimate j
: from the samesourccs is; hundred and
\ffty millions of dollars! In 18-3S-9, a
fellow by the name of Ed. McPherson,
whom some of the Mongrels in this
Congressional district may remember,
got himself elected to Congress, on the
| ground that the people were taxed too ;
heavily to keep up the government,
which was then administered at a cost
of about niin!y millions per annum, and
j without any Interna' It- venue Tax \
whatever. All the financial troubles
of the country were then laid at the j
j door of the Democracy, because, as was
j alleged, the expenditures of the Gov
ernment bore too heavily upon the pro
ductive industry of the country! If,
' McPherson and his party stated the
; true cause of the depression in business
i then, how much greater reason is there
, to believe that the same cause quintup
led in degree, is at the bottom of the
dudne-s in business, now? The fact is
that the Mongrel Rump Congress has
legislated capital into the hands of the
i few an 1 taxed the many so outrageous- I
ly, that we are fast tending toward a
financial pmic. A change in t'ae polit
ical complexion oi Congress must lie
I and will he had, ere this state of tilings
| can be remedied.
, Tin: Rump Congress, as will be seen
hv the proceedings of Monday last, are
about to begin the work of legislating
I the President out of office. The cow
ardly knave- dare not impeach him.
They are afraid of the wrath of the
people. Impeachment would cause
I the populace to pause and think even
in the midst of the whirlwind before
: which they are being driven to the dev
il. Hence the plotting miscreants who
load and drive the Rump, mean to ac
complish by indirection, what they
fear to undertake by an open and un
disguised effort. They wiil take the
pardoning power from the President;
they will rob him of the appointing
power; they will pass laws over his
veto and compel him to execute them ;
and thus they will shear him of all
strength and make the Presidential of
fice a blank in the government. With
the Executive thus blotted out of ex
istence, we -hall be ruled by an oligar
chy, a miserable, corrupt and tyran
nical (aliens, in defiance of the Consti
tution and in utter contempt of the in- j
tere-tsand safetv of the people. Thus
i- our form of government about to he
overturned. Thus is the rebellion of
the Rump being quietly carried for
ward to -ueee—. Will we, ought we,
I can we submit to tyranny like this?
The Democrat- of Bedford county
held a jollification on Monday !a-i cel
ebrating the defeat of the Con-titution- !
al Amendment in the late elections.
The Gazette in one of its headings on ;
the subject, has the following: "Hick
ory may be lien t bin cannot be broken."
The "unterrified" of Bedford have a
better way of bending to iheir defeat
than that of other counties.—Hunting
don Globe.
That's a fact, Brother Lewis. Don't f
you remember that Douglas flag-raising
in S toner-town, six years ago? There
was quite a bender then and there, but
nothing was broken.
'•Should nuld acquaintance lie forgot,
And never brought to mind '
S!n>uld auld a • jiiaintanee be forgot
And days ' iang sync?"
IIO.N. JACOB FRY, ex-Auditor Gen
eral, died, a few days ago, at his resi
dence, in Montgomery county. Mr.
Fry was known throughout the State
a- a pure and upright man, and his
death leaves a vacuum in political cir
, eles not easily filled.
COL. M'CI.UKK, the immaculate, says .
i in his la-t paper: "Those who want to !
defraud their constituents and would
j divide their wrong with others, find |
ready aid and sympathy in the Pr< ■<.<." i
i Has that angel of a man, Forney, no |
more principle than that?
THOSE who mean to obey the wishes !
of their constituent- wiil vote for Gov.
Curt in.— Franklin It. pository.
And put a man in the C. 8. Senate
who wifi take care of Col. M'Clure'a
i° bs -
THO-K who make legislation a trade j
' will vote for Simon Cameron. — Frank- \
\ fin Ileposilory.
That's rather queer ! We had thought j
i Col. M'Clure and hi- friends were for 1
: <iov. Curtin.
CONGRESS.— It says this totheSouth,
through it- Radical majority: We will
tax you. We wiil propose constitution- j
i al amendments, and demand that you
j shall ratify them. We shall establish
: courts among you. We v. ill govern
| you. But you shall not have any rep
resentation in ' 'ongress.—They call this
a republican form of government.
