TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THE BinroßD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by MEYERS A MEXGKL. at $2.00 per annum, if V aid ft™?* l !! *" advance ; $2.50 if paid within >* months; $3.00 if not paid within six months- All subscription accounts MZTST be attled annually No paper will be sent ont of -rie State unless paid for is ADVAXCK. and all such inscriptions w j)| invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they are All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than tijree months TEN CENTS per fine for each In iertion. Special notices one-half additional All cjolati'ns of Associations; •omtnunications of J If.itcd or individual interest, and notices of mar r;ses and deaths cxcoeding five line*, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal Notices of every find, and Orphans' t crt and Judicial Sales, are required by late it in published in both papers published its this I' 4 "' jljt- All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal diA>unt is made to persons advertising bv ths quarler, half year, or year, as follows: i months. 6 months. 1 year. ♦One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares ... 600 St 00 16 00 Three squares - - - .8 00 12 00 20 00 Ouarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column * - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 *onc squar* to occupy one inch of space. JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. Tan GAZETTE OFFICE has just beau refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everytbifZ io the Printing line CRn he execu ted in the most artistio manner and at the lowest rates -TERMS CASH. AH letters should he addrewd to MEYERS A 11ENGEL. Publishers. putornctis at £nu\ rOSEPH W. TATE, ATTORNEY J AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly irteril to collections of bounty, back pay. Ac., . ; ill business entrusted to bis care in Bedford . i adjoining counties. Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military and other claims. Hiiforsais Town lots in TatesTille, where a • ; Church is erected, and where a Inrge School gouse shall be built. Farms, Land and Timber >ar, from one aere to 500 acres to suit pur leasers. Office nearly opposite the -llengol Hotel" and 3uik of Reed A Schell. April 6. 1868—ly J BCD. SHARPS. E P. KERR. aUARPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in uurts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of ;•(on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of Keed A Schell. [March 2, '66. R BtRBORROW. I JOHN LUTE. TA TRBO RRO W A L UTZ, j ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA , f attend promptly to all business intrusted to i: care. Collections made on the shortest uo- Ther are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents ti i will give special attention to the prosecution lima against the Government for Pensions, •k Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. "ffiee on Juliana street, one door South of the .Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer '[ ..MX P."REED, ATTORNEY AT J LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders I'- rvicea to the pnhlic. office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford. Aug, 1, 1861. JOHN FALMEE, ATT()RXEY AT tj LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend all business entrusted to his care. • Particular attention paid to the collection of Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly rrosite the Mengel House. B-if'ird. Aug. I. IS6I. riSPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT }j LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and • re.ptly attend te all business entrusted to his a: in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military aims, back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected. "See with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, • doors South of the Alengel House. Jan. 22, 1564, S XIVMELL- | J. W. LIN®ENFKLTBR. I' IMM ELL & LINGENFELTEK, [\ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., ve formed a partnership In the prac.lce or Law. Office n Juliana street, two doors South • the ''Mengel House," / 1 H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT IT, LAW BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at nd to collections and all business entrusted to Lis care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. late. May 11, 1864. R MEVERS | J. w. PICKERSOS. MEYERS & UICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa , office .me as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell. • doers east of the GAZETTE office, will practice the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, unty and rack pay obtained and the purchase n.d sale of real estate attended to. [mayll,'66. TOHN H. FILLER, Attorneyat Law,, >i Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post sse. fapr.2o,'66.