The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 16, 1866, Image 1
TERMS OF PUBLICATION. r sK BEDFORD OAZF.TTE is published every Fri -4.,. morning by METERS A MBNGEL, at $2.00 per Inum, / paid ttrict ly advance. ; $2.50 if paid .;,jn is months; $3.00 if not paid within six "the -4// subscription accounts MUST be " ~'ful annually. No paper will be sent out of Btate unless paid-for IN ADVANCE, and all such ~r j ptions will invariably be discontinued at , M piration of the time for which they are q]l ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than ee months TEN CENTS per line for each !n --ulion. Special notices one-half additional All j •,i!uti'ns of Associations; eonimunieations of' ; ;e d or individual interest, and notices of mar- i and deaths exceeding five line*, ten cents , line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. ; legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans' .■ a and Judicial Sales, are required by laic , pu Hi shed in hath pajiers put! i shed in this On ■ :■ All advertising due after first insertion. X liberal discount is made to persons advertising ; -ha quarter, haif year, or year, as follows; i months. 6 months. I year : ige square - - - $4 50 sfi 00 $lO 00 ! jiuarei - - - 600 UOO 16 00 j - .-a squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 ' ,rter eolufOti - - 14 00 20 00 35 00! Si'-' olumn - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 , column - - - - SO 00 45 00 80 00 ; •One squar# to occupy tne inch of space. JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with ! E, O EM and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has ! , t .. scan refitted with a Power Press and new type, ; . rervthing in the Printing line can be execu .. 2 the most artistic manner and at the lowest ~: CJ -TERMS CASH, gr* ill letters ahould be addrcssd t MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. .Mtontnis at £au\ % IMSKIMI W. TATE, ATTORNEY J aT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly , nd to collections of bounty, back pay. Ac.. •"! j-i all business entrusted to bis care in Bedford 1,-! I adjoining counties. I V-h advanced on judgments, notes, yiilitary ! I , . -her claims. iis for sale Town lots in Tatesville, where a 5 . i Church is erected, and where a large School m j shall b# built. Farms. Timber • from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur Hg tbtfers. 5-e nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel" and i: Bak of Reed A Scbell. April 1,1864—1y 1 J SOD. snanPE. E. P. KF.RR. aUARPE & KERR, ATTORNEYS 1 AT LAW. BEDFORD, Pa., will practice in W d- courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of -1 : Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of .. 1 A Schell. [March 2, '66. I B DI'RBORROW, | JOHN LUT7,. Dr RROR RO \V & LUTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., j 1 1 attend promptly to all business intrusted to , rcare. Collections made on the shortest no- Ihey are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents still give special attention to the prosecution J . ins against the Government for Pensions, J .. k Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac >sc on Juliana street, one door South of the Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer &1 5 *e. TOHN P. REED. ATTORNEY AT • I LAW, BEDFORD. PA Respectfully tenders ; ■ 'crvices to the public. ? See second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. TOHN PALMER, ATTORNEY AT •J LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend all business entrusted to his care. I Particular attention paid to the collection of Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly i >-ite the Mengel House. : It rd. Aug. 1. MB. TJSPY M. ALBIP, ATTORNEY AT 1 j LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and : uiptly attend ta all business entrusted to his ie:e in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military *.iius. back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. | Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street. •e doors South of the Mengel House, i Jan. 22, 1864, *. XIMSIELL. | JT W. LISGENFELTER. [ R IMM ELL A LINGENFELTER, IV ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of Law. Office n Juliana street, two doors South •Hue 'MCMC\ Houfe. ' ; P H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT \ LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at :> nd to collections and all business entrusted to his earo in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doers south of the Mengel Howe," opposite the residence of Mrs. late. May It, 136-1 i T MKTIRS | J. W. DICKF.RSOX. MEYERS & DICKERKON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., office ! -MSI: as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell, *o doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice : r. the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, any and Dack pay obtained and the purchase ! sale of real estate attended to. [mayll.66. TOHN H- FILLER, AttorneyaL Lone, ' Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post See. [apr.20,"66.