The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 07, 1866, Image 1

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TB, IKDFO* GAZETTE is published every Fri-
HaT morning by METERS A MIJTSEL, at $2.00 per
„mium, if stnetly advance; 52.50 if paid
within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six
montbf. All eubseriptton it try nuts MUST he
\rttltd annually- So paper will be sent out of
(te State unless paid for is APVASCE. and all sueb
inscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
t!ie expiration ef the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each tn-
Vrtion. Special notices one-half additional AH
esolutions Associations; sommunicotions of
iir.ited or individual interest, and notices of uiar
rj*ges and deaths exceeding five line*, ten tents
mtr line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal No titer of trery kind, and Orphans' j
Cturt and Judicial Sale*, art required bp late
publish.*! < i*>h papers pn Disked in thia
] *"
■ All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount ii made to persona advertising
by t'ue quarter, half yaar. r year, ns WW*I:
$ sionths. 6 months. 1 year, j
•finesauare - - - $4 50 $ 00 $lO OH
SI". -- - 000 Odd lfioo;
Three t us re. ---# 12 00 20 00
Quarter colutna --14 0# 20 00 35 Ofl
Half eolumn --- MOO 25 00 45 00
One column - - - - 30 00 4o 00 (Ml 00
♦One square te occupy ene inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
leatness and dispatch THE GAZETTE OFCICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and averything in the Printing line can be execu
ted ia the most artistie manner and at the lowest
ratea. —TERMS CASH.
■J" All letters should he addrcssd to
:Attornfu.s at £au\
~' AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
attend to collection* of bounty, back pay. Ac .
sri *ll business entrusted to hi* care in Bedford
and adjoining countie*.
Cash advanced on judgment*, notes, military
and other claims.
H*i for al Town lots in Tatesville, where a
£ l Church is erected, and vrhere a large School
House *hB he built. Farms. Land and Timber
LC*T*. from one acre t 500 acres to uit pur
Office nearly opposite the ''Meiige! Hotel'" and
Bank of Reed A Schell.
AT LAW BEDFORD. P*., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
fice "2 Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
jt • 1 A Schell. _ [March 2. "f>6.
nr RR()RR () \V fc Ii rT z ,
IT;]i attend promptly to all business intrusted to
tL-ircare. Collections made on the shortest no
il - r tre.also. regularly licensed Claim Agents
( r::( will gite special attention to the prosecution
cfclaim* against the Government for Pensions,
E.i k Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lauds, Ac
Office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Mcegel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer
LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders
* - services to the public,
office second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford. Aug. 1, 1861.
} LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly attend
&n business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
SDpo-ite the Mengel House.
Bedford. AUG I. 1861.
Ij LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
r > aptly attend te all busine-s entrusted to his
are in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
•V-. ins. back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Ju'iana street,
: i doors uth of the Menge! House.
Jan , 1864,
II ive formed a partnership in the practice of
1 Law Office #n J uliatia street, two doors South
■ Kvngel "
\J, LAW BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at
tend to collections and all bu-ooess entrusted to
Li- ears'in Bedford and adjoining counties.
Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
"Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mr*.
ko i
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office
•Hue as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
TWO do*rs ea*t of the GAZETTE office, will practice
in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sale of real estate attended to. | mayll.'fiti.
FOHN 11. FILLER, Attorney** LAV,
*1 Bedford, Pa Office nearly opposite the Post
Office. [apr.2o,'66.—ly.
and Dentists.
f ) 11. PEXXBYL, M. 1)., llloopy
| , Run, Pa . 'lute surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten
ders his professional services to the people of that
place and vicinity. Dec. 2-'. 65-ly*
ITr WTJAMISON, M. I'.. Bloody
it s Rk'v. Pa., tenders his professional servi
es to the people of that plaee and vicinity. Office
door west of Richard Lnugdon's store.
Nov. It, '6s—ly
f ill. J. L. MAIIBOURG, Having
1 / permanently located, respectfully tenders
i a professional services to the citizens of Bedford
aiid vicinity.
Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
ti. Banking House of Keed A Schell.
Bedford. Feb, u.ary 12. 15,64.