—ly. i'lnisirians 'ami pcntbts. I) H. PEXNSYL, M. D., BLOODY i , Rrv. Pa., (late surgeon 56th P V. V.,) ten i fci professional services to the people of that ' s and vicinity. Dec. 22. '65-ly* VT W. JAMISON, M. BLOODY • ? , itts, Pa., tenders his professional servi *H to the people of that place and vicinity. Office ioor west of Richard Langdon's store. ! T 24. ti—ly j VR. J. L. MARBOURG, Having 1 ' permanently located, respectfully tenders ; -ofcssional eerrices to the citizens of Dedford i: i vicinity. 5 :c on Juliana street, cast side, nearly opposite ■ .'ianking House of Reed A Scheil. Bedford, Feb.uary 12, 1864. S-BK'KuK. | i. . MISSICH. JR., [\ ENTISTS, 1 ' BEDFORD, PA See in the Bank Building, Juliana St. ' [orations pertaining to Surgical or Me > I'entistry carefully performed, and war -1 Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex articles, always on hand. Tfrms—CASH. Bedford. January 6,1865. UU.EEt >. C. DOUGLAS, Respcct- I 'fully tenders his professional services to the * if Bedford and vicinity. ■'•"ICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Uotel, ° r ler'e Silver Smith Store. ' "nee at Mai. Wasliabaugh's. • ,'24.'56 • T iIUMPH i N i>ENTISTBY! TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN', f ste of Xitrons Oxide, and is attended with whatever. TEETH INSERTED ' new style of base, which is a combination And Vulcanite; also, upon Vulcanite, (Jold, as and Silver. V*-''O' ! )RARY SETS inserted if called for. "d attention wilt be made to diseased gums -'.V2" 1 * warranted or no charge made. f 11l KILLED to last for life, and ail work 'natal line done to the entire satisfaction of , "'0 money refunded. Prices to correspond •- times. - have located permanently in Bedford, ' dl visit Sehellsburg the Ist Monday of each '•! ' re ®ining one week ; Bloody Run the 3rd V*'• remaining one week ; the balance of my • 1 •;si he found at my office, 3 doors South of ■ r; House. Bedford, Pa. ; "Et. WM W VAX ORMER. Dentist. iniukcrs. i I j j Ham i, j[ h R D A N D SCH ELL, , Banker* and |''A LK Rs I N E X CII A N GK, BEDFORD, PA., At rs bought and sold, collections made and ■y promptly remitted, jfo solicited. U .y 0 K. SHAttMOX r BKXKDH'T 1 H\ SHANNON A CO., BAN K ERS, Btsnroßtt, PA. JANE OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. I ■•.r," for the East, West, North | , * n 'J the general business of Exehntige 1 Notes and Accounts Collected and I . promptly made. REAL ESTATE |_ Undsoia Oct. 20. 1865. ■ T'-NWARE of ALL KINDS AT I B. Mc. BLYMVER & CO S. 9 BY MEYERS & MENGEL. Yurcluarc, kt. GEO. BLYMYER. | JOHX F. BLYMYER. / 1 EORGE BLYMYER & SON \ X having formed a partnership, on the 6th of March, 1866, in the HARDWARE A HOUSE FURNISHING BUS IX ESS. respectfully invite the public to their now rooms, three doors west of the old stand, where they will find an immense stock of the most splendid goods ever brought to Bedford county. These goods will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Persons desirous of purchasing BUILDING HARDWARE will find it to their advantage to give us acall. WHITE LEAD.—We have on hand a large quantity of White Lead, which v.*e have been for tunate to buy a little lower than the market rates. The particular brands to which we would invite attention, are the Pure Burl Txad, Liberty White Lead, Snow Franklin White Lead, Washington White Lead, Washington Zinc White Lead, Neie York White Lead. ALSO:— French Porcelain Finish; Demur Varnish; Varnishes of all kinds. Flaxseed Oil, (pure.) Turpentine and Alcohol. All kinds of IRON and NAILS. q No. 1 CHRYSTAL ILLUMINATING COAL LAMPS in profusion. We would invite persons wanting Saddlery Hardware, to give us a call, as we nave every thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buckles, Rings, Humes and Webbing Leather of all kinds; also a variety of Shoo ITindings, consisting of French Calf Skins. Morocco Linings, Bindings, Pegs, etc. Housekeepers will find at Blymycr .t Son's store a great variety of household goods. Knives and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table and Tea Spoons at all prices. Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn Door Rollers, the latest improvements; Nova Scotia Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels, Forks and Spades. Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; Fishing Tackle; Brushos of all kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent Wheel Grease. Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite variety of articles. $20,000 WANTED—WouId like to get it if our friends would let us have it. Less will do; but persons having unsettled accounts will close them up to the first of March, to enable us to close our old books. This should be done may4,'66. GEO. BLYMYER & SON. grugs, cir. TE. LEWIS having purchased the a Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. It. C. Rea mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned from the cities with a well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES. DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, COAL OIL, LAMPS AND CHrMNEYS, REST BRANDS OF CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, FRENCH CONFECTIONS. \c . \c The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great care. General assortment of popular Patent Medicines. The attention of the Ladies is particularly invi ted to the slock of PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the day. Colognes, Soaps. Preparations for the Hair. Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac. Of Stationary, there ts a fine assortment: Billet. Note. Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper, Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi cates. Ac,, Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books, which will be sold very cheap. Coal Oil Ijamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted without removing the chimney—all patterns and prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern. Lamp Shades oi beautiful patterns. Howe'- Family Dye Colors, the shades being fight Fawn. Drab, Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange. Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta, Cherry and Black Humphrey's Homeopathic Kemedies. Cigarx of best brands, smokers can rely on a good cigar. Rose Smoking Toberro, Michigan and Solar* Fine Cut. Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug. Finest and purest French Confections, PURE DOMESTIC WINES, Consist tng of Grape. Blackberry and Elderberry FOR MEDICINAL USE. Cj^ a Tbe attention of physicians is invited to the stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they csn purchase at reasonable prices. Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods put up with neatness arid care, and at reasonable prices. J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug Store, and having on hand at all times a general assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several years experience, physicians can rely on having their prescriptions carefully and accurately coin pounded. [Feb 9, '66— tt etc. FJALLY! RALLY! RALLY! Come one, come all, and examine' THE EXCELLENT STOCK OF GOODS AT LIPPEL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND FURNISHING STORE. A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal ling at Lippel's. If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made Clothing call at Lippel's. If you would have good nnd cheap Ladies' Ilress Goods. Calicoes, Muslins, Ac.. Ac., Ac., Call at Lippel's. If you would have furnishing goods of all de scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel a. If you would have the best quality of Groceries, buy them at Lippel's. Goods of all kinds, sold at tho most reasonable prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods, at Lippel s 5tp.28,66. / tLOTHING EMPORIUM. —GEO. f y REIMI ND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa., kSins constantly on hand ready-made clothing, such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as sortment of cloths, cassimeres and genu furnish iL goods of all kinds; also cal.coM, muslins, Ac., X? which mil he sold tow for cash.. My room is a few doors west of Fyan s store and opposite Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a call I have just received a stock of new goods. may25,'66. __ TIR UIT CAN SAND SEALING F WAX at B. Me. BLYMYER ACO B BEDFORD. PA., FRIDAY MORNINO, NOVEMBER 23. 1866. lilic |6rtlforil {Sprite, AN IMYKUitnt; I'ASM.NOMt. A PEDDLER'S STORY. A cold winter's night several years since, found a stage load of passengers gathered together around a warm fire o 1 a tavern bar-room in a New Eng land village. Shortly after we arrived a peddler drove up and ordered that his horse should lie stabled for the night. After we had eaten supper we repaired to the bar-room, where conversation flower! freely. Several anecdotes had been related, and finally the peddler was asked to give us a story, as the men of his profession were generally full of adventures and anecdotes. lie was a short, thick set man, somewhere about forty years of age, and gave evi dence of great physical strength. lie gave his name as Lemuel Vinney, and liis home was in Dover, New Hamp shire. i '•Well, gentlemen," he commenced, knocking the ashes from his pipe, ami putting it in his pocket, "suppose 1 tell you the last thing of any conse quence that happened me. You see 1 am now right from tiie West, and on my way home for winter quarters. It was during the early part of last spring, one pleasant evening, that I pulled up at the door of a small village tavern in Hancock county, Indiana. I went 111, called for