—ly. i l luiiirians and pcntists. I) H. PENXSYL, M. P., Bixxjdy I . Rry, Pa.. • I;tte surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten '■'■n his professional services to the people of that | i.e anj vicinity. Doc. 22. '6.0-ly* \y W. JAMISON, ML I)., Bi.<<<ii>v > Y r*!. Pa., tenders his professional servi -to the people of that place and vicinity. Office • door west of Richard Langdon's store. Sot 24. '6s—l y nit. J. 1.. MARBOUBG, Having perinonently located, respectfully tenders - professional services to the citizens of Bedford i vicinity OSee on Juliana street, cast side, nearly opposite Hanking House of Reed it Schell L. iford. February 12, 1864. VHICKO*, | J. G. MINSICH. JR., I\ENT I S T S , j 1 BEDFORD, PA. 'See in the Bank Building, Juliana St. All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me ani--ul Dentistry carefully performed, and war • 4 Tooth Powders and month Washes, ex ::t article-. Bvays on hand. Tfbms—CASH. Bedford, January 6. I \ 18. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect- I /fully tenders his profrflsional services to the est' Bedford and vicinity, r FTCiJ—2 doors West of the Belford Hotel, ■ 15Jt-iler's Silver Smith Store. • i'Oice at Maj. Washabaugh's. 24,'66 V.a? nhcr'z. ■ | J.J. SCBBLL, lieed ANI) schell, II Banters anrl BE ItS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD. PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and ®';"7 ptjmptly remitted. 's solicited. J ** RCPP o E. SHANNON V BENEDICT j.) UPP, SHANNON A CO., BANK- U ERS, Bedford, Pa. HANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT SECTIONS made for the East, West, North •uth. and the general business of Exchange .'*■ a.ctbd. Notes and Accounts Collected and ttausei promptly made. KEAL ESTATE : '*gatwni sold. Oct. 20, 1865. *HwcUancouo. pVANIEL BORDER, • ' Pitt street, two doors west of tub bed m HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. ATCIIMAKER and dealer in JEWEL i, , RY, SPECTACLES. AC. , "teens on hand a stock of fine Gold nnd Sil .' , a iche, Spectacles of Brilliant Doahle lie* , ''**■•, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold s, -h Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Kings, best JMlitv of (Jold Pens. He will supply to order '-'"g in his line not on hand. '•'t 20. 1665- J) &. ANDERSON, rvted Scrivener and Conveyancer, tti'l CEXT ReVILLE, BEDFORD COITSTV, l'A., i the writing of Deeds, Mortgages, '' Articles of Agreement, and till business 1 -y tratuiacteil by a Scrivener and Convevan l'4trontt o i; ,J f the public is respectfully BY MEYERS & MENGEL. Ttimluhirc, &r. GEO. BLYMYER. | JOHN F. BLYMYKR. p EOR G E BLYM YE R &S ON " I having formed a partnership, on the 6th of March, 1866, in the HA R DWARF. & HO USE FUR NTS HING BUSINESS, respectfully invite the public to their new rooms, three doors west of the old stand, where they will find an immense stock of the most splendid goods ever brought to Bedford county. These goods will be gold at the lowest possible prices. Persons desirous of purchasing BUILDING HARDWARE will find it to their advantage to give us a call. WHITE LEAD.—We have on hand a large quantity of White Lead, which wc have been for tunate to buy a little lower than the market rntcs. The particular brands to which we would invite attention, are the Pure Buck Lead. Liberty White I .end. SHOW Franklin White Lead, Washington White T.ead, Washington Zinc White Lead, Netc York White Tjeml. ALSO:— French. Porcelain Finish; Demur Varnish; Varnishes of all kinds. Flaxseed Oil, (pure.) Turpentine and Alcohol. All kinds of IRON and NAILS. No. 1 CHRYSTAL ILLUMINATING COAL OIL LAMPS in profusion. We would invite persong wanting Saddlery Hardware, to give us a call, as we have every thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buekles, Rings, Hames and Wehbing Leather of all kinds; also a variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of French Calf Skins. Morocco Linings, Bindings, Pegs, etc. Housekeepers will find at Blymycr A Son's store a great variety of household goods. Knives and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table and Tea Spoons at all prices. Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn Door Hollers, the latest improvements; NOVR Scotia Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels, Forks and Spades. Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; Fishing Tackle; Brushes of ail kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent Wheel Grease. Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite variety of articles. $20,000 WANTED—WouId like to get it if our friends weuld let us have it. Less will do; but persons having unsettled accounts will close them up to the first of March, to enable us to close our old books. This should be done. may4,'66. GEO. BLYMYER A SON. lUutvs, ks. T L. LEWIS having purchased the fj 0 Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned from the cities with a well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES. DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY. TO J LET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. COAL OIL. LAMPS AND CIIjMNEYS, BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. FRENCH CONFECTIONS, Jk. \c The stook of Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great care General assortment of popular Patent Medicines. Tho attention of the Ladies is particularly invi ted to the stock of PERFUMERY - , TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES, coßsistiDg of the best perfumes of the day. Colognes, Soaps, Preparations for the Hair, Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac. Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment: Billet, Note, Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper, Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi cates. Ac., Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books, which will be sold very cheap. Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted without removing the chimney—all patterns and prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern. Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns. Howe's Family Dye Colors, the "hades being light Fawn, Drab. Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange. Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta. Cherry and Black Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies. Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a good cigar. Rose Smoking Toheeeo, Michigan and Solace Fine Cut, Natural Leaf, Twist and Big PI tig, Finest and purest French Confections, PURE DOMESTIC WINES. Consist in g of Grape. Blackberry and Elderberry FOR MEDICINAL USB. RpThe attention of physicians is invited to the stock of Drugs and Medici net, which they can purchase at reasonable prices. Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable prices. J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug Store, and having on hand at all times a general assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several years experience, physicians can rely on having their prescriptions carefully and accurately com pounded. [Feb 9,'66 —tt nothing etc. TT) ALLY ! RALLY ! RALLY ! Come one, come all, and examine THE EXCELLENT STOCK OF GOODS AT LIPPEL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND FURNISHING STORE. A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal ling at Lippel's. If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made Clothing call at Lippel's. If you would have good and cheap Ladies' Dress Goods. „ Calicoes. Muslins, Ac.. Ac., Ac.. Call at Lippel's. If vou would have furnishing goods of all de scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippel s. If you would have the best quality of Groceries, buy them at Lippel's Goods of all kinds, sold at the most roasonablo prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods, at Lippel's 5ep.28,'66. CILOTJ IING EMPORIUM. —GEO. / REIMUND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford. Pa., keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing, such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as sortment of cloths, cassimeres. and gents' furnish ing goods of all kinds: also calicoes, muslins, Ac., all of which will be said lota for cash. My room is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite Rush's marble yard. I invito all to give me a call. I have just received a stock of new goods. may2f>,'66. I~y BU JT CAWBAN D HEALING 4 WAX at B Me BLYMYER A CO'S BEDFORD, PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1866. Hie ?Brtlfnvtl (iVd.ncttc. The Constitutional Amendment, LETTER FROM HON. 0. H. BROWNING. Attorney (Jeiiera! of the Tnitecl States. WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 13,1866. Vol. H'. //. Jiennevon and Maj. //. V. Sullivan, Quincy, Illinois: GENTLEMEN: It would give me | great pleasure to comply with your re- j quest, anil visit Illinois to meet my i old friends and neighbors, and talk to i them face to face upon the great (ques tions now before the country. But it is not practicable for me to do so. My publie duties forbid it. Our Government is worth preserv ing. No people were ever blessed with one better worth it. But it ie not certain, that we will save it. There are now two tendencies in public affairs, both of which are fraught with danger. One is to centralization of power in the General Government; the other an ab sorption by the legislative department of many of the powers and preroga tives of tiie executive and the judi ciary. The safety of a free government is in keeping the power near the people. This was well understood by the states men who formed the original thirteen States, and united them and their peo ple in one Federal Government. They gave to the General Government only sueh powers as were necessary for the welfare of the whole people of the Uni ted States reserving all other powers to the States respectively and to their people. And in framing State consti tutions and laws they placed as much power as was compatible with the gen eral welfare of the State in the govern ment of counties, townships and lesser municipalities. To guard still farther against abuse, or too great concentra tion of power, they distributed the functions of Government, State and Federal, in separate bodies of magis tracy. The