■ Cave Johnson died at Chuksville, Ten
nessee, <<n Friday last, lie was Post
nnwter General during I're-ident Polk's
a 1 oitdst ration.
-Gen. Dick Taylor was the guest of
I Gen. Grant at Washington last week.
TlicXhahb) SI. Cu: Ol<l Thart. thinks a.
Imxil "iiiipoarliinrnl;'' I'haNff, llicpcri
public: i'ralinlilc tone of Hie I'rcni
lient** licsM(i>; fongrcn* rampcllcil to
tttlopl : new prosrmnnie; Kccrclarj'
Mtnnton nod the of the XV:r
IMlicc, Ac.. Ac.
Correspondence of the Bedford Gazette.
Dec. I, 1860. j
MR. EDITOR: —I arrived here yester
day and found a half a dozen Senators
and about twice that number of M.C's
scattered about at f he different hotels.
They are a shabby looking set and I
instinctively clapped my hand on my
pocket-book whenever I came near
one of them. Old Thad. has been !
! hobbling around here for some days,
i It is said that he is preparing articles!
of impeachment upon which Andy
Johnson is to he tried by the Bump
Senate. I have no doubt that Thadde
us would like to have the President
I kicked out, hut he is a little afraid of
the effect which an attempt at that sort
of thing would have upon the future
of the Mongrel party. He may have
been thinking seriously of preferring
article- of impeachment against the
President, but some of the moneyed
men of his party have doubtless put
j martingals and holding-hack-straps on
j him, and I think he win beeurbed, and
if necessary, thrown back upon his
i haunches, by the Jehu- who drive the
Bump wagon. Chase, the peripatetic,
speech-making, caucusing, Jeff. Davis
dodging, negro-palavering "Chief Jus
: tic" has been to see the aforesaid Tlmd
deus, and lias, doubtless, given him a
wordof caution. The slippery Salmon
has no idea of having the chances of
i the next Mongrel candidate for th<
Pn-idcncy, spoiled by any -ueh foolish
operation as the impeachment of ITes
i blent Johnson. This is quite natural.
Salmon expects to be that candidate
| himself.
There is some speculation here as to
the political tone of the forthcoming
message of the President. The best
information lean get on the subject,
as-ures me that Mr. Johnson will not
j abandon any of the positions assumed
iby him during th past year. He need
not re-iterate those positions in his
inc.—age. He has stated them fully in
former messages and in public speeches.
He has urged the propriety of their a
doption by Congress, which the latter
ha.- persistently and insultingly rcfu
- (1 to do, and now he can do nothing
more than wait for Congress to act.
The Amendment proposed at the last
session is dead, there being no possibil
ity of its ratification by the constitu
tional three fourths of the States, hence
Congress will be compelled to set up a
new programme. With reference to
this the Pre-ident occupies the vantage
ground, for he has defeated the former
plan of Congress and am, in the same
manner, defeat any unconstitutional
or improper proposition. Therefore,
the President can afford to wait until
('ongress moves.
There is still some talk about the re
moval of Secretary Stanton. I doubt
whether there is any pro!lability of
■ such an auspicious event occurring very
soon. However, should a change le
made in the War Office, I hope some
able Pennsylvania!! will he made the
; new Secretary. The Keystone State is
always the battle-ground in Presiden
tial elections, and a vigorous and ear
nest man in the Cabinet would in-ure
a Conservative triumph in that State.
1 know that Stanton permitted Thad.
Stevens to use the patronage of the
War Department against the political
friends of the President in the late
campaign, if Mr. John-on knows
this, he ought not to expect the people
to support him so long as he encoura
ge- such treason in ids own Cabinet.
If lie is ignorant of it, it i- high time
: that heshouid beenlightened in regard
to it. It can easily he proved, and if
the President desires the evidence it
will be laid before him.