my supper, and had my horse taken care of. After I had eaten, I sai down in the bar-room. It began to I rain about eight o'clock, and it was very dark out of doors. Now, I want ed to be in Jackson the next morning, for I expected a load of goods there for me, which I intended to dispose of on my way home. The moon would rise about midnight and 1 knew if it did not rain 1 could get along through the mud very well after that. So I asked the landlord if he would see that my horse was fed a bout midnight, as I wished to bo off a bout two. He expressed some surprise at this and asked me why I did not stay for breakfast. I told him that I had sold my last load about out, and that a new lot of goods was waiting for meat Jackson, and 1 wanted to get there before the express agent left in the morning. There were a number of persons sit ting around while I told this, but I took little notice of them; only one arrested my attention. I had seen that week a notice, for the detection of a notorious robber. The bills gave a description of his person, and the man before me answered very well to it. Ile was a tall, well formed man, rather slight in frame, and had the appear ance of a gentleman, save that his face bore those hard, cruel marks which an observing man cannot mistake for any thing hut the index of a villainous dis position. When I went to my chamber I ask ed the landlord who that ruau was, de scribing the individual. lie said he did not know him. He had come there that afternoon, and intended to leave the next day. The host asked me why I wished to know and I told him that the man's countenance was familiar, and I merely wished to know if I was ever acquainted with him. I was resolved not to let the landlord into the secret, but to hurry on to Jack son, and there to give information to the sheriff and perhaps he might reach the inn before the villain left, for I had 110 doubt as to his identity. I had an alarm watch, and having set it to give the alarm at one o'clock, I went to sleep, i was alarmed at the proper time, and immediately dressed myself. When I reached the yard I found the clouds all passed away, and the moon was shining brightly. The hostler was easily aroused, and by two o'clock was on the road. The mud was deep, and my horse could not travel very fast. However, on we went, and in the course of half an hour was clear of the village. At a short distance a head lay a large lore-t, mostly of great pine. The road lay directly through this wood, and, as near as I can remem ber, the distance was twelve miles Yet the moon was in the east, and as the road ran nearly in the West, I thought I should have light enough. I had entered this wood and had gone about half a mile, when my wag on wheel settled with a bump and a jerk into a deep hole, t uttered an ex clamation of astonishment, but this was not all. I heard another exclama tion from the same cause. What could this mean? I looked quietly around but couldsee nothing; yet I know that the sound was very close behind me. As the hind wheelscame up I felt some thing beside the jerk from the hole. I heard something tumble from one side to another of my wagon, and I could also feel the jar occasioned by the move ment. It was simply a man in my cart. I knew this on the instant. Of course I felt puzzled. At first I imag ined that some one had taken this method to obtain a ride. My next idea was that somebody got in to sleep there : but this passed away as soon as it came, for no man would have bro ken into my cart for that purpose. And that thought, gentlemen, opened my eyes. Whoever was there had bro ken in. My next thought was of the suspicious individual I had seen at the tavern. He heard me say that my load was all soli I out, and of course he supposed 1 had money with me. In this he was right, for 1 had over two thousand dollars. I thought lie meant to leave the cart when he supposed I had reached a safe place, anl then creep over and shoot me, or kno<n me down. All this passed through liy mind by the time I had got a rod frtn the hole. In a few moments my roolution was formed. My horse was Inee deep in the mud, and I knew I ould slip off without noise. So 1 dreV my pistol, and having twined my refas about the whip stock, carefully slipjed down in the mud, and examined the hasp. The outer door of the cart lets town, and i.s fastened by a hasp, which sips over the staple and is then secured It; a padlock. The padlock was gone, and then the hasp was secured in its owt place by a bit of pine, so that a slight force from within would break it. My wheel wrench stood in a leathern bucket on the side of the cart, and I tuickly took it out and slipped it into the staple, the iron handlejust sliding dcwn. Xow I had him. My <art was al most new, made of a stoic, frame of white oak, and made on p£irf>6se for hard usage. I did not. beliere an ordi nary