natural tendency of power is to strengthen its hands, and enlarge its sphere of action; and if the Feder al Government absorb great powers heretofore reserved to the States, or if one department usurp important func tions of the others, the structure of our complex system will be radically chan ged, and our free government will de scend into despotism. The legislative is much the strongest of the departments—and the most ag gressive, because its members are re sponsible to no power but the will of the dominant party for acts of usurpa tion. It is the only department from the encroachments of which any seri ous danger to our institutions is to be apprehended, it luts heretofore exer cised more influence than is compati ble with safety and entire freedom over both the executive and the judiciary. It hits sometimes impressed a perni cious influence upon judicial action, and where it has failed to accomplish that in advance of judgments, has sub sequently overrulet I and annu 1 led them. And, without at all impugning the motives of legislators, 1 may venture to say that if the present Congress were not restrained by positive and emphatic provisions of the Constitu tion, they would greatly abridge, if they did not altogether annihilate, the power of appointment to and removal from office, now confided to the Exec utive, and the salutary restraint which he holds over legislation through the veto power. This is a danger always present when the executive and the legislative departments arc in antago nism, and it is certain in times of high party excitement to manifest itself, no matter what [tarty may be in power. Safety is to be found only in holding each department firmly and eloseiy within its orbit. If the projtosed amendments of the Constitution bo adopted, new and enor mous powers will be claimed and exer cised by Congress as warranted by such amendments, and the whole structure of our Government will, perhaps grad ually, hut yet surely, be revolutioni zed. And so with the judiciary; if the proposed amendments be adopt* d, they may, and certainly will, be used sub stantially to annihilate the State judi ciaries. The first section of the proposed arti cle contains, among others, the follow ing provision : "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." Why insert such a provision in the Federal Constitution ? It already con tains the following: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or proper ty, without due process of law." This is identically the same, except that it is a restraint upon the powers of the General Government alone, and has no reference or application to State Gov ernments. And most of the State con stitutions, I believe all of them, con tain a similar provision, asa limitation upon the powers of the State respect ively. Now, when, in the Federal Constitution, there is this guaranty a gainst arbitrary and oppressive inva sions of the rights of the citizens by Federal authority, and a similar guar anty in the State constitutions against like oppressive action by the State gov ernments, why insert, in the Federal Constitution, a new provision which has no reference to the powers of the General Government, and imposes 110 restraints upon it, but is simply a rep etition of a limitation upon the powers of State government which is already present in the State constitutions? The object and purpose is manifest. # It is to subordinate the State judiciaries, in all things, to Federal supervision and control—to totally annihilate the inde pendence and sovereignty of State ju diciaries, in the administration of State laws, and the authority and control of the States over matters of purely do mestic and local concern. If the State judiciaries are subordinated, all the de partments of the State Governments will be equally subordinated, for all State laws, let them relate to what de partment of government they may, or to what domestic or local interest, will he equally open to criticism, interpret ation and adjudication by the Federal tribunals, whose judgments and de crees wiil he supreme, and will over ride the decisions of the State courts, and leave them utterly powerless. The Federal judiciary has jurisdic tion of all questions arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and by virtue of this new pro vision. if adopted, every matter of ju dicial investigation, civil or criminal, however insignificant, may be drawn into the vortex of the Federal judicia ry. In a controversy between two neighbors about the ownership of a pig, the unsuccessful party may allege that the State tribunals have deprived him of his property without due pro cess of law, and take the case before the Federal tribunals for revision. So if a man he indicted for larceny, or other crime, convicted and sentenced, upon allegation of deprivation of lib erty without due process of law, lie may bring the case before the Federal tribunals for revision and reversal. So, too, if a murderer be arrested, tri ed, convicted and sentenced to be hung, he may claim the protection of the new constitutional provision—allege that a State is about to deprive him of life without due process of