A "mass welcome" is to be given to
the Buuiperson the 10th in-t., under
the auspicesof the Shoddy contractors,
Uniform-manufacturer-, Sutler-, Camp
follower- and such Cotton-stealing (ien
; erals as Banks and Butler, connected
I with the late war. They have invited
the true soldiers of the country to par
ticipate in their humbug, with the
double purpo- • of over-aweing the
President and of committing the sol
diers to an endorsement of Congress
ional usurpation. But the real secret
at the bottom of this movement is,
j that the chaps who are at the head of
it, have "axes to grind" which grind
i iugthey want to have done on the C'on
gre -ional grind-stone. Hence, they
I hope to propitiate the grim Bout well
' and the terrible Stevens, by tickling
their vanity and appeasing their ap
i petite for the "creauturn -omforts."
| Congress will meet on M nday next,
i Lively times may be expected among
the Solous of that laxly, i hear that
j an effort will be ma le to provide, by
j the pa-sage of a law, for the assembling
! of tiie next Congress on the nth of
March, IXO7, theday following the ex
piration of the legal existence of the
present Bump, so that Congress may
be in continual session and take the
government in its own hands. A re
publfan proposition, truly! But e
nough for this time from PBY.
TIIE New York / lay Hook-ftvesGree
ley a first-rate notice for United States
! Senator, it should elect him, as it
| proves him a patriot , if not quite up to
the standard of modern "loyalty:"
"We ourselves can see several reasons
; which recommend him:
"First —Horace is a philosopher.
Si fond —lie has a respect for old
j clothes.
" Third —He Is a man of undeniable
"Fourth —He will give the country
speeches in fine contrast to the dreary
-itiff'of Sumner and Wilson.
"Fifth —He is opposed to hanging un
happy 'rebels;' and
"Sixth —lie was an original secession
ist of great inlluence and ability.
"With tlii'-e varied claims t < consid
eration, we shall expect Horace u; reach
the Senate without serious opposi
The question of raising the negro to
full political equality with white men,
says the Age, cannot be detached from
the general one connected with a i
speedy and satisfactory adjustment of i
j tlie issues now dividing the States, j
| They are indissolubly associated. \
So long as the Radicals insist upon
making the acceptance of the doctrine :
of negro suffrage by the South neees-j
I sary in order that their claims for po
I litical fellowship may be considered, !
so long will they act in a manner cal
culated to keep the States apart and
! alienate the people. The negro ques- j
| tion is one full of danger in the future.
1 It is so recognized by aU the leading
soldiers and statesmen of the country.
The following sentiments expressed in
; General Sherman's well-known letter
to Chief Justice Chase, just after the'
■ close of his great march v are important |
jas bearing upon this point. The Gen- j
| eral writes as follows:
M:Y 6, JSO6 —S o'clock P. X. J
I am not yet prepared to receive the
I negro on terms of political equality,
for the reason it will raise passions and
i prejudices at the North, superadded to
| the causes yet dormant at the South,
that might rekindle the war, whose i
fires are now dying out, and which, by i
skillful management might he kept j
down. As you must observe, I pro
pose to work with known facts rather
; than to reason ahead to remote conclu
■ I sions.
j **•***•*
We can control the local State capi
tals, and, it may be, slowly shape po-!
litical thoughts, hut we cannot combat;
existing ideas with force.
I ■■HI/ honestly that (HE (insertion openly
\ "f your ideas of universal neyro suffrage
! as a fixed policy of our general govern
men I, to be bucked by physical power,,
will produce a new war sooner or later,
i and one which, from its desultory char
.! acter, will be more bloody and destructive
I than (he hist. L think the changes ne
! cessary in the future can he faster and
j more certainly made by means of our
Constitution than by any plan outside
of it. * Now, if we go outside of the
; Constitution l'or a means of change, we
i rather justify the rebels in their late
, attempt, whereas now, as General Sco
: lieid tells us, the people of the South
are ready and willing to make the ne-
I cessary changes, without shock or vio
j lence. 1 felt the last war as bitterly
: and as keenly as any man could, and 1
' fruit! ly confess myself afraid of a new
' war ; and a new war is hound to result
| from the action you suggest of giving
I to the enfranchised negroes so large a
share in the delicate task of putting the
Southern States in practical working
relations with the general government.
j —On Thursday last Secretary Seward
read at a special Cabinet meeting the
draft of his dispatch to Minister Bige
; low, commenting on Napoleon's breach
! of faith in not withdrawing the French
i troops according to agreement. After
1 thcdespatch was read the Cabinet voted
j unanimously that its tone he made
i stronger by insisting that the French
j troops be withdrawn in pursuance of
; the previous arrangement to that effect.
| Another despatch from Washington
states that the only cause of the delay
on the part of France arose ironi the
fact that it has been thought more pru
dent to remove the whole of the French
troops from Mexico at once. No offi
cial confirmation of the report that
■ General Sedgwick had crossed the Rio
■ Grande has been received at Washing
! ton, and it is therefore believed that
I the statement is untrue.
i —-We have from Salt Lake a report
that Brigham Young is about to retire
| temporarily from his capital, and take
up his abode on a plantation owned by
| him, sonic sixty miles south of Salt
! Lake City, leaving the reins of govern-
I ment in the hands ofhis son, Brigham
; junior. It i- said that a full council of
elders have advised this step, preferr
j ing that the successor of theirpatriareh
shall lie inducted intotheatlairsofState,
j and his ability to wield the sceptre tes
ted, before the death ofhis father shall
i render final any step which may be a
dopted in regard to the succession.
—The suspension bridge over the
Ohio river at Cincinnati, which is two
thousand two hundred and fifty-two
j feet long, was opened to pedestrians on
Saturday, December I, with appropri
ate ceremonies. 11 is the longest single
! span bridge in the world, costing two
million dollars. The railway tracks are
: laid over its span from centre to centre
of towers, one thousand and fifty-seven
i feet.
—Postmaster General Randall hasfi-j
nally agreed upon a postal treaty with
Great Britain, whereby postages to ami
from the two eountriesareto he reduced
to twelve cents each way. The postage
is to he collected by the Government
where the letter is mailed, and each
; side is to keep what it gets. The ad van
tage in this arrangement is said to been
tin- side of the United States, as more
letters are mailed from this country to ,
; Great Britain than from it.
—The cholera has appeared in all the j
j oil regions of West Virginia, and at
, some places is raging with unusual fa
tality. At Faston's Tunnel, a small
; station on the Baltimore and < )hio rail
road, fifteen miles from Parkersburg,
there have been fifteen deaths in four
1 days in a population of not more than
I one hundred persons. The scourge is
| principally confined to the Irish work
men engaged on the railroad.
—The advices from Europe by the
cable are to Thursday last. Further |
arrests of Fenians had been made in i
Ireland and more troops were being j
sent there. Peace will shortly be dc-
I dared between Peru and Chili.
—The decision of the Supreme Court '
ol Michigan that persons with less than
one-fourth African blood in their veins
are "white men," within the meaning (
of the constitution, .enfranchised proba- j
bly one thousand men.
—A young man in London was se- j
verely burned by a substance which he
says w,. a falling meteor, but the Lon
don Advertiser, which tells the story, is
I somewhat skeptical.
—An Irish washerwoman in Cala
veras County, California, who was o
bliged to take a share in a newly dis
covered mine in payment for services,
her employer being unable to pay in j
money, now derives an income of $lO,- i
| 000 a year from it.
—The New England and Middle;
'State Radicals are getting ready for 1
rushing a high tariff bill through and !
the Western Rails are preparing to op
pose it. Some time or other there will
j be a big fight on that question.— Patriot
i & Union.
—The Montreal police lately discov
ered au old cellar, covered with rubbish,
in which were four hoys and a girl half
drunk, with a collection of moulds,
coining metal, spoons and implements,
besides a quantity of false coin.
—Since the late election ty< number
of outrages upon freed men and South
! ern Unionists has marvelously decreas
; e<l—in Radical newspapers. Strange
that all of them should occur just about
election time.— Pat. <{• Union.
—The census of the Indian tribes, as
prepared for the annual report of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 18-
66, shows that the total number of lu
■ (linns is 295,774.
—Gen. Pile, Congressman elect in the
first Missouricongressionaldistriet, has
brought a suit against the Missouri Re
publican for slander, laying damages at
—Horace Randall, uncle of the pres
ent Postmaster General, and an inti
mate friend of General Washington, is
still living in Fauquier county, at the
age of 105 years.
—The Denver (Colorado) News reports
a fearful state of things in Salt Lake
city, the Gentiles not daring to leave
their houses at night for fear of assass
—Frederick Weed, a nephew of Thur
low Weed, of New York, committed
suicide in Salt Lake city, on the 10th of
—The vote of New York State is 13,-
000 less than the vote of 1804. The poll
of Pennsylvania is about 21,000 more
| than in 1864.
—The Freedrnen's Bureau has just
completed the colored census of Nor
folk, and report 0,000 negroes domicil
ed there.
THE HI JIP < o\(, S:I:SN.
The weather is as pleasant as could
he desired. The galieries of the two
branches of Congress are densely crowd
ed. Those of the House are not suffi
ciently large to accommodate all seek
ers of admission. The members of the
House are present in full force.
Long before noon the men of both
parties were seen shaking hands with
marked cordiality, and conversing on
other subjects than politics. A mere
looker on would scarcely suspect that
differences ever divided them, so hearty
are they in greeting.
The Senate was called to order at 12
o'clock precisely, by Mr. Foster, presi
dent, protein. Prayer hv the Chaplain,
Rev. Dr. Gray, of the Baptist church.
Mr. Anthony presented the follow
ing resolves, winch were severally
adopted :
That the Secretary inform the House
that a quorum of the Senate is assem
bled ; that the hours for meeting of
the Senate he twelve o'clock, until
otherwise ordered; that a committee
of two lie appointed to join a commit- j
tee of the House and wait upon the
President to receive his message.
Mr. Sunnier said if there was no bu- |
sine.— before the Senate he would move i
to call up Senate hill No. 1, "An act to
regulate the elective franchise in the
District of Columbia."
The Rev. Dr. Boynton opened the
House with a prayer of thankfulness
for the results of the late elections,
which tend, he said, to establish the
principles of liberty to all classes and
conditions of men.
The roll of members was called, when
one hundred and forty-six answered to
their names. Three new members
were sworn in from Tennessee and two
from Kentucky.
A committee was appointed to wait
on the President and inform him that
Congress had assembled and was ready
to receive any communication.
Mr. Eliot, Mass., asked leave to in
troduce a hill to repeal the 13th section
of the act of July 17th, 1862, which
section authorizes the President to
grant pardon and amnesty to persons
who took part in the rebellion.
Mr. Finck, Ohio, objected, and the
rules were suspended so as to allow the
bill to bo introduced.
(Mr. Eliot's bill was then put upon
| it- passage, and was passed by a vote of
| 111 to 23.
A resolution was adopted calling for
! information as to the arrest and escape
of John 11. Surratt.
A hill was introduced and referred,
directing the sale of $2,000,000 of gold
by the Secretary of the Treasury, ev
ery Monday; also, a bill for the meet
ing of Congress on the Ith of March.
2 p.m. —The President's message has
just been received. Mr. Stevens mov
ed to postpone the reading until to
morrow. The motion was rejected,
| and the clerk proceeded to read the
I message.
Mr. Stevens introduced a hill to reg
ulate removals from office, which was
made the special order for Friday
Mr. Schenck, Ohio, introduced a bill
to equalize the bounties of soldiers,
sailors and marines. Referred to the
Committee on Military Affairs.
Arm! of jolin %11rr.ll.