man could bretk out. I got on my cart as noiselesslyas I got off, and then urged my horse in, still keeping my pistol handy. I knew that ;U a distance of half a mil.' further 1 should come to a hard road, ind so I allowed my horse to pitch hisown way through the mud. About ten minutesafter this I heard amotion in the cait, followed by a grinding noise, as thiugh some heavy force was being applied to the door. I said nothing, but tie idea struck me that the villain might judge where 1 sat, and shoot up through the cart at me; so I sat down n the footboard. Of course 1 knew hat my unexpect ed passenger was a T illain, for he must have been awake ever since I started, and nothing in theworld but absolute villainy would havecaused him to keep quiet so long, and then start up iu this particular place. r fhe thumping and pushing grew louder, and pretty soon j I heard a human voice. "Let me out of this!" and he yelled pretty loud. 1 lifted my head so as to make him think I was in the usual place, and then asked him what he was doing there. "Let me out and I will tell you," he replied. "Tell me what you are in there for!" said I. "I got in here to sleep on rags," he answered. "How did you get in?" I asked. "Let meoutjor I'll shoot you through the head!" he replied. Just at that moment my horse's feet struck the hard road, and I knew that the rest of the route to Jackson would be good going; the distance twelve miles. I slipped back to the front board and took the whip. In fifteen minutes we cleared the woods, and a way we went at a keenjump. The chap inside kept yelling to be let out. Finally he stopped, and in a few minutes came the report of a pistol— one—two—three—four, one right after the other, and I heard the balls whiz over my head. If I had been on my seat, one of those balls, if not two of them, would have gone through me. J popped up my head again and gave a ye.l, and then I said, "O (tod, save me!—l'm a dead man!" Then I made a kind of shuffling noise, as though I was falling off, and finally settled down on the front hoard again, i now urg ed up the old mare by giving her an occasional poke with my whip stock, and she peeled it faster than ever. The man called out to me twice more pretty soon after this, and as he got no reply he made some tremendous ef forts to break the door open, and as this also at last failed him, he made several attempts on the top. But I had no more fear of his doing anything there, for the top of the cart was framed with dove tails, and each sleeper bolted to the post with iron bolts, 1 had it made so I could carry loads there. By and by, after all else failed, the scamp com menced to yell "whoa" to the horse. All this time I kept perfectly quiet, holding the reins firmly, and kept po king the beast with the stock of my whip. We were not an hourgoing that dozen miles, not a bit of it, and I had not much fear; perhaps 1 might tell the truth and say I had none, for I had a a good pistol, and more than that my pass- nger was safe, yet 1 was glad when 1 came to the Jackson village, and in ten minutes more hauled up in front of the tavern, and found a couple of men in the barn cleaning down some stage horses. "Well, old fellow," said I, as I got down and went to the back of the wag on, "you have had a good ricle, have n't you?" "Who are you?" he said, and he swore as he asked the question. "I am the man you tried to shoot," .was my reply. "Where am I ?—let me out." "Look here, we've come to a safe stopping place, and mind you that my pistol is ready for you the moment you show yourself. Now lay quiet. By this time the two hostlers had come to see what was the matter, and I explained the case. After this I got one of them to run and rout the sheriff and tell him what I believed I'd got for him. The first streak of daylight was coming up, and in half an hour it was broad daylight. In less than that time the sheriff came and two men with him. 1 told him the whole affair in a few words and then made for the cart. He told the chap inside who he was, and if he made the least resistance he'd lie a dead man. ! then slipped the iron wrench out, and as I let the i door down the fellow made a spring. ! I caught him by the ankle and became j down on his face, and the moment 1 I saw the chap I recognized him. He | was marched to the lock up, and I told ' the sheriff I should remain in town all | day.—After breakfast the sheriff came : down to the tavern and told me J had caught the very bird, and that if I would remain until next Monday I should have the reward of two hund- I red dollars which had been offered. I found my goods all safe, paid the express agent for bringing them from Indianapolis, and then went to stow them away in my cart. The bullet holes were found in the top of the ve hicle just as I expected. They were in a line, about live inches apart, and had I been where I usually sit, two of them must have hit me somewhere a bout the small of the back and passed upward, for they were sent with heavy .