law, and arrest all further proceedings until the Fed eral Government shall have inquired whether a State has a right to punish its own citizens for an infraction of its own laws, and have granted permis sion to the State tribunals to proceed. Under such a system the liberties of the people could not long be maintain ed. As already remarked, free gov ernments can he preserved only by keeping the power near the people, to be exercised through local agencies. Under this new system, State and local authority would not at once disappear. For some time they would contest ju risdiction with the Federal Govern ment ; but the inevitable and constant ly increasing tendency would be for the control of domestic affairs to steal away from the people, the States, and local municipal bodies, and centralize andconcentratein thehandsof the Fed eral Government ; and as party con flicts intensified, and party victories al ternated, thepower would be more and more inexorably used by the dominant party to punish its enemies, reward its friends, and strengthen and perpetuate its hold upon the power and patronage of the Government. Be assured, if this new provision is engrafted in the Constitution, it will in time change the entire structure and texture of our Government, and sweep away all the guaranties of safety devi sed and provided by our patriotic sires of the Revolution. It is impossible to maintain our wise and happy form of government without preserving the independence and sovereignty of the States within their appropriate and constitutional spheres. They are of primary and vital importance. The States may exist and perform all their functions without the Union or Feder al Government; the Union and the Federal Government cannot exist with out the States. Aud they must be States of equality—equal in dignity— equal in rights— equal in power—equal in the control, absolute and uncondi tional, of all things pertaining to their internal and local policy and interests. Another blow which the proposed a mendment aims at the Government which our fathers founded is in the change of the basis of representation. This would be of very pernicious ef fect. Aggregate population is the true basis of representation. No matter how the elective franchise be disposed of, whether exercised by few or many, all classes of the community are repre sented. The interests of all classes of people in the same community are so interwoven and commingled that they cannot be separated, and whoever wields the representative power must do it for the good or ill of all—perhaps not precisely in the same degree, but he cannot use it so as largely to benefit one class without to some extent ben efiting all, or to injure and oppress one class without, tea greater or less extent, injuring and oppressing all. There are always, even in this coun try, where the right of suffrage is most widely extended, large numbers who do not vote at all, whose interests, nev ertheless, are cared for, and whose numbers, being computed in the ap portionment of representation, widen the foundations of the representative assemblies. Such are all persons un der twenty-one years of age, females of all ages, and unnaturalized foreigners. Why are they not permitted to vote? And not being permitted, why are they counted in fixing the ratio of rep resentation ? They are not allowed to vote, because they are not supposed to l>e sufficiently instructed in political e conomy and governmental affairs to be entrusted with the elective franchise. They are computed in fixing the ratio, "because they are part of the same coin- munity with those who do vote, hav ing interests in common with them ; and their influence ought to be felt in shaping the laws by which their rights of life, liberty, and property, are to be determined. And although they do not vote, their influence isfeltand their interests are cared for, precisely because they are counted in fixing the relative weight of the communities to which they belong in the legislative Assem blies, although their voices are not di rectly heard in determining who shall represent them. It is not true, as is constantlyalleged, that the relative strength of the States which were in rebellion will be in creased by the results of the war if they are now allowed representation in the National Councils. The present ratio of representation is adjusted by the census of ISGO, and cannot be chan ged until after the census of 1870. Till that time, therefore, the relative strength of the several States of our country must remain precisely as it was under the census of 1860. After the census of 1870 the positive and rel ative strength of the Southern States in Congress and the Electoral College will both be diminished, even if the non-voting black population be inclu ded in the basis. In iB6O three-fifths of all the black population of the South ern States was counted. The census of 1870 will show the whole of the non voting black population to be less than the three-fifths of 1860. Nor is it true that a vote in the South will outweigh a vote in the North, if the non-voting negro population he in cluded in the basis of representation. If