UKXTI 8 T 8 ,
"ffiro in the Bank Building, Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
•hiriical Dentistry carefully performed, and war
ranted Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, cx
aell'.'iit articles, always on hand
Bedford, January 6. ICS.
nil. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect
fully tenders his professional services to the
people of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors Vest ..f the Bedford Hotel,
above Birder 9 Silver Smith Store.
B - - sidence at Mai. Washabaugh's.
Mg 24.'66
teeth extracted without pain,
by the use of Nitrous Oxide, and is attended with
-• danger whatever.
u pon a new style of base, which is u combination
■ I'dil and \ ulcanite ; also, upon Vulcanite, Gold,
•'>*' 1 and Silver.
U.MPORARV SETS inserte 1 if called for.
eeial attention will be ma le to diseased gums
* .2 * eure warranted or no charge made.
' i.ETH FILLED to last for life, and all work
the dental line done to the entire satisfaction of
r the money refunded. Prices to correspond
the times.
V ' have located permanently in Bedford,
•hall visit SchelDburg the Ist Monday of each
otb. remaining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd
' " lay, remaining one week ; the balance of my
4[''•" I c vii be found at my office, 3 doors South of
Court House, Bedford, Pa.
jcy 16,'66. WM. W. VAN ORMEK, Dentist.
. KKoi I J. 1. S< IIKI.L.
f > K E D A N I) SC II E Is L,
A banters and
bl ' : A Is ER 8 I X E X Ull AXG E,
■' •AI TS bought and sold, collections made and
'7 promptly remitted.
. Deposits solicited.
'-EE I IONS made for the East, West, North
•',!, ulr ' and the general business of Exchange
• ''-sited. Notes and Accounts Collected and
"'ttaoaes promptly made. REAL ESTATE
rt and sold. Oct 20. 1565.
1 B Mc. blvmyer aCO p.
iTtnrduare, &r.
* IT having formed partnership, on the 6th of
March, lSfifi. in the
respectfully iuvite the public to their new rooms,
three doors west of the old stand, where they will
find an immense stock of the most splendid goods
ever brought to Bedford county. Those goods
will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Persons
desirous of purchasing BUILDING HAUDWARI
will find it to their advantage to give us acall.
WHITE LEAD.—We have on hand a large
quantity of White Lend, which we have been for
tunate to buy a little lower than the market rates.
The particular brands to which we would invite
attention, are the
Part Burl Lead.
Liberty White Lead.
Snow Franklin White Lead,
Washington White Lentl,
II ashington Zinr While Lend,
Noif York White Lead.
ALSO:— French Poreelain Finish;
Demur Varnish:
Varnishes of all lands.
Flaxseed Oil, (pare.)
Turpentine and A/rohol.
All kinds of IRON and NAILS.
LAMPS in profusion.
We would invite persons wanting Saddlery
Hardware, to give us a call, as we have every
thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buckles,
Rings, Jlames and Webbing Leather of all kinds;
also a variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of
French Calf Skins. Morocco Linings. Bindings,
Pegs, etc.
Housekeepers will find at Blymyer A Son's
store a great variety of household goods. Knives
and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table
and Tea Spoons at all prices.
Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn
Door Rollers, the latest improvements; Nova Scotia
Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels,
Forks and Spades.
Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; Fishing
Tackle; Brushes of all kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent
Wheel Grease, Tar and Whale Oil, and aL infinite
variety of articles.
$20.000 WANTED—WouId like to get it if our
friends wauld let us have it. Less will do; but
persons having unsettled accounts will close them
up to the first of March, to enable us to close our
old books. This should be done
may4,'66. GEO. BLYMYER A SON.
pruivs, &t.
JL. LEWIS having purchased the
Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities witli a well selected stock of
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi
ted to the stock of I-ERFITMERV, TOILET and FASCV
ARTICLF.S, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes. Soaps, Preparations for the Hair.
Complexion and Teeth ; ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes. Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment:
Billet, Note. Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys. Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates. Ac,, Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
CoalOii. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dye Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab. Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a
good cigar
Rose Smoling Tobrrrn.
Mi eh i gait and Solace Fine Cut.