•barges of powder, and his pistols were heavy ones. On the next morning the sheriff call ed upon me and paid me two hundred dollars in gold, for he had made him self sure that he had got the villain. I afterwards found a letter in the post-office at Portsmouth for me, from the sheriff of Hancock county, and he informed me that the fellow who tried to kill and rob me is in prison for life. lir.V WASTED. The great want of this ago is men. Men who are not for sale, Mbn who are honest, sound from centre to cir cuinference, true to the heart's core. Men who fear the Lord and covetous noss. Men who will condemn wrong in friend or foe, in themselves as well as in others. Men whose consciences are steady as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right if the heavens totter and the earth reels. Men who can tell the truth and look the world and the devil right in the eye. Men that neither swagger nor flinch. Men who can have courage without whistling for it and joy without shout ing to bring it. Men in whom the cur rent of everlasting life runs still, and deep, and strong. Men careful of (.tod's honor and careless of Men's applause. Men too large for sectarian limits and too strong for sectarian bands. Men who do not strive, nor cry, nor cause their voices to be heard in the streets, hut who will not fail nor be discoura ged, till judgment be set in the earth. Men who know their message and tell it. Men who mind their own busi ness. Men who will not lie. Men who are not too lazy to work, nor too proud to be poor. Men who are willing to eat what they have paid for. Men who know in whom they have believed. Men whose feet are on the everlast ing rock. Men who are not ashamed of their hope. Men who are strong in divine strength, wise with the wisdom that cometh from above, and loving with the love of christ. Men oi God ! FI) FOK BO.VUOIiU£RX The Hamilton Spectator publisned in Canada West, of the 19th u 11., contained the following startling paragraph, which ourcapitalists will do well to read and seriously ponder upon: The late rapid decline in United States securities in England has excited con siderable surprise. When we read the in cendiary speeches 0/ the Radical leaders, however, their open threats of civil war and fixed determination to regard the Southern Stales as conquered provinces and not as a portion of a restored Union, we can scarcely wonder at this decline. Until the difficulty at present existing between the President and Congress is settled, confidence cannot be expected to revive. Capitalists will not care to invest their money in a country so torn by political differences and unsettled by political uneasiness. We learn that in vestments in United States securities hare utmost ceased, not only in London, but al so in Frankfort, the quotations being al most entirety nominal. At the same time all other securities maintain their pri ces, Austrian included, which are deem ed more worthy of confidence than those of the American republic. The conse quence of the decline iu American secu rities in Europe will, in due course of time, be a corresponding depression in the States, coupled with a depreciation in the currency, and a consequent rise iu the price of gold. And ail this is the result of the blustering vaporing of the Radical party, their constantly reitera ted throats of war with Great Britain, and their evident determination to prevent any reconciliation of the adverse parties in the Slates. THE ELDEST DAUGHTER AT HOME. —To be able to get dinner, to sweep the room, to make a garment, to tend a ba by, would add greatly to the list of a young lady : s accomplishments. Where can we behold a more lovely sight than the eldest daughter of a family standing in the sweet simplicity of her new wo manhood, by theside of her toiling, care worn mother, to relieve and aid her? Now she presides at the table, now di rects in the kitchen, now amusing the fretting babe, now diverts half a score of little folks in the library. She can assist her younger brothers in t heir stud ies, read the newspaper to her weary father, or smooth the aching brow of her fevered mother. Always ready with a helping hand, or cheerful smile for every emergency, she is an angel of ove, and a blessing to the home circle. Should she be called out of it to origi nate a home of her own would she be I any less lovely or self-sacrificing? VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5,373. THE LAW. —Two Dutchmen, who built and used in common a small bridge over a stream which ran through their farms, had a dispute concerning some repairs which it required, and one of them positively refused to bear any portion of the expense necessary to the purchase of a few planks. Finally the