the proposed amendment be adopt ed, ail the non-voting black population of the South will he excluded, while all the non-voting, unnaturalized for eign population of the North will be counted. The great preponderance of unnaturalized, and consequently non voting foreigners, is in Northern and Northwestern States. They and their families number hundreds of thou sands, perhaps millions, and yet they are all counted in fixing the ratio of representation. They area part of the community. They help to make up the strength and productive wealth of the State, and ought to be computed in fixing its political power. But if it is right to count non-voting population in one State, it is equally right to count it in another. And if counted in one and not iti another, it gives the one an advantage over the other incompatible witli the equality of the States and of dangerous and revolutionary tendency. While the unnaturalized, non-voting population of one section of the coun try will lie constantly increasing, the non-voting black population of the other section, by obvious causes, not now necessary to be mentioned, will be as constantly decreasing. It would be better for all parties and interests, and far more hopeful for the perpetuity of our Government, if something like an equilibrium of strength between the different sections of the country could be maintained. The M section of the proposed a mendments disfranchises the great ma jority of the educated men of the States which have been in rebellion, and excludes them from any participa tion in the affairs of theStateand Fed eral Governments. The entire control of the government of those States will be placed in the hands of a meagre mi nority of the men at all qualified for such control; and they, as a general thing, not of the most intelligent and capable classes. .No such sweeping and indiscriminate proscription is remem bered since the days of Philip 11, off Spain. It is not to be expected that in this age and country, and with our race, a majority of the educated men of ten States will long submit to be ex cluded from all share in making and administering the laws by which their lives, liberties, and property are to be judged, without the constant presence and pressure of a force adequate to co erce obedience. The adoption of this amendment will involve the necessity of maintaining an army to enforce it, which, of itself will be dangerous to liberty, and add greatly to the burdens of taxation, already grievous. I can see no good to result from the proposed amendments. I see much evil. We had better adhere to the form of government which our fathers gave us. It is in my judgment, the most perfect political production of human wisdom and patriotism. For three-quarters of a century it secured us unexampled prosperity and happiness, and, at the end of that time, enabled us to meet and overcome the most stupendous rebellion in the history of nations. Why change it? For seventy-five years we have hardly known that we had a Govern ment. When we did know it, we knew it only by its beneficence. Audit has shown itself as strong, as beneficent capable of successful resistance to the fiercest and most desperate assaults that it is possible to make upon a govern ment. Why change it just as it has vindicated its power and glory, and lifted us to an eminence among the na tions of the cartli we never till now at tained ? We have tried the old Constitution and know its capabilities. We have not tried the new, as proposed, but can readily see the confusion and disaster which it would bring. We had better let well enough alone. Rut, if we should change it at all, we should not change it now. The public temper was never less auspicious to calm, conscien tious, wise consideration of great ques tions of State. Passion and prejudice VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5.372 should never lay rude hands upon fun damental and organic laws. In a day they may do mischief which years of repentant, patriotic labor will not re pair. In a day they may open a Pan dora's box, which the patriotism and statesmanship of a century mqy not be able to shut. I do not regard the recent and pend ing elections as indicative of the judg ment of the people of the Northern States upon the constitutional amend ments. They are really not the issues presented to and considered by the peo ple. They have not calmly and dispas sionately discussed and reflected upon them. The people have had their fears alarmed and their prejudices and pas sions aroused, and perhaps never voted under more delusive ideas as to the character of the issues before thecountry. The people have been assured that President Johnson is a traitor and a usurper. He usurped no power. When the insurrectionary governments were overthrown and expelled, the States were left with constitutions which, ac cording to the most solemn sanctions of the Federal Constitution, had been de clared republican in form, and under which those States had for many years maintained their places as constituent members of the Union. But they had no organizations under their constitu tions. The President, therefore, doing what it was his imperative duty as Commander-in-Chief to do, and what he would have been most culpable for not doing, prevented anarchy by ap pointing temporary provisional gov ernors, under whose advice the people brought their regular governments a gain into operation under their consti tutions. This was a thing with which Congress had nothing to do. It was a matter purely of military cognizance. The public enemy had just been expell ed by military force, and it was thedu ty of the Commander-in-Chief to see to it that anarchy and confusion did not ensue, and that the machinery of the legitimate governments was again put in operation for the preservation of or der and the protection of life, liberty and property from lawless violence. It was the duty of ihe President, too, as the executive head of the nation, tosee to it that the national laws wereexeeu ted and the relations between the States and tiie Federal Government restored. President Lincoln had taken precisely this action in respect to Virginia, Ten nessee, Louisiana, and Arkansas, for which he was applauded and endorsed by Congress during the first three years of the war, and thereafter vehemently denounced by the same men who now most violently denounce President Johnson for precisely the same reasons. A protest was issued by the Radicals against Mr. Lincoln's renomination to the Presidency, and a convention called at Cleveland to supersede him as the candidate, for resolutely adhering to his restoration policy, which both Houses of Congress had repeatedly endorsed during the first half of the war. In the appeal then made by the Radicals from President Lincoln to the war party they were overwhelmingly defeated, and his policy endorsed by the party and the country. President Johnson strictly adhered to the policy of Mr. Lincoln; and it was not until long after the gov ernments of all the Southern States had been reorganized that any noticeable objection was made to his action. In fact, it seemed to meet the hearty ap proval of all sections and parties until last December, when Congress assem bled, and when the old issue made against Mr. Lincoln, and decided by the people then, was revived against him. If President Johnson had in all other respects pursued precisely the course he has, but had insisted on negro suffrage as a condition precedent to restoration, does any candid man doubt that he would be high in favor with the party which now so bitteriv denounces him ? Last spring Senator Stewart offered in the Senate a proposition for universal amnesty and universal suffrage as the best adjustment of all existing difficul ties. It was eagerly accepted and ad vocated as the grand panacea of all our political woes by Messrs. Sumner, Wil son, and the leading Radical Senators. There was no longer any wish express ed to make treason odious. If the States could be coerced to bestow the right of suffrage upon the negroes, all opposi tion to the re-enfranchisement of trai-| tors who had fought to destroy the Gov-; eminent, and "whose hands are red with the blood ofour sons and brothers," was to be withdrawn, and they were at once to be readmitted to the full enjoy ment of all the rights they had ever possessed. There were to be no more test-oaths, no more military commis sions, no more indictments for treason, no more horror ofthe desecration of the hahs of Congress by the presence of "unwashed and unrepentant traitors." Ido not complain of this. I do not say that the men who advocated the measure did not believe it to be the best and quickest means of restoring peace, fraternity, and prosperity. Ido not say j they were not thoroughly honest, con- I seientious, and patriotic in their con vie-: tions. lam willingto believe they were. I Rut I mention it only to show that ne gro suffrage is the real and only sub stantial cause of controversy between the executive and legislative branches of the Government, and to ask in the most solemn terms, and implore my fellow-citizens to give it the most earn est and dispassionate consideration, whether upon such an issue we are to be plunged into another fratricidal war, and imperil all there is of our country 1 sacred in the past, grand and valuable TO SUBSCRIBERS IX ARREARS. Those persons who have not pid their subscription to Tub G-A/.HTT* for the year commen cing I<ii<£\,'6s, ami for the present year commencing 1 aw;?. ,'6B, can get a receipt for both years by paying $t. 50 at or before next November Court. If not paid by that time, our terms (which will bo found at the bead of the first column,) will be strictly adhered to. It will ho noticed that the above yellow slip of paper upon which the subscriber's name is print ed, is dated and indicates the time to which his paper is paid with the present firm. We hope that all delinquents will at once remit the amount due us. Meykhs A Mbstuki.. in the present, and hopeful and glori ! oils in the future. Had the- President i consented to join Congress in forcing negro suffrage on the South, all would have Ik'om fair and smooth, and instead of being denounced as a fiend he would now 1)0 worshipped as an idol by those who so bitterly and unrelentingly assail him. Those who are sincerely desirous of seeing :i pacification of the country, and a restoration of the integrity of the Un ion, ought to feel assured of the purely patriotic and sincere intentions of the President, when they remember that he is, in good faith, carrying forward the policy inaugurated by President Lincoln, and that the only two men who went into theadministration with Mr. Lincoln at the beginning of his first term, (the Secretaries of State and of the Navy,) and the only two who were trusted and confided in by him through his entire official career, and to the end of his life—who stood by, encouraged and sustained him when the storm and tempest of rebellion were beating most fiercely upon him, and theShipof State was tossing upon the waves of a turbu lent sea, with broken masts and shat tered sails, and who knew his most se cret thoughts as to the best measures to be adopted to bring her into port— are standing by President Johnson, with a courage and heroism equally sublime, and cheering him on his he roic efforts to achieve the same ends. They were villified and denounced then; and by the same men, are villified and denounced now. They did not quail before the storm that heat upon them then—they do not quail before the tem pest that ragesarouud them now. Mr. Lincoln was heroiethen, and Mr. Johnson is heroic now. lam sure no man can be sineerer in his purposes to preserve the Constitution and save the country than lie is. No man can be ac tuated by a purer patriotism, or be more averse to usurpation of power. He has not violated the Constitution inthepast; he intends no infraction of it in the fu ture; but iie does intend a firm and faithful performance of all the trusts which that sacred instrument has de volved upon him. With every dispo sition to be charitable towards those who differ from me in opinion, it is difficult to believe them sincere in char ging the President with an intention of violently forcing rebels into Congress, and giving them the control of the Gov ernment. What act has he ever done that gives the slightest sanction to such a charge? Not one can be specified. He has neither transcended his own pow- nor invaded those of theco-ordinate departments; and the only pretext for the charge is, not what he has done, but what he has said, indeclaringagain and again his conviction that it was the du ty of Congress to obey a plain constitu tional provision and each House for it self to judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of each individual presenting himself as a member. Our country is in peril—in very great peril—not from a public enemy, but from the violence of our own passions. Safety is tube found only in a strict ad herence to the Constitution and laws. As long as they are obeyed no evil can come upon us. We are in danger only when we attempt something they do not sanction. 1 trust it will be the pride and glory of the friends of the Admin istration, in the threatening contests through which we are passing, to keep their passions in subjection to reason, and to do no act not fully warranted by the Constitution and laws. Ours is a republican Government, where the ma jority lias a right to rule. Minorities cannot, without subvertingt-he Govern ment. And when, according to the forms prescribed, the wiil of the ma jority is expressed in the Constitution or the law, it is the duty of all to submit to it, until it can ho fairly and constitu tionally changed. Such I know to he the President's intentions, and such I know he wishes to be the rule of con duct for his friends and supporters. No man has a profounder reverence for the Constitution than he, and his purpose as the executive head of the nation to maintain and preserve it as it is, until it he changed in the form prescribed by it, is firm and immutable. He is not brave enough wilfully to violate it.. He is brave enough to uphold and de fend it in all that his duty requires. In conclusion, let me beseech you, calmly and dispassionately, but earnest ly and firmly, to do your duty to your country in this trying hour, and to stand by our glorious Constitution as it is. There is no safety for us but in this. Do your duty and trust to God for results; and reverently implore Him to save us from the madness and infatuation which threaten us with self-destruction, and with the loss ofthe last hope for the perpetuity of free government. Your friend and fellow-citizen, (>■ 11. RR( >WNING. — r l lie Governor of Georgia sent in his message to the Legislature of that State yesterday. He opposes strongly the adoption of the Constitutional A mondment. The Speakerof the 1 louse in opening the session, made a speech in opposition to the amendment. His remarks were received with applause. —The new secret order of the "Grand Army of the Republic" proposes to hold a Convention at Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 10th of the present month, for the purpose of effecting a national organization. -Sixty-three passenger trains come and go at Chicago, every day, that city being the terminus of thirteen or more railroads, and the charters for more have been procured.