WASH I NGTON, 1 >ec. 2.—ThisGovern
inenthadinformation as long ago as last
winter, that John H. Suratt had gone to
Europe. The person who communica
ted the facts conversed with him dur
ing the voyage across the Atlantic, and
] also reported that Suratt, believing he
was far removed from danger, was free
and out-spoken about iiis connection
. with the assassination conspiracy. To-
I night Secretary Seward received a dis
! patch by the Atlantic cable, dated to
| day, as follows:
"i havearrrcsted John H. Suratt, one
of President Lincoln's assassins. No
! doubt of identity. HALE,
"United States Consul-General,
"Alexandria, Egypt."
~. _ ~
GOVERNOR GEARY will be inaugur*-
i ted mi the loth of January, the election
for United States Senator will take place ;
j on the same day; and the election of i
Treasurer will take placeon the loth day j
j ofJanuary.
niar term of the United States Circuit
Court at Richmond should have Ix'jfun
on Monday, but it announced that nei
ther Chief Justice Chase nor Un
derwood were in Richmond on that day,
and, consequently, no Court was held.
The case of Mr. Davis, which should i
have come up at this term of the Court,
is therefore postponed until the next j
term, which is held in May, 1867. None
| of the counsel for the prisoner were in
Richmond on Monday.
SHOEMAKER—RE.SSOR—In Morristown. Her
|rv county. 1115.,0n the llth ult.. by Rev. A. M.
I Tanner, Mr. CharlesT. Shoemaker. of Bedford, Pa.
and Mi.--" Anna M Ressor, of Morristown, Ills,
j BENNER—DEACON—On the 29th ult., at the ;
' residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A R.
Miller. Mr John Benner and Miss Casander Dea
con, both of Pleasant Valley.
composed of various roots, having the power to re
! lax the secretions of the liver as promptly and ef
fectually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous ef
fects which often follow the use of the latter.
In all bitlious disorders these Pills may be used
with confidence, as they promote the discharge of
vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from
the liver ani billiary duets, which are the cause
of billious affections in general.
Schenek's Mandrake Pills cure Sick Headache,
i and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow
skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsiness, and a
general feeling of weariness and lassitude, show
ing that the Jiveris in a torpid or obstructed con
In short, these Pills may be used with advan
tage in ail cases when a purgative or alterative
medicine is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Schonok's Mandrake Pills,"
and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor
are on the Government stamp—one when in the
last stage of Consumption, and the other in his
present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cts
per box. Principal office, No. 15 North Bth street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
4th & sth w.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The above articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York.
warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for
the euro of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs. Hide
bound. Colds. Ac., in Horses; and Colds. Coughs,
Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac.,
in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up
by Simpson I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, since
his death, the demand has bcon so great for them,
that Dr. Tobias has continued to manufacture
them. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no
need of stopping the working of your animals.
They increase the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse
the stomach and urinary organs ; also increase the
I milk of cows. Try them, and you will never bo j
without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated
trainer of trotting horses, has used them for years, j
and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo
l P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordham,
i X. Y., would not use them until he was told of j
i what they are composed, since which he is never I
without them He has over 20 running horses in I
his charge, and for the last three years he has used
no other medicine for them. He has kindly per- j
mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 j
j other references can be seen at the depot. Sold j
by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per
box. Depot. 56 Cortlandt Street, New York.
solve and anna ge pain by rail inn forth the acrid ,
humors from parts internal to the sitn anil gen
eral rtrcalatton—thus, in many cases, positively
evaporating the disease.
There is nothing equal, in the way of a plaster,
to the Porous Plaster of Mr. ALLCOCK. Every
thing is pleasant about them. They are the plas- ;
ter of the day. and a fit type of our present ad- |
vanccmentin science and art. In Asthma. Cough, i
Kidney Affections, Gout, Rheumatism, and local j
deep-seated pains, they afford permanent relief.
J. F. JOHNSON. M. I)., on "Topical Remedies " ;
From a personal knowledge of these plasters, we |
can state that they are decidedly preferablo to any j
other in use. Wherever relief is to be obtained j
by the use of a plaster, we should recommend I
them. A. INGRAM AM. M.D . Ed. X. Y. Mentor. \
Agency, Brandreth House, New York. Sold by j
druggists. norSOml
* - •
MARCHING OX!! —Constantly ad
vancing in public favor, throughout the United
States, the British Colonies and Spanish America,
and needing no
to proclaim its success, that standard article,
is now far ahead of any preparation of its class.
People of Fashion at length thoroughly under
stand the terrible consequences entailed by the
use of metallic and caustic preparations, and admit
the superiority of this famous vegetable Dye, Man
ufactured by J. CHRIMTADOHO, 6 Astor II >use, New
York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all Hair
Dressers. novJrtinl
To CONSUMPTIVES. —The advertiser,
having been restored t" health ill a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and tba*
dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure CUKE for CONSUMPTION,
Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of.
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread information which J
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost theui
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by re
turn mail, will please address
Williamsburg!], Kings Co., New York.
Jan. 5, '66 —ly.
STRANGE, BUT TKU E. —Every youoy
lady and gentleman in the United .States can hear i
something very tuuch to their advantage by re
turn mail (fret: of charge,) by addressing the un
dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug
ged will oblige by not noticing this card. Others
will please address their obedient servant,
S3 I Broadway, New York
Jan. 5, '66—ly.
Scratch Scratch! —WHKATO.V'S OINTMENT will
cure Itch in 46 Hours.
Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
' all Eruptions of the Skin. Price oil cents. For
! sale by all druggists By sending 60 cents to
Week-A Potter, sole agents. 170 Washington street
Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of post
age, to any part of the United States,
funfi, '66. -ly.
I j testamentary to tho estate of Moses Dicken
late of C. Valley township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, by the Register of
Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate
are hereby notified to make immediate payment
anil those having claims against the same wfll pre
sent them properly authenticated tor settlement
nnv23.-6t * JOHN DICKEN. Bx'r
T V Notice is hereby given that letters of admin
• t rut ion have been granted by the Register of Bed
| ford county, to the undersigned, on the estate of
David Roudabush, late of Napier township, dee'd.
; All persons indebted to said estate are requested
■to make immediate payment, and thoe having
claims can present them duly authenticated for
! settlement.
! nov.23.—fit. HIRAM DAVIS, Adm'r.
|) E A SO N S \Y II Y
i It is made on the best principle. It is composed
;of SOLID ULATES. No jar can interfere with the
j harmony of its working, and no sudden shock can
! damage its machinery Every piece is made and
finished by machinery, (itself famous for its novelty,
i as well as for its effectiveness,) and is therefore
j properly made. The watcb is what all mechanism
! NOMICAL. Except some high grades, too costly for
| general use. foreign watches are chiefly made by
| women and boys. Such watches are composed of
i several hundred pieces, screwed and riveted to
! gether. and require constant repairs to keep them
iin any kind of order. All persons who have enr
! ried "uncres," ••lepines," and - English Patent
| Levers." are perfectly well aware of the truth of
. this statement.
| At the beginning of our enterprise, more than
; ten years ago, it was our first object to make a
j thoroughly good low-priced watch for the million,
to take the place of these foreign impositions, the
j refuse of foreign factories, which were entirely un
j saleable at home and perfectly worthless every
| where.
| How well we have accomplished this may he
j understood from the fact that after so many years
I of public trial we now make MORE THAN HALE OP
| and that no others have ever given such universal
j satisfaction. While this department of ou.- busi
• ness is continued with increased facilities for per
j feet work, we are at present engaged in the man
; ufacture ot watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE
j KNOWN TO UHRONOSIETRY, unequaled by anything
j hitherto made by ourselves, and unsurpassed by
' anything mad" in the world. For this purpose
|we have the amplest facilities. We have erected
an addition to our main building expressly for
j this branch of our business, and have filled it with
the best workmen in our service. New machines
and ippli inccs have been constructed, which per
fria their work with consummate delicacy and
I exactness. The choicest and most approved ma
t' tic's only are used, and wc challenge comparison
betw. en his grade of our work and the finest im
ported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell
our watches for LESS MONEY than foreign watches
! but we Jo assert, without fear of contradiction,
that for the SAME MONEY our product is incompa
i bly superior. All our watches, of whatever grade,
are fully warranted, and this warrantee is good
I at all times against us or our agents in all parts of
' the world
j CAUTION. —The public are cautioned to buy only
!of respectable dealers All persons selling'couii
j terfeits will be prosecuted. j
Agents for the American Watch Company.
! nov39inl 182 Broadway, NY.
RINOW POWDER.—Patented May
| n 29, 1866. This is an article for washing with
out rubbing, except in very dirty places, which
will require a very slight rub. and unlike other
preparations offered for a like purpose, WILL NOT
HOT the clothes, but will Leave them much WHITER
than ordimuy methods, without the usual wear
I and tear
It removes grease spots as if by magic, and sof
tens the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will inor
j ditiary cases entirely remove it.
i This powder is prepared in accordance with
j chemical science, and upon a process peculiar to
itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has
been in use for more than a year, and has proved
itself an universal favorite wherever it has been
used. Among the advantages claimed are the tot
lowing. viz :
It saves all the expense of soap usually used on
cotton and linen goods.
It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear
and tear
Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.—
With one quarter the time and labor usually re
quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre.
I much superior to any other mode. No water re
j quired except to moisten the powder.
| Directions with each package,
i And cau be readily appreciated by a single
j trial. The cost of washing for a family of five or
t six persons will not exceed THREE CENTS.
The manufacturers of this powder are aware
' that many useless compounds have been iutrodu
; eed to the public which have rotted the cloth, or
I failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the in
j trinsic excellence of this article they confidently
j proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand
which has lung existed, and which has heretofore
remained unsupplied.
' Manufactured by HOWE A STEVENS,
260 Broadway. Boston,
Also, manufacturers of Family Dye Colors.
IFor sale by Grocers and Dealers every
where. nov3om3.
4 G E N' T 8 WANT EI)
And best selling Subscription Books published.
4Ve are the most extensive publishers in the U
uited States, (having six houses.) and therefore
I can afford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a
! more liberal commission than any other company.
Our books do not pass through the hands of Gen
eral Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works
; do.) therefore we are enabled to giv • our canvas
i sors the extra per cent, which is usually allowed
!to General Agents. Experienced canvassers will
see the advantages of dealing directly with tho
! publishers.
Our series embraces the most popular works on
; all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly
both North and South.
; Old agents, and all others, who want the best
! paying agencies, will please send for circulars and
) see our terms, and compare theui and the charac
i ter of our works with those of other publishers.
I Philadelphia,- l'a., Boston. Mass.. Cincinnati,
Ohio, Chicago, Illinois, St. Louis, Mo., or Rich
mond. Vs. nov3(lw4.
! He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil
er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
Watch Chains. Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
quality of Gold Pon-. He will supply to order
any tiling it! his line not on hand.
Oct. 20, 1665-
/Accural S'-rivoter and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages.
Leases. Articles of Agreement, and all business
sually transacted by a Scrivener and Couveyan
•i r. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April fi,'fifi-tf
> y The Magic Photograph. Send 25 cents for
a package; also get a sample of "The California
Indestructible Pen" free. These Pens will bend
and not break. Teachers and others supplied. —
Agents wanted everywhere. Everybody buys
them. Address C. F. MILLER A CO.,
261 North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa.
and Business men generally will advance
their own interests by advertising in the columns
JWAIIK .ail kinds, at
§ best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn
yl vania.
B)AR< iA 1 NS! | JARG A INS!—Buy
fi) vour TINWARE at
Aug. ID—tf. B Mr. BLYMYER A CO'S.
11l MIBLYMYER & CO., Whole
& J. sale and Retail dealers in Stoves, Tinware,
Ac. No. 1, "Stone Row," Bedford, Pa.
n 11. Mc. BLYMYER A CO'S
who suff'-red for years from Nervous Debility. Pre
mature Decay, and ail tho effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humani
ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
rections for making tho simple remedy by which
be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit be the
advertisers experience, can do so bv addressing
No. 13 Chambers. St., New Yotk.
Jan. 5, 66—ly.