aggrieved party wont to a neighboring lawyer, and placing ten dollars in his hand,said: "I'll give you all dish money if you'll make Hans do justice mit de bridge." "How much will it cost to repair it?" asked the honest lawyer. "Notmore ish five dollars," replied the Dutchman. "Very well," replied the lawyer, pocketing one of the notes, and giving him the other; "take this and go and get the bridge repaired; 'tis the best course you can take. "Yaes," said the Dutchman slowly, "yaas, dat ish more better as to quarrel mit Hansbut as he went along home he shook his head frequently, as if un able after all, to see quite clearly how he had gained anything by going to law. DISTRESSING. —A few days since a fashionably dressed young lady, with one of those funny little hats upon her head, was slowly airing he'r charms a long Washington street, Indianapolis, when she passed acountry horsemunch ing "stake oats"—the only cereal, to judge from his appearance, with which he had been acquainted for many a hungry month. A fanciful wreath of green leaves encircling the funny atom ofa hat attracted the attention of old rack'o bones, and he nipped it. The hat was securely tied under the dimp led chin, and for a while the frightened lady, whose piercing shrieks alarmed the whole neighborhood, was in immi nent danger of strangulation. Finally, however, something gave way, and the young lady fled, leaving the old horse quietly munching the wreaths and crown of her hat. DUST.—A few Sabbaths since, F.da was, at her own request allowed to go to the Sabbath school for the first time, and there she learned the startling in telligence that she was made of dust! Little Eda's mind was fully impressed with the importance of the great truth, as was evinced by her frequent refer ence to the subject in the shapeof ques tions answerable and unanswerable. This morning however she propounded a stunner which "brought down the house." Intently watching her moth er sweeping, as if to learn the art she must finally practice,sayingnota word, her eyes resting upon the little pile of dirt accumulated by the mother's broom. Just as the dirt was to beswept into the street, the little philosopher burst forth ; "Ma! ma ! why don't you save the dust to make some more little girls?" MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. —Who are you, young man, young woman liv ing in this country and age, and yet doing nothing to benefit others? Who are you—blessed with body and intel lect, and yet an idler in the busy work shop of life ? Who are you with immor tal soul, and yet that soul so deaf to the myriad voices all about you that call to duty and to labor? Arise! and be a faithful toiler. God calls you—humani ty calls you—and they have both a right to all your powers. Arise! Make your whole life one sqene of industry! Arise and go forth, and every moment your feet shall press oryour hand touch some pedal or key in the "organs that shake the universe." Arise! there is work for you to do. You were created to toil and bear a hand where the hammers of time are ringing as they fashion the fab ric of eternity. GOOD ADVICE. —Some one says: "Girls, let us tell you a stubborn truth! No young woman ever looks so well to asensibleyoung man, as when dressed ina plain, neat, modest attire without a singie ornament about her person. IShe looks then as though she possessed worth in herself, and needed no artificial rig ging to enhance her value. If a young woman would spend so much time in calculating her mind, training her tem per, and cherishing kindness, mercy, and othergoed qualities, as most of them do in extra dress and ornaments, to in crease their personal charms, she would at a glance, be known among ten thous and—her character would be read in her countenance." WINGED GAME. —A late number of the London Athentmm, in reviewing a work on natural history, gives a list of the different terms whieh are properly applied to flocks of various kinds of winged game—a blunder in which would at once settle one's character as a sportsman. Thus one ought to say a brood of grouse, a bevy ofquails, a cov er of partridges, a covert of coots, a dropping of sheldrake, a flightof wood cock, a gaggle of geese (when they are at rest), a skein of geese (when on the wing), a herd of swans, a nid of pheas ants, a spring of teal, a sege of herons, a team of wild ducks a trip of dotterels, a wing of plovers and a wisp of snipes. Mas. PARTINGTON* STII.L TALKS.