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and unrest Frenrh Confections,
Consisting *) Grape. Blackberry and Elderberry
Xolt M LSI' IS AL rsx
The attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first clnss Drug
Store, and having no hand at all times a geueral
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately coin
pounded. (Feb 9, 66 —tf
(nothing, etc.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at Lippel's.
If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladles' Dress Goods,
Ac.. Ac . Ac .
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel s.
If you would have the host quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel's.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kiuds taken in
exchange for goods, at Lippcl <
r\ U >ti nX( J EM p< >RIU M. —(I EC).
1 / RVTMI Nl> Merchant Tailor, Iledford, Pa.,
constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
l S Coats pants, vests. Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassiineres, and gents'furnish
. ~f nil kind"; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
klfofwtich rash My room
D a few doors west of Fyan s store and opposite
1? L*. .n.rhle vard. I invite all to give me h
calf. I have just received a stock of uew goods.
way2s, 66 _ _
-ri uit iij <' A.UHAND BEALING
alio 'i'fdforti (iVa^cttr.
Ills' A'ative African Paganism Itifs* \-
'V rrsHwlms',.— li^n>tin v Hi-,-*
! J ' of VOOSISMI...!iiH:;eii<<-
iV. ' l'- ro . n d sJ K<>giios sni their !<!-
lowers. Ac., Ac.
[From the Nashville Union and American. |
Home two months or more ago wo
copied from the Georgia and Mississip
pi papers statements showing that ma
ny of the negroes in certain localities in
those States were afflicted with the
most grotesque and absurd religious
superstitions. The Rev. C. K. Mar
shall, of the latter State, also made a
statement of well-authenticated facts,
indicating that these crude supersti
tions were much more general among
the negro population of the South than
was generally known. ()noof the forms
of this heathenism is denominated
Voodoo by the negroes, and was exem
plified practically in Memphis on Sun
day last, in the manner stated by the
Appeal , svs follows:
"VoonooisM—We believe that this
barbaric religion of worship is begin
ning to take hold among the negroes.
Free from the check which was once
held over them they have unlimited
control over their baser passions, and
now and then it bursts out, and proves
that the worship of their barbaric fath
ers still runs in the blood of the Amer
icanized negro. It was but last Sun
day night that a party of live negroes,
dressed in the garb which Father Ad
am is supposed to have worn, dashed
down across South street into an open
field, yelping and shouting like mad
men, to the terror of the women and
amusement and surprise of the men,
who did not know what to make of
them. Talking with some negroes
yesterday about this incident, we ask
ed them what it all meant. Several
shrugged their shoulders innocently,
but one, more ignorant than the rest,
informed us 'dey are tryin' to voodoo
de niggars.' Voodooism, from what
we can learn, is a superstition little
le-s than the idolatrous religion of Af
rica. It prevails more extensively in
New Orleans than elsewhere, and its
rites and ceremonies are most disgust
ing. They believe in incantations and
charms, bewitch their enemies by piec
es of hair, feathers, and similar arti
cles, which are charmed. They have
been suspected of human sacrifices and
are known to robgraves that they may
procure materials for their charms,
which are as varied and disgusting as
those used by the witches in "Macbeth."
Strange to say, they have made white
converts, and, in one or two eases, of
sensible people. The initiatory rites,
a-described by the New Orleans po
lice, who have several times broken in
upon them, consist of naked dances a
round a leaking caldron of charmed
snakes, toads, human remains, and
similar articles. They have a woman
to whom they are subject. This wo
man, who resides in New Orleans, is
known to the police a* being a beauti
ful octoroon. The subject is one of in
terest, and the only works we know of
on it are very unsatisfactory. The ne
gro l)r. Randolph, lately traveling
with the Southern loyalists, delivered
some lectures on the subject at New Or
leans, claiming that he had iearncsl its
mysteries in Africa, but he evidently
knew very little on the subject. It is
known to be practised on most of the
Louisiana plantations. GilmorcSimms
has written a story called the 'Enchant
ed ('row,' which is evidently based on
this heathenism and superstitious reli
gion. Itisto lie hoped that some com
petent person will study it, for it is the
religion of Africa brought toour doors.
The Galveston (Texas) Bulletin, a few
weeks ago, stated a ease occurring in
the County Jail, as follows:
"There is at the County Jail a dar
key supposed to he voodooed. Bamho
lias been there more than a month.
He has never spoken, except when hun
gry and forced to say 'bread/ and on
one occasion when he was heard to say
'nice morning.' Yet the rascal can ev
idently talk and understand what i
said to him. He will stand by the hour
straight in 'the position of a soldier,'
staring at the blank wall. At other
times he will sing 'Bobbing Around'
for half the night, when he will curl
himself on thegronnd, put his head on
his tin plate and sleep like a pi£ The
oilier negroes say he is either voodoo
ed or else is voodooing somebody."
Within the last ten days a case has
transpired in this city, with similar
characteristics. A negress, of the
half-blood, who was for many years a
slave in thefamily of the writer of this,
and who has borne and reared a fam
ily of several children, was taken sick
some six weeks or two months ago,
with some scrofulous form of disease.
Failing to get relief she called in a ne
gro "medicine man," who at once pro
nounced hr bewitched, or voodooed.
He told her that the bed on which she
lay contained certain feathers, hones,
and hair which had produced ah her
suffering, and whereby she had been
voodooed. To prove it he proposed to
rip open and examine the bed. Upon
doing so lie found certain minute chick
en-bones, a lew chicken feathers, and
some luiir. This demonstrated the
truth of the physician's diagnosis, and
he began his curative process by dis
pelling the sorcery, by incantations,
sounds, gestures, Sir., the evil spirit of
the Voodoo. This so shocked and dis
gusted the husband of the patient and
the other members of the family, that
the "medicine man" was peremptorily
' discharged, with a warning not to re
Another form of the superstitions of
this race was disclosed at the session of
the Methodist Conference, which as
sembled at Galveston on the 2ith ult.
The following is an extract from the
"Emanuel Ilainmitt, a negro preach
er from Millican, was elected to dea
con's orders. It was stated that he
could read the Bible well, was a good
preacher, and 'Southern' in his feelings.
The bishop wished to know if he held
any of the superstitions common a
mong the blacks, and was informed
that he did not. The bishop then sta
ted that in travelling lately through
Harrison county, on Red ltiver, he
had found a religious organization of
negroes, calling themselves -The An
gel Band.' They were under the di
rection of an old negro woman whom
they called the' God-mother,' and who,
they believed, knew all their thoughts
and actions, whether they were present
or absent. She prescribed punishment
at pleasure, which was received with
opposition by the criminal.
"It was expected that each person
should receive a revelation from Heav
en and relate it to the society. One
boy, about fourteen years of age, re
ceived no divine light, and was order
ed to be flogged tili the vision came.
This was done and a wonderful story
was related. The bishop asked the
boy how it was that the whipping gave
him such a revelation, and received the
answer : 'Sir, if you had been whip
ped as I was, you would have had a
Bt " Bsiflor the Author of the Ifohollion
—K x t r:tr<l iun rj Devolution
Alexander F. Pratt, editor of the Plain
Pettier, published at Waukesha, Wis
consin, a Douglas delegate to the
Charleston Convention, in 18G0, and a
man who lues known Benjamin F. But
ler intimately from his youth, publish
es some extraordinary revelations con
cerning the part that notorious incen
diary took in the Charleston Conven
tion, the efforts he put forth to bring
about secession, and the promises of
help from the North, which he made
in the name of Northern Democrats
when secession should be accomplished
in fact.
Mr. Pratt says: "Butler had been sent
to that convention as we were, instruc
ted to vote for Stephen A. Douglas; but
duringthal struggle, which lasted some
two weeks, ho voted persistently for
the nomination of Jefferson Davis.
"At that time," continues Mr. Pratt,
"secession was openly advocated, and
was as plain to us in the distance, as it
is now to aii, in the background. Six
or eight well drilled and well armedand
equipped companies were then daily
parading the streets of that city. One
by one were our National delegates led
into the private room of St. Andrews
Hall by Butler and others where they
were met by such men as Slidell, Ma
son and others who had their millions
in gold to purchase the nomination of a
Southern man. How much Butler re
ceived we neither know nor care, but
as we said before, the last speech we ev
er heard from Butler, and it will prob
ably remain the last, unless we may
have the good fortune to hear him speak
upon the gallows, was a secret meeting
held one evening after he and the South
ern delegates had seceded from our Con
vention. We obtained admittance that
evening through a friend from Alaba
ma, and for nearly an hour listened to
a speech from Butler to Admiral Pal
"In tliis speech Butler assured them
that we, the Douglas Democrats, were
"free soilers," that he and others rep
resented the Buchanan, the 'Simon
Pure' Democracy of the North—that in
case of a collision of arms between the
North and South that the genuine De
mocracy would be found defending the
rights of the South. And when tiring
upon Fort Sumter, they had as much
faith in the belief that Butler and the
Northern Democrats would sustain
them as they had in their powder
igniting when they applied the lire to
"There is no one more willing to pur
don and forgive than we are: but when
we reflect upon the past, and consider
the human suffering caused by the late
war, the mountains of human bones
bleaching on the Southern soil, the riv
ers of human blood that have drenched
that soil, together with the home scenes
of destitute orphans and widows, and
the thousands of cripples who are hob
bling limbless about our towns and cit
ies; knowing as we do, of our personal
knowledge, that Ben. Butler done more
than all other Northern men put to
gether to bring on the war, we cannot
hut hope that we may yet live to hear
his last speech made from a more eleva
ted platform, and where he will be lis
tenedto by better Union men surround
ed by the officers of justice, sworn to do
their duty. When that time arrives,
•treason will be made odious.' "
Arrangement with the Confederate* by
Cenerul llntler—Holler's proposition
to Van Worn—l'owder to the t'oufeder
al es to Kill federals with.
Correspondence of the Cincinnati Inquirer.
"Oh ! damned villain."— Shakxpeare.
While the Confederate army of the
West was at Tupelo Mississippi, Gener
al Butler was in New Orleans, and for
months this noble, patriotic, unselfish
man supplied them with l*>ots, shoes,
salt, gunpowder, percussion caps, Ac.,
Does any man iloubt thisassertion ? If
so, let that man go to Jackson, Missis
sippi, or to any point on the New Of-
'pans Railroad below Jackson, and ask
anybody living on the railroad if sup
plies of all kinds were not regularly
sent over the road from New Orleans.
Let the unbeliever inquire for a cer
tain Captain Colby (formerly known in
Cincinnati, Ohio ) who was a commissa
ry in the Confederate army, and station
ed at Jackson, Mississippi, whether he
did not receive constantly large sup
plies of coffee, salt, &c., Ac., for a peri
od extending over eighteen months.
The writer of this article, whilein Jack
son, Mississippi, in the summerof 18(52,
had occasion to visit the chief clerk of
Captain Colby, a Mr. Bliss, formerly
Governor of Colorado Territory, and
while there heard a conversation take
place bet ween Colonel Jones, of Gener
al Bragg'sstaff, and a confidential agent
ofGeneral Butler in which it wasagreed
on the part ofGeneral Butler to furnish
the Confederate army of the West with
shoes, blankets, salt, Ac., and 4,000
sacks of salt should be delivered—if I
remember right—in three weeks. Bliss
and myself were separated from the
speakers by a board partition, not well
made, and could hear the entire conver
sation. As we listened we became much
interested, and exchanged frequent
significant winks, both being good Con
federates. *
Bliss afterward "sloped" to avoid the
conscript law ; he was a fine fellow for
all that, however. Butler's agent want
ed a hale of cotton for a sack of salt, and
the parties came near splitting on the
point. Don't know how it was settled,
but know that supplies came in regu
Upon the evening of the same day
that the conversation above reported
took place I visited the headquarters of
General Van Dorn, and while talking to
two of my old acquaintances—Col. Ned.
Dillon, Chief Commissary, and Col. Lo
max, both graduates of West Point—
General Van Dorn himself came in
laughing—"Well," said he to Col. Lo
max, "I have just had a proposition
from Gen. Butler, and he proposes to
supply ourarmy with all we want, pro
viding I will send hi in cotton." "What
an infernal scoundrel he is," said Van
Dorn. To this we all unhesitatingly
agreed. "What a spectacle of depravi
ty is here presented—a man furnishing
gunpowder to slay his comrades, and
clothes and food to supply their ene
I have been a Confederate soldier of
the fighting department, and have met
on many fields the noble soldiers of the
Northwest, and I have thought when I
have seen them dead and lying around
me, that they had probably fallen, kill
ed by ammunition furnished byGeneral
Butler. Now this beast, this "shape in
fernal," presents himself before the peo
ple of the North, and has been hailed
with applause by thousands.
Is there ajust God above, who will
pour out the vials of his wrath upon
those who defy him! There is, and
Ben. Butler will omi to a horrible
end—mark the prediction, this man is
destined to a terrible end. It might
have been said of him that he was sim
ply a brute for publishing hisorder No.
_N, or for presenting a loaded pistol at
the head of a weeping lady ; but where
are the terms in which to characterize
the utter depravity of the man who
would slay thousands of his country
men for gold. Come forth ye hundreds
of witnesses of this man's depravity,
and make it known to the world! I
summon you to the inquisition, not as
a partisan, but for the cause of human
ity. Ben. Butler must he unmasked!
Somebody must undertake this task.
Some months ago I wrote to Secreta
ry Stanton, giving him "the points"
against Butler, and the names of the
witnesses, but nothing has been done.
I wrote a private letter to Sec, etary
Stanton in regard to this matter, but
not a move has ever been made against
Butier is a worthy son o( New Eng
land. lie is loved there as a good, true
and patriotic man. Wait foratime and
"see ills guilt unkennelled."
tion has been excited in Paris by an an
nouncement that Mr. Aspic, of Cincin
nati, has just invented a mechanical!
horse, that is likely completely to set
aside the employment of its living
predecessors. Mr. Aspic's horse is of
the size of nature, and acts by a series
of springs, enabling the rider to walk,
trot, amble, or gallop at will. The
"dumb animal," it is said, can twist it
self about, move its eyes, prick u]> its
ears, and even neigh, if winked at. The
only obstacle to the acqusition of such
a steed, that will require neither hay,
nor corn, nor straw, nor groom, is its
high price—upward of SIO,OOO.
The cure of an evil tongue must be
done at the heart. The weights and
wheels are there, but the clock strikes
according to their motion. A guileful
heart makes a guileful tongue and lips.
IT is the work-house where is the forge
of deceits and slanders; and the tongue
is only the outer shop where they are
vended, and the door of it Such ware
as is made within, sued and no other,
can come out.— Lcighlon.
WHY are fowls the most economical
stock for farmers? Because for every
grain of corn they give a peck.
WHAT is better than presenceof mind
in a, rail road accident? Absence of body.
VOL. 61.--WHOLE No. 5.375
[From the London l'unch, September 26. j
been lingerin by the tomb of the la
mentid Shakespeare.
It is a success.
You may make any use of this opin
ion that you see fit. If you think its
publication will subsvverve the cause of
literatoor, you may publi.ate it.
I told my wife Betsy when T left
home that I should go to the birthplace
of "Otheller," and other plays. She
said that as long as I kept out of New
gate she didn't care where 1 went.
"But," 1 said, "don't you know that
he was the greatest poit that ever lived ?
Not one of these common poits, like
that young idyit who writes verses to
our daughter, about the roses as grows
es and the breezes as blowses, but a
boss poit—also a philosopher, also a
man who knew a great deal about
She was packing my things at the
time, and the only answer she made
was to ask me if 1 was goin to carry
both of my red flannel night caps.
Yes, I've been to Stratford onto the
Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare.
Mr. S. is now no more. He' been dead
over three hundred (JOG) years. The
people of his native town are justly
proud of him. They cherish iiis mem
ory, and them as sell picters of his
birthplace, &c., make it profitable cher
ish in it. Almost everybody buys a
pieter to put in their alhiom.
As 1 stood gazin on the spot where
Shakespeare is s'posed to have fell
down on the ice and hurt hisself when
a boy, (this spot cannot be bought—the
town authorities say that it shall never
be taken from .Stratford,) I wondered
if three hundred years hence picters of
my birthplace will be in demand ? Will
the people of my native town be proud
of me in three hundred years ? • I guess
they won't short of that time, because
they say that the fat man vveighin 1 ,o?H)
pounds which I exhibited there was
stuffed with pi tiers and cushions, which
he said one very hot day in July, "Oh
bother, I can't stand this," and com
menced pullin the pillers out from
under his weskit and heaven 'cm at the
audience. I never saw a man lose flesh
so fast in my life. The audience said I
was a pretty man to come chiselin my
own townsmen in that way. I said,
"Do not be angry, feller citizens. I
exhibited him simply as a work of art.
1 simply wished to show you that a
man can grow fat without the use of
cod-liver oil." But they wouldn't listen
to me. They are a low and grovel in
set of people, who excite a feel in of
loathin in every brest where lorfty
emotions and original idees have a
bidin place.
I stopped at Leamington a few min
its on my way to Stratford onto the
Avon, and a very beautiful town it is.
I went into a shoe shop to make a pur
chis, and as I enteied I saw over the
door those dear familiar words, "By
Appointment: 11. R. H.;" and I said
to the man, "Squire, excuse me, hut
this is too much. I have seen in Lon
don four hundred boot and shoe shops
by Appointment: 11. R. II.; and now
you're at it. It is simply onpossible
that the Prince can wear 100 pairs of
boots. Don't tell me," I said, in a
voice choked with emotion—"Oh do
not tell me that you also make boots
for him. Say slipper—say that you
mend a boot now and then for him ;
but do not tell me that you make 'em
reg'lar for him."
The man smilt, and said I didn't un
derstand these things. He said I per
haps had not noticed in London that
the dealers in all sorts of articles was
by Appointment. I said, "Oh, hadn't
I?" Then a sudden thought flasht
over me. "I have it!" said I. "When
the Prince walks through a street, he
no doubt looks at the shop windows."
The man said "No doubt."
"And the enterprisin tradesman," I
continued, "the moment the Prince
gets out of sight, rushes frantically and
has a tin sign painted, By Appoint
ment, H. R. H. It is a beautiful, a
great idee!"
1 then bought a pair of shoe strings,
and wringing the shopman's honest
hand I started for the tomb of Shake
speare in a hired fly. It looked, how
ever, like a spider.
"And this," I said, as 1 stood in the
old churchyard at Stratford, beside a
tombstone, "this marks the spot where
lies William W. Shakspeare. Alars!
and this is the spot where "
"You've got the wrong grave," said
a man—a worthy villager; "Shake
speare is buried inside the church."
"< )h," 1 said, "a boy told me this was
it." The boy larfed and put the sliil
lin I'd given him into his left eye in a
inglorious manner, and commenced
moving backwards towards the street.
1 pursood and captured him, and after
talkin to him a spell in a sarkastic stile,
1 let him went.
The old church was damp and chill.
It was rainin. The only persons there
when 1 entered was a fine bluff old gen
tleman, who was talkin in a excited
manner to a fashinibly dressed young
man. "No, Ernst Montressor," the
old gentleman said, it is idle to pursoo
this snbjek no further. You can never
marry my daughter. You were seen
last Monday in Piccadilly without a
umbreller. I said then, as I said now,
any young man as vontursout in a un
certain climit like this without a um
breller, lacks foresight,caution,strength
of mind and stability, and he is not the
proper person to intrust a daughter's
happiness to."
I slapt the old gentleman on the
shoulder, and I said, "You's right!
You're one of those kind of men—you
lie wheeled suddenly round, and in
I a indignant voice said, "Go way go
way! This is a privit intervoo."
1 didn't stop to enrich the old gentle
man's mind with my conversation. I
sorter of inferred that he wasn't inclin
ed to listen to mo, and so J went on.
Hut he was right about the umbreller.
I'm really delighted with this grand
old country, Mr. Punch, but you must
admit that it does rain raythur numer
ously here. Whether this is owing to a
monerkal form of governmontor not, I
leave all candid and unprejudiced per
sons tosay.
William Shakespeare was born in
Stratford in lofil. All the Commenta
tors, Shaksporian scholars, otsetry, are
agreed on this, which is the only thing
they are agreed on in regard to him,
except that his mantle hasn't fallen on
to any poet or dramatist hard enough
to hurt said poet or dramatist much.
And there is no doubt if these commen
tators and persons con tinner investiga
ting Shakespeare's career, we shall not,
in due time, knowanythingaboutitall.
—When a mere lad, little William at
tended the Grammar School, because,
as he said, the (irammar School would
n't attend him. —This remarkable re
mark coining from one so young and
unexperienced, set peple to thinking
there might he something in this lad.
lie subsequently wrote "Hamlet" and
"George Barnwell." When his kind
teacher went to London to accept a po
sition in the otlices of the Metropolitan
Railway, little William was chosen "by
his fellow-pupils to deliver a farewell
address. "Go on, sir," he said, "in a
glorious career. Be like u eagle, and
soar, and thesoarer you get the more
we shall be gratified. That's so."
My young readers who wish to know
about Shakespeare, better get these val
lyable remarks framed.
I returned to the hotel. Meet in a
young married couple, they asked me
if 1 could direct them to the hotel which
Washington Irvine used to keep?
"I've understood that he was onsuc
cessful as a landlord," said the lady.
"We've understood," said the young
man, "that he busted up."
I told 'em I was a stranger, and hur
ried away. They were from my coun
try, and undoubtedly represented a
thrifty ile well somewhere ir Pennsyl
vany. It's a common thing, by the
way, for an old farmer in Pennsylvany
to wake up some morn in and find ile
squirtin all around iiis hack yard. 11c
sell out for 'normous price,and his chil
dren put on gorgeous harness and start
on a tower to astonish people. They
succeed in doin it. Meantime the ile
squirts and squirts, and Time rolls on.
Let it roll.
A very nice old town isStratford, and
a capital inn is the Red Horse. Every
admirer of the great S., must go once
certainly ; and to say one isn't a admir
er of him, is equivalent to sayin one
has just brains enough to become a efli
eient tinker.
Some kind person has sent meChaw
cer's Poems. Mr. 0. had talent, but he
couldn't spel. No man has a right to be
a lit'rary man onless he knows how
to spel. 11 is a pity that Chawcer, who
had geneyus, was so unedicated. He's
the wass speller I know of.
1 guess I'm through, andso I lay down
the pen. which is more mightier than
the sword, but which I am afraid would
stand a raythur slim chance beside tho
needle gun. Adoo! Adoo!
PA R 1.1 AM I: NT .—Y ears ago, i n Englan d,
there lived a notorious character named
James Gulley, a public prize fighter,
who, in many a fair and square stand
up fight, gained many friends among
the nobility and the "fancy." Having
made some money, he opened a "hell"
in James street, London, within a few
doors of Piccadilly. Here his acquain
tance with the nobility extended, and
he next loomed up a pat ron of the turf,
and elbowed his way into "good socie
ty" at Doncaster, where he came near
carrying olTthe St. Lcger stakes from
the notorious Earl Jersey. From the
race course at Doncaster was but a step
into the British House of Commons,
where James Gulley, Esq., figured as a
member for the borough Friarosbor
ough. So the election of John Morris
sey to Congress has not only a precedent,
but his previous history is almost par
allel with that of the pugilistic M. P.
PRESIDENT.— The Washington corre
spondent of the Boston Advertiser, Rad
ical, gives in a dispatch of the 18th inst.
the following aceoutof the much-talk
ed of interviews between the Chief Jus
tice and the President:
Mr. Chase has recently had two in
terviews with the President. The first
of these was concerning judicial mat
ters and had no connection with astib
| sequent informal meeting of Cabinet
: ministers. At the second interview,
by appointment for that purpose, he
was asked and gave his opinion ui>on
the questions before the country, ear
nestly advising the President to rec
ommend the adoption of the amend
ment of the Constitution as a iust basis
of settlement, or, if he was not prepa
red for that, to take ground in favor of
substituting for the second and third
sections of the amendment universal
amnesty and impartial suffrage. The
counsels of the Chief Justice have not
heretofore been followed and there are
no indications that they will be this
time, in fact, Mr. Johnson yesterday
expressed emphatically his determina
tion to abide by bis position.
A G< KID TOAST. —At a printer's festi
val lately, the following toast was giv
en : "Woman—second only to the press
in the dissemination of news 1"