— "Dear me, how fluidly he talks?" said Mrs. Partington, recently at a temper ance meeting. "I am always rejoiced when he mounts the nostril, for his el oquence warms every cartridge of my body." It is estimated that three thousand emigrants have been killed on the way to Montana, this season. A FABLE— A young man once picked up a sovereign lying on the road. Ever afterward, as he walked along, he kept hiseyes steadfastly fixed on the ground, in hopes of finding another. And in the course of a long life he did pick up, at different times, a good amount of gold and silver. Hut all these days, as he was looking for them, he saw not that heaven was bright abovehim, and nature beautiful around, lie never once allowed his eyes to look up from the mud and tilth in which he sought the treasure, and when lie died, a rich old man, he only knew this lair earth of ours as a dirty road to pick up mon ey as you walk along. MODERN FASHIONS. —A young "la dy" from the country, now employed in a New York hoop skirt factory, is >aid to have written to a friend a letter from which the following is extracted: "As for the lo necs, the loer it is the more fashunahle you are, aud the less dose you ware the more you a redressed, miss Geolia gu\% mea blue silkofherze and i cut its nee orf and susan simmonz cut orf her/, and we attrax a great deal ofattenshun to our necs promenadinin the streets likeother ladiesan holdin up our close. Nobody isnt nothing who dusnt hold up her close, an the hier you holtz urn the moar yourethot of." T111: VI K< JIN I A TOBACCO (.'nor.—The Richmond Whig says that the Virginia tobacco crop has turned out well, the quantity being considerable and the quality good. Nearly every farmer whose land admitted of it has raised tobacco, and as this is the great money crop of Virginia, the Whig anticipates that by the sale of their tobacco i he far mers will be placed in a good financial position, and can begin thoiragricultu ral labor next year under better pros pects. THE MORMON" WOMEN.—A Salt Lake correspondent says: The exceeding plainness, not to say ugliness of Mor mon women is a fact that has been com mented upon by almost all the differ ent visitors to Salt Lake City, as in deed it was impossible for the most cursory observer to avoid noticing it; but although often mentioned, 1 doubt if justice has ever been done the sub ject, which appears to be one of those general rules to which there are very few, if any, exceptions. " PUT down that pickle !" The words are uttered hurriedly and harshly by the sergeant, to an ungracious private, who, carried away by his hungry pas sions, has snatched a pickle from the barrel. "And why should I put down the piekle?" queries the private mildly. "Put down that pickle I —that's all I want of you," returned the sergeant, determinedly. "Down it goes then!" he cried, and stuffing it into his mouth it quickly disappeared. ANECDOTE OF DR. GUTHRIE.— "They say I am growing old because my hair is silvered and there are crow's feet upon my forehead, and my step is not so firm and elastic as of yore. But they are mistaken. That is not me. The knees are weak, but the knees are not me. The eyes are dim, but the eyes are not me.—-This is the house in which 1 live, but 1 am young—younger now than I ever was before." "SIB," said a fierce lawyer," "do you, on your solemn oath, declare that this is not your handwriting?" "I reckon not," was the cool reply. "Does it resemble your handwriting?" "Yes, sir 1 think it don't." "Do you swear it don't resemble your writing?" "Well I do old head." "You take your solemn oath that this writing does not resemble yours in a single letter? "Y-e-a-s, sir." "Now how do you know?" "Cause I can't write" "SAMBO, am you posted inde aatur al sciences ?" "Sartingly —ob course I is." "Can you tell me de cause ob de great rot in potatoes for de las' many years gone by ?" Oh, dat's easy 'nough for de merest chile in scientific larnin.' l)e great rot in potatoes is all owin' to de rcft-toter-y motion ob de earth." WHEN Daniel Webster was a young mau about commencing the study of law, lie was advised not to enter the le gal profession, for it was already crowd ed. His reply was: There is room e nough at the top." A MILLEB, in giving a testimonial to the proprietor of a powder for destroy ing vermin, astounded us with the as sertions: "A fortnight since 1 wasfull of rats, and now I don't think 1 have one." Ax Irish girl at play on Sunday, was accosted by the priest, "Good morning daughter of the devil." She meekly replied, "Good morning, father." A LADY, speaking of the gathering of lawyers to dedicate a new court house, said she supposed they had gone "to view the ground where they must shortly lie." "Do you think lager beer intoxiea ting?" "Veil, ash.for dat, Igantsay. I trink feefty to seexty classes a tny, end it tosh not hurt me, but I don't know how it would he if a man vash to make a hog of hisself." AN old lady, hearing somebody say the mails were very irregular, said: "It was just so in my young days—no trust ing any of 'em." A friend says he's either head over heels in love or else he's got the colic— he can't tell which, as lie is not certain which he tasted last